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PAGES 4-11 Nature

PAGES 12-19 Local Culture and Heritage

PAGES 20-27 Local Specialities

PAGES 28-31 Arts and Crafts

PAGES 32-39 Leisure Activities

PAGES 40-45 Local Traditions

PAGES 46-47 Annual Events

PAGES 49-51 Useful information


We have created this guide to serve as a passport to the resources in this part of the country, betweenthe mountains and the Mediterranean. It will give you the keys to plan your stay and satisfy the different wishes you may have: discover the local heritage, taste the region’s food,practice a variety of sports on land and sea, enjoylazy moments on the seashore or riverbank.

This year we have added another feature to this guide. The Vidourle Camargue region has committed itself to the “Green Holidays”programme. No high-sounding words nor greatexpectations, but simply an invitation to spend one’s holiday as close as possible to the land and to its people.

For further information, ask for the “Vacances Vertes” map in one of Vidourle Camargue tourist offices. Have an excellent stay.

Welcome to our green and blueregion, between the Vidourle Riverand the Camargue.







Pays Vidourle Camargue>3

The setting is in blues and greens. Between the golden sandy beachesof the Mediterranean and the foothills of the Cévennes Mountains, the Vi-dourle Camargue region has a number of different landscapes. Like amosaic, the various greens and blues combine to make different com-positions according to the season: the deep blue of the sea, the sparklingblue of the marsh, the rippling blue of the Vidourle or the light green ofthe new leaves of the grapevines, the grey-green of the olive trees, thedeep green of the oak forests… The scenery, a true invitation to travel, isconstantly changing and provides endless pleasure for the sightseer.

NaturePays Vidourle Camargue>54>Nature


• The unspoiled beach at l’Espiquette ...

... is a conservation area near thetown of Le Grau du Roi. The vastsandy beach is 10 km long and 700meters wide; it is one of the natu-ral treasures of the region’s Medi-terranean shore. A 27-meter highlighthouse, built in 1869, overlooksthe beach.

• Reed beds ...... are the marshes where reedsgrow. They can be seen near StLaurent d’Aigouze or Gallician. Forcenturies the skilful “sagneurs”have harvested the reeds for use inconstruction, particularly for thethatch on the roofs of the Ca-margue gardians’ huts.

• Scamandre Pond ...... a natural reserve near Gallacian,is the largest fresh-water pond inthe Gard Camargue. It is surroun-ded by the largest farmed reedbeds in western Europe.

• The Cailar viewpoint indicator ...... located on the southern slope of the Costières allows thevisitor to observe a special landscape which tells the sto-ry of the human activities which take place there. Betweenthe marshes and the Costières one can see the meadowsand groves which provide pastures for the Camargue bullsand horses.

Remarquable spots

Pays Vidourle Camargue>76>Nature


• The Vidourle riverbanksA kind of umbilical cord, the 80-kilometer river, with its flora and fauna and meandering water, offer numerous opportunities to cool off.

• The Roc de Gachone windmills

They overlook the Vaunage plain inCalvisson. From their hilltop loca-tion, there is an exceptional view ofthe whole region.

• The Junas Rock Quarries This is a magnificent site created bygenerations of quarrymen who,since the Middle Ages, have cutstone here, leaving stone steps, hu-ge blocks, uneven pyramids for usto admire.

Remarquables spots

• The cliffs and the Pont du Hasard in Corconne

The village of Corconne curls up atthe base of remarkable cliffs whichshelter unusual wildlife. A walkingtrail takes you to a curious naturalarch: le Pont du Hasard.

• La mer des RochersOverlooking the medieval town ofSauve, this “sea of rocks” is a fairy-land of limestone of differentshapes and sizes with wildflowersand shrubbery growing aroundthem.

Pays Vidourle Camargue>98>Nature

naturenatuThings to Do and to See

CORCONNESous le ChêneBotanical trail walks with a guide toobserve the garrigue and its plants.Cooking classes, making things outof plants, tea garden and restaurant.Eric Gannevalle. Tel. 04 66 77 15 85.

QUISSACVinibaladesWalks through local vineyards forindividuals or groups. Tel. 06 12 0826 08. www.vinibalades.com

MONTCALMLa Maison du GuideDiscovering the Camargue with aqualified guide (naturalist, ornitho-logist or Camargue rancher orcattleman) who takes you “off thebeaten track.” By appointment.Jean-Marie Espuche. Tel. 06 12 4473 52. www.lamaisonduguide.ca-margue.fr

CAMARGUEThe Espiguette beachMorning visits are offered by qua-lified guides during the shortschool holidays. The visits are ba-sed on such themes as the obser-vation of the shifting dunes, the flo-ra and the fauna of the site.Tel. 04 66 51 67 70.

Le Centre d’interprétation de laRéserve Naturelle du Scamandre.Trails through the Gard Ca-margue, welcome centre with exhi-bitions, films, documentation, pic-nic grounds and guided tours leadby nature experts from the Syndi-cat Mixte de la Camargue gardoise. Open to the public: individuals and fami-lies Tues. through Sat. from 9am to12:30pm and from 1pm to 6pm (closedon holidays). By appointment for groups(day and time adaptable). Centre du Scamandre, Route des Iscles.Tel. 04 66 73 52 05.

PETITE CAMARGUEEn vadrouille Tours of towns in the Petite Ca-margue. Open year round forgroups and individuals. Tel. 06 7988 65 25 or 06 62 73 81 84.

• Guided tours of the Vidourle/Camargue discovering its natural heritage and environment

10>Nature Pays Vidourle Camargue>11

Heritage collection for villagesin the Gard

. Au cœur de la Vaunage, in theheart of the Vaunage, Calvis-son.

. Jeux de vignes, je dis vin, fun dis-covery of the vineyards, St Na-zaire des Gardies.

. Au fil de Liouc, discovery of thevillage of Liouc.

. Pierre vivante, the men and thequarry in Junas.

. Le chemin des Laines, the woolroad, Calvisson.

Other guides

. Garrigue Gourmande, the tasteof the garrigue, Congénies.

. Le sentier des combes, a loopwalk to see the old stone capi-telles (farmers’ or shepherds’huts). Nages and Solorgues.

. At the Scamandre discoverycenter, the Butor and theFroma-gère. Gallician.

. 4 trails around Saint Laurentd’Aigouze.

• Discovery paths, itineraries which can take you and your family through our villages

The limestone on which the Vidourle Camargue Region lies hasbeen used throughout the ages as building material in ourtowns and villages. From prehistoric times, when dry stone wasused to make simple shelters, through the Renaissance, whencastle façades displayed artistic stonework, the light goldenshade of the limestone has been part of our villages’ heritage.

heritageand culture


Pays Vidourle Camargue>1312>Local culture andHeritage

• Aigues-MortesTour de Constance and ramparts, Go-vernor’s dwelling. For individuals andgroups, guided tours all year round byappointment. Audio guides available. Open all year round (except for January 1st,May 1st, Nov. 1st and 11th, and Dec. 25th )from 10am to 5:30pm from September toApril and from 10am to 7pm from May toAugust (ticket office closes in the evening 45minutes before the tour of the towers andramparts). Tourism and Handicap label.Tel. 04 66 53 61 55.

The Aigues-Mortes tourist office of-fers visits of the Chapelle des Péni-tents Gris (17th c.) in which there is astucco altarpiece created by Sabatierand of the Chapelle des PénitentsBlancs (17th c.) in which there is afresco by Xavier Sigalon and works byAuguste Gleize. Visits also of the 13thcentury church Notre Dame des Sa-blons (example of early gothic) and ofthe Place Saint Louis.. In July and Au-gust only. Booking required. Tel. 04 6653 73 00.

• Aigues MortesBuilt in the 13th century under the orders of Saint-Louis,Aigues-Mortes served as a commercial port as well as astarting point for the Crusades. Seven centuries later, thetown’s fortifications still overlook the Camargue, offeringone of the best-preserved examples of medieval architec-ture in France.

• La Tour Carbonnière in Saint Laurent d’Aigouze

Ordered by Saint Louis in the 13th century, the Carbon-nière Tower guarded the only road leading to the royal ci-ty of Aigues-Mortes. Designated the key to the kingdom,the tower occupied a strategic spot and operated as a tollgate. It was modified in the 16th century to become a de-fence work.

• Le CailarHas a beautiful Romanesque church. Itswestern wall and its bell tower are listedas an historical monument as well as itstraditional bull-games arena.

14>Local culture andHeritage Pays Vidourle Camargue>15



• SauveThe medieval town lies below the ruins of a fortress. The upper partof the town connects to the “mer des rochers” rock formationswhile the lower section overlooks the Vidourle River. The riverreappears in a huge resurgence after flowing underground for se-veral kilometres at a spot called “les Sources.”

• SommièresThe medieval town grew up around the Roman bridge andat the foot of the fortress. A walk through the picturesqueold town centre will allow you to discover squares sur-rounded by arches as well as elegant private homes.

• La Terre de SommièresA stone ground into powder form,it was known for its remarkableabsorbing capacity. Used as astain remover both in industryand in the home, its rise to famewas in the 19th century.

• The Sommières FortressDuring the summer, the town organises demons-trations of Medieval life, crafts, weapons,games…Open in July and August. Tel. 04 66 80 99 30.


Pays Vidourle Camargue>1716>Local culture andHeritage


p a -

• Saint Julien de Montredon Chapel in SalinellesIn the Summer a series of exhibitions and concerts allows the public todiscover this fine Romanesque chapel which was carefully renovatedin the 1970’s. Group visits possible the year round. Tel. 04 66 80 99 30.

• The Circular villages of Souvignargues and Montpezat

Discover the clever circular urban plan designed toprotect the heart of the village where the castle andchurch were located.

• The Villevieille CastleThis listed historic monument, built in the 11th century, overlooksthe Vidourle valley. It underwent architectural changes over time. Ofinterest are its Renaissance façade and its collections of furnitureand crockery. Open every afternoon (in July and August) and the yearround by appointment for groups. Tel. 06 70 61 81 49.www.chateau-de-villevieille.fr

• The Teillan Château and grounds in Aimargues

The 17th century castle and its grounds are listed asan historical monument. Discover the collection ofmilestones and Roman steles, a noria, a pigeon loft,a chapter house…Open from July 14th to August 31st,ever day except Monday, from 3pm to 7pm. Tel. 04 6688 02 38.

• AubaisThe Moulin de Carrière (a fortified water mill) on thebanks of the Vidourle was built in the 14th century.Notice the marks of the flooding of the Vidourle onthe mill wall. Open all year round.Exhibitions.

Pays Vidourle Camargue>1918>Local culture andHeritage

The Vidourle Camargue region has a wide range of tastetreats, products full of character from the land or from thesea with their special Mediterranean accents. Discover thewines, olive oils, goat cheese, ewe cheese, Camargue meatdishes and other delicious local products.



Pays Vidourle Camargue>2120>Local specialities


saveurs• Perrier water

The naturally sparkling waterfrom a spring near Vergèze hasbeen known since ancient times.During the 19th century, the in-dustrial exploitation of theBouillens spring was named afterDr. Perrier, the person who deve-loped it. Rich in trace elements,Perrier water is one of the mostpopular mineral waters in theworld. In order to preserve theenvironment around the springand, thus, guarantee the quality ofthe water, a program has beenset up to protect the soil and thesubsoil in the area.

Visit the Perrier spring: every day ex-cept weekends and holidays.Spring/Summer from 9:30am to7:00pm. Autumn/Winter from 9:00amto 5:30pm. Booking recommended forgroups. Tel. 04 66 87 61 01.

• AOC Gard Olives and Olive oilIn the Gard department, the picholineolive is the most common variety.This olive is firm in texture and has along, thin stone. The green olives areharvested in September and enjoyedas an hors d’œuvre with drinks. In theWinter, the olive ripens and turnsblack and is harvested for its oil.

Producers Villevieille Olive oil Cooperative. Open all year round. Tel. 04 66 80 03 69.www.moulinvillevieille.com

• Vineyards and wineThe Languedoc-Roussillon vi-neyards are among the oldest andlargest in the world. The diversity ofits soil and climate cause the winesto have a variety of aromas goingfrom an herbal “garrigues” to a redberry aroma. The Vidourle Ca-margue “terroir” has several dif-ferent wine labels among which isthe unique Vin des Sables (the sandwine).

Les Vins des Sables du Golfe duLion (Vin de Pays), come from vi-neyards growing on former sandbars. This is a unique feature. Thelabel, recognised for the first timein 1961, is reputed mainly for its“gris” and rosé wines.

The AOC Costières de Nîmes… …is located far to the southwest ofthe Rhône valley, just north of theCamargue. The river pebbles in theground contribute to the specialcharacter of this wine.

The AOC Côteaux de Languedoc, inthe Vidourle Camargue region, is alabel identifying the wines from theSommières area.

Cartagène, is a winemaker’s secretmade, with traditional methods,from the must of the grapes. Therecipe for this fruity beverage, ei-ther red or white, was passed onfrom generation to generation. Ithas recently regained a certain po-pularity.

• Le Pelardon ...... is a small goat cheese originallyfrom the Cévennes region.Thegoats in the Vidourle Camargue re-gion feed on aromatic plants fromthe garrigue (scrubland) and, the-refore, produce very flavourfulmilk. When the Pélardon is young, ithas a cream-coloured crust and anutty flavour; as it ages, it gets dar-ker and develops a stronger taste.It has an AOC label which guaran-tees its origin.

Pays Vidourle Camargue>2322>Local specialities



> Maison Méditerranéenne, des Vins, de l’Olive et des produits régionaux

This unique shop, created by localproducers about 20 years ago, sellsabout 15,000 selected productsfrom the region, more than 2,500wines... Amazing variety.

Le Grau du Roi, rte. de l'Espiguette Tél. 04 66 53 07 52 www.maisondesvins-lespiguette.comQuissac, place de VerreTel 04 66 77 52 40

> Les Cafés de Pays®

These are cafés run by men andwomen who want their businessesto reflect the atmosphere of the re-gion. They love the local products,the history and traditions of thearea and enjoy sharing their pas-sion with visitors.

Café de l’Avenir, 3, place de la République, Le CailarTel. 04 66 88 01 68

Café du Pont, 344, route des Etangs, Gallician Tel . 04 66 73 57 87

Grand Café, Place de la République, Saint Laurent d’Aigouze Tel . 04 66 88 12 35

Muz’art,1 chemin des Garennes, Sauve. Tel . 04 66 93 07 24

> Open-air marketsTuesday Le Grau du RoiWednesday Vauvert, Quissac, Aigues-MortesWednesday evening markets in Julyand August

Sommières (plus flea market), Port CamargueThursday Le Grau du RoiSaturday Sommières (plus flea market), Sauve, Vauvert, Le Grau du RoiSunday Calvisson, Aigues-Mortes

• Extraordinary products

Pays Vidourle Camargue>2524>Local specialities

• Donkey milkThe properties of donkey’s milk(she-ass milk) have been known forages. The Greeks believed it hadhealing properties and Cleopatratook baths in it to preserve thebeauty and texture of her skin. «Asinerie des Garrigues» in Sauve. Tel. 06 11 38 36 28www.asineriedesgarrigues.com

• GingerThe most exotic of our local pro-ducts, it is also one of the tastiest.Ginger is known to have healingproperties. Taste it in the form of asyrup drink or “compote”. Fanfan in Sauve. Tel 04 66 77 07 11.

• SpirulineThis algae which is neither totallyplant nor totally animal is rich inprotein, fatty acids, amino-acidsand iron. It is an excellent food sup-plement with numerous proper-ties.Marc Pilard in Quissac. Tel. 04 66 77 14 84.

• Camargue Rice: IGP label Rice in Camargue draws its qualityand different flavours from the land.The remarkable variety of rice in-cludes: whole red, brown or black ri-ce, white rice, steamed rice, wild rice,perfumed rice… It has the label IGP(Indication Géographique Protégée),“Riz de Camargue”, a European qua-lity label.

In 1992, five Camargue bull bree-ders created the union for the de-fence and promotion of AOC Ca-margue bull meat. In 1996, theywere granted the first beef AOC la-bel in France. Today the union ismade up of about 100 breeders. In2008, following European instruc-tions, the AOC label was changed toAOP (Appellation d’Origine Proté-gée).

Producers AOP Camargue bull meat can be found in all of the good butcher shops in the area.

In St Laurent d’Aigouze: Site Re-marquable du Goût: the prairies andthe marshes of the TourCarbonnière . This label designates aspecial relationship between humanskills, the quality of a product and thewealth of the architectural and naturalenvironment in which the product isfound.For the AOP Taureau de Camargue, ad-dresses can be found at the differenttourist offices in the area.

• The AOP Taureau de Camargue

Ask for all addresses in Tourist Offices

• Fishing in the Mediterranean

The port in Le Grau du Roi is com-mitted to the sustainable. It is thesecond French fishing port on theMediterranean. In the morning,when the fishermen return withtheir catch, you can buy your freshfish right on the wharf.

Advice to all of you gourmetsWhen on holiday in the Vidourle Ca-margue region, enjoy the local pro-ducts which are in season which canbe bought directly from the produ-cer and in the “Maisons du Terroir.”




• La Gardianne de taureau

For 4 people • 1kg of AOC Camargue bull meat• 2 bay leaves• 2 twigs of thyme• 1 slice of dried orange peel• salt, pepper and vinegar (for the marinade)• 300 grams of onions• 1 bottle of strong red wine• 1 garlic clove

The night beforeCut the meat in cubes, cut the onions in chunks and co-ver it all with the full bottle of wine. Add a bit of vinegar,thyme, bay leaf (broken so the aroma is further relea-sed), orange peel. Allow to marinate in the refrigeratorovernight.

On the day Drain the meat then brown in a frying pan in olive oil.When meat is nicely brown, remove from pan. Filter themarinade and pour into the frying pan. Scrape bits ofbrowned meat. Pour everything into a cooking pot in-cluding the uncooked onions, thyme, bay leaf, orangepeel from the marinade. Add salt and pepper and cru-shed garlic clove. Make sure the meat is fully covered bythe wine. If not, add water. Cook slowly for two and a halfto three hours. Make sure the liquid does not evaporatetoo much. Serve hot with Camargue rice.

• Pelaou de Seiche (cuttlefish) from the Grau du Roi

Pays Vidourle Camargue>2726>Local specialities

For 8 people• 250g flour• 200g sugar• 3 eggs• 1 “brick” of sour cream (20cl)• 4 tablespoons of orange blos-

som water• 1 package of baking powder• 50g butter• 4 tablespoons of sugar

PreparationMix together the eggs and the su-gar. Add flour, cream, orangeblossom water and baking pow-der. Mix well. Pour into cake panand cook for 30 minutes at 180°C.Take the cake out of the oven andspread melted butter mixed with 4T sugar over the top of the cakeand return to oven for 5 minutes.

• Fougasse cake from Aigues-Mortes• Tapenade

Ingredients for a bowl of tapenade • 200g green olives (or black) with stones

removed• 10 anchovy filets• 100g capers (drained) or about 2 ta-

blespoons• 15cl olive oil,• pepper

Optional: 3 garlic cloves, a squeeze of le-mon juice

PreparationFry the cuttlefish and onion in a bit of oilalong with one or two red peppers, inpieces. When the onion is golden, add aspoonful of tomato concentrate, salt andpepper. Add water and cook for a goodhalf hour. Then add potatoes. Continuecooking until potatoes are done.

For 4 people• 600-700g of cuttlefish• 1kg of potatoes, peeled and quartered• ½ onion• tomato concentrate

Clean the cuttlefish carefully or use the white pieces ofcuttlefish prepared by the fish monger. Cut into piecesabout 2-3 cm long.

PreparationFry the cuttlefish and onion in a bit of oil along with oneor two red peppers, in pieces. When the onion is golden,add a spoonful of tomato concentrate, salt and pep-per. Add water and cook for a good half hour. Then addpotatoes. Continue cooking until potatoes are done.

The craftsmanship found in the Vidourle Camargue regionhas its roots in the handcrafts of the past. The artists andcraftspeople of today respect the traditions of the past butare definitely artists of today. Their work sites and crea-tions offer a blend of the traditional and the modern.

and craftsArts

Pays Vidourle Camargue>2928>Arts and crafts

artisana t• Pitchfork Conservatory  

• The pitchfork Conservatory

The only one in Europe, the PitchforkConservatory in Sauve shows theunique way in which pitchforks weremade from the nettle tree. See how theforks are made at the workshop-mu-seum.Open from April 1st to September 30thevery day from 9:30am to 12:30pm andfrom 3pm until 7pm. and from October1st until March 31st Tuesday throughSaturday from 2pm to 5pm. Tel. 04 6680 54 46 www.lafourchedesauve.com

• Jewellery and decorative objects

MosaicsSophie Coll. 15, rue de la République,Aigues-Mortes. Tel. 04 66 53 83 83.

Habitus Fuori Tempo 16, rue Sadi Carnot, Aigues-Mortes.Clothing, jewellery and objects with amedieval theme. Tel. 04 66 53 86 75.

Atelier Darlou Lilian Daraud and Hervé Louail. 25, ruedu 19 mars 1962, Saint Laurent d’Ai-gouze. Visits of the workshop by ap-pointment. Tel. 04 66 53 51 44 or 06 3239 48 02. www.darlou-bijoux.com www.darlou-sculputures.com

Art et Forge Decorative wrought iron and metal ob-jects. Rue Marx Dormoy, Sommières.Tel. 06 81 83 03 20. www.artetforge.com.

• SculptorsChantal Adam-RevolteRue de l'Eglise, Corconne.Tel. 04 66 77 18 62 and 06 15 47 70 51.Stone sculpture, work done by hand. Workshop open Sundays from 2pm to6pm or by appointment during the week.

Bruno BonnefontDisplay of busts and statues carved onsite. Place Astruc, 8 rue de la Fusterie,Sauve. Tel. 04 66 71 54 68. Open everyday during the summer from 11am to9pm and the rest of the year Fridaysfrom 4pm to 8pm Sat; and Sun. from11am to 9pm. www.duvallon.com

«Open Concept» Eric DebrasSculpture, painting, lighting, mirrors.35, rue du Pont, Quissac.Tél. 04 66 80 35 48 ou 06 27 80 53 [email protected] Open every day from 3pm to 7 pm or byappointment (better call before). Mario di MaioAnimal sculptor. Aigues-Mortes.Atelier vente 6 rue Sadi CarnotTel 04 66 53 96 88 or 06 67 64 83 19Cork birds sculptures, painted andwaxed. By appointment.

• Painter and sculptorPierre BessonVagari barge workshop. Port de Plai-sance Gallician.Tél. 06 10 05 11 26.

• PottersVéronique Marsan Chemin d’Aubais, Junas. Tél 04 66 77 5383. Terre vernissée faïence. Boutique20 rue Antonin Paris in Sommières. Open year round on Saturday (+ in julyand august from Tuesday to Saturday).

Case du Loup Romain Mercier and Zoé Figeac : potte-ry, drawing. Sauve. Open year round on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. from 10am to 12:30pm and from 3pm to7pm. Sunday from 3:30pm to 7pm. Tel. 06 61 93 54 62 or 06 37 60 07 05.

Richard EstebanLa Poterie d’Aigues-Vives. 58 rue del'Abbattoir. Aigues-Vives. Traditionalmethods. Tel. 04 66 35 18 79. ww.poterie-aigues-vives.fr

Véronique and Jean Claude Von Fritschen - RicardObjects with Mediterranean coloursand various decorations. 44 ave. JeanMacé. Le Cailar. Tel. 04 66 88 21 or 0617 17 78 57. [email protected].

CJ Création Céramique Workshop 44 rue Tailladesà Sommières Tél 04 66 71 06 02 06 75 0617 61 www.cjcreations.fr

Pays Vidourle Camargue>3130>Arts and crafts

Patine du Sud Creative craftsman. Rue Marx Dormoy,Sommières. Tel. 04 66 35 09 67.

Jean-luc Mare et Nicole Baily-Basin «La fabrique»Jewellery and decorative objects22 Grand’rue, Sauve. Exhibition and forsale : lamps, jewellery , objects. Openevery afternoon during the summer and on the weekends duringthe rest of the year. Tel. 04 66 77 06 99.

• Textile DesignDress Designers Karine Dubois. 24, rue Mazan, Sauve.Design and dressmaking. Open Mon.,Tues.,Thurs and Fri. from 9:30am to11:30am and from 13:30 pm to 6pm. Tel.04 66 77 06 33 or 06 78 37 32 03www.karinegarcia.com

• Other Patrick Pelissier Camargue Saddlery, Chemin de la Mon-naie, Gallargues. Production of Ca-margue saddles and gardian clothes. Tel. 04 66 35 34 98. [email protected]

«Trésor de Camargue» André Calba. 8 bis, rue du Couvent, Ai-margues. Production of Camargue reedmats and fencing for use in hedges,fences, pergolas. Tel. 04 66 88 54 72 or06 14 24 98 37. [email protected] Automobile Museum Robert Blucher, Montcalm. Tel. 04 66 73 50 96.

Le Tacot Aigues-MortaisPrivate automobile museum. 167, avedu Pont de Provence, Aigues-MortesTel. 06 60 97 94 77. Open year round.

Bamboo flute makerMarc Seligmann. 30 Grand’rue, Sauve. Open Mon through Sat (occasionally onSunday) from 2pm to 7pm. Tel. 04 66 7759 77.

artisana tartisana t

Pays Vidourle Camargue>33

• Art GalleriesGalerie HD NickAubais. Open Saturday, Sunday and ho-lydays from 10am to 7:30pm. In sum-mer, every same times. Tel 04 66 80 23 63.

Galerie Europ'art6 rue Marceau, Aigues-Mortes. Open all year round. Tel 04 66 53 88 92 ou 06 11 42 92 38.

Galerie Nicole Gogat 11 Rue Pasteur. Aigues-Mortes. Tél. 0466 51 67 91 ou Tél. 04 66 93 08 35. Gogatopen all year round.

Galerie Z4, place Saint Louis. Aigues-Mortes.`Tél. 04 66 53 61 98. Open all year round.

Galerie Christophe Polge. 19, rue Emile Zola, Aigues-Mortes. Tel. 04 66 53 77 65. Polge open all yearround.

Galerie Vidourle prixSauve. Open Saturday from 10 to 12:30am (winter) and Friday to Sunday from10 to 12am and from 3 to 6pm (in sum-mer). Tel. 04 66 77 56 29.

Muz’Art Artistic expression center. Tel . 04 66 93 07 24. www.muzart.biz

Poussières d’étoilesSylvie Danielli, 40 Grand’rue, Sauve. Tel . 04 66 80 48 92. Open all year round.

Galerie MistralLe Grau du Roi. 3, rue Frédéric Mistral.Tel. 04 66 51 64 31.

Galerie «OA6» Soraya TouatPainting, sculpture, pictures. Maisondes Comtes, 2 la Planète, SauveTel 04 66 51 37 23. [email protected],www.touat.eu. Open Saturday and Sun-day from 3pm to 7pm and by appoint-ment.

Galerie Alegria Clothing designer, sculpture, illustra-tion. 6, Grand'rue, Sauve. Open Mon-day, Tuesday and Wenesday from 9amto 12:30am and from 2 pm to 6 pm. [email protected]. Laure. Tel. 04 66 93 55 [email protected]

L'Atelier de BertheAigues-Mortes. 31 rue Emile Jamais.Tel . 04 66 53 70 81 ou 06 26 02 42 86

Galerie Patrick SalamoneAigues-Mortes.19 rue Alsace Lorraine.Tel . 06 60 30 49 98 ou 06 61 34 21 21.

• PainterT.J. Owens1, la Planète, Sauve. Open every Satur-day and Sunday in summer. Tel. 04 66 9355 45. [email protected]. www.fineartregistry.com/featured_ar-tist/tj-owens.

• La Maison du BoutisPlace Général de Gaulle, Calvisson. Ex-hibition of boutis textiles (technique ofpadding fabric in order to create variousraised designs) and of “couvertures pi-quées de Marseille”. Open from May 1stto October 30th from Thursday to Sun-day from 2:30pm to 6pm and from Nov.1st to April 30th Friday through Sundaysame times. Tel. 04 66 01 63 75. www.la-maison-du-boutis.com

• Métal CréationsIron works. Stéphane Gantès. 20 ruedes Boisseliers, Sauve. Tel 04 66 77 0613. [email protected], stephane-gantes.monsite-orange.fr

• Hats and Arts textileEmma Shulman, «Jour de chance».11 rue des Boisseliers, Sauve. Tel 04 6671 66 21 ou 06 84 05 61 09. [email protected], atelierjourdechance.com. Open every Sunday from 3pm to6pm or by appointment.

• Photographer Ian Lunn. 1 montée des Capucins, Sau-ve. Tel 04 66 71 55 10. [email protected]. In summer, open every Saturdayand Sunday.

• Textile Design and decorative objects

«Des fi’lles et des aiguilles». Thierry 0632 08 37 45 and Pascale 06 60 63 27 72.Grand Rue 30610 Sauve. During schoolholidays, every day from 10am to 8pm,outside school holidays, every weekend.

32>Arts and crafts

On land or sea, on country paths: on foot, by boat…... get going,explore, discover the enjoyment of the sports and activities avai-lable in the Vidourle Camargue region….. or have a good timedoing nothing !

Pays Vidourle Camargue>3534>Loisirs et activités



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Loc Boat. Prestige boats rentals,Port Camargue. Tel 06 48 25 23 85. Pabich Marine. Quai Christian Go-zioso. Tel. 04 66 51 41 54. Rivage Location. Open from Easterto mid-October. Quai Bougainville,Port Camargue. Tél. 04 66 51 01 02. Thalassa Cup. Sailboat rentals. Quaide la Capitainerie, Port Camargue.Tel. 04 66 53 47 31

• Trail rides on horsebackRiding stables offering guided trailrides

SAUVE«La Bardette». Frédéric Pradaud.Tel. 06 74 58 07 99. «Equinox». Tel 06 75 50 22 13.

QUISSACFinca Santa Cruz. Mas du Sire. Chemin du Cros. Tel. 06 33 31 92 96. fincasantacruz.e-monsite.com

VIC-LE-FESQ «Les poneys du Fesq». Tel. 04 66 8059 95 ou 06 65 44 53 82. Les Crinières Transhumantes.Tel. 06 40 22 61 48. www.lescrinierestranhumantes.fr

VAUVERT-MONTCALMRiding stable Domaine du Daladel.Manade Listel. Rte des Stes-Mariesde la Mer. Tel. 04 66 73 52 08 ou 0620 78 03 74.

ST LAURENT D’AIGOUZE Ecurie de Muria. Mathieu et VirginieBarcelo. Chemin de Muria. Open allyear round. Tel. 06 63 30 06 80.

VAUVERTLou Cabassoun-Mas d’élie. Quar-tier La Rouvière. Tel. 06 08 54 51 17.

LE GRAU DU ROI Abrivado Ranch. Riding stable, rou-te de l’Espiguette. Tel 04 66 53 01 00Mas de l’Espiguette. Route de l’Es-piguette. Tel. 04 66 51 51 89. L'Ecurie des Dunes. Route de l’Es-piguette. Tel. 04 66 53 09 28. Le ranch du Phare. Route de l’Espi-guette. Tel 04 66 53 10 87 Cabane du Boucanet. Route de laGrande Motte. Tel. 04 66 53 25 64.

NAGES ET SOLORGUES Kalinka Riding stable. Rue Jean-Moulin. Tel. 04 66 88 79 71.

AIGUES-MORTES L'écurie de la Comtesse. Mas de laComtesse. Chemin de la vieille rou-bine. Tel. 06 22 64 72 64.

VERGÈZE Vergèze Riding stables. Chemin deSommières. Tel. 06 09 04 65 66.

AIGUES-VIVES La clé des champs. Av de la gare.Tel. 06 98 02 02 57.

GALLICIAN Le Mas des Iscles. In front à the Sca-mandre Center. Tel. 04 66 73 51 22.

Réseau Equestre Vidourle à ChevalA network of hosts who are com-mitted to offering a high-qualitystop-over for trail rides between theCamargue and the Cévennes. Fromtwo to several days, a way to disco-ver the diversity of the scenery inthe Vidourle Camargue region. Reservations  : www.vidourle-a-cheval.fr

• Donkey rentalsCALVISSONAu pas de l’âne. Font de la Rou-quette. Tel. 04 66 01 24 43 ou 06 1486 09 70

• Carriage rideASPÈRESAssociation Gard Attelage. Tel. 0466 80 00 67 ou 06 25 24 43 21.

VILLEVIEILLELes Calèches de Villevieille. Tel. 0466 53 25 10 ou 06 80 13 99 75.

VIC LE FESQ Les Crinières Transhumantes.Tel. 06 40 22 61 48. www.lescrinie-restranhumantes.fr

LE CAILAR/VAUVERT Les Calèches de la Clapière. Tel. 0685 78 47 12 ou 06 84 68 45 72.www.caleches-clapiere.camargue.fr Les calèches de Camargue. Tel. 0466 88 33 29 ou 06 65 74 63 68.www.lescaleches-camargue.fr

• Hiking Santiago de Compostela PilgrimTrailThe mythical Santiago de Compos-tela Pilgrim trail (GR653),one of theoldest trails in France, goes througha part of the Vidourle Camargue re-gion. It connects to the former Sain-te Brigitte trail which has recentlybeen reopened between Saint Lau-rent d’Aigouze and Aigues-Morte.Stop-over villages on the way inclu-de Gallargues and Vauvert.

Walking map/guidesThe Vidourle Camargue region haspublished 5 hiking maps which co-ver 600kms of marked trails to bediscovered on foot, on horseback orbicycle. These maps are on sale inthe tourist offices.

Les Voies Vertes (Green tracks)These are secure paved paths crea-ted for walking, cycling, roller ska-ting and for people with reducedmobility. People of all levels and allages welcome.Tracks between : Caveirac-Som-mières (21 km), Vauvert-Gallician(7 km) et Quissac-Sauve (6 km).

• Bicycle rentalsCALVISSONVaunage Passion Vélos. 1 av desmarchands. Tel. 04 66 81 43 78.

VAUVERTVTT Camargue Tel. 06 80 38 52 07ou 06 10 67 47 33. Le Barjonaute. Tricycle and recum-bent bikes. M. Courrée. Tel. 06 03 5365 64. Tourismavélo. Tel. 06 03 53 65 64.

SAUVERoulez Bolides. Avenue Rhin et Da-nube (La gare). Tel. 06 08 34 16 28.

LE GRAU DU ROI Loca +. Open from April to Septem-ber. Tel. 04 66 53 45 12.Loca deux roues. Open from Mar-ch to October. Boulevard MaréchalJuin Imm. l’impérial. Tel. 06 22 1766 00. Rosalie. Open from Easter to Octo-ber. Boulevard Maréchal Juin Imm.Mer et soleil. Tel. 04 66 53 56 75. Vélo Evasion. Open all year round.Av de Camargue. Tel. 04 66 51 48 65.

AIGUES-MORTES Saô-Rhô-Mer. 7 rue du Vidourle.Tel 06 70 83 29 50. Véloc. 296 route de Nîmes. Tel 06 76 67 40 23.

• Boat rentalsAigues-Mortes Marina Services.36 Av de la Mont-Joye. Tel. 06 51 8861 32. Open all year round.


Alma Nautic. Zone technique I. Route desmarines, Port

Camargue. Tél 06 32 00 91 55. A2M Agence maritime mé-

diterranéenne. Le Grand Pavois.Quai d’Honneur, Port Camargue.Tel. 04 66 53 35 18.

loisirsSAINT LAURENT D'AIGOUZE Manade La Vidourlenque. Le Cou-vent. Tel. 04 66 80 28 39. www.manade-la-vidourlenque.com

ST-NAZAIRE-DES-GARDIES Ferme Equestre de la Fauguière.Patrick Viala. All year round by ap-pointment. Tel 04 66 77 12 19.

AIGUES-MORTES L'écurie de la Comtesse. Mas de laComtesse. Chemin de la vieille rou-bine. Tel. 06 22 64 72 64. Destination Camargue. Departurefrom d'Aigues-Mortes by appoint-ment. Tel. 06 85 35 10 04 or 04 66 5304 99

• Rice Fields discovery ST LAURENT D’AIGOUZE C T'Autour du riz. Rte des Stes Ma-ries de la Mer. Tel. 06 50 29 52 66.

• Accro-branche(tree circuits)

SAINT LAURENT D’AIGOUZE Indiana River. Les berges du Vi-dourle, tree circuits and kayakingrental. Tel 06 21 75 11 19

• Canoeing and kayaking and sea kayaking

VILLETELLECanoë nature. M. Caillet. Tel. 04 6677 16 95 ou 06 23 88 38 29. www.canoenature.com Sylvereal. Kayak Vert. Mas de Syl-véréal. Tél. 06 09 56 06 47 ou 04 6673 57 17. Open March to October.

LE GRAU DU ROI Kayak Voile Organisation. Basenautique, Lac de Salonique, PortCamargue. Tél. 06 08 60 09 93. .

SOMMIÈRES Aquarando. Tel. 06 98 07 34 00.www.aquarando.comKayak Tribu. Tel 06 26 61 26 08www.kayak-tribu.com

• Rock-climbingNatural site at the Roque d’Aubais Some climbs for beginners on arock overlooking the Vidourle River.Free access.

Rock-climbing and canyoning. BMGTél. 06 29 77 25 15. www.bureaudesmoniteurs.fr

• Paint Ball GALLARGUES LE MONTUEUX Optimum. Tel. 06 22 12 67 13.www.optimumpaintball.com AIGUES-MORTES Camargue Loisirs. Domaine du Pe-tit Chaumont. Tel. 06 21 06 11 50.Base de loisirs Open all year round.

• Boat Rides on the Mediterranean

LE GRAU DU ROICatamaran Picardie 1/2 day or fullday. Equipment provided. FromEaster to November. Embarkation ;quai Colbert. Left bank. Tel. 06 6237 87 03 www.catamaran-picar-die.comMaxi Catamaran Providence. Sail-boat or motorboat, nearby ports andcosteline cruises, sea fishing. FromEaster to November Quai ColbertRive gauche. Tél. 06 10 56 22 69.www.leprovidence.fr

• Boat rides on the CanalsAIGUES-MORTES Bateau Saint-Louis et l'Iris. Bassind'évolution. 14, rue Théaulon. FromEaster to November. Tél. 06 03 9144 63. Le Pescalune. Bassin d'évolution.From Easter to November. Tél. 0466 53 79 47 ou 06 15 04 85 53. L'Isles de Stel. Bassin d'évolution.From Easter to November. Tel 04 6653 60 70 ou 06 10 90 16 68.

LE GRAU DU ROI / PORT CAMARGUE Bateau Saint Louis. Rive droite, portde Pêche. Tél. 06 03 91 44 63.

GALLICIAN Péniche croisière Clair de Lune.Cruises on the Rhone to Sète Canal.From November to March. Tel 06 8627 81 66.

• Harbour river master’s offices

AIGUES-MORTES River master’s office. Opening/clo-sing times: inquire at office. Heightof bridges at Pont Rouge: 4.80 mmaximum equipment 30 dockingplaces for visitors, maximum leng-th: 15 m, maxi T.E. 2 metres, Freshwater at dock. Electricity (220V/10and 16 amperes), 4 WC. 4 showers.27 quai des Croisades. Tel. 06 19 9621 23 or 04 66 73 91 35.

GALLICIAN Pleasure boat port is located on thebanks of the Rhone to Sète canal inthe heart of the Petite Camargue. Itoffers services for pleasure boaters,tourist information during the tou-rist season. Open all year round. In-quire for opening/closing times. Tel.04 66 73 34 50.

LE GRAU DU ROIPleasure boat port, Grau du Roi.Harbour Master’s office of the Com-munauté de Communes. Open allyear round from Mon. to Fri. From10am to 12.00. Quai Colbert, routed’Aigues-Mortes. Tel. 06 19 96 2123. Tel/fax: 04 66 73 55 06. [email protected]

PORT CAMARGUEHarbour master’s office: open eve-ry day: 8am to 6pm in Winter, 8am

to 8pm in Summer. Tel. 04 66 51 1045. www.portcamargue.com

• FishingTHE VIDOURLE RIVERCoastal river between the CévennesMountains and the sea with a weal-th of flora and fauna. Perch, pike,eel, zander, and bass. Fishing licen-ce on sale at Tourist Offices in Som-mières, Quissac and Sauve. Sommières : carp-fishing course. Fishing Pond RD 6572. Between Ai-margues and Le Cailar. Tel. 06 8155 79 20.

• Fishing GuideAutrement Pêche. Cyril De Grégo-rio Domaine de Bellevue, 30600Vauvert. Tel. 06 70 84 85 21.www.autrementpeche.com Fishing lake, Aigues-Mortes. Voierapide Les Poissons d'Argent. Tel.06 77 92 32 60. Open from Easter toOctober Fishing Lake, Vestric & Candiac.Sangar Vestricois near the lake. Tel.08 99 65 13 92.

Quissac. Fishing guide. Introductionto different fishing techniques (riverand sea). Half-day, full day, for 2days, family day. Jacques Chazel.Tel. 04 66 77 40 13 or 06 81 31 16 79.

• Fishing in the Mediterranean

LE GRAU DU ROI Maxi Catamaran Providence Pêche3 hours. Equipment provided. FromEaster to November. Embarkation :quai Colbert. Left bank. Tel. 06 10 5622 69. www.leprovidence.fr Catamaran Picardie 1/2 day or fullday. Equipment provided. FromEaster to November. Embarkation ;quai Colbert. Left bank. Tel. 06 6237 87 03 www.catamaran-picar-die.comFlyer Fishing. ½ day or full day, outsea fishing at night. 9 people max.All year round by appointment. Quaid’Honneur, Port Camargue. Tél. 0671 63 56 08. •

• Nature Safari LE GRAU DU ROI /PORT CAMARGUE Guided tour of the Camargue in4-wheel drive vehicle. Visit of a ma-nade (Camargue ranch). La Camargue autrement All yearround. 7 CC Port Royal place de laliberation Tel. 06 12 03 25 35 Camargue Aventure Pierrot leCamarguais All year round CC PortRoyal. Tél 06 82 23 00 54Safari Nature Camargue découver-te All year round 6 rue des Alliés Tél06 85 35 10 04

Pays Vidourle Camargue>3938>Loisirs et activités

loisirsPays Vidourle Camargue>4140>Loisirs et activités

• Quad LE GRAU DU ROIPomquad. Visits of the Camargueby quad.. ½ day or full-dayrental/tours. Tel 06 10 63 53 72. Camargue découverte. A uniquetour of the Camargue by quad withfull respect for the environment. Iti-neraries lasting 2 hours or ½ day. 6rue des Alliés. Tel. 04 66 53 04 99 or06 85 35 10 04. www.camargue-decouverte.com

AIGUES-MORTES Rando Quad Camargue. Departurefrom Aigues-Mortes. Open all yearround by appointment. Tél. 06 85 3510 04.Camargue Loisirs. Domaine du Pe-tit Chaumont Base de loisirs : openall year round. Tel. 06 21 06 11 50.

• ThalassotherapyLE GRAU DU ROI / PORT CAMARGUE Thalazur Port Camargue. Thalas-sotherapy centre, health spa, one-day rates. Route des Marines, PortCamargue. Tel. 06 61 59 88 15.www.thalazur.fr Thalazur Port Camargue. Thalas-sotherapy centre, health spa. Es-thetic space. Route des Marines,Port Camargue. Tel. 04 66 73 60 60.

• BalneotherapyAIMARGUESLe Mas des Thermes. Health Spa :l’Enclos. Rte de Lunel. Tél. 06 61 5988 15. www.masdesthermes.com •

• Jet ski rentalLE GRAU DU ROI / PORT CAMARGUE Jet Free Location. Pont tournant.Rive gauche. Tel. 06 33 700 710. Wat Air world. Avenue du CenturionPort Camargue. Tel. 06 23 84 13 08.

• Sailing and WindsurfingLE GRAU DU ROI / PORT CAMARGUE Sètesails. Port Camargue. Tel. 0660 83 81 83. Maxi catamaran «région Picardie».From February to November. Quaide la Bonne Espérance, Port Ca-margue. Tel. 06 20 80 08 72. Voile Camargue. Port Camargue.Tél. 06 81 95 08 51. UCPA Ecole de Mer. April to Octo-ber. Avenue du Centurion, Port Ca-margue. Tel. 04 66 51 47 92. Thalas-sa Cup. Quai de la capitainerie, PortCamargue. Tel. 04 66 53 47 31. Société nautique. Quai d’escaleYacht club, Port Camargue. Tel. 0466 53 29 47. Kayak Voile Organisation. Basenautique Lac de Salonique, Port Ca-margue. Tel. 06 08 60 09 93.

Windsurf Park Etang le Ponant. Atthe boating centre (Base nautique)on the Ponant lake (Etang du Po-nant). Windsurfing, catamarans,stand-up paddle boards, seakayaks, sailboats. Equipment forrent and lessons with certifiedtrainers. Open from March to No-vember. Tel: 06 07 54 37 80

• Kitesurf LE GRAU DU ROI /PORT CAMARGUE Club 30 Kite. From March to No-vember. Camping les Secrets deCamargue. Rte de l’Espiguette. Tel.06 76 45 45 64 ou 06 77 77 88 55. Surfloisirs. Boulevard MaréchalJuin Imm. L’impérial. Tel. 04 66 5340 01.

• Shuttle boatLE GRAU DU ROI /AIGUES-MORTESL’Aigues Roi. Shuttle boat from LeGrau du Roi to Aigues Mortes In Ju-ly and August (main port, next tothe Tour de Constance, Right bank.Fishing port). From mid-June tomid-September Tel. 06 03 91 44 63www.croisieres-camargue.com

• Swimming pool Le Grau du Roi. Centre Aqua-Ca-margue. Avenue de Dossenheim.Tel. 04 66 35 74 89Quissac. Open July and August.

Calvisson. Open every day (10 am to7 pm) in July and August.Galargues le Montueux. Open Julyand August.Vauvert. Open July and August.Mond. to Wen. (12 am to 7 pm) ; Satand Sun (11am to 7 pm).

• Beaches LE GRAU DU ROI /PORT CAMARGUE Animals not allowed on the beaches.

Handicap-accessible beach at Bou-canet. Reception, life-guards,equipment available from mid-Juneuntil mid-September. Boucanetbeach Access No. 2. Tel 06 83 82 5772.Private Beaches. Chaises longuesrentals, beach umbrellas, etc. Infor-mation available at tourist office inGrau du Roi / Port Camargue. Nudist Beach. Espiguette Beach.

SOMMIÈRESSwimming in river. Tel 04 66 80 9930

• CasinoLe Grau du Roi : Casino Flamingo.Casino games, restaurants, shows.Route de l’Espiguette. Tel. 04 66 5340 95. www.groupetranchant.com

• Stage ShowsSAUVE Muz’art. Centre for artistic expres-sion holds shows and concerts allyear round. Tel. 06 09 81 47 02.www.muzart.biz

LE GRAU DU ROI Espace JP Cassel. Palais des Sportset de la Culture. Tel. 04 66 51 10 70.

• Places of InterestSOMMIERES Insect Museum. Permanent collec-tion of insects. An interesting worldof miniature shapes and colours.Tel 06 37 93 33 02 ou 06 64 32 47 33 www.maisondesinsectes.fr

AIGUES-MORTES Les Salins du Midi. Visit the saltmines on a small train. One of itskind in Europe, it is the oldest saltmine on the Mediterranean. Obser-ve the flora and fauna of this uniqueenvironment. Open from March toOctober. Tel. 04 66 73 40 02 or 04 6673 40 24 (groups). www.salins.com Rock and Fossil Exhibit. Magnifi-cent collection of fossils and rocksfrom far a wide. Aqua-marines,amethyst, quartz, ammonites, ma-rine fossils. Free admission. Openweekends from April to Octoberand. Open every day in July/Au-gust/September and school holi-days. 33, rue Emile Jamais. Tel 06 61 56 19 57. www.mineraldesignshop.com

LE GRAU DU ROI Seaquarium-Requinarium. Giantaquarium with a section for marinemammals. .Mediterranean and tro-pical fish. Shark tunnel, giant poolfor seals and sea-lions. Sea turtles.Interactive displays. The exceptionalRequinarium has over 25 species ofsharks in several different pools,including a 2-level pool . av du Pa-lais de la Mer. Tel. 04 66 51 57 57.www.seaquarium.fr

• Little tourist trainAIGUES MORTESOpen from April to September andDuring November school holidays.Porte de la Gardette. Tel. 04 66 5385 20.

SOMMIERESFrom June to September. Departu-re in front of the tourist office.Tel. 04 66 80 99 30

LE GRAU DU ROIQuai Colbert. Tel 04 66 51 92 29.from Easter to September.

PORT CAMARGUEPort shuttle. Guided tour by electricshuttle of the marinas and of thefirst port in Europe for pleasureboats. From Easter to September.Quai de la Capitainerie. Tel. 06 76 62 60 47.

Pays Vidourle Camargue>4342>Loisirs et activités

• Dinner ShowCabaret Equestre des Dunes Domaine du petit Chaumont D6230220 Aigues-Mortes Tel 06 23 1953 57 www.cabaretdesdunes.com Every Wednesday and Friday in Ju-ly and August. Inquire in April, May,June and September.

• Other activities AIGUES MORTESCamargue Loisirs Domaine du Pe-tit Chaumont. Sports area open allyear round. Tel. 06 21 06 11 50www.camargue-loisir.netSports area Camargue ParadiseDomaine du petit Chaumont Tel.06 32 95 58 09 From may to sep-tember. Water skiing and wakeboard school. Lessons takes placein a closed water area and on thesea, lessons in other “slidingsports” (beginners and advanced).www.camargue-paradise.com

LE GRAU DU ROIMini-golf. Three 18-hole courseson carpeted surface in an exoticdecor with palm trees and water-falls. Palais de la Mer. Tel. 04 66 5144 29. www.aventureminigolf.com AmigoLand. Big amusement parkwith the latest attractions. Wildevenings to be enjoyed. Open inJuly and August. Rond point del’Espiguette.

Babyland. Amusement park forchildren ages 3 to 8 with wadingpool, little merry-go-rounds,trampoline, electric cars and mo-torcycles, birthday party organisa-tion.. Open from February to No-vember. Avenue du Palais de laMer. Tel. 04 66 53 30 03.

SAINT LAURENT D’AIGOUZE Open-air museum of the bullgames history and traditions. Per-manent exhibition around the are-nas.

• Stand Up Paddle Kayak Voile Organisation. Boatingcenter, Salonique lake, Port Ca-margue. Tel. 06 08 60 09 93. Windsurf Park. Boating center onthe Ponant lake. Tel. 06 07 54 3780.

The people of the region are very attached to the tradition of thebull games. So, naturally, the village fairs and the games inthe arenas are high points during which they celebrate the Ca-margue bull, truly a kind of local hero.



Pays Vidourle Camargue>4544>Local Traditions



• The Camargue bull games The first bull games began in the 19th century. They took placein the middle of a circle formed by wagons. Over time, the bullbegan to wear ribbons and tassles (“cocarde”, “ficelles”) on hishorns; the game became better organised and was called “freerace” then the “contest for the cocarde” and, now, “la Course Ca-marguaise”. The Course Camarguaise is recognised as a sportby the French Federation of Course Camarguaise. The agressi-veness and the intelligence of the Camargue bull makes it atough adversary for the “raseteurs” (the sportsmen in the ring).These young men, clothed in white, have to remove the ribbonsfrom the bull’s horns within a period of 15 minutes. The most re-sistant bulls are call “cocardiers” and can become well-knownstars with a long life in the arena. Their names go down in his-tory for the people of the region who follow the bull games.

• Abrivado/BandidoThe «abrivado», which means arrival in theoccitan language, designates the route thebulls will take from their “manade” (herd) tothe village through which they are to run sur-rounded by the men on horseback called“gardians”. An amazing sight, this usuallytakes place at the time of the town fair, a bigevent which is full of the traditional spirit andatmosphere of the region. The «bandido» (the release in occitan) desi-gnates the route the bull will take from thevillage back to the herd. These runs are dangerous. Spectators muststay behind protective fences or in bleachers.

Warning. Bull games are dange-

rous. Always stay behind the

fences or on the bleachers. You

will enjoy the event better that


• Bull TombsWhen they have had an exceptional ca-reer in the ring, the “cocardier” bulls arepampered until their natural death andare then buried standing up. Their tombsare curious sites, usually set on the ow-ner’s land. One exception is the tomb of“Le Sanglier” in the town of Le Cailar, afamous cocardier from the Fernand Gra-non farm (1920-1930).

• La tradition camarguaiseThe Vidourle Camargue Region is to-tally committed to its bull traditions.Lou Biou (the bull in occitan) is raisedin semi free-range herds. The Ca-margue bull is a symbol of the wholeregion. After years of careful breeding,the bull is now, for some, truly an ob-ject of worship, always the focus of thelocal fairs, which, in this area, are cal-led “fêtes votives.”

Pays Vidourle Camargue>4746>Local Traditions


temps• Water Jousting Water jousting is a sport whe-re two jousters standing eachon the front of his boatconfront each other as theirtwo boats are propelled byoarsmen. Languedoc joustingtournaments can be seen onthe Grau du Roi canal in theSpring and throughout theSummer.

• The village festivals or “fêtes votives”They begin in the Spring and continue until Autumn. The fes-tival usually begins with the lunch in the field near the bulls.Then there’s the abrivado. The challenge for the daredevilsin the town, usually the teenage boys, is to get the bull to es-cape the skilllful control of the gardians on horseback as theyparade the bulls through the town. Of course, the crowd ap-plauds and encourages the participants.At the end of the afternoon, the same activity takes place forthe bandido. Some villages also organise an “encierro” whe-re the town sets up protective fences along the streets so thatthe bull can be allowed to run free in the streets. The youngpeople, then, run and chase the bull and see who is the bra-vest and the strongest.

The calendar of the village “fêtes votives” in the VidourleCamargue region is available in the tourist offices.

• Manades in the Vidourle Camargue Region

Manades (bull ranches) are not just bull and horse bree-ding farms. It is at the manades that the passion for thebulls and the know-how are passed on from generationto generation. Certain breeders have created a qualitycharter for their profession. Contact the tourist officefor further information.

• The “Empègues” At the time of the village fair, theyoung people in the village create adesign which will be stencilledaround the front doors of the villa-gers which are called “empègues”.This is done when the young peoplego around from house to house col-lecting money which will help in put-ting on that year’s fête. At the begin-ning of the 20th century this sameprocedure was used to have a cele-bration for the young men who tur-ned 21 and were heading off to dotheir military service. Mandatory mi-litary service no longer exists, but thistradition continues, specifically in theVidourle Camargue region. The sten-

cils are always inspired by Camarguesymbols related to the bull and thebull games. (the Camargue cross, ahorse, a bull, a flamingo…). Besidesthe design, there are sometimes theletters VLJ (Vive La Jeunesse=long li-ve the young people!) and the yearthey turned 21.

• Manades which can be reserved by groups for special Camargue parties

Pays Vidourle Camargue>4948>Local Traditions

Vauvert. Manade Saint Louis. Mas dela Paix. Rte des Stes-Maries de laMer. Tel. 06 11 42 24 14. July and Au-gust Evening Camargues Parties.Franquevaux. Manade Martini. Rou-te de Franquevaux. Tel . 06 27 86 3442. July and August Evening Ca-margues Parties.Saint Laurent d'Aigouze. Manade LaVidourlenque. Le Couvent. Tel . 04 6680 28 39 ou 06 10 47 52 08. Open allyear round.

Quissac. Manade Le Valadas. Tel. 0618 09 81 86 ou 06 15 29 20 70. SurRendez-vous.Saint Laurent d’Aigouze - Le Cailar.Manade Agnel frères. Près de Cha-berton. Tel. 06 12 33 57 48. June toseptember Evening Camargues Par-ties and “country” breakfast.Congénies. Manade les Oliviers. Tel06 08 88 51 89 ou 06 76 17 51 20.Sérignac. Manade Jérome Vidal. Tel 06 81 43 74 59

events• January . Sommières. Les Trad’hiver-

nales Traditional. Occitan music and dance.

. Sommières. Fête de Saint Vincent (the saint’s day of thepatron saint of wine growers)

. Trail in Quissac and Sauve

• March . Abrivado on the beach le Grau

du Roi. Les 4 saisons de l’Art Aubais

Exhibition of contemporary art

• April. Les nautiques de Port

Camargue Used Boat show

• May. Open house at artists’ and

craftspeople’s studios. Theatre festival in Sauve. Flower fair in Sommières

• June. Vogua Mostra Festival celebra-

ting rowing and Mediterraneanculture

. Farmer’s Market in Aigues-Mortes and St Théodorit

. Paroles de Terroir Winegro-wers’ open house and demons-trations .

. Plaisirs de Vins Wine fair inVauvert

. Fête de la St Pierre Sea and fi-shermen festival with traditio-nal Languedoc jousting

. Festival des Cultures Urbaines

. Les 4 saisons de l’Art Exhibi-tion of contemporary art in Aubais

. The popular violins day in Sauve

. Triathlon du Sud in Sommières

. Festival des Cultures urbaines in Vauvert

• July. Medieval Fair in Sauve. Jazz Festival in Junas. Les rencontres de la Pierre

Rock Quarries Festival in Junas. Les jeudis de l’été World music

concerts (at night and free) inSauve

. Villevieille Classical music festival

. Les nuits musicales de PisesClassical music festival in Logrian

. Les nuits du Jazz

. Visite inattendues à la chandel-le in Sommières and Sauve

. Short film festival in Aigues-Vives

. Chamber Music Festival in Lo-grian

. Les nuits de Sel Modern dancefestival in Aigues-Mortes

. Festival Radio France Classicalmusic festival in Aigues-Mortes

. «Mad’In Sauve» in Sauve

. Festival du jazz in Vauvert

• August. Medieval Festivals in Aigues-

Mortes. Villevieille Classical Music

Festival. Pleasure boat port festival in

Port Camargue. Vinum in Sommières. Visites inattendues in Som-

mières and Sauve. Book exhibition in Sommières. Les jeudis de l’été World music

concerts (at night and free) inSauve

• September . Effets Stars (International FX

Festival) in Aigues-Mortes

• October . Fête votive in Aigues-Mortes. Festival for children in

Sommières. Local products festival in

Sommières. Boutis in Calvisson. Fête du terroir in Quissac

• November . Festival Ecran Libre (short and

medium- length film festival) inAigues-Mortes

. Book Fair in Aigues-Mortes

. Baleti in Sommières (Occitanmusic and dance)

• December. Olive Oil day in Sommières and

in Corconne. Wine Fair in Quissac

Annual eventsJazz à Junas

Medieval festivals

Nigth Markets

Pays Vidourle Camargue>5150>Annuel events


Le ViganCévennes Méridionales



Bagnols Sur Cèze

BeaucaireTerre d’argence

Le Grau du RoiPort Camargue

Pont Saint Esprit

VauvertPetite Camargue


LasalleValleraugue Espérou Mont Aigoual Causses



Saint-Hippolyte-du-FortCévennes Garrigues

GangesCévennes Méditerranée

Saint-Andréde-ValborgneVallée Borgne

Aigues Mortes

Office de Tourisme

Pays Aigoual Cévennes Vidourle

Saint Gilles

Pays deSommières


Pont du Gard








BessègesCévennes actives



La Grand CombePays Grand’CombienAlès


Gard Rhodanien

Pays des Cévennes




UzègePont du Gard

GarriguesCostières de Nîmes


BarjacSt Privat de Champclos

Pays Garrigues Costières de Nîmes




Pays des Cévennes Pays Uzège Pont du Gard

Pays Gard Rhodanien Pays Vidourle camargue


the neighbouring regions

A Place for all of us

Our partners

To discover other sites in the Gard, continue your visit in the neighbouring regions and ask for the guide to that area.

Tourisme & Handicap, are you familiar with them?

This label guarantees the quality of the ser-vices (which can be for 4 types of handicaps:visual, auditory, motor or mental) provided forvisitors to help them enjoy their holidays fully. Boat outings, cultural or fun visits, discoveringnatural sites, tastings or simply finding theright place for a nice weekend or holiday.Whatever the need, the Gard, between the Cé-vennes and the Camargue, is a wonderful spotto relax, to have a change of scenery , to re-charge one’s batteries. Ask for the free bro-chure from the Comité Départemental duToursme du Gard Tel 04 66 36 96 30 [email protected]

Pays Vidourle Camargue>5352>Other places din theu Gard

Centrale de réservation Loisirs Accueil Gard

The Central Reservation office.Looking for a get-away? The centralreservation service will help youplan your stay. Whatever your inter-est be, the sea, the mountains, Ro-

man history, the garrigue, discover the qualityof the offerings and the ease of a centralised re-servation. Tel 04 66 36 96 30. [email protected]

Clévacances A wide selection of furnishedrentals, B and B’s listed in theguides available at the tourist of-fices or at:


Logis de FranceLes Logis du Gard will take care ofyou: : a quiet country hotel or a res-taurant with local cuisine, we’ll doour best to find what you’re lookingfor. Information/Reservations :


Gîtes de France Tourisme Vert GardThe Gard department is greenand varied. If you’re looking for apleasant holiday with family orfriends, chose one of the ad-dresses of the gîtes (self-cateringrental) in the Gard. Tel: 04 66 27

94 94 [email protected]

Qualité Tourisme et Sud de France These are two labels which aregranted to hotels, restaurants,campgrounds, sites, winerieswhich guarantee a quality service

to tourists. Brochurse available in tourist of-fices. Après wineries, and Tourist Offices

Militant du Goût Taste activists.A movement to pro-mote the quality of the

local Gard products. Over 30 agricultural andcraft articles carry this label which has verystrict requirements. As for the restaurants whi-ch have this label, they are committed to pro-moting locally-grown products and to sustai-ning the gastronomic traditions of the Gard.They guarantee the origin and quality of the pro-ducts and respect the seasonality, therefore theoptimal taste, of the products.www.gard.fr/fr/nos-actions/militant-dugout/decouvrir-les-produits-militant-du-gout.html

EdGard Bus transportation network inthe Gard department www.edgard-transport.fr

Tourist OfficesContact Information

Other GuidesOffice de tourisme Intercommunal Coutach Vidourle**Antenne de QuissacAv du 11 novembre. BP 18. 30260 QuissacTel 04 66 77 11 48 [email protected] www.vallee-vidourle.com

Antenne de Sauve«Les Cazernes». 26 Rue des Boisseliers30610 Sauve. Tel 04 66 77 57 [email protected]. www.vallee-vidourle.com

Opening  . July and August, Monday to Saturday from 9am

to 12:30am and 2:30pm to 6:30pm. Sunday 10amto 12:30am

. April to June and September to October Mondayto Friday from 9am to 12am and from 2 pm to6pm; Saturday 9:30am to 12h30am

. November to March, Monday to Friday from 9amto 12am and 2pm to 5pm.

Office de Tourisme du Pays de Sommières***5 Quai Frédéric Gaussorgues. 30250 SommièresTel 04 66 80 99 30. [email protected]. www.sommieres-reisen.eu

Opening . June to September, Monday to Saturday 9:30am

to 12:30 am and 2pm to 6pm (7pm from July 16 toAugust 14); Sunday and Holidays (july and Au-gust) 10am to 1pm.

. October to May, Monday to Friday 9:30am to12:30am and 2pm to 5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am to12:30am.

Office de tourisme de Vauvert et de Petite Camargue**Place Ernest Renan. 30600 Vauvert. Tel 04 66 88 28 52. [email protected]

Opening. July and August, Tuesday to Friday 9am to

12:30am and 2pm to 6pm, Monday and Saturday9am to 1pm.

. April to June and September to October, Tuesdayto Friday 9am to 12:30am and 2pm to 6pm, Mon-day and Saturday 9am to 12:30am.

. November to March, Monday to Saturday from9am to 12:30am

. Point info open from June to September www.camarguecostieres-tourisme.fr

Office de Tourisme d’Aigues-Mortes***Place St Louis 30220 Aigues-Mortes.Tel 04 66 53 73 [email protected]. www.ot-aiguesmortes.fr

Opening. From September 16 to June 14, every day from

9:30am to 5:30pm. From June 15 to September 15, from 9:30am to

7:30pm. Close on December 25 and January 1st

Office de Tourisme du Grau du Roi /Port Camargue****30 Rue Michel Rédares. BP 46.30240 Le Grau du Roi. Tel. 04 66 51 67 70ot-legrauduroi-portcamargue@wanadoo.frwww.vacances-en-camargue.com

Opening . July and August, every day 9am to 9pm. June, every day 9am to 8pm. May and September, every day 9am to 7pm. October to April, every day 9am to 12:15am and

2pm to 6pm.

Information Point in Port CamargueCarrefour 2000, Avenue Jean LasserreOpen form Easter to September

Information Point in le Boucanet Boulevard du Dr. Jean Bastide Open from June to September

More informations to complete your discovery, ask for local guides.

Pays Vidourle Camargue>5554>Pratique

Contact and Informations

See Tourist Offices list on page 55

Syndicat mixte du Pays Vidourle Camargue23 Avenue Maurice Privat. 30600 VauvertTél 04 34 14 80 00












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