mise en-scene


Upload: jordanjenkins98

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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In this image Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood are stood in front of a wall that is commonly seen in American jails where the criminal has their photo taken. This is a unique background for a county music video however follows the star image that the two artists hold. They are both country singers who put a unique twist with some of their songs. They are both wearing jeans however Miranda’s jeans are ripped denim blue while Carrie’s are a greyish white pair that have a dirt stain on the knee area. This choice of costume shows the country side to their music video as most country stars wear simple clothing such as jeans and t-shirts which both artists are wearing in this image. Their tops are both a dirty white colour; suggesting that they might have gotten into trouble. The white in their costume can represent innocence which contrasts with the background which is showing danger and misbehaviour.They are both posing differently but are leaning against the wall to suggest that they don’t actually care. Miranda is pointing her chin upwards and her right hand is in her jeans pocket which is suggesting that she isn’t really interested in what is going on; which related to her rebellious attitude. Where Carrie is fully leaning on the wall and has her weight on her right leg meaning that her hip is leaning to the right side. Her left hand is resting on her left shoulder; this is showing that she doesn’t really care that

Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood

In this image of Maddie and Tae, they are standing on the back of two trucks. The trucks or two colours; one is black and one is white, Maddie is standing on the black truck and Tae is standing on the white truck. They are both wearing a piece of clothing which is white and a piece of clothing that is black. This can represent the difference in their personalities but they are still a duo. Maddie is wearing trousers showing that she is not a feminine as Tae; who has a skirt on. The background shows that they are at a festival or a show, this is seen with the lights behind that can be seen at football stadiums. This can suggest that it is a natural and simple background as they are not in an exotic island on a gorgeous beach, but in a traditional stadium. Both of them are playing a guitar and are smiling. This can show that they are equally talented and also that they are happy. Their face is facing the camera meaning they have eye contact with the audience which makes this image effective.I like this image as the background is mainly dark showing that it is late and also means that the lighting is unnatural. However I would want to take my image with a more visible background, where there is more natural lighting meaning it will be during the day.

Maddie and Tae

In this image of Carrie Underwood she is wearing a white dress, this can imply that she is innocent and represent hope. The background is also white, there is white curtains draping from the celling to the floor, this creates a simple and elegant feel to the image. The immense use of white can suggest that the song is based on hope and faith. Her hair is left down and is curled, showing that it is natural yet elegant at the same time. The positioning of her face is so that she is looking to the left with her eyes closed or looking towards the floor. This facial expression can be emphasising the hope she has. The whole image is while and natural, showing that country music is simple and natural. Because of this my image will be natural looking with a simple background. However the artist will be looking at the camera.

Carrie Underwood