misi [llan[ous r[cords · misi [llan[ous r[cords / other matters of import to the-real ,estate and...

+ ~ o THIRTY-THIRD YEAR--NO. 45. MAY’S LANDING, N. J, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 1719. / NEED-fl lillO MO BE TO - IMPROVE ME CHURCH .ooo. o,= REAL ESTATE TBIINSFEItS ! May’s "Landing Yacht ClubPlansAn- I I i Brief Paragraphs Personal and Other- ~ Defeated Pleasantvil]e In Fast Game tl,,,n ’ nual Meet for August. wise Bunched for..o Quick Reading. by Score o, 3Io l. GOMPL[T[ HIgH abrlUUL Th,. May’s Landing Yacht Ciubheldawell-StructureSVill’BeRaised Basement Brief Description of the Properties lnab’,ttieroyalatPa,time Pa,’ki~L:lSatur- atlendt~l meeting Thursday evenlng last and H arr~m’ont0n. day afterneam the A.~.miation dt, feated the .... appointed a committee of three to arrange for Builtfor Sllllday School, Choir The31i.~ses Ethel andRenaChalmer~ aretit- That Have Changed Hands alld strong Pl~u.~intyllleaggregatiou1>3" tim score theannual regatta of the club, whichwillbe Loft Changed, Rooms Recarpeted tendlng~ummer .~hool at lh0 University bf the Considerations _as Shown by era 1o1. The contest was exciting alial iuter- SPECIAL ELECT] ON TO VOTE held at Catawba, Saturday, August 13. The New York. The former wlll te~eh music In esting groin start tpfinish anti ;~v:~s n banle be- A PPROPRIATIO~ commiuee ConslsLs of 31e.~sb~. A. B. Entwlsle, and Sidewalks Paved. thel~ublic schools olra Norlh Jersey fllsIrlct Records of Clerk’s Office. tween pitchers, Edwards , forthe lc~llearn, II. F. J.~rrett and W. W. Jackson. The Jr- next Fall, while her sister wlll resume the ........... comlngoutconquerer. He allowed the x’isitors nmgements for the regatta willall be madeby At the SecondtLuarterly Ctmference of the prlnclpaTship of the Folsom schools. Atlantic City. onlytwohiLuwhile Adams, for ~’leasantville, Boardof ~dllcatjon Asks Additional the committee. May’s Landing31. E. Churchheld last Men- Lorenz Llelling hasbeendoing a rushing of William 1t. Burkhard el. uX. to Richard Mc was only "touched up" for four hingles. It The rhea%which willbe divided intoclasses day evening, it was unanlniously decidedto late.with a steam merry-go-round, which he Allister, irreg.Southwest corner3Iediterran-wn.s a game worlh seeingand the victory Ftlnds to Thorotlgh]y Finish and suitable forthesizeimdpower of the contest- make extensiveimprovements to the church bml4ghtherefrom LenapePark." ~_-an andVermout AYes.; |rreg. l£a~st side Yir- places theA.~soeiation away in theh~id forthe ]~:,]tlip Structure Will Hold lng motor b~mts, willbe opento all,whether property. The wl~olematterhas beeu eare- Mrs. W. P. BaRelyand children have been ginlq .X’,-e. 100ft.South of Meditermn~in Ave. L’ounly chnn]pionship: " members of the clubor not andit is hoped to t~nlly considered, and wiu~presented It)the visiting relatives at Leesburg, N.J. $1. , Won. l.,>.-_l, l’. U. " School ill Other Bllildillgs. have every enffton the waters hereentered, quarterly Conference by the Past,)rof the 31).~s Marion Floyd, of .~an l)legu, C’iI., has 51ays trending 4 f .800 _ .’~ultable prizes will beoilbred forthe winners. (’hureh, the ltev. S. K. 31oore, whoprepared beenit visitor recently at the home of her John B. Tlt.~s el.ha.1-histern Land L’o. 2£x Egg Harbor 1 1 .5~0i Jn order t,)l~ni~ll npiht- l’ebnitt.l~g of the Th,keL,~forlheraeesandluncheonafter)yard theplans and oulllne~l tbework. gnxndmother, Mr~ Ru.ssellJloore. 125ft.North sideBilllle Ave.50 ft.%VeMof Pl~tsanlvlllt. :2 3 .:100, Madison Ave.$100. ]]}gli ,,4~,))~)} in ;l lb,)l~)ugh nlailllor, lln’ lh~ird w.ill be isslled al a nl)nlhlal suln. These will The entire eburt’b l)lllldlng will be nii~ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jenisan, who were }Ianllnonton; i) "2 ,000: . of]~:dllc:llh)ll, ailalllt, elingbeldTllv.,d:l);even_ be sohlby lh,’n~embeL’~, i~rovision willbe three and on,e-half feel and.’t basement con- reeently~married at Seymour,Conn.,ha’re Ge°rgeXV’:lilehmtmeI"n:x’i°BerthaBrann" Next~aturd’.tylhe .\.~,~x.lation will iourney ¯ ing laM, passed :t re.,ohiihm a_,king for)in mad,, to have the membersand guests con- strueled with a .~teel ceiling. Thelatter will be been spending theirh6neymoon here. sic]nAve, et.100aLft. I£aL~tl00xl00ofNewfi" E~tstjersey.SideAve.Mediterrun~mg~,000. t,> .Fag tlarbor t’liy.The more: " -addltionp.I ;ll)l~r,)prialh)n of51,500..Notice... will veyefl 1o Catawba. The rt~galt/~ willbe held in fittedup for Sunday.’heht~l purposes. The Rex’. J. Allen .’Jpidell and/emily areenjoy- :Soulh l.hid Rt~llty t.’o. to Walter E.Edge, 25x kss,)clnllon R. H. t>. .-X.E. be l~x-ted I)ytheliiqriei Clerk of It ,peehil the afierno~)n according to present plans and choir ],)It %rill be Mtered. also the pu]pll and ing their annual vaeathJn, l{ev. 8pidell will -J t*hmtJ,)n h) ))l. ))t.]d illLibi~iry Frhlily

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Page 1: MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS · MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS / Other Matters of Import to the-Real ,Estate and Financial World Entered of Record at the County Clerk’s Office. Cancellation of





REAL ESTATE TBIINSFEItS! May’s "Landing Yacht Club Plans An- I I i Brief Paragraphs Personal and Other- ~ Defeated Pleasantvil]e In Fast Game

tl,,,n ’ nual Meet for August. wise Bunched for..o Quick Reading. by Score o, 3Io l.

GOMPL[T[ HIgHabrlUUL Th,. May’s Landing Yacht Ciubheldawell-StructureSVill’BeRaised Basement Brief Description of the Properties lnab’,ttieroyalatPa,time Pa,’ki~L:lSatur-atlendt~l meeting Thursday evenlng last and ’ H arr~m’ont0n. day afterneam the A.~.miation dt, feated the

.... appointed a committee of three to arrange forBuilt for Sllllday School, Choir The 31i.~ses Ethel and Rena Chalmer~ are tit- That Have Changed Hands alld strong Pl~u.~intyllle aggregatiou 1>3" tim score

theannual regatta of the club, which will be Loft Changed, Rooms Recarpeted tendlng~ummer .~hool at lh0 University bf the Considerations _as Shown by era 1o1. The contest was exciting alial iuter-SPECIAL ELECT] ON TO VOTE held at Catawba, Saturday, August 13. The New York. The former wlll te~eh music In esting groin start tp finish anti ;~v:~s n banle be-

A PPROPRIATIO~ commiuee ConslsLs of 31e.~sb~. A. B. Entwlsle, and Sidewalks Paved. the l~ublic schools olr a Norlh Jersey fllsIrlct Records of Clerk’s Office. tween pitchers, Edwards, for the lc~l learn,II. F. J.~rrett and W. W. Jackson. The Jr- next Fall, while her sister wlll resume the ........... comlngoutconquerer. He allowed the x’isitorsnmgements for the regatta will all be made by At the Second tLuarterly Ctmference of the prlnclpaTship of the Folsom schools.

Atlantic City.only two hiLu while Adams, for ~’leasantville,

Board of ~dllcatjon Asks Additional the committee. May’s Landing 31. E. Church held last Men- Lorenz Llelling has been doing a rushing of William 1t. Burkhard el. uX. to Richard Mc was only "touched up" for four hingles. ItThe rhea%which will be divided into classes day evening, it was unanlniously decided to late.with a steam merry-go-round, which he

Allister, irreg. Southwest corner 3Iediterran-wn.s a game worlh seeing and the victoryFtlnds to Thorotlgh]y Finish and suitable for the size imd power of the contest- make extensive improvements to the church bml4ght here from Lenape Park."

~_-an and Vermout AYes.; |rreg. l£a~st side Yir-places the A.~soeiation away in the h~id for the

]~:,]tlip Structure Will Hold lng motor b~mts, will be open to all, whether property. The wl~ole matter has beeu eare- Mrs. W. P. BaRely and children have beenginlq .X’,-e. 100 ft. South of Meditermn~in Ave. L’ounly chnn]pionship: "

members of the club or not and it is hoped to t~nlly considered, and wiu~ presented It) the visiting relatives at Leesburg, N.J.$1.

, Won. l.,>.-_l, l’. U. "School ill Other Bllildillgs. have every enfft on the waters here entered, quarterly Conference by the Past,)r of the 31).~s Marion Floyd, of .~an l)legu, C’iI., has 51ays trending 4 f .800

_ .’~ultable prizes will be oilbred for the winners. (’hureh, the ltev. S. K. 31oore, who preparedbeen it visitor recently at the home of her John B. Tlt.~s el. ha. 1-histern Land L’o. 2£x

Egg Harbor 1 1 .5~0i

Jn order t,) l~ni~ll np iht- l’ebnitt.l~g of the Th,keL,~forlheraeesandluncheonafter)yard the plans and oulllne~l tbe work. gnxndmother, Mr~ Ru.ssellJloore. 125 ft. North side Billlle Ave. 50 ft. %VeM ofPl~tsanlvlllt. :2 3 .:100,

Madison Ave. $100.]]}gli ,,4~,))~)} in ;l lb,)l~)ugh nlailllor, lln’ lh~ird

w.ill be isslled al a nl)nlhlal suln. These will The entire eburt’b l)lllldlng will be nii~ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jenisan, who were }Ianllnonton; i) "2 ,000:

. of]~:dllc:llh)ll, ailalllt, elingbeldTllv.,d:l);even_be sohl by lh,’ n~embeL’~, i~rovision will be three and on,e-half feel and.’t basement con- reeently~married at Seymour, Conn., ha’re Ge°rgeXV’:lilehmtmeI"n:x’i°BerthaBrann"

Next~aturd’.tylhe .\.~,~x.lation will iourney

¯ ing laM, passed :t re.,ohiihm a_,king for )inmad,, to have the members and guests con- strueled with a .~teel ceiling. The latter will be been spending their h6neymoon here.

sic]nAve, et.100aLft. I£aL~tl00xl00ofNewfi" E~tstjersey.SideAve.Mediterrun~mg~,000.t,> .Fag tlarbor t’liy. The more: "

-addltionp.I ;ll)l~r,)prialh)n of 51,500..Notice... willveyefl 1o Catawba. The rt~galt/~ will be held in fitted up for Sunday .’heht~l purposes. The Rex’. J. Allen .’Jpidell and /emily are enjoy-

:Soulh l.hid Rt~llty t.’o. to Walter E. Edge, 25x kss,)clnllon R. H. t>. .-X. .E.

be l~x-ted I)y the liiqriei Clerk of It ,peehilthe afierno~)n according to present plans and choir ],)It %rill be Mtered. also the pu]pll and ing their annual vaeathJn, l{ev. 8pidell will -J

t*hmtJ,)n h) ))l. ))t.]d ill Libi~iry Frhli ly

Page 2: MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS · MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS / Other Matters of Import to the-Real ,Estate and Financial World Entered of Record at the County Clerk’s Office. Cancellation of




LANDING, N, 3., SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1910.



Qt Ci

." .t t " "

~=____ ____~’




THE RE (’ ()RD./Muy’,~ Lumli~lg lb’eortl.)

Published Every ~aturday Morning nt May’~Landing, N. J.

~dj~rs of " TIlE RECORD " nl;iy have theirpaper mallt~l to and¯ address in tne l’nitedStates and Fos~esqons, Cauada, 3Iexieo andCuba, p(x¢~ge prepaid, for ~1.25 per annlm]strictly in advance.

Any subscriber who fails ’to rccei’¢e "THERECO]¢D" regularly can haYe the omission


Other Matters of Import to the

- Real ,Estate and Financial WorldEntered of Record at the County

Clerk’s Office.

Cancellation of Mortgages, Atlantic City.



By virtue of a writ of lieri facies to

me directed issued out of the NewJersey Court ot Chancery will be soldat public yendue, on



HUNDRED AND TEN,at two o’clock in the afternoon of

promptly eorrwtcd by entering romlfl’dnt atthe office.

Advertising rates will be fnrni.-lled uponappli~tion.

(’ash sent through tlle re:ill will be at lilt"

sender’s risk ; all remlttanet.~ ~hould be"madeby registered letter, po.--t office or expressmoney order or cheek¯ Address:l] remlttanct~add conlnlu711~ath)IlS tO tile oll~re¯

E. (’. SHANEIL.Editor aml .i~lbli.d,v.

Entered ,<it the 5Jay’s Lqnding .t’ost-oIl]ce .isSecon d-~.lax~ Matter.

Frederick A. Van Dyke el. ux. to Emin:lDay, irreg. West line New Jersey Ave. 50Son th of Mediterr=’m~m Ave. ~2,000.

Same to .~m]e, ]00xl.50 ft. South side ~ledl-teranean Ave. ]00 ft. Fast elf New Jersey Ave.;100x212.5 ft. South.side Lexington Ave. 100 ft.Ea.q of New Jersey Ave. ~,000.

William J. Schafcr el. ux. io Atlantic t’oastB. 6: L. As.so. 50x60’lL East line PresbyteffanAlley 2"I)0 ft. South of Atlantic ;V,’P.’~200.

GeorgeLehnei~ el. ux. to John Lehllel.% "£x

240 It¯ A)uth side l~fltie.\ve, lT~fl. B’esI Florida AYe. ~1,400.

Sc’.VaT"d ~. l)obl)ins to t’lcmt-nt J. Adan].~tk’)x,~2.5 /.1. 8ouih s’hle ~.VindwsIer Ave. ,5 ftE,a~t of Derby Place, $7,00.

J" said day, at Kuehnle’s Hotel, cornerft. Atlantic and South Carolina avenues,

in the City of Atlantic City, Coun.tycf Atlantic and State of New J~rsey.

All. that certain tract or parcel of]and, situate partly in the City of Ab-

secon and partly in Galloway Town-ship, in the County of Atlantic andState of New Jersey, bounded and

described as follows:Beginning at a square stone letter-

ed "E. D." on the en.qt side "B" on

the Sol~th side and ")l. D." on the Westsir]e, which stone is the beginningcorner of Edward Doughty~s survey

for 262 acres, surveyed the 3rd dayMAY’S LANDIN(4. 31’I3" .2~. 1910. Franklin P. Cook et. ux. to 31ary .\. 3,%’ellen

.... irreg. Southwest eor. l{hoch, Island :rod Orien-

If Ai’lanti¢ City i~ hnlf ,s lind :L4 tilt" "re-

formers" .say it is, wiv don’l they nn)ve one?

This inee<.~lnt hnntioal ft,)l,,’)" is deph)rable.

Certainly tilt, hundreds of tln)us:lnds or visi-

lols vcho patroniso tilt, resort nrc not nx.¢es.

The would-be reformers :’tre--otheJ ~; ile.


Too luD.ny .~htx)l l)~xlrtla ignore Ill;it ,~et’lion

of the xehool hnvwhich rcqnires bids t- I,c :td-

verlised fi)r lhe purclm.~ of ~.cht~ol .~tlpplies,

and tirol isn’l tile o’nly serlioll ,,f tilt" sclltx)l

law lh;It is vi,,hltvd. I)y any lnt-an:-. Prrhnlx-

Iheactivily ,f lh(’ ~ellfllp lnYesllg.lting (h)ln-

mille? "will l)ro]npI ne~li._-enl I,,):trd nltqnl)er~ t,)

sttltl 3" lll,.il" eollit..~ ,,f lilt, ~elnx)l l:nv [hTi’hl~

F. p’.q r e ]llOllnql[s.

l’nder lilt’ nvw ln:lr]’in~e lk’cl>c law tin.

principals ill -;o;p, hort" l’Olll:tllt’PS do llot ]11;O;1’

It) conic lo the (’otlnty (’Iurk’s [.)flh’l., bC(’ ll l’t’

a li,’cn,;p fr,)n~ lhe .\rlantir Cily rcgistl~lr. :.[’lit.

now llixv StX’III~- h) bo working :Is inh,ndvtl ill

spilo oZ lhv nj:tny ,lnt.Mit)ns whieh :il)plir:tnls

enl! "l’ooli~h "" bill I/1]:cs"tq" lle~q’lhrlc~.% ~,\’r

dOll’I bt’lit’~*t ’ 1)3.17 L’tlpid’s hll~iDt%~, hlL~, Tll

hill! I)Y lilt’ ~.tSIllle.

.’q:ltb.lies art. "dly " as :i IINu:il thing, It q

lt’w "’ Wrl "" lil]l’.., hnvv knorkcd :l pet lm/hihi-

liilllt~t lilrory hight’r l]lsn tile t’O~,I of ]iV]llg.

Tilt’ fact hll~ been establi>hed ill,lislinln lly

lh:tt ehildrt.n tit lnell who drink llh’lJh,llir

tal Ave. ~52,~10.Arthur H. Siles eL nx. to t.;illilie Graeff, 15,5

37.5 ft. Southwest eor. Pacific and Ohio Aves.t~,000.

Jalaps ~j¯[’aI’F, OU el. I.IX. tO .~IIIIIIIPI C. ~twolt,

l:t0x:Kl0 ft. East sifle~L l,onis Ave. 1;3"7, ft. Northof Atlantic Ave; $4,500.

Vo~tnorTermlnal (’o. to l{obcrt o’Nt,ll et.ux.42x.S0 fl¯ Ea.st side Fnulk!ln Square 84 ft. Northof Alhinlh’ .\vv. ~300.

Dennis J. sweeny ekux. to William E. Burk-ard el. al. :~114x125 ft. 1.h-q side 3lonll~.llerAve. I:£IL ~outh of Arctic Ave. :3550.

l~14eol3.1e IL Burch eL u:~. t,) 5trillion ~,V. Nv’,v-ton, -t,3x77 ft. 9 in. East side Tall:flm.~see Ave.2;0 ft. North t,f Athmtir Ave. ~I,uy~0.

Gt~)rge 1t. Bureh i>t. llx. til ./olin L. )’onng,described .,k-a nbov0, ~2,1~13.

;~"~’llnlt ¯ D) ~-ItnlG dtsrribed :is nl)ovo, ~-J00.}-’hir0nr~ Zdil.y el. vir. hi ),]uhlal ]]. & L."

As¯q/. lil fl. 7 1-2 in.xl00 fl. ~ouih side 3_tlnniie

;\re. 40 ft. \Ve>:t i>f 3hiryland .\ve. f,%000..Charh-.~ ~. 51yrlxee to .\lh’ed C. 31ct’Id]an, 45

.xSY ft. bcginnlng 214 ]I. l.hist of C.’difor£11n A~-v.Rnd ~@ Ft¯ ~otlih of l’aeitic .\ve¯ ~2,000.

Jo.-el)h (’ross et. ux. It) 3hind 9;. \V. Nhlt.l~..hill00/.1. Nortileast eor. 3Inxwe]l St. and ArcticAve. 120 ft. East of ]OW;t .\ve¯ ~t00.

Hphntiln ̄ \. l{:liue~ ,’t. IIx. to .]!)sp])]l 171¯os~,dear,bed as jlbt,ve, also goods t’h’. a| ’II.q .:\relicAvv. }3,.%7¯:D

Alexander 31. Farrt,ll t.l. ux. to A tlanth’ t’ily,100x]00 fl¯ Nmlheast rtir. Vtq’n]i)nt lind Pitney

l Aves. ~ 1,250.

ltvnry Knlllan el. u.x. 1,1 Eqel 1). RightnTire,15.7x&3FL Easl side.%,w.ide.kve. 113.25 ft. North

of I)rivuhll .\vl.. Ill0 ft. \\’,M New H:unpshlreA v e. $~,~5.

.}osptdl 1~. Ford lo ’J’h,mms Wick, 30.x50 fl.~:a.~A .~idr lhdhum ̄ \Yl’¯ it) II. NOrll7 t)f Arctic

’ .\ ~ e, ~:2,30).-r . .

bevcm.ge..~ :trt. juq ,’~s llealthy, intclligenl ;lad . \Villi:lie While "0t t¯,.k~ et. tlx. It) :Xllant]e[ i’oasl B. ,k I~..\.~s,). 24x,’~0 ft. West side New

a.~ l)lt)~P O|" si)l)tq’ l,;ll’en Is,--~’l ]ltl ’I Jer~,y .\vt.. 176 fL Solllh --f Arvlie-Ave. ~2,600.

]’p.t)Ir’ql ]hall lhl)-.et)f pt,)lqt, wht);Irr "intt.lllo [ ]{all(h)llli7 ,%. YI)lll].~ el. ]IX. h) C. 31arioll

]~’rah"’ hi ealin~ and ,therv,’i:l’. " | ’ }hinh)n :10xl0{) Ft. Nt)rlh silh, \Viut.ht-sler

[ ~.t3 fl. ]’h.~l of t)xford Pl:u-e. ~200.¯ .~,-lnnnd L..lvffries el. ux. Io l’eler lt. RBley,

.\]any b]’id~¯s :it tilt’ nlnrringc nlL;lr rcbe

of February, 1758, recorded in theSurvey General’s Offiee nt Burlington,N. J., in Book ;I4: of Surreys folio 305X-e., it being also the%eventh cornerot-:Robert Doughty’s survey for 138acres. Return dated the 14th day ofFebrunrA’, ]75S, recorded at the same]l]ace in Book ~) ,folio 29 and 30;thence by the following courses fromtrue meridian. (1) North thirty-twod~g~:ees and fifty-three minutes :Eastalong the third line of lot eonveyedby the executors_of’Absalom Cordery’s

deceased, to Absalom Doughty here-

The world loves a well dressed man,and h well dressed man prefers a"B & K" Straw, because it’s handmade,smar[ly shapped, cool, comfortable andeasy fitting, almost as light as air andrightly styled. In Sennit Split Milan,Mackinaw Leghorn and Panama¯

$I.50 to $6.00

HBL 332

Opposite City Ball,

inafler recited, eight hundred and ...............seventy-three feet to the third cornertheft.of; (2) South lifty-seven degreesand seven minutes East along the

second line of said lot .~lx hundrednnd fifty-one nnd nine-tenths feet tothe second corner thereof; (3) Souththirty-two degrees nnd fifty-three

minutes West, al)ng the first line ofsaid lot seven h,und~ed eighty-twoand eight-tenths feet to the beginningcorner thereof, standing In the North_east line oI’ a tract of land conveyed1,3- WTilli.’im C. Ludwig et...-ux., el. al.,to Absalom Doughty recited; (4)South sixty-four degrees and forty-sew,n minutes East along the North-

east line of said tract three hundred~nd twenty-two feet to the third corn-~r-of lot eonveyed by Absalom Dough-

ty to James Brooke dated the ]3thday of March, 1871, recorded in the

Clerk’s OF/tee of Atlantic Count)" at)lays Landing, N. J., in Book 3.9 folio313 &e.. 15) South seven degrees andnine minutes West along the secondline of 2mid l~t eleven hnndrod thirty-.qx and five.tenths feet to the secondcorner thei’eof, standing in the MillRoad thence by the following coursesalong the middle of the Mill R’oad;f6) South seventy-six degrees andforty minutes West three hundredf,rty and eight-tenths feet; (7) Southsixty-eight degrees and eight minutes

~’est two hundred feet; fS) North


eight hundredths feet to the South-west line of New Jersey avenue;tbonoe ’ (4) Southeasterly, along thesame, one hundred twenty fpet to the)laee of begin.ning. Belng lots known

as Nos. 48, 4[, 50, 51 In Section 1]on plan of lots of Absecon City Ira-

men, Company, a copy of which

is filed in the Clerk’s Office of At-lantic County, New Jersey.

Also excepting the lots of land de-scribed in deed from Abseeon CityImprovement Company to Ohio andAtlantic Rea]t.v Company, dated No-vember 22, 1907, and recorded InBook 374 of Deeds, folio 8 &c.

Also exeepting .all the lots of ]and

described in deed from Absecon Cityhnprovement Company to Ohio &

Atlantic Realty Company dated Feb-ruary 15th, 1907, and of record Inthe Clerk’s Office of Atlantic Countyin Book 3";4 of Deeds, folio 440 &e.

Al~u excepting all the lots of land

described in deed from Absecon City

:Improvemefit Company to ilOhio &Atlantic ~ealty Company dated the

day of 5Iareh. A. D. :1908, anti

intended to be fofthwitl~ recor0ed inthe Clerk’s Olliee of Atlantic Counly,New Jersey. which deed conveys six-ty-seven lots of the above deserll)e~



A Safe Nace forYour YiSney

Did yon ever stop to tilink lhat

I>efore a dalhr of your money

det~tted wilh lifts L’ompany et,uld

be h~l, 1he valn0 9f lhc;securiiies

in v;hid] iL,~ f77nd~ are invesled

would have to depreeinle over


Thts is whnt large Capital and

~4ur])]llN l]][~il]N to 9, de~w~’4itol’.

C uarantee TrustCempany,


3"orlh ~trolinu d" Allan#ie Arentirs,

Altanlic O//y, 3". J.


Ca mdern Safe Deposit & Trust Co.~.24Federal Street, Camdeia, N, J.

Safer tha aSafe

Your valuable andimportant papers are ab-solutely safe from theft,fire and all ottlt:r dan-gcrs,’when t:cpt in a boxin our safe - depositvaults.

$2 a year and up.I ’lllln. in :trt,| Ill~IM’{’t ,,lit

IliOdrPli V:Ultl. -,-- .ill-1 ill~w

Villi r |,l’ll]~q’[2¢ I~ >;If, ’7 t:;trd, It.

Of people don’t give’ sufficient attea~tion to the

important matter of selecting a:1 E~ecntor. The

Atlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Co. is organizednnder the law. If any of its officers die, theyare

succeeded by men 6qually as capable. Therefore,

when they are your Executor. there is no chance:of 10ss or mismanagement .thi’ough the d eathi

of the party acting in this capacity. IVe draw

wills free when appointud Executors.

NA~’E DEPOSIT lloxF_s Fol: I~.E.~T,-~.5.00 UP.

Capit l and Profits $460,000

Deposits, $1,600,000

.............. TAn.,)r..

Bell Telephone 1193-A

The Atganfic 5ale Depes t & rust Ce.,I% E. Cor. Atlantic & ?/ew York Ayes., Atl-anfic City, Ig. J.


- }

:ll irreg. ~Ve--t side 10 fl. wide alley ,30 ft. North ofre:, 31agt.llan Ave. 150 ft. ~,\’vst of Arkansi-’~ Ave.

ny ~-,-N00.]i"11 F. 1,~’ood el. tlX. h) Joseph L’rowley, lxO0~>d

ft. We..,t side Florhla Ave. 175 ft. Si)llth ofiv, Arc]it .\re.; :2.3xt)0 fl. West slde F],/rida .\vi~.

: 34~.1 ft. NorIh of .ktl.m.tiv .\re. ~,’~00..\lc.x.’mdt.r 31. Farrell et. nx. lo J. Percy.

lkint,m, 100xl00 I1. 8outhwest t.i)r, t’nspian and, V0rnmnt Ayes. ~_’,fl00.! 3Iilhinl 1’..\lk;Tzin t,i I’nrrit’ IJlinHuan, :~3XleVI¯ft. ,’9.’cmlh side Arctic Ave. 10:; ft. West ort’onnecticut .\vp. ~1,000.

.l:lnlt,. ~, I;. t’a/-son el. nx. el} .\shhrook Lin-

e,]In, :DIll40 I’I. "9;esl side (jll]Vl-stl~n Ave. 137

t’t. Norih of .\tlantie .\vv. oq,-j)).

ttamm on t on,~d ~’illiam E. LLeber |,, lhlmmoutm~ L. & B.

cv .\sso. lois l and 4 il7 IdOvk N[), Ii a’)li lllal)of

tl Hillllnlnllh,n, ])i)])b:~ ~k Fmzier, iiwner~, ~200.h..-i" I’h;I]’]v:4 .’4..~]’&,’k I’t. IIX. h) }Ifl,]un]olltOl)

Trusl I’,). ;qxl00 ft¯ SouIh con :Ird and P]~,l.~tnl

Sis. ~1,7a).

¯ 3J:lllt-) ll,gpnli I,) ~V,>rk]~ugnleu’s L. de B.:\s,~). 10 m’ros, beginnning at a stone in tilet’hvw lhxtd .~lid .qonc bt.ing 44.3 rods North ofcentre of 12t)l St. and being also 6 links from

S,)uthwe~t v,)r. ,,f one Ddkvr’s land, $1,’~0.

Pie:slaty,lie..\idaS. !),,nahueel. vir. to P;lllianl I,. Brin-

tl,ll el. vii’. l,) ~Villi:lni I,. Brinh)n, Jr., ;~,~X"~’ [t.

\V,’,-t sid,, ):lkhunl Ave. 1-~ Ft. North of .\thul-th" .\v~. ~.53).

\yillianl J. Srh-lh.r el. llX. tO ’I~he ]nler-nati,,nnl Busin,.ss Co]’ponltiun, 50xfi0 ft. l~lst~ide ])rl*sbylerillll .\ve. L’~0 ]’1¯ ,~l)uth Of Atlantic

I Aw,. 52;’,0..

thr },rl/nlise"It,,,bey," bell l)letlge thenlscl

ihdil]’ercTiIly "’ t,) hla.’e :lntl h@lor." How liltI

%~i’h,, Ill)jr%’] el) the t,ne ktx~l)the’01her in g

failh ? I I ]ix)k~, Sl> t>iI>y 1,11 the’ lnarrhl.ge

bu!. ,low diilbrent, how imt~,~qbh’. 1I nfll.q

ol]tiint~ t,nnv aflt’l’Ward~,! ]-’rolll the vi .w-

t~)inI ,ff the.’ divl,rce t-ullr[, 1lie p}t.dges :<el, ill

511",~1¢i1|; |,li1 hnp1)ity 5~r the nlnjorily’ i)f

]~q,le l|n.y arc nil]always ~l). iI :ill ih.]leitd.~/",t’]lo lllilkt. ~. "iheni. The t-icrelnt)n}- ll]il)t on

/:llltl,lUal/-d, bni it ~crve~ il~ plTrpo>e ju.~t|:l,


We’ll. ~Xt" llliahl .’.llb>liIllh’ llfl" "]l)Ye, ho.p)r/

nnd oln-~’" ~.l)]llF othl.r 9;tlrd 5 },ill- whl.}l’../Ihc LL~I¯: " l~’ullL~ i.~ 1"olk.’~ tllld Jll:lr/’Jage J~ lllllr-

rifler.. ".l’ht. rt.rPllll)ny i- ~ :l cvr~llll)lly i)nly,

ll[L~ abl)711 ,T ~, lil!leh I,) dl) Wilh tlle n]sintt.n;]

ofth)lllt~tle tI’;lllqllillily ns the King I)[Spa

Wil]l lh," 7t)Vt’Tlllllrll[ I)[ th0 N,,|’lh l’t)lc.


It i.~ well lhifl Sign~ are Io l>~ erectud on h~.

hlghv,’liys hndtng inh, this nltlnicil,alil.’¢ B’:I~ll-

ing :lutoi>Ls t,) s],)x’,"_ doven. "]’ht, rah, of .-pi.ed

will Ix- rt-.qrirh-d to len n,ilvs :in hour. "l[ht,perl,,et eonITtfl of ]be In:chilies however,

nlakt.~ il l)m:ible f,)r lh0nl Ill go fa-qer lllan

t]ril "0,’it}l rc~ison:lblc snt,.ly, and if lhv dr,eL.r>

eurb their ".peril h, lilh-vll i)r eYt..n eighlet.n

llllle~ thnm~h 1own tnttl~c will be sift,. Jt i>

the rrrkless fi-llow that drivt¯s thl’ollgh at a

~lleof thirly I,, fl,rly miles lhnt needs ;iIlen-

/ lion. The sign.s s]lollhl, l)c ellbctive ill kt.epinK

down thestx~?tl of inachines on our t, nblieaI’c~ t \Villinln.J. ~c)l:lfer el. ux. el) TheFirenlel?s

hUes :lid if li,ry fall ptTllll_l).’, lille or lwo ar]t-lt.~ i l)ent¢o]Pnl As>i). described as above, ~I,?J£A).

will do the Ir’ick. .-\l :tnv nil(,, it is ;t nlffvvlin l’h~be l.:lke el. vir. I,) Joseph T. Townsend,ILhv right direrlion :lnd iI i~ I,) 1~, h,~ped Illai I *ldel’4t) :lere.~of 3]alll)e-lnn]ll° at. b,,re kt:~ud"takeh--ndlngSel OUfrom." °rth~"t’~I~oll]ers

theallt,)isl.~willsa, lhefairne..<~,)f i[;lnd ei,l~½- }’uJnl t,) .-\bsecon ant] ill the middle iif the

ply with ilirccli,n~ Io ".-,h)v; down " wh|,n (~ravel ]{i)ad where il el’l)sses said .~hore l{o.’ld,~:;1 :l.-~0.

lh,-v enter the’ nlunieil)alitv. ,Edward \Vilh-Ls eL ux. lo I’harles & Ad/uns,

/ -- --+ 2 - -50XJ:.55 /l. "~,Vt.~t eor. ]~l]lr[~ld and Frank]Tn

The expn-~-ion, "’ eoYnlllOn ]~)l,le’" st-el %- .\ vc.-̄ . ~30.l{el~eet’a \Vynne et. ~;|r. It) NnlrI(s A. i’an]p-

:lnlhigllOll:~ add re]her inadeqn;ltely Ci)ll’;e~[%

for .\Int-rh’ans, lh0 idt~l (if a lib-by,an, denio-

eralie lnU]lillld0. }h.rt:, We are a]] eoni]n)n

]’K-,)ph’, fr,)nl l’residt.lll T’ltl 1,1 lhe bi)ol-bhie K;

I, Ill ]l.W llIllikt + ! "Y;lllkri~, ?4i)ll, I)|" Erin, dark-

eyed ]l:llive-~,d Iinly, ]~us~i’ti>, ]ttTngai’inn>---/ 1

the ]isl i> ,’It,lie-s. tile val’irly iniqllih’. \Ve are

D. ll:ti~)n Ill rl)nlliioll l)ci,ph,--dilli.ring in hqLl-

In-r;t]tlr-lll, Ill l)rl’>Olllth[~" illtd llll,dt I,f li¥ing,

yel with r,,lllIllt)n ri~hl.- :lid illtere:.ls. [’olili-

t=tlly, l-vt-ry ll~all is frt.-e and tNua]¯ wilh in-

I)611, .-~)X].’~ ft. Nm’thensl side ~Xashiugto]l Ave.].-~4) I]. ~l)771ht’;l>I (’I" NeW R~id, ~:Dt’).

seventy-seven degrees and fifty min-utes "West four hundred thirteenand 1ire-tenths feet; (9) South eighty-six degrees and thirteen minutes -West

two hundred six and two-tenths feet(10) South rift)" degrees and forty-five minutes West two hundred andeighty-seven nnd three tenths feet

11) South sixty-four degrees nndthirty-nine minutes West ninety-seven

and six-tenths feet to the third cornerof lot conveyed by Sarah Doughty toAbsalom Doughty, recited; {12) Northtwenty-five d~grees and five minutesEast leaving¯ the Mill Road and along

the second line of said lot, nine hun-(]red eighty-one end two-tenths feetto an old stake eorrter standing Inthe Southwest line of trnot conveyedby William C. Ludwig, et ux. et al.to A1)sal0m Doughty above referredto; (13) North sixty-two degrees andforty-fiVe minutes West along ~aidSouthwest line seven hundred fifty-seven and two-tenths feet to cedarpost standing in the closfng llne or

the survey to Robert Dough~" for 138acres above mentioned; (14) South/ilty-six degrees and thirty-four mlnu-tea West along said dosing lineseven hundred fifty-seven ant] six-tenths feet to the middle of the Phil-adelphia Road being tI~e third lineof lot conve3~d by Absalom Doughty,-t ux. to Alfred Irelana by deedd~ipd 25th day of November, 1869,recorded nt 3lays Landing, N. J., in

book No. 35 of Deeds, folio 637 &c.;(15th) North forty-seven degrees nndVtteen minutes Yeest along the middleof said road one hundred sixty-seven

and one-tenth feet to the third’ eornerr,f said lot; (16) South forty-two de-grees nnd twenty-four minutes West¯along the seoond line of ~aid lot eight

hundred twelve and four-tenths feetto the Northeast line of Right of"V/ay of the Camden and Atlnnttc Rail-road being thirty-five feet from the

middle of track as now hid; (17)Norti~ forty-seven degrees and fifteenn linutes a, Ves£ along said line of Right,,f Way two thousand eight hundredand fi.fty-four and six-tenths feet to

a,... rJNhD art th," ],riq)erlv 07 lht- °’ rt,nlnn,n

],,-tI0b.," ;lli,] ~.vl)t. ilnlo lilt- vhlss lhl,t y, el,-k~

~-t)-,’i;ll ])rlvih-~rs

"Jihq’t- iS t.v,.rv l’t-lt:-i~ll ll) bt’Iic~t" ]]lilt (’t)n-

gl,->~-In;ln .Jl)llll.J. li:,rdll,.r ivill nlakt, one OI

lh," (’it~dlll*:’~7 ~?l’i*i-lP, i)f |hu . ’P(-t)nlt I ’l)llg]’t .’~;~s]l)~l:ll2

J’i-’r’icl Ibis year ill lhl" hish)rv iff St)ell]7 .~tq’-

s%~ \Vhat litth, htlk 1hi-7¯,: wa> i~lrlier ill ihel/

r-i;,-,,n ,,f ol}lt’r (*aI~tlithih-% o]gpl,s]ti~’)u ]his/

pn,-timlly died l)ul :rod" Uncle John" l~as

i’harles B. J,Jhl]slOTl t.t.nx, h) Sotonlon TylPr,good~ etv. nllSilli,,nt.d ill seht.cluh: now In Hole]Allegheny, ~100.

fArgeement for Sale 0t/.,and.

.\rthur H. ~lilu~ rt. al. to William 31. t.’leveu-gel’, :~7¯-~x12,5 ft..Smlthwe~t ~-~r. Padtle.jand OhioA v c.-~. $1%000.

EliZabelh 3h)rn)w H. vir.ih) May T. ]9. Zane,

~’J.xl:A) ft. 1’51.,,I lhle lq’uvhh.nee Ave. 190 ft

N,)l’ltl ,)f ]);lt’ilh" and l’r,villeni’e Avt.’s. $8,87,5.llenry k ,’Stocknl:ul to S. R. 1.’ridenberg &

{70. :all righl eh’. iTl premises Nt). "0 S. Vermont

Ave. ~12,:’J00>

South line of Sarah Helby’s large sur-vey; (19) North eighty-five degrees

anti thirty minutes East along the linec,f said ~urvey two thousand eight

hundred and forty and six-tenths feett,> the fifth line of Edward Doughtymnvey for 202 acres above mentioned;120) South twenty-seven degrees andei,.--hteen minutes East along the fifthline of said survey three thousandf,’lrty-six and nine-tenths feet to thestone first ha’reed and place of be-ginning. Containing three hundredvnd thirty-eight acres and sixty-seven

hundredths )f an acre of land more or]¢.s~ {338 67-10.0).

Being the same premises conveyed

to the Atlantic Realty Company bythe A))seeon City Improvement Com-pany by deed bearing even date here-

wixh and inr.,nded to be forlkwith ,’e-corded.

tract of land.Seized as the property of The At-

lantic Realty Company, er. nl, and’taken in execution at the suit of Ab-seeon Improvement Company and to

be sold by

ENOCtt L. JOIINSON, Sheriff.

Dated June 25, 1910.

ALBE~T C. ABBOTT, Solicitor.

fit. I’r’s fee, $-;1.15.


Your AppearanceB’ll] not suffer by wenrlng 1he neatnnd nobby (IL’x%~ I]11%t I naake np.

Your Eyeswill be eomIortable and your avoca-

tion and p,n.stime will be all the~l.sler. ~,Vhen titled i.n ~eeordnneewilh my searching and thoroughel:rain:lion. - I)Q you suffer ? then

you need noL if you come to

L.W. Betty, R.D.,The Optometry Specialist


Summer Skin CleanserA u tomob]llng, golfing, tramps in the monn-

..l~lns and loitering nt 1he shore send you¯ indoors vlth a skln tlmt is dusty,often radialand nlwnys In nt-a--d of proper cl~_anslng;

St. Regi Cdd Cream"]t ~m>ll.l on the skin"

Is the prol~r cle’ans0~’. U.~ it plentlfullyto lake o11 dust, rltrk perspiration ~.’tleki-ne.%~ and other Mummer sx)ll hefore touch-Ing water to the skin gad you-willavo|dniauy skin lmul, les. SL Regis Cold {?reamis a nlalchl~s application for easing sun-burn, windburn, chafing and other hotW~eather skin discomforts. ~11, smooth,creamy, delightfully fragrant

&dd in l&’. mdlopxible fl*bea am1 in25t~ qlntl 50e. jetr.L

For sale hy l~ading dragglst everywhere.

3lmTt@telurecl solelff by

The St. Regis Drug Co., Phil:., Pa.

Atlantic City NationalBank,


Capltal .......... ~ ............................................ ~50,0~)Slus)lns ..................................................... ~760,00)

17ndlvided l mtiL~ ...................................... $30,000

I’har]es Evan.% Presldeut,.hx,.ueph H. Borton, Vh, t,-l>res|denl,.S. ]). HoIrDh%n, Second Vlce-Pru~ldent,Elwood S. Bartlett, Cashier.

DI Rl.:{"roL-iI;lnrles Evans , Jo.~eph H. Borlon,.]. ill}lies Lil}pincolll, .~,. 1). Holhn’m,])avid FitT_qn]ons, Edward .K Lee,l)r. ’r}lc,~. K. Reed, tleorge Allen,

"7¢iIlianf It. BartlelL

I Safe l)eymedt ]:loxes For Rent I~ 13nrglalProol Vaults.


CIGAIk%. . r

Harris Bros. Cigar Co.;

Wholesale Dealers in Cigars,Cigarettes, Tobacco, Etc.

We e~rr~," the largest stock in Soulh Jersey.Bole agents for Ctnco, Truth nnd

Oxns 5¢ .Cigars.

Prices on appllcatlon.

Corner Atlantic and Virginia Avenues,ATLAN’rlt’ I’ITY. N.J.


Wagon Building and

Repairing8prlng Wagons, thrrl.~P~ nnd ExpreK~

Wagons O7] tland at Lowest l’rlees.

First Clqx~ Repalrlng Guaranteed.

2o PI £S S,Tailor & llrnporter,

904 Atlantic Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY., N.: J.


u.. Ell lLll l . -l’or light per m ontl. b =ing,rom¯i~ ~ , " dusk tilll0p, m.:

)~ i~ * #f’hfl 1"t TI~ "~"i~ For November, Det~en’,ber, January, ..... ~];00 "~~/L~ H [1 Li~j, FebruaD,.lareh ..................................... ,o m

~ 1"1 ¯ o " ~ April, MSy; June, July, Angus1 ............ 60

;~ ll~."~11-~lltf v. ((".ti’~ " *elstember,.Oetober ........ .......... ; ....... ......~5~

31in,mum clmrge of 75 ets. ;Per month.

DiseolmL~---From ~eter and flat rates:5 per cenL on bills of SL00 or over

10 per eenL on blIL~ of 8.00 Or over15 per eenL on bills of ]5.00 o~ ova"20 per eenL on bills of 20.00 or over

10 per eenI, additional dI~ount on all bills paidby 5th of month in Egg_Harbor £1ty or the.~t]l in 31av’s Landing.

When You Want S0]id Cigar comfort Smoke

The Cigar of Qmllily,

Our "El Proctor" and "Bride Cigarros" are Unequalled.

Lipschutz "44" Cigar Co,,Phi]laddphia, Pa.

Sold by the Whter Power ComPany Store,John Pratt, Morse & Company and George N. Beebe.

Do you know wha a ilI emovab]le Pllaen

If you learn ib0ut it, you will see that a typewriter without itlacks a/eature that is essential so essential that eventuallyall typewriters wlll try to have it. The one typewriter now1), ¯ ti~ltl 1,, hinl.~.lf. Befl,rr lhe ]X’,l],]e of ltlis

,li-r rio1 .~..ri,,a.qy v,al.-Jder ;any other ,anditlltt~. , I

]l," will h:i’¢r h, prl,ve lilt. t, lual of "t~]d[

l’r.~ius" in p)liti,’al t)res tigv, slah.~lnans~ll]])[

llliil ;ill ’rt)llllfl i][nt.~N--t.ven I]ltql i|s ten to i’lne

Bills 0f Sale.Abe Fogel to 3Iorris G,,L’t all my one half

interest a_s p.xrtner in lhe goods "rod ehatteh,tardy and gtx~l will and the custonlers ownedby the above slid Dirties nnd doing buslnf:ssI

Exeepting therefrom and thereoutell that certain tract of land eonveyed offering thls feature is thel,) Edward A. Wilson et ux et al. ~o 2 ~~="= ~"


1’ n,’!p .J,dm v, ill Will t, llt. ]:b. has real ability

l> a l{epr(.~.lJiali¥t., whirh is gi~l; lit0 has

~l¯.~l aiLiihl,d ti) cl)n~.i,hq’al,h, hll|ilcnt’e ill I.’on-

!he Clerk’s q)lIiee of Atlanttc County

in Book No. 309 of Deeds, folio 23 &c.Also e~cepting all the following de-

scribed lots or tracts conv~yedJames L Smith as follows:

.,~,.rl~.. wb]r/l i:. ;btqlt’r ; ID:s[ o[ all, l.li.~ rPPorK~

und,r tit, name ,)f the ,’%ashore and FagleiBotlling %’)rks nt 124 North Maryland Ave.,

A t]antiet’ily, ~t00..

I Certificates of Incorporation. Beglnnlng ~rt a polnt on the South-sh,,ws the" t,~,l)h ¯ his l/ruw.n worth and hl~ in- i ’ L. ,k F. ]?,ernhardt & Co,, hit.’, t)bJeeLs: The, wt-st side of New Jersey avenue one

dist,u’tahh- inlf~rity. The rural free deliverylpurchas e and .~lle of goods and artlcles of i hundred and fifty-five feet from the~vsl,.m, pen.qons for @d soldicl.-S and the 1~,- : merchandise re,re ,.specially j .welry &c~ i Yorthwester]y side of Fifteenth street

tal ,nvln,..’-~ b:,l]l¢, I,,~rI]it-r v;irir~.,qh(:r l~gpnktr ’ Authorized t~qfilalstock $]0,000¯ Jnc*,rl~)rutor~: J nnd runs thence (1) Southwesterly,Louis l~nhardt, Fred. I. Beruhard], Ye.,~yl ~ parallel with Fifteenth street

ln~.rqln’~ h," hasadv,~-a"{,~d, roll,*,-1 hlm,|’,,n ~ H. ~r]kl)r)an. hundred thirty-seven and forIy-elght

lhe vcteratl l,,~isl’l>)r nnd the. distri,,l ln. rcp,’t- : h’ondredths feet to a polnt; thencesenI... Neither the ])istrh’l n,)r the Nation fan Satisfaction 0f Judgments[ ! ~ 2) Northwesterly, parallel with New

¯ ’ Charles Flllin’_" -,¯s. Jos, l.,et,ne, ~nm]l f?au.~e ! Jersey avenue one hundred and twen-nIlbrd l,i i,).-t ° Silt..~rvh.t.s i,i" Ibis stanneh} Couri,I $1:/6.:~,. !Iv feet to a polnt, thence (3) North-]3alli,,l, Who has well eaTllt’d thv -~l)bri,t.tlel, I llarry 3hty Vx. Frank lhx.-sa.]l, Snlall Cilllgd’ ] r-nsterly and parallel with first course

"’Th, (3r:ll~dOl,1)lan’,,fAl]anlic." t r,)urt, D;.42. i one hundred thlrty-i~even and forty-

¯ o ¯

. ¯ . . . . -







o2 =


Josephdate AugustA]exander22, l[o;tbYanddeedrecorded~ar’n’llin ~ i’g g a r a a x Itl @ ith Prexaier I :’

" " " ’ - .~A --!el! SPECIAL TRAIN of Pullman Parlor Cars, Dining Ca~s, and Day Coaches leaves

’y-il .Phtlad.lphia toUo’wdag day, rmmiagaria the " Itl !

i| TlekelsgoodgoingonBpeeialTmlnandeonneetln tralns, andgoodreturnlngon’regular I}! ,-,. !I tmlns wllhln 8IXTEEN DAY~, ~top-offwlth n limit allowed at Buffaloreturnlng. |[| i -"~. k\\ -’- =- - ~J :]’y~-a~_~]<|l Ji~K ~’~J/-i llI&i*t I

o :~

: o



. -..-- .

Page 3: MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS · MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS / Other Matters of Import to the-Real ,Estate and Financial World Entered of Record at the County Clerk’s Office. Cancellation of

_ - . .



h" virtue of sundry wrlL~ of lit.ri~Iilcii~.% to,’dh’t,eted i.~ued ()ut of tile New Jersey

Court, wilt be soh| al l)ul,lle vendue,



;we o’cioeR In lhe afternoon of sald day, alk:s Hotel, corner Atlantic and ,’:k~uth

~lina Avenue~, in the City of .%tlantic City,of A tlautie and SUite of .New J tu~sey.

kll tile following described tntels of ]llud,[late in Athintic County, New JL~j~.%v, tel

ning al tilt’ ~Vt~terly ~)rner of a tc,~’Isurveyed It) E. Cltu’enee Miller, .kprll

l.~-~l), :It "th’e juD,~lioll |51 the >~colld andlid eoul.-ses in the de.~criptiou of tile .~lid

and lhcnce runnin~ il) alollg the lint"the tnu’t surveyt~zl In .~tld E. i’laD.,uce

lller .%orth eizh ty-oDe En..~ t /ourty-twoI~iln~ theneS* rnnnirJg (2) still ah)ug niv .North 17>ur dt’gl t~2~ filltx-u nilnutcs %r)’est

ehaius, theBt:e rllnnhlg ~;I),~Iill alongme North twenty-five dcgrt_~.~ thirfy

lltes ]’~u~l ri~V-l~iX riilY hnndrtMths clnlillsi}igh water hue in liriganth)e t’hanne],

¯ unnin._" i t) ahmg the line of high water


s IIERIFF’S SALE. ~IIERIFF’N SAlvE, .~I’lqCIAI~ MASTER’S SALE. ][ E.P. AI{Bt)TT,kD ~ .... In me directed old

~. Counsellor-at-l~tw,¯ " " * " * -a.1111~ieI Jn Cnan~eB." virtue of .a writ of Ileri facias to ale dl- B virtue of ;l writ of flcrl f~).cias, to ale di ~y virtue oI an oruer

¯ " ~, .......... ,.. .reet~-d, l~.sued out of the New 3e~"~y Court of recl~, Issued out of ~he New Jeru6:~ Court of issued out of the Court of Ch.ancer); of Ne~y ~IA~’S £A,’~’J~ N -t’hancery, wilt be sold at public vendue, on Chancery, will be sold at publ!c vendue, on . " Jersey,. in n certain cause wherein !~.’ neJ ~. - " .....

Nlkeno~l IS compialnanI~, anta t.atultrJne .r_,. ’ .......... .~~ATURDAY, THE THIRTEEN~TH DAY t)F SATURDAY, THE T~,¥ENTY-SE% ENT]I Scott eL a]s are defendants, there wlll be ex- . ] ,~..l,n- ,, hRr~iv’~’P " ¯

AUGUST, NINETEEN HUNDRED DAY OF AUGUST, NI~N E"rEEN :tI%J N- posed to sale sale at publle "~ endue on A Atto~ney-at-lmw.AND TEN, " DRED ANDTEN, S ATURD AY, THE TWENTY- SEVENTH Solleitor and Ma.utar in Chancery,

at two o clock In tile aIlernoon of sald day, st at Iwo o clock In the Ixfternoon of.~aid das, fit DA~/ OF AUGUST, .NINETEENKuehnle’s :Hotel, corner Atlantic and l~outh Knehnle’s :Hotel, corner .t~tlanilc and South l..ll7~l~l~lDniml~. %~zrl rl~l~,’~ ¯ - ....... a ...............

"l " the ~it " of Athu ic ( ........ ***~*~ *~ ........ ’Can)llmlAvenue~, in the city o.f ?~tlantle C t), Carolina Avenue~, in C 3 ~. [~t . .It), ...... , . ~ ~ .... *T~’X? M a M l l~ .~XtTi’m~County of Atlantic and State oiNew Jerse3,. , County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. at. toe hour o., I.w 9 .o, ClocK.in toe anern.oon oI || ......... 5": ..... t-----y:,,

All that tract or l~reel of lana anti pl~llil.~?-s L I The landis ~old ant/ conveye~ ~y Walter sam a~y, at J4nenme s hotel, corner of AtlanlAc ~.AL . ~. boun~lJor-al-.l~a~,v~

situate m the City of Atlantic City, Count~toI ] Zlmmerman and wife lo William Soby And by and South -Carp.lion Avenues, In the city of L-on.st rnone x~ IIAIt~IO.R CITY, ~. J.Athmt]e and ~tate of New Jel~sey, described a.s him Ailerwards conveyed to Harriet ~. Alex- Atlantic City, County oI Atlautle and S~te ................. "-- ..../ollows : I ander and 53" her to Florence Zlmmerman, ex- of New" Jersey. . - ,, - .........

tlt~diuning at a point In the l~.~terly line of I ceptlng thereont the _part thereof sold and All the ./qllow.lng. ae.sc.rlbed tn}e~, of. la.nd ]~OI:I15RT H; IN G~I~OLL,Rhode Island Avenue, distant ~eventy-nve I conveyed by satd Florence Zimmerman And ann premu!es.,sn.uate , ayl_ng anu acing na me .t~ ...... ~.oun~e;j.or-at-Jz~w.feet S(mlhwardly of the ~mthca.st corner ofiherhushandto Edward Neubauer, described Count).ana.~.mte..ner~dlger. mentioned And. - u~l, greAek~[~ae#ulJtnng .......Rhode Ishmd and Lewis Avenu~ and runs l as follows : oo unoeaa_na nescnoea ~.~,onows: ~ c~nu~ouintaroJmeavez.thence {1) ~)uthwardly along and In the East- I Situate In the T ownshlp of 3Iulllea, County wract ~ o. 1 --All that certain tract or parcel TLA,’TIO CITY, ~. a.erly line of I~hodc ]Mind Avenue twenty-five [ of Atlantic and Shale of New Jersey: of land and premises, sltuate in 1he City of ...................feet to nn alley- thence /’>) I~ustwardiy~long ~o ]--Be~rlnnlngat the We~teolmer oft:Iazn- Atlantic Cltyi £’ounly of.-~llantle and ~tal~ of .............. ¯

..... " -- ¯ " - I, tl ....tilt, Southerly liue of said alley and t’mrallel |burg Avenue and Yesmlozzl Street ; thence New Jewel, _ . IP I . CUA~D~tt, . .

with bewls %venue one hundred feet; thence [running Southwestwarflly along the North- ~..~lnmng at .the ~outhwesterly corner of l .a~ .. t: unseflor-a}-~t}W: .t3) Northw~U’dlypandiel with lthode l~lan~l | west side of sald A~’enue five h})ndred and Fuel.no.Avenue (.mx!y ~t wl.qe), and Penn~:yP " l-u~oms J=}o~lacK~to~e ~u.ildtng,

Avenue twenty-live ft~t; thence (t) ’~’est-[slxty-five feet c~tendlng ~n lenin, or affp~n xanm-’~yenuete)gn~yjeetvIue),ann runnlngl .......... m~,,N.~.

wardlv l~lral]elwlth Lewis Avenue one nun |Northw~twardly keeping the sam oreadm m }hence .(1) ~oumwar.my Amng uae westeny | ........................d) t~ t~et t,) the Eaisterly line el. . Rhode. Islan(1. parallel lines and at rlght an, les with., the said a ine o~ rennsyQ:anla .-xvenu_ e one hunflred and |. ,. --.- ,~x~ -c,.,~,., ~a,,. xx,’i.-~, ,tyro,, ~,~.,-.- *,Avenue and place of beginning, bein~ lot Np:-t / avenue to the fllvlslon llne~3~ldlngthe farm ten s eel jo a. hne (~f.~.lantl nowp] late J.)~. / 0 Attornev-’lt-Lawin hhx’k No i on the in:ill or pmn oJ Jo~s o~ tile l,)b~ between Hamburg anti .memeioerg .-xve- L~lppmcoi~; t0ence I-) ~ estwarmy mong toe ,~" .... ~.,~i’~,, -~,,6a,~,Dock ant{l:and llnl)n)vementCompany,.ouly nues containing fifteen acres strict me.~ure, ijne Ol Sala. lan.o ~na ~pa.rall~.l with Pacific [ ............. ~T~’~r~’2~,; .....filedin tile Clerk’s Olteeof AtlantiqL’ounty, knownand designated as three h~t quarters ~xv.enueonenunareaano~nY~eetloatwenty . _ ~-- .:o ,~,,, .....¯ t M--"~ ~ -udin~’ New Jersev- -~nd Ine mm~e ., ~.~, o,~ r,~t ]169 leer wlue aney ; ~nenee (3) Northwardly along .... - .............

~t lgOlttJJ~ A B (t)rPlni’..~:~ which ~Dink Gru..~enmyer, el. ux. No..’u--Beginning at the North corner the_~Lasterl)~ side of .~Id alley, and parallel /’~ . . . PURGE)IS,find Peslalozzl ~-Iln vennsylvanla Avenue one nunured and k.~

:¯ , [ *"


1910. 3



Comfort. Durabilityand Style.:

conveyt~t ill ft~ In .’~lid .%nno ]). Wlrkman, by ~lanlburg Avennethence running Northeastwardly along thNt)rlhwest stde Qf .said avenue fourand seventy feet and ten inches extending iulenzth or d~I)tll Northwestwardly keeping thesaid breadth in pand]el lines and at rightangles with the~sAid aveuue lethe dlvlslonlin- divldlng the farm ]oL~ between Hamburgand Hetdelbgrg Avenu~ containing lwe]ve:lad one-ha]f~erCs strict n~ml-sure, kno~,vn anddesl~mtad i~ /l~t, second and hal/of-third,l~mrter of Forest Parcel Lol 1170,

No. :),--Beginning nl a point ou the~’orth-iwest side of Held01berg Avenue. 1,506 feet 8’in,.hes Southwestwa~l]y from Herschel Street,thence runnlng Southw~twardlv along sald

ten feet to the :5outherly side of Paclfie Avo-Counsel ] or-at- l~aw.

Pr’aetice in New Jersey, Philadelpllia andUnited ~ltates District and Clreuit Courts.nue; and thence (4) l~stwardly ~ilong the

Southerly side.of PaCific Avenue one hundredand fifty feet to the place of beglnning: beingtwo lots numbered one hundred and ~evenly(]70) und one hundred and seventy-one (]71)in Sectlon No. ]10 in the map orplan of lotsof the Camden and Atlantic l~’~ndL’oml~ny,on file in 1he Clerk’s office of ~XtlanIicUounty.

Tract ~’o. 2 -- All that certain city lot ortract of ]anal and premises sltnate In the Cltyof Atlantlc City, In the Connty of Atlantic AndState-of New Jersey.

Beglnnlug At 1he Northw~t corner of Atlan-tic and Ma-~achusetts Avenues and runs l

Real E.~tate and Law Buildlng,ATLANTIC CJTY, iW. J.

GODFI~EY & GODFREY,Atlorn ey~at-L~aw.

~o]lella)rs In L’haneery and ~ohlrle~ P~blle;Uonveyanclng In all its bnu]clles; Real Eslal0and Insurance ; l_x)an.~ negotiated ; Collectionsa specially.

~,B~)oms 315-316-317 Bartlett Buildin~,Corner North Carolina and Atlantic a-tea.,


s 1tEI{IFF’. ~, .’%\ I.E.

l}y virlllt- ,If a wril t)f tieri f;lt-i:ls, ti) ale di-rt,-lad, i-.~(led out ~’~f the New ,Jersey {’llurt el

]tv virtu0 of a writ t)f fieri h~elas, to me di-recI’ed, i.~ued out of the New Je].~ey Court ofChancery, will be sold at public vendue, on


AND TEN,;tl two o’clock ill the aflernoon of .~l{d day, al

-Kue]lnle’s l-lille], corner :ktlanl|e and Si)ulh" I’;ln)linli .-\-;ennr~, in the (’ity of Allantie t7i13-,I’1311nly of Atlanlie al)d Nhlle of N~,w .JPl.’Ney.

All tinit Inlet or p:r~t’el ,if huld and premises.~ilui(le ill thP CiIv ,if’Aliantic Oily, (’ounly i)fAI]Ilnli(’ and .MIil}e i)f ~e’w Jel.’s,,y, de~crilwd

slde ol; Heidelberg Avenue 75;t ~eet 4 Inchesand extending in length or depth Northw~t-wardlv keening, the said hreudth in parallelhn,.~ and at fight anglem with the said avenue

thence (1) We~twardly along and in the. No/’th-erly line of Atlantic Avenue one hundred feet ;thence (2) N6rthwardly parallel with 5Iassa-ciiu.~tts Avenue one hundred and lilly feet;thence (3) Eastwardly parallel with Allantic

1,1.56 feet 6 inches to the divlslou line dividingthe farnI lots betwevu lle]delbergand Darni-stadt Avenues containing twenly acres strict Avenue one hundred feet lo the ~,Yesterly linemeasure known and desigmated ns Farm Lot of Massachusetts Avenue~ thence (4) South-No. ],~9. . .

wardly along and in said Westerly line ofNo. 4 -- Beginning at a point on the Norlh- 3ta.~achusetLs Avenue one hundred and/]fly

wt~t side of Han~bur,a’~ Avenue 754 feet and -1 fe-et Io Ihe place of beginning.inrhL~." Northen-stwardly from IAel,ig ~treet Tract No. ;I -- All thnI tract or parcel of l:tndint,:lr the old lndi;lu I’abtn road) lheuce run- siIuah~- lyhlg and heing Ill the Borough ofuing Northeastwardly alon~ .~lhl side [,f ]];nn- Plea.~lntville, in the County Of Atlantic andbl:rg Avenne 1,.506 feet and ~ Inches mid Stale ofNewJqrsey, -

g EPE’Iq’O & REI’I’.’TI’O,Altorney~aI-]~lw,

Masters In Chancery.Room 37 tt~l] F_~shfte and Jmw Bnildlng

Bell Phone ].90 A. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.Philadelphia Office :--717 %Va]nuI sL

a.~ fi)ll,)ws: exh’uding iu ]englh or deplh Northwest- Beginning al a poinI in the Northw~ler]y

-I17OOTTON & HAYF~B,I ) Counsellor~at-La-,v,

l~w officeUo~lst Phone Tzq ]321 Atlantic avenue,

~Bell Phone 17"20

H IGBEE & COULOMB,Counsellors-at-Law.

Union Bank ~nllding, "ATLA.NTIC CITY, ~. J.

J OHN RAUFFENBART,Attorney-ai-l~w,

C~st Phone 17. 1311 Allanlic avenue,Bell Phone 7~. ATLANTIC CITY, ~. J.

J OHN F. X, RIE~,Counsellor-at-Law,

5h~-~ter Court of L’hancery,614 Bartlett Bulldlng, ATLANTIC CITY, ~. J.

nntil the same be Imld and satlstled, and also one hundred and forly-flve feet to the North-

F RA~NK MI~DDLETON,~urveyor and Real Estate Examiner,

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Rooms.540-41-:12 Bartlett Building,................. Corner ~North Carolina anti Atlantic avennes,

joHN c. REED, ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3.Conn.se]Ior-at-Law,

l~l AtlAnIic avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.

E D. RIGJ=IT.MJRE,¯ " Civil Engineer And Surveyor,Bartlett Building, ATLA.NTIIJ CITY, N. J.

]ly virtue of an order t)f Ihe I)rphans’ Courl,If the (’))nn[y of.\t]antic niade I)ll lhe:s4-ven-I,-vnIh d;ly of Fel)ruary, n]nrteen hundred:lnd lea, lhe slll).<¢,ril)Pr, lbe ext.cuIrix of ElJzai,’~.l ",Ix, dt-rt~lsvd, will, ~ui Ihe seYt’nteeuth day of.kilKll-l, llillPtt~en hllndred and lea, al. lWI),)’c],)ck ill tht > allel’nt~)n, sell at public vendueili)t)ll the preniJ.~,s al] lhal 1tact of land andpl~’lui.~’s situate iu the t’ity of Athtntlc i’itv,in lhe i’inlulv i)f Ai]anlh" ;lntl Nhtte of.N~*w.Je|¯s4’v, ))Olllld~od and tl,..-k.ril)ed ILs Jolhsws i

I~lt’,~Jinl;ling nl It l:~)inl in the %%’l-~terly lln",)f lllint)isAvenlle d]slant nile hundred andfifty feet fronl the Soulherly line of Atlantic.\vcnup, ilud runs thence (1) Wt~terly lyaral]e]with AtianIic AVPnlle i)nl. hnndred and tl/lvfeet; 1:2) Southwnrtlly p;lr’lllel with l]llnoi:s:~.%’t’l]tlO" t%vt’l)Iy-~lghl lind fonr-It*nlhs le’t~t

t3) Eastwardh" l~mfllel with Atlantic Avenueone hundrc,l’and Bftv f~t to the ~A’e~terlyline of lllln,)is Avenne, l-t) Northwardly along

.the Wt.~trrly line of lllinoisAveuue twenty-eight m)d f,)ur-tenths feet 1,5 lhe place ofbeglnnin~,, I’~qng knt)wn and. tle~ignated asNumber 54 ~oulh ]]linoi.s Avel]ue; .~ubJeCt toa mortgage debt of ten thou.~%nd dollars(310,000).

Beginnin:z in the ~,Ve~terly line of illinoisAvenue one llundred nnd .~venty-~qght and5)ur-tenth~ feet ,’5oath of the Southerly line of.\llantie .\venue, and runs theuee (]) West-erlv l~u~lllel with Atlantic ,\venue one hun-dr~d and rift)- feet ; (2) Southerly lmnlllel wlthlllint)i., .\Venue .~evenly-~sne and Mx-tenthsh.el; (3) l’h~-qwardly !~lntllel with At]anticAvenu,. thirty-five feet t,) a t:hoJnt; (4)South-0rly parallel with Jllinois Aveuue fifteen feetlo it l~)inl : !5) 1-~sterly pan~llel with At]anth..\Vellne i’)nl, hlludred aud llfI(~’n ft~,?t to point; ~6) Northerly along lhe ~,I/esterlylilleof lllinl)l¯~ Avenue eighty-six and six-lenthsft,t-t l,l lhv 151ace of beginning, being known ll-,~Nun)l)er~ 1,~ and _’20 Nolllh Illinois Avenue;suhjet.t to a niorlgqige dvhl of tell thousanddt)llar~ (~10,0~)).

]l*~in~ hin,t.% tvnenivnt~, hert~likinient.~ andrtnll *-.~htte of lhe ~litl Eliza .’4. t’ox, deee;~sed.

I.,5 I" I.~A t’OX,Executrix.

1)ated Atlantic City, N. J., .Idly 5, 1’310.

(JE~U.(~I-; A. BI)I’ll|;14t)lY,, Prt~tor.Re-’il bLshtte & Law Building,

]’r’s fer, ~24.-~0 Atl:lntic t’ity, New Je).’~oy.

]N t’lt.\NUERY t)F NEV; dEI-L’~ES.1

BetweenBenjamin IAeber,

Coin plainaut, Notice.and

.Max %Volf eL als.,DefendanI~.

’1"1],, all),scriber, a ~tx’cial nm.ster in t’haneeryof New Jersey by virtue of an order of thet’ourt of (’h;[nce’r)- of New Jer~y, made the thirty-first day of MaYell, nineteen hun-dred lind ten, in" n cause therein pending,wfferein Benhimin lneber is eon~plalnant andMax \Volf told others are defendanL% for

the costs of the .~tid complalnant, nnd If thel)roeood~ of satd .~ile be hlsulBcient, h).~ilisfythe amount due sahl colnphdnants with inter-e~t nnd’co~ts and .~herilT’s fees lhnt In theseo)nd place should be sold the lands sold nndconveyed by Florence-Zimmerman and herhusband to Edward Neubauer descrlbed m~follows :

Situate hi the Township of 3Iullica in theCounty of Atlantic and Slat0 of New Jersey.

Beginning at a point on the Northwest lineof Heidelberg Avenue one thousand and fifty-six feet Northc~.sL of Hemchel Street, tlleneeNorthea.qward]v along the Northwest line ofHeidelberg Avenue twelve hundred and fourfeet in front or wldth, and thence Northwest-wardly betweeo parallel lines of that width at-rlght ang]es to Heidelberg A’venne ll~irteenhundrrd feet in length or depth to land ofJohanna Neubauer, containing thirty-sixacres of laud more or ]es~, being the whole of

)farm 10t 1,’.’44, about eleven acres of fiirm lot1,243, about three acres of farnl lot 1,’*--~J Andabout two azres ol farm 1ot number. ],21)0,bounded hv Heidelbelg .AvPnUd, farnl lois1,245 and ],’~#l land of.Johnnna Neubauer nndland sold to Elizabeth G;lrwood.

And if 1he proteins of .~li(1 .,~lle are stillInsufficient lo .satisfy the nmounl due thecomplainanL~ wlth interest, cosLs and sheriff’sfees thai in the third place sl~ould be sold thelands sold and conveyed by V/alter Zimmer-man and wife to Frederick Tapken by deeddated October lst~ 1:131, deserlbed a.~ fi)llows

Situate in the Township of 5Iu]]iea, Cotintyof Atlantic and ~late of New Jersey.

Beginning at a point on the Northwest sldeof ttamburg Avenne ],506 feet 8 inchbs Sonth-westwardly from }lerschel Street, thence lun-ning .~outhwestward]y along sald Mde ofHamhurg Avenue 753 fo?t and 4 inches andextending In leng-th or depth Northwest-wardlv keeping the ~tld breadth in parallellines ~{nd at rlgtlt angles with the said avenue1,1&’i feet 6 Inches to the division !ine divldlngthe farm loL~ between tJnmburg and Heidel-berg Avenues, containing lwenty aL-res strictmeasures, being 1,’arm Lot No. 1,155.

¯ %eized ~Ls the properly of Walter Zimnier-man -lad others, aud hlken in executh>n al thesuit ofThom~-~ E. Frencl~, Samuel K. l{obbinsand George J. l~ergen, I%eceivers, and to besold by


Dated July :~}, ]9]0.TtIO.MAS E. FR~C:/I,L4EORGE J. BERGEN, Receivers,

~o]leit0rs.6L Pr’s fee, $71.50.


By virtue of a wriI ,if fleri fltclas, to me dl-re(.ted, i.~sded out of the New Jersey Court ofChancery, will I,e s01d a~I public vcndue, on


erly line of Pacific Avenue; 1hence (4) West-wardly in said Northerly line of PaelflcAvenue eighty feet to the place ol beginning ;being kno:/~n and designated aks ]oL~ ~N’o~. 19and °0 in sectI0n 16 on map ot the partition atthe suit of J. W. Wilson and others, com-phdnanls, and John D. Saunders. and others,defendant% which map ls on file In the Ulerk’soffice of Atlantlc County at May’s Landing,N. J. which said five tr~ets of land weregranted and conveyed unto the said Lewis P.~cott In his lifetime, in Ice slmple by theLewlsP. Scott Company, by deed dated the eigh-teenth day of .November, nineteen hundredand seven und is of/eeord In the Clerk’s office ~ ARTHUR BOLTE,of the County of Atlantic afo~dd in book 3~ ~ " L’oun~ellor at-I~lwofdeeda~ page 4~ &c. _ ..... :Rooms 43, 44, IZe~fl Estate and Law Building,xmet .~o. 0-- All that certain JOl or piece ol ATLANTIC CITY N J

¯ground situate, lying and beinglnthe Borough i ...... " "- ..... " "~ "" - .....of Yea Isle Clty," on- Ludlaan’s Is]nnd, in lhe I

I GOLDENBER-County of Cape May And S’t~e ef New Jersey, I (1 ~. : " ¯ G,marked or numbered on a cd~taln plan tiled fij I ~2. Law t)ffiees,the Clerk’s office of Cape M-a.~-County at Cape ] Roolns 37, .~, 39, 40, Real :Estate& Law Bulldtng,May Court l-Iouse ~ lot Nu~ 13118, situate on [ ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.the Southwesterly slde of Unlon Street at I .............. " ....the distance of two hundred and fl/ly~/eet ] rr~IJE0. W. SCHISIPF,¯ Northwt.~terly from the ~Norlhwester]y "~Ide I J. C0unsellor-at-Law,of I~mdis Avenue, containing In front or RoomsS-174 Bartlett Building,br~dth on ~Id Unlon Street fifty feet Both Phones. ATLANTIC CITY, N, J.and extending of tl~lt wldth tn length or .................

! depth Southwestwardly between parallel lines/~LIVER T. ROGER.S,lit right angles to saidUnion Street one hun-

i dred and ten feet; being the same premL~esk) Counsellor-At-l~w,

granted and conveyed unto the said Lewis P.Scott in his lifetime, in fee .simple by The SeaIsle City Lot and Building A&sr~iation No. 3.by deed dated the fourteenth day of!.Iovem-ber, eighteen hnndred and ninety-one, Andrecorded in the office of the Clerk of theCounty of Cape May at Cape May Court Housein book ,No. ]0"2 of deeds, page ]’Z2, &c., Ine]ud.

:lng the estale nnd inter~t or dower n£ thedefendant Catharine E. Scott, ~v~dow of LevOsP. Scott, deceased, in the said premL~es, to-gether with All and singular the hereditamentsand appurtenances to the .said premtsesbelong-lug el: in any wi.~ appertaining, be sold alpublic vendue to the highest bidder in thepresence and under the direction of Enoch A.Higbee, one of the ,’-3peclnl 31;lstem of the Courtof Uhancery of New Jersey.

E_NOC~I .-~. ~-IIG~BEE,

Stxx’ia I Master.ALBI-:I{T C, ABBOTT,

~bo]~eltontit. Pr’s fee, ~’~00.


/nvestors take"n0tiee thnl offers will berecelved for SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAP~of the Bonds of the County of Atlantic, hy theFlnnnce Committee of the Board of ChosenFreeholders of the County of Atlantid, at theCourt House, Mny’s lmndtng, N.J., on thetenth day of August, .3-. D.. nineteen hundredAnd ten, at the hour of eleven o’clock In theforenoon. Said bonds are issued under theauthority ofnn Act of Legislature of the State

partitit)n, will expose ;it lmhlic vendue atI’hnnl-,ry, will be ~)ld :ll public ~.’t-uth]e, o]1Kuehnle’s Hi)tel, on lhe .’~i)uthw~,t corner

¯ %.\’1"I’I[I)AY~, TItlE TIVENTY-TttlRI) ll.\y t .%t)uth I’art)lin;l and Atlantic Avuni~)s,

),]-’ .II’I.Y, NINETEEN ]][’N])I{EI) I I’ity t)I Alhlnt}c I’ily, (’ounty oi~ Atl:tnlic and.W, hite O[ New ]viii,3 ) tin %Vi,dlleNd;ly, thP seven-.\Nil TEN, .] ti-enlh dtly ,,f .\ilgUSI, ill Ihe yt~lr niuet(-~Pn

al Iwt) ,,’~’l*~’k ill llw ;li’tel’llF~)U ~,f,~lid day, al t hUlIdred :llld tcu, belwl~,n Ihe liours of twelveK(lrhnh,’>~ it,)h-I, corner .\thlnliv and ~/)uth t i)’vhx!k nix)u five I)’cl oc}~ in th eaf ternl)on( lrl,|llli \ llll ill lht I_ll% of ’ .’: " ; . v ¯ ,’, ¯ " . .\tluntic t’itv, i of .~lid daV, to wit, al the ht)nr of one o’cD×’kt’ounly,,f.\tl:lnli,..;uld.~t;iic,,fNewJ(.l.~,.v." l in the aftern[x)n of said day, tlle re]it)wing

.\]] l)lo~P (-iq’[~lln t/~l(’l¯~ i,," ],;lrl-i-l.~ of dl-~cl’i)).~l hind nnd prenli..~ ~ilUnto ]n thei%llCl pFt¯li,i:~t~. ~.itll;lll" ill lht" I’i1%+ ,,f .\lillllti(. (’it.’¢d’f AI|;lntiv C|tTi ill the (’l’)llntN" tsf ;\].llvnticI:ily, in l]li’ I’,)llnI’,~’l,l .\i];inlil- ;l]J(].ML;lh¯ t)J" ;lnd Nt;lle ,,f New’Jersey, I~i)lln{]iod -lnd dr<~NvW .h.r~.,v, llld de~’r} Jcd ~vl);lndelv a:- : m’ril>ed ;is follows:folh,ws : "

. . -t~r t~

thr ItB%h]nin,., at a I lint in tl~D%Vesterly side

L,,t N,). 1. -- }.~t-~in llilig of tjt,)rght AvenLlO ;it ;.I ])oint tll.,~a’lnt .~venty-lit a l)olnt lUXVi.sIerlv iine i)f lJi¯~)l’ghx Avenue one ]lundr£d | five feet Northwardly from the Northerly llnean,I llft’~ feet ~,)uthw;u’dlv from the .’9outherly { of lhlltic Avenue, and extends thence (])lira. of" :\tl-lntic Avenu’e, lind runs thende I Northwardly in and along the said V,’c.~terly(1) \Vestwardly parallel with Athlntic Avenue i line of G~srgia Avenue twenty-/]ve feet one hundred and sevenly-five feet; thence thence 1:2) ’A’estwhr.dly parallel wlJth’Baltlc(2) .~_’ 5utllwardlv panlllel with {Jeorgia Avenue :\,>’enue one hundred an,l twenty-live feet ;thirty-three al~d one-third feei; thence (3) thence t3) ,~outhwardly pandlel with tlcorgiaEa.stvardlypar’a]lel wlth Atlantic Avenue one Avenue twenty-five fct, t ; thence (4) E,a.st-hundred and ~eventy-rlve fcet to the Westerlv wardlv 15anlllel witii Baitle Avenue one hun-]ine of(:h~)rgla.\venue; an&thence(4) Nortli- drill and twenty-five feet to th0 place ofwardly along the ~,~terly line of Gc~)rgia beginning.Avenue tbirtv-tllree and one-third feet to theplace of begin’nin~g.

Lot No. 2.-- Beginning in the Westerly linenf Georgia Avenue at a point dis ’tint one hun.dred feet .%oulhwardly from the i’~outherly lineof Atlanlie Avenue, and running thence (1)Weutwardly and pamdlel wlth AtlantlcAve.nue on0 hundrli~ and fiCty f~-t; thence {:2)¯ ~suthwardly :lnd p;lrallel with Gc~srgia Ave-nue I1/I 5- lib-t; thence (3) }~lstwartl]y andl~lrallel with Atlaotie Avenue one h~.rfidredand rifly feet It) the Westerly ,lille Of (¢eorgiaAvenue ; thent-e (4) Northwar’d]y iu and alongthe .~lid Wc.-,tt;mty line of I;et)rgia .-\venue /]ftvfeet to the place of beginning. Together wit}lthe fixture.-, and rhattels contained tn or on~lid prem i.~es.

Stized as the property of Robert Bn~dyaud Lake)l JD t*xe(’llt],)u at tile snit of Atlantic

-CcJ~t Building nnd l.xnnl .\~.-~xdlltion and to be.~)]d by

ENOCH L. JO]tNSON,S)lcrtff.

Dah.d June 1.% ID]0.

TJIEo. ~,’.."~[’}II31PY, Solicib~r.tit. Pr’s ft,., $~).00.

NOTICE TO CltEDI;rl)P~./PLutate el Jamt.~ L. lnger~sll, do.t-.i.~,~l.l~ur~uant to lhe order of Enlanuel C. Shaner,

Surrogate of the I~OUnty of Atlantic, this daymade on the applt(,-ation of the’ under~igue~ll~;xeelltor~ of the .~iid decedent, noti,’e is hereby~v,.n tr) the creditors of the ~lid decedent t~)exh]bll to lhesubscriber~, under cmth or a#irni.ation, their claims and dcm’u~ds agatn~t lheestate ot the .~lid d~ede~i, within nine nl )nthsfrom this (late, or they will be forever barredfrom pro~-cuting or recovering 1he samea~dnst the subscribers.

:\Nl)J{l-:%v J. I~’GE)L~OLI., ~;tr]J~wf’~)d, J.|)AN]EL B. ]N~};I¢..S0LL, Athlntlc L’lly, N. J.

Executors.May’s /=~nding, N. ,J., June 27, ]910.

Including the estate and intere.~t in tlowerof the defendanLs Maud Liebel~ Irma Lieberand Jes, se V¢olf in lhe .~lid prelnl.~s, togetherwith ;ill and singular the heredi "tainents andappurtenances to the said premi.~.s belongingor in nny w].se pertaining, to be .sold at publicven due to the highest bidder, subjeet’to theeonnrmatlon of 1he Court of Chancery of the~tate of .New Jersey; eonditlons of sale madeknown ,m day of sale.

(.JEO]).IJ~." ;\. BO171~GEt)l.%~

SI~’clal Minster.l)ated July 1:/, 1910.

T}IOMPSoN & t.’/)Ll.~’, Solicitor~.]{cal 1’ishite and l~tw Building,

Atlantic Clty, N. J.


Notice is hereby given that the ACCOUnt of

t the .~ub.~c]’i her, ~-s Administrator of the estate ofHenry Nesth.r, decca.scd, will be auditedi and stated by the Surrogate and reported forI .~-ttlenlent to lhe Orphans’ Court ot AtlanticI County, on Tues&ly, the ~’veuteenth day. oft .\ogu~t, next.

FI~A.N li REI.N Ell,Adullnlstnitor,

" Ph..~lntvil]e, N. J.DattM July 16, A. 1)., 1910.

BOI,TX & Sol)Y, Proctors.Atlantic City, N. J.

NOTICE ,>FNoth’e is hereby given that the ace~)unt~ of

the sub~rlber, a.~ Executor of the e~tate ofTholn:~ Barton, deeet~ed, will be auditednnd slated by the Surrogate and reporled forsettlenient to the Orphans’ Court of AtlanticCounly, on Wednesday, the seventeenth dayof August, next


]~ S. Twelfth St,, Pl, lladelphla, P~.Dated Jnly 18, A. ])., 1910.

AND TEN,at two o’clock in the afternoon of said d;ly, atKnehnle’s lintel, corner Atlantic tllld South"aru]ina Avenues, hi lhe t’ity i)f Allantic Cily,

I_’ount3." of .-\1]antic alid bhite of New Jersey.All "that t]~aet to" lot [)f land lind l)renais(:s,

situale in the Cily of .\thmtie t’ily, in the",)unty of Allaniie nnd Slatte of New Jerspy,

b(,unded and described as f,)llows Beginning in the Nbrtherlv line ,)f Pncitle

Avenue disUint seventy-five "ft~t ~tstwardlyfrom the F~’~ter]y line of ])elaware Avenueand e.~tending thence (]) }h~.slward]y alongthe Northerly line of Pacific Avenue seventv-

seven feet eight inches, thence (x) North-wardly pandlel with Delaware Avenue onehundred and filly ]’eel, thence (3) %Ve-stwardly)ara]lel with P~tfic Avenue .~eventy-seven~t eight inche.% llnd thence (4) Southward]ymn(llel with Delaware Avenue one hundred.rid fill) ¯ feet to the place of beginning.Neized as the property of Samuel Klrby

and others lind Liken ill exccuth)n at tilesuit of Thomas E. French, Sanluel K. l{obblns

: and George J. Bergen, reeelvel.’s, and to hesold by


Dated ~luue l~, 1910./


-B~-cei vers,.~ll,rito~.

Pr’s Ioe, $’2Z00.


J-i, bite of 31ary ]~ Dearie, decea.~d.Pursuant tQ the order of Em:muel U. Shaner,

Surrogate of the county of Atlantic, thls dayi_nade on the applimlUon of the undcrslgn0d,Executrix of the said deeedenL notice Is here-by given to the eredl tots of the said decedent toexhlblt to the sub.~riber, under oath oral~lrmation, their claims and dentand.~ ag~lnstthe Palate of the .,~ald decedent, within ninemonths from thls date, or they will be foreverbarred from prosecuting or recovering thesame against the subscriber.

)IAI~L ) . ] IIWIN,Executrix.

Alhintle City, N. J.~lay’s Laindlng, N. J., .lane .t ! 1910.


¯ ~tate ot Richard Dll]on, devea~ed.Pursuant to the order of Emanuel C. Shiner,

Surrogate of the (Tounty of Atlantic, this dayinade on the Appllciitlon of the underalgned,EXecutor of the mild decedent, noti(’e Is herebygiven tothe creditors of the ,~aid decedent Ix)exhlblt to the subscriber, under oath or attirm, iation,.thelr claims and derminds agAlnst theestate of the todd decedent, wlthln nlne month~from this date, or the)- wlll be forever baitedfrom prosecuting or ~coverlng the ~ineAgalnst the subscriber.

%VII,LIAM F. RITZ,Executor.

240M. Ohio A~e,, AtlAntic Clly, N, J.May’s IA~dlng, N. J., Jnne ~, 1910.

of_New Jerr~y, for proposed improvements tothu Counly Buildings At May’s L~ndlng,pu~nanee of a resolution of the Board ofChosen Frc~holdel~ of the County of Atlantic.

Said bonds are to he of the denomination of/lye thousand dollars ~ch, lo bear interest At

, the rate of four per cent, per annum, payahleon the fl)~t day of Jnnua~, and July in eliclland ever)- year..Said bonds are to be num-bered Irom one to tw0]ve consecuLlvely, num-ber~ one :xnd two Io be payable on lbe ~rstday of January, A. D., nineteen hundred andllt’teen, and two sncct~sive bonds on the.firstday of Januar)" each year following until allare pMd. Bonds arc to be dated Septemberfirat~ A. D., nineteen hundred and Ien.

Said bonds will be .sold for not leas than parwith Acerned Interest.

Offers will be received for the whole or Anypart ofsald lssue nnd n~usl ]3e accompanied bya certified eheek for ten per cent. of theamount of the btd, payable to lhe order ofLevi C..¥1bertson, County Collector, thebalance to be Imld on delive~ of the ben&%check.to be returned if offer ls not ~eeepted.

F. FIRALEY ])0UGHTY,Dlreetor oflhe Board of Chosen Free-

holders of the County of Atlantlc.LEWIS T. ]~MLAY,

Ch’AIrmlin, Finance Committee.LEYI C. AL]BERTF,0N, Count)" Collector.

3t PWS/L~, ~]].44_1


],~tale of James 51unto, deeettlie~Pm.-sunnt to the order of Emanuel C. Shiner

Surr~te of the county ~f At]anti.’, 2]is da~made on the application of the u~ d~ rslgnedAdmlnlstratrlx c. t, ix. of the said decedent, notlco ls hereby’glven to the creditors of the saicdecedent to exMblt to the subscriber, under~lth or affirmation, their elalms and demandsA~dnst the estate of the said decedent, wlthlnnine months from thls date, or they will befi)rever ~lr .red from prosecuting or revoveringthe .same against lhe suB.~riber.

ANNA ROLLO,Adminlstratrix c. L a.

Atlantic City, N. J.May’s /.~mdlng, N. J., July 2, 1910.

ALnMRT C. AIB]BOTT, Proctor.,Ml~y’s Landing, N. J.


Estate of :Hennlng Hansen, deceased.Pursuant to the order of Emmiuel C. Shaner,

SUm’ogate of the r’~unty of Atlantic, thls daymade on the appheutlon of the undersigned,Admluistratrix of the said decedent, notice lshereby given to the creditors of the sald de-dedent to exhlblt to the subscriber, under oathor affirmation, their claims and demandsggainst the estate of thesaid decedent, wlthlnfiIne months from thla date, or they will beforever barred from pro~eutlng .or recoveringthe same a4ialnst the subscriber.

(J~AC~ M. HA~SES,Admlnl~,ra[rlx.

Hammonton. N, J.:May’s Landing, 1%1. J" July Ig, 1910.

.: .- .


., . - -.

]:L~8 Atlantic avenue,Both Phones. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.

A LLEN B. ENDICOTT, 3r.,": Attorney-at-Law,l~oom No. 2 Uninn National Bank BuildbJg,

Bell Phone I. ATLA.%’TIC CITT, ~. J..

jOSEPH fi; rE . xI ,Attorney-at-Law,10 Union National Bank Building,

Bell Phone 1114 A ATLA.~T1U ~.IT’Y) ~. J.

L EE F. W-.LSHINGTON,"AItorney-at-I.a~w,

Rooms 604 - 6(~-3 Bartlett Building,Both l>honPs, ATLANTI0 CITY, N. J.

ISAAC :H. NU rER,Attorney-at-I.atw,12 Union Bank Building,

Coast phone 1004. ATLANTIC C/TY, ~. J.

WALTER TOWNSEND,1 t South Perlnsylvania Avenue,


F!00rz Laid, Planed and ScrapedHardw00d & Parquet Floors

Specialties01d Floors Scraped. and Refinished.


Mill and Yardi -

Miss0uriAb0ve Baltic Avenue,

~~~i: ~ ~ ....

1 mNW.rk i!lGive us a Trial. ’ : lit

We Make Prompt Deliv~i~skl :~. To May’s Landing .... ~

Lumber Co’,

Lake & I s}[ey CompanyDEALERS iN

Lumber and Millwork, Coal; Lime, BrickiTerra Cotta Pipe, Paint, Oil, Glass

¯ and Builders’_Hardware



Henry Be te, Jr;,Jeweler,

Watchmaker & OpticianRePairing a 81x~-ialty,

926- 928 Atlantic Avenue. "Bell I’hone b~3 ::%. " Atlantic City, N. J..

Page 4: MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS · MISI [LLAN[OUS R[CORDS / Other Matters of Import to the-Real ,Estate and Financial World Entered of Record at the County Clerk’s Office. Cancellation of

/ .






.-.. ¯



For the years 19@8 & 19@9,


Atlantic County, N. J,


Public notice is hereby given by A. Y. Dare, Collector

of the City of Somers Point, County of Atlantic, that hewill

sell at public sale all the lands, tenements, hereditaments and

real estate ¯hereinafter mentioned for the shortest term f0r whichany, person or persons will agree to take the same and pay

the tax lien thereon, including interest and cost of sale, or In

fee where no one will bid for a shorter term¯The said sale will take place at the Council Chamber in

City I I,~!1 at Earners l-’0int, N. J, oni/

at 2 o’clock P.

]he said land, tenements, hereditaments and real estate

to be sold and the names of the persons against whom the said

taxes have been laid on account of the same and the amount ot

taxes laid on account of each parcel is as follows"

I’:IVll IL; [ .’,’,

311-. l.:lhn, i L,)I N,,¯5 llhwk 4, 1’. T¯ .. .l,qLll l’, :211 l.,rl- Ill :’4t¯t’l)oll 13, ~ ). 11¯~

15 "" 14, "24 " 15, ""t~t) "’ lii, ¯’

llx-, .... 17. ’¯107 " 1% "7, .. 1:1, "5. " ’" -1). "ji .... 21. "

li[;’H’r’, .I,,ilti 1’., 11~.~ 1.4,1 .....

.1,.~..... ,>n. win. ~l .rru~ , I l.,>t :~.~, r¯ ;i;/][.. .....~,’N ,t h’l’, li,11¯ I1.. ll~n/’~.. 1 l.ol lipllr~u SI2"t.l.l and

~,l:tlll .\v,.liut.. 1 l.ld t3 l~ly ..~lYi.lllle, 1 l,o! :24

]’lid ¯l’r~ ll’l ............... ¯"

.’-’,,i,:,-r-, 1%,illI lb.:ill’, t’,).. 1.~1 1 ltb:~’k 1, .Ni).’~. 1, 3, lil,~’k ") *t~--. 1, " 4, 4, ]:th~’k 3, No. 1 llh,,¯k 4,-, -,

--, .x~l):% .11.oI’. 2 h, lb, t31,~¯k 1. No~...5 Io 1. ~,, Bh~.’k ¯’ " "

i,, l-. ]lh,,’i; :;¯ N,--. :; h) :’,, JLlhx’k 4, Nos. 1.2, :i, 4,1:". I% xk), ;21, ’2~’, l{l,~’k 5. NOIL 5 to 1"7, llh~:R 5,N,~. 1 h) 1:~¯ lilock 7, Nt~-. 1 h~’9, ]3h~’k S, Nos¯ l Io 1"., lih~t-ti t*. N,x-. I 1o Is, llh)~’k i0, No.’,. 1 to 9,l;h~’k 11..No-. 1 1,, l-T, 19, :21, ~I, Bh~’lr. 12, .NO.’,. 10h) 21,, l’h~cR IA..Nl,~,. 1 ll):% llh~’k 14 ..................

.’4cu)i. l.’b)rl.lwv. 1 ]hlr?vl L;tlld ~hlhl A?£u.nlle~ ] l’iirevll.:lnd llllrl,~)r l.;in,, 1 1.oI High lklnk 4"~)fl¯F¯D,III, 1 l.tll }limb ]~nnk :21.~ ft. Frtlnl, 1 Ll,1 Hi."hll;tllk 1:.21 II. I"rlnll, I l.,)l lligh l~,;tnk 4-0 ft. ]-’1"..,111,I L,,I I orh,.r lh’oi~dw;lylind lN,int lh~td ..........

I nli:lo~,lII i )vt-1), _~lL ~)#i N)lh ])iY. NIl¯ :2, N¯ Nlllllurl.il~lllIll .................

l’lil-.~co,’ll t);vu~-t. N,’L lll,"411b lq’,..NO¯ :2, .~. ;"~I)21)I’I’N

/" lh,i’,l ...........

Inlin )u., ’ ’, ll,-:. \" , 11 l .’%11, ])i\¯ .NiX "’, N..~]l,llli.ry

]h)illl ....................................

I ]’lk,,’Vll) 11’%!11 r, 51). 117 .’4ub l)i’<. Nt,. 2, N.."~tllllPl’~.lh,illl ......................

l’l)li!h)%’tll l’V. llt N~). ll:’, :4.21b ])IX. Nt) ") -"~. NI)211I’I¯:"

]’,dhl ..........1 llkl)t)’~ !1 + I"/)~*’!. N~,,. 12-’ ."t111 J)IV. ~l’¯ :2, .~¯ :"~,,l))l’J’:",

l’l)lillt);’,ll I*:’.l!’ .%,L 1L’7 ~li’l, Ill\..NIL:.:. .’~’..%lll)lVl’:’.


.\,.~,~,i :,r,,,~r~,.T15. Tli;xnd lt~.~,tL II ......_\2}.till--ill .\11+ f, 1... Nllllit t’tl]’tlin~ .\~:’q’>.:*’lllt¯211 1-~

¯ t l+,.’l ".,I I, lh¯!iixvlxl’l’+~ Y~’lltlI’ - ...............l:’,,{~.’,,-):,, .1 ,hli I .¯ .N()¯ ih ’lli",Nii2"t" .% i%lqllh’, t. {itl;)llee i~

’1";, \ ....................,"~Illlh + I Ill i~111~ ̄ \~>’t¯~:’l)lt’l)l NIl¯ ~ l)vl;twtirt’ .~%~’t’t¯)llll+I;,,W’, ¯- \~. ;l/’rL.n t’.. 1 Lo[ Nt). 12 l:lh~¯ti 4. iL’IL111,:,hi’. ~i~,,.. I.,H -till .’4t-i.lit,n 1~ IL ].¯ ................lJl-,~;lill,,Jti;, l’l+,,t,l;i-, 1:1t511¯ 1] .........................

’:lr~m. ¯l;,m, - I, . -~:;..~4¯ .-)ii-~¯ .~ii;. 11. ]t ....niL 11,,-,. ~,17 "1" ln,.lu-iv~.. I). It.. ........’I’I)X~, I,,~+. ~\ . -L~¯ 1 [1 ]1"111"-i%’i% t) . }l ."" . .....

’arl, r. 31!’-. I...,.h. I l;l~l .N,L ] Bh~.k t, I>.T ....";ill+n>. lh.t,-r tt.. 1 1+~,1 N~). 1o }’;b>ck 17, 1>. T."l¢ll~Hn2. +i. V . .N,x 11:; I’t+tIll2" ;Ilff¢li r ,%t22111~" .~%i’IIIIU~

~tl ]2,’2 ~lillll~ .\x.’t’!l)it: ....................I’:i)I, .It)It)l. N,,. 7+r,¯ 7’~t. 7!~-)¯ .79i 7’.G, 7~:~. ~. ." 4i’rtilill

It¯,L 1t ......l~,l/,,IiU,¯ \l:,;’..:’;ll 1. ’ l.I)l’, N,)>¯ l.q;1, 1{11, .%t~’111>21

ILl! ................F’,,x. )’,, r+::~t,,~t~. NI,-¯ 7"-+; l,, 7!~2 illclu.’-i’.,’¯ -"4.t’vliLql 1t,

i,. It...%,,-. ’GI, "72, .~,’litm lti..No¯ 14131, .’~,¯rlil,n"2L ’,. It. . ............................

1-, it, rl,,,rl..~;m,u,.[. N. \\’, 1 2-~i:;, ~)1 l,,~i~l il2rlt2~’.i%l’,,-a, ,-lt,,?l i,. t). 11 ..................................

l itzp:~tt’, :..I,,)~t~. ~r., 1 l.,)I 41, F,l,>vk .57, l)¯ d," 1"...+ , i :;,’,’..I, ~11 It ]’. "Zh 1~) "~E"7 ilit’l tl>i’<l’, "1.3 10 ~1", Ill}¯] W’.i’;l",

, ill ,,, It ....) ]l .)1" 1 )’H.~) ill "_ . 1.~’<~’, ! )~,.. - ,/.N "l¯l t,

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ih,’iu-i\,-, ]li/.t hJ 11.57, ."4t-clJl)ll 17, I)¯ 11¯, 11.5, "i, l,)

i12+,, t[2t¯ltl>lVc, .’~et’[ll)12 I’N I)¯ ]t¯, 1211"t I~ 1:~’.~2 Jll-,’Iu-t’., . l:;2b 1,, 11t4, N~,’litm l~i, t2¯ It., 1447 h) 1:;~)tilt it;,+’,’,’, l:~r-’ 1,) 1 )OI) ll~¢’lti¯Qvl̄, ,"%’vti,:,li ZI), I )¯ }1¯.ii~ ",~ ItP’ iilt’hl>i’<,’, 1-t21 1,) ll:ii) i22i’hl~i’t’v,Y,,-,"I,,H 21 i). H.. 14:~l 1,) 141"; invh2sl’¢v, 14iil,~’t’tln)l) 22. I k }i .............................

l iI":l+’l +, J~,hll 1~.. 111+ ].+)~, I). ]I ...............

I;,~l"d~,h. ~;lr:~h 11.¯ 2 L¯,)t> ~;.:;4. l’l,wk l:i, lh ~X l".li:)2/Ibl," }{ I:l/l,l l’.. l l.,,I .; }>,t,~’k 4,’]’. T..lt,,r v,’ltnrr) I’L I. ~l:..:f~ nd :;:I, Bh,’k 10, 11. & F.ll,-II, l.hnl~m, lJ)I 21 Blr~’k !1. ]1. & }’¯. ...............tl,,hm--¯ .\,l,dph. 2 l.,,b, .l..",. 1’. M:lin _\vt’l.nle.. .%|l)l)t ¯ I llll~Jll-..~:",~PN~IID’II| ..... : ...............

.h)hn-ol b \Vii,..\htlu~h. l l~ot ;~, P.T. .........

."4id,~’,v;dk .\-:~-:..ni,,nl, 1.~,1 ;;!t, t’¯ T. ...................

.J,,h n--,m, l;. Irk, >..x,!vw;xlk ̄ \-:-.t~lnvl~t, ]5 I+,,L.~ .Nt,~.. UT,Ill). |111, 11~, ]([;. ] "7. ’-,.~ ~.2. }~), }11, .r’,’ ’ D:;, .~t, })5,I.;11i I)t’h 1] ;)%’t’li .....

K:il,,.lh,¯ \,l,d,, 1"., .’4,,. 11 .\|2111v .’tvellllt., ~NI~.. 4, .],I, .~l:llll .\\t’lliD, NIt)~. X, D , 11, 13, 1.5, 17 ~oml.l".’..\%+ I;Ih’. N’~’. 12t), 121 lll)y .~%’1’1111|’, l~l +~l’l’t"..\];lill

:,]),1 "<lu.l) .\’,cnu,’, ;l!~i)lll ] 7~’~ .\e2’l..- llit_’h};:ll~ll. nl,,~)ll I 1-2 .\crv’~ Jli_~h l~;lnk ............

E:~I,-I,:,, :\,l,,ll,l~ F., 1 1.,~I W..I.S. It., -10 .\vrl-.-\\, ,l:; n,l, t, I.,d:- l’r,~:l,l’,’,;ly, :a) .\t-2"t-:-. i";12"211

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ix’.,, ,’r, |’ili;ln,,F,L. I I.l,I .N~. 2>. li./,,cll t7, l). ,& ¯" . ......t~..-},ilm..J:~n,. M.. l.,,l -d->. N~,’lh~ll 9. I ). tl., 51 h¯wnlk

.\ ""-~’-’- l ll,’ll l .................

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[I’1 )111 .~lilill .\ Vi¯l)llP ’111 I ~’t-I)l¯}.~t + *~l’i.¯..

31’ ),;,’h,A. l~;)/lb’l ¯t’.. d l.,>I~ l.-~i, 157i .~.t-cIll.’ll 1, I).

31, ~i:,;l. \;)l*’t]tllw .\., }A)I 21 ];lock t:;, ]). +.%: F. ....31!;. h,’ll¯ ILt\ltl, l l.,,l No. 1.3. IHl~’k 3;;, l~. J~ F. .....31’ \ l;lIll’. "]’|IIHII;,’¯ l l.lll 6!)7 .....................3I, r; ~l~., ¯\Ill.iF I’%’ll" . J+t,t .-.aU, ~,t-t’tit)ll 1], I". 1~. ]’i., 1.,,1 .-~:2.

~++-, I ,.*, -% I + I~ ’:., ) I+,.I T, I.~!...-I= ".T. ])..%. ]’..i 1~1 l’. Bh~’t:. "d, l)¯ ,%: ]"., l Lot 10, b’h~’k-1.5,

IL A" 1".. I 1¯,,I :2 lll,wk 40, IL tk l-¯..r ...................3].,,t,m. |0~l,,+rl, 2 l+,>I~. 20. :2}, ]~,b~’k :;I;.. l).,~ ]’..N,,~hakvu. I~(-/iz~. 1 .\t’rt" x,V..1...’% .x .....,,, ~:,,,,,,,,,, l.,,, .\,, 1,;, 1:1,=.~ =, ]i:i K ]IP:’ . .Jt)’.+’l,hll’l++ F., .’N(L !)~ :’4111lily .\%’vnut~ ....L,,1- :"i nl,d tt~ l.~ll2n,-h }hivl-n, ~id,.wMk ..\.->i_,2~.~nii.nl1[1 I, 2 ¯ t’]. I h, ~iih.w~liX .\-.>i..-.>llilql[ Slain illld I )l,i-llll

Avi.lill,-. Ih }~ ................................ .-%. ..............

1~,.,1,1,.I,, ~li~ili, .] l¯iJL~ 7t~) 1,~ :~71, ~.cli ill .’1, i). II.

~l,i~,-fvI, i,~,. }t¯, lh-ir,, 1 1~,I ill,Jl~e~Irt-i’1 lind%1;)Ili :~xl-iltll., i I.,)1 -1; lJ;ly .~l%l’llllt" ......J l.t,I 2t 1>1Ii, ¯ "J¯rq,-t .............................

>’~lQ!;it’l’l’y 5 l ll’ll. 11.. ll,.ir-. ,~’~i.t)lilt I’tll’bill N .\.~t’-~>nll’nl3hiili .\ x t-lilli. ;lnd i i~¯i)l’~i ¯ Strt~t.[ .........................

¯ ~,,i~;, r.. }’,,inl }b-nltv Ir).._] J.+,I ]Hi:~’k 1, Nos. 1.,3, 4,llh,’k 2. No-. 1¯’2. BI~’k 4, N,). l, B]ol’k 4, No.’,i. :2t,, lli illvIIl-iV,. ]’hwk 1. Nl:.<’. 7) tO ]5 ih+qn.,lvt,,l"h~-t-i :A..N ,> 2r’lo 1.~ i21t-121Mw.. H, lt~’k 3, oNl,~.. 3 I,~¯ ;21,+In-i,,, ., 1;h,~.-k 1, N,,:. 1, :2, 3, l. Is, l:), 20, 21,...’2, l~h~’K ~, No-..5 I,~ 17 im’hl,-i’, v, llh~’k Ii, No.~.I Io t- itwlu..i\t’, ]’hwk 7, No:... l loll inl’hl~|Ve,l;h:~’k ~. N,,-. I ta) ]~ ilM’]21>lve. ]’h~’k D, _~’411~,. 1 Illi "¢ invlu-ivv~ ]~,b;~’k ]0, N~-. ] Ill ~.) iul’h2si’vv,Bh~’k II, N,r-. l ],lit inl’ltl.*ivv, 10) 21i~i, Blovk12, N,~>. I I,~ L>li ii,rlu.-ive. ]lh~’k 13, No.*. I to:%inclu..iv~., llh,.k 1t ..........................

/ ,~t’11]]~ 31nrlill V. ]L, .",l,)llt" I’tlrbi21<g .\~se:..-~.n)l..lil ~N..I.:~%’1:2]|Ii" :llllt \I" .I¯ .~. ]~.............. .......

.’.5¢>2211, 31;)rlin V. }L, ~ilh.’,vn})i .\>~c-~-nll>nl l.ol 1 l;h~ckt. ]~,~1 I l’i,,,’k l. I.ol 1 ]~h~:k:2, l~ol 3 l’b~-k "2,l~hl 4 l;h,~’k :2 ...........................

S,.ul], l.’l,),t n,’u. t ]’ar~ , I lAlnd .’~lilhl.\vPntl|., ] l’;lrl’el.l.~il)ll ll;)2"b,,r l~lllt’,’l ].l,[ )ligh }til21k t,~) It.Froill, l l,,A }tigh lf, nnR :2ts It. Fronl, l l.t~t lllgh]kink 12t I[. ]:l~nll, 1 1~I ]li~h llank 40It. Fro2il,l IAq i’,n-iivi ]~/¯,,iil]~;,)’;llid l>,~inl l~lxid .....

,~¢n]1, FltH’PI,",’. y4|i,)lt" 1’12rbill’Z .\:4:41->~llii.ll| ~l;lin

,.’tirol)ill illi,] ]~l’l);ldvi’ily ........

1-~elll}, ]"}# ,rcD¢’r, .%i~’a >lid x,\";t) i] ~id,’w:l]’ti .\~-~.i’~lllPlll~l.nll, }:]ln i.iicv, Vir¯l \V;irll .~idi.v,¯;ilk .%>-i.x<llltqil ....

i ~l’ull, jo-vpti. }ll.ir.~..~i,b willk A~-.~l’~’qnl¯ill l.~,i :ll;+~. ¯l..\¯-,t’llHO ¯ .................

NIilcrs, ],. }I. (’., 1 l,,d 12t fl. l.’r,m! ]]igli Bank, 1 l~,,I

J’oi211 l{o;ill IrlJlltill..J ]~;,y. ] l.,,t l;rl}l+l-,t’lly. .......

Ntull, l.. |¯-, .’%lr-.. 1.oI Nil. t )lh~’k J:2, lk ~x l’~ .....%ell.’lft, r, Li]xlt’, ~ltl, v,’iiik \-..~+-~-II21.12I I.,A 4"7 St’l¯lilnl

.~, i). 1t.


"]’;ix l.t~’~ ]nl. d: I’osl>, Tolal

:.51G 2.41 4.46

1i~,1.1 1 "22’. i 15 126. ,"P.)14. 111 t. l 1 :..~..7t: L->:S 2..~J 5.:"~-t

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DG.4:; 51.1~ -t~6.-t5

2.’22 ::.41 -l.t~

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2.’22 :2. l I 4.

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1 .:’,it) :L~; 5.66.Is ;;.TS :l.!Ri :

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¯ , o- :L ,~’~ B.13.~x) :I.~2 4.72

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2..]2 l.~) 5.41

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I l .:;5 1.’22 15.57

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-,. 111 5.17

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’..G.II~ 4..~’,

9.!.; 4.]74.512 :L.~.~


15.:~5.195.: ~2



41 .,’~i 5.36 :17.’-"-’¯ ;.~ :I.:G 7.35

2121.i}0 2-1.57 2t0.57

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:I;.!)¢; ;.-~.i 4:1.25

3] I)..~t



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"1 :I2.:;1 54:k15

1.]7 ]6.f~

21,1~.2 / 114.1 t



Tax 1909-Blephens, Aria, Miss, l’+lr~t Ward Sidewalk As.~es.~-

ment Lot .No. 46 l~tunch Haven .......................... IZtlll,ot ~ and 6i l~auneh ]laven ............................. ~2.t)

Btephens, Ad~, Mla~, ~eeond 3’Vard i,~ldewalk .’ti~ment ]x)t ;18 I.~luneh Haven ................................ 11.:1~3

~l~reen, Deborah A., Yialance of ~Ione Curbing A~’~e~-ment M~ln and Annie Avenue ........................... a).20

Unkown Owner, No. ,~t ~tub Dlv..No. 2, N. ,’-~omer~ ~4:1Poln t ............~;nknown Owner, 3/o"ii’f~’/ii£b’/~;; ~oYU~/Y~/ii~’~

Point ..................................................................... "4:3

Unknown Owner, No. ]]-t ~ub Dlv. ~No. 2, N. ;-.3omers- 2.43Point ............. :.’.’’" = s"’6 ’i’;i;,:"~’g";" 7,:":,:,Z~17171,UnknoWn owner, 2+o. llJ ~u ¯ .... ’ " " ¯ 2.4:1Point ............................................... -;----: ..............Unknown Owner, No. 118 ~ub DIv. No. :t, N..~o,ner~ 2.4:1Poi nt ...................... ~! ........................ -; ...................Unknown 1)wrier, No. 1’~-! ~ub l)lv. No. :4 N. ;Somer~’ :2.43l,olnt .....................................................................1/nknown Owner, No. 1~ ~ub ])Iv. No. 2, N. ~)iner~

Poi n t ................................. --~- ................................ 2.-t3

Unknown Owner, Lot ~;t8, O. H ..................................... :~i

Unknown Owner, Lot 8:17, O. ]4 .....................................:~i

Unknown Owner, Lot 8:~, O. tl ..................................... :ltl

Unknown Owner, Lot ~19, O. H ..................................... :~

Unknown Ow’ner, lx~t 134t, O. H ...................................90

Unknown Owner, Lot 14:~, O. tl .................................. "tl)

Unknown Owner, Lot No. 6, J..’4. Plot ........................7.207220

Unknown Owner, Lot No. 8, J. ~. Ph,t ........................Unknown Owner, Lot No. 10, J..’3. Plot ......................


Unknown owner, hot .No. 12, J..’4. Plot .......................7.20

Unknown {}wner, Lot No. 14, J. ~. Plot .......................7¯’20

l:rnkno¯vn Owner, Lot No. 6, J..’.4. l’lol, NldewnlkA.~.,¢essm en t ........ ..:2 ............................................. 12.1r.I

Unknown I)wner, Lol Nix ,’4, .J.S. l’hfl, Nldl,w:llk ]2.t~1.\.~essmen t. .................................. ; ........ ; ..............l’nknown Owner, l,ot No. 10, J. N. 1 lot, ~tdewalk 12.21:1A .~,~ >.~s in en t ..................... ; .............. ; .......................lhiknov,’n I)wher, Lol Nix ]5:, J. S. l ]ol. ,"31dcwn]R 12.ii3¯ .-k ~e.~,~m en t .................................... ) ........... -; .......;;2[_Tnkno%vn t)¯vnt, r, L~’)t .NO. 14, J. S. I lot, ~l(leWllll{ o ".,

:~ .~.%1_~..4 lli en t ............................................................%Vorthlngton, 3,I,’. B., Lot No. 7 Bh~-k :12, ]). & F. 1.:,40

Vt’eb.~tcr, 51nry, :] Lot.~ No. ]3, ]4, ]5, Bkx~k ]3, ]~J{ieTrn, ct ..................................................................... ~71)

Payments must be made before the conclusion of the

sale otherwise the property will be immediately resold on all

taxes paid before the day of sale deduct one dollar and twenty=

five cents ($1.25) from the amount of cost.

AoYo DARE,Collector of Taxes.

Witness my hand this 16th day of July, A. D., 1910.

- IB0a~d 0f Freeholders’ C0mmitteei. I local Points of Interest.

Finanel~L,.wl.~ T. hnhLv, .lohn Un~worth, ~ I’oIlon ~nlll of Ihe 3l~y’s ]rending %Valor.<,ann]el ]]. }],~u’lley, Frederlck 3,%’. 3,VilleL% ’, ]:’ower Co., on lmke 1.,enape. I’harh--~ t,;t,~ar~,

f’h:lrh..~}]:~rt, l.~np~ri)lte)ldenl, i’l, hlnnftl£~turp~ eoItl,o Iowiq-

..-\svhlnl lind Ahns’bolrJiil-~--Al fred B. ~nlith, ! ing, ele. EnlploysT".,0bands.

Charh.-s L’. For}her, John 1". Ash)nend, (’yru~ ! Plant of the Allanllc Brick Mannfa, eturing]-’. Osgood, Elva T. FLfleld, George Jeffer~. i Uo., one-half mile on 1he P]ea.sanlvll]e bonh’--

Brhlg~.~--Fnmk Enderlln, John K..h,hn.~n, i yard. Fine pre.~d briek. Uharles Remmey,

Alfred B. ,’~mlth, John P. Ashm~ld, James I Supt. Employ.~ ahout one hundred hands.

Clark. t’nu}berry )~)g of Makepe~ee & Co., more

|’,runty lloads--Edwin Rohln.~)n, John Uns-

wm’tl), Frank Enderlin, Elva Filleld, Lewis51a.~on, IIarry May, Joseph Brown.

Public Bulldtng.~--Frederl6k W. Wlllets,

L’harles (’. For}nor, John .~. ltiMey, Robert 51.thlrt, Edwlu Robhison.

lhan one tbon.,~and heros in extent. Dn the EggHarbor L’ity boulevard, about one n]lle fromMay’~ Landing. Charles D. Makepeace, ,’~upt.

County ,Jail and ORlees of the.~urro~ne and

County Clerk. (’ourl Hou.~. D,anle] F.Ynughn,’( "nstodlan.

l-’orlvih~l lh~--ogl]tzanees--.’4a)nuel 1]. Hi~td- Imke Lenal~, vrtilleial, and Lenape F;,lli.

h’y, Harry .~ilay, John 14. ,Join]sou, John I?ar- Renowned for b~lul)- and a favorile IlMlingver, Ilt=~)rge .JelTelm. i groul]d for plke and ph’kerel. Bluffing aud

i)rdhninee.’@-4"lllirh¯s U. Fortner, Lewis T. bat]ling.

hnlay, Lewis 31fiSOl], Jix,¢eph I’, Brown, Ja)ues Greal Egg Harbor l:{iYer, flowing ~oulhwa]¯dChnino. ’ elghteen tulles to the Great Egg Harbor Bay.

~ohlier~’ Burial---John 8. RiMey, Cyrus F. Oncesalledbylargeshlps, Ihernlnsofoldship-

|)sgl~)d, Ander:+on Bourgeois, Rot,err M. Harl, yards st]]] evident along shores. PletaresqueHenry Oil|). ;l and a favorite stre~)n for motor-boal.~. Good

l)i.~,hu)’~e of Pri..~mers--Harry May, John ~. :~rlshing and hathh)g.lli.-lty, \Villiam L. Black, Ja)ne~ I’hnino, Johu Pllb]ll~ water supply stiitton. ~A’ater ~3 Per

C’4rv or.}’rh]ling and Kintionery--Wharles Hnrt, ,~. H.

1]vadley, ~J,’tllhi)n L Bhick, John I’llrver,

Jn])le~ 1 ’hnino,].ibmry--.}oi)n lln.~worth, And,,rsou Bonr-

gt~)i~, llenry Otto, J. [’lark, John K..lohn~~n.

Atlantic City Council Committees.Fhmnee--Mes.~r~. Baeharacb, Buzby, K t.~qer,

Ph~.l,ns, Riddle.i)rdhmnee--31~,~).’~, lAu)e, Kessler, l)ht~bus,

Reilly, Donnelly.Strt-t-t~---31e.~,q’~. ]ie.’¢-s]er, Buzby, lk.u.t),%nieh,

l.,.une, I h)nnelly. /

}.:dueati(,n--31v.-~r~ 3111]i’.l, ltolla +, ]~tli-}}llrai’h,

J ohn~ol), Parker.Buildi)~!4--.-Mesz~r~. H~tdley, 31urthxnd, 51alt:b

I’uIhbert, ]>>aehameh.]hlilroad--31essr~. }lldllle, F)’vi.~hl~er, .Ma]ia,

Phoebus, )lurtlnnil.Fire--Me~sr~. Unihhert, ])onnell)-, K~.~4er,

Parker, ]~ne.lAeen.~e and Ih,liee--31e~sr~. Bolte, Malin,

John.,.1)n, ]lavh-lPaeh, Kes.,qvr.IAghthlg--Mes~r~. lr~)nl)elly, Fl¯ei~inger, Par-

ker, ]l~.ldh>y, 3Inrthind.Prhlling--3h~*~’,sl~. Parker, Malhl, l’hll,t.bus,

Fr~,iMngvr, J otinsou.I’haritie~--3h’¯t~l.~. Phcmhns, BiJlle, .ll)hnSOl),

l(i,ill3-, M;llhi.lmw--Me~r~. FrelMnger, Parkl’r, i’uthl)eri,

thmdh’y, .M i)rilanil.$1rl~¯Is, %Va]k.* :lull ])l-ivt.~--.~h.~r~. Buzl,y,

lbqlly, I’nllll,eri, llt~ldley, I~12)e.

l’rol~>riy--3h-s.~l~. Johl2.~n, BllZb3", Parker,13rift e, lh.ill).

.~,:t]ll|:lry--.%lt-ssr~. ]>hi)~-I)ll~, llollP, Ke.-Mer,Buz),y, }h-iliy.

Eh.t,l].h.al--3h,.~)¯s. lh>illy, Buzby, I’ulhberl,l)l)n ni,lly, lliddh’.

]h)h~--Messr~. 31urihlnd, 17~)lle, ttiilille, Frei-~.i ng01’, }1 e-idley.

Atlantic County Bar Association.l’~.~.,ddent, ]{n))ert ]t. ingersoll; I,’lrst 3,’lye

l’l’esld{~lll, I "has. 31c~)re; N~>olld %’ice Presiden%,I}. Arthur Bolte; ’l’rPa_~unw, ’john B..’-t}avk; ’.’~,-cn¯t.lr~’, |)liver T. Rogbr~; Librarian, Loul.~ A. ]{epeIIo; Btmrd of Manager~, Uharles t’.]~lbe(~ek, %%’. Fnink ~ooy, Harry IL Uoull))nb,,~mue] E. Perry and Ell H. Uhand}er.

eenL pure from artesian wells n~ore lhnn twohundred feet deep. ,~tandplpe one hnndredand 1wenly feet high¢-with llfly=llvc l~)undpressure. L’o~ ~30,000.

industrial Park and puhlle fountain, adjain-ing Court grounds on Maln Street.

High ~iloo], Farragul Avenue. N. G. Hnbcr,

Prt ncl ]~ii].l-’l~i Nallonal Bank, Main ~IreeL M.R.

3Iorse, t’aMlier. Del~lis $1;~,000, Presidenl,I’har]es Do Makepeaee.

¯ Library Hall, ~eeondl~Irt~’L HeadquartersReliance Hose Uompany and Gen. Joe ]Ic~ker1"o..I, G. A. R.


Few Chan!es in Ga~e Laws.Few changes in lhe sea.sons for ~xmu art"

noted in the neat lill]e l~tnphlet of New Jer-sey Flsh and Game L’~ws thal is heh)g dl~trlbuled among sporL~)nen. The open ,~-~onsare as follows :

ttuall, tmrtrldge, grouse, Eng]lsh or ring-

necked pht~lsant, squlrrcl, rabbit, wlld turkeyand woodetx’k, November 15 to December 31.

Grny, English or ~qlson snipe, March l 111April ;}0 ; 8epte)nber 1 to December :ll.

ll~il-bird, marsh hen or mud hen and reedI)lrd, 19eplember 1 to ])ecember 30.

l’l)land plover. August 1 to September 30Bhiek nnd 3Iallnrd duck.,,, January I to

March ] ; November 1 to I)eeember 31."~VIx)d ducks, e]o,,~ed s~L~))~ tll’llil APril ],

1915.All other din.ks and swan, except bhlek,

mallard, wc~ and shel]drake, Janunry ] to

Mareh 15 ; November I lo l)eeember 31.I~ex~.,, +, ))rant nnd shel)dnike, Janunry ] to

.\pri] 10.

Brook trout, April I to July 15.t’nq)pie, ca]leo I);L~.% black bll.,% perch-ill)d

white ba.,-=s, 3lay 20 to November :39.F|ke and p|ckerel, .l:u)unr;i 3iay 20 h, No-

yen]her 30. 1-

Mhore birds, snrf and bay .~nipe, 31ny I to

I leeeml)er Sl.])t~r n]a,y )){) ki]}ed only every ~,Vedn[.~day

in November.

* AIlantlc Lodge Mo. 50, I. O. t). 7. m~ts

every Friday evening in .lhe ].x, dge Room over

the Po~t-ofl)ce.


!-!1+,,N ~,4

!+~ Ik-’/,




Send-some far away relative

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"The Record."

I I i I I= -i I YI I I I-Ti i I I YI_-YII-I


Fill out the following coupon

and mail it ;¢o this office to-day¯

Please send the AtlanticCounty ~ecord to the following-address f0r one year, f0r whichI enclose $1.25.

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Joseph S. Championlx~uneral ])iruc/or,

27 North Pennsylvania Avenue,ATLA.NTIC L’rrY, N. J.

Public ]h~’eiving Vanlt]’l~a.,~lnt vllle I’en]etery,

Pl~lsmtvi]]e, N. J. i

F I.,O I{I:’¢T.

Cut Flowers and Plant~

Beautiful Blooming Plants¯.

Artistic Floral Emblems for Funerals

Arranged at Short Notice.

Li)ng l)iM;lnl¯e ]’hone.


107 South Carolina Ave:, .South,,\TLANTII" CITY, N.J.

LEG.\ L.

S HElt. I F F’~ ,"t A I.,E.l

,yAir’Ar.°gt "4; tUhaneery, will be ~)ld st pnblie vendue, on



nl two o’clock h) the afLernoon of said day, alKuebn]e’s Hote], corner Allnnlie and ~onlhCarolina avenue, in the eiIy Ol At)anIlc Cily,county of Allanlie and Ntale of New .Jersey.

All that tract or parcel of land and premtsessituate, lying and being in the Borongh ofPlca~ntville, in the County of Atlantic andStale of New .Jersey.

Beginning at a stone on the .~onth~st side ofthe New Road corner to Jacob Ca-~to’s landat~d al.~o corner Io lands be]on~n~ to theheirs of one Leeds; thence (11 in lhe Leedsllne ,~ouIb flfly-lwo degrees and forty-ninemlnules/~q.~t five hundred six and five-tenthsfeet to a stone; (2) South forty-four degreesand fl~een mtnules West ~e¯-enty feet to astone ; (3) North fifty-two degrees and forty-nine mlnutes \Vest flve hundred and six andflve-tenlbs feet to a stone at the side of 1heNew R~d; (4) nlong said H(md North forty-Ilve degrees East sevenly-six feel to the placeof I>eglnnlng.

Seized an. the property of t’hristopher P.

I Ua~to and ,’~anih 3,%’. {:asto, his wife, and takenin execution at the suit of I’]e~ntvil]e

i Mulual L~mn and Building A.~ocialion and tof be .%o]d by

ENOUH L..I()HN,~I)N,~heriff.

]),~ted July :$3, 1910.

.J. EDWAICD A.’SH31EAD, .~o]ieltor.Bt Pr’s fee, ~’21.00

sHER1FF’N .".} A 1, E.

By virtne of a writ of lieri faeias, to n]e di-rected, issued out ,)f the New Jersey Uourl ofUhancery, will be sold al public Yendue, on



nt Iwo o’clock in the afternoon of .~fid day, ntKuehnle’s Hotel, corner Atl:urtie and ~outhCarolina Avenut~, in the City ol Atlantic Ully,( ’ounly of Atlanlie and Y3tale of NOW .tel.’gev.

All that ~,lct or parcel of lands and pre~n]sessituate, lying and being in lheCilyofNorth-lie]d, in the Uounly of Atlantic and State ofNew J er~ey.

Beginning in the .’4outheast line oI the NewRoad lwo hundred and tv,’!#l)ty-tl "e and two-lenlhs feet Northeastwardly fn)m lsm~c t~oul-dey’s llne; thence (]) ,’5oulh fifty degrees."thlrty mlnuI~s l.:,~t two hundred feet ; thence(2) North forty-five degrees FJ~st sixly feet to nstone; lhence (3) North tlny degrees thirtyminutes West two hundred feet I,)a stonc al1he side of lhe New Ro:)d; lhent-e f4)5oulhforty-tire degrees Wesl ah:lng the side of theNew Road to the beginning.

.’%elzed as the property of Jennie W. t-lJg}>et-and Mark Higl)ee, her hu.~band, el. al., :tndtaken in execution nt the :.,lilt Of l’lL~l.,qn~tvilh’Mutl.lal I.,oan and Building Association and IoI,e sold I,3"

ENi)(’H I...J()t]NSON,’̄-3 h eritl:

Dated July ~t, 1910.

J. EI)’I’VA.t{ l) .\51t ’3I EA 11, ."~oliei tonl’r’s fee, ~B).00

I N t’tlANt’EI{Y ()I" NEW JEtL~EY.

To Emory A. ~l’lxultx, Frank J(x~eph Sehultzand Emory A. ,’Sehultz ;

By virtue of ;in order of the Uourt of t’h:lLI-eery of New Jersey, nmde on lhe day of thr

"~xtydate hereoL h) a vnll’-e, "ffherein E,,,, ttarhorBuildin~ and lxxn) Associalion is t-onlphlin:ll)l,

-. : -. .

)x¯ " -

.................... -’. _ 2_

I r°sPer ousHealthfulBeautiful



¯ ¯. +

.. - ..

The Town ofNatural Opp-ortuniti

Co:~e and Se~

Sumlner Co~tage. . Sites

Unrivalied Facilities for Manufacturcrs

/~,r l’m’/ic:/m’.< . h DD.. v:

ay’s La di i g Boa:rd

]IA]{E]II E~.

i The Nousewifellt-t’{1 2)ill ~pi’ll~l ;ill her ti221~’ (.tll,l~ill~

over .1 h~,t ~h)vl. %%’llell

5chusler sL

BakeryIS :li }l,’r ~el’vi(’t’. "1"1" 3" I)lll’ |)l’i)llllt’tN

n21~l lic- ,-I,llViill’ud¯

I1112" ",l’liTlli ~ will c;~ll :il .’)’lit’. I’ (ltil)l

d:lily, l’" rl::,411 %%’tll):t’~OIl-lt ¯ ll: i kt_" 2"y

prod u c I.~.

John S~usler, Prop.,= l_ JT,’:

)I ~tlll ’,,-oil ~ln’l ~o hiffher than

Abbott’s"Pan=Dandy" Breadit is n)~dc right, bakbd right and d,.liveredrighl Io yoIlr door f)¯t.~h evpry n)orning h-ore yonr ~roeern)au if yon -usk for it.

Try one’do]]ar’s v,+orlh of A i)t,ott ))reade]lec]~L ~, lind ~f~ ~hllt it ,,’,-ill- .~%¯’e tho h,)u~c~wife lhese hot d;xys¯ Our C:xkes, Pies nnd.Buns are fresh datly.

(.:II.:X:~. T.. AI~]-~O’I.’T.


.~hen somct]ling sweet you’dYV

like to eat ask for G uiffra’s

For ¯sale at the Water Power’Co.Store. Fresh and pure.

Apollo and Lowney Chocolates,fresh weekly.

Nay’s Landing WaterPower Co.+,

~lay’s Landing, New Jersey.


es ,;


..¯ ."

FIN..\N (_’]Al.. " ,

Every -merchantgressive bias;hess manhave a Bankpay his bills ,~thstanding among business men.is better" there is no dangerof losing money, and everyche’ck is a receipt ior thepayment made.

In our Interest Department

we pay you 3 per cent. intereston your savings,

As lille as one dollar ta.start with.

Let us start you right withyour BankAccount.


C. D. MAKEPEAGE, President.

M. R. MORSE. Cashier. : "~_ 7 --7Z [ 2FJ 2.(: "- .......

x]]onO, v, s+,,,~,~ ,.,J16’ntl tl#2,~] 3Io,rtO¢l~.e,








Is the Salt of Trade¯ Whenl~


3WS. 1" ’

--- "-- SHOE

T R_-k EIE ?;Lk R K




arid Qirls i

Ldt the above trade mnrk .-Business is Slack It ’i+=:be your guide ++,hen buying +

sho~:s for );our children:

Briags ’ i:!= It means that shoes so-

~ 2tamped will fit: well, ;retain

Resuhs as well as in the Busy!! their shape, and wear ,,-ell:

i ~ \Ve’carry all leathen4’and ’Seasons. Try advertising +:.:

in "The Record" ~ styles of these shoes.

and watch the =: ~--

and you+and olhers are defendanls, 3otl :,re ’¯~f

~@5~1t5quired to appear and pleud, demur or answer Ito the e,)nlphx)))ant.s bill on or helbre Olwenly-..;eelmd d:xy of July next, or the.~lhlIbill win I~ hike)) ;is eonfe.~ed a~linst you. ’ ....

The ~’lid blil is II]ed 1{) Ioreelose two certain !)norlgages made by Jo,:ephine ]-Ioebel, widow iof 1-’ranz H,~bel, llo.*ina S,.hultz, .~)]e .~urvlY- Iing A’lughter of the said Fm~uz Hoebel, nndEmory A. Nchultz, her husbnnd, dated May30. lbD0, and October ~ liD}i, respectivelv, onlaiids sltuate in the Township of 51u]li~b inthe County of Allnnlic and 8rate of New Jer-,~ey, and you Emory A. ,~bulLz are made a de-fendanl beeouse you are lhe ~dn]inlslnltor of *sald J c~,~epbil]e Hoebe], now devea.,ied, and yon ~_ _ _. ......

Frank Joseph ,~hu)tz are made defendant be-c~use you are the son "rod sole surviving helrat law of .said Ro~Ina t3ehu]tz, now de~ea~sed, ..................and you, ]~]mory A..~hultz, are n}ade defen- - ......dan} because you are }lie husband of the saidRosina ,’~hu]tz, dec~.secl, and by virtue Ihere-of claim to have some lnterest In the premisesIn said bill mentioned and described.

HE~MA-N L..I-]AM]LTON,;501ieitor of Uomp "lainmn,

P. O. Addres-% Egg Harbor t¯tty, ¯ N. ,J.

Dated 3lay 21, 1910.Pr’s fee, $15.;~.

i N CJ~XNCERV oF ~EW JEI~SE~’.To The Clas.~ and Nachod Brewing Co.

By virtue of an order of the CourI of Uhan-cery ol New Jersey, made on the day of thedate hereof, In a cause wherein May’s LandingBui]dlng and l.~an A~latlon ].,4 complalnantand yon and others are defendanLs,you arerequired to appear, pl~,~d,.nnswer or d.emurto the bill of .said eOmplanmnt, on or Demrethe fifteenth chx3" of ~eptember next, or 1hesald blll be L’~ken as eonfessed against you.

The said bill is flied to /orela~e a mortgage

¯ . t ]]E3II CA L.

Kill ~an Jose 5¢:ale1)y using

ILONIHEBest Insect Destroyer on the market.

~t)[~l iD (ID.U (2utt,ltit.o.

Price per g.aih)n... .................................... 50 cenLs

By the barrel, per gallon .................. ...... 40 eent.s

Manufactured by 1he

Monmouth Chemi.cal Works,For .’,411v l,y

.~Ilven.-by Mary F. Martlnelll and Fnmkaritnelli, her husband, to May’s Landlng ff’~~-~Bolld]n .nd A la,lon, d,, ed th. cor e-- OCrilCS ;:’,:’-:

II g I I nlneteenthday of June, nineteenhund~d ann" Cologne, i-N~. J.II ~ I I aeven," on land situated In 1he Townsll, lp of

I| I: I II I Bi~etm%’iSta, In the County of Atlautlc anI~l ]State of .New Jersey, aid you The |Tla~ an¢~’~t.r~ ] ].Nachod Brewing Comlmny, a Corporation of

feurhing because you ho]d a mortgage on 1be - Notice 0f Fire Alarms.premlaea d~ribed In 1he bill of complaint In The llrewhis|lelslobebh)wed for fire"\latin

¯ thla cauae. ¯ only. The alarm slgnaL~ nre ;~ follows/.~ILBERT C. ABBOT’r,

l~lolleltor of ComplainanL. 1 short blast, North of Fh’e Bladion;M oore Building, 31a)"s Imndlng, .N.J. 2 short bln.st~, East of Fire St2,tlon;

Pr’a fee. $1~]8I)uted July 1t, 1910.3 short hla.sL% South of Fire Ntniton;-’

---- = .............. 4 short blasts, West of Fire bttatlon.All bla~ta are to. be PreCeded with one long

"Record" advertisements bring ~,.st a-,, ,n alarm of rlre. In blowing 1healarm the.tlrst blast must be made care~fully

resll]LS. A ̄ trial will COIl’vince 3"Oll. h7 order to prevent danmg0 to the whL~tle:


Y ay s Landing IW ler Power

i .-,-.~vreXx c I-:.

FII IE INSUI ANCEAny Part of Atlantic }County.

Reduction-of 10 Per Cent., on¯ -]W~y’~ Landing Pr0peT!.ie~. "

IReat Estate. ,s. w. C~E~, my’~ ~g,



Harry .Jenkins,

Painter & @laZier,1-1~l]]nates furnished upon app]ie~.tlon,

¯ A4dre~s P. 0. Box 4Z, ":May’s Landing, New Jersey, :."


John Truernpy & Sons ’(NlleCt~.%]~4)IN ..to I). ~’. 3Iet’lain)

Dealer.~ i,) .... -. - . .

Fancy and Staple. Groceries, -

Hardware, Paints, Baled" :;¯ , .Hay;Feed, Etc., - ,-.

MAIN; ST. &: FARRAGUI AVE.,151der Areanu:n .~lall, .... ; :

Bell Phone. "+ .~’L~Y’~ LANDING, ~i’. J,

.-- ...