miss mary w-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03312/00009.pdf · fine writing paper drop in...

tr1 w 7 1T g IJ c r y lip THE OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY NOVEMBER 1 1909 MilliNERY We direct special attention to our fine showing- of Cheap Millinery which includes a Special Line of Hats for 150 > 200 > 250 and 30f and on up t and would certainly be your worth while to come and investigate before buying elsewhere We also carry a full line of medium price and c Pattern Hats Our work room this season is well equipped and we are ready to do any kind ot work at a reasonable price Be sure and ask to see our beautiful line of Automobile Veils Miss Mary AtHecic Next to Munroe Chambiiss Bank r IT IS A FACT that the man who carries his money in his pocketbook will spend all of it without thought while it becomes second na- ture ¬ l for a man with a hunk account to figure on maintaining 1 a reserve in his bank 0 The Munroe Chambiiss Bank Ocala Florida- i I t A NEW ENTERPRISE FOR OCALA i THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENT COMPANY will sell you a home in Ocala Will sell you a lot anxl build a house planned by you t Will guarantee the title and carry the insurance You pay little more than rent Now ready for business SEE J Ji FOFT9 UNUn BLOCK 1 Ln E C Smilh c V s Roberts Smith SL Roberts EMBALKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Complete Line of Caskets and Burial Materials Graduated Embalmers and Undertakers Day Phone 10 Night Phone 94 e OCALA FLORIDA > cu DAVID 8 WOODROW VM J SHERIDAN Phone 165 Phone 13- 9WOODMAR t SAND STONE COriiP ANY OFFICE IN HOLDER BLO CK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND Wo have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all kindsof Cement Work Build Founda tions make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick and the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Const Line track north of Foundry n 4- r > C- DWINDSOR iOTELJACKS- ONVILLES FINEST AND FLORIDAS LARGEST and BEST YEARROUND HOTEL Rates S3 per Day and Upwards American Plan THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor f T r Washington Seminary North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School for girls and young ladies Boarding department strictly limited to insure re tIned home life Classes divided into small sections to secure persona in ¬ struction Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages in Mus- Ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley Randolph Macon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap- plication ¬ L D SCOTT EMMA SCOTT Principals n 0 THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO- We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and our motto is Uto please Temporary quarters phone 256 JAMES R MOORHEAD MGR OCALA OCCURRENCES- K of P meet tonight Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening The county boards meet tomorrow Mr riL Vtha ia on the sick list Captain Lytle of Stanton came up today Mr R L Martin came up from Weir Park today When you drink at Troxlers you know it is right Mr J D Pope of Wildwood is at the Montezuma You can buy the E W smoker at Troxlers- Mr E E Perkins of Edenfield is at the Montezuma Hulnuts Violet Sec Soap at the Court Pharmacy- Sam Posnot of Eastlake was a vis ¬ itor to the city today- A large assortment of choice fruit- at Troxlers Mr Phil Fort of Candler was in the city today shopping Sixteen new post card views of Ocala just received at Weihe the jewelers- Mr E C McLeod of Kendrick is in town today Mr M II Eddridge of Clearwater- is a guest of the Ocala House Twentyeight different post card views of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers- Mr Arch Ingram of Jacksonville is in thf city visiting his parents FOR SALECheap a Rambler bi ¬ cycle Call at Star office I Miss Christine Richards of Gaines- ville ¬ is the guest lif Mss Margaret Anderson- A new shipment Hudnuts toilet articles just in at the Court Phar- macy ¬ H L Jones received a motorcycle- this morning from the Hammondport X Y bicycle company FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclass ladys buggy horse Apply to Dr A L Izlar- T F Townsend the pioneer settler of Martin was in town today attend- ing ¬ the court land sale Just received a shipment of Huy lers candy Troxlers yes thats the place rct ready to go to the Armory to ¬ night taut pass a pleasant evening Fine pictures and refined comedy Messrs J R Triggers and D fl Mc formick of LaRelle are guests of the Monteiimn Pennsylvania Grit and other leading newspapers and magazines at Bal lards news stand Messrs J W Dutton and M Jf Rrice of Mascot are guests of the Montezuma The latest copywright books and the finest general line of books ever shown- in this city at the Ocala News Co r II Mathis of Rlackvllle S C the extensive cantaloupe grower ar- rived ¬ in the city Saturday- A E Polly is up from a two weeks tussle with the shakes the first he has had in 12 years Let us do your prescription work Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly The Court Pharmacy- A J Harrell the veteran with his two sons were business callers in the city today Palmers Garland Cold Cream In 25c and 50c jars at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Mr and Mrs G W Gallden and daughter of Chattanooga are guests of the Montezuma If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best 5c at the Post office Drugstore- Mr T K Slaughter of Levon was in the city yesterday a guest of the Ocala House Have you seen tne new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents- Mr A P Stueky president of the Tampa and Jacksonville railway is In- to 011 today Use Palmers Lotion after shaving nOc and 1 bottles at the Postoffice Drugstore- A baby girl arrived Saturday night- at the home of Mr and Mrs Jerry Rurnett The little lady is doing finely Pound Paver tablets and box pap- ers ¬ as fine a line as you will find in the South at the Court Pharmacy Messrs C D Denham and J C1 Cresland of Atlanta are guests of the Ocala House If you want a good tend pencil buy one of Gerigs Rest 5c at the Post office Drugstore- Mr A S Johnson of the mercantile firm of Bishop Johnson was a call- er ¬ Is town today Phone us for you prescriptions We call and deliver them The Court Pharmacy- W T Hyde sawyer for the Ro ss Crosby mill at Martin was in town Saturday and said business was good- R C Davis S uo or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen Mrs Jnhn L Davis of Irvine was in town today the guest of her sister Mrs Archie Mclver We now have pretty post card views- of all the churches of the city includ ¬ ing a new one of the Episcopal church Weihe the jeweler r MISSIONARY PROGRAM- FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON I Leader Mrs M M Little Every- one ¬ invited Song Jesus Saves Scripture story I Thess 55f4 Prayer Hymn Tell the Sweet Story Talk by leader Why We are Not Missionaries- Miss Helen Lee Richardsons Work- in China Mrs J A Bouvier Bible reading in concert Reading of Bishop Morrisons Letter- on Brazil Missions Miss Parr I Duet Why Stand Ye Here Idle Miss Barnett and Miss Liddon Our Literature missionaries Chain or prayers for our Florida I Notes from the Brazilian conference recently held by Bishop Morrison D D Poem Love Finds Service Mrs A A Winer Hymn The Morning Light Announcements Benediction HOLM ESOLDFIELD A quiet wedding took place last ev- ening ¬ i at the home of the bride Mrs Ethel SSnclairOldfield was married- to Mr Howard L Holmes Dr W H Dodge performed the ceremony im- pressively ¬ i in the presence of the moth- er ¬ I of the bride Mrs William Sinclair- her j son Mr Robert Sinclair and a few Invited friends The bridal couple left on the noon I train today for the home of the groom on the east coast The best wishes of I the Star accompanied the happy pair- A PRETTY BARBERSHOP- Mr Eldred the expert painter and decorator has Just finished painting- the outside and decorating the inside- of the Montezuma Barbershop and has made it one of the neatest and most I artistic places in town THE WHITE STAR TRANSFER COMPANY Cheapest and best dray in the city Wo solicit your patronage Satisfac ¬ tion guaranteed Mr W G Lansford of Birmingham- with i the CopelandIngHs company I who have the contract to lay the vit- rified ¬ I brick paving on North Magno lia street has arrived in the city and- Is starting the work of laying the i brick Mr Lansford will superintend j the work for the company Hugh J Nichols the Wildwood horse dealer received a car of very fine horses Saturday evening and same can be seen at the John R Martin lot on Exposition street Chief Chambers of i the fire department tried out a fine i light bay horse this morning and he I teemed the animal competent to fill the bill I I If you want a goodlead pencil buy I one of Gerigs Best 5e at the Post = r office Drugstore Mr W T Gary and family have movtd from the third ward to th An- derson ¬ I avenue apartment lions on Fort King I Jergens Talcum Powder large cans holding nearly a pint each guaranteed- pure and fragrant The Court Phar- macy ¬ Mr II f Judd bookkeeper for MP- Ivor MacKay has moved his family I Into the pretty Carmichael cottage on I Fort King which was recently rebuilt We have a few boxes or exception- ally ¬ fine writing paper Drop in and take a look at them The Postoffice Drugstore- Mr Max Reich of Rockwell head ot I the Gulf Supply Company was a busi ¬ ness caller in Ocala Saturday evening I Twentyeight different post card I views of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers IIarr I Bullock of Fort Piwce came- in yesterday to see his sick mother j who we are pleased to say is greatly improved Harry will return to his work Wednesday being employed by I the East Coast Railway I There is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL f TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria J chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know I Jack Rentz the Levon mill man in- coming to Ocala this morning in his I onto had a breakdown and the Ocala j Gas Engine Works is now repairing j the damage- We i want your prescription work t and are prepared to offer you the most skilled pharmacists and the purest of j drugs to compound them Tydings company WANTED good boy to stay in i shop and do office work with the ex- pectancy I of learning plumbing trade j Apply to J W Akin at Ocala Plumb- ing j Electric Co I FOR RENT Furnished rooms eve- rything new and convenient bath- on same floor Mrs C P Moore Wisteria building 15 North Second street west 1226 pd I Mr J W Jackson of Plymouth of the naval stores firm of Jackson Griffin is in town The best package of paper linen cloth finish 25 cents per pound and envelopes to match at Ocaal News Co Mrs Carl VanDeman of Jackson- ville arrived this afternoon and is the guest of her sister Mrs W W Harris in the second ward- WANTEDSettled i couple to rent two or three furnished rooms with Mrs M B Reed 116 South Orange I I Mr and Mrs Louis Converse and sister Mrs Tidd came in this after- noon ¬ I from Massachusetts and are the guests of their brother Mr E E converse The real estate of the late A C Johnson in the Martin section was i sold today by order of the court It consisted of 400 acres most all tim- ber ¬ which brought 5100 Messrs Stueky Tiller were the purchasers- All n of the bigh school books and sup ¬ plies are now in You can get the high school books only at the Ocala News Co- James Strange better known to the Star force of which he is a valued part as Snowball returned last night from a visit to his old stamping ground at Williston Jim has had a Strange grin on his face today 11III NEW ARRIVAlS AT THE TEAPOT GROCERY- New Pack Royal Scarlet Dried Fruits FIGS CITRON PRUNES PEACHES APRICOTS CURRANTS SEEDED RAISINS LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL We Have Exclusive Sale of the Royal Scarlet Line and Carry a Complete Stock ai all TimesEvery article Guaranteed- USE CREAM FLOUR Fleischmans Yeast Received Twice a W- eekTEAPOT GROCERY Mrs Frank J Huber after a pleas- ant ¬ visit to relatives in Indiana re ¬ turned home Saturday afternoon much benefited by her outing Capt J B Martin the turpentine- man at Moss Bluff has sent his fast mare Jennie V to the Marion Coun- ty ¬ Fair race track for training She is in charge of Mason Tison Charter H Dame left today for Live Oak Pine Grove Branford and Tiger I Lake to work up Woodmen enthus ¬ iasm FOR SALE CHEAP- A v desirable building lot on Xorth Second East Adams street opposite- the Jewish synagogue Address Box ISO city- Sixteen new post card views of Ocala just received at Weihe the jewelers s rY I I I I THK TIME OF LONG KVKXIXO HOURS Is at hand Are you equipped with good vision so that you can spend these hours to the best advantage Reading by Lamplight Is a task to imperfect eyes It is a pleasure to perfect ones DR D M BOXEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to 10 a in and 130- to 430 p in Optical office and lab ¬ oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block FRESH OYSTERS EVERY DAY Fresh oysters served in all styles ev- ery ¬ day from 5 a m to 10 p m at the Elk Cafe- A BIG SQUAD OF CONVICTS- The convict recruiting officers took- a squad of 30 colored prisoners from the Marion Farms Hospital to a camp- in South Florida this afternoon The men had been ought in here from different places in th state There was one woman in the gang WONT SLIGHT A GOOD FRIEND- If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get declares Mrs A L Alley of Heals Me for after using un bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery and seeing its excel- lent ¬ results In my own family and others I am convinced it is the best medicine made for coughs colds and lung trouble Every one who tries it feels just that way Relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises- you For bronchitis asthma hemor- rhage ¬ croup lagrippe sore throat pain in chest or lungs its supreme fiOe and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran ¬ teed by all druggists Miss Howard and Miss Russell a fine team of refined comedy song and dance artists will be at the Armory Theater this tomorrow and Wednes- day ¬ evenings A full program of pic- tures ¬ each evening- Mr and Mrs William Coggwell accompanied by their niece Miss Bessie Coggswell of New York sailed from Xew York Saturday on tie Comanche for Florida where they will make their winter home in Belle view as usual Miss Coggswell will open a kindergarten in Ocala Mr and Mrs Abe Liddon of Bir- mingham ¬ Ala are in town guests of Mr Liddons brother Mr C A Lid ¬ don Mr Abe Liddon was a former resident of Ocala The following announcement has been issued Mrv and Mrs R A Burford at horn Wednesday evening November 3d 1909 Mr and Mrs Robert Allen Burford Jr In a word Ensign Burford of the tnited States Navy with his bride will be the guest- of his parents for a few days and their friends are invited to meet them Col W X Camp son WHlU m and his four granddaughters Misses Stel ¬ la Xina Xettie and Carita Camp spent Saturday at the colonels orange grove In Hernando county Lanler Robertson went down to Whitney Saturday to spend Sunday with his mother Rev I W Ogle went down to Cor ¬ nell Saturday afternoon to preach Henry Morrison and daughters of Okahumpka were in town Saturday shopping 1 Mr and Mr = Henry Ridra s of 1 Loughman who have been visiting- Mr W H Mcfonns family in Ocala i returned home Saturday I I Me = sr Henshley and S C MeLan i alum of Hnllidaysbursr Pa stockhol- der ¬ in the Ocala Iron Works are at the Ocala House for a few days having come to our city to look after their business interests here Xapoleon Lilac Talcum Powder at I the Court Pharmacy ARMORY THEATER OPEN Good Show of Pictures Music and Dancing On this Evening- The Armory Theater will be open at 730 this evening and will have a fine bill of amusement There will be three full reels of pictures among which The Phantom Sirens and The Rul ¬ ers of the World are worthy special mention Two vaudeville artists Misses Katherine Howard and Elsie Russell will appear in high class com- edy ¬ singing and dancing They are excellent performers aud deserve a full house THIS WINTERS LYCEUM COURSE- The Alkahest Lyceum entertain- ments ¬ have become a recognized fea ¬ ture of Ocala winter amusements classical as well as Interesting feature- one the city would miss exceedingly if it was dispensed with The courses have been growing steadily better since they commenced and a careful survey of the program shows that for this winter they will continue on the up grade Alkahest Lady Quartet The entertainments will commence with the appearance at the Armory Theater Monday evening Nov 15th of the Alkahest Lady Quartet Mrs Effie- C Palmer Misses Florence Hobson Flora TiVin and Elizabeth Walker four exceedingly goodlooking and talented ladits Singing reading and recitation are their specialties and it is easy to infer that they are among the best in their line Robert Loveman Concert Co In December there will the Robert Loveman Concert Company Mr Rob- ert ¬ Loveman the poet humorist and his two extraelegant supporters Miss Mary Dale Figuers violinist and Miss Lucile Dennis soprano This is a trio that cannot be excelled anywhere- Miss Dennis was educated at Wes- leyan College Macon Ga took a vo- cal ¬ course at Brenau College Ga and Is well known to many of our people who will be glad to see and hear her again Ernest Gamble onccrt Co In January will come the Ernest Gamble Concert Party Mr Ernest Gamble Mr Sam Lamberson and Miss Vtrna Leone Page three musicians of the highest type The evening of their appearance here will be a feast of music whose echoes will linger with their hearers like the memories of a fairy dream Royal Hungarian Orchestra- The Royal Hungarian Orchestra will be here in February This company- has a world wide reputationLouis PipskI and five other musicians whose performances have elicited the intense admiration of Vienna and other Euro- pean ¬ capitals Their evening here will make a date in Ocala music and will be an event no lover of harmony can afford to miss Toronto Male Quartet The Toronto Male Quartetfour superb young Canadian singers will be here in March and will give some of the best in vocal and instrumental- music Their appearance will he an occasion to look forward to and there Is no danger it will be forgotten Roneys Boys The series will close in April with our old but everyoung friends Roneys Boys Xo need to tell of Roneys Boys Ocala knows them and always look- out for them Therell be many who heard them last who will count the weeks till April comes MEETG OF THE AUTO CLUB The Star is requested to say that I this new organization will meet Tues- day ¬ night at S oclock in the Elks hall for the election of officers Also that all citizens in favor of good roads are requested to be present and join the organization It is a move in the right direction and by our united efforts the cause of good roads so thooughly be- lieved ¬ in by all can be promoted Join the > organization It costs only 50 cents a month SMALL HOME EASY PAYMENTS- A small home in the city well locat- ed ¬ new house easy terms F W Ditto Sunny Jim Robinson is busy inter- viewing ¬ the authorities about placing- a mail clerk on the Sunny Jim spe ¬ cial that makes six trips a week from Ocala to Tampa and return We trust he wilt succeed as it would prove of great convenience to the merchants and business men all along the route Xext week the train will make a Sun- day ¬ run thus making a trip every day- in the week- J R Knight the sewing machine- man has moved out about two miles on the Kendrick hard road where he will build himself a home and start to raising chickens- Mr and Mrs T T Munroe return- ed ¬ Sunday from their six weeks out ¬ ing taking In the Seattle exposition land other show places in the west They had a splendid time and their looks show it I I The report was current this morn ¬ ing that a negro shooting serape took place at L Horne Cos turpentine still Saturday night of which Mr Fox worth is manager but we could not I get the particulars or names of parties I implicated t The Armory Theater will open to- night ¬ I with moving pictures and vau- devIlle ¬ Tucker Sylvester expect to I give our people something good In this line this winter and we hop our peo- ple ¬ I will turn out and give them a good start tonight I t The Tifton Ga fishing club went t down to Homosassa for an outing I Saturday They were 16 strong in- cluding ¬ two ladies LOSTSttat or stolen Maltese kitten with star under chin answer- ing to name of Satan Liberal re- ward ¬ for information leading to recov ¬ I ery Address Miss Annie Atkinson- J Rosen bloom representing the Manhattan Pant Co of Baltimore Md was in town today Interviewing- the trade We now have pretty post card views- of all the churches of the city includ- ing ¬ I a new one of the Episcopal church I Weihe the jeweler- Mr I J Emory Rush the successful broker spent Sunday with his family- in I Ocala I Doctor J C Boozer who Is show- ing ¬ such a deep interest in the Mar- ion ¬ county corn exhibit for which he has contributed liberal prizes said be received ten new applteaits by mail this morning whlrh brings tVd num ¬ ber up to 4i contestants 4 I PRESSES- UITS Careful OCALA PRESSIMS W F MARLOW Pro- prMolltezumaBarbersho tn Connection With the Hotel OAce Skilled worKmen and courteous at ¬ tention to alL Special attention to children > ELECTRIC MASSAGE f HOT AND COLD WATER 1 R A DETTERICHProDrietw SEED OATS FOR SALE r Marlon count grown rustproof and Burt or 90day oats Z C Chambluj s ST MARGARETS GUILD- TO HOLD A BAZAARS The ladles of St Margarets Guild 1 will hold their annual bazaar on Dec t 2nd at the Womans Club building- roxler H BHM KB > HI handles a large and com plete assortment of high grade cigars cigarettes and tobacco > 4 Wanted At once man with good logging team to haul timber for mllli Write or call Hilton Lumber Co Belleview Fla 2tw R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired- Dr f Spooner the orange grower and buyer of Stanton was up Saturday FIRE WOODFiRE WOOD J We have a large sappy jf fire wood both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAR delivered cash Call at factory or PHONE 170Geo GILES CO KILLS TO STOP THE FIEND tt + The worst foe for 12 years of < ohnJ Deye of Glad win IVjlchi Vasra njv c nine ulcer He paid doctors over 01 i without benefit Then Bucklens Ar nica Salve killed the ulcer amVcurgd him Cures fever sores bolls felons eczema salt rheum InfalllbleiVfprA- piles burns scalds cuts oqrns I 2jiqT3 at all druggists 4 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION And Proposed Charter of the Ocala Investment Company- The undersigned intending and pro- posing to organize a corporation under the general laws of the state ot Flor- Ida ¬ relating to corporations for profit hereby make arid publish the follow- ing articles of corporation artdpTdv posed charter rA1t i sI < The name of the corporatlon 4shdll11 be the Ocala Investment company apjl l its principal place of business i shall bo- at Ocala Marion couhtjvFlorlda- tr r 11 tl ill The general nature of buslness to s- he transacted Is to buy own t lease sell and encumjier real estate- to buy acquire and own personal property incident to Its business and buy and sell securities and to do and perform such other business aais In- cident ¬ to the purpose of this charter and not Inconsistent with the lawsof the state of FloridaIII + < The amount of capital stock author ized is the sum of five thousand dol- lars ¬ which will be divided Into fifty shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each nonassessable- IV The corporation shall exist for a term of fifty years t V The business of the company shall be conducted by the following named 4 officers towit A president a vice president and a secretary and treas = urer which last named offices may be held by the same person and by a I board of not less than three directors i which said officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stock hold = ers and directors to be held at Ocala Florida on the third Tuesday In De ¬ cember of each year The names of the officers who shall conduct the business of the company until those elected at the first election- s be qualified are George Stuart president R R Carroll vice president- and W W Clyatt secretary andtrejis urer II VI The highest amount of Indebtedness- to which the corporation can at any- time subject itself is ten thousand dollars VII The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount subscrib- ed ¬ by each are as follows George Stuart Ocala Florida 24 4 shares W SV Clyatt Ocala Florida 24 shares R R Carroll Ocala Flor- ida ¬ 2 shares i > In witness whereof the incorporators have hereunto set their hands and taf fixed their seals this the 26th day of October 1909 Geo Stuart Seal W W Clyatt Seal- R 1 R Carroll Seal State of Florida Marion County Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority George Stuart V V Clyatt and R R Carroll each- of whom are well known to me to be the parties described in and who ex ¬ ecuted the foregoing articles of Incor- poration ¬ and proposed charter and each acknowledged the execution of the same for the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed Given under my hand and seal of office this the 26th day of October 199 Seal S T Slstmnlc Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Notice of Application for Letters Patent Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will on the 1st day ot Pgi cember 1909 apply to the governor qC Florida at Tallahassee Florida for letters patent upon the foregoing artlr- cles of Incorporation and proposed charter Geo Stuart- WW Clyatt R R CarrolU i

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Page 1: Miss Mary W-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03312/00009.pdf · fine writing paper Drop in and take a look at them The Postoffice Drugstore-Mr Max Reich of Rockwell head ot

tr1 w 7 1Tg IJ





MilliNERYWe direct special attention to our fine showing-

of Cheap Millinery which includes a Special Lineof Hats for 150 > 200 > 250 and 30f and on up

t and would certainly be your worth while to comeand investigate before buying elsewhere

We also carry a full line of medium price andc Pattern Hats

Our work room this season is well equippedand we are ready to do any kind ot work at areasonable price

Be sure and ask to see our beautiful line ofAutomobile Veils

Miss Mary AtHecicNext to Munroe Chambiiss Bank

r IT IS A FACTthat the man who carries his money in his pocketbook willspend all of it without thought while it becomes second na-


l for a man with a hunk account to figure on maintaining1 a reserve in his bank


The Munroe Chambiiss BankOcala Florida-






i THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENTCOMPANY will sell you a home inOcala Will sell you a lot anxlbuild a house planned by you

t Will guarantee the title and carrythe insurance You pay littlemore than rent Now ready forbusiness


1 Ln

E C Smilh c V s Roberts


Complete Line of Caskets and Burial MaterialsGraduated Embalmers and Undertakers

Day Phone 10 Night Phone 94e OCALA FLORIDA

> cu






Wo have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do allkindsof Cement Work Build Founda tions make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We makeBlocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick andthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Const Line track north of Foundry




> C-




Rates S3 per Day and Upwards American Plan



r Washington SeminaryNorth Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School forgirls and young ladies Boarding department strictly limited to insure retIned home life Classes divided into small sections to secure persona in ¬

struction Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages in Mus-Ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley RandolphMacon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap-plication


L D SCOTT EMMA SCOTT Principalsn 0


We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon

blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen andour motto is Uto please

Temporary quarters phone 256



K of P meet tonight

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening

The county boards meet tomorrow

Mr riL Vtha ia on the sick list

Captain Lytle of Stanton came uptoday

Mr R L Martin came up from WeirPark today

When you drink at Troxlers youknow it is right

Mr J D Pope of Wildwood is atthe Montezuma

You can buy the E W smoker atTroxlers-

Mr E E Perkins of Edenfield is atthe Montezuma

Hulnuts Violet Sec Soap at theCourt Pharmacy-

Sam Posnot of Eastlake was a vis ¬

itor to the city today-

A large assortment of choice fruit-at Troxlers

Mr Phil Fort of Candler was in thecity today shopping

Sixteen new post card views of Ocalajust received at Weihe the jewelers-

Mr E C McLeod of Kendrick is intown today

Mr M II Eddridge of Clearwater-is a guest of the Ocala House

Twentyeight different post cardviews of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers-

Mr Arch Ingram of Jacksonville isin thf city visiting his parents

FOR SALECheap a Rambler bi ¬

cycle Call at Star officeI

Miss Christine Richards of Gaines-ville


is the guest lif Mss MargaretAnderson-

A new shipment Hudnuts toiletarticles just in at the Court Phar-macy


H L Jones received a motorcycle-this morning from the HammondportX Y bicycle company

FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclassladys buggy horse Apply to Dr AL Izlar-

T F Townsend the pioneer settlerof Martin was in town today attend-ing


the court land sale

Just received a shipment of Huylers candy Troxlers yes thats theplace

rct ready to go to the Armory to ¬

night taut pass a pleasant eveningFine pictures and refined comedy

Messrs J R Triggers and D fl Mcformick of LaRelle are guests of theMonteiimn

Pennsylvania Grit and other leadingnewspapers and magazines at Ballards news stand

Messrs J W Dutton and M JfRrice of Mascot are guests of theMontezuma

The latest copywright books and thefinest general line of books ever shown-in this city at the Ocala News Co

r II Mathis of Rlackvllle S Cthe extensive cantaloupe grower ar-


in the city Saturday-

A E Polly is up from a two weekstussle with the shakes the first he hashad in 12 years

Let us do your prescription workPrescriptions called for and deliveredpromptly The Court Pharmacy-

A J Harrell the veteran with histwo sons were business callers in thecity today

Palmers Garland Cold Cream In 25cand 50c jars at the Postoffice Drug-store


Mr and Mrs G W Gallden anddaughter of Chattanooga are guestsof the Montezuma

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best 5c at the Postoffice Drugstore-

Mr T K Slaughter of Levon was inthe city yesterday a guest of the OcalaHouse

Have you seen tne new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents-

Mr A P Stueky president of theTampa and Jacksonville railway is In-

to 011 today

Use Palmers Lotion after shavingnOc and 1 bottles at the PostofficeDrugstore-

A baby girl arrived Saturday night-at the home of Mr and Mrs JerryRurnett The little lady is doing finely

Pound Paver tablets and box pap-ers


as fine a line as you will find inthe South at the Court Pharmacy

Messrs C D Denham and J C1Cresland of Atlanta are guests of theOcala House

If you want a good tend pencil buyone of Gerigs Rest 5c at the Postoffice Drugstore-

Mr A S Johnson of the mercantilefirm of Bishop Johnson was a call-er


Is town today

Phone us for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them The CourtPharmacy-

W T Hyde sawyer for the Ro ssCrosby mill at Martin was in townSaturday and said business was good-

R C Davis S uo or Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

Mrs Jnhn L Davis of Irvine was intown today the guest of her sisterMrs Archie Mclver

We now have pretty post card views-of all the churches of the city includ ¬

ing a new one of the Episcopal churchWeihe the jeweler




Leader Mrs M M Little Every-one


invitedSong Jesus SavesScripture story I Thess 55f4PrayerHymn Tell the Sweet StoryTalk by leader Why We are Not

Missionaries-Miss Helen Lee Richardsons Work-

in China Mrs J A BouvierBible reading in concertReading of Bishop Morrisons Letter-

on Brazil Missions Miss Parr I

Duet Why Stand Ye Here Idle MissBarnett and Miss Liddon

Our Literature

missionariesChain or prayers for our Florida I

Notes from the Brazilian conferencerecently held by Bishop Morrison DD

Poem Love Finds Service Mrs AA Winer

Hymn The Morning LightAnnouncementsBenediction


A quiet wedding took place last ev-

ening¬ i

at the home of the bride MrsEthel SSnclairOldfield was married-to Mr Howard L Holmes Dr W HDodge performed the ceremony im-pressively

¬ i

in the presence of the moth-er

¬ I

of the bride Mrs William Sinclair-her


son Mr Robert Sinclair and afew Invited friends

The bridal couple left on the noon I

train today for the home of the groomon the east coast The best wishes of I

the Star accompanied the happy pair-


Mr Eldred the expert painter anddecorator has Just finished painting-the outside and decorating the inside-of the Montezuma Barbershop and hasmade it one of the neatest and most I

artistic places in town


Cheapest and best dray in the cityWo solicit your patronage Satisfac ¬

tion guaranteed

Mr W G Lansford of Birmingham-with


the CopelandIngHs company I

who have the contract to lay the vit-

rified¬ I

brick paving on North Magnolia street has arrived in the city and-Is starting the work of laying the i

brick Mr Lansford will superintend j

the work for the company

Hugh J Nichols the Wildwood horsedealer received a car of very finehorses Saturday evening and same canbe seen at the John R Martin lot onExposition street Chief Chambers of i

the fire department tried out a fine i

light bay horse this morning and he I

teemed the animal competent to fillthe bill I


If you want a goodlead pencil buy I

one of Gerigs Best 5e at the Post = r

office Drugstore

Mr W T Gary and family havemovtd from the third ward to th An-



avenueapartment lions on Fort King I

Jergens Talcum Powder large cansholding nearly a pint each guaranteed-pure and fragrant The Court Phar-macy


Mr II f Judd bookkeeper for MP-

Ivor MacKay has moved his family I

Into the pretty Carmichael cottage on I

Fort King which was recently rebuilt

We have a few boxes or exception-ally


fine writing paper Drop in andtake a look at them The PostofficeDrugstore-

Mr Max Reich of Rockwell head ot I

the Gulf Supply Company was a busi ¬

ness caller in Ocala Saturday eveningI

Twentyeight different post card I

views of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers


Bullock of Fort Piwce came-in yesterday to see his sick mother j

who we are pleased to say is greatlyimproved Harry will return to hiswork Wednesday being employed by I

the East Coast Railway I

There is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILL f

TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-


chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know


Jack Rentz the Levon mill man in-

coming to Ocala this morning in his I

onto had a breakdown and the Ocala j

Gas Engine Works is now repairing j

the damage-



want your prescription workt

and are prepared to offer you the mostskilled pharmacists and the purest of j

drugs to compound them Tydingscompany

WANTED good boy to stay in i

shop and do office work with the ex-


of learning plumbing trade j

Apply to J W Akin at Ocala Plumb-ing


Electric CoI

FOR RENT Furnished rooms eve-rything new and convenient bath-on same floor Mrs C P MooreWisteria building 15 North Secondstreet west 1226 pd


Mr J W Jackson of Plymouth ofthe naval stores firm of JacksonGriffin is in town

The best package of paper linencloth finish 25 cents per pound andenvelopes to match at Ocaal News Co

Mrs Carl VanDeman of Jackson-ville arrived this afternoon and isthe guest of her sister Mrs W WHarris in the second ward-


couple to renttwo or three furnished rooms withMrs M B Reed 116 South Orange I


Mr and Mrs Louis Converse andsister Mrs Tidd came in this after-noon

¬ I

from Massachusetts and arethe guests of their brother Mr E Econverse

The real estate of the late A CJohnson in the Martin section was


sold today by order of the court Itconsisted of 400 acres most all tim-ber


which brought 5100 MessrsStueky Tiller were the purchasers-



of the bigh school books and sup ¬

plies are now in You can get thehigh school books only at the OcalaNews Co-

James Strange better known to theStar force of which he is a valuedpart as Snowball returned lastnight from a visit to his old stampingground at Williston Jim has had aStrange grin on his face today




New Pack Royal Scarlet Dried Fruits


We Have Exclusive Sale of the RoyalScarlet Line and Carry a CompleteStock ai all TimesEvery articleGuaranteed-


Fleischmans Yeast Received Twice aW-


Mrs Frank J Huber after a pleas-ant


visit to relatives in Indiana re ¬

turned home Saturday afternoon muchbenefited by her outing

Capt J B Martin the turpentine-man at Moss Bluff has sent his fastmare Jennie V to the Marion Coun-ty


Fair race track for training Sheis in charge of Mason Tison

Charter H Dame left today for LiveOak Pine Grove Branford and Tiger I

Lake to work up Woodmen enthus ¬



vdesirable building lot on Xorth

Second East Adams street opposite-the Jewish synagogue Address BoxISO city-

Sixteen new post card views of Ocalajust received at Weihe the jewelers

s rYI





KVKXIXO HOURSIs at hand Are you equipped withgood vision so that you can spendthese hours to the best advantage

Reading by LamplightIs a task to imperfect eyes It is apleasure to perfect ones

DR D M BOXEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to 10 a in and 130-to 430 p in Optical office and lab ¬

oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Fresh oysters served in all styles ev-ery


day from 5 a m to 10 p m at theElk Cafe-


The convict recruiting officers took-a squad of 30 colored prisoners fromthe Marion Farms Hospital to a camp-in South Florida this afternoon Themen had been ought in here fromdifferent places in th state Therewas one woman in the gang


If ever I need a cough medicineagain I know what to get declaresMrs A L Alley of Heals Me forafter using un bottles of Dr KingsNew Discovery and seeing its excel-lent


results In my own family andothers I am convinced it is the bestmedicine made for coughs colds andlung trouble Every one who triesit feels just that way Relief is feltat once and its quick cure surprises-you For bronchitis asthma hemor-rhage


croup lagrippe sore throatpain in chest or lungs its supremefiOe and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran ¬

teed by all druggists

Miss Howard and Miss Russell a fineteam of refined comedy song anddance artists will be at the ArmoryTheater this tomorrow and Wednes-day


evenings A full program of pic-


each evening-

Mr and Mrs William Coggwellaccompanied by their niece MissBessie Coggswell of New York sailedfrom Xew York Saturday on tieComanche for Florida where theywill make their winter home in Belleview as usual Miss Coggswell willopen a kindergarten in Ocala

Mr and Mrs Abe Liddon of Bir-mingham


Ala are in town guests ofMr Liddons brother Mr C A Lid ¬

don Mr Abe Liddon was a formerresident of Ocala

The following announcement hasbeen issued Mrv and Mrs R ABurford at horn Wednesday eveningNovember 3d 1909 Mr and MrsRobert Allen Burford Jr In a wordEnsign Burford of the tnited StatesNavy with his bride will be the guest-of his parents for a few days and theirfriends are invited to meet them

Col W X Camp son WHlU m andhis four granddaughters Misses Stel ¬

la Xina Xettie and Carita Campspent Saturday at the colonels orangegrove In Hernando county

Lanler Robertson went down toWhitney Saturday to spend Sundaywith his mother

Rev I W Ogle went down to Cor ¬

nell Saturday afternoon to preach

Henry Morrison and daughters ofOkahumpka were in town Saturdayshopping

1 Mr and Mr = Henry Ridra s of1 Loughman who have been visiting-

Mr W H Mcfonns family in Ocalai returned home SaturdayI

I Me =sr Henshley and S C MeLani alum of Hnllidaysbursr Pa stockhol-der


in the Ocala Iron Works are at theOcala House for a few days havingcome to our city to look after theirbusiness interests here

Xapoleon Lilac Talcum Powder atI the Court Pharmacy


Good Show of Pictures Music andDancing On this Evening-

The Armory Theater will be open at730 this evening and will have a finebill of amusement There will be threefull reels of pictures among whichThe Phantom Sirens and The Rul ¬

ers of the World are worthy specialmention Two vaudeville artistsMisses Katherine Howard and ElsieRussell will appear in high class com-edy


singing and dancing They areexcellent performers aud deserve afull house


The Alkahest Lyceum entertain-ments


have become a recognized fea ¬

ture of Ocala winter amusementsclassical as well as Interesting feature-one the city would miss exceedingly ifit was dispensed with The courseshave been growing steadily bettersince they commenced and a carefulsurvey of the program shows that forthis winter they will continue on theup grade

Alkahest Lady QuartetThe entertainments will commence

with the appearance at the ArmoryTheater Monday evening Nov 15th ofthe Alkahest Lady Quartet Mrs Effie-C Palmer Misses Florence HobsonFlora TiVin and Elizabeth Walkerfour exceedingly goodlooking andtalented ladits Singing reading andrecitation are their specialties and itis easy to infer that they are amongthe best in their line

Robert Loveman Concert CoIn December there will the Robert

Loveman Concert Company Mr Rob-ert


Loveman the poet humorist andhis two extraelegant supporters MissMary Dale Figuers violinist and MissLucile Dennis soprano This is a triothat cannot be excelled anywhere-Miss Dennis was educated at Wes-leyan College Macon Ga took a vo-cal


course at Brenau College Ga andIs well known to many of our peoplewho will be glad to see and hear heragain

Ernest Gamble onccrt CoIn January will come the Ernest

Gamble Concert Party Mr ErnestGamble Mr Sam Lamberson and MissVtrna Leone Page three musicians ofthe highest type The evening of theirappearance here will be a feast ofmusic whose echoes will linger withtheir hearers like the memories of afairy dream

Royal Hungarian Orchestra-The Royal Hungarian Orchestra will

be here in February This company-has a world wide reputationLouisPipskI and five other musicians whoseperformances have elicited the intenseadmiration of Vienna and other Euro-pean


capitals Their evening here willmake a date in Ocala music and willbe an event no lover of harmony canafford to miss

Toronto Male QuartetThe Toronto Male Quartetfour

superb young Canadian singers willbe here in March and will give someof the best in vocal and instrumental-music Their appearance will he anoccasion to look forward to and thereIs no danger it will be forgotten

Roneys BoysThe series will close in April with

our old but everyoung friends RoneysBoys Xo need to tell of Roneys BoysOcala knows them and always look-out for them Therell be many whoheard them last who will count theweeks till April comes


The Star is requested to say that I

this new organization will meet Tues-day


night at S oclock in the Elks hallfor the election of officers Also thatall citizens in favor of good roads arerequested to be present and join theorganization It is a move in the rightdirection and by our united efforts thecause of good roads so thooughly be-lieved


in by all can be promoted Jointhe > organization It costs only 50cents a month

SMALL HOME EASY PAYMENTS-A small home in the city well locat-


new house easy terms F WDitto

Sunny Jim Robinson is busy inter-viewing


the authorities about placing-a mail clerk on the Sunny Jim spe ¬

cial that makes six trips a week fromOcala to Tampa and return We trusthe wilt succeed as it would prove ofgreat convenience to the merchantsand business men all along the routeXext week the train will make a Sun-day


run thus making a trip every day-in the week-

J R Knight the sewing machine-man has moved out about two mileson the Kendrick hard road where hewill build himself a home and start toraising chickens-

Mr and Mrs T T Munroe return-ed


Sunday from their six weeks out ¬

ing taking In the Seattle expositionland other show places in the westThey had a splendid time and theirlooks show it



The report was current this morn¬

ing that a negro shooting serape tookplace at L Horne Cos turpentinestill Saturday night of which Mr Foxworth is manager but we could not

I get the particulars or names of partiesI implicatedt

The Armory Theater will open to-



with moving pictures and vau-devIlle


Tucker Sylvester expect toI give our people something good In thisline this winter and we hop our peo-ple


I will turn out and give them a goodstart tonight


t The Tifton Ga fishing club wentt down to Homosassa for an outingI Saturday They were 16 strong in-


two ladies

LOSTSttat or stolen Maltesekitten with star under chin answer-ing to name of Satan Liberal re-


for information leading to recov ¬I ery Address Miss Annie Atkinson-

J Rosen bloom representing theManhattan Pant Co of BaltimoreMd was in town today Interviewing-the trade

We now have pretty post card views-of all the churches of the city includ-ing


I a new one of the Episcopal churchI Weihe the jeweler-

MrI J Emory Rush the successfulbroker spent Sunday with his family-inI Ocala

I Doctor J C Boozer who Is show-ing


such a deep interest in the Mar-ion


county corn exhibit for which hehas contributed liberal prizes said bereceived ten new applteaits by mailthis morning whlrh brings tVd num ¬

ber up to 4i contestants 4







tn Connection With the Hotel OAce

Skilled worKmen and courteous at¬tention to alL Special attention tochildren






Marlon count grown rustproof andBurt or 90day oats Z C Chambluj




The ladles of St Margarets Guild 1

will hold their annual bazaar on Dec t2nd at the Womans Club building-

roxlerH BHM KB > HI

handles a large and complete assortment of high grade cigarscigarettes and tobacco >


Wanted At once man with goodlogging team to haul timber for mllliWrite or call Hilton Lumber CoBelleview Fla 2tw

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired-


Spooner the orange grower andbuyer of Stanton was up Saturday


We have a large sappy jf fire woodboth pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLARdelivered cash Call at factory orPHONE 170Geo GILES CO


The worst foe for 12 years of < ohnJDeye of Glad win IVjlchi Vasra njv c

nine ulcer He paid doctors over 01 iwithout benefit Then Bucklens Arnica Salve killed the ulcer amVcurgdhim Cures fever sores bolls felonseczema salt rheum InfalllbleiVfprA-piles burns scalds cuts oqrns I 2jiqT3at all druggists 4


And Proposed Charter of the OcalaInvestment Company-

The undersigned intending and pro-posing to organize a corporation underthe general laws of the state ot Flor-Ida


relating to corporations for profithereby make arid publish the follow-ing articles of corporation artdpTdvposed charter rA1t

i sI <

The name of the corporatlon4shdll11be the Ocala Investment company apjl lits principal place of business ishall bo-

at Ocala Marion couhtjvFlorlda-tr

r 11

tl illThe general nature of buslness to s-

he transacted Is to buy own t

lease sell and encumjier real estate-to buy acquire and own personalproperty incident to Its business andbuy and sell securities and to do andperform such other business aais In-cident


to the purpose of this charterand not Inconsistent with the lawsofthe state of FloridaIII

+ <

The amount of capital stock authorized is the sum of five thousand dol-lars


which will be divided Into fiftyshares of the par value of one hundreddollars each nonassessable-

IVThe corporation shall exist for a

term of fifty years tV

The business of the company shallbe conducted by the following named 4

officers towit A president a vicepresident and a secretary and treas =

urer which last named offices may beheld by the same person and by a Iboard of not less than three directors iwhich said officers shall be elected atthe annual meeting of the stock hold =

ers and directors to be held at OcalaFlorida on the third Tuesday In De ¬

cember of each yearThe names of the officers who shall

conduct the business of the companyuntil those elected at the first election-s be qualified are George Stuartpresident R R Carroll vice president-and W W Clyatt secretary andtrejisurer II

VIThe highest amount of Indebtedness-

to which the corporation can at any-time subject itself is ten thousanddollars

VIIThe names and residences of the

subscribers and the amount subscrib-ed


by each are as followsGeorge Stuart Ocala Florida 24

4shares W SV Clyatt Ocala Florida24 shares R R Carroll Ocala Flor-ida


2 shares i >

In witness whereof the incorporatorshave hereunto set their hands and taffixed their seals this the 26th day ofOctober 1909

Geo Stuart SealW W Clyatt Seal-R

1R Carroll Seal

State of FloridaMarion CountyPersonally appeared before me the

undersigned authority George StuartV V Clyatt and R R Carroll each-

of whom are well known to me to bethe parties described in and who ex¬

ecuted the foregoing articles of Incor-poration


and proposed charter andeach acknowledged the execution ofthe same for the uses and purposestherein set forth and expressed

Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this the 26th day of October199 Seal S T Slstmnlc

Clerk Circuit Court Marion CoNotice of Application for Letters

PatentNotice is hereby given that the un

dersigned will on the 1st day ot Pgicember 1909 apply to the governor qC

Florida at Tallahassee Florida forletters patent upon the foregoing artlr-cles of Incorporation and proposedcharter Geo Stuart-

W W ClyattR R CarrolU
