mission without borders newsletter summer 2012

www.mwbuk.org Summer Camps news letter Summer 2012

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Mission Without Borders' Newsletter Summer 2012


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Summer Camps

newsletterSummer 2012

Page 2: MIssion Without Borders Newsletter Summer 2012

Mission Without Borders

The lives of thousands of children,

families and elderly people across

Eastern Europe are changing because

of your support. This is teamwork that

makes a difference. And it’s your

donations and prayers that are such

a crucial contribution to our team.

This Newsletter shows you some results

of that teamwork: Anisa found real

‘re-creation’ from her daily life. Hurting

children are encouraged through

troubles by their Bible Correspondence

Course. Families gain hope to plant their

way out of poverty. These are lasting

changes that give hope and lead to


Through your support for MWB, you are

making a difference in people’s lives

across Eastern Europe. Thank you for all

that you do, give and pray. It means that

together, we can continue to reach

people for Christ.

Dear friends,

We are a Christian organisation serving children, families and elderly people suffering poverty and oppression. Through practical and spiritual support we give hope by meeting urgent needs and building self-sufficient communities.

Thank You

Thank you!

Your generous support made a big difference for children at last year’s Summer Camps.

“�It�is�a�wonderful�feeling�to�be�here.�I�felt�God’s�loving�hand�from�the�moment��I�arrived.�It�was�a�special�experience�to�be�thought�of�as�important�and�be�taken�care�of.”�Anisa (Albania)

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Your contributions mean families are planting their way out of poverty.

Thanks to your responses to our Winter Rescue appeal many families survived the desperate cold and “big freeze” of January and February.

�“�Our�monthly�budget�barely�covers�our�utilities�and�ongoing�expenses.�We’re�not�able�to�buy�seeds�ourselves,�so�we�have�to�rely�on�what�people�give�us.�Now,�with�this�parcel,�we�won’t�have�to�go�and�beg�for�left-over�seedlings.”�Maria (Bulgaria)�

“�We�are�very�happy�to�receive��seeds!�I�don’t�know�what�we��would�have�done�without�this�important�help.”�Nicolae (Romania) �

�“�We�long�to�be�able�to�live�from�our�own�work.��We�can�and�want�to�work,�raise�our�children�in�love�and�live�without�asking�how�we’ll�ever�make�ends�meet.�Thankfully,�Mission�Without�Borders�offered�us�seeds�to�plant.�We�don’t�have�to�worry�any�longer.”�Nizama (Bosnia-Herzegovina)


“�It�has�been�an�unforgettable�time�for�me.�I�met�new�friends.�The�leaders�were�great�and�they�talked�to�me�with�respect.��I�had�a�lot�of�fun�and�I�learnt�many�new�things.�It�is�something�that�I�will�keep�in�my�heart�for�a�long�time.”��Sanija (Bosnia-Herzegonvina)

You kept families warm.

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At Summer Camp children can truly be children, perhaps for the first time in their lives.

“I wish, at least once in my life, to have an unforgettable experience.” Marina



“I imagine the future to be better than what we have now, but I don’t think that our wishes will be fulfilled.” Elida



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Delivering Bibles, USSR, 1990

“I have never been to a summer camp, or even on a trip. My mother sometimes takes me into town when she goes to buy food. I would like to go to camp to see what it is like, to play with other children and see other places. Can we go sooner?” Cosmin


This year, thousands more children just like Elida, Ervin, Marina and Cosmin are looking forward to ten days of Summer Camp. Once there, they won’t have to worry if there is enough food or whether other children will accept them, instead of mocking them for being different. They will gain confidence and make new friends. They learn how to face their fears. Their dreams will be met. They will rest, play and eat well.

Help children escape despair. It only costs £60 for one child to go to camp. Just £6 a day.

Donate now to support our Summer Camps: n� Post your donation with the back page

response form.

n� Go online at www.mwbuk.org

n� Phone us on 020 7940 1370.

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Mission Without Borders (MWB) is hugely grateful for the commitment and fundraising efforts of all our supporters. But did you know that there is another, very special, way that you can show you care? You can remember MWB through your will. By leaving a legacy you’ll make sure that the needs of people struggling in Eastern Europe are not forgotten.

Legacies are vital to our work. We recently received one legacy that provided over 7,000 Bibles to help spread the Word of Life.

Any legacy, big or small, is a gift that will continue to give hope for the future:n� £300 could provide 20 impoverished families

with hope for a self sufficient future through Seeds of Hope or send 150 children on the Bible Correspondence Course.

n� £600 could provide 10 families and orphanages with much needed livestock like a pig or provide 20 elderly people each with one hot, nutritious meal a day for a month.

n� £1,200 could provide 16 destitute families with winter fuel.

n� £3,500 could provide 2 families with everything they need to start a mini-farm.

Just imagine what £10,000 could do! So when the time comes to make or change your will, please show you care by remembering Mission Without Borders.

Contact us directly to:n� Ask for our free legacy pack with more information. n� Ask for confidential advice about making a will.n� Make a gift in memory of a loved one.

Phone 020 7940 1370, or email [email protected]

A will for the future

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General prayers for each week



Life is very hard in Albania’s remote areas. Remember our field director, Monika Qeremi as she leads the work and the staff as they seek to share the gospel.



Pray that God will bring newness of life to this country. Remember, too, Sarkis Ovanesyan and his team.



Please uphold John Groza, his staff and their families in prayer. Pray that the work in Moldova will continue to grow.



Pray that the radio programmes will continue to bear fruit. Pray for Eugen Macavei and his team in Romania.



Pray for racial harmony, and for democratic reforms in this country. Pray for wisdom for our field director Mykola Bogdanets and his staff.



Almost 20% of the population live in abject poverty. Pray for director Dalibor Kojic as he seeks to bring reconciliation and hope in this troubled land.


UK office

Remember the MWB staff working in the UK. Pray for wisdom and discernment. Pray too for openness to God’s Word and leading.

Summer 2012 Prayer GuideBe joyful always; pray continually; give thanks... (1 Thess 5:16-18)

Do you want a daily prayer guide? Your prayers are so important!

Ask for our new day-by-day prayer guide: Phone 020 7940 1370 or email [email protected]

for a copy.



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24–30 June

Bosnia–Herzegovina Pray for those whose lives are broken by war or abandonment. Ask that God’s hand will be upon them and that they will have hope for the future.

1–7 July

Our local partnersRemember the church leaders in our field countries and the MWB staff working with them.

22–28 July

Across Eastern EuropePray for all those oppressed by poverty and suffering. Ask that God will show each of us how we can play our part to support them.

Summer 2012

8–14 July

ChildrenRemember children who feel abandoned and worthless. Pray that they will find hope and love at summer camp, through the Bible Correspondence Course and by being sponsored.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks... (1 Thess 5:16-18)

15–21 July

MoldovaPray for the Summer Camps. Remember the staff and volunteers. Please pray for good relationships between the children and positive experiences giving them lasting happy memories.

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26 Aug–1 Sept

FamiliesUphold the families we work with. Many face alcoholism, drug abuse and domestic violence, as well as desperate poverty. Pray for Lord to draw them to Him.

Summer 2012

12–18 August

UK Praise God for the generosity and faithfulness of MWB’s supporters. Pray for the staff and Advocates seeking to grow the work, and that more people want to be involved.

5–11 August

BulgariaGive thanks that MWB is reaching the homeless in all seasons. Pray that we continue to offer hope, dignity and good food to the homeless.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks... (1 Thess 5:16-18)

29 July–4 August

UkrainePray for our Mother Care support, and especially for provision of funds so that we can give out more of these life-saving parcels.

19–25 August

Community centresPray for all those seeking help and fellowship in our community centres. Remember our partner churches, the volunteers and all those who minister, serve and teach.

Do you want a daily prayer guide? Your prayers are so important!

Ask for our new day-by-day prayer guide: Phone 020 7940 1370 or email [email protected]

for a copy.

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9–15 September

AlbaniaAsk for God’s provision for the work in Albania, especially that new sponsors will come forward to support families in need here.

2–8 September

RomaniaPray for Anna Macavei who directs the Bible Correspondence Course here. Pray for the postal service, especially that letters are delivered quickly and in good condition.

23–29 September

God’s purposesPray for safety, provision and hope for all our staff, supporters and beneficiaries.

16–22 September

Luke 4:16-21Ask God for the same anointing that was on Jesus to be upon us. Ask God to show each of us how we can serve Him best, with willing hearts and hands.

Summer 2012

Your prayers are so important! Ask for our new day-by-day prayer guide: 020 7940 1370 or [email protected].

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Help young people learn more of God’s love through our Bible Correspondence Course.

n� Join our Bible Club.

n� Please pray for BBC staff and volunteers.

Find the Bible Club online at www.mwbuk.org Or phone us on 020 7940 1370 for more information.

The Word of God is...

“It is so encouraging to hear how God’s word is bringing life and hope to many who live in despair.” On last autumn’s trip to Moldova, supporter Janet heard just that.

“We visited the MWB office in Chisinau, capital of Moldova, where the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) is run by one member of staff and ten volunteers. They meet regularly to pray for, and write to, every one of the 3,000 young people taking part in Moldova alone. The course is composed of four sections, each with ten lessons that unfold God’s plan of salvation. On completion of each section, children receive a diploma.”

Responses“We heard how one child was so enthusiastic about the course, they told her friends who then all signed up; we learned of a 19-year old mother sharing about her life and sufferings; we discovered that young people are coming to church because of the BCC and what they learned of God’s love for them. Each child receives a specific reply to their letters from the BCC staff: These responses are very important to the children – perhaps the only outside contact children living in residential

care will get. In one Home we visited, 99 out of 160 children were taking part on the course.

“I can only imagine the delight on the children’s faces as they receive their certificate and letter, knowing there is someone who cares enough for them to take the trouble to write. But more importantly, it really thrilled me to hear how God is touching these young lives for eternity.”

Alive and ActiveA glimpse into MWB’s Bible Correspondence Course

"But it was the personal element that

touched my heart."”

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"I feel extremely blessed"So says Tamsin who sponsors two children with MWB...

Why did you decide to sponsor with MWB? I wanted to make a commitment to helping others. I was looking for a charity that offered practical help, but with Christian values.

You travelled with MWB to Moldova last year. Why? I know that donating money is an incredibly important part of helping people in Eastern Europe. But I wanted my involvement to be more than money and to go deeper than the financial sacrifice: I wanted to make it personal.

Also, I wanted to see what MWB actually did, on the ground; to find out where my money goes and know what MWB is like – the heart behind it all.

What did you discover in Moldova?I was so blessed to experience the natural way in which the MWB co-ordinators relate to families, carers and

children in Homes. They have obviously built up relationships with people based on trust, commitment and God’s love. It was beautiful to see the Lord flow through MWB.

I saw MWB re-building lives, building up communities, educating people and giving them the chance to step out of their troubles and into a new life.

What were your hopes for visiting your sponsored children?I wanted to see what their smiles looked like, or their tears. I wanted to get a feel for who each child is – making them personal to me. I wanted to come home and sincerely pray for them, and genuinely care about their up-keep and future.

What was it like to meet them? It was like being part of a bigger picture with God in control, and my part, no matter how small, was significant.

I will never forget meeting Isac – and realising that I am actually a part of this boy’s life. He and his grandmother were so accepting of me.

I thought about all Isac’s needs, not just for now, but for the future and I felt a shudder of responsibility and wondered how much more his grandmother suffered under the weight of this. But I saw that MWB is a support network for her – putting food on the table, when necessary, and clothes on Isac’s back.

How has sponsoring children, and travelling, with MWB changed you?It’s made me think how important it is to show the love of Christ in practical ways: I’m reassessing how I view money, and realise that giving even a small amount can be so life-changing for others. I’ve strengthened my commitment to the children I sponsor. I recognise that I’m extremely blessed to be a very small part of it all. This reminds me of the blessings God has bestowed on my life, in order for me to reach out and be His hands and feet.

Faith in action. Powerful.


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It costs just 60p a day, £18 a month to change a child’s life.

You’ll give them the encouragement and love they need.

You’ll help them to grow emotionally and spiritually.

You’ll be making a big difference.

To change a child’s life today, phone 020 7940 1370, or email [email protected]

JoIn our next supporters’ tour. See�for�yourself�the�difference�you�have�made�with�MWB.��


Phone 020 7940 1370 Email [email protected]

6-13 octoBer 2012UKRAINE

Change a life

todAy!Sponsor a Child

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How you have helped...Encouraging feedback Thank you to all who completed our Spring Newsletter questionnaire. Your helpful comments included...




Loose Change Chicken Challenge for LentThanks to all who saved pennies! Six-year-old Peter sent in his pocket money. In Swansea, supporters held a Chicken Challenge dinner. And thank you to supporters at the New Barn Christian Fellowship in Gravesend who say they really enjoyed taking the Chicken Challenge!

Letters...We are always encouraged by the cards, letters, notes and emails we receive from supporters. Here are a couple of messages from the last few months:




£40 = ten chickens

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Come to MWB’s offices on Thursday 13 September 2012 to hear how your giving and praying are changing lives across Eastern Europe.

There will be time to learn, to pray and to find out more.

Contact [email protected] for more information or to let us know if you’re interested.

Changing lives in Eastern Europe

Brand new website launching now!Visit us online

www.mwbuk.org• Enjoy our vibrant, fresh design.• Keep in touch with timely

newsfeeds.• Read up-to-date stories of how

your support is making a difference across Eastern Europe.

• Find out more with our video and slideshow extras.• Look forward to more features coming soon.• Use links to join the MWB family at Facebook or follow

us on Twitter. We need to know what you think. Have a look and let us know via the new site’s ‘contact us’ or email us at: info_ [email protected]

Harvest of Hope Giving families the tools and livestock to reap a Harvest of Hope.

Use our exciting new Harvest of Hope worship resource in your church to support families out of poverty into self-sufficiency.

Phone: 0207 940 1370 Email: [email protected] Download a copy at: www.mwbuk.org

Coming soon…

Knitting Without Borders

MWB SundayWhen: sunday 23 september (suggested date)

Find out how God is moving across Eastern Europe. Discover how MWB is supporting children, families and the elderly as they move out of poverty to become self-sufficient.

phone 020 7940 1370 for more information.

You can download a sponsorship form and knitting patterns from: www.mwbuk.org or phone 020 7940 1370 for copies.

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Mission Without Borders175�Tower�Bridge�Road�London�SE1�2AGt:�020�7940�1370��f:�020�7403�7348�e:�[email protected]��www.mwbuk.org

I want to support Mission Without Borders’ crucial work




I do not want a receipt Please send me more information on: (please tick)

Child sponsorship Family sponsorship Bible Club Legacies Being an Advocate A MWB speaker to church or group



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Please debit my Credit/Debit/Charity Card My card number is:

To support Mission Without Borders, I enclose a gift of: £15 £30 £60 £120


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Please tick to increase your donation to MWB by:

Regular giving You’ll�help�us�to�plan�ahead�to�support�those�who�most�need�help.�

Please�send�me�more�information�on�regular�giving.�Gift Aid��You�can�add�25p�to�every�£1�that�you�donate�at�no cost to you.�If�you�pay�UK�income�or�capital�gains�tax,�MWB�reclaims�the�basic�rate�tax�from�the�Inland�Revenue.�Higher�rate�taxpayers�can�claim�a��rebate�based�on�the�difference�between�the�higher�and�basic�rate,�nominating�MWB�to�receive�any�rebate�due.�Tax�reclaimed�will�be�used�to�help�all�of�MWB’s�work.
