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GEM Magazine Missouri Free Will Baptist Volume 82 / Number 1 / January - February, 2011

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Page 1: Missouri Free Will Baptist Magazine - Cloud Object … · Page 2 /Gem Magazine/ Jan-Feb 2011 The Official Publication of the Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists the GEM

GEMMagazineMissouri Free Will Baptist

Volume 82 / Number 1 / January - February, 2011

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The Official Publication of the Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists

the GEM Magazine Volume 82, Number 1Jan-Feb, 2011

In this issue:

From the Editor ................................................................... Page 3

Thank You........................................................................... Page 4

A New Name For Springbrook ............................................ Page 5

State Youth Retreat ............................................................ Page 6

Rev. Milan Ruble Passes .................................................... Page 8

Church News ...................................................................... Page 9

FWBBC ............................................................................. Page 12

State Calendar.................................................................. Page 13

Minister’s Retreat Registration ......................................... Page 14

Ministers’ Wives’ Retreat Registration .............................. Page 15

Financials ........................................................................ Page 17

All items for publication must be in the hands of the editor no later than the 1st

day of the month preceding the month of issue.

Business Office: 202 West Commercial,

P.O. Box 991, Lebanon, Missouri 65536,

1-866-532-6537 Gary Fry, Editor.

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The sermons and articles published in the GEM

respresent the personal views of the authors and

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Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists

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Subscription rates:

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This magazine is published bi-monthly

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from the Editor

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Ps 106:1

I have always found this verse com-forting. I enjoy giving thanks to the Lord. I really enjoy the fact that He is good. I am absolutely overwhelmed by His everlasting mercy. It is hum-bling to know that God has been mer-ciful to us in so many ways, many that we can readily identify and many that we will never know about.

Ten years ago I was sick. The doctors had been trying to diagnose my illness to no effect. I was growing worse by the day. Finally my family doctor de-cided to run an EKG, followed by a stress test. Not liking what He saw he sent me immediately to a cardiologist. He went straight for an angiogram and discovered a 99% blockage in a place they could not do angioplasty. He scheduled open heart surgery as soon as an operating room became avail-able. As I waited the 24 hours till the surgery could be done, I recited this verse …”God is good, God is good and His mercy is eternal!” After the surgery was completed the doctor told my family that the blockage closed just as he got to it. As he told them I was fine and was turning to leave, he added that mine was an unusual case. He said that almost always this par-ticular blockage, called the “Widow Maker” was discovered on the autopsy table. My symptoms, he speculated, did not come from my heart. Thank God He gave me symptoms from an-other source to point to my heart and save my life. God is good and certain-ly merciful.

Apparently I had not learned that les-

son well enough. In January of this-year dizzy spells lead to the discovery of four more blockages, this time treat ed by stents. And then in May, the bot-tom fell out.

I had never even heard of Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy, let alone aspired to have it. That’s what the doctors fi-nally decided after weeks of delibera-tion. After coming closer to death than I would like, spending six weeks in in-tensive care and the step down unit at Cox South in Springfield, I was trans-ferred to the Transitional Care Unit. The second night after arriving there

and having asked anyone who would stop and listen how long I would have to be there, I was growing apprehen-sive. When I asked this question, the response was to get this faraway look in their eyes and say, “a looong time.” Finally someone said, “several months, maybe four.”

As I lay that evening, unable to move my legs, barely able to move my arms and unable to life my head off the pil- low, faced with the prospect of months more in rehab, I came close to despair. As I prayed I asked God to change my

attitude about my situation. In the quickest answer to prayer I have ever received, He immediately gave me a deep sense of peace. While I did not like my situation any better, I knew that God was with me, He was good and His mercy endured forever. No matter what came, I knew God was in control.

I’m home now and back to work and my sense of thanksgiving is greater than it has ever been. I am absolutely thankful to the Lord and give him glo-ry and honor for what he has done for me. I am extremely grateful to all of you who prayed for me. I have men-tioned the power of prayer hundreds of times in sermons and lessons. I now have a much deeper understanding of God’s goodness in answering the prayers of his people. I appreciate my family and friends who stood by me in my darkest hours, not giving up when things looked hopeless. Their great expectations and God’s grace are what helped carry me through long hours of rehabilitation. Thanks to all of you who sought God on my behalf…you have done God’s good will.

What have I learned from this? I’ll save that for another time. Why did it happen? I don’t know, nor am I seek-ing an answer to that question. I am just satisfied that it was in God’s will and I am satisfied to be as close to the center of His will as I can get, even when it results in sickness and near death.

That’s why I say, “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mer-cy endureth for ever.”

God is Good

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Missouri Show-Me Missions

Thank YouThank You Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Two small words - “Thank You!” How often have I said those words? I have no way of knowing really. All I could reply would be, “A lot,” but that seems so small compared to the thousands?, hundreds of thousands?, times they have been passed through my lips in my life.

Many times in prayer I will say to our Heavenly Father, “I wish I had a different word to tell you thank you with that would have more meaning, but all I know to say is ‘Thank You!’”. Sometimes I even revert to saying it in another language, “Gracias, El Senor!”. I still seem to fall short of what I want to convey.

So, here I am in my office trying to find a way to express my gratitude to all of you who have been supporting the Show Me Plan or designating to your Free Will Bap-tist missionary. I don’t want to fall short by just saying, “Thank You”.

I really want you to know that your gifts have made a huge difference in spreading the Gospel. In just 2010 our State Missionaries have reported over sixty salvations and numerous others have confessed sins in their lives thus resulting in a much closer relationship with Him. Our Na-tional Missionaries report similar results and are praising God for his endless grace. Internationally, we have re-ports of salvations in many parts of the world and of some who are stepping into leadership roles beyond their local church. Some are becoming missionaries themselves ” to

to other areas of their country. A few are even going out of country to spread the Gospel where Americans have a harder time doing so.

I fear a mere “Thank you!” won’t convey the essence of their help to send someone, or someones, to places that have resulted in people being saved from the condemna-tion of Hell. Just take a look at John 3:17-18 if you think that I am going too far in my explanation. I also fear that you have heard the words so often that you won’t be able to see the tears that I have seen from those who ask me to tell you, “Thank you!” for sending them a preacher.

Please take a minute to try to imagine what your life would be like without someone to teach, exemplify and to preach the Gospel message. Imagine what your eternity would be like if you didn’t know what making Jesus your Lord meant. I hope that after you do, you will hear the words of hundreds who want so much to tell you, “Thank you for supporting Free Will Baptist Missions. It made a difference!”

Thank You

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LifePoint FWB ChurchA New Name for Springbrook After Merger

Blue Springs Free Will Baptist Church, Springbrook Free Will Baptist Church, no wait, LifePoint Free Will Baptist Church. Although, there have been a couple name changes over the past two years, things are going well in Blue Springs. As of Novem-ber, 2010 Springbrook merged with another group of believers who were called “The Bridge.” The Bridge had lost their pastor and over several months of discussions, we all decided that God would be pleased with us joining together. We all realized that we could do more for God’s kingdom together. With all the good, you know there had to be hurdles as well, like doubling over night. It meant we went from 15 kids in the nursery and children’s church to 35 children. We also have five ladies pregnant right now, so this area just keeps growing. This merge meant not knowing all the people around you, and seeing people who may not look like you do, or who may want to do the same thing that you have been doing. It meant we all had to learn to share and compromise. We all had to really learn to love others, in a real way, not in words but in our actions as well. God was getting us out of our comfort zone, but that was just what we needed. The vision of LifePoint is the same as it has been, there is no compromise there. We are all seeking God together so that He can equip us to reach the unchurched in our area. December 4, the ladies had “A Cup of Christmas Tea”. This was our first annual ladies Christmas brunch, and 26 ladies attended the event. We have also started a small group ministry, and the people really loved the first session. We were also able to collect 26 turkeys to give away to needy families in our area, for Thanksgiv-ing. It is awesome to see relationships starting and the two churches becoming one group together. The people here do not have it all together, but it is so amazing that God has al-lowed us to come together with all our weak-ness, problems, and insecurity and be a part of His plan for this church. We have a long road ahead of us and sometimes it is hard, but we pray for God’s continued guidance as we seek His will for our LifePoint family.

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We had another great Missouri State Youth Confer-ence in 2010!

The conference was started kicked off with a concert Friday Night. To start the evening off, DJ Ataxic (Bry-an Fisk, a member of LifePoint FWB Church in Blue Springs) did some mixing to get the 430 students from 34 FWB churches ready for the weekend. We hosted musical guests 33 Miles and JJ Heller. Both groups were fantastic musicians with hearts for Lord. Following the concert, they were kind enough to stick around to take pictures and sign autographs for the students.

On Saturday, the teaching sessions fired up. The Hillsdale Chapel Band started Saturday off by lead-ing us in song. They are an incredible group of mu-sicians and singers, and did a great job leading us in worship.

Our speaker for the weekend was Phil Scowden.

State Youth Retreat 2010Phil is a former Youth Pastor at Crosspointe Church in Norman, OK. Phil is currently the Pastor of One Church, a church plant in Moore, OK. Phil did an amazing job ministering to the students. He dis-cussed the things we pursue, and the things that pursue us. They were messages for all in atten-dance, not just the students.

This year, the “Off The Wall” session was led by the Free Will Baptist Bible College. They took the lead in a session of games and activities. Youth leaders and students came together for a good time of fun. This time also allows students from other churches to get to know one another.

Thanks to everyone who attended this year’s con-ference! We have some amazing students in our state. Let’s join together to encourage them in their pursuit of the Lord, and lead a life that’s an example to them.

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MILAN JUNIOR RUBLE, son of William “Bill” and Effie Mae Ruble was born Jan. 4, 1936, in Laclede County, MO, near Brownfield, MO, and departed this life Oct. 18, 2010, in Lebanon, MO, at the age of seventy-four years.

Milan accepted the Lord Jesus as his savior at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lebanon, MO, in 1948. He lived his life as a faithful Christian servant and made it his life’s work to share his testimony with everyone. It was Milan’s greatest desire that everyone be saved.

On Oct. 17, 1953, he was united in marriage with Marcella Ann Graham, in Naches, WA. They had daughters, all surviving. At the time of his passing, Milan and Marcella had just celebrated their fifty-seventh year together.

Milan attended The Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN and Bethany Bi-ble College in Dothan, AL. He was licensed to preach the Gospel in 1962. Milan, with brother Nathan, began a work on the Indian reservation in Toppenish, WA, and became an ordained minister in 1963. He later built a work in the Wenatchee, WA area. Milan was most satisfied doing the work of the Lord and helping others in their time of need.

He pastored nine churches in his forty-six years of preaching the Gospel. Including churches in Missouri, Washington, Idaho, California and Tennessee. Wherever oppor-tunity presented itself, Milan talked about the Lord. It was his mission in life to lead people down the path of righteousness.

Milan had a variety of pastimes. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. He was a talented musician and enjoyed playing many different instruments. His most treasured moments were those spent visiting with friends and making memories with his family, especially his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Milan is survived by his wife Marcella; three daughters, Patsy Ann Gardner & her husband David of Springfield, MO; Peggy Lee Cox ;& her husband Alan of Sullivan, MO; and Phyllis Jean Detherage & her husband Russell of Huntsville, AL, two brothers, Edward Ruble & his wife Betty and Nathan Ruble & his wife Judith; two sisters, Opal Plummer, Jolene Weddle & her husband Larry, all of Lebanon; ten grandchildren, Milan Russell, Amanda Gardner, Jonathan Wayne, Lisa Gardner, Brooke Leann, Zach Simmerock, Justin Cox, Christa Cox, Joshua Wayne and Jennifer Detherage; eight great-grandchildren; other relatives and many friends.

Reverend Milan Ruble Passes

With great pleasure Kendra and I would like to announce the birth of Daxton Mateo.

He came to us December 7, at 9:31am local time which was 5:31am CST. He weighed 7.8 pounds and was 19.4 inches long.

The taxi dropped us off at the hospital right around 7:00am and two and a half hours later we had our second son. Kendra did such a wonderful job, I am so very proud of her!

We are so thankful for our many friends here in Uruguay who have helped us in so many ways throughout the pregnancy and especially during the delivery by taking care of Deacon for us and we would like to thank all of our friends throughout the world who prayed for Dax and Kendra throughout these last nine months. Most of all we would like to thank the Lord who worked out all the details, gave us peace throughout the delivery, and gave us the wonderful gift of a healthy baby boy.

Dodsons Welcome SonTo God Be the Glory !

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David Carroll became pastor of Mt. Pisgah Free Will Baptist Church on April 13, 2003. The church celebrated David and Sheila’s seven year anniversary on April 18.

The number seven is important in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The creation story has seven days; Jacob served seven years for Leah and seven years for Rachel; Egypt had seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. And the Bible instructs us to forgive--seven times seventy!

The younger children were the first to honor the pastor. They spelled out the word PASTOR and said “Thank you pastor for: P for preaching, A for advice, S for service, T for time and R for all these reasons and many more.” Beth Hamilton, Brenda Miller, Kay Wade and Beverly Shelley are the chil-dren’s Sunday School teachers.

Neil Hamilton, assisted by teenagers and children of all ages, gave the object lesson. They presented David and Sheila with a number of gifts. Each gift was given with a “sound reason” behind it such as Mounds Candy bars for Pastor’s “Mounds of Wisdom” and Lifesavers as he strives each week to be a life saver for Christ.

Following the morning worship there was a bountiful carry-in dinner in the fellowship room. Edna and Harry Richard-son along with Linda and Jim McMillian had beautifully

For the 22nd year the men at Mt. Pisgah Free Will Baptist Church cooked breakfast for everyone attending on Mother’s Day. There were 30 men and 2 boys who arrived at 6:30 to prepare sausage, bacon, biscuits, gravy, scrambled eggs, pancakes and sliced straw-berries. The scrumptious 8:30 meal was served to 95 people.

During the morning worship time each mother received a minia-ture clay pot with a scripture and prayer brochure. The important message it conveyed is, “Shaped to Serve.” Inez Curry, Helen Darter and Carol Carroll were asked to come to the front of the church and were presented with special gifts. These lovely ladies have always been good role models of what a Christian mother should be. Pictured: The Mt. Pisgah Mother’s Day Committee from left: Zackary Gilliland, Ralph Miller, Shawn Watson, Michael Shelley, Larry Taff and Danny Cannon.

decorated the tables with ivy, Bibles, lamps and sheep. A centerpiece for the dessert table. Hostesses for the din-ner were Brenda Miller, Bobbie Watson and Becky Scott. Modene Smith and Sheila Hill and probably others helped as well.

Lively piano music, played by Modene Smith, called every-one to the auditorium for a special program at 1:15. Garry and Carolyn Brandt served as master and mistress of cer-emonies. Spoken tributes were given by Beth Hamilton, Danny Cannon, Shawn Watson, Ashleigh Jones, Paul Wade, Harry Richardson, Larry and Beverly Shelley. Each was a personal and touching witness of what the pastor and his wife means to them.

There was special music by the children “Be Still and Know That I Am God,” the Caravan singing “Just A Closer Walk,” Baylee Carroll playing “On Holy Ground” on the piano, Harry Richardson singing “If I Can Help Somebody,” and Neil Hamilton, Danny Cannon, and Harry Richardson sing-ing “One Day At A Time.” Ashleigh Carroll Jones, sang just for her parents a beautiful love song “I Will Be Here.”

Many of the church family wrote notes of appreciation to David and Sheila and these were given in the form of a Gratitude Tree. Pastor David responded saying how much it meant to have such love expressed and they are also grateful to the church and what each one means to them.

Celebrating Seven Years

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Mt. Pisgah

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Pastor Appreciation Day is always special at First FWB in O’Fallon, but this year was particularly special. Pastor Rick Dement and the congregation celebrated Rick’s 25th year of pastoring at O’Fallon. A lot of things have changed in the past 25 years, but not the pastor of the O’Fallon FWB church. Pastor Rick actually came to the church in 1983 as the assistant pastor. In 1985 Rick became Senior Pastor.

On Sunday, October 17, the church presented Pastor Rick with a beautiful silver accented plaque in recogni-tion of his 25 years as Pastor. Deacon Taylor Christo-pher, also, presented Youth Pastor, Scott Collins, with a plaque commemorating 5 years of service as Youth Pastor. The pastor’s wives received corsages of fresh flowers along with boxes of chocolates. Many former church members were present for the festivities which included Pastor Rick’s favorite hymns and a dinner menu of the pastors’ favorite dishes.

Well, to be honest, this is not exactly what I had planned for in November 2010. After eight full years at Cabool FWB, (eight wonderful years, I might add), I embarked on what I hoped would be a lengthy sabbatical. I do think every now and then it’s important for most pastors to take a break, refresh their vision and tune in anew to the still small voice of God. Yet, here we stand, my wife Helen and I, the new pastor and Mrs. at Rock Chapel.

This past September Brother Shelby Housley, a deacon from the church, gave me a call and asked if I might be able to preach a few Sundays for them. Of course I had no objection to filling in a bit and so the next weekend we found ourselves meeting folks on the front steps of the church house. Folks who, although we didn’t know it at the time, would soon become our new church family.

I had no idea what to expect that Sunday having only known Rock Chapel by reputation and some interaction with previous pastors and conversations with their delegates at Quarterly meet-ings past. The first indication that this would perhaps be anything more than a brief visit came as the service began. You would think being in a strange setting among people you had mostly never met would be at least slightly uncomfortable. But to tell the truth, I wasn’t uncomfortable at all. The warm smiles of a con-gregation that obviously loved the Lord greeted me, and the Holy Spirit made it easy to preach that beautiful fall morning.

Before long, God began to make it clear to all concerned that He had a plan, and so we followed obediently to an inevitable end. Not my plan--better, God’s plan. I look forward to what I hope will be many spiritually productive years at our new church home. And to all those would be pastors who somehow over-looked this lovely little church full of lovely people--Sorry, guys! The job is taken. I feel extremely privileged to be called the new pastor of Rock Chapel Church.

O’Fallon First

Rock Chapel Fills Pulpit

A Special Pator Appreciation Day!Pastor Rick Dement Celebrates 25 Years

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Fifty Years in Ministry

Lebanon 1st Hosts Pancake Breakfast

On Saturday, Nov 20, the First Free Will Baptist Church of Lebanon held a Pan-cake Breakfast fundraiser for their WAC group. The 7 AM beginning time was held in conjunction with the Lebanon Christmas Parade that started at 11 AM.

Each guest was served homemade pancakes, sausage patties and a breakfast drink for $4 each. All of the ingredients were donated by Jerry and Julie Clayton who own and operate B & D Truck Stop and Restaurant which is located on the south side of Lebanon. Then Julie Clayton and Denise Henson cooked it all up for the guests which made the event have restaurant quality food and service.

Because of their generosity, and the work of the WAC ladies to sell tickets for the early morning event, they were able to raise over $300.00 for their MO FWB missions support program.

On Friday, November 19, 2010 the Church family planned a Thanksgiv-ing Dinner. What Pastor Lloyd Durbin didn’t know was that not just our church family was coming to dinner, but a Surprise Celebration for Bro. Lloyd to celebrate his 50 Years of Ministry. Approximately one hundred people showed up and he wondered why all his family was there. It was in the month of November, 50 years ago, that he began his preaching ministry at Mill Creek Free Will Baptist Church in Fredericktown, MO. This was the same church that he was saved at while he was there singing with the Rogers Quartet years earlier. He also pastored the O’Fallon and the Mine La Motte churches. He served as pastor twice at both Mill Creek and Mine La Motte churches.

Pray for Bro. Lloyd and the Church family as we work together for the Lord.

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NASHVILLE, TN—Forty-three stu-dents and their sponsors from 10 states and the Virgin Islands attended Fall 2010 Welcome Days November 18-20 at Free Will Baptist Bible College, according to Rusty Campbell, director of enrollment services. The group in-cluded 19 students from Tennessee, five from Illinois, four from Arkansas, three from Michigan and Virginia, two from Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio; and one each from Mississippi, Pennsylva-nia, and the Virgin Islands.

Mr. Campbell said, “What a great group of students to have on campus! They showed up well prepared with questions about the transition from high school to college. They brought positive attitudes and an obvious inter-est in FWBBC’s academic programs as well as campus life. We hope they all decide to enroll here.”

Etta Crittenden Receives ‘Distinguished Professor’ AwardNASHVILLE, TN—Etta Crittenden, adjunct faculty in Teacher Education at Free Will Baptist Bible College since 2005, received Tennessee Reading As-sociation’s “Distinguished Professor Award” during its annual conference November 8 in Murfreesboro. Miss Crittenden was nominated for the award by Randall B. Kincaid, instructional su-pervisor with the Sevier County Read-ing Association.

Mr. Kincaid said in his recommenda-tion letter: “Etta’s outstanding quali-ties as an adjunct professor at Free Will Baptist Bible College have been dem-onstrated through her leadership skills in presenting current research and strat-egies in reading to her students. She is very knowledgeable, considerate, and professional. Principals in the Nash-ville area are fortunate to have students from FWBBC as part of their staff. Et-ta’s guidance allows her students to

become teachers of knowledge in all ar-eas of the curriculum and to take leader-ship roles.”

An Oklahoma native, Miss Crittenden is a double alumnus at FWBBC, graduat-ing in 1976 (B.A.) and 1980 (B.S.). She earned a master’s degree in education at Tennessee State University (1993) and will complete a doctor of education de-gree in 2011 at the University of Ten-nessee in Chattanooga. In 2003, she began serving as K-12 Reading Coordi-nator for the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE), supporting teach-ers of reading throughout the state. Her current TDOE role is director of early elementary instruction.

“I was both surprised and honored to have been selected as the recipient of this year’s Distinguished Professor Award,”Miss Crittenden said. “There are many higher education professors,

members of the Tennessee Reading Association, who are deserving of this honor.”

Crittenden has broad experience as an educator—serving 10 years with Chris-tian academies (1976-1986), 16 years with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (1986-2002), and two years as Mathematics/Reading Consultant with the Tennessee Department of Education (2002-2003).

Dr. Thurman Pate, Teacher Education chairman at FWBBC, said, “We are so pleased that Etta has been recognized by her professional colleagues as a top educator in Tennessee. This honor helps support our claim that FWBBC Teacher Education students receive in-struction on teaching and reading from the best in the state! Etta was one of the early graduates from the FWBBC Teacher Education program.”

43 Attend Fall 2010 Welcome Days at FWBBCVisitors had a full schedule that in-cluded two nights in the dormitories and a “Preparing for College” semi-nar. Thursday evening featured a Din-ner Theater and an Italian dinner as the Evangel Players performed comedy sketches. Students attended classes Friday and heard 2010 FWBBC gradu-ate Jesse Owens speak in chapel. The President’s Reception for seniors, par-ents, and sponsors met in Thigpen Theater after chapel. A campus-wide scavenger hunt acquainted visitors with the 17 campus buildings. The Gold/White Flames basketball night closed out Friday activities. Students partici-pated in a jingle contest to advertise FWBBC’s proposed new name, “Welch College.”

Comments from three campus visi-tors reflected the spirit of the Welcome Days event:

Rashaun from North Carolina: “I really liked the environment of the school. It’s a good community, and I plan to be here in January.”

Will from Tennessee: “The people are so nice here; I’ve had a really great time.”

Gene from Michigan: “I had students in my congregation who attended FWB-BC, but I had never visited the campus. I am impressed with everything that goes on here. My daughter is seriously considering attending after she gradu-ates from high school.”

The Spring 2011 Welcome Days is scheduled March 31-April 2.

For more information, contact the En-rollment Management Office [email protected].

Free Will Baptist Bible College

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Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists

2011 Calendar of Events

January 10-12

March 14-16

April 15-16

May 9-11

June 5-6

June 7

June 5-8

June 12-17

June 19-24

July 17-20

July 24-29

July 31-August 5

September 23-24

November 18-19

Executive Committee RetreatResort at Port Arrowhead, Lake Ozark, MO

Minister’s RetreatCross Pointe Retreat Center, Rocky Mount, MOMinisters’ Wives’ RetreatResort at Point Arrowhead, Lake Ozark, MOSenior Adult RetreatClarion Hotel, Springfield, MOSCM Music and Arts FestivalClarion Hotel, Springfield, MOMOWAC State ConventionClarion Hotel, Springfield, MO Missouri State Association of Free Will BaptistsClarion Hotel, Springfield, MOTeen Camp, Group 1Camp NianguaTeen Camp, Group 2Camp NianguaNational Assn.of Free Will Baptists Annual ConventionCharlotte, NCPre-Teen Camp, Group 2Camp NianguaPre-Teen Camp, Group 1Camp NianguaMOWAC State RetreatLocation to be announcedState Youth RetreatWindermere, Roach, MO

(All Dates can be found on our State website at www.mofwb.org)

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2011 Minister’s RetreatMarch 14, 15 & 16

Cross Pointe Retreat CenterRocky Mount, MO

Cost: $100

H.B. London, Jr. is vice president of Ministry Outreach/Pas-toral Ministries for Focus on the Family. A fourth generation minister, Rev. London was born in Little Rock, Ark. He is a graduate of Pasadena College (now Point Loma Nazarene Uni-versity) and was ordained on May 24, 1962. On June 10, 1990, Point Loma Nazarene University conferred on H.B. the Doctor of Divinity degree.

Rev. London pastored for 31 years. He hosted a daily radio program, “Lifeline to Truth,” Salem, Oregon, and in the Los Angeles area. He also had a weekly television program, “A New Way to Live,” in Portland, Oregon.

After serving three decades in pastoral ministry, H.B. accepted the invitation to become assistant to the president for Focus on the Family. His assignment as vice president of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Ministries is to serve as liaison to pastors and churches – a kind of “pastor to pastors.”

He communicates with thousands of pastors and church leaders each week through “The Pastor’s Weekly Briefing” (a fax network) and produces a bimonthly Pastor to Pastor cassette and newsletter.

H.B. and his wife, Beverley, have two married sons and four grandchildren.

Register by calling 1-866-532-6537 or by filling out the form on back.

Speaker: H.B. London, Jr.

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Jan-Feb 2011/ Gem Magazine/ Page 15

Monday, March 14Registration: 4:00pm

Dinner: 5:30pmEvening Session: 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 15Breakfast: 8:00am

Morning Session: 9:00amLunch: 12:00

Afternoon FreeDinner: 5:30pm

Evening Session: 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 16Breakfast: 8:00am

Morning Session: 9:00am

Name_______________________________________________________________Address______________________________________________________________Phone____________________ Email______________________________________Church_______________________________________________________________Rooming With_________________________________________________________Fees Enclosed:________$25 Registration Fee ($75 due at check-in)________$100 Full Retreat FeeMail to: MOFWB, PO Box 991, Lebanon, MO 65536For more Information call 1-866-532-6537

Registration Form

Retreat Schedule:

Directions: From Lake of the Ozarks take Business 54 to Hwy W, then turn left on Hwy Y.

Continue until the road ends at the Retreat CenterPhysical Address:

31434 Main Street, Rocky Mount, MO 65072

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Page 16 /Gem Magazine/ Jan-Feb 2011

The 2nd AnnualMissouri FWB Ministers’ Wives’ Retreat

Women Under ConstructionFriday and Saturday, April 15 - 16, 2011

The Resort at Port Arrowhead3080 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Clear your schedule for Missouri Free Will Baptist’s annual retreat just for YOU - the wife of a minister (Senior Pastor, Associate, Music, etc.). Dress for comfort and bring a gently used Christian book for a book swap.

The cost will be $75.00 per person (accommodations are two per room). Fee includes room, conference fee, dinner Friday evening and Saturday breakfast buffet.

Guest Speaker:Sandra Trivett-

Pastor’s wife, Former Director of Women’s Ministries, Former Missionary to the Philippines

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Jan-Feb 2011/ Gem Magazine/ Page 17

1:00 Registration - Check-in begings3:00 Session 1 - Laying the Foundation5:00 Session 2 - Construction Zone6:00 Dinner7:00 Session 3 - Tools of the Trade8:30 Session 4 - Designing Women (Book Swap & Activities)

7:00-9:00 Breakfast Buffet (at your leisure)9:00 Session 5 - The Walk Through10:15 Session 6 - Clean Up12:00 Check Out

Friday SaturdaySchedule:

Mail Registration form and check to:

Missouri State Association of Free Will BaptistsPO Box 991Lebanon, MO 65536

Registration must be received by March 18, 2011.(Registration will not be finalized until payment is received. After March 18, registration will be $90.00)

For more information contact:Betsy Earls - (417) 345-8049 or [email protected] Webster - (417) 991-2044 or [email protected]

Registration Form



Phone_______________ Email__________________________________

Check One: _____ I would like to room with ___________________________ _____ I have no special roommate request.

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Page 18 /Gem Magazine/ Jan-Feb 2011

Financial Report Please note: The amounts listed are for two months, Oct./Nov. 2010

Beacon .............................. $642.23Belton ................................ $175.00Bethel- Festus ..................... $90.00Black Oak .......................... $180.00Brown, Angela ..................... $15.00Burns, Jack .......................... $70.00

Financial ReportCoop DisbursementsOct/Nov10................... $127,391.60

19.00% St HM ..............$24,204.4017.00% Exec. Office.... . $21,656.57 3.00% Gen. Fund......... $3,821.75 8.50% Youth Camp ..... $10,828.29 2.50% Youth Min........... $3,184.79 2.50% CE .................... $3,184.79 2.50% Senior Adult ....... $3,184.79 9.00% Mo Retirement. $11,465.25 3.00% ShowMe Plan .... $3,821.75

33.00% ....................... $42,039.22 National MinistriesHillsdale .......................... $4,712.59Total............................ $127,391.60

Coop ReceiptsAlton ...................................... $200.00 Amity ..................................... $120.75 Aulsbury Chapel .................. $371.10 Bailey ...................................... $518.00 Bailey Chapel ........................ $354.00 Beacon ................................. $1,750.00 Belton ..................................... $681.97 Bethel- El Dorado Springs ... $483.46 Bethel- Marshfield ................ $785.45 Black Oak ............................ $1,162.10 Byrd ........................................ $276.82 Cabool 1st .............................. $496.89 Calvary Chapel .................. $1,841.75 Calvary Fellowship ........... $6,000.00 Cape Girardeau 1st ........... $1,111.00 Central ................................ $1,843.81 Christ Chapel ..................... $1,255.00 Clifton ...................................... $48.96 Copper Mines ....................... $803.91 Cornerstone ........................ $1,299.31 Crossroads- Wentzville .... $1,540.00 Cuba ....................................... $933.00 De Soto 1st .......................... $3,360.00 Faith & Hope- Aurora ......... $169.00 Faith Chapel .......................... $414.79 Faith- Fair Grove .................. $672.00 Farmington 1st ................... $4,516.31 Fellowship .......................... $3,120.00 Fordland ................................ $938.00 Fredericktown 1st ................. $685.00 Freeman Chapel ................... $708.00 Generations ........................ $1,847.94 Gospel Light .......................... $200.00 Grace ................................... $3,702.73 Grant Avenue .................... $2,096.63 Hannon ............................... $1,326.42 Harmony ............................... $698.21 Hartville .............................. $2,566.00 Hazel Creek ........................ $1,791.38 Hopewell ............................ $1,020.00 Houston 1st ........................ $1,378.02 Hurryville ........................... $1,327.00 Jackson ................................... $368.20 King’s Way ............................ $419.90

Koshkonong .......................... $545.00 Lead Hill ................................ $454.40 Leadington 1st ................... $1,053.00 Lebanon 1st ........................ $2,225.37 Lebanon Greenhills .............. $554.54 Macedonia- Niangua ........... $333.58 Marshfield ............................ $547.17 Merls Chapel ......................... $317.87 Mill Creek .............................. $841.25 Mina La Motte ...................... $166.20 Monett 1st ........................... $1,599.16 Mountain Grove 1st .......... $1,891.35 Mt. Pisgah ........................... $1,185.00 Mtn. Grove 1st ................... $1,774.10 Myrtle ..................................... $776.76 Neosho 1st .......................... $3,624.25 New Hope ............................. $653.00 New Life- Licking ................ $817.97 Oak Grove- Mtn Grove ....... $235.30 Oak Hill ................................. $918.00 O’Fallon 1st ........................ $4,274.10 Ozark 1st ............................. $4,197.52 Palabras De Vida Eterna ..... $750.50 Park Hills 1st ...................... $1,519.10 Parkview ............................. $1,083.00 Pleasant Hill- Thayer ........... $279.21 Pleasant Ridge- Urbana ....... $126.55 Potosi 1st ................................ $390.72 Rejoice ................................. $1,594.81 Republic ................................. $397.57 Richwoods 1st ....................... $823.00 Rock Chapel .......................... $881.87 Rolla 1st ................................. $571.00 Salem ........................................ $60.00 Seymour .............................. $1,582.00 Smyrna ................................... $150.00 Springfield 1st .................... $5,590.06 St. Francois Assn. ................... $92.80 Stockton ................................. $364.60 Thayer ................................. $3,274.00 Trinity ................................. $1,982.83 Twin Oak ............................ $1,453.25 Union Grove ...................... $1,020.00 Union Light ........................... $174.00 United ................................. $4,636.05 Unity ................................... $1,010.00 Verdella ................................. $494.13 Viburnum ........................... $1,306.00 Victory- Alton .................... $1,205.18 Victory- KC ........................ $1,998.21 Waynesville 1st .................. $1,285.72 West Plains 1st ................... $2,113.00 Wilderness ............................. $832.10 Willow Springs ..................... $643.64 Wolf Creek ......................... $1,519.00 TOTAL ............................ $127,391.60

Bailey Chapel .......................... $29.00 Beacon .................................... $799.36 Belton ..................................... $310.00 Bethel- Festus ........................ $135.00 Black Oak ............................... $360.00 Book Store .......................... $1,080.00 Brown, Angela ........................ $30.00 Cabool 1st .............................. $210.00

Calvary Chapel ..................... $210.00 Calvary Fellowship ........... $4,810.00 Cave Springs Assn ............ $1,045.00 Central ................................... $330.00 Chrisman, Mona ..................... $60.00 Copper Mines ....................... $315.00 Cornerstone ........................... $822.00 Crossroads- Wentzville ....... $250.00 Cuba ....................................... $223.50 De Soto 1st .......................... $1,540.00 Eastern Gate ............................ $60.00 Farmington 1st ...................... $915.00 Fellowship .......................... $1,437.00 Fordland ................................ $400.00 Fredericktown 1st ................. $360.00 Freeman Chapel ................ $1,440.00 Generations ........................... $762.54 Grace ...................................... $838.00 Grant Avenue ....................... $557.34 Greater Springfield ........... $2,634.67 Hannon ............................... $1,326.42 Happy Hill .............................. $60.00 Hartville ................................. $370.00 Heritage Chapel ................... $436.00 Hopewell ................................. $60.00 Houston 1st ........................... $565.00 Jackson ..................................... $60.00 Jones Chapel ........................... $80.00 Leadington ............................ $230.00 Leadington 1st ...................... $230.00 Lebanon Greenhills .............. $266.36 Liberty Assn. ...................... $3,495.67 Macedonia- Purdy........... $23,000.00 Maggart, Roxanne ................ $100.00 Merls Chapel ........................... $60.00 Mill Creek .............................. $280.00 Mill Creek CWF .................... $224.00 Mina La Motte ...................... $300.00 MO Cooperative Plan ....... $3,821.75 MO WAC ............................ $1,682.20 Monett 1st ................................ $30.00 Mountain Grove 1st .......... $1,930.00 Mt. Pisgah .............................. $638.00 Mt. Zion- Thayer .................... $60.00 Myrtle ..................................... $320.00 Neosho 1st .......................... $1,565.00 New Home- Hartville .......... $420.00 New Hope ............................. $300.00 New Life- Licking ................ $146.00 Oak Hill ................................. $103.00 O’Fallon 1st ........................... $880.32 Olivet ...................................... $390.00 Ozark 1st .................................. $68.00 Palabras De Vida Eterna ....... $30.00 Park Hills 1st ........................... $20.00 Parkview ................................ $464.00 Parkway ................................... $60.00 Pleasant Grove ...................... $270.00 Pleasant Hill- Thayer ............. $90.00 Pleasant Ridge- Urbana ....... $140.00 Porter Chapel ........................ $349.48 Rejoice .................................... $230.00 Richwoods 1st ....................... $105.00 Rock Chapel .......................... $420.00 Rolla 1st ................................... $60.00 Southeast Assn. ...................... $90.00 Springfield 1st .................... $1,830.00 Stockton ................................. $143.72

State Home Missions

Show-Me Plan

International Missions

Bethel- El Dorado Springs ..... $10.00 Cave Springs Assn. ........... $2,000.00 Faith Chapel .......................... $490.00 Hannon ............................... $2,635.46 Hazel Creek ............................. $20.00 Macedonia- Purdy................ $300.00 Mission Association .......... $1,177.00 MO WAC ................................. $20.00 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $640.00 Northeast ............................... $684.10 Olivet ........................................ $75.00 Ozark 1st .................................. $20.00 Palabras Eterna De Vida ....... $90.00 Republic ................................... $25.00 Richwoods 1st ......................... $40.00 South Central ..................... $2,506.00 Stockton ................................. $400.00 TOTAL .............................. $11,132.56

Calvary Fellowship ........... $3,931.04 Central ..................................... $85.00 Copper Mines ....................... $200.00 Cuba ......................................... $89.40 De Soto 1st ............................. $160.00 Farmington 1st ...................... $822.00 Fellowship ............................... $20.00 Fellowship- Park Hills ........... $30.00 Generations ........................... $123.50 Gospel Light .......................... $420.00 Grant Avenue ......................... $28.00 Hartville ................................. $200.00 Macedonia- Purdy............. $1,500.00 Monett 1st .............................. $800.00 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $265.00 Neosho 1st ............................. $100.00 Olivet ........................................ $75.00 Ozark 1st ................................ $100.00 Park Hills 1st ........................... $20.00 Parkview .................................. $10.00 Republic ................................. $175.00 Rock Chapel .......................... $100.00 Rolla 1st ................................. $320.50 South Central ........................ $102.00 Springfield 1st ....................... $145.00 Thayer ...................................... $10.00 Trinity ...................................... $50.00 Victory- KC ........................... $206.00 Waynesville 1st ..................... $160.00 TOTAL .............................. $10,247.44

Thayer ................................. $1,540.00 Trinity .................................... $240.00 Union Light ........................... $350.00 United .................................... $950.00 Unity ...................................... $490.00 Verdella .............................. $1,827.08 Viburnum .............................. $165.00 Victory- KC ........................... $917.00 Waynesville 1st .................. $1,179.18 Willow Springs ..................... $390.58 TOTAL .............................. $77,812.17

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Jan-Feb 2011/ Gem Magazine/ Page 19

Overland ChurchOverland, MO

Contact:Ken Womack314-427-8327

Available Churches

Mill Creek ChurchFredericktown, MO

Contact:Keith Myers573-783-2410Don Smith


Cabool First ChurchCabool, MO

Contact Frank Lutz417-962-3960

Copper MinesFredericktown . MO

Contact:David Hovis573-783-7804

National Home Missions

Beacon ...................................... $30.00 Bethel- Festus .......................... $70.00 Calvary Fellowship ........... $3,907.00 Central ................................... $100.00 Copper Mines ....................... $100.00 Cuba ....................................... $134.10 De Soto 1st ............................. $530.00 Farmington 1st ................... $2,101.00 Fellowship ............................. $317.03 Fordland .................................. $10.00 Fredericktown 1st ................. $100.00 Grace ...................................... $360.00 Grant Avenue ....................... $282.00 Hartville ................................... $40.00 Houston 1st ............................. $60.00 Hurryville .............................. $200.00 Jackson ................................... $115.00 Liberty Assn. ...................... $2,000.00 Merls Chapel ......................... $125.00 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $270.00 Neosho 1st ............................. $350.00 New Testament....................... $20.00 Oak Hill ................................... $70.00 O’Fallon 1st ........................... $600.00 Olivet ...................................... $150.00 Ozark 1st ................................ $578.00 Park Hills 1st ........................... $30.00 Rader, Jerry ............................. $40.00 Richwoods 1st ......................... $70.00 Rock Chapel .......................... $318.50 Rolla 1st ................................. $340.50 South Central ........................ $204.00 Southeast Assn. ...................... $45.00 Thayer ...................................... $40.00 Trinity ...................................... $60.00 United ...................................... $20.00 Waynesville 1st ..................... $367.00 West Plains 1st ...................... $355.00 Willow Springs ....................... $50.00 TOTAL .............................. $14,559.13


Berea MinistriesJackson ..................................... $30.00 Southeast Association ............ $45.00 TOTAL ..................................... $75.00

United Youth Group ............ $600.00 TOTAL ................................... $600.00

Victor Torrez

Trula Cronk Home for Children

Belton ....................................... $45.00 De Soto 1st ............................. $135.00 Grace ........................................ $77.00 Hannon .................................. $100.00 Hartville ................................. $100.00 Mountain Grove 1st ............... $40.00 Myrtle ....................................... $54.00 New Hope ............................. $100.00 Union Light ............................. $50.00 Unity ...................................... $100.00 TOTAL ................................... $801.00

FWBBCBeacon ...................................... $62.50 De Soto 1st ............................... $80.00 Fellowship ............................... $20.00 Garrison, Keith ..................... $100.00 Grant Avenue ......................... $15.50 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $330.00 Olivet ........................................ $75.00 Thayer .................................... $150.00 TOTAL ................................... $833.00

Mile High Ministries

Verdella ................................. $753.86 TOTAL ................................... $753.86


Marshfield ............................... $50.00 TOTAL ..................................... $50.00


Beacon ...................................... $64.50 Farmington 1st ...................... $725.00 Fordland .................................. $30.00 Generations ........................... $389.04 Grant Avenue ......................... $15.50 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $340.00 Thayer .................................... $150.00 TOTAL ................................ $1,714.04

Missouri Retirement

Word Made Flesh

C.E. Board

Lebanon Bible & Book Store $400.00 TOTAL ................................... $400.00

Lebanon Bible & Book Store $280.00 TOTAL ................................... $280.00

Senior Adult BoardLebanon Bible & Book Store 2800.00 TOTAL ................................... $280.00

Youth Ministries BoardLebanon Bible & Book Store $280.00 TOTAL ................................... $280.00

Verdella ................................. $584.87 TOTAL ................................... $584.87

Youth Camp

Cornerstone ........................... $200.00 De Soto 1st ............................. $110.00 Hartville ................................... $60.00 Lebanon Bible & Book Store $1,080.00 Mountain Grove 1st ............. $100.00 Mt. Pisgah ................................ $30.00 Ozark 1st .................................. $20.00 Rock Chapel ............................ $29.00 Rolla 1st ................................... $40.00 Thayer .................................... $150.00 Trinity ...................................... $30.00 United ...................................... $50.00 Verdella ................................... $50.00 West Plains 1st ........................ $25.00 Willow Springs ..................... $100.00 TOTAL ................................ $2,074.00

Youth Camp Development

Cabool 1st .............................. $305.00 Generations ........................... $194.52 Hannon .................................. $100.00 Hartville ................................... $40.00 Houston 1st ........................... $120.00 Myrtle ....................................... $79.00 Rock Chapel ............................ $25.00 United .................................... $185.00 West Plains 1st ...................... $566.00 Willow Springs ..................... $145.49 TOTAL ................................ $1,760.01

Liberty Association ........... $1,495.62 TOTAL ................................ $1,495.62

Paul Park







Jan. 1 - Nov. 30, 2010

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Serving Missouri Free Will Baptists Since 1929

Missouri State Association of Free Will Baptists202 West CommercialPO Box 991Lebanon, MO 65536

Non-Profit Org.U.S.Postage

PAIDPermit #380Nashville, TN

The Time Is Now“…Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16

Every 45 minutes, a child was placed in custody in the State of Tennessee in 2009.Every 25 seconds, a precious child is lost to abortion.Every day, many senior citizens spend days alone with no help with daily activities and, many times, with no one to care for them.

Now is the time to make the decision to strive every day to make an eternal difference in the lives of those God places in our paths. He has blessed Family Ministries to serve those in crisis – from babies to senior citizens.

Now is the time we need your help to continue reaching out to our hurting world.

Now is the time we need your support to bring the love of Christ to our residents, especially beginning this new year. For many children in our care, either in our residential homes or our foster care program, Christmas has not always been a time of joy. Take the time to share the blessings of this special time of the year and bring happiness to the lives of hurting young people. Earmark your gifts “Christmas Appeal” or go on-line at www.fwbfm.com to make your credit card donation.

90 Stanley LaneGreeneville, TN 37743
