(mi^t i partner - chronicling...

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1895. 14 BUSINESS CHANCES— Contlnned. ©OAA RESTAURANT IN WHOLESALE tjpoxjxj. district; (stablished years; eood cus- tom. Inquire 633 California at., Phoenix Bar. YVILKE. _^ GfO/lA SALOON ON MARKET STREET, eJjOl'U. one block from Baldwin Hotel; meat sell at once; owner keeps two places. Particulars 533 California st.. Phoenix far. {frt.jc/A PORK AND DELICACY STORE <Jp_oU. with rooms: rent, $13; firs.-ciass pay- ing. Inquire 533 California St., Phoenix Bar^ *DESTAUBaNT; BEST LOCATION IN CITY'. XX ApplyS. F. Breweries, Limited, 4o3 Market st. Ml is t CON VI-: NT AND RESPECTABLE: YVinchester House, -14 Third St., near .Market; 200 rooms; 25c 10 $1 50 per nisht: $1 50 to $3 per week ; free bus to and fiom the ferry. I" OR SALE-DRY CLOTHING AND 1 shoo ousiness: stock $7000: In a city of Oregon which for special reus ms nas an exceptionally bright future; cash trade only; terms cash. Ad- dress this offlce. _j PARTNER WANTED BUSINESS ESTAB- lished since 1860; capital required from $-15,000 to $50,000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 2435. * l?OR~ SALE—GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP. I i: Apply NE. corner Francisco unci Mas m. FINK STAND FOR A BUTCHER IS ALA- -T meda: low rent. 410 Montgomery st- room 2. LOOOING-HOUSES EOK SALE. C}A ROOMS, SUNNY CORNER. ONLY'..SI.OqO A 24 rooms on Geary St.: payments 2,500 32 rooms, tine sunny corner; worth $3000. 1,600 60-room hotel and bar 1.400 16 robins including piano *'}0 7-room corner flat; central 400 10-room house: very central 250 11. C. DECKER, 1206 Market st., cor. Taylor ATOTICE— 100 LODGING HOI FOR SALE, 1> from $150 to $5000. STRANDACO. 45 Third. _ *»£ A HOUSE; 50 ELL-FURNISHED —— Ox) . rooms; 3 cottages included; with flower garden : cheap rent; clears *250 a month; best location incity; worth double; great bargain. STRAND A CO.. 45 Third st. T ODGING-HOUSE; 20 ROOMS; NICELY'FUR- J--. nished; a bargain: $200. 231 Second st. OUSE 10 SUNNY ROOMS ALL FILLED; must sell at once; cheap. 704 Folsom st. "1 Q-ROOM HOUSE. REASONABLE: ALL -LO rooms filled. 238 Sixth st. HOUSE 17 ROOMS FULL OF ROOMERS. Apply 36 Sixth st. _ rr^BOOM HOUSE NICELY FURNISHED ATA * sacrifice. 1425 Howard st. furniture FOR sale- I^jior'lsale^neyv^ OF FIVE room flat cheap on account of departure. Call at 1212 Stockton st. AUCTIONEER J. T. TERRY, 30 MONK; Ol- ery st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. COMPLETE OUTFITFOR 4 ROOMS $80 Brussels carpet laid 450 Heavy linoleum 40c Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SHIREK4 SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton at. Open evenings. EDUCTIONSON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND second-hand: 400 carpet... good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments: goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON. 126 Fourth at. ( *LT PRICES IN FURNITURE ANDCARPET-* V.J this week- nt McCA RE'S. 04H or,i) Mission v. CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS THOROUGHLY (LEANED AND renovated same as new. R. FERGUSON Jt CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. ATATIONALCARPET BEATING AND RENO- X.X vating Works HAMPTON&BAILLY: layln? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 14. C;rrY STEAM CARPET-BEAI ING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighthat. O. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH " poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pionee_rO__r> pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. Golden Gate ave.: telephone east 126. THE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING -L Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th. tel. 6074. I MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- ,I . ovating works. 453 Stevenson -. 1-.. yyj*. PIANOS. VIOLINS. ETC. IfLEGANT PIANO; i OSI $500; . tNETONEj X sell nt a sacrifice. 777 M r.« at. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF PIANOS TO AR- rive soon and we cans', have apace: we shall close out several elegant instruments, standard j makes, at much less than they are worth to make immediate sales: second-hand Hardman, *.•:»:.• I steinway, $200; Fischer. $160; Stedman, $150, etc.: pianos from > $41 up. TH . ... DEWING COMPANY, warerooms second iluor Flood build- ing, Fourth and Market sts. IMPERATIVE SALI —FINE STEI YY' AV. A $200. see Immediately, rm. •_::. £09 Market -.-. FISCHER UPRK.H I', FINE ORDER; -' -.RTY'" must sell now. Room 10. Flood buildinjr. BEAUTIFUL"!?.. R .!. UPRIGHT TO BE SOLD this week at your own price. Room 21, Flood building. V" ICE SQUARE PIANO, 940: ORDERED SOLS -LY at once. Room 12, 809 Market si. /"UIEAP—2 PIANOS; 1 SQUARE AND 1 UP- XJ right. Address A., box '-:. this office. 3 UPRIGHTS SACRIFICED sTEI'.N YVAY, Schubert and Decker Bros. 1019 Van Ness ave. WE BUY' FOR CASH IN LARGE QUANTI- II ties; low expenses and low prices. BOYY'ERS A SON", Metropolitan Temple, Fifth st. T $3 78 PER MONTH: BUY OB RENT NEW uprights. HEINE, 410 Post st. ANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS, HImandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. -17 Ellis at. WE ARE NOW SOLE AGENTS FOR THE IT celebrated Knabe Piano: new stvles just re- ceived. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON. 16 "O'Farrell st. STEIN YVA Y, $300; WEBER, $275: SOHMERT $250; Emerson, $225. RRUENN'S, 228 Post. Upright" PIANOS FROM $100 up. hor^ NUNG'S, leading piano-house, 216 Post st. FINE YVEBER UPRIGHT, AT A GREAT SAC- J rtfloe. HEINE. 410 Post. EMME A LONG PIANO CO. HAVE RE- moved to 735 Market at. pELEBRATE"D~ A GERTS PIANOS; V_/ tone unsurpassed; cases unique. A. L. BAN- CROFT' .*; CO., 324 Post st. O UPERIOR VIOLIN s7 ZITHERS, OLD* NEW O 11. ML LLER, maker, repairer, 2Latham place. R EMOVED-F. XV. SPENCER A CO. TO 338 Post st., near Powell, sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post at. IVTM. G. BADGER YVITH KOHLER&CHASE 1 " 26. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. . The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale inSan Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market at., Spreckels building. EASY TERMS; LOW FRICEST" "KoHLER <* XJ CHASE. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASE'S. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHERAND other flrst-class makes of pianos: little used - cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLEB _fc CHASE "8and 30 O'Farrell at. —*___«» BA R A I Ns INHIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY payments. SCHMITZA CO., 935 Market st. 4 N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, __nL guitars and banjos at MAUY'AIS'. 769 Market. YRON MAUZY. 308 POST ST.-SOHMER." Newby A Evans, Briggs and other pianos. QTECK. CHICKERING <fe SONS., VOSE AND IO Sterling pianos sold on $10 Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st. ~ SEWING MACHINES. ALL KINDS SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHT sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest 1 rates. 206 Fourth st.. near Howard. ENGINE FOR SALE. "©9^frp~>n£v[nsTT^^ ping^"engin k AOxJ. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins Pump and Engine Co.. 117 Main at.. S. F. FOE" SALE-MISSEL LA hXTts FOR THOROUGHBRED (COACH 1839 Fillmore st. OU~BLE -BARREL BREECHLOADINO shotgun, 12 gauge. 210 Twenty-third st., near Alabama. FINE POOL TABLE FOR SALE CHEAP. M. c.. 212 O'Farrell st. OR SALE-FINEST BRED IRISH YVATER X spaniels on the coast; Irish Duke, dam Bridget O'Donoghue.sire Pat, whelped September 2s, lB93- -also Handy Andy, dam Ditch; of Connaught, aire Champion Shaughran: bred by George Yliller S? c?. d i?J'.'V r?h Wales- . Price $125 each. JOHN H. 3AMMI, 114 Sacramento st. BARGAINS IX ALL OF OUR DEPART- XJ ments: baby-carriages, rockers, cribs, stools, easy chairs, music-stands, etc.. at our factory. CALIFORNIA RATTAN .... 55 to 61 First st. TUST FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PIANO~I O fine guitar, 6 gents' and 8 ladies' fine gold watches, and 4 pairs of diamond earrings all ior original cost. UNCLE ARRIS, 15 Grant ave. A LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS I BOUGHT \u25a0f A and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex.. 310 California. TTICTOR PNEUMATIC SAFETY; GOOD CON- V condition; only$30. 328 McAllister at. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE lire and burglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st. ALL TYPEWRITERS RENTED! Including Smith Premier LEC .!lo'1 o'. AI ' EXA - NI,K '' &BRO., sole agents.. 218 Sansome a... 8. F. M ATIONAL CASH REGISTER. SAFE." XX scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. MEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- .^ hand. «• &RAY Mfg Co., 12 California a*, pOUNTERs. SHELVING, SHOWCASES XJ boiuni and sold 1121 a Market beL 7tli aiuia.a _/ Bicycles. ARK CY'CLERY*-NEW~YV EELS A best accommodations. Terminus Geary Mo- Alllster and Powell st. cat lines. -v .-\u25a0' 'v.- T BUSINESS CHANCE*. © CXCXr GROCERY, FRUIT; MUST SKI, I. IN «IJ. J-Z.O. 5 days; at sacrifice. STENBERG, 632 Market st., opp. Palace Hotel. 8~~ Taker y." CONFECTIONERY", ICECREAM parlor; present owner 5 years. STENBERG, 632 Market St., opp. Palace. ©OIXAA EXPRESS BUSINESS; HAS THE tgl—iOxJxJ . cream of trade between this city and Oakland; clears $200 to $300 per month; estab- lished 15 years: sure income. STENBERG, 632 Market, opp. Palace Hotel. ©7JTA CIGA * STORE, WITH LARGE ] tjp t OxJ. clubrooms: cheaprent: stock Invoice, $600: give trial. STENBERG, 032 Market st. j ©OAAA HALF INTEREST: PAYINGBAK- tJpOxJxJXJ . ery, restaurant: principal business ] street: remaining partner responsible and practi- j cal business man; will teach incoming partv the business; clears $400 to $500; opportunity seldom, if ever, offered. STEN BE RG, 632 Market st. ATOTICE— BARGAINS THIS WEEK: ! -Ll Corner saloon, best location, pavs we11. .. $450 Grocery aud bar, near Market at., pays well.. 200 Restaurant, bargain to-day, Sixth st 150 Branch bakery, 4 rooms, rent $18. pays well. 150 Coiner grocery and bar. value insight, rooms. 750 Lodging-house, 18 rooms and bath, lent $40. 650 Partner in saloon, clears $75 month to each.. 250 Barber-shop and cigar-store s 250 Frultstore, horse, wagon, etc., pays well 700 Partner wanted inlivery stable, good chance. 2500 To buy or sell see STRAND A CO., 45 Third at. © lAA MILK DEPOT, EGG AND BUTTER tJpLXJxJ. store; also laundry office: pavs well; cheap rent : bargain. STRAND CO., 45 Third. $^| ) SALOON; BEST PART ON* KEARNY OOxl. st.: cheaprent; full value: pays well; great bargain if sold this week; offer wanted. See STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third st. ©OAA PARTNER WANTED IN OLD-ES- tJpOXJXJ. tablished business paying $50 to s7s per month to each; no previous experience necessary, full Investigation given: a reliable, steady man will finI this a good opportunity to get into a pay- ingposition: see day. STRAND ACO., 45 Third. ©£AA BAKERY: YVESTERN ADDITION; «]PI_II_"U. counter trade $16 day; splendid loco- tion; rare chance; must sell account of sickness; offer wanted. BARRETT & CO., 865*/2 Market st. ©OAA BAKERY; SPLENDID LOCATION; ttPOUcf. brick oven; must sell on account other business; call, see and make offer: living-rooms: rent $20. BARRETT A SKIFF, 865 y g .Market st. NOTICE— DO "Y OF" YY'ANT TO DISPOSE OF XX I your business promptly? HEALY', 23 Kearny. I^OAA PARTNER IN A ROADSIDE 'H-OV/v. house; owner owns property: this is a rare opportunity. Call to-day HEALY, 23 Kearny. fflf7""vA GRAND CHANCE FOR MAN AND .jr. I OXJ . wife: 2 hours' ride from this citv; con- fectionery, fruit, groceries, cigars, etc. horse and wagon; stock at Invoice. HEALY*, 23 Kearny st. 1 AAA STATIONERY AND VARIETY Up XXJXJXJ. store, suitable for man or woman; good living to be made: will sell at inventory; business could be greatly increased byproper atten- tion, owners having too much other business: best references from leading firms of San Francisco. GEO. tsTEERS ACO., 22 Kearny st. ©ftflA HALF INTEREST IN GOOD "PAY"- »IPUyi". ing plumbing and gastitting business, well located; low rent. STEERS, 22 Kearny. **< < _ ~\i I finest SALOON IN potrero; <a*C"«_"Y». the best paying place in cltv : ove-- 7000 men employed in the neighborhood; willgive trial: more stock than price asked. YVOOD A CO., 917 Market st. O ROUGH BUSINESS MAN FOR PARTNER -I in first-clHss tailoring business; one well ac- quainted with best class of people in the city: must have $5000 ready cash to invest in the business; store in best part of city: owner is practical man in all the branches of tailoring; will refer to the leading wholesale house; first-class chance to right par y to maKe money. Address Tailor, box 124, Call Offlce. HV DRAULIC MINING PROPERTY, UNDE- veloped: for sale at a bargain; principals with satisfactory financial references dealt with only. Hydraulic, box 60. Call Offlce. T) ARTY " WITH ESTAB LI SHED BUSINESS^ J- pressed for money, will give position. $50 month, to good man who will loan $1600; interest and security. YV. YV., box 40, Call Office. ©1 A~PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT tS>XOXJ. business; suited to steady man satisfied witn$15 to $20 per week: too much trade for one man to look after. 9 Geary st., room 2. ©OXA PARTNER WANTED BY A YOUNG XJP-.OXJ. lady in established restaurant- only honest and respectable man need apply. Popular restaurant, 161 Ninth st. ©OX RELIABLE PARTNER IN YVELI> •-. —'JXJ. established wood, coal, hav and grain :business; references. Address B. C, box 108 j Call Oflice. ' I ©f'X FRUIT. CANjjY, CIGAR. SODA AND C UO. coffee stand, opposite Page-st. entrance to Golden Gate Park; 2 rooms; rent $10. 425 Stan- yan at. ©OA(|A GOLDEN "BELL SALOON, 1073 OCI"1.1. Market St.; closest Investigation; ill health cause of selling; have to lea oity; no agents. * ATEW DRUG-STORE, $900; SACRIFICE: VA- | __.> tencia cable: electric cars. Searchlight, 602 Market st. L'OR SALE OR FOR RENT— STEAMLAUN- -l dry; complete and in running order. Inquire at 715 Howard st. / '0..\ I.V FOR SALE. CHEAP; MUST BE xj sold at a sacrifice: good business; low rent. Ap- plyat 259 First s:. "PRINTING OFFICE; COST 92200; FINECON- -1dition; price $1100. Address E.. box 41, Call._ ARTNER YVANTED: LADY* OR GENT? splendid paying business. 213% Mason, r. 11. SA LOON, 3 1.1 V ING ROOMS, STABLE, FOR sale or rent. 716 Fifth ave. ©OAA STOCK of" POULTRY ranch in tjc xJXJ East Oakland; 4' _ acres: close to cars; cnetp rent. E. HILL, room 34, Donohoe building; hours 1 to 4 p. m. CHEAP; NOTION-STORE AND 3 LIVING- KJ rooms; furniture and stock; rent $14. 3138a Sixteenth st. CON 1' >N RY-STOB E : COMPLETE FlX- tures; 2 counters; fine showcases, etc. 921 Harrison. ' IP 1 EST COAL AND FEED YARD IN THE Mission, as owner has other business to attend to; has four horses, double and single wagon, buggy, etc.: also three years' low lease of premises; call and see it; cheap. 1915 Mission st. BUG-STORE; CITY'; CORNER; SALES $7000; price $1500. Searchlight, 602 Mar- ket st. WANTED— PARTNER OR A LOAN IN.THE II best manufacturing business in the Slate; party must have $10,000 or $12,000: will give good, ample security for loan: will give the party a reasonable salary that makes the loan for book- keeping and corresponding. Adaress T. J. S., box 71, Call Offlce. ERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, ES- XXX tablished over 12 years, for sale; on account of death, Apply 317 Hayes st. *L*OR SALE-GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP -Irent: no opposition; good reason for selling- make offer. Addresa F. S., box 37, Call offlce. l\T ANTED-EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN II with about $10,000 to purchase interest in : a first-class electric-light plant Ininterior city; ex- cellent opportunity; principals only;references Address H. __\u0084 box 20, thisoffice. FoR SALE-CHEAP FOR CASH; A STABLE J. of eight stalls, witn coalyard attached; rent $11 30. For further information apply Call Office No agents, WELL "-"ESTABLISH HARNESS AND II carriase trimming shop for sale at 326 Ninth at.; a bar; a : n. BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTION-STORE for sale. 209 Leavenworth st. t K M I'l HINGAND GRINDING OUTFIT omSa, •«& 1 -** """' Address p - »•• Call Branch Ollice, ,'3O Haj e . st. M ! T, gfficefffkg:* PAPER ROOTS. J. c - Call Oflice, Oakland. »••*», pARTNER IN "' FIRST CLASS BUSINESS J proposition; big inducements: large profits- must have $500 to $1000. Address H. F., box 19 Call Office. \u0084., -_*- .\u25a0-.. -,. v - -.,.", IJRANCH BAKERY FOR SALE; DOING A AJ good business; reason for selling, illhealth. 514 l astro st. OALOON AND 4 LIVING-ROOM.-.; OWNER k_? leaving i ity. Apply Call Otlice. /*Af_H PAID FOR GROCERIES, SALOONS, xj merchandise; confidential, A., box SO, Call. *ffi 900 '-RESTAURANT IN GOOD LOCA- '^" V ' non; can show good paying business; must be sold; owner going East. J. S. HANLEY, 1351 ParK st.. Alameda. "OAKERY—SI2OO; DOING FINE COUNTER XJ trade: grand opportunity for man and wife to get Into before the holidays. 3023 Sacramento. fTIGAR AND STATIONERY I.AIN" XJ dry offlce; living rooms; private yard. 1804 Polk. OR SALE-MILK DEPOT, YVITH LAUNDRY' offlce; cheap. 335i/2 Fourth. w SALOON Foil SALE, OR YY'ILLTAKE PART- ner: good corner. Apply Call Office. ALOON,DIN* ING-ROOM AND 7 FURNISHED O rooms: range: present owner 14 vears; rent $25; cheapest on the city front. J. R.,box 14. ANTEDTO BUY— WOOD ANDCOAL, HAY and train business, ingood location; must bear investigation: state full particulars, price, etc. Ad- dress. K., 946 Sixth st. <jj»f_0l)0 BAZAAR: GOOD LOCATION; t&XJXJXixj. well advertised; established 7 years : total running expenses $125 a month: doing caah business ot $1000 amonth; could be greatly im- proved with proper attention, owners having too much other business: will sell at inventory; no charge for good will. Address or apply Pacific Printing Co., 543 Clay st. THE PALACE HOTEL AT UKIAH, MENDOCINOCOUNTY, CAL. TO RENT OR FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inquire of ,T. M. MANNON, Ukiah, or WII, LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. ALL ROUTE FOR SALE IN INTERIOR town. Apply Call Offlce. \u25a0 COFFEE - SALOON AND RESTAURANT: best location in city: receipts about $40 aday- trial given until satisfied: no triflers need answer! Address C. _.., box 140, this ollice. \' EWS, STATIONERY r~CA7NDY* AND TOY xx store for sale; reasonable. 1650 Potk st. ."INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPER FOR A sale: pays over $200 per month net; price $5000: for particulars apply at this office; none but principals need apply; terms cash. personals. Business yvoiiXn^f"good~character XJ wishes to meet some one who can assist her into some business enterprise. Address M. 8., 1 Polk st. FINE HEALTHY BABY ADOP- _tion. Address 217 Market st. MIS-; DINAN; SPECIAL" SALE IMPORTED hats: $8 to $10: stylish hats, bonnets. $5 up. 11l Stockton st. z.yy-, SCX I NE. MERCHANT TAILOR: FINE . stock goods; removed 411 V_t Kearny, room 2. BLANKETS, FLANNELS.ETC. :FULLSTOCK: KO _i* i3O Y'osemite blankets, California YY oolen Mills 636 Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petaiuma. SPECIALIST— MRS. DR. PAUL MEYER, 504 xj Sutter st.; removing superfluous hair wl. hout injury to the skin; new and scientific method: re- ducing adipose tissue; develeping form; renewing vigor and beauty to the skin and body. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE -rx laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and I olice Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. YV. HOWE, att'y-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stockton. 1 000 BUSINESS CARDS, $160: TELE- =____*_ phone "Black 141." 1LL, 724y 3 Market. SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND _ NEWSPAPER *4) Illustration; in response to many urgent re- quests the school willbe shortly opened for even- classes. Particulars at 424 Pine st. IJOOKS w g ITT N - UP AND" BALANCED x J periodically by expert accountant; moderate terms: highest references. M., P. O. box 2504, S. F. SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN: MODERATE LJ Melsterschaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell TT EMOVED -DE GARMO DRESSCUTTING XX Institute, from 219 Powell street to 313 Geary. 1 am prepared to execute orders at short notice; all the latest styles received direct: suits made from $5 up; goods and findings complete, from $12 up; perfect fit guaranteed: patterns 25c tos3sc: country orders solicited; personal fitting not necessary^ MRS. A.J. BRADLEY,313 Geary st. T"IRY HENRY VOLL. 37 AND 51 CENTRE X Market, for pest hams, sausages, preserves, etc. 1 ADY CAN SECURE THE VERY" BEST \u25a0XX home in confinement with widow addressing Widow, box 112, Call. a MBIPTH. CONSTANTLYON HANDTHE XXX. best and freshest of butter, eggs and cheese. Center Market, cor. Sutter and Grant ave., stall 52. J BISHOP, CHIMNEY SYVEE~P. ADDRESS *J. 823 Market. Phoue Main 441 at C. BROWNS. A RTISTIC HAIRDRESSING, MANICURE, f\- switches, bangs, $1; wigs from $5: hair dressed, 25c. To keep hair soft have it shampooed and dried in sun at La Verite Toilet Bazaar, 6 O'Farrell st. ATT NITON— F. JOSEPH LOCHER BEGS TO -rv announce that he will open about October 28 a first-class tailoring establishment at 3 2y 3 Geary st., and will be pleased to see all his former friends and customers. ELECTRIC LIGHTSINEVERY ROOM— WIN- J chester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week : free bus to and from the ferrv. T AILOR-MA D"E SUITS TO ORDER ETC.- reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGER, ladies' tailor, 246 -utter st„ California building, rms 14-15. SUITS MADE TO ORDER OF ELEGANT O remnants for $10: samples and self-measure- ment on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market st„ San Francisco. * LL INS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC -TY electric healing, MRS. HILL, 215*/ 2 Masou st. HAIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- llshed 1869: natural curl" front-piece and first- class switch $1 each. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 StocK- ton : strictly one price. G. LEDERER, successor. <jj»l A ROOM; CARPETS CLEANED ONTHE •J.-1 floor. 206 Leavenworth st. EGYPTIAN HENNA, $1; HAIRDYE, PER- fectly harmless. Langley-Michaels Co.: all chemists: Hubbard's 923, Hauptli's, 1156 Mktst. V EW PROGRESSIVE " WINboYVAND"H<)C j-Y cleaning Co. -.floors scrubbed contracts ;day.wk or month. F. CaRNQVAL A C0.,121 O'Farrell st. HAIRS REMOVED BY' ELECTRICITYPAlN- lessly; busts enlarged: freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARROW, YVoman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. THE ECONOMY'," 40 ST., BET. MAR- ket and Mission (old No. 46)—Millinery.Cheap- est house in the city ;styllsh trimmed hats, $2: hats trimmed, 25c;hats pressed, 25c ;feathers curled, 6c. \ I IMEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- XIX fice supplies; all classes of typewritten and mimeograph work promptlv done; typewriter rib- bons. $6 doz., guaranteed. ANNAC. BUSTEEDE, phone— Main. 5807: 630 Market. ECOND-HAND AS YVELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, et^., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1028 Mission St., above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc. : cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., near Eighth. /'OI,LECTIN".;, TRACING, SHADOWING AND XJ locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. MACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS XxL taken: whitewashing and tree-spraying; rooms whitened. $1up. 1560 Market at., near Hayes. VV'Al.t'Z GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN xl class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. C»'l "~J SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. \u2666jj. -L.-I NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. ]* INE" SUITS, $15"! DRESS PANTS, $4 75. -C Misfit Clothing Parlors. 435 Montgomery st. ONE MORE CUT— Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up fctoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. CtLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT I mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. , \LD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIE* *' clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third St. \\r INDOYV SHADES MANUFACTURED TO XX order bv YVILLIAM McPH UN. 1195 MarkBL DRESSM. EKS. DRESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices: engagements bv day. 11 Geary. CLAIRVOYANTS. \ A A JA. YVONDERFUL GIFTS. Call them what you may people of San Framisco as well as other cities marvel at his power. Law- yers, speculators, business men of all grades and ladies from every walk In life together sound his praise for the benefit they have received. His par- lors are always filled with anxious people seeking reliable Information and every reply is most grati- fying: all are pleased; Professor Eugene gives ad- vice on business, speculation, investments, love, courtship, marriage and divorce; settles lovers' j quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a j speedy and happy marriage with the one of your ! choice: he locates mines and buried treasures. ! tells of your friends and enemies, removes evil in- fluences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, lo- cates and recovers old estates: developing me- diums a specialty; the troubled and unfortunate should seek hi. counsel; thousands of farnilieslong | separated have been reunited by his efforts; thousands of hearts made glad through his truth- ful predictions: he is the only clairvoyant on earth recognized by the profession as their bright- est star; all persons unsuccessful In business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit him, seek his aid and start aright; thousands have become wealthy through his advice: he is ever ready to assist those with capital to find a safe and good-paying investment; young men starting in business will find it greatly to their advantage to consult himon i all matters of financial Interest to themselves. Professor Eugene should not he classed with the many cheap pretenders who infect cities and bring disrepute to the profession. His past successes in matters of great import are a positive guaranty of his power to perform the wonders that have made him famous. All are invited locall. Hours. 10 a.m. to 8 t». M. F. EUGENE, 1728 Market St., San Francisco, parlors 1. 2, 3 and 4. MME. FRANCES. 7 CLAIRVOYANT AND iUcard-reader; 10 to 6 only. R. 22, 105 Stockton. MTME. ARNO, WONDERFUL CARD-READER and clairvoyant: fee 25c. 628 Eddy st. T>ROF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, J- trance charm. 533 Post; 9to 8; also Sunday. ME. STEWART, SEVENTH DAUGHTER of 7th daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards since 11 yrs old ;ladies.gents.soc. 917 Marketer 3-4. /i YPSY QUEEN. MARV'ELOUS MEDIUM VT of 19th century: 12 to 8 p.m. R. 2,865*7. Mrkt. RESENT, PAST r ANITFUrURE72Scr~MME. LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. THE BEST PLANE! CLAIRVOYANTON earth, 25c. 330 Fell St.; fortunes taught. ME. MOREAII, TRANCE MEDIUM AND card-reader; 25c. up. 764 Howard St., in front. ME. RAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAlLY - names given,25c up. 828 Howard, bet.4tlu6s _. ME. DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REVEAD er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: netti- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im- possible; fee $1; letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: magic charms: love tokens: true picture of future wife and husband: teaches forlune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slats writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder eha'cu; fee 81 ana upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ___________ sl'llti'TC LIS AM. MRS. A. BmJcKW AY, INDEPENDENT slatewriter: sittings daily: ladles $1, gents $2; 10 to 5. 501 Larkin St.. cor. Turk. MRS. MAYO STEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS \u25a0 medium: readings daily. 101 ('rove, cor. Polk. ASTKOLOGY. " DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets from date of birth. 3»V_ Geary st., rm.l STRALSEER— PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT, at.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. ______ _ STORAGE VTUTLAND~F R I 7iHT~ TRA^NSFER™CC% Fifth and Bluxome sts., furniture and goods packed, shipped and stored: 9 large fireproof ware- houses; low rates; advances made. Tel, south 388. QTORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 736 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 MARKET- Storage: low rates: telephone South 762. '" _<IRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCES MADE X I . 421-423 Market sU CHAS. L, TAYLOK HELP WANTED-Continued. "yOUNG MAN^-cTLIiARN^BARBER TRADE. A 841 Telegraph aye.. Oakland. BARBERS— 2-CHAiR SHOP; $60; 4 LIVING rooms: rent $15. 106 Ellis st. "DARBER -SHOP FOR SALE 4 CHAIRS; XJ good trade; good location; a reason for selling; cheap. Inquire Call O.lice. BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE-GOOD ZiOGA- Hon. Apply1822 Powell st. ' WANTED— SOLICITORS FOR MERCHANT lx tailoring: extra inducements. 411V2 Kearny ! St., room 2. ARBERS— GOOD-PAYING SHOP IN COUN- | try; a bargain. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 ! Ellis st. ARBERS PAYING SHOP FOR SALE; I ,„.l a^ 'wthing establishment. a. SCHOEN- 1-ELD, Lurllne Baths, Bush and Larkin. TirANTED— CLERK FOR HARDWARE AND j xi paint store; must have references and some j I experience: state salary expected. Address H. YV., box 118, Call. WANTED-CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH. 1114 11 Mission st. ITIAILOR-SHOPFOR sale cheap. APPLY X 603 California st., above Kearny. I ""IRST-CLASS CORNICE-MAKERS AT THE Forderer ice Works, 224 Mission. BARBERS' PROTECTIY'B UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. Q. j PER WEEKTFOR GOOD "b6TRD~AT~6BS «© L Clay st. \\' ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE xx their wages to place accounts withus; law and commercial collection; no arge unless successful. : KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY 110 Sutter, r. 4. I WANTED— IS ME "TO TRY OUR SQUARE j TT meals for 10c. 60 Third st. BARBERS- FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- | retary Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye. | S. FUCHS. 117 INCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NEAR 11 Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- I room; free bus to and from the ferry. i; ; . ~, : 1 W A NTED— ALL CARPENTERS TO KNOW xl that there are plenty of carpenters in San 1 Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying i to carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk st., or 23 Ninthst. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. "I"*- IRST-CLASS LADIES* TAILOR WANTED. J BOWHAY, 504 Sutter st. BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. XJ Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. "T EARN A TRADE—SIGN "oR PICTORIAL -IJ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D. LEVY*, 35 Eighth st., San Francisco. 'J* HE RAILROAD HOUSE. 538 COMMERCIAL 1 St., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night, 25c lor two; best and cleanest house in town. BEST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HaND I shoes, 726"/ 3 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 ' Sixth St.; misfit shoes bought or exchanged. MEN WANTED ' _ SKLL MANHATTAN HI Stock Food tit ls best. C. KERTELL,San Mateo 1 AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL,319 SAN- ' some St.—Reopened; European plan; light 1 airy rooms, 25c to $1 per dav, $1 to $4 per week, : $4 to $15 per month. Housekeeping rooms $4 per month up. VI EN'S SHOES Vi SOLED 40c: LADIES' 35c. j HX done in 10 minutes. 959 Howard st. MOZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 50C ! night, $1 25 to. ss week; reading rooms. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO ! IT st. : 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single j rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. MEN'S SHOES Vi-SOLED. 50c: HEELS, 250i done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. I TTIREE COFFEE a.ND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; I A single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. T IVE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- xx door work: willpay competent person $3 50 a day. Applyat store, 328 Seventh St. TTI r ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY'; $1 ' " week: rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60* week: readim: room- dally papers. 36 Clay st. rpRY* ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- I x low Sixth, fur a room; 25c a night: $1 a week. '-£91 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS TO 60c j O—L a night: $1 to $3 a week: open all night. W": ANTED—LABORERS" "_. MECHANICS I to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 160 I large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. T\ ' ANTED—MEN to GET bottle SHARP ' »» steam beer. sc: bottle v.in». sc. 609 Clav st. _inn MEN'S SECOND-H AN DED SHOES.SOME \ ~xxJ\J nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual t price; all repaying done at half price; workguar- I anteed. 562 Mission st., bet. First st.and Second st. Ll N S HOUSE. 6TH AND HOWARD— i eingle furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. *|AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT~ioc, 153 j -LUC and 20c a night, including cofieo and roil*. 624 YVashington st., near Kearny. BEST INCTT<"-SIXGLE~ROOM"s7IfI72(fAND ; 25 cents per night; Sl, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House .Commercial »nd Leidesdorfl sts. A WEEK S~^*EYV_r~FOR~S CENTS THB \u25a0*\u25a0»- WEEKLY' CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. AGENTS ANTED. ALES^N-DRUG TRADeT'sIDE LINeT^! 0 otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State st., Racine. Wis' /CALIFORNIA MUTUAL benefit society v^ wants good agents to work its accident and \u25a0 sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. HANNA. secretary. Murphy building. 1*URNITU ICE WANTED. UCTIONEER J. C.MUTHER.718 MABKET j -'V st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 108 9th; postal ALWAYS BEFORE SELLING SEE H. J. JA LEUTHPLTZ. 82] Mission, bet. 4th and sth. | AMERICAN FURNITURE COMPANY YVILL : JA pay you the highest cash price for vour furui- | turp, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market. HG. KBASKY, CARPETS. PICTURES. ; . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission, j pASH'PAID'FORi' FURNITURE AND MER- XJ chandise. L. IT. iit HP ioneer.lo Fulton. KOOAIS WANTED. W A NTED-3 OR 4 ROOMS (I'M-T N ISHED) *' for housekeeping; grate; hath; running water. H. E. S. S., 305 Oak st., upper flat. A UN F U N ISHED "" ROOMS BY 2 ADULTS; j "1 east of Larkin, north of Howard. Address E. P., box 16, Call Offlce. ! BOARDING WANTED. GENTLEMAN aI^D^WIF^e'^ESTRE^BOARD j for the winter In private family: central loca- tion; references given and required. Address, I stating terms, W. 0.. box 94, Call. I R"OOM"AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY for two girls. 9 and 10 years, where they can ; have mother's care and attend publicschool. Call j bet. 2 and 4 o'clock at 929 Sutter, near Hyde. , IVA.N'I'J.U-iHs CELLANEOUS. S^^ELirYmm^OOKS^ND^LOra a7 : >* KLEIN, 109 Sixth St.; send postal. j SHOWCASES, SCALES, TOOLS. COUNTERS, j vine, etc. \u25a0 Send postal. 1117 Marketst. _____ .... LOST. PABTY" THAT ON ToTotTT-ITTLE I x. white Scotch terrier pup, brown ears and | spots, irom in front of 38 West Mission St., is j known. Reward and no questions asked on return- j ing same. -2?->(\ REWARD— LOST? - : PURE WHITE FOX | tgixLxJ terrier. Return to 101 Powell St.; no ques- '. tions. HIBBERT BROS. ATEWFOUNDLAND, WITH NEW COLLARI -LY and tag. Please return to H. LUTORE, 328 Twelfth st. ; reward. T OST—« MASTIFF PUP; 3 MONTHS XX old; black nose. Return 1134 Green; reward. OLD WATT 11. ON SATURDAY'. OCT. 26, ON Park st. or narrow-gauge car; picture on face of watch: engraved "Sam to ICfiie.'' $20 reward on re urn to 549 Central ave,, Alameda. ______ T OST OR STOLEN—LIGHT - BAY MARE: xx swelled right fore foot. Liberal reward if re- turned to J. MEILLETTE,3001 Mission st., cor. Twenty-sixth. "I OST— PASSBOOK THE HIBERNIA lx Savings and Loan Societv of San Francisco In the name of Patrick RYAN. No. 1781168. he finder will please return to bank. HOBS S. FOR SALE-HORSE AND CART;NICE BUSI- ness rig: cheap. 142 First st. 4 A HORSES "FOR - SALE: ALSO WAGON* T.XJ buggies, csrts, harness; Grand Arcade Horss Market, 327 Sixth st. auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 00 SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL XXJXJ kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. WAGON" AND CARRIAGES. LIGHT BUSINESS WAGON,GOOD* AS NEW, abargain; also 1 fine double set Rockaway harness, cheap. 827 Fulton st. ONE PLATFORM SPRING WAGON FOR sale. Apply at 1619 Market St., in paintsbop. HORSE. HARNESS AND LIGHT WAGON for sale cheap. 924 Bryant. "IT'OR SALE-A FINE TOP-BUGGY: NEARLY X new. Apply Nevada Stables. ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW. AD V REE? ~DIVORCE^ ND~7rOBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc, G.W.HOYY'E, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton JOH P.. APTKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RS. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st„cor. California. "W W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAYV.42O xx . California it., rms. 1 4- 1 6: Tics free. 733 FINANCIAL. -fel CU)Ci GOt >DiSECuRrrY GIVEN. FOR -^-^___ fuil particulars call at 113 Oak st. ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON XX- your furniture, pianos or real estate: lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write; open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission su HELP WANTED-Continned. GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK AND 1' work and waiting, country hotel; $20. ML'R- RAY A- READY, 634-636 Clay St. COOK AND SECOND GIRL, SAME HOUSE: $25 and $15: laundress. $25; >0 girls for cooking and housework; $ i 5 and 420: restaurant waltr.ss, $20 and room. MURRAY * READY, 634-036 Clay st. ATEAT - YOL'NG SECOND GIRL- AMERICAN J-> family, $15. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. TWO CHAMBERMAIDS, PRIVATE FAMILY, $25; neat German second girl, $20: cook, $25; 4 girls to assist in housework, $12 to $15; 2 house- girls, $25; 4 housegirls, $20; neat housegirl for Haywards, $20. ApplyMRS. NORTON, 315 Sut- ter st. 'WANTED— WOMAN, A SMALL lAMILY*, " Sausalito, f_U: 10 girls, $20. MME. LEO- POLD, 20 Stockton St. } ( MI^T class LADY*, WRO HAS HAD EX- perience in muslin underwear department, should call at once at room 167, Crocker building: also, ladies tor notions and fancy goods. Positions waiting. If you want a uood situation in any busi- ness house in the State in the way of skilled or clerical work, call on the United States Industrial Agency, at above address, over 200 firms have indorsed Its system of business and agree to get their help throueh that agency. Lucrative posi- tions are being filled daily. INISHER AND APPRENTICE ON CUSTOM pants. 7 Leonard place, off Leavenworth, nr. Turk. WANTED— GIRL TO END BABY - " Fit' M 'I noon to 7; eat at home: wages $8 month. Ad- dress '.'-. D., box 74, Call Office. AM D—A HOUSEKEEPER; NO OBJEC- II tion to child. 819 Market St.. room 16. If IRST-CLASS CLOAK-FINISHERS. ALBERT £ MUELLER CO., 723 Market st. AILORESS ON CUSTOM COATS AND BUT- X ton-holes. •511i/ 2 Jones st. LADIES TO LEARN HAIRDRESSING, MAK- icuring, etc.; moderate. Mrs. Butler, 131 Post. WAITRESS _ ANTED - CALL AFTER 7 xl a. m., 2701 Mission st. \\T ANTED—A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- -11 work. 1916 Eddy st. IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 27 LAU^ rel st., Sacramento cars, west. ADYAGENTS WANTED. CALL925 HOW- X ard st., after 6 p. xt. RRAND GIRL WANTED. 2312 CALIFOR- x nia st. TNfSMALL FAMILY'— GIRL TO ASSIST IN x. general housework; wages $10. 2502 Fillmore. W*" ANTED— OPERATOR ON DOMESTIC MA- ii chine. 1023 Ellis st. GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF A BABY. 3005 VX California st. Gl ERMAN GIRL: GENERAL HOUSEWORK. T Apply after 9 a. m., 1006 Harrison st. fMNISHER AND BUTTONHOLE-MAKER ON 1 vests. 239 Seventh st. OMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND xj cooking. 1308a Leavenworth st. Ol'.Vii GIRLTO ASSIST IN" LIGHTHOUSE- -1 work. Apply 1227 Buchanan, Tunc and Eddy. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, LIGHT HOUSE- work; small family: wages $10 mo. 31 Russ. RESPECTABLE GIRL TO WATT IN* A RES- taurant; $16. 604 Third st. fx OOD OPERATOR ON PAN 57~2 HOYVARD XJ street. Y*OV NG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; SMALL -L family; $15. 410 Scott St. pIBL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND XT plain cooking in small family. 1610 Geary st. COMPETENT WOMAN To TAKE CARE OF young children. Apply 42-' Oak st. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK; A small family. 1218a Fulton st. W: ANT' I)-- APPRENTICE FOR FINE"d"k II making. 1503 Geary st. "L'IRST-CLASS FINISHERS ON PANTS. 407 xz Stevenson st. "WANTED—A GERMAN GIRL "it tlT - (Ten" '" eral housework. Apply1419 Devisadero st. p IRL ABOUT 14 TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- VJ work, wages $8. Call 129 Ridley st. HAIRDRESSING, 26c AND Sftci MORNING and ev'gclassesUO lessons, sl 50. 1248 Mission. MILLINERY PUPILS PREPARED FOR spring: work guaranteed ; - fine opportunity to learn a trade always in demand. LILLIAS, 214 Post st. pOOD GIRLFOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. XT 2731 California st. <fl»7 Z.{\ LA DlEs' TAILOR SUIT; ALL •_ I .QXJ. shades. N. Y. Snlthouse, 1210 Market. pOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOB BE- XJ liable lady. 131 Post st., room 20. \V" E ARE PLACING IN GOOD POSITIONS constantly among the leading firms, compe- tent salesladies. If you are in need of a situation or desire to make a change we c;m be ot assistance to you. Address room 167, Crocker building. TT NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT C' woman as managing offlce agent. Sosplta Company, office 53 .Donohoe building. PI A NO - LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. J ''RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TA ILO It- xz made suits: $7; perfect tit. 118 McAllisterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X. ting and making school: all branches. 702 Sutter. DRESSMAKERS USING THE McDOWELL world's famous system recommended. 213 Powell st. patterns cut to fit, 25c up. AfOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: UJ- Winchester House. 44 Third st., near Market; •200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 _ 0 to $6 per week : free bis to and from the ferry. VIILLINERY D.'NE AT ' REASONABLE xxx rates; ladles wanted to learn. 234 Taylor st. ANY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FOR -TV herself can easily earn it. Address Ladies' Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., San Francisco. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR xi Market—Electric lights it: everv room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week free bus to and from the ferry. .11 '_ L HELP AVA > TED. RANCH TEAMSTER. f 20: FA KM HAND.'.TO cultivate, $15: drillers, $1 75 a dav: waiter boy and make beds, $15: bov ror store. $3 a week. R. T. WARD A: co., 608 and 610 Clay st. WANTED— 4 CA K PENTERS, $3 DA Y-BGOOD II quartz-miners, $2 50 and $3 day; ranch black- smith and wood-worker. $30 and found: milkers, $25 and $30: farmers. $20; ranch tODk, $18; waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSET l A CO., 628 Sacramento st. .**. sand TEAMSTERS; 5 LABORERS, CITY; 'J cooper for a winery,$35: 4 cooks, $40 to $60: 3 waiters, $25: butcner, $30: V. dishwashers; gar- dener and wife: milker. MURRAY A: READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. W OOD -CARVER YVANTED: REDYVOOD II work.V MURRAY McKINNIE, 30 Spear St. WAN TED-2 MEN FOR WHITENING, $2 50 »»a -'.? y each; young man for laundry; head cook, $15 a week: second cook, $7 a week; second cook, $35, etc.; porter, country hotel. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 749 Market st. WANTED-BUTLEB For. SMALL FAMILY, v. . 8*0; wait, r for oyster-house, *35: dishwasher, \u25a0in t A : vnWV' e .i^2 ok ' * iS: Kn slish groom, $30. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. Al*A NTED-sORER~MAN, ASSIST GENER- M ally in strictly cash business: must have $150 cash and be satisfied with $75 per month- experi- ence not necessary: a great chance to the right man. Apply at 573V 2 Market, st., room 1. SHORT-ORDER N I H~Fo7o K , COUNTRY'' $40, HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st.' "CURST-CLASS SALESMAN IN CARPET AND X. upholstery department: also competent sales- man for clothing department in interior city these positions are open for two experienced sales- men only. If you want a good situation in any business house in the State In the wav of skilled or clerical work, call on the Uuited states industrial Agency, room 167. ( rocicer building; over 200 firms have indorsed its system of business and agree to get their help through lhat agency; lucra- tive positions are being tilled daily. ANTED HOUSE-PAINTERS; BRYANT ii st., bet. Nineteenth and Twentieth; $2 day- new house. ' WANTED-2 HOUSEPAINTERS TO-DAY AT xl 12:30 p.m.; wages $2. Devisadero and Wash- ington BtS. "EXPERIENCED WAITER." CALLPENNSY'L- XX vanla Hotel, 226 Michigan St.. opp. Union Iron Works, Potrero. j)OOTBLACK. 504 VALENCIA STREET. pOAT AND PANTS MAKER FOR FRESNO xj Apply 6111,2 Jones st. F" IRST-CLASS CARRIAGE-PAINTER. LAB- KIN'S 4 CO., 636 Howard st. T UNCH WAITER WANTED. 415 FIFTH ST! \u25a0 >1 CMHIMt AT RAISCH'S, 1625 HOWARD ST.; J- must be a thorough outside jobber. W ANTED— GOOD TINSMITHS" APPLY TO ii POWER A PIKE, 49 Sacramento Bt. BARBER FOR WEDNESDAY AND SATUR I duy. 32 Third st. WANTED-200 EN; SHAVE 10C AND ii hair-cut 20c. 625 Montgomery st. WANTED— mid MANTO CARE FOB BED- m rooms. 11 Pacific st. PAINTERS W ANTED AT ~7 1 "~LAG NA~ST_7 bet. 7 and 8 a. m. WANT n"—"FUR - MACHINE OPERATOR. *T ROBERT WALLACE. 115 Kearny st. WANTED— PARTNER IN VAUDEVILLE ll business; some stage experience; good am a- teur considered. A. L. D.. box 68. Call Offlce. tllf) MEN TO GET A _ SHAVE - t-ORTSc OR J-i'W haircut 10c. 14% Montgomery ave. WANTED— MAN WITH $260 TO BUY" A II shoe-finding . route in Oakland doing a good business; a big bargain. STEERS, 22 Kearny st. <!•'(! RESTAURANT; 2 ROOMS: OWNER tjPX^uXJ. has 2 businesses. App'y 108 Third st. p OOD "BARBER WANTED FOR WEDN is XJ day, Saturday and Sunday. 1602 La-una. WANTED waiter in Manhattan House. 825 Battery st. ENERGETIC YOUNG or mid- ii die-aged man, permanent employment: must have $40 cash. M.,box 21, this office. SITUATIONS WASTED- Continued. r OUNG MA WOMAN WISHES YYORK by thedav : washing and housecleaning. Please call 61 Va Shipley St., upstairs. T ADY*. YOUNG K. ('., WISHES EMPLOY- J-J ment as help or waitress in respectable restau- rant. SCHOLAR, box 136, this office. XTOUNG LADY WISHES ALL KINDS OF J- sewing and mending. 109 Taylor, room 8. "YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT-HOUSE- work and take care of children. 947 Bryant st. CX RESPECTABLE GIRLS WANT POSITIONS •_-. to do housework or second work. Call at 414i/a Fell st. MERICAN WIDOW - (50) WANTS SITUA- JA tion as housekeeper in widower's family; no [ objection to children; wages $5 per week. Ad- |dress S. R.. Call Branch Office. 116 Ninth st. 6MPT_TENf WOSIAN WISHES TO DO COM I'ETENT WOMAN WISHES TO DO washing, cleaning, etc., by the day. Address ! H. 339 Hayes st. \u25a0pESPECTAI.LE GIRL YVISHES SITUATION It as first-class cook in American family: first-, class references. Call 6 Cottage row, off Sutter St., near Webster. WET NURSE W I TH FRESH BREAST OF II milk wishes position; city or country; refer- ences given. 217 Turk st. i 10MPETEN1 Wii MAN~TO DO GENERAL XJ housework: city or country. Address S. A. , box 81. this office, . l)\ YOUNG GERMAN GIRL, TO DO HOUSE, P work. 1619 Polk st. \-oUNG WIDoW WISHES a position as X. typewriter. Call or address 873% Market St., room 13, sacond floor. Tir tin iw Wi NTS APOSITION AS HOUSE- Ii keeper. 121 Montgomery St., room 15. \\*INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NB. 11 Market; electric lightsin every room; 200 rooms; 25c to $150 per night; $150 to $6 per week : free dus to and from the ferry. M" OTHER AND SON "WISH" SITUATIONS; mother first-class cook: son to assist in kitchen: no objection to country; son, age 27, can plow, milk; Is all around man on farm. J. C, room 1. 81 Natoma st. DRESSMAKER, GOOD FITTER, NEAT worker, wishes work in families by the day; reasonable. 1708' 2 Sacramentost. TTfINCIf ESTER BOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR. M Market; 200 rooms: 25c to *150 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week ; convenient and respectable; free bus to and from the ferry. situations WANTED -MALE. PC. G. COOK'S SOC. FURNISHE- cooKS; J- . all branches; shortest notice. 14 Geary. RELIABLE MAN* WHO IS A GOOD COACH- man and handy with tools wants a situation in private place; fairgardener and thoroughly under- stands the care of horses and cows. Address D. D. D., box 72. Call office. REMAN WANTS WORK; 8 YEARS' I.X- V perience; wages $25 to $30 per month. Callor address GEO. DIXON, 227 Minna st. GOOD COOK, WHO UNDERSTANDS BAK- ing, wishes place, city or country. Call or ad- dress 32 Willow ave.. bet. Larkin and Polk sts. OITUATION wanted by A sober, STEADY k~ man, as janitor or watchman; references given. Call or address 720 Geary st. T EWELER-A GOOD GENERAL JEWELER 'J and diamond setter wants situation; city or country; reference. Address M.. box 76, Call." COACHMAN FROM ''111-; EAST—YOUNG \J single man; Al reference: aged 26. Address C, box 132, Call Office. i S HANDY MANinhotel; handy' WITH -.*»- tools; good painter; speaks English, French, Spanish. LOPEZ. 325 Jessie st. A' OUNG SCANDINAVIAN WANTS A SITUA- x tion as bartender. Call or address 863 Bryant. TTOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION* IN BAB- x. shop: 1% years' experience. Address D. 8., box 123, Cail Office. BY FIRST-CL*_SS AND COACH- man; milk;handy with tools and macnin-rv; good references. Address Gardener, 227 second st. "V OUNG MAN WANTS WORK; HANDY AT X. painting, paper-hanging, ..washing; will work by the dav: reasonable; city or coun.ry. FRANK, box 123, CaU Office. STEADY RELIABLE MAN*WISHES! A POSI. O tion as dri.er: delivery wagon or milk wagon: drove milk wagon before; careful driver. Address P.. YV., 321 Ellis st. H' ANTED BY YOUNG GERMAN 22 YEARS lx old a job or' any kind; is able and willing to work. Address O. P.. 2013 Folsom st. Irst - CLASS Japanese cook wants - a ion; good cook: also place desired for Japanese school boy. Address S. H., 763 Brush st., Oakland. RESPECTABLE Y'OUNG MAN WISHES PO- -lt sition as porter, janitoror watchman : reference satisfactory. Address A. >\u0084 box 60, Call Office. T> ft.BPJ_.CT ABLE YOUNG MAN DESIRES PO- -IV sition in private tamily. groom or care of gar- den, etc.: handy with carpenters' toots: also milk. Address E. li.. box 60, Call Office. "V'OUNG MAN WITH inferences. LIVING X. at home, would like to learn the jeweler's trade or wholesale business. Address J. A. H., 635 Sec- ond st., City. i WANTED—YVORK BY YOUNG MAN (GER- I m man) to do kitchen work, wash dishes, matte beds or other work. Please address G. MEYER, 533 Sacramento St., room 50. yOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH 6 YEARS' X experience as bartender would like a position in a saloon; will work for small wages. Address Y. M., box 151, Cail. "iDDLE- AG D MAN WANTS SITUA- tion to care for horses and garden in private place: will make himself generally useful. Call or address J. ('., 722 Tennessee St., Poirero. OOKKEEPER, 10 YEA Its' EXPERIENCE, wants position lnany office work; best of ref- erences: salary no object. S., box 10, Call Office. INTELLIGENT BOY, AGE IS, 1 1 F...K FROM X Switzerland, speaking some Engl sb. desires a situation in American family: desires to attend school inthe evening. Address 82U Greenwich st. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED O German and wife on a ranch. Address JACOB NIEBEL, 9041/2 Folsom st. STEADY EMPLOYMENT WANTED AS AS- sistant bookkeeper, timekeeper, shipping or stock clerk, driver or porter: five years' experience with local firm; references furnished if required. Address E. G. H.. box 136, Call Office. "V" UNG MAN WISHES TO EXCHANGE FEW J. hours' work of any kind each dav for board and lodging. Aadress F. W„box 72. Call oflice. *y OUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES SITUA^ x. tior : is a painter by trade; or will work In hotel, and wife as chambermaid. Address A. P. A., bo.x 71, Call offlce. STRONG YOUNG MAN. 2 WEEKS FROM O the East: is handy at most anything: speaks English end German: would like emplovment 01 any kind. Call or address 1853 2 Stevenson st. \u25a0yOUNG GERMAN, speaks ~ ENGLISH", 1 wishes situation as office boy or in grocery- store. inquire at 207 Montgomery ave.. New At- lantic Hotel. WANT EMPLOYMENT AS COLLECTOR OR \u2666I watchman; can give good security and refer- ences. G. 0., box 117, Call Office. SITUATION - YVANTED BY SOBER STEADY O industrious man; experienced in saloon busi- ness and willing to do any kind of work. Address A. 8., box 20, Ca'l. C COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES a xj small Bet of books to keep; best of references; terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this office. AN OF 25 STOUT AND ABLE TO DO ANY kind of carpenter work, also experienced in bookkeeping and as porter in wholesale business, and able to give best security for truthful per- formance, wishes employment Incity or country. Inquire XV., box 49, Call Office. SITUATION* WANTED BY A GERMAN O gardener, who understands propagating and can take care of horses and cows, and is willing to make himself generally useful around place. Ad- dress Situation, North Temescal. yOUNG WANTS POSITION IN GRO -I- cery-store: understands his business; 8 years inthe business. Address Y. L., box 74, Call Office. FEMALE HELP HASTED. 2 COOKS WITH REFERENCES,"* PRIVATE -_J family,city,' $25; 3 German or Swedish girls, housework, city, $20 to $25; middle-aged woman, housework, country, fare paid; girls for light housework and care of children, $10 to $15: French cook for family in city, no housework. C. R. HANSEN ACo.. 110 Geary st. HEAD YVA IT ESS, HOTEL, CITY, $25 AND room: 3 ironers for laundry In cit.v, $8 a week. C. R. HANSEN* <fe CO., 110 Geary st. SECOND COOK, COUNTRY "HOTEL, $75; laundryman and wife, country hotel, $60; sec- ond cook, country hotel, $30. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. I "Trench housework girl, $25; cook F and waitress, boarding-house. $25 and $15; cook, German style, $35; French second, $20; nurse, $20; companion, $20; working housekeeper, $26; fancy ironer, $9 per week; waitress, $6 per week: 15 housework girls, city and countrv, $20 and $25; 6 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. pOOK; SANTA BARBARA, $20; APPLY" xj early. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OOK, AMERICAN FAMILY", $30: NURSE V.' to invalid, $20; Swedish second girl, coumrv, $25; Protestant second girl, San Mateo, $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, $25, MADERA; good place; see lady here. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. WANTED— NEAT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, m 3 in family, good wages; waitress and parlor- maid, $20: 3 German and American second girls, $20: 4 cooks in German families, $25 and $30; ironer In laundry, $9 week: laundress, sma.l hotel, $20: waitress, $20; and girls of ail nationalities to fill situations In cityand country. J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 312 Sutter st. AN ED- FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS for small family, $3W, a Protestant second girl for two In family, $25; cook for Berkelev, $25; second girl (Scandinavian), $20: ten good "nouse- work girls. $25 and $20. Apply Miss PLUN- KETT, 424 Sutter st. ANTED- 2 FIRST-CLASS BUTLERS FOR 'I city, $45 and $40. Appiy MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. WANTED-COOK, COUNTRY, $30; WAIT- ii ress, same place. $20: 2 German cooks, $30 and $35; French nurse, 1 child, $20; German chambermaid and small wash, $20: cook, small family, $25* young girls 10 assist, $15, $12 and 1$10. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL.- BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco CAtir- -;}. 1 Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every r.'.p bt In the year. BBANCH OFFICER— S3O Montgomery street, err: < 1 Clay: cpen until 9:30 o'clock. J=JC Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6-YV. comer Sixteenth and Mission streets, open Etii I o'clock. '__]-• Mission street, open until 9 o'clock, 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. Additional Classified Advertise- ments on Page 13. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. eSs* MOUNT MORIAH ' LODGE NO. t*^ 44, F. an.i a M. Meeting THIS J* (WEDNESDAY i EVENING, at ':3«)nr o'clock. Third degree. /^rx THEO. FROLICH, Sec. SKTH 3 MISSION LODGE - NOT - F. * »-*' and a. M.— Called meeting Tills (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. lK_3f Thirddegree. By order of the W. M 'v^ C. D. BUNKER, Sec. tt^S 3 * CROCKETT LODGE No. 139. ft Br-sy P. and A. M.— Called meeting THIS 14 (WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7:SO^J5f O'clock. D.3. Byorder of the W. M. /XS^Y H. FORTRIEDE, Sec. VtyS= MORSE LOIH*E SO. 257, 1. SSaikS Gtr-^ O. O. F. Initiation THIS £s>y»*tt*fe. (WEDNESDAY ) EVENING,Oct 30. *^^E^r All members are requested to be pres- **rwW ent. Visitors cordially invited. By order WILLIAM A. FERRELL, N. G. j C. Brink Rec. Sec. (p^S= KNIGHTS OF THE RED M | ti-*' Branch, attention—The reception to sf^. be tendered CAPTAIN* J. SHEEHY', THlSfeV^* (WEDNESDAY) EVEN*CNG, is postponed^r^ till further notice. P.J. O'NEILL, M. D. KNIGHTS OF TARA -MEMBERS ARE hyjP requested to attend a meeting FRIDAY EVENING, K. 8.8. Hall, Mason and O'Farrell sts. Important business. CAPTAIN SHEEHY, representing the Irish National Alliance of the World, willaddress the meeting. By order '-' . \u25a0 .. JOHN BURNS. ry THE PAJ Alio FRUIT ANT) LAND IBr-JS; Company A special meeting of the stock- holders of this corporation will be held at rooms 116-122. Crocker building, this city, on TUES- DA>,November 5. 1895, .it 8 o'clock p. m., for the transac ion of such business ss may properly come before the meeting.Bv order of the board of direct- ors. CHARLES H. MAASS, secretary. Office: 421 Pacitic st., San Francisco, Cal. ler^S 3 CA CANDELARIA MINING COM- as-** panv— A stockholders' meeting will be held on SATURDAY', November 2. 1895, 10 o'clock __. m. at 530 California street, room 60, tor the pur- pose of amending the by-laws and transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. By order of the bourn of trustees. GEORGE A. HILL. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. PAINFUL 1-ooT AII.MEN I »-£' fullytreated. DR. LLOYD, Chiropodist, Lur- line Baths. jjEfgp RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT; CE--*' special attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON A 1 P. M.D., 1236 Market :2 t0 4, 7to 8 p.m. |KS= DR. JOS. BAYER, 346 SUTTER ST.—l to 3 tt-*' and 7:3ot< 8:80 P.M.;residencel43l Webster ] rtTg 3 CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. _*-*' Chiropodic Institute, room 22. 906 Market. i H!iS= ELECTRIC ANDMEDICATED BATHS _*--»' 120y 2 Geary, room 11 hours 10 to 10; *1 if^ BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. S-C" Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 6580. ES" YVINDOYVS CLEANED AND FLOORS or-*? scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for j damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI A CO., 242 Sutter. | *P£* ROOMS WHITENED, $1 UP; PAPER- * c *' ed S3 50 uo. 317*74 Third. Georze Hartman. j WA~§* COLLECTIONS; TENANTS EJECTED, »-*' yld: costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. '-'9. SITUATIONS YVANTEO-EEMALE. THOSE .1 -'DING THOROUGHLY ICOMPE- tent help, the Home and Business Bureau rec- ommends: Cooks, $25: general houseworker, $20; chambermaid and stress, $15; girl to assist, f 10; also numerous other first-clsss helpers. Acad- emy sciences, 819 Market st.. room Id. \VEDISD_~" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE - 11% Antonio st., off Jones, Dear Ellis. "I ADIES WISHING HELP OF ALL i XJ kinds apply at 1004 Markets!. pOMPETENT~YOUNG~\VOMAN WISHES A 1 xjsituation to do housework good cook and laun- 1 dress; city or country; yood reference. Address ; C. YV., bos 130, Call. ITUATION _ WAN fED A SCANDINA- i vian young girl to do general housework: un- able to spi a. English, Call or address 47 Sacra- mento st . San Frauclsco, Cal. pOMPETENT .)M AN ISHES SITUATION V- as chambermaid and assist with washing; city or country. Address 510 Eddy st. / OMWKTENTWOMAN WISHES SITUATION 1 as rat-class cook; will do small wash. Address i M. C, box 130, Call. ""^JUNG"g~IRL WISHES A PLACE IN SMALL x family; understands lain cooking. Apply 2210 Steiner st. COMPETENT WOMAN* WANTS SITUATION to do general housework. Call 430 McAllister. "I A N TED—WORK As I COOK IN AMERICAN 1 1 family: no objection to thecountry; competent I woman. Address 445 First st. IfASTERN - WOMAN, FIRST-CLASS HOUSE- J keeper, wishes situation: widower's family preferred: no objection to children or country; no tritiers. Call or address 1429 Mission st., room 2. C~Oli~K WISHES SITUATION INBOARDING- V_ house or restaurant. Call or address 4231.1, Clementina st., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Gi RMAN WoMAN WANTS WOBK BY DAY': washing or ch-atfintr. Call 629 California st. "Y'OUNG, COMPETENT GIRL WANTS A I -1 situation to do general honsework. Call or ad- j dress lb'-.. Kii -old st., bet. Folsom and Harrison. "IV* ANTED - i'.'i A GOOD SEAMSTRESS,! '' plain sewing or mending; by day or week: 76c aday. Address Husiness. bos 123 Call office. 9 GERMAN"" GIRLS, LATELY ... FROMa THE *- East, want situations for cooking and house- work. Please call at 432 Clementina St., bet. Fifth and sixth. OITUATION WANTED BY* FIRST-CLASS 0 laundress in private family; best citv refer- ences; fond of children. Call or address 548 Na- toma St. "i ADV WISHES GO TO NEW Y7mK~OR XjPhiladelphia; would give services for passage. Call 21 Franklin st., room 33, atier 7 p. m. SITUATION WANTED BY* COMPETENT O coo-c and laundress: will do housework: 3 years in l:is: place; well recommended. Please call 402 Fourth st. ITUATIONWANTED BY EXPERIENCED O young girl to do second work: is neat and will- Ing. Address T. A., branch Call Office, 339 Hayes. DRESSMAKER WANTS ENGAGEMENTS IN famili.s: latest and most correct styles. MRS. F. t 915 1 -, Howard st. A J 1-1 I ABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES KM- XX- ployment during the whole or par. of the day: would attend an Invalid lady, care of a child or do chamberwirk. Address A.B„ box 146, Call. "DEFINED W11 10 " ROM THE "EAST J I- would like any kind of sewing or gents' mend- ing. Call afternoons, :00m 2, 1119 Mission st., first floor: notrlrlers. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN "WISHES A POST I*l tion as working housekeeper; has had good experience inthat capacity; no triflers. 32 Fourth St.. room 8. SITUATION YVANTED BY COMPETENT O woman to do general housework in American family; is good cook; the best reference; wages $15 to »jo: carfare expected. S. J., box 94, Call. TU kNTED—BY RELIABLE WOMAN, SITU- »I ation for housework and cooking. Call 1004 Howard st., room 12. WOMAN W A NTS WORK BY THE DAY; xl washing or housecleaning, or take flannels home, or steady place by the month; Oakland or Alameda preferred. Apply 418 Post st„ in rear. fiESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUA- XI tlon to do general housework. Applyat 1723 Market s.. (grocery). "f JEB PECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN GIRL At desires position to do general housework; is good cook. Address Ahlborn Hotel, room 104. AMI itli AN PROTECTANT WOMAN WANTS xz\ home in Oakland or Alameda: small fami y- plain cook: good housekeeper. Address A. D., box 21, Cal uffice, Oakland. QTRONG WOMAN WANTS WASHING AND i^ house-cleaning by th.- day. Call or address 1856 Howard St.. cor. Fifteenth; barber-shop. EFINED YOUNG WOMAN YVISHES SITU- J V ation to do light work, with three afternoons to herself: low salary; best references. E. R., call Branch, 717 Larkin st. CIA PA RLE, REFINED NEW ENGLAND XJ desires position as housekeeper In widower's 6mall family; small pay. Mrs. T., 339 Hayes St. .\ ' I Do'.\ " \\ it MEANS WANTS partner f' Inpaying business. Call 1027 Market, rm 11. "".C ANTED—POSITION AS NURSERY gov- lx erness by American woman; capable of taking can of young children or can do sewing. Address N. G., box 44. ('<!!Office. j> ELI ABLE YOUNG WoMa N AN fs" - 1 xx situation to do housework in country hotel : .i.ir-ss MISS c. H., box 116, Call Office. ' TJ EFINED YOUNG LADYWISHES TO ACT J k as companion to lady traveling or take care of child over 3 years: wages $.". a mouth: would like to go to Los Angeles. Address L. A., box 71, Call. 7S~ERM a SW Iss WOMAN WANTS SITUa" " J tion to do chamberwork during the day. Call or address 20 Telegraph place, bet. Greenwich asd Lombard, Kearny and Dupont sts. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS SITUATION TO do general housework. Call or address 681 Clementina, bet. Folsom and Howard. OITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD, COMPE- O tent girl: general housework or launaress pre- ferred. Apply1016 Eddy -1. G. YVOMAN W A NTS SITUATION AS xj housekeeper or to do general housework. Call oraddress 111 Twenty-sixth st., nr. Mission. Gl ERMAN GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO r general housework; wages $15. Cull 634% Natoma su

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©OAA RESTAURANT IN WHOLESALEtjpoxjxj. district; (stablished years; eood cus-tom. Inquire 633 California at., Phoenix Bar.YVILKE. _^

GfO/lA SALOON ON MARKET STREET,eJjOl'U. one block from Baldwin Hotel; meat

sell at once; owner keeps two places. Particulars533 California st.. Phoenix far.{frt.jc/A PORK AND DELICACY STORE<Jp_oU. with rooms: rent, $13; firs.-ciass pay-ing. Inquire533 California St., Phoenix Bar^*DESTAUBaNT; BEST LOCATION INCITY'.XX ApplyS. F. Breweries, Limited,4o3 Market st.

MlistCON VI-: NT AND RESPECTABLE:YVinchester House, -14 Third St., near .Market;

200 rooms; 25c 10 $1 50 per nisht: $1 50 to$3 perweek ; free bus to and fiom the ferry.

I" OR SALE-DRY CLOTHING AND1 shoo ousiness: stock $7000: In a city of Oregon

which for special reus ms nas an exceptionallybright future; cash trade only; terms cash. Ad-dress this offlce. _j


BUSINESS ESTAB-lished since 1860; capital required from $-15,000

to $50,000. Address B. M..P. O. box 2435. *

l?OR~ SALE—GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP.Ii:Apply NE.corner Francisco unci Mas m.

FINK STAND FOR A BUTCHER IS ALA--T meda: low rent. 410 Montgomery st- room 2.


C}A ROOMS, SUNNY CORNER. ONLY'..SI.OqO—A 24 rooms onGeary St.: payments 2,500

32 rooms, tine sunny corner; worth $3000. 1,60060-room hotel and bar 1.40016 robins including piano *'}07-room corner flat;central 40010-room house: very central 250

11. C. DECKER, 1206 Market st., cor. Taylor

ATOTICE—100 LODGING HOI FOR SALE,1> from $150 to $5000. STRANDACO. 45 Third._*»£A HOUSE; 50 ELL-FURNISHED— —

Ox). rooms; 3 cottages included; withflower garden : cheap rent; clears *250 a month;best location incity; worth double; great bargain.STRAND ACO.. 45 Third st.

T ODGING-HOUSE; 20 ROOMS; NICELY'FUR-J--. nished; a bargain: $200. 231 Second st.

OUSE 10 SUNNY ROOMS ALL FILLED;must sell at once; cheap. 704 Folsom st.

"1Q-ROOM HOUSE. REASONABLE: ALL-LO rooms filled. 238 Sixth st.



sacrifice. 1425 Howard st.

furniture FOR sale-

I^jior'lsale^neyv^ OF FIVEroom flat cheap onaccount of departure. Call

at 1212 Stockton st.

AUCTIONEER J. T. TERRY, 30 MONK;Ol-ery st., pays highest cash prices for furniture.

COMPLETE OUTFITFOR 4ROOMS $80Brussels carpet laid 450

Heavy linoleum 40cFree packing and delivery across the bay. Coun-

try orders solicited. Send forcircular. SHIREK4SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton at. Open evenings.

EDUCTIONSON LARGE STOCK, NEW ANDsecond-hand: 400 carpet... good as new; oil-

cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c: 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c:ranges, $6; cash or installments: goods shippedfree. T.11. NELSON. 126 Fourth at.

(*LTPRICES INFURNITURE ANDCARPET-*V.J this week- nt McCA RE'S. 04H or,i) Mission v.



CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36.

ATATIONALCARPET BEATING ANDRENO-X.X vating Works HAMPTON&BAILLY:layln?and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 14.

C;rrY STEAM CARPET-BEAI ING ANDRenovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighthat. O. H

STEVENS, manager. Telephone No.,south 250.HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH"poor work send toSPAULDING'S Pionee_rO__r>

pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40.

ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATINGWORKS.Golden Gate ave.: telephone east 126.

THE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING-L Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaningmachines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th. tel. 6074.IMCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATINGAND REN-,I. ovating works. 453 Stevenson -. 1-.. yyj*.


IfLEGANT PIANO; iOSI $500; . tNETONEjX sell nt a sacrifice. 777 M r.« at.

AN IMMENSE STOCK OF PIANOS TO AR-rive soon and we cans', have apace: we shall

close out several elegant instruments, standardj makes, at much less than they are worth to makeimmediate sales: second-hand Hardman, *.•:»:.•Isteinway, $200; Fischer. $160; Stedman, $150,etc.: pianos from> $41 up. TH . ... DEWINGCOMPANY, warerooms second iluor Flood build-ing,Fourth and Market sts.

IMPERATIVE SALI—FINE STEI YY'AV.A $200. see Immediately,rm. •_::. £09 Market -.-.FISCHER UPRK.H I', FINE ORDER; -' -.RTY'"

must sell now. Room 10. Flood buildinjr.

BEAUTIFUL"!?.. R .!. UPRIGHT TO BE SOLDthis week at your own price. Room 21, Floodbuilding.

V"ICE SQUARE PIANO, 940: ORDERED SOLS-LY at once. Room 12, 809 Market si.

/"UIEAP—2PIANOS; 1 SQUARE AND 1 UP-XJ right. Address A., box '-:. thisoffice.


sTEI'.N YVAY,Schubert and Decker Bros. 1019 Van Ness ave.

WE BUY' FOR CASH IN LARGE QUANTI-II ties; low expenses and low prices. BOYY'ERSASON", Metropolitan Temple, Fifth st.

T $3 78 PER MONTH:BUY OB RENTNEWuprights. HEINE,410 Post st.

ANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS,HImandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. -17 Ellis at.

WE ARE NOW SOLE AGENTS FOR THEIT celebrated Knabe Piano: new stvles just re-ceived. BENJ. CURTAZ ASON. 16 "O'Farrell st.

STEIN YVAY,$300; WEBER, $275: SOHMERT$250; Emerson, $225. RRUENN'S, 228 Post.

Upright" PIANOS FROM $100 up. hor^NUNG'S, leading piano-house, 216 Post st.


pELEBRATE"D~ A GERTS PIANOS;V_/ tone unsurpassed; cases unique. A.L.BAN-CROFT' .*;CO., 324 Post st.

OUPERIOR VIOLINs7 ZITHERS,OLD*NEWO 11. MLLLER,maker, repairer, 2Latham place.

REMOVED-F. XV. SPENCER A CO. TO 338Post st., near Powell, sole agents Conover,

Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post at.IVTM.G.BADGER YVITHKOHLER&CHASE1"

26. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st.

OPEN FOR BUSINESS.. The finest line of new pianos for rent and saleinSan Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT,929 Market at., Spreckels building.


BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY Agood piano by renting. Be careful to go to

KOHLER ACHASE'S. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st.

DECKER BROS.. STEINWAY,FISCHERANDother flrst-class makes of pianos: little used-

cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLEB _fcCHASE "8and 30 O'Farrell at.

—*___«» ™


4 N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS,__nL guitars and banjos at MAUY'AIS'.769 Market.

YRON MAUZY. 308 POST ST.-SOHMER."Newby AEvans, Briggs and other pianos.

QTECK. CHICKERING <fe SONS., VOSE ANDIO Sterling pianos sold on$10 Installments. BENJ.CURTAZ A SON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st.~SEWING MACHINES.

ALLKINDS SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHTsold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest1 rates. 206 Fourth st.. near Howard.

ENGINE FOR SALE."©9^frp~>n£v[nsTT^^ ping^"engin k•

AOxJ. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per-kins Pump and Engine Co.. 117 Mainat.. S. F.



OU~BLE -BARREL BREECHLOADINOshotgun, 12 gauge. 210 Twenty-third st., nearAlabama.


OR SALE-FINEST BRED IRISH YVATERX spaniels on the coast; Irish Duke, dam BridgetO'Donoghue.sire Pat, whelped September 2s, lB93--also Handy Andy, dam Ditch; of Connaught,

aire Champion Shaughran: bred by George YlillerS? c?.di?J'.'V r?h Wales-. Price $125 each. JOHNH. 3AMMI,114 Sacramento st.

BARGAINS IX ALL OF OUR DEPART-XJ ments: baby-carriages, rockers, cribs, stools,easy chairs, music-stands, etc.. at our factory.CALIFORNIA RATTAN .... 55 to 61First st.TUST FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PIANO~IO fine guitar, 6 gents' and 8 ladies' fine gold

watches, and 4 pairs ofdiamond earrings all iororiginalcost. UNCLE ARRIS, 15 Grant ave.A LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS IBOUGHT\u25a0fA and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex.. 310 California.

TTICTOR PNEUMATIC SAFETY; GOOD CON-V condition; only$30. 328 McAllister at.

ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZElire and burglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st.

ALLTYPEWRITERS RENTED!Including Smith PremierLEC.!lo'1o'. AI'EXA-NI,K'' &BRO., sole agents..

218 Sansome a... 8. F.

MATIONAL CASH REGISTER. SAFE."XX scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st.

MEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND-.^ hand. «• &RAY Mfg Co., 12 California a*,

pOUNTERs. SHELVING, SHOWCASESXJ boiuni and sold 1121 aMarket beL 7tliaiuia.a

_/ Bicycles.

ARK CY'CLERY*-NEW~YV EELSA best accommodations. Terminus Geary Mo-Alllster and Powell st. cat lines. -v.-\u25a0' 'v.- T


©CXCXr GROCERY, FRUIT; MUST SKI,I. IN«IJ. J-Z.O. 5 days; at sacrifice. STENBERG, 632Market st., opp. Palace Hotel.

8~~ Taker y." CONFECTIONERY", ICECREAMparlor; present owner 5 years. STENBERG,

632 Market St., opp. Palace.

©OIXAA EXPRESS BUSINESS; HAS THEtgl—iOxJxJ. cream of trade between this city andOakland; clears $200 to $300 per month; estab-lished 15 years: sure income. STENBERG, 632Market, opp. Palace Hotel.

©7JTA CIGA * STORE, WITH LARGE] tjp t OxJ. clubrooms: cheaprent: stock Invoice,

$600: give trial. STENBERG, 032 Market st.j ©OAAA HALFINTEREST: PAYINGBAK-tJpOxJxJXJ . ery, restaurant: principal business] street: remaining partner responsible and practi-jcal business man; willteach incoming partv the

business; clears $400 to $500; opportunity seldom,ifever, offered. STENBERG, 632 Market st.ATOTICE— BARGAINS THIS WEEK:!-Ll Corner saloon, best location, pavs we11... $450Grocery aud bar, near Market at., pays well.. 200Restaurant, bargain to-day, Sixth st 150Branch bakery, 4 rooms, rent $18. pays well. 150Coiner grocery and bar. value insight,rooms. 750Lodging-house, 18 rooms and bath, lent $40. 650Partner insaloon, clears $75 month to each.. 250Barber-shop and cigar-store s 250Frultstore, horse, wagon, etc., pays well 700Partner wanted inlivery stable, good chance. 2500

To buy or sell see STRAND A CO., 45 Third at.

© lAA MILKDEPOT, EGG AND BUTTERtJpLXJxJ. store; also laundry office: pavs well;cheap rent:bargain. STRAND CO., 45 Third.

$^| ) SALOON; BEST PART ON* KEARNYOOxl. st.: cheaprent; full value: pays well;

great bargain ifsold this week; offer wanted. SeeSTRAND <fc CO., 45 Third st.

©OAA PARTNER WANTED INOLD-ES-tJpOXJXJ. tablished business paying $50 to s7s permonth to each; no previous experience necessary,full Investigation given: a reliable, steady manwillfinIthis a good opportunity to get into a pay-ingposition: see day. STRANDACO., 45 Third.

©£AA BAKERY: YVESTERN ADDITION;«]PI_II_"U. counter trade $16 day; splendid loco-tion; rare chance; must sell account of sickness;offer wanted. BARRETT & CO., 865*/2 Market st.

©OAA BAKERY; SPLENDID LOCATION;ttPOUcf. brick oven; must sell on account otherbusiness; call, see and make offer: living-rooms:rent $20. BARRETT A SKIFF, 865 yg .Market st.

NOTICE—DO "Y OF" YY'ANT TO DISPOSE OFXXIyour business promptly? HEALY',23Kearny.

I^OAA PARTNER IN A ROADSIDE'H-OV/v. house; owner owns property: this is arare opportunity. Call to-day HEALY,23Kearny.

fflf7""vA GRAND CHANCE FOR MAN AND.jr.IOXJ. wife: 2 hours' ride from this citv; con-fectionery, fruit, groceries, cigars, etc. horse andwagon; stock at Invoice. HEALY*,23 Kearny st.

1AAA STATIONERY AND VARIETYUp XXJXJXJ. store, suitable for man or woman;good living to be made: will sell at inventory;business could be greatly increased byproper atten-tion,owners having too much other business: bestreferences from leading firms of San Francisco.GEO. tsTEERS ACO., 22 Kearny st.

©ftflA HALF INTEREST IN GOOD "PAY"-»IPUyi". ing plumbing and gastitting business,well located; lowrent. STEERS, 22 Kearny.

**<< _ ~\iI finest SALOON IN potrero;<a*C"«_"Y». the best paying place incltv :ove-- 7000men employed in the neighborhood; willgive trial:more stock than price asked. YVOOD A CO., 917Market st.

OROUGH BUSINESS MANFOR PARTNER-I in first-clHss tailoring business; one well ac-quainted with best class of people in the city:musthave $5000 ready cash to invest in the business;store in best part of city: owner is practical manin all the branches of tailoring; willrefer to theleading wholesale house; first-class chance to rightpar y to maKe money. Address Tailor, box 124,Call Offlce.

HVDRAULIC MININGPROPERTY, UNDE-veloped: for sale at a bargain; principals with

satisfactory financial references dealt with only.Hydraulic, box 60. CallOfflce.T)ARTY

"WITH ESTABLISHED BUSINESS^J- pressed for money, will give position. $50

month, to good man who willloan $1600; interestand security. YV. YV.,box 40, Call Office.©1 A~PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHTtS>XOXJ. business; suited to steady man satisfiedwitn$15 to $20 per week: too much trade for oneman to look after. 9 Geary st., room 2.©OXA PARTNER WANTED BY A YOUNGXJP-.OXJ. lady in established restaurant- onlyhonest and respectable man need apply. Popularrestaurant, 161 Ninth st.

©OX RELIABLE PARTNER IN YVELI>•-. —'JXJ. established wood, coal, hav and grain:business; references. Address B. C, box 108j Call Oflice.


I©f'X FRUIT. CANjjY,CIGAR. SODA ANDC UO. coffee stand, opposite Page-st. entrance toGolden Gate Park; 2 rooms; rent $10. 425 Stan-yan at.

©OA(|A GOLDEN "BELL SALOON, 1073OCI"1.1. Market St.; closest Investigation; ill

health cause of selling; have to lea oity; noagents.


ATEW DRUG-STORE, $900; SACRIFICE: VA-| __.> tencia cable: electric cars. Searchlight, 602

Market st.

L'OR SALE OR FOR RENT— STEAMLAUN--l dry; complete and in running order. Inquireat 715 Howard st.

/ '0..\ I.V FOR SALE. CHEAP; MUST BExjsold at a sacrifice: good business; low rent. Ap-plyat 259 First s:."PRINTING OFFICE; COST 92200; FINECON--1dition; price $1100. Address E.. box 41, Call._

ARTNER YVANTED: LADY* OR GENT?splendid paying business. 213% Mason, r.11.

SALOON, 3 1.1 VING ROOMS, STABLE,FORsale or rent. 716 Fifth ave.

©OAA STOCK of" POULTRY ranch intjc

—xJXJ East Oakland; 4' _ acres: close to cars;

cnetp rent. E. HILL,room 34,Donohoe building;hours 1 to 4 p. m.

CHEAP; NOTION-STORE AND 3 LIVING-KJ rooms; furniture and stock; rent $14. 3138aSixteenth st.

CON 1' >N RY-STOBE :COMPLETE FlX-tures; 2 counters; fine showcases, etc. 921Harrison.


IP 1 EST COAL AND FEED YARD IN THEMission, as owner has other business to attendto; has four horses, double and single wagon,buggy, etc.: also three years' low lease of premises;calland see it; cheap. 1915 Mission st.

BUG-STORE; CITY'; CORNER; SALES$7000; price $1500. Searchlight, 602 Mar-ket st.

WANTED—PARTNER OR A LOAN IN.THEIIbest manufacturing business in the Slate;party must have $10,000 or $12,000: will givegood, ample security forloan: willgive the partya reasonable salary that makes the loan for book-keeping and corresponding. Adaress T. J. S., box71, Call Offlce.

ERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, ES-XXX tablished over 12 years, for sale; on account ofdeath, Apply 317 Hayes st.

*L*OR SALE-GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP-Irent: no opposition; good reason for selling-make offer. Addresa F. S., box 37, Call offlce.l\TANTED-EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIANII with about $10,000 to purchase interest in:a first-class electric-light plant Ininterior city; ex-cellent opportunity; principals only;referencesAddress H. __\u0084 box 20, thisoffice.

FoR SALE-CHEAP FOR CASH; ASTABLEJ. of eight stalls, witn coalyard attached; rent$11 30. For further information apply Call OfficeNo agents,

WELL"-"ESTABLISH HARNESS ANDIIcarriase trimming shop forsale at 326 Ninthat.; a bar; a:n.

BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTION-STOREfor sale. 209 Leavenworth st.t K MI'lHINGAND GRINDING OUTFITomSa,•«& 1-** """'

Address p-»•• Call BranchOllice, ,'3O Haje . st.

M! T, gfficefffkg:*PAPER ROOTS. J. c-Call Oflice, Oakland. »••*»,


FIRST CLASS BUSINESSJ proposition; big inducements: large profits-must have $500 to $1000. Address H. F., box 19Call Office. \u0084.,-_*-.\u25a0-.. -,.v


IJRANCH BAKERY FOR SALE; DOING AAJ good business; reason for selling, illhealth.514 lastro st.

OALOON AND 4 LIVING-ROOM.-.; OWNERk_? leaving iity. Apply Call Otlice./*Af_H PAID FOR GROCERIES, SALOONS,xjmerchandise; confidential, A., box SO, Call.

*ffi900 '-RESTAURANT IN GOOD LOCA-'^" V 'non; can show good paying business;must be sold; owner goingEast. J. S. HANLEY,1351 ParK st.. Alameda."OAKERY—SI2OO; DOING FINE COUNTERXJ trade: grand opportunity for man and wife toget Into before the holidays. 3023 Sacramento.

fTIGAR AND STATIONERY I.AIN"XJdry offlce; living rooms; private yard. 1804Polk.

OR SALE-MILK DEPOT, YVITHLAUNDRY'offlce; cheap. 335i/2Fourth. • w

SALOON Foil SALE, OR YY'ILLTAKE PART-ner: good corner. ApplyCall Office.ALOON,DIN*ING-ROOM AND 7 FURNISHEDO rooms: range: present owner 14 vears; rent$25; cheapest on the city front. J. R.,box 14.

ANTEDTO BUY—WOOD ANDCOAL,HAYand train business, ingood location; must bearinvestigation: state full particulars, price, etc. Ad-dress. K., 946 Sixth st.

<jj»f_0l)0 BAZAAR: GOOD LOCATION;t&XJXJXixj. well advertised; established 7 years:total running expenses $125 a month: doing caahbusiness ot $1000 amonth; could be greatly im-proved with proper attention, owners having toomuch other business: will sell at inventory; nocharge for good will. Address or apply PacificPrinting Co., 543 Clay st.



Inquire of ,T. M. MANNON,Ukiah, or WII,LIAMHEESER. Mendocino.

ALL ROUTE FOR SALE IN INTERIORtown. Apply Call Offlce. \u25a0


SALOON AND RESTAURANT:best location incity: receipts about $40 aday-trial given untilsatisfied: no triflers need answer!Address C. _.., box 140, this ollice.

\'EWS, STATIONERY r~CA7NDY* AND TOYxx store forsale; reasonable. 1650 Potk st.

."INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPER FORA sale: pays over $200 per month net; price$5000: forparticulars apply at this office;nonebut principals need apply; terms cash.


Business yvoiiXn^f"good~characterXJ wishes to meet some one who can assist herinto some business enterprise. Address M.8., 1Polk st.

FINE HEALTHY BABY ADOP-_tion. Address 217 Market st.

MIS-; DINAN;SPECIAL" SALE IMPORTEDhats: $8 to $10: stylish hats, bonnets. $5 up.

11l Stockton st. z.yy-,

SCX INE. MERCHANT TAILOR: FINE. stock goods; removed 411V_t Kearny, room 2.

BLANKETS, FLANNELS.ETC. :FULLSTOCK:KO_i*i3O Y'osemite blankets, California YY oolen Mills636 Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petaiuma.

SPECIALIST— MRS. DR. PAUL MEYER,504xj Sutter st.; removing superfluous hair wl.houtinjury to the skin; new and scientific method: re-ducing adipose tissue; develeping form; renewingvigor and beauty to the skin and body.ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE ANDPROBATE-rx laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice andIolice Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G.YV.HOWE,att'y-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stockton.1000 BUSINESS CARDS, $160: TELE-=____*_ phone "Black 141." 1LL,724y3Market.

SCHOOL OF MAGAZINEAND_NEWSPAPER*4)Illustration; in response to many urgent re-quests the school willbe shortly opened foreven-

classes. Particulars at 424 Pine st.IJOOKS w gITT N

-UP AND"BALANCEDxJ periodically by expert accountant; moderateterms: highest references. M.,P. O. box 2504, S. F.

SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN: MODERATELJMelsterschaft School ofLanguages, 122 O'FarrellTTEMOVED -DE GARMO DRESSCUTTINGXX Institute, from 219 Powell street to 313 Geary.1am prepared to execute orders at short notice;all the latest styles received direct: suits madefrom $5up; goods and findings complete, from $12up; perfect fit guaranteed: patterns 25c tos3sc:country orders solicited; personal fitting notnecessary^ MRS. A.J.BRADLEY,313 Geary st.T"IRY HENRY VOLL. 37 AND 51 CENTREX Market, forpest hams, sausages, preserves, etc.1 ADY CAN SECURE THE VERY" BEST\u25a0XX home in confinement with widow addressingWidow, box 112, Call. a

MBIPTH. CONSTANTLYON HANDTHEXXX. best and freshest of butter, eggs and cheese.Center Market, cor. Sutter and Grant ave., stall52.


f\- switches, bangs, $1; wigs from $5: hairdressed, 25c. To keep hair soft have it shampooedand dried in sun at La Verite Toilet Bazaar, 6O'Farrell st.

ATT NITON—F. JOSEPH LOCHER BEGS TO-rv announce that he willopen about October 28a first-class tailoring establishment at 32y3 Gearyst., and willbe pleased to see all his former friendsand customers.

ELECTRIC LIGHTSINEVERY ROOM—WIN-J chester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6perweek : free bus to and from the ferrv.

TAILOR-MA D"E SUITS TO ORDER ETC.-reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGER, ladies'tailor, 246 -utter st„ California building, rms 14-15.

SUITS MADE TO ORDER OF ELEGANTO remnants for $10: samples and self-measure-ment on application. LEON LEMOS, MerchantTailor, 1332 Market st„ San Francisco.*LL INS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC-TY electric healing, MRS. HILL,215*/2 Masou st.

HAIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB-llshed 1869: natural curl" front-piece and first-

class switch $1 each. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 StocK-ton : strictlyone price. G. LEDERER, successor.<jj»l A ROOM; CARPETS CLEANED ONTHE•J.-1 floor. 206 Leavenworth st.

EGYPTIAN HENNA, $1; HAIRDYE, PER-fectly harmless. Langley-Michaels Co.: all

chemists: Hubbard's 923, Hauptli's, 1156 Mktst.VEW PROGRESSIVE


j-Y cleaning Co. -.floors scrubbed contracts ;day.wkor month. F. CaRNQVAL A C0.,121 O'Farrell st.

HAIRS REMOVED BY'ELECTRICITYPAlN-lessly; busts enlarged: freckles, wrinkles and

other facial blemishes removed; we guaranteesatisfaction. MME. KARROW, YVoman's Dis-pensary, 1206 Market st.

THE ECONOMY'," 40 ST., BET. MAR-ket and Mission (old No. 46)—Millinery.Cheap-

est house in the city;styllsh trimmed hats, $2:hatstrimmed, 25c;hats pressed, 25c;feathers curled, 6c.

\IIMEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF-XIX fice supplies; all classes of typewritten andmimeograph work promptlv done; typewriter rib-bons. $6 doz., guaranteed. ANNAC. BUSTEEDE,phone— Main. 5807: 630 Market.

ECOND-HAND AS YVELL AS NEW BARS,O showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks,safes, chairs, scales, et^.,and a very large stock ofthem, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be-fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019,1021, 1028 Mission St., above Sixth.

OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD;store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe,

etc.:cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., near Eighth./'OI,LECTIN".;,TRACING,SHADOWING ANDXJ locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st.

MACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTSXxL taken: whitewashing and tree-spraying; roomswhitened. $1up. 1560 Market at., near Hayes.


997 Market st.

C»'l "~J SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BYMAIL.\u2666jj. -L.-INEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny.]*INE" SUITS, $15"! DRESS PANTS, $4 75.-C Misfit ClothingParlors. 435 Montgomery st.

ONE MORE CUT—Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35

Oak Chiffoniers From $10 upOak Bed Sets $17 60 upOilcloths and Linoleums 30c upfctoves and Ranges $3 up

Thousands of bargains. We keep everything.Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN,

1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth.

CtLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED ATImfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs., \LD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIE**' clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third St.



DRESSES CUT AND FITTED,$3; DRESSESpopular prices: engagements bv day. 11 Geary.



Call them what you may people of San Framiscoas well as other cities marvel at hispower. Law-yers, speculators, business men of all grades andladies from every walk In life together sound hispraise for the benefit they have received. His par-lors are always filled with anxious people seekingreliable Information and every reply is most grati-fying:all are pleased; Professor Eugene gives ad-vice on business, speculation, investments, love,courtship, marriage and divorce; settles lovers' jquarrels, reunites the separated and causes a jspeedy and happy marriage with the one of your!choice: he locates mines and buried treasures. !

tells of your friends and enemies, removes evilin-fluences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, lo-cates and recovers old estates: developing me-diums a specialty; the troubled and unfortunateshould seek hi.counsel; thousands of farnilieslong |separated have been reunited by his efforts;thousands of hearts made glad through his truth-ful predictions: he is the only clairvoyant onearth recognized by the profession as their bright-est star; all persons unsuccessful In business, whoseem to be unlucky, should visithim, seek his aidand start aright; thousands have become wealthythrough his advice: he is ever ready to assistthose withcapital to find a safe and good-payinginvestment; young men starting inbusiness willfind itgreatly to their advantage to consult himon i

allmatters of financial Interest to themselves.Professor Eugene should not he classed with the

many cheap pretenders who infect cities and bringdisrepute to the profession. His past successes inmatters of great import are a positive guaranty ofhis power to perform the wonders that have madehim famous. Allare invited locall. Hours. 10 a.m.to 8 t». M. F. EUGENE, 1728 Market St., SanFrancisco, parlors 1.2, 3and 4.

MME. FRANCES.7 CLAIRVOYANT ANDiUcard-reader; 10 to 6 only. R. 22, 105 Stockton.

MTME. ARNO, WONDERFUL CARD-READERand clairvoyant: fee 25c. 628 Eddy st.

T>ROF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT,J- trance charm. 533 Post; 9to 8; also Sunday.

ME. STEWART, SEVENTH DAUGHTERof 7th daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards

since 11 yrs old ;ladies.gents.soc. 917 Marketer 3-4./iYPSY QUEEN. MARV'ELOUS MEDIUMVT of 19th century: 12 to 8 p.m. R. 2,865*7. Mrkt.

RESENT, PASTrANITFUrURE72Scr~MME.LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama St., near Fourth.

THEBEST PLANE! CLAIRVOYANTONearth, 25c. 330 Fell St.; fortunes taught.ME. MOREAII, TRANCE MEDIUM ANDcard-reader; 25c. up. 764 Howard St., infront.


names given,25c up. 828 Howard,bet.4tlu6s _.

ME.DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REVEADer by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past,

present, future; consultations onall affairs: netti-ing excepted; names given: good advice: surehelp; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im-possible; fee $1; letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin.

AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER:magic charms: love tokens: true picture of

future wife and husband: teaches forlune-telling:develops clairvoyance, slats writing,etc.; has theseven holy seals and the Palestine wonder eha'cu;fee 81 ana upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth.___________

sl'llti'TC LISAM.

MRS. A. BmJcKW AY, INDEPENDENTslatewriter: sittings daily: ladles $1, gents

$2; 10 to 5. 501 Larkin St.. cor. Turk.

MRS. MAYOSTEERS. TEST ANDBUSINESS\u25a0 medium: readings daily. 101 ('rove, cor.Polk.


DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALLQUESTIONS BYplanets from date ofbirth. 3»V_ Geary st., rm.l

STRALSEER— PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT,at.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.______ _


VTUTLAND~FR I7iHT~TRA^NSFER™CC%Fifth and Bluxome sts., furniture and goods

packed, shipped and stored: 9 large fireproof ware-houses; low rates; advances made. Tel, south 388.QTORAGE OFFURNITURE, PIANOS.HOUSE-O hold goods, etc. J. M.PIERCE, 736 Market st.

WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 MARKET-Storage: lowrates: telephone South 762.



HELP WANTED-Continued."yOUNG MAN^-cTLIiARN^BARBERTRADE.A 841 Telegraph aye.. Oakland.

BARBERS—2-CHAiR SHOP; $60; 4 LIVINGrooms: rent $15. 106 Ellis st.


4 CHAIRS;XJ good trade; good location; areason for selling;cheap. Inquire Call O.lice.

BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE-GOOD ZiOGA-Hon. Apply1822 Powell st.


WANTED—SOLICITORS FOR MERCHANTlx tailoring: extra inducements. 411V2 Kearny !St., room 2.


Ellis st.


PAYING SHOP FOR SALE;I,„.la^ 'wthing establishment. a. SCHOEN-1-ELD,Lurllne Baths, Bush and Larkin.TirANTED—CLERK FOR HARDWARE AND jxipaint store; must have references and some j

Iexperience: state salary expected. Address H.YV.,box 118, Call.


ITIAILOR-SHOPFOR sale cheap. APPLYX 603 California st., above Kearny.

I""IRST-CLASS CORNICE-MAKERS AT THEForderer ice Works, 224 Mission.



\\'ANTED—MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVExx their wages to place accounts withus; law andcommercial collection; no arge unless successful. :KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY 110 Sutter, r. 4. IWANTED—IS ME "TOTRY OUR SQUARE jTT meals for 10c. 60 Thirdst.

BARBERS- FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- |retary Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye. |

S. FUCHS.117 INCHESTER HOUSE. 44THIRDST., NEAR11 Market;200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- Iroom; free bus to and from the ferry. i; ;. ~,:1

W ANTED—ALL CARPENTERS TO KNOWxl that there are plenty of carpenters in San 1Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary aremisleading. Allhelp can be supplied by applying ito carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk st., or 23Ninthst. District Council meets at 115 Turk st.on Wednesday evening."I"*-IRST-CLASS LADIES* TAILOR WANTED.J BOWHAY,504 Sutter st.

BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC.XJ Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT."T EARN A TRADE—SIGN "oR PICTORIAL-IJ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D.LEVY*,35 Eighth st., San Francisco.

'J* HE RAILROAD HOUSE. 538 COMMERCIAL1St., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night,

25c lor two; best and cleanest house in town.

BEST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HaND Ishoes, 726"/3 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129'

Sixth St.; misfit shoes bought or exchanged.



HIStock Food titlsbest. C. KERTELL,San Mateo 1


some St.—Reopened; European plan; light 1airy rooms, 25c to $1per dav, $1 to $4 per week, :$4 to $15 per month. Housekeeping rooms $4permonth up.

VIEN'S SHOES ViSOLED 40c: LADIES' 35c. jHX done in10 minutes. 959 Howard st.

MOZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 50C !night, $125 to.ss week; reading rooms.WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO !IT st.:100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single jrooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c.

MEN'S SHOES Vi-SOLED. 50c: HEELS, 250idone in15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.,basement. ITTIREE COFFEE a.ND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; IA single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week.T IVE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT-xx door work: willpay competent person $3 50 aday. Applyat store, 328 Seventh St.


"week: rooms for two, 25c a day,$1 60* week:readim: room- dally papers. 36 Clay st.

rpRY* ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- Ix low Sixth, fur aroom; 25c a night: $1a week.

'-£91 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS TO 60c jO—L anight: $1 to $3 a week: open allnight.

W":ANTED—LABORERS""_. MECHANICS Ito know that Ed Rolkin,Reno House proprie-

tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 160 Ilarge rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week.

T\ 'ANTED—MEN to GET bottle SHARP'

»» steam beer. sc: bottle v.in». sc. 609 Clav st.

_innMEN'S SECOND-H ANDED SHOES.SOME \~xxJ\J nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st.

SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES:done while you wait: at less than half the usual t

price; all repaying done at half price; workguar- Ianteed. 562 Mission st., bet. First st.and Second st.

LlN S HOUSE. 6TH AND HOWARD— ieingle furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night.

*|AAMEN TO TAKE LODGING AT~ioc, 153 j-LUC and 20c a night, including cofieo and roil*.624 YVashington st., near Kearny.


25 cents per night;Sl,$1 25, $1 50 per week.Pacific House .Commercial »nd Leidesdorfl sts.


THB\u25a0*\u25a0»- WEEKLY' CALL,In wrapper, formailing.


0 otherwise. J. Knight,225 State st., Racine. Wis'

/CALIFORNIAMUTUALbenefit societyv^ wants good agents to work its accident and \u25a0

sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J.W. HANNA.secretary. Murphy building.


-'V st., pays highest cash prices for furniture.

HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE,carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 108 9th; postal

ALWAYS BEFORE SELLING SEE H. J.JA LEUTHPLTZ.82] Mission, bet. 4th and sth. |

AMERICANFURNITURE COMPANY YVILL:JA pay you the highest cash price for vour furui- |turp, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market.

HG. KBASKY, CARPETS. PICTURES. ;. folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal.stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission, jpASH'PAID'FORi'FURNITURE AND MER-XJchandise. L.IT. iit HP ioneer.lo Fulton.


W ANTED-3 OR 4 ROOMS (I'M-T NISHED)*'forhousekeeping; grate; hath; running water.H.E. S. S., 305 Oak st., upper flat.


ROOMS BY 2 ADULTS; j"1east of Larkin, north of Howard. Address E.P., box 16, Call Offlce. !


GENTLEMANaI^D^WIF^e'^ESTRE^BOARD jfor the winter Inprivate family: central loca-

tion; references given and required. Address, Istating terms, W. 0.. box 94, Call. I

R"OOM"AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILYfor two girls. 9 and 10 years, where they can ;

have mother's care and attend publicschool. Call jbet. 2 and 4 o'clock at 929 Sutter, near Hyde. ,


S^^ELirYmm^OOKS^ND^LOra a7 :>* KLEIN,109 Sixth St.; send postal. jSHOWCASES, SCALES, TOOLS. COUNTERS, j

vine, etc. \u25a0 Send postal. 1117 Marketst._____ ....LOST.

PABTY"THAT ON ToTotTT-ITTLE Ix. white Scotch terrier pup, brown ears and |spots, irom in front of 38 West Mission St., is jknown. Reward and no questions asked on return- jing same.-2?->(\ REWARD— LOST?


tgixLxJ terrier. Return to 101 Powell St.; no ques- '.tions. HIBBERT BROS.ATEWFOUNDLAND, WITH NEW COLLARI-LY and tag. Please return to H. LUTORE, 328Twelfth st.;reward.T OST—« MASTIFF PUP; 3 MONTHSXX old;black nose. Return 1134 Green; reward.

OLD WATT 11. ON SATURDAY'.OCT.26, ONPark st. or narrow-gauge car; picture on face of

watch: engraved "Sam to ICfiie.'' $20 reward onre urn to 549 Central ave,, Alameda. ______T OST OR STOLEN—LIGHT


xx swelled right fore foot. Liberal reward if re-turned to J. MEILLETTE,3001 Mission st., cor.Twenty-sixth."I OST—PASSBOOK THE HIBERNIAlxSavings and Loan Societv of San Francisco Inthe name of Patrick RYAN. No. 1781168.

he finder will please return to bank.


FOR SALE-HORSE ANDCART;NICE BUSI-ness rig:cheap. 142 First st.


SALE: ALSO WAGON*T.XJ buggies, csrts, harness; Grand Arcade HorssMarket, 327 Sixth st. auction sales every Wednes-day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers.

100 SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALLXXJXJ kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts:also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts.


LIGHTBUSINESS WAGON,GOOD* AS NEW,abargain; also 1 fine double set Rockaway

harness, cheap. 827 Fulton st.

ONE PLATFORM SPRING WAGON FORsale. Applyat 1619 Market St., in paintsbop.

HORSE. HARNESS AND LIGHT WAGONfor sale cheap. 924 Bryant.

"IT'OR SALE-AFINE TOP-BUGGY: NEARLYX new. Apply Nevada Stables.


ADV REE? ~DIVORCE^ND~7rOBATElaws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and

Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc,G.W.HOYY'E, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton

JOH P.. APTKEN,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,RS.16 and 17.402 Montgomery st„cor. California.

"W W. DAVIDSON,ATTORNEY-AT-LAYV.42Oxx .California it.,rms. 14-16: Tics free.


-fel CU)Ci GOt>DiSECuRrrY GIVEN. FOR-^-^___ fuilparticulars callat 113 Oak st.ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ONXX- your furniture, pianos or real estate: lowest

rate: call and state your proposition or write; openevenings. J.NOONAN,1021 Mission su

HELP WANTED-Continned.

GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK AND1' work and waiting,country hotel; $20. ML'R-RAY A- READY, 634-636 Clay St.

COOK AND SECOND GIRL, SAME HOUSE:$25 and $15: laundress. $25; >0 girls for

cooking and housework; $i5 and 420: restaurantwaltr.ss, $20 and room. MURRAY *READY,634-036 Clay st.



J-> family, $15. MURRAY & READY,634-636Clay st.

TWO CHAMBERMAIDS,PRIVATE FAMILY,$25; neat German second girl,$20: cook, $25;

4girls to assist inhousework, $12 to $15; 2 house-girls, $25; 4 housegirls, $20; neat housegirl forHaywards, $20. ApplyMRS. NORTON, 315 Sut-ter st.

'WANTED— WOMAN, A SMALL lAMILY*," Sausalito, f_U: 10 girls, $20. MME. LEO-POLD, 20 Stockton St.

}(MI^Tclass LADY*,WRO HAS HAD EX-perience in muslin underwear department,

should callat once at room 167, Crocker building:also, ladies tor notions and fancy goods. Positionswaiting. If you want a uood situation inany busi-ness house in the State in the wayof skilled orclerical work, call on the United States IndustrialAgency, at above address, over 200 firms haveindorsed Its system of business and agree to gettheir help throueh that agency. Lucrative posi-tions are being filled daily.

INISHER ANDAPPRENTICE ON CUSTOMpants. 7 Leonard place, off Leavenworth, nr.



'I noon to 7; eat at home: wages $8 month. Ad-dress '.'-. D., box 74, Call Office.

AM D—A HOUSEKEEPER; NO OBJEC-II tion to child. 819 Market St.. room 16.


AILORESS ON CUSTOM COATS AND BUT-X ton-holes. •511i/2 Jones st.

LADIES TO LEARN HAIRDRESSING,MAK-icuring, etc.; moderate. Mrs. Butler, 131 Post.



CALL AFTER 7xl a.m., 2701 Mission st.

\\TANTED—A GIRLFOR GENERAL HOUSE--11 work. 1916 Eddy st.

IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 27LAU^rel st., Sacramento cars, west.

ADYAGENTS WANTED. CALL925 HOW-X ard st., after 6 p. xt.


TNfSMALL FAMILY'—GIRL TO ASSIST INx. general housework; wages $10. 2502 Fillmore.

W*"ANTED—OPERATOR ON DOMESTIC MA-iichine. 1023 Ellis st.

GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF A BABY. 3005VX California st.

Gl ERMAN GIRL: GENERAL HOUSEWORK.T Applyafter 9 a. m., 1006 Harrison st.


OMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK ANDxj cooking. 1308a Leavenworth st.

Ol'.ViiGIRLTOASSIST IN" LIGHTHOUSE--1 work. Apply 1227 Buchanan, Tunc and Eddy.

MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, LIGHT HOUSE-work;small family: wages $10 mo. 31Russ.

RESPECTABLE GIRL TO WATT IN* A RES-taurant; $16. 604 Third st.


Y*OVNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; SMALL-L family; $15. 410 Scott St.

pIBL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ANDXT plain cooking insmall family. 1610 Geary st.

COMPETENT WOMAN To TAKE CARE OFyoung children. Apply 42-' Oak st.

GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK; Asmall family. 1218a Fulton st.

W:ANT' I)--APPRENTICE FOR FINE"d"kIImaking. 1503 Geary st.



(Ten"'"eral housework. Apply1419 Devisadero st.

pIRL ABOUT 14 TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE-VJ work, wages $8. Call 129 Ridley st.

HAIRDRESSING, 26c ANDSftci MORNINGand ev'gclassesUO lessons, sl 50. 1248 Mission.


PUPILS PREPARED FORspring: work guaranteed ; - fine opportunity tolearn a trade always in demand. LILLIAS,214Post st.


<fl»7 Z.{\ LADlEs' TAILOR SUIT; ALL•_ I.QXJ. shades. N.Y.Snlthouse, 1210 Market.pOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOB BE-XJ liable lady. 131 Post st., room 20.\V" E ARE PLACING IN GOOD POSITIONS'» constantly among the leading firms, compe-

tent salesladies. If you are inneed of a situationor desire to make a change we c;m be ot assistanceto you. Address room167, Crocker building.TTNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHTC' woman as managing offlce agent. SospltaCompany, office 53 .Donohoe building.



schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st.

J''RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING:TAILOIt-xz made suits: $7; perfect tit. 118 McAllisterst.PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT-X. tingand making school: allbranches. 702 Sutter.

DRESSMAKERS USING THE McDOWELLworld's famous system recommended. 213

Powell st. patterns cut to fit,25c up.AfOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE:UJ- Winchester House. 44 Third st., near Market;

•200 rooms; 25c to$1 60 per night: $1 _0 to $6 perweek :free bis to and from the ferry.


REASONABLExxx rates; ladles wanted to learn. 234 Taylor st.ANY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FOR

-TVherself can easily earn it. Address Ladies'Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., San Francisco.WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEARxi Market—Electric lights it: everv room: 200rooms; 25c to$1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 perweek free bus to and from the ferry.

.11 '_L HELP AVA >TED.

RANCH TEAMSTER. f20: FA KMHAND.'.TOcultivate, $15: drillers, $1 75 a dav: waiterboy and make beds, $15: bov ror store. $3 a week.R. T.WARD A: co., 608 and 610 Clay st.

WANTED—4 CAK PENTERS, $3 DAY-BGOODIIquartz-miners, $2 50 and $3 day; ranch black-smith and wood-worker. $30 and found: milkers,$25 and $30: farmers. $20; ranch tODk, $18;waiters and others. Apply toJ. F. CROSET l ACO., 628 Sacramento st.

.**. sand TEAMSTERS; 5 LABORERS, CITY;'J cooper for a winery,$35: 4 cooks, $40 to $60:3 waiters, $25: butcner, $30: V. dishwashers; gar-dener and wife: milker. MURRAY A: READY,634 and 636 Clay St.W OOD -CARVER YVANTED: REDYVOODII work.V MURRAY McKINNIE,30 Spear St.WANTED-2 MENFOR WHITENING,$2 50»»a -'.?y each; young man for laundry; headcook, $15 a week: second cook, $7 a week; secondcook, $35, etc.; porter, country hotel. MARTIN'SEmployment Agency, 749 Market st.

WANTED-BUTLEB For. SMALL FAMILY,v.. 8*0;wait, r for oyster-house, *35:dishwasher,• \u25a0in t A

:vnWV'e.i^2ok ' *iS: Knslish groom,$30. L.ANDRE, 315 Stockton st.

Al*A NTED-sORER~MAN, ASSIST GENER-M ally in strictlycash business: must have $150cash and be satisfied with $75 per month- experi-ence not necessary: a great chance to the rightman. Applyat 573V2 Market, st., room 1.

SHORT-ORDER NIH~Fo7o K,COUNTRY''$40, HOTEL GAZETTE,420 Kearny st.'"CURST-CLASS SALESMAN IN CARPET ANDX. upholstery department: also competent sales-man for clothing department in interior citythese positions are open for two experienced sales-men only. If you want a good situation inanybusiness house inthe State In the wav of skilled orclerical work, call on the Uuited states industrialAgency, room 167. ( rocicer building; over 200firms have indorsed its system of business andagree to get their help through lhat agency; lucra-tivepositions are being tilled daily.


HOUSE-PAINTERS; BRYANTiist.,bet. Nineteenth and Twentieth; $2 day-new house.


WANTED-2 HOUSEPAINTERS TO-DAYATxl 12:30 p.m.; wages $2. Devisadero and Wash-ington BtS.

"EXPERIENCED WAITER." CALLPENNSY'L-XX vanla Hotel, 226 Michigan St.. opp. Union IronWorks, Potrero.


pOAT AND PANTS MAKER FOR FRESNOxj Apply 6111,2 Jones st.


T UNCH WAITER WANTED. 415 FIFTHST!\u25a0 >1 CMHIMt ATRAISCH'S,1625 HOWARD ST.;J- must be a thorough outside jobber.



WANTED-200 EN; SHAVE 10C ANDiihair-cut 20c. 625 Montgomery st.WANTED— mid MANTO CARE FOBBED-m rooms. 11 Pacific st.

PAINTERS W ANTED AT ~71 "~LAG NA~ST_7bet. 7and 8a. m.


WANTED— PARTNER IN VAUDEVILLEllbusiness; some stage experience; good ama-teur considered. A. L.D.. box 68.Call Offlce.tllf)MEN TO GET A


-t-ORTSc ORJ-i'W haircut 10c. 14% Montgomery ave.

WANTED—MAN WITH $260 TO BUY" AIIshoe-finding . route in Oakland doing a goodbusiness; a big bargain. STEERS, 22 Kearny st.

<!•'(! RESTAURANT; 2 ROOMS: OWNERtjPX^uXJ. has 2 businesses. App'y 108 Third st.

pOOD "BARBER WANTED FOR WEDN isXJ day,Saturday and Sunday. 1602 La-una.


waiter in ManhattanHouse. 825 Battery st.

ENERGETIC YOUNG or mid-iidie-aged man, permanent employment: must

have $40 cash. M.,box 21, this office.


rOUNG MA WOMAN WISHES YYORKby thedav : washing and housecleaning. Please

call 61Va Shipley St., upstairs.

T ADY*. YOUNG K. ('., WISHES EMPLOY-J-J ment as help or waitress in respectable restau-rant. SCHOLAR, box 136, this office.

XTOUNG LADY WISHES ALL KINDS OFJ- sewing and mending. 109 Taylor, room 8.

"YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT-HOUSE-work and take care of children. 947 Bryant st.

CX RESPECTABLE GIRLS WANT POSITIONS•_-. to do housework or second work. Call at 414i/aFellst.



JA tion as housekeeper in widower's family; no[objection to children; wages $5 per week. Ad-|dress S. R.. Call Branch Office. 116 Ninth st.

6MPT_TENf WOSIAN WISHES TO DOCOM I'ETENT WOMAN WISHES TO DOwashing, cleaning, etc., by the day. Address

!H.339 Hayes st.\u25a0pESPECTAI.LE GIRL YVISHES SITUATIONItas first-class cook in American family: first-,class references. Call 6Cottage row, off Sutter St.,near Webster.

WET NURSE WITH FRESH BREAST OFIImilk wishes position; city or country; refer-

ences given. 217 Turk st.

i10MPETEN1 WiiMAN~TO DO GENERALXJ housework: city or country. Address S. A.,box 81. this office, .l)\ YOUNG GERMAN GIRL, TO DO HOUSE,P work. 1619 Polk st.

\-oUNG WIDoW WISHES a position asX. typewriter. Call or address 873% Market St.,

room 13, sacond floor.

Tirtiniw Wi NTS APOSITION AS HOUSE-Iikeeper. 121 Montgomery St., room 15.

\\*INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NB.11 Market; electric lightsin every room; 200

rooms; 25c to $150 per night; $150 to $6 perweek : free dus to and from the ferry.

M" OTHER AND SON "WISH" SITUATIONS;mother first-class cook: son to assist in

kitchen: no objection to country; son, age 27,can plow,milk; Is allaround man on farm. J. C,room 1. 81 Natoma st.

DRESSMAKER, GOOD FITTER, NEATworker, wishes work in families by the day;

reasonable. 1708' 2 Sacramentost.TTfINCIfESTER BOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR.M Market; 200 rooms: 25c to *150 per night;

$1 50 to $6per week ; convenient and respectable;free bus to and from the ferry.

situations WANTED -MALE.

PC. G. COOK'S SOC. FURNISHE- cooKS;J- . allbranches; shortest notice. 14 Geary.

RELIABLE MAN* WHO IS A GOOD COACH-man and handy with tools wants a situation in

private place; fairgardener and thoroughly under-stands the care of horses and cows. AddressD. D. D., box 72. Call office.

REMAN WANTS WORK; 8 YEARS' I.X-V perience; wages $25 to $30 per month. Callor

address GEO. DIXON,227 Minnast.

GOOD COOK, WHO UNDERSTANDS BAK-ing, wishes place, cityor country. Call or ad-

dress 32 Willowave.. bet. Larkin and Polk sts.

OITUATIONwanted by A sober, STEADYk~ man, as janitor or watchman; references given.Call or address 720 Geary st.TEWELER-A GOOD GENERAL JEWELER'J and diamond setter wants situation; city orcountry; reference. Address M..box 76, Call."

COACHMAN FROM ''111-; EAST—YOUNG\J single man; Al reference: aged 26. AddressC,box 132, Call Office.iS HANDY MANinhotel; handy' WITH-.*»- tools; good painter; speaks English, French,

Spanish. LOPEZ. 325 Jessie st.

A' OUNG SCANDINAVIANWANTS A SITUA-x tion as bartender. Call or address 863 Bryant.

TTOUNG MANWANTS SITUATION*INBAB-x. shop: 1% years' experience. Address D.

8., box 123, Cail Office.

BYFIRST-CL*_SS AND COACH-man; milk;handy with tools and macnin-rv;

good references. Address Gardener, 227 second st."V OUNG MAN WANTS WORK; HANDY AT

X. painting, paper-hanging, ..washing; willwork by the dav: reasonable; city or coun.ry.FRANK, box123, CaU Office.

STEADY RELIABLE MAN*WISHES! A POSI.O tion as dri.er: delivery wagon or milk wagon:drove milk wagon before; careful driver. AddressP.. YV.,321 Ellis st.

H' ANTED BY YOUNG GERMAN 22 YEARSlx old a jobor' any kind; is able and willingtowork. Address O. P.. 2013 Folsom st.


CLASS Japanese cook wants- a ion; good cook: also place desired forJapanese school boy. Address S. H., 763 Brush st.,Oakland.

RESPECTABLE Y'OUNG MAN WISHES PO--ltsition as porter, janitoror watchman :referencesatisfactory. Address A. >\u0084 box 60, Call Office.T>ft.BPJ_.CT ABLE YOUNG MAN DESIRES PO--IV sition inprivate tamily. groom or care of gar-den, etc.: handy with carpenters' toots: also milk.Address E. li..box 60, Call Office."V'OUNGMANWITH inferences. LIVINGX. at home, would like to learn the jeweler's trade

or wholesale business. Address J. A. H.,635 Sec-ond st., City.iWANTED—YVORK BY YOUNG MAN (GER-I m man) to do kitchen work, wash dishes, mattebeds or other work. Please address G. MEYER,533 Sacramento St., room 50.yOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH 6 YEARS'X experience as bartender would likea positionina saloon; willwork for small wages. AddressY.M.,box 151, Cail.

"iDDLE-AG D MAN WANTS SITUA-tion to care forhorses and garden in private

place: willmake himself generally useful. Call oraddress J. ('.,722 Tennessee St., Poirero.

OOKKEEPER, 10 YEAIts' EXPERIENCE,wants position lnany office work; best of ref-

erences: salary no object. S., box 10, Call Office.INTELLIGENT BOY,AGE IS,11 F...K FROMX Switzerland, speaking some Engl sb. desires asituation in American family: desires to attendschool inthe evening. Address 82U Greenwich st.

SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGEDO German and wifeon a ranch. Address JACOBNIEBEL,9041/2 Folsom st.

STEADY EMPLOYMENT WANTED AS AS-sistant bookkeeper, timekeeper, shipping or

stock clerk, driver or porter:five years' experiencewithlocal firm;references furnished if required.Address E. G. H..box 136, Call Office."V" UNG MAN WISHES TO EXCHANGE FEWJ. hours' work of any kind each dav for board andlodging. Aadress F. W„box 72. Calloflice.*yOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES SITUA^x. tior:is a painter by trade; or willworkIn hotel,

and wife as chambermaid. Address A.P. A.,bo.x71,Call offlce.

STRONG YOUNG MAN. 2 WEEKS FROMO the East: ishandy at most anything: speaksEnglish end German: would like emplovment 01any kind. Call or address 1853 2 Stevenson st.\u25a0yOUNG GERMAN, speaks


1 wishes situation as office boy or in grocery-store. inquire at 207 Montgomery ave.. New At-lantic Hotel.WANT EMPLOYMENT AS COLLECTOR OR\u2666I watchman; can give good security and refer-ences. G. 0., box 117, Call Office.


YVANTED BY SOBER STEADYO industrious man; experienced in saloon busi-ness and willingtodo any kind of work. AddressA. 8., box 20, Ca'l.

CCOMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES axjsmall Bet of books to keep; best of references;terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this office.

ANOF 25 STOUT AND ABLE TO DO ANYkind of carpenter work, also experienced in

bookkeeping and as porter in wholesale business,and able to give best security for truthful per-formance, wishes employment Incity or country.Inquire XV., box 49, Call Office.

SITUATION* WANTED BY A GERMANO gardener, who understands propagating andcan take care of horses and cows, and is willingtomake himself generally useful around place. Ad-dress Situation, North Temescal.yOUNG WANTS POSITION IN GRO-I- cery-store: understands his business; 8 yearsinthe business. Address Y. L.,box 74, Call Office.


2 COOKS WITH REFERENCES,"* PRIVATE-_J family,city,'$25; 3 German or Swedish girls,housework, city,$20 to $25; middle-aged woman,housework, country, fare paid; girls for lighthousework and care of children, $10 to $15:French cook for family in city, no housework. C.R.HANSEN ACo.. 110 Geary st.

HEADYVAIT ESS, HOTEL, CITY, $25 ANDroom: 3 ironers for laundry In cit.v, $8 aweek. C. R. HANSEN* <fe CO., 110 Geary st.

SECOND COOK, COUNTRY "HOTEL, $75;laundryman and wife, country hotel, $60; sec-

ond cook, country hotel, $30. C. R. HANSEN ACO., 110 Geary st.

I"Trench housework girl,$25; cookF and waitress, boarding-house. $25 and $15;cook, German style, $35; French second, $20;nurse, $20; companion, $20; working housekeeper,$26; fancy ironer, $9 per week; waitress, $6 perweek: 15 housework girls, city and countrv, $20and $25; 6 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISSCULLEN, 105 Stockton st.pOOK; SANTA BARBARA, $20; APPLY"xjearly. MISS CULLEN,105 Stockton st.

OOK, AMERICAN FAMILY", $30: NURSEV.' to invalid, $20; Swedish second girl, coumrv,$25; Protestant second girl, San Mateo, $25.MISS CULLEN,105 Stockton st.

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, $25, MADERA;good place; see lady here. MISS CULLEN,

105 Stockton st.

WANTED—NEATGIRL FOR HOUSEWORK,m 3 in family, good wages; waitress and parlor-maid, $20: 3 German and American second girls,$20: 4 cooks in German families, $25 and $30;ironer In laundry, $9 week: laundress, sma.l hotel,$20: waitress, $20; and girls of ailnationalities tofillsituations Incityand country. J. F. CROSETTA CO.. 312 Sutter st.

AN ED- FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESSfor small family, $3W, a Protestant second girl

for two In family, $25; cook for Berkelev, $25;second girl(Scandinavian), $20: ten good "nouse-work girls. $25 and $20. Apply Miss PLUN-KETT,424 Sutter st.

ANTED- 2 FIRST-CLASS BUTLERS FOR'I city,$45 and $40. AppiyMISS PLUNKETT,424 Sutter st.

WANTED-COOK, COUNTRY, $30; WAIT-iiress, same place. $20: 2 German cooks, $30and $35; French nurse, 1 child, $20; Germanchambermaid and small wash, $20: cook, smallfamily,$25* young girls 10 assist, $15, $12 and

1$10. LEON ANDRE,315 Stockton st.


BUSINESS OFFICE ofthe San Francisco CAtir--;}.1 Market street, open until 12 o'ciock everyr.'.p bt In the year.

BBANCH OFFICER— S3O Montgomery street,

err: <1 Clay: cpen until9:30 o'clock.J=JC Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock.717 Larkinstreet, open until 9:30 o'clock.

6-YV.comer Sixteenth and Mission streets, open

EtiiIo'clock.'__]-•Mission street, open until 9 o'clock,116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock.

Additional Classified Advertise-ments on Page 13.



LODGE NO. •t*^ 44, F. an.i a M. Meeting THIS J*(WEDNESDAY i EVENING, at ':3«)nro'clock. Third degree. /^rx




F. *»-*' and a. M.—Called meeting Tills(WEDNESDAY) EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. lK_3fThirddegree. By order of the W. M 'v^


tt^S3*CROCKETT LODGE No. 139. ft

—Br-sy P. and A. M.—Called meeting THIS 14(WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7:SO^J5fO'clock. D.3. Byorder of the W. M. /XS^Y

H. FORTRIEDE, Sec.VtyS= MORSE LOIH*E SO. 257, 1. SSaikSGtr-^ O. O. F.

—Initiation THIS£s>y»*tt*fe.

(WEDNESDAY )EVENING,Oct 30. *^^E^rAllmembers are requested to be pres- **rwWent. Visitors cordially invited. By order

WILLIAMA.FERRELL, N. G. jC. BrinkRec. Sec.

(p^S= KNIGHTS OF THE RED M |ti-*' Branch, attention—The reception to sf^.be tendered CAPTAIN* J. SHEEHY', THlSfeV^*(WEDNESDAY) EVEN*CNG, is postponed^r^tillfurther notice. P.J. O'NEILL,M.D.

KNIGHTSOF TARA -MEMBERS AREhyjP requested to attend a meeting FRIDAYEVENING, K.8.8. Hall, Mason and O'Farrellsts. Important business. CAPTAIN SHEEHY,representing the Irish National Alliance of theWorld, willaddress the meeting. By order'-' . \u25a0 .. JOHN BURNS.ryTHE PAJ Alio FRUIT ANT) LANDIBr-JS; Company

—A special meeting of the stock-

holders of this corporation willbe held at rooms116-122. Crocker building, this city, on TUES-DA>,November 5. 1895, .it8 o'clock p. m., for thetransac ion of such business ss may properly comebefore the meeting.Bv order of the board of direct-ors. CHARLES H.MAASS,secretary.

Office: 421 Pacitic st., San Francisco, Cal.

ler^S3 CA CANDELARIA MINING COM-as-** panv— Astockholders' meeting will be heldon SATURDAY',November 2. 1895, 10 o'clock__. m. at 530 California street, room 60, tor the pur-pose of amending the by-laws and transacting anyother business that may come before the meeting.By order of the bourn of trustees.

GEORGE A. HILL.Secretary.


PAINFUL 1-ooT AII.MEN I»-£' fullytreated. DR.LLOYD,Chiropodist, Lur-lineBaths.

jjEfgp RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT;CE--*' special attention to these diseases. J. A.McDONA1 P. M.D.,1236 Market:2 t04, 7to 8p.m.

|KS= DR.JOS. BAYER,346 SUTTER ST.—lto3tt-*'and 7:3ot< 8:80 P.M.;residencel43l Webster ]rtTg3 CORNS REMOVED WITHOUTKNIFE._*-*' Chiropodic Institute, room 22. 906 Market. iH!iS= ELECTRIC ANDMEDICATEDBATHS_*--»' 120y2 Geary, room 11 hours 10 to 10; *1

if^BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4.S-C" Collections made, city or country. PacificCollection Co.. 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 6580.ES" YVINDOYVS CLEANED AND FLOORSor-*? scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for jdamages guaranteed. C. ROSSI A CO., 242 Sutter. |

*P£* ROOMS WHITENED,$1 UP; PAPER-* c*'ed S3 50 uo. 317*74 Third. Georze Hartman. j

WA~§* COLLECTIONS; TENANTS EJECTED,»-*' yld: costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. '-'9.


THOSE .1-'DING THOROUGHLYICOMPE-tent help, the Home and Business Bureau rec-

ommends: Cooks, $25: general houseworker, $20;chambermaid and stress, $15; girl to assist,f10; also numerous other first-clsss helpers. Acad-emy sciences, 819 Market st.. room Id.


11%Antonio st., offJones, Dear Ellis."I ADIES WISHING HELP OF ALL iXJkinds apply at 1004 Markets!.pOMPETENT~YOUNG~\VOMAN WISHES A 1xjsituation to do housework good cook and laun- 1dress; city or country; yood reference. Address ;C. YV., bos 130, Call.


WAN fED A SCANDINA- ivian young girl to do general housework: un-

able to spi a. English, Call or address 47 Sacra-mento st.San Frauclsco, Cal.pOMPETENT .)MAN ISHES SITUATIONV- as chambermaid and assist withwashing; cityor country. Address 510 Eddy st.

/ OMWKTENTWOMAN WISHES SITUATION1 as rat-class cook; willdo small wash. Address iM.C, box 130, Call.""^JUNG"g~IRL WISHES A PLACE INSMALLx family;understands lain cooking. Apply2210Steiner st.

COMPETENT WOMAN* WANTS SITUATIONto do general housework. Call 430 McAllister.

"I ANTED—WORK AsICOOK INAMERICAN11 family:no objection to thecountry; competent Iwoman. Address 445 First st.


WOMAN, FIRST-CLASS HOUSE-J keeper, wishes situation: widower's family

preferred: no objection to children or country; notritiers. Call or address 1429 Mission st., room 2.

C~Oli~K WISHES SITUATIONINBOARDING-V_ house or restaurant. Call or address 4231.1,Clementina st., bet. Fourth and Fifth.

Gi RMAN WoMAN WANTS WOBK BY DAY':washing or ch-atfintr. Call629 California st."Y'OUNG, COMPETENT GIRL WANTS AI-1 situation to do general honsework. Call or ad- jdress lb'-.. Kii-old st., bet. Folsom and Harrison."IV*ANTED


plain sewing or mending; byday or week: 76caday. Address Husiness. bos 123 Call office.

9 GERMAN""GIRLS, LATELY... FROMa THE*-East, want situations for cooking and house-work. Please call at 432 Clementina St., bet. Fifthand sixth.

OITUATION WANTED BY* FIRST-CLASS0 laundress in private family; best citv refer-ences; fond of children. Call or address 548 Na-toma St.

"i ADV WISHES GO TO NEW Y7mK~ORXjPhiladelphia; would give services for passage.Call 21Franklin st., room 33, atier 7 p. m.

SITUATION WANTED BY* COMPETENTO coo-c and laundress: willdo housework: 3 yearsinl:is: place; well recommended. Please call 402Fourth st.

ITUATIONWANTED BY EXPERIENCEDO young girl to do second work: is neat and will-Ing. Address T. A.,branch Call Office, 339 Hayes.

DRESSMAKER WANTS ENGAGEMENTS INfamili.s: latest and most correct styles. MRS.

F.t 915 1-,Howard st.

AJ1-1 IABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES KM-XX- ployment during the whole or par. of the day:would attend an Invalid lady, care ofa child or dochamberwirk. Address A.B„box 146, Call."DEFINED W1110


J I- would like any kindof sewing or gents' mend-ing. Call afternoons, :00m 2, 1119 Mission st.,first floor: notrlrlers.

MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN "WISHES A POSTI*ltion as working housekeeper; has had goodexperience inthat capacity; no triflers. 32 FourthSt.. room 8.

SITUATION YVANTED BY COMPETENTO woman todo general housework in Americanfamily; is good cook; the best reference; wages$15 to »jo: carfare expected. S. J., box 94, Call.TU kNTED—BY RELIABLE WOMAN, SITU-»I ation for housework and cooking. Call 1004Howard st., room 12.WOMAN W A NTS WORK BY THE DAY;xl washing or housecleaning, or take flannelshome, or steady place by the month; Oakland orAlameda preferred. Apply418 Post st„ inrear.fiESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUA-XI tlon to do general housework. Applyat 1723Market s.. (grocery).

"f JEBPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN GIRLAt desires position to do general housework; isgood cook. Address Ahlborn Hotel, room 104.AMIitli AN PROTECTANT WOMAN WANTS

xz\ home in Oakland or Alameda: small fami y-plain cook: good housekeeper. Address A.D., box21, Cal uffice, Oakland.

QTRONG WOMAN WANTS WASHING ANDi^house-cleaning by th.- day. Call or address1856 Howard St.. cor. Fifteenth; barber-shop.

EFINED YOUNG WOMAN YVISHES SITU-J V ation to do light work, with three afternoons toherself: low salary; best references. E. R., callBranch, 717 Larkin st.

CIAPARLE,REFINED NEW ENGLANDXJ desires position as housekeeper In widower's6mall family;small pay. Mrs. T., 339 Hayes St..\'IDo'.\" \\ it MEANS WANTS partner

f' Inpaying business. Call 1027 Market, rm 11."".C ANTED—POSITION AS NURSERY gov-lx erness by American woman; capable of takingcan of young children or can do sewing. AddressN.G., box 44. ('<!!Office.j>ELIABLE YOUNG WoMaN AN fs"


xx situation to do housework in country hotel:.i.ir-ssMISS c. H., box 116, Call Office.


TJEFINED YOUNG LADYWISHES TO ACTJ k• as companion to lady traveling or take care ofchild over 3 years: wages $.". a mouth: would liketo go to Los Angeles. Address L. A., box 71, Call.7S~ERM a SW Iss WOMAN WANTS SITUa""J tion to do chamberwork during the day. Call

or address 20 Telegraph place, bet. Greenwichasd Lombard, Kearny and Dupont sts.

GERMAN WOMAN WANTS SITUATIONTOdo general housework. Call or address 681

Clementina, bet. Folsom and Howard.

OITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD, COMPE-O tent girl:general housework or launaress pre-ferred. Apply1016 Eddy -1.

G. YVOMAN W A NTS SITUATION ASxj housekeeper or to do general housework. Calloraddress 111 Twenty-sixth st., nr. Mission.

GlERMAN GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DOr general housework; wages $15. Cull 634%Natoma su