mitch s

WW1 Museum

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Post on 14-May-2015




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World War I Virtual Museum


Page 1: Mitch S

WW1 Museum

Page 2: Mitch S

Causes of War

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One cause of world war 1 was militarism.Militarism is a nation rapidly building up their military.

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Another cause for war was imperialism. Imperialism sparked competition between the countries.

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The biggest cause of ww1 is alliances because a little conflict between Austria and Serbia lit a powder keg and the rest of the continent got into the conflict.

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Another cause for the war was nationalism. Nationalism is pride for your country and wanting your country to be the best. Some people got way to serious about that.

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Trench Warfare

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Problems in the trenches

Problems in the trenches consisted of: mud, rats, it smelled, body rot, cold, maggots, lice, and disease. One of the toughest challenges was staying dry.

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This is no man’s land, neither side controlled it. In order to get across this you had to go through barb wire, machine gun fire, and craters.

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One side would start artillery about half to an hour before their side would go over the top. Attacks would usually start at dusk or dawn.

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Reasons why the US entered


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Germany promised in the Sussex pledge not to sink merchant ships without warning them first, an d rescuing passengers.

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The Zimmerman note is a telegram written by a German official. In the telegram the Germans asked Mexico to attack the U.S. and in return they would get land that they lost to the U.S.

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Treaty of Versailles

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Germany’s punishment was they had to take full responsibility for the war, they lost some of their colonies, greatly reduced Germany's armed forces, and were forced to pay $33 billion (33,000,000,000) to the allies. They were only able to pay $4.5 billion.

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New nations were created after the war was over.From Russia: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, PolandFrom Austria-Hungary: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia.From Ottoman: Divided up to be controlled by allies.

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Created the league of nations, and organization of nations established at end of world war 1 to maintain stability.