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Tech-note Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile This document contains the information needed to connect the panels to Mitsubishi FX Series controllers over a serial communication link. Exor International S.p.A. Ptn0409 Ver. 1.02

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Mitsubishi FX Serial

Driver for JMobile

This document contains the information needed to connect the panels to Mitsubishi FX Series

controllers over a serial communication link.

Exor International S.p.A. Ptn0409 Ver. 1.02


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Copyright 2011-2015 Exor International S.p.A. – Verona, Italy Subject to change without notice The information contained in this document is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, it is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile



Mitsubishi FX Ethernet Driver ........................................................................................................ 4 Protocol Editor Settings..................................................................................................... 5 Tag Editor Settings ............................................................................................................ 7 Tag Import ......................................................................................................................... 9 Controller Settings with GX Developer ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Controller Settings with GX Works2 ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Communication Status .................................................................................................... 12


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver

The HMI operator panels can be connected to Mitsubishi FX PLC as the network master using this communication driver. The protocol has been designed to connect to the programming port of the PLC. Please note that changes in the communication protocol specifications or PLC hardware may have occurred since this documentation was created. Some changes may eventually affect the functionality of this communication driver. Always test and verify the functionality of your application. To fully support changes in PLC hardware and communication protocols, communication drivers are continuously updated. Always ensure that the latest version of communication driver is used in your application.

Document code ptn0409 Version 1.02


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Protocol Editor Settings

Add [+] a driver in the Protocol editor and select the protocol called “Mitsubishi FX SER” from the list of available protocols.

Figure 1

PLC Models The list allows selecting the PLC model you are going to connect to.

The selection will influence the data range offset per each data type according to the specific PLC memory resources.

Comm… Gives access to the serial port configuration parameters as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Port Serial port selection:

Series 400 Series 500/600

com1 PLC Port Onboard Serial Port

com2 PC/Printer Port Optional Module on slot #1 or #2

com3 Not available Optional Module on slot #3 or #4

Baud rate, Parity, Data bits, Stop bits

Communication parameters for serial communication


Serial port mode; available options: RS-232, RS-485 (2 wires) RS-422 (4 wires)


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Tag Editor Settings

Into Tag editor select the protocol “Mitsubishi FX ETH” from the list of defined protocols and add a tag using [+] button. Tag settings can be defined using the following dialog:

Figure 3

Resources Area of PLC where tag is located

Offset Offset address where tag is located.

SubIndex This allows resource offset selection within the register.

Type Data Type Memory Space Limits

boolean 1 bit data 0 ... 1

byte 8-bit data -128 ... 127

short 16-bit data -32768 ... 32767

int 32-bit data -2.1e9 ... 2.1e9

unsignedByte 8-bit data 0 ... 255

unsignedShort 16-bit data 0 ... 65535

unsignedInt 32-bit data 0 ... 4.2e9

float IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point type

1.17e-38 ... 3.40e38

string Refer to “String data type chapter”

NOTE: to define arrays, select one of Data Type format followed

by square brackets like “byte[]”, “short[]”…

Arraysize When configuring array or string tags, this option define the amount of

array elements or characters of the string.


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Conversion Conversion to be applied.


Inv bits Invert a bit (boolean tag)

Negate Invert all bits

AB -> BA Swap nibbles of a byte

ABCD -> CDAB Swap bytes of a word

ABCDEFGH -> GHEFCDAB Swap bytes of a double word

BCD BCD format conversion


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Tag Import

The Mitsubishi FX Serial tag import accepts symbol files with extension “csv” created by the Mitsubishi GX Works2 (Not from GX Developer). The “.csv” file can be exported from the Project tree, as shown in Figure 4.

(1) Right-click on the Global variable list that need to be exported, (2) Select “Write to CSV File…”

Figure 4


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Into following dialog select the file name and location:

Figure 5

Once exported, open JMobile tag editor as in shown in Figure 6, then:

(1) Click on Import button (2) Confirm Controller and Import Type

Figure 6


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Then a dictionary with tags included into csv file will be created. To import tags into tag editor click on Import button as below:

Figure 7


ptn0409-2.docx - 21.08.2015 Mitsubishi FX Serial Driver for JMobile


Communication Status

The current communication status can be displayed using the dedicated system variables. Please refer to the User Manual for further information about available system variables and their use. The codes supported for this communication driver are:

Error Notes

NAK Returned in case the controller replies with a not acknowledge

Timeout Returned when a request is not replied within the specified timeout period; ensure the controller is connected and properly configured to get network access

Line Error Returned when an error on the communication parameter setup is detected (parity, baud rate, data bits, stop bits); ensure the communication parameter settings of the controller is compatible with panel communication setup

Invalid response The panel did receive from the controller a response, but its format or its contents is not as expected; ensure the data programmed in the project are consistent with the controller resources

General Error Error cannot be identified; should never be reported; contact technical support