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1. About Madinah Islamic University (MIU)2. MIU Vision and mission3. Core Values4. Goals of Madinah Islamic University (MIU)5. The Patron of Madinah Islamic University (MIU)6. Teaching Chair in al-Masjid al-Haram, Makkah & Books Taught7. A word from the Managing Director8. The Dean of Academic Affairs of MIU: Zulfiker Ibrahim Memon9. A word from the Dean of Academic Affairs10. The scholar’s advisory body11. MIU Teachers12. MIU Organiza�onal Structure and Management Team13. The composi�on and role of the governing body14. The Role of The Advisory body15. MIU advisory body16. MIU Courses

• Award In Hadith Sciences• Award in Sciences of the Quran• Principles of Shariah• Usool Al Deen• Usool Al Fiqh• Award in Fiqh• Cer�ficate in Hadith Sciences• Diploma in Hadith Sciences• Advanced Diploma in Hadith Sciences• Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies• Diploma in Shariah Studies• Advanced Diploma in Shariah Studies• Cer�ficate in Islamic Sciences• Diploma in Islamic Sciences• Advanced Diploma in Islamic Sciences

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About Madinah Islamic University (MIU)

MIU Vision and Mission

Core Values

Goals of Madinah Islamic University (MIU)

Madinah Islamic University, an Islamic educa�onal ins�tu�on,delivering online, face to face, classroom based and blended learningcourses across the globe; first of its kind, opera�ng from the heart of Islam, Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah, aiming to serve the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and by providing the finest educa�on of Islamic sciences, by using the advanced means of online educa�on.

MIU is a unique contribu�on to the promo�on of Islamic knowledge.MIU programs and syllabi have a core focus on teaching the Islamic sciences with a selec�on of contemporary subjects that are complimentary therefore adding to a more powerful overall offering.

Core modulesThe core subjects' syllabus is constructed upon the syllabus of theMadinah Islamic University facul�es, and a panel of graduates from Madinah Islamic University have designed this western friendly syllabus, making it suitable for English speaking students, both male and female. The academic structure was designed under the supervision of senior scholars and professors of Hadith sciences, and they con�nue the journey with us as our advisors, scru�nizing every single advancement of the university and guiding us towards the be�erment of the academicstandard.

To be interna�onal ly recognized as the leading educa�onal ins�tu�on promo�ng the study of Islam in the English Language.

The Madinah Islamic University will be a world leader in the integra�on of (a) teaching and learning, (b) advancement of the knowledge of Islamic sciences through research and scholarship. MIU aims to be a world leader in preparing individuals who provide leadership and whose knowledge, skills and values will serve the Ummah and defend Islam globally leading to the enhancement of humanity. MIU aims to contribute to society through the pursuit of educa�on, learning, andresearch at the highest interna�onal levels of excellence.

Ÿ Dedicated to reviving the Islamic sciences

Ÿ To promote global Muslim unity in accordance to the book of Allah & the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah.

Ÿ No compromise on teaching quality.

Ÿ To facilitate a unique learning experience.

Ÿ To maintain high levels of commitment, trust and teamwork

Ÿ Awareness of the status of the Sunnah, and its authority amongst the Muslim Ummah.

Ÿ Adop�ng the methodology of the companions and their successors in comprehending the Deen.

Ÿ The encouragement of a ques�oning a�tude

Ÿ Quality and depth of provision across all subjects

Ÿ The close inter-rela�onship between teaching, scholarship, and research

Ÿ The widest possible student access to MIU

Ÿ The contribu�on which MIU can make to society through the pursuit, dissemina�on, and applica�on of knowledge

Ÿ The place of MIU within the broader academic and local community

Ÿ Concern for sustainability and the rela�onship with theenvironment

Ÿ Islam

Ÿ To promote and revive the classical sciences of Hadith through the English medium

Ÿ To excel in the delivery of Hadith sciences

Ÿ To promote the importance of seeking knowledge and unify the Ummah based upon the message of the Prophet and the teaching of Hadith.

Ÿ To maintain low course registra�on fees such that our programs are accessible to all , and providing scholarships to the deserving students.

Ÿ To deliver courses (face to face) across the world promo�ng the science of Hadith.

Ÿ Se�ng high quality standards throughout the collegeacross all departments and func�onal areas.

Ÿ Providing authen�c Islamic educa�on to the Muslims,spreading the pure knowledge from the source of Islam: Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah.


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Ÿ Linking the masses to the authen�c knowledge of Islam,and focusing upon learning and understanding Hadith sciences, upon the Methodology of Ahluss-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, according to the understanding of the pious predecessors of this Ummah.

Ÿ Defending the Sunnah from the misconcep�ons of theOrientalists and Hadith-Rejecters, and glorifying the status of the second source of legisla�on in Islamic law: the Sunnah.

Ÿ Working under the supervision of established Hadith

Ÿ scholars of the holy city of Madinah, as well as other parts of the world, and constantly working on the improvement of the academic standard under their guidance.

Ÿ Using latest technology and modern educa�onal means, in order to achieve the goal of making the basic knowledge of Hadith sciences easily accessible for every Muslim, from any part of the world.

Ÿ Serving the Sunnah with publica�ons, academic wri�ng,edi�ng of manuscripts and transla�on of classical works on Hadith in the English language.

The Patron of MadinahHadith University (MIU)

Shaikh Wasee-Ullaah ibn Muhammad Abbaas ibn Ahmad Abbaas (hafidhahullaah)

Ÿ Bachelors program at the Islamic University of Madinah

Ÿ Masters King Abdul-Aziz University

Ÿ PhD (doctorate) Umm al-Qura University in Makkah

Ÿ Teacher in the “Mahad” in al-Masjid al-Haram and Umm al- Qura University. During his �me as a PhD student, he was appointed as a teacher at the “Mahad” in al-Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Masjid in Makkah). A�er a�aining his PhD degree, he con�nued with this teaching posi�on for numerous years. Therea�er, he was selected as a professor in Umm al-Qura University in Makkah, where he con�nues to hold a teaching posi�on in the department of “the Qur’an & the Sunnah” in the Faculty of Da’wah and Usool-ud-Deen, lecturing on numerous subjects related to the science of Hadith.

His Teaching Posi�ons:

Ÿ Appointed as a teacher at the “Mahad” in al-Masjid al-Haram from 1 Safar 1399H

Ÿ Assistant Professor in Umm al-Qura University in Makkah from 16 Muharram, 1409H, the Faculty of Da’wah and Usool ad-Deen,

Ÿ department of “al- Kitab and the Sunnah”

Ÿ Senior Lecturer & Professor at Umm al-Qura University 1413H.

Teaching Chair in al-Masjid al-Haram, Makkah & Books Taught

The Shaykh also holds a teaching chair in al-Masjid al-Haram, with authoriza�on a�ained from the “General Director of the Affairs of the Grand Masjid in Makkah and the Prophet’s Masjid in Madinah”. His chair is located in the area of Tawãf around the Ka’bah, between the doors of “Baab al- Malik Fahd” and “Baab al-Umrah”, where he con�nues to teach five days a week between the Maghrib and Isha prayers. From the books ash-Shaykh Wasee-Ullaah has completed teaching in the Arabic language in al-Masjid al-Haram are:

Ÿ Fathul-Baree Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari

Ÿ Nawylul-Awtaar min Asraar Muntaqaa al-Akhbaar

Ÿ Nuzhatun-Nadhar fee Tawdeeh Nukhba�l-Fikr

Ÿ Buloogh al-Maraam min Adilla�l-Ahkaam

Ÿ Zaad al-Ma’aad fee Hadee Khayril-Ibaad

Ÿ Tadreeb ar-Raawee fee Sharh Taqreeb an-Nawawee

Ÿ ar-Rawd al-Mubrabbi’ bee-Sharh Zaad al-Mustaqni

Ÿ Muqaddimah Ibnus-Salaah

Ÿ Sharh Ilal at-Tirmidhee

Ÿ Umdatul-Ahkaam min Kalaam Khayril-Anaam

Ÿ as-Salsabeel fee Ma’rifa�d-Daleel Haashiyah alaa Zaad al-Mustaqni

Ÿ al-Jaami’ as-Saheehayn


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A word fromthe Managing Director

“Read in the name of your Lord who createdCreated man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood

Read, and your Lord is the most GenerousWho taught by the pen

Taught man that which he knew not.”[Qur’an 96:1-5]

MIU is a project close to my heart and is one that I have contemplated over for many years. Every Muslim desires to study the Science of Islam but not everyone has the ability to travel abroad to study for prolonged periods of �me. Family responsibili�es, work commitments are normally a major obstacle for most people.

The Messenger of Allah ( ) said,صلى اهللا علیھ وسلم

"When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three

things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which

is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for

the deceased)." [Muslim]

Upon discussion with Sheikh Zulfiker Ibrahim, I was asked to assist in providing a solu�on to this problem. A�er much thought and contempla�on I agreed to assist with establishing a Muslim educa�onal establishment of learning catering for the needs of all those who are not able to travel to Muslim lands and study in Islamic ins�tu�ons.

The Messenger of Allah ( ) said,صلى اهللا علیھ وسلم

"He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward

equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward

being diminished in any respect on that account." [Muslim]

The objec�ve was to bring together the professionalism and quality assurance of leading western educa�onal establishments with the teaching curricula of the leading Islamic Universi�es. We believe that we have achieved the intended objec�ve of producing a unique Islamic curriculum in the English language integra�ng the best of bothworlds, and we hope that it is of benefit to all those who thread the path of knowledge through it.

The Prophet ( ) said to 'Ali (May Allah be صــــــــلى اهللا علیھ وســــــــلمpleased with him),

"By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it

will be be�er for you than a whole lot of red camels."[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

I am delighted that you are considering studying with MIU and I truly believe that if you do, then you will have made a very wise decision. A great deal of work has gone into establishing MIU that you see today, combing tradi�on with innova�on, complemen�ng outstanding teaching and learning with the very best facili�es in beau�ful se�ngsto offer what is, I believe, one of the best environments to study.

I am delighted that you are considering studying with MIU and I truly believe that if you do, then you will have made a very wise decision. A great deal of work has gone into establishing MIU that you see today, combing tradi�on with innova�on, complemen�ng outstandingteaching and learning with the very best facili�es in beau�ful se�ngs to offer what is, I believe, one of the best environments to study.

Everything we do at MIU is undertaken with our learners as the primary focus, and so the safe suppor�ve environment we have carefully nurtured is geared around helping you achieve your goalsand making the best investment possible in your future. I’m


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proud to be part of such a progressive place and I hope you will join us on our con�nuing journey so that we can all grow and achieve our poten�al together.

The Messenger of Allah ( ) said,صلى اهللا علیھ وسلم

"Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the

path in search of knowledge." [Muslim]

My vision is for MIU to be an excellent teaching-led ins�tu�on that,through the commitment and engagement of our staff, jus�fies the investment that students and others make by engaging with us. We, the MIU, will make a difference for and by our students and graduates. They will be known and respected by all members of society for the �me and dedica�on that they have shown to learn and then disseminate the religion of Islam. A teaching-led ins�tu�on must have a deep and real commitment to knowledge genera�on and exchange through scholarship and research, in its broadest sense, which underpins the curriculum. I envision an educa�onal establishment that adheres to OFQUAL and Ofsted requirements, with qualifica�ons approved and cer�fied by leading Awarding Bodies, standards that meet interna�onal requirements and a team of qualified teachers.

I want MIU to be an award-winning university that relishes and meets the challenges of compe��on. I want us to respond to compe��on with determina�on, commitment and a desire to make a real difference. We must be talked about and recognised for what we do and the difference we make. We must be inspired and inspiring so that we can build the confidence and ability of our students and customers so that they and we can create a real difference for the benefit of society, the economy and our communi�es. I want us to strengthen and grow our many local, na�onal and interna�onal partnerships so that, as a group of like-minded individuals and ins�tu�ons, par�cipa�on is widened and even greater opportuni�es are created for people from all walks of life to experience the transforma�ve power of higher educa�on. The MIU approach to educa�on means more students, studying in a way, in a place and at a pace that suits their needs. Our approach is underpinned by the quality and relevance of the student experience whether it be on campus, at home, in the workplace, at a partner ins�tu�on or elsewhere.

Arshad AshrafBSc.. PGCE. NPQH. MA. MScManaging Director MIU

The Dean of Academic Affairs of MIU: Zulfiker Ibrahim

Ÿ Memorised Quran at the age of 14

Ÿ Studied at Jamiah Islamia Taleem-ud-din in Dabhel, India for five years.

Ÿ Head of Islamic Studies at Loughborough Islamic Cultural Centre for a period of three years.

Ÿ Became a senior teacher for Tahfeez of the Quran at the same Madrasah.

Islamic Educa�on in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah

Ÿ Graduated Ins�tute of the Arabic Language with a dis�nc�on

Ÿ Graduated Ins�tute of Islamic Studies & Secondary Educa�on with a dis�nc�on

Ÿ Bachelor’s Degree Faculty of Hadeeth with a first class dis�nc�on

Ÿ Postgraduate diploma in Fundamentals and the Principles of Da’wah in the department of Higher Studies, gaining a first class dis�nc�on

Ÿ Currently pursuing a Masters in dept of Aqeedah and Da’wah

Ÿ Holds highest Ijazat in Hadith and Quran in the world

A word from the Dean of Academic Affairs

All praise is due to Allah, Who teacheth by the pen, Teacheth man that which he knew not, May the praise and peace of Allah descend upon the noblest of messengers, the best teacher that the universe has ever known, Mohammed the son of Abdullah, and upon all his family and


During my many years of involvement with both Islamic Educa�on and Dawah I have come to the realiza�on that there is an intrinsic need for the dissemina�on of the Islamic Sciences in the English medium. I approached various Ulema with this dilemma, a�er airing my concerns to some of the world’s leading Islamic scholars they concluded that it is incumbent that an ins�tute is established to cater for these needs and it is incumbent upon you to ini�ate this task. The ins�tu�on should have its roots firmly grounded in the city of The Prophet upon him be peace, Madinatun-an-Nabawiyyah, and its branches should be in the major ci�es of the west.

With the above in mind I approached one of the world’s leading educa�onalists, Arshad Ashraf who agreed to assist


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me in my proposal. We formed a team consis�ng of scholars and educa�onalists that are bona fid experts in their respec�ve fields to ini�ate the Madinah Islamic University (MIU). Our aim is to use merge the Islamic Sciences with the most prominent theories of pedagogy and andragogy. With a view to surpassing the quality standards of the world’s premier educa�onal establishments we undertake this magnanimous endeavor.

A university is an ins�tu�on that creates and communicates knowledge and ideas, giving its students and staff the opportunity to build new and be�er futures for themselves and others. These responsibili�es are at the heart of MIU’s mission, and have founda�ons and a life beyond any single strategic plan. The circumstances of our �me and our place affect what is possible. This is a �me when global boundaries to educa�on and research are dissolving and when the movement of people is unprecedented.

My responsibility is to lead the University and define its academic direc�on and strategy and for ensuring that MIU is well managed. It is my great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to MIU on behalf of the Managing Directors Office. I hope that I am able to provide a good introduc�on to the University and the work we do in this Office.

MIU will be global in the way it constructs its educa�on and research, in the opportuni�es it offers students and staff, and by having a presence in selected ci�es across the globe. Our degree programmes are designed to reflect the diverse needs of our students, the society we live in and the world of work, whilst retaining academic rigour. We are a�rac�ng highly talented applicants whilst retaining our entry standards. We are collabora�ng with a number of universi�es across the globe to harness some of the world’s most advanced thinking inorder to establish MIU as a world leader in Islamic educa�on.

Finally, my sincere thanks goes to those individuals and organisa�ons who have helped us to fund this ambi�ous programme. We look forward to welcoming you to the University and the outstanding educa�onal programmes that we have developed.

Shaikh Wasi ullah Abbas Prof of Shariah Umm Al QuraUniversity

Shaikh Anees ur Rahman Azami Scholar of Hadith from India (former graduate of Islamic university Madinah and senior student of Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad)

Shaikh Hamid Al –Hujaile Prof of Higher Studies IslamicUniversity of Madinah

Shaikh Abdullah Najee Dar Al I�a at the Prophets Masjid (Mu�i) and lecturer at the Mahad Al Haram Madinah

Shaikh Ahmad bin Khalaf Prof of Higher Studies IslamicUniversity of Madinah

Shaikh Abdul-Fa�ah Professor Madinah Islamic university Graduate from Al Azhar and former head of linguis�cs at Al Azhar university. MIU Arabic Language Advisor

Shaikh Ubaid Ar Rahman Al Hindi Scholar of Hadith India. PhD from Islamic University in Madinah

The scholar’s advisory body

We hope that we will be among the pioneers in this field with the par�cipa�on of students who share the great ambi�on that we are seeking to achieve, asking Allah Almighty to crown these efforts with support and success.

“Are those who know equal to those who do not know?"

[Az zumar ayah 9]

Sheikh Zulfiker Ibrahim Memon

Dean of Academics


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The teachers at MIU are chosen according to strict criteria, in order to ensure that instructors of the highest calibre deliver the curricula. This criterion includes: -

Islamic university of Madinah Graduate from the facultyof HadithIf not graduate, then at least in the �inal years ofcompletionExceptionally a graduate from the faculty of Hadith ofanother major Islamic university or holding ijaza in hadithfrom established scholarsMIUTrained to teach

The management team at MIU are a unique group of people who have come together based on one powerful shared vision. They all believe in the revival of the Islamic sciences and propaga�ng them in the English language. The group members are highly qualified from various fields of exper�se including management, quality assurance, assessment, leadership, Islamic studies, Informa�on technology and finance.

Please refer to the diagram below for the general organiza�onal structure

Managing Director

Opera�ons Director

DeanInforma�on Technology

Finance Vice Dean Website

HRHead Of

CurriculumSystem Admin

Marke�ng Head Of Exams

Head Of Student Affairs

The composi�on and role of the governing body

MIU governing body:

Sheikh Wasee Ullah Abbass - Patron

Zulfiker Ibrahim Dean of Academic AffairsArshad Iqbal Ashraf Chair of GovernorsJazeer Jamal Founda�on GovernorAjmal Sharfuddin Founda�on GovernorFida Hussain Founda�on GovernorArshad Basheer Founda�on GovernorGhulam Rabbani Founda�on GovernorAbdullah Taha Staff Governor (Vice dean)

MIU Teachers


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Ÿ Shaikh Dr. Wasi ullah Abbas

Ÿ Shaikh Adam Ethiopee

Ÿ Shaikh Muhammad Al Malki

Ÿ Shaikh Ahmad bin Khalaf

Ÿ Shaikh Anees ur Rahman Azami

Ÿ Shaikh Hamid Al –Hujaile

Ÿ Shaikh Abdullah Najee

Ÿ Shaikh Abdul-Fa�ah

Ÿ Shaikh Ubaid Ar Rahman Al Hindi

Ÿ Dr Mushabib Al Manae

Ÿ Dr. Mishal Al Anazee

Ÿ Dr. Taimore Afzal

The Role of The Advisory body

Ÿ Advise on the overall strategy and direc�on of the University, par�cularly in terms of issues such as corporate ly -or ientated research , corporate engagement in general and execu�ve educa�on in par�cular; external image, iden�ty and posi�oning of the University; and other ques�ons of strategy and direc�on that may arise

Ÿ Help establish and develop the University's posi�on within networks of prac�ce, locally, na�onally and interna�onally

Ÿ Advise on fund raising ac�vi�es, including iden�fyingopportuni�es especially those most relevant to the focus areas of the University

Ÿ Act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments in the University

Ÿ Assist the Execu�ve Team to build and deliver cases forins�tu�onal change where these are required

Ÿ Provide appropriate and construc�ve challenges to theassump�ons and opera�ng rou�nes of the University

The Board consists of broad cross sec�on of members of the interna�onal business, educa�on, legal, financial and Islamic community, and should be diverse in terms of gender, sectors and public and private ownership.

MIU advisory body


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MIU CoursesShort Courses: 1. Award In Hadith


Course Descrip�on

Award In Hadith Sciences explores one of the most important sciences in Islam.

1. Analysis of text and its implica�on on validity of Hadith

2. The major Hadith masters and their collec�ons.

3. Details on why a Hadith is authen�cated or rejected.

4.Chain of narra�on and its implica�on on validity of Hadith.

5. The various classifica�ons of sahih Hadith

6. Chains of narra�on

7. Deriva�on of rulings from Ahadith

8. The various classifica�ons of daeef Hadith

Course Dura�on: Credit Value1 or 2 days : 5

This course discusses the defini�on of the Quran and the different branches of its sciences

1. To introduce students to the importance of the Sciences of the Qur’an, it’s status, its evolu�on and revela�on.

2. Wahee Descent of the Qur’an Causes of Revela�on The 7 le�ers of the Qur’an Abroga�on in the Qur’an History of the Preserva�on of the Qur’an Truthfulness of the Qur’an Miracles of the Qur’an Subjects of the Qur’an Usool ut Tafseer

3. To learn about the codifica�on of the Quran and its compila�on.

4. To cri�cally examine the objec�ons raised by some outsiders in regard to the authority and authen�city of the Quran.

5. To develop familiarity with the evolu�on of Tafseer, and its various schools tafsir bi rai tafsir ul Quran bil Quran.

Ÿ You will study general characteriza�on of the maqasid al-Shari’ah and its origins in the Qur’an,

Ÿ classifica�on of the maqasid and a certain order of priority that is integrated into the structure of the maqâsid,

Ÿ historical developments and the contribu�ons of some of the leading ‘ulama’, to the theory of the maqasid,

Ÿ differen�al approaches the ‘ulama’ have taken toward the iden�fica�on of the maqasid and the relevance of the maqasid to ij�had and the ways in which the maqâsid can enhance the scope and calibre of ij�had

In terms of Shariah, there are five founda�onal goals (maqasid al-Shariah). These are the preserva�on of:

Ÿ Religion / Faith

Ÿ Life (nafs)

Ÿ Lineage / Progeny (nasl)

Ÿ Intellect (‘aql)

Ÿ Property / Wealth (mal)

Award in Sciences of the Quran

Principles of Shariah


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Usool Al Deen

This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk. Aqeedah refers to Islamic theology, which is one of the core branches of Islamic studies rela�ng to the beliefs associated with Islam. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of aqeedah. The Arabic word ‘aqeedah stems from the root ‘aqada, which conveys

meanings of certainty, affirma�on, confirma�on, etc. Aqeedah refers to those ma�ers which are believed in with certainty and convic�on, in one’s heart and soul. They are not tainted with any doubt or uncertainty.

Ÿ To provide students with an opportunity to studyin Tawheed from the classical texts and scholarship.

Ÿ To understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed it roots and emergence.

Ÿ To categorise the three categories of Tawheed and.

Ÿ authen�c evidences that will dispel the controversies associated with contemporary understanding of fiqh.

Ÿ To analyze the cultural misconcep�ons and that affects the true comprehension of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.

Ÿ Nawaqid ut tawheed

Ÿ Defini�on of Aqeedah

Ÿ Earliest men�ons of Aqeedah and Tawheed

Ÿ Classifica�on and categorisa�on of Tawheed

Ÿ What is kufr

Ÿ Takfir and its rulings

Ÿ Roots of Tawheed and its branches

Usool Al Fiqh

Usool al-Fiqh Studies explores the principles and the complexi�es of Islamic Jurisprudence in a way that refers to classical scholarship as a means of understanding contemporary issues and their rulings. The course will lead to some competence in jurisprudence allowing the student to research further and give a basis for deeper understanding. This course for those who wish to understand Usul al-Fiqh in some detail. It covers the principles of Usool using classical texts of usool al-fiqh to understand the methods of extrac�on and classifica�on of rulings according to the rules of Shariah .


Ÿ To enable the student to understand the origins of theScience of Usool al-Fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.

Ÿ rules regarding interpreta�on of textual evidence

Ÿ rules in fiqh.

Ÿ How to deal with contradictory evidence.

Ÿ Ij�haad and its rules

Ÿ What is the difference between Islam, Shariah andMadhab?

Ÿ How can we determine the shariah ruling of an ac�on

Ÿ Linking ahkam to maqaasid shariah

Ÿ Hukm taklifi – wajib mandoub fard haram makrouh


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Faculty of Hadith: CoursesCer�ficate in Hadith Sciences

Course Duration 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the quali�ication

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards

10 credits (1�� Semester only)

Pre-requisite Entrance test or Achieving MIU Award

Semester I Semester II Semester III

• Terminology of Hadith• The Books of Hadith• History of the compilation of the Sunnah

• Knowledge of the Narrators

Total Credits = 40

• Terminology of Hadith• The Books of Hadith• Fiqh of Hadith

• Knowledge of the Narrators

Total Credits = 40

• Terminology of Hadith• The Books of Hadith

• Fiqh of Hadith

• Islamic Finance

Total Credits = 40

Total Credits necessary to achieve Certi�icate in Hadith Sciences = 120 Credits

Course Duration 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the quali�ication 120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards


Pre-requisite Certi�icate in Hadith Sciences

Award in Fiqh

Selected chapters from: Taysir al-'Allam Sharh 'Umdat al-Ahkam Explained by: Shaykh Abd Allah bin Abd al-Rahman Ibn Saleh Aal Bassam


Ÿ Book of purifica�on

Ÿ Book of salaat / prayer

Ÿ Book of fas�ng

Ÿ Book of hajj

Ÿ Book of zakat


Ÿ Book of transac�ons

Ÿ E�que�es of ea�ng and drinking

Ÿ Book of Nikah

Course Descrip�on

This course is designed and tailored to equip students with the main fundamentals of the various sciences of Hadith, and to connect the student with the classical texts of the scholars of Hadithcomprehensively. It also focuses to build the ap�tude of the student by allowing the student to implement the sciences of Hadith theore�cally, prac�cally, and analy�cally with sound comprehension.

From the essen�als of the course is for the student to iden�fy and acknowledge the achievements of the scholars of Hadith by them serving the sciences of Hadith, the anatomy of the compila�on andpersevera�on of the Hadith, throughout the different ages of Islam. An indispensable objec�ve is to engineer students academically to defend the Sunnah & Hadith and to refute the decep�ve doubts and false arguments of the orientalists and rejecters of Hadith.


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Course Descrip�on

This course is designed and tailored to equip students with the main fundamentals of the various sciences of Hadith, and to connect the student with the classical texts of the scholars of Hadithcomprehensively. It also focuses to build the ap�tude of the student by allowing the student to implement the sciences of Hadith theore�cally, prac�cally, and analy�cally with sound comprehension.

From the essen�als of the course is for the student to iden�fy and acknowledge the achievements of the scholars of Hadith by them serving the sciences of Hadith, the anatomy of the compila�on andpersevera�on of the Hadith, throughout the different ages of Islam. An indispensable objec�ve is to engineer students academically to defend the Sunnah & Hadith and to refute the decep�ve doubts and false arguments of the orientalists and rejecters of Hadith

It also focuses to cul�vate and help the student to be able to examine cri�cally by implemen�ng the principles of the scholars of Hadith related to the chains of transmission and its text and recognize thegrading of the scholars of Hadith upon the narra�ons with its explana�on. Lastly, it also aims to clarify the concept of the connec�on between Fiqh & Sunnah. The Fiqh Madhab of the scholars of Hadith has always been present and co-existed with the other Fiqh Madhabs

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

• Terminology of Hadith

• The Books of Hadith

• Fiqh of Hadith

• Introduc�on to Takhreej

• Terminology of Hadith

• The Books of Hadith

• Fiqh of Hadith

• Introduc�on to Al-Jarh wat- Ta’deel

• Terminology of Hadith

• The Books of Hadith

• Fiqh of Hadith

• Elec�ve

Total Credits necessary to achieve Diploma in Hadith Sciences = 120 Credits


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Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain thequalifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards


Pre-requisite Diploma in Hadith Sciences

Course Descrip�on

This course is designed and tailored to equip students with the main fundamentals of the various sciences of Hadith, and to connect the student with the classical texts of the scholars of Hadith comprehensively. It also focuses to build the ap�tude of the student by allowing the student to implement the sciences of Hadith theore�cally, prac�cally, and analy�cally with sound comprehension.

From the essen�als of the course is for the student to iden�fy and acknowledge the achievements of the scholars of Hadith by them serving the sciences of Hadith, the anatomy of the compila�on and persevera�on of the Hadith, throughout the different ages of Islam. An indispensable objec�ve is to engineer students academically to defend the Sunnah & Hadith and to refute the decep�ve doubts and false arguments of the orientalists and rejecters of Hadith.

It also focuses to cul�vate and help the student to be able to examine cri�cally by implemen�ng the principles of the scholars of Hadith related to the chains of transmission and its text and recognize the grading of the scholars of Hadith upon the narra�ons with its explana�on. Lastly, it also aims to clarify the concept of the connec�on between Fiqh & Sunnah. The Fiqh Madhab of the scholars of Hadith has always been present and co-existed with the other Fiqh Madhabs. It has its principles, which are implemented in order to deduce and derive correct Fiqh rulings solely based upon the Hadith and is not a literalist Madhab as claimed by many.

Advanced Diploma in Hadith Sciences


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Arabic Course

The Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Tradi�onal Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to par�cipate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith,fiqh, Seerah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.” Learning classical Arabic effec�vely could not be more easier than this course of Madinah Islamic University. A tried and tested course over 40 years with proven track record of success, it is ideal in terms of the topics covered and short �me taken to learn.

Course Duration 1 semester (12 Weeks)

Contact Hours 4 Hours per week

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on


Pre-requisite Entrance test

Fees £125

Course Descrip�on

Award in Arabic of MIU’s comprehensive Arabic language programme. This classical Arabic course introduces the student to grammar, reading, transla�on, vocabulary, wri�ng, and conversa�on.Students wil l begin to comprehend and construct short sentences in Arabic which will aid them in understanding the Holy Quran and other Arabic texts. The programme incorporates modern and classical Arabic as well as grammar. It is one of the most comprehensive coverage’s of classical Arabic and grammar available. Students who are looking for serious and focused study of Arabic in order to access the language of the Quran and Hadith should seriously consider comple�ng the whole programme. MIU Arabic course, largely based on the Islamic University of Al-Madinah’s Arabic Book 1, consists of approx. 40 hours of instruc�on along with online resources such as video tutorials, audio books, prac�ce quizzes, unlimited class review, and teacher support.

Course Content

Award in Arabic is the first of the courses and it incorporates an excellent introduc�on to the basics of the Arabic Language. If you are considering this, you should certainly consider registering for the Cer�ficate in Arabic so that you complete at least one full year's curriculum.

Who is it for?You must be able to read the Qur'an fluently to be able to study this course and complete a basic module on wri�ng through self-study that we will provide. You will need to commit to 4 hours of contact �me per week and at least a further 3 hours of personal study

Topics covered

At the award level, the topics below will be covered in conjunc�on tailor made worksheets to help students apply their knowledge of the grammar concepts and develop a broad vocabulary. The course will u�lise the complete set of books that are taught at the Islamic University of Madinah (and not just the Arabic language books from Madinah university).

Faculty of Arabic CoursesAward In Arabic

(Arabic Level 1 – overview)

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Unit 1 The phrase haadhaa which means 'This is..'.

Unit 2 The phrase Dhalika which means 'That is..'.

Unit 3 The Arabic Definite Ar�cle - Alif Laam - which corresponds to 'The' in English.

Unit 4 Preposi�ons - i.e. words showing the rela�onship of one noun to another (e.g. to, from, in, at etc). Masculine and Feminine Pronouns - i.e. He and She. Nominal and Verbal sentences

Unit 5 Expression of ownership - i.e. showing one noun owns another - e.g. 'The teacher's car' Mabni - Indeclinable words which do not change their case with different causes and maintain their vowel ending Ar�cle to call someone (voca�ve par�cle) - e.g. 'Oh Umar!'

Unit 6 Feminine pronoun for 'This' - Hadhihi. Masculine and Feminine nouns Preposi�ons

Unit 7 The Demonstra�ve Pronoun for the Feminine Ar�cles " تلك �Use of Shadda and dropping of le�er 'lam' of the definite ar�cle 'al' when used with solar le�ers.

Unit 8 Revision Lesson In this lesson we will Insha Allah revise all the gramma�cal rules we have learnt so far.

Unit 9 Possessive Pronouns Five Nouns (excep�on) New preposi�ons, pronouns when added to verbs.

Unit 10 A�aching pronouns to preposi�ons Present Tense Verbs - Introduc�on

Unit 12 How to have a discussion in ArabicThe conversion of a masculine verb into a feminine verbThe use of the feminine rela�ve pronoun (that, who, which)

Unit 13 Plural form of the Demonstra�ve PronounSound PluralBroken Plural

Unit 14 Plural form of the Demonstra�ve Pronoun ("That")Plural form of the personal pronouns in the 3rd personPlural form of the masculine and feminine verbs in 3rdperson (e.g. He Went, She Went, They Went)

Object of a Verbal Sentence

Unit 15 Plural form of masculine personal pronouns in the 2nd person.Plural form of masculine possessive pronouns Plural form of the masculine verbs in the 2nd person (e.g. You went)

Unit 16 Plural form of masculine personal pronouns in the 2ndperson.Plural form of masculine possessive pronounsPlural form of the masculine verbs in the 2nd person (e.g.You went)ن � ھ ��� � ذ �

Unit 17 The concept of ra�onal and irra�onal nouns. A new pa�ern for the broken plurals

Unit 18 The dual form in the Arabic language for demonstra�ve and personal pronouns. The interroga�ve ar�cle used to ask 'how many' - � م؟ �

Unit 19 The numbers for one to ten (as applied to masculine nouns).

Unit 20 The numbers for one to ten (as applied to feminine nouns).

Unit 21 Introduc�on to the diptotes.

Unit 22 The diptotes - con�nued

Unit 23 The types of noun in Arabic in detail

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Course Descrip�on

Cer�ficate in Arabic of MHU’s comprehensive Arabic language programme. The programme incorporates modern and classical Arabic as well as grammar. It is one of the most comprehensive coverage’s of classical Arabic and grammar available. Students who are looking for serious and focused study of Arabic in order to access the language of the Quran and Hadith should seriously consider comple�ng the whole programme.

Course content

The Cer�ficate in Arabic is the second course in the programme. It con�nues on from the award in Arabic introduces more grammar topics and more complex and varied vocabulary. The Cer�ficate in Arabic can be studied over 2 semesters (approx. 24 weeks) with 4 hours per week of contact �me. At the Cer�ficate in Arabic level, Madinah Book 2 from the Islamic University of Madinah’s Arabic language course will be studied, with the accompanying course books that are taught in the faculty of the Islamic university of Madinah. In this course the student is provided with an excellent introduc�on to grammar rules, gramma�cal analysis, morphology, vocabulary and expressions.


Ÿ To teach grammar rulesŸ To equip student with the skill of analyzing the text.Ÿ To enrich student's vocabularyŸ To enhance student's language skills-hearing, speaking,Ÿ reading and wri�ngŸ To develop skills to communicate with Arabic speakers

byŸ wri�ng and speakingŸ To create awareness regarding the aspects of Islamic


Cer�ficate in Arabic (Arabic Level 2 – overview)

2 semesters (24 Weeks)

Contact Hours 4 Hours per week

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on


Pre-requisite Entrance test or MHU Award in Arabic

Fees £250

Cer�ficate in Arabic (Arabic Level 2 – overview)

Unit 1 The demonstra�ve and rela�ve pronouns in detail.

Unit 2 Introduc�on to /iξraab/ declension and structure, and difference between the declinable and the indeclinable words.

Unit 3 The composite numeral, including:Ÿ Numbers from 1 to 10. Lesson 18, 19Ÿ Numbers from 11 to 19.Ÿ Numbers from 20 to 99.Numbers 100, 200 1000.

Unit 4 Ÿ Nouns with shortened endingŸ Nouns with curtailed endingNouns with extended ending

Unit 5 Past, present and impera�ve verbs

Unit 6 Verbs in past, present and future tenses

Unit 7 Masculine and feminine verb (past, present, impera�ve)

Unit 8 Affirma�ve verb, nega�ve verb and auxiliaries used for verb nega�on.

Unit 9 The sound verb, the weak verb, and the weak le�ers

Unit 10 The transi�ve and intransi�ve verbs

Unit 11 The ac�ve and passive verb

Unit 12 The five verbs

Unit 13 The cases/iξrâb/ of the sound and weak verbs

Unit 14 The cases/iξrâb/ of the five verbs

Unit 15 Structure of the present verb

Unit 16 Structure of the past verb

Unit 17 Structure of the impera�ve verb

Unit 18 The interroga�ve nouns /man/, /mā/, /mādhā/, and /limādhā/

Unit 19 The interroga�ve nouns /matā/, /ayna/, /kayfa/, and /kam/

Unit 20 The interroga�ve par�cles: /a/ and /hal/

Unit 21 Personal pronouns:Detached nominal and accusa�ve pronouns

Unit 22 Nomina�ve a�ached pronouns

Unit 23 Accusa�ve a�ached pronouns

Unit 24 Geni�ve a�ached

Unit 25 Latent pronouns:General exercises and revision for the personal pronouns

Unit 26 Condi�onal nouns

Unit 27 Verbal nouns

Unit 28 The noun with extended ending

Unit 29 The noun with curtailed ending

Unit 30 The noun with shortened ending

Unit 31 Sound feminine plural


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Course Descrip�on

Diploma in Arabic of MHU’s comprehensive Arabic language programme. The programme incorporates modern and classical Arabic as well as grammar. It is one of the most comprehensive coverage’s of classical Arabic and grammar available. Students who are looking for serious and focused study of Arabic in order to access the language of the Quran and Hadith should seriously consider comple�ng the whole programme.

The Diploma in Arabic is the third course in the programme. It con�nues on from Cer�ficate in Arabic and complete the key grammar topics necessary to access Arabic texts. Students will also begin studying some Arabic texts, as well as develop confidence in I'rab transla�on and composi�on. The Diploma in Arabic will be studied over 3 semesters with 4 sessions per week of study. At the Diploma in Arabic level, book 3 of the Islamic university of Madinah’s Arabic language course will be studied, along with the accompanying texts from the Islamic university of Madinah.Book 3 of Madinah Arabic is being used for the complete 3 semesters. Here, there is the con�nua�on of Arabic grammar with analysis of verbs, past and present. A whole new array of vocabulary isintroduced and the student is encouraged to write and speak as the course proceeds. One main feature is the topic of Morphology, where the student learns the forma�on of words from verbs.


Ÿ To enhance the ability of the student to understand verbsŸ and their structuresŸ To give the student the forma�ve rules of morphology,Ÿ which opens a wider vista of the Arabic Language.Ÿ To introduce the new grammar rules to the student.Ÿ To make student feel equipped, confident and more

comfortable in dealing with Arabic language.•

Course Dura�on 3 semesters

Contact Hours 4 Hours per week

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on


Pre-requisite Entrance test or MHU Cer�ficate in Arabic

Fees £350

Diploma in Arabic-Level 3 – overview

Unit 1 The dual

Unit 2 The sound masculine plural

Unit 3 The five nouns

Unit 4 The nominal sentence

Unit 5 /kaana/ and its sisters

Unit 6 /inna/ and its sisters

Unit 7 /laa/ of generic nega�on

Unit 8 /kaada/ and its sisters

Unit 9 /dhanna/ and its sisters

Unit 10 The doer

Unit 11 The subject of the passive (with an introduc�on to the sentence in passive voice)

Unit 12 The object

Unit 13 The absolute object

Unit 14 The causal object

Unit 15 The circumstan�al object

Unit 16 The concomitate object

Unit 17 The status

Unit 18 The dis�nc�ve preceded by kamm. Lesson 17

Unit 19 The exclusion

Unit 20 The exclusion 2

Unit 21 The exclusion 3

Unit 22 Preposi�ons, Meanings

Unit 23 Preposi�ons, Types

Unit 24 Introduc�on to the Followers:The Adjec�ve

Unit 25 The conjunc�ons

Unit 26 The Subs�tu�on

Unit 27 Oral and Moral Assurance

Unit 28 The voca�ve

Unit 29 The exclama�on

Unit 30 The persuasion and warning

Unit 31 The praise and blame

Unit 32 The preference

Unit 33 The condi�onal Sentence

Unit 34 The demand (the impera�ve and interdic�on)


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Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards

10 credits (1st Semesteronly)

Pre-requisite Entrance test or AchievingMIU Award

Course Descrip�on

MIU's Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies:Was developed in response to a growing need for an understanding of the Islamic faith within global communi�es. The lack of formally recognised training educa�on in Islamic tradi�ons was also addressed. The course provides Islamic educa�on within the current global context, while staying true to Islamic tradi�ons. With the inclusion of the study and cri�cal analysis of the origins, sources, and principles upon which Islamic jurisprudence is based. The Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies provides students with an advanced knowledge of Islam which includes a highly developed comprehension of the theological, jurispruden�al, historical and contemporary aspects of Islam. Islamic sciences are studied from both a classical and contemporary perspec�ve and students graduate with the ability to understand and read from the religious texts covering detailed knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence, in addi�on to an understanding of Hadith science and related vocabulary. The course prepares students with an advanced insight of the Islamic faith which can prove beneficial for further academic study, or for a range of professions such as teachers, public servants, companies or any individual or Islamic ins�tu�ons.

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ Terminology of Hadith I

Ÿ Principles of Jurisprudence I

Ÿ History of the compila�on of the Sunnah

Ÿ History of Legisla�on

Ÿ Principles of Jurisprudence II

Ÿ Jurisprudence IŸ Syntax I

Ÿ Terminology of Hadith III

Ÿ Jurisprudence II

Ÿ Exegesis IŸ Islamic


Total Credits necessary to achieve Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies = 120 Credits

Faculty of Shariah: Courses

Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies

Course Descrip�on

MHU’s Diploma in Shariah Studies aims to equip its students with knowledge and skills that will enable them to have an in-depth understanding of the religion and civiliza�on of Islam, as well as a closer comprehension of textual applica�on of divine texts. The Diploma in Shariah Studies, which is an advancement of the cer�ficate in Shariah Stud es, offers a mul� direc�onal and mul�-op�onal program that extends from tafseer (exegesis of the Qur’an) to historical sociology of Muslim socie�es, from hadith (tradi�ons of the Prophet) to modern Islamic thought. The course not only opens doors to the great heritage of Islamic civiliza�on for its students, but also enables them to discover the philosophy and knowledge that are produced in the modern world. On top of offering the curriculum taught in the universi�es of Madina MHU’s Diploma in Islamic Sciences offers courses that aim to bring its students in contact with the history and classics of Islamic studies. Includes a study of usool al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence). The main topics of study are the daleels that are universally considered authorita�ve, followed by the controversial daleels (excluding those most relevant to al-Maqaasid al-Shar‘iyyah), linguis�c issues relevant to nterpreta�on of the texts, the nature of Sharee‘ah rules, and issues concerning ij�haad.

Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards


Pre-requisite Cer�ficate in Shariah Studies

Diploma in Shariah Studies

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ Advanced Terminology of Hadith I

Ÿ Principles of Jurisprudence III

Ÿ History of Judiciary System

Ÿ Morphology

Ÿ Advanced Terminology of Hadith II

Ÿ Principles of Jurisprudence IV

Ÿ Exegesis IIŸ Syntax II

Ÿ Advanced Terminology of Hadith III

Ÿ Islamic Economics II

Ÿ Exegesis IIIŸ Syntax III

Total Credits necessary to achieve Diploma in Shariah Studies = 120 Credits


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Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards


Pre-requisite Diploma in Shariah Studies

Course Descrip�on

The Advanced Diploma in Shariah Studies is a progression from the Diploma in Shariah Studies with a deeper focus on the subjects of Usool ul fiqh and it’s applica�on. The objec�ve of the course is to provide the students with advanced training in academic research and wri�ng within the Islamic context enabling students to analyse and extract canons from divine texts.At the end of a course, a student should be able to demonstrate clear evidence of undertaking a detailed supervised study of a topic in Islamic Studies. Candidates research their projects with guidance from an appropriate supervisor. This course will be examined by a project of 10,000 words. The topic must be approved by the undergraduate tutor/course convenor before the student is allowed to embark on this course.


Ÿ To empower the students to worship Allah Almighty correctly

Ÿ To enable the student to understand the origins of theScience of Usool al-Fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.

Ÿ To acquaint the student with the main rules regarding interpreta�on of textual evidence as well as the most important controversies surrounding some of them.

Ÿ To give the student a clear framework for understanding the nature of rules employed in fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize students with the methodology for dealing with apparently contradictory evidence.

Ÿ To acquaint the student with the main issues related to ij�haad

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ Principles of

Jurisprudence V

Ÿ Rules of

Jurisprudence I

Ÿ Judiciary in Islam I

Ÿ Research


Ÿ Syntax IV

Ÿ Exegesis IV

Ÿ Judiciary in

Islam II

Ÿ Rules of

Jurisprudence II

Ÿ Islamic

Business Ethics

Ÿ Islamic Law of


Ÿ Islamic Law of


Total Credits necessary to achieve Advanced Diploma in Shariah Studies = 120 Credits

Advanced Diploma in Shariah Studies


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Faculty of Islamic Sciences

Cer�ficate in Islamic Sciences

Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards

10 credits (1st Semester only)

Pre-requisite Entrance test or Achieving MIU Award

Course Descrip�on

Was developed in response to a growing need for an understanding of the Islamic faith within global communi�es. The lack of formally recognised training educa�on in Islamic tradi�ons was also addressed. The course provides Islamic educa�on within the current global context, while staying true to Islamic tradi�ons. With the inclusion of the study and cri�cal analysis of the origins, sources, and principles upon which Islamic jurisprudence is based. The Cer�ficate in Islamic Sciences provides students with an advanced knowledge of Islam which includes a highly developed comprehension of the theological, jurispruden�al, historical and contemporary aspects of Islam. Islamic sciences are studied from both a classical and contemporary perspec�ve and students graduate with the ability to understand and read from the religious texts covering detailed knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence, in addi�on to an understanding of Hadith science and related vocabulary. The course prepares students with an advanced insight of the Islamic faith which can prove beneficial for further academic study, or for a range of professions such as teachers, public servants, companies or any individual or Islamic ins�tu�ons.


1. Analysis of text and its implica�on on validity of Hadith2. The major Hadith masters and their collec�ons.3. Details on why a Hadith is authen�cated or rejected.4. Chain of narra�on and its implica�on on validity of Hadith.5. The various classifica�ons of sahih Hadith6. Chains of narra�on7. Deriva�on of rulings from Ahadith8. The various classifica�ons of daeef Hadith

Ÿ You will study general characteriza�on of the maqasid al-Shari’ah and its origins in the Qur’an,

Ÿ classifica�on of the maqasid and a certain order of

priority that is integrated into the structure of the maqâsid,

Ÿ historical developments and the contribu�ons of some of the leading ‘ulama’, to the theory of the maqasid,

Ÿ differen�al approaches the ‘ulama’ have taken toward the iden�fica�on of the maqasid and the relevance of the

Ÿ maqasid to ij�had and the ways in which the maqâsid canenhance the scope and calibre of ij�had

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ Terminology of

Hadith I

Ÿ The Books of

Hadith (Bukhari)

Ÿ Principles of

Jurisprudence I

Ÿ History of


Ÿ Terminology of

Hadith II

Ÿ The Books of

Hadith (Muslim)

Ÿ Principles of

Jurisprudence II

Ÿ Jurisprudence I

Ÿ Shamail Al


Ÿ Ilm Ar Rijaal

Ÿ Exegesis I

Ÿ Syntax I

Total Credits necessary to achieve Cer�ficate in Islamic Sciences = 120Credits

Diploma in Islamic Sciences

Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be carried forward from Awards


Pre-requisite Cer�ficate in IslamicSciences

Course Descrip�on

MHU’s Diploma in Islamic Sciences aims to equip its students with knowledge and skills that will enable them to have an in-depth understanding of the religion and civiliza�on of Islam, as well as a closer comprehension of textual applica�on of divine texts. The Diploma in Islamic Sciences, which is an advancement of the in Islamic Sciences , offers a mul� direc�onal and mul�-op�onal


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program that extends from tafseer (exegesis of the Qur’an) to historical sociology of Muslim socie�es, from hadith (tradi�ons of the Prophet) to modern Islamic thought. The course not only opens doors to the great heritage of Islamic civiliza�on for its students, but also enables them to discover the philosophy and knowledge that are produced in the modern world. On top of offering the curriculum taught in the universi�es of Madina MHU’s Diploma in Islamic Sciences offers courses that aim to bring its students in contact with the history and classics of Islamic studies. Includes a study of usool al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence). The main topics of study are the daleels that are universally considered authorita�ve, followed by the controversial daleels (excluding those most relevant to al-Maqaasid al-Shar‘iyyah), linguis�c issues relevant to interpreta�on of the texts, the nature of Sharee‘ah rules, and issues concerning ij�haad.


To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Usool al-Fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.

Ÿ rules regarding interpreta�on of textual evidenceŸ rules in Fiqh.Ÿ How to deal with contradictory evidence.Ÿ Ij�haad and its rulesŸ What is the difference between Islam, Shariah and

Madhab?Ÿ How can we determine the shariah ruling of an ac�onŸ Linking ahkam to maqaasid shariahŸ Hukm taklifi – wajib mandoub fard haram makrouh

Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ Advanced Terminology of Hadith I

Ÿ Introduc�on to Al- Jarh wat- Ta’deel

Ÿ Principles of Jurisprudence III History of Judiciary System

Ÿ Advanced Terminology of Hadith II

Ÿ Introduc�on to Takhreej

Ÿ Exegesis IIŸ Syntax II

Ÿ Ahadeeth al- Adaab wa- Raqaiq wa Zuhd Highest ranking

Ÿ hadith of Bukhari

Ÿ MorphologyŸ Principles of

Jurisprudence IV

Total Credits necessary to achieve Diploma in Islamic Sciences = 120


Advanced Diploma in Islamic Sciences

Course Dura�on 3 Semesters

Credits Needed to gain the qualifica�on

120 Credits

Max Credits that can be c a r r i e d fo r w a rd f ro m Awards


Pre-requisite D i p l o m a i n I s l a m i c Sciences

Course Descrip�on

The Advanced Diploma in Islamic Sciences is a progression from the Diploma in Islamic Sciences with a deeper focus on the subjects of Usool ul fiqh and it’s applica�on. The objec�ve of the course is to provide the students with advanced training in academic research andwri�ng within the Islamic context enabling students to analyse and extract canons from divine texts. This course is designed and tailored to equip students with the main fundamentals of the various sciences of Hadith, and to connect the student with the classical texts of the scholars of Hadith comprehensively. It also focuses to build the ap�tude of the student by allowing the student to implement the sciences of Hadith theore�cally, prac�cally, and analy�cally with sound comprehension. From the essen�als of the course is for the student to iden�fy and acknowledge the achievements of the scholars of Hadith by them serving the sciences of Hadith, the anatomy of the compila�on and persevera�on of the Hadith, throughout the different ages of Islam. An indispensable objec�ve is to engineer students academically to defend the Sunnah & Hadith and to refute the decep�ve doubts and false arguments of the orientalists and rejecters of Hadith. It also focuses to cul�vate and help the student to be able to examine cri�cally by implemen�ng the principles of the scholars of Hadith related to the chains of transmission and its text and recognize the grading of the scholars of Hadith upon the narra�ons with its explana�on. Lastly, it also aims to clarify the concept of the connec�on between Fiqh & Sunnah. The Fiqh Madhab of the scholars of Hadith has always been present and co-existed with the other Fiqh Madhabs.

This course will be examined by a project of 10,000 words. The topic must be approved by the undergraduate tutor/course convenor before the student is allowed to embark on this course.


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Ÿ To empower the students to worship Allah Almighty correctly

Ÿ To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Usool al-Fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize the student with the proofs for the authority

Ÿ of the various types of evidence recognized in Usool al-Fiqh and the arguments of those who reject various proofs.

Ÿ To acquaint the student with the main rules regarding interpreta�on of textual evidence as well as the most important controversies surrounding some of them.

Ÿ To give the student a clear framework for understanding the nature of rules employed in Fiqh.

Ÿ To familiarize students with the methodology for dealing with apparently contradictory evidence.

Ÿ To acquaint the student with issues related to ij�haad


Compulsory Modules

Semester I Semester II Semester III

Ÿ A d v a n c e d Terminology of Hadith III

Ÿ Books of Jarh Highest Wa -Tadeel

Ÿ R u l e s o f Jurisprudence I

Ÿ R e s e a r c h methodology

Ÿ Cri�cism (Naqd) in Hadith

Ÿ Judiciary in Islam I

Ÿ Rules of Jurisprudence

Ÿ T IslamicBusiness Ethics

Ÿ Islamic Law of Contracts

Ÿ Takhreej II

Total Credits necessary to achieve Advanced Diplomain Islamic Sciences

= 120 Credits

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