mkrcur?.—wednesday publications. v of st the dore'^s

*s£/f M»'* JstaV- ,ti t .'» f t . * THE TEESDALE MKRcUR?.—WEDNESDAY MAY 2, 1866. CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIFS PUBLICATIONS. Dore'^s Illustrated Bible, with 230 Large Page Drawings by Gusiave Dork. In Monthly Parts, at Half-a-Crown, *I~\*ntc'« "Iufomo," with Seventy-six full-page J ) IlUxtTAttron by RuPin Dora. Cary'i Translation ant tC ••««. Crooa Kott*. price r,"» A dventures of Baron Munchausen. A New •nrt R-vt*«t F.''1ilon, with ab •at 1M Illustration* by ISM «v» ltonS, anil *-• Inlrm) ictinn hy T. TVipiBoatb Shor*, H A Complete t* I vet. S'o, doth. One Qutaea. 1 rwcJji Guttered from Painter and Poet. A . -M-rtlon of 1'neme. S o i - v . »"<l Bui'*)*. IBnrtrmttd ta •>• h'thi-st «vle «f «r bv F It. rkk.i*sill. Oop». Dyes, Hors- . •.,« „n S-l-u* T-im'el, « c A c Superbly printed on Una link 'aa«i p«p*r, hoi ml u cloih, with gilt edge*. 7a. Sd. J ye mties of Poetry and Gems of Art, Illustrated > by I be l i n e Artiat'a. IKith g-ltt, f» « I. I ^vourite Poems by Gifted Bards, Illustrated ' hy l he a»m« irtiat*. i loth r It, U Sd, P enis and Pictures, comprising the three pre- ceding Woika bmrmt rmrvthsv In one T lame. Very h*uU»onvly h o w l hi ex rx silt e otb. One Guinea. C aser-ll's Family Bibia. Illustrated with 900 'Rner.vinr* frlee f"xn •*», W h> SO*., .Coweta*; to f, art nr. B»rn»r t*rv Paptr J?./J*>», from SIX. to 70a. C lwellV FaniUy Prayer-Boole; or, Morning and Erenb I ITayer. tor Kvwrr Day in the Year. Pisa* /^•ssoli's Natural History. Illustrated with V . annul J.(100 EnrraVlnC*. CoaaptcM ta 4 Vol*.', at 8a. S4, a In 'J Tola , »t 1* »»«h. /^.Rsell's History of Enplnid (Illustrated). V .' F om the E itF»*» P«ii"d 'o the 1'reaent Time. Complete h 8 vnis , at » . aiidl.. 6d «-vli. titssell's Popular Educator (Illustrated) c ( Com- Com- plete Ir S Tola., at 4a. «d, or to 3 voli, at 8*. Sd. WlVs Family Paper. Second Series. _ pi. te In 14 Vobx Fnce.t. paper, 4a. Sleuth. ri kr Quiver. Firtt Seriet. Complete in 6 Vols., L I'll -e4<. I d . each. rr la- Quiver. Illustrated Serus. Vols. I. and II., . *. price St. each. •.^•sell's Bible Dictionary. Illustrated (complete In Two Vote-*-), prlci- l i s «>L e a c h . •^m.-11's Illustratol Uunyan. — T1* PIIAWIM'S ih 100 Uluatr..tlon by II. 0. Seloua and ( L.IFB 1'il^ri.n I l> H^n''*rXe.To.Vl"iid'|*"pVr 7a. Sif, IS*. W.. end 21a I pal*-<B.n. l i - The HOLT WAR . a'Ml < »> \s bv the IUT . VV. U»JK;K . L'ui ortu «rt h t i e ' 1' « i •»»." »t 7>. «•'., and Jla, / -. sscll's llobinsin Crusoe, Illustrated with 100 V.' F.i gr.-vinp-, n toned pa er. 7a S I. an* 10a, 6d. / *.J'sm'tb*s Worts, Illustrated.—The VICAR V ? OF <nd r W w , 1«uitifiilly pet ited on toned W r .1 h 100 IKuat Ubnu by Ane'ay and .dor-en. I n O t ;«,,) one Volume. ha .1 l .. 7a. <i<1 ; ditto, lullgilt cl^th, i h i l l edjta, tOa. S I . ; ditto, full mor.cco antique, IIS,-, f'teteW* Ilfastrated GHlliver'n Travels With V t-rilnn.-.TT N M H an i 1, fe of Dean Swilt, by Dr. v' -^f Vl,e-l».e>id'n' • t the n<-yal lri«h Academy. With 100 1 • • Mlu'.n ' V T . M r u n . C o m p e t e 111 I Ti'l, cloth gilt, or exi-'a el . h g H, »0a «4 CMiak'-spiairc's'Coinidiijs (Cassell's Illustrated i. j 1.11 M I Ldiia.t, with No c , by Cha'lea and Mary '.„».lan C)«'k».< Mtmu hj 11 C. Seloua Complete la rr', t*» J I itil* SOIIJJR for Me to S'mj;. Set to Music, by Hen*. Le» ! e. »nrt illnetrai d >vitli Seveo, Orlgli al r .-lij:»bij K .MitlAla ItA. Vu .e i i«*rr, pit ok>ib,6e. r.ii-l.s av.d Jukes f>r MttW Folks. B y T o m f i1(»»l lilu-tr«te<1 aith T»e've Orlg n.1 Drawing" by t il. II ni.Mt. A. llnm on, Paul Uraj, ami I'. Murt-n. S». •t anic 1)in«VV Fairy Tali* ta Good Children. l.S Ku\*\ S.o.ll Ih. i . AOOUNTY AND HOME MAPS. In Sheets, V ' Sd each; or Folded, and la a Neat Wrapper (or lb* rocket, 4i. each. Mounted on Linen, at la. eaak. 1 E D U C A T I O N A L W O R K S l ASS ELL'S SPELLING AMD READING BOOK, with upward! of ISO EngrraTtnga nn Wood. Bro, cloth, la, THE MODEL COPY-BOOKS: enauring a Good, Fluent, knd Rap'd Handieri tng. In a courat of Eight Progreaaive Booka. Price St. each, or 2a n*r aet, f'ASSF.l.1,'8 LESSONS IN ENGLISH. 8a Sd THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE I N I T S ELEMENTS AND FORMS. Cloth, 8a. ad. PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Bv NOAH WIBBTEI , LL.D. 7a Sd. CA3SEU/S SIXPENNY LESSONS IN FRENCH. Sd. CASSELL'S LESSONS IN FRENCH. 4a Sd. KIT , l a ( d , FRENCH READER. Select Extract* from the beat French Authors, Cloth, l a t d . FRENCH MANUAL: a Complete Practical Quid* to a taottmoh knowledge of the French Language. Cloth, Sa, FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 7a. Sd. OASSELL-S LESSONS IN GERMAN. 4a. Sd. Kir, L a t d . OERKAN READER. Cloth, 3a. 6d. GERMAN PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY. 7a, I d . CA-tSGLL'S LESSONS IN SPANISH. Sa, Sd. CASSELL'S LESSONS IN ITALIAN. Sa. S I LESSONS IN GREEK. Cloth, 4a. CATECHISM OF THE LATIN GRAMMAR, la. FIRST LESSONS IN LATIN. Cloth, U Sd. LESSONS IN LATIN. Cloth, Sa. K »i, U Sd, LATIN GRAMMAR. Cloth, S a Set LA 1TN READER. Cloth, la. Sd. LATIN EXERCISES. Cloth, Ss. LATIN DICTION ART. Cloth. 7a. Sd.| CASSELL'S ARITHMETIC. Cloth, la. r \SSELL'S ALGEBRA. Cloth, l a Sd. CASSELL'S EUCLID; being the First Six Books, with the Eleventh and Twelfth. (This Edition la largely aaed ha Schoolx) SiltcATfmra, la.1 etoth,la,td. KXT , 4<L C IASSELL'8 POPULAR lUND -nouivo, J lxmn, cloth, l a each; free by poet for 13 itMniim Amualnr and ln.trnctive EaiierliuenU Btw,k. keeping — Hu-lneaa—Chw«— Civil Service (*a ii.i.l—Dnmeetn- Ke.loea— 1 MtcuUoB and Oratory—Emeraenciee—Etiquette—O nlefima— lleHjth an I Pby"h)logy—luTeatmepta- Le. ter Writing—Natural I'h loaophy—Onr Domeatic Peta—Railway Situailona ^lASSELL'S ATLASES ANlTiUAPS. CA88BLL-8 COMPLETE FOUO ATLAS, containing *60 i oiiiured Map*, engraved In the I rat atrle of art, a d prea>ntlnc nij' of Ibefulleat and moat r a rfect del,n a atlona of tie Surfaoe of tb- Globe ever pubii.i.ed. Pnee, In paper board*, £2 Sa.; bound l, I .K-morocco, tt 8a I'ASSELL 9 IlltlTI II ATLAS ol 12"2 Mapa, half-bound in *p\ner boarda. f 1 la. : strongly half-bound. £ 1 Sa. CASSELL'S FOLIO GENERAL AVI.AS. Prloa, In paper boarda. 10< Sd.; atroiurly In f-hrmnd, 18a. CASSELL'S FOLIO COUNTY ATLAS. Price, In paper board*, 10* 6J ; atmnglT half-bound, 18'. CASSELL'S Rtll.WAY ATLAS. Price Sa. CASSELL'S ORIENTAL ATLAS. Price, In paper board*, •a.: Mronrly halt-hound. IS*. CASSELL'S COLONIAL ATLAS. Price, In paper board*, Se ; a roiifiy half-hound, 15a. CASSELL'S INDIAN ATLAS. Price 8a. Sd. liASSELL-S EMIGRANT'S ATLAS. Price **• Sd. J^EUIAL PUBLICATIONS. CASSEIX'S HISTORY rip K.M^I.tN'D. N»w EdWon. on towal |,»p,i. w,th i,i»iO i •• r»«1n.-». Weekly, l i d . ; il'iitniy, JJ , in«. led yr^tniiou ly w ih PJH I, the ^"XFLSO^ -"' 1 U M , t lu *" r *" W*i»«| u f l l "DEATH ''ttSjfef^'" l ' m W.kiy. Peshy; 1 " i r ki J ?. U I 1 vaL x «* 9 " i "'-""""«'fe W .i Pane,. An Ilm.- tS&lS&Z "* tf^-'Y »nd WEEK-DAY U«dini. \| ek'y. One Penny; M,„,i| ir , gi »~~o^. CvSvELLS ILLUSTRATED Ui'lLE \' nt ly. Hi. DICTIONARY. THE BRAND PROMOTERS OF HEALTH. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. The grand secret of attaining harpiw h to irecm-e (rood Sealtli, without will -h life is stripped of all It* pl> aaurcs. The first irregularity of any f unction should be checked and set right by appropriate doses of these fine purifying Pills, which strengthen the system by thoroughly ctssuiAing the Mood from all impurities. They balance disordered action, remove the cause of disturbance, And restore its normal and natural power to every organ, without Inoonvenience, pain, or any other drawback. Derangement of the Bowels, Liver and Stomach Complaints. This medicine la so well known in every part of Hie world, and the cures effected by it* use are so wonderful, as to astonish everyone, its pre-eminence as s remedy for bilious and liver complaints, and derangements of the stomach and bowels, Is no longer a matter of dispute or doabt. In these diseases the beneficial effects of Hnllowsy's invaluable Pill* are so permanent and extensive that the whole system Is re- novated, the orxnns of digest on strengthened, and (nil and easy assimilation promoted, so that bath paystcel and moral energy Are increased. Determination of the Elood to the Bead. This is scnerally occasioned by some irregularity of the stomach and bowels, which, if not quickly attended to, fre- quently terminates fatally. A few doses of these famous I ills nercr fail to gire tone to the stomach, regularity to the se- cretions, and purity to the fluid*. Vertigo, dimness of sight, and other indications of approaching apoplexy, axe eutirely dissipated by a course Of this admirable medicine. The Female's Best Friend. Tor till debilitating disorders peculiar to the sex, and In every contingency perilous to the life of women, youthful or aged, married or single, this mild but speedy remedy Is recommended with friendly earnestness; H will correct all functional derangement* to which they are subject. Scrofula and all Skin Diseases. For all skin diseases, however Inveterate, these medicines are a sovereign remedy, while the Pill* act upon the blood, which they purify, tho Ointment passe* through the pore* of the Skin, and cleanses every structure, a* water saturates the soil or ss salt pen -tritei meat. T h e w l i >le physical machiuery is thus rendered healthy, regu'ar, and rigorous. Coughs, Colds, and Asthmas. No medicine will cure colds of long duration, or such ss ate settled upon the chest, so quickly a* those fa u ins Pill*. Even in c i«es where the first stage of asthma has appeared, these Pills mny be railed on as a certain and never-failing remedy, particnlarly if the Ointment be simultanconsly well rubbed into tbe chest and throat night and morning. Indigestion —Bilious Headache These complaints may sometimes be considered trifling, but It should be borne in mind that, by inatten'ion and ne- glect, they often end most seriously. Give early thought to a deranged stomach, take HoUoway's 1111s, rub his celebrated Ointment over the nit of the stomach, and yo.i will shortly perceive a change for the better in your digestion, spirits, appetite, (trength, and energy. I lie improvement, though It may be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. Hullo icaf i Pills are the best remedy knoion >>i the world for the following Ditto**:— _ liver Com- Tic Dolonreux C«Sfil4<S FOXE'S ROOK OF MARTYRS W«ki» line I V|ii.y; M... tidy. *u ai U a.1, *' w "•'»• i: ta-tefX'i SATUKAI. IIISIUKV . With t Ouo Furaavaw W««klj, On* I 'eimy: Moittnly (with Coloured Plate' B.I t AS -BLLH SIlAlCiall'KARl!. Edited |,y Mr. aiii itr* I ul'UI Ci .**SK, Willi lllusisktwu* I y a . c M.l„u. Weekly. One tVuay: Mmuh'y, id. aud 84, ' CA-^C'L''' DON oUlXttTE. Wuh 4>0 lluutmiou. bv r.„*t,-rv. Dort Wekuly. lJdV; Mouiltfy. Jd. 7 CASSKLl/i US1VER«AL ATLAS. Weekly, On* Penny »n.utt,lv. •ri'ii Otlam,S */•</>•• O n * Bhiilin*. ' ' 1 K i HCIENTIFIC REVIEW AND JOURNAL O F " THE INVENTORS INSTITUTE." Mou-.tiiy. Su. fT~ A OmpUU Lift of Hum. Caiul'. fv»<r. aid Gallia'i /'KM'LOIIOIH tnay bt AaW. pott frn, by eactwu-j -mnp Ui tnt f Making vjkt. La Bd t &.uiwjc VurU, Lud-jux i/dt, H.U. MWtLL, PtTTER, AMD vJk, LOJUWH. LO. A ,"te Asthma Blliots Com- plaint* Blotches on tho Skin Bowel Com- plaints Colics Inntioii the 11 nve Is Consumption Debility Dropiy Dysentery Erysipelas Female Irre- gularities iFcrers of all I kinds i Fits I (lout ticad-ache, llnnannnalion iJauudic* plaint* Lumbago i'iles Rliatnnatlsm lleteution of Urine HcTofula, or King's Evil Sore I lu-r.atr. St one,','Gravel Secoudury Symptom* I umours Ulcers Venereal Af- fection* Worms of all kinds . W- a'uicss, from what- ever cniue, 4c, Sus. Sold at the Establishment of PROFFSSOH. IIoi.i.nwAT, 214, Strand (near Temple Bar), Luiilon ; also by nil respectable Dniggists and FH>a1crs in Medicines throughout the civilised world, at the following prices :—Is. 1}<1., 2s. 9d., 4*. 6d.. 11a, 2J*., and :13a. each llo\. *•* Tlierc is a considirahle saving by taking tho larger sisc*. N.B.—Directiuiis for the guidauoc of patients in every di*- order are a:lixed to each Box. CHURCH SERVICES (COMPLETE) From Is 9d to £1 l'.tich, In a great variety ol Bindings, adapted for Presents. It. W. A T K I N S O N , BooKsgtn.i;, Barnard Castle. KAYE'S WORSOELL'S PILLS. These Fills liave been in constant use for nearly hall s century, and have met with unirertal success. Tlieir action is lhat ol a mild aperient, and while tncy rl-art-e li.e body from all moibii l.uiniur.., lliey stim- uUtu a In all liv action of the Liver, and consequently itnproie Digetlitiii and regulate the bowels. From their gciilln j e t eH'<"ctu il operation, they n.»y be taken by the nioet delicate invalid, and where they are once known tliev are adoptid as the BK3T FAMILY MEDICINE. SolJ by all Cl.c t.i.-U, & c , at Is 1 i I , 2* 9J, and U 6d per Box. COMBINED WITH £250,000 HAVE BEEN PAID AS! COMPENSATION J . roa AGCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, ST THE Railway Passengers' Assnrance Company. INVESTED CAPITAL and RESERVE iCSO, * £50,000, A N N D A L INCOME, j 485*000. An Annual Payment of £3 £6 5S- trestrc* £1000 in case of Death, or £6 per Week while ' laid - n p By Ihjurv. For Partienlan awpry to the local Agents, St the Hallway Btathns 0 Sices- 6t, OOMTEIU, and 10, REGENT STREET. W. «T. VI AN, Secretary. Agent for Barnard Castle, M R . 6 . O. L E E , Rail Way Static*. SOLD BY NEARLY TWO THOUSAND AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. THE MIDDLESBROUGH, RE DC A R, SALTBURN BY-THE-8EA, AND CLEVEI AND DISTKlCT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. THE WKXX -BBED TBOTTTNG HORSE, Norfolk Cob," I I " ILL Serve MARKS this Beasoo, 1866. ia the V \ Oountr of Durham, at £1 10s. each and C*. i d . the Groom.—Apply to JOHN ELLIOTT, Aftost Ivv, DAHLINOTOK. JOST PUBLISHED (GRATIS) T HE GKEAT OU1NOLINC QCE8TION BOLTED XT BIB MAJESTT THE EMPRE8B OF THE FBVNCH. Ladtn shonld at once obtain BRATIS of their Draper or Corset-Maker, THOMSuN'd new Illustration shewing r n TEBITIBI B "MODE DE L'TMPEKATRICK," TKUBTEXS :—Henry Pease, Esq.; H. W. Bolokow, Esq. j John Vaughan, Esq.; John Anderson, Esq.; Thos. Mac Nay, Esq.; Mr John Dixon, Skellon ; Mr R. Coulson, Coatham, Solicitor—ROBERT GLL, Esq. 'T'HE neit MOMIILT MEETING of tbe above Society will be beld in the ODD FELLOWS' HAT L, Middlmbrongri, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th day of May. next, 1866, at 7 o'clock in tbe Evening, (or Enrolling Members, paying Subscription?, sale of Shares, Ac", and the Monthly Meetings will continue to be held at the same time! and place on the second Wednesday in every month. ]f ' Shares £10 each.—Monthly Payments 6s. per share. 1 Females and Minors oan hold shares. 150 shares, or sums of £10 each, amounting to £1,200 will be offered for Sale at the next Meeting. * For further particulars apply to the Solicitor, or to Messrs OUTH WAITE or COOPER, the Secretaries. Mr JosEra HABBISON, agent for Barnard Castle and District. The Receipts at the last Monthly Meeting were £3199 10s. 3d. T HESE CHOICE COFFEES maintained their high preeminence over a period of nearly seventeen years, and continue to be used as the regular Breakfast Beverage by Families in all parts of the Kingdom. Fine lull flavour and (treat strength char- acterise these Loflesn ; and being pscked fresh from the mill in Canisters and air-tight Packages, uniform freshness and quality can at all times be relied on. Caaaell'a Coffee, No. 1, Is. per lb. CasscU's Coir, e, No. 2, Is. 2d. per lb. Casst-U's Coffoe, No. 3, Is. *ld. per lb. Cassell's Coffee, No. 4, la. 8d. per lb. Sold in Canisters ol B lbs., I ID., snd \ lb. each; and in aiivtiglit Packets of 4 oz„ 2 oz , and 1 ox. each, by the appointed Agents throughout the kingdom. AGENTS IS THIS DISTKICT :— Barnard Castle—J. Burn, Druggist. Stockton.—J. Mandall, High Street. Richmond.—Ward k Co,, Market Place. Bishop Auckland—J. A.Baitibridga, Post Office Darlington—\\\ B lit lima n, Norlbgate K.roy Steuben—H. Fairer, Grocer Biuhtcoud—W. Den ham, Market Place Ho*eiil-J. Uwd. Durham—btatwin L Worthy, Market Place CASSELLS PUKE TEAS. In consequence ol tbe reduot iou of duty, tbe list of price* (or CassellV Teas has been revised and greatly lowered ; »h"orJinS coii »umera the utmost advantage, anil are now *q]e] from 2* <*d. to <J*i. per lb., in puckets Iroui 2 oi. to l i b . Ageui. w«4ied in every Dietrict not yet occupied. For Terms apply to OASSELL SMITH, & Co., 80, VsxcsWU ST»E»T, ,. LotTDOy. Now Beady, THE FOLLOWING MEDICAL WORKS, By John Harvey, M D , I L. S . A. F . A. S. London. Contributor to " Tho Lancet,"—"Rowing Almanack," J and Chief Medical Papers. Author of " Corpulence and its Cure," Diseases Produced by Prostitution,"—" The Kril Effects ol Mercury upon tbe Human System." & c., i c. ,| New Edition, priie It.Cloth, it. 6d. T HE RENEWING OF LIFE; or BESTORA TION OP NERVOUS POWER.—A practical Guide for sell-preservation, and for securing perfect health and strength, embracing the treatment snd cure of indige*tien,nerronsne»s,debility and impotence, also tbe various affections of the reproductive orgtnf, and the means of restoring power when suspended ot; lost from injurious habits or excesses in boyhood, youth or adult sge. The Author hss produced a work which will be a present snd future boon to many, and winch should tie in the hands of both young and old.—Shareholders' Guardian. This is a work whieh every young man should read—the motal and delicste tone which pervade; every page, when coupled with such sound advice— is invaluable, especially when coming Irom the pen ol a Physician, whose success and valuable writing* have already given him a place amongst the en. incut Specialists of Europe.— 77i« Stationer. (oKruLENCE ADD ITS DISEASES. Price Is. How TO GET FATJ. or, Leanness and its con- nection with Indigesiion and Nervous Di-ease. Price Is. A LETTEB ON FLATULENCE, its causes and cure. Just pub ished. Pries Is. Dr. Harvey's works deserve attentive perusal.— Standard. This aork seems to us of great value—Star. We can recommend this work to sll those labouring under the particular malady of which it treats.—Sub. Dr Harvev'a work has already reached a 3rd edition. Court Journal. London : Dean «V Son, 65 Ludnate-hill, E c. Si npkin, Marshall & Co., Statioaers'-hsll court, F..C , or from the Author, at 31,GrosTenor .street, Grotvenor square, w. tT DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT D0WNIES LIFE PRESERVINC PILES. UN IV E R SAL H EA1IN C 01NTM E.UT. ITALIAN COUCH BALSAM &. INFANTS TEETHING CORDIAL. W ILL Purify the Blood, Ileal all Sores, and Diseases of the skin, and remove all com- f ilaints of the Throat, Chest, and Lung*. They never ail.— Give them a trial, and prove for yourselves. DOWME'S INFANTS TEETHING CORDIAL, The only medicine fit for Infants, Try it 1 Prepared only by HENRY DOWNIE & CO., Wholesale Chemists, 48 and 44, SANDHILL, NEW- c AS. ..E-UPON-TTNE. AGENTS :—All wholesale Druggists. Sold by O. B. Martin, T. Carnell, and J. Hall, Chemist*, Bar- nard Castle; 3. Townend, Todd and Maughan, West Auckland ; Times Office, Bishop Auckland ; and all Chemists, in Boxes, Pots, and Bottles, at la lid., 2s 9d , and 4s 6d. each. Extraordinary Cures by Downie's Medicines. Mrs E. Bell, of West Cramlirigton, was cured of Bad Legs of eleven years standing.—April 19th, 1866. Assaulting: a Policeman.—Before the Sun deriind magistrates, on Saturday, a man named Thomas Murphy, was lined £8 for throwing a lemon- ade bottle at a policeman, and striking him on the shoulder. Determined Suicide near South Stockton. -^Aboot dusk on Wednesday *vening, the body of a man, apparently about 60 years of age, was found by a boy named Parker, suspended from a tree, on Mandate Banks, about half a mile from South Stockton. Two farmers cut the body down, bnt though there was warmth about the cheeks, life was extinct. The diseased had hung himself in his silk pocket handkerchief. Ahout 100 yards from the spot a pair of broken braces were hanging on a tree, and as the knee marks of a man on the ground below, and the deceased bad no braces on, it is aupfioaed that.he had made a previous attempt to take his life. Alarming Accident at West Hartlepool.— On Thursday morning an alarming accident occurred at West Hartlepool, and several men had narrow escapes with their lives, tn consequence of the dock gates at tbe entrance to the coal dock, West Hartlepool, having become dUahled, the water is being dammed out, and for this purpose large piles are being driven round the entrance from tbe dock. Two largn cranes were erected on a stage above the piles already driven in, and while the workmen were engaged in driving in the piles yesterday morning, about seven o'clock, the " guy-ropes " attached to one of the cranes broke, and it fell over with a tremendous crash on to ihe other crane, smashing it to pieces. The ir»n ram and portions of the wreck of the crane fell into the dock, and three or lour of the men were knocked down on the staging, but only one of them vas any the worse, and his injuries were but trifling. Murderous Assault in Durham.—A most malicious assault was committed on Monday night at Durham, by a man named John Morsou upon William Wcatherell. Morson is a shoemaker, and with several of his companion shoemakers belonging Framwell- g;iU>, on the above evening adjourned to the Buck public house, kept by a brother of the man who was a«saulted. Some dispute nrtise, and ihe defendant, without any provo- euiiou, seized an alewarmer, and struck W'eaiherell over the right eye, inflicting a wound of a serious nature. Medical aid was iniuitdiutcly sent for. A warrant was sub- siquoiily granted, and Morson taken into custody. The case came on for bearing on 1 hursday, before Alderman Jiobert Itobson, and ] { . Hogget. Mr Boyd, surgeon, stated i hut i h>- prosecutor was suffering very much from the swolen stale of his eye,and that he would not be able to attend tor several days. Mr W. Proctor, solicitor, appeared for the defendant. The Bench decided upon rema nd ing the case for a week. Tecsdale Union.—The usual fortnightly meeting wss held on Wednesday, Rev. W. F. Wnsrton prcsidiug. Mee«r* G. Brown, G. Brownies*, G. Brown. (Barningtiain). Kir*ley, S. Walker, rtcarrr, Story, Hilton, J. Walton, J. a. Helmer, Nicholson, and Alcock, were present. Tbe minute* of la-t meet' ing «ere read and confirmed.—Returns of Pauperism.— Out door relief : Since la it meeting, week ending 14th imt., Uarnsrd Castle district, 829 persons co-t £29 16a 61 ; Staindrop district, 220 person* cost £17 14* 8d ; Mid'Jltton district, 272 persons cost £25 14*; 'week ending 21-t inst., Barnard Castle dutrict, 331 persons cost £30 6s; Staindrop district, 227 person* £17 17s 51; Middleton district, 258 persons cost £25 8*. In-door relief: Week ending 14th inst., 96 inmate* ; oorresp mding week last year HO.—Election of Chairman, S(c.—This being the first mee ing of the nenJy constituted board, the election business was proceeded «itu. The Ber. W. F. Wharton, as chairman, and Messrs. George Brown and M , Headlam ss vice-chairmen were unanimously ro-elecltd Visiting, asccsnment, and removal committees were chotrn lor the ensuing year. It was agreed to call the attention of ihe Barnard Castle Local Board ol Health to tbe dugraceful state of the old Tan Yard, in Bridgegale. On the motion of Mr Brown the Visiting Committee were requested to consider what arrangement* could be maoe for the old men and women in the workhouse to wslk out during tbe day under ptoper regulation* to be submitted to the board lor approval. Mr Turner's valuation was reported to have been received. The fallowing is a 1 ist ot the guardians elected for the current year;— Barnard Castle, George Brown, Abraham Hilton, Jonathan Hall, Stephen Kirtley, .William Shi Mrs Ursula Jacgard, Shield Row, near Chcster-le- Uarlorth, B. D. Miudleton,; Baruingham, George " of a frightfully sore leg of 8 Brown ; Boldron, no nomination, W. Hutton quail- Street, was rapidly cured years duration by a few days use of DOWNIE'S PILLS and OINTMENT.—February 25th. 1865. Mr I . Carter, New Koad, Newcastle, says he was cured of a fearfully Bad Leg of 8 years standing by tbe use of only one small Box and Pot ot DOWNIE'S P I U S and OINTMENT.—July 82nd. 1866. Mr Robert Dixon, Chester-le-Street, Durham, say* Downie's Pills and Balsam completely cured bis wife of asthma and difficulty of breathing of many years' standing.—Nov. 14th,1864. Mrs Jane Hartbora, and her Son, 38, Green-street, South shields, were cured of scurvy, Ac, of Eight years' standing, by taking only two small boxes of tbe pill*.—Sept. 1,1884. Mr Alexander Wiahart, Ballast Hills, Newcastle, was cured in three days of a violent cough with spit and pain in tbe chest. Mr Thomas Spencer, North Shore, Newcastle, was cured iu ten days of a bad leg of 15 years' standing. Mrs Mary KUiott, Skinner* Bom , Newcastle, was cured in three days of bronchitis and cough of 18 year*' standing. Mr William Purvis, 61 years old,Teams, Gatesbead, was cored in a few days of dropsy, liver complaint and nervous debility. Mrs Brown, 70 years old, Gateshead, was cured in four days of a cough with spit, soreness in the chett, Ac, of two and a half years standing, Bed to acts Bones, John Walton, Henry Dent Biignal, Jonathan Hunter; Cleatlam, Halph Peverell; Cockfietd, Simpson Walker; Cctberstoo, A . B . Nicholson ; Kggkston, Bev. T. E. Jones ; Egg as on Abbey, Joseph Stubbs ; Forest and Frith, '1 nomas Scott j Gainford, John Geldard i Gilmonby, Tboma* Waite; Headlam, William Clark j Hilton, William Watson | Llolwick, Isaae Baine; Hope, Mile* Aldersou j Huuderthwaile, J. S. Helmer; Hutton, John Storey ; Ingleton, Edward Bayson ; Lang ley dale, Michael Hodgson ; Langion, Archibald Cochrane; laartuvgton, W. H . Scarre; Lunedale, John Dent; Mar wood, no nomination, H . Heslop qualified w act; Mickletou, Thoma* Tarn ; Middleton, Anthony Todd, George Kiohardson, Jonathan Bowron j Morton Tinniouth, William Baine j New biggin, John Coats- worth ; O? ing ton, Thomas Bphtnfon ; Baby and Reversion, Robert Graham: Rofceby, Thomas Bainbridge j Bomaldkirk, Thomas Serai ton ; Soargili, W. Hutchinson, jun. i Staindrop, John Hanson, William Copeland ; Startforth, Robert Teaedale; Streatlam and Stainton, George Brownies* ; Thorpe and Wjcliffs, William Robinson j Walkerfield, W. W. Uawdqn ; Weeiwick, no nomination, Joan brown qualified to act; Whorltoo, Wililiam Trotter ; Winston, George Middleton{ Woodland, W. K. Aleotk; and the Justices of the Peace, who are ej officio guardians, A Youth Burnt in a Limekiln at Thornier —Mr John Tiplady, deputy coroner, on Friday, beld an inquest at Thornier, on view of the body of s l-m. Hoy, aged 7 ysara, M*Ml Bob*** CsVait, SM e4 a ssiaar who had come to his death through aocideotallv f*[f ing Into a burnintr limekiln, and getting m*u|" burnt before he coo Id be extricated, A verdict nt " Accidental Death " w.s returned. Accident at Sunderland.—A voting l ir j named Thompson, a boat Mtea year* of aas, * M severely injtrrsd at Sunderland, OB Friday, by a pise* of rook faaltnf upon him. A bias* had been anas* is Mann Moota's ehip-buildioe jard, and the piece »», thrown 160 feet in the air, over some boosas, *ai mj upon him as ha wss playing in the yard adjoining hit parents' bous*. He is now in a vary ptoarigaj position. The Division on tbe Reform Bill.—The following member* (or Nonhumberaand and Durban voted in the majority (*18), in favour of the second reading «t the Kefotm Bill:—J. Candlish, I. Crjw«t Sir G. Grey, Bight Hoa. T. B. Headlam, J. Bender.' son, Sir W. Hott, R. Ingham, D. O. Marion ban ki A. Mitchell, t. W. Pea**, B . D . Bhafto, G. o! Trevelvsn, St* H. Willianrton. Ia tbe minority (818) W. B. Beaumont, i. Bsrtlev, Hon. H. G Uddell Right Hon, J. B, Mowbray, Lord Henry Psrcy, Sir M. W. BldlsT, C. F. Surtess. 7 7 Cruelty to a Horse at Sundcrlsnd—Jobn Beat, a rolleyman with Messrs Bieraardaon, raillm, wss charged before the countv •agistrates at Sunder- land, on Satnrday, with cruelty to a bone. He wss seen to gallop np to East Harrington in a furious manner, and then set off again j n the direction of Sanderlind. On near ing the waterworks tbe shaft horse fell, and the leaflet dragged it for about twenty yards, doing it such Injury as to put any chenot of workine it out of the question for s month. He was fined £S and costs, or One month's impfUonment. Sudden Death in a Church —On Sundav morni g, at Saint Helen's Auckland Church, a most sudden and melancholy death took place. A member of Ihe ehoir, George Wake, railway gatekeeper, whilst assisting in the singing of an anthtm, suddenly drop- ped dowu dead. He had for a few day* b>ea slightly afflicted with a cold, bat not of a srrioo* character, and was on Sunday morning apparently in bis utoil health. The utmost consternation, a* may be imsgined, pnvailed amongst the congregation. The service wis isimedistely (topped, acd tbe evening service wss sis* dispensed with. Holloway 's Pills.—The variable tempera- ton snd damp westher fearfully tell on the human frame, deteriorating the blood and producing morbid results in its rnervoir the lung*. Hence, on i l l *ide* we a n surrounded by bronchitis,pleurisy, a»thm«, consumption, all of which might'.be readily cured by Holloway's never-failing remedies, whose active piin- riple purifies the blood, and causes sll morbific matter to be speedily eipelhd from tbe body. In ease* ot indigestion, dimness of sight, headache, menUl snd physical lassitude, then rertontive pills act a* a charm. They ipel rheumatism sod gout, while they infallibly correct female complaints in young and old cdicst* and robust. A Gamekeeper's V/ife Worried by s Bloodhound.—We reported in the columns of ths Erpreit some time ago a desperate encoaoter witb some armed poacher* and several policwren and gam* watchers, on the estate of Mr Rowland Burdon, Csitl* Erlen. I n the affray a gamekxeper's son gotshot.snd th* poacher* escaped without being detected. Mr Bunion determined that they shou'd not enter his preserve* and commit depredations for the future with impari- ty, and obtained a large and Seroelooktng bloodhound, which was kept near to Mr Bobtneon'* (one of the gamekeepers) house. A few day* ago Mis Bobinson pasted by the kennel of the beast, and it sprang up and *eised her by the thick park of her arm. Wis strajged with it for some time, bnt it wss not until the flesh gavo way that she released htrsel'. She wss attended by Dr Tessier, and the piece of flesh which was encircled by the dog's teeth ha* ainee come out, tearing a hole about the «ize of an egg. She ha* suf- fered intensely, but it is to be hoped she will nltimstely recover. The preserve* of Mr Burdon sn extensive, and the game is watched by a staff of keepers sod watchers, and the number of dogs that s n kept oa the estate is somewh*t extensive. The bloodhounds are ssid to hsve come from the Southern States of America, where thev are of little use sinos the aboli- tion of *lavery.— Northern Express. Proposed Review of North of England Voluntecrrs — O n Monday, a meeting of the commanding officers of the several volunteer battalions in the counties of Leicester, Lin- coln, Nottingham, York, Lancaster, Cumber- land, Durham, Northumberland, and Westmoreland was held at the RoyaJ Station Hotel, York, to consider ihe arrangements for the proposed review of volunteers from the northern counties at York, by the Duke of Cambridge. The chair was occupied hy the Lord Mayor, who presented a list of the corps which bad expressed their assent to be present at the review, which included the l«t 2nd and 3rd Manchester Rifle Corps, num- bering 2,200; tbe 5th Lancashire, 600; »»• Leeds Engineers, 900; Lord Londesborough s Battalion (1st West York,) 700; 1st Durham Administrative Battalion, 600; Leicestershire Hifles, 650; 7th West York, 650; 1 East York, 350 ; 3rd West York, 500 ; 5th Ad- ministrative Battalion West York, 450; West York ("Halifax), 500; 1st Administra- tive Battalion East York, 300; 4th Adminis- trative B. tulion (Lancashire), 400 ; 8th ditto, 400; besides other corps in the counties of Durham and Northumberland and artillery volunteers in Northumberland, Sheffield, Newcastle, Seabam, tbe 4th East York, and the 1st East Brigade of Artillery. Thess corps numbcraltogether from 10,000 tolS.OW- —On the motion of Lord Lpndesborougn, seconded bv Col. Markham, it was unanimous- ly resolved that the review be held at York- —Lord Londesborough next moved that the Duka of Cambridge be requested to rtTiew the troops, wid that the Prince and Pnncess of Wales be invited to be piwenU-^-Coi- Hewith seconded the) motion. Carried-— Col. Hewprth then moved that the review should take place on Satnrday, * s W « « August-Col. Markham •«f n T ^ d .. the motion.-Captain Cbichester,of Hndders- field, proposed the 90th of June, seconded by Col. Perkine, and enrned by a majority of 16 to 9 . - A committee was appointed and other wmogetamt* made. Printed by Battmi* Wous* ^T^inAt\ published at the Tmdott Mtremry Omen, »aw»v» Plaoa, Barnard Castle. Wsdaesday, May Jnd, W 1. a i M*, a* agree* bi. •rat* r Qualified Er with eertle. i £2,< See " T i Organ of Irij Sd. every S* Order o f i 147. fleet-Mi A BO? •eat, is (• I £*>,«O0. £80,000 st, fat**), app* 14, Duke-«tr Photograph*] osadi.. !«v*S»' ' TO Bsw Join deact-iptic-1, snd Indian I S TJPPLII Beans] Linseed Cal Agent M on aad Agncul TtwSTH riag*. Carl d.n«n, Mai Tool* auaoa application! G BTOl s be] patron* anf BiKSiXD •JV all the I riowarr kale Ph Ol She beat | cumber, 1 of earelh Horse*. CABIN I MABI I svm be ba •leads, UA.TIS EXOKAVl B BOO" 6rSL AUol Tr*ia at 1 "' ijKsaisp .

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k i J?. U I 1

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C v S v E L L S I L L U S T R A T E D U i ' l L E \ ' nt ly. Hi. D I C T I O N A R Y .


H O L L O W A Y ' S P I L L S . The g r a n d secret of a t t a i n i n g h a r p i w h t o irecm-e (rood

S e a l t l i , w i t h o u t wi l l -h life is s t r i p p e d of a l l I t * pl> aaurcs. T h e first i rregu lar i ty of a n y function s h o u l d be c h e c k e d and se t r i g h t by appropr ia te doses of these fine pur i fy ing Pi l l s , w h i c h s trengthen the sys t em b y t h o r o u g h l y ctssuiAing the M o o d f r o m a l l impur i t i e s . T h e y ba lance d i sordered ac t ion , r e m o v e t h e cause of d i s turbance , And restore i t s n o r m a l a n d n a t u r a l power to e v e r y organ , w i t h o u t Inoonvenience , p a i n , or a n y o t h e r d r a w b a c k .

Derangement of the Bowels, Liver and Stomach Complaints.

T h i s m e d i c i n e l a so w e l l k n o w n i n e v e r y par t o f H i e w o r l d , a n d the cures effected by i t* use a r e so w o n d e r f u l , as to a s ton i sh everyone, i t s pre -eminence as s r e m e d y for b i l ious a n d l i v e r compla in t s , a n d derangements of t h e s t o m a c h a n d bowels , Is no longer a m a t t e r of d i spute o r doabt . I n these diseases the beneficial effects of H n l l o w s y ' s inva luab le P i l l * a r e so p e r m a n e n t a n d extens ive t h a t the w h o l e s y s t e m Is re­novated , the orxnns of digest on s t rengthened , a n d ( n i l a n d easy a s s i m i l a t i o n promoted , so t h a t b a t h p a y s t c e l a n d m o r a l energy Are increased .

Determination of the Elood to the Bead. T h i s i s s c n e r a l l y occas ioned b y s o m e i r r e g u l a r i t y of the

s t o m a c h a n d bowels , w h i c h , i f not q u i c k l y a t t e n d e d to, f r e ­q u e n t l y t erminate s fata l ly . A few doses of these famous I i l l s n e r c r f a i l to g i r e tone to the s t o m a c h , r e g u l a r i t y to t h e se­cret ions , a n d p u r i t y to the fluid*. V e r t i g o , d i m n e s s of s ight, a n d o ther ind ica t ions of a p p r o a c h i n g apoplexy , axe e u t i r e l y d iss ipated by a course Of t h i s a d m i r a b l e med ic ine .

The Female's Best Friend. T o r till d e b i l i t a t i n g d i sorders p e c u l i a r to the sex, a n d I n

e v e r y cont ingency p e r i l o u s to t h e l i fe o f w o m e n , y o u t h f u l o r aged, m a r r i e d o r s ingle , t h i s m i l d b u t speedy r e m e d y Is r e c o m m e n d e d w i t h f r i e n d l y earnes tnes s ; H w i l l c o r r e c t a l l f u n c t i o n a l d e r a n g e m e n t * to w h i c h t h e y a r e s u b j e c t .

Scrofula and all Skin Diseases. F o r a l l s k i n d iseases , h o w e v e r Inveterate , t h e s e m e d i c i n e s

are a sovere ign r e m e d y , w h i l e t h e P i l l * a c t u p o n t h e blood, w h i c h they pur i fy , tho O i n t m e n t passe* t h r o u g h the pore* of the S k i n , a n d c leanses e v e r y s t r u c t u r e , a* w a t e r s a t u r a t e s the so i l o r s s s a l t p e n - t r i t e i meat . T h e w l i >le p h y s i c a l m a c h i u e r y i s thus rendered h e a l t h y , regu 'ar , a n d r igorous .

Coughs, Colds, and Asthmas. N o m e d i c i n e w i l l c u r e co lds of long d u r a t i o n , o r s u c h s s

a t e sett led u p o n t h e chest , so q u i c k l y a* those fa u ins P i l l * . E v e n i n c i«es where the first s tage of a s t h m a has appeared , these Pills m n y be railed on as a c e r t a i n a n d never - fa i l ing remedy , p a r t i c n l a r l y i f the O i n t m e n t be s i m u l t a n c o n s l y w e l l r u b b e d into tbe ches t a n d t h r o a t n i g h t a n d m o r n i n g .

Indigestion —Bilious Headache T h e s e c o m p l a i n t s m a y somet imes b e c o n s i d e r e d tr i f l ing,

b u t I t shou ld be borne in m i n d that , by ina t t en ' ion a n d ne­glect , they often e n d most ser ious ly . G i v e e a r l y thought to a deranged s t o m a c h , t a k e HoUoway ' s 1111s, r u b h i s ce lebrated O i n t m e n t over t h e n i t of the s t o m a c h , a n d yo . i w i l l s h o r t l y p e r c e i v e a change for the bet ter i n y o u r digestion, sp ir i t s , appeti te , ( t r e n g t h , a n d energy. I lie i m p r o v e m e n t , though I t m a y be g r a d u a l , w i l l be t h o r o u g h a n d las t ing .

Hullo icaf i Pills are the best remedy knoion >>i the world for the following Ditto**:— _

l i v e r C o m - T i c D o l o n r e u x

C « S f i l 4 < S F O X E ' S R O O K O F M A R T Y R S W « k i » l i n e I V | i i . y ; M. . . tidy. *u ai U a.1, * ' w " • ' » •

i : t a - t e f X ' i S A T U K A I . I I I S I U K V . W i t h t Ouo F u r a a v a w W « « k l j , O n * I ' e imy: Moittnly (with Coloured Plate ' B.I

t A S - B L L H S I l A l C i a l l ' K A R l ! . Edited |,y Mr. a i i i i t r * I u l ' U I C i . * * S K , Wi l l i l l lus i sktwu* I y a . c M.l„u.

Weekly. One t V u a y : Mmuh'y, id. aud 84, ' C A - ^ C ' L ' ' ' D O N o U l X t t T E . W u h 4>0 l l u u t m i o u . bv

r.„*t,-rv. D o r t Wekuly . lJdV; Mouiltfy. Jd. 7

C A S S K L l / i U S 1 V E R « A L A T L A S . Weekly, O n * Penny »n.utt,lv. •ri'ii Otlam,S */•</>•• O n * Bhii l in*. ' '

1 K i H C I E N T I F I C R E V I E W A N D J O U R N A L O F " T H E I N V E N T O R S I N S T I T U T E . " Mou-.tiiy. Su.

fT~ A OmpUU Lift of Hum. Caiul'. fv»<r. aid Gallia'i / ' K M ' L O I I O I H tnay bt AaW. pott frn, by eactwu-j -mnp Ui tnt f Making vjkt. La Bd t &.uiwjc VurU, Lud-jux i /dt , H.U.


A ,"te A s t h m a B l l i o t s C o m ­

p l a i n t * B l o t c h e s on

tho S k i n B o w e l C o m ­

pla ints C o l i c s

Inntioii the 11 nve Is

Consumpt ion Debi l i ty

D r o p i y Dysentery E r y s i p e l a s F e m a l e I r r e ­

gu lar i t i e s iFcrers of all I k i n d s i F i t s I ( l ou t t i cad-ache , Iildigeorii . i l

l l n n a n n n a l i o n i J a u u d i c *

p l a i n t * L u m b a g o i'iles R l i a t n n a t l s m l l e teut ion of

U r i n e HcTofula, o r

K i n g ' s E v i l Sore I lu-r.atr. St one , ' , 'Gravel Secoudury

S y m p t o m *

I u m o u r s Ulcers V e n e r e a l A f ­

fect ion* W o r m s of a l l

k i n d s . W- a'uicss,

from w h a t ­ever cniue, 4 c , Sus.

Sold a t the E s t a b l i s h m e n t of P R O F F S S O H . I I o i . i . n w A T , 214, S t r a n d (near T e m p l e B a r ) , L u i i l o n ; a lso by n i l respectable Dnigg i s t s a n d FH>a1crs i n Medicines t h r o u g h o u t the c iv i l i s ed w o r l d , a t the fo l lowing pr ices : — I s . 1}<1., 2s. 9d . , 4*. 6d . . 1 1 a , 2J* . , a n d :13a. e a c h l l o \ .

*•* T l i e r c i s a c o n s i d i r a h l e s a v i n g b y t a k i n g tho l a r g e r sisc*. N . B . — D i r e c t i u i i s for the guidauoc of pat ients i n every di*-

order are a: l ixed to e a c h B o x .

C H U R C H S E R V I C E S ( C O M P L E T E ) From Is 9d to £1 l ' . t i c h ,

I n a great variety ol Bindings, adapted for Presents.

I t . W . A T K I N S O N , BooKsgtn . i ; , Barnard Castle.

KAYE'S WORSOELL'S PILLS. These Fil ls liave been in constant use for nearly

hall s century, and have met with unirertal success. Tlieir action is lhat ol a mild aperient, and while tncy rl-art-e li.e b o d y from all m o i b i i l . u i n i u r . . , l l i e y stim-u U t u a In all l iv action of the Liver, and consequently itnproie Digetlitiii and regulate the bowels. From their gciilln j e t eH'<"ctu i l operation, they n.»y be taken by the nioet delicate invalid, and where they are once k n o w n t l i ev are adoptid as the

BK3T F A M I L Y M E D I C I N E . SolJ by all Cl.c t.i.-U, & c , at Is 1 i I , 2* 9J , and U 6d

per Box.


£ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 H A V E B E E N P A I D A S ! C O M P E N S A T I O N

J . roa


Rai lway Passengers' Assnrance Company. I N V E S T E D C A P I T A L and R E S E R V E i C S O ,

* £ 5 0 , 0 0 0 , A N N D A L I N C O M E ,

j 485*000. An Annual Payment of £3 £6 5S- t r e s t r c * £1000 i n case of Death, or £6 per Week while

' laid - n p By Ih jurv . For P a r t i e n l a n awpry to the local Agents, St the H a l l w a y B t a t h n s

0 S i c e s -6t , O O M T E I U , and 10, R E G E N T S T R E E T .

W . «T. V I A N , Secretary. Agent for Barnard Castle, M R . 6 . O. L E E ,

Rail W a y Static*.


T H E M I D D L E S B R O U G H , RE DC A R, S A L T B U R N B Y - T H E - 8 E A , A N D C L E V E I A N D

D I S T K l C T P E R M A N E N T B E N E F I T B U I L D I N G S O C I E T Y .

T H E W K X X - B B E D T B O T T T N G H O R S E ,

Norfolk Cob," I I " I L L Serve M A R K S this Beasoo, 1866. ia the V \ Oountr of Durham, at £1 10s. each and

C*. i d . the Groom.—Apply to J O H N E L L I O T T , Af tos t Ivv, D A H L I N O T O K .


TH E G K E A T O U 1 N O L I N C Q C E 8 T I O N B O L T E D XT B I B M A J E S T T

T H E E M P R E 8 B O F T H E F B V N C H . L a d t n shonld at once obtain B R A T I S of their Draper or Corset-Maker, T H O M S u N ' d new Illustration

shewing r n T E B I T I B I B

" M O D E D E L ' T M P E K A T R I C K , "

T K U B T E X S :—Henry Pease, Esq . ; H . W . F » Bolokow, Esq. j John Vaughan, Esq . ; John Anderson, Esq. ; Thos. Mac Nay, Esq.; M r John Dixon, Skellon ; M r R. Coulson, Coatham,

Solici tor—ROBERT G L L , Esq. ' T ' H E nei t M O M I I L T M E E T I N G of tbe above

Society wi l l be beld in the O D D F E L L O W S ' H A T L ,

Middlmbrongri, on W E D N E S D A Y , the 9th day of May. next, 1866, at 7 o'clock i n tbe Evening, (or Enroll ing Members, paying Subscription?, sale of Shares, Ac", and the Monthly Meetings wi l l continue to be held at the same time! and place on the second Wednesday in every month. ] f '

Shares £10 each.—Monthly Payments 6s. per share. 1

Females and Minors oan hold shares. 150 shares, or sums of £10 each, amounting to

£1,200 wi l l be offered for Sale at the next Meeting. * For further particulars apply to the Solicitor, or to

Messrs O U T H W A I T E or COOPER, the Secretaries. M r JosEra H A B B I S O N , agent for Barnard Castle

and District. The Receipts at the last Monthly Meeting were

£3199 10s. 3d.

TH E S E C H O I C E COFFEES maintained their high preeminence over a period of nearly

seventeen years, and continue to be used as the regular Breakfast Beverage by Families i n a l l parts of the Kingdom. Fine l u l l flavour and (treat strength char­acterise these Loflesn ; and being pscked fresh from the m i l l i n Canisters and air-tight Packages, uniform freshness and quality can at al l times be relied on.

Caaaell'a Coffee, No. 1, Is . per lb . CasscU's Coir, e, No. 2, Is . 2d. per l b . Casst-U's Coffoe, No. 3, Is . *ld. per l b . Cassell's Coffee, No. 4, la . 8d. per l b .

Sold in Canisters ol B lbs., I I D . , snd \ lb . each; and in aiivtiglit Packets of 4 oz„ 2 oz , and 1 ox. each, by the appointed Agents throughout the kingdom.

A G E N T S I S T H I S D I S T K I C T : —

Barnard Castle—J. Burn , Druggist. Stockton.—J. Mandall, High Street. Richmond.—Ward k Co,, Market Place. Bishop Auckland—J. A.Bait ibridga, Post Office D a r l i n g t o n — \ \ \ B l i t lima n, Norlbgate K.roy Steuben—H. Fairer, Grocer Biuhtcoud—W. Den ham, Market Place H o * e i i l - J . U w d . Durham—btatwin L Worthy, Market Place

C A S S E L L S P U K E T E A S . I n consequence ol tbe reduot iou of duty, tbe list of

price* ( or CassellV Teas has been revised and greatly l o w e r e d ; »h"orJinS coii»umera the utmost advantage, anil are n o w *q]e] from 2* <*d. to <J*i. per lb. , i n puckets I r o u i 2 oi. to l i b . •

Ageui . w«4ied in every Dietrict not yet occupied. For Terms apply to

OASSELL S M I T H , & Co., 80, VsxcsWU S T » E » T ,

,. LotTDOy.

Now Beady, T H E F O L L O W I N G M E D I C A L W O R K S ,

B y John Harvey, M D , I L . S . A . F . A. S. London.

Contributor to " Tho Lancet,"—"Rowing Almanack," J and Chief Medical Papers.

Au tho r of " Corpulence and its Cure," ™ Diseases Produced by Prost i tu t ion,"—" The K r i l

Effects ol Mercury upon tbe Human System." • & c., i c.

,| New Edition, priie It.—Cloth, it. 6d.

T H E R E N E W I N G O F L I F E ; or B E S T O R A T I O N OP N E R V O U S P O W E R . — A practical

Guide for sell-preservation, and for securing perfect health and strength, embracing the treatment snd cure of indige*tien,nerronsne»s,debility and impotence, also tbe various affections of the reproductive orgtnf, and the means of restoring power when suspended ot; lost from injurious habits or excesses in boyhood, youth or adult sge.

The Author hss produced a work which wi l l be a present snd future boon to many, and winch should tie in the hands of both young and old.—Shareholders' Guardian.

This is a work whieh every young man should read—the motal and delicste tone which pervade; every page, when coupled w i t h such sound advice— is i n v a l u a b l e , especially when coming Irom the pen ol a Physician, whose success and valuable writ ing* have already given him a place amongst the en. incut Specialists of Europe.— 77i« Stationer.

( o K r u L E N C E A D D I T S D I S E A S E S . Price I s . H o w T O G E T F A T J . or, Leanness and its con­

nection with Indigesiion and Nervous Di-ease. Price Is .

A L E T T E B O N F L A T U L E N C E , its causes and cure. J u s t p u b ished. Pries I s .

Dr. Harvey's works deserve attentive perusal.— Standard.

This aork seems to us of great value—Star. We can recommend this work to sll those labouring

under the particular malady of which i t treats.—Sub. Dr Harvev'a work has already reached a 3rd edition.

— Court Journal. London : Dean «V Son, 65 Ludnate-hill, E c.

Si npkin, Marshall & Co., Statioaers'-hsll court, F . . C , or from the Author, at 31,GrosTenor.street, Grotvenor square, w .


D 0 W N I E S L I F E P R E S E R V I N C P I L E S .



W I L L Purify the Blood, I leal al l Sores, and D i s e a s e s of t h e skin, and remove al l c o m -

f i l a i n t s of the Throat, Chest, and Lung*. They never ail.— Give them a t r ia l , and prove for yourselves.

D O W M E ' S I N F A N T S T E E T H I N G C O R D I A L , The only medicine fit for Infants, Try it 1

Prepared only by H E N R Y D O W N I E & CO., Wholesale Chemists, 48 and 44, S A N D H I L L , N E W -

c A S . . . E - U P O N - T T N E .

A G E N T S : — A l l wholesale Druggists. Sold by O. B . Mar t in , T . Carnell, and J . H a l l , Chemist*, Bar­nard Castle; 3. Townend, Todd and Maughan, West Auckland ; Times Office, Bishop Auckland ; and al l Chemists, in Boxes, Pots, and Bottles, at l a l i d . , 2s 9d , and 4s 6d. each.

Extraordinary Cures by Downie's Medicines. Mrs E. Bel l , of West Cramlirigton, was cured of

Bad Legs of eleven years s tanding .—Apr i l 19th, 1866.

Assaulting: a Po l iceman.—Before the Sun deriind magistrates, on Saturday, a man named Thomas Murphy, was lined £8 for throwing a lemon­ade bottle at a policeman, and striking h im on the shoulder.

Determined Suic ide near South Stockton . - ^ A b o o t dusk on Wednesday *vening , t h e body of a m a n , apparently about 6 0 years of age, was found by a boy named P a r k e r , suspended from a tree, on Mandate B a n k s , about h a l f a mi le from South Stockton. T w o farmers cut the body down, bnt though there was warmth about the cheeks, life was extinct. T h e diseased had h u n g himself in h i s s i lk pocket handkerchief . Ahout 100 yards from the spot a pair of broken braces were hang ing on a tree, and as the knee m a r k s of a m a n on the ground below, and the deceased bad no braces on, it is aupfioaed that.he had made a previous attempt to take his life.

A l a r m i n g Acc ident a t W e s t Har t l epoo l .— O n T h u r s d a y morning an a l a r m i n g accident occurred at W e s t Hart l epoo l , and several men had narrow escapes with their l ives, t n consequence of the dock gates at tbe entrance to the coal dock, W e s t Hart lepool , hav ing become dUahled, the water is being dammed out, and for this purpose large piles are being dr iven round the entrance from tbe dock. T w o largn cranes were erected on a stage above the piles a lready driven in , and while the workmen were engaged in dr iv ing in the piles yesterday morn ing , about seven o'clock, the " guy-ropes " attached to one of the cranes broke, and it fell over wi th a tremendous crash on t o ihe other crane, smash ing it to pieces. T h e ir»n r a m and portions of the wreck of the crane fe l l into the dock, and three or lour of the men were knocked down on the staging, but only one o f them v a s any the worse, and his injuries were but trifling.

Murderous A s s a u l t in D u r h a m . — A most malicious assault was committed on M o n d a y night at D u r h a m , by a man named J o h n Morsou upon W i l l i a m Wcathere l l . Morson is a shoemaker, and with several of his companion shoemakers belonging F r a m w e l l -g;iU>, on the above evening adjourned to the B u c k public house, kept by a brother

o f the man who w a s a«saulted. Some dispute nrtise, and i he defendant, without any provo-e u i i o u , seized an a lewarmer, and s truck W'eaiherell over the right eye, inflicting a w o u n d of a serious nature. Medica l aid was iniuitdiutcly sent for. A warrant was sub-s i q u o i i l y granted, and Morson taken into custody. T h e case came on for bearing on 1 h u r s d a y , before A l d e r m a n Jiobert Itobson, and ] { . Hogget . M r B o y d , surgeon, stated i hut ih>- prosecutor was suffering very much from the swolen stale of his e y e , a n d that he would not be able to attend tor several d a y s . M r W . P r o c t o r , solicitor, appeared for the defendant. T h e B e n c h decided upon rema nd i n g the case for a week.

Tecsdale U n i o n . — T h e usua l f o r t n i g h t l y meeting wss held on Wednesday, Rev. W . F. Wnsrton prcsidiug. Mee«r* G. Brown, G . Brownies*, G. Brown. (Barningtiain). Kir*ley, S. Walker, rtcarrr, Story, Hi l ton , J . Walton, J . a. Helmer, Nicholson, and Alcock, were present. Tbe minute* of la-t meet' ing «ere read and confirmed.—Returns of Pauperism.— Out door relief : Since la i t meeting, week ending 14th imt . , Uarnsrd Castle district, 829 persons co-t £29 16a 61 ; Staindrop district, 220 person* cost £17 14* 8d ; Mid'Jltton district, 272 persons cost £25 14*; 'week ending 21-t inst., Barnard Castle dut r ic t , 331 persons cost £30 6s; Staindrop district, 227 person* £17 17s 5 1 ; Middleton district, 258 persons cost £25 8*. In-door relief: Week ending 14th inst., 96 inmate* ; oorresp mding week last year HO.—Election of Chairman, S(c.—This being the first mee ing of the nenJy constituted board, the election b u s i n e s s was proceeded «i tu . The Ber . W . F . Wharton, as chairman, and Messrs. George Brown and M , Headlam ss vice-chairmen were unanimously ro-elecltd Visi t ing, asccsnment, and removal committees were chotrn lo r the ensuing year. I t was agreed to call the attention of ihe Barnard Castle Local Board ol Health to tbe dugraceful state of the old Tan Yard, in Bridgegale. On the motion of M r Brown the Visiting Committee were requested to consider what arrangement* could be maoe for the old men and women in the workhouse to wslk out during tbe day under ptoper regulation* to be submitted to the board lor approval. Mr Turner's valuation was reported to have been received. The fallowing is a 1 ist ot the guardians elected for the current year;— Barnard Castle, George Brown, Abraham Hi l ton , Jonathan H a l l , Stephen Kir t ley, . W i l l i a m Shi

Mrs Ursula Jacgard, Shield Row, near Chcster-le- Uarlorth, B . D . Miudle ton , ; Baruingham, George " of a frightfully sore leg of 8 Brown ; Boldron, no nomination, W . Hut ton quail-Street, was rapidly cured

years duration by a few days use of D O W N I E ' S P I L L S and OINTMENT.—February 25th. 1865.

Mr I . Carter, New Koad, Newcastle, says he was cured of a fearfully Bad Leg of 8 years standing by tbe use of only one small Box and Pot ot D O W N I E ' S P I U S and O I N T M E N T . — J u l y 82nd. 1866.

M r R o b e r t D i x o n , Chester-le-Street, Durham, say* Downie's Pills and Balsam completely cured bis w i f e of asthma and difficulty of breathing of many years' standing.—Nov. 14th,1864.

Mrs Jane Hartbora, and her Son, 38, Green-street, South shields, were cured of scurvy, A c , of Eight years' standing, by taking only two small boxes of tbe pill*.—Sept. 1,1884.

M r Alexander Wiahart, Ballast Hi l l s , Newcastle, was cured in three days of a violent cough wi th spit and pain i n tbe chest.

M r Thomas Spencer, Nor th Shore, Newcastle, was cured iu ten days of a bad leg of 15 years' standing.

Mrs Mary KUiott, Skinner* B o m , Newcastle, was cured in three days of bronchitis and cough of 18 year*' standing.

M r Wi l l i am Purvis, 61 years old,Teams, Gatesbead, was cored in a few days of dropsy, liver complaint a n d nervous debility.

Mrs Brown, 70 years old, Gateshead, was cured in four days of a cough wi th spit, soreness in the chett, A c , of two and a half years standing,

Bed to acts Bones, John Walton, Henry Dent Biignal , Jonathan Hunter ; Cleatlam, Halph Peverell; Cockfietd, Simpson Walker ; Cctberstoo, A . B . Nicholson ; Kggkston, Bev. T . E . Jones ; Egg as on Abbey, Joseph Stubbs ; Forest and Fr i th , '1 nomas Scott j Gainford, John Geldard i Gilmonby, Tboma* Wai te ; Headlam, Wil l iam Clark j H i l t o n , Wi l l i am Watson | Llolwick, Isaae Ba ine ; Hope, Mile* Aldersou j Huuderthwaile, J . S. Helmer; Hut ton , John Storey ; Ingleton, Edward Bayson ; Lang ley dale, Michael Hodgson ; Langion, Archibald Cochrane; laartuvgton, W. H . Scarre; Lunedale, John Dent ; Mar wood, no nomination, H . Heslop qualified w act; Mickletou, Thoma* Tarn ; Middleton, Anthony Todd, George Kiohardson, Jonathan Bowron j Morton Tinniouth, Wi l l iam Baine j New biggin, John Coats-worth ; O? ing ton, Thomas Bphtnfon ; Baby and Reversion, Robert Graham: Rofceby, Thomas Bainbridge j Bomaldkirk, Thomas Serai ton ; Soargili, W. Hutchinson, jun. i Staindrop, John Hanson, Will iam Copeland ; Startforth, Robert Teaedale; Streatlam and Stainton, George Brownies* ; Thorpe and Wjcliffs, Wi l l iam Robinson j Walkerfield, W. W . Uawdqn ; Weeiwick, no nomination, Joan brown qualified to act ; Whorltoo, Wil i l iam Trotter ; Winston, George Middleton{ Woodland, W . K. Aleotk ; and the Justices of the Peace, who are ej officio guardians,

A Youth Burnt in a Limekiln at Thornier — M r John Tiplady, deputy coroner, on Friday, beld an inquest at Thornier, on view of the body of s l -m. Hoy, aged 7 ysara, M*Ml Bob*** CsVait, S M e4 a ssiaar who had come to his death through aocideotallv f*[f ing Into a burnintr limekiln, and getting m*u|" burnt before he coo Id be extricated, A verdict nt " Accidental Death " w.s returned.

A c c i d e n t at S u n d e r l a n d . — A voting l i r j named Thompson, a boat Mtea year* of aas, * M

severely injtrrsd at Sunderland, O B Friday, by a pise* of rook faaltnf upon h im. A bias* had been anas* is M a n n Moota's ehip-buildioe j a r d , and the piece » » , thrown 160 feet i n the air, over some boosas, *ai mj upon him as ha wss playing in the yard adjoining hit parents' bous*. He is now i n a vary ptoarigaj position.

The Division on tbe Reform Bill.—The following member* (or Nonhumberaand and Durban voted in the majority (*18), in favour of the second reading «t the Kefotm B i l l : — J . Candlish, I . Crjw«t Sir G . Grey, Bight Hoa. T . B . Headlam, J . Bender.' son, Sir W. Hot t , R. Ingham, D . O. Marion ban ki A . Mitchell, t. W . Pea**, B . D . Bhafto, G. o! Trevelvsn, St* H . Willianrton. Ia tbe minority (818) W. B . Beaumont, i . Bsrtlev, Hon. H . G Uddell Right Hon, J . B , Mowbray, Lord Henry Psrcy, Sir M . W . BldlsT, C. F . Surtess. 7 7

C r u e l t y to a Horse at Sundcr l snd—Jobn Beat, a rolleyman with Messrs Bieraardaon, ra i l lm, wss charged before the countv •agistrates at Sunder­land, on Satnrday, with cruelty to a bone. He wss seen to gallop np to East Harrington in a furious manner, and then set off again j n the direction of Sanderlind. On near ing the waterworks tbe shaft horse fell, and the leaflet dragged it for about twenty yards, doing it such Injury as to put any chenot of workine i t out of the question for s month. He was fined £S and costs, or One month's impfUonment.

Sudden Death in a C h u r c h — O n Sundav morni g, at Saint Helen's Auckland Church, a most sudden and melancholy death took place. A member of Ihe ehoir, George Wake, railway gatekeeper, whilst assisting in the singing of an anthtm, suddenly drop­ped dowu dead. He had for a few day* b>ea slightly afflicted with a cold, bat not of a srrioo* character, and was on Sunday morning apparently in bis utoil health. The utmost consternation, a* may be imsgined, pnvailed amongst the congregation. The service wis isimedistely (topped, acd tbe evening service wss sis* dispensed wi th .

H o l l o w a y ' s P i l l s . — T h e variable tempera-ton snd damp westher fearfully tell on the human frame, deteriorating the blood and producing morbid results in its rnervoir—the lung*. Hence, on i l l *ide* we a n surrounded by bronchitis,pleurisy, a»thm«, consumption, all of which might'.be readily cured by Holloway's never-failing remedies, whose active piin-riple purifies the blood, and causes sll morbific matter to be speedily eipelhd from tbe body. I n ease* ot indigestion, dimness of sight, headache, menUl snd physical lassitude, t h e n rertontive pills act a* a charm. They • ipel rheumatism sod gout, while they infallibly correct female complaints in young and old cdicst* and robust.

A Gamekeeper's V/ i fe Worried by s Bloodhound.—We reported in the columns of ths Erpreit some time ago a desperate encoaoter witb some armed poacher* and several policwren and gam* watchers, on the estate of Mr Rowland Burdon, Csitl* Erlen. I n the affray a gamekxeper's son gotshot.snd th* poacher* escaped without being detected. Mr Bunion determined that they shou'd not enter his preserve* and commit depredations for the future wi th impari­ty, and obtained a large and Seroelooktng bloodhound, which was kept near to M r Bobtneon'* (one of the gamekeepers) house. A few day* ago Mis Bobinson pasted by the kennel of the beast, and it sprang up and *eised her by the thick park of her arm. Wis strajged with it for some time, bnt it wss not until the flesh gavo way that she released htrsel'. She wss attended by Dr Tessier, and the piece of flesh which was encircled by the dog's teeth ha* ainee come out, tearing a hole about the «ize of an egg. She ha* suf­fered intensely, but i t is to be hoped she wil l nltimstely recover. The preserve* of M r Burdon s n extensive, and the game is watched by a staff of keepers sod watchers, and the number of dogs that s n kept oa the estate is somewh*t extensive. The bloodhounds are ssid to hsve come from the Southern States of America, where thev are of little use sinos the aboli­tion of *lavery.— Northern Express.

Proposed Review of North of Eng land Voluntecrrs — O n Monday, a meeting of the commanding officers of the several volunteer battalions in the counties of Leicester, L i n ­coln, Nott ingham, Y o r k , Lancaster , Cumber­land, D u r h a m , Northumberland, and Westmoreland was held at the RoyaJ Station Hote l , Y o r k , to consider ihe arrangements for the proposed review of volunteers from the northern counties at Y o r k , by the Duke of C a m b r i d g e . T h e chair was occupied hy the L o r d M a y o r , who presented a list of the corps which bad expressed their assent to be present at the rev iew, which included the l«t 2nd and 3 r d Manchester Rif le Corps , num­bering 2 , 2 0 0 ; tbe 5th L a n c a s h i r e , 6 0 0 ; »»• Leeds Eng ineers , 9 0 0 ; L o r d Londesborough s Battal ion (1st Wes t Y o r k , ) 7 0 0 ; 1st Durham Administrat ive Battal ion, 6 0 0 ; Leicestershire Hifles, 6 5 0 ; 7th W e s t Y o r k , 6 5 0 ; 1 East Y o r k , 3 5 0 ; 3 r d West Y o r k , 5 0 0 ; 5th Ad­ministrative Battal ion West York, 4 5 0 ; W e s t Y o r k ("Halifax), 5 0 0 ; 1st Administra­tive Batta l ion E a s t Y o r k , 3 0 0 ; 4th Adminis­trative B . t u l i o n ( L a n c a s h i r e ) , 400 ; 8th ditto, 4 0 0 ; besides other corps in the counties of D u r h a m and Northumberland and artillery volunteers in Northumber land , Sheffield, Newcast le , Seabam, tbe 4th E a s t York, and the 1st E a s t Br igade o f Art i l l ery . Thess corps numbcraltogether from 10,000 tolS.OW-— O n the motion of L o r d Lpndesborougn, seconded bv C o l . M a r k h a m , it was unanimous­ly resolved that the review be held at York-— L o r d Londesborough next moved that the Duka of Cambridge be requested to rtTiew the troops, wid that the Prince and Pnncess of Wales be invited to be piwenU-^-Coi-H e w i t h seconded the) motion. Carried-— Col. Hewprth then moved that the review should take place on Satnrday, * s W « « A u g u s t - C o l . Markham • « f n

T ^ d . . t h e

motion.-Captain Cbichester,of Hndders-field, proposed the 90th of June, seconded by Col . Perkine, and enrned by a majority of 16 to 9 . - A committee was appointed and other wmogetamt* made.

Printed by Battmi* Wous* ^T^inAt\ published at the Tmdott Mtremry Omen, »aw»v» Plaoa, Barnard Castle.

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