
Internet 'could damage children's ability to learn' Psychologist rejects view that new technology is school boon The growing influence of the internet on education could damage children's ability to learn, a leading psychologist warned last night. Susan Blackmore, reader in psychology at the University of the West of England in Bristol, told an audience of vice chancellors, academics and e-learning professionals that the vast arra y of unregulated information on the internet would undermine education. During a debate at the R oyal Institution in London, Dr Blackmore predicted that the rapid advancement of new technology would mean so much information was available at the touch of a button that humans would no longer need to gain knowledge in the traditional sense by storing information in their own memories. She said: "Traditionally, what has primarily been an issue for education has been putting knowledge into kid's heads. But now it will be about showing them how to navigate in that world. "You are going to have kids who are going to have minds which are fundamentally different to ours.That will cause all sorts of problems in how they relate to adults." Her speech turns on its head the conventional wisdom that new technology is a wholly positive force in education - a view held by Tony Blair. The government regards the internet as a  powerful tool for raising standards, especially among low achieving pupils. Other academics backed the pro-internet stance during the debate, which was organised by the e- learning website Boxmind and chaired b y broadcaster John Humphrys. Richard Dawkins, the world-renowned evolutionary biologist, said the internet's power to make information instantly available to millions of people at marginal cost meant it heralded the "most radical shift in educational epidemiology" since the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, "and probably since the origin of language itself". Professor Dawkins, professor of the public understanding of science at Ox ford University, said education was the remedy for "mental epidemics" such as Islamist militancy. The internet  provided the means for that remedy to be administered.

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"There remains the problem that the people we most want to educate - for instance, the faith

heads of Afghanistan - can't afford personal computers," he said.

"The best experts I can find all expect the exponential increase in computer power per unit cost

to continue at the present rate (doubling almost every 18 months) for at least another 10 years.

This is amply long enough to ensure that access to the internet will be virtually free to anyonewho can afford the electricity."

Dr Blackmore agreed that the development of the internet represented a crucial moment inhuman history but claimed that the impact was unlikely to be so positive.

"Several million years ago a dramatic evolutionary change occurred on this planet when people

started imitating each other, and that created the nucleus for education," she said. "In the last few

years we have set off another evolutionary change of just as much magnitude by creating

networks of computers linked by telephone lines.

"A lot of people seem to think that we set this up for our benefit and that we are in control of it, but a moment's thought shows that it is not."

She raised the spectre of human teachers being "sidelined by more efficient knowledge

manipulators" in cyberspace

"We will get beyond the point where humans are needed to control the technological structure sothe question would arise of what place for emotions like love, compassion and other uniquely

human things. But there is no turning back now."