ml ww j bit f it - university of hawaiifly $: wp' kilwwra. tbsbtwpeiw'tfnhhhikr...

fly $ : WP' K TBSBTwPEIw'TfnHHHi Tl ilWwra. kr wirjwprfWByiw "'W-f- F r-i- riEl njjmjnuiim,waiwawwywwwwH MSSm 35 Ml WW J tS WfJBMLAUlill ! A Vasi&.W g&i "i Bit 1 1 f f if it f mTiA t TrrTnvfj7tsasvexffT!tirMmMm ii.wi i mil i OUOBORIPTIPH Voh. XTY.-- No. 2892. HONOLULU, II. 1., THURSDAY EVENJLNU, OCTOBER 31, 1389. 60 0ENT8 PER MONTH y -v U - THE DAILY BULLETIN Ib printed uml published at the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conts por Month. Address nil Communications Daii.v Bulletin. Advertisomontfl, to ensuro insertion, should bo handed in before ono o'clock P. M. VALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and dob Printing ol all ltlnds-do- no on thu raoit favorable , terms. Uoil Telephone No. 250 Mutunl Tclcphnno No. 200 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An Intel esting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in tho Kingdom to send to triends abroad. Mubacrlptlon: Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission. Merchants. IIA-OXITMS- Ss Co., H. General Commission Agents. Honolulu G. W. MACEAELAHE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBEWEB St COMPANY, o (Limited) Genkhal MEiicAKr :t p Co 81 - 1KNTS. LIST O? OFKICItltb; P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Oaktkh. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary diuectohb: Hon. O. R. Bisnop. S. C. Allen, H. Watkriioobe. 388 ly T. WATERHOTJSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- Q. P. Castle & OOOKE, CASTIiE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 Glaus Spreckols. Wo. a. Irwin. IRWIN & COMPANY, WGt. Sugar Factors and Commission ants, Honolulu. 1 'ILDER Ss CO., Dealers la i,umuer. minis, Oils, Nails, Sal; and Building Materials of evoryklnd, cor. Fort and lju eon sts., Honolulu, i . Lowers, F. J. Ixwroy O. M. Uooko. EWERS iSS OOOKB, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dcalors in Lumbor and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN W and GRAIN 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. M.utuul 1?olepUouo No. 4. 87U VETERINARY. AK. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian llotol Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Scientific treatment in nil dis- eases of domestic animals. Ordors for plantation nnd rauch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone 354, P.O. Box 320. mh.18-8- 9 FOR SAIiE FIR ST - CLASS A Phaeton in per. feet order. Apply at this ollloe. 341 tf TO LET A COTTAGE at Palama . containluji kitchen, sta. ble, carriage house nnd othtr conveniences. For further particulars apply to the undersiKned.ANA()Mi Awaroot Store, Maunakea street. 803 lm Professionals. JM. MONSARRAT, at Law & Notary Public 14U Mnrchnnt Street, Honolulu. tf JAL.FKED MAQOON, at Law & Notary l'ubllc 173 43 Merchant street. Elonolulu. ly David Dayton Will practice in the lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect big H all its branches, renting of houses ami any other business entrusted to him. Ofucc Ul King Street Upstairs. Feb 9 STEAI CAM FACTO!! AND XJAJCEXl-y- . F. HORN, Practical Confoctionor, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "TB5CS" Telephone 74. HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 210 Honolulu, H. I. i. jr. msh'soN. a. w. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericko & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES Rickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilot Requisites, i2y WEHHER & CO. .Manufacturing Jewellers, NO. 03 XOKT STllXSET, Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Offlco. OST Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9 Hustace & Robertson, DRAYMEN. ordors for Cartage promptly to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllee, noit door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutunl 'telephone No. 10. THEO. PEVERIN, View nnd Landscape Photographer. Makes a specialty of photographing residences, interiors, proups, decora- tions and all kinds ol out and indoor views. Albo, does printing and develop, ing for amateurs nnd others nt the lowest rates. Satisfaction civon and all orders receive prompt attention. Views mounted in books to order. Oki'ici:: Comer of King and Alakca street. P.O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. !i3'J. 122 tf A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. oct.l-88-l- y New Zealand Jams ! JUST received a consignment of New Jams, assorted cases. For sale at low prices by J. E. BROWN ft CO., 227 tf 28 Meiclmut street. DAVID KAAIIIUE HAS tho best and cheapest Black Rock, Coral, Sand and Soil for sale in any quantity. Apply ut tho law ollice of William O. Achi, No. 8(1 Mer-gha- Btrcot, Honolulu, U. I. 301 Dm BEAVER SALOON Tho Boat Lunoh In Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Hours Tho PInost Braud of GiP's, Jl! Totaco Always on Jlixml. J!. .T. NOI.TB5, Proprietor. the Metropolitan lgy Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Rotail Butohora AN3 NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, I jjpfjr Pork, XTisli, 'Vert,Mle(s .Sec, Scc Always on hand at tho :t (Successors to Wm. MeCandleas), .o. O quocn Nt., : : FIhIi aiarUct, Honolulu, II. I. CSTamily and Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TEHIKER, BUTCHER. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. J3yHis noted Sausages are made 'by tho cvory best mnchinnry, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivored with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages." oct-- 88 Anderson &Lundy, Dentists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, alluminum and rubber bases. Crown and liridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, wo would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordnnco with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of NitrouB Oxide Gas. at Old Tregloan Residence Hotel street. Feb-20-8- WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Tort Strcot, next Lucas' Mill, JSRs SSE Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmitliing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specially. Every dcecrlption of work In tho abovo lines pei formed in a flrst-clat- s manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t2T Orders from tho other islnnds Eolicitcd. Will be pleased to sco all our old customers as well as new ones. Mutual Tolephono No fi75. apr.10-8!- ) Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. The undersigned begs to inform tho public of these Islands that ho is making SliirlM ly AXoiiHiivcmout I Directions forEelf.mcasurcmcnt will bo given on application. White Shifts, Ovorslilrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sample Shirt to overy order. Island ordor solicited Bell Telophono 410 601y A. SI. SfKLJLIS, Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats ! Largest Assortment ! Latest .Styles ! AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, lOdt Fort Slreel, Honolulu, IV. . te, - - Proprietor. WE LEAD IN STYLE & PRICES ! LATEST STYLE OF les' 's Uceened by rcry ntenmei. We have jub! i coined .uiotliei lot of our well known SPAR" -:- - SAILOR 'si- - HAT ! IN BLACK & WHITE. lUntrimmed Hats J I 1M3I12NSE ASSORTMENT OF Xaclies9 &; Cliilclx'exi's Trimmed Hate At. very low prices. A full assortment ot Satin - Edge - Cros - Grain - Ribbons, In all widths nnd uhndes. Silk Buds, Flowers, Feathers, &c, &c. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hats, LATEST Infant's Embroidered. Silk Bonneti AT VERY LOW PRICES -- OFFER AT BED all STYLE PRICE9- - Queen Mutual California Hay, Oats, Bran, Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR -- Alta, Golden Gate Salinas-e- x FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Bell Telephone, 50 KQr HAWAIIAN O- - Ko, 24 Merchant Street, Street, EACH EVERY OF IMPORTED Our " IS SIMPLY && Which will bo Bold AT 2170 (110 ( in Shapes ! ROCK Cor. Edinburgh & Sta. Xolophoue, 371 WINE CO., & lieai' Fort HAVE THE BEST QUALITY GALIFO AND KIND RNIA--- - WINES INTO PEDRO THIS KINGDOM. JIMENEZ " SUBLIME. LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Managei, T ijUtr-- - l NTERPRISr PLANING MILL. W AInlcon, nenv ijn mui tit. jj Tolephono S,V. WALKER & REDWAHD, Contractors A milllorH Brick, Stone and Wooden Bulldlncp , given. Jobbing promptl at- tended to 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P O. Dm, 423. ap 5 ly LUCAH, Contractor -- rffltfftSiik and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mill, J'.spla nude, Honolulu. Manufacture all kinds of Moulding, Brackets, Window Frnmcn, Winds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k flnlsh. Turning, Scroll aud Band Sawiug. All kinds of Sawing and Vliu. nig, Morticing and Tcnantlug. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ordera from tho other In- lands solicited - Honolulu inoN Works, jriMnnSteaiu engines, sugar mills, boil, ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship'H black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. E. BROWN & GO.. US Jferchnnt Ht Uonolnlu, K.I, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUKTAKTS, Conveyaneors & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington Route AcrosB America, and to tho Azores. Hole Aaenta for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Parcels Express & General Shipping Agency. Sole Agents for Bunny South Aerated Wain re. Sola Agonta for Maesflsld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods. Special Agents fur Leading New Zea laud und Ausiralhm Mercantile FiraiB Special Agents for the California Land Association. Special Agents for the Honolulu Busl nesa Directory. AIbo, Other Special Agencies. I Oustotus' Entries Pcesed. Pro peitios Managed. Axsigneeo and Audi tors' Work done promptly. House Leased and RunU Oolleoted. New Business Solicited Bell Tela. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. Dec-- 0 Pott Office Box 460. f88-l- y V. O. Box 301. -- S- Hell Tolo. 74. Hawraiiau Bnstness Agency Corner Fort & Merchant Btreeto, Honolulu, U. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Accnnntniita & Collectors FOB THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising' Department FOR THE "WupepaKuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collodions will receive special atten. tlon and returns promptly made. ileal Citato bought, sold and leased. laxes Paid and pi operty safely Insured llouncv, Cottage, Itooint and OHIcei, leased and rented, and renu collected. Fire and Lite Insurance eflected iu first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Records searched and correct Abstracts of Tltlo furnished. Legal Documents nnd Pnpor s ot every dcscrljitlon carefully drann and hand somely engrossed Copying and Translating in a'l language In general use in thin Kingdom. Cuiloni llouio Builnett transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loant negotiated at favorable mtos. Qold, Silver and Cortlflcatfct bought and toll I AdverlltemenU and SuUorlfnloni toll cited for publishers. Skilled and UneMlled Libor furnlohod. Any Article purohaeed or sold. Inter-ltlan- d Orders will receive parti oular attention To Lei, Furnished (tad Unlundthod Col lagoi In deelrabto localltlee at roaoonaWe rentals. Several Vahmblo PropoHlei in and around the city now for ttle and less on easy term. jKSyAll buBluw entroHcd to our care will receive prompt ond falihWl ottia-tlo- n at moderate obsrgvi reb4D ' NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $90,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At eery ago, on every premium table, in overy year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Police c f the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than tho-- e OF ANY OTHER COMPANY iKMiing similar policies, ffltT For particulars apply to V. O. ItEHOKft, tien'l Apnnt Hawaiian Islands. i83 tf FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. HurtfprU Fir Insnranoa Co, Oommvtal loauraace Co. (Tire Mid Marine) Acttts, $460,000 ADglo-Wevad- ft Absokuwo Carporatloa (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $S0(MW0 Sooth Brltffih Fire and Marino bu. C Caplt&l, $10,000,000 Now York Ufa Znrarance Co- - Aaoto, $0,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Qnral Agent, How'n IoIwkJj. 16531y as 6A8TB.E & COOKE, Life, FIro & Marino Insur'oo AfjoDts. AOENTfl rOC Vho Sow Coslasa MUTUAI LrFE INS. C0MP Y of Bostoa. The tna Tire Ihbutrho Coq of Hartford, Conn. The Union iriro ftnol Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly -- - Prussian National Insurance Coiqtj't BRTXnUBITBD lWi, Capital, 9,000,000 Reichsmxifci THK undersigned, having been ep. agent of the abovo Company for the Hawaiian Islands, la preparedtS accept rinks, against Fire, on Building Furntturp, Merchandise, Produco,fluga Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Terwa Loisec Promptly Adjusted and PayabU Honolulu. II. RIBMENSCHNErDEIt, )ly7 ly at Wilder & Co FILTER PRESSES ! rAAUHAi; Plantation, s Hawaii, March 9, 1883. J KI(ton Iron JL Lornaiotlvo TCoru Man KrnueUco. GKNTLKiinN: Wo have used tivooX your' 30 Chambered Filter Prenea" thb season. They are convenient, easily handled aud are working outlrely to our satlhjucttou. I can recommend no ou them. Veiyrespeci fully youra, CfiJgned) A. MOOKE, Manager Paauhau Plantation Ueku, Sept. SS, IBM Mn. John Dteb, Agent Rlsdoa Iron Works, Honolulu. DCAn 8m: Please ship us ono of your Filter Preawi, 240 iquirc feet (urface, same asr the ono 6U plUd us lust Bensoo, which I am pleated to. say hua given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, If-- I QEO. B. EV7ABT, Manager Qeu Agricultural Co. t Thece Predsea are made van hwvy for high prcseureo, ocoupy & floor tpaoe il feet by 4 itet, ana preseac filtering ottrfuee of 240 square leot. A llmlwd number in stock in Houq-lul- u and are aold at very low price?. Ttisdon Iron & Loco. Works, San Francisco- - (air Forparticulers euqulre of JOHN DYER, Honolulu, Boom No. S bpreckels1 Bkx. S260 tf w. 0, Irwin A Co,, Art. if'

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U -


Ib printed uml published at the office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conts por Month.

Address nil Communications Daii.vBulletin.

Advertisomontfl, to ensuro insertion,should bo handed in before ono o'clockP. M.

VALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and dob Printing olall ltlnds-do- no on thu raoit favorable

, terms.Uoil Telephone No. 250

Mutunl Tclcphnno No. 200


Weekly Summary.

An Intel esting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns of

reading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin tho Kingdom to send to triendsabroad.

Mubacrlptlon:Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission. Merchants.

IIA-OXITMS- Ss Co.,H.General Commission Agents.




Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BBEWEB St COMPANY,o (Limited)Genkhal MEiicAKr :t p

Co 81 - 1KNTS.


P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oaktkh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

diuectohb:Hon. O. R. Bisnop. S. C. Allen,

H. Watkriioobe.388 ly

T. WATERHOTJSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton--Q. P. Castle& OOOKE,CASTIiE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

Glaus Spreckols. Wo. a. Irwin.IRWIN & COMPANY,WGt.Sugar Factors and Commission

ants, Honolulu. 1

'ILDER Ss CO.,Dealers la i,umuer. minis,

Oils, Nails, Sal; and Building Materialsof evoryklnd, cor. Fort and lju eon sts.,Honolulu, i

. Lowers, F. J. Ixwroy O. M. Uooko.

EWERS iSS OOOKB,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dcalors in Lumbor and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

M.utuul 1?olepUouo No. 4.87U


AK. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

llotol Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Scientific treatment in nil dis-eases of domestic animals. Ordors forplantation nnd rauch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone 354,

P.O. Box 320. mh.18-8- 9


FIR ST - CLASSA Phaeton in per.feet order. Apply at

this ollloe. 341 tf


. containluji kitchen, sta.ble, carriage house nnd othtr

conveniences. For further particularsapply to the undersiKned.ANA()Mi

Awaroot Store, Maunakea street.803 lm


JM. MONSARRAT,at Law & Notary Public

14U Mnrchnnt Street, Honolulu. tf

JAL.FKED MAQOON,at Law & Notary l'ubllc

173 43 Merchant street. Elonolulu. ly

David DaytonWill practice in the lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collectbig H all its branches, renting of housesami any other business entrusted to him.

Ofucc Ul King Street Upstairs.Feb 9


F. HORN, Practical Confoctionor,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. "TB5CS" Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,210 Honolulu, H. I.

i. jr. msh'soN. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericko & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINESRickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilot

Requisites, i2y

WEHHER & CO..Manufacturing Jewellers,

NO. 03 XOKT STllXSET,Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Offlco.

OST Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.10-8- 9

Hustace & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.ordors for Cartage promptly

to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllee, noit door to Jas. F. Morgan'sauction room.

982 ly Mutunl 'telephone No. 10.

THEO. PEVERIN,View nnd Landscape

Photographer.Makes a specialty of photographingresidences, interiors, proups, decora-tions and all kinds ol out and indoorviews. Albo, does printing and develop,ing for amateurs nnd others nt thelowest rates. Satisfaction civon andall orders receive prompt attention.Views mounted in books to order.

Oki'ici:: Comer of King and Alakcastreet. P.O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. !i3'J.

122 tf

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.oct.l-88-l- y

New Zealand Jams !

JUST received a consignment of NewJams, assorted cases. For

sale at low prices byJ. E. BROWN ft CO.,

227 tf 28 Meiclmut street.


HAS tho best and cheapest BlackRock, Coral, Sand and Soil for

sale in any quantity. Apply ut tho lawollice of William O. Achi, No. 8(1 Mer-gha-

Btrcot, Honolulu, U. I. 301 Dm


Tho Boat Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Hours

Tho PInost Braud of

GiP's, Jl! Totaco

Always on Jlixml.J!. .T. NOI.TB5, Proprietor.

theMetropolitan lgy

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Rotail Butohora



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Ijjpfjr Pork,XTisli, 'Vert,Mle(s .Sec, Scc

Always on hand at tho

:t(Successors to Wm. MeCandleas),

.o. O quocn Nt., : : FIhIi aiarUct,Honolulu, II. I.

CSTamily and Shipping Oiders care-fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

J3yHis noted Sausages are made 'bytho cvory best mnchinnry, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo delivoredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."oct-- 88

Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and liridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordnnco with the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrouB Oxide Gas.

at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20-8-

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Tort Strcot, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmitliing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every dcecrlption of work In thoabovo lines pei formed in a flrst-clat- s

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t2T Orders from tho other islnnds

Eolicitcd. Will be pleased to sco allour old customers as well as new ones.Mutual Tolephono No fi75.

apr.10-8!- )

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to inform thopublic of these Islands that ho is makingSliirlM ly AXoiiHiivcmout I

Directions forEelf.mcasurcmcnt willbo given on application.

White Shifts, Ovorslilrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleShirt to overy order.

Island ordor solicited Bell Telophono 410

601y A. SI. SfKLJLIS,

Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats !

Largest Assortment ! Latest .Styles !


POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,lOdt Fort Slreel, Honolulu,

IV. . te, - - Proprietor.



les' 'sUceened by rcry ntenmei. We have jub! i coined .uiotliei

lot of our well known

SPAR" -:- - SAILOR 'si- - HAT !


lUntrimmed Hats



Xaclies9 &; Cliilclx'exi's Trimmed HateAt. very low prices. A full assortment ot

Satin - Edge - Cros - Grain - Ribbons,In all widths nnd uhndes.

Silk Buds, Flowers, Feathers, &c, &c.A NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hats,LATEST

Infant's Embroidered. Silk BonnetiAT VERY LOW PRICES







California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR --Alta, Golden Gate Salinas-e- x FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

Bell Telephone, 50 KQr


O- -

Ko, 24 Merchant Street, Street,



Our "


&& Which will bo Bold AT


(110 (

in Shapes !


Cor. Edinburgh & Sta.

Xolophoue, 371



lieai' Fort












T ijUtr-- - l


AInlcon, nenv ijn mui tit. jjTolephono S,V.


Contractors A milllorHBrick, Stone and Wooden Bulldlncp ,

given. Jobbing promptl at-

tended to 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P O. Dm, 423. ap 5 ly

LUCAH,Contractor --rffltfftSiik

and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mill, J'.spla

nude, Honolulu.Manufacture all kinds of Moulding,

Brackets, Window Frnmcn, Winds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k

flnlsh. Turning, Scroll aud BandSawiug. All kinds of Sawing and Vliu.nig, Morticing and Tcnantlug.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Ordera from tho other In-

lands solicited

- Honolulu inoN Works,jriMnnSteaiu engines, sugar mills, boil,ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship'H black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. E. BROWN & GO..

US Jferchnnt Ht Uonolnlu, K.I,


Conveyaneors & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcrosB America, and to tho Azores.

Hole Aaenta for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Bunny South AeratedWain re.

Sola Agonta for Maesflsld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents fur Leading New Zealaud und Ausiralhm Mercantile FiraiB

Special Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Buslnesa Directory.

AIbo, Other Special Agencies.

I Oustotus' Entries Pcesed. Propeitios Managed. Axsigneeo and Auditors' Work done promptly. HouseLeased and RunU Oolleoted.

New Business SolicitedBell Tela. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-- 0 Pott Office Box 460. f88-l- y

V. O. Box 301. --S- Hell Tolo. 74.

Hawraiiau Bnstness Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Btreeto,Honolulu, U. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,Accnnntniita & Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising' DepartmentFOR THE


Collodions will receive special atten.tlon and returns promptly made.

ileal Citato bought, sold and leased.laxes Paid and pi operty safely Insuredllouncv, Cottage, Itooint and OHIcei,

leased and rented, and renu collected.Fire and Lite Insurance eflected iu first-clas- s

Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

searched and correct Abstracts of Tltlofurnished.

Legal Documents nnd Pnpor s ot everydcscrljitlon carefully drann and handsomely engrossed

Copying and Translating in a'l languageIn general use in thin Kingdom.

Cuiloni llouio Builnett transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loant negotiated at favorable mtos.Qold, Silver and Cortlflcatfct bought and

toll I

AdverlltemenU and SuUorlfnloni tollcited for publishers.

Skilled and UneMlled Libor furnlohod.Any Article purohaeed or sold.Inter-ltlan- d Orders will receive parti

oular attentionTo Lei, Furnished (tad Unlundthod Col

lagoi In deelrabto localltlee at roaoonaWerentals.

Several Vahmblo PropoHlei in andaround the city now for ttle and lesson easy term.

jKSyAll buBluw entroHcd to our carewill receive prompt ond falihWl ottia-tlo- n

at moderate obsrgvi reb4D


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $90,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At eery ago, on every premiumtable, in overy year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policec f the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than tho-- e OFANY OTHER COMPANY iKMiing

similar policies,

ffltT For particulars apply to

V. O. ItEHOKft,tien'l Apnnt Hawaiian Islands.

i83 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.HurtfprU Fir Insnranoa Co,

Oommvtal loauraace Co.

(Tire Mid Marine)

Acttts, $460,000ADglo-Wevad- ft Absokuwo Carporatloa

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $S0(MW0

Sooth Brltffih Fire and Marino bu. C

Caplt&l, $10,000,000Now York Ufa Znrarance Co- -

Aaoto, $0,000,000


Qnral Agent, How'n IoIwkJj.


6A8TB.E & COOKE,Life, FIro & Marino Insur'oo AfjoDts.

AOENTfl rOCVho Sow Coslasa


The tna Tire Ihbutrho Coqof Hartford, Conn.

The Union iriro ftnol

Marine Insurance Co.,of San Francisco, Cala.

101 ly -- -

Prussian NationalInsurance Coiqtj't

BRTXnUBITBD lWi,Capital, 9,000,000 Reichsmxifci

THK undersigned, having been ep.agent of the abovo Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, la preparedtSaccept rinks, against Fire, on BuildingFurntturp, Merchandise, Produco,flugaMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terwa

Loisec Promptly Adjusted and PayabUHonolulu.

II. RIBMENSCHNErDEIt,)ly7 ly at Wilder & Co


rAAUHAi; Plantation, s

Hawaii, March 9, 1883. JKI(ton Iron JL Lornaiotlvo TCoruMan KrnueUco.

GKNTLKiinN: Wo have used tivooXyour' 30 Chambered Filter Prenea" thbseason. They are convenient, easilyhandled aud are working outlrely to oursatlhjucttou. I can recommend no

ou them.Veiyrespeci fully youra,

CfiJgned) A. MOOKE,Manager Paauhau Plantation

Ueku, Sept. SS, IBMMn. John Dteb, Agent Rlsdoa Iron

Works, Honolulu.DCAn 8m: Please ship us ono of your

Filter Preawi, 240 iquircfeet (urface, same asr the ono 6U plUdus lust Bensoo, which I am pleated to.say hua given us entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,If-- I QEO. B. EV7ABT,

Manager Qeu Agricultural Co.t

Thece Predsea are made van hwvyfor high prcseureo, ocoupy & floortpaoe il feet by 4 itet, ana preseacfiltering ottrfuee of 240 square leot.

A llmlwd number in stock in Houq-lul- u

and are aold at very low price?.Ttisdon Iron & Loco. Works,

San Francisco- -

(air Forparticulers euqulre ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Boom No. S bpreckels1 Bkx.S260 tf w. 0, Irwin A Co,, Art.


Page 2: Ml WW J Bit f it - University of Hawaiifly $: WP' KilWwra. TBSBTwPEIw'TfnHHHikr wirjwprfWByiw "'W-f-F Tl r-i-riEl njjmjnuiim,waiwawwy MSSm 35 Ml WW JtS WfJBMLAUlill A Vasi&.W g&i "i








,1- -

if 4I

WJ.1 A


....-..- .toStty&SSTSMBY AUTHORITY. tny


Scliool House at Hllolll, S. Eona,

Tenders will be received nt theoffice oi the Board of Educationuntil 12 o'clock noon, on WEDNESDAY, the 20lh of November next,for the construction and completionOf n School House, 20x30x12 feet

with one rpom, on the Governmentschool lot at Milolh, '"So-nt- h Komi,

; Hawaii.Plans and specifications can bo

seen at the office of the Ikuid of

Education, Honolulu, and at IMi.

H. N. Greenwell's, Kpna, Hawaii.By order of the Board of Educa-

tion. W. J AS. SMITH,Secretary.

Education Office, Oct. 31, 18S9.392 3t-11- 2 It

flails gTuTTsfin

THURSDAY, OCT 31, 1889.


The annual meeting of tbe Plant-ers' Labor and Supply Company,which has occupied three full days,rt as in 3oae respecti an improve-

ment on the conventions of thatoody for two or three yenro pre-

vious. It ?as well attended fromfirst to last, the numbers increasing,instead of dwindling as used to be

the case, toward the close. Unfor-

tunately a portion ol the Hawaiicontingent was detained till the lastday, through bad weather on thewindward coast of that island pre-ventl-

the sailing of the steamer.Tbe discussions soemed to be moiegeneral and less confined to a tew

talkative members than on formeroccasions. There was a lively

amounting almost to cnthu-s'ias- o

mai' . t"v -' r u . . . --

u Ym subieo 'uW .

KV-- nifciu '":.- - 'och a Mesc '' --

iSOB iHia-.d!r- nt- - -

arci i v i'1 m e ... i

v'M&vit u.. , ' j iv , r

practical experience; while fromfirst to last tbe old staffers Messrs.Baldwin, Smith. Glade, Macfie,Walsh and others never flagged in

active attention to the proceedings.Where the convention was lackingwas in theariety of subjects dealtwith. Some important committees-faile-

to present reports, for thediscussion of which room could havebeen made by sacrificing a certainamount of desultory conversation.However, some of the missing re-

ports are said to be in existeace andmay be published.

Overshadowing all other subjectsof deliberation, ag generally express-

ed by the members, wa3 that of la-

bor. It was introduced in a leporlsigned by Mr. Macfie, ciiticisingpretty sharply the anti-Chinec- e agi-

tation. The debate that ensuedresulted m the appointment of a

select committee to draw up a deliv- -

, erance of the coapuiy'a Yiews onthe question. Thl3 committee maybe called a very conservative one in

composition, including come mem-

bers, besides 3Ir. Macfie, who haveprobably been regarded as "pro-Chinese- ,"

d, in their proclivi-

ties. The committee reported bymajority and minority, the latterconsisting of Mr. Macfie, who stillrefused to concede the necessity ol

restrictive legislation for the Chi-

nese, but looked for relief from apreponderance of that element inthe introduction of other nationali-ties, while recommending the ad-

mission of "such number of Chineselaborers as may be requisite to re-

lieve the absolute necessities, ofplanters." The' majority Messrs.J. B. Atherton, II. 1 Baldwin, W.0. Smith and E. Italstead weroone with Mr. Macfie in asking formixed importation of labor, abo inasserting the necessity of continuingtbe introduction of Chinese. They,however, recognized the force, bothin principle and power, of the agi-

tation for Chinese restriction, recom-

mending legislation to that end

but, wisely we think, leaving themethod nnd details to tbe law-maki-

power of the kingdom. On tboface of it ibis resolution, that pass-

ed almost unanimously, is a satis-

factory meeting of tbe views of theagitators for a constitutional amend-

ment, and of the straight attitude oftbe Government in that regard. Thephrase, "necessary legislation,'covers "constitutional amendment,"if the best minds in tbe countrycannot discover a mode oi relief in

'?.,;.-- ' s , , $.$ l'"V--;

J , T m 4


rrrVfrV,l.t--.. -. -.

otbsr svsiy. Thoss'Sn tha eonventlon having most experience with

question admitted tlio necessluconstitutional amendment, havingview the proved fuMlity of nttl:-tri- g

availing statutory legislationthai would survive tbe judicial crucible


J'uccoosiul Llg'htluc of Hon. JautrsCnuiiboU'H s'nrli Ilnirienre by tiSturiiKO i'lnat.Hon. James- - Campbell ha his

beautiful residence at KnpiolaniPari; thoroughly lighted with elec-tricity from a storage plant. Somemonths ago he imported the mostcomplete apparatus obtainable forthe purpose from loading manufacturers in the 'Eastern States. Auexpert electrician's sen ices weretendered him to set up the elaboratemechanism, but he preferred to havethe work done by one living here,who would be on hand to rectifyanything going wrong after starting..Mr. John Cassidy, Superintendentof tbe Bell Telephone Company,who liao always made a study ofelectrical science beyond what herequired for the telephone I usiness,w:u Mr. Campbell's choice for theimportant business. The confidencein Mr. Cassidy' skill thus shownhas been justified by the most un-

qualified success of the system.Mr. Campbell's plant consists of

a four horse power dynamo, fromthe Electro-Dynami- c Co. of Phila-delphia; a battery of thirty-thre- e

accumulators, from the ElectricnlAccumulator Co. of New York ; aswitchboard furnished with a Keo-sta- dt

regulator, for regulating thedynamo and preventing its heating;an English eight horse power porta-ble engine, and ceuductora to allpaitsof the house. Each accumu-lator or cell contains fifteen leadplates seven positive and eight ne-

gative in a solution of sulphuricacid. The storage battery whentully charged has a capacity of fifty-tw- o

incandescent lights for sixnights at six hours per night. Byrunning the dynamo while the bat-tery is discharging ita electricity inlight, the capacity is doubled orover one hundred lights supplied forthe period mentioned. Mr. Camp-bell ha9 forty lights in and aboutthe house; the verandas, bedrooms,kitchen, closets, etc., being all sup-plied with lamps, as well as threefive-lig- ht crystal chandeliers to illu-

minate the parlors and dining room.On Tuesday evening, by invita-

tion of Mr. Campbell, a small partycomprising Hon. A. Young and Mr.0. Hedemann of the Honolulu IronWorks, Mis3 Young, lions. Ceciland Frank Brown, Mr. H. Mcintoshand a Bulletin representative, wit-

nessed an exhibition of the systemby Mr. Cassidy at the residence.Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were pre-

sent. Everything worked like acharm and the observers werethoroughly convinced that thestorage system satisfactorily solvesthe problem ef house lighting. Thewhole house was brilliantly illumi-nated with a soft, steady light, theturning of a button setting either awhole chandelier or a single lampaglow at will, while the engine anddynamo were not running, or need-ing to run with the score of lightsconnected for a fortnight. Thiswas lighting wholly from the storedsupply of electricity. An exhibition-as given, also, of lighting directlyfrom the dynamo, in which a slightquivering of the rays was noticeablecorresponding to the pulsations ofthe engine.

Mr. Cabsidy showed the party thevery elaborate wiring connectionsin the attic, which displayed a greatdeal of very patient work, the con-

ductors being run through the pipesof the discarded gasoline systemdown to the chandeliers. There aresafety blocks in every separate con-

ductor, whereby an excessive cur-

rent cuts itself off by the fusion ofi soft metallic bar. It wa3 amusingto see the electrician moving aboutunder the rafters, lighting jp thedark recesses electric lamphe cairied at the end of a coil ofstring. With this he. is able lo in-

spect any part of the connectionsbetween walls or elsewhere unsafefor the introduction of any otherlight. There are automatic devicesin the storing apparatus for regulat-ing tbe current so as to pr.eventovercharging and give indication ofexhaustion of the battery whichwould be injurious. The dynamo,switchboard, etc., are highly finishedand beautiful pieces of mechanism.

Mr. Campbell "is, delighted withthe complete 'success of the system.It gives him abundance of lightwithout danger of interruptionfiotn accident to the motive poweror the stoi age battery coming 3ingly.If the engine breaks down thecbaigcd battery will furnish lightuntil it ia repaired, while if the bat-tery's supply Is interfered with, tbelighting can bo done direct from' thedynamo. The plant can bo removedin a few hours and attached to light-ing connections in the owner's townresidence. Mr. Cassidy is to becongratulated on the great successof the system, tbe complications ofwhich he had to unravel largely byhis own genius, having had no pre-

vious experience in electric lighting.In addition to the lighting equip-

ment, Mr. Campbell has ready anoleclrie fishing apparatus. A largelantern supplied from a storage bat-tery is to be let down into the water.The brilliant light attracts the fishinto a net or trap, making them aneasy prey.

nL scifiBSfift gSMttuj, 'sO; aofftsas m, iss.

uomplimgntary -:- - Goncerl


Grand Vocal anil Instrumental


Saturday, Nov. 2nd,UyMn. rCLIX OT T TUT,

AaaiBted by Local Amateurs.

IS" Particulars will appear later.riiiUcts will be on sale and seats re-served without extiti churge, by J. E.Hrown & Co., 28 Merchant street.

359 Ot

NOTICE.A LL persons arc hereby notified that

. any debts contracted on behalf ofthe csttte of Jose Eaplmta, without nywritten order, will not bo paid. And allpersons arc also cautioned not to pur-chas- e

any of the personal property hi-- ,

longing to the said estate excopt fromthe undersigned.

Mns.MAlllAESPIXPA,Cxi'eutri. under the Wilt of Jose

lutr of Lahalun, Slnnl,

Lnlmluo, Aluui, Oct. 28, 1SS9. 301 1w


XIIAVE this Usiy told nil iny right,and interest In the Carriage

Manufactory Business as carried on hme on Fort street, lo Sir. Qideon West.Thanking the public for their manpast favors I w ould bespeak the samefor my successor and having knownMr. Weal for a number or years as apractical carriage builder I am satisfiedthat he will jjlve Menernl satisfaction.

(Signed)- - W. H.PAGE,nouolulu, Oct. 2S, 1889. U91 2w


HAVING bought out Mr. W. the "Honolulu Uariinge

Manufactory," at 128 Fort street, 1 amprepared to continue the above businessunder the old name of Honolulu Car-riog- e

jtlanufaotory, and being an oldexperienced carringe builder I Bolicittho patronage of my old fricnd9 and thepublic in general, und with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with ex-perienced workmen and using only thebeet material 1 guarantee general satis-faction. Please call ami see me beforegoing elsewhere.


Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1SS9. 391 tf


AT the annual meeting of the stock,holders of Pain Plantation held

this day, the following nam oil oulceibwere elected to ccrve for the comingyear:

President n. P. Baldwin.Vice-Preside- W. O. Atwater.Treasurer J. B. Atherton .

Secretary T. H. Ilobrou.Auditor T. May.

T. W. HOBBON,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 1889. 380 lw

ELECTION of OFFICERS.A T the annual meeting of the stock.

Xjl holders of the Haiku Sugar Co.held at the office of the agents, the 29thday of October, the following officerswere chosen for the ensuing year, towit.

President Hon. II. P. Baldwin.Vice-Preside- .lion. S. il. Damon.Treasurer Hon. S. N. Coutfle.Secretury Hon. J. B. Atherton.Auditor E. W. Peterson.

J. B. ATHERTON,Secretary II. S. Co.

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 18S9. 390 lw


AT the annual meeting of the EteeinAgricultural Co , (L'd), held Oclo.

ber 23, 1889, the following officers wereelected to act for the ensuing year:

A. Afchheim President,J. P. Mcndonca Vice President,B. Ordenctein Treasurer,A. Gurteuberc Secretary,W. V. Allen Auditor.The abovo mentioned officers compose

the Board of Directors.A. GAItTENIJERa,

330 lw Secretary II. A. C, (L'd).


(nosdmBipBq xo 'auuno pu sinij nj


Havana CigarsJust Received o Now Lot of


For Sale in Quantities to Suit

n v

391 Queen Street. Llw


PROPERTY on tho Plainsof 100

feet on Bcretania and Kinaustreets and 300 feet deep, cottage on theflace, also out-hous- , grape vines and

trees, excellent soil. Apply atMrs. Eingttlcy's, 110 King street,



Auction Sales by James F, Morgan;


ffllX-- I auuiA.T AUCTION.


At iny Salesroom, Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction, fcr account

of whom it may concern

SO SHAKES SOOokala Sugar Plantation Stock

Par Value of $100 Luch.

Terms Cash in U. S. Gold Coin.

.IAS. F. MORGAN,.139 St Auctioneer.




AT 12:115 O'CLOCK X4IO.V,

(Immediately after the sale of Govern,inent Uond9j 1 will sell nt Public Auc.tion at the stables at rear of the olllcc oflion. J. 1. Downed, Queen street,

15 (I Willi (111i

2 Year Old, Halter Broken ;

15 Horses & Mares,Broken to Saddle.

tST The stock can be 3een at thpstiblei on morniiiR of sale.

JAS. F. MORGAN,3S9 51 Auctioneer.



order of W. L. GREEN and Alex.B1 YOUNG, Executors of the lastwill and testament of Simon Hardcautlc,deceased, I am directed to sell at PublicAuction at my Salesroom on Queenttreel, in Honolulu,


36 - SHAKES - 36Of the Capital Stock of the

Paia JPlawtatioii,Par Value 100 a Share.

20 - SHAEES - 20Of tho Capital Stock of the

Par Value $50 Kach.

11 Hawaiian Government Bonds

Of $500 each bearing 0 percent porannum free of t.ues.

3 Hawaiian Government Bonds

Of $1,000 each bearing 0 pciceut perannum free of taxes.

JAS. F. MORGAN,373 td Auctioneer.

Auction Sale of Leases of

Biiiii Lob!



At my Salesroom, Queen street, bv orderof II. It. II. Lilinokalaui, I will

sell ut Public Auction,

Hi Lease for 20 Years!Of tho following Desirable BuildingLots, suitable for residences, situated atWaikikl, on tho main road, and being aportion of the Wniklki property of II.It. H.Llliuokalani:LOT A Size 175 feet front and 1S6 feet

deep; this Lot adjoins thebridge and is on the mainroad leading to the ParkTho Lot is fenced.

LOT B Adjoining Lot A, has a front-ug- e

of 120 feet on main road,and is 160 feet deep.

LOT C Adjoining Lot II, lrontace of120 feet on main road, 160feet deep.

LOT D Adjoining Lot C on mainroad. Ilaa 120 feet frontageand n depth of 180 feet.

LOT E Size 140 feet by 300 feet, ntrear of Lots A, U, O, D ; has nfiontnge en a new road 81

feet wide, connecting withmain road to Park.

LOT F Adjoining Lot Hj size 140 by300 feet.

LOT G Adjoining Lot F; size HO by1100 feet.

LOT H Adjoining Lot Q ; sizo 140 by300 feet,

LOT I Adjoining Lot II; size 110 by300 feel.

All these Lota are level and wellplanted with gruss. The Waikikl Caisrun past the front of the Lots.

The Lots are situated about CO feetfrom tbe beach.

Parties purchasing auy of these Lotswill receive gratis a 20 year leaso of 00feet of land on tho beech, for erection ofbath-house- s and bathing facilities.

Henta payable semi-annuall- y In ad.vance.

AChaitoftho Property can bosetnat my Balesroam.

t5TFor further particulars apply to

JAS, F, MORGAN,381 22t Auctioneer.

13 Ha &a

fa ks g g p n fa



m !ML

issuing new form of itmnrancc which provides, in tin-- event of death, for a icturn of nil premiums paid in ad-dition to tin amount of the policy, should tin- insured survive a ghen number of years, the Company willreturn all the premiums paid withintercbl; itioleud of nceeptitifi ilu. policv nnd pioflts in cash tin leual 'imldeimay, WITHOUT MEDICAL hXAJIINATION and U l'l HOU Kt'RTHKK PAY.MKNT OF PREMIUMS, tukellu thereof the amount of policy and protlls in FULLY PAID UP iusuiuuee, purtieipating unuually in dividends.

Remember, this contract is issued by the oldest Lilo Insurance Company in the United States, and the Lar-gest Financial Institution in the World, Us assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.


BQF For full particulars call on or

8G0 lm








Painting . Lessons.

AfR. BAKNFIELD will give inslruc1YX tion in Painting; and Drawing nt

studio, Sprcckcls' Mock, on Tuc;-day-

Thursdays and Satuulays after,noon, commencing October 20th. Theeoursc includes Freehand nnd Mecha-nical Drawing, Perspective, Etc. Draw,ing and Shading fiom the object.Monochrome Painting and Paintingfrom Nature, Still Life, Etc., in oil andwatercolors Letters may be addressedto P. O. Box No. 453. 3S0 lw

FOR -j-S-


I will sell at the very lowest pi ices,all my



"Violins, Curios, Etc.If I cannot sell them beforo December

1, 1839, they will be sold at auction.

387 lm A. KRAFT.O" 1133

Willi rum





Notice! Notice!

THE undersigned Deputy Assessor &,

of Taxes for the Districtof Luhalua, Island of Maui, henhygives notice to the payers of thesaid district that he will meet them attho time and places below specified fortho purpose of lecclving their taxesA. D. 1SS0:

WEDNESDAY, Nov. Oth, 1880, at Ka- -

hukuloa.THURSDAY, Nov. 7th, 16S9, at Hono.

knliuu.FRIDAY, Nov. 8th, 188!), nt Raima.

pali.WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18th, 1830, at

Olowalu.And all other days during tho month ofNovember and of December, to tho lOthday, at his olilco lu the Court House atLaliaiua, Maul,

TAYLOR,Deputy Aso3sor & Collector of Taxes,

District of Lahalna, Haul.Lokaina, Maui, Oct. 22, 1SB9. 365 Dvr

"".,. j


302 lm








lu R


I in






Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.









under tbo of MISS


-- or-

Black Spanish Lace Flouncing, from $1 yard upward.Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing, fiom $2 yard upward.Ecru, Cream & White Oriental Flouncing, from 50cts yard upward.Extra Heavy (new style) Oiiontal Flouncing, from $1.25 yard upward.

Dress (Mets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & BSack.Full assortment of all shades of Cashmere, Moiree, Satin fc Gros

Grain Ribbon. Velvet ItugB in all sizes just received.Best variety in Cambric, Swis3 & Nainsook Embroideries at

IB. B nSHLlEJJEfcS &c GO.S0" Dressmaking Department


Chas. J. New



16 Co.'s & Toilet

Goods of All Kinds.




imuL tsU.j

Patent Medicines,


Fishel's Advertisement


Colgate Celebrated Perfumes Soaps,

Photographic--EEB UHAC H:

Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobacco's.

Having purchased from J, J. Melchcrs, AV. Z. Schiedam, Holland, the soloright lo use his

"EliifflfLalielforGlEiBttisKiniuOii,Which label bears the picture of an elephant, under palm trees, printed ia

different colors, and also the words

"Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands, registered; J. J,

Mclcliers, W, Z, Scliiedam,"

And having been grunted a Ceitillcate of Registration for the term oftwenty years, dating fiom the 17th day of September A. D. 1889, underthe hand and bcuI of L, A. Thurston, Minister of the Interior for theHawaiian Islands, for the exclusive uso of the said label throughout theHawaiian Kingdom, all persons aro hereby warned not to use the saltl,label, or any imitation thereof, under pepalty of the law,364 1m W. C. PEACOCK.



i. AbWttA4'U.' Vi' m


Page 3: Ml WW J Bit f it - University of Hawaiifly $: WP' KilWwra. TBSBTwPEIw'TfnHHHikr wirjwprfWByiw "'W-f-F Tl r-i-riEl njjmjnuiim,waiwawwy MSSm 35 Ml WW JtS WfJBMLAUlill A Vasi&.W g&i "i




1 S' '








r ii to

f)alls giiTlefiiTHURSDAY, 00 T. 31, 1P8J.


sJchr I.tiku fioni HuiiukiiaSehr Kit Mulfiuiu Kobii u


Sclir Kuhiinami for Wiilmea, KauaiStmr AVnliiiiinulo lor Walalua anil Wai- -

anao at ! a mStun Kaala for Kllaticn'aud llanalel nt

I i inSehr ICivwnllanl forKoolan


Stmr W G Hall for Lnhainn, Manlaea,Komi. Kau and the Volcano at 10

R22o'clock a mStmr l'ule for Kona poits at 11 a inStmr (J H Uishop for Wnlannc, Walalua

ntul Koolau at U u in


For Kauai per stmr Mlkahahi, Oct 30A Cropp and wife, Mis C Macfuilanc,

Miss Mist, V Gay, A.Kobiii'ioii, 11 VFaye, J M. Monsarrat, Mr Von Arns-wort- h,

J D Tregloan, iMiss Larun, MiaJJaiker, E Kopko. W Meyer, Fff Gladeand wife, l)r .1 K Smith, Miss Miuloiic,Mr Aloiiiu, Miss Angaheu, F lliuilsoti,Mr IVck, P Itoiiberg, Jr, Hon A S Wil-cox and 70 deck.


The bark Gco f X Wilcox sails onSatin day In ballast for San FrancKco

The bgtuc Geo II Douglas will sailnext Tuesday for San Francisco.

Tim bark UU has finished unloadinglicr caigo or lumber. 'The captains 111

goon call u board of Inspectois to sur-vey the vessel. It is veiy likely thatanother vessel will have to bu chattel edto take thu lumber to the lllver Hlo dela Plata. .


The Royal Hawaiian Band willgive a complimentary concert nt theHawaiian Hotel this Thursday even-ing at 7:30 o'clock to the visitingplanters. Following is the pro-

gramme:PAUT I.

March Greetings XnuinanOvertuie Light Cavalry SnppcCornet Polka A Mute Smile KlingSelection Xabucco Verdi

Mikinolhi, Alua llau, Kokohl.rAUT ii.

Selcctio The Old Guard rianquettoGavotte Welcome KlussQuadrille Madame Angot LecoeqGalop All Ends Well Albert

Hawaii Pouol.


Nov. 1st, is "AllSaints' Day," a holy day of obliga-tion, solemnly kept by the Catholicchurch. Low masses at 6 and 7 a.m. ; high mass at 10 a. in., followedby the administration of the sacra-ment of baptism, 3 p. m. confirm-ation followed by the liuly iosary,and solemn benediction of the M.B. Sacrament.

The next day, Satuiduj , Nov. 2d,is "All Souls' Day." Low massesfor the dead at 6 and 7 a. m. Highmass at 9 a. m.


The new tug "Reliance" for J.D. Spreckels & Bros, had a mostsuccessful trial trip the 19th inst.and went into commission imme-diately. She is fifteen feet longerthan the "Eleu" and is fitted withcompound engines 15in and 30in by24 in stroke of the regular RisdonIron Works pattern, and has a work-ing pressure of 110 lbs. She is alsofitted with the Davidson wreckingpumps and has a gypsy aft arrangedto work from the main shaft to haulin the hawsers after towing ships tolea. This is a new feature and savesmuch time and labor.


The following account of a balloonascension and parachute jump by'Joseph Van Tassell, who will do asimilar exploit at Kapiolanl Park from a California paper :

The balloon ascension was thegrand finale, and never was anythingmore of a success. Just before theropes were cut the L. A. & P. en-

gine blew several shrill blasts thatdrew the attention of the people onthe beach, and nearly everyone waslooking when the mammoth shotinto the air. It was announcedthat Joseph Van Tassell, bi other ofthe eminent aeronaut, would makethe ascent, his first, and there was awonder as to the outcome. Theballoon shot up very quickly, untilit attained an altitude of about 0

feet, when the parachute, con-taining the daring air voyager, wascut loose. Several of the ropos onthe parachute had become tangled,and tho aeronaut had dropped morethan a hundred feet before he shookout tho folds .and caught himself.It was a critical period and morethan one of the audience thoughtthe man must surely bo dashed todeath. The parachute opened likea huge umbrclla,and the descent wasgradual and beautiful, Mr. VanTassoll alighting safely and con-siderably pleased with his success.After the parachute jvas droppedthe balloon shot upward severalthousand feet, and became almosta speck ; it then drifted over theocean and it was thought it wouldbe lost. Then the wind changed,the air ship drifted to land; then itwent back over the ocean and seem-ed to want to keep the people guoss-ins- r

as to where it ui.u. laud; itfinally struck the lower ctment ofair and landed saltl) above town.

HE DAILY BULLETIN-T- humost popular paper published.


THts is pay day at thoUovurninenuildlng.

She notioe adjourned annual moet-i- g

Ilonokiirt Sugar Go.

Hrad itn- - mailer in lliuvuiitiiluaiuu-- 9 Agcupy's space.

TBNiiuns nre in viti"l for n schoolui-- u nt Mil.ilii, s'oiiili Kona.

The Tramway,. Uo. giver set vice for the balloon ascension,

Mnssns. M. S. Grinibaum k Co,have received a new lot of genuineHavana cigars.

IIkaii what 1). F. Ehlois fc Co.luivo to Miy .elsewhere about nowgoods icceived.'ASSiNO on the land known asIvcahim in Waiawa, Ewa, on thisisland is forbidden.

Rkpaiiis are being made to theBtuiiwuy in the Government buildingleading to-th- e second floor.

.i -Tim Australia on her return will

bring an immense quantity of holi-day goods of every description.

The date of the Chinese fancy fniihas been changed fiom Decemberfith to Thursday, December 12th.

Tin: Hawaiian band gives a con-ceit at the Hotel this evening, y

to the visiting planters.

PnoF. G. Sauvlet is arranging avocal and instrumental concert, totake place in about two weeks time.

A wind break 10 feet high and 100feet long is' being elected nt Kapio-lan- i

Park, for the balloon ascensionon Saturday.

The Woman's Board of Missionswill meet at 2 :30 o'clockattcrnoon, in tho parlors of CentralUnion Cluuch.

The game of baseball on Satuiduyin the Junior League will be betweenthe lolnnis and Punahous. It com-mences at 1:110 p. in.

is All Saints day andwill be observed by special (servicesin St. Andrew's and the RomanCatholic Cathedials.

The balloon ascension and para-chute jump on Satuiduy is causingconsideiable excitement. Tickets canbo obtained at L. J. Levey's office.

A genuine balloon ascent andparachute descent on Satuiduy after-noon at the Park. Nothing but ahurricane or tornado will pieent it.

The Hawaiian Caniora Club'sprojected exhibition will be open tomembers and their friends on theevening of tho 15th prox., and to thegeneral public on the following day.

m in -

During his absence at the CoastMr. J. 0. Carter wont to San Rafaeland called on Mr. Parker Mukee. Mr.Carter says the latter is in very poorhealth, and shows no signs of im-provement.

The regular monthly meeting ofthe Honolulu Arion will be held to-

morrow evening, at 7 :30 o'clock. Afull attendance of members is re-

quested as business of importancewill be brought up.

The officers of tho Koloa. SugarCompany for the ensuing year are :

President W. E. Anton CroppVice-Preside- H. F. GladeTreasurer J. F. HaclcfeldAuditor E. MidlerRecouling Secretary. . . C. M. Cooke


Pacific Sugar Mill oflicci for theensuing year are :

F. A. Schaefer PresidentC. It. Bishop Vice-Preside-

.1. Hoting TreasurerII. RonjcB SecretaryJ. H. Paty Auditor

In the Police Court this morningHookano was fined $9 with $1:30costs, for assault and battery en a.

A nolle pros, was enteredagainst Wm. Crews, charged withusing profane language. One drunkbad to pay $0. Other cases werefiuthor continued.

Mr. Jones finibhed bis evidence inthe Wilcox tiialand Col. Uakor gavehis evidonco this afternoon. Theprosecution 2 and Mr.Roen moved for .defendant' o.

This was overruled and thodefense then opened. There are pros-pects of the tiial ending

A very pleabant dinner party wasgiven at the Hawaiian Hotel Tues-day evening, in honor of Mrs. JohnCorwin, wife of tho Paymaster of theU. S. S, Nipsic, Tho Hawaiian Quin-tette Club wus stationed on the vci-and- iv

mid discoursed both vocal andinstiumental music. Quite a largonumber of ladies and gentlemen werepresent,

, m i

The S. F. Bulletin says : On Sep-tember 10th the Hull Bros, launchedat Port Blakely the schooner RobertLewors. This is tho largest four-maste- d

schooner built by that firm,Sho registers 700 tons and will carry1,000,000 feet of lumber, Sho wasbuilt for tho Hawaiian trado for par-lies at Honolulu, and proceeds diiectto that port with lumber. LargerschoonoiH Imvo been built on theSound, but they aro five nuistois.

Mr. Waltor Jones, the stenogra-pher of tho Supienio Court, was awitness in tho Wilcox casoyesteiday.He icud his shorthand notes, bothquebtions and unsweis, of the evi-dence given by Wilcox in the Loo-men- s

tieason case. His notes weroexceedingly full and prove him tobo a very export shoi thund writer.The Supieino Court is to bo congra-tulated upon having the services ofbuch an able and gentlemuuly steno-grapher.

tu Sotf&ktttx. n, si; ies&


iuuual .tlei-tint- f the IMftnJerB' 2,e.bur ami Siipp y Company.


On the icasciiihliug of the I'lunt-r- s'

Company nl 1 :45 p.m., Mr. J, M..(oritur reitil a Iciiglio paper on thein i or question. It tiiguul ngaiiiiiid injiistlli' tuwaril an peopie Willi-- i

our tiordeis and piutuied a fuiuiet gieat prospeniy lor iluse Isiundsuu the di velopuieni of Puuitle

commerce, xUr. Homer pioposeitus a solution of the labor questionthe following: "That all the plantersimport all their help, not otherwisesupplied, under contract for a termof years, with n stipulation that theyshall be returned to their homes atthe expiration of their contractsand some provision made by thecontracting parties in said contract,to insure a reasonable fulfilment ofsaid stipulation."

Mr. Baldwin criticised the paperin some of its points, as being inap-plicable to tho resolution of the selectcommittee's majority. He consideredMr. Home wasr under a misappre-hension in surmising that the com-

pany entertained any proposal ofinjustice towar.l any people now inthe country. lie could not see whylegislation should not bo made forregulating the employment of peoplein the kingdom.

Mr. Smith (Secretary) thought somuch talk of justice was beside thequestion. There are 20,000 Chinesein the country, of whom only about,),000 are working on the planta-tions. When the matter was beforethe Legislature prominent Chinesesaid they would be glad to assist inany scheme for putting the strag-gling Chinese to work. It would beno injustice to any of us if wewere in Hongkong to bo placed un-

der the operation of laws of whoseexistence we were aware beforegoing into that country. Every na-

tion had an inherent light of makinglaws for the protection of its insti-tutions. A large proportion of theChinese heic arc undoubtedly underfear and coutiol of their secret so-

cieties. Members of the Legisla-ture, after looking in every direc-tion for methods of regulating theChinese, were compelled to admitthat nothing effectual could be donewithout an amendment to the Con-

stitution. The question is one notmerely of the present, but gravelyconcerns the welfare of our chil-

dren. Yet the necessity of morelabor had shortly to be met, and thedoors may have to be thrown opento Chinese. In that case we shouldbe prepared with measures for theirregulation. There were enough Chi-

nese now here to supply the market,but for want of regulative measuresthey could not be put to work. Anequal number of males of the mostcivilized nationality, without wivesand families, would be a menace tothe social welfare of the kingdom.

Mr. Rickard contended that plant-ers could not pay wages to inducelaborers of family to serve them.They must have a preponderance ofmale laborers. While there wasvery little trouble from Portuguesefamily laborer, the same could not besaid of Japanese with families. Allthe natives in Hamakua could getemployment. It was natural thatthe Chinese should want to herd inHonolulu. They (the planters)would also like to live in this niceplace. It must be understood thatno interference can be made withtho great sugar industry that is thelife of the country. He would agreeto measures for regulating the num-

ber coming here, but would objectto special laws for restricting theliberty of any who are in the king-dom. Let the number coming belimited, but, for those once here, ifthey prove superior to other nation-alities in making a watch, in carpen-try, or any white man's work, thenlet their rivals accept the inevitable.

Mr. Glade said we require moreChinese labor, but, to say that weshould let them in to compete withwhito men and natives, and drivethese to the wall, that would simplybe suicidal. If a majority of 15,-00- 0

in the 20,000 of Chinese wereunavailable for the plantations, therecertainly was need for some regula-tion of Chinese labor. lie believedthat a general registration law ap-plying to all nationalities wouldserve to trace up the vagrants ofevery race. Why should any of usobject to letting it be known wherewe are if we are wanted? (Laugh-ter.)

Mr. Macfie said this was the mostimportant subject before the com-pany this year, or that has been be-fore the assembly in many years,He had given it great thought adthe more he had done no the diff-iculty of a solution was the more ap-parent. Referriug to the argumentthat the Constitution must beamended to open the way to relief,he spoke against teariug the Consti-tution to pieces every time anybodythought it wanted amendment. Evenif the amendment was passed hedoubted if the legislation that wouldfollow could bo enforced. As to re-gistration of Chinese, it would bevory difficult to carry out, as nonationality was so hard of individualidentification. lie thought the coun-try had too many laws now.

Mr. Horner asked if the Chinesecould be bound to plantation workwithout contracts,

Mr. Walsh was in favor of mea-sures of restriction, but thoughtidentification of Chinese was imprac-ticable.

Mr. Atherton explained the tenorof the raajoiity report, fallowing that,while it favored, control and,' regula

3V St"viv' .i&i liiiiiiiililililllllllliillilHllill 'ill' tt :WM8BEEMm fi'jr. c ' mv

.r-- "'-- v mmmamm&mmirns&i1'' trw Mrmmimm"""JTa"?.


fcciMitftf! i. rarofiastion of the Chtnass, It did not pro.pose any details of legislation, whichwa3 a matter entirely for the Legis-

lature.Mr. Rickard moved an amend-roo- nt

to the majority resoluiion, usfollows Tolnseit the words, after"regulated" in the next to last re-

solution, "by suitable legislation tolie enacted by the coming Lcgisla-iiue.- "

This would do away withhe proposal "to restrict."

Mr. Smith desired that the com-

pany would not utter only generali-ties. He wished more ot thttn hudbeen in the Legislature to have be-

come conversant with the difficultiesof legislating to remove tho griev-ance.

Mr. Walsh and Mr. Baldwin spokein similar terms, holding that con-

stitutional amendment was neces-sary.

The question being put the majo-rity resolution passed as it camefrom committee, and the minorityreport was laid on the tabic.


Mr. Glade having furnished themeeting with printed copies of aform of contract for Portugueselaborers, the document was discuss-ed for a few minutes in a conversa-tional way.

Later in the session the matterwas resumed, aud after searchingdiscussion was left to future con-


President Young announced thefollowing standing committees forthe ensuing year:

Laiku G. N. Wilcox, W. Blais-del- l,

W. II. Purvis.Cultivation E. M. Walsh, W.

II. Rickard, J. K. Smith,Machinery J. N. S. Williams,

A. Drcier, P. C. Jones.Legislation W. R. Castle, II.

F. Glade, T. R. Walker.Reciprocity C. R. Bishop, F. A.

Schaefer, C. M. Cooke.Transportation R. A. Macfie,

Jr., J. Marsden, W. Blaisdell.Manufacture II. P. Baldwin,

O. Isenberg, A. S. Wilcox.Live Stock R. D. Wallbridge,

T. S. Kay, J. N. Wright.Forestry C. Codling, J. H.

Paty, V. Kimdsen.Fertilizers H. Morrison, W.

W. Goodale, J. K. Smith.Varieties of Cane V. Y. Hor-

ner, L. A. Thurston, J. M. Horner.Fruit Culture E. C. Bond, T.

R. Walker, W. O. Smith.Coffee and Tea J. M. Hortier,P.

C. Jones, W. W. Hall.Tobacco F. M. Snauzy, II. F.

Glade, G. N. Wilcox..- -

Ramie H. Deacon, J. B. Ather-ton, W. R. Castle.


Mi. Baldwin started anew thematter of deserting Japanese labor-ers, which was discussed by severalmembers.

Mr. Macfie thought the JapaneseGovernment, when it retained a de-

posit out of its people's wages, ahardship in his opinion, ought toprovide compensation to planterswronged by deserting Japanese outof their share of the deposit.

The Secretary agreed with thisview, thinking the Japanese Govern-ment, in their paternal solicitude,ought to go a little further aud dojustice to the employers of theirpeople.

Messrs. Purvis, Walsh, Rickardand Glade joined in the discussion.It was generally agreed that theJapanese inspectors, who are paidby the Hawaiian Governraent.shouldmake quarterly returns of Japaneselabor on all the plantations. Finallythe matter was left to the trustees,to whom it had been committed at aprevious session.


At 4 o'clock the convention ad- -

jourued sine die.


Sacramento, Sept. 28 News hasbeen received here from Honoluluthat Al. Loomcns, formerly engagedin the saloon business in Sacra-mento, has been sentenced to behanged there for taking part in therecent revolution. He was FirstLieutenant of Wilcox, the adventur-er who led the malcontents.

The friends of Loomens in thiscity have made some efforts to savehis neck. It is deemed strangethat he should have taken part inan attempt at revolution, as whenhere he did not take sufficient inter-est in politics to become a citizenand to vote. Those who know himbest believe that he became insane.

ANNUAL MEETING.fPflE adjourned uunual meeting ofX the stockholders f the II luokau

fcmgnr Co. will bo Ueliltbulstduyof November, al 1U u eiotka. m,, ut lUo olllCB of t A. schaefer &Co. 11. HENJBS,

buuiutHiy.Honolulu, Oct. 31, 1889. U'J? li


rMIL annual meeting of the Hawillan--L Hillu AbBocliiiioii will bo lield hi

thu Ilawuilau Hotel, on SATURDAY,Nov. 2nd,at7:i0i'. m. o'clock, rulim

is rcquedimi, . Kluctluu otolllcurB.

J. 13RODIE, M. D300 Ot neniurat.


THE annual meeting of tho stockof the tViiikupu tiugjr

Co. will bu held ut the nllhiu of ii. .Miicfurluno & Oo on MONDAY, Nov,UU, ut 11 o'olo;l: a. u,

WM. SI, GRAHAM,oourciary,

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 183J, 3sj lw

Trial of n. V. Wtloox for Conspiracy...llcloro Hln Honortho Chief

Jntlep.Wednesday, Oct. 30.


The Court resumed at li80o'clock.

The cross-examinati- of Poepoewas continued, after which Alexan-der Smith was put on the 3tand. Hegave similar evidence to that in theother trials.

Mr, Walter Jones, the SupremeCourt stenographer, was next sworn.He read the evidence as taken byhim in shorthand, given by Wilcoxin the Loomens trial. He bad notfinished when at 5 o'clock the Courttook a recess to 10 o'clock Thurs-day morning.

Thursday, Oct. 31st.The Court opened at 10 a. m.Mr. Walter Jones, the steno-

grapher, took the stand and contin-ued reading his notes of Wilcox'sevidence in the Loomens case.

At 12 o'clock the Court took arecess.

FATHER Damicn's Photos. J. J.has for aalo by special

permission at his studio, Fort street,photographs of tho lato Father Dauiicntaken shortly before his death. Also, aaeries of scientific photos of iutcrcst tothe medical faculty. &85 tf

JUST received Celebrated Foochowdlroct from China; a splen.

did assortment of fine Teas: Tho Ha.waiion Mixture, in J lb packages; TheRose Brand Tea, In packages, de-lightfully fragrant; Extra SuperfineBlack Tea, 10 tb boxes in bulk; FirstCrop 1880-189- 0 Congou, In 10 lb boxes,0 packages to a pound; to bo had oalyof Gonsulvcs & Co., Honolulu. 802 tf'

Hawaiian Tramways(LUIITKIM

Balloon Ascension at Kapio-lan- iPark !

rPO meet the requirements of passen--guru to A'aikikl on dalurdiv next.

ii H ho irly service will be run through,out he day from Lililm street; the k

ourly serriee to tho Uitle Hange wfiilie discontinued for thu day. Go earlyand avoid the crush. Oara will bo pro.viiled lor the return 10 town aftr thenerformance. W. H. PAIN",392 2i .Man ,jjer.


ALL persons are hereby forbiddenf om tresDABiug and shoniiug

upon the land known as Keahua inWttbwa, Ewa, said land having 'ioneisedio me by lira. Leihlu ii inis,

All trespassers will be prn-ecut-

KELHKIPI.Ociober 80, 1Q:9. ,igj iw

ELECTION of OFFICERS.Tlhc adjmrn.d annual meeting of

A. the siockhold'ri of the Purine-- ugnr Mill held ibis day, the followlag

erl elected oiUcers lor tlie ensuingyear:

F. A. .Schaefer President.O. K. Bishop Vice.Piestdeni.J. Holing Treasurer.11. Renjes secretary.J. H.Paiy Auditor.

H. REXJES,tiecretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 31, 18S9. 392 8t

Valuable Property For Sale

U uuanu AYenuo, anewly furnished 2.storr

House containing 8, bathroom, closets, carriagehouse, stable, henery, etc. Groundscontain 2 2.10 acres, well.lald out inlawns, shade and fruit trees, flowerB,etc. Will be sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, live stock,and all the appointments needed in afirst-clas- s residence, as the owner In.tends leaving these iBlands.


Cottage To Let.

A NEAT Cottage, in per- -

feet order, containing 4rooms, mosciuito ureoi. nar.

tially furnished, with large kitchon,shade trees, etc. Conveniently located.Rent 120 per month to good tenant.



CONTAINING 1 largeveranda


with bath-room- , dinintr-roo-

and kitchen detached, on Kekaulikestreet, opposite Hotel streot. Rent $10per month. Apply at


Spelterino.rpUE best remody for

-- - . wounus, uicers,gulls, proud flesh andsores oi every descrip-tion to persons or anl.

mul. Adopted by leading horse rail-road, club and livery sublet etc.. Inthe United States and elsewhere, weare prepared to piove this statement bytestimonials and leferences to plantersand liverymen in this Kingdom.'


Island Viowa.

A LARGE assortment of Photographsand steieoscoplu Views of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, etc ,in thes Islands, for eale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BU.INESS AGENCY,Corner Fort and Merchant streets,

2.108 ti


A WOMAN to do light hnuteworkaim uasil-- t in care of iwoi'liilireo.

umraan preferred Apply at thU office.U83U


A WOMAN to i tin the sole oaro of &

family of ibree small children. Aio.i.pmunt penson will dad Immediateemiiioymeut on anilit-atlo- ino70 if QULIUK'd AQENOY,




fstsixssstSilJiiiMmmTHE PRESS



Now Free Tontine Policy

Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOP THE UNITED- - STATES


TFrom the Nvr York Times, June 22, 1S89.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has adopted now form Ofpolicy which, like bauk draft, is simple promise to pay without condi-tions on the back.

Fioin tho Chicago Investigator.Always on the alert, and ever anxious to give the public tho most

advantageous contract in life insurance, the Equitable Life Assurance So-ciety of New York has, in the past, made many advances on old methodsand has been the means to liberalize life assurance in greater degreeperhaps, than any other organization. It is not at all surprising, there-fore, that this great company now comes before the people with new-contrac-

the like of which has not before been known In life insurance.

From the Kentockv Ruoisteh, Richmond, Ky., June 26, 1889.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more tocreate and maintain confidence in life assurance than any other company.Consequently its business is larger than that of any of its competitors.Furthermore, it has now taken step which practically sweeps every ob-jection of the character referred to out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine tho new policy offered by the Equitable,and assure their lives forthwith.

rFrom the Boston Post.This company has done more than any other to simplify the ftsittrtao

oontract, and to maintain public confidence in life assurance.

Fvom tae pACinc Underwrites, San Francisco, July 1, 1889.

The Equitable haB already established world-wid- e reputation forliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs and for its prompt settlement of alllegitimate claim against it, and this new policy cannot fail to enhanoe Itsreputation for enterprise and progreaslvenesa la dealing with the subjectof life assurance.

I" For full partloulare call oa

380 lm General







aa a







J. CARTWRIGHT,Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Race Track!Koniolo Park

B-- '

Saturflay, M 2nHAT a O'CLOCK p. at.

Grail Sensational DarinATTBACTION t

Bclcntlflo Aerial Exploits!

The FMalltrjg European Si Miim-Sensatio- n



The Acknowledged Premier Awo-nau- ts

of the World.The Heroes of over Two Hundred

Balloon Ascension andParachute Jumps.

They guarantee to ascend with theirMciister Balloon to the dizzy heightof 1 mile and jump to mother earQxwith only the support of their FrailPatent Parachute.

Admission 60 cts. Children 20 cts.

"Anv failure of Urn nWn oilmoney will bo refunded by Mr. L. J.Levey, who will handle the receipts.

"Tickets for sale at Li. .T. T.ovbw'boffice. F, FROST,390 5t Manager.


Notice ! Notice ! Notice !





Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods;LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S

BOOTS, -I- - SHOES -:- - and -:- - SLIPPERS,


Oot-19-9- 9

S. EHRLICH,Corner Hotel & Port tftxwtic

"Y '3


' 'it.

-- '



Page 4: Ml WW J Bit f it - University of Hawaiifly $: WP' KilWwra. TBSBTwPEIw'TfnHHHikr wirjwprfWByiw "'W-f-F Tl r-i-riEl njjmjnuiim,waiwawwy MSSm 35 Ml WW JtS WfJBMLAUlill A Vasi&.W g&i "i

hHHPRSI1 i '





s"Pfpw,Kr!irrip f

ijhuiu wii u-mj' n: ') unyvriii'iuiDP Rt.w"iwmmu.iwni

Bmlc iisi CBi'y.TISIKArrive at

Austialia Novcmbt i

Australia .




Honolulu:November 1C

November 22Alameda December 14

816 it

Australian fail Service.

rOft AV FUAJSC1SCO,The uew mill tint1 Al etcei eteamthip

" Zealandia'x

Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbo due tit Honolulu trom Sydney

find Auckland on or atviit

November IC. 1889.And will lenvo for the abo73 port withmails aud passengers on or about thaidate.

For freight or passage, having fill.PEHlOK ACCOMMODATION B, apply

WM. 0. IKW3K & CO., Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland

'l)ib new aud. ftit Al hlcel eiu.MQ&U.lp

11 Mariposa'Ot the. Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from flanFrancisco on or about

November 23, 1 889.And will have prompt dispatch withmalls and nsssenperfi for theiAove nnrl.

For freight or passage, having SU 1


(0.17 Svm. 0. IRWIN & CO.. Ajrentj


rMlE "ELELE" Is now being published.L In both Native and .English on

:rial for a period of sis months. Thivlias greatly Increased the expenses. Tmeet this, friends have already addedlargely'to our subscription lists, and iupublication in English, will be

permanently, if n few hundredmore subscribers can lie obtained. Tht"ELEIE" is a

Thorongbly KflYispaper !

Devoted to the interest of all the people-o- f

Hawaii, without regard to,Jactior.s 01 Political Parties. Tin"ELELE" Is always Mngif, Startlingand Sky' Read it!

"Call at ihe Elelo Bubhshlng Co,No. 03 Kmn street, lor a saniole copy.

CS?"Sub5erir,tior.H received at the ruleor jf'Jfcu lor the biv month's MutualTelephone No. 54 I 3'i4 tf

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract foi311 classes cf "sugar E?traction Mochiaery,-Irrigatin- g Machinery, EvaporatLag Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engine- -

01 an iiinuj cca icr an purposes, uaiei-- ftlieels, Water conduits, J. notlx pipe-an-

dumesj, Steam Pollers or variotn-Kinds, tttiiroad .iiatenai ai.u ltQUine.".took, Etc., Etc

D1FFFSIOX .KAi'SiiNEK3In all ite branches a specialty

Plantations nippliid v if tt Chimiicn! andAnalytical Api-amti,- - of the vcrj bestdefcoriptioti to ..rdr

is1" Close atienlion ),.t)d to all ordertand BatUfactif.ii i tin pmohu'-f-- i suaianteed. f O. V.nx XI. IV.Tt street.Honolulu. septCSOlj

7vtTn VOICE. or



luipoi r 1 Direct lrfiin lluv n

303 lin

The Crandall



apBNCliaoge of Type ip 9 SeooiUs f

Writing in Plain Sight '

Simple and Durable I

Cff" Call aud see sample machine atX'lb

HAWAIIAN NEWS GO,,Uencral.Agpnta for'rjftWBlian'iiilsndi.


nes. Hustac


HAS RECEIVED pov "AUSTRALIA,"TCito Tonpues Si Sounds, K'.tn S.ilmoo BM'io , Mackerel, Smoked Beef, BlockGodfisb, Hams & Bacon, Cheese, Lib1; 'a Uomprusid Pig's Feet, UmuUodHeirings, Gorman Sausaias, I unch Tongues, Boued Chicken, Brawn, FreshApple, Yellow Turnips, Potatoes, Ouious, Table Fruits, Raisins, Dried Apri-cots, .Prunca, Diled Feachna, Cnl Jama & Jellies in glace, French Peas AMushroom r Sardines, Top O'Oan Butter. Whitney's Butter in I and 2 lb

tins, Deosicated Cocoanut, Dates,A LINE OF PETALUMA JARS TABLE FRUITS,

Condensed Mill:, Plum Pudding, Gelatine, Almonds, Walnuts, Jars TablePrune, Golden Gale, Extra Family Flour, Japan Tea, Comet Tea, MapleSyiup, Citron Peel, Fearline, Sapol'io, Star of the Kitchen Soap, Onvior, HamSausages Vienna Sausages, N. ' Mullet, Clirriod Fowl, Clams, Chocolate,Cocoatheta Ridges' Fond, Impenal Granutn, Farina, Mushroom CatMip,

Duset'a Olive Oil Saurev Salad Ibessing,

And a Complete Assortment of Chotco Gooilo at LowcBt Prices

H. E. McSHTYRE A BRtMPOimsuu Aim dealers in

Provisions and Feed,KART CORNER FOflT AND KINO fVTHKRTrt.

New Goods rccoived by uvery Packet from the Eastern States and Kuropefresh California Produco by every Steamer. All otdere faithfully ottendedtoind Goods delivered to any part 01 the city free of charge. Island orders soli,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. P03t Olllco Box 145. Telephone No. 92 nov-L- &t

telephone 310.- - --

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, II. I.,


3- - - ON T.

Uy each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fcesli Gala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Fruits,

.TTiwli, Giime, "Vegrefctitolcra, J2tc, Etc.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morion's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, juet received a fre3h line of

Jetmaii .Fares & VotteA mentis & iloifletl Preserved Fcnitn,Lewis it Co.'s Malteae Brand Sucar Oared Hiui)b & Bacon,

Neri' Breakfast Cere'alB, Oream Out Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,fiieily Lemons & Gala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Bnrhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap16J !9t-fcii,oti.o- n 87


JOHNrHjucmrt Blocl.-,-" Non.



v..i.i,h' rt--'''& TSa-2ir-'a,


KifeSSiSrSlaftRsi-lSiSSit- a

WmmWmwmW-a- iWKasiiU(



Headiiid Rocm

Tor. irotel Ac SU-cpis-.

Open even Dnv nnd Evpiiiiir.

Tho Library consusta at tho piesonitlmeol ou rite Thousand Voliuntj.

Uio IttadliiH lloom la supplied withnbuiit Jlfly of new rfjuiperfland periodicals.

A i'ailur U pi ovlded tor coiiversatioutbdgauicJ.

Teim of membership, fifty rents anonth, payable quarterly iu advance.No foimnlity teqiilred In jolulng exceptplgnuifj the roll.

ntruiicers fi..m foreign countries andvisitors liom the other islands ari wol-- c

uine to he rooms at all times as guests.'Mil Aisochllon liavlng no legular

ineaxis ot support escept tho dues ofmembers, it is typectPU that tesldentsof Honohiluuho Ueslie to avail

of Us privileges, and all who feelmi Intel est in maintaining an Institutionof tills Wild, will put down their namesand become uvular contrlbutois.

A. J. CAllTYVIiJGHT, Pies.,At. il. HUOTT,If. A. l'AKMELEE, Hecietnry,A. L.liMLTU, Treasurer,O. T. BODGEBS, M.D.,

Ohrdrraan Hr.ll and Library Committee


ocsr --r. O. Box 297

OJG ---

NOTT,Off; & OT-- Ttlna; Sii-e.H- .



'UTS, OIL, YARBMES,Turpentine Etc.,


Revere Rubber Co,, Boston,


ttlier& Wire Bound Hose.gjt& i all and examine our New

Uoods Aug-3-8- 8

FRANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.80 Rue doDunkorque, Parii.Ksecutes Indents for every description

of Ficnch, Ileljan,Swiss, (lennaii, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commisblon, f per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhemequestttd.

Bomittances, through a London orParis ItfinUcr, payable on dolivery ofShipping ) or, direct to thomanager.

The Agency BeprcECtnts, Buys, andBells, for Ilomc and Colonial Firms,

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,riilks, Velvet',, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers. Pearls,Boots aud Shoes, filasis, amiChiua.waro, Olocko, Watches,lewellry, Fancy Goods,EltctiO'plate, Musical Instrument1),Faus, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, Ac,Oilman's Btores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,CUromos, Machinery, &c, do.

180 lyS;

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPS and EUBBER HOSE,

- House KveprnG Goods,PLUMBING. TIN, 0QPJER AMD


Sheet Work.

i.Hrtrx' sxKjaiCi', xicoivoXjOIjI.t.

Honolulu LibraryAssociation,




tlicm-seh- es

Vlco-)reslde- nt,



HOSPOLtrLT?, S. L, QCTggBRa, 1685.


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W.W. Wright & Son,79 & 8 K5S35R Boll Tolo.

King St..22g&S&No. 381.

(Tho Rose Prunilsos)

All ordrrq 'or wheel vehicle- - of everytic nlptlnn tilled iih pi on p'iiiH.

i. irsl cinis meohaiilcs ttnploj en.

rmc uamtige mm a apuumitjf


Plantation Wagons, Mule & Oi Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriago Painting, Trimming,l.TC.,' K1C, 1CTC, KTC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of 11.

oet.lflj Caylord. 8m


General Shipping AgencyAMD

Parcels lixpress.Chlol Olfico lor Hawaiian Islamic: 28

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

--lutANcit orifjcn:- -

"Wftlluku, Mnui.... .W. H. Daniels.Pain, West Maui... Geo. Hcinmaun.Mahukona, Hawaii ...W. J. Hrodie.II ilo, Hawaii... Hoi uies&WillfonK.Kealia, Kauai G.E. Faltehild.ICilauea, Kauai.... Kllauea Store.Hanalel, Kauai.... J. C. Long.Waimea, Kauai . .kiaij llf II o fguai d & Co.Koloa, Kauai E. Strehz.Goods purchased and shipped to and

from any of above ports, and all partsof the world.

Goods received from abroad, clearedat Custom House and forwarded to des-tination per island steamers.

Ifif Kates furnished on application to

J. E. BROWN & Co.,375 tf S3 Merchant street.


Besidencc:. Cottage No. 1, HawaiianHotel, or at the residence of the pupil.

37ii lm


t r 1VEN by Felix Ollcrt at' VT No. 27 Alakea street, or

at the residence of the pupils, accoid- -

ing to agreement. Charges moderate.007 lm


Wilcox & White ParlorANEW with eight stops. Suitablefor school or church. A tine iustru.ment. Apply at 57 Punchbowl street,opposite N. P. Mission Institute. 273 tf

European Billiard Parlors.Handsomest Billiard Parlors inTHE city, and fitted up iu the most

approved style. Four tables with all thelatest improvements.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,270 tf Proprietors.


5 Secondhand Kroog's Patent FilterPresses, as good as new, having

been used but a few months; 2, 4aChambers, 3, 80 Chambers, 8 Second-hand Clariflcrs, 800 gallons capacityeach. This machinery has been thrownout of use by the Diffusion Processbeing introduced; nnd is offered forsale nt verlow prices. For particularsapply to

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,Fort St., Honolulu. P.O. Box 380.

353 lm


Will return on tho Australia due Nov.ember 10th nud resume practice al hisformer olllce, Oi Hotel street. 383 til


MBS. MONBOE, ladies' nurse, hasremoved to Wo. U, KuKUi lano.

Feb-14-8- 9


Baggage Express Officetins removed lo the old stand, No.

81 Klnc street, directly opposite tho onerecently occupied. 378 lm



Colburn & Co.'s nililding; 3rd floor,(formerly occupied by J. M. Oat & Co ),

corner Queen & Nuiianu streets. Workdone with ucatuess mid dispatch,

302 lm


IBURNISHED Booms to let,? southwest corner of

Punchbowl and Beretaniastreets; 'would bo very convenient for asmall family. 255 Oin


Besldence orLATE Mr. Flolmcntclinoider,Emma street.

ATE Besldence ofT"J Mr. Frank Brown,Kaplolanl Park.

EESIDENCE ofMr. James Love,

King street.Residence ofLATE Mr. M. Green,

210 Fort street.STORE, Etc , now occupied by

Mr. Wolle, Grocer,King street.

t8f Apply to

A. J. OARTWRIGIIT,S09 tf Merchant street,


Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Belcctcd Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.


A large assortment.



Carriiiye Lrvnipw,

Sugar &Baas, Bice.



Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.


English,American and




Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oil ! Oils !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.


Corrugnted & Plain,


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Bteel Barbed




Caliiornia Groceries

Of all varieties, always In stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour


The Thorn oil Stallion

"MARIE"Will stand at icivlre at


Bnconn 2:22J, Sacramento, Sept. IC,1887.

PEDtoitRK: Marin was sired byQuitiii's Patchcn, he by Geo. M. Pat.chen, Jr.; Marin's dam by Emigrant, hoby Billy McCrackcn; Billy McCrackenby McCrackcn's Black Hawk, 707, (thosfroof Lady Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, 2:15)). McCracken's BlackHawk, 707, by Vermont Black Hawk, 5 ;

2nd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, heby Easton's Black Hawk. The dam ofQninn's Patchcn by Stockbridgo Chief,he by Vermont Olack Hawk, C.

B. T. Carroll of San Francisco, thoformer owner of Marin, voucIicb, thatout of thlrty.slx marcs. Bcrvcd by UiIbhorse during his last season in Callfornia, thlrty.flvo proved with foal.


J74 King st, U King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

'ianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

ing and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.



Aerated Waters !



Oepot, 28 Merchant Streot.

JTUS1? lyECJElVJEDEx "Eskdale" from Liverpool, a large

assortment of

PATENT BOTTLES,Of Assorted Sizes.


40, CO & 75 cts. dozon.

GINGER -- ALE,40, CO & 75 ots. dozen.

LEMONADE,40, CO & 75 cts. dozen.

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.



GINGER - POP,At 00 cts. dozon.

J. E. Brown & Co.,oct.ll Agents. 1 1880


ALL persons who want to cominunlwith tho Poituguoso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find itthe most profitable way to advertise Inthe Luso Jfctivuiiaiio, the now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub.lished on Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertljomonti.



