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MLM Launch Book By: MLM Joe June, 2013 Edition

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The MLM launch book was written to help you get off to a fast start in a network marketing prelaunch. mlm launch bookThis book is not filled with any hype, there are no crazy promises, no get rich quick deals, and provides you with a 100% legitimate way to get to a solid part-time or even a full-time income in Network Marketing in just 30 days. This book is 100% free. There’s nothing to buy, no forms to fill out, or anything of the sort. It was written by a professional network marketer who has masterminded over a dozen launches and prelaunches over the past decade and is a seven-figure earner in the industry. All I ask is that even though I’m giving this to you at no cost, treat this information like you paid six or even seven figures for this book. That’s what this information has been worth to many others. Once you read it, get back to the person who referred you to this website. Thanks again and enjoy this book.


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MLM Launch


By: MLM Joe June, 2013 Edition

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MLM Launch Book By: MLM Joe Copyright © 2013 by All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is complete and accurate. However, neither the publisher nor the author is rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. Neither the author, editor, nor publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book. Any mentions of income are for example purposes only and there are no guarantees expressed or implied. YOUR RIGHTS: You have the right to send people to: to download this free book. You do not have permission to use, copy, or edit any of the material in this book online or offline. This book and contents in this book is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved for translation into foreign languages.


download this ebook from one of your friends, please get back to them. Please do not seek me (the author) out. I have a personal rule that I will not personally sponsor

anyone into the MLM company that I am associated with if they learned about this (or my other) book from someone

else on my team. My reputation is far more important than a few enrollments that I did not work to get.

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To my extremely supportive and beautiful wife and our life’s greatest accomplishment, our incredible son.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I’ve been blessed to have truly amazing people come into my life who have all dramatically impacted me in one way or another. I’ve never been the “life of the party” type or one who has hundreds of “best friends” in my address book. However, I do want to take just a moment and say a few things to a handful of people who have directly influenced my life over the past few months and years. To my mother, who I miss more than any words could ever describe, you taught me so many lessons that I think about daily and will forever carry with me. You truly had the biggest heart of anyone that I’ve known or will ever know. Although you never got to meet my incredible son, everything you taught me will be instilled in him, and your life will have an indelible impression on him through the passage of time. This launch is for you, Mom. To my father who taught me a lesson very early on that I have lived by and will continue to do so. And that lesson is that you only have one reputation and to always do the right thing, no matter how hard it may be at times. Little does he know that it was this advice that has allowed me to succeed in the network marketing industry and many other endeavors. Thanks Dad. To JAM, you know who you are. My friends, mentors, partners in crime, and who I officially call family, I am forever grateful for you for more reasons than I could ever express here. You have given so much to this incredible industry, and I’m on a mission to ensure it all comes back to you millions fold. It’s truly amazing how one single email has the power to shape a company and possibly an entire industry. Thank you for always believing in me over the last decade. You guys are amazing! To Kathie and Chuck, you have been my #1 fans from day one and always believed in me, even during the times that I didn’t believe in myself. You lifted me up when I was down, and I will always and forever be so grateful to have you in my life. This book would not be

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possible if it wasn’t for you in many, many ways. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! To Earl, you were the second person I sponsored in network marketing. I was a clueless kid who just had a dream, and you already had this industry all figured out. You have taught me so much over the years. I can only wish for others to sponsor an “Earl” into their business. You’ve been an amazing friend, and a leader I’ve always looked up to. Who would have thought that over a decade later, we’d still be connecting almost daily and sharing crazy marketing ideas? You have helped me become a better network marketer, as well as a savvy marketer in general, in more ways than you’ll ever know. Thank you buddy. To BR and JA, it is hard to describe how honored I am to have been on this journey with you. I have been waiting for this exact moment, this exact opportunity, for 10 years. You took a gigantic leap of faith allowing me to create the prelaunch and launch of your entire company. Your leadership, ethics, and vision are truly unmatched in the industry. A special thanks to the entire CS crew. I always have a blast with you guys. Recording videos, photo shoots, fires, and crazy late night stops for food. Looking forward to more of them! Last but not least, I want to acknowledge you. Those of you who are truly ready to go after your dreams and goals unlike at any other time in your life. This is your time. Don’t let the small things or others get in your way. You truly deserve to achieve your wildest dreams through this incredible industry called network marketing. Let’s build an amazing business together that we can all be proud of.

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1. MY PRELAUNCH STORY Like many people, I’ve lived for many years as a business opportunity seeker. From the age of 16 to 24, I attempted nearly every business opportunity that I could find. If it promised fast cash or a road to riches, I was the first one in line with my soon-to-be maxed out credit cards in hand. I was on every list imaginable and received countless packages in the mail along with a never-ending stream of phone calls, all pitching business opportunities. From network marketing, direct mail, real estate investing, to placing tiny ads in newspapers, I attempted all and failed at 99% of them. For the 1% I did not fail at, I was lucky to break even. Frustrated, I went to my local Barnes and Noble bookstore, determined to figure out what I was doing wrong. Armed with 15+ books, including every business opportunity magazine they had, and a healthy dose of caffeine, I plopped myself down in a comfy chair for hours. One of the magazines I had picked up was called, “Networking Times”. As I thumbed through the magazine, the idea of trying network marketing appealed to me. I had several failures previously, and to be honest with you, I had a bad taste in my mouth for the whole MLM thing. Besides, I was thinking, could I really build a successful career and obtain financial and time freedom being involved in these pyramids again? Were they really legal? I obviously had a lot to learn. I quickly pushed aside the thought of trying again, but the more time passed, the more the idea of network marketing grew on me. After all, it was freedom that I was after, freedom from working at countless dead-end jobs, freedom from working for a boss and most of all, financial freedom. At it's core, that's exactly what the network marketing industry provides.

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Later that evening I literally joined the first network marketing company I found. I worked my tail off for roughly three months and moved to the top of the compensation plan. I was the second person to do so and did it faster than my sponsor. How did I do it? I’ll be honest with you. I made over 100 phone calls a day, 7 days a week, while working a full-time job. Where did I get those phone numbers? I was buying the cheapest leads I could find online, and believe me, they were terrible. Only one out of six or seven phone numbers were still in use. I worked weekends and worked into the night doing everything I could to generate my own leads online. Once I reached the top of the compensation plan, I thought I had finally made it. My income was rising every week, and I was able to work the business full-time, so that’s what I did; I immediately quit my job. Unfortunately, I did zero research on the company that I joined, and more importantly, the founders of the company. Come to find out, their track record was sub-par, and the company soon ended up with the same fate as their many other attempts. It failed. The news of the company closing their doors hit me hard. My income was now at zero, and I was already living check to check as it was. Yes, I was making a full-time income, but it was very far from a lifestyle-changing income. It was a job-replacing income for me. I knew I pulled the trigger to quit my job a little too early, but I was desperate to finally have control over my own destiny. I decided to go on a massive search to find another company that I could join, but this time spend more time researching the company, products, market, opportunity, owners, etc. I contacted every network marketing company I could find. For the first few weeks, I spoke to countless distributors of MLM companies, but nothing really piqued my interest. I was determined to find a solid company to join, but my time was running out. Before long, I hit bottom. Bills were piled high on my desk. The phone constantly rang with angry bill collectors on the other end of

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the line, and I was just a couple of weeks away from losing both my car and apartment. I was inches away from having to move back into my childhood home, and then what? I would have no car, no job, and I would have lost my dream. I grew up in a small town. Thankfully, back then I was single, because I have no idea how I could have survived with a wife and child to care for. To be honest, we wouldn’t have survived financially. Now pay attention to this next part because this is directly connected to another reason why I decided to write this book. One day I received a phone call from a gentleman named George who I had worked with in the previous MLM company. He of course called me to pitch me on a new opportunity. By this time I was completely numb from these calls. I had no less than five to ten of these types of calls coming in each day. I half-listened to his pitch and George asked if I had time to do a three-way call with the consultants for the company. I said no and we got off of the phone. The next day he called back and asked if we could do a call with the consultants. He mentioned a connection to a book that I had just read which finally caught my attention. This time I agreed to do the call. As I listened to the consultants share the business opportunity with me, a light began to go off in my head. I finally found the company I was searching for, and the best part about it? No one knew about the company yet because they were still a good 60 days away from opening their doors. By this time, I was completely broke. I had to borrow money to live on, but it wasn't nearly enough. I needed thousands of dollars to pull off what I had envisioned. I had the time to put together a full pre-launch and launch with this new company in a very big way, but I lacked the money. I had to think outside of the box and find a way to make this happen. I scraped together $300 from my family, bought the cheapest replicated website software I could find, and then hired someone to

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connect everything together. By the time everything was said and done, my “marketing system” looked more like Frankenstein. I had no idea if it would work, but I had no choice but to try it and see what happened. I then created a very ugly website that was bright red and had a light bulb on it and I wrote a sales letter explaining the opportunity. For the next few weeks I worked around the clock living off 25 cent Little Debbie snack cakes and ramen noodles. Then something amazing happened. When I finally launched my Frankenstein marketing system, people started to join and join and join. Within a week I had over 1,000 people enrolled into my marketing system, and then it crashed. I'd have someone fix the software only to have it crash again the next day. Over the course of 30 days, the website and marketing system was down more than half the time, causing me more headaches and pull-your-hair-out episodes than you can imagine. However, at the end of those 30 days, I ended up with over 30,000 people who enrolled into my prelaunch. I knew I had finally broken free. A few days later I was on a plane to Las Vegas for the first time in my life, and I clearly remember looking out the window as we landed thinking, “Everything is about to change. All of this hard work has finally paid off for me.” When the company officially launched, I moved up to the top of their compensation plan in 24 hours and generated more commissions the first week than I had ever earned in any year prior. My launch generated over $1,000,000.00 in revenue for the company in their first 24 hours and went on to generate many millions of dollars for the company over the years. That’s how I was able to break the seven-figure mark in earnings in this profession. This income and forward movement continued for many years. I continued to break company records and continued to tweak my own marketing systems that allowed me to personally sponsor 30+ people

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per month on near auto-pilot without spending more than $100 a month in marketing costs. I knew that the launch was just the beginning, and I continued to work very hard to improve myself, my marketing systems, and my business. As the company expanded, I lead launches into the UK, Mexico, and Australia. Things were rocking and rolling. Then the whole “product launch” frenzy hit the Internet. A few “Internet marketing gurus” came out with their courses and product launch success stories. I realized quickly that I knew a thing or two about launches and wanted to see what I could do in that venture on the side. I spent 2-3 hours in the morning working on my little “product launch” side project to see if my tactics would work in the Internet marketing world. What were the results? In my first Internet marketing product launch I generated over $700,000.00 in sales in 7 days for an information product. Over the course of one year, that business went on to bring in millions and millions of dollars. I did another launch that brought in over $300,000.00, and then a bunch of other launches that created multi-million dollar businesses for the owners, took people to best-seller status, and much more. However, here’s the thing. I was a network marketer doing all this on the side as a hobby. I admit it, a hobby that brought in an extra six-figures in income at times, but I had a problem. I didn't want to be known in the Internet marketing community, because I was focused on building my network marketing business. I wanted to remain very quiet, so I always used pen names and when I met with many of the top Internet marketing gurus, I always asked them to keep my name confidential. I had absolutely zero interest in being a guru, too. I do not like the limelight, don’t want the limelight, and I truly enjoy going to Internet marketing events without anyone knowing about who I am or the launches that I created. For several years I quietly did the launches for many best-selling authors, consultants, start-up companies, and well-known Internet

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marketing guru's you have probably heard about. I was offered full-time positions at several companies to handle their launches, flown all over the country, but happily passed on all the offers because my network marketing business was continuing to explode and gain momentum. I literally lived two lives. I was a true 007 agent in the marketing world. My public side was in the network marketing profession, and at that time I was really building my brand online, on a website that I took down many years ago, regrettably. However, before I knew it, my part-time hobby doing product launches in the Internet marketing world also took off like a rocket. Without doing any marketing, word began to spread. I was getting clients who were happily paying me $15,000.00 and more upfront to write sales letters for them. I'd then earn a percentage of sales if I did the launch for them. Believe it or not, this was all very easily managed, while I worked my network marketing business full-time. How? Because the real action for my network marketing business took place in the evenings when everyone was home from work. Sure, I’d get a few calls here and there, but from 8 AM to 11 AM, my phone rarely ever rang, so that’s when I worked on my little side hobby. I would have never thought that my little hobby of doing launches for other people and companies would add six-figures to my income. I just didn’t plan on it, expect it, or have any real plans for it. It was truly just something that I enjoyed doing and to be honest, allowed me to learn a lot of valuable insider Internet marketing information that I then began to apply to my network marketing business to personally enroll 30+ people per month on near auto-pilot. When I say my little “hobby,” that's exactly what it was. My first true love was network marketing and the first MLM company that I worked. I mean I was truly head over heels in love with them. The End Is Near After several years of flying high, the company that I was associated with began to make poor decisions involving their product lines and

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the business itself. Things were just not making sense. Software began to crash, and it was beginning to become obvious that something was going on - which proved to be true. The owners of the company had other intentions and interests, and their focus shifted away from where it needed to be. Many distributors, including myself, had the rug pulled out from under us. Integrity and honesty is a big thing for me. If someone who I put all of my trust in and love does something to hurt me, I instantly break all ties, forever. I remember the day it all went down. I was sitting in a meeting with the other leaders at the home of one of the primary investors and a multi-million dollar earner in this profession. In fact, he is among the top earners in the entire profession. The owners of the company made several announcements that made absolutely zero sense to me, and I knew that the end was near. I stood up, gave the owners a glare that I hope that they never forget (as that was the last time I ever saw them), and exited the room for an emotional walk outside. I knew at that very moment that everything that I had built was on unstable ground, and as much as I didn’t want to accept it, I knew it was the end. I’m not ashamed to say as I walked around a neighborhood filled with multi million dollar homes, my eyes teared up. I was crushed beyond words. The only way I can describe the feeling is remembering back to your first love. If you unfortunately were on the wrong end of the stick and had your heart completely crushed, that’s about what it was like for me. If my heart-breakers happen to be reading this, I just want to say that I appreciate the opportunity and the lessons you taught me. Unfortunately, one of the biggest lessons you taught me is something I would rather not share in this book. Sadly, that really was the beginning of the end for that company, as everyone had predicted. I was crushed beyond my comprehension. Like many others, I had been misled, lied to, at times taken advantage of, chewed-up, and then spit out. My belief in the company and

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owners was gone. Sadly, so was my love for network marketing, which is truly one of my biggest regrets in life. I mentally checked out of the network marketing business when I returned home. I ended up selling my position in the company and decided to step away from network marketing forever. I was hurt beyond words. So much so that after a few months went by I went over to my laptop that I used for that business, picked it up, and then tossed it into the garbage. Every single contact that I had built up over the years of being in the network marketing business was gone. Everything was gone. Hundreds of blog posts, 3 or 4 ebooks, and thousands and thousands of contacts. I think back, and I’m not sure exactly what I was thinking that day. I surely didn’t have my future in mind. I was just so hurt and so wrapped up in the moment, I guess. All I know is how good it felt to throw that in the garbage. It was like a huge load was taken off of my shoulders. For the next couple of years, I got involved in many other businesses. I purchased multiple houses as real estate investments, got involved with a handful of technology start-ups, took on a half a dozen product launch clients, and just did my own thing. This was around the time that the economy really crashed, and it made absolutely no sense for me to continue investing in real estate. On top of that, several of my clients went underwater with the economy, and I soon found myself searching around for the “next big thing” again. Now I'll admit, around this time I did join a couple network marketing companies to keep one toe in the industry. However, I never really did much in them at all. I had all the best intentions, but my heart wasn't in it. I believe that if your heart isn't in something fully, there's no point in doing it. So for awhile, I just assumed that I had my one-time run in the network marketing profession and I would never get back into it.

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However, something was going on with me because I just wasn't feeling as fulfilled as I was when I was rocking and rolling in my previous MLM company. I felt empty. I didn’t feel like I was accomplishing anything. I didn’t feel the strong meaning and purpose I had felt before. I felt like something was missing. I had always believed that the more you work on yourself, the more successful you will become in your life and business, and for years, I was a huge fan and a student of personal development. I was reading many books, taking courses, attending seminars, and listening in on conference calls. When I stepped away from my previous company, I also stepped away from my daily personal development rituals. I stopped reading. I stopped watching seminars on DVD. I stopped listening to Tony Robins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and the countless network marketing industry trainers. Can you believe that? Looking back, I was seriously messed up by my “break-up” with my previous MLM company. I wish someone had slapped me out of the funk I was in. As a little time went on, I continued to flutter around, bouncing from one thing to the next. As the economy hit further, it started to really impact everything around me and most of the businesses I was working with. Thankfully I had one of those “light-bulb” conversations with a long-time friend who smacked some sense into me. She really drilled into me on the phone, and I'm talking “pull your ear away from the phone” type drilling. I never knew she had it in her, but that call was what set me on the new path. That was my initial wake up call. For the next couple of days I spent the entire day walking around parks with a notebook in hand. I wrote out everything and anything that came to mind. After a couple of days everything became clear, I needed to go back to my first real love, network marketing. More importantly, I needed to dive head-first back into personal development, because that is the root of everything. After all, if you want things around you to change, you yourself have to change. If

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you're not happy where you are now, learn how to create the new life you want. That's exactly what I did. Within a couple of days I downloaded a ton of new books onto my iPad, bought multiple DVD sets covering various aspects of personal development, and yes, even joined a network marketing company. I had many great intentions with the company that I had joined. I worked my butt off trying to get things cooking, but something strange was going on. No matter how much or how hard I worked, I was not seeing the results I was looking for. Something just didn’t feel quite right. Sure, I had some leaders join and had the fastest growing group in the company within my organization, but something was going on that I just couldn’t put my finger on. Something just did not feel right, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. But one thing did become clear to me during this time, I realized that I was not in the right company that was in alignment with my long-term dreams and goals. A few weeks went by and the idea to reach out to a couple of long-time industry friends popped into my head. These guys are the top of the top when it comes to what the MLM industry is all about. In many ways, they have shaped this industry in a very, very positive way. I do not know of anyone more honest, smart, thoughtful, giving, ethical, and there are literally hundreds of other words that I could use to describe how incredible these individuals are. I’m being 100% serious. They are a blast to be around, fun to work with, and the type of people when you meet them, that you just know that you’re going to be friends for life. Many years had gone by since we last spoke. I really didn't have a purpose or agenda, I just felt the need to reach out to them for some reason. I sent an email to them in the morning basically sharing a high level overview of my story and that I felt in my heart that it was my time to come back into the industry in a big way, with the right company.

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By evening I received a reply that blew me away. It had been a good five or six years since we had spoken, and they mentioned that they had just mentioned my name a couple of days prior to a company that they were working with as consultants. Wow! This was not just any company, either. This was a company that was gearing up to launch, and they said they didn’t know of anyone better who could help launch a network marketing company than yours truly. Now why would they say that? It was because these same people were the ones who introduced me to the first company when I did a prelaunch of 30,000 enrollees. Talk about a crazy twist of fate, right? We exchanged emails and had several calls over the course of a month. The more I learned about the company that they were consulting for, the more I realized that this was a company that had more potential than anything I had ever seen. I’m talking about, if all the stars and planets aligned, type of scenario. I let them know that I’d be willing to literally drop everything and go full-time consulting with this company to work on their prelaunch and anything else that they needed help accomplishing. I had my fingers crossed that this was the big one I was dreaming that I would one day find. Within a few weeks I found myself sitting in the stands at Fenway Park at a Red Sox game with two consultants and one of the owners of the company. We all hit it off and shortly after, I visited the company headquarters and signed my consulting contract with them. I knew at that very moment that I had finally found my home. I allowed myself to open up again. I allowed myself to dream of what was possible. The company had all the ingredients anyone, including any leader in network marketing could ever ask for, and I knew that the moment we went into prelaunch I was also going to be working my tail off to build my own organization with the goal of going full-time into the company on day one. I knew I had a big task ahead of me. Remember, I tossed out my computer that had all of my leads, contacts, and more from the

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industry, into the garbage. I was literally going to be starting completely from scratch. I do not have much of a warm market at all. I knew that if I were to build this, then 99% of the people that I personally sponsored into this business would be people I had not worked with previously. (See, I’m starting right where many of you are, but you have a major advantage over me. You have more time than I do to work your prelaunch!) From that point on, I dove in head first designing the prelaunch for the company. As we progressed, my involvement covered nearly all areas of the company, from hiring marketing teams, other consultants, writing content, video scripts, providing feedback on the compensation plan, product names, company name, logos, graphics, images -- you name it. I have never worked with such an amazing group of people in my life. All of the employees at the home office continue to amaze me. They all share such an enormous vision for where they want to take the company over the next several years and decades. They are all working hard to build a company that we can all be proud to be aligned with and a true legacy. I have personally seen first-hand, multiple times, how seriously they take their business and their products, and I can honestly say that I have never met such an honest, authentic, and visionary group of individuals who all share one of the largest visions and missions that I have ever been directly involved in. Before I knew it, I began to really fall in love with the company and their products. Most importantly, my love for the network marketing industry had returned in full force, fifty thousand times stronger than ever before. Over the past several months, I have traveled all around the country for meetings. In fact, I traveled so much that I went from a brand new Southwest Airline Rapid Rewards member to an A-List+ Member within just a few months, and I’m now just 2-3 flights away from their highest level where my wife can fly for free with me for an entire year. I also went from a non-existent Marriott Rewards Member to now enjoying many perks.

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So yes, I have lived on the road for a large part of this journey. It has not been easy to be away from my wife and son, but we all know why I’m working so hard and what a successful launch will mean for our family and the families of potentially thousands of others. The time and energy that it takes to launch a brand new network marketing company is beyond most people’s comprehension. We’ve had dozens and dozens of people working around the clock and millions of dollars pour into this launch. It has been an absolute whirlwind, and I’m honestly having the best time of my life, and the most fun in my life. As I told the other consultants that I’m working with, (MLM Joe) is back. There is no way that I’m missing out on a business that I believe in the future will allow me to be working alongside my son, who is currently just three years old. Based on many factors, I firmly believe that this company will be the long-term home that many people have been searching for as I have.

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The Story Behind This Book The idea for this book came to me on February 15, 2010, which is the day that I registered a domain name related to this book. However, at that time, I was not aware of or involved with any network marketing prelaunch. No opportunity had recently presented itself to inspire me to take part in a prelaunch, either as a creator or participant. So the initial outline for this book sat on my computer for a full three years. However, in October, 2012, my world changed. Thanks to a couple of very good friends in the industry whom I truly consider family, I was provided with the exact opportunity I had been seeking for many years. These friends introduced me to a new company that I strongly sensed was going to be the next “big one” in the network marketing industry. Additionally, I was brought on as a consultant to run the entire prelaunch and launch of the company. Within a day, I knew that this company would be the long-term home that I had been searching for. I then quickly announced that on day one of the prelaunch, I was going to go full-time with this company as a distributor. At the same time, I would continue managing the prelaunch and launch, endeavoring to build something truly amazing. I started writing this book in April, 2013 because I knew the time for this book had finally arrived. Admittedly, I may have been a little too ambitious thinking that I could handle the thousands of moving parts of a pre-launch and launch and also find the time to sit down and write a book. Consequently, nearly every word here was written between the hours of 1 AM and 3 AM when all of the to-do’s of the day had been accomplished and the dust had settled. Many times, I fell asleep in mid-sentence and I’d often open the document the next day to find sentences and paragraphs that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. I’m sure my editor had a field day. This has not been an easy journey by any means. However, the information that I want to share with you is so critical and so potentially life-changing for you and your family that I was absolutely

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driven to the core to get this written and out the door as fast as possible. I hope you enjoy the book, but more importantly, I hope that you take action on the information you learn here and create an amazing network marketing business.

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2. 30,000 PEOPLE IN 30 DAYS How did I enroll 30,000 people in just 30 days and go on to earn seven-figures in network marketing because of a prelaunch? You’re about to find out. But before we begin, I want to provide you with a glimpse of the real power of a network marketing prelaunch and what it could provide for you financially. Just the other day I received a call from one of my longtime friends, Bob who I haven’t spoken to in quite some time. As far as how we met many years ago, believe it or not, I was a contact on one of his email marketing lists. I replied to a message he had sent to me and asked if he would be interested in learning about a new business opportunity. He replied expressing interest, and the rest as they say, is history. Back in 2003, he was the second person I enrolled into my first MLM prelaunch on the day that I kicked it off. Now today, ten years later, he told me that he is still earning a nice monthly residual income from that launch. How cool is that? That single prelaunch has provided him with a 100% true, hands-free, monthly residual income that he earns from the work he did ten years ago. Do you have a reliable monthly residual income from your past efforts? Unless you are an author, inventor, or you are in some other niche where you are paid royalties or a residual income, I’d be willing to bet that very few readers of this book enjoy such a prospect. I wanted to share this testimony with you to provide just one example of the impact that a prelaunch can have on the financial destiny of you and your family for years to come. However, you must be willing to do the work and follow the proven systems that I’m going to show you in this book. Nothing, and I mean nothing will be held back. I’m pouring everything I have into this book for you.

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To officially begin, first and foremost, I would like to thank you for investing the time to read this information. I can assure you that if you take the time to read this, and most importantly internalize and apply what you learn in any prelaunch, you will achieve amazing results. Now please keep in mind that this book is not about getting rich quick. However, many can and have created substantial and growing monthly residual income streams from scratch in as little as 30 days through a network marketing prelaunch. Just the beginning A prelaunch is just the beginning. Focused prelaunch efforts can save weeks, months, or even years of work compared to what it would otherwise take to enroll comparable numbers of distributors and customers in your organization post-launch. A prelaunch is a 100% proven method to quickly build a robust network marketing business foundation. There is a potential concern regarding the use of the word “quickly” when talking about success or income, since the notion often attracts the wrong types of people. This includes those looking to get rich overnight and hoping to never have to work again. They are always looking for the next big thing and end up wasting years jumping from one opportunity to the next, never building a stable and prosperous business. I know this type of person very well indeed, because I used to be that person. I wasted many years of my life searching for a business opportunity where I could get rich and never have to work again. My search for this golden opportunity started when I was around 14 and lasted for more years than I care to admit until I finally woke up to reality. For those of you reading this who are only looking for a business that you can work for 30 days and then walk away forever, never to work again, a network marketing prelaunch is not for you. Truthfully, I do not think any business is right for you unless you adjust your way of thinking. I learned this the hard way.

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I can assure you that there is not one legal business that will allow you to do a little work for a month, make you millions, and then allow you to retire on your island somewhere in the South Pacific. If such a business existed, I would have found it. Any business worth building is worth your time and dedication. It takes time to build any successful business and you must be willing to invest the necessary time, energy, and resources to get to where you want to go. Network marketing is a business, and it needs to be treated as such. If you want to continue to enjoy or even expand upon your success and newfound freedom following a prelaunch, you will need to continue working on your business to keep it thriving. However, don’t let the word “work” scare you. The actual work required will evolve over time as you achieve or even surpass your initial dreams and goals. Once you reach a comfortable level of financial freedom that the network marketing profession offers, you will also find that where and how much you work is 100% up to you. If a trouble-making kid who barely scraped by in high school with a 1.3 GPA, who never went to college and who sold Kirby vacuum cleaners door-to-door for a very modest living can succeed in network marketing, I firmly believe anyone can. Let me ask those of you who are really ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work some critical questions. What if you could completely change your life financially within the next 30 days? What if you could go from bouncing around from one job to the next, being broke and unhappy, to living the life of your dreams? What if you could set up a solid foundation for a business in those 30 days that continued to pay you for many years, decades, or for the rest of your life? Additionally, what if that business provided you with real time freedom that enabled you to work when you wanted, wherever you wanted? Does all this sound too far-fetched?

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If I had been told that these things were attainable several years back, I wouldn’t have believed that it was possible. It would have sounded like good old-fashioned network marketing hype to me. In fact, the achievements mentioned above seemed so far away and frankly downright inconceivable compared to where I was at the time. However, I can assure you that these goals are achievable if you are willing to invest the time and effort. Now I not only believe it is possible, I know it is. Let me share how this transition took place. It wasn’t too many years ago that I went from being completely broke and jobless to earning five figures per month in network marketing in just 30 days due to my efforts in a prelaunch. This did not occur just once. I went on to do prelaunches in several countries around the world, which allowed me to join the seven-figure earner club in network marketing. In addition to prelaunches, I also implemented variations of my launch strategies to sell millions of dollars worth of books, courses, seminars, and other products online for clients back when I had a side launch business up and running. I’ve helped authors become best-sellers. A couple of years back, I helped a little known iPhone app go from zero to being the #1 downloaded app during the Christmas/Holiday Season. Also, I’ve done some other cool things with product launches over the years. Believe me, I am not sharing these testimonies to toot my own horn at all. My purpose is to let you know that I’m not some random guy writing a book on the “theory” of how to implement a successful prelaunch. I’m writing this as someone who has accomplished it multiple times inside network marketing and out. Yes, you can do very well in a prelaunch regardless of your background. As long as the company that is hosting the prelaunch has everything you need to become successful, as outlined in a later chapter, you can forever change your financial situation. If you’re ready to get serious, roll up your sleeves and get to work. It’s then, and only then, that your

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future may see a radical change in ways you may have only dreamed about. Now before we dive into the first chapter, I need to be upfront with you. First, I cannot make any claims or promises regarding the income you can generate during a prelaunch. This is not a pie-in-the-sky, get-rich-quick deal. The network marketing profession is real, legitimate, highly regulated, and just like any other business on the planet, it requires work. How much income you generate following a prelaunch directly relates to the time and energy you put into building your business. There are no hidden secrets, magical formulas, or shortcuts to overnight success. This is the real deal. I’m going to share the information that I have gleaned from my amazing journey to help guide you in achieving your goals and dreams. However, if you are the type of person who is looking for some type of formula for success in a prelaunch and post-launch, I can outline three options for you: A) Do no work = no income B) Do very little work = very little income C) Work hard, smart, and follow the proven systems to build your business = an unlimited income potential It’s really that simple. The purpose of this book is to serve as your guide when you find a network marketing company that interests you and is in the prelaunch phase. If it happens to be the company we’re prelaunching summer 2013, great! If not, then I hope you take what you learn in this book and apply it to your situation and the company you choose to work long-term. What My First Prelaunch Did For Me

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For those of you who are interested, at the end of this book I share the full story about how a prelaunch completely changed my life forever. However, let me share a quick bird’s eye view of a few highlights from that exciting time.

• I was able to go full-time in network marketing in just 30 days and generate a check my first month that was more than I had ever earned in a previous year.

• In time, I advanced to a five-figure monthly residual income

that continued to come in for many years.

• I stopped bouncing around from job to job and was finally able to free myself from all previous and future bosses forever.

• Because of the success and time freedom that my first

prelaunch afforded me, I flew to (where I live now) from my home in (where I lived before) to attend a network marking event. One afternoon, while standing in line at a restaurant, I met this very special lady. A month later, I moved to (a city) to be with this beautiful gal. Now we’re married and have an incredible son.

All this thanks to network marketing and prelaunches! Obviously, I cannot promise that you will find the man or woman of your dreams because of a prelaunch, but if it does happen to you, I’d love to hear about it! I sincerely hope that you will come to grasp the powerful potential that a prelaunch has not only to transform your life, but also the lives of the people who you care about. After all, what’s the point of success if we don’t share the incredible rewards with the people we care about most in life? At least for me, that’s what it’s all about. One last thing before proceeding, please understand that just because I have had wildly successful prelaunches in the past doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to achieve the same. Since I do not know your work ethic or why you are interested in this opportunity, and I have no idea who your contacts are or what you bring to the table as far as

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skills, motivation, and drive, I cannot assure you that you will excel in this business. However, I truly want to see you succeed and create the foundation of a business that continues to thrive and that pays you and everyone on your team for decades to come. It all comes down to you and what you’re willing to do to achieve your dreams and goals. At the very least, wouldn’t it be great not only to get your initial investment back the very first month, but also be earning enough in ongoing commissions to ensure that your products are covered in successive months? It’s a fact that only a small percentage of people will go into a prelaunch with the full intention and commitment required to go from zero to a full-time income on day one of the launch. The majority of people who enroll in a prelaunch are looking to supplement their income. They’d love to make an extra $1,000 or $2,000 per month for their family. That is their goal and commitment level in this business and that’s the beauty of the network marketing industry. If they are willing to do the work, they can achieve it. Earning an extra $1,000 to $2,000 per month or more can really enhance the lives of countless families. The additional income could mean paying off bills, going on more vacations, buying more toys for the kids, having more savings for retirement, college, savings for a house, etc. So please understand, I’m writing this book with both groups of people in mind. The information I am about to share is geared toward the 2% of people who want to create a full-time income and build their career in network marketing as well as the 98% of those who are looking to supplement their income initially. Many who are not ready to commit to going full-time in an MLM opportunity often change their game plan once they realize the potential of the business.

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“Working a prelaunch can propel you from zero to a respectable part-time income or even a substantial full-time monthly residual

income. It all comes down to two things, your work ethic and your mindset.”

For some of you, this first part may not be new information if you have experience in the network marketing industry. However, I advise that you do not skip this chapter since there may be a few golden nuggets to be found. The network marketing industry, also known as MLM, multi-level marketing, or direct sales, is responsible for billions of dollars in revenue for many products and services sold around the world annually. This included an estimated $28.56 billion dollars in sales in the USA alone in 2010 according to the DSA or Direct Selling Association, the leading national trade association for the industry. In simplest form, network marketing replaces traditional distribution channels and retail outlets that most companies routinely utilize to get their products into the marketplace. Instead of a corporation spending vast sums for storefronts, salaried salespeople, and marketing/branding campaigns, some opt to operate as a network marketing company to distribute their products or services. Anyone who is at least 18 years old can join a network marketing company to become a distributor and retail the products that the company offers. There is always a sign-up fee involved to get your distributor kit and products. This should be considered a start-up cost similar to what would be expected with beginning any business. Once on board as an active distributor/associate, you can earn income in two ways. First, you are paid a commission when retailing the product to customers (including the monthly residual income from ongoing customer orders). The second income stream involves

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building a team of other distributors and earning commissions from the sales that they generate. Additionally, there are usually several different types of bonuses and bonus pools that you can qualify for to increase your monthly income. However, the foundation of your business comes down to two things, distributors and customers. From my experience, there are several types of people who get involved in network marketing. Let me elaborate. The Customer - Some people have zero interest in building a business but want to try your products. They purchase the products directly from you at your home or via your company provided website, and you earn a commission. The Long-Term Repeat Customer - Some people become a distributor or enroll into an auto-ship program to get discounts on the products. MLM companies usually offer distributors great discounts even those distributors with little or no interest in building a business. These types of distributors/customers will often continue to purchase products for many years. I know several distributors of companies that are earning monthly residual commissions from customers/distributors who they signed up over 25 years ago. Now that is residual income! The Retailing Distributor - Some people decide to join an MLM opportunity only to retail the products and not to build a team of other distributors. Some dabble a little in both facets of the business. These associates are appreciated since they can bring in a lot of volume into your organization each month. The Part-Time Distributor - Some people just want to earn upwards of $1,000 - $2,000+ per month working part-time to help supplement their income. The awesome thing is that the network marketing industry can and does provide an avenue to meet this goal and level of commitment. In this economy there are countless numbers of people in the world right now who would benefit greatly from $500 to $2,000 or more per month.

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The Full-Time Distributor - Finally, there are those who see the business opportunity as their path to personal freedom and work hard to generate a six or seven-figure income. These people are often seen as leaders in their chosen company. The great thing about these guys and gals is that they started EXACTLY where I started and right where you are starting. Anyone can start from zero and work their way up and even surpass their sponsor as well as the top leaders in a company. It happens all the time in network marketing. This is an important concept that you need to get your mind around regarding the network marketing profession. Anyone, regardless of background or financial situation, can start at the bottom (where we all start) and work their way to the top, sometimes very quickly - especially in a prelaunch. Compare this to the corporate world. If I were a janitor for Apple today, what would my chances be of becoming their next CEO in the next few months or few years? I’d say just about as close to zero as you can possibly get. Anyone, and I mean anyone can rise to the top of a network marketing company. As long as someone possesses the right attitude, has clearly defined goals, and is willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work, anything and everything is achievable. The Core of Network Marketing Apart from the products and services that network marketing companies offer, at its core, the industry is about personal development. The more you improve your mindset and leadership skills and build positive habits, the more successful you’ll become. You will learn incredible life skills and business lessons that will have dramatic effects on your income and success in future endeavors when you are involved in this amazing profession. Network marketing is a proven business model. It is not a get-rich-quick deal. It’s also not a pyramid scheme. The two get confused when some people who are involved in illegal pyramids disguise their “business opportunity” as a network marketing company in an

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attempt to stay under the radar. This usually works for awhile, but eventually they are shut down by the authorities. Network marketing is a highly regulated industry with professional associations holding high standards for companies that are members. Companies that are operating illegally or as a pyramid get shut down by the Federal Government. In fact, there have been a couple of companies that have been shut down recently. They had no real products, and their business was mainly a recruiting game. They got caught and were shut down immediately. People may have been able to get away with running these types of operations a few years back, but thanks to the Internet and social media, scams masquerading as legitimate network marketing companies are exposed quickly and shut down just as fast. Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Companies that primarily focus on the income potential, are all about the money, and have no real products will not be around too long. Companies that are legitimate are often members of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), which has very strict enrollment requirements and waiting periods. It can often take a network marketing company years to get approved for membership. For more information about the network marketing industry, feel free to check out some of the books available on Amazon. Now that you have at least a basic understanding of network marketing, let’s find out what the prelaunch phase is all about. The Prelaunch When a network marketing company is preparing to launch, one of the primary strategies utilized to put them on the map on day one is a prelaunch. Executed properly, a prelaunch can take a network marketing company from zero-to-millions of dollars in revenue in short order. Additionally, the distributors who pre-built their organizations during the prelaunch have the opportunity to earn a part-time or even a full-time monthly income right out of the gate.

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Over the years, many people and companies have hyped their business opportunity. It was common for them to show images of fast cars, mansions, people on the beach, and piles of $100 bills. Those types of prelaunches attract the “get-rich-quick” folks. These endeavors often collapse within 30-60 days as everyone who enrolled leaves to join the next launch in their quest to becoming rich over night. A true prelaunch is hype-free, but still exciting. When you join a prelaunch, you have the opportunity to pre-build your business very quickly, which is incredibly exciting! You can shave months or even years off the business building curve. Sign-up To Get Your Own Replicated Website Often during a prelaunch, people can enroll for free to get their own company replicated website that they can share with people they know to begin pre-building their team of distributors. Typically, the process to get your personalized site begins with filling out your name, email address, and then choosing your own replicated website ID. You’ll get access to a virtual back office on via your site, where you can manage and keep track of your business. You’ll also have access to training and conference call and webinar information pertaining to your new business. If a company is really on top of its game, it will have additional marketing materials available to help you pre-build your business during the prelaunch. The only way one can enroll into a prelaunch is through someone else who has already enrolled. If the prelaunch was set up correctly, then you cannot enroll with the company directly. The corporate office or “home team” needs to be in complete lockdown during the prelaunch. This means no enrollments, no customers, no distributors. The typical prelaunch phase lasts only about 30 days, so it is critical that you put in as much time, energy, and attention into this short time period as you can since the upgrade period (see next section) will be here before you know it. You want to maximize the stability and earning potential of your new venture as much as possible during these early stages.

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The Upgrade Period Now that you’ve worked hard to pre-build your business, it’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts. At the tail end of the prelaunch, there is an upgrade period when everyone who was enrolled during the prelaunch can become a paid distributors. Usually you can upgrade right from your virtual back office via your new website during this phase, and you’ll automatically be sponsored by the person who referred you. This upgrade period typically lasts only 5-7 days, so it is critical that you encourage all your personally enrolled prospects to upgrade to distributor status immediately and that they do the same with their prospects. To become an active distributor, you typically choose a package and your monthly auto-ship amount. The initial start-up fees can range anywhere from $50 to $1,000 or more, depending on the company and their options. The start-up fee typically covers your distributor kit, marketing materials, initial product order, and more. The monthly auto-ship is what you pay per month for the products for personal use and is usually lower than the retail price of the products you’ll be offering to customers. Basic back office access is usually free. However, in some cases there is an optional monthly fee for access to your back office and /or any special upgraded marketing tools that the company provides. This usually ranges between $20 and $50 per month, depending on the company. As far as upgrading is concerned, the order in which people enroll into the company does not matter. Everything is tracked to ensure that your organization stays aligned and that everyone that you enrolled stays on your team, according to who sponsored them. You just need to remember to make certain that everyone who is enrolled, either by you or by those you sponsor, get upgraded to an active distributor.

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Now you may be wondering what happens if someone doesn’t join the company by becoming a distributor during the upgrade period after the prelaunch? Unfortunately, they would lose his or her prelaunch or launch spot in the company and would not be entitled to earn commissions from distributors or customers. However, continue to follow-up with them every 60 days or so. They may become interested in enrolling with you at a later date (or becoming a customer) when their timing changes. Remember, in order to earn commissions in network marketing, you have to be an active distributor. This means you have purchased a distributor kit and meet the monthly volume requirements, which typically involves ordering the minimum amount of product each month on the auto-ship program. Post-Launch This is when the fun really begins! At this point, you’ll really be building a solid business and earning commissions from all of your efforts. This is when the scope of the opportunity can become very real, and it can be a very exciting time for you. More importantly, watch your mailbox because it is about this time that you will receive some highly anticipated packages. These shipments typically include your distributor kit, which usually consists of information about the company, products, fliers, documents, marketing materials, perhaps a business opportunity overview DVD, and often many other goodies. You should also be on the lookout for the awesome company products you have purchased. You’ll want to dive right in and start using the products and following any suggested protocol to document your results. If you happen to have any samples, be sure to get those into the hands of everyone you can as soon as possible. You never know who may benefit from your samples or product information and end up becoming a customer or distributor. Now one tiny piece of additional advice that I’ll mention here is that it is important to keep a business mindset. Even in these early stages as

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your organization and income are still expanding, you need to earnestly stay dedicated to committing time and resources to achieve the level of success you desire. If it is at all possible to have a dedicated area in your apartment or home that can function as your office, it would be ideal. You’ll want to have a specified place where you always go to work on your business without the usual distractions. For those of you with children at home, believe me, I know the challenge it can be at times. My little buddy loves to pop into my office when I’m in the middle of an important phone call. It seems he waits outside my door and then strolls in just at the right (or wrong) time, excited to tell me or show me something. It should be comforting to know that millions of other network marketers working from home face the same challenges too. You’re not the only one - not by a long shot. But those who are dedicated to achieving their goals find a way to balance family and work time. Once you are operating with a business mindset and have your home office area established, your focus shifts between working with those on your team, helping them get their businesses established and building your own business. A thriving MLM business basically involves expanding your customer base (those who buy products or services only), enrolling new distributors, and supporting your team members. You’ll want to meet with your team and begin working together and setting some goals over the next 30, 60, and 90 days. You’ll also want to invest time in getting to know more about the products, company, and compensation plan. It is also critical that you and everyone on your team stays plugged into the support system that is established. This means joining any live conference calls and webinars hosted by the company and your upline. Next, you will want to start gearing up for the official launch event (also called a convention) of the company. The First Convention: Absolutely Critical That You And Your Team Attend

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A live event/convention — I use the term interchangeably here — is typically scheduled a few months out following a prelaunch. These events usually last 2-3 days and are packed with speakers covering all sorts of topics relating to your business, opportunity, products, personal development, etc. If you want your organization to gain momentum within a short period of time, you should encourage everyone on your team to be at company-sponsored live events, if at all possible. Events recognize you and your team for achievements, help build belief in the company, the industry, and most importantly, belief in yourself. They are what solidify everything that you’ve been working so hard to accomplish. Additionally, they can also be the one that that completely takes your business to the next level - and they often do. Make it a point to be one of the first on your team to register for the official launch event and encourage others you have brought into the business to register. The first event can have hundreds to thousands of people in attendance. As a company grows, it is not uncommon for company-sponsored events to host tens of thousands of distributors! The energy at network marketing events cannot be matched. You have so many people all in one room with one thing in mind, FREEDOM. They are all working towards one shared goal, and the excitement at these events is truly contagious. There is nothing more powerful than getting to hang out with your team members face-to-face at these events as well. If you’ve attended a convention/event before, especially the very first one for the company, you know what I mean when I say that they are really, truly special. There is just a buzz and an energy that is unmatched by any other event you’ve experienced. Also, there is NOTHING more thrilling than being at an event and looking over at everyone who you’ve brought into the business who are so excited, happy, and taking everything in. The feeling you get from knowing that it is because of YOU that those people are now on the right track to changing their

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lives for the better is indescribable. Especially when they are on stage receiving an award. One last thing that I’ll mention about the very first event/convention is, if you and your team are able, try to arrive a full day early, depending on everyone’s work schedule. This will give you some time together to strategize, make some plans, set some goals, and get ready for the event. You will also have additional time to make some key introductions between your sponsor (or other leaders in the company) and those who you personally enrolled into the business. For The Introverted Network Marketers As a side note, if you are an introverted person like me, you may shutter a little about live events and being around so many people. If this describes you, seriously, don’t worry. If being around a lot of people wears you down, I have discovered a few helpful tips over the years that can keep your energy going throughout the events. First, plan ahead your “me time,” knowing that this will give you a chance to recharge. Extroverts get their energy from being around others; we introverts get ours from being by ourselves or with just a small group of people we know. I often duck out during breaks to my hotel room or go for a walk to recharge when I feel the need to do so. When I say “often” I really mean it. I’m usually bouncing around during events quite a bit! The energy at these events gets me all fired up on the one hand, but also drains me like a car battery when you leave the lights on overnight on the other. It took several events, but I eventually found a balance that worked for me, and I’m sure you’ll find a balance that works for you too. Just remember that it is critical to recharge so that you enjoy yourself and stay energized. For introverts, there’s nothing worse than going hours on end at an event without any recharge time. By dinner you’re so worn out that the only thing you can think about is bed. So fellow introverts, make it a point to recharge every few hours or so to get the most out of the experience of a live event.

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4. PRELAUNCH GOLDEN NUGGETS I do not know of any other industry that provides the amazing opportunities that network marketing does including prelaunches. The work that you do during a prelaunch can benefit you for many years ahead. This is due to the fact that a stable company with amazing products will attract customers that often remain loyal to them for years, even decades. Thus, you can continue to receive ongoing commissions from sales generated by you and your organization as long as you remain a qualified distributor. This is called residual income. I personally know people who have built network marketing organizations in the early 90′s that are still paid a six, even seven-figure income today, even though they haven’t touched their business in nearly 20 years. It is amazing. This epitomizes freedom. That is what I love about this industry. It’s not just the personal freedom you can achieve, but it’s also about the joys of sharing it with others to help them become free. This is what is really rewarding. The money is great, but being responsible for helping someone better their life by getting out of debt, quitting their job, etc., is the true reward at the end of the day. As you progress in your network marketing journey, you’ll find that, “The more people you help become successful, the more successful you will become,” one of my favorite quotes, and it’s 100% true. Best of all, many network marketing companies are heavily involved in charitable work inside and outside the US. This provides you with many opportunities to give back to the community, help others, and truly build a business that is making a difference in the world. Between recruiting others and showing them a path to freedom, enrolling customers and getting them interested in amazing products, and being a part of various charities, helping children, feeding the

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homeless, etc., you can truly build a legacy and a business that brings great pride and joy. The Fast Track To A Network Marketing Prelaunch Success Although a prelaunch usually only lasts for 30 days, you will want to start your business on the right foot. Work hard for the short-term, but always keep your long-term dreams and goals in mind. Never lose sight of why you decided to get into this industry in the first place. By now you know that a prelaunch allows you to pre-build your team of distributors prior to a network marketing company officially opening their doors to accept paid distributor and customer enrollments. The main purpose of a prelaunch is for you to get a head start in building your business. It’s really that simple. Because there is no cost to enroll into a prelaunch, you have a great opportunity to pre-build a team of tens, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people who are also excited about the company, products, and business opportunity. One mistake that people often make is not to take their company’s prelaunch seriously. Since it costs nothing to enroll during a prelaunch, some people dabble a little in the launch period by posting a link or two on Facebook or their blog and then hope something great happens. Unless you are a thought leader with a massive following of thousands of people who are all chomping at the bit to read your next blog post or Facebook status update, it will require a bit more work than that to achieve any level of success. Remember, the more active you are throughout the entire prelaunch phase the more success you will achieve on launch day and beyond. Treat This Prelaunch As A Business - Starting On Day One The fastest way to success during a prelaunch is to treat this as a business from day one, the day that you enroll into the prelaunch. It

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doesn’t matter if you enroll on day 1, 10, 20, or 29. What is important is that you’re in prior to the company officially launching, and you have the opportunity to pre-build your business early on at no cost. During the prelaunch, learn all you can about the company, products, and compensation plan. Attend all the company conference calls and webinars possible. Do everything you can to get educated about the company and business opportunity possible while you’re actively building your business. Talk to others. Market your replicated website on all social networks, blogs, forums, and every possible way available to you. By sharing your website with everyone, you never ever know who will join your team and build an amazing business. Never ever prejudge anyone. Some of your biggest leaders may be those with whom you would never have thought of sharing your business. During a prelaunch, being too shy or skittish could cost you four, five, six, or even seven figures of lost commissions over the years. Now is the time to make big things happen and really get serious about reaching the goals you’ve set out to achieve. Pick Up Your Phone Get serious and pick up your phone. Remember, network marketing is about people and relationships. You cannot build a strong relationship with someone by email alone. You need to make that personal connection. If you happen to live near someone, face-to-face is obviously even better. FACT: Those who pick up the phone and call the people who enroll via their prelaunch website will be much more effective in establishing a working relationship with their new team members. This is a 100% proven fact. I have seen this scenario play out multiple times. The results speak for themselves. A critical skill that you can begin to develop now is meeting and engaging prospects and customers during a phone call. It is easy to talk to friends and family on the phone, but it can be awkward when it is someone you have never met or hardly know. It’s not rocket science though and the more you do it, the more comfortable it will become.

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So, when you see that someone has enrolled on your prelaunch website, give him a call and welcome him. Remember, you don’t have to sell them anything or try to convince him to do anything because he has already enrolled. You should introduce yourself and you will also want to gauge his interest in the business opportunity. Let him know that you are building a team and that you are looking for those who have leadership potential. On the first call (assuming you are speaking to a male), you should also thank him for enrolling on your team. If you don’t know who he is, simply ask them a few questions. Why is he interested in this business? What are his goals with this business? What did he like most about the videos or website? Where does he live? What is his current occupation? Before ending the call, be sure to invite him to the next company conference call or webinar. It is important to keep in mind that, just because people enroll on your team via your website, it doesn’t mean they fully understand the extremely limited amount of time that they have to jump start their business. Also, it doesn’t mean that they truly grasp the magnitude of the opportunity that is now available to them. So be sure they know about the next webinar or call that the company is hosting. Their attendance at one of these sessions will help to paint the picture of just how big the opportunity is and how important it is to take advantage of the remainder of the prelaunch phase. One powerful method that you can use to get a commitment from someone to be on the next call or webinar is to use the “If I, would you” angle. I have used variations of this over the years, but Eric Worre, author of the outstanding book, Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, does an excellent job of going into many details about the “If I, would you” question when seeking a commitment from a prospect or team member. (For details about the book, go to: I’ll talk about his book in a moment, but here’s a couple of examples of how you could structure questions to encourage further participation when calling people who’ve enrolled on your prelaunch website.

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• If I give you the conference call number and pin to listen in on our live prelaunch business opportunity overview tonight at 8:00 PM EST, would you listen to it?

• If I send you an email with a link to a live webinar starting at

8:00 PM EST tonight that explains everything you need to know about the company, products, and compensation plan, would you watch it?

Odds are if you called them shortly after they enrolled, they haven’t had time to go into their back office to access that information yet anyway. Even if they have, there is nothing wrong with using this approach. If you already know the person who enrolled, pick up the phone anyway! Sending your friend an email or message on Facebook won’t cut it. No matter who enrolls on your team, you need to make a personal connection. Remember, this is network marketing, which is a relationship-based business. The more personable and accessible you are to prospects and team members, the more influence you will have on their business success. They will look to you as their leader, and your enthusiasm will be contagious. Also, keep in mind that you are or will be their immediate mentor in the business, and they will more readily come to you for guidance if they are comfortable speaking with you either in person or on the phone. I cannot stress the importance of making relationship-building calls to your new team members. This is because I have experienced the powerful results first-hand. During my first prelaunch, I enrolled a woman who I will call Jessica. She had some internet marketing experience and a few email lists that she leveraged during the launch. She personally enrolled around 80 people during the prelaunch, if I remember correctly. I was in contact with her often and always reminded her to call everyone who enrolled, welcoming them to the team, and inviting them onto one of our live calls.

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During the upgrade period I gave her a call and asked how she was doing, even though I could see in my back office that she was not doing very well, nor was anyone she had enrolled. During that call, I found that she was upset. She told me she sent out an email to everyone that enrolled on her website and reminded them to log into the back office to upgrade, and only one or two people did. I reminded her that network marketing is a business built on relationships. We’re not here to “sell” people on the business opportunity. Very few people join a network marketing company out of the blue, with no communication from their sponsor. By the time the upgrade period was over and the company had officially launched, she only had a few people on her team. She ended up dropping out of the business within 30 days. Little did she know, if she had simply picked up the phone and welcomed people when they enrolled and worked with them, she could have had a large and thriving team when the company launched. I’ll never forget what she experienced because it was the first time that I had seen that happen. Unfortunately, in every launch and prelaunch that I have been involved in over the years, there’s always a few “Jessica’s” out there who enroll a lot of people, but then never take the next step to simply call them and begin relationship building. The final result is always the same. Only a few people come on board, and then that person drops out of the company. So yes, I may often hammer how important it is to pick up the phone and call everyone who enrolls on your website during the prelaunch, but it is one of the most critical factors to success during this phase. Just remember these simple steps: 1. Enroll 2. Call 3. Welcome 4. Learn

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5. Invite Someone enrolls in the opportunity by way of your website. You call her and welcome her to your team. You learn about her, (her background, why she is interested in the business, etc.) and then invite her to the next company conference call or webinar. This is an aside, but I wanted to mention that there are some awesome people out there who you will have the opportunity to meet in this business. In fact, the second person I enrolled in my first network marketing opportunity was someone who I did not know beforehand. Since then, he has been one of my best friends for more than ten years. He saw one of my ads and contacted me. I called him, enrolled him in the business, and we’ve been working together on various projects over the years ever since. There are many people with whom I’ve become incredibly close, many who I have met in the network marketing business. The friendships that I have made in this business are with people that I would do almost anything for and they would do the same; they are life-long friends. Another priceless benefit and another of the many reasons I love this business is the close relationships formed working in the network marketing industry. You just never know who you’ll meet and who can help you on your journey to success. I’ve personally enrolled many people over the years who taught me so much. There are some very special folks in the business that I even consider family. I would never have met any of these people if it had not been network marketing. Begin With The End In Mind Set your goal and keep working towards it. For example, let’s say that your goal is to have a total of 100 people on your team come launch day. Now you don’t have to personally enroll all 100. You could enroll 5 who enroll a handful each, who enroll a handful each, and so on.

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Don’t be afraid to set some aggressive goals. During my first prelaunch, I believe my goal was to have 1,000 people in my organization. I thought that would have been a wild success. However, when I surpassed that initial goal, I thought that 5,000 would be amazing and purposed to go for it. When I surpassed the 5,000 goal, I decided to strive for 10,000 people. I continued to press on and by day 30, I had over 30,000 people enrolled in the prelaunch. As fate would have it, at that time I was unemployed, and I was broke. I had no choice but to make the prelaunch work. I put a lot of time and effort into the business each and every day to build momentum which spread throughout the entire team. Since I was unemployed, I had a very big “why” to motivate me. Going back out to look for a job that paid me just enough to just barely scrape by was not an option, not the life I wanted to go back to, and it was not the life that I wanted to bring my future family into either. In the next section, before you start saying to yourself, “What does any of this have to do with my success in a prelaunch?” You will soon find out that it has everything to do with your success. Define Your “Why” Define your own “WHY” so clearly that you know with absolute conviction where you are headed what your purpose is for building your business. Your “why” needs to be a deep emotional connection. It’s the passion and fuel that you will refer to often to help you surpass limited thinking or self-imposed boundaries. What Is Your “Why”? Is it the need to double your current income within the next 12 months so that you can work your business full-time? Is it the need to save for a college fund? Is it a desire to buy a new car? Is your “why” the need to bring in an additional income stream that would allow your spouse to stay home with the kids? Do you want to help a loved one financially or be able to devote more of your time with

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them? What is there in your life that you could get so passionate about that it becomes your major driving force and mission in life? Some people already have their “why”, while others have not given it much thought. So don’t beat yourself up if your main driving force “why” isn’t on the tip of your tongue. Spend some time soul-searching. You will know when you find it. To get ready for an upcoming prelaunch, I really work on my “why” constantly to drill it down to a laser focused series of goals. I want to make sure that both my conscious and subconscious thoughts are in alignment with what I truly want to accomplish. For example, I have taken my “why” and made a 15 page document that has images relating to my goals. I look at them on my computer and have them printed out and covering the wall in my office. Daily, I look at these images and my written list of “why’s” to remind me where I’m going and why I’m working so hard to achieve them. This may sound a bit non-essential to some, but believe me, it is vital. Review Your Current Mind Chatter How you talk to yourself plays one of the most – if not THE most critical roll in your success. Have you ever thought about your internal dialogue? Do you ever talk down to yourself? You’d be surprised how negative our minds can be if we don’t actively pay attention to what we are subconsciously saying to ourselves. Pay close attention to your self-talk. Have you ever said to yourself, “I can’t do this,” or “I give up,” or “I’m not smart enough,” or how about “I’m not strong enough,” or any other negative phrase? Most of us have struggled with these types of thoughts at some point. However, if you believe in yourself and train your mind to think positively, you can overcome negative self-talk. When you hear the “I can’t do this” chatter in your mind, replace it with, “Yes, I can and will do this,” or “ I will have a wildly successful prelaunch and build a solid foundation for my network marketing business!”

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Sure, we’re getting into some affirmations here, but they do help get rid of the negative self-talk as you repeat them to yourself frequently. Believe me, I know this advice can border on sounding strange, but I ignored many of these habits for years and sadly, I paid for it. It wasn’t until I made a switch in my mindset that I finally realized my potential, which has made all the difference in the exciting journey of my life. Start Working On Yourself If you are not spending at least 30 minutes a day improving yourself, you are depriving yourself of great potential. You’re also depriving those around you, those you care about the most, of the best that you can be. It doesn’t matter how old you are either, recent studies have proven that you can develop new neural pathways in your brain at any age. Read books on success, personal development, network marketing, and leadership. Listen to audio books in your car instead of morning talk radio jabber. If you’re not sure where to begin, a great start would be listening to Jim Rohn. Do a quick search in the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store for him and you’ll find some amazing audio programs and books of his. Investing the time to improve your mindset and developing new skills will pay you much larger returns than any other investment you can make. If you are not growing personally, odds are your network marketing business isn’t going to grow much either. Commit to learning and improving yourself. Develop new skills and interests to create a more fulfilling life and to assist in your quest to achieve success. As I mentioned in the beginning of this section, you may be wondering what the above has to do with a network marketing prelaunch. Do you remember the answer? That’s right, EVERYTHING. In order for your business to grow professionally, you need to continuously grow personally. It’s the #1 habit of each and every top network marketing leader.

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Consistently invest an hour a day in personal development and not just during the prelaunch. This is a new habit that I hope will become a life-long routine for you. Possibly, you can squeeze in an hour to and from work, while you work out, or in the morning before work, while you are getting ready for the day. At night you can read a personal development book 30-60 minutes before bed. There’s always ways to carve out the time, so no excuses! As you see, the bottom line is that much of your success in a prelaunch comes down to one single thing. The best news of all is that you have 100% control of this one thing, and that’s your mindset. When your goals are clearly defined and you’re pumping as much positive material into your mind as you can, building your network marketing business both during and after a prelaunch becomes a thousand times easier. You are 100% responsible for your success or failure in a prelaunch, not your sponsor, (the person who referred you to the business) not your neighbor, not your boss, not the people in the organization, but you and you only. You decide how much time you put into your business. You decide how many people you’ll talk to each day. You decide if you’re going to watch TV every night for two or more hours instead of working on your business. You decide if you are going to fail or succeed. There is nothing that neither I nor your sponsor can say or do to flip the switch within you. That has to come from within you. Sure, someone can help motivate you and pump you up all day long, but at the end of the day, it will be your actions that determine how well you do in a prelaunch. Your actions are the results of the motivating or non-motivating thoughts you focus on. So do not ever take lightly how critical your mindset is, it is the foundation of your success or failure in this business.

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5. HOW TO MARKET A PRELAUNCH Your success during and after a prelaunch directly relates to how many people you introduced to the business opportunity and how many people they introduced and so on. During the prelaunch, it’s all about massive exposure. It’s a numbers game just like everything else and the math is simple. More exposure = more enrollments. No matter when you join the prelaunch, you will want to focus on exposing more people to the opportunity daily. Additionally, you’ll also want to mix in some re-exposure, meaning getting your ads, websites, and any other marketing materials in front of people multiple times throughout the launch. In this chapter, I’ll be covering the main social media marketing channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Yes, I know that there are thousands of other social channels, but if you nail down the ones mentioned above and you want to duplicate your efforts elsewhere, it would mean even more exposure. The methods of propelling your network marketing business during a prelaunch are a little different than some that are used to build your business post-launch. There are no hotel meetings, no home meetings and no products to share with others until the company goes live. Even for those of you who prefer more of the traditional belly-to-belly approach to networking, there is no need to do home meetings during a prelaunch. It will more than likely be too early in the process, but given the short duration of this phase, you will soon have the opportunity to organize or participate in home and hotel oriented meetings, which typically commence following the launch.

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Instead, during the prelaunch you will want to focus on just a handful of methods to pre-build your business. They are (in no particular order): • Phone calls • Email • Social Media • Face-To-Face • Advertisements (online/offline) • Your website/blog • Online Forums • Other (business cards, fliers, smoke signals, etc.) As stated earlier, if you want your launch to be a success, do not lead with #2, and send emails to all your contacts as the primary method of reaching out to them. If all you do is send an email out to everyone with a link to your prelaunch website and then expect to get great results, it will not happen, I’m sorry to say. Sure, you may get one or two people interested, but you will be sorely disappointed in the shortcomings of this prospecting method. Remember, network marketing is a people business. The Internet is a rather cold platform and unsolicited emails don’t usually have much impact or annoy people at worse. However, there are two ways that I use email during a prelaunch. First, I speak to someone on the phone or face-to-face, then I always follow up with an email to tell them it was nice to meet them, talk to them on the phone, or whatever the case may be. Now an email has more context and is usually much more welcome. Secondly, if I meet someone new while I’m out and about, I’ll get their contact information at the end of our conversation. I tell them what I’ll be emailing them and ask them to commit to reading my email. After sending my email message to them, I will then follow up with a phone call to see if they are interested in coming on board. Another thing I like to do that effectively builds an ever-growing list of people to contact to is using my email inbox and sent folder as a

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“lead-box.” I go through all of the emails that I’ve sent or received over the past year or so and build a list of people with whom I have communications with during this time. More often than not, I do not have a phone number for these people, or if I do, it is usually their business phone number. So, in this case, email is the only method of contact that I have, unless the person has a personal phone number in their email signature. Using the list that I create from these email messages, I send out a simple email (not bulk mail) that uses each contact’s name in a couple of places to ensure it is a personalized message. I create a template and just copy and paste each contact name into a new email message. I am sharing this template with you below and you can use my wording, exchanging your name for mine, and you can also edit any of the message to fit your tone and style of writing. This will ensure that the message sounds authentic, when your contacts read it. Just remember to keep it short and to the point. Adding any personalization (such as referring to a previous conversation) is also a big plus. Cold Market Email Template Subject: Hi (Name) - Quick Question Hi (Name), Hope you are doing well! I wanted to let you know that I’m in the process of starting a new business and thought of you. If I gave you a quick phone call, could you spare just 2 minutes so I can briefly tell you about it? If so, what phone number and day/time works best for you? Thanks! MLM Joe

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When they respond, give them a call and keep your “pitch” brief. You told them 2 minutes, so try to stick to it. However, if they want to talk more, catch up, or have questions about the business, then by all means, stay on the phone. Just do not be the one chatting away for hours on end on how great the business is or the products are. You will lose your prospect’s interest if you do so. On the call, simply let them know that you are starting a new business that you are excited about and thought of them. Then say something like, “If I gave you my website address, would you take a few minutes to watch the videos about the company and products?” If so, “G-GAP” them. This means you say, “Great! Grab A Pen.” Give them your replicated website address. Next, ask them when you can call them back to follow up with them. I like to lead the process, so I will say something like, “I have an opening at either 4:30 or 7:30 PM tomorrow. Which time works best for you for me to follow up with you?” If they respond that neither time works, ask when they have time and jot it down. The next step is to end the call professionally. Do not start a new conversation after confirming the appointment. Say something like, “Great! I look forward to talking to you then and have a good rest of the day.” Side note: If the above script sounds familiar, great! That means you have read a great book on network marketing. The scripts and information in this book are powerful, and I make 100% sure that each and every person that I personally enroll into my prelaunch or in my business down the road reads it. For more information, go to: Two Ways To Build During The Prelaunch I’ve witnessed MLM companies and leaders focusing primarily on the business opportunity 99% of the time in many prelaunches. What they don’t know is that they are missing out on potentially millions of great prospects doing so. This is one of my secret marketing methods. Well, maybe not a secret, but it is rare that I see anyone marketing a prelaunch this way.

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The very few times I have, I think to myself, “Now that person is going to be extremely successful in their business.” You have to represent a 100% legitimate product line or service in order to succeed with the process I’m about to share with you. As a side note, if you are involved in or seeking to enroll in a company during their prelaunch stage that does not have a legitimate product line or service, you are probably wasting your time. In most cases, a company without a stellar product line or service will not be around for the long term. This is my opinion, but it based on extensive observation. So, here’s the deal. You can either build your business on the strength of the products, or you can build it based primarily on the business opportunity. Of course you can do both, which is what I strongly suggest doing. There are times during a prelaunch where it makes much more sense leading with the products. The direct result of this course of action yields one of two great results. One, you gain a new customer when the company launches, or you gain a new distributor who not only becomes a product user, but they also become a team builder and begin sharing the business opportunity and products with others. There are countless stories that I can share that testify to the effectiveness of introducing the product initially to peak someone’s interest in the opportunity. If I lead with the business opportunity first, in some cases prospects have no interest. I’ve enrolled many customers over the years on the strength of the products and many of them ended up becoming a distributor either to build a business or they simply wanted to refer a few folks to cover the cost of their own products each month. Either way is a win-win for all involved. Below is an example of how a conversation might transpire, leading with the product information, when speaking with a prospect whom I’ve never met before. Example 1: I’m in line at Starbucks and notice a guy standing behind me in gym clothes who obviously just came from a workout. The stench of his sweat fills the room when he walks in, and he has sweat

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dripping off of his forehead faster than water pouring off Niagara Falls. Thanks to my replicated website and back office, I know that one of the products that will be available after the launch is a super high-end nutritional supplement for athletes and those who live an active lifestyle. I may look over at him, make eye contact, and then say something like: Me: “How are you doing? Prospect: “Good, you?” Me: “Good thanks. Do you take nutritional supplements by any chance?” Prospect: “Yes, I do.” Me: “Oh good! I’m associated with a new company that is about to launch an exceptional line of nutritional supplements for those who are looking to take their workouts and recovery to the next level. Would that be anything you’d be interested in learning more about?” Prospect: “Sure” (At this point, I take out my smartphone.) Me: “Great. I can call you when we launch, which will be in just a couple of weeks. What is the best number to reach you at?” Prospect: He provides his number. Me: “Great. If I also send you an email with a link to a website where you can learn more now, would you look at it?” Prospect: “Absolutely.” Me: “What’s your email address?” Prospect: He provides it to me. Me: “Thanks, by the way, my name is MLM Joe.” (I offer my hand for a handshake)

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Prospect: “Joe” Me: “Nice to meet you, Joe. I’ll send you an email with the link and give you a call. Have a great day!” In the above example, I’m leading with the product. I am quite confident he’s interested in nutritional supplements. This was an easy path to take, because it is obvious Joe had been working out and cared about his health. Sure, I could say something like, “Hi there, do you keep your options open to additional income opportunities?” He may respond favorably, or he may not, but when I see a path of least resistance, I will often head in that direction first. Some of you reading this may need to change the way you think about network marketing. This profession is not all about the money, far from it. It means so many things to so many people and you can never guess what it’ll mean to someone once they get involved. For most leaders, the money is secondary or a fringe benefit if you will. Now to continue the above example, I’ll send an email to the prospect, (Joe, in this case) shortly after meeting him. The email would look something like this: Subject: Nice meeting you Joe Hi Joe, It was nice meeting you today at Starbucks. As promised, I’m providing you a link to the new company we are launching. On the site, you’ll see a link on the top that says, “Products”. From there, you can take a look at the new product lines that we’re launching in a couple of weeks that might be of interest to you. Go to: (Put your replicated website address here) I’ll give you a call tomorrow to follow-up. Which is a better time for me to call you, 1:00 PM or 7:30 PM? Thanks again,

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MLM Joe 999-999-9999 Side note: I highly suggest registering a domain name and forwarding it to your replicated website address. It looks much more professional than having the /username at the end of the website address. Go to a site such as, register a .com name (always stick to .com) and forward it to your website. Remember, always stick to .com, even if it costs slightly more to do so. I just cringe when I see people using a .cc, .info, or .biz names to market their business. It does not look professional and screams amateur to those with business or professional backgrounds. I hope I don’t offend anyone who is currently using another domain extension. My purpose is not to offend, but to guide. There are multiple domain extensions for marketing on the Internet, but you should always stick to .com, .net, or .org. Any sites that you give out to prospects should preferably end in .com. It makes you look more professional and professionals will take your business more seriously. Anyway, back to our friend Joe. I would call Joe at his requested time and say something like this: Me: “Hi Joe. This is MLM Joe. We met at Starbucks the other day, and I wanted to follow up with you regarding the new line of nutritional supplements that I mentioned to you.” Joe:: “Oh sure” Me: “Did you have a chance to look at the website?” Joe: “Yes, I did.” Me: “Like I mentioned the other day, we’re a couple of weeks away from launching, but I wanted to run something by you. If you’d like, I can call you when the products are available and you can take a closer look then, or you can do what I’m doing in the meantime, which is simply sharing this website with others who may be interested in

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either the products or business opportunity. On top of these great products, there is a great way to generate a part-time, or even a full-time income on the side, sharing these products and business with others. Would that be anything you’d be interested in?” Joe: “Yes, it does!” Me: “Great. You can actually start pre-building your business at no cost right now like many others are, including myself. In fact, there is a live webinar tonight that explains all of the details. If I give you a link to the webinar starting at 8:00 tonight, would you be available to attend?” Joe: “Yes, I would!” Me: “Terrific! I’ll email the link to you right now. Also, you can enroll right now on my website for free and you’ll immediately have access to a free website, just like mine that you can start sharing with others who you think may be interested in the products, business opportunity, or both. Do you have a moment now to enroll for free on my website?” Joe: “I do” Me: “Awesome! Thank you! I will send you an email right now with a link to the webinar starting tonight at 8:00. I look forward to seeing you there and working with you. I’ll give you a call tomorrow so we can talk about the next steps and how you can begin pre-building your business right now at no cost. Thanks again Joe, and I will see you on the webinar!” From this point, you will want to keep Joe in the loop and make sure that he is actively sharing his own website with others. Walk him through the specifics of the virtual back office. Show him the available marketing materials and get him quickly started posting on Facebook, sending emails, talking to his friends, etc. During this whole process, you will be making a friend! Get to know your team members. Do they have kids? What is their occupation or hobbies? Build a relationship with them and most importantly, find

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out their “why” for wanting to build a business. Do they want to make a part-time income? Do they dream of owning their own successful business that will provide them with complete time and financial freedom? I’m not going to get into more intensive training here. That’s not the purpose of this book. However, as I mentioned above, Go Pro is a great book that has in-depth training on mastering network marketing. No need for me to duplicate what has already been created for us. Always remember that the initial contact with someone you know (friends, family, others in your community) always needs to be either face-to-face or on phone. This approach produces the best results and is easy for your team to duplicate as they build their business. Remember, do not send an email to prospects with a pitch about the prelaunch and a link to your website hoping that they will sign up. If that is the way you want to build a business, network marketing is not for you. For people you know personally, speak to them face-to-face or via the phone, before you give them your website address. Make the decision about what you will initially discuss with them, either the products, business, or both, based on what you know or observe about them. If you know someone personally and feel confident that they would be interested in the opportunity, then I would advise that it is acceptable to bring it up with them in your initial conversation about the business. Your Warm Market There are people you know on any number of levels. They may be as close as your family or friends, and they may also be acquaintances such as people that work in your dentist’s office, at the dry cleaner’s, teachers at your child’s school, or anyone else that you can think of that you may come in contact with on a routine basis. How you approach your warm market makes all the difference in the world. Running up to your friends and family saying, “I’m going to be

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rich! I just found a new business opportunity that you have to get in on. You’ll be rich too. We will be rich together! Join right this second. Hurry!” You need to approach people differently and not annoy them so much that all they want to do in the future is avoid you at any cost. Below is just an example of how to effectively approach people. Use it as a guideline, knowing that you need to do what works for you. No method or script is written in stone. You need to do what is comfortable for you. However, keep in mind that sometimes we need to do the uncomfortable in order to get to where we want to go, and that includes getting used to talking to people. Friends and Family You see those close to you often, so it’s best not to burn any bridges or overstep any boundaries with them. For friends and family, I suggest a soft approach that is done in person, not via email or phone. Here are a couple of scripts that may help you as you prepare to approach someone you know well about the business opportunity or products. Discussion about the business opportunity with a friend or family member: (Name), I recently learned about a new business opportunity. Now I don’t know if the timing is right for you to get involved in something to bring in an extra part-time or full-time income, but if I gave you a website to look at, would you take just 5 minutes to watch a video or two about it?” Discussion about the products with a friend or family member: (Name), I’m starting a new business that will be offering some product lines that you may be interested in and at least taking a look at. If I gave you a website to check out, would you take just 5 minutes to watch a video or two about it?”

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Notice how the script is just a modified version of the email templates that I shared with you previously? The key here is keeping everything simple so that everything you do is easily duplicated by those you sponsor into the business. Now if your friend or family member is not interested, leave them alone. You can end the conversation by letting them know if they find the need to make an extra part-time or full-time income, maybe even replace or surpass their current income level, to give you a call. Then make a note on your calendar to follow up with them in a few months, to see if there has been any change in their interest level. Do not be someone who tries to recruit everyone within a five-foot radius of them every chance they get. No one wants to be around someone like that. Remember, you are in a professional industry, so you must always be professional when it comes to your business. Besides, there is no benefit to creating an awkward and unwelcome situation with friends and family. If they say no, respect that and leave them alone. This has always been something I’ve taken very seriously. All of my friends and family know that if they need to generate a part-time to full-time income, they can come to me, because I have the vehicle to help them. However, I never hound them about it. They see my Facebook posts. If the timing is ever right for them to try the products and/or get involved in the business, they know how to reach me. Remember, after they have indicated they are not interested, don’t mention it to them again at parties, at family or community functions, or when you see them next. There is a time and place for everything. Respect someone’s decision, especially when it comes to your friends and family. However, if they say yes, that they may be interested and willing to take a look at the products and/or business opportunity, simply follow the scripts I have already provided for you. Now this leads me to another important tip that was not mentioned previously when someone is interested in the business opportunity while you are in the prelaunch stage. When you are following up with an interested prospect, let them know that the company is about to

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launch so there is a limited window of prime time to get in on the ground floor (or whatever you want to say that gets the point across). Basically, you want to build a sense of urgency. They need to know that the opportunity to pre-build their business during this phase is free and is only available for a very limited amount of time. It is critical that they are fully aware that this is their one and only chance to pre-build their business at no cost. Remember, as I mentioned before but bears repeating, in network marketing, we never want to try and hard-sell people about the business opportunity. We want to work with those for whom it is the right time in their life to build a successful business. I know you are excited, and you should be, but try to keep your level of excitement and professionalism in check. This is especially critical if you have previously approached a prospect about a business opportunity. If your prospect starts asking questions and is interested when you bring up the business opportunity with them, that’s great! However, be mindful that this is when most new people get it all wrong, and they hurt their business in many ways. What I am referring to is when someone is so excited to have an interested prospect that they start sharing everything they know, don’t know, and then some. They completely overwhelm their prospect, and the interest level is immediately knocked down a few notches. The most effective advise is to tell those who are interested that you also had a lot of questions when you first started in this business. Let them know that the best way for them to find out more information is to review your website. Then, after they go through your website you can answer any questions they may have. Once they check out your website and watch the videos, follow up with them and invite them to a call or webinar and then help them get the ball rolling, pre-building their business. As a side note, it is okay — if time permits — to walk a prospect through the process of enrolling on your prelaunch website, so that they can begin learning more about the business. Most importantly,

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they can begin sharing the link to their site and promoting their own business. When the company launches, you’ll often be reviewing the enrollment process with new distributors. It’s a good idea to get in the habit of performing this review with your new team members during the prelaunch. This will result in you becoming more comfortable and proficient in explaining the enrollment process and will set an excellent example for new distributors to follow. Remember to also direct people to their virtual back office once they access their replicated website, and demonstrate where to initially look for answers to their questions. You do not have the time to be “Mr. or Mrs. Customer Support” during the prelaunch. You have a business to build. You have goals to accomplish. You have your dreams to chase down. I know this can be tough at times, but when people start bombarding you with multiple questions, politely let them know that everything you know is posted in the virtual back office and discussed on the live webinars and conference calls. If someone is being somewhat demanding, remind them that it is free to sign up right now. There is no risk and no credit card or commitment required. Also, everything they need to know is in the back office for them to review. If they continue to be demanding or not respect your time or they are too lazy to seek out the answers to their questions, they are not someone you want to recruit into your business. Don’t be afraid to tell people that this business may not be a good fit for them right now. Let them know that building this business requires someone who is is a self-starter and is self-motivated. If someone is not motivated enough to educate themselves about the company, they are not going to succeed. The time will come for mentoring aspiring leaders that show initiative, but you will not have the time to hold everyone’s hand as they learn the basics. Do not let the tire kickers and lazy people get in your way of accomplishing the dreams and goals you’ve set out for yourself. You’ll come across thousands of these types of people over the years.

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Politely walk around them and keep on going. You are on a huge mission to better you and your family’s life. Never, and I mean NEVER let other people get in your way of moving towards the life that you want to create for yourself. It is a challenge enough to juggle your business, life, commitments, family, work, school, finances, yard work, and a multitude of other responsibilities. Never let the downers, nay-sayers, doubters, negative, or lazy people get in your way. You may come across people during this prelaunch who will try to talk you out of it. You may come across people who doubt your abilities to build a solid business. You may also come across people who put you down, especially if you have tried and failed 39 other times, trying to get a business off the ground. Don’t let these people drag you down. I know it is tough at times, especially when some of these people are friends or family, but you have a choice. Do you want to continue letting other people dictate your life and plant negative seeds of doubt into your mind, or do you want to build a business filled with like-minded, positive, happy people who are all on the same mission to help others achieve their dreams and goals? Sorry, I don’t mean to keep venturing back into the personal development side of network marketing again, but I can assure you that the #1 reason people fail during a prelaunch and in network marketing in general is because they not only listen to the negative people in their life, but they end up believing them and settle right back into the life that they once had a dream of escaping. You are directly responsible for the success or failure in your business. Look in the mirror. See that guy or girl right there? This is who has the power to build a great part-time or full-time income right out of the gates. You decided to get into network marketing. You decided to join the company. You had some reason why you wanted to get involved, and you have the power to create such an amazing life for yourself and your family. You can do this. Believe in yourself.

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Other than the negative people in your life that can get in your way, you can also be your own worst enemy. You must build belief in yourself. You must trust that you will continue to grow and learn all the incredible lessons this industry has to offer. Know that not all lessons are easy to learn, and there will be challenges. Also, believe that you are strong enough to overcome the challenges while continuing to get stronger each day, because you invest the time to improve yourself through personal development. OK, I’m stepping down from my soapbox, but this is what you get reading a book written by someone who has ADD. Yes, I know I do bounce around a little here and there, but I truly hope that what I’m trying to teach you and get across sinks in and isn’t diluted by these little side rants! So, to sum up marketing to friends and family, follow the above advice or at least your own variations of it. Respect their time and decisions. Don’t hard-sell anyone. Remember, people are never saying “no” to you. They are simply saying no because either the timing is not right for them right now, or they are saying “no” to the opportunity or products for whatever reason. Never ever take “no” personally in network marketing. As you begin building your business in the beginning, you may hear 20 no’s from prospects before you get to someone who says yes to join you. Then the numbers may work out to be 10 no’s for every yes, and over time it may even go down to 5 no’s to get a yes. Whatever your success rate is initially, it will improve with consistent effort and training. TIP! Speaking of training, I learned about moving through the “no’s” in network marketing listening to an incredible audio from Jim Rohn, who I mentioned earlier. It’s called, “Building Your Network Marketing Business.” If you have not listened to this, I HIGHLY recommend spending the $1.99 on iTunes and download it. You can also get the physical CD on Amazon for under $5.00. Now that we have reviewed how to prospect in your warm market, let’s talk about how to approach the next level - those who you know, but you wouldn’t consider them one of your close friends.

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Your “Luke” Warm Market Sometimes it is easier to come up with a list of people to contact if we review a list of professions to help remember folks. The average person can come up with at least a couple hundred people that they can reach out to. Within this next section, I’ve listed some ideas to help jog your memory of people that you may know. When someone comes to mind, you can write his or her name down in preparation for contacting them via the method I’ll outline for you. STOP: Now many of you will just skip over this section and continue reading onto the next. For those of you who grab a pen and begin writing the names down of people that come to mind, knowing with 100% certainty that you will be contacting these people, I can tell you that you are one of the mostly likely to succeed in this profession. Congratulations on your willingness to take action! Always remember that people on your team will duplicate what you do. If you skip over this section, expect everyone that you recruit to also skip over this exercise, since they will follow your lead. The ultimate consequence over time will be that you will miss out on thousands, even tens of thousands of people in your organization since no one will be duplicating an effective process. Let me put it this way, if you want everyone you sponsor into this business to skip compiling the names of everyone they know (as you’re about to do) then stop and ask yourself the following questions. 1. Is my “WHY” I want to do this business powerful enough? 2. Does my “WHY” motivate me, push me, get me out of my comfort zone, and provide me the energy and fuel I’ve never felt before?

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3. If I choose to skip this section, what are my chances of building a real, sustainable business to accomplish my dreams and reach my goals? If you want to reach those goals that you’re striving to achieve, you’ve got to believe. Believe not only in yourself, but also in the age-old proven systems that have built countless millionaires in this profession. Even if it is not your goal to become a millionaire, I believe it is safe to assume that at least some of your goals are related to the freedom that a part-time or full-time income can provide for you and your current or future family. Sure, it feels silly to be writing down the names of everyone you know. It just feels so, so MLM or network marketing. I get it, but you only have to do this once. When you realize how effective this process is in building a solid foundation for your business, you will be very glad you stayed the course. For some, I know this process is a little scary. The thought of contacting a whole bunch of people about a company, products, and business opportunity that you are in the process of learning about yourself, might make you feel woefully inadequate and ill prepared. This is normal, but tell yourself that it is not necessary to know everything about the business to make these contacts. You just need to know where to direct people who have questions. Remember, you have the virtual back office that you can refer to, and you also have the person who referred you to the business. Now you don’t have to be scared or feel weird about contacting people, so don’t skip working on your list. Consider this, the little voice in your head and that feeling in your stomach that comes (when you think about contacting everyone you know) is exactly what has kept you from reaching your full potential in business and in life. This is just a tiny little hurdle. Jump over it and continue moving forward towards your goals.

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I totally get it. The initial process of writing down the names of everyone you know in life can be a little daunting at first. No one ever said building a successful part-time or full-time business is a cake walk. It takes a little effort on your part, but if your “WHY” is big enough, then reaching out to the people you know will be a breeze. Not only that, but is actually a LOT of fun! Is your pen and paper ready? Maybe you are using an iPad, Nook, or some other note-taking device. Good, now take the next several minutes and begin writing down the name of every person you know that comes to mind that. If you don’t remember a name, then just write down a reminder like, “the guy who changes the oil in my car”. To assist you with this exercise, I’ve provided a list that should help you come up with additional names. By the time you are finished with this, you should have at least a couple hundred people or more listed. Some folks even end up with hundreds of names on their list! Who Do You Know? Write Their Names Down. Go to: and download the PDF and write down the names of everyone that comes to mind. I know it is tempting, but I promise you, you do not want to miss this step. You’ll be using this list often! Now think, who haven’t you listed yet? Write those names down as well. Think of everyone and anyone. Think of all the other parents you know who have kids and all of their teachers. Think about any classes that you are enrolled in or have taken in the past and the people in those classes, any groups or meetings that you’ve gone to locally, and any people you knew from previous jobs that you’ve had. Don’t have someone’s phone number or email address? Often you will find people you know on Facebook by searching by their name. When you reach out to them this way, always remember to keep it professional!

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Look through all of your email accounts. Go through your sent messages over the past year or two. Who have you emailed over the last couple of years that you’ve lost touch with for whatever reason? For me, going through my email folders was a goldmine. I came up with over 300 people alone that were not on my list previously. Yes, 300! Think. Rack your brain. You will most likely surprise yourself by how many people you actually know or have at least had contact with over the last couple of years or more. Now that you have your list of tons of people to contact, the time is RIGHT NOW to reach out to them. Prior to the start and especially during the prelaunch, every second of every day is worth pounds of gold. Don’t waste even a second. Take action NOW. Seriously, time is ticking! Now that you understand the importance of building your list and then contacting each and every person on that list, let’s run through a few more scenarios so that you can begin to understand the flow a little better. Let’s say you have a young child in school like I do. I am assuming you have met their teacher(s) and get to see them at least a few times a week. The way I would approach my son’s teacher is not very different from my warm market. During a prelaunch, when taking a break to pick up my son, I would approach my son’s teachers as follows: Leading with the business opportunity: “Hey Angela! How did our little guy do today? Good. Hey, I was actually thinking of you earlier and wanted to run something by you. I was wondering, if I gave you my website address, would you be open to taking a look at a new business opportunity to make some extra money on the side, or even a full-time income on the side, when you’re not teaching class?” Leading with the products: “Hey Angela! How did our little guy do today? Good. Hey, I was actually thinking of you earlier and wanted to run something by you. I was wondering, I’m in the process of

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starting a new business and I may have some products that you may be interested in. If I gave you my website address, would you have a few minutes tonight to look it over and watch a couple of videos on there?” If she tells me no, I say OK and make a note to follow up in about 60 days. If she starts asking questions or says yes, I give her my replicated website address. It is always BEST to have the prospect write down your website address Next, I ask for her number and email address, so I can send her additional information. I will use this contact information to follow-up, as mentioned previously. I know this is a bit redundant, but there is a reason I am reviewing this with you. Learning these short scripts will get you to where you want to go in network marketing. It’s all about doing the little things correctly over and over again, and it’s these same little things that others can easily duplicate. The more others duplicate the same effective, proven techniques, the more successful you and everyone you enroll into the business will become. You will not learn these scripts reading them just once. It will take multiple exposures and practice. So, reviewing this information multiple times and with various sample scenarios should help you remember these critical steps. Everything that you are learning now is a simple marketing system. It is simple and effective because anyone can follow these prospecting steps. It’s an effective system because it has been proven to work for decades, and it is easily duplicated. Share This Book With Others You Enroll During Your Prelaunch Imagine if you personally enroll 15 people during the prelaunch over a few days’ time. What do you think would happen to your prelaunch organization if all 15 of those people make their lists and then start to reach out to each and every person on their lists like crazy? Now,

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what if all of those they sponsor during the prelaunch do the same exact thing? What if you give them a copy of this book on day one, they read it, and start to apply everything that they learned right away? Now you understand the purpose of this book. I’m not here to help only you. I’m here to help those who you refer into your organization so everyone has a real understanding of the power of a prelaunch, what to do, along with a few sprinkles of mindset training, motivation, and personal development tips. Now I’m no dummy. Neither are you. I do not expect you to send everyone to my book on Amazon to download it. Why, because it has my personal website address listed. I do not want to provide ANY way for people to figure out who wrote this book in the version that I invite you to share with others. I have taken this book and removed ALL mentions of myself, my websites, or any other information about me that someone could use to search for me. The book is written by “MLM Joe” so you can feel 100% comfortable sharing this ebook with everyone you know. How? Here is the link for you to share: Go to: There is no way to discover who owns the website, as I registered the domain name through private registration. I will never put an opt-in form on the website to gather email addresses. There is no contact form to use to get a hold of me. The only thing anyone will ever know is that some guy who calls himself “MLM Joe,” who made seven figures in network marketing, is giving away his book as a means to give back to the industry, helping as many people as possible, and he is only asking one thing in return. The one thing is that anyone who reads this book will not just read it, but USE it to build a wildly successful network marketing business. That is all I want.

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For added protection to keep me anonymous, the generic form of this book will be called “The MLM Launch Book” and will have absolutely no connections to (the other book we do not speak of here). The reason why I’m telling you all the details about how far I’ve gone to completely protect my identity in the “MLM Launch Book” is because of what my father taught me, as mentioned in the dedication in the beginning of this book. Your reputation is everything. You always have to do the right thing, and to me, and everyone else, our reputation is ALL we have in this profession. If you screw up, screw people, lie to people, are dishonest, unethical, or anything of the sort, no one will ever trust you again. Trust is a big thing for me and anyone who takes the network marketing profession seriously.

NOTE: If you were sent to to download this ebook from one of your friends, please get back to them. Please do not seek me (the author) out. I have a personal rule that I will not personally sponsor

anyone into the MLM company that I am associated with if they learned about this (or my other) book from someone

else on my team. My reputation is far more important than a few enrollments that I did not work to get.

Yes, I could have pulled a fast one on you that I have seen others do, including a very well known trainer in the MLM industry who I have spent time with on multiple occasions. I even spent some time at this person’s home. For this story, I will refer to this person as John. Doing so, I’m not saying that this person is a male or a female to protect their identity. The story is 100% true, the only thing that I changed was the person’s name. I was sitting in the back seat of John’s car and was listening to a conversation he was having with one of his workers, who was sitting in the passenger seat, as we drove to our destination. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He knew very well he was screwing people on a promotion he was running. He said some things that if people knew, it would completely destroy his business. His reputation would be mud forever. I was floored.

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I was really upset for weeks and caught between a rock and a hard place. Part of me felt it was my responsibility to be a whistle blower. I felt so strongly that I needed to tell everyone to stay far away from him. However, I knew if I chose to go down that path, things would get very messy. It would become a very public battle online and at the end of it, both of our reputations would be destroyed. I kept my mouth shut and will always do so, knowing, or at least having faith, that his time will come because it always does for these types of people. What I expected to happen did happen. His true side began to show in a few other things he was involved in. Others started talking and sharing stories. I didn’t have to do it. Others were jumping all over the things he was caught doing and saying. People started to figure out what this guy was really like, and those people made their own determinations whether to follow this person or not. If you really want to be successful in network marketing, always take the high road. Always do the right thing, no matter what. I promise you that things will come up in your career in this business that will test you. These tests arise to see what you’re really made of. You will be tempted by all sorts of things. I once read that a person is a true leader who always does the right thing, even when he or she thinks that no one is looking. I truly believe that and try to live my life by that principle, and I’m looking forward to teaching this to my son as he gets older. I hope you have enjoyed the first section, learning how to reach out to your warm and cold markets. Master the scripts and skills presented to you, and you can build a massive business without ever touching the Internet. The belly-to-belly style of network marketing combined with phone contacting will never go away. It’s what makes this business work.

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6. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING If you really want to supercharge your prelaunch then you will want to market online as much as possible. This is exactly what I did to build a prelaunch organization of over 30,000 people in 30 days. Now before we dive into marketing online, keep this in mind that we have not even touched on the entire customer side of the business yet. That will be coming within the next few sections and believe me, it’s a very important piece to building a long-term, stable monthly residual income. Also, please know that any mentions in this section of using any form of paid advertising is completely optional. It is not something that you have to do to succeed during the prelaunch. In fact, you can do very well if you only focus on your warm list and be as active as you can talking to as many people as possible. If you have a very limited budget, then by all means, save your money so you can upgrade to become an active distributor during the upgrade period following the prelaunch. However, if you do have a budget for prelaunch marketing, this will only increase your exposure. More exposures = more enrollments. So let’s dive in and start with the largest social network in the world. Facebook

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I know and I get it. You’re excited, and one of the first thing you want to do the moment you join a prelaunch is tell everyone you know on Facebook. Don’t do it! Not right away, that is. You really have to understand how to market to your friends and followers the correct way, professionally, or else you will make the same mistakes that 98% of others who are marketing a prelaunch on Facebook do. If you make those mistakes, you’ve just ruined any chance to enroll new people on your prelaunch website. As with any other marketing, people often need multiple exposures before they’ll take action to do just about anything. Sure, you’ll get some people to take action the first or second time around when you post a new status update about the launch. However, the average number of exposures people need in any marketing campaign is 6 to 7. Sometimes it is even more. So a little planning ahead goes a long way when it comes to Facebook marketing. IMPORTANT TIP: I know you are excited when you join a prelaunch, and you should be, but before you go crazy and start posting on Facebook like a mad person, you need to bottle up that excitement for a few minutes and think about what you’re doing. We all see people promoting their business opportunities and products on Facebook. Many of those blurbs, images, etc. are quite annoying, aren’t they? Almost everyday I see posts like: “This is going to be HUGE! Join this right now! Get in at the beginning! Join my team! Hurry, go to my website: www.(websitehere).com.” That really annoys me when I see that posted by someone as I’m browsing through status updates. And what annoys me even more (along with everyone following them) is that they will post multiple times a day for days on end with the same hyped-up posts. The above screams desperation and is unprofessional to me. You do not see Fortune 500’s advertising this way. You do not see any professional business marketing using this approach.

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If you want people to take your business as seriously as you do, you need to remain professional in all you do, including Facebook marketing. Think about it, can you imagine seeing commercials for Apple screaming, “Buy our computer, not theirs! We are better! We are cooler. We make you look better and cooler. Buy our stuff today. Hurry! While supplies last!” Where people came up with this hyped-up and annoying practice to market their network marketing business is beyond me. Instead, before you post anything on Facebook, take a step back and think for a minute. Ask yourself the following questions: How much time do I have between now and the official launch of the company? Are there materials or systems in the virtual back office of the replicated company websites for the prelaunch that can help me market the opportunity on Facebook effectively and professionally? Do I have any sort of marketing budget for the prelaunch where I can invest in marketing on Facebook via promoted posts? (see: Next, it’s time to plan out your marketing on Facebook, and there are several things to consider here. The following questions are geared towards the time when the prelaunch is officially live and you can log into your back office. • Do you have pre-written posts that you can post, linking to your replicated website? • Do you have professional videos that you’ve created that you can post? • Do you have professional images that have the potential of going viral that you can post on Facebook?

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Unless you’re a techie or the company that you enrolled in during a prelaunch is ahead of many network marketing companies when it comes to social media marketing, you are usually stuck doing all of the above on your own, if you have the skills to do so. No wonder so many people have no idea what they are doing or how to market professionally when they are in a prelaunch. No one is teaching them what to do first and no one is doing it for them. I have created multiple Internet marketing training courses over the years covering a wide variety of subjects. My thought was to create a generic video course that the company could then make available in the back office, but there was a problem. In order for me to create a full course, it would take me a few weeks of full-time effort. As of the time I am writing this book, I’m also designing, running, managing, and working on the entire prelaunch and launch of a company currently, so it is not an option. The next idea was to go to a professional in the industry who already created a great course. To explore that idea, that’s exactly what I did. I reached out to someone who is very well respected in the industry on the corporate level. Come to find out he did have a course and offered to white label it for the launch I am currently working on. (That means there would be zero mention of him or his company, and the course would look like the network marketing company that I’m associated with created it.) However, there was a problem. His course covered everything from A to Z and it was more than 10 hours of video content. Now there is nothing wrong with that, it’s an awesome course. However, during a prelaunch each and every second that you are not marketing your prelaunch website is costing you money, money that will potentially pay you for many years, even decades. So, the last thing that I wanted was to encourage everyone who enrolled into the prelaunch to sit through 10 hours of training. Time is something that we are constantly fighting against in a prelaunch. So, unfortunately this was not an option.

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Suddenly, I had an idea, a crazy idea. I asked myself, “Is there a way that we could do all of the social media marketing for everyone who enrolls during the prelaunch and continue to do so after the company launches?” This question led me onto a massive search to see if this would be effective. A week or more passed, and the gentleman who had created the 10 hours of training emailed me with a piece to the puzzle. After weeks of conversations with multiple software development companies, four development teams located around the world, countless webinars, hundreds and hundreds of emails, well over 100 phone calls, and the involvement of several dozen people, I finally got the answer to my above question. Done-For-You Facebook Marketing System Before we dive into this section, please understand a couple things here. First, the system below is unique to the company that I am associated with. And second, that I am excited about the information below and what it can do for you and everyone on your team. I will try and do my best not to sound over-the-top excited, like I’m trying to hard-sell something, which I can assure you, I’m not. I’m simply going to tell you about the power of this system so you can understand it. To solve the quandary regarding how to create an effective and duplicable Facebook market campaign, the company that I consulted with created a fully integrated, done-for-you Facebook marketing software system. It was a massive undertaking. From a high-level overview, your prelaunch website address will automatically be embedded into each and every post in addition to the professional post. How cool is that? This ensures that both you and everyone in your prelaunch (and post-launch) organization will have professionally written posts, beautiful images with quotes and calls-to-action, as well as a ton of videos designed for social media marketing that will get readers’ attention and compel them to enroll in the opportunity with you.

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This done-for-you social media marketing suite is really the holy grail of Facebook marketing when it comes to spreading the word about the prelaunch and launch of the company. As a side note, the company that I’ll be launching will have full automatic Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube marketing campaigns already created and done-for-you. It’s one heck of a marketing system designed to help you build a prelaunch and post-launch organization very quickly and professionally. You will not have to worry about people in your downline writing those “join me today and get rich tomorrow!” type ads. To put the icing on the cake, we have created this system in such a way that it is built for network marketing, prelaunches, and post-launch. This means that even if you enroll 30 of your friends on Facebook and they all decide to use this done-for-you Facebook marketing system, no one will be posting the same exact content on the same exact days. It’s an awesome system. Now, I cannot share everything we have built into this because as of this writing, we have not opened the doors of the prelaunch. In addition to that, there are many pieces to this system that I cannot discuss here because no one else has them in the entire industry. But did I mention that this is not just for Facebook? The system will also run on your LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, so you will have a very powerful ‘done-for-you’ marketing system across the big 3 social networks. All of the videos, images, and texts for your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts are professional, to maintain the brand that we are building. There is no hype involved and no promises of getting rich quick. There will not be any pictures of mansions and piles of hundred dollar bills that you often see with hyped-up network marketing prelaunches, either. Each and every marketing piece was written by expert copywriters who know the company brand inside and out. All videos are created by an award-winning video production company,

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and all images are created by a team of artists and graphic artists who are incredibly talented. This is all about helping you establish yourself as a credible person who your friends and followers can trust and believe in. This is all about helping you take your level of professionalism in this business to a whole new level. This is all about our mission to take the level of professionalism in the industry to the next level. Yes, I am fairly confident that other network marketing companies will eventually copy this amazing system down the road, but one of our team’s mission is to always be several steps ahead of others when it comes to social media marketing. The company has hired the best of the best when it comes to many areas of design, technical aspects, marketing experts, consultants, and more. So get ready, this launch is going to be big and fun for all involved. Facebook Promoted Posts Now I briefly mentioned Facebook’s promoted posts earlier. As for me, I use these often to ensure that I have as much exposure possible when sharing information relating to a prelaunch. When utilizing promoted posts, everyone within your network will not actually see your posts. However, your promoted posts will appear higher in the newsfeed and in front of people in your extended network, so you will get more exposure this way. Remember what I stated in the opening of this chapter? It’s all about the exposures on a daily basis. I want to review this again, because this is so important. You always want to have as many new exposures about your prelaunch website as possible every day during this phase. The keyword here is “new.” This doesn’t mean you should just post one or two times on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, or use the done-for-you posting tool, and call it a day. Posting is very important, of course,

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but you always want to be looking for ways to expose new people to your website daily throughout the prelaunch. I will be using the Facebook Promoted Posts feature quite a bit as soon as I have my replicated website and my done-for-you Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter posting set up. As far as how to promote a post on Facebook, immediately after you publish a post, you will see, “Like, Comment, Promote, Share” beneath it. The cost to promote a post can range from $7 for personal pages or higher for business pages. It all comes down to how many friends you have on Facebook and if you have any sort of budget for marketing during the prelaunch. We’ll talk more about that later. Now, if you decide to write some of your own posts on Facebook, keep a few things in mind. 1. Don’t annoy people 2. Don’t hype the business or products 3. Don’t make any health claims 4. Don’t make any income claims 5. Don’t post the same message/video/image over and over again 6. Don’t try to “hard-sell” people on the opportunity Now on the positive side: 1. Inspire people to take action 2. Always include a link to your prelaunch website 3. Always be professional 4. Look at your prelaunch virtual back office for Facebook marketing tools and materials 5. Plan out your posts at least a week ahead (or use the 30-day done-for-you option) 6. It’s OK to be excited, but don’t overdo it 7. Provide VALUE

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As far as point seven, what I am referring to is that you do not want to always be pitching the products or business. You want to provide valuable information to your friends and followers. Keep your eye out for any relevant statistics you can post, links to great articles, etc. For example, if you enroll during the prelaunch for the company that I’m associated with, we will have multiple lines of nutritional products. I would set up some Google Alerts for various health and fitness related terms. This will instantly notify me of new articles and blog posts on these topics. When I see one that looks interesting, I’ll read it, make sure it is from a credible trusted source, and then post a little blurb on Facebook and LinkedIn about it and link to the article. Do this fairly often so you do not become a pitch-fest. As an added bonus, you can gather posts like these for the next 30 days and continue dripping your marketing. Remember, anything you can automate during the prelaunch to save you self time is worth its weight in gold. You will need as much time as possible to give maximum effort during the short prelaunch phase. How Does Your Facebook Profile Look? Make sure that your Facebook page is professional, nice, and clean. If you have a large image of you wearing a speedo, while roller-skating down the street past a clown, while you’re also walking a dog, drinking a 40 ounce beer, and eating an ice cream cone, I’m not sure if people will view you as a professional. At the end of the day, view your page in the eyes of someone else and ask yourself, “If I landed on this page, would I do business with this person based on what I see here?” Just remember that like attracts like. I’ll leave it entirely up to you how far you want to take your professional image on Facebook. I know many successful people who have photos of themselves in suits because that is who they are professionally. But at the same time, I know many successful people who have more of a casual but tasteful Facebook profile. Find your comfort zone and make any needed adjustments to your page prior to marketing the prelaunch. This may also include any previous photos that you have uploaded. Are there any photos of you

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or that you’re tagged in that may not be something you want everyone to see? What about the one that your friend took of you last year at your birthday party doing keg stands while wearing a cow suit? I am kidding, of course, but just keep things like this in mind as you begin to build your business and reputation in this profession. There are dozens of books on how to market products, services, and business on Facebook. If you want to learn more about Facebook marketing, by all means, search around online and Amazon. There are a ton of great paid and free resources available to you. So, how powerful is social media marketing in the network marketing profession? I know of several people who have built six and seven-figure network marketing businesses using only Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter. Facebook is the #1 resource by far. I know of one woman who went from being a waitress to making close to six-figures per month in network marketing in under two years due to her marketing efforts on Facebook and YouTube alone. The fact is that today social media can and will play a very large roll in your business. When you combine the old school belly-to-belly style with the social media new-school style, you have a powerful one-two punch that can help you reach your goals much faster than you ever thought possible. Remember, never ever give up. It may take one post or it may take 17 posts before you get your first enrollment, depending on the size of your network on Facebook. It could take more, but no matter what happens, never ever give up. Not seeing the desired results you’re looking for? Find new friends on Facebook who share the same interests you do, such as owning your own home-based business and becoming financially free in network marketing. There are millions and millions of people in the US alone with this same vision. Be sure to reach out and friend everyone you know. Remember that list of names you created? Are you friends with each and every one of them on Facebook? Start adding!

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Finally, I will briefly cover Facebook Pages. I actually have two Facebook accounts, one for my personal life and I also created a Facebook Page for my business life. The one for my business life is: (Removed in this version of the book). I do periodically post business related posts on my personal Facebook account, but I am far more active on my business account. I do not suggest everyone doing it this way unless you plan on having a very active website and blog and you’re building your own personal brand online. There came a time when I started to get a decent amount of traffic to my website daily and wanted to begin to get Facebook likes. I thought about it for several days and made the decision to create a “Fan Page” for my own website because of my long-term goals and everything that I’m planning to do in the coming months and years on my personal website and brand. As far as creating your own brand online, that is not something that you have to even think about when it comes to the prelaunch. If you do not have a blog or website running now, don’t worry about it. You can work on that after the launch. If you find yourself trying to figure out how to set up a brand new blog while the prelaunch is up and running, then I have done a very poor job explaining the sense of urgency you must have in order to be successful during this critical period of time. We all have a very limited amount of time. Invest it wisely. YouTube Marketing In a previous network marketing company that I was involved in, (one that I worked full-time for about 5 years) I built my entire business around video marketing. YouTube can be a powerful source of traffic to your prelaunch website. If you are comfortable on camera, then do whatever you can to get as many videos uploaded as possible during and after the prelaunch. This can drive traffic to your website for years and years to come.

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If you are not comfortable being on camera just yet, then take a look in your virtual back office to see if the company you are associated with has videos available for you to upload onto your YouTube channel. VERY IMPORTANT: When you upload any video to YouTube, make sure that you begin the description with your website address. This is the only way you can make your links clickable. This is critical if you want to drive traffic to your website via YouTube. Additionally, if you look at videos on YouTube, you can only see the partial description. If someone has a longer description, you need to click on “more”. What I suggest here is to begin with your website address and then write some sort of call-to-action to get people to click on your link. For example: <-- Click. See the next video that shows you why this prelaunch, company, and products are so powerful. 100% free to enroll during the prelaunch. (You will need to link to your website, starting with the http://www... to ensure that it is clickable.) It’s a good idea to focus on a “keyword” in your description and title. For example, let’s say you want to focus on “Network Marketing” as your keyword for your video. You will want to mention the words “Network Marketing” a couple of times (or more, depending on the length of your description) and then once in the title of your video. An example of a title for a video could be, “New Network Marketing Company In Prelaunch. Join Now For Free.” For the sake of time, I will not go into how to rank your YouTube videos on Google and other search engines. That takes some needed skills and often times quite a bit of time, and we do not have time on our side during a prelaunch. We must ONLY focus on what will drive immediate traffic to our replicated websites right now and on a daily basis. However, if you do decide to create multiple videos about the prelaunch, MLM, network marketing, and other key phrases, you should do the following:

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• Have the keywords in your title • Have the keywords in your description • Begin your description with your link • Upload videos that are hype and claim free You will begin to get video views and some traffic to your website. Oftentimes, videos can appear in the Google search results very quickly for a day or two and then drop off, but during that time you can get some decent traffic. You’ll also see some views the day that you upload your video, because many people (including myself) like to sort videos by newest to oldest. Twitter Marketing Ah, Twitter. If you already have a strong following on Twitter, then you can basically repeat what you are doing on Facebook. If you do not currently have a strong following on Twitter when you enroll during a prelaunch, my personal advice is this, don’t bother spending too much time here right now. If you have internet marketing experience, I suggest using Twitter for the social signals and links back to your website/blog and outsource as much as you can. I know what I’m saying goes against the grain of common advice regarding Twitter, but I’m coming from a different place. You see, I used to be extremely active on Twitter. I used to manage multiple personas, and I would post multiple times a day across multiple accounts. I created several websites that were called “authority sites” and managed them under different pen names. For awhile, I was so active on Twitter, I was once in the top 3 users in the state of Texas when it comes to following and outreach, and that was for not just one account, but multiple accounts. My largest account had close to 100,000 followers. Whenever I posted a new blog post, I’d tweet the link and thousands of people would go to my site within minutes in the evening.

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My wife also became involved and helped manage some of the personas because a couple of the personas I had created were woman! As a copywriter, I learned how to emulate an individual so I could write copy that sounds like they were the ones who actually wrote it. So I took this skill, created my own personas, and wrote as the people I created. A few times, for the markets I was in, it was a woman. I will admit it! Believe it or not, you would be surprised to learn the number of companies that have products and/or services for women, but were created and marketed by men. It goes the other way as well; there are many women internet marketers who have male personas for some of the products or services that they market online. I saw all of this because when it comes to Twitter, I lived and breathed it for a good 18 months. During that time I also tried every monetization method possible to generate income from my followers. For awhile it worked OK, but things declined very quickly, and it wasn’t too long after things heated up that it all cooled down. I was even the special guest speaker at a high-priced private internet marketing seminar in Austin, Texas several years back where I was asked to talk about Twitter and share some of my “secrets”. So yes, I really was all into Twitter at one point. However, posting links on Twitter today do not produce the same results it did previously. Far from it. It became a night and day difference. Soon it was almost a waste of time to bother with Twitter. So I stopped using Twitter altogether and focused on driving traffic to my website using other methods. Sure, Twitter has a place, but when it comes down to it, there are much better ways to market your prelaunch website. I feel Twitter is a very cold place, especially compared to Facebook and LinkedIn. You have no idea who your followers really are, and there are countless software programs out there today to totally game the system and gain followers in the exact markets you want to go after. Believe me, I’ve used all of them.

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So my advice on Twitter is simply this, if you already have it, then post as you would on Facebook, but do not expect much from it. If you do not have a Twitter account when you enroll during the prelaunch, it’s not worth your time. Sorry Twitter, but time is much better invested on the other social media sites when it comes to marketing. Pinterest Marketing Just like Twitter, I became very active on Pinterest with multiple personas. I built very large followings. I was one of the first to figure out that you could take images and imbed your own affiliate links to generate commissions from all the products people purchased from sites like Amazon. However, like many other things, this method quickly fizzled out. Yes, you can drive a great amount of traffic to your website via Pinterest. Also, in some niches such as e-commerce, it can work great if your images spread virally on Pinterest. I’ve read several stories about massive near overnight successes due to Pinterest. Yes, you can drive traffic to your replicated prelaunch website with Pinterest, but there is a big IF and that is, if you already have a following on Pinterest at the start of the prelaunch. If you do not have an account on Pinterest when you enroll for the prelaunch, don’t bother. It will take up way too much time to build any sort of following that can provide decent enrollment results (unless you outsource it). Bottom line is, if you have a Pinterest account, use it and post images daily that link back to your prelaunch website. If you don’t have an account, but want to at some point, put it on your list of things to do following the launch, during your downtime. Your Own Website or Blog For those of you who have your own website/blog, then you probably already know the importance of adding banners, blog posts, pages, etc., relating to information you want to promote.

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If you have a newsletter, be sure to get an email out to your subscribers about the business opportunity. Just like everything else, I recommend that you take the high road when presenting a business opportunity to your readers. Do it professionally with no hype. Sure, you can express your genuine excitement, but there is no need to go off the wall and tell people that they’ll get rich quick or some other crazy claim. For those of you who do not have your own blog when you enroll into a prelaunch, I suggest waiting before you dive in fully. If you are brand new to Internet marketing, there are several learning curves to get through when it comes to blogging, SEO, keyword research, etc. Teaching you all these is not the purpose of this book. Remember that one of the suggested rules to follow when working a prelaunch is to stick to what you know now, and what you can do now, and save the learning (related to different marketing methods) until after the launch. The only thing that this rule does not apply to is learning the simple skill of talking to people about the business or products every chance you get. You will get better at this skill with practice. For those with little to no Internet marketing knowledge, for the very small crowd that doesn’t have a Facebook page, focus 100% of your time, energy, and attention going through your warm and lukewarm contacts. Don’t worry about the online marketing methods for now. Other Marketing Methods Depending on your budget and time, there are countless things you can do during the prelaunch to increase exposures, and remember the ancient secret that has been past down through the ages. It may even be written on the walls in the pyramids in Egypt: More exposures = more enrollments into your prelaunch. From newspaper ads to fliers posted at all of your local coffee shops, to pay-per-click marketing on Google and Bing to banner ads, it’s all about driving traffic to your replicated website.

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Now in this book I decided to cover just the primary social media sites. There are hundreds, if not thousands of other niche social networking websites. If you are already members of them and active, great. You have more people you can reach out to. If you’re not a member of any of these, don’t worry about it. However, in the slight chance you have run out of people to talk to, or you want to really get your local marketing going, check out: and see what types of groups are meeting in your area. There may be anything from network marketing groups, public speaking groups, Internet marketing groups, and everything and anything in between. Also, keep an eye out for traditional networking events in your area. Those places are usually filled with local business people all looking for leads. Many of these people may also be open to taking a look at a business opportunity. Right now, you have a very rare and unique opportunity to be THE leader in your city or town for a company prelaunching. You could be the first to start home meetings. You could be the first running hotel meetings locally and in the cities and towns around you, if that is of any interest to you. The bottom line is that no matter what other marketing methods you decide to use throughout the prelaunch and afterwards, you want to take massive action. The day that the prelaunch starts is not a rehearsal. This is the one and only time ever that you will get to prelaunch the USA (or if you are involved in another company launching by chance, maybe some other countries.) A Few Thoughts Related To Marketing And More (Here We Go Again!) If you want to really change your life for the better in more ways that you can imagine, and I really mean that, then give this prelaunch everything you’ve got. Also, for those of you who are really hungry, after you’ve given it your all and you fall to the ground, get right back up and go give more.

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Spending just a few minutes here and there won’t cut it if you are serious about building a solid part-time to full-time income. Commit any amount of time you can spare whether it’s night and weekends, mornings, or whatever fits your schedule, and whatever you choose as your schedule, stick to it. You have a very real 100% legitimate opportunity to create a solid income that can last for a very long time due to a prelaunch, so remember that. If you are reading this prior to us going into prelaunch and the timing is right for you to get involved, you really should feel thankful that this somehow fell onto your plate right now. I know we don’t know each other, but I believe in you. The reason I can say that is because if you have made it this far in this book, you are obviously committed to making positive changes in your life. Anyone who shows that level of dedication is someone who I can 100% believe in. During the times when it feels like you hit a wall (which will happen) and it feels like nothing is happening with your prelaunch (which will happen) and you start to have doubts (which will happen) just remember it. Although I am not right there to jump up and down and motivate you, high-five you, and say keep going, you’re almost there, I am here through this book. Do not let anything knock you off track. The only reason why I’m going to share this next piece of information with you is to prove a point. It’s not to pound my own chest or say how great I am or anything of the sort. By now I hope you know that I’m far from that type of person. I also hope that what I share with you below will prove the point that if you are hungry enough to accomplish something, you will not let anything get in your way. As you know, 100% of this book is being written right in the thick of getting things ready for the prelaunch. I’ll be straight up and upfront and say that I’m often putting in 16-18 hour days, 7 days a week, and believe me, countless things have come up and continue to come up that try to derail me, but I keep getting back up and running towards my goals.

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One interruption happened exactly three weeks ago from the day I am writing this. I was at my son’s soccer game, (yes, no matter what, I always make his games) and at the end of the game, I lifted him up to put him in the car like I’ve done a thousand times. However, this time when I lifted him and twisted I felt a “pop” in my lower back and immediately the discomfort began. This was on a Saturday. By Sunday AM, I could not get off the couch. My lower back hurt unlike anything that I had ever felt in my life, so much so that we had to call an ambulance. I called the hospital and asked them to send one, they said they couldn’t and I had to call 9-1-1. That was the last thing I wanted to do. After trying to get up for another 15-20 minutes, I realized I was in trouble. Muscle spasms began, and the pain I was in was quickly becoming unbearable. So I called 9-1-1, told them about the situation and asked them not to send fire trucks, police cars, or every emergency vehicle in the fleet, just an ambulance without the sirens. It was not an emergency at all, I could wait for them. The woman asked for my address and began asking me questions. Less than two minutes passed, and I was in mid-sentence (answering one of her questions) when I could hear sirens blaring in the distance. Of course, our son, who is three, got all excited and ran to the front window. I got off the phone with the woman and I hear our son say, “Wow, a fire truck! Wow, an ambulance!” Great, I thought, now I’ve made a whole scene for all of our neighbors to see. I ended up spending two and a half days in the hospital and the first of which I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. I’m talking screaming out loud with tears rolling down your face type pain, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. My wife said after seeing me like that she questioned what hurt worse, what I was going through or childbirth. For any woman reading this, you know for a woman to say that, especially to a man, means I was in some very serious pain! Anyway, even while I was in the middle of the worst muscle spasms that caused the worst pain in my lower back that you can ever

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imagine, I can clearly remember thinking about this book. I had told readers of my blog that this book was coming I was worried about the delays my injury would cause. Once they got more pain meds and muscle relaxers via IV in me that could put a horse down, the pain subsided. Now of course, I was in la-la land and I remember watching a marathon of Duck Dynasty on TV with my wife. I was fascinated about the fact that the bed had built-in speakers on each side of my head and the stereo surround sound was the most amazing I had ever heard. I was blown away. I’m sure my wife got a kick out of seeing me so out of it and being quite funny at times. Well, I think I was being funny. But now that I think back, I think I was the only one laughing. Anyway, during the commercials and late at night I would working on writing this book from my iPhone. I would write sections, even a chapter and send it to myself via email. I was also able to stay completely up-to-date on the prelaunch and manage all the moving parts and the 30-50+ emails that came in daily. When I finally got out of the hospital, during “my time” which is usually from 12 AM to 3 AM, I just copied what I had written while in the hospital and put it into this book. Surprisingly, I didn’t need to edit what I wrote too much, except the part about the purple dragons flying around my room, (just kidding). So, for the last 3 weeks, my back has been very slowly healing. The first two weeks I could barely walk and the pain was quite high day in and day out, but I kept working and plugging away on this book. Now three weeks later, I’m still limping, but doing more and more with my back to get it ‘back’ in shape. As a side note, changes are coming such as a standing desk and daily back exercises daily, no matter what. I never ever want to go through that again. I tell the above story to give you a glimpse of my day-to-day life, while working on this prelaunch, writing this book, working on my blog, and so on. Things in life pop up almost daily. I’m on a conference

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call and I have to attend to an emergency such as killing a spider. I can be mapping out the entire prelaunch sequence, in very deep thought, and our son comes into my office and wants me to try the hotdog he made out of Play-Doh (which happened yesterday). It doesn’t matter. There’s always something. There will always be something; that’s life. There is never ever a perfect time when your plate will magically be clear. What will keep me laser-focused during this prelaunch and afterwards all comes down to one single word that we covered earlier. I have a very strong “WHY.” Nothing will get in my way, and that’s what provides me with 100% proof that I am living in complete alignment with my “why”. Have you figured out your “why” yet? If not, no worries. Keep working on finding it. It will come and believe me, when it does, as I said before, you’ll not only know it, but you will feel it. It will completely change your life in more ways than you can ever imagine, and best of all, it will change the lives of those around you in many positive ways. You will be moving towards your true self, a self that has been suppressed by false beliefs, self-doubt, and even worse, other people. Far too many people put off their dreams in life waiting for just the right time in their lives. Before they know it, they are out of time. The time is right now. There could not be a more perfect time. The fact that you are reading this right now proves that you truly do have the time. You are making time to read this book, and you can make time to work the prelaunch, and the business after the launch. The time, is right now. THIS IS YOUR TIME. Believe it. Know it. Accept it. Then go for it. The Prelaunch Jitters Look, I already know what you’re going to go through. I have been there and lived it, multiple times.

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• You are going to question yourself and this business throughout the prelaunch. • You are going to wonder why you are working so hard and if all of it is really worth it. • You are going to have friends and family say no to you, and it will sting a little, maybe a lot. • You will get disappointed that some people do not seem interested in either the products or business. • You are going to get distracted by life constantly. • Your spouse may not understand why you are working so hard and it may cause some issues if you do not share the potential of this business and what it could mean for your family. • Your kids are going to want you to play, help them, and seem to take up more of your time than ever during the prelaunch. Somehow, they will just know that you are on a mission, and it will become almost a game to them. “How can I distract Mommy or Daddy today?” • You will wonder if all of this is real and legitimate; it is, I assure you. But at times it will be surreal because of how fast things are happening, especially when we hit momentum in the prelaunch stage. • You will question yourself about whether you made the right decision many times throughout the prelaunch. • You may feel like quitting anywhere from one to a few thousand times during the prelaunch for a million reasons. • Old beliefs that you have held onto, that have held you back from your true potential, will all crop up during the prelaunch. They always do.

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I have gone through each and every one of the above multiple times. When you feel or go through any of them, it is normal. Keep pressing on. Adjust where you need to, but keep pressing on. In many ways, if you really run with this prelaunch, you are going to grow more as a person in a 30 day period than you have in a long time. For some of you, months, and some of you, years. Yes, for some of you, decades. Now I don’t want to get “too out there” in this book, but on a high level, let’s agree that everything is energy. Everything is vibrating. Which has been proven by science countless times. With the above in mind, have you ever been to an event, either a live network marketing company-sponsored event, a Tony Robins event, or any other event where there’s hundreds, if not thousands of motivated people all ready to change their lives for the better? You can literally feel the energy in the room. It’s amazing, and it is why we always say that no matter what, always get to the company events. You really have to experience them yourself. In a prelaunch, we are creating this buzz, this vibration, this new energy, and because they are designed to go viral, this high-level exciting energy spreads very quickly. You want to get into that energy as fast as you can, especially when we go into momentum and we have a thousand, or if I have it my way, thousands of people joining every single day, during the prelaunch. The fastest way to get into that “prelaunch energy” is to immediately go to the top 5-10 people you know who are sharp, smart, motivated, connected, and driven to succeed in life and let them know about the prelaunch as soon as possible. Yes, as soon as you have your prelaunch website, go talk to those people face-to-face. Follow the scripts above. Are you comfortable doing that? I’m saying all of this to make a point. I already know what you are thinking. A tiny voice in your head just said two things. First, several people came to mind when I mentioned 5-10 people. Maybe not 10, but at least 2 or 3. Next, some of you may

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have had the thought that you do not want to go to your top people right away. You want to make sure that you are comfortable. You want to practice. You want to feel ready. Well guess what? You know those people you just thought about? Forget about that line of thinking because there are many people that also know those few sharp people on your short list. You have the opportunity to speak to them first, so don’t hesitate! I’m trying to make this point because I have heard the scenario time and time again from so many people in a prelaunch. They wait to reach out to their top 5-10 contacts (after delaying for whatever reason) and some of them had already heard about the business and already enrolled with someone else. Now these sharp motivated folks are building their business on someone else’s team, instead of yours. The fact that is that the prelaunch is 100% free to enroll and there are absolutely no barriers. The only barriers in front of you are those you create for yourself. Instead of creating your own obstacles, do all you can to get out of your own way. The only person who can hold you back from reaching your true potential in this prelaunch is you. So all I’m doing is providing you a little push to prevent a last minute effort to reach your best contacts. It’s not just the fact that it is possible that your top prospects can find out about the launch from someone else, but there is another reason that you really need to take action and reach out to them. The real reason is because you are doing THEM a disservice by not sharing the opportunity as soon as you can. You just cost them days that they could have been pre-building their business at no cost. That would have provided them with a huge advantage, and of course, you as well! What if the rolls were reversed? What if they were the ones reading this book. What if they were one of the ones that joined the prelaunch on day 1. Wouldn’t you want them to call you before they called everyone else? Of course!

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In fact, if you wait too long to tell some of your best contacts and they find out that you have been sitting on this for a few days, they may get a little upset! I sure would if someone I knew was sitting on a huge life-changing business opportunity, and I wasn’t at least on their list of the first 10 people they called. Enough said. Here I am in the marketing section of this book, and I’m going on and on about more mindset training. I think the reason why is because the way you think, feel, and act is 100% directly associated with your success or failure (not just in a prelaunch) but in network marketing in general. You need to be in the right mindset to market, talk to people, put in the work, avoid distractions, avoid negative people, and so on. I truly hope at least some of this is beginning to sink in. Whether you decide to work with me or someone on my team, or you are in a different MLM company, I hope that I’m at least pushing some buttons to get you to stand up and seriously go after your dreams and help all the people you can do the same. That’s what this profession is all about.

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7. HOW TO MARKET TO CUSTOMERS Up to this point, we’ve talked about building your team during and after a prelaunch of an MLM company. Recruiting a team and building a large, stable organization is great, but none of this would be possible without great products and customers. The company is the engine, the products are the car, and you are the wheels that make it move. Without one or the other, nothing moves. During a typical prelaunch, nearly everything is 100% focused on helping you establish your front-line team and organization that will be ready to come charging out of the gates the day that the company officially opens for business. But let’s fast-forward one step and talk about customer acquisition because it’s a major factor in your business. Once the prelaunch is over, you will want to spend time enrolling customers interested in the products that you’re offering through the business. These customers can add a significant amount of monthly residual income to your pocket each month, as you gather more and more customers. The more customers you gather and the more your team duplicates this effort, the more solid everyone’s monthly residual income will be. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught in the mindset of recruiting 24/7 following the launch. However, a percentage of your attention needs to be on reaching long-term customers as well. So how can you come storming out of the gates and enroll a ton of customers immediately following the prelaunch? Do you remember that list you created when you wrote down the names of everyone you know? Little did it occur to you that there was another purpose for that list, and there is a reason why I didn’t tell you the second reason earlier.

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I’m testing you. Well, it’s more of a test for yourself. Did you actually sit down and make your list? If not, at this point I have a very valid concern that this prelaunch may not be for you, and as much as it hurts me to say this, unless you quickly change your thinking, network marketing is not for you, at least not right now. In order to become successful in this business, and this is coming from someone who has earned over a million dollars in commissions in network marketing, you need to develop the habit of learning and then doing. Whenever you learn something new that can have a positive impact on your business, as soon as you can, do it. You surely have heard the saying that money likes speed. The faster you go, the faster you can help others and the faster the money will come in. For those of you who haven’t, this is your last chance. I know this is really difficult for some of you. I was right where you were. For years I read books, listened to CDs, went to seminars, and watched training videos. They all insisted on the importance of making a list. I never listened, but when it came time for my first prelaunch, what did I do? For the first time in my life, I made my list. I know it feels funny. I know it can be scary, but it is the one thing that you can do right now that could mean the difference between making an extra $300.00 or $3,000.00, or even $30,000.00 a month or more. Just one or two people who really run with this business in your organization could create a life-changing full-time income for you. It may not be anyone you know personally, but it may be someone who they know. The point is, you never know until you take action. For those of you who are the action takers, you’re going to have a lot of success in this business. I’m proud of you for making your list, and I know that you are going to do incredible things. So here’s what to do. The day that the company goes live, take out your list that you created earlier with all of your contacts. It’s time to reach out again to everyone who said no to the business opportunity.

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Now don’t worry. We’re not going to talk about the business opportunity whatsoever. They already told us that the timing wasn’t right for them to be a part of a new business opportunity. That’s fine; respect their decision. Everyone who said ‘no thanks’ or passed on the business opportunity for whatever reason is a potential customer who may be interested in one of your products. Laser-Targeted Customer Gathering If there are several product lines for different types of people, then one exercise that I would highly recommend is the following: 1. Grab a pen and a notebook. On each page of the notebook, on the top, write the name of each product line down. Then on the last page, write the words “Other Products” on the top. 2. Next, pull out the long list of names that you created earlier when you enrolled during the prelaunch. 3. For each name, think about which product line would be the best fit for them. For example, if there is an ‘active lifestyle’ line, there may be a product available for your friend Sue who never misses a Yoga class and works out several times a week. Write down the names of the people from your first list onto the next set of lists that you’re creating. If the company has five major product lines, you’ll have five pages in your notebook with the names of each product line on the top. To go with the example in number three above, Sue goes on page 1, the active lifestyle products page. Your Uncle Joe goes on page 2, for a product line geared towards people over 50. Your friend Mary, who you worked with 8 years ago and has a four-year-old, would go onto the “other products” page. The “other products” page is for individual products. In the case of the company that I’m creating and designing the prelaunch and launch for, they have multiple product lines, but they also have many individual product as well. I like to put people’s names down on the other page where I know there is a hot button. For example, if there

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is a specific product that can help children, and you have a friend who has a child that would greatly benefit from the products, make a note of that by her name. The more you can laser-target your marketing, the more successful you will be in customer-gathering. As you’re adding the names on these pages, there will of course, be some people who you have no idea which product line would be best suited to them, and that’s perfectly OK. We can use a broader approach with them. But before we get to those people, you’ll want to contact the ones who you’ve matched up with products that you believe they’ll benefit from. Always go for the low-hanging fruit first. This is because the low-hanging fruit are the customers who jump right on board. The product line fits them perfectly, and they immediately go to your website and place an order. This does one of two things for you. First, it puts money in your pocket and secondly, it builds your belief in the products. Think about it. You go to your friend John a week after the launch to talk to him about the products, and you have not enrolled anyone yet. What level will your belief in yourself be at that point? I would think, not very high. What if you had enrolled 26 customers your first week and then you get to John. Do you think your confidence will be higher? Do you think John will be able to see that in your eyes, or hear it in your voice over the phone? Absolutely! Calling Potential Customers Below is a sample script for calling potential customers: You: “Hi John, it’s (you). Remember awhile back I spoke to you about a new business?” John: “Yes, I do remember. I’m not interested. I already told you that. Do you have a hearing problem? What’s wrong with you? Why are you always joining those scam pyramid things? Why don’t you just work a 9-5 job like everyone else over the next 40 years? When

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are you really going to do something with your life?” (I am kidding, but do you have any of those types of people in your life? Aren’t they fun? Anyway, I am just being a little humorous here.) So, let’s just say he says, “Yes, I remember.” You: Don’t worry, I’m not calling to talk about the business. I respect your decision. However, we have officially launched and I can begin sharing information about the products. There was one product line that made me think of you immediately. I know that you are very active and go to the gym, and you keep your health in check. This new product line that I’d love for you to check out has been producing great results for other people who live active lifestyles too. If I send you a link to my new website, would you take a look at it and at the very least, watch the video?” John: “OK, I’ll check it out” You: (Remember G-GAP from earlier?) Great! Grab a pen. John: “OK, one second. Now where did I put that darn pen? Margaret! Where’s the pen? You are always taking my pens! Pens don’t grow on trees! Hold on, I’m on the phone. No, I haven’t. What? A pen. I need a pen, not a pin!” You: Umm... While you’re getting a pen, what’s your email address I can send some additional information to? (He answers). Great. My website is (your website). Do you think you will have time by 7:00 PM tomorrow to review the site? John: Yes. You: OK, I’ll give you a call tomorrow at 7:00 to follow-up with you, to see if you have any questions. I’d really love to have you as one of my personal customers. Based on all of the studies and results others are having, I’d be excited to hear how the products benefit you. Thanks, talk to you tomorrow at 7:00. Bye for now.” NOTE: A quick thought about the line, “Based on all of the studies and results others are having.” If the company has had trials or studies before the prelaunch and already has great success stories for you to share, then by means, be sure to make a point of sharing that

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information. If the company does not have testimonials from product testers or the results of trials or studies, then hold off saying anything similar to the example above. The script is just a rough sample that you’ll want to put into your own words, but I think you get the point and that is that you want to keep it simple. You will basically follow the same exact system you have been using all along while building your business during the prelaunch. As you can see, the script and main points stay pretty much the same. It’s just tweaked a little for each situation. The goal of the call is to share how you’ve identified a product that your prospect might be interested in and to be upfront about the fact that you would love for them to be your personal customer. There is no reason to hide it. Adding anything about studies or success stories you’ve read on your website or back office is icing on the cake. As soon as you get off the phone, send them the link to the product that you believe would interest them the most. Once you have gone through your list of people for each product or product line, call the others who you were not sure about. For example, you may have no idea what may interest a dry cleaner. So for these types of people, I would keep the script more generic and send them a link to an overview of all the product lines. Let them decide. Customer gathering after the prelaunch is a whole subject all together, but not the purpose of this book, since my main focus here is on a prelaunch. However, gathering as many customers as you can while building your organization of fellow distributors will pay off big time. If you’re with the right company and have the right products, you can build a long-term monthly residual income from customers alone. Many people in our profession have done it. Not to mention, many of these customers may end up becoming some of your BEST distributors down the road. This is because they get great results from the products and maybe their priorities have

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changed and they decide to dive into the business. Also, they have their own personal success stories to share with the world. Become Your Own Customer Magnet Want to know the #1 secret in network marketing to enroll customer after customer, like clockwork, week after week with absolutely zero selling? Are you ready for this? Here is the secret. Create your own success story. That’s it! As soon as you get the products in the mail, begin taking them immediately. I highly suggest keeping a notebook and spend just three minutes each week writing down any benefits you’ve noticed. Do you have more energy or ability to focus? How do you feel? How are you sleeping? Did you have any issues prior to taking the products that have improved or even gone away completely? How is your mental clarity? Really, take some time before taking the products and document how you feel in as many areas in your life as possible. Do you have any aches and pains or any health concerns? Do you start dragging following lunch? Think about your entire day from the second that you get up to the moment you go to bed, how you feel, think, breathe, sleep, eat, all the way down to how things go when you step into the restroom. There is nothing in the world that will provide you with overnight results. Things take time. Sure, with some products you may notice results quickly, but the real stories will come after taking the products for a period of time. Also make sure that you’ve ordered enough products for your spouse to take and have him or her document their results as well. Have any kids? Are there any products that would be helpful for them? If so, get them on the products and document any changes they experience. Between you and your family, you will have testimonials, and you will be able to share them with the world. This is when customer-gathering becomes so drop-dead simple. When you notice a very positive change in yourself or someone you know, because of the

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products, suddenly a switch goes on and you’re ready to run out and tell the world! My Son’s Product Story I have been on variations of the products for several months, and I already have incredible stories about what the products have done for my wife and me. However, nothing compares to what the products have done for our soon-to-be four year-old son. Since he was about one, he had a minor health issue. My wife and I went to the doctor several times to her about it. We always brought it up every time we took him to get a check-up when he was sick and had an ear infection. It was not an issue that was serious by any means. Still, it not only bothered him quite often, but it really made my wife and me feel frustrated, because we felt so helpless. Often, he was in pain and there was nothing we could do. Sometimes, it would be an all-day thing. As he got a little older, it began to make several things more challenging. The doctors eventually told us to try out an over-the-counter product. We did and it helped a little, but not entirely. It certainly didn’t solve anything. The doctor then told us that he would probably have to be on that product his whole life, and that really bothered me. We didn’t know all of the ingredients in the product, and we were not convinced that it would be healthy to continue taking it. Shortly after that news, maybe within a couple of months, when I was hired onboard as a consultant for this company that I’m prelaunching, we started taking their products. We discovered that one of the products was great for children for a wide variety of reasons. So, we started to give it to our son with absolutely no expectations, other than it might help improve certain areas of his life. Surprisingly, within a couple of weeks, things began to change regarding the problem he was experiencing. Within a month, the problem was completely gone and has not returned, and we are now

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going on seven months since he started the product. Due to the relief from the product, all of our lives changed for the better. He was no longer having issues and had no pain. He became a much happier little guy all around, and we became much happier parents who didn’t have to continue to live with worry. The moment that the company launches I will not only be sharing the full story with all the details on my blog, but my mission is to tell the world. I was convinced after taking the products after what they have done for my wife and me. When we saw my son’s life drastically improve because of the products, I don’t even have the words for how this made my wife and me feel. I can tell you that this lit a fire within me that I didn’t even know that I had. There are potentially millions of children in the USA alone who are going through exactly what our son had experienced. I know how helpless parents feel. I know exactly what the kids are going through, not physically, but I have seen what the issue does to a child. I now have a very big mission to get out in front of all the parents I can with this one product and share my son’s story. The above is absolutely true and a great example of a real, live testimonial about the products. I also have multiple stories to tell about what the products have done for my wife and me, and why I will be taking these products for the rest of my life. So no matter what company you join, take the products as soon as they arrive, document where you are now in every area of your life that you can think of, and journal how you are doing on a weekly basis. Do the same for everyone in your family. Nothing will bring in more customers than your own personal testimony, and once you have a 100% true, legitimate story, the marketing doors just swing wide open for you. Think locally, of course, but also think about all the ways you can share your story online, via your blog, Facebook, press release, YouTube videos, LinkedIn, other social networks, forums, paid ads, and more.

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Never Make Any Health Claims Always make 100% sure that everything that you do and say is in compliance with laws regarding health claims. Actually, you should never make any health claims. Not only could you lose your business if you do, but you could get into legal trouble. For example, never say that the products will 100% cure anything. If you are writing a blog, an email, or some type of marketing and you are not 100% sure if what you’re saying is compliant, contact the company’s compliance department and run it by them. You always want to make sure that you are on the up and up. This means regarding both the business opportunity and products. Also, so you are aware, new sophisticated software and technology that is now available to most companies alerts them within three minutes if you post any type of health claims online. If you do, expect a phone call. I don’t mean to scare you, but all network marketing companies take this very seriously or at least they should. So please, for the safety of your current and future business, if you have any questions on a particular marketing piece or something you want to say, always run it by the company. With that said, don’t expect an immediate answer. It can take a few days because a growing MLM company is very busy! It doesn’t mean that they don’t want to help you. They most certainly do. So give it a few days.

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8. THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS Once the prelaunch is over, that’s when the party really starts. You will now have a great part-time or full-time income coming in. Congratulations! You are seeing first-hand all of the results of your hard work all throughout the prelaunch. You worked hard. You deserve it. However, don’t pack your bags for a month long vacation just yet, because the biggest mistake that I’ve seen people make immediately following the prelaunch is some think that they have “made it” and step back from the business to enjoy their new income stream. That’s like pouring a foundation for a house and immediately building the frame and house on the wet concrete when you know a hurricane will be hitting the area the next day. This is just not something you would do. In fact, building a great foundation and then walking away is the absolute worst thing that you could do, not just for yourself, but for everyone you enrolled into the business during the upgrade period following the prelaunch. From this point, you have to solidify your business. Like newly poured concrete, a new organization built during a prelaunch takes time to solidify. Not only that, but it will take some time and effort on your part. The next 90 days following the prelaunch is the most critical time in your business. Read that sentence again and again. Really let that sink in.

The next 90 days following the prelaunch is the most critical time in your business.

The first 30 days during the prelaunch is important because it establishes the base, but that base can quickly go away over the next 90 days if you don’t continue to work on your business. If you simply

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walk away, then it is only a matter of time before your check will walk away with you, but in the other direction! Now this does not mean that you have to burn the midnight oil day in and day out for 90 straight days. Choose a schedule that you’ll work on your new business and stick to it for the next 90 days. Whether you have an extra hour each night and a few hours on the weekend, or you have multiple hours each day that you can invest into your business, the time that you devote during these next 90 days will pay you for many years to come. For those of you longer term planners out there, your schedule will look something like this: 1. Prelaunch (30-days) 2. Launch into company 3. Solidify my new organization (90 days) 4. First live company event I know I’ve talked about the first live event previously, but I want to ring this bell just one last time because it is absolutely critical to your long-term success in this profession. The first company event is your next target immediately following the prelaunch. Your goal is to have as many people you’ve enrolled into the business join you at the live event. I can assure you that the more people on your team who attend the first live event, the more rocket fuel will be pumped into your organization. My second largest check I have ever earned in one single month was due to an event, and I can attribute my largest organizational growth directly to each and every event that the company hosted. Most importantly, I had so much one-on-one time with many incredible people from all over the world who I had sponsored into the business. Remember, this is a relationship business and nothing solidifies your relationships with your team better than a face-to-face handshake or hug. Solidify Your Foundation To solidify the foundation you poured during the prelaunch, you need to work closely with everyone you personally brought on board and

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teach them how to do the same exact thing with everyone they enrolled. During the next 90 days it’s all hands on deck. You will be working with current distributors, enrolling new distributors, and also enrolling customers. Sure, depending on the size of your prelaunch organization, it will be some work. However, the work involved in network marketing is much different than anything else that you may be used to doing. In many cases, it is far more rewarding. Oh, and I almost forgot, you’re now receiving weekly and monthly checks rewarding you for all of your efforts, which is a nice added benefit if I do say so myself. Starting on day one of the official launch, you will want to keep a very close eye on who is doing what and what everyone needs to do qualify for to reach the next level in the compensation plan. Your mission will be to help as many people as you can advance through the plan as fast as possible. Why? Because you will want as many of your team members as possible walking across the stage at the convention, as their names are displayed on the big screen and announced for thousands to hear as they receive their award pin. The direct result of you helping people advance in the plan levels will be you flying through the levels yourself. For example, let’s say that you enrolled Mary who is $10,000.00 in volume away from reaching the next rank title in the business that we’ll call Silver. You will want to do everything you can to help Mary bring in that additional $10,000 in volume, which includes working with any of the go-getters on her team who are really running with the business. Did you catch that last sentence? I just shared a little secret with you. You see, this is the most amazing thing about the network marketing profession. You could enroll Joe who works the business here and there and eventually sponsors his boss Jim. Jim takes the business a bit more seriously and brings in three new people and nine customers his first week.

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One of Jim’s first people is his sister Christine. Little did you know that Christine has been in the network marketing industry for 15 years and has earned millions in the industry. You wake up one morning and see that this new woman Christine sponsored 18 people her first day in the business. Drop everything at that very second (unless you are holding your baby), log into your back office, get her phone number, and then give that woman a call. You just found yourself with an amazing leader in your business. Work with her as much as you possibly can to help support her and her team. Yes, there will be times where you are working depth, meaning you are working with people deeper in your organization. Sound far fetched? I know many successful network marketers who had similar situations happen to them in their career, but please, don’t count on this happening to you tomorrow or next week. That is the lottery mentality. Can it happen? Sure, it could happen. If it does, great. If it doesn’t, great. Just keep your nose to the grindstone and know that the harder you work the more successful you will be. In addition to working with everyone on your team, now is the time to really invest in yourself. Personal development is the #1 tool that will help increase your income faster than anything else you could ever do in your MLM business. The more you invest in yourself, the more your check will increase. As you can tell by now, it is nearly impossible for me to stick to any subject relating to network marketing without it somehow leading into the area of personal development. It’s just such a large part of my life, and I see opportunities to grow and learn everywhere I look within our profession, and as you’ve probably noticed, I get pretty darn excited about it at times! Now it will not happen over night, but as you learn more skills that you can directly apply to your MLM business, you will begin to see improvements all across the board. I have mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again. When you are finished reading this book, I encourage you to read the Go Pro book:

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Also, please subscribe to my newsletter on my website because I am constantly sharing news, tips, ideas, and books. Currently, there is one book that I want to recommend right now so badly, but I can’t just yet because it is written by my sponsors, one of whom is a New York Times best-selling author and legend in the network marketing profession. Since we are all working on this prelaunch right now, I cannot disclose anyone’s name. However, as soon as I can, that book will become a highly suggested book. If you take the time to review that book and then combine all that you have gleaned from me and the Go Pro book, you will have incredible tools that’ll take your business to unimaginable levels. Also, some of the best books, audio programs, courses, seminars, etc. that you can start reading, listening to, or attending right now will be about leadership. I could name countless great books on MLM, leadership, personal development, but I have found that at least for me, half the fun is exploring what is available and finding my own gems, but of course, I also share the great resources that I have found on my blog. If you’re not already doing so, begin reading any personal development related book for 15-30 minutes every night before bed. If you have time to invest longer, go for it. I can directly attribute 100% of my success in network marketing to applying what I have learned by going to seminars, reading books, watching DVDs, and listening to audio programs. That is how important personal development is in network marketing. Your success and income is directly tied into how much you improve yourself. Now I know I may sound like a broken record on this subject, but I wish someone had drilled this into my head many years ago when I struggled for so long prior to getting into the network marketing industry and personal development. I know many successful people who are multi-millionaires and one billionaire I’ve worked with who attribute their success to getting involved in network marketing many years ago, and establishing the habit of improving themselves through personal development.

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Finally, immediately following the prelaunch, you will want to quickly change your focus to the second most powerful business-building tool at your disposal, which I have covered, the first live company event. Build Towards The First Event I want to dive into company events a little deeper because of their direct connection to your success. Early on, one of my mentors shared something with me that he said directly attributed so much to his success. He told me, “Always build towards the next event.” That is where the magic really happens. Everything that happens in between is preparation. Following the prelaunch, the company that you are associated with should have the details about the first live event posted in your virtual back office. The more people on your team attending your company’s event, the faster your business and check will continue to grow. You will want to do everything in your power to have each and every person that you enroll attend the live event. Whatever it takes, get them there. In the last company I was associated with, I remember many people driving a day or two straight to get the event. Many people roomed with others to save money. They did whatever they had to do to get themselves and their team members to the live events. Just because you may not be in the ideal financial situation right now to make the trip to an event, doesn’t mean that you will be in the same situation for the next one. There is a VERY good chance that one event will change everything for you. All it takes is just one powerful presentation, a training, or even one single sentence that changes everything for you or one of your team members. Believe me, things can happen very quickly in this business. Network marketing is very well known for having the ability to skyrocket people to success quickly if they are working hard and doing all the right things. Depending on someone’s current situation, he or she may find themselves driving to the first event and rooming with their team members.

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But by the next event they may find themselves flying first class, being picked up by a limo at the airport, and then taken to their room on the top floor of the hotel. You hear these types of stories in our profession all the time. Live events are what build your network marketing business fast. They instill belief in the company, products, and opportunity. You often learn about new and exciting products being released or new bonuses being added. You get to meet the owners and executives of the company. You also get to be face-to-face with many of your team members and others outside of your team who may live in other parts of the country. The bottom line is that you all share the same dreams, goals, and vision, and that is powerful! Despite all of the opportunities that social media marketing provides for you, you can never take the people aspect out of network marketing. It’s all about the people, like-minded people, people who are not waiting for life to happen; they are making life happen. If you are reading this book right now and you are not in a favorable financial situation at this very moment, and you have the opportunity to join a legitimate MLM company during their prelaunch stage, if I were you, (and I was in that same position at one point) I would give it EVERYTHING I’ve got. You can completely change your financial situation forever because of a single MLM prelaunch, IF you are willing to work. I will be the first to tell you that working a prelaunch takes time, effort, and sacrifice during the 30 days. Then the next 90 days following the launch takes a different type of effort, but it becomes some of the most rewarding work you’ll ever do. If you are willing to work hard and really stay focused, you have in your hands the absolute #1 way to change your life. For those of you who are already doing well financially, but you are looking to supplement your income or even replace your current income, getting involved with and working an MLM prelaunch is one heck of a fast-track way to get to where you want to go.

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The bottom line is that if you have any desire to better your life financially, and you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work, I am not aware of any other path on the planet to secure a long-term monthly residual income. You Are Not Too Late As I mentioned in the beginning of this book, a prelaunch is not the only path to succeeding in network marketing. Every day people join companies that have been around for five, ten, even twenty or more years. Some of these folks who enrolled in a company twenty years after it first launched have moved past everyone and became among the top earners in their company. No matter what company you join or when you become a distributor, as long is the company is stable, has great products that you can be passionate about, solid leadership, and a great compensation plan, you can start from nothing and make it to the top of the plan. That is the beautiful thing about the network marketing profession. However, if you are interested in working with me or someone on my team, let me fill you in on a little secret. The prelaunch that I am working on right now is for the USA only. However, the company has aggressive plans to launch the products and business opportunity in many countries around the world in the future. I will be prelaunching into every single one of them. I’ll also be working with a core group of leaders (which has yet to be established, so you can be one of them, if you’d like, and we will open up country after country.) My dream with this business is to travel around the world with my wife and son. I envision us arriving in the next prelaunch country, within a week or two of kick-off, and spending time seeing all the sights, having fun, spending time with great people, leaders on the team, and living the life of absolute freedom. I expect over the next several years that we will do a dozen more prelaunches, and as we continue to expand around the world, I’ll continue to organize them.

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That means that you can be in the very beginning of each and every one of them, too. I already have marketing systems and plans in place once we begin rolling out internationally that you will be able to tap into, even if you do not know a single person in one or any of the countries that we will be venturing into. So, if you also have a vision of traveling the world, sharing amazing products and a solid business opportunity with others, I’d love for you to join us. We have some time between now and then. So keep that in the back of your mind while you focus on this upcoming prelaunch. Even if you’re involved in another company that is going into prelaunch and we do not end up working together, I hope that this book will serve you well and motivate you to market your business and products professionally. Whether we are on the same team, same company, or different company, we are all together in this amazing profession called network marketing. We all have the power to completely change people’s lives forever. Never forget that. I truly wish you all the success in the world. I have shared exactly what it takes to truly become successful in a prelaunch if you choose to participate in one, and now it is up to you to take action on what you have learned. Thank you for investing your time by reading my book. I am extremely grateful that I have had the opportunity to share this critical information with you. Thanks again, MLM JOE Website: PS – Remember to send the above website to others who are considering enrolling into a prelaunch that you are about to start working or already working. Also remember to get back to the person who referred you to the website and this book.

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RESOURCES My website: Go Pro Book: PDF to help you build your list:

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GLOSSARY Prelaunch - The time period that a network marketing company provides to allow anyone to enroll into the business at no cost to pre-build their team of distributors via their replicated websites. This period of time typically lasts for 30 to 40 days. Following the prelaunch is an upgrade period where everyone who enrolled for free can become a paid, active distributor and begin earning commissions from their organization and retailing the products going forward. A prelaunch is a one-time event. Launch - The day that the prelaunch and upgrade period has ended is the official launch of the company. MLM - Multi-level Marketing, also known as network marketing and direct sales. Prospect - Someone you approach who you are exposing the business opportunity or the products to for the first time. Distributor - Also known as an associate, rep, representative, etc. When you are actively enrolled in a network marketing company, this is your title. Sponsor - The person who personally enrolled you into the business. Upgrade period - Following the prelaunch, the upgrade period is when you and everyone on your team (that you enrolled during the prelaunch) pays to become a distributor of the company. This period typically lasts between 3 and 7 days. Auto-ship program - Some MLM companies offer a discounted program where customers can receive their products each month automatically via auto-billing. By enrolling into a monthly auto-ship program, customers often receive their products each month at reduced cost. Up-line - The person or people who are above your personal sponsor.

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Downline - Everyone in your entire organization, also known as your network. Replicated website - During the prelaunch a company provides you with a website that you can refer others to. This website looks exactly the same for you and everyone you enroll. (Virtual) back office - The area on your replicated website where you can view your organization and access company news and training during the prelaunch. This area is password protected. Post-launch, your back office is where you can access full organizational reports and view commissions. Residual income - Compensation that comes in month after month based on the commissions generated by your organization. For example, you enroll a customer today, and 13 years later, you’re still active in the business and they are still a customer. Even though you enrolled them as a customer 13 years ago, you earned commissions every single month throughout those 13 years.

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SPECIAL OFFER As mentioned previously, if you would like to share this book with others, you can send people directly to: Why did I create this generic book? So that you can rest assured knowing that anyone who you share this book with will not know who wrote it and try to contact me directly. I’m not here to boost my ego. I wrote this book to help you and your team have a wildly successful prelaunch and launch in a new network marketing company. Please get back to the person who referred you to this book. Thank you, MLM Joe

NOTE: If you were sent to to download this ebook from one of your friends, please get back to them. Please do not seek me (the author) out. I have a personal rule that I will not personally sponsor

anyone into the MLM company that I am associated with if they learned about this (or my other) book from someone

else on my team. My reputation is far more important than a few enrollments that I did not work to get.