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m m : I0ITH8 «P IHR YBil R •:. iui:n\ U

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m m : I0ITH8 «P IHR YBil R

• •:. i u i : n \ U

" " th i l •boot ' " H o w •• Twelve "' •• How luiiTiy dayi i

Thirty days hath S«.pt«mbor,

Anil all the n'-t bio •

That Fobroan -tiln«.

Of Tin Vl:\ l l

J \M.\UW

oil ih. I qa iU <T»'II

ad eotnforttoM. A IHll

Ot ^if'.. v. bed nut o l ' l i i l i imr. remind*

wood ami main a good .


FKBRI'.VRV is a <?old month, but t •Uysuro getting lonj

When litiir boyi tni naughty, how pleasant ii in lo . them I i. Rente)

make tli

look loI

01 TH1

MULCH.—The wiinl blowi wrj hard. Mind il 4oW DOl Mov-

i tngn wuh ' n ) are

Lhe wihil . I»<i you .. indi an-.l 11 •


lie b l II" '".in Mill our passion* as easily ns he did

<1 T\V i


• - > :

AjMUlx—The •pring ifl

L'iii 10 appear. I lily, iiml i'vcry iliiny Ifiol

. work in yon: T.i'-ll I

and tree from w- <;d» It is •

iirul hsb&ti u d wicked w

Of l i l t fXAB.

month : ww there »<•• « p « u many nging-

I hope sho lia» not diaoheycd hoi ntiimiiin. Utile boyi Mid pr] gel hurt when khft) art dieobi lo lhei» parent*. They torgel that

I nildren.obey yow pttl i,



.ii M .—Now i' u • •

• •

Ihe gruw wither* alter ii in eiit, " hi the morning ii UourUheth and grow-eih u]i; in the evening it ami v> jtlirrvih." Little ohildi

I. hut on a sudden they arc laken ill and die; they are

and flower).


JOM .—l i it- w r y h i t , mitt Qu

\ . > \ \ Mil l

l l l l l - l \

not, your p lan t s wi l l d ie . A

fond Of -1 IMV/l-.-l ;

They .I., not ".ii

' ' ir Btihei AI. fi rl.iJ.lon fruit, And &om hi i I'IITV f- II;

And WP, hi* ohil In brought To death, and near to hell.

in T\\'. U09 i HB

to ri­pen. No* the fanner send* h with ill- if sick leu, and they r it is then lied up ii ricil to tho Irani. It" yon rei

ilionl tho wheal and the Ithow 13. «

pares thoso who lovo hii I hey will go to heaven. Tho tt

ompared to tares: they . he In.:

i| Mil" 11

a bukol tad pick an (nose. that fall down. Christ uu4 ," B) Iheir fruits

i l l klllAV |||.

• l l i ' t h -

01 lit 11 • - ohildran arc good or naughty, il llicy do.

p 1 2 TW I I

i l ie I I M V . V - i\:

from ih'1 trees. Tiif <l:iy. arc innrli shorter than th<

. it is time to gather them. •

I • we an i" look forgi

U cnnbU' 01 to do wlmi pleases him. The bract-hoe "will not

:lh fruil if ibey nr«- parted

or TIIK YEAR. 13

r.Miir.u.—Now tin- \vc;ii il:irk mill il

DO : I P -

(ir-'tt of plftyfalgi eome end sit down ead r i ia e pretty

•book in toot ei. li ii ica in the Bibli." I da i j i'i''ii»r'--lii\ik wil

rbicb »ro liken bom the Bible,

lh.< j ••(i:in. | w i n t e r to its M1-

rmn olote. All ilu' l ini >• ootntnittad Ihu • .ill we !i bodumce to hin (•"iinn:iii'i-. tat written down in liU

• *m Uf« will loon rh in jadfc

IMU . wlirihvr

Or Tin: ISA*. IS

Yo OMOfl down l'mln I

. od tli iii ui • '

Mr luiart* sir-' lit olined in evil b j I ilo ool like i' • Mm. onleaa

: .in. Pray, IIIIM. ihii he would, !'> ill- power

11- | Bp A, en Ho ynii to love iiml HTVC bira in i « ly youth.

ho moon U bright;

. r u t h j

Go. in (ho hush of niuht .

Go, with pure mind and fc-jling,

Send earthly thought away,

• iy ohanriw I

Do thou In Hccrot pray.