mm'* m& - nys historic...

s in* •V h .. --&L Ifejt. 1 •%m } i*<-f dU4AHK ..'&Si 4 S8 .soft, A es» -?,*& SMJ; 6 i f ,e»^iES'S%;i3 isl »J| KJU naSSwsssapsiir''" .'<SgSsf«3 ';' a'3.«3.9i4t<jc«.*- « Jn« Wilt ,ue«;'iiis^f(><*^«-.*J><l>i^*i^JI»-K^«.>»!l aiaiffc- . . .. W_J>'"' .T' vwi(.wi)'a,t.i. 4 -, l .--.mb'n-i jiiT*-U»*a*.«jrA/3 &;IUH*>/.*T ' l>rt J.U A ./» ' : / H I . . '• ?•> tf-»<J.f t « i l i -It mm'* m& ! ' .. BIS*' '• * m l ' i u i u m .Jil|i ft^lM nA 'l'l' r '! •.. J' "- ' ** y - I,B * , 5'' f ""''. -n» 6& #>d:>asrid all Ha rri ftte&t IKSC aahfjtsJtra ff&Jtofrii/mii ^f.oos* vuii t\ a/. ; owoig-caufa fens BtsUsMtfstib oh y.W*«Iefelfls fl<tfe>wiifl}<0 iu«nj iai* joidr 9V/ itgfdw ,w-iiv i-iiiJ uT /< W -wo-tf* as ts— *H x , »BBi " • * ? ti -:0 «?* O'.ti." ,©!» «>S s*o^o"3«5 o-wtod7P ^^ mu.if .-•••,t'.'irL-i-. 1 . . '-', -i...I. A. i.• 'i.ii Mirniiii"'' •'i r ' m "ri-r iir--'-|irrr'iiirifiii - *" u * ffvr, ' ,I? a ^ ,c/ " :> * ai ^P'VI , TERMS5 \ill»g«; Sabsentwrs. served by carrier..^. 13 u.n^o office g»*gatet.. J fc..{|..q..e» 2 °° The Pablbhen expect sat require tin mbtc'ripBoni u> be paid strict); Sn ndvance. BATES OF, AOTBBTISING! [Twelve Uaat or less mmke>ASqotre.] 1 iginrej^week, ^-^^Ml "awtiE» ..|8 00 j&efiiifW^aeSyE^^aaji"" - " I »qtt«tre« iaenOyr^.'.... 5 WU < LKOAL AOVEBI BEHESTS, at the ratea.providea bj Law. Te*riy adv-erSaer* nre enatledto three change* daring lbeyusr. All cbmges in eitfaihTtblsiwiU be charged extra. liusisEss OABBS not ex«eeding five l|nes, $5 per year—for every addiUona) line 75 cents per line, rJStt™' be Inserted for >iaa than $1.00 , j ... ., Ordinary anaottoeements of marriage* and deathi, gratis; but all remarks. coramnnlcatloM, and obituary PoetrJF! 5 Business Directory. »«aaiff fosmithsE x^***®- MOIRA HOUSE, •M^kJPsmt^h-ti-Xft •ittf i i»<.:.- ! H.fC. SA171,SBVBV, Proprietor. ^eep UBuutrv piaeff ux exitenaniiBeni aaxaa D#* iMnivfv this part of th e State. An excellent Livery attached to thii Home.—NoT.S8m6* 1 .. •CKg.'i'J'r.'i.l.tH K^'-i't :— SEYMOUR HOUSE, F. M. Tallinan, Proprietor. Ut.fXUT Mili'I Ogdeutborgh, N. T. Thi* Hausetoeligibly aitnated first clan hotel. Charges reasonable. on the Ce Sf a P £t#f LSr Jnfli- ^4^31^^ *. Crst Insertion of the advertisements AdvertUements ihonld be aurked the length of tune to be inserted, otherwise they will be continue! UU forbId,-oi!.a«he'option of the publish- er*, and charged accordingly. G. W. L^WlS, Fort Covington, Franklin County, N. V. FLETCHER& WlLBER, Mam Street, ChaWaogay, J y j t ^ ^ 1- * i * rk & SoP' 1 "' 9 rtore> C. T. Fletcher. E. WUber. FITCH & PARAflELEE, Attorneys and Counselors, 1 A Ht>Mt4 OONIHE£'&' SAUNDERS, Attorneys antl '^oWris^lprs at Law, Elm Street Oppreite the llani, Slalone, K. V. 8pecial atten- Uon given to claims for Pensions, Bounties, *c W. B. UOSISS5B. U. O. SAOSDSas. TAYLOR &tHOBBS, AttoraejH and Counselors at taw, No. 3 Cnloa Block—ove&ffeX. Heath's Drug-Store, - - Jt.A.T*i«>a.J Malo|e,lSY c ' ; fA<HoiDsv PR.*C. VV. C R A R Y , Jb*layaiioia,ai atxtl Ssiurgeoii, Late Surgeon o.' the 165th R.T?. "Vols., announces to the Cinzeus of M.Uone and vicinby fhit be ha* located In this place. Three years experience in hls'professlo^ in the Army, in addition to bto prevlcn* practice, gives him con- ndeuce to sol cit a share uf public patronage. Residence in Brick Cottage, on Dnaseataeet- . < «iHARK-" ! H•0«P»Ets>,'••' , >• • '••• * Cprnejr of peekman and ^a«»,W SJreeta, ^J., George VTrigl^tj Proprietor. Oneof the most convenient Hotels In the city to Cosiness. Stage and Oar Routes and Places of Amusement. Board $8.60 per day. ( . ^ } s ^f 1 PROF. T* A.0ONWAY, Teacher or Plarm Forte, Itlclodeon, . Orean,.*e. ..... TERMS—Piano, Melodcon or Cottage Organ, per Qoirter, (24 Lessons,) $13.00. aSeW^^oeX^'Sr^rifoWf Pupils attend Prof. OOSWAV, " opposite R. R. Depot. Appllca ~ " ~ • lv< ' Uon. made at Muslo Boom or P. O.Bol 11, will receive Im- mediate attention. , ftbjSy, Miss ID. P. DARRAH, DRESS & CLOAK MAKERS West side of (lie rfv*r, ove¥ O. N. Russell's Grocoiy 8toce. Dresses and Cloaks made in the Latest and most Fwh- lonaMe StjWs, and on «KbH notftV.' ' '• March 1,1S6C—8m H. S. McMILLA-N, »-wrrB— 6.AW, RANDAl.i4..&.VQffi Commission Merchants, 9S and 100 Franklin Street, New York, 163. Devonshire Street, Boston. W. 15. S. GAY, [1678] * T. RASPIU- t \th«.day,nrilh*»a«aal«d1pp»d.lB.dtw, > ^>\ Haa^DMM4tl|ron|*^«.T|nJ»jrfs golden gates, And a ilngle-star In the cloudleas blue ... •i»oMk».Trl«lrittt*«riW'aUa6c«wala»; < The Ulle. nod to (ne souni'oflfi* strtam' That wujds,ak»Jiiri*»^Uinrfl»W| . And either awake, or half a-drean, lVM>Unwrgh th« retloMof Oie Coif Ago—• while faces peer with maoy * "M&1 - .'•<.•: There are Joy* and^oMhtte.' Wrrowt aa^tCarf,' ,..i ,.SHiat'4hMk»rffl**U»eflA|HrU'W«T»;'- ">'» - 3 e M i r f e r a ^ » o .!jmd*apawai*»»iar»tet»»1iaua«rtTIg1«. MI- ™J*.IS ,i-»;v.c .t'^j/ c**>~»< *m H>,»[.». •-. There are ashen maia>orl»l,b|«ar paj»i,ii i ,»>. And the sea breex*fa»iHlig:acparn*.|«r»*-: And a »and>rerior|,tb«»heH.Hnrt:Sapr% Listening for voice* tha^jpeak np snore', . ,, . Thifro*ifo passloni alfobg; snd'ambllioiia wild, ........ Aou^tt«n««edtiif&fc5*t«a(*l!*ili«T»ir - .1«,*rv1^*rtl^rr»lW»«>*«t*«J.ilip«*lli|. ., Is crushed itrthe breast of the stragjtllng m.n : '&&• slort the regrets, and few are "the tears That fall to the tomb of the vanished tears .il «H1 1 t a , i**ft «i' 1 here is a quiet, and peace, and domestic lot*, -- '-Antf^jylikrisIagfroM rata (jhairntli; Aad a tnat anqDcstlonlnavfar-anov* And th* kisses of chUdren on fp* abd .cheek. «' Anathe'p'artet%Mvo , wKfeUntfw^fc^iIJ»p•ak. 4 •' There areJKTad.oseaTUatl'Tberr are little graua In thedlilanldelji 'naalli protecting trer!>. 'Where the streamlet winds, and tbcvlolet wave* Ami the grasses, sway to the shining breexe. a*--"*."* •"• mM t>m -*7f .7riai?i» '•Jjarfc-iinaj' ?ri Ima -jgaJiiv" •^WB^Pl^lHltifBa^l^^ in^w/r^* eyes rtarkeileil In Death's eclipse. ip And tlius, as the glow of the daylgacOn, And the Night e Orat look lo the earth I* o i l , . , K«ei < 'a*atffthe»e6erfdtffdl A^hm^™'" ' AVtee^cSdfea that-hin^n Ue«»Md> Oh, Sorrow and JsytitenCs Dllagldl lay When to Memory.'a wlldwtiod^we.wapder away. i'winJt; S. P.iBATES, PbysieiaijiandiSui^eoii,! 1 Residence, first house East of the Methodist Church, Ma lonfeiS.t.* ' y^P^ri S^t T it V i 7 .r. r* .ft DR. J. H. WINSLOW. .. .^ i w q. t t ?pi AOTWWJ f n Main street, H alone, N. Y. Office In Palladium Bnildlngs, 8d Mory, From Boom. All opeiaAkaia performed In tfi* most satisfactory manner. Teeth filled, extracted or in- - - - - ddtaBtts gecteO. ParJcatar»tteijUoiipai4t« MAIpne, Jan. l0,|8o^.S . /. son Bate.! D B X T I S T , May be found at N». ^Oossrnercial Block, <ap*talrs) where he la prepared to perform *Jl<iperaUao*4a.'IttBUslry ln» superior and satisfactory manner. 8peclal attention paid to UUng reeth. AU work warranted. ' "••atatone r J*n.8,l|6o>-ly. . »t-^i. »• -i-nu.' As ; ^r> •.-!.:«• <rit i ' ' s S; J. HARVyqOD, GENERAL AGBHT VOB >2 OfPr»Tldenibe, 5 a. ! t Vioe'l N.T. r-i <i t ^ lf^ ti. HEATH & BRIBED, . ^ ^^ . »il'8 . k ^*>giilibHi^ttj|ft ,wf»«»S PerXanery, Stetlonery and ftner Oflodj. *c., Ho. 8, tJniejk. ^ *• * * i » w . ' **^ jfi W P. W. TULLEY, 3 jpMm^^m. J go Ale and Uger^eer, f"*»ee» Prulu and Cenfeotfcn«r>«OL_ of ihe Bridge, saafit areet,HiIone/If. Tt ' - - « . . . . , . tf K*^«lua1^«atC. MA|f^l^mi^Y; OOORS, SASli * Bib lo Banding near WalHeUey'* roiujiry,, atalant, H. T. Sash, Doors aud Blind* constantly bn hand, and aU orders will b* promptly attended to. One of Wfodwortbv Plan- ing Machines has been added to the machinery In this ihop, and the pirpprMtoC Ki»wJeadyjto .plane all kinds of lumber ob short notfee, and at theaow reasonabl* rate*.; Ako. A TongieUtg and»-irao»ina> iaacains for ''jSS ";*•'***rtTjw£ £. ;*.'*}*"* ',•*?• -' P. Cj^AtdRqKm'ii E. A. HYDE, Fruit & OrBaHlcutallPfe^s^uMs, &c. j From Ellwangcr i, Barry's Nurseries, Rochester, V Y. ! » TI -i** ^, ill,, , H •'—»-ld ... r^t-<^t« -u -.aatainafl! PANGB0RN, DAVIS & HAYOENS, ; .>-!< . • Importers and Jobbers of Fancy Goods j Yankee Jfotio^s, &o. NO. 853 BROADWAY, JOBS W.PAB080BH, I v „„ Ynpt I ALFSkP P. HAYDES, , eouMit^yibtii^Br USIMJ <Maj<$ttoC*k^»^ bBMhl*«5h»d*&fraO pA»criBtiortern<>:*«Ldp»eo«j ^S^X^WS^^t^w^oft^ m$rfc Blie g—well, my dear, I didn't mean to rex jon —she's a nice child enough, but, bless niB, she SP'SJ?.^ foal mornent. X was. thmtdng bow. onin ami »lf».- *¥J Abat^v<;ry!.,OM coold:««9 ; that-l.wa» trusted with them; and I was reasoning-.that perhnpsmy mother had behaved like a liUie woBHin,* bew»«i BheiwMtreavtdf-likeiiioj" * u ai'Mx*dear, (: J,^id jinljimea^.siUmt i nhoi.»»«w Myvmothoif ri!«jafl«5cllby(wayiof<wpolcigj»'ftw me—" She has a yery good memorara'f AI- ,• j•. " Memory {aye, there's another dbadrantaee. Shs re«ferrlbera efeiytKn^ j sfieVafeefb^arrot. Why) when.yoa, »it.hera*p, ^watited/ «.pnbiaUl qr>iifcl^,?*n^Wj?R^3in<ft#fljratrjr,iUioy , 4 ">„io%*r w-IsWth h^AhrJg'lirJr snj' 'f^TiriW tufe-Srfrfaltr; " I hope she will become more'ttooogbtflil si SACKET^Ff BELOWEifiiSt Co. u UTiottiiliffirtliJrs 5 iffl IWpirrWri," r f 28 and 80' Beade Street, 8 feoon East ofBroaftw&y, ^". T.', AXOB M. SAOICTT, Jtsrw Ktt*if SxAttVrV, WOUAMK. BR^CBBB, , . Wu. K. TOW^SESD, tl ; - ; .-«! , J " iS Wr^is^bipo ,i y ^ ii •: j J jig JOHN O.F.SK, —wrra-' ' " BAf,»\flI%, ri?»llKK JtCo., Wholesale Dealcrs-in Boot*, fihoesl leather, 4c,,.J?olJ5 Park Bow. opsotp; the Aator Hoosb, former location ofthe Park, theatre, IfSjr York. . __ , , H. M. BAU)WI», r NATB** Flsapa, JH^BirJpif. NATHAN & J. W, BEMAN, LlCEIHSeiw AVC'riOAiE£tt*> the ounty of Franklin. Auction Sales'a^ndedld Bait furnished wlica reaped.—diateatfgyp tht'm Haaiust returned fronvKew York wltkajtpodassortaentof Igpm Coaa^aad (Juud. B ^ M i p r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j g , Consisting of &• frjgard^OMItJdJ^eW^ri . 2 P J ' -'>;•<:--'-' avelerw' Insurance Company,,Cl Htte, Bonnet*, Eibboni, Floweri, 4c, ft«\ BHIS is Hort.a'ji Bltfck, nj jI^^rM^riea^ift^l^^elnyUed to can, llaione, Sept. 83,1885.—lBTltf .YJWOW UGJ .,.'• i *.^•^^^T^i|^fS^ , ^ ^5^^P.*R; *,**^ I «S^3P;> , '.-*.!»» M>«2 e f.»;V1 MISS LANGP,QN:& CO., \]tr»ICa<j» Alf MTOirtlOat TO %•*• wf- thatthey-ar*4n thwrweiptof ••••*' ' I » ,.lnsl&l .UlCllU/ .nl'lll •HI. <0 ,»".ujj •»iTt ^•l..qfl*lt~fifn7Ti.'j7rjfTrTTIZ r'runi the. miainryi Magulae^ • <• mm wwmwfvmtwmp •A*' ^.* ,»•-, •. ^.T| .,ffL-> T . • •* >.A -.0-4' A story for Uhllflren. •< -»«••«d UV jeAJMNSELOW. -^ ••• : IVot many'Uiings'hav&tau|)peiiFd>tomo imho coiixso ofmy life which-can be called evente^ But one great evuiitvas I theu-thought it, btip» E encd .when ^1 wasseight years old. How well' muwnber the iiccasiou < I hud * holiday, and was .reading aloud to my>mother.' Thw hoolc.wast." The lile u£ Ho ward Uts'phiUnthro- pist,'' i w a s interested in it, though Ute atyle was considerably above my comprehension ; at la«t I came IMJmMloxifi&iimViHlX, which I could, make notbfos of: "Ho cyold not Jet .' fa ij ; te&raVt ; '^Bi^r3ami ,^h^1s. a^Weii^pporttinftir^ J•&&$$% if^d^pottunjty; . , ^ live e%PignT» r Gold is very valuable, aOjcf very lincOmmdrJT; this opportunity was a vfcry •valuable and uncommon one that in one tenity." I pondered upon the information for some timey and-then mado a reply to the effect, that id uncommon one: wo can express i *mtSrWB$ifo P d c n oppor- rrterft. tbUls my hlrihdmyw. Well, "I snpHose I nntat- 4&jWRWVfP.QmWl Ofii/Htber. Jumts-tin), ready. Open tfi^ door tur your mother}^0Wi? Ah}, yau/« peyervbe, «ayUi<iig JHt^hec-flerer." I did as ho desired,, And then niy grandlatheiv looking at ihe with a Comlcar gravity, took out a leathern purse;'and dived with his-flngers arnpn* the contents., i '\Bhe«Irwas*liUleboy ( a4o|rfafypq t llob^y^v^^rJM r lnyBWBey. ,, Encouraged by his retmrhjng goo,d humor, I drew closer, and peeped into' the puree. There were,as many as.six on. elgbC^overeagnaijUt, ? JvWrW 1 * Vjh»^ a,-.ilfh m®, «x ^randfaths : was. and when he took out a small coin an j falrf Ht In iny^mlft,,' T cdnld'Bcafcefy' btf wanibrme. .«.»< <:-...'• ••> * knoiW. wh»A aUaUs^childl' " Well, do you think you* coukfspencl ItV* .«*oyes, Krandpa?•' ' •••<> •« -i •«• '•' abe mwns iJur^eyeal u Ah y r „,„„.„ f W W , « » WfOrtk.ten JM* nngr wnen it was In my nurse, and I wouldn't #T> sixpence lbr'any^Efrro- fr will buy no* It lhuvonce touched yotirjittle fittgora".' *> « J ' " Did yon give it to mo to »|)flndiea»ctJrftfatl; likejjjruudpapa ? ««IV> bo surt, ohffd-t.therfe; Wkeit,—It'sVortb |uotbiny4o you; ray dear." .. 1/ . i . •>.• •». '.'^To^hing to;mo!. Xhohalf-Bowjrcign,worUti <jM n « Jo n> c ! why,.Ki5f>ndr)apn/' . "Nothmg worth tnenuomug; you have"np trettl' wanisr you have l cidttfeV, ; rootf nhd shelter .without tliifl halfsoTcreigii."'. '• : " O yes; but, grandpapa, I think it mus.Wbe •worth ten times as much to me as to yon: I jhavc only this dan, «ad yotrhstte qUAntme*'- 1 1 shiiuldli't wonder TT-yofi' h**e thbHt' orfbrt^f h*jrs6*«8lgri6i arid u great'miiny shillinga^nd' " T'Crowns bMidM/'foftpefldo>«ryyeai'.*< I'shouldn't wonder^" 7 ••' ^ I have only one.-- I eaii/t think, grdSd- 1 what you do with all your money. If T J. would buy an many deljgfctn)!) things wlin'Ui*; W& «fia. J"i *; W*M^,0E ^ TChsUVwWsitlMyitll be<gonel $11 •oldPu'l «clalrfledJtjdism»y« .MI*.. .. ... • -r. tail v,r,i T) ,,n„i wrii i [f .,„. »i H r ^ i ^ - ^ * - -^jrTh •ttifa'Ti firm TnWnnni mmi ii lond,° oh the glaav wed" keys oftfrflayfldnsrpftrio.' f ^By^ltocftwipg i J w n J *d.m tSri r pllglttfilt little' WsTrtfmeflt la nan a gutnei,— & l tel'W4<he>«ne8t l *bre*Wtn«toWboyi , »' r, ff^ drew H et^ AUHJ ii| 4ii.ikiHi\iUht«id» it »(}«. Mc«.i»l»5chJ Uioaght.the.mriBt ex- tamm^f&frS .. _ . * & V o 1 e l ) f o n n u % tfcsrirlblri^ fey WthrHaflooc 1 '-Ira tte mlBfiWs tho'acfoi'debS waoftldod.up iq silTer panerV'«rid l h n d parted ^W+ny^erUhjd^lf^Tereiga. ,, AM wo walked home. I enjareeu on ftgtR liS'Mrt haVe-lriJpulyihfOTJT right iitio'uia hAVc'i"n>pfiyinyo^my'a^^cl)£ in and out: I can even plnytuVit dinnepjimej ^ou.Jike,betweeR ) %J meawnd^opuddjinga, TiSouiljIupr the queen has-a1)»njLpapa, tp play wWle^aliy'dbifii, aM-stf catf yo^ , , , My taiherabruptly*!clirjfedtli!s liberal offe'ta •Ofdidj/Biy, f^«ndtatnar,.iWiwn'J >repeatediot to it I was reliqxod,|Uj>lJnd,tba.| ho w«s »qt in whicr/I him, but I was in the least su pr^eW|ji'. , iee«rii futfdW'fatefei* Bftt, slusi toy sccbrdepri soon cost rhe tears"of his, however, did not oT'iferet all the golden<ipportnnitie8 seemed tu happen^ 'Pie;, eago; ecan read in books—.very groat men, such w to veiy rich people; or people who lived avery Jong lime ago; or else to great men, whose live* AttteOJdttaad lately f*>>«0 «»:*80- wilborforoe and Howard ;;Jbut ihey noverJiarv pen to reahpeoplflj .whom .wccould.seo every dayvnor to.chlldren- «..-' si ..... ., i ' " To chaa^enJikaycm, Orris ?''«aidjny moth- er, ".why,:wha» Idnd of •> golden. opportunity. areyottir|»l,Jiigfoda«.'trwvV!«. rt -., My repJjBjuM cbjldislt.enough. : . . . " If I.were a grwt man.I«hould Jlke =,to .sail after.UiOrSlav.eships,flghtthem, andUke,b*)efe the- poo?.Blares to, tbelr own coontty. Or I should like to do something, like what Quintus.Curtius.jdidr .Sot exacjdylikottiat; into a gulf, that'wonld'hof really make it — • - , xfvi -good I had doiv^eeauM I .^^ [e^Ka^jitoiriB|f*H -was 4s»«e»to*|o,3ri "I thlnk^61cfn'lS^r^ f grriifl a dy/« [poor people ton imyt,JMd , «iaan«5*erftanticly, s«srvtog>-l'should •lBto'td eOme^dwii W t|iein. TOifi^furee full of money, ind divide it iK&rJSf 3 opportunities." •«**l*sf»nw*»*»'*- * • .^IWtaPISi,'S^.^»^J^'J^{^^^ ing to the use we make of them." a* -* B«,»iii»rail!^w#^ " No, but sometimesrby JiiatWttag-tSsinjIn their'dor "' -•-••-•>- thafith^ tempted, ani i, u .eerl At th« MlOer HoDt*, mtvu^'Wi". t ^dalone,N. *•• i»*MijvV *l+.yv«!iUk<i*l'lA'l)liJV- ORENMOdES Dealer is iVatche« t JDloeiif «fc a f e w e l r y , - a%It iUfcw0*r., Dre^ W ^ W » , Etc, The Ladle* are Invitee to call and eiamlne their fitock of Good* for themaetves, a* they feel confident they qafflfy, pric* end woritmanshlp, aa they I ^'<^^,aioD*^ai^tb , lmpIoJCiB birto/ieipOOO OS Wat JOUA B^JiMpBlp^^ altoteftel^ LATHHOP. OiA*. S,. R€r%#1^fi#v: ' ^Ml^a#kj|#^ "'••'-PaalewMw^Kaiialr.'yer•• - '- -*-<~-M Fine - Watches, CHM*^ .Teweiry, . Oliver Ware, Ac., In the Jalladiiun *)oUdiiigf, eeraar Ifata and Catharine Ktreeu, atak«i*,lf. T. XVeat,.Cixe«i» fitnd-Qiilplc.. ','i.V..,i;i -jll l,i ;.> t Ivj-'ii -ft!; ^et^^lffi'lM 1 ^^^ 5 ^^ fett.^%t^lffiS5t^»^^5r 6 ^ m n a t t a t t u * t t i o l S « 3 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ e l ^ n i i i oneean 6rvTraT6iAiro«A»^jrAUTDRraoF «» -... PHTENT BBEECK- Bgtjffltlni prevent: some prople rrom ever l prison." . . Jii*fl ^ . My mother continued hF explain that those oppo^n^.es\ 8^4^b^ ^ . r n ^ «ejrance ,ai)d ^ e » a i p t * h 4 i » * f e j i 4 w ^ * ' But I do not profess to know much of wh said; I only know " ine into my " " down, which He that ly watching ii; " " Oie and half-! I *U jtei^DB. ,»n4 aU, sorts of ^rash. 38ri> &|tnnate& ypti have not got,U.j youJhayjB-o<»ly o,n# h»u . opt throw it away ji srhaps I Bh^I tokrjd'.do spmosood with it? t . "**~ "*" less yon, my "toit;I / tbemt {reading, and tperh . "Do some pood with' il_ _, , idear,if yxiu" oo try ito:fh>so«o good with jslial ? n,otc»y U timmwTfl I Ithw : reUtedwh»tIh«d-iooe !8AYJng ! .»'there , «(_tbo pbWlgpj m,on! of yttstr t )shoSet£»^er?8 biHr *mi} br.r. x .• .• v : , •«.: My grandfather took it up, looked at it, and tiarked thallhw-'saillM "was "i tfeW tale. fT*e*v with^gwierc^ty'w^ieh'IVcttlly'Htri 4tt»' ir& te , «r^"gna^wa1fied'»ldrff with an exultation of hesrT i* 1 ^ app^wiiiwt^^^fMgn^^r^, sra^jpptftfaMsnr^^ I .fwo^tatirwd, ^ar^^^rMt^ttojinojrife onhera, previously mooing the penny with taadri»peiv to mateUiTjri^t'«ridoleaniri'>i 'Jl I ^slona'anrl'^^lfx^^^ro^a B«r"WeTe%lr»rmuCTim%oe4felrafi, bqt ; iw^.flnl^M.M^car^'frt'^ith nTB-tfetla his 'lAntf»3ie«|* "" " ~ ' " " "" ^erWKrtMkjd_.. _ t ... , , *H JHL,. always 4^f^t'iW%al^.tiut'witli tty; fttm&' ^bectallfwhelf hS welit^o toetriwnV? 1 ! mmwwili^abx i Xh^-&iiia•wlriddwi, irifl ii* f mTre tMSvlsrtolifedntema. •"' i r ; :'' K ' r..!|to the town, therefore .we went.. My;&tn'er J t ehsTli never "ponotsa', --,—„ ;riri ^__, T nT ..r-r.^ idsnotheK ! kMpov» imOTWryitfJ^WWr^lrrrV mm! gtiag- » • the- 'Meo'iaiiiw' lustivnte,' '"and could notJaiftrxV^h\wUhJiiin,biit there was a certain bsstelgrlTklM^itfPv^lc^^^w^ I was .noVoeWi ' t « t ?A'i>—jaa-»3> rat'- 'efry^ra»ij«r ' trmaker^ooasriusg^tbikr latrm'S OAM n r l u i n , HATVAIW and the SaOiarrau 'TweaKift"-'"— ; 5 ^H€^w#,ii«ti^^ .^ , s.metbtJirtr' wt«:»'«ie ; V»-€ra^^'lW ; t^eiJ_' ;^,, Prioe O0H|BI.| Cu«o^w»lbS rlo^ could not heJjflaWlBl^vJ-^ -/.•,1ST ~\M* ; J ^kw JOT, f - - * ^ < i* *-> * ?w J •*.— - ir - s i - ^ 'f* ^ ^j \ \ ; ^Ti!^? was «^%t"f»*W«6, ?n the. word, chfld," he i m^TtMmmmWii 6nly second." *.'*«»».•'•-~* J '.-,'\-.'». ,;--,- ; Xi« :-' "ThentfstsndsJ)! <fc»'t I sfflliioselr* iiiKVbBLar of»4oa'tr r WiWirtbVy^«,iin>«»f»^ «tp tM&Jt? )l»m[i-fi#t**W ltiiitiiit£ t MaJoa«,«*V. #, 18W,' ^. - > ' '•;•:'-.-'.*? ;••••"„ -..: .*' ».'> ;;t »-' ., , ( QtEpK0E.'t.\d^^RK v ;":; MM. PiWh*e*4_Uwl« *Cl*rk>ii»»ry Stable, las r*a« of : CeaaaereUl Block, west *Me «f tee rivtx. w*er* be will cootiaaethebulnew. He wliT keest tke hut of twaeati. tSeral patronage.-Mahn*, S«pt,», tf round ui. had heard jlpdaskeaVherifaho •i£FH$*k f r8 »>w^^^t***wamuo«r, '• child. —never; she has no reaa^BSncaltlM at alL" VVhenmygrandialher^aVaUpSasrf^itome, i '!Did yon eter talk «ojii«iie at r -*^'sisl0>4ater ireimoTer.V*; 3tci*«v taay-1» i1l)0'Wp4»)w»-;,'.d?§e,i.i •-i.te*^ e.- 1 r! ES^oMsrml that ke^a. ikS •3TMaV $^v ,, MI in»lMt)-« WJM. liil&ft^btt lavoiiit. U theJHttftt i r t i d l f C4 0 W^4, to;»I*«W, "ft? I tedmL Wi»Wi^ d*e#^; U I 4# au ^*ry^ * Jp *> airj*w*a^*^*rj *a^^was^r*aw»^^» ^w^r^rjww^f a- -*% ^ ^ ^ aawesrew wait to bey anytbrag this njOrnuig, Mr. Mfl- Ljf* . ' , , ' .. ; "i ' - • "V- . ' "TnnaWfi maw Ihsfi tishtr i ntlr I'M sor- samB*w^a**aa«w^ajay .eBWS*w*saiayjseawaaaa** aw *^a*wa**»rwT*. *^^T*F" -ea* ^*apP eavawaja-^ trrsMiaw, I coeJhaTBton ya*jr^eeo*JCti. I tlir»iW HM to 1MT« s«rV«d yoo, whilo Ilutrofoods'lwtnot'oirtoflilswsy myfivo«t& every tone most sjrj inside vfhteh «s Jaa kterftbiB ;,% mothe¥cornlng in'som^we auUhg'tp'rft fnejahcholy afteroTOo;'found ' W sttlini'ati ffie <bdf6f m^lfttle bed Ijoldtotfmy ficcordBu,atfd ahedd^Dgdver it somo <^f tut most bitter tests thnt shftwe »d3 repentadjie had yeKwrqngl^i She fonfced astonished, *id , a8ke'4„'*' WhW t? the matter my <*)M f\ \ ? ' 'V* , ff ra, OTn*nima," f replr^f RS. wi^ si,r4S Si wpdld T*m*I iwySi^uW this 'thWrwh ^olo^o^rtdnitr w 9 ' rh ' *ft' TfielRrrt »oby.^ t , 3| J1i(( .,| bf'(liEW*!tetu£; 3i 'm^.td^.^feVOe.'bnly dar*httr,jitoi-';^f^vtfcardaiW't<.-i«inii.. •>•'• iw. ,,. We djfla%»ay r s|ia.|shy,f #1 hay fe) ojw of yjpse; interesting little animals at home. It oarn? i when it rained, dark as pitch, and myunjlfttlla! itt'lWe mrk,Mb Oaf rtMni The 'ffittbflilea' ttife milee dnaWest; mid thpamrse six mi&adue { next door. It's a funny little chap., that, SolKrtno^t^?,HiHa*uie lfngWW a 3 BoIoyna• ^ansage. Cross? I guess not. r-ilJm,.-'UiirI;"i», cowmeni^fhMhww^ do^Mta pathway ( oft life just when * ~ —... a . were the higl WruVBffien 1»ui doctors chargetWode^lara'aiBfjuiqlvtourtlolltra *grot}t,«ndfln,geco»;0;^Fff t J vf J - ?" 1 thati baby ; la spitikflCa neee likeia Witrt?*hearJ as bald as a squash, and no place to^Ujeh^ watrrfall; a mouth just suited U> come the gum «nme aribTfeTfew^hiiiir On, t r M ^ f y o u should hear her singtpf: liaVO' bnmped 1, it,>'feraff6a<OVy for cap dpuin>itsotBr«oVgiren Uitbe/smooyimg oil clorh,^tu»pplsjgptircgor'io ia^'ica'spGotttsy P3^DUgbt,„ihe!jBujr»<j ; aUniiipiag on, too. dox>r, liirJeTmietVflitaPcfafl^wJats, pants, ties, and'white kids. ^Shades of departed cocktails, «>vha,Wft.r4oture for an artic)e4n Ha Paris. Us mother says the darliflg is troul with wind on'the stomach; it ^heOts 'all the !J- BtrttHftnt* yorfever heard WVlAVe- to get'"6|i in the cokii and shiver whiifrthaiailk'tvQrms.yjt ipa / g o j i rockpd it so I sent it slap clear across slays and sent it slap clear across ting^jaf-of pr^rvesi'Ti dldif^t ilhBB'l Oh; no; it's mother says m w L ^ M l e yeot 3He bfflpUYhaye fe^rne to make Iter holy. One whole ycar"wonla bftm Kpnoa grea. l ,way towards tea.oning her to/roan •ii'd'teri . . . _ .... .... enoo showyowijow or^iyoufareto»tempt«iott.' Toktltflwdiftyou think,yp«,«o*ll oetor yiaid: carl a&l ioa.BeeffhelS) Ror^ aboVe:$eek it, my dr^cMa;'6^herwlM.'alf your gottti iritentlbns will come to nothing." f : ^ >.J ... « t ..i ;ad '•Tbep, Weak as yoa fre-you. will fwrtyinls, be able to afcMmplM a^methTng. It wAmp?* siWeifbTmolotsfe awaj^ yorifvoKrn^arsiS*!-*: lion, and make you thoughtful and sleadyi'bnt. * with Gad ad^thiaga«rftpow«We; , ' l ir*4tita<grcat pity ihM at tare. Tory] maamtot waonJ L « a o 6 ^|U*iuk> abotrt;rig*6 Un^iar^att* f«Ki : -tkmji, all s«ru of hoasense e.wesi'hsttt my» haiid.' 43twdpapa » y s i J m 'jtfcfclifcey:*-; #Mi^}^arA,b^des; Shattl *Am* n & ia \P&i i l^ghliiawlW'I^s^jaW^'And^amiialwsy* •aaWnfjtuch^Jiolsfiifihsil^l!^ ^ yooagi^t^d^ of tt^bK>^ mysdt tool b«t y»tt iuro oirt s^vaptago itatalL-chla* dl«&a>l«Ma%UsSle(t , iritll^.l:,.o;"? i i !«t;7t'/j ,-".-y!i MiXM, I tluak I DsalJy ^,haw«miit»( | had be««* foldaplhia thing, »amd-iMt it,*W^ itxiidyiriifts too let a^ t u ' Xlafli^rr^:£sWvat to«» my goadeat.fltioortnaiiy.'f i v$iiu,s&i-i' ^b AjidmLw* wtUont teai*v tho toy trrs^^pai away. '41»0 »ilv« and Ute cow :. ba»tirw» wsaaN»aarfWmygaU«?efjpOro^ jisiiT&t. {ii^Ah'tz, . tf i.i ...:&M.ft;stziiii-ittojl the other night; it,*;, frurd It Mls6?d stays wii feeroorJi , ,'ffps«! hi akesiny noise! only wait tilliVgets bJeaohedjiit's be*i«;,va?cin ated.) and old , enough, to«r»wl. .abeqt andple^ M'defigWul'r abhn^raS fat -fWr , tfofetofc'«fiH has ieUrTin ohB slop pail and is Ohokiug'TCrtti* potuia^kin,; si&JiusfeKdow« swMrsi. s|a has svjaUowcd, the tac* hammer; s,how^ signs of the mumps, croup, whoppuig cough, stam p6%, cdlic, dysefitery^ OholeVa ihfiint«rr4'' er some 1 Other darn--<th&jj; -to. let thedoctor take money 14$ibysiqr,rny ? w«wei<8;Corn bee&, r an4. »Ji >^»a shampqoing andc // .««»«« ci ma rHal;t •("-'lie :i> i yg* %m^lmffin]^&$%%i88i thoid'iiartling reiidtaOCAnierrCBn^nteiprise w&icn,. by.a pal- J*ahJ«l<diffllIfW»|0§iivV8 ^t}<r?fi??Mbmtjes,befb*e ilrfis grywth'arM thBrncrease-oT fiie-isshaBCfc iif.!jcolicieS are" concerned, m thefMot raokol t50^iJahieei'«he'*cuifeWhenee'will *^*ihttfthere will remain in the United State5:4fev!i,.if,any eligible lives uninsured^and it Hill become a rare occurrence for a widow or an orphan to be •reW^frkaf ^pl^»vmrflfg1fe3i4h¥ «pr?v%l- tion, suffering, and ilKTO, which such bereayed ^ndWhprof^Ted'Wes-^oiirotfierwisebeikv- itarflyexposed,.-< c*->i '••>•'• •• '••v->i*>* r . .. ,;j>Tto HoAetheaoSPd «8piO-^tn%jBo-#lgnifioar4t injustice weatrribnteVl its brilliant* ahe <ijwgMM't. 0 »amei instead ojf}e>taci, prvidence, energy,, and enterprise displayed by its officers. The gigantic aavance"the Company has made aDd the foremost position it has at- tained, are indeed the results of no mysterious proce^^bAltt Dflsni^eatJjahAfti'raifeoijjiJcycious, sli-enuous, and sustained effort—of work—work eMlfbihd directodiflnd, afieotiiejiand j-liexeforc ling like thunder. Ue Bhows a gVostHtlestolo' awailo.w itsfislftiudthootherilny tiieydropped• going clean through was the crook m i l s elhows, iv^tomt^^^m^t&A'^^^^)^ ^¥oW! , and a-half minutfee, " K u s pleMairt tfiing'^td en^ljlep to the. M i .meed, of praise and the rec have.a.bahy4n the.hpuaerHone^of yout.hflUy- omnense arhdngtrom tlie consciousness of dut> . ... . ,.,—, . .,. _ fr}^ an^feuccefetnllyper&'frned. w< rh«T4B«eipi8 of this' company for *tho year miuing Jaa-'l,'l^(5(J,-arooqate(} to £1,683,039 57, rWfl«^«V.>%Cfe^e «[yer, tlipse of ,^ itrewpas year of neaw one million dollars, which wo may safely 5 TOr&'io'b'e the-gieSitesraugmenta lion orpBrlenced by> anycompiiiy -within the some length) of time—indeed,, if this ratio he ( puynt«in r ?d J .!»e jiEtnajnust sugn outstrip a.l its competitors lfi accumulation 'of business.' Notwithstanding the rapid pace at which this 'company' has- advanced*, its.- affairs -.nave feat "rtar^eSelrito for interest 1 alone have nearly pardallalaEitoaespwhiie its dividend on onii. Par^difo BQyti|es,ia .00 per cent- Applicable on (he liird of premium. Let its secre- Wr*,j?tx; Ehders, Esq:, thereforepcTsevere, in taking'his'conipftny vchB.4 So «lw%ti'inteiifl^d it: lo he, the lirsfcii} ibedand. - It has aiready as tegarrdSjJshB t^^tfiy of.annual premiums rec,eiv.. ed» suroasgedjita, sponser,,'the o^d JS'.na, the Ta^st of'frtrr me insurance cotftpSTnts, in spite rjr'-its> J letrl^'St«naing and nnriva.led-prestige, ana i&eiiformer may he regarded,as a sulking Oftlila |>fotK|;totiS sum-total the JSma Life has had an ample share, and of tile, bustoees now ore and rnarry ran. »•• n, i Mi-ti*«>Ml .,( , Froei-HaJrPs-Journaiof-Health. ct«i // p 6 riulaf Ftillailrin. ; •ft. : , : . ) ! '.. ,-• .iw*ii_i-M. .it (I M iu.1 < T^rpiV, waran^aif nnjst be.imRurejasd^th*}, close .vehicle MJess>injuMons, be it'cjer so fonli ft-pm crynding,. Uiw to rjdo.AOd jit stUl and feel uncomfortably coWt for an,, hoar. The worse that can napped from a crowded convey- ance is a, spell; while, sitting even less Uianauhoiurln a sfril, chilly atmosphere, has induced, attacks; gi. pney rnpnia, ith»t k^'.ioilum- mation of the lungs, wMc^oftepjiroye tatoj,> three or four days. It is always positively in- rious to sleep in a close room where water O-eeises, because snea a'degree Of cold carfses tbesegaiiroly poiiflnonaoaih t onlo.acid«asi}£ a igtyphoii, hours. Hence, there ia no^dvantsge; an6> atr ways d«ngw,«eakl^ipersoaa,jo ^ P J n S i . - ^ . f p .s^PsphergHfJoidei. fhjfi.jjtiie, ^llaWCnecessarV to tHe'prote and'ferfoi lenVVeatiteltun bfairooai;even itfwarm weather, U»a*,a; wjndowr.«r>,-dt)0ri ahtmld.helea »peft;ithiB DU'r'nlng'iHihc-rh-e^pfaca, .TMs creates'*draft, Bn^d;C*ra«a i o*dj»iraa**digiuKat^.tbtichuiineyj: ,%Thaujoafrdx^iexojoisffliliefore.'brealifiiBti lis healthful, it is never,«o. ^nd,.,frpm the^vgrj nature of things, is hurtful, eapeqially to persons Snee^f>iefailleAlatlt^ugh»t«fa>ti^ mauc and malarjOua gases iindtehiantuipns speedily ueHuiJo^e empty a^dw^^'Br^^ inift »Ta^tOTVitirrte-^Bi^ula<lonJ^d^B(«i*TO ! fever and ague, diarrhoea and dysentery^ «nMr» lamilies, w&o-have arranged to-eat breakfast before l(»ving J fhe»^h/BUfte,,^nd,^o take supper before sundown, navejaia a complete exemp- * rWfVle P?MJh this Compfmyi i '•* -i. Seclrtg' tlirotifIt ^ater. taJtStt Cfitftpbeli informs, by'an arrangement that smugglers used in old days. ..Theyi-saak rte^nCtiijtrah^d jCargo when there was an alarm, and searched lor it again by the help of a so'cnfea' TJtrarnie' telescope. It WHB rtoihing more than'a cask witii a plate or strong glass nt the bottom..;. The man plunged the closed end a few inches below the surface, and put ,Uis head into the other end, and then hu,saw clearly fht&'the'waterf 'W&e glare and confused rfettec- tibns and'retractions from and through the rippled-sarfac? of thp ae» were;entirely shutout withgrealt dislinctBesa So far as' this contriv- ance enables men to see the lafldiiunder.^the waves, movements under water closely resern- bli :fersf«^w%te 'ttrtiMK light >" v -ri. »dl OJ Jfn-ii;--' hti ;it>j&flO!'j l iBi<!!ltei ill' JavaJjJl n»i?3 jfcjifi . «aM0ak:1Ote|Ra«*Ulyt!(^^ efficrerlt OMjMi oT t i e wsrid's TjraVawii>WTiat arm is strong enoughi to urga on the car or to ttrs dicta*** of tha good spirit, «nd km rjWrN ipr»iiWri*t*fa|e>lf^fl| ^..-tvjv; ,A,^V, •• K It fNr* adtfertrtbufatl©* 1 sabukt Hot tafc* darstaatl S«riptar41" and e»«ry sonowmrsaitif ratponds to tfiu, as haTlngfeltits trrjUi-~B»*«'. CMpr*^«Maa>Mwi>s«|M7«rwU bJt.:«s|» of those w!d ti^AblUJ^arr eotranc Itr bits Jli»M JW! attwiti Ui.Uit surveys and meMurtaienU as wou to ami a snajTwith ^ c^urhi; ekicndwdl-'teb' or twalwmttes in - s*#*ratdirevK tions, and it has been conjectttetai V»al " tb#»>e is probably mtjiyA bai^wot»ajwun alttinein hiahW'wttBiBtett.Wllss of the cave, auke un- canWioui that tba meat JasJitoh^ l a S e W ^ gaotlamen of Buropa and Am«ri«»4u« •*&£* and tak» : !irrapeaiwJiich> point .nut the directiong .H^J^cwreRfs torn JtJs .ftrange, at, .flist. « 2 ^sti4®mm. sss. rilent ifi hatching Dig'fish's Wdop like hawks out OS tfeeirjBjeaiKfied;fi)reBtBoSfier a whiteflysunk tho tree tops,to|empt.ihem, a»d the fight dli : .lojlows is nptter when plainly seen. \ J nipellto&ats'>r , a%-g1a^^lnTJows in 'tftBJjOttoto'Ol'ahaal?* H-YfoSld bring mt-n and fiSh,dh«."tafiroevBnit the habits of the latter •_h*iit T f fdith hee nnr»>'l' m i mJ.J .: HOME.—Don't he afralcTWTrlittle fnn at home, goao>*|»nple^MBriri1«^s1iafiyour house lest the sun should fadeyourcarpets; and your ha*Tn|;ts«stia!heariy>14ngh shak&down soine of Jtofffla^^a^bJ^e^^iestt -It - yoa.wan^vP wliadPwlg^tBe^t^ni^horli^* htght. W^iffla^cb'isimomeia regarded hnly'as a place 4ttel«04(«3hearHMt6neIit will be sought s t.^acei. - Therefore Jet the fire t. night,, and jniakc the home. Srtiii-^Aos-e'uMawsehe na- f¥hts^li6^fT(Say i '^riftt«rk f, ^oh'e fer.fes -firth bU6yant-s|uriti*cf yourcha»lren.;aaif*n honr of merriw^j round Jhe larflftjanjl Afey^t of home, blots out the remembrance of many a care and annoyance' during the" day, and the <tiM40i^mbi^iiftaWi witlr'tliSri Itfto ihe wtwldida.'the'mflrjHenoO o f » bright; littLsdomeS- !Hf§«?fi<8PJ«!! n.j.o ..:,:•:.••# .i',:.-./.;.tc --.x ; .. -'-.-V'-.'t-^ iiili:-' V,-jd <--J .'Cg^'l 1 V?BS :9./^ui. u . £ l w wrtMa»y»rir merms,-. ifijjwtt'w6uld'<liaT0 i!8^Wa^i^lBK»bifib tcjiU^Bf! - a : fl ,.;« . t ^^ : :«m-> mali ) ei»*hoyd-»r.«rar u will da' his duty i'_S^S8SR^Iry." : 3htJia. ^UiCii-ij'-jui a.'.'..i;«li-i:§.a rfvaMynindiw^aT^hewkovofittio **!,»» the ; w^,|jhi^o|ju>-:ir»Me^ 1 ,..v.-, ; ; : , li; >..^ : ^ y , a tflfa'b^aBjrid'ioiJt^ keaTOn is t o * t ahanied ->^mm» Ujfe'gordibe the:dia.reonctaalxmt a Ir*3a>wr*f i»*«rrMckwa hkwd-sookerem ; -'-^tcy^^crt^oryyshawBs Want of fcre«I. Ing. That'e^ailityi »•heat which exclude* afi Jm»>^!m^fl>mi^^i r>< %:,•••>-£,:--. -.<;U i f t e iwth'who.-ida^iiaioat, k anywhere in the estimation of others, will soon flad himsolf no- mVmsm bjMa%W*r^^«M^^tO tKOiSla^-fOiv vrpd. "iSrBTO'-osisse,' lUOj.OffPIJt waUaxclaimat , oraathlnt wrong. condrHoavwMloutthem. -""'If'I? ..j-.^j .J.'i;j ,r," WjRM«JT M ..;'" r^*»«M«*-- •tSwiAllaWaaapM ••»«*'- i^^tyss^yc; 4 <•! v-'r *n i is i l/i) m . Tit

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';' a'3.«3.9i4t<jc«.*- « Jn«

Wilt ,ue«;'iiis f(><*^«-.*J><l>i *i JI»-K^«.>»!l aiaiffc- . . ..

W_J>'"' .T' vwi(.wi)'a,t.i.4-,l.--.mb'n-i

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J.U A ./» ' : / H I . . '• ?•> tf-»<J.f t« i l i • • J» -It

mm'* m& ! ' . . BIS*' '• *

m l ' i u i u m .Jil|i ft^lM nA 'l'l'r'!

•.. J' " - ' ** y-I ,B* ,5'' f""''. -n» 6& #>d:>asrid all Ha rri ftte&t IKSC aahfjtsJtra ff&Jtofrii/mii ^f.oos* vuii t\ a/. ; owoig-caufa fens BtsUsMtfstib oh e« y.W*«Iefelfls

fl<tfe>wiifl}<0 iu«nj iai* joidr 9V/ itgfdw ,w-iiv i-iiiJ uT /< W -wo-tf*

as ts— * H

x,»BBi " • * ?

ti -:0 «?* O'.ti."

,©!» «>S s*o^o"3«5 o-w tod 7P

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mu.if .-•••,t'.'irL-i-.1. . '-', - i . . . I . A . i.• ' i . i i M i r n i i i i " ' ' • ' i r ' m " r i - r i i r - - ' - | i r r r ' i i i r i f i i i - *"u* *« ffvr,',I? a^ ,c/ ":>* ai ^P'VI ,

T E R M S 5 \ill»g«; Sabsentwrs. served by carrier..^. 13 S»

u.n^o office g»*gatet..Jfc..{|..q..e» 2 °° The Pablbhen expect sat require tin mbtc'ripBoni u> be

paid strict); Sn ndvance. B A T E S OF, A O T B B T I S I N G !

[Twelve Uaat or less mmke>ASqotre.] 1 ig inre j^week ,^-^^Ml " a w t i E »

. . |8 00

j&efiiifW^aeSyE^^aaji"" - " I »qtt«tre« iaenOyr^.'.... 5 WU <

LKOAL AOVEBI BEHESTS, at the ratea.providea b j Law. Te*riy adv-erSaer* nre enat ledto three change* daring

lbeyusr. All cbmges in eitfaihTtblsiwiU be charged extra. liusisEss OABBS not ex«eeding five l|nes, $5 per year—for

every addiUona) line 75 cents per line,

rJStt™' be Inserted for >iaa than $1.00 , j . . . .,

Ordinary anaottoeements of marriage* and deathi, gratis; but all remarks. coramnnlcatloM, and obituary PoetrJF! 5

Business Directory. »«aaiff fosmithsE x^***®-

MOIRA HOUSE, •M^kJPsmt^h-ti-Xft •ittf i i»<.: . -

! H . f C . S A 1 7 1 , S B V B V , P r o p r i e t o r .

^ e e p UBuutrv piaeff ux exitenaniiBeni aaxaa D#* iMnivfv this part of th e State. An excellent Livery attached to thii Home.—NoT.S8m6*

1 .. •CKg.'i'J'r.'i.l.tH K^'-i't :— •

S E Y M O U R H O U S E ,

F. M. Tallinan, Proprietor.


M i l i ' I

Ogdeutborgh, N. T. Thi* Hause to eligibly aitnated

first clan hotel. Charges reasonable.

on the

CeSf aP£t#f LSr Jnfli- ^ 4 ^ 3 1 ^ ^ *. Crst Insertion of the advertisements AdvertUements ihonld be aurked the length of tune to be inserted, otherwise they will be continue! UU forbId,-oi!.a«he'option of the publish­er*, and charged accordingly.

G. W. L^WlS,

Fort Covington, Franklin County, N. V.


Mam Street, ChaWaogay, J y j t ^ ^ 1 - * i * r k & SoP'1"'9 rtore>

C. T. Fletcher. E. WUber.

FITCH & PARAflELEE, Attorneys and Counselors,


Attorneys antl '^oWris^lprs at Law, Elm Street Oppreite the llani, Slalone, K. V. 8pecial atten-

Uon given to claims for Pensions, Bounties, * c W. B . UOSISS5B. U. O. SAOSDSas.

TAYLOR &tHOBBS, AttoraejH and Counselors at t a w ,

No. 3 Cnloa Block—ove&ffeX. Heath's Drug-Store, - -Jt.A.T*i«>a.J M a l o | e , l S Y c ' ; fA<HoiDsv

PR.*C. VV. CRARY, Jb*layaiioia,ai atxtl Ssiurgeoii,

Late Surgeon o.' the 165th R.T?. "Vols., announces to the Cinzeus of M.Uone and vicinby fhit be ha* located In this place. Three years experience in hls'professlo^ in the Army, in addition to bto prevlcn* practice, gives him con-ndeuce to sol cit a share uf public patronage. Residence in Brick Cottage, on Dnaseataeet- . <

• « iHARK-" !H•0«P»Ets>, ' • • ' , >• • '••• * Cprnejr of peekman and ^a«»,W SJreeta, ^ J . ,

George VTrigl tj Proprietor. Oneof the most convenient Hotels In the city to Cosiness. • Stage and Oar Routes and Places of Amusement. Board

$8.60 per day. ( . ^ }s^f1

PROF. T* A . 0 O N W A Y , Teacher or Plarm Forte, Itlclodeon,

. Orean,.*e. ..... TERMS—Piano, Melodcon or Cottage Organ, per Qoirter,

(24 Lessons,) $13.00.

a S e W ^ ^ o e X ^ ' S r ^ r i f o W f Pupils attend Prof. OOSWAV, " opposite R. R. Depot. Appllca

~ " ~ • lv< ' Uon. made at Muslo Boom or P. O.Bol 11, will receive Im­mediate attention. , ftbjSy,

M i s s ID. P . D A R R A H ,

DRESS & CLOAK MAKERS West side of (lie rfv*r, ove¥ O. N. Russell's Grocoiy 8toce.

Dresses and Cloaks made in the Latest and most Fwh-lonaMe StjWs, and on «KbH notftV.' ' '•

March 1,1S6C—8m

H. S. McMILLA-N, »-wrrB—

6.AW, RANDAl.i4..&.VQffi Commission Merchants, 9S and 100 Franklin Street, New

York, 163. Devonshire Street, Boston. W. 15. S. GAY, [1678] * T. R A S P I U -

t \th«.day,nrilh*»a«aal«d1pp»d.lB.dtw, > ^ > \ Haa^DMM4tl|ron|*^«.T|nJ»jrfs golden gates,

And a ilngle-star In the cloudleas blue . . . •i»oMk».Trl«lrittt*«riW'aUa6c«wala»; <

The Ulle. nod to (ne souni'oflfi* strtam' That wujds,ak»Jiiri*»^Uinrfl»W|

. And either awake, or half a-drean, lVM>Unwrgh th« retloMof Oie C o i f Ago—•

while faces peer with maoy * "M&1

- . ' •< . • :

There are Joy* and^oMhtte.' Wrrowt aa^tCarf,' ,..i ,.SHiat'4hMk»rffl**U»eflA|HrU'W«T»;'- ">'»

- • 3 e € M i r f e r a ^ » o .!jmd*apawai*»»iar»tet»»1iaua«rtTIg1«. •

MI- ™J*.IS ,i-»;v.c .t'^j/ c**>~»< *m H>,»[.». • •-. There are ashen maia>orl»l,b|«ar paj»i,ii i ,»>.

And the sea breex*fa»iHlig:acparn*.|«r»*-: And a »and>rerior|,tb«»heH.Hnrt:Sapr% Listening for voice* tha^jpeak np snore', . , , .

Thifro*ifo passloni alfobg; snd'ambllioiia wild, ........Aou^tt«n««edtiif&fc5*t«a(*l!*ili«T»ir - .1«,*rv1^*rtl^rr»lW»«>*«t*«J. i l ip«*l l i | . . ,

Is crushed itrthe breast of the stragjtllng m.n : '&&• slort the regrets, and few are "the tears That fall to the tomb of the vanished tears

. i l « H 1 1 t a , i**ft « i ' 1 here is a quiet, and peace, and domestic lot*,

-- '-Antf^jylikrisIagfroM rata (jhairntli; Aad a tnat anqDcstlonlnavfar-anov*

And th* kisses of chUdren on fp* abd .cheek. «' Anathe'p'artet%Mvo,wKfeUntfw^fc^iIJ»p•ak.4•'

There areJKTad.oseaTUatl'Tberr are little graua In thedlilanldelji 'naalli protecting trer!>.

'Where the streamlet winds, and tbcvlolet wave* Ami the grasses, sway to the shining breexe.

a * - - " * . " * •"• mM t>m -*7f .7riai?i» '•Jjarfc-iinaj' ?ri Ima -jgaJiiv"

•^WB^Pl^lHlt i fBa^l^^

in^w/r^* eyes rtarkeileil In Death's eclipse.

i p

And tlius, as the glow of the daylgacOn, And the Night e Orat look lo the earth I* o i l , . , K«ei<'a*atffthe»e6erfdtffdl A^hm^™'" ' AVtee^cSdfea that-hin^n Ue«»Md>

Oh, Sorrow and JsytitenCs Dllagldl lay When to Memory.'a wlldwtiod^we.wapder away.


S. P.iBATES, PbysieiaijiandiSui^eoii,! 1

Residence, first house East of the Methodist Church, Ma lonfeiS.t.* '

y ^ P ^ r i S^t T it V i 7 .r. r* .ft


.. . i w q. t t ?pi AOTWWJ f n Main street, H alone, N. Y. Office In Palladium Bnildlngs,

8d Mory, From Boom. All opeiaAkaia performed In tfi* most satisfactory manner. Teeth filled, extracted or in-

- - - - ddtaBtts gecteO. ParJcatar»tteijUoiipai4t«

MAIpne, Jan. l0,|8o^.S . / . son Bate.! •

D B X T I S T , May be found at N». Oossrnercial Block, <ap*talrs) where

he la prepared to perform *Jl<iperaUao*4a.'IttBUslry l n » superior and satisfactory manner. 8peclal attention paid to UUng reeth. AU work warranted. ' "••atatonerJ*n.8,l|6o>-ly. . » t -^ i . • • »• - i -nu . '


; ^r> • •.-!.:«• <rit i ' ' s


> 2 OfPr»Tldenibe,5a.!t Vioe'l N.T.

r-i <i t ^ l f ^

t i . H E A T H & BRIBED, . ^

^ ^ . »il '8 . k ^*>g i i l ibHi^ t t j | f t ,wf»«»S

PerXanery, Stetlonery and ftner Oflodj. *c., Ho. 8, tJniejk. ^ *• * * i » w . ' **

jfi W

P. W . TULLEY, 3 j p M m ^ ^ m . J go

Ale and U g e r ^ e e r , f"*»ee» Prulu and Cenfeotfcn«r>«OL_ of ihe Bridge, saafit areet,HiIone/If. Tt

' - • • • - « • . . . . , • . tf

K * ^ « l u a 1 ^ « a t C .

MA|f^l^mi^Y; OOORS, SASl i * Bib lo Banding near WalHeUey'* roiujiry,, atalant, H. T.

Sash, Doors aud Blind* constantly bn hand, and aU orders will b* promptly attended to. One of Wfodwortbv Plan-ing Machines has been added to the machinery In this ihop, and the pirpprMtoC Ki»wJeadyjto .plane all kinds of lumber ob short notfee, and at theaow reasonabl* rate*.; Ako. A TongieUtg and»-irao»ina> iaacains for

' ' j S S ";*• '***rtTjw£ £. ;*.'*}*"* ',•*?• -'

P. C j ^A tdRqKm' i i


Fruit & OrBaHlcutallPfe^s^uMs, &c. j From Ellwangcr i, Barry's Nurseries, Rochester, V Y. !

» TI -i** , ill,, , H •'—»-ld — ... r^t-<^t« -u -.aatainafl!

PANGB0RN, DAVIS & HAYOENS, ; .>-!< . • Importers and Jobbers of

Fancy Goods j Yankee Jfotio^s, &o. NO. 853 BROADWAY,

JOBS W.PAB080BH, I v „ „ Y n p t I ALFSkP P. HAYDES,

, eouMit^yibtii^Br USIMJ <Maj<$ttoC*k^»^ bBMhl*«5h»d*&fraO pA»criBtiortern<>:*«Ldp»eo«j ^ S ^ X ^ W S ^ ^ t ^ w ^ o f t ^ m$rfc Blie g—well, my dear, I didn't mean to rex jon —she's a nice child enough, but, bless niB, she

SP'SJ?.^ foal mornent. X was. thmtdng bow. onin

ami »lf».- *¥J Abat v<;ry!.,OM coold:««9;that-l.wa» trusted with them; and I was reasoning-.that perhnpsmy mother had behaved like a liUie woBHin,* bew»«i BheiwMtreavtdf-likeiiioj" * u ai'Mx*dear,(:J,^id jinljimea .siUmtinhoi.»»«w

Myvmothoif ri!«jafl«5cllby(wayiof<wpolcigj»'ftw me—" She has a yery good memorara'f A I - ,• j•.

" Memory {aye, there's another dbadrantaee. Shs re«ferrlbera efeiytKn^ j sfieVafeefb^arrot. Why) when.yoa, »it.hera*p, watited/ «.pnbiaUl

qr>iifcl^,?*n^Wj?R^3in<ft#fljratrjr,iUioy,4 ">„io%*r

w-IsWth h AhrJg'lirJr snj' 'f TiriW tufe-Srfrfaltr; " I hope she will become more'ttooogbtflil o»


SACKET^Ff BELOWEifiiSt C o . u UTiottiilif firtliJrs5 iffl IWpirrWri," rf 28 and 80' Beade Street, 8 feoon East ofBroaftw&y, ". T . ' ,

AXOB M. SAOICTT, Jtsrw Ktt*if SxAttVrV, W O U A M K . BR^CBBB, , . Wu. K. TOW^SESD,

tl;-;.-«! , J " i S W r ^ i s ^ b i p o ,i y ^ ii •: j J j i g

JOHN O.F.SK, —wrra-' ' "

BAf ,» \ f l I%, ri?»llKK J t C o . , Wholesale Dealcrs-in Boot*, fihoesl leather, 4c,,.J?olJ5

Park Bow. opsotp; the Aator Hoosb, former location ofthe Park, theatre, IfSjr York. . __ , ,

H. M. BAU)WI», r NATB** Flsapa, JH^BirJpif.


the ounty of Franklin. Auction Sales'a^ndedld Bait furnished wlica reaped.—diateatfgyp

tht'm Haaiust returned fronvKew York wltkajtpodassortaentof

Igpm Coaa aad (Juud. B^ M i p r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j g , Consisting of

&• f r j g a r d ^ O M I t J d J ^ e W ^ r i . 2 P J ' - '> ; •< : - - ' - '

avelerw' I n s u r a n c e Company, ,Cl Htte, Bonnet*, Eibboni, Floweri, 4 c , ft«\ B H I S is Hort.a'ji Bltfck, nj

j I ^ ^ r M ^ r i e a ^ i f t ^ l ^ ^ e l n y U e d to can,

llaione, Sept. 83,1885.—lBTltf

.YJWOW U G J .,.'• i *. • ^ T i| fS ,^ ^5^^P.*R; *,**^I«S^3P;> ,

' . - * . ! » » M>«2 e f . » ; V 1

MISS LANGP,QN:& CO., \ ] t r » I C a < j » A l f MTOirtlOat T O %•*•

wf- thatthey-ar*4n thwrweiptof a» ••••*' '

I » , . l n s l & l . U l C l l U / . n l ' l l l •HI. < 0 ,»".ujj •»iTt ^•l..qfl*lt~fifn7Ti.'j7rjfTrTTIZ

r'runi the. miainryi Magulae^ • <•

mm wwmwfvmtwmp • A * ' ^ . * , » • - , • . ^ . T | . ,ffL-> T . • •* > . A - . 0 - 4 '

A s t o r y for Uhllflren. •< -»«••«d • UV jeAJMNSELOW. -^ •••

: IVot many'Uiings'hav&tau|)peiiFd>tomo imho coiixso ofmy life which-can be called evente^ But one great evuiitvas I theu-thought it, btip»

Eencd .when 1 wasseight years old. How well' muwnber the iiccasiou < I hud * holiday,

and was .reading aloud to my>mother.' Thw hoolc.wast." The lile u£ Ho ward Uts'phiUnthro-pist,'' iwas interested in it, though Ute atyle was considerably above my comprehension ; at la«t I came IMJmMloxifi&iimViHlX, which I could, make notbfos of: "Ho cyold not Jet

.'faij;te&raVt ; '^Bi^r3ami

, ^ h ^ 1 s . a^Weii^pporttinftir^ J•&&$$% i f ^ d ^ p o t t u n j t y ; . ,

live e%PignT» rGold is very valuable, aOjcf very lincOmmdrJT; this opportunity was a vfcry •valuable and uncommon one that in one tenity."

I pondered upon the information for some timey and-then mado a reply to the effect, that

id uncommon one: wo can express i *mtSrWB$ifo P d c n oppor-

rrterft. tbUls my hlrihdmyw. Well, "I snpHose I nntat-4&jWRWVfP.QmWl Ofii/Htber. Jumts-tin),

ready. Open tfi^ door tur your mother}^0Wi? Ah}, yau/« peyervbe, «ayUi<iig JHt^hec-flerer."

I did as ho desired,, And then niy grandlatheiv looking at ihe with a Comlcar gravity, took out a leathern purse;'and dived with his-flngers arnpn* the contents., i'\Bhe«Irwas*liUleboy(

a4o|rfafypqtllob^y^v^^rJMrlnyBWBey.,, • Encouraged by his retmrhjng goo,d humor, I

drew closer, and peeped into' the puree. There were,as many as.six on. elgbC^overeagnaijUt, ? JvWrW1* Vjh» a,-.ilfh m®, « x ^randfaths

: was. and when he took out a small coin an j falrf Ht In iny^mlft,,' T cdnld'Bcafcefy' btf wanibrme. .«.»< <:-...'• ••>

* knoiW. wh»A aUaUs^childl' " Well, do you think you* coukfspencl ItV*

.«*oyes, Krandpa?•' ' •••<> • « -i • « • '•' abe mwns iJur^eyeal uAhy

r „ ,„„ .„ „ f W W , « » WfOrtk.ten JM* nngr wnen it was In my nurse, and I wouldn't # T > sixpence lbr'any^Efrro- fr will buy n o * It lhuvonce touched yotirjittle fittgora".' *> «J'

" Did yon give it to mo to »|)flndiea»ctJrftfatl; likejjjruudpapa ?

• ««IV> bo surt, ohffd-t.therfe; Wkeit,—It'sVortb |uotbiny4o you; ray dear." .. 1/ . i . •>.• •».

'.' To^hing to;mo!. Xhohalf-Bowjrcign,worUti <jMn« Jo n>c! why,.Ki5f>ndr)apn/'

. "Nothmg worth tnenuomug; you have"np trettl' wanisr you have lcidttfeV,;rootf nhd shelter .without tliifl halfsoTcreigii."'. '• : " O yes; but, grandpapa, I think it mus.Wbe •worth ten times as much to me as to y o n : I jhavc only this dan, «ad yotrhstte qUAntme*'-11 shiiuldli't wonder TT-yofi' h**e thbHt' orfbrt^f h*jrs6*«8lgri6i arid u great'miiny shillinga^nd' " T'Crowns bMidM/'fo ftpefld o>«ryyeai'.*<

I'shouldn't wonder^" • 7 ••' ^ I have only one.-- I eaii/t think, grdSd-1

what you do with all your money. I f T • J. would buy an many deljgfctn)!) things


W& «fia. J"i * ; W*M ,0E

^ TChsUVwWsitlMyitll be<gonel $11 •oldPu'l «clalrfledJtjdism»y« .MI*.. .. ... • -r.

• tail v,r,iT),,n„i wrii i[f.,„. »i Hr^i^-^*- - jrTh •ttifa'Ti firm TnWnnni mmi ii

lond,° oh the glaav wed" keys of tfrflayfldnsr pftrio.' f

^By^ltocftwipg iJwn J *d.m


pllglttfilt little' WsTrtfmeflt la nan a gutnei,— &ltel'W4<he>«ne8tl*bre*Wtn«toWboyi,»'r,ff^ drew H e t ^ AUHJ ii| 4ii.ikiHi\iUht«id» it »(}«.

Mc«.i»l»5chJ Uioaght.the.mriBt ex-


.. _ . * & V o 1 e l ) f o n n u % tfcsrirlblri^ fey WthrHaflooc1'-Ira tte mlBfiWs tho'acfoi'debS waoftldod.up iq silTer panerV'«rid l h n d parted ^W+ny^erUhjd^lf^Tereiga. ,, AM wo walked home. I enjareeu on ftgtR liS'Mrt haVe-lriJpulyihfOTJT right iitio'uia hAVc'i"n>pfiyinyo^my'a^^cl)£

in and out: I can even plnytuVit dinnepjimej ^ou.Jike,betweeR)%J meawnd^opuddjinga, TiSouiljIupr the queen has-a1)»njLpapa, tp play wWle^aliy'dbifii, aM-stf catf yo^,,,

My taiherabruptly*!clirjfedtli!s liberal offe'ta •Ofdidj/Biy, f^«ndtatnar,.iWiwn'J >repeatediot to

it I was reliqxod,|Uj>lJnd,tba.| ho w«s »qt in whicr/I

him, but I was in the least su

pr^eW|ji'. ,iee«rii futfdW'fatefei*

Bftt, slusi toy sccbrdepri soon cost rhe tears"of

his, however, did not oT'iferet

all the golden<ipportnnitie8 seemed tu happen^ 'Pie;,

eago; ecan read in books—.very groat men, such w

to veiy rich people; or people who lived avery Jong lime ago; or else to great men, whose live*

AttteOJdttaad lately f*>>«0 «»:*80-

wilborforoe and Howard ;;Jbut ihey noverJiarv pen to reahpeoplflj .whom .wccould.seo every dayvnor to.chlldren- «..-' si . . . . . ., i ' " To chaa^enJikaycm, Orris ?''«aidjny moth­er, ".why,:wha» Idnd of •> golden. opportunity. areyottir|»l,Jiigfoda«.'trwvV!«.rt -.,

My repJjBjuM cbjldislt.enough. : . . . " If I.were a grwt man.I«hould Jlke =,to .sail

after.UiOrSlav.eships,flghtthem, andUke,b*)efe the- poo?.Blares to, tbelr own coontty. Or I should like to do something, like what Quintus.Curtius.jdidr . S o t exacjdylikottiat;

into a gulf, that'wonld'hof really make it — • - , — xfvi

-good I had doiv^eeauM I . ^ ^

[e^Ka^jitoiriB|f*H -was 4s»«e»to* |o ,3r i

"I t h l n k ^ 6 1 c f n ' l S ^ r ^ f g r r i i f l a d y / «

[poor people ton imyt,JMd,«iaan«5*erftanticly, s«srvtog>-l'should •lBto'td eOme^dwii W t|iein. TOifi^furee full of money, ind divide it iK&rJSf3

opportunities." •«**l*sf»nw*»*»'*- * •

.^IWtaPISi,'S^.^»^J^'J^{^^^ ing to the use we make of them." a* - * B«,»iii»rail!^w#^

" No, but sometimesrby JiiatWttag-tSsinjIn their'dor "' -•-••-•>-thafith^ tempted, ani


At th« MlOer HoDt*, mtvu^'Wi". t € ^dalone,N.

*•• i»*MijvV *l+.yv«!iUk<i*l'lA'l)liJV-

ORENMOdES Dealer i s

iVatche« t JDloeiif «fc a fewe lry ,

- a%It iUfcw0*r., Dre^ W ^ W » , Etc,

The Ladle* are Invitee to call and eiamlne their fitock of Good* for themaetves, a* they feel confident they

qafflfy, pric* end woritmanshlp, aa they I ^'<^^,aioD*^ai^tb,lmpIoJCiB b ir to / i e ipOOO O S

Wat JOUA B ^ J i M p B l p ^ ^ altoteftel^ LATHHOP.

OiA*. S,. R€r%#1^fi#v:

' ^ M l ^ a # k j | # ^ "'••'-PaalewMw^Kaiialr.'yer•• - '- -*-<~-M

Fine - Watches, C H M * ^ .Teweiry,. Oliver Ware, Ac., In the Jalladiiun *)oUdiiigf, eeraar If ata

and Catharine Ktreeu, atak«i*,lf. T.

XVeat,.Cixe«i» fitnd-Qiilplc..

','i.V..,i;i -jll l,i ;.>

t Ivj-'ii -ft!;

^ e t ^ ^ l f f i ' l M 1 ^ ^ ^ 5 ^ ^ fett.^%t^lffiS5t^»^^5r6^ mnat ta t tu*t t io lS«31^^^^e l^n i i i oneean

6rvTraT6iAiro«A» jrAUTDRraoF «» -... PHTENT BBEECK-

Bgtjffltlni prevent: some prople rrom ever l prison." . . J i i * f l ^ .

My mother continued hF explain that those

oppo^n^.es\ 8^4^b^ ^ . r n ^

«ejrance ,ai)d e»a ipt*h4 i»*fe j i4w^* ' But I do not profess to know much of wh said; I only know " ine into my " " down, which

He that ly watching ii;

" " Oie


half-! I *U

jtei DB. ,»n4 aU, sorts of ^rash. 38ri> &|tnnate& ypti have not got,U.j youJhayjB-o<»ly o,n# h»u

. opt throw it away ji srhaps I Bh I tokrjd'.do spmosood with i t? t . "**~ "*" less yon, my

" to it;I /

tbemt {reading, and

tperh . • "Do some pood with' il_ _, , idear,if yxiu" oo try ito:fh>so«o good with jslial?n,otc»y U timmwTfl I Ithw:reUtedwh»tIh«d-iooe

!8AYJng!.»'there,«(_tbo pbWlgpj m,on! of yttstr

t)shoSet£» er?8 biHr *mi} br.r. • x • • .• .• v : , •«.: My grandfather took it up, looked at it, and tiarked thallhw-'saillM "was "i tfeW tale.

fT*e*v with^gwierc^ty'w^ieh'IVcttlly'Htri 4tt»'

ir& te,«r^"gna^wa1fied'»ldrff with an exultation of hesrT

i*1^ app^wiiiwt^^^fMgn^^r^, sra^jpptftfaMsnr^^ I .fwo^tatirwd, ^ar^^^rMt^ttojinojrife onhera, previously mooing the penny with taadri»peiv to mateUiTjri^t'«ridoleaniri'>i 'Jl I ^ s l o n a ' a n r l ' ^ ^ l f x ^ ^ ^ r o ^ a

B«r"WeTe%lr»rmuCTim%oe4felrafi, bqt;

iw^.flnl^M.M^car^'frt'^ith nTB-tfetla his 'lAntf»3ie«|* "" " ~ ' " " " " ^erWKrtMkjd_.. _ t... , , *H JHL,. always 4^f^t'iW%al^.tiut'witli tty;

fttm&' ^bectallfwhelf hS welit^o toetriwnV?1! mmwwili^abxiXh^-&iiia•wlriddwi, irifl ii* fmTre tMSvlsrtolifedntema. •"' i r ; :'' K' r..!|to the town, therefore .we went.. My;&tn'erJ

t ehsTli never "ponotsa', --,—„ ;riri^__,T nT . . r - r .^


i m O T W r y i t f J ^ W W r ^ l r r r V

mm! gtiag- » • the- 'Meo'iaiiiw' lustivnte,' '"and could notJaiftrxV^h\wUhJiiin,biit there was a certain bsstelgrlTklM^itfPv^lc^^^w^ I was

.noVoeWi 't«t ?A'i>—jaa-»3> rat'-


' trmaker^ooasriusg^tbikr

latrm'S OAM n r l u i n , HATVAIW and the SaOiarrau


;5 H € ^ w # , i i « t i ^ ^ . ^

, s.metbtJirtr' wt«:»'«ie ;V»-€ra^^'lW ;t^eiJ_' ;^,,

P r i o e 3 » O 0 H | B I . |

C u « o ^ w » l b S r l o ^ could not heJjflaWlBl^vJ-^ -/.•,1ST ~\M*;J

^kw JOT, f - - * ^ < i* *-> * ?wJ •*.— - ir -s i-^ 'f* ^ j • \ \ ; ^Ti!^? was«^%t"f»*W«6, ?n the. word, chfld," hei m^TtMmmmWii 6nly second." *.'*«»».•'•-~*J'.-,'\-.'». ,;--,-;Xi« ••• :-'

"ThentfstsndsJ)! <fc»'t I sfflliioselr*

iiiKVbBLar of»4oa'trr WiWirtbVy^«,iin>«»f»^ «tp

tM&Jt? )l»m[i-fi#t**W ltiiitiiit£ t MaJoa«,«*V. # , 18W,' ^. - > ' '•;•:'-.-'.*? ; • • • •"„ -..: .*'

» . '> ;;t

»-' . , ,(QtEpK0E.'t.\d^^RKv;":; MM. PiWh*e*4_Uwl« *Cl*rk>ii»»ry Stable, las r*a« of : CeaaaereUl Block, west *Me «f tee rivtx. w*er* be will

cootiaaethebulnew. He wliT keest tke h u t of twaeat i . tSeral patronage.-Mahn*, S«pt ,» , tf

round ui. had heard


•i£FH$*kf r8»>w^^^t***wamuo«r, '• child.

—never; she has no reaa^BSncaltlM at alL" VVhenmygrandialher^aVaUpSasrf^itome,

i '!Did yon eter talk «ojii«iie at



3tci*«v taay-1» i1l)0'Wp4»)w»-;,'.d?§e,i.i •-i.te*^ e.-1

r! ES^oMsrml that ke^a. ikS

•3TMaV $ ^ v ,,

MI in»lMt)-« WJM. liil&ft^btt lavoiiit. U theJHttftt i r t i d l f C40 W^4, to;»I*«W,

"f t? I tedmL Wi»Wi^ d*e#^; U I 4# a u ^*ry^ * Jp *> airj*w*a^*^*rj *a^^was^r*aw»^^» ^w^r^rjww^f a- -*% ^ ^ aawesrew

wait to bey anytbrag this njOrnuig, Mr. Mfl-L j f * . ' • , , ' .. ; "i ' - • "V- . '

"TnnaWfi maw Ihsfi tishtr i ntlr I'M sor-samB*w^a**aa«w^ajay .eBWS*w*saiay jseawaaaa** aw *^a*wa**»rwT*. ^ » * ^ ^ T * F " -ea* ^*apP eavawaja-^

trrsMiaw, I coeJhaTBton ya*jr eeo*JCti. I tlir»iW HM to 1MT« s«rV«d yoo, whilo Ilutrofoods'lwtnot'oirtoflilswsy

myfivo«t& every tone most sjrj inside vfhteh «sJaa kterftbiB ; , % mothe¥cornlng in'som^we auUhg'tp'rft fnejahcholy afteroTOo;'found ' W sttlini'ati ffie <bdf6f m^lfttle bed Ijoldtotfmy ficcordBu,atfd ahedd^Dgdver it somo < f tut most bitter tests thnt shftwe »d3 repentadjie had yeKwrqngl^i

She fonfced astonished, *id,a8ke'4„'*' WhW t? the matter my <*)M f\ \ ? ' 'V* , f f

ra,OTn*nima," f replr^f RS. wi^ si,r4S Si wpdld T*m*I iwySi^uW this 'thWrwh ^olo^o^rtdnitrw 9' rh'

*ft' TfielRrrt »oby.^t,3| J1i(( .,|

bf'(liEW*!tetu£; 3i 'm^.td^.^feVOe.'bnly dar*httr,jitoi-';^f^vtfcardaiW't<.-i«inii.. •>•'• iw. ,,. We djfla%»ayrs|ia.|shy,f #1 hayfe)ojw of yjpse; interesting little animals at home. It oarn? i when it rained, dark as pitch, and myunjlfttlla! itt'lWe mrk,Mb Oaf rtMni The 'ffittbflilea' ttife milee dnaWest; mid thpamrse six mi&adue {

next door. It's a funny little chap., that, SolKrtno^t^?,HiHa*uie lfngWW a3 BoIoyna• ^ansage. Cross? I guess not. r-ilJm,.-'UiirI;"i», cowmeni^fhMhww^ do^Mta pathway (oft life just when — * ~ —... a . were the higl WruVBffien 1»ui doctors chargetWode^lara'aiBfjuiqlvtourtlolltra *grot}t,«ndfln,geco»;0;^FfftJ vf J-?"1

thati baby ; la spitikflCa neee likeia Witrt?*hearJ as bald as a squash, and no place to^Ujeh^ watrrfall; a mouth just suited U> come the gum «nme aribTfeTfew hiiiir On, t r M ^ f y o u should hear her singtpf: liaVO' bnmped1,it,>'feraff6a<OVy for cap dpuin>itsotBr«oVgiren Uitbe/smooyimg

oil clorh,^tu»pplsjgptircgor'io ia^'ica'spGotttsy P3^DUgbt,„ihe!jBujr»<j;aUniiipiag on, too. dox>r,

l i i rJeTmietVf l i taPcfaf l^wJats, pants, ties, and'white kids. ^Shades of departed cocktails, «>vha,Wft.r4oture for an artic)e4n Ha Paris. Us mother says the darliflg is troul with wind on'the stomach; it heOts 'all the !J-BtrttHftnt* yorfever heard WVlAVe- to get'"6|i in the cokii and shiver whiifrthaiailk'tvQrms.yjt

ipa / g o j i rockpd it so I sent it slap clear across slays and sent it slap clear across

ting^jaf-of pr^rvesi'Ti dldif t ilhBB'l Oh; no; it's mother says

m w L ^ M l e yeot 3He bfflpUYhaye fe^rne

to make Iter holy. One whole ycar"wonla bftm Kpnoa grea.l,way towards tea.oning her to/roan

•ii'd'teri . . . _ . . . . „ . . . . enoo showyowijow or^iyoufareto»tempt«iott.' Toktltflwdiftyou think,yp«,«o*ll oetor yiaid: carl a&l ioa.BeeffhelS) Ror^ aboVe:$eek it, my dr^cMa;'6^herwlM.'alf your gottti iritentlbns will come to nothing." • f:^ >.J ... «t..i ;ad

'•Tbep, Weak as yoa fre-you. will fwrtyinls, be able to afcMmplM a^methTng. It wAmp?* siWeifbTmolotsfe awaj^ yorifvoKrn^arsiS*!-*: lion, and make you thoughtful and sleadyi'bnt. * with Gad ad^thiaga«rftpow«We;,'l

ir*4tita<grcat pity ihM at tare. Tory] maamtot waonJ L«ao6 ^|U*iuk> abotrt;rig*6 Un^iar^att* f«Ki:-tkmji, all s«ru of hoasense e.wesi'hsttt my» haiid.' 43twdpapa »ys i J m 'jtfcfclifcey:*-; #Mi^}^arA,b^des ; Shattl *Am*n&ia\P&ii



^ y o o a g i ^ t ^ d ^ of t t ^ b K > ^ mysdt tool b«t y»tt iuro oirt s^vaptago itatalL-chla* dl«&a>l«Ma%UsSle(t , iritl l^.l: , .o;"? i

i!«t;7t'/j ,-".-y!i

MiXM, I tluak I DsalJy ^,haw«miit»( | had be««* foldaplhia thing, »amd-iMt it,*W^ itxiidyiriifts too let a^ tu' Xlafli rr^:£sWvat to«» my goadeat.fltioortnaiiy.'f i v$iiu,s&i-i' ^b

AjidmLw* wtUont teai*v tho toy trrs^^pai away. '41»0 »ilv« and Ute cow :. ba»tirw» wsaaN»aarfWmygaU«?efjpOro^ jisiiT&t. {ii^Ah'tz, .tfi.i ...:&M.ft;stziiii-ittojl

the other night; it,*;, frurd It Mls6?d stays wii feeroorJi,,'ffps«! hi akesiny noise! only wait tilliVgets bJeaohedjiit's be*i«;,va?cin ated.) and old , enough, to«r»wl. .abeqt andple^ M'defigWul'r abhn^raS fat -fWr ,tfofetofc'«fiH has ieUrTin ohB slop pail and is Ohokiug'TCrtti* potuia^kin,; si&Jius feK dow« swMrsi. s|a has svjaUowcd, the tac* hammer; s,how^ signs of the mumps, croup, whoppuig cough, stam p6%, cdlic, dysefitery^ OholeVa ihfiint«rr4'' er some1

Other darn--<th&jj; -to. let thedoctor take money 14$ibysiqr,rny?w«wei<8;Corn bee&,ran4. »Ji > »a

shampqoing andc

/ / . « « » « « c i ma rHal;t •("-'lie :i> i

yg* %m^lmffin]^&$%%i88i thoid'iiartling reiidtaOCAnierrCBn^nteiprise w&icn,. by.a pal-J*ahJ«l<diffllIfW»|0§iivV8 ^t}<r?fi??Mbmtjes,befb*e

ilrfis grywth'arM thBrncrease-oT fiie-isshaBCfc iif.!jcolicieS are" concerned, m thefMot raokol

t50^iJahieei'«he'*cuifeWhenee'will *^*ihttfthere will remain in the United State5:4fev!i,.if,any eligible lives uninsured^and it Hill become a rare occurrence for a widow or an orphan to be •reW^frkaf p l ^ » v m r f l f g 1 f e 3 i 4 h ¥ «pr?v%l-t ion, suffering, a n d ilKTO, w h i c h s u c h bereayed ^ndWhprof^Ted'Wes-^oiirotfierwisebeikv-itarflyexposed,.-< c*->i '••>•'• •• '••v->i*>*r. . . ,;j>Tto HoAetheaoSPd «8piO-^tn%jBo-#lgnifioar4t

injustice '£ weatrribnteVl its brilliant* ahe <ijwgMM't. 0 »amei instead ojf}e>taci, prvidence, energy,, and enterprise displayed by its officers. The gigantic aavance"the Company has made aDd the foremost position it has at­tained, are indeed the results of no mysterious proce^^bAltt Dflsni eatJjahAfti'raifeoijjiJcycious, sli-enuous, and sustained effort—of work—work eMlfbihd directodiflnd, afieotiiejiand j-liexeforc

ling like thunder. Ue Bhows a gVostHtlestolo' awailo.w itsfislftiudthootherilny tiieydropped•

going clean through was the crook mi l s elhows, iv^tomt^^^m^t&A'^^^^)^ ^¥oW! , and a-half minutfee, " K u s pleMairt tfiing' td en^ljlep to the. Mi .meed, of praise and the rec have.a.bahy4n the.hpuaerHone^of yout.hflUy- omnense arhdngtrom tlie consciousness of dut>

. . . . . , . , — , „ . .,. _ fr}^ an^ feuccefetnlly per&'frned. w<rh«T4B«eipi8 of this' company for *tho year miuing Jaa-'l,'l^(5(J,-arooqate(} to £1,683,039 57, rWfl«^«V.>%Cfe^e «[yer, tlipse of , ^ itrewpas year of neaw one million dollars, which wo may safely5 TOr&'io'b'e the-gieSitesraugmenta lion orpBrlenced by> anycompiiiy -within the some length) of time—indeed,, if this ratio he (puynt«inr?dJ.!»e jiEtnajnust sugn outstrip a.l its competitors lfi accumulation 'of business.'

Notwithstanding the rapid pace at which this 'company' has- advanced*, its.- affairs -.nave

feat "rtar eSelrito for interest1 alone have nearly pardallalaEitoaespwhiie its dividend on onii. Par^difo BQyti|es,ia .00 per cent- Applicable on (he liird of premium. Let its secre-Wr*,j?tx; Ehders, Esq:, thereforepcTsevere, in taking'his'conipftny vchB.4 So «lw%ti'inteiifl^d it: lo he, the lirsfcii} ibedand. - It has aiready as tegarrdSjJshB t^^tfiy of .annual premiums rec,eiv.. ed» suroasgedjita, sponser,,'the o^d JS'.na, the Ta^st of'frtrr me insurance cotftpSTnts, in spite rjr'-its>Jletrl^'St«naing and nnriva.led-prestige, ana i&eiiformer may he regarded,as a sulking

Oftlila |>fotK|;totiS sum-total the JSma Life has had an ample share, and of tile, bustoees now

ore and rnarry ran. » • • n , i

Mi- t i *«>Ml

.,( ,


ct«i // p6riulaf Ftillailrin. ;

•ft. : , : . ) ! '.. , - • . i w * i i _ i - M . .it (I M iu.1

< T rpiV, waran^aif nnjst be.imRurejasd^th*},

close .vehicle MJess>injuMons, be it'cjer so fonli ft-pm crynding,. Uiw to rjdo.AOd j it stUl and feel uncomfortably coWt for an,, hoar. The worse that can napped from a crowded convey­ance is a, spell; while, sitting even less Uianauhoiurln a sfril, chilly atmosphere, has induced, attacks; gi. pney rnpnia, ith»t k '.ioilum-mation of the lungs, wMc^oftepjiroye tatoj,> three or four days. It is always positively in-rious to sleep in a close room where water O-eeises, because snea a'degree Of cold carfses tbesegaiiroly poiiflnonaoaihtonlo.acid«asi}£ a

igtyphoi i , hours. Hence, there ia no^dvantsge; an6> atr ways d«ngw,«eakl^ipersoaa,jo ^PJnSi . -^ . fp .s^PsphergHfJoidei. fhjfi.jjtiie,

^ l laWCnecessarV to tHe'prote and'ferfoi lenVVeatiteltun bfairooai;even itfwarm weather, U»a*,a; wjndowr.«r>,-dt)0ri ahtmld.helea »peft;ithiB

DU'r'nlng'iHihc-rh-e^pfaca, .TMs creates'*draft, Bn^d;C*ra«aio*dj»iraa**digiuKat^.tbtichuiineyj: ,%Thaujoafrdx^iexojoisffliliefore.'brealifiiBti lis

healthful, it is never,«o. ^nd,.,frpm the^vgrj nature of things, is hurtful, eapeqially to persons


mauc and malarjOua gases iindtehiantuipns speedily ueHuiJo^e empty a^dw^^'Br^^ inift »Ta^tOTVitirrte-^Bi^ula<lonJ^d^B(«i*TO

! fever and ague, diarrhoea and dysentery^ «nMr» lamilies, w&o-have arranged to-eat breakfast before l(»vingJfhe»^h/BUfte,, nd, o take supper before sundown, navejaia a complete exemp-

* rWfVle P?MJh

this Compfmyi i '•* -i.

Seclrtg' tlirotif It ^ a t e r .

taJtStt Cfitftpbeli informs, by'an arrangement that smugglers used in old days. ..Theyi-saak rte^nCtiijtrah^d jCargo when there was an alarm, and searched lor it again by the help of a so'cnfea' TJtrarnie' telescope. It WHB rtoihing more than'a cask witii a plate or strong glass nt the bottom..;. The man plunged the closed end a few inches below the surface, and put ,Uis head into the other end, and then hu,saw clearly fht&'the'waterf 'W&e glare and confused rfettec-tibns and'retractions from and through the rippled-sarfac? of thp ae» were;entirely shutout

withgrealt dislinctBesa So far as' this contriv­ance enables men to see the lafldiiunder.^the waves, movements under water closely resern-bli • •

:fersf«^w%te 'ttrtiMK light

>" v -ri. »dl OJ Jfn-ii;--' hti ;it>j&flO!'jliBi<!!ltei ill' JavaJjJl n»i?3 jfcjifi

. « a M 0 a k : 1 O t e | R a « * U l y t ! ( ^ ^ efficrerlt OMjMi oT tie wsrid's TjraVawii>WTiat arm is strong enoughi to urga on the car or

to ttrs dicta*** of tha good spirit, «nd km rjWrN ipr»i iWri*t*fa |e>l f^f l | ^..-tvjv; ,A,^V,

•• K It fNr* adt fer trtbufatl©* 1 sabukt Hot tafc* darstaatl S«riptar41" and e»«ry sonowmrsaitif ratponds to tfiu, as haTlng felt its trrjUi-~B»*«'.

CMpr*^«Maa>Mwi>s«|M7«rwU bJt.:«s|»

of those w!d ti AblUJ arr eotranc

Itr bits Jli»M JW! attwiti Ui.Uit

surveys and meMurtaienU as wou to ami a snajTwith c^urhi; ekicndwdl-'teb' or twalwmttes in - s*#*ratdirevK tions, and it has been conjectttetai V»al " tb#»>e is probably mtjiyA bai^wot»ajwun alttinein hiahW'wttBiBtett.Wllss of the cave, auke un-canWioui that tba meat JasJitoh^ laSeW^ gaotlamen of Buropa and Am«ri«»4u« •*&£*

and tak»:!irrapeaiwJiich> point .nut the directiong .H^J^cwreRfs torn JtJs .ftrange, at, .flist.

«2^sti4® mm. sss. rilent ifi hatching Dig'fish's Wdop like hawks out OS tfeeirjBjeaiKfied;fi)reBtBoSfier a white fly sunk

tho tree tops, to |empt.ihem, a»d the fight dli:.lojlows is nptter when plainly seen. \ Jnipellto&ats'>r,a%-g1a^^lnTJows in

'tftBJjOttoto'Ol'ahaal?* H-YfoSld bring mt-n and fiSh,dh«."tafiroevBnit the habits of the latter •_h*iit T f fdith hee nnr»>'l' m i mJ.J .:

HOME.—Don't he afralcTWTrlittle fnn at home, goao>*|»nple^MBriri1«^s1iafiyour house lest the sun should fadeyourcarpets; and your ha*Tn|;ts«stia!heariy>14ngh shak&down soine of Jtof f f la^^a^bJ^e^^iest t -It- yoa.wan^vP

wl iadPwlg^tBe^t^ni^hor l i^* htght. W^iffla^cb'isimomeia regarded hnly'as a place

4ttel«04(«3hearHMt6neIit will be sought s t.^acei. - Therefore Jet the fire

t. night,, and jniakc the home. „ Srtiii- Aos-e'uMawsehe na-

f¥hts^li6^fT(Say i'^riftt«rk f ,^oh'e fer.fes -firth bU6yant-s|uriti*cf yourcha»lren.;aaif*n honr of merriw^j round Jhe larflftjanjl Afey^t of home, blots out the remembrance of many a care and annoyance' during the" day, and the <tiM40i^mbi^iiftaWi witlr'tliSri Itfto ihe wtwldida.'the'mflrjHenoO of» bright; littLsdomeS-!Hf§«?fi<8PJ«!! n.j.o ..:,:•:.••# .i',:.-./.;.tc --.x;.. -'-.-V'-.'t- iiili:-' V,-jd <--J .'Cg 'l1 V?BS :9./^ui. u . £ lw wrtMa»y»rir merms,-. ifijjwtt'w6uld'<liaT0 i!8^Wa^i^lBK»bifib tcjiU^Bf! -a:fl ,.;« . t ^ „ ::«m-> mali )ei»*hoyd-»r.«raruwill da' his duty i'_S^S8SR^Iry.":3htJia. ^UiCi i - i j ' - ju i a.'.'..i;«li-i:§.a

rfvaMynindiw^aT^hewkovofittio **!,»» the ;w^,|jhi^o|ju>-:ir»Me^1,..v.-,;;: ,li; >..^:^y,

a tflfa'b^aBjrid'ioiJt^ keaTOn is to*t ahanied

->^mm» Ujfe'gordibe the:dia.reonctaalxmt a

Ir*3a>wr*f i»*«rrMckwa hkwd-sookerem

;- '-^tcy^^crt^oryyshawBs Want of fcre«I. Ing. That'e^ailityi »•heat which exclude* afi Jm»>^!m^fl>mi^^i r>< %:,•••>-£,:--. -.<;U

i f t e iwth'who.-ida^iiaioat, k anywhere in the estimation of others, will soon flad himsolf no-

mVmsm bjMa%W*r ^«M^ tO tKOiSla^-fOiv

vrpd. "iSrBTO'-osisse,'


waUaxclaimat , oraathlnt wrong.

condrHoavwM loutthem. - " " ' I f ' I ? . .j-.^j .J.'i;j ,r,"



. .;'" r^*»«M«*-- •tSwiAllaWaaapM ••»«*'- i^^tyss^yc;

4 <•!

v - ' r

*n i is




. T i t