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    EUROTRON ITALIANA s.r.l.Viale F.lli Casiraghi 409/41320099 S.S.Giovanni (MI) - ItalyTel.++39-02-248820.1 Fax ++39-02-2440286

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    Software package forMicroCal T100/500Software Manual ed.00

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    1 CALPMAN INSTALLATION AND START-UP 41.1 CalPman OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 41.2 HARDWARE CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................. 41.3 CalPman INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 51.4 START-UP AND EXIT FROM CalPman.................................................................................... 6

    2 USE OF CALPMAN 82.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 8

    2.1.1 Serial communication 122.2 PROBE CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 13

    2.2.1 Description132.2.2 Parameter setting 132.2.3 MicroCal 200 parameters setting 16

    2.2.4 MicroCal 200 serial line parameters setting 172.2.5 Under test probes data and reference data setting 182.2.6 Saving and recovery of calibration parameters 202.2.7 Execution of the calibration procedure21PROBE LIFE TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................. 24

    2.3.1 Description242.3.2 Setting the parameters 252.3.3 Saving and recovery of probe life test parameters 272.4 THERMOSTAT TEST PROCEDURE...................................................................................... 27

    2.4.1 Description272.4.2 Parameter setting 272.4.3 Saving and recovery of thermostat test parameters 302.5 HALTING PROCEDURES UNDERWAY................................................................................. 31


    3.1 HOW TO SAVE A REPORT................................................................................................... 323.2 HOW TO PRINT A REPORT.................................................................................................. 333.3 HOW TO SAVE A REPORT IN TEXT FORMAT...................................................................... 343.4 HOW TO OPEN AND PRINT AN EXISTING REPORT............................................................ 34

    4 EXAMPLES 364.1 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE................................................................................................ 36

    4.1.1 Example 1 364.1.2 Example 2 374.1.3 Example 3 384.2 PROBE LIFE TEST................................................................................................................ 40

    4.2.1 Example 1 404.2.2 Example 2 405.3 THERMOSTAT TEST PROCEDURE...................................................................................... 41

    5.3.1 Example 1 41


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    This manual contains the information required for installing and using theCalPman software. This software is ideal for automating those sensor andtemperature transducer control procedures which would otherwise require thepermanent presence of an operator.

    The software can be used directly on all the temperature calibrators producedby EUROTRON S.r.l. with the microprocessor regulator (Except for theMicroCal T1100 products). CalPman runs in a Microsoft Windows v.3.xenvironment (or subsequent releases) and uses the window interface of thisoperating system.




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    System requirements for CalPman for WindowsIn order to use CalPman for Windows, you must have the following:

    Computer: IBM compatible

    Processor: 80i386 or faster RAM memory: at least 4 MB; 8 MB is advisable.

    Hard disk: space required by the program 2 MB.

    Floppy disk: 3.5 inch format, 1.44 MB. Monitor: VGA with 640 x 480 resolution or better. Serial line: 2, one for connecting with the calibrator, and the

    other for connecting with the MicroCal 200 orMultiplexer(version for more than one probe).

    Mouse: connected by means of an extra card on thePC bus (Ps2 or Inport).

    Continuity unit (recommended).

    Operating system: Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or subsequentrelease

    Microsoft Windows



    The typical configuration of the bench hardware connections is given below(see Figure 1):The bench is essentially made up of the following: Personal Computer

    Serial cable (2 in the version with MicroCal 200 or where more than oneprobe is used).

    Calibrator MicroCal 200 or Multiplexer ( version for more than one probe).

    The Personal Computer (henceforth called PC) is connected to the calibratorby means of a serial cable; the connection is made by inserting the 9 pin femaleplug of the serial cable into the 9 pin male socket of the PC (serial 1 or serial A,usually found at the back of the PC) and by inserting the 9 pin female plug ofthe serial cable into the 9 pin male socket at the back of the calibrator.

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    In the version with MicroCal 200, a second serial cable connect it to the PC. Tomake this connection insert the 25 pin female plug on the serial cable

    (furnished with the MicroCal 200) into the 25 pin male socket of the PC (serial 2or serial B; in the case th9is connector be 9 pins use the reduction gearfurnished with the AQ2so software) and insert the MINI-Din male connector intothe MINI-DIN male socket at the back of the MicroCal.

    In the version for more than one probe, a second serial cable connects the PCto the Multiplexer: to make this connection insert the 9 pin female plug on theserial cable into the 9 pin male socket of the PC (serial 2 or serial B, usuallyfound at the back of the PC) and insert the 9 pin female plug of the serial cableinto the 9 pin male socket at the back of the Multiplexer.

    1.3 CalPman INSTALLATION

    Below you will find a list of instructions to be followed when installing theCalPman software:

    Switch on the computer and run Microsoft Windows. Put the diskette into the floppy disk drive.

    In Windows 3.x or Windows for WorkGroup 3.x:

    Figure 1

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    Select the RUNcommand from the FILEmenu of Program Manager.In the dialogue box of RUN, in the text box Command Line, type the

    letter corresponding to the floppy drive where you have put the diskettefollowedby SETUP (for example: type A:\SETUP or B:\SETUP), then press OKtostart installation.

    In Windows 95:Press the START button and select the RUN command; in the Runapplicationdialogue box, in the Open text box, type the letter correspondingto the floppy drive where the diskette has been inserted followed by SETUP(for example: type A:\SETUP or B:\SETUP), then press OK tostart installation.

    The installation program will copy all the necessary files onto the Computers

    hard disk; follow the instructions and insert what the installation programrequests.




    The installation program has created, in Program Manager (Windows 3.x) or inthe START>PROGRAMS (Windows 95), an icon group with the nameCalPman; the group contains the following icons:

    READ ME IconThis is the document file which contains information concerning the technicalsupport given to CalPman users as well as information about how to contactEUROTRON S.r.l. Double click to consult the file.

    CALPMAN iconThis is the CalPman program. To start-up the program read later in thisparagraph.

    UNINSTALL Icon (REMOVE INSTALLATION)This is the program which remove the CalPman software installation. To startup the program read later in this paragraph.

    To start up the CalPman program:

    In Windows 3x or Windows for WorkGroup 3.x:from the CalPman group double click, using the mouse, on the CalPmanicon or from the FILE menu of Program Manager, select the RUNcommand and in the document box of the Command line type thepathname of the CalPman program (path entered during installation which

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    by default is C:\CALPMAN), followed by CALPMAN.EXE (exampleC:\CALPMAN\CALPMAN.EXE for the default path).

    In Windows 95:Press the START button, select the PROGRAMS menu; select the

    CalPman menu and then the CalPman command; or press the STARTbutton and in the dialogue box Run applicationtype, in the Opendocument,the pathname of the CalPman program (path entered during installationwhich by default is C:\CALPMAN), followed by CALPMAN.EXE (exampleC:\CALPMAN\CALPMAN.EXE for the default path); press OK.

    To start up the program which removes installation:.

    In Windows 3.x or Windows for WorkGroup 3.x:from the CalPman group double click with the mouse on the icon with thedescription UNINSTALL or from the FILEmenu of Program Manager select

    the RUN command and in the document box Command line type theCalPman program pathname (path entered during installation which bydefault is C:\CALPMAN), followed by UNSTALL.EXE (exampleC:\CALPMAN\UNSTALL.EXE for the default path).

    In Windows 95:Press the START button, select the PROGRAMS menu; select theCalPman menu and then the UNINSTALL command; or press the STARTbutton and in the dialogue box Run applicationtype, in the Opendocument,the pathname of the CalPman program (path entered during installationwhich by default is C:\CALPMAN), followed by UNSTALL.EXE (exampleC:\CALPMAN\UNSTALL.EXE for the default path); press OK.

    The unistall program will remove all the files copied from the diskette during theinstallation and lets on the hard disk in the CalPman directory, all the filescreated by the user and not copied during installation.

    To exit from CalPman program:

    Pushing this button or selecting the command Exit from the Filemenu or typing Alt+F4 is possible to exit from the CalPmanprogram.If these actions are made during a procedure, CalPman programwill advise the user by dialog box that will be necessary stop the

    procedure before exit

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    2 USE OF CalPman


    CalPman for Windows is an application which has been specially designed to

    be used in conjunction with calibrators produced by Eurotron.

    When you start, the application acquires all the parameters of the connectedcalibrator which are needed for managing the procedures (referenceinformation of the calibrator), see Figure 2.

    If there should be any problems with the serial port, the application will displayan error window and will then start with reduced functions (it will only displayand print reports which have already been created).If there should be problems on the actual serial communication, the applicationwill make a series of attempts before displaying an error window in whichconfirmation of a further attempt or use of the same application with reducedfunctions is requested.

    In both case see the paragraph 5. Problems solvinglater in this manual.

    Once the reference information (parameters) has been obtained from thecalibrator, CalPman carries out a check of the identification number (license)introduced during installation: if CalPman finds that this number does notcorrespond to the calibrator, it will display an error window and will stop withoutallowing the user to do anything.

    If the number and calibrator do correspond CalPman will continue and will allowthe user to carry out all its functions.

    Figure 1

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    Once working, the application will allow the calibrator to be checked by meansof the variable reading, writing and printing commands.

    Reading Variables

    By pressing this button, or by selecting the Readcommand fromthe Variablesmenu, you enter the Figure 3 shown below

    Select the parameter which you wish to read from the calibrator, using themouse, and press the OK button.

    Once you have read the parameters you want, you can print themby pressing the button shown here, or by selecting the Printcommand from the Variablesmenu..

    Writing Variables

    By pressing this button, or selecting the Writecommand from theVariablesmenu, you enter the Figure 4 shown below.Using the mouse, select the parameter you wish to set on the

    Figure 2

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    calibrator, indicate the value of the parameter in the document boxat the side, or chose it from the available values, and press the OK


    CalPman also makes it possible to carry out several automatic procedures; thechoice of procedure to be used depends essentially on the type of operationyou wish to carry out. In this section we make some suggestions about theactivities which can be carried out quickly and extremely efficiently usingCalPman.

    Figure 2

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    The CalPman application carries out the following tests:

    - Temperature probe calibration (Calibration procedure).

    - Stress cycles on temperature probes (Probe life test procedure)

    - Thermostat inspection tests (Thermostat test procedure).

    For each of these three procedures, the application uses information(henceforth called parameters) which the user can input as he likes, as long ashe stays, naturally, within the limits of the program itself.These parameters are then automatically memorized on file on exiting theapplication and are re-read by the same application each time an action ismade, so that they are available each time one of these three tests is carriedout again.When the application is run for the first time, as none of these parameter files ispresent, the application sets this information with default values established byEUROTRON S.r.l.

    The files relating to the parameters of each of the three tests are:

    LASTCAL.PRC for calibration procedure; it contains parameters forcalibrating temperature probes

    LASTPROB.PRB for probe life test procedure; it contains the parametersfor carrying out stress tests on temperature probes

    LASTSWIT.PRW for thermostat test procedure; it contains parametersfor carrying out inspection tests on thermostats.

    In addition to these three parameter files, containing the last setting carried out,the user can save settings made during use of the application which aredifferent from the default values, in files which he will name as he wishes andwhich he will be able to call up and update at any time. The extension of thesefiles must be the same as the one suggested by the application, and must bedifferent for each test, so that, both the application and the user can recognizeto which test the file in question refers.For example, the probe calibration test settings can be saved by means of theappropriate dialogue box, in a file called PRT100.PRC so that the user can callit up each time a PRT100 type probe has to be calibrated. He can save the

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    settings of thermostat inspection tests on IT23451 type thermostats in a filecalled IT23451.PRW.

    During one of any procedures is possible to verify the programoperation parameters, setted for the current procedure, by pressingthis button, or selecting the Setted parameters command from theRunmenu

    2.1.1 Serial communication

    Communication between the PC and the Calibrator is made by means of aserial line; Serial communication parameters are set using the dialogue boxshown in Figure 5, in which the PCs serial communication parameters can beentered. Reference should be made to the technical or instruction manual of the

    calibrator itself for information about the calibrator communication parameters.

    COM port: is the port that the PC will use for the serial communication with thecalibrator. In this connector will be insert the serial cable furnished with the software

    Baud rate: is the serial communication speed that the PC will usedfor the data transfer with the calibrator. The speed hereselected must be the same the speed selected on thecalibrator connected (see the user manual of thecalibrator)

    Calibrator address: is the identification number of the calibrator. In a usualconnection between PC and calibrator is always 1; in aconnection between PC and more than one calibrators itcan be a value between 1 and 32. The address here

    Figure 3

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    selected must be the same the address selected on thecalibrator connected (see the user manual of the



    2.2.1 Description

    This type of procedure makes it possible to calibrate probes or thermometers ofany type at various positions previously set in the appropriate dialogue box (seeparagraph 3.2.2 Setting parameters). The values of the test probes can beobtained in two ways: by entering the value manually or completelyautomatically.

    The manual method let the user to make calibration of different probes(platinum resistance thermometer, thermocouple, ) because the probesvalues reading is desk calibration free.The automatic method, without MicroCal 200, let the user to make calibration ofplatinum resistance thermometer PRT100 3 wires directly connected to thecalibrator (by the dedicated plug on the calibrator); with the MicroCal 200 ispossible to make automatic calibration of every type of transducers connectableto the MicroCal 200.

    2.2.2 Parameter setting

    Parameters required for the calibration procedure are set by means of the

    dialogue boxes shown in Figure 6. Select the Calibrationcommand from theSettingsmenu and enter the required parameters.

    Figure 4

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    Ramp point: these are the temperature values at which you wish to carry out calibration

    Free temperature values which can be set individually from a minimum of two (2) to

    a maximum of ten (10); select the number relating to the position to beentered to gain access to the relevant text box. Then enter the temperaturevalue (with a decimal number). The program does not allow non-consecutivepositions to be selected while it does allow temperature values which are notnecessarily sequential to be entered (is not possible select 1, 2, 4, 7 points butis possible set the point 1 at 20C the point 2 at 10C the point 3 at 50C etc.).

    Fixed Limit temperature values (lowest and highest) at which calibration can becarried out. The program will automatically calculate the intermediate valueswith a step of 25% by pressing the Calc. button.

    Ramp Type: Calibration mode

    Up: The program will carry out calibration from the first to the last set point

    Up/Down: The program will carry out calibration from the first to the last set pointand will then return to the first point.

    Gradient: speed at which the set point moves from one point to the next

    Maximum: the calibrator takes the temperature to the next point at maximum speed

    Setted: the calibrator takes the temperature to the next point at the speed set inthe text box (e.g. setting a gradient of 1C/min., the calibrator will movethe temperature from 10C to 20C in ten (10) minutes.

    Configuration: the temperature values of the probes and the reference values being tested,as they are recovered, by the program, when the calibrator reaches stability.

    Nr. of probes under test: text box where insert the number of probesunder test

    Reference: Calibrator Int probe: if selected the reference valueswill be furnished from the internal probe of thecalibrator and automatically acquired from theprogram

    Calibrator Ext probe: if selected the referencevalues will be furnished from the external probeof the calibrator by the dedicated plug andautomatically acquired from the program

    Manual: if selected the reference values will be

    manually inserted in the dialog box furnishedautomatically from the program. An acousticsignal will accompany the dialog box displaying

    MicroCal 200: if selected the reference values will befurnished from the MicroCal 200 and will beautomatically acquired from the program. Whenthis reference is selected the Parameters andSerial buttons are available

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    Parameters Button: press this button to set the operation parametersof MicroCal 200. The program will show a dialog box

    (see later Figure 7)Serial Button: press this button to set the serial communicationparameters of MicroCal 200. The program will showa dialog box (see later Figure 8)

    Read type: Manual: if selected the under test probes values willbe manually inserted in the dialog box furnishedautomatically from the program. An acousticsignal will accompany the dialog box displaying

    Calibrator Ext probe: if selected the under testprobes values will be furnished from the externalprobe of the calibrator by the dedicated plug and

    automatically acquired from the programMicroCal 200: if selected the under test probes

    values will be furnished from the MicroCal 200and will be automatically acquired from theprogram. When this reference is selected theParametersand Serial buttons are available

    Parameters Button: press this button to set the operation parametersof MicroCal 200. The program will show a dialog box(see later Figure 7)

    Serial Button: press this button to set the serial communication

    parameters of MicroCal 200. The program will showa dialog box (see later Figure 8)

    Data: these are important and characteristic data to be associated withthe probes under test

    Probes Button: when this button is pressed, the dialogue box shownin Figure 10 opens

    Reference Button: when this button is pressed, the dialogue box shownin Figure 11 opens

    Save button when this button is pressed, the dialogue box shown in Figure12 opens. With this window it is possible to give a name to thesettings so that they can be used later without having to re-typethe values.

    Open button: by pressing this button the dialogue box shown in Figure 12opens. With this window it is possible to re-load the settingswhich have previously been saved so that they can be changedor used to carry out the test.

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    New button: by pressing this button the values are setted to default (seeFigure 6)

    Press Cancel to cancel the information which has been entered; all theparameters which were entered previously will remain current, i.e. thoseparameters read by the application on start-up i.e. by the file LASTCAL.PRC, orthose read by the application during recovery of these parameters, following acommand by the user (concerning this consult the next paragraph 3.2.3 Savingand recovery of calibration parameters).

    2.2.3 MicroCal 200 parameters setting

    Setting parameters of MicroCal 200: these are the operation parametersof MicroCal 200. When procedure start the PC sendsthese parameters via serial line to MicroCal 200

    Read type: selection of read type that will be make on MicroCal 200imputs:

    mVL voltage signal from 20 mV to +200 mV (with resolution0.000)

    mVH voltage signal from -0.2 mV to +2 V (with resolution 0.00)V voltage signal from 2 V a +20 VmA current signal from 5 mA a +50 mAOhm resistance signal from 0 a 500 OhmTc ThermocoupleRtd Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT100)

    Rtd: selection of Platinum resistance thermometer type

    Figure 5

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    Thermocouple: selection of thermocouple type

    Measure unit: selection of measure unit (C, F, K)

    Measure type: selection of measure type, 3 wires or 4 wires(only when Ohmor Rtd(Read type) are selected.

    ITS: selection of international measure scale type(ITS1968, ITS1990).

    For more and detailed information of the MicroCal operation parameters seethe instruction manual of the MicroCal 200.Once all the parameters have been entered press OKto confirm the settings.

    2.2.4 MicroCal 200 serial line parameters setting

    Setting serial line: these are the parameters the PC will use tocommunicate with MicroCal

    Connector: is the port the PC will use for the serial communicationwith MicroCal 200. In this connector will be insert the

    serial cable furnished with the instrument MicroCal 200

    Bit per second: is the serial communication speed that the PC will usedfor the data transfer with the MicroCal 200. The speedhere selected must be the same the speed selected onthe MicroCal 200 connected (see the instruction manualof the MicroCal 200)

    Address: is the identification number of the MicroCal 200. it can bea value between 1 and 32; in a calibration procedure isalways 1. The address here selected must be the same

    Figure 6

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    the address selected on the MicroCal 200 connected (seethe instruction manual of the MicroCal 200)

    Advanced Button: when this button is pressed, the dialogue boxshown in Figure 9. With this window it is possible toset subsequent serial communication parameters ofMicroCal 200.

    Default Button: pressing this button the parameters will be setted todefault values (Connector=COM1, Bit persecond=9600, Address=1)

    Advanced setting: use these parameters only if serial communicationexpert

    Once all the parameters have been entered press OKto confirm the settings.

    2.2.5 Under test probes data and reference data setting

    Figure 7

    Figure 8

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    Data of calibration: this is important data which must be consulted

    together with the temperature values which are to becalibrated

    Nr. of probes under test: text box that display the number of probesunder test inserted in the edit box Nr. ofprobesin the dialog box Setting parameters ofcalibration procedures(see Figure 6).

    Number of probe: text box that display the current probe; the datainserted will be associated with this probe

    Model: text box in which 20 alphanumeric characters can be

    entered for the identification of the instrument beingtested (e.g. HD9214).

    Description: text box in which 20 alphanumeric characters areentered in order to further identify the test instrument(e.g. Digital Thermometer PT 100)

    Serial number: text box in which the 20 alphanumeric characters usedto identify the serial number of the test instrument areentered.

    Range: text box where the actual measuring field (max. 20characters), defined by the upper and lower values

    which the test instrument is set to measure within thespecified accuracy level (e.g. -30.0/+250.0C isentered.

    Precision class: text box where the 17 alphanumeric characters areentered, used for entering the permitted error factor ofthe test instrument, used in pre-established conditions(e.g. 1/3 DIN).

    Resolution: text box (max. 20 characters) where the minimumvariation in the test instruments reading is entered(e.g. 0.1C)

    < Prev. Button: press this button to move to previous probe; if dataalready inserted they will be displayed

    Next > Button: press this button to move to next probe; if data alreadyinserted they will be displayed

    These two button is useful to move between probes that was inserted in the editbox Nr. of probes under testin the dialog box Setting parameters of calibrationprocedures(see Figure 6). In this way is possible to check the data alreadyinserted and, if necessary. modify them. After the inserting or modifying theuser must store the data by pressing Storebutton (see below).

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    Store Button: press this button to store the data displayed; this data will be

    associated with the currently displayed probe (text boxNumber of probe). The Number of probe will beautomatically increased to help the user to insert the nextprobe data

    Once all the parameters have been entered press OKto confirm the settings.

    Data of reference: are the characteristics data of the reference will be useduring calibration. To help the user, if in the dialog box Settingparameters of calibration procedures (see Figure 6) was selectedCalibrator Int probe as a Reference, in this dialog box will bedisplayed the data of the connected calibrator anywhere modifiable

    Model: text box where insert up to 20 alphanumericcharacter inherent to reference instrumentdescription (for example Digital ThermometerPRT100).

    Serial #: text box where insert up to 20 alphanumericcharacter inherent to reference instrument serialnumber.

    Date of calibration: text box where insert up to 20 alphanumericcharacter inherent to reference instrument

    calibration date

    Once all the parameters have been entered press OKto confirm the settings.

    2.2.6 Saving and recovery of calibration parameters

    Parameters are saved and recovered for calibration procedure by means of thedialogue box shown in Figure 6 in the previous paragraph (3.2.2 Parametersetting).Once you are sure that the dialogue box contains the desired value, in order tofile the parameters, press the Savebutton and chose the directory where you

    Figure 8

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    wish to save the file and the name of the file itself in the Save asdialog box(see Figure 12).

    To recover the parameters, press the Openbutton, and in the Opendialoguebox select the file with the desired parameters (Figure 12); this file is the actualfile which the operator saved before, preferably with a name which has somemeaning so as to be able to identify the parameters contained in this file whichis about to be opened.

    2.2.7 Execution of the calibration procedureTo execute the calibration procedure, select the command Calibration from theRun men.CalPman will show you the condition of the procedure in its ownmain window: you will see the action in execution in blue, while, in black, thosealready carried out (see Figure 13).Referring to table 1 here under, you cannotice three different kinds of procedure: Automatic, Semiautomatic andManual.

    Read type Reference Maximum n.of probes

    Procedure type

    Calibrator Ext probe Manual 1 SemiautomaticMicroCal Manual 1 Semiautomatic

    Manual Manual 10 SemiautomaticCalibrator Ext probe Calibrator Int probe 1 AutomaticMicroCal Calibrator Int probe 1 AutomaticManual Calibrator Int probe 10 ManualMicroCal Calibrator Ext probe 1 AutomaticManual Calibrator Ext probe 10 Semiautomatic

    Table 1

    Figure 8

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    In relation to the kind of Read typeand Referenceparameters selected in thesuitable dialog box (see Figure 6 in the paragraph 3.2.2 Parameters setting) the

    execution of the procedure can be as follows:

    automatic procedureBoth probes or reference values will automatically be acquired by serial lineat the stability of the calibrators temperature

    semiautomatic procedureThe acquisition of the probes or reference values (depending on theselected parameters) will happen in an automatically way for one value,while the other one must be input manually at the stability of the calibratorstemperature

    manual procedureBoth probes or reference values must be input manually at the stability ofthe calibrators temperature

    Figure 8

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    Manual insert allow the user tom input the values of the probes and of the

    reference manually

    MEASURE POINT #.: text for current measure point ( point of thecalibration ramp input in the dialog box forthe setting up of the parameters; seeFigure 6 in the paragraph 3.2.2 Parameterssetting)

    Nr. of probes under test: text for the number of testing probes. Thisvalue must be set up in the dialog box forthe setting up of the parameters (seeFigure 6 in the paragraph 3.2.2 Parameterssetting)

    Current probe: text for the number of probe for which theuser is inputting the value

    Probe value: text box to input the measured value of theprobe

    Reference: text box to input the measured value of thereference

    Store Button: pressing this button , the values input in the Probevalueand Referencefields are memorized and will beused afterward to visualize and print if the report ( seeparagraph 4. Saving and printing reports).After pressing this button, CalPman advances ofone probe automatically to get easier the input of

    Figure 8

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    the next probe values (the number of the text boxCurrent probeis increased)

    Button: pressing this button, the user goes to the next probe and, ifalready memorized, CalPman displays the values in thefields Current probe and Reference , referring to theprobe itself

    The button must be used essentially to run among

    the probes; this let the user verify and modify the values alreadyinput.



    At the end of the input of all the values for all the probes, press button OK.

    During the semiautomatic procedures, CalPman allows the manual input of thevalue (Current probe or Reference) that has been selected as Manual , while

    the other value (Current probe or Reference) is acquired automatically whenbutton Store'is pressed. Please note that the dialog box in Figure 15 shows the

    values automatically acquired already written and in gray: this means that the

    acquisition will happen in an automatic way.

    At the end of the input of all the values for all the probes, press button OK.


    2.3.1 Description

    This type of procedure makes it possible to carry out stress cycles on probes orbatches of probes, of any type; all you have to do is to enter the two excursionlimit points of the cycle and the number of cycles to be carried out. The program

    Figure 8

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    will carry out a cycle between the two extremes of the calibrator completelyautomatically.

    2.3.2 Setting the parameters

    The probe life test parameters are set using the dialogue boxes shown inFigure 16. Select the command Probe life testfrom the Settingsmenu andenter the required parameters.

    High temperature limit: text box where you enter the highest temperaturevalue which the life test cycle must reach

    Low temperature limit: text box where you enter the lowest temperaturevalue which the life test cycle must reach

    Nr. of cycles: text box where you must enter the number of timesthe calibrator must cycle between the lower and thehigher limit.

    Gradient: speed at which the set point moves between the lower andthe higher limit

    Maximum: the calibrator takes the temperature to the next point atmaximum speed

    Setted: the calibrator takes the temperature to the next point at thespeed set in the text box (e.g. setting a gradient of 1C/min.,the calibrator will move the temperature from 10C to 20Cin ten (10) minutes.

    Figure 8

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    Databutton: when you press this button the dialogue box shownin Figure17 opens.

    Savebutton: when you press this button the dialogue box inFigure18 opens. With this you can give a name to thesettings so that they can be used again withouthaving to type in the values.

    Openbutton: when this button is pressed the dialogue box inFigure18 opens. With this it is possible to re-load thepreviously saved settings so that they can bechanged or used when carrying out the test.

    Press Cancel to cancel anything which has already been entered; all previously

    entered parameters will remain current, such as those read by the applicationwhen it starts or, that is, by the file LASTCAL.PRB, or those read by theapplication during recovery of such parameters following a user command (seeparagraph 3.3.3 Saving and recovery of probe life test parameters).

    Data of Probe test: characteristic information concerning the probes under test probes

    Lot: characteristic information concerning the lot of test probes; usually the probes are

    supplied with a numbering system which identifies the production lot (fieldNumber) and sometimes this also contains the date of production (field date).

    Supplier: text box where the name of the manufacturer of the probes is entered or thename of the retailer.

    Number of probes: the text box where the number of probes undergoing the life test cycle isentered.

    Once all the parameters have been entered, press OKto confirm the settings.

    Figure 8

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    2.3.3 Saving and recovery of probe life test parameters

    The probe life test parameters are saved and recovered by means of the

    dialogue box shown in Figure 6 of the previous paragraph (3.3.2 Parametersetting).To file the parameters, once you are sure that the dialogue box contains thevalues you need, press the Savebutton and in the Save asdialogue box chosethe directory where you wish to save the file and its name.To recover parameters, press the Openbutton and in the Open dialogue boxselect the file with the required parameters (Figure 18); this file is an actual filewhich has already been saved by the operator himself, preferably with a namewhich has some meaning which identifies the parameters contained in this thefile that is about to be opened.


    2.4.1 Description

    This type of procedure makes it possible to carry out thermostat function tests ina completely automatic way. All you have to do is connect the thermostat

    contacts to the appropriate bushes on the calibrator.

    2.4.2 Parameter setting

    The thermostat test procedure parameters are set using the dialogue boxesshown in Figure 19. Select the command Thermostat testfrom the Settingsmenu and enter the required parameters.

    Figure 8

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    Type of thermostat: this is important information regarding the type of testthermostat

    Normally closed: the thermostat opens the contact when theset temperature is reached

    Normally open: the thermostat closes the contact when theset temperature is reached

    Manual reset: the thermostats operating conditions mustbe re-instated by pressing the re-set button

    when the set temperature is reached

    Automatic reverse: when this field is selected, the program reduces the timeof the test; when the program checks that the thermostathas ON or OFF, it reverses the rise or fall ramp andproceeds with checking the next point. This condition ispartially valid if a thermostat with manually re-setting hasbeen selected.

    Stress cycles: text box in which the number of cycles to be carried out bythe thermostat without obtaining data is entered; themaximum number of cycles which can be set is 99

    Measure cycles: text box in which the number of cycles to be carried out bythe thermostat and to obtain operating data is entered; themaximum number of cycles which can be set is 10.

    Switching point: text box in which the value in degrees of the theoreticalcalibration temperature of the thermostat is entered.

    Figure 8

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    Differential: Text box in which the value in degrees of the thermostatdifferential is entered. Usually this parameter is supplied by

    the manufacturer or is printed on the thermostat itself.

    Tolerance: text box in which the value in degrees of the maximumpermitted tolerance value of the thermostat switching valueis entered; this number is taken as an absolute value.Therefore, in the calculation, it will be halved and the resultwill be centered on the value (for example, if a switchingtolerance of 4C is entered the permitted switching tolerancevalue is +/- 2C; this means that if the calibrationtemperature is 50C, the thermostat is accepted if it switcheswithin the values of 48C and 52C. The tolerance value isalso usually supplied by the manufacturer).

    Differential tolerance: text box in which the value in degrees of themaximum permitted tolerance value of the thermostatdifferential value is entered; this number is taken as anabsolute value. Therefore, in the calculation, it will be halvedand the result will be centered on the differential tolerancevalue (for example, if a differential tolerance of 2C isentered, the permitted differential tolerance value is +/- 1C;this means that if the differential entered is 4C, thethermostat is accepted if it re-set within the values of 3Cand 5C. (The tolerance differential value is also usuallysupplied by the manufacturer).

    Rise gradient: Speed at which the set point moves from one point to thenext; it is expressed in C per minute and as a positive value

    Fall gradient: speed at which the set point moves from one point to thenext; it is expressed in C per minute and as a negativevalue.

    Max temp. limit: a value in C which is added to the values calculated by theprogram referring to the calibration temperature used tocheck for a possible switch outside the pre-fixed limits (forexample, if a switching temperature value of 70C isentered, a switch tolerance of 6C and a maximumexcursion of 5C, the program will take the calibrator up to atemperature of 78C).

    Min temp. limit: a value in C which is subtracted from the values calculatedby the program referring to the re-setting temperature(differential) to check for a possible switching outside thepre-fixed limits (for example, if a switch temperature value of70C is entered, a differential of 4C, a differential tolerance

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    of 2C and a minimum excursion of 5C, the program willbring the calibrator down to a temperature of 60C).

    Ambient temperature: value in C of the ambient temperature

    'Data'button: when this button is pressed the Figure 20 dialogue box isopened.

    Save button: when this button is pressed, the Figure 21 dialoguebox is opened. With this window a name can begiven to the settings so that it can be used laterwithout having to re-type the values.

    Open button: when this button is pressed, the Figure 21 dialogue

    box is opened with which it is possible to re-load thesettings which have already been saved so as to beable to change them or use them in a test.

    Press Cancel to cancel all the entries already made; all previously readparameters will remain current, such as those read by the application on start-up, that is, by the file LASTCAL.PRW, or those read by the application duringrecovery of these parameters following a user command (see the followingparagraph 3.4.3 Saving and recovery of thermostat test parameters).

    Model: Text box in which you can enter the alpha-numericcharacters used for identifying the test product.

    Once all the parameters have been entered, press OKto confirm.

    2.4.3 Saving and recovery of thermostat test parameters

    Thermostat test parameters are saved and recovered using the dialogue boxshown in Figure 9 in the previous paragraph (3.4.2 Parameter setting).Once you are sure that the dialogue box contains the required values, to file theparameters, press the Savebutton and in the dialogue box Save aschose thedirectory where you wish to save the file as well as the name of the file itself.

    Figure 9

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    When you want to recover parameters all you need to do is to press the Openbutton and select the file with the desired parameters (see Figure 21) in the

    dialogue box Open; this file is an actual file which has already been saved bythe operator himself, preferably with a name which has some meaning whichidentifies the parameters contained in this the file that is about to be opened.


    It is possible to halt the tests which are being run at any time. When a test isinterrupted, all the data which has been collected up to that time is lost and thecalibrator, which is connected to the computer, re-establishes safety operatingconditions.

    To halt a test, press this button or select the Start menu and thenthe Stop command. CalPman will display a confirmation window;when the Yes button is pressed, the program will set the set pointat 20C, it will disable the ramp, select the inner probe and restorethe resolution.

    Fi ure 9

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    At the end of each test, CalPman automatically displays the result, allowing theuser to examine the data and decide whether to file the report or not.Because the operating philosophy is the same for all tests, unless otherwisestated, only one type of report is taken into consideration and the explanationswill be extended to all the others.

    In the example given in Figure 22, the report of a calibration procedure isshown; as we have just explained, this screen appears automatically at the end

    of the test.

    If you wish to save the report, press the SaveReport button. When requestedby Figure 23, enter the name you wish to give to the displayed report; weadvise you to allocate a name which has some connection with the test carriedout so that you do not waste time when you have to re-print the same report.

    Figure 9

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    Once all the parameters have been set, press OKto confirm the entry.For < Previous and Next > buttons see below the paragraph 4.2 HOW PRINTA REPORT


    You can print a report directly from the screen shown on Figure 22; select thecommand Printer, and press the Print button. CalPman will send the report tothe Windows selected printer. If you want to print the report on a differentprinter or with a different lay-out, in the window shown in Figure 24, whichappears after pressing the Print button, change the parameters and press theSet button.

    Figure 9

    Figure 10

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    With reference to Figure 22, to print reports of calibration procedure of morethan one probe, use < Previous and Next > buttons to move between the

    values of any probes, displayed in the text box Nr. of probe, and press Printbutton to print the report for the current displayed probe.


    Starting from the screen shown in Figure 22, it is possible to save a report intext format so that it can be used, in the future, by any type of word processor,changing its layout as required. Select the Text Filecommand, and press thePrint button. CalPman will open the dialogue box shown in Figure 25; chosethe directory where you wish to save the file as well as the name of the file,preferably with a name which has some meaning so as to be able to identify the

    parameters contained in this file which is about to be opened.The file is saved in a format similar to the print format, header, fields, table ofacquired values etc., with column separated from ; (semicolon) character. Thischaracter will specified as column separator during spread sheet file porting.

    Once all the data has been entered press OKto confirm the save operation.


    CalPman makes it possible to consult and print reports which have beenpreviously save in the manner already described in this document. To do this,select the Reports menu from the main window and chose the type of reportyou wish to open. It may be a calibration, thermostat or probe life a test. Whenyou press the command, the window shown in Figure 26 will appear.

    Figure 10

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    Select the file name which you want to open and press OK to display it;proceed as described in the previous paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 to deal with the

    report just displayed.

    Figure 10

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    Here under we will report some examples, of any procedures parameterssetting up, for a better understanding of CalPman operation


    4.1.1 Example 1

    We want to calibrate 10 probes of type PRT100 at the points 20, 30, 40, 50, 70,100 C having as a reference a thermometer composed of a probe and amultimeter.

    With reference to the Figure 27 here above, following the parameters settingup:

    Ramp pointsSelect Freeas Ramp pointsbecause Fixedpoint are automatically calculatedwith step of 25% between two extremes and do not satisfy the calibrationrequirement

    Ramp typeSelect Upas a Ramp type, because is not specify the return

    Figure 11

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    Select Maximumbecause is not specify a particular gradient

    Nr. of probe under testNr. of probe under test is 10

    ReferenceSelect Manual. The program will furnish a dialog box (see Figure 14) to inputthe value of thermometer manually

    Read typeSelect Manual. The program will furnish a dialog box (see Figure 14) to inputthe value of the probes under test manually

    4.1.2 Example 2

    We want to calibrate one PRT100 probe on 5 points in the temperature range of10 to 100 C from 10 to 100 and return; the temperature speed between onepoint and the next one will be 5c per minute. The calibrator will be used as areference. The procedure should be completely automatic.

    With reference to the Figure 28 here above, following the parameters setting up:

    Ramp points

    Figure 11

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    Select Fixedas Ramp pointssetting up the first point to the value 10C andthe last point to the value 100C. Press the Calc button and verify the

    calculated steps

    Ramp typeSelect Up/Downas a Ramp type, because is specify the return

    GradientSelect Settedand input the value of 5C per minute

    Nr. of probe under testNr. of probe under test is 1


    Select Calibrator Int probe (internal probe of the calibrator). The value will beautomatically acquired by the program (via serial line)

    Read typeSelect Calibrator Ext probe. The PRT100 probe under test is connected to thededicated plug on the calibrator; in this way the procedure becomes automaticbecause the probe value will be automatically acquired by the program (viaserial line)

    4.1.3 Example 3

    We want to calibrate 7 probes of type PRT100 in the temperature range of -10C to 110 C with step of 30C; the temperature speed will be of 3C perminute; a probe with 4-20 mA converter connected to the MicroCal 200 isavailable as reference.

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    With reference to the Figure 29 here above, following the parameters setting up

    Ramp pointsSelect Freeas Ramp pointssetting up the first to 10C and the other withstep of 30C (20, 50, 80 e 110 C)

    Ramp typeSelect Upas a Ramp type, because is not specify the return

    GradientSelect Settedand input the value of 3C per minute

    Nr. of probe under testNr. of probe under test is 7

    ReferenceSelect MicroCal. The value will be automatically acquired by the program (via

    serial line). For the reading parameters setting up of the MicroCal see theparagraph 3.2.3 MicroCal parameters setting

    Read typeSelect Manual. The program will furnish a dialog box (see Figure 14) to inputthe value of the probes under test manually

    Figure 11

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    4.2.1 Example 1

    We want to submit a lot of probes to a cycled variation of temperature (7)between a minimum of 20C and a maximum of 100C

    With reference to the Figure 30 here above, following the parameters settingup:

    High temperature limitInput in the High temperature limit the value of 100C

    Low temperature limitInput in the Low temperature limit the value of 20C

    Nr. of cyclesThe Nr. of cyclesis 7

    GradientSelect Maximumbecause is not specify a particular gradient

    4.2.2 Example 2

    We want to submit a lot of PRT100 probes to a cycled variation of temperature(25) between a minimum of -10C and a maximum of 120C. The rise and the fallof temperature between minimum and maximum will be of 10C per minute

    Figure 11

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    With reference to the Figure 31 here above, following the parameters settingup:

    High temperature limitInput in the High temperature limit the value of 120C

    Low temperature limitInput in the Low temperature limit the value of -10C

    Nr. of cyclesThe Nr. of cyclesis 25

    GradientSelect Setted and input the value of 10C/minute


    5.3.1 Example 1

    We want to test a normally close thermostat with manual reset, with switching

    temperature point of 50C, differential temperature of 5C and the tolerance ofboth value of 1C. The rise gradient must be the same of fall gradient of 5Cper minute; for security, the range of maximum excursion, is 3C. The ambienttemperature is 20C and is necessary make 5 cycles of measure to completethe test

    Figure 11

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    With reference to the Figure 32 here above, following the parameters settingup:

    Type of thermostatSelect Normally close

    Manual resetIt must be enable (). The program will display a dialog box that will temporarystop the procedure until the thermostat wont be reset (press OKto confirm the


    Automatic reverseIt must be disable because the thermostat is manual reset type. Is not possiblethe automatic advancement to the next check temperature at the thermostatswitch

    Stress cyclesAs you like because is not specify

    Measure cycles

    The measure cycles are 5

    Switching point

    The switching point is 50


    The differential is 5


    The tolerance is 1

    Figure 12

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    Differential tolerance

    The differential tolerance is the same of tolerance and is 1

    Rise Gradient

    The rise gradient is 5 C/min

    Fall gradient

    The fall gradient is the same of rise gradient with menus sign: -5 C/min

    (because fall)

    Max temp. LimitThe maximum temperature limit (excursion) is 3 C

    Min temp. limitThe minimum temperature limit (excursion) is 3 C

    Ambient temperature

    The ambient temperature is 20 C

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    Here under we will report the most common problems the user can find while usingCalPman program, together with the instructions to solve them.

    PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTIONWhen the program start ofapplication a message box isdisplayed with the message:COM port not available! Somefeatures will be not available.

    Reference paragraph

    3.1.1 Serial communication

    - Com port is used byanother application

    - Com port is notsupported by the system

    - Close, if possible, the applicationuse the com port; in CalPman selectthe Serial linecommand from Filemenu and press OK, then select theConnectcommand from the Filemenu

    - select the Serial linecommand fromFile menu and in the dialog boxdisplayed change the selection inthe Connectorfield and press OK;then select the Connectcommandfrom the File menu

    When the program start a messagebox is displayed with the message:No license for connected calibrator!Call program supplier to get thelicense.

    Reference paragraph

    3.1 Introduction

    - CalPman has found nocorrespondencebetween identificationcode input duringinstallation and thecalibrator serial number

    - Check the calibrator serial number(see calibrator manual how to do)corresponds with the one in theregistration form enclosed toCalPman software

    - Delete installation directory (defaultC:\CALPMAN) and all its content. Doagain the installation payingattention during the input of theidentification code:no space

    character and case sensitiveDuring any procedures (acquisitionof calibrator reference information,calibration procedure etc.) isdisplayed a message box with themessage: Timeout during serial transmissionand after press OKbutton themessage:An error occur during procedure.Retry?

    Reference paragraph

    3.1.1 Serial communication

    - No correspondencebetween serialparameters of PC andserial parameters ofcalibrator.

    - The serial cable is notcorrectly inserted in theconnectors of the PC orof the calibrator

    - The serial cable isinterrupted

    - Verify that the calibrator is on and onthe display the Setpoint does notlighten (ex. SP: 20.0)

    - Verify that the serial communicationparameters set upped for the PC arethe same of those set upped on thecalibrator (see calibrator manual) :Baud Rate and Address

    - Check the cable connection with theconnectors of the PC and of thecalibrator

    - Replace the serial cable

    Is displayed a message box with themessage: ATTENTION ! No

    Calibrator connected. ! Somefeatures will be not available.

    Reference paragraph

    3.1 Introduction

    - No correspondencebetween serial

    parameters of PC andserial parameters ofcalibrator.

    - The serial cable is notcorrectly inserted in theconnectors of the PC orof the calibrator

    - The serial cable isinterrupted

    - Verify that the calibrator is on and onthe display the Setpoint does not

    lighten (ex. SP: 20.0)- Verify that the serial communicationparameters set upped for the PC arethe same of those set upped on thecalibrator (see calibrator manual) :Baud Rate and Address

    - Check the cable connection with theconnectors of the PC and of thecalibrator

    - Replace the serial cable