mmc- volume 21, issue 2


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Page 2: MMC- Volume 21, Issue 2

Ithaca College is ready for the 2011-2012 school year! Our executive board is preparing for an awesome year


Some of the things we are focusing on is getting RHA's name out to the college community, expanding our organization, creating new and fresh programs for our residents to enjoy and learn from, and maximizing our communication with various organizations across

the campus.

We are very excited to see everyone from NEACURH at Regionals and I hope to have an exciting board

Hey Moose Lovers! Clark University’s Residence Hall Association is gearing up for the new year with our antlers up! After attending Camp NACURH, we began discussing what we want to see this fall such as: reestablishing a recognition program (in hopes to charter an NRHH), focus on restructuring meetings, and a few other secrets that involves Marty, moose love and glitter. In addition, one of Clark RHA’s traditions is that we enhance Week One, Clark University’s first year student orientation with social programs. This year Clark RHA plans to host a block party providing lunch, games, goodie bags and t – shirts to tie dye. In addition, we plan to host bingo night with the chance to win big prizes, so the first years can swag out their rooms! MOOSE LOVE, Nick Hancock, NCC





NEACURH FUN FACT OF THE MONTH: NEACURH was the first region to have a regional color. Do you know what our regional color is…?


Marty is all "Geared Up" and Ready for the Fall! Matt Hamilton—Northeastern University

Page 3: MMC- Volume 21, Issue 2

―Gearing up for the new year‖

Gearing up for the new year has been exciting. We had our RHA Retreat in mid July, where we set dates for our upcoming events for the 2011-2012 school year. As Current RHA delegates we are all relatively new to our positions which helps us to incorporate new ideas into the upcoming semester. We have modified past events, brought back old programs and developed new socials. Even though we are new to our positions in RHA, we were all student leaders before taking on these new positions and we have worked closely with our past executive board to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Last year’s plan for retaining members was to open up RHA positions to interested body members. Current executive board members were all active members of RHA. We are in the positions we are in today because last year’s executive board believed in us. They made it clear to us that we are important to the organization and because of our involvement they were able to accomplish many of the goals they set prior to the start of the semester. As a group we decided that our purpose is to get residents involved, tend to residents’ concerns, be of service to our community, give residents the opportunity to grow and guide Hall Councils. We are a very diverse group so for recruiting new members we plan on encouraging new students to be a part of RHA, use promotional items to educate residents about RHA, and as it worked last year, keep reminding our body members of how important they are to the organization.

Chevell Burrell National Communications Coordinator Southern Connecticut State University

So this upcoming year SUNY Cortland is going to make themselves known! With Jill Cole now on the RBD, Lauren Pizzolla as their new NCC and an eager group of delegates, no one can stop them. Our NRHH President is going to try and expand NRHH on our campus and make it more known while our RHA will start off with a bang at our annual Welcome Back Barbeque. Look Out… the Red Dragons are excited for an another AMAZING year with NEACURH! Moose Love, SUNY Cortland’s RHA and NRHH

―Marty is inflated with anticipation for the upcoming school year!‖ Katelyn Zahler-NCC-Northeastern University

Marty Gets Down to some GTL Summer Fun! Matt Hamilton

Northeastern University

Page 4: MMC- Volume 21, Issue 2

Livin’ the Husky Life!

Northeastern University campus is buzzing with incoming students all throughout the summer. Here at NU we have over 10 different orientation sessions, each of which the Resident Student Association takes a major role in. These orientation sessions are crucial for recruiting new members into RSA in the fall. At our orientation sessions we are involved in a variety of different ways. Each of these different ways offers a unique touch point and allows for these students to have the opportunity to see RSA in a new light.

The first touch point with new students is through a partnership with the Residential Life office for a presenta-tion about living on campus. During this presentation RSA members perform in short comedic yet educational skits about moving in, what to bring, what not to bring, and even educates students about conduct within the halls. After these skits, RSA representatives take it to the podium to explain to all the student attendees at orientation exactly what RSA is all about. This is also a great time to plug the additional ways we are involved with orientation.

Aside from the presentation with Residential Life we also do tabling at the Student Group Activities Fair. Here we get to interact with students face to face in a more personal setting, answering their questions and of course providing them with some awesome RSA Swag. At the activities fair we have sign up sheets that do not commit students but will send friendly reminders in the fall to come and check RSA out!

After the activities fair, RSA sponsors one of the evening activities for the incoming students to partake in. The evening activity this year is a Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Social and Trivia Extravaganza. While the students snack

on a variety of the delicious flavor offerings Ben and Jerry’s provides; RSA members challenge attendees to see if they have the general trivia knowledge to come out on top and win a coveted RSA T-shirt. The trivia ranges each week from general categories such as movies, TV, name that tune, and even RSA Trivia! After each orientation session, hundreds of new incoming students return home, feeling more comfortable with the life that awaits them as a husky. With a little piece of RSA swag in hand, and a better idea of the organization as a whole, we eagerly await the fall when these new huskies return to make their mark on campus. Respectfully Submitted by Matt Hamilton Vice President for Administration- Northeastern University

This year, Western Connecticut State University is amping up their Moose Love! To do this, we will be making a Marty Spirit Moose! We will be taking a stuffed moose and decking him out in West Conn and NEACURH apparel. Throughout the school year he will be awarded to the stand out residents of West Conn. Each resident that takes care of Marty throughout the year will receive a certificate of recognition for their outstanding NEACURH spirit! West Conn is prepping to be the loudest and proudest delegation at Regionals! Let’s get ready NEA-CURH! Moose Love, Casey Halliwell WCSU NCC

To recruit more members we send out fliers and announcements and most importantly.... host

comedy shows of our sodexo workers, MAD DOG MIKE!

and make it known that the RHA put on those events and encourage them to help put on

events in their own residence halls by joining us! Thanks!

-Denise Belanger St. Mike's NCC

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Make way for All the new RHA e-boards That are starting a Year of leadership and advocacy! Katie Kerber

Vice President for Communication

Northeastern NRHH

Getting in Shape with Northeastern NRHH

Hopefully Northeastern University’s NRHH has been working out this summer! Once we all return to campus we have a few events to look forward to, and they will be quite a workout! First, on September 24 Northeastern’s NRHH will be volunteering for the Big Dog 5K. This annual fun run is on the Charles River Esplanade and some of Northeastern’s NRHH members will not only be volunteering, but some may even run it too! Once October comes we’ll be walking in the morning and dancing the night away. On October 3, Northeastern’s NRHH will be participating in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Later in the month we’re going to put on our dancing shoes for the Monster Mash. This event is new this year is going to take place at the Hale House, an assisted living home in Boston, MA. Northeastern’s NRHH will be hosting a Halloween party for many of the residents. After, we’ll get some arm work outs in while transporting food to donate for our annual food drive throughout the month of November. And who knows, maybe we’ll start doing sit ups at our bi-weekly meeting!?

Gina Guimond

Vice-President for Service Northeastern University NRHH

During the start of the summer, us here at Salem State University got together as an executive board to prepare ourselves for a new year. During this advance, we came together to plan goals and expectations of what we want to accomplish and how we can follow our vision. Some of this vision includes working more with Community Councils, make a comfortable environment for the students so more voices can be heard, etc. We feel that reaching out is a very key component in having a great year. Also, we plan to have a more diverse group of students applying for conferences! To do this, we plan to engage in info sessions during application time as well as throughout the year. We feel that giving all the students an opportunity to learn about NEACURH and ask questions will generate pure excitement and enthusiasm when applying. Those who have attended conferences know the effect of Moose love in one’s life and showing this passion with incoming first-years, as well as possibly distanced students, will help to hearten growth and the feeling of being a part of something bigger. To encourage continual involvement, we plan to offer knowledge about more opportunities within the NEACURH region, such as information about committees, NCC positions as well as RBD positions. We are SUPER excited to start this new year and make many friends!

Moose Love! Salem State University

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Hey NEACURH! I cannot believe that summer is almost over! The next time you are reading an update from me, you will most likely already be back at your institutions! Crazy how time flies right?! This month we've seen how proactive and responsible NEACURH is on a national level! You all blew the other regions out of the water in terms of National Committee applications!! I cannot wait to find out how many of you got selected to represent the nation and NEACURH. While you all have been busy filling out applications, here are a few things that have been preoccupying my time: *RBD apparel *June RECON *Encouraged region to apply for National Committee *Attended combined NBD/NNB chat *Began working on welcome package for all new ADAF's from different regions *Email Legislation in regards to budget MooseLove, Kevin

Heyy NEACURH! July literally flew by! I just got back from being a camp counselor on a teen tour that was in the western US! Its the best job ever you should ask about it. :) during the tour I taught my kids about NEACURH and moose love and that they affiliate their high schools :) Other than wrangling 44 16 year olds, over the past month I have: *held 1:1s with board members *held a transitional meeting with alumni *worked with conference chairs *began planning for summit *began planning the yearly calendar including the first NCC chat! *reached out to the NEACURH buddy to make sure she feels welcome and included in our moose loving family! *have been continually reminded how amazing each of you are! Looking forward to a great year! Moose love, Julie

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Hey Moose <3ers,

I hope you are all having a great summer so far, I have been

busy being a Resident Advisor and getting ready for

graduate school to start at the end of this month :-) In

July, I have been working hard with some housekeeping things with NACURH and

gearing up for the year ahead of us. Here are just some of the things I have worked on

since my last update. I can't wait to talk to you all at our first chats later this month!!!

Sent an email to NEACURH with important information regarding OTMs and selection

of winners

I was appointed Co-Chair of the NACURH Advocacy Committee, which I am SUPER

excited about!

Attended two NRHH National Board (NNB) meetings and a joint NNB/NBD meeting

Attended a One-on-One meeting with the National Associate of NRHH (NAN) to

give updates on NEACURH

Coordinated the committee process of selecting OTM's for the month and

submitted them to NACURH

Received training on approving NRHH Constitutions with the NNB, which will begin

happening this month for affiliations

Started making connections with our awesome NRHH Chapters!


Hey NEACURH, In just a few short weeks many of us will be heading back to school for RA training as well as the start of school. Can you believe it?! Over the past month the RBD including myself have been doing great things. Here's what I've been up to: -finalized the programming guide -spoke with KEVIN Filchak, regionals conference chair for something new and improved. -applied for a national committee Hope you all have a good rest of summer :)

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Hey NEACURH! I can’t believe that it is August already! I don’t know about any of you but my summer is FLYING by, and although I will miss the lake and sun, I am very excited to get this year started! Anyway, this month I have been working with Sarah a bunch, trying to get some details finalized regarding Sub Regionals. We both are very excited and can’t wait to see all of your great bids for Fall SUBs. You all can expect more information from both Sarah and I coming soon over the NCC List Serv. For all of you like me who love things in a list and bullet form, here you go! Worked with RCC NY on Pre-SUB planning information.

Emailed regional NCCs introducing the NY and NE RCCs. Working with a national retention committee. Planning on when to send future information to NCCs regarding SUBs information (expect it early/mid august)

Enjoying SUMMER! Moose Loving in New England as usual, Griffin

So here's what I did this month: - talked with RCC NE and came up with ideas for the year - sent out regional email - still at sleep-away camp -loving summer - excited for school to begin to really get SUBS and NEACURH 2011-2012 started! You rockkkk :) :)

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Hey NEACURH! During the month of July, I have become more familiar with my position as the Regional Communications Coordinator of Special Projects. I have also started working on tasks to get ahead for the year. Here are some of the things I have been up to: Voted in the National OTM Voting Committee for the month of June

Submitted MMC articles RCC Chat led by the fabulous Alex Straley (NAA) Created a Facebook group for all of the NACURH RCCs to build greater connections Had my first RCC Training Committee meeting

Sent survey out to NBD/NNB for input on RHA President's Pin Legislation Joined a National Committee Connecting with RBD Conference Buddies, Dean and Aaron

Submitted a short clip for the NEACURH Recruitment Video


Can you all believe that July is over already! School is right around

the corner which means RHA and NRHH love will be happening all

over the region! I have been really hard at work with everything I am

doing right now but I have been giving a little more time to NEA-

CURH’s Recruitment video and I’m still looking for Moose Lovers to

record a video of their NEACURH experience(s), what it has done for

them, etc. So without further ado here is what I have been up to this


Attended National RCC meeting chats chaired by our amazing

National Associate of Administration (NAA), Alexandra Straley, and

every other RCC throughout the region!

Have been working with RCC’s from GLACURH and other regions

to understand and help affiliate Canadian schools!

Contacting on phone/skype potential member schools.

Continuing to review any past year RR information in my flash

drive to help in my efforts for the 2011-2012 year!

Voted on Regional OTMs

Still working on the NEACURH Recruitment video and contacting

NCC’s and other NEACURH attendees to submit videos about their

experiences with NEACURH, what it has done for them, what they

have taken away from their NEACURH/NACURH experiences, etc.

Working with my funny and hardworking friend, Sheraz Iqbal, on

forming Legislation to pass for Presidential Pins.

Attended my RCC Recruitment committee meeting and created a

rubric to stand as our foundation for goals for this academic year!

Spreading and showing that moose love everywhere I go!

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Greetings NEACURH!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the

warm sunny weather we have been

having in the Northeast. While July has

been a slow month there is still things

going on in NEACURH. Here’s what i

have been doing this month:

* Provided feedback, guidance, and

support to members of the RBD on pro-

jects and initiatives as they prepare to

begin their positions

*Had a One-on-One with the Director

*Worked with ADAF on order RBD


* Reviewed and provided feedback on

the UConn & Rhode Island

College conference budgets

* Participated in SKYPE Chats with the

other Regional Advisors

Thanks & Enjoy the rest of your


Moose Love


HEY NEACURH! So July has been an interesting month to say the least. After the mass chaos of completing my first MMC, I have enjoyed the moose loving life and got myself on the right track for the year. I have had the joy of poking numerous RBD members, and now thanks to Griffin, your RCC NE, a bunch of your NCC’s. This summer has been a blast, from MartyBash, to donating 10 in a half inches to locks of love (great service project if you need ideas) but…. The most exciting part has obviously been creating this issue of the MMC along with all the fun stuff I have been doing for NEACURH! *Created a NEW publication, the Recognition Express for you to Recognize your moose loving friends with *Created the themes and most of the templates for the MMC’s til MAY! *Designed the RBD Apparel which was conceptualized by the RBD at MartyBash *Joined two RCC Committees– NACURH U and Bidding/Awards *Applied for a National Committee *Reviewed NACURH’s, NEACURH’s and other regions Policy Book for all Bids *Participated in numerous RCC chats, some business, some just for fun *Filmed some clips for John’s Recruitment video *Became the go-to photo-shopper for the RBD *Survived Accounting, so now I can graduate on time.. Woot woot! Hope you all enjoy the last bit of summer that you can, and PLEASE keep me updated on what your schools are doing. I truly enjoy reading the fun stuff you all are a part of and it brings a smile to my face…

make me smile NEACURH, Holla Atcha Gurll!

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Hey NEACURH!!!!!! Summer is almost over so get out there and make sure you are having fun!!! This month our party planning committee aka the conference staff has been working those hoofs planning the most amazing 21

st birthday celebration you

could think of. We have tons MOOSEtastic party games planned and cannot wait for the year to begin!! Beads we have been stringing up this month….. -Had our Second Summer Conference Staff meeting -Met with our Keynote Speaker and MADD Rhode Island!!!!!! -Got Maui Waui to Donate Smoothies!!!!! -Lowered the Conference Cost! (Shout out to Nick - Finance Chair and Kevin our ADAF) -Booked the Student Union for the conference!!!!! -Updated our WEBSITE!!!!!!! CHECK IT OUT NEACURH!(

HEY NEACURH! Your Regionals Conference Staff would like to wish you a happy summer. We've been hard at work to make this conference a fantastic celebration of Marty's birthday! We've done a lot this month, here's a taste of what we've been up to:

>We've moved up the date of Registration by one week, it now begins on September 26-October 2, Late Registration October 3-9. >We now have our Facebook group (Marty Makes a Wish - NEACURH 2011) and a Twitter (Marty Wish 2011). Please Like and follow our posts and tweets:) >We're preparing for RBD Summit this September >We've sent out Survey's concerning whether or not to house advisors in the on-campus hotel or not. That survey will close Monday, August 1st. Results will be sent out this week. >We're deciding on different "swag" for the conference >Entertainment is growing in amazingness!! Check out Website and our Facebook page and Twitter for more info. >Participated in 1:1 and answering excellent emails about the conference >Working with the hotels to create an excellent experience for NEACURH >Having the best time possible! NEACURH YOU ROCK!! And we cannot wait until we see you this November!! MOOSELOVE from the HUSKIES!!

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This article is going to be slightly different than ones you are used to from me :). Each of you are doing an amazing job over this summer and I just wanted to say how proud I am of you! As some of you know, I spent the last 28 days traveling the Western United States as a camp counselor. Nothing says I am having an amazing summer like being on a bus for 28 days with 44 16 year olds! I wanted to update you on some things I learned and how they apply to NEACURH: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Think about your home town for a moment. Going to college your entire environment changed and you grew as a person and learned more about yourselves. For many of the campers this was their first experience with people that grew up in places that were completely different from where they l I’ve and how they were raised. During this tour my campers learned about how others were raised and ultimately learned new life-skills. While we were camping there was always a meal crew that helped our cook prepare our meals. Each day I would teach the campers how to cut the vegetables and use knives, which they had never done before. These campers now know how to cook and make meals for themselves which are huge steps for themselves. Don't be afraid to learn a new skill, step up into leadership roles or make a new friend! It will make every experience even better for you! Take A Risk One of the campers was PETRIFIED of white water rafting. After 30 minutes of crying and resisting she inevitably decided that she would go white water rafting. She sat in the center of the boat clutching my hand while looking scared out of her mind the entire time. At the conclusion of the activity she was talking to her friends and telling them how amazing the white water rafting was and that she had the time of her life. She actually asked if she could go on the activity again! So, if you are willing to try new things you will learn about yourself, grow as a person and maybe even have the time of your life. Roll With The Punches When we were at Lake Tahoe one boy decided to create a plan to save his gusher for later and make sure it did not get sandy. He decided to safest place to put it was in a girl's belly button. While at first this seemed like a BRILLIANT idea the plan soon turned disastrous. Since it was over 100 degrees out, the gusher soon burst releasing all of contents into the girls bellybutton. There were no showers in sight minus the freezing cold water of lake tahoe, that the girl refused to go in. When this happened the girl had 2 options: 1. sit the entire day and be miserable and hate the boy that put the gusher in her belly button or 2. laugh it off and tell all her friends so they had a story to bond over. The same goes for any situation, if something goes wrong you have 2 options the first is to get angry and the second is to try and fix it while enjoying yourself. Throughout this year we all will need to roll with the punches and troubleshoot issues that arise. When this happens I hope you try and find the funny parts of the situation and remember those while keeping a positive attitude. Learn Something New At one point we (the counselors) asked the kids to name 5 states we had been to this summer. Note: we had been to Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Idaho, California, Nevada, and Arizona. One camper proceeded to tell us that the 5 states she had been to were, Colorado, California, Arizona, San Francisco and Denver. We learned that San Francisco and Denver were not actually states but were cities :). Over the summer this one camper also learned who the first president was as well as Obama's first name. Since she was open to learning new things and did not worry about making some mistakes she learned some crucial information for later on in her life. This year we all will learn new things. Please don't be afraid to ask questions because if you have them some other people do as well :) You Never Know What Types of Friends You’ll Make on the Road Out of 44 campers we had about 16 kids who came together and did not want to befriend anyone else. Meanwhile we had 28 campers who came alone looking for new friends and a new experi-ence. These 28 campers shared a bond far beyond what anyone could have invisioned and ultimately made lifelong friends and had the time of their lives. On a personal note: I joined this tour company knowing no one and was scared out of my mind. One of the other girl counselors was very very different from myself and I was pretty sure we would not end up being very close. I was completely wrong! Since I opened myself up to creating new friendships and meeting new people I have since gained a friend that understands me like non-other. Each of you has the potential to make incredible differences in the lives of others, at your school, regionally and nationally! Keep your head up with your eyes and heart open so you can experi-ence new things, learn about yourself and ultimately become a better leader. YOU have the potential to be that person for someone else. The person that inspired you to be here and the one that motivates you to be better and do better! You are inspiring. Keep up the amazing work! I can not wait to see you all at regionals!

Mooselove to the moon and back! Julie Rizzolo

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Are you planning your NRHH summer retreat? Are you out of

ideas? Well don't worry yet, here are ten great ideas to kick start your

year and get your Executive Board working in no time.

10: Create a team environment by doing team builders, ice

breakers and getting to know each other

9: Set goals for your organization in each of the NRHH four pillars

(scholastics, recognition, leadership, and service)

8: Train your Executive Board and members on NEACURH and

NACURH and the services we offer (don't forget about Marty!)

7: Choose a theme for the year that you can refer to and help

people stay motivated with!

6: Write OTM's or give examples of OTM's so people know how to

write them and what the requirements are

5: Hold a training session on the history of your organization, this will

help you find out where you came from and where you want to go

4: Make a detailed calendar of events for the year so you know what

you want to accomplish and when you want to accomplish it by

3: Complete your affiliation if you have not done so already so you

have voting rights at our conferences and meetings

2: Recognize each other for things you are doing good with so far and

accomplishments you make during your retreat

1: Have some FUN!!! Cook a meal together, go laser tagging or to a

movie, etc... anything to get out of "work" mode and have some fun

before the year starts!

-AD NRHH, Danielle Sutton

YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE… ON THE RECOGNITION EXPRESS! HEY NEACURH (hey what?!?!?) So, this year I have created a BRAND NEW and exciting publication called ―The Recognition Express‖. This publication will include regional/national OTM winners, Marty’s List (NEACURH’s deans list) and a section called "Recognition Central" where you can recognize anyone in your organization, host institution or any other moose/diamond lovers. Even though I am not a member of NRHH, I understand how much recognition they do. Yes, we all recognize each other for the awesome things we do on our campuses but I think it’s time we do it up, NEACURH DIAMOND STYLE. I really wanted to highlight NRHH in here, and give them a special place where our region can show their diamond love. This is open to EVERYONE though, so recognize your hearts out! I want you all to write to the MMC don't get me wrong, but I really want you all to utilize this new publication to recognize on a regional level. The Recognition Express will accept articles just like the MMC, only they have to recognize someone or something. I'm asking for all articles and recognition centrals to be submitted by the 25th of each month. On the 1st of each month, the issue will be submitted REGIONALLY! SO GET YOUR ORGANIZATION IN GEAR! RECOGNIZE YOUR PEERS AND


Moose Love RCC Publications, Jilly Cole

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Let’s Set Goals… It will only make your year A GREAT SUCCESS!

When I was on the E-board of SUNY Geneseo's IRC (Inter-Residence Council), we'd start every year off by listing what goals we wanted to accomplish and what we wanted our legacy to be by the end of the 2 semesters that we held the position. This is something that I still continue to do even outside of IRC, whether it be as an RA, a student entering his senior year, or a second term AD AF. My first year on the E-board of IRC I took making goals and leaving a legacy as a joke, I just didn't see the purpose of them. I was going to do what I was going to do, I didn't need a piece of paper there, it wasn't like I was going to forget. But as I have matured in my leader-ship style I've realized how important this simple "piece of paper" really is. It is a constant re-minder that you made a promise to your general assembly, or your residents, or your region, or most importantly yourself; that you are going to get these things done for the better of the organization. I still have the goals/legacy paper from my first year on E-board. We separated it into three sections: Organizational, Positional, and Personal. Lets just say my organiza-tional goals are a little far reaching, my positional goals are a tad inappropriate, and my per-sonal goals are...well personal so I won't be talking about them here. While not my strongest moment as a leader, these three sections do represent how I believe you should start each year off. Remember that no goal is too ambition and to always shot for the stars. Inject some humor whenever possible, if you're not having fun with what you're do-ing then you should rethink what you are doing. Keep some things to yourself, not everyone needs to know what your plans are to make this year the best year ever. I cannot encourage you all enough to do this same thing. When you are done reading this, find the nearest piece of paper and write down what your organizational, positional, and personal goals are for the upcoming year in your RHA or NRHH chapter, whatever position you currently hold (even if solely a general assembly member or active member), and per-sonal goals. Since I am an education major, I know that I should never ask my students (or in this case my readers) to do something if I am not willing to do it myself. So with that said, here is an abridged version of my goals/legacy sheet for the 2011-2012 NEACURH year! Organizational 1) Make sure that new and returning NCCs, Presidents, and NRHH Presidents feel wel-comed in their boardrooms and roundtables. 2) Make sure that first-time delegates and returning delegates have an amazing time at con-ference. 3) Have the RBD work together cohesively. Positional 1) Make sure the budget adequately reflects the revenue and expenses of the region. 2) Keep conference prices as low as possible, while maximizing the resources that confer-ence host sites are able to offer to delegates. 3) Have has much, if not more, fun as ADAF as lasts year. Personal ...well these are personal for a reason... MooseLove, Kevin Friedman

SCORE! AND GOALLLLL! How to make your goal even more rewarding? (yes, that’s possible )

So… before you read this article, look to your right… and read Kevin Friedman, your ADAF’s article on goals. I want you all to take the time and set some goals for yourself and your organization. Finish that… then begin :)

So YEY! Goals!!!! What were some of your goals…..? Was bidding on the mind??

Well.. Last year, as the RHA President for SUNY Cortland, my goal was to work with our programming chair to create a P.O.Y. worthy program. My whole e-board looked at me like I was crazy… Well.. After Regionals 2010, I knew my organization was ready; I knew it was obtainable. This is when I pitched a program idea to my RHA and we created a program where we collaborated with other organizations, including NRHH, and raised over $2,000.00 for Breast Cancer. It was such a rewarding and enjoyable program for RHA. This was a P.O.Y. worthy program, and I felt so proud of my organization. Due to being elected to the RBD, my dream of P.O.Y. was not a realistic option, since it would be really awkward to bid for P.O.Y. as the program chair. I reflected on the goals I set at the beginning of the year, and realized how those goals gave me the drive and determination to obtain other goals, and things I’m so happy I strived for instead. (like bidding for RBD {yey})

So why did I just share my life story with you?

BIDS! I feel bidding can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your time with your RHA, NRHH or whatever

acronym you represent. If you have a goal of ―doing a new and original program‖ and your proud it… BID! This is a great way

to not only represent your school on a completely different level then just boardroom or conferences, but it will make you walk away from your time with NEACURH feeling like you accomplished something. Your bid is something you can look back on and be proud of, win or loose (although you’re in NEACURH, so you can’t lose purely because you’re a moose lover). Now bids seem like a daunting task to some people, but with organization and a positive spirit, you can only have FUN

in the process! So here are some helpful tips on creating a winning bid! - Be Creative - Utilize the Policy Book >this means, go to the policy book, find what you are bidding for and copy and paste it into a word file. Make sure you describe each bullet in detail. This is how you know you have not forgotten anything -Send it to an RBD member, and ask them to review it (if you need someone, HOLLA ATCHA GURL) -Get support from other organizations on your campus or within the Region -Enjoy the bidding process and have fun… why else would we be a part of NEACURH if we weren’t having fun!

I hope my helpful tips were actually helpful to you all! I hope to hear that you all are bidding for Subs, the super

fun awards at Regionals, and if you’re truly awesome REGIONALLY 2012 (hint hint… do ittttt) -Moose Love You Eager Bidders!!! -RCC Publications, Jilly Cole

Page 15: MMC- Volume 21, Issue 2

I can still remember walking into my first RHA meeting 3 years ago. I was a terrified freshman, going into a room of mostly upper classmen who were all comfortable with each other. I sat in the back with a few other first year students who were also new to the organization and we didn’t say much of anything for the first few weeks. Now that I look back on this night, and all of the progress our organization at my host institution has made, I see one thing driving the progress, goals. With the school year almost upon us, it is natural to think back on the past year and try and predict what will be in store for the one to come. My experience within both and RHA and NEACURH, I have seen many of the ups and downs that an organization can take. Here are some of my tips to increase the ups and limit the downs. Look Ahead: Looking ahead and making goals is such an important piece of success. We all look back on the past year and have hope to continue the aspects that went well and although this is great, sometimes it is important to look to start new traditions and have new positive experiences. Keep the spirit alive: As it is important to look ahead, it is just as important to keep the energy that your organization has worked so hard to create. By processing and looking back on the ups and downs that your group took, the planning stage for the up coming year will have a chance to go much smoother. Use All Members: When I was a scared freshman in the back of the room during my first few meetings, I didn’t have a chance to express my ideas. By listening to new members, your group will be able to bring new energy and ideas to the ta-ble, while also having the returning members help guide and assist in new member development. All schools within NEACURH have shown that they have amazing stu-dents within their organizations and this year will be even better than the already spectacular previous years! See everyone in the fall at UCONN. Moose Loving in New England, Griffin


All white moose are rare and they are not albinos..

So you pale folks, realize, you’re just a rare breed of Moose Lovers...