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Market research




What criteria consumers used to evaluate business newspaper?How do consumers evaluate Economic time and various other business news paper brands in terms of choice criteria?What is demographic and psychographic profile of ET reader and Non readers?What is the product usages characteristics of ET loyalist and Non ET readers.

How to improve sales of Economic Times to IIML WMP student’s house hold ?

Reseach Object

What criteria consumers used to evaluate business newspaper?

How do consumers evaluate Economic times and various other business newspaper brandsin terms of choice criteria?

What is demographic and psychographic profile of ET reader and Non readers?

What is the product usages characteristics of ET loyalist and Non ET readers.

HypothesisSpecify Question nos (Variable code) only.

1. Content richness is an important criteria for business newspaper for professtional's in Govt. Job.2. Market and Industry News is an important criteria for business newspaper for professtional in Private Job.

1. Q4 (7-12),Q18(44)2. Q4 (7-12),Q18(44)

3. Availability(Distribution) makes more readership of Economics Times.

3. Q4 (7-12), Q10 (33-36),Q1(1-4)

5. Modern ,Progressive & brand driven people prefer ET

4. Q11 (37), Q12(38), Q13-Q17 (39 -43), Q1(1-4)

6. ET loyalists find it reliable.7. ET Nonloyalists find content deficit

5. Q4 (7-12), Q8(25-28),Q1(1-4),Q19(45)6.Q4 (7-12), Q7 (21-24),Q1(1-4),Q19(45)

Data Analysis planSampling plan

1.Cross Tabulation and Chi Square

2.Cross Tabulation and Chi Square


4.Descriptive statistics & Cross Tabulation ;Chi Square

5.Two Way ANOVA6.Two Way ANOVA

1. Which business newspaper do you read1 Economic times2 Mint 3 Financial Express4 Business Standard

2. How often do you read business newspaper in a week?1 1 day2 2-3 days3 4-5 days4 6-7 days

3. Overall, what rating would you give to the ET newspaper?1 Excellent2 Very Good3 Good4 Fair5 Poor

4.Please rate the importance of the following factors in you selection of business news paper

1 2 3Easy Langauge

Market and Industry News



Content Reachness

Brand Value

5. Please rate your preference for the following business newspapers

1 2 3Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard6. Please rate following businees newspapers in terms of image

Poor image1 2 3

Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard7. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of content?


Not at all Important

Not preffered

at all

1 2 3Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard8. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of reliability?

Poor1 2 3

Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard9. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of market and industry news?

Poor1 2 3

Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard10. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of availability?

Poor1 2 3

Economic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard11. Brand value is import for choosing business newspaper

1 2 3

12. Reading business newspapers are sign of ambitiousness and contemporaneousness

1 2 3

13. GenderMaleFemale

14. Marital statusMarried Never MarriedDivorced/Separated/Widowed

15. Family size

OneTwoThreeFourFive and more

16. Age



Highly disgaree

16. Age25-4041-6060+

17. EducationUnder graduateGraduatePost Graduate

18. ProfessionGovt JobPrivate JobSelf Business

19. Do you want to switch you Business Newspaper.NoYes

1. Which business newspaper do you readEconomic timesMint Financial ExpressBusiness Standard

2. How often do you read business newspaper in a week?1 day2-3 days4-5 days6-7 days

3. Overall, what rating would you give to the ET newspaper?ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor

4.Please rate the importance of the following factors in you selection of business news paper

4 5

5. Please rate your preference for the following business newspapers

4 5

6. Please rate following businees newspapers in terms of image

4 5

7. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of content?Excellent

Very important

Very much prefffered

Excellent Image

4 5

8. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of reliability?Excellent

4 5

9. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of market and industry news?Excellent

4 5

10. Please rate the following business newspapers in term of availability?Excellent

4 5

4 5

12. Reading business newspapers are sign of ambitiousness and contemporaneousness

Higly agree4 5

MaleFemaleMarried Never MarriedDivorced/Separated/WidowedOneTwoThreeFourFive and more18-24

very significant

25-4041-6060+Under graduateGraduatePost GraduateGovt JobPrivate JobSelf Business

19. Do you want to switch you Business Newspaper.NoYes

Variable SheetQ1 Q2 Q3 Q4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Variable SheetQ4 Q59 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Q6 Q717 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Q8 Q925 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q1433 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Q15 Q16 Q17 Q 18 Q1941 42 43 44 45

Timestamp Family Size

9/1/2014 8:55:56 Yes 2-3 Male Married Two

9/1/2014 9:30:04 No Because of inMale Never Marrie Four

9/1/2014 9:38:03 No Because of inMale Never Marrie Four

9/1/2014 9:38:31 Yes 4-5 Male Married Two

9/1/2014 9:52:23 Yes 2-3 Male Married Five or more

9/1/2014 10:08:50 Yes 2-3 Male Married Three

9/1/2014 10:11:05 Yes 2-3 Male Married Two

9/1/2014 11:47:58 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie One

9/1/2014 11:55:10 No Normal newspMale Married Two

9/1/2014 11:55:42 Yes 1 Male Married Two

9/1/2014 13:02:28 Yes 6-7 Male Never Marrie Three

9/1/2014 14:21:52 Yes 4-5 Male Married Five or more

9/1/2014 17:57:47 No 1 Because of TMale Never Marrie Four

9/1/2014 18:32:39 Yes 1 Male Married Four

9/1/2014 19:28:24 Yes 2-3 Male Married Three

9/1/2014 19:43:39 Yes 2-3 Male Married Four

9/1/2014 19:49:34 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie Four

9/1/2014 20:50:06 Yes 4-5 Male Never Marrie Five or more

9/1/2014 21:18:30 Yes 4-5 Male Never Marrie Three

9/1/2014 21:35:41 Yes 6-7 Male Never Marrie Three

Do you have the habit of reading business newspaper?

If so, how often do you read business newspaper in a week?

If not, why don't you read business newspaper?

Your gender

Marital Status

9/1/2014 21:59:00 Yes 4-5 Male Married Four

9/1/2014 22:01:42 No No time Male Married Three

9/1/2014 22:16:13 Yes 4-5 Male Married Four

9/1/2014 23:31:10 No 1 Because busiMale Never Marrie Four

9/2/2014 0:26:18 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie One

9/2/2014 12:23:17 Yes 2-3 Femal Never Marrie Five or more

9/2/2014 12:24:45 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie Five or more

9/2/2014 12:44:37 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie Five or more

9/2/2014 12:48:40 Yes 4-5 Male Never Marrie Four

9/2/2014 12:48:44 Yes 2-3 Male Married Four

9/2/2014 13:07:15 Yes 1 Male Married Five or more

9/2/2014 14:03:03 Yes 6-7 Male Married Two

9/2/2014 14:20:43 Yes 4-5 Femal Never Marrie Four

9/2/2014 14:27:24 Yes 2-3 Male Never Marrie One

9/2/2014 16:26:14 Yes 2-3 Male Married Four

9/2/2014 16:51:03 Yes 4-5 Femal Never Marrie Four

9/2/2014 17:00:18 Yes 2-3 Male Married Two

9/2/2014 17:08:25 Yes 6-7 Male Married

9/2/2014 19:47:13 No Because of inMale Married Three

9/2/2014 23:26:42 Yes 6-7 Male Married Three

9/3/2014 10:36:40 Yes 6-7 Male Never Marrie Three

9/3/2014 18:23:47 Yes 1 Male Never Married

9/3/2014 22:14:44 Yes 6-7 Male Married Three

9/4/2014 14:11:55 Yes 2-3 Male Married Three

Your age

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,0Simplicity of Industry and Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,000

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,000

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,000 News Jobs Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80interest in lo Industry Jobs Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Availability & Industry Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80market and e Industry Lifestyle Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduateSelf business40,000 - 80,000 News Jobs Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Government j40,000 - 80,000

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Editorials News Jobs Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job More than 80,000 Industry Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Government jMore than 80current issuesIndustry Markets Economic Tim

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job Less than 40,Easy to underMarkets Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Good Article Markets Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job More than 80,000 Industry Economic Tim

41 - 60 Graduate Private Job More than 80Language andNews Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,0content Industry News Mint

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job Less than 40,Various businIndustry Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,0Industries Sp Industry News Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,0content

Your formal education

What is your occupation?

Monthly Income

What is most important criteria when you choose business newspaper?

Which part in the business newspaper is the one you like most?

Which part do you dislike?

Which of the business newspapers, you prefer to read?

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Brand Markets Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80,000

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80intelligent ne News Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,0latest update Markets local news Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,0authenticity Industry define news?Economic Tim

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,000 Politics Celebrity newBusiness Stan

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,0Business NewIndustry Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduateSelf businessLess than 40,all the news News Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Graduate Private Job More than 80economic detaiIndustry Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,0information o leadership talMarkets Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduateGovernment jMore than 80Objectivity Markets Politics Economic Time

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job More than 80Analysis and sIndustry Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Graduate Government j40,000 - 80,0ComprehnsiveNews Jobs Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,0CompletenesIndustry Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Coverage of diNews related tCoverage of irBusiness Sta

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,0content richn Markets Politics Mint

29 - 40 Professional Private Job More than 80Economy and News Politics Economic Tim

18 - 28 Post graduatePrivate Job 40,000 - 80,000 Markets Politics Economic Times

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job 40,000 - 80,000

41 - 60 Post graduateGovernment jMore than 80Content Industry Politics Mint

18 - 28 Under graduaPrivate Job Less than 40,Content News Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Graduate Private Job industry growtIndustry Politics Economic Tim

29 - 40 Under graduaGovernment j40,000 - 80,0content News Economic Time

29 - 40 Post graduatePrivate Job More than 80Relevance Markets Politics Economic Tim

ET Image

Not familiar Yes Just want to try and find ou Richness of bINR 8-10

Yes more topics covered Authentic Richness of bINR 5-7

habitual of it No i like it In depth coveINR 5-7

No So far Happy Reliable Richness of bINR 5-7

Content richeNo Content and In depth coveINR 5-7

Yes better information Authentic Expert opinio INR 2-4

Content richeNo Authentic Reliable INR 8-10

Not familiar Yes Content Richness of bINR 8-10

Content richeYes same Expert opinio INR 2-4

Content richeYes Learning Column Richness of bINR 2-4

Yes Authenticity of the News Richness of bINR 2-4

Content richeYes In depth coveINR 5-7

Content richeYes Content Richness of bINR 2-4

Yes others ease INR 8-10

Availability No Expert opinio INR 5-7

Availability No Reliable In depth coveINR 2-4

Which criteria makes you read ET

If options available, would you prefer other business newspapers than ET?

If you answer is 'Yes' in last question, What is you selection criteria

If your answer is 'No', What makes you prefer ET?

Why you choose business newspaper rather than other media?

How much you are willing to pay for daily business newspaper

Wide coverage

Authenticity of news

Content richness

Authenticity of news

Wide coverage

Authenticity of news

Content richness

Contemporary, Authentic, Reliable, Content richness

Authentic, Reliable

Authenticity of news

Most Popular and Known

Content richness

Authenticity of news

Wide coverage

Not familiar Yes quality Expert opinio INR 2-4

Content richeYes time taken to get update Authentic In depth coveINR 2-4

easy & simpl No familiar with Richness of bINR 5-7

Yes I will give it a try Richness of bINR 2-4

Availability Yes Depends on the content In depth coveINR 5-7

Content richeYes Varied News and relevant t Richness of bINR 5-7

Not familiar No already using Reliable Richness of bINR 5-7

Content richeNo Information ava In depth coveINR 2-4

Content richeNo understandale Richness of bINR 5-7

Availability Yes Coorectness of information Richness of bINR 2-4

Availability Yes Content, Originality and Sim Richness of bINR 2-4

No Reliable INR 5-7

Authentic, Reliable, Content richness, Wide coverage

easy & simple language

Authenticity of news

Authentic, Reliable, Wide coverage

Wide coverage

Authentic, Content richness

Contemporary, Authentic, Reliable, Content richness, Wide coverage

Contemporary, Wide coverage

Content richness, Wide coverage

Wide coverage

Authenticity of news

Contemporary, Authentic, Reliable, Content richness, Wide coverage

No Authentic Reliable INR 5-7

Content richeYes To check the dNot Applicabl Richness of bINR 5-7

Availability Yes content richness In depth coveINR 8-10

Content richeNo Fastest deliv In depth coveINR 5-7

Economic Times Reliable Expert opinio INR 2-4

Availability Yes concise and relevant inform In depth coveINR 5-7

No Content and reReliable Richness of bINR 5-7

Content richeYes extensive research on rece In depth coveINR 2-4

Content richeYes Richness of bINR 2-4

Content richeNo Relevance andReliable Richness of bINR 5-7

Authenticity of news

Wide coverage, Not much rechness incontent

Wide coverage

Contemporary, Authentic, Reliable, Content richness, Wide coverage

Authentic, Reliable, Wide coverage

Authenticity of news

Reliable, Content richness

Contemporary, Wide coverage

ET Loyalist

Easy Langau Availability Trail for other product

don't force readers, understand their benefit sought

News coverage

Market and I Availability Content

Availability, ReAuthenticity Reliable

Market and I News Coverage

News coverage

More of sports news

Content Reac Reliable


Market and I Content richeness

Less technicalEasy Langau Content richeness Content

Content ReacAuthenticity Reliable

Easy Langau Content richeness Content

Content Reachness

Content ReacAvailability News Coverage

Market and I Availability Reliable

Content Reachness

What changes can be done to make you read business newspaper?

Summary - critera to read news paper

Summary criteria in ET

ET non loyalist

Content richeness

Content richeness

Brand Value Availability Content

just get me some time

Content ReacContent richeness

It's good as it Market and I Easy Language

Reliablity Availability Trail for other product


Content ReacContent richeness News coverage

Market and I Availability Reliable

Content Reac News Coverage

Market and I Easy Language

Market and I Availability Reliable

Easy LangaugAvailability Content

Easy LangaugAuthenticity Reliable

Easy Language

Content richeness

Content richeness

Market and I Authenticity Reliable

Market and Industry News Trail for other product

Content Reachness Content

Market and I Reliable

Most of the articles and information is available online.

Content Reachness Content

Content ReAuthenticity Reliable

Content ReacContent richeness Content

Content ReacContent richeness

Market and I Reliable

Content richeness

Content richeness

What criteria consumers used to evaluate business newspaper?






Easy Langauge

Market and Industry News



Content Reachness

Brand Value

What criteria consumers used to evaluate business newspaper?






Easy Langauge

Market and Industry News



Content Reachness

Brand Value

How do consumers evaluate Economic times and various other business newspaper brandsin terms of choice criteria?







Content richeness

Easy Language







Content richeness

Easy Language








Easy Language

News Coverage







Easy Language

News Coverage

ET non-loyalist






Trial for other product


News coverage






Trial for other product


News coverage