mmiwm issro • -c2i::olofcjs, 10/kingston ny daily...

t*»-7"-*V '>»**<*?•> *»v:»*""!''V*" ^_!^^VRW^ , i*'?//'T.*v7:! ! r"'? '•' •' »•* '-' l!f»* .».;. V \ & i f: \'U< >•'-••• ;•> i •'•t 8 fOWKSPD,lERBlTT&CR9SBY No 7 Wallist^efchavo, dur4n& the-;jmst week, Ween making large additions to their stock of- also cloths and capsimeres, arid Summer 'stuffs fOr : men ? s wear, Our stock of 1 .•• ' '--. •:;rV :Carpets, ; .0'iI- Cloths, MattraWo-vFeaf |mrs. &c./is 'uneqUalcd inqual- i t y and price, Kingston,-April 22, r 50. sitf Airangci\»cn«s;f"or135yi Morning Bpat for N e w York;;. Landing;-at,..Poyghkccpsicr'^ '. j£ew-Ham burgh, Cornwall, Cold.Spring, ••• ' •• West Point; Gozzoiis' & Caldwell's'.' "''. A. *i wojTf.iv i jwiyKK*^wt ik.yfs.'yiMtTtrt^ww; —,"-»'"r--i-r- ULSTER COUNiT.Y. ' : ND SEED STORE, corner iMain and East !"5L Front streets. Kingston, Ulster Co., (oppo- site Schryvers Hotel.) §',.-'.:• ; ; . . .Merc-hants, Farmers and dealers are most res- poctfully invited to call and examine ournejv +:'•A and carefuily selected stock of imptcmentsv \ seeds.&c., all of wHiph Avc.will sell as low, if not • ' l o w e r than any other house, in the'trade. ••- O'v .•.•,•:, :•.-.. MONTANYK & REYNOLDS. : *' ; X'i :/^^Reme ; mliier the new stand; .-;..-' • ' c ' l t l .. MMiWM iSSro -c2i::oLOfcjs, : '."- X"'<$&) FRIENDS WITH* NEW; FACES," THE PAST ANBIELEGANT ST.EAMER ,.J^^—re:.-: ••"r.irrr^i^c 3fe Pffiiiiil ; : C A P T . A. L. ANDERSON, '-••: VV"i11 leave Itondontcyery morning at 5£ o'clock arriving; in jSfe'w York at il^o'clock. Returning will leave New Yojdc, frbhi the foot of Jay street, every a•.•quarter', before 4-o'clock.rh : A0 : X'^tf'0^M R O M Ell 1 '•& TCJBilBiajP-KR' s THE ABOVE MNF. COXNECTsAviTJI THE DELHI STAGE The Elegant:Siearner•§• Jons G% ST.OAT, .'. -. -.-. .;'.<>.> • • • •'.'••'• -»Manager. FRANK WiirrTAKEii ......... Equestrian Director. The only legitimate and 'most respectable 1roop of Equestrians in..the world. corndnriibg. 'Merri- ". ment, Amusement and ' Recreation'; unalloyed ;".-;• with profanity or vulgarity. A ' : A\-A : A '.;: .. The MoU Splendid \ 'Exhibition ./• r . Ever offered to the public, at; / ;-;'•: "• ; \Kihgston,. iM&y •Xl'.jiU,"•! S59;' / Among the overpowering atjt.ractipns in the . JoePentland Circus, pro the -unparalleled per-. formances of the superb slock, of Perform nig > Horses j 10 Pci;fofming ARADS in .their won- . dnrfulact?. SAM LONG, The-great Southern Cjown and- best.Comic -Singer in theIVolession. :•*• RICHARD HEMMINGS. the [''greatest Tight Rope perlormerju America.- T. Kixcf. the. re- jiowned CaUlorniaiV . Leuper.f Madasne. 0E BACH; the beautiful French.Equestrienne from Parte; Monn. DE CAC1I, the wonderl'tilFreiich Rider and Globe Dancer, FAI.VTI:!: and DC it A NO ;lhe two splendid American . in all their-inusctiiar aad- comic. Teats. .^Ir: CuAni.Ks .: SIIAY', the astonishing -'Chinese' |ugglbr. Signer JEROMK MASCAIIINI, the Man-Man/lty, in. his gro tesquc gamt«ols and antics as an 'Ape on Horse- back. Mr. HK.N'UV; the" great Steeple ChasJe' Rj- ' . der of the SotiUr., Maste-rs Chester, JJautiolph antl Smith, from the-Ottignon Gymnastic Insti- tute, Nclw York. ; ".••''••• •"'••.-t '•'• '"'.'"•-Vy. ••:'._; ,..' Poors open at 2 and 7 r. JI; [ . V, : V,;.'.'"'Admission 25 Cents,; ; . ; | , .;••.-•';•' . : .;. '•-'/-; , ^]pirce\'i^ItiX)ii..';': ; '' ""Immediately before opening,the doors for the afternoon performances l \ , ''.'••.•'"'••. Signrina VOLANTF. and Sig. BAROTT. V The famous Italian Aeronauts, will make a Grand Ascension on> the Wire , From the .ground to the top of the Circus/flag- staff, starting from dpposite.sides, meeting at the top, and passing each other on their return ' a distance oX.300 feet,. :jvV; cl0dd2w. WALL PAPER, ' '••'•'••'('•••:••."'..' ' • b; -.- ; WINVOIV PAPJEBJ \ ':'• ^ BORDEPJNQ, I {} ,..;,:•'.. ^ : X-••:FinEBOAim PPINTS. H- : , . rp«H3 subscriber has just opened a fine, assort- .JtVmfent of the above goods received from .one of the best factories tri itip'w lHa^l^i&i and which for. ,. beauty of pattern and low priccs-isirpass any ever betore oflered in this market, tojwhtch he invites the attention of the p r . b l i c - . ? :,..-./•• ,.y-,-c' :'••:; v . - . •"•;. F . S . W Y N K O O P , . Opposite the Ulster .County Rank. GountryMcrcb*ntssupj)lied at N. Y. prices.' •. Gas Fixtures. A NEW- and splendid assortment of ,. ; JiL . om FIXTURES Just received ?nd for sale by . •.-.- :•• J, R.SOTJTHERTON, r .:.-'--'•'.--'•'''.': ; '- '•••*' ; '•:','• ''::'•'• ••' y$'$\ street, Kingston. p i R D CAGES of every description—a ; fresh 3| lotjust opened at : t • : • . ; 1 b'd^o ; "' •'.'•,".:' ; '' v- •LAXOWOIITUY-S Emporium.;. mFEj^fisivcnuRcirH ..L guide to the doctrines and discipline, bf- ivocis and Ordinances, principles- and practices Churches, Ry/Ed'wd T\ HiscoxD.D, •'.\- : ;'''.•:*•[:> J .\ . Just received at. ;'/•: ; . ; '. . )'.•:• A' ;,;••'-\"AX;A' : ''.;.'-"•''• : 'AA:- : \' AVvKKodr's Bookstore.. : "M"EVr BOOKS.—The Precious stones of the JJ^f Ji^venly Foundation.-with illustrative se- ll'Ct'oiiB in prose and verse.; By Augustus Browne ; Garrett' •- '•' •!•" .Tlie Po^V .of;Praycr; By- Samuel I. Paine .... .Two ways to Wedlock. |; « > ,; Barths E^plorjations and Travels, in Central Africa. Ciieap edition. . | '. Livingston's Traveis in South Africa—cheap editiou.: Just received at -J .vv . .'•'•.•-•.;,•'• .- v -; t ,;;.•'•':A,.";', -;"" ViyxKoork Rookstorc; .-. yWA, at the V Si^nor t \yc .Golden Teakettle? /for *'Anything and Everyyung." G .I-0:lT;i:^:llE:Si;£t y ;CArr.;J; IT, TnEMFER, ••;. Will leave Rnndcnttv(fW>m Romcr & Tremper's Dock,) every Tuesday, .IMaursday&' Saturday, 5o , ciock,ivM. . .•.••••"-•--• ./-'. ;yAA:' .? Returning;, leave New York, (from Murray-s^t. Prer.) every Monday, .Wednesday and Fruluy,.at 5 o'clock, P.M. v , .•','.• :'.'•'-V.'A'•• A-.' •'} ,' -'••••" : •''' For Passage or FreiKht, jjpplyV to the;'Captain on boards or to.Ronuvr & Treinper, ftbndqiit. I'.ork, Fish. Eloiii-, Coarse. uuctFine^'alt, &c.> constantly on'band aiid for sale i : '^ : ' •':•-••-: . ,•-'.;.. •.'.-; W I L L I A M F.ROMER,-- '-.A". • :•*• ' JACOB; iL TKEI\1P.EK, March Rj, 1S5<). . ' . .; ;. - \ bofi; XHO-MA'S i 8 5 e . sr.^' XB'^iiL- . The sub^.crilier in placing before the public his arrangements for Ahe seasoi\.<>f 1859, would; t baivk- frt11 y. ac l> n owl ed jjo' the lib e ra I patroli a <r : c Iu;V u t. 6-i fordrecciyed by him, and. would info the. pubr lie/ that' during tlie past -winter he. has put-the Steamer Manhattan itrthe yery best oi'{ler,li.av-' in jr ex p en i ted- $ 15,01)0 t o m a !< eh c r in all r es pe c t.s a boa t w O r t h y o f the, c 0 u n t i c s s h e r e p.r (• s e n t ; v.—•: Iter Boilers are new. and h,er.- acco : m;nv'oi.!at:if>ns. greatly; enlarged and bcantititid.'..- By. t VionaLetlort; to |dease the •'•trav.elin«..'_. j'Su bs'cr i be r hopes t o r'.ee'e iy.e. a I ibo rats li.a t'e:6f t tie public p.airOhage th'e.couiH(g*se;vv(UK-,'- On A^^-XAAA'M^ . The, largest stock;of I^NaLISII CA;RPI3TS ever oflercA at retaliVvimported .expressly for : City : : -;A AX, Trade, displayed in : "•• ••,:•' : ; Ten Sywtid^ XX : : - ; : BE it a-tt ; xJ&&&WxBOix-sX : : A9m The LAitiuEsf and- ; CHKAJUJJS^ ;var^6ii';'-^s^.blKitiV ^•;- : ^- : /^en;t;-in; TO6^ntt^;'^f^lic^fJ;-*i5>^. Families visiting the great Metropolis arOdn^ vitcd. to'examine;tUis'im Carpets.;i-: ! .-;;. : ;:';,/.';;-- ; '.; : ;:;,- . -'.;:-.-- : ;- r::-XX : X.:&tiO,6^ $n$i$AffledaJ^ Enplisfb PtyalTafiesiryAft ILyiftislAEQUV-fi'C^ ; EngUsJb IniperialTlwee-^ F16br Oil tMoihs fiom 1 to Syants wltle. ' AX(A \^^-ipf K"5fiiy> ^^^r^^]i^i«^#>-"S.-"^r- v?I:5.' : -""-" White and checked ; Mats, Rugs,. Gold.and Pain ted.Window Shades,;. Druggets, French ami •English Table "and Fiauo.Go.vers; A '-. XA A } '• -.G'p'c o a Matting; ;' • '».; .• Xi^;':?, 3 4y Svand G^feot;wideyfor';• ? ''•}: ••:, ;^tJlioUBSi'OFl^CI^ at the most unprecedented •. ; A ;..;.. ^-jXgX^Xk RlX^;-A^ : A. ••••• -.' ;Goods packed^and. shipped free.of expense.^; Ail:articl6s ^afrfi^ steringy.^execufce^ \yd^kiiien,; who. have been| ; eroployed in this es- tablishment ibr- eighteen 5|eai ; s. '-; : A AI : ' y /liLRA M ANDERSON, :•,':':>'• .09 Bowery, sign pf;the' Large 'Gold Lagle.;v; ''F^iv£s0;; ik";Stii|ieMiuo •THE •••'•' : AAGrXOV''6i : TIicABest in the For ^'families to use, that-desire- a' and: World Sin rna- Menlio'a -few.V 5 Sl>ri»Vg S t y l e , ''ttXAXAy piih \x "addi'T'i 'ic.ilic i M. 'ass LI j, ItOND'OUT, ;o anu; 1 ^^^i.glfit,.' TAn&r iyiN:CJST;ON A N f); NE W:- ;Yoil-i>; .Connecting with the '; •:''.;'•,;. 'tXetitiX$n&H$H^ti0 ': And making the' usual Landings., ;':- ' THE SIMJENDID STJVAWES. 5 ; ".,'. GA-I'-T'V D.wtn AT.IIEV. JK.,..•''"•', . Will leave llondoiil every JNIoiiday- Wednesday and Eriday. at 5 o',i'.;j.i.; -, ' : ^ VVili leave New 'York; from, foot of vMuiTay street, cVeryTucsdayi Thurscluy and^ay. at 5'o'clock y. >i; •„•; ;;'-•'•' ;;'••'•;> T^gU.For Passage or :Frciglit appjy to tbe ; rap- tain on board, orof t!io Proprietor ;it ilotidont. . ' . / . T H O M A S C O R N E L L , v ; . Rondoot i85i?; MarcbJi'ISoJ). 65 ; ••; •• / FOR •:•.:- Yonkers, . -West Point, Rhineb.eck, turn LANDINGAT^ ;.'• Tarry town, : - v..-.. New b u r g h , . .." Bristoly ' Hudson. : *9i y 1 iVyack,. .;..••' Po-'keepsie Catsktli, & X; 5. ..Fare; , : Passage to 'iQ^^qP^^^^^^e/^^p^nfSi TiiK FAST AXD COMJIOIUOUS STEAMEII : - 9 SMITH, :'.A : Av" GaptainT. P LoavosBhincbeck Station forN'p.vy^qrk Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturclay. at lOfc p^clock^A. ; M,^- : Sc^Tnf«5>g"^U leave the 'same-place every 1 '• . V , n ;:: •• • ' Monday; Wednesday for Albany, at 124. o'clock, r. St;; The Ferry Boat Rhine cohneets with tire D ay Boats. ' / ; For further particulars apply, to ; V 3m'I GilARLE5 CARTER,.Agent..".. •-::•;;.:.;.:'';; ; NEWijGBK,;: A-X;- : . );FSPFQTFLLLY--.infbrrns .his 1 -patrons and lf:;;t!re;pu'biic;that^ a HU \M% ar'Ucle; graeeiuhetegaht, an(i;durable,' is. n:vw ; rea<iv •'••• and: that Lis ; genera-l. assortment of l.{a,lSv:Caps,-Fi , Gnclyl^ Yal!s^^t3arpet.aiid; ; LeiVtl),er Bags, -Ca-n-es;'&c. esnnoi Tie surpassr'dr '•'. '-J\I.o'aiH) ? s js'one of the oi<t : est EsraUHsh':rreuts ; iu'theeityv 'uOssfiijiffi-as.l^ Imports, you,mny depetKLupon getting a good 4irt!c;le,- : whether yy-oit choose ohe;Of •Dpiuestic inan'ivfacture, oi-ja Froncli pup ofthe-latest im- •pQrvatuxii. ;i\i eajio.s style is all the ;rageih.,,New York;. VJAS. W. YAXRHCRKX ;Will;:be pleased; to; see his IViend^'fi'Oin .Ulster;Goiinfy.-'. ;.:• ;.-.V<';'8'rii;'-; ! .;.;:-'--- stitch unri- valed for nI-JAUTv,••.-ELAStfCli'r and; STRKN'OTH.-— This machine sews equally Well on all. fabrics * , -musitn^cotfepW^^^ the finest Swiss Muslin aip^tb;.the lieayiest;Bea ; yer Cloth "-Or'Leather; It finishes its own wprk, .vyhicii is more durable than any; fabric, riifis.jit a-quicker rate of speed than any other, is very simple;in its construction,, easily: undeistobd, 'and with'proper'management, never gets out of repair;: ]^iik[u^ : A stitch.peculiar:to itself, - .lf$fe;inipossibie to make any improvement on t}^ latter, aod al 16ther machines infori pJLftit'; ; 6|8iim's..'.unl % AX : A : -\ B fPIw Tfnrivaled Grpiy^X^P^^^'X ^fjpfea''ihaclu/iei ^mne-,opAoifr Household Gotfs/'. ismbsy cbnsidjered; as essential to the comfort of ra'Ayeiireguiated family > as "Fire -in Wiritcr, 5J; 'or '< ;Lamps.'after Twi 1 ight,"• ; .'- : -: A X- r \ ' : . : -We only desirethat; shall give it a fair:and/impartial examination, conscious that its own superior merits wrl I be apparen t to ev- ery discerning eye. ..• ' .\ '} '••; . , ; A liberal dHscm&t on prices to MiAvisters. Ofiices.of Exhibition and sale :—-405; Broadway New York ; : 18 Summer street, Boston;; '730 Cb ; estiiut : strecti:Philadelplri.a;;; ; 181 Baltimore street, Baltimore | OS WestFpurth streot/Ciu- cinnatiV; Agencies in all the principal Cities tikidTowns in the United-States. AA'AA'. : -••:A; : \ X:'^^0^^0K^.^¥^^A$^- A:- XA :. d c a25 JI 1 ''A-.' ' ' / GBi % cnl y ' aBCCBCM j-'.T.-u-WLirif i i TT; 1859. : DAY BOAT FOR ; 1850. :.LANDING AT Nyack,.' •;. v Feekskill, ) Newburgiv , Bristol;- A-'A sHudsbh^:; Yonkers, . Grassy Point, West Foin t,'.-. Rli in check, v. Tarryt'own, Cald\yeli ? s A_ PbTceepsiey C.atskiliand •',..;'.Fare One.- ©ollafc ^':r ; ^ Passage io . Bristol & PoiceepsieZb (Jeriis. •••!'•. ,TfiK StvTERion DAY STEAMER ,;,-;; ::..;;; >iRST; TREMIUM AAA- Twmbjj'Fiije "Dcfllaiy Si .ar;- •'•"•;.A new;style .fust infrbdue'ed with; peSy ;:and yaluable improvcmeiitsy which; lriako ntisui*- passed, for general use. ' •. , - . '' ' •• rTt'Tuns without- noise,; .-;, :.', •;.•;, : ; : ' .- ' -. Isexceedinglysimplelnitsarrangement; ; :• ; Is not lia,ble.toget;Out oforder; v; It has no; cprnplieatedmaehinery ;;'-.; ; .':. It combines great practical- utility.; '.;,;•' -. A;, '•-•• 3ft is adapted to all kindsbf sewing X'X ''A--': '••'•-. Is perfectly, reliable,in its operationX^-'Ah : 'Is.ackhbwledgedto l>e tlie best; lor family use ;.It will dothe Avork of twelve Seamstresses; I It; is lavge> durable, and substantial ; '•'•-.-;.: ; : - I t is just \yhat eyCry-.' fomily needs j; '-.. : ; Isa yaliiable member ppthe hpusehbld ; •'•'-. : ; ' 'Issb; easily ;ma:naged that;aD'ybbdy caivuse it; Its price brings it within the reach of all—- : A s Only Twenty' five;l^bllars, /;; AX'-; XX' ; Including ahanclsbrheTabie ; A't-XX-i Xl'X v.; Can. be; sent, to m\y partoL; the country p^ ';;•;. ;v ..'.express,; -.;.':.; * _ - -^'" rV-A-iA'- '•'•• OPINIOXS OP THE.IIRKSS. . . ' ; -'. ^'It is perfec'tiy;- reliable^ and civhnot lail to give universal satisiactlon.'' 1 —CpnsteHationi A-'q ,.• . <f We are satisfied that it is cO;ualtb, any other in all respccts."^-sDeinocratic Age. A ,-.'-•'• 1 ; . .• Tf'Tlie mostbeantifuL practical;;and. simple machine ever iuvented;^^—Bufi^lo Republic.^ " It possesses' high rccbmmendations. ?, --N. Y;.«lrFihde^v;'^":;/ :v -;:-^ "We have^ entire, cbhfidence in its great pra^ 'ti^aPutility^^^uiid^ v"'It does;its work quite'as;well; if. nofc better,' than the liubdred and fifty.^ilar^aciii^es^^- N. Y. Courier. , EverylX)dy slipitld see.i'Qurj^^&^tim'p before pnrchasiivg othersi as it is;un^uestibnabiy mi: : rivaled for general use;. * AGENTS WANTED in;differeht sections of the country. Send for a descriptive circular. '•'-.-'.••.. •••••':: - ' '.•:•'•' '-''..•.••.'••;. '•'.'•> ! r,':. : : .<" ^ " - -•• :••••"^ .-"..-•- .•.' ;: '..-••''.' : •!;•; Atwatex SeeingCMacnine Co., ;.; : -.;; : -;;^ri3^iroafiwa^ ;-",., \.i ' Capt.jLF. TALLMAN,; : Will leave RhmeLeck ; ;Stattbm-.fc every.; : \---:r : ''- ; ; - ": : "A"A: "'-'A:-'."-'"\ :-A .'•• ''•• Monda^ ••• ^e^ne^d^^&J^rid^-; at loFp'clocki AVAr.; Returning, wilLleave the same place .every ;,"•• •"-, -.-.••'•••'-.: ;•'•• .', - -;;-'; TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, \ for Albany, at 12-t^O'clock ) :;P.;.Jt. ~ Tho : ;Ferry Boat.Rhine connects with tlie Day Boats.. ' For further particulars; apply, to;,; ; .• ;. cnl 3iu'..>;".;-;,CHA'RIAF^ CARTER, AgcttL-: IANOSi'ltELppBp^S-andtAlek g-ans, of .superior make, at great bargains. Second-hand FianOs at extremely low rates, r art £i n gTrp m; § 2^; :^ $ ^ Catalogues;o'f Muqic iiitheJlrt^ sicai'Instruthents; and ;musical merchandise/of alLkirids^ at tlies lowest--"'^spiijle.^'ratep;-.'--.;;-''^[Vs'iv.. Pianos and Me!odianis JTor. uent, and;.rent allow- ; edif;]purcliased>^ for Pianos and^Molodebris.;; %":<Ak- '• '•'.•:v ' A XA^^&^^^M^M&MXXXr n 1 Sd " .: '.•.-.. ' No. 333. Broadway. , : ^— ;-;' 4SS^;j5i^;M^ t i punr.isi.iER;bi^:'. jtusiq AND MUSIC nbdKS, PEAEER IN Pianos^ ;:%lodeons..4lexandrb-Organs^'Organ .;' ^AcCordebns. Martiii's celebrated and otf>cr : \ ••'.,: Guitars^. Violins,- Tenor Viols'. Violin- '; .--';:: cellos,: AecOrdeou's,;Flutinas; ; ,'-•'';••;; . Flutes, Fifes. t>lariph.etts,; ; ,, . Triangles, Tuning;Forks,>Pipes•'; and Hainmors. ;•• ;;yiplhv;Bow8,.best;Italiatr ; : - .•; Ihstni men ts, for bands, Piano sto'ols %• A :and : coyers, and alt kinds of ' ••••'; 'A:- : : :••••; Musical Ihstrnmeuts. .,-;• - v'; : - SHEET Mi^sie, frpni all the 'publishers in .the. ;E. S.; BerfinPs, Huntin's and" MOdern School-; and all 'kinds of Instruction Books tor the above instruments j Church Music Books ; Music ele ti;antly 'bound ; : musi^ paper j; and tnusic merchandize) at the LOWEST PRICES. ,: NEW PuvNpSy a t S ^ up to §300 ; .}.:second hand Pianos from $26 upto : SliGO^u^ iip;to ; 6200 ;; second hand ;Melodeohs ; : frbm $30 to $80;; Alexandre Organs^with five stops, $100; nine steps,;$185,.and $225,' thirteen stops, $250,; $275 : and : ;$300,»!iftcen; stops, $320:and $375 ;; Alexandre; prgau^AccOrdeons—-a; new instru^ ment justimpprtedr-p rice^ $3b;and ^v35; ; Alibv eraLdiscount tb clergymeiiy churcb,es, sabbath sc'lioolSi seminaries arnl teachers. The; trade supplied at the.usiia.lHi^ide discounts. Pianos and^melodeonsfor-rcnLand rental chased': within a specified 'time. .Monthly pay-' mehts.reeeived towards;the purchase of Fiauos, Melodeohs-and o^^nXAXXAAXXAA SabbatlLSchool.Books Published;by this House': .; The anniversary and Sunday: school music bpok>No. l,cou^^^ 3 cents each,.$2'per hundred.;;/ -}A >.•I.Tib'e .anniyersaryj. 1 -abd Sunday school music book,; Kb;2);bontains 36 tunes add hymns.-- Frice;3. cents each, $2per iiundredV ;'- ; The ^anniversary and Sunday- school miisic bookvNov3,;'contains 50 tunes and. hymns. Price icenfs(each, $3 per hundred;/;..' ' ; ^Thb; anniversary ;and ; siinday school inusic bobkyCbmbiningN^ ditioual pieces^;Conta,ins 75 trtties and hymia.i.-f-: Pride 8 cents eaph,;$5 per hundred.; > 'iA^M':t^^'V^Pf\ music books-, NOsl 1 and 2. Ko. 1 contains 18 tunes and'%hymns. '% Price one cent. , No.; 2 ; eon tains '..•••36;-tu : nes atiil^ nymhs.^- Price 3 cents each, $2 per hundred. Postage onecent each. - , ' ;'* '. A. Th e eabba th soli obi be llcon tain s i 51 tunes an d hymnS.; Pricov F2 cents'•;eacn, 1 $8 pdr;huridred^ postages--'2 cents:'bach:.'•$ elegantly bound; 20 cents each, $15 per hundred. '' ••'. Cortg'rb/gaftiorial singing -yan eight page tract, Price 25c,per dpz;,-SI 50 per liundredv ; TESTJMPNEVT.S(OP TI^llbltACB WATERS PIANOS AX? XXAXAXAA;' : ^$0^^SAAAA ,./ AA'. A. XA ; ;i'The; JPi^no came to hand,: and; in first rate order., It is a beautiful instrument and no: mis- take.^--Leo-^;%lker,ihiiai A' . X AXk •: JohnTtewitt.^ii;Carthagey;New.York, : \yho,has had one o L ^ ibliows-: ;' /•'; •';•. XAAAAAAA : -AAAA : - ; :'3,;- %AA', \ :•.--.•«.' A;friend oLiriine:wishes moito purchase a pianoi''fpr ; her. ; ;She ; likes the'oiieyou sold me in Lecember^lSS&i 3l^^ lar inthis place,;andFthJttkI One br;t^b>^brb; they ;-wlli^ than aity; other make."' ''/ ;>; '•;'.;'• .A-X :; ;." ; :''We ; havo;twb;of Waters' pianos in use in our seminary,bho;.bf whicjihas beensey^rel^;teste;d: i$X^im'^$9i£^^^^. caii testify to their good quality;;and .>du : raibil^ ;^-«* AAQAA ; tyAfri^As^AAA : .^H^WatersYT^ ono of ybur' ; Piano;-Fprtes for two v years pastjT' iiave .^ound;: it;a very : superior instr^uuCn $£$$. ionzo &ruVy^Principal^ Brooklyn; irieights sem ; inary." •;;-• -.,::v,:,...v.-- ;;:-^.,.,--,^..:-,.-;:>,;. : -:.^;v^ > <f The PianoLreceived i rom! you; continues to giv^Vsatisf^Gitiany; l;r6gar^^^ Instruniients; in the ^ :CharlestonV:V;a,; A'fXXXXAA&n •AA^A'X"'' •••'"••'<Tlio'; .'Mclbdeqrt^as^ ;^af0^:;va^i^ed,^l^eel; b&jige^i^ dp altl;'can for;^pu in these partsir-Rev/ J. Ml MGCbr^c1^Y)u^s^ife :; AAAAAA'A r -.. r .——|—hnniffTttMiiV'fttT^fai t 111 i mi.HI if—.u.l.i :.;'-;-•;>'The piano was duly received.; It came iu excellent condition, and is yerymuch admired by my numerous:family. Accept my;thanks for your promptness.' ? ---Rob' , t Cooper, WaErenham, Bradford Co*, Pa; ,;. ;{ '•;• '•••'** Your piano pleases us well. It is'tbc best bue in our County."'--Thojnas A. Latuanij Cainpr .belRon,-Ga. ;, ;; /v :.-.;|;; ;; ..;-;-',-. ;.-;•: >' VVe are very much obliged to you for havw ing sent such a line instrument for, $260, and \ve shall.take paius to recommend it. ,J —Brink, field;te€p.vBuffalo Democrat. • : ••The Horace Waters PianoS are; known as' among the very best: We are enabled to speak of tbese instruments with confid.ence,from; per- sonal knowledgiei of their excellent tone and du- rablejiuality-.-."^.N; YlEvangelist. ; "• *'We can speak of the merits;of the Horace Waters Pianos from personal knowledge, as be-.-. ing bf the' very best quality; ;, —Christian Intel- ligencer.: ; ^ ;; ••.;'•••••' • AAA AA 'AA^AXAA i ;^Nbthing at the state Fair 'displayed greatei-: excellence in any department than the Horace Waters Pianbs. J '%-Gliurchman.' AS AA- .' >-THe Horace Waters; Pianos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material.-^ We have no doubt that buyers can do as welly perhaps better, at this than at:any'other house in the Unibn."—Advocate and Journal.; ; ; 'M'Waters', .:plan,o/| and melodepns challenge coniparison with the Jinestlmade anywhere in? the country."—Home Journal;.,'. ; '; ^'.Horace Waters piano fortes are of full rich, arid even tone, and ppwerTul. ;7 --rN. Y. Musicab Iteview, " A'' ':.-•'. •••t',-: ;; .. ".- / ;- '•Qii-r friends ; will llnd atvMr.,Waters' store t](e very best assortment of .music and of pianow to be found in the Hiiited States, and we urge our southern and western friends to give him « call when ever they go to New,york.--0raliam ? » -Magazine. ','••• : '-' : .';- '•'•'''.'•''" •• •: : : 'AAXXlXXX-'A'A- XXXrXX--/ ; -:.r:i ti,A : X. rpfll RKVI\5L:-_M"USIG BOOK, No. 11: is . :JL : how ready. It contains 3(5:tunes and hymns, and is one of the,best collections ever issufid.— • PriceS cts. single ;' $2 per hundred ; postage: 1 cent each. Just published by . '. "•'•'•"••' .HORACE NVATBRSj Agent, ' 1 8d •';;•;;•'; No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. eiiousa /(Old stand of.C ; S.;Ciay,) : ;- CORNER OENpit'l'lI FRONT.& WALE STS.> KINGSTON, -. v' :: ."-;,;;-•.:• ':':•: ULSTER'co.^ N.''Y. '';.•"•- :".':'; 'A M U. A;<Q ©;'•: ifcc X'^-*.S-;15; If.,' A ' Dealers in Drugs and Medicines, Dye., stuffs, Pain ts, Oils arid' spices, chemicals^ white lead, whito and brpwn zinc paint, window glass, put- ty, Linseed oil, fluid, camphene, phosgehe, al- Cohoi, lamp OJI,&C M &C. ; Propidetors of Irvine's celebrated Horse Lfn- i m en t. CI ay s Am ica Li ni thent,. SIrong's En ter- prise Pills, C1 ay's Cafechu Cordial.1 rvine ? s Con- dition Powders, and the. French.Chemical Blue ;for•J>l'^ ; eihg•^cl6thes.:;':;.•i•;•^.';:^.';!;•.'' : ;, ., ; 1 : f^il^AY'SARNICA LINIlSiENT relieves painin \A the buck or side invmcdja^elr. Hold by ; -"BRAGG & JANSKK, Druggists, r ;"'/;...-•"'••;••'. : Kingstoti, N. Y. '-..' ^LAY^ARNIOALINlMKNTis the best rem- edy for sore throat, tic Dolereaux, or ague in the f^ce,; Sold'by BRAGO & JArCSKN,at cents H bottle;'.'.'•;'•': . -.-•••• '.-'•' B ROCOLI SEEI) sold by iBragg & Janscn, ;'•;Clay's Drug Store.' ' ; / at AAAA^'^7%7': Ja..' B 3C , .0 3EaC^32S^, AX\'i ::C;L;0C:RS;AN©;Jii;WEl;!Sy, Silver. &> Plated Mare, Perfurrtery, &c. L - '-AAA;,•'^AuAA'A'A^- AAA"'A^^^ 5 ^ T prices cdrrcspouding witlithe times, can, oid^bc obtained at 6AFF0RD & KAIL'S cbeap;Je\yAlry.Stbrei No. 12.Wall st.,near North •Kbntj.King-sto^ " ^ numerous patronsand f"iemd8 that they have just made an oxtciVsiyeadditb^ of the; finest and nipst approved patterns, whicl*. we arcivow prtering at ^hard times.." prices../ , Availing''.•purselyc'sf of the advantage's of ca ( sh purc]iasesj %v r ith aii extensive;acquaintance,wi-tlv the mbst••;reliable ^lauufact.ureA^, wochallengo . cpinpetitipQin every'depa.rtiucuiof our,b,usinc?sw arid respectfully solicit an inspection from tli«i public gcncrallyvbotb as toP^jcK aiid Q,vA^iTy; : SILVER \YARF of ''-"every description, (war wanted'ecpual:;to ; :ceiny at' inanufacturcrs;/prices, and3yerytliing appertaining' to cthax trade at. ^';an^-fo^yism'';.;',-; A'AA^A^ lA-'' : -''••• ' : A 'X--A • .AllRinds pi ;W iandi' \ r satisfaction gnarahtecd, Iti a word, ourf aim-is to please.vOarmbtto. *?JM\r PricesV? and LOTS ofTRA0EV:-.;Callarid.*e^us^ AA, - ; ;.H.;;^v- : ''-: : '.'-'^:'''SAFF0RD ; & KAIL,";-; A-Ay:, -,;;;•• AXAA> M;.12'W/alt>tV^iicar;-:North Frbnt,,8t;,;].;.' ' •; ^O and get thpHC poor 1 inprcss'ions re-tafceni-iiifr "'• a superior.manner^ • •-•'- A&fM$$< ^i'AA^AX': AA : 'i''- X^WmnS)JT 3 $Ga\\vtfA" tfftA^-••>•• Al'AA.m..3.WaU * t ' '" XXA Iii St- •:'£, •• '. rt .':• ,-;,• .-^^,-;.;.i,,,,!,,,;^^^^^^^^jjjj^milj^^ ..;;=•• mmmtrn Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: MMiWM iSSro • -c2i::oLOfcjs, 10/Kingston NY Daily Chronicle/Kingsto… · •t*»-7"-*V '>»** *»v:»*""!''V*^_!^^VRW^" ,i*'?//'T.*v7:!!r"'?

•t*»-7"-*V '>»**<*?•> *»v:»*""!''V*" ^_!^^VRW^,i*'?//'T.*v7:!!r"'? '•' •'

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> • ' - • • •



• • ' • t


fOWKSPD,lERBlTT&CR9SBY No 7 Wall ist^efchavo, dur4n& the-;jmst week, Ween making large additions to their stock of-

also cloths and capsimeres, arid Summer 'stuffs fOr:men?s wear, • Our stock of 1 .•• '• '--. •

•:;rV :Carpets,;.0'iI- Cloths, MattraWo-vFeaf |mrs. &c./is 'uneqUalcd inqua l ­

i t y and price, Kingston,-April 22, r50. sitf

Airangci \»cn«s; f"or135yi

Morning Bpat for N e w York;;. Landing;-at,..Poyghkccpsicr'^

'. j£ew-Ham burgh, Cornwall, Cold.Spring, •••'•• West Point; Gozzoiis' & Caldwell's'.' "''. A.

*i wojTf. iv i jwiyKK*^w t ik.yfs.'yiMtTtrt^ww;



ND SEED STORE, corner iMain and East !"5L Front streets. Kingston, Ulster Co., (oppo­

site Schryvers Hotel.) §',.-'.:• ; ; . . .Merc-hants, Farmers and dealers are most res-

poctfully invited to call and examine ourne jv +:'•A and carefuily selected stock of imptcmentsv

\ seeds.&c., all of wHiph Avc.will sell as low, if not • ' l o w e r than any other house, in the'trade. ••-O ' v .•.•,•:, :•.-.. MONTANYK & REYNOLDS. : *'; X'i :/^^Reme ;mliier the new stand; .-;..-' • ' c ' l t l

.. MMiWM iSSro • -c2i::oLOfcjs,:'."-



, . J ^ ^ — r e : . - : ••"r.irrr^i^c 3fe

Pffiiiiil ; : C A P T . A. L. A N D E R S O N , '-••:

VV"i11 leave I tondontcyery morning at 5£ o'clock arriving; in jSfe'w York at i l ^o ' c lock . Returning will leave New Yojdc, frbhi the foot of Jay s t reet , every a•.•quarter', before 4-o'clock.rh

:A0:X'^tf'0^M R O M E l l 1 ' • & TCJBilBiajP-KR' s


The Elegant:Siearner•§•

Jons G% ST.OAT,.'.-. -.-. .;'.<>.> • • • •'.'••'• • -»Manager. FRANK WiirrTAKEii......... Equestrian Director.

The only legitimate and 'most respectable 1roop of Equestrians in..the world. corndnriibg. 'Merri-

". ment, Amusement and ' Recreation'; unalloyed ;".-;• with profanity or vulgarity. • A ':A\-A:A '.;:

.. The MoU Splendid \ 'Exhibition ./• r . Ever offered to the public, a t ; / ;-;'•:

" • ; \ K i h g s t o n , . iM&y •Xl'.jiU,"•! S 5 9 ; ' / Among the overpowering atjt.ractipns in the

. JoePent land Circus, pro the -unparalleled per-. formances of the superb slock, of • Perform nig

> Horses j 10 Pci;fofming ARADS in .their won-. dnrfulact?. SAM LONG, The-great Southern

Cjown and- best.Comic -Singer in theIVolession. :•*• RICHARD HEMMINGS. the [''greatest Tight

Rope perlormerju America.- T. Kixcf. the. re-jiowned CaUlorniaiV . Leuper.f Madasne. 0 E BACH; the beautiful French.Equestrienne from

• Parte; Monn. DE CAC1I, the wonderl'tilFreiich Rider and Globe Dancer, FAI.VTI:!: and DC it A NO ;lhe two splendid American . in all their-inusctiiar aad- comic. Teats. .^Ir: CuAni.Ks

.: SIIAY', the astonishing -'Chinese' |ugglbr . Signer JEROMK MASCAIIINI, the Man-Man/lty, in. his gro tesquc gamt«ols and antics as an 'Ape on Horse­back. Mr. HK.N'UV; the" great Steeple ChasJe' Rj-

' . der of the SotiUr., Maste-rs Chester, JJautiolph antl Smith, from the-Ottignon Gymnastic Insti­tute , Nclw York. ;".••''••• •" ' •• . - t '•'• '"'. '"•-Vy. ••:'._;

,..' Poors open at 2 and 7 r. JI; [ . V, : V,;.'.'"'Admission 25 Cents,; ; . ; | , .;••.-•';•' . : . ; .

'•-'/-; , ^]pirce\'i^ItiX)ii.. '; ': ; ' ' "" Immedia t e ly before opening,the doors for the

afternoon performances l • \ , ''.'••.•'"'••. Signrina VOLANTF. and Sig. BAROTT. V

The famous Italian Aeronauts, will make a

Grand Ascension on> the Wire, From the .ground to the top of the Circus/flag­staff, starting from dpposite.sides, meeting at the top, and passing each other on their return

' a distance oX.300 feet,. :jvV; c l0dd2w.

WALL PAPER, ' '••'•'••'('•••:••."'..' ' • b ; -.- ; WINVOIV PAPJEBJ \ ':'• ^

• BORDEPJNQ, I {} ,..;,:•'.. ^ :

X- ••: FinEBOAim PPINTS. H-:, . r p « H 3 subscriber has just opened a fine, assort-

.JtVmfent of the above goods received from .one of the best factories tri itip'w lHa^l^i&i and which for.

,. beauty of pat tern and low priccs-isirpass any ever betore oflered in this marke t , tojwhtch he invites the attention of the p r . b l i c - . ?

:,..-./•• , .y - , -c ' :'••:; v . - . •"•;. F . S . W Y N K O O P , . Opposite the Ulster .County Rank.

GountryMcrcb*ntssupj)l ied at N. Y. prices. '

•. Gas Fixtures. A NEW- and splendid assortment of • ,. ;

J iL . om FIXTURES Jus t received ?nd for sale by . •.-.-

:•• J , R.SOTJTHERTON, r .:.-'--'•'.--'•'''.':;'- '•••*';'•:','• ''::'•'• ••' y$'$\ s t ree t , Kingston.

p i R D CAGES of every description—a; fresh 3 | lotjust opened at : t • : • . ;

1 b'd^o ; "' •'.'•,".:';'' v- •LAXOWOIITUY-S Emporium.;.

mFEj^fisivcnuRcirH ..L guide to the doctrines and discipline, bf-ivocis and Ordinances, principles- and practices Churches, Ry/Ed'wd T\ HiscoxD.D, •'.\-:;'''.•:*•[:>J.\ . Just received at. ;'/•: ; . ; '. . )'.•:• A' ;,;••'-\"AX;A' •:''.;.'-"•''• :'AA:-:\' AVvKKodr's Bookstore..

: "M"EVr BOOKS.—The Precious stones of the JJ^f J i ^ v e n l y Foundation.-with illustrative se-ll'Ct'oiiB in prose and verse.; By Augustus Browne ;Garrett ' •- '• ' •!•"

.Tlie P o ^ V .of;Praycr; • By- Samuel I. Paine.... .Two ways to Wedlock. | ; « >

,; Barths E^plorjations and Travels, in Central Africa. Ciieap edition. . |

'. Livingston's Traveis in South Africa—cheap editiou.: Jus t received at -J .vv

. .'•'•.•-•.;,•'• .-v-;t,;;.•'•':A,.";', -;"" ViyxKoork Rookstorc; .-.

yWA, at the V Si^nor t \yc .Golden Teaket t le? / f o r *'Anything and Everyyung." G

.I-0:lT;i:^:llE:Si;£t y ;CArr.;J; IT, TnEMFER, ••;.

Will leave Rnndcnttv(fW>m Romcr & Tremper ' s Dock,) every Tuesday, .IMaursday&' Saturday, 5o ,ciock, ivM. . .•.••••"-•--• ./-'. ;yAA:' .?

Returning;, leave New York, (from Murray-s^t. • Prer.) every Monday, .Wednesday and Fruluy,.at 5 o'clock, P . M . v , .•','.• :'.'•'-V.'A'•• A-.' •'} ,' -'••••": •'''

For Passage or FreiKht, jjpplyV to the;'Captain on boards or to.Ronuvr & Tre inper , ftbndqiit.

I'.ork, Fish. Eloiii-, Coarse. uuctFine^'alt , &c.> constantly on'band aiid for sale i • : '^ : ' •':•-••-: . ,•-'.;.. •.'.-; WILLIAM F . R O M E R , - -

'-.A". • :•*• ' JACOB; i L TKEI\1P.EK, March Rj, 1S5<). . ' . .; ;. - \ bofi;

X H O - M A ' S i 8 5 e .

s r . ^ ' XB'^ i iL-. The sub^.crilier in placing before the public his arrangements for Ahe seasoi\.<>f 1859, would; t baivk-f rt 11 y. ac l> n owl ed jjo' the lib e ra I patroli a <r:c Iu;V u t. 6-i fordrecciyed by him, and. would info the. pubr lie/ that ' during tlie past -winter he. has put-the Steamer Manhattan i t r the yery best oi'{ler,li.av-' in jr ex p en i ted- $ 15,01)0 t o m a !< e h c r in all r es pe c t.s a boa t w O r t h y o f the, c 0 u n t i c s s h e r e p.r (• s e n t;v.—•: Iter Boilers are new. and h,er.- acco:m;nv'oi.!at:if>ns. greatly; enlarged and bcantititid.'..- By. t VionaLetlort; to |dease the •'•trav.elin«..'_.

j'Su bs'cr i be r hopes t o r'.ee'e iy.e. a I ibo r a t s li.a t'e:6f • t tie • public p.airOhage th'e.couiH(g*se;vv(UK-,'-

O n

A^^-XAAA'M^ . The, largest stock;of I^NaLISII CA;RPI3TS ever oflercA at retaliVvimported .expressly for :City

: :-;A AX, Trade, displayed in:"•• ••,:•'

:; Ten Sywtid^ XX:

:-;:BE it a-tt;• xJ&&&WxBOix-sX ::A9m

The LAitiuEsf and-;CHKAJUJJS^ ;var^6ii';'-^s^.blKitiV ^•;-:^-:/^en;t;-in; TO6^ntt^;'^f^lic^fJ;-*i5>^.

Families visiting the great Metropolis arOdn^ vitcd. to'examine;tUis'im Carpets.;i-:!.-;;.:;:';,/.';;--;'.;:;:;,- . -'.;:-.--:;-

r::-XX:X.:&tiO,6^ $n$i$AffledaJ^ Enplisfb PtyalTafiesiryAft ILyiftislAEQUV-fi'C^

; EngUsJb IniperialTlwee-^ F16br Oil tMoihs f i o m 1 t o S y a n t s w l t l e . '

AX(A \ ^^ - ip f K"5fiiy> ^^r^^]i^i«^#>-"S.-"^r- v?I:5.':-""-" White and checked ; Mats, Rugs,. Gold.and Pain ted.Window Shades,;. Druggets, French ami •English Table "and Fiauo.Go.vers;

A '-. XA A} '• -.G'p'c o a M a t t i n g ; ;' • '».; .• Xi^;':?, 3 4y Svand G^feot;wideyfor';• ? ''•}:••:, ; ^ t J l ioUBSi 'OFl^CI^

at the most unprecedented •.; A ;..;.. -jXgX^Xk RlX^;-A^:A. ••••• -.'

;Goods packed^and. shipped free.of expense.^; Ail:articl6s ^afrfi^ steringy.^execufce^ \yd^kiiien,; who. have been|;eroployed in this es­tablishment ibr- eighteen 5|eai;s. '-;:

A AI:' y /liLRA M ANDERSON, :•,':':>'• .09 Bowery, sign pf;the' Large 'Gold Lagle.;v;

''F^iv£s0;; ik";Stii|ieMiuo

•THE •••'•':


TIicABest in the For ^'families to use, that-desire- a'





Menlio'a -few.V

5 Sl>ri»Vg S t y l e ,


piih \x "addi'T'i ' i c . i l i c i

M. ' ass LI j ,


;o anu;1 ^^^i.glfit,.' TAn&r

iyiN:CJST;ON A N f); N E W : - ;Yoil-i>; . C o n n e c t i n g wi th t h e ' ; •:''.;'•,;.

'tXetitiX$n&H$H^ti0 ': And making the' usual Landings., ;':-



5 ; " . , ' . GA-I'-T'V D.wtn AT.IIEV. JK.,..•''"•',

. Will leave llondoiil every JNIoiiday- Wednesday and Eriday. at 5 o',i'.;j.i.; -, ' : ^

VVili leave New 'York; from, foot of vMuiTay s t ree t , cVeryTucsdayi Thurscluy and^ay. at 5'o'clock y. >i; •„•; ;;'-•'•' ; ; ' • • ' • ; >

T^gU.For Passage or :Frciglit appjy to t b e ; r a p -tain on board, orof t!io Proprietor ;it ilotidont. .

• ' . / . T H O M A S CORNELL, v;. Rondoot

i 8 5 i ? ;

MarcbJi'ISoJ). 65

;••; •• / F O R •:•.:-

Yonkers, . -West Point, Rhineb.eck,

turn LANDINGAT^ ;.'• Tarry town, : -

v..-.. New burgh,. .." Bristoly '

Hudson. :


y 1 iVyack,. .;..••' Po-'keepsie Catsktli, &

X; 5. ..Fare; ,: Passage to 'iQ^^qP^^^^^^e/^^p^nfSi


9 SMITH, • :'.A:Av" GaptainT. P

LoavosBhincbeck Station forN'p.vy^qrk Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturclay. at lOfc p^clock^A.;M,^-:Sc^Tnf«5>g"^U leave the

'same-place every 1 '• • . V ,n;:: •• • '

Monday; Wednesday for Albany, at 124. o'clock, r . St;; The Ferry Boat Rhine cohneets with tire D ay Boats. ' / ;

For further particulars apply, to ; V 3m'I GilARLE5 CARTER,.Agent.."..

•-::•;;.:.;.:'';;; NEWijGBK,;: A-X;-:. ) ;FSPFQTFLLLY-- . i n fb r rns .his1-patrons and lf:;;t!re;pu'biic;that^

a HU \M% ar'Ucle; graeeiuhetegaht, an(i;durable,' is. n:vw;rea<iv•'••• and: that Lis;genera-l. assortment of l.{a,lSv:Caps,-Fi,Gnclyl^ Yal!s^^t3arpet.aiid;;LeiVtl),er Bags, -Ca-n-es;'&c. esnnoi Tie surpassr'dr'•'.'-J\I.o'aiH)?s js'one of the oi<t:

est EsraUHsh':rreuts;iu'theeityv 'uOssfiijiffi-as.l^ Imports, you,mny depetKLupon getting a good 4irt!c;le,-: whether yy-oit choose ohe;Of •Dpiuestic inan'ivfacture, oi-ja Froncli pup ofthe-latest im-•pQrvatuxii.

;i\i eajio.s style is all the ;rageih.,,New York;. VJAS. W. YAXRHCRKX ;Will;:be pleased; to; see his

IViend^'fi'Oin .Ulster;Goiinfy.-'. ;.:• ;.-.V<'';'8'rii;'-;!.;.;:-''---

stitch unri­valed for nI-JAUTv,••.-ELAStfCli'r and; STRKN'OTH.-— This machine sews equally Well on all . fabrics *,

-musitn cotfepW^^^ the finest Swiss Muslin aip^tb;.the lieayiest;Bea;

yer Cloth "-Or'Leather; It finishes its own wprk, .vyhicii is more durable than any; fabric, riifis.jit a-quicker rate of speed than any other, is very simple;in its construction,, easily: undeistobd, 'and with'proper'management, never gets out of repair;: ]^iik[u^:A stitch.peculiar:to itself, -

.lf$fe;inipossibie to make any improvement on t } ^ latter, aod al 16ther machines infori pJLftit';;6|8iim's..'.unl % AX:A:-\

B fPIw Tfnrivaled Grpiy^X^P^^^'X ^fjpfea''ihaclu/iei^mne-,opAoifr Household Gotfs/'. ismbsy cbnsidjered; as essential to the comfort of ra'Ayeiireguiated family> as " F i r e -in Wiritcr,5J;

'or '< ;Lamps.'after Twi 1 ight,"• ;.'-:-: A X- r \ ' : . :

-We only desirethat; shall give it a fair:and/impartial examination, conscious that its own superior merits wrl I be apparen t to ev­ery discerning eye. ..• ' .\ '} '••; . , ;

A liberal dHscm&t on prices to MiAvisters. Ofiices.of Exhibition and sale :—-405; Broadway

New York ; : 18 Summer street, Boston;; '730 Cb;estiiut:strecti:Philadelplri.a;;;;181 Baltimore street, Baltimore | OS WestFpurth streot/Ciu-cinnatiV; Agencies in al l the principal Cities tikidTowns in the United-States.AA'AA'.:

-••:A;:\ X:'^^0^^0K^.^¥^^A$^- A:- XA :. d c a25 JI 1 ''A-.' ' ' / •

GBi %

c n l y ' a B C C B C M j-'.T.-u-WLirif i i TT;

1859. : D A Y BOAT FOR ; 1850.

:.LANDING AT Nyack,.' •;.

v Feekskill, ) Newburgiv

, Bristol;-A-'A sHudsbh^:;

Yonkers, . Grassy Point, West Foin t,'.-. Rli in check, v.

Tarryt'own, Cald\yeli?s A_ PbTceepsiey


•',..;'.Fare One.- ©ollafc ':r;^ Passage io . Bristol & PoiceepsieZb (Jeriis.

•••!'•. ,TfiK StvTERion D A Y S T E A M E R ,;,-;;

::..;;; >iRST; TREMIUM AAA-

Twmbjj'Fiije "Dcfllaiy Si

.ar;-•'•"•;.A new;style .fust infrbdue'ed with; peSy ;:and yaluable improvcmeiitsy which; lriako ntisui*-passed, for general use. ' • •. , - . ' ' '•• rTt'Tuns without- noise,; . -;, :.', •;.•;,:;:' .- ' -.

I sexceedinglys implelni tsarrangement ; ; :• ; Is not lia,ble.toget;Out oforder; v;

I t has no; cprnplieatedmaehinery ;;'-.; ;.':. I t combines great practical- utility.; '.;,;•' -. A;, '•-•• 3ft is adapted to all k indsbf sewing X'X ''A--':

'••'•-. Is perfectly, reliable,in its operationX^-'Ah : 'Is.ackhbwledgedto l>e tlie best; lor family use

;.It will do the Avork of twelve Seamstresses; I It; is lavge> durable, and substantial ; '•'•-.-;.: ;: - I t is just \yhat eyCry-.' fomily needs j ; '-.. :; I s a yaliiable member ppthe hpusehbld ; •'•'-.:;

' ' Issb; easily ;ma:naged that;aD'ybbdy caivuse it; I t s price brings it within the reach of all—- :

As Only Twenty' five;l^bllars, /;; AX'-; XX' ; Including ahanclsbrheTabie ; A't-XX-i Xl'X

v.; Can. be; sent, to m\y par toL; the country p^ ';;•;. ;v ..'.express,; -.;.':.; * _ - - '" rV-A-iA'- '•'•• OPINIOXS OP THE.IIRKSS. . . ' ; -'.

^'It is perfec'tiy;- reliable^ and civhnot lail to give universal satisiactlon.''1—CpnsteHationi A-'q ,.• .<fWe are satisfied that it i s cO;ualtb, any other in all respccts."^-sDeinocratic Age. A ,-.'-•'• 1 ; . .• Tf'Tlie mostbeantifuL practical;;and. simple machine ever iuvented;^^—Bufi^lo Republic.^

" It possesses' high rccbmmendations.?,--N. Y;.«lrFihde^v;'^":;/:v-;:-^ • " W e have^ entire, cbhfidence in its great p r a ^ ' t i^aPutili ty^^^uiid^ v " ' I t does;its work quite'as;well; if. nofc better,' than the liubdred and fifty.^ilar^aciii^es^^-N. Y. Courier. ,

EverylX)dy slipitld see.i'Qurj^^&^tim'p before pnrchasiivg othersi as it is;un^uestibnabiy mi::

rivaled for general use;. * AGENTS WANTED in;differeht sections of the

country. Send for a descriptive circular. ' • ' - . - ' . • • . . ••••• ' : : - • ' • ' . • : • ' • ' ' - ' ' . . • . • • . ' • • ; . ' • ' . ' • > ! r , ' : . : : .<" ^ " • - - • • • : • • • • " ^ . - " . . - • - . • . ' ; : ' . . - • • ' ' . ' : • ! ; • ;

Atwatex SeeingCMacnine Co., ;.;:-.;;:-;;^ri3^iroafiwa^

;-",., \.i ' Capt . jLF. TALLMAN,; :

Will leave RhmeLeck ;;Stattbm-.fc every.; :\---:r:''- ;; - "::"A"A: "'-'A:-'."-'"\ :-A .'•• ''••

Monda^ ••• ^e^ne^d^^&J^rid^-; at loFp'clocki AVAr.; Returning, wilLleave the same place .every ;,"•• •"-, -.-.••'•••'-.: ;•'•• .', - - ; ; - ' ;

TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, \ for Albany, at 12-t^O'clock):;P.;.Jt. ~ Tho : ;Ferry Boat.Rhine connects with tlie Day Boats.. ' For further particulars; apply, to;,; ; .• ;. • cnl 3iu'..>;".;-;,CHA'RIAF^ CARTER, Agct tL- :

IANOSi ' l tELppBp^S-andtAlek g-ans, of .superior make, at great bargains.

Second-hand FianOs at extremely low rates, r art £i n gTrp m; § 2^; : ^ $ Catalogues;o'f Muqic iiitheJlrt^ sicai'Instruthents; and ;musical merchandise/of alLkirids^ at tlies lowest--"' spiijle. 'ratep;-.'--.;;-'' [Vs'iv.. Pianos and Me!odianis JTor. uent, and;.rent allow- ; edif;]purcliased>^ for Pianos and^Molodebris.;; %":<Ak- '• '•'.•:v '

A XA^^&^^^M^M&MXXXr n 1 Sd " .: '.•.-.. ' No. 333. Broadway. ,

: ^ — r . i o ;-;' 4 S S ^ ; j 5 i ^ ; M ^ t i

punr.isi.iER;bi^:'. jtusiq AND MUSIC nbdKS, PEAEER IN

Pianos^ ;:%lodeons..4lexandrb-Organs^'Organ .;' AcCordebns. Martiii's celebrated and otf>cr :\ ••'.,: Guitars^. Violins,- Tenor Viols'. Violin- ' ;

. - - ' ; : : cellos,: AecOrdeou's,;Flutinas; ; ,'-•'';••;; . Flutes, Fifes. t>lariph.etts,; ; , , .

Triangles, Tuning;Forks,>Pipes•'; and Hainmors. ;•• ;;yiplhv;Bow8,.best;Italiatr ; :- .•; Ihstni men ts, for bands, Piano sto'ols %• A

• :and: coyers, and a l t kinds of ' ••••'; 'A:-:: :••••; Musical Ihstrnmeuts. .,-;• -v';:- SHEET Mi^sie, frpni all the 'publishers in .the. ;E. S.; BerfinPs, Huntin's and" MOdern School-; and all 'kinds of Instruction Books tor the above instruments j Church Music Books ; Music ele ti;antly 'bound ;: musi^ paper j; and tnusic merchandize) a t the LOWEST PRICES. ,: NEW PuvNpSy at S ^ up to §300;.}.:second hand Pianos from $26 upto :

Sl iGO^u^ iip;to; 6200 ;; second hand ;Melodeohs;

:frbm $30 to $80;; Alexandre Organs^with five stops, $100; nine steps,;$185,.and $225,' thirteen stops, $250,; $275 : and :;$300,»!iftcen; stops, $320:and $375 ;; Alexandre; prgau^AccOrdeons—-a; new instru^ ment justimpprtedr-p rice^ $3b;and ^v35; ; Alibv eraLdiscount tb clergymeiiy churcb,es, sabbath sc'lioolSi seminaries arnl teachers. The; trade supplied at the.usiia.lHi^ide discounts. Pianos and^melodeonsfor-rcnLand rental chased': within a specified 'time. .Monthly pay-' mehts.reeeived towards;the purchase of Fiauos, Melodeohs-and o^^nXAXXAAXXAA

SabbatlLSchool.Books Published;by this House':

.; The anniversary and Sunday: school music bpok>No. l,cou^^^ 3 cents each,.$2'per hundred.;;/ -}A >.•I.Tib'e .anniyersaryj.1 -abd Sunday school music book,; Kb;2);bontains 36 tunes add hymns.--Frice;3. cents each, $2per iiundredV ;'- ;

The ^anniversary and Sunday- school miisic bookvNov3,;'contains 50 tunes and. hymns. Price icenfs(each, $3 per hundred;/;..' ' ; ^Thb; anniversary ;and ;siinday school inusic

bobkyCbmbiningN^ ditioual pieces^;Conta,ins 75 trtties and hymia.i.-f-: Pride 8 cents eaph,;$5 per hundred.; > 'iA^M':t^^'V^Pf\ music books-, NOsl 1 and 2. Ko. 1 contains 18 tunes and'%hymns.'% Price one cent. , No.; 2; eon tains '..•••36;-tu:nes atiil^ nymhs.^-Price 3 cents each, $2 per hundred. Postage onecent each. - , ' ;'* '. A. Th e eabba th soli obi be llcon tain s i 51 tunes an d hymnS.; Pricov F2 cents'•;eacn,1 $8 pdr;huridred^ postages--'2 cents:'bach:.'•$ elegantly bound; 20 cents each, $15 per hundred. ' ' ••'. Cortg'rb/gaftiorial singing -yan eight page tract, Price 25c,per dpz;,-SI 50 per liundredv ;


XXAXAXAA;':^$0^^SAAAA ,./ AA'. A. XA ; ; i 'The; JPi^no came to hand,: and; in first ra te

order., I t is a beautiful instrument and no: mis-take .^ - -Leo-^ ;%lker , ih i ia i A' . • X AXk •: JohnTtewitt.^ii;Carthagey;New.York,:\yho,has had one o L ^ ibliows-: ;' /•'; •';•. XAAAAAAA:-AAAA:-

; :'3,;- %AA', \ :•.--.•«.' A;friend oLiriine:wishes moi to purchase a pianoi''fpr;her. ;;She;likes the'oiieyou sold me in Lecember^lSS&i 3 l^^ lar in th i s p lace , ; andFthJ t tk I One b r ; t ^b>^brb ; they ;-wlli^ than aity; other make."'''/ ;>; '•;'.;'• .A-X:;;.";

: ' 'We ;havo;twb;of Waters' pianos in use in our seminary,bho;.bf whicjihas beensey^rel^;teste;d: i$X^im'^$9i£^^^^. caii testify to their good quality;;and .>du :raibil^ ; -«* AAQAA;tyAfri^As^AAA

: . ^ H ^ W a t e r s Y T ^ ono of ybur';Piano;-Fprtes for two vyears pastjT' iiave .^ound;: it;a very : superior instr^uuCn$£$$. ionzo &ruVy^Principal^ Brooklyn; irieights sem;

inary." •;;-• -.,::v,:,...v.-- ;;:- .,.,--, ..:-,.-;:>,;.:-:. ;v^ > • <f The PianoLreceived i rom! you; continues to

giv^Vsatisf^Gitiany; l;r6gar^^^ Instruniients; in the ^ :CharlestonV:V;a,; A'fXXXXAA&n •AA^A'X"'' •••'"••'<Tlio'; .'Mclbdeqrt^as^ ;^af0^:;va^i^ed,^l^eel; b & j i g e ^ i ^ dp altl; 'can for;^pu in these partsir-Rev/ J . Ml MGCbr^c1^Y)u^s^ife :; AAAAAA'A

r-..r.——|—hnniffTttMiiV'fttT^fai t 111 i mi .H I if—.u.l.i

:.;'-;-•;>'The piano was duly received.; It came iu excellent condition, and is yerymuch admired by my numerous:family. Accept my;thanks for your promptness.'?---Rob',t Cooper, WaErenham, Bradford Co*, Pa; , ; . ; { '•;• '•••'** Your piano pleases us well. I t i s ' t bc best bue in our County."'--Thojnas A. Latuanij Cainpr .belRon,-Ga.;,;;/v:.-.;|;;

;;..;-;-',-. ;.-;•: >' VVe are very much obliged to you for havw

ing sent such a line instrument for, $260, and \ve shall.take paius to recommend it. , J—Brink, field;te€p.vBuffalo Democrat. • :

• ••The Horace Waters PianoS are; known as ' among the very best: We are enabled to speak of tbese instruments with confid.ence,from; per­sonal knowledgiei of their excellent tone and du-rablejiuality-.-."^.N; YlEvangelist. ; "•

*'We can speak of the merits;of the Horace Waters Pianos from personal knowledge, as be-.-. ing bf the' very best quality; ; ,—Christian Inte l ­ligencer.: ; ^ ;; ••.;'•••••' • AAA AA 'AA^AXAA i ;^Nbthing at the state Fair 'displayed greatei-: excellence in any department than the Horace Waters Pianbs.J'%-Gliurchman.' AS AA-.' >-THe Horace Waters; Pianos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material.-^ We have no doubt that buyers can do as welly perhaps better, at this than at:any'other house in the Unibn."—Advocate and Journal.; ; ; 'M'Waters', .:plan,o/| and melodepns challenge coniparison with the Jinestlmade anywhere in? the country."—Home Journal;.,'. ; ';

^'.Horace Waters piano fortes are of full rich, arid even tone, and ppwerTul.;7--rN. Y. Musicab Iteview, " A'' ':.-•'. •••t',-:;;.. ".-/;-

'•Qii-r friends ; will llnd atvMr.,Waters' store t](e very best assortment of .music and of pianow to be found in the Hiiited States, and we urge our southern and western friends to give him « call when ever they go to New,york.--0raliam?» -Magazine. ','••• :'-':.';- '•'•'''.'•''" •• •:::

'AAXXlXXX-'A'A- XXXrXX--/;-:.r:i ti,A:X. r p f l l R K V I \ 5 L : - _ M " U S I G BOOK, No. 11: is . :JL: how ready. I t contains 3(5:tunes and hymns, and is one of the,best collections ever issufid.— • Pr iceS cts. single ;' $2 per hundred ; postage: 1 cent each. Just published by . '. "•'•'•"••'

.HORACE NVATBRSj Agent, ' 1 8d •';;•;;•'; No. 333 Broadway, N. Y.

eiiousa /(Old stand of.C ;S.;Ciay,) : ;-

CORNER OENpit'l 'lI FRONT.& WALE STS.> KINGSTON, -. v':: ."-;,;;-•.:• ':':•: U L S T E R ' c o . ^ N . ' ' Y . ' ' ; .•"•- :".':';

'A M U. A;<Q ©;'•: ifcc X'^-*.S-;15; If.,' A ' Dealers in Drugs and Medicines, Dye., stuffs, Pain ts, Oils arid' spices, chemicals^ white lead, whito and brpwn zinc paint, window glass, put­ty, Linseed oil, fluid, camphene, phosgehe, a l -Cohoi, lamp OJI,&CM &C.

; Propidetors of Irvine's celebrated Horse Lfn-i m en t. CI ay s Am ica Li ni thent,. SIrong's En ter-prise Pills, C1 ay's Cafechu Cordial.1 rvine?s Con-dition Powders, and the. French.Chemical Blue ;for•J>l' ;eihg• cl6thes.:;':;.•i•;• .';: .';!;•.'': ;, ., ; 1 :

f^il^AY'SARNICA LINIlSiENT relieves painin \A t he buck or side invmcdja^elr. Hold by

; - " B R A G G & JANSKK, Druggists, r ;"'/;...-•"'••;••'. : Kingstoti, N. Y. '-..'

^ L A Y ^ A R N I O A L I N l M K N T i s the best rem­edy for sore throat, tic Dolereaux, or ague

in the f^ce,; Sold 'by BRAGO & JArCSKN,at cents H bottle;'.'.'•;'•': . -.-•••• '.-'•'

BROCOLI SEEI) sold by iBragg & Janscn, ;'•;Clay's Drug Store. ' ' ; /

a t

AAAA^'^7%7': Ja. . 'B3C , .0 3EaC^32S^, AX\'i

::C;L;0C:RS;AN©;Jii;WEl;!Sy, Silver. &> Plated Mare, Perfurrtery, &c.

L -

'-AAA;,•'^AuAA'A'A^- AAA"'A^^^5^ T prices cdrrcspouding witl i the times, can, oid^bc obtained at 6AFF0RD & KAIL'S

cbeap;Je\yAlry.Stbrei No. 12.Wall st.,near North •Kbntj.King-sto^ " ^ numerous patronsand f"iemd8 tha t they have just made an oxtciVsiyeadditb^ of the; finest and nipst approved pat terns , whicl*. we arcivow prtering at ^hard times.." p r i c e s . . / , Availing''.•purselyc'sf of t he advantage's of ca(sh purc]iasesj %vrith aii extensive;acquaintance,wi-tlv the mbst••;reliable ^lauufact.ureA^, wochal lengo . cpinpetitipQin every'depa.rtiucuiof our,b,usinc?sw arid respectfully solicit an inspection from tli«i public gcncrallyvbotb as toP^jcK aiid Q,vA^iTy; : SILVER \YARF of ''-"every description, (war wanted'ecpual:;to; :ceiny at' inanufacturcrs;/prices, a n d 3 y e r y t l i i n g appertaining' to cthax t rade at. ^';an^-fo^yism'';.;',-; A'AA^A^ lA-'':-''••• ':A 'X--A • . A l l R i n d s pi ;W iandi' \r

satisfaction gnarahtecd, Iti a word, ourf aim-is to p l e a s e . v O a r m b t t o . *?JM\r PricesV? and L O T S ofTRA0EV:- . ;Cal lar id .*e^us^ AA, -;;.H.;;^v-:''-::'.'-'^:'''SAFF0RD;& KAIL,";-; A-Ay:, -,;;;•• AXAA> M;.12'W/alt>tV^iicar;-:North Frbnt,,8t;,;].;.' •'•;

^O and ge t thpHC poor 1 inprcss'ions re-tafceni-iiifr "'• a s u p e r i o r . m a n n e r ^ • •-•'- A&fM$$< ^i'AA^AX': •

AA:'i''- • X^WmnS)JT3$Ga\\vtfA" tfftA^-••>•• Al'AA.m..3.WaU * t ' '"


Iii W® St-

•:'£, • .Aait jv i - . t f . f . sa• '.rt.':• ,-;,• . -^^ , - ; . ; . i , , , , ! , , , ;^^^^^^^^jj j j^mi l j^^ . . ; ; = • • mmmtrn

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