mmmm(continued on page 2, cohinm...

-TODAY’S NEWS TODA Y KNO X SE m C T E D TO R U N W IT H LA N D O N BORAH, JAW FIRMLY SET, ASKS BLUNTLY WHAT LANDON MEANS BY LATE CHANGES WAStirNGTON. June 12 (I'.i')-;-.vltl; qua'.L'icat, A l t I . ,l n J .i n - s c o U s t a n J a r J c u m n c j - o n l y . liUU-Ji-m Jomamls brought from 3jn. waiiini E.- Borah toJay the coil licll cioc.i he 1 ■hit th; ’’ ttiit?" B-irih. r^lurnlnff to the cnpltil ' fMiu tho 3ccnc ot biller convcn- iKtUc’ over conlcxt ut Ihc pUtform, -ii'l.nol Immediately an-i iio'iac} wliat offcct the'laat mln-j • u tj Lini'W changes wctfJlii Jsave' "I -M' ma<'Je up my'^ind, al! ill?* >Mab g ; » dB -M .. iw. iUSIS Chicagoan Nominated for Vice Presidential Bertli After Vandenberg’ Balks GOP Convention Adjourns mmm NG.O.P.DM Iiitcrventioa in Goitig; Boyouci Phtiorm Streisei Tlirod Added Plinki. REVIVES BORAH (QUESTION g k \^(Mi<l~'pullman, "B’lt I'm not ready to make a oUtfinent jusl now." Jaw Firmly Set nil ji'V was firmly set, his fi'rit.'iico.t crisp as he waa ffrocteJ ut tU- stitlon with newa of the fltvMilh'- h lur plaUorm aklrmish en>;in';or'.''i by Lanilon which had tb> cfu'ct of bringing into the party •leclarallon of principles tw6 ' - jLifnion’ .......... or th'j Irieas" which Borah has Bonifi^. . . jaw iwtn f(rm(y | itoti ?" h j wa.i ns't’* i. Hti >u'i.)ii.ily opposed. Namely^ 1 .h» pondcni twwtlljld holt, j i ‘'No. Icl'i aea Currency linked to gild, ' ‘ f'* plufor; 2. A. c.Kistltullonal amcndmcntlrlcu'.tural j)r>iucor.j: ^al tlu con-'accoptahlo li you, s: (,r li'»r. istUQUonHl umMilm-^at oniy if lhi> "['d rith'.T nil' sv Tru?, Iwth ideas Wfre coppen.'lja33ump’ .toa th it tti-) coci-ititu'.ion, A a ho scinnei tli: i.'o,!),'- Liud3 Courage, Pondera^ ... =. .. I Potout ManeuvcP' I tho t;ovcrnors fltin-i . 't, thlaU about hi.H’iloini;; --------- | h aaH lia sla|>i)C'l tli; By JOE ALEX MORRIS ' with ths bacli of liin (Copyright. 1936. United Press) , , CUKViOLAND, Juno I'J .-r.l’. — . ■vciit to the coiivciiti5U,(r„v, Alf M. r-aiid'jn soul tho ot the pi ^.sl- |,.nsj of hn pcrioii.f:-’ lei Icr.Hhip )mimliotr waning an.l odMin.; lhL> nal.ou today by- ir lncor]iorali<jn of hi:t , bold aii'l [.olitic,illy iiotoiii ii! platform. vctilir>n?«n liulMin^ the platfonu Jii Illy satl.ifKvl wllU the which he leok.i ilie li'n;y, roHuU ho left Cloveland, tlie la.sf The now R.-publltau Ica.i.-r :^pur- r"*" I Kepubllcan national convention he fi i,ur^t of parly cnihu.sia.ini ;hn n.jw." pvotiahly will .aiten-1 na a I>re-sl* f„r'hi.i coiirai-a—nnd apcculilinn a-i)n dC:,Jeutial p.ntiliility. Bor.ih I.h 71. ;„n Iho political wisdom o( liiH nia- _________________________________________ ^ !ncuver—when hy remotj control !A I CALLS Choice 'Follows' I Ilectic Scram We MFCHOCEI CKiim Laiidon; Gold Stand Ai Losing West yTiis GRANTED.SOV P.U35U, Under Steel Dictator J For 18 Years, Receives Liberty Charter Must Curb Monopolies, President Warns Nation -©ddities- Bj.VORMAN* «. DErEL llOSCOUV June 12 llM;i~RU3- .fliins. for 18',A ycnra under, a , flteel dlclatorahli), were handc-l n now clurCcr of gnv^rtitnent today ixk'i'i 8l4P III tho UUtory ot tha world’J first communist republl' . can union. • It provides for universal bmI- fr.ii},',' for the aecrct Ijailot, for a • Hupreme /wviet electcd by the pco-, pie. ft provWcs for freedom o( iin-.W an.l Hpeech. for eoerecy of iiiiiU, for the rlK^t of all to vole, r.j^ iriilMJ of past-ilctlvitles. Approved by Lcadcm TIu* nt’W ronstitution wa.i ap- pru'O'l by tlio preaUilum of the cuntrnl eKi'ciitlvo commlttce—that ti. by the prcsidentn of the Soviet S'K'lali.'it n-publlca which comprise tlic union. An all-union conpre.i* of Soviets, • r<nwk»**nttnK every part of the r ’Miiitry, was called for Nov. 23 to (llK'U44 the new constitutlau, Tlw oonalllulion will bring: no li.uilj chnnKO In tlio nusaian ron- oojit of tjovorjimcVit, l)Ut It doo nii'iii IUj loaderfl who have fllniB Htiicrt tlic reaoliition of 1017 lo ,v)ltdify their ru!o In viwit Itu/i- ni.v tV--l Ihu lime lia* com- imlci- .1 loni; iilep forward, nni.'fc lie free education for nil nHelllnirn Inviolate 'S’H'i.vy of nwtllfi IH Ruaranteod. I'rivUo dwelllnh'H nVo to ho invl- vxcopt upon Ifuiuo of a,for- Mitl wariunt. ArrcBla urfl to 1)') i.vii' tU'f oo^lHliUlllon promifl'^p • miy by nuinna of wurrnnlH iMiiltig f<„iii i.r.iK-ciitora rtr courU. • It U .tpeclflwil Unit tlio church 1.1 ii'tii,ir.«lo from Iho Matu und fnmi IHJ nchoolfl. Ifroodoili li jirjiiili'-1 rollgioiui.culla'and fx* anli-r.dtsloiw pit)pa«andtt, V [IRESMS UlCI.IONA, Mont., Juno 12 m,f)— 1'liit Kol<-na wetillior liiironii re* IKiriivI that five nurthc|utikcfl v/lilcli Jiri;'t llili area lulo Thtirsilny l>MU»tlil iliu immlier of qiiakpii roril^.l In ilils vicinity mIuuo lulm of laiil yoar to 1.047. 'I'll'’ ni'iHt novoro of yontonlny'fl ftliiK'U'i wan of nix nocondn ihirn< mil. It wiin ri'i'ortlrd nt 4:llt p, ni. iiii'l HMii till* nlninK>">t lenililor In ,< TlianliN«lvlnK day PEACOCKS TACOMA. Waah.. Juna 12 nj(>i— poUca Wfura «iU w;atciilog millinery' siiopa ani ’ fislilag tackle factodl'3 today oq the .trail o< peacock fiiatSnir. A tlilaf 'or thieves clipped all the {.all S eatbers off thJ,tUr«3 peacoclu /ho hive li?ed in a'Tacoma cemetery for aeveril years. . LOOT TIFFIN, O,, June 12 flfpi— B'Qrtjlara won't llvo highly oa loot they got froin a ctiurcli hare. Thot aura toul 3f-th»ir robbery efforts woa eicictty .wvsn cents Promises Protection To Small Business And Labor BY FUEDEKICK A. .STOIl>I DALLAS. Tex.; Jun,; 12 (f.Pi — CANllNERA PRO iSES 1 chil and \ 1 if I mi (JaUia. JUnO i i M.f.l vy.....------ ...... President Roosevelt today bluntly i f n <Jivn nr (hn nonini slron;ily exprea.scd vidw warne-1 that unless monopoly -Prwl'-l-sni L^n S e a ^ tha ccntrai|^^y idaUoan curbed,- tiia Unlie-i States' ficed'Cliinc*2 government rccclve-l a tcl-.yaik. the pro,'»pcct ofVhecoming a nation' cgram today , from Marshal Chen of boarding houses loatcad of tton of ■homfti^- , - . . Tho cfitef executive atUc1<c'd concentrated wealth, and pledged protection to amali bualaeas and labor, "Tho not result of monopoly, tho net reauit of economic and ftnincial control in thd lianda of tho few, has nioant owncrsUip of lalwr a.f a com modlty," lie said. ‘'If labor la'li FINGERPRINTS, BEflKEt.EV, CalU., Juna 12. Mayor and Mr-t, Rdwan^ N, Ameut have Uunclind ttio. latest s->cioty novjity. It I'l a •'flngorprlnt loa." Oui?nta aro flngorprlnt'M' in in olforl to attain citywllv! voluatiry fin- gLirprtatlng. __ ___ 'BONUS SALT LAKE CITV, Utah, .funa 12 HH’i—Allwrt H, 37. world w ir vet-'rin, to - day lia.i half ot hia oxpootoi bonus Mponc for him by a dis- trict court ordjr, Judijo Oaeir W. M cConklo ordi>r.)il Hatfi>>M ts pay J100 of hia t^xpe^'id jaM bonuH to lilH jvlfo f r - . ............ mony. r biclt aANAHII 2MilltR01Sll Maribal Chea CIii-Tauff Tells:”' 3„'‘^ Oeatral Chiefs Ha Will Stop Advance -’ary; f » potontial_£uinrt‘ t the Roid ,?lan.l ird and* 3 ijvollcy on removal of go' iJo')s from pohlic.-).^ Revives'Borah Shadow revived, too. the looK^Ua^i party conflict-willj pen. Vri R.‘i »> I.Vl.t ( Wll.'.O.N . - (( c.l.vri^ht, ,lil:('i, ^ PUBUC HALL, CLKVELAXD, June 12 ,.1™"?!.. T*!!,'"l —Tlic Kc'iJiiiilican natiDiial convention picked Fi-aiili Knox ol' Chicago today as ruii- _'iiinR--mate to Gov. Alt' M. Landon ot'.Kansas u, in the llloG j)resiiicntial camiiais'ii. Kn.ox.wai r.uminated by tlie unanin.ious Ijallot (,r the 1,00:J . delesate,^. .•.\,HHINT:T0N-, .I'jn-- IJ , Lyr.n 1-. Fi .7.u-r. it. > IxiUo'l th-j lic-piililu-in I03:i.t.> favor tho t^^ndid. .fi the : Uai:li ;il.'ilt'i :i^:h. I'., Borah, which le.ader dra.'itlc ii;,> Koinil) -iimeui forthright statpment of lihen publican prmcipkM." On Iho other hand, It-;p. Fi Hil-lebrnndt, D, H. i>„ iidon ''Is Wall .? Landon Takes Helm of GOP ■1I! + _ --------- ; ____________ 11 , be-'- llcvod they had removed In the platform the Republican last, hectic hours of platform non lua-1 '•b->rrowe'l Mm building, Tho Landon declarations im^uas.? of bberalisin !• --------- on gold and a constitutional^,,. j,ui,ije •• NANKING Cliina Juno 12 (i:Pi cgnfllcted with , Bor- UIr; Uiwlni-ui Cli Clil-Tong, Cantonose leader, pwm- islug ' (UL .tttUmxUat^ hnlh (n march nocthwa^^ of hl« tnxJpa. Chen said t&e Contonaso 'mili- tary niov'ementa were duo solely to anU-Japanese opinion In aoutb- western China, and therefore he was glad to Kuapend tho advance of hi« men In onlor to form e united front with Ibe central gov' ernmcnt. ViilloU Pulley He rppe'ated his recommenda- It-Tns for a sironger, united Chi' neao policy against en^ cro.ichment, anil flalU lie bad or dercd hit men ti> halt. The l-.‘loRrain brought ■aomo vkeratia of tho parly alsQjby'oR(ie^'L~ Mills' and Oklahoma'i.Yank'k'noic l<viay a? expressed .id p'rlvato 'their wish|and Kansa.- ------ -------------—,................... ,.................. _______ subiildiarie.i • of the (ieiuial noniino' thot tho Itaneau could have stood'standani Oil company, remainj the, Lhndon waa nominated OR-the pUlform a» paased by the choice ot big In lu ----- convention, but tftey d ............. . ............. ................ commodity in tho .United Stale.!, in the final analysis It m cm i wc atiAlI bccomo a aalion of boarding hou.iea Instead of a' of homiM ' 1 IVrll To FrMVlom our penjilo 'ever ,'iubmil toi that, they will have aal<l 't,M<)<ibyu'| > their liiatorlc frccdoiii. Men ilo^ .*t flKlU (<jr Iwaidlui? Uoiisv.a, llwy ■ will fight for their hi>m..i, I ' u'./,;'. » «,v, , Iloo.'tovidl, “ddrewlng c h u e r - L , n r o v l n r . i iilo-iir- iniiu'.n.u Hunan provinco i)ic>ig I lo ptaco them;n>lv.wi in bO' ween Iho central and Canlon.-.i. Milur lo pi'ovi'nt flBlit ■xpoaltlDn, II(.'j refiTcnco'la nion'jpdy coil- iPil by colndldencB ciinio tin- loorn- ing nfi.;r nepuhlicani cndorwed li plalforiu ont^lnlng a plank non- damning monopoly. The a, O, I* also list nlglil picked a candt.latt (Contlniicil on i’aijo 2, Column U) .[.• .■ j. (Copyright, 1936, United Press) ; <,iw' ITIU.IC Tt,\r.L, Cl'VflKli Jjiv,,'' nven- 12 -Gov, Alf M. l,-.n of i t!iejK,in,^.H, n'.-w prairie state ioa ler infu-<o[nnl [ir.v-.i.lL'n' nimmi'j .if the! ' !leput)lir.m pariv, cbav’ cd'h C. O. J> . hotiin i him to- Ibe Now D'Ml ' . for itia fir.u' ndidale .Huppoc.ted ume since 1032, went -omto pick' oC and matter how lacliully word-'.Jay . , . “ ed Landoa's statements.have b5en,Tiie party Convention Ends ' l>UBLIC HALL, CLEVJ;. LAND, June 12 — ITnV Itypubiican hali'jn^Uc-invyn- a.Ij H lod l;ll p. m. tUay. • - r «.(, ... - .mously ni?hi. H«- --------------- deciareajt.iro against President Roosevelt:|mto supreme party coQimand after, , , ,' v --------- ut>anlin<mly tb«lr odmiralloo for Tho leopard has .not changed hla^ bold telegraphic warning to the^''‘<l'^‘i L a t i d o i i ’it nomnnlioii, " ' national convention K iioi woii tho vico pri'.iiilentlal ‘ all otIuT c.iiulidates wlii'-li pr.*- bia frankncaa. courage and leader-^, ________ . . . .............................. ............ ............... ............ ahip. The latitude of hia Btatement|mo<llfied Ita loyalty to finance— ti,at he had ideaa beyond its plnt-,li|„inr in_affectlng lnlcrests_o^l»th eMtjcapllal," ............................ jform nncl would not he.jUite to Seiectioa of KaoK cappjil mornl/ig,«f wild confualon (Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) Mmmm ■■n-'d only t by Sen, DALLAS, Tex., June 12 <r.I*i — .......... A definite pledge that tho United my life, opposllli .States WcW "not going to getStiindard is Landon has ‘'raised the yclIowIm.iK,. them ^ffoctiv flag of the'gold standard and lak.-n - , - the out of the Republican party," Congres.sman John A, Mar- , n,,. nnsiimuti-'.,r a i,o' tin. Democrat, Colo, chief of the S Rorah lia.s yet to «.‘j ............. tire: Landon nmeminienti lo denborg to reconalder his oft- in Llie VLVsi wh,«r« I have lived all " " ' T h e y were laid sUtod dclerrtipatioa not lo nitt m me vusc, win re i navt asm an coiiv^-ntion ■ for vico prfsldent, ■ivel and read by] Sudden Turn houao bIIvci' UIoc said. "That probably will strengthen' him in-li-e ca.-it," Martin said, "but'p,' ..................................... . ,.ti I' 'invention floor and hectic bebln 1- ho-sconee conference*, • The** lack-stagij. inaneuvcra were de- ■oted lo franlle efforts of tho .n t ftp. LanJon managers to Induce Vin- I gold n'llRi-.n, Itii "P" In diffiRullica that'heyond polillA, In the west Ihoy “ * *» .licKftt cevtalH nations (w Europe and' stmul for W-u\>'taU*m and tU.vt iJec- ily^ndnii lllatnilt ing tbouivinds at lha Cotton bowl' '^ Hli.llum, mado a vlgorou.i bi<I fori' continued lil)cral political support,! Tlio Pre.iidenl nrrivcl hero i-arlyj" iiiii!" Chiin)!.iln, i-apllal < it llm Tweaty-Sovoii o( fiUck.Loglon Named lu New Warrauta At Detroit S . AVER IS RO V/IMIII-l':i)(iN, Kng.. Jui DIGTROIT, Juao 12 nil'i-T warranU nainlng 27 innmbors Iho Illaok I,^Rlou In plots lo m dor a vlllago proaMont and a not paper piibl|abor wero lasued today at tiio ru«)unst ot Wayne county Proaecutor Duncan 0, McCrofi, MaOroa'4 office ail'l nil but ono o( tboao namud la' tlie w.uninlH wero In custody, Tho«n marked for ihntli by Iho IllacK Loglori werrt William W, 'VoUInn, vMlago presld.uit of Itkornii an-l Arttiiir L Kingiiliiy, pulillahar 'iif tlio niglam l Parlcoc, ii tun lilRhbtnil park, () 1I|iowmI (landidali KJnK"ley. llio p;oinnulor'a offlco »ald, wa>( to liavn bu»n Idllod hn- can,*! hn <ipi>ortud tha cauilldato nuppi'ili’d by tho Illaok I.ogUui f mayor, Kay Majkland, himself Ulack LegloiinaU'd I'ocuiitli 12 <ihni-(ie'l art nn invo«llrti- ' NATIONAL I.K,\(.lir4 Ity llnilt'd rrenii At I’lttahurKh- Nitw York ...........0(W0:!i)i)() I'lltsburgh ............... OUOIHIIOI- ltiaturlc.i; Uubb-dl and Mai i; .Swift iind Tidi. At Chicago— oaton ............................... 000 no— « Clilcagri .............................0(lt2d-ia lialtutlus: Maul-'uydnn. Ituia and tpoz; Carluiou and U'Uoa, Al .St, I/iiii< - Plilladelphia .............................. 0 , ..........?. ................... IJ- n llaltorlcs: Wall-u- anil tliai ii'ineleo and DavH. Ui»okIyn-C'UH-innill -playe l at iitly d r Mr k Mi.i -lohu Vuii Uyn, Milludal.ICroa buuauaa of llila uffltUUoii. . I !•__II.. II..I...... I. I ..a' rfll,* u,,,...,...I nl lllLnyl., ...... I ltd Curolln llalii'iiidi, A>i.i,-: - I, i:iv<ul tlin United Htates > fr.iML <-,mi|>U't<i ro u l In tbn opening iliv'-* id.iv In Iho WlBli5iniin oup t-iniin Miatchon today by tibfrnling til l I'^iiKll'h doiiblen tmiin of Mifls< - ' ni'nriiiiii, 11 tha twi Bilbit we^it ot hero Tlie Huapitct at lllrarly waa Lea- llo J. lllack, rirnior nri<a|.1iinl ol tho \Volvurlno ItDpubllean Inagiis, hideout |H>1llli'9l gr<)up for (ha Hlaeic I.nglon, who waa leatlfying bi'fiira tlio oiio-niiin giMnd Jury, McCrea'.t orflo.jra W'lin to nrroat iilni wfien III) coinptated iilti lesll- mony. . Ki.Av«iTor<\u-()ii> 21 U liu. DIMH UN 0/\I.M)WH el irOLrtOM I'KIHON, Oal, Juno 12 at (;niinly|(lti:t IDllon Hlono wa.i lianga.l lo 0' 6f h'red linv for (ho iniirdnr of Mary Hlain . iiuir....Vl-yaiu-ru(J .iri'i<sn!i ' rNli'^l y glrl.-lfo died wllhout ■■nvallnit ihn It iiioltve for hlo hrutnl «((acU upon tlio young gin Trooiion Parade for Qovornor Aiitl 8tfiff;.Oavalrjr '8t;igoi Annual Field Day AMK.HK'AN I.K.KlDRl It Chicago ................. 000 000-- 0 W.mliinKUm .................. lidt) 0 1 0 - 4 Lyoni and .Sowi'tl; Nuwanni ainl lh)ltcin. It. U.IU. Dcitrotl ....... 100 0(0 010 '» '0 Nuw York ..,n00 201 Ulx-U 10 CiMWiUr, Klnuiey and Itoibori Rufling and Jorgeno. flL Loula-Uoaluu, \i rain. . play. ‘AMERICAN PALLS DANO WINS' nOAB PRTB-HONOR PORTLAND, Oro,, Juno II llf.I!i '•T « o hundred tliouannd pomoni (laeUoil Multnomnli stadium loday and lined »ome mils*' of the loula of llio grand floral iiaiailo, main , evonl of portlund’a 1030 Itiimi festival, Ainoriitiin Kall'i. Idalio, Bclioiil. won flrat nilao In aoliool •llviHlilli, one, |i''Mtion, )ndgrd on 'marcliing omii'*M( btmy V . ROSS SEES ARDS ’REV IEW .HOI.Hp; Juno 12 IIJI'I Idaho' alliinal ipiard, mippllineritfd by lomlmra ot tho rosorvo offloera training corpa. tcxlay parailed In annual rovlow Duforo flov. c:, II UoHM and hia ataff. I’rior to tho roviow, tho gov or wllnoaaod annual field day ijiKi.iiuuia of cavalry-unlla, oncamitmont,' largoat In national guard hl.'itory, Tiio lilabo ....................... died tlio halfway mark loday, Kinal Insiiiwlloii and-drill will be bold Thursilay, Juno IH, Tnmps will (luit ramp and return hmne Juno 20, NAfy PAIR KILLED WASIIINOTON, Juno IV tlM’i- -i, navy aiiplano launobod from tli cirulaor Momphia craahod tiito t1i4 wa near Ouantanamo hay, tmt)a, yoHlnrday, killing a naval officor n w l tt RftftMiMi. tli« 1^^vy i^Pi>i\TtTOBnt waa advlaud (oday. The duud: M eiil U, W. Litr..i &:), Ilf Omaha, Nell., and avl|>lli niaclilnlnt.mato, U t rlana, Hydiiej I., Harris, ni, of llriinnw|ok, Qa. Wollaee Man Top» _ Idaho Engle Aerie towing Iho ohino of the' annual Welanr will libat to llie'ina? 'Convanlloft ......... uinafier, John D. M.| Tha auddea tura of the convoa- ,in w1i,i was only a fuw tion bmko unexpsctadly after last itir,i ri-niovi!l today from the Jobi"iShfa session unanimously rati- • want.H-rlialrman nf the ltepvib-|f‘od a 1030 platform and LAndoa‘« Mil iMUonal i:ommltie.‘, i nomination for th« prosldeacy, I.andon'i nominailnn laat nlfilit:I-'‘h'lon waa nomln&ted after t*l»< graphically presenting a poraanal expansion of tho conveatloa plaaki laiMr, money anti olvUaorvlc*— expansion which caat once mor* („r over tho convention tho ahadow o( . of;a pnslbla bolt by Sen. W miimJL .. 1.,Hi'n-)rah. .,^.,1, A tow minutes befor# tha con-. . „„r.:vcntion waa coavaoad today—.aoA - 1.,„.||i)ng after tha house aat for meet* ling — tiiisa* offorta finally werti l-lripped. „nn' 'ohii.D, M. namllton. Lindjd ,tll.i aon.i or »,.M-I """‘■ '‘ISer, aaldi inilirt il^'iby that' "Tha n c s Is wide open,’* n finliili in the' , **®W <iti!p^M mi «ii,ii,_>"rmanent Chalrmiio Borlrsn'l ,1 prlll.H, ,IM i.ilillcal HUivey<, th r opinlciiia of xfic'rla wh.i luivn boeii writing f. nany wei'ks that thla goi-orn< >t a l.y[)lral prjiiile hI.»Io waa fi dinail of 111.; field, A p a n ii'l’i-ati'd iiH-n pa.i.Si'.l In revie' lUhl Iiefoio the iMnv.'iition II ................................. (bat tin 'ey;*, p.ilU and .'KjiiTta w.t . All Chime In r mil \d'c.iM U n t they It (bore were nbnnti ill, Tho old man from Idaho mil linpri'Ha on tha convuntlon, Horne on tha floor and aoino In (be {allerlii.'t Joined laat nlRht in the Ht demonstration over liUoly to inter around tha stinlor annalor Oiii Idaho lia a pruMldunlial poasl- blllty. llo la 71 yuara old. It waa ' ilmpla damonnlrallon limiteii to JiiHt tliree' or four word.«, "We want Hiirab, Wiiuro ia llurali?.'’ 'l■her^ wna none lo anawnr and 10 moment for Morali'a ajipoar- ance beforo a Uiipubllcau national >nveiiUiiii In tho lolo of randldatfl r pronideiil maker ]>robably puMSed forever, m trh In Nemliiatli All throutth tliean coreiuonloa Id Itoforo llie duiugdtoa had buun clamoring for the nomination. Tliuy wanted ,r)ulek aotlon, iliit tlie rules leqiiired a pi-ellmlnary roll nail of tlia slates In which each In alphabetical onler be given M. rinell of Now Yofk called th^ deiegatoa to ordar and vl'lth mo«C of them aim unaware ol devoIojH for nnr-l'"*’'^ ordered an Immedlata oatl ' (Contlnuod on Pago 2, Columti 0). (Conllnue.1 nn Page 3. Column 2) Nf iliN punr.rc hall , ci .bvbjland , Jim« >a (IM’i- J o h n D. M. Ilsmll ton, ri)d-)ialred OAMbliljrn'lTltnlffet for GOV. Alfred Uoaani&n Undor, of Kansas, tho UepuhUoan iiomlnae for I'realdont, was to bt formally BMrowd «• thti now nation#! chf«frniaii of tlio RepuUloan na- tional commlUee at « p. m, Ihli afternoon, -The new national -oommlttM ealUd a meet|i]if for that tlnin to • WIAIKSIO yOyTHOFLD l Church. Pi'esidont Tells M I,A., • Meinhor* “ Live tb# Oo(ji#l. Aud Grow Strong" OAI.T L,\K1‘ . CITY, tftah, Juna 12 UM’i — Tlioiia»nd.» Ot y.iuthful chureh membera ami (heir tsich* thronge<l Hall Like city totlajr opening oonferencea nf tiie Uu< I Improvcmmjt asuoviallon and Primary assoriadon of the Latter’ ''»y BaInU-(Mormon^ chtirctf. Highlight of opening day nclivi* ...>4 Waa an addroas hy Holxr J. Oraiit, ,cHurch. iimaldftoL .bafotd. general M. I, A. sasilon lu thi . church's hislorie.aasembly hall ad« joining tho faihe l Mormon tabor* naelo, where other inceUQga « ------ conducted, ' “Tlioae -who are obedlent "i lira :: tlMu;«IM|»ak>r«taM Orant told Tim aawmhiy “All my li/a I h&ve t estod heart and aaul l*- Rien and wiJnno of-tl «ai«l. Durlni ealUd a moetinii fi irfcniSiS found anj-ihlng to, All MfKars of the p .fiW ,

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Page 1: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n




WHAT LANDON MEANS BY LATE CHANGESW A StirN G TO N . Ju n e 12 ( I '. i ') - ;-.vltl; qua'.L'icat,

A l t I . , l n J . i n - s c o U s t a n J a r J c u m n c j - o n l y . liUU-Ji-m Jomamls brought from 3jn. waiiini E.- Borah toJay thecoil

licll cioc.i he 1■hit th;’’ t t i i t ? "

B -irih . r^lurnlnff to the cnpltil ' fMiu tho 3ccnc o t b ille r convcn-

iK tU c’ over con lcx t u t Ihc pU tform , -ii ' l Im m ediately an-i iio 'iac} w lia t o ffcct th e 'la a t mln-j

• u t j L in i'W changes wctfJlii Jsave'

"I -M' ma<'Je up m y '^ in d , al!ill?* >Mab g ;» dB -M.. iw.

iUSIS Chicagoan Nominated for Vice Presidential Bertli

After Vandenberg’ BalksGOP Convention Adjourns

m m mNG.O.P.DM

I iitc rv e n tio a in Goitig; Boyouci ■ P h t io r m S t r e i s e i T lirod

A d d e d P l i n k i .


■ g k \^(Mi<l~'pullman,"B ’lt I 'm no t rea d y to m ake a o U tfin en t ju s l now."

Ja w F irm ly Set n i l ji'V w as firm ly set, his

fi'rit.'iico.t c risp a s he waa ffrocteJ u t tU- s ti tlo n w ith newa of the f ltvM ilh '- h lu r p laU orm aklrm ish en>;in';or'.''i by Lanilon which had tb> c fu 'c t o f b ring ing into thep a rty •leclarallon of principles tw6 ‘ ' - jL ifn ion ’ ..........or th'j Irieas" w hich Borah has B onifi^ . . . jaw iwtn f(rm(y | itoti ?" h j wa.i n s 't’* i. Hti >u'i.)ii.ily opposed. Namely^ 1 .h» pondcni twwtlljld holt, j i ‘'N o. Ic l 'i aea

Currency linked to gild, ‘ ' ‘ f'* p lufor;2. A. c.K istltullonal am cndm cntlrlcu '.tu ra l j)r>iucor.j: ^ a l t lu con -'accoptah lo l i you, s :

( , r l i '» r . istUQUonHl umMilm-^at oniy if lhi> "['d rith '.T nil' s vTru?, Iwth ideas W fre coppen.'lja33um p’.toa t h i t tti-) coci-ititu'.ion, A a ho s c in n e i tli:

i.'o,!),'- L iu d 3 C ourage, Pondera^

... • =. .. I P otout M aneuvcP'I tho t;o v c rn o rs fltin-i .'t, thlaU about hi.H’iloini;; --------- |h aaH lia sla|>i)C'l t l i ; By JOE ALEX MORRIS ' w ith th s bacli of liin (Copyright. 1936. United P ress) ,

, CUKViOLAND, Juno I'J .-r.l’. — . ■vciit to the coiivciiti5U,(r„v, Alf M. r-aiid'jn soul tho ■ o t th e pi ^.sl- |, .n s j of hn pcrioii.f:-’ le i Icr.Hhip )m im lio tr w an ing an.l odMin.; lhL> na l.ou today by- ir lncor]iorali<jn of hi:t , bold aii'l [.olitic,illy iiotoiii ii! pla tfo rm . vctilir>n?«n liulMin^ the p la tfonu Jii Illy satl.ifKvl wllU the which he leok.i ilie li'n ;y ,

roHuU ho left Cloveland, tlie la .sf The now R .-publltau Ica.i.-r :^pur- r"*" I Kepubllcan national convention he fi i,ur^t o f p a rly cnihu.sia.ini ;hn n.jw." pvotiahly will .aiten-1 na a I>re-sl* f „ r 'h i . i coiirai-a—nnd apccu lilinn a-i)n dC :,Jeutial p.ntiliility . Bor.ih I.h 71. ;„n Iho political w isdom o( liiH nia- _________________________________________ ^ !ncuver—when hy rem o tj control

!AI CALLS Choice 'Follows'I Ilectic Scram We


L a i id o n ; G o ld S ta n d A i L o s in g W est


P.U35U, U nder S teel D ictator J F o r 18 Years, Receives

L iberty C harte r

Must Curb Monopolies, President Warns Nation


Bj.VORM AN* « . D E rE LllOSCOUV Ju n e 12 llM;i~RU3-

.fliin s . fo r 18 ',A ycnra under, a , flteel dlclatorahli), w ere handc-l n

now clurC cr of gnv^rtitnen t today

“ ixk 'i 'i 8l4P III th o UUtory o t tha w orld’J f i r s t com m unist republl'

. c an union.• I t provides fo r universal bmI- fr.ii},',' fo r the a ec rc t Ijailot, for a

• Hupreme /wviet e lec tcd by the pco-, pie. f t provWcs fo r freedom o( iin-.W an.l Hpeech. fo r eoerecy of iiiiiU , fo r th e rlK ^t o f all to vole, r.j^ iriilM J of pa st-ilctlv itles.

A pproved by Lcadcm TIu* nt’W ronstitu tion wa.i ap-

pru 'O 'l by tlio preaUilum of the cuntrnl eKi'ciitlvo com m lttce—that ti. by th e prcsidentn of the Soviet S'K'lali.'it n-publlca w hich comprise tlic union.• An all-union conpre.i* of Soviets,

• r<nwk»**nttnK every p a r t of the r ’Miiitry, w as called for Nov. 23 to (llK'U44 the new constitutlau,

Tlw oonalllulion will bring: no li.uilj chnnKO In tlio nusa ian ron- oojit of tjovorjimcVit, l)Ut It doo n ii'iii IUj loaderfl who have fllniB

Htiicrt tlic reaoliition of 1017 lo ,v)ltdify th e ir ru!o In viwit Itu/i- ni.v tV--l Ihu lim e lia* com- imlci- .1 loni; iilep forw ard,

nni.'fc H .to lie free education for nil

nHelllnirn Inviolate'S’H 'i.vy of nwtllfi IH Ruaranteod.

I 'rivU o dwelllnh'H nVo to ho invl- vxcopt upon Ifuiuo of a ,fo r-

Mitl w ariun t. ArrcBla urfl to 1)') i .v i i ' tU'f oo^lHliUlllon promifl'^p • miy by nuinna of wurrnnlH iMiiltig f<„iii i.r.iK-ciitora rtr courU . •

I t U .tpeclflwil U nit tlio church 1.1 ii'tii,ir.«lo from Iho Matu und fnm i IHJ nchoolfl. Ifroodoili li jir ji i i l i '- 1 ro llg io iu lla 'and

• fx* anli-r.d ts lo iw pit)pa«andtt,

V[ IRE SMSUlCI.IONA, M ont., Juno 12 m,f)—

1'liit Kol<-na w etillior liiironii re* IKiriivI th a t five nurthc|utikcfl v/lilcli J i r i ; ' t lli li a re a lulo Thtirsilny l>MU»tlil iliu imm lier of qiiakpii roril^.l In ilils v icinity mIuuo lu lm of laiil yoar to 1.047.

'I'll'’ ni'iHt novoro of yontonlny'fl ftliiK'U'i wan of nix nocondn ihirn< m il . It wiin ri'i 'ortlrd n t 4 :llt p, ni. iiii'l HMii till* nlninK>">t lenililor In

,< TlianliN«lvlnK day

PEACOCKS TACOMA. W aah.. Juna 12

nj(>i— poUca Wfura «iU w;atciilog m illinery ' siiopa a n i ’ fislilag tack le fac tod l'3 today oq the .tra il o< peacock fiiatSnir. A tlilaf 'o r th ieves clipped a ll the {.all

Seatbe rs o ff thJ,tU r«3 peacoclu /ho h iv e li?ed in a 'T a c o m a

cem etery fo r aeve ril years. .

LOOTT IF F IN , O,, June 12 flfpi—

B'Qrtjlara w on 't llvo highly oa loot they go t froin a ctiurcli

hare. T ho t aura to u l 3 f-th » ir robbery e ffo rts woa eicictty .wvsn cents

Prom ises Protection T o Sm all Business

A nd Labor

BY FU ED EK ICK A. .STOIl>ID A LLA S. Tex.; Jun,; 12 (f.Pi —


1 chiland \1 if I

m i

(JaUia. JUnO i i M.f.l vy.....------ ......P residen t Roosevelt today b luntly if n <Jivn nr (hn n o n in i slron;ily exprea.scd vidwwarne-1 th a t unless monopoly -P rw l'-l-sn i L^n S e a ^ th a c c n tr a i |^ ^ y idaUoancurbed,- tiia Unlie-i S tate s ' f iced 'C liinc*2 governm ent rccclve-l a tc l- .y a ik .th e pro,'»pcct ofVhecoming a na tion ' cgram today , from M arsh a l Chenof board ing houses loatcad of tton of ■homfti^- , - . .

T ho cfitef executive atUc1<c'd concen tra ted w ealth, and pledged pro tec tion to am ali bualaeas and labor,

"Tho not result of monopoly, tho ne t reau it of economic and ftn in c ial contro l in thd lianda of tho few, has nioant owncrsUip of lalw r a.f a com m odlty ," lie said. ‘'I f labor la 'li

FIN G ERPR IN TS, B E flK E t.E V , CalU., Juna 12.

M ayor and Mr-t, Rdwan^ N, A m eut have Uunclind ttio. la tes t s->cioty novjity. I t I'l a •'flngorprln t loa." Oui?nta aro flngorprlnt'M ' in in olforl to a tta in citywllv! vo lua tiry fin- gLirprtatlng. __ ___


.funa 12 HH’i—Allwrt H, 37. world w ir vet-'rin , to ­

day lia.i h a lf ot hia oxpootoi bonus Mponc for him by a d is­tr ic t c ou rt o rd jr , Judijo O ae ir W. M cConklo ordi>r.)il Hatfi>>M t s pay J 100 of hia t^xpe^'id jaMbonuH to lilH jvlfo f r - . ............mony.

r bic lt

aANAHII 2 M i l l t R 0 1 S l l

M aribal Chea CIii-Tauff Tells:” '3„'‘ O eatral Chiefs H a W ill

Stop Advance

-’ary; f» potontial_£uinrt‘ t the Roid ,?lan.l ird and* 3

ijvollcy on rem oval o f go' iJo')s from pohlic.-).^

R evives'B orah Shadow revived, too. th e looK ^ U a^ i p a rty conflict-w illj pen. Vri

R .‘i

»> I .V l .t ( Wll.'.O .N . -(( c.l.vri ht, ,lil:('i,

^ „ P U B U C HALL, CLKVELAXD, June 12,.1™"?!.. T*!!,'"l —Tlic Kc'iJiiiilican natiDiial convention

picked Fi-aiili Knox ol' Chicago today as ruii- _'iiinR--mate to Gov. Alt' M. Landon ot'.K ansas u, in the llloG j)resiiicntial camiiais'ii.

K n.ox.w ai inated by tlie unanin.ious Ijallot ( , r the 1,00:J . delesate,^.

.•.\,HHINT:T0N-, .I'jn-- IJ , Lyr.n 1-. Fi .7.u-r. it.> IxiUo'l th-j lic-piililu-in I03:i.t.> favor tho t ndid.

.fi the: Uai:li

;il.'ilt'i:i :h. I'.,

Borah, w hich le.ader

dra.'itlc ii;,> Koinil)-iimeui fo rth rig h t s ta tp m en t of lihen

publican prmcipkM."On Iho other hand, It-;p. Fi

Hil-lebrnndt, D, H. i>„iidon ''Is W all .?

Landon Takes Helm of GOP

■1 I! + _ --------- ; ____________1 1 ,

be-'-llcvod they had rem oved In th e p la tfo rm th e Republican last, hectic hours of p la tfo rm non lua-1 '•b->rrowe'l Mm building, Tho L andon declara tions im ^uas.? o f bberalisin !•

--------- on gold and a c o n s titu t io n a l^ ,,. j,ui,ije ••NANKING Cliina Ju n o 12 (i:Pi cgnfllcted w ith , Bor- UIr; Uiwlni-ui Cli

Clil-Tong, C antonose leader, pw m -islug ' (UL . tttUmxUat^ hnlh (nm arch nocthw a^^ o f hl« tnxJpa.

Chen sa id t&e C ontonaso 'm ili­ta ry niov'ementa w ere duo so le ly to anU -Japanese opinion In aou tb- w estern China, and th e re fo re he w as glad to Kuapend tho advance of hi« m en In on lo r to fo rm e united fro n t w ith Ibe c e n tra l gov' ernm cnt.

ViilloU Pulley H e rppe'ated h is recommenda-

It-Tns fo r a s ironger, un ite d Chi' neao policy ag a in s t en cro.ichment, anil flalU lie bad o r dercd h it men ti> halt.

The l-.‘loRrain b rough t

■aomo v k era tia of tho p a rly a lsQ jb y 'o R (ie^ 'L ~ Mills' and O k lahom a'i.Y ank 'k 'no ic l<viay a? expressed . id p'rlvato 'th e ir w ish |a n d Kansa.- ------ -------------‘—,................... ,.................. _______ subiildiarie.i • of the (ieiuial noniino'th o t tho Itan e au could have s to o d 's ta n d a n i Oil company, rem a in j th e , Lhndon waa nom inatedOR-the pU lform a» paased by th e choice o t b ig In l u -----convention, bu t tftey d ............. . ............. ................

com m odity in tho .U nited Stale.!, in the final analysis It m c m i w c atiAlI bccomo a aa lion of boa rd ing hou.iea Instead of a '

of homiM ' 1IVrll To FrMVlom

our penjilo 'ever ,'iubmil toi th a t, th ey will have aal<l 't,M<)<ibyu'|

> th e ir liiatorlc frccdoiii. Men ilo^.*t flKlU (<jr Iwaidlui? Uoiisv.a, llw y ■

will f ig h t fo r the ir hi>m..i, I ' u '. / , ; '. » « ,v , ,vrolv.viIloo.'tovidl, “ ddrew lng c h u e r - L , n r o v l n r . i iilo-iir- iniiu'.n.u H unan provinco i)ic>ig

■ I lo ptaco them;n>lv.wi in bO'ween Iho c en tral and Canlon.-.i.

Milur lo pi'ovi'n t flBlit

■xpoaltlDn,II(.'j re fiT cnco 'la n ion 'jpdy coil-

iP il by colndldencB ciinio tin- loorn- ing n fi.;r nepuhlican i cndorwed li p la lfo riu o n t^ ln ln g a plank non- dam ning monopoly. The a , O, I* also l i s t nlglil picked a candt.latt (Contlniicil on i ’aijo 2, Column U)

.[.•.■j. (Copyright, 1936, United Press) ; <,iw' ITIU.IC Tt,\r.L, Cl'VflKli Jjiv,,'' nven- 12 -Gov, Alf M. l,-.n of i t!iejK,in, .H, n'.-w prairie state ioa ler infu-<o[nnl [ir.v-.i.lL'n' nimmi'j .if the!

' !leput)lir.m pariv, cbav’ cd'h C. O. J>. hotiin i him to-

Ibe Now D'Ml ' . for itia fir.u'

ndidale .Huppoc.ted ume since 1032, went -omto pick'


and m a tte r how la c liu lly w ord - '.Jay . , .“ ed L andoa 's s ta tem en ts .have b5en ,T iie p a rty

Convention Ends 'l>UBLIC HALL, CLEVJ;.

LAND, June 12 — ITnV Itypubiican hali'jn^U c-invyn-

a.Ij H lodl ; l l p. m . tU a y . •

- r «.(, ... - .m ously n i?h i. H«---------------- dec ia rea jt.iro a g a in s t P residen t R oosevelt:|m to suprem e p a r ty coQimand a fte r , , , , ' v ---------ut>anlin<mly tb« lr odm ira lloo fo r Tho leopard has .no t changed h l a ^ bold te legraphic w arn ing to th e ^ ' '‘<l' ‘i L a t id o i i’it n o m n n lio i i ,

" ' national convention K i io i w o ii th o v ico p r i '.i i i le n tla l

‘ a l l o tIu T c . iiu lid a te s w lii'-li pr.*-

bia frankncaa. courage and le a d e r-^ ,________ . . . .............................. ............ ............... ............ahip. The la titude of hia Btatement|mo<llfied Ita loyalty to finance— ti,a t he had ideaa beyond its p ln t- , li |„ in rin_affectlng ln lc re s ts _ o ^ l» th e M tjc ap lla l," ............................ j f o r m nncl would not he.jU ite to Seiectioa of KaoK cappjil

m ornl/ig ,«f wild confualon(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1)

Mmmm ■■n-'d only t by Sen,

DALLAS, Tex., Ju n e 12 <r.I*i — ..........A definite pledge th a t tho U nited m y life, opposllli .States WcW "n o t going to g e tS ti in d a rd is

L andon has ‘'raised the yclIowIm.iK,. them ^ffoctiv f lag of the 'go ld standard and lak.-n - , -the ou t of the Republicanp a rty ," Congres.sman John A, M ar- , n,,. nn siim u ti- '.,r a i,o' tin . D em ocrat, Colo, chief of the S

R orah lia.s y e t to «.‘j .............tire: L andon nm em inien ti lo denborg to reconalder h is o ft-

in Llie VLVsi wh,«r« I have lived all " " ' T h e y w ere laid sU tod d c le rr tip a t io a no t lo n ittm m e vusc , win re i nav t a s m an coiiv^-ntion ■ for vico p rfslden t,

■ivel and read by] Sudden T urn

houao bIIvci' UIoc said."T h at p robably will s treng then '

him in-li-e ca.-it," M artin said, "bu t'p ,' ■ ..................................... . ,.ti I '

'invention floor and hectic bebln 1- ho-sconee conference*, • The** lack-stagij. inaneuvcra w ere de- ■oted lo f ra n lle e ffo rts o f tho

.n t ftp. L anJon m anagers to Induce V in -

I goldn'llRi-.n, I t i i

"P" In diffiRullica th a t 'h e y o n d polillA , In the w est Ihoy “ * *» .licKftt cevtalH na tions (w E urope a n d ' stm ul for W-u\>'taU*m and tU.vt iJec-

ily ndniillla tn ilt

ing tbouivinds a t lha Cotton bow l' ' H li.llum , mado a vlgorou.i bi<I f o r i ' con tinued lil)cral political support,! T lio P re.iidenl n rriv c l hero i-arly j"

iiiii!"Chiin)!.iln, i-apllal <it llm

Tw eaty-Sovoii o( fiU ck .L oglon N am ed lu New W arrauta

A t Detroit

S. AVERIS ROV/IMIII-l':i)(iN, Kng.. Jui

DIGTROIT, Juao 12 n i l ' i - T w arran U na in lng 27 innmbors Iho Illaok I,^Rlou In plots lo m dor a vlllago proaMont and a not paper piibl|abor wero lasued today a t tiio ru«)unst o t W ayne county Proaecu tor D uncan 0 , McCrofi,

MaOroa'4 office a il'l nil b u t ono o( tboao nam ud la ' tlie w .uninlH wero In custody,

Tho«n m arked for ihn tli by Iho IllacK Loglori werrt W illiam W,

'VoUInn, vMlago presld.uit of Itkornii an-l A rttiiir L Kingiiliiy, pulillahar 'iif tlio n ig lam l Parlcoc, ii tu n lilRhbtnil park,

()1I|iowmI (landidali KJnK"ley. llio p;oinnulor'a offlco

»ald, wa>( to liavn bu»n Idllod hn- can,*! hn <ipi>ortud tha cauilldato nuppi'ili’d by tho Illaok I.ogUui f m ayor, Kay M ajkland, himself U lack LegloiinaU'd I'ocuiitli

12 <ihni-(ie'l art nn invo«llrti- '

N A TIO N A L I.K ,\(.lir4 Ity lln ilt'd rrenii

A t I’ ltta h u rK h -Nitw York ...........0(W0:!i)i)()I 'll tsb u rg h ...............OUOIHIIOI-

ltiatu rlc .i; Uubb-dl and Mai i; .Swift iind T id i.A t C hicago—

oaton ...............................000 no— «Clilcagri .............................0 ( l t2 d - i a

lia ltu t lu s : Maul-'uydnn. Ituia and tpoz; C arluiou and U'Uoa,A l .St, I/iiii< -

Plilladelphia ..............................0, ..........?. ................... I J - nlla lto r lc s : Wall-u- anil tliai ii'ineleo and DavH.

Ui»okIyn-C 'U H -innill -playe l a t

iitly d r M r k

Mi.i -lohu Vuii Uyn, M illudal.ICroa buuauaa of llila uffltUUoii.. I !•__II.. II..I...... I. I ..a' rfll,* u,,,...,...I nl lllLnyl., ...... Iltd Curolln llalii'iiidi,

A>i.i,-: - I, i:iv<ul tlin United Htates > fr.iML <-,mi|>U't<i ro u l In tbn opening

iliv'-* id.iv In Iho WlBli5iniin oup t-iniin Miatchon today by tibfrnling til l I'^iiKll'h doiiblen tmiin of Mifls<

- ' ni'nriiiiii,11 tha twi

Bilbit we^it o t hero

Tlie Huapitct a t lllrarly waa Lea- llo J . lllack, r irn io r nri<a|.1iinl ol tho \Volvurlno ItDpubllean Inagiis, h ideout |H>1llli'9l gr<)up for (ha Hlaeic I.nglon, who waa leatlfying bi'fiira tlio oiio-niiin giMnd Jury, McCrea'.t orflo.jra W'lin to nrroat iilni wfien III) coinptated iilti lesll- mony.

. K i .A v « iT o r id .vn< \u -()ii>21 U l iu . DIMH UN 0/\I.M )W Hel irOLrtOM I'KIHON, O al, Juno 12

at (;niinly|(lti:t IDllon Hlono wa.i lianga.l lo 0 '6f h'red linv fo r (ho iniirdnr of Mary Hlain

. iiuir....V l-yaiu-ru(J .iri'i<sn!i ' rNli'^l y g lrl.-lfo died w llhout ■■nvallnit ihn It iiioltve fo r hlo hrutnl «((acU upon

tlio young g in

T r o o iio n P a r a d e f o r Q o v o rn o r A iitl 8 tf i f f ; .O a v a l r jr '8 t;ig o i

A n n u a l F i e ld D a y


Chicago ................. 000 000-- 0W.mliinKUm .................. lidt) 0 1 0 - 4

L yon i and .Sowi'tl; Nuwanni ainl lh)ltcin.

It. U.IU.Dcitrotl ....... 100 0(0 010 '» '0Nuw Y ork ..,n00 201 U lx -U 10

CiMWiUr, Klnuiey and Itoibori R u fling and Jorgeno.

flL Loula-Uoaluu, \irain .

. play.


PO RTLA N D , Oro,, Ju n o I I llf.I!i '• T « o hundred tliouannd pom oni (laeUoil Multnomnli s tad ium loday and lined »ome m ils*' of the lo u la of llio g rand flo ral iiaiailo, m ain , evonl of po rtlund ’a 1030 Itiimi festival,

Ainoriitiin Kall'i. Idalio,Bclioiil. won flrat nilao In aoliool •llviHlilli, one,

|i''Mtion, )ndgrd on 'm arcliingomii'*M(btmy


.HOI.Hp; Juno 12 IIJI'I Idaho' alliinal ipiard, m ippllineritfd by lomlmra o t tho rosorvo offloera

tra in ing corpa. tcxlay para iled In annual rovlow Duforo flov. c:, II UoHM and hia ataff.

I ’rio r to tho roviow, tho gov or wllnoaaod annual field day ijiKi.iiuuia of c ava lry -un lla ,

oncam itm ont,' la rg o a t In national gu a rd hl.'itory,

Tiiolilabo .......................

died tlio ha lfw ay m a rk loday, Kinal Insiiiwlloii a n d -d r ill will be bold Thursilay, Juno IH, T nm ps will (luit ram p and re tu rn hmne Juno 20,


-i, navy aiiplano launobod from tli cirulaor Momphia craahod tiito t 1i4 w a near O uantanam o hay, tmt)a, yoHlnrday, killing a na v a l officor nwl tt RftftMiMi. tli« 1 ^vy i^Pi>i\TtTOBnt waa advlaud (oday.

The duud: M e iil U, W. Litr..i &:), Ilf Omaha, Nell., and avl|>lli n iaclilnlnt.m ato, U t rlana, Hydiiej I., H arris, n i, of llriinnw |ok, Qa.

Wollaee Man Top» _ Idaho Engle Aerie

towing Iho ohino of th e ' annual

Welanr will libat to l lie 'in a ?'Convanlloft

......... uinafier, Jo h n D. M.| Tha auddea tu ra o f the convoa-,in w1i,i w as on ly a fuw tion bm ko unexpsctad ly a f te r la s t

itir,i ri-niovi!l today from the Job i" iS h fa session unanim ously ra ti - • w ant.H -rlia lrm an nf the ltepvib-|f‘od a 1030 p la tfo rm and LAndoa‘« Mil iMUonal i:ommltie.‘, i nom ination fo r th « prosldeacy,I .andon 'i nom inailnn laa t nlfilit:I-'‘h 'lon w aa nomln&ted a f te r t*l»<

graphically p rese n tin g a poraanal expansion of tho conveatloa p la a k i

laiMr, money anti olvUaorvlc*— expansion w hich c aa t once m or*

(„ r over tho convention tho ahadow o(. o f;a p n s lb la bo lt by Sen. W m iim J L ..1.,Hi'n-)rah.

.,^.,1, A tow m inu tes befor# th a con-. . „ „ r.:v cn tio n waa coavaoad to d a y —.a o A -1.,„.||i)ng a f te r tha house aat fo r meet*

ling — tiiisa* o fforta finally wertil-lripped.

„ n n ' 'o h i i.D , M. n a m llto n . L in d jd ,tll.i aon.i or »,.M-I " " " ‘■'‘ISer, aaldi inilirt il^'iby th a t ' "T ha n c s Is w ide open,’* n finliili in th e ' , **®W<iti!p^M mi « ii,i i,_ > " rm an e n t C halrm iio B orlrsn 'l

,1 prlll.H, ,IMi.ilillcal HUivey<, th r opinlciiia of xfic'rla wh.i luivn boeii w riting f. nany w ei'ks th a t thla goi-orn<>t a l.y[)lral prjiiile hI.»Io waa fi dinail of 111.; field, A p a n ii'l’i-ati'd iiH-n pa.i.Si'.l In revie' lU h l Iiefoio the iMnv.'iitionII ................................. (b a t tin'ey;*, p.ilU and .'KjiiTta w .t .

All Chime In

r mil \d'c.iM U n t they

It (bore w ere nbnnti ill, Tho old m an from Idaho mil

linpri'Ha on tha convuntlon, Horne on tha floor and aoino In (be {allerlii.'t Joined laat nlR ht in the ■ Ht dem onstration over liUoly to in te r a round tha stinlor annalor Oiii Idaho lia a pruMldunlial poasl-

blllty. l lo la 71 yuara old. I t waa ' ilmpla dam onnlrallon lim iteii to JiiHt t l i r e e ' or four word.«, "We w an t H iirab, Wiiuro ia llu ra li? .'’

'l■her^ wna none lo anaw nr and 10 m om ent for Morali'a ajipoar-

ance beforo a U iipubllcau national >nveiiUiiii In tho lolo of randldatfl r pronideiil m a k er ]>robably

puMSed forever,m t r h In N em liiatli

A ll th rou tth tliean coreiuonloa Id Itoforo llie duiugdtoa had buun

c lam oring for th e nom ination. Tliuy w an ted ,r)ulek aotlon, iliit tlie ru les leqiiired a pi-ellmlnary roll nail of tlia s la te s In w hich each In a lphabetical on le r be given

M. rinell of Now Y ofk called th ^ deiegatoa to o rdar and vl'lth mo«C of them a im unaw are o l devoIojH

fo r n n r - l '" * ’' ^ ordered an Im m edlata oatl ' (Contlnuod on Pago 2, Columti 0).

(Conllnue.1 nn P age 3. Column 2)

Nf i l iNp u n r .r c h a l l , c i .b v b j l a n d ,

Jim « >a (IM’i - J o h n D. M. I lsm ll ton , ri)d-)ialred OAMbliljrn'lTltnlffet fo r GOV. A lfred Uoaani&n U n d o r, of K ansas, tho UepuhUoan iiomlnae fo r I'rea ldont, w as to b t form ally B M row d « • thti now nation#! chf«frniaii o f tlio R epuU loan na­tional com m lU ee a t « p . m, Ihli afternoon,-T h e new na tional -oom m lttM

ealU d a meet|i]if fo r th a t tlnin to •


C h u rc h . P i 'e s id o n t T ells M I,A ., • M e inhor* “ L iv e tb # O o ( j i# l .

A u d G ro w S t r o n g "

OAI.T L ,\K 1‘. CITY, tftah , Juna 12 UM’i — Tlioiia»nd.» Ot y.iuthful chureh m em bera ami (heir tsich*

thronge<l Hall L ik e c ity totlajr opening oonferencea nf tiie Uu<I Im provcm m jt asuoviallon and

P rim ary asso riad o n of the L a tte r ’ ' '» y BaInU -(M orm on^ chtirctf.

H igh ligh t o f opening day nclivi* ...>4 Waa an addroas h y H olxr J. O raiit, ,cHurch. iimaldftoL .bafotd. general M. I, A. sasilon lu t h i . church 's hislorie .aasem bly hall ad« joining tho faihe l Mormon tabor*naelo, w here other inceUQga «------conducted,' “Tlioae -who a re obedlent "i lira :: tlMu;«IM|»ak>r«taM O ran t told Tim aaw m hiy

“All m y li/a I h&ve t estod h e a r t and aaul l*- Rien and wiJnno of-tl «ai«l. Durlni

ealU d a m oetinii fiirfcniSiSfound anj-ihlng to,

All MfKars of the p

.fiW ,

Page 2: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Page Two J D A H O K V K N I N G T I M K S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O FrhUy. Juno 12,

l i O O f I P R O V E S


•(^iimU^'.Uic.fOQaUiiiUon. -Uut . .VouTiLJiOt'UC'' *ntKnM;'Wlth''l{'r

■ N M O F O R

C hicagoan Nominated as 6 . O P . ' R pnning Mate for Go\-crr.or ■

•Alf M.-lrftmron . r ! -


I m . m m .

PrcsHlont Says A cU cjj Ncedeil Proni})tlyj_Pi2dSfll\, KcTp-"*-

To '-■Little Fellow -’ -

NChitvc ihnl ()hj<'c'tivc.2. Tbo };cvrrncr ftlsn ap rred wilh

11.0 pl.-.ta.rm plank cAllttiK f ..r n ►f.UKt! tu r rca cy n t nil ha7.arrin ty , rr.far.B of a ha lancnl biKlRi't- B u t ' there , too, be »nlil, he niiisl rxplnin: ):!s personal hcllc-f th a l " the fccon 'I ' TCfjul*itt” In n cu rrtncy cxpi

IK-nruth Ihpir muninioth liitnncr, drIrfr„trH f io m Hcrliorl Clark H oover's hom f M atr o f CiUI- (ornla, iim hliuwn h r r r . lod In th e nvutlon kIvpii th e tu rm cr I’rr^ idrnt nhpit be sppeu rrd on th r aprak* «t '» Hinnd to liiiinch liix lilivht iiRnlnxt Ihc Nc-w D ciil n t the <i. O. I', nntioiial «onvcntIcn. Siirroiind- liiK the (inlilni K ln tr di'k'KUtlitii >trrc ur» g ro u p s from uther kta tm u h o Joinpd iiproiirloiiMy in the S4-ininiitc oiitliltrht of iip|ilaiisc.

PpoccUs anu.l .•ho wrrr tiiial. 11 till- IrrtKthy

cnccR to IH(! ••innn who ’ Ibootl hftrclshipH jiisj w hat can-!was Ic ln c oJJcr<;i£_____ _

ritunnint' Chmax Then came the atiinninf; cl M ichigan anr.ounced it '

ca*l its 38 vo icf (or Vandct D elegates cheered. B ut • m leetl his Eftvcl ami »iiinckf<l fo r silencc.

■n a rto d 10 rca ;• fn .ni Bm. Va

lo nvalii' ou l w

.-•X ho note b»berf,' fdniplv a nnn;ir,c

■•Jf m y iiame is ' %lce prcfliilcnt jilew convention tliitt I < w ithdraw n. This Ir.

I C A M T ST A G E AKi ACT-T .R oor-^vcL T ja

i f ’Pt3. T O W N S 6 N P

W p%OSVs^OR TH ‘!,7W


fr.iind t i n t ccrtatn fnrrtiii • if monf.poly • • the c(,nibiniitit.™ rf piiblic ulilltlc.-. itnrl o '.hcr tMfW ic!f(;.s whfcli the ir cwn■nt!s - • v/erc iinilemDcratic brcau?c

y w ere hoarinp down heavily qn»ipCtlt'’)S

into ro!nd '< i-crtlbl

he added,-did not;

f.f,ld hti T.dafd, but It «tid m ean a r e tiirn *” whm * i t * could * * be * done T-’ithcut pcnallzlrir the nation'." (cojunny or injuring fariix-rs or

Landon Takes Helm of GOP

R S I C A N O l O O

Ly 0!News in Brief

Th.‘ rei -iin ihroufih. There naiii.nH. Only th:,.v H ,.rrv VIr,.

offered hlH fu ll ipporL to the Ihc cainp.ti};n.


the Eold fctai 1 In ; plal. jSlnbr

, Merit Sy»tetn „r j^^dr.n .3. In the third place. Lanilon's T lv ifw ayn 't the w.iv Uu- )r:u(n

Ulc}:ram nalrt, he would po l>y<md j,;„i ,| ^ ;,t An?.- n,i wi'n.e ptalformN p.oposal t h r ' , , , ' , j . „ , a Kaii:cs an iiirri; syitcm. "I beUcvc,’ he said, KancaH was to Find J!nnidt<jn ii '■thnl there should be inchnled front lo .in his lllff. within the merit system every po-; OvprrulMs.tion in the Jidm inlstrativc !rervlce Cnnfionlnl with ihi.t »iluiili(,i hcknv the rank of aisHi.stanl -st-.iie- Chairman Uertiand 11, SdcII .‘•al

. i.Mlcs cf major OeparlnKnts and Arizona <;uiilila'l «.ficr ii n-mm; iii;cnc:es and that this inc lvmion n„n in that cavalier fachion. mould tiiver the entire po.stoJfice Alabama pai.srd arain. «!pparlmenl." • Aritona yielded to

Thus he esprew ed to the ron- " 'W lio-u-o-o-pe-t-t-o ," tlie dcU v in tJon hiB specific te rm s to r a jja tes shnulcd. ■(irr.ntic cliininutlon of po lltlrs from H am ilton appeared, b ifa n r f<^;rral jobs — especially the pa-,follo\v.s;trcnase-deaiinB poaloflice depart- ; " I huve> ft H 'lenram from Go .inent—nlthoiiph the resoliilions f^nndon, Il.i.s hh foiloivs; • <ummUlcc refuscil lo «o U iu l./u r .. '•■To the del«->!aieB i.f Ihe R e -’

Com promite Platform puDllean national einiv< ndtin.The platform , a s • Ih reslin l out R vtry ch.iir in thu yVRst ha ll'

y.y the rctiolutionB com m ittee and fvonicd lo Miueak n bit an d. li>., J',ilnpte<l hy the eonvenlion on the j;.iteR leiinrd fo iw i;iJ in earnest] rnollon of Com m lllee Chnirinnn conci’iitratlnn.J lernm n I.snfrw orlhy of Kiin*a.H " . my iiariir i.i to be pre- f l ty , w as n rompromlce on m nnv senle)! for ydiir t in i id r ia i io n roKilfi in nn effort to n tlr a c t Imlh: UelefcnteM w r e ki rrumr.f.'foi-war.l laM iind we^l, One of the ..h ie fh y (bi^ tiiiio.. Tlie j . i i . o s w,ia puri'oses i)f the com m ittrr w as to restif.H.i Ijnollify Jlornh ’hy nrf'epttnK his; Homrthinf: wan eoniinf. ide»« on monopoly anil forciKn af- T lin . Hnniilti>n let them have it. ^ lur^ - il-iindon had rra .i th , p latfrom and '

A pjm rfn lly »he Idahnan w nnjip iikrd It. bu t Hr had hln own j.a rllally naliBfled when hg left fur Iderr. If Hi,. ronventlc.n wat* wronj; Wa.-ihinKton iH'forc heaiin j; o f ,In nMimiiiiK thn l the U nited S tates

drrlariillon . althniiKh lie ic.nMltiition woiil.ln’t perm ll pro-

Mrs, Corrt E. Btevens, T reasurer , Is In itia l E n tra n t in ;

P rim ary Cam paign i

I'.vomiiig Visitor lli;use F uw l of ]

Mrs Cora E. St< •.•,.unty tr . '.a u re f . lu flic her pc litiof toy oificc in the Ai.... ------- . u-'-t 11 piin

lominatione Deniccr.’ tic tic Xirs- SlKVcn.H i.s hcii-int; h. r thi nn In her pre-'Jent posj. Ilecer £hc wr.« jiiimcd M c rt la rv of i .110 areoclntion of county tre

H ViMlinR i;«l;>tiv.-» • Charli.s I ’erfon.', U .s AnpeleR, is '

visittnp a t the home of h is coutln, . • U- K. Clark- • . • . ■ i

Home K rom Sehuol jMi-s,<! Elaine Dudley, s tuden t a t i

,, the U niversity of Idaho, M iithem '. branch, I'ocatello. ha.i retum ei! to

,sp<inl the eum iuer vacation here ..

■f •Marvlf.nd, J m r H. U ttio of New Y.Tk .t ji-juu- Su3. W aller K. o£ N i rsey v.cre before the cunventl

And before fhe' lu ll had b< :;lle'.l, each of enndi.ln 'Ithdrciv In favor of the Chiti)

I.ublisher:KNOX “(;R A T > :F rL ”

M ICHIGAN CITY, Ind.,• d-.l'i C-mmentin},' upon h lii^rrtior s s R rpub lic .in tv irr prr.*!-'- cUnlial Cf.ndidate, Ci-I. F ra n k Knox of Chicago said today:

^ - I ar.j profoundly g ra te fu l for!'• th is m ark of confidence us m iiica t- '

]<<1 hy the unanim ous vcjtc. I ^ lia ll! ]havi' nothing fu rth e r to hay un tili

;h ChltTyjo,”

c 12.

vi;y op-

1 Ih n t there held by the yeom anry o sa and induHtry and a frtcu l

)k- w am erl th a t "any cirm cntal policy.- economic or po lilka lt which lendH to c llrelnalc there depend*, able defcnilcr.-) of dcr.iocralic inttl- tutlons, and. to concentra te control in the hands of ft few. ar.iall pov;er- ful grmip.i, 1-s d lrcctly opposcil lo the Btabiiity of governm ent ami lo deinocraHc Rcvernm ent lt.«»c!l."^ •

redc rul Aelloii . The chief c.xcciillve relti-rated Jh c .iw ln t he liiaOo a l L illlc HlcIi. ' lA rk , th e fir.-il m ajor atop fij his* ;''non-political" lour o f the fcouth- jwe/it, th a t cert.iiii coniiiie.H ;lcma a re m broad In ficilpe they

■“ ’ solved only Ly federal ac-

Rep, H. E . Povv, who announced earli th a t he w ould be n

;renom iniition. al.^t) flitil hi

. Kim»)crly., , --------- •In the week ^ “ ^ F m iii Mo«covv indiii.-ile for; H ahn, son of Mr.

J. Hahn, tfflce Of llic ,’’' ' '

I He sa id :'i -IndiVnT'ial s ta te s nttemptc'.f [cntiraKeop.siy to ' rcgutftte the rale

^ of-ttock

ma/i a m w i t h S ll-w H A T -






.nd ! kn( th a t fiom the point of view ot th e . nation as a whole, the effective curbing of abuse.i w as made pos- .■•ibie only w hen the eongrcM of the United Stnte.i look a hand by iwiss- Ing the secu ritie s act and the htc-ck- c.xchr.ngc net.

S tn tr s IJm lted . ,"So i t goes wit,h conatriictive re­

form of m any o the r abuse.s which, in the past, have lim ited or pre*

;1 tlic i(umi


m OF m The G. O. P. Platform Voted by .Convention

cruey In opportunity ,' jgres-sive of Ihe sU tcs

Wife* of J . R. M axwell Passes Today, Leaving Cliild

Balt I ,ak f Cit' nge r and Hountoi

1 the'Vjn^verD'ity'r.f Thrce W ^eks Old

H'-dny visit- here w ith friends.' |


;! to pet the c of I lie '

m itlei .p t ■IM ni^raphs ol nin nin

T hat pnratiraph i>n liua tion by law (if i

IIOHliie-'ti'cllnn ,nl rhildtrr

rretonitrs:'' 'ninilliHi -ominlltee nlni<'k|ln i 111' (rimmlllr,' also'f'on

of n

N lin t (h ri.- wan no hu loan>l Uiiidiiii liroiitiiit

e ennvi'n llon'n all(<ii- e llon lliul n rff|iilslti' rrncy Im free ocmver- u n e iiry liili. pokl. He I.' Ihrir, lulii.MwIedK-


o terllliirltf iilHiili, wtilfh ...........

ff haekern npjirovcti ilof'lhaHiiii'rnliy, riOlnl for . .

Nov tiinl rriluiin'iii.tra<to ni[i

lotill lo p rotc it'nBnn iU iirB urn ]i>l<(ir nllhi' AiiU to |<roinolo inter BHtlUUUl kttat<

'ITIn : W " ’ J- M iuw ell. 21. jliedI. who a ttend ,'d thelonal InNuianec c,>, ' “ '"■y The body IsCi’alveiiton, T ex , an ,l m ,,rtiiary. from w here . 1;1 iinil relnllveii. r n id lo d n y .

kaii' i^>ke <:>M-«iMrH. tia y /^ i i Ikx

CItV, is tile* /;,lr!itS a lt i J i k c ' t " ' Mrs, (liven

:>rincriy .Mi«a

be shipped to r funeral'jibrvit

Ira. Masvvcll w as I /nnla. Sep t 1.' ilil

hiiKband came tc II Xlnrtln.n'liie laf

I. She Tw in Knlii SeplemlHT,<li

CLEVELAND, Ju n e 12 tU.l:r — experim ental i.i.l to farm ers; pro- The p la tfo rm lu accep te< rby thQ,niolJon of induhtnul u t,' <»f farm national convention o f \ |^ e pa rty :.p itiluc tB ; prcteclK .n of the Amer-

iti I ’llK A M JJL E *^ farm er foreign pr«,Ui r . A 'declaratlcn th a t '•A m rricn la^uetfi; «ffecllve quiiran tine apnlnst it irt peril" and nn Invllntlon lo c lt-j ilve.-doek, dnlry nnd oth-

i of all partiefl to join w llh .i''’ ta n n p roducts fn>m countries ncpuOllcan p a r ty Jn <lilvlnK l"'' '‘‘‘*' ' 'n p '^ e , health , and

th e N ew ,D eal, A reclU j, »:onltary reguliilions fully ...............« o f clm rges th a t th e Demo-, >»"• U nll« l K tnte.i; n i

n l |t r a l lc ndm inliitratlon has Infrlngedil'f^vlnloji!. fo r iji In «•>’ -"T3onnl . lllM'rlles, piKlsngeiv

jThe m ore pragrcislvc 'm ay <lo th e ir share , bu t unless the laction of th e a tu tes Is subnlantially liinlfprm nnd slmultaneou.s, the ef- 'feetlvenc.-w of reform is nullillcd 'an<l crippled by chlseler.s, who. like 'm a n y ,o th e r cvll-iloers, a re . nlas,

, fltlll w ith us,”

i'Borah Verdict Will Await Return Home*

lughter i-;i,-■Mis. l-tllon K , Karl, fJrethai ; ,tn>l (WO sisl<

nnd Mis1» l.u i tlnsvlile.

' her hUHband.

.Siiitii, all oj M at

eil lo briiiK two nrv'cM.t

ACtend» <'..iivrMllu.r Dr. J. K. MeMlli,'n lell

for Idaho l''iills, where )i, l<nd Mie s ta le .iHlropalldi

K rlday anil Hatiinliiy. •Ii Kunday,

CoiiilllliiM 0 >imt

l'on|{o tlrn iip M eets

j s m c E B s m

: ; J B f S E M C L y

A m frlean aystei inen t nnd bred fe n r /ln commerct and ImluBlry. /

tO N S 'P iy r f lO N A I .TOTEUNM KNT

A pledge t. . .m a 1ntnlii life eon M itutioii and the «yAti;in uf loca 11,'lf-governm enl iinil tlio Amcrlcar ayatcm <if frfo en terprise,

UI!:>:.\11>LUYMICNT Adviieutes rem oval o f .re a trie t

ilon« on i)ro,Un iioii; w ithilruwfil o: ipelitlon With )i

. of the fm iiiI anrt ncn-part\i

in la l

I lep .l


raiiem ent <■!,

le Will L io n s Ctiooiic I^ona ld L . G ravou T o fiticcccd J o h n B udcn

A s F rc s tilc h t

' W ed- I ---------I'oiinty K leillon of orrie,'is was hcii) a la iio ry ih,< weekly I....... inerlliiK ofl

'Hie Minis Hub li'day. tn s ta lla llo - ' iwiil be Ju ly 1 fnr lloiialil I

. 'firnvei-, prfslilenl: Wlllliim ( J e rU iJ I' 'v iil f |,„ i vl<e preslileiit; P r, (I. 'I',| III. nl |,(iUo; sccnnd vleo presiden t; I'h il-I

UKI.IKl'-M eiurn of refljwinsililllty fu r re-

lief ndmlnliilrnllon l<i iion-|>nlill^iil loral ageii,'le«;' f .d e ia l aid j;ianln to n ta les w ith n f a ir lotni of the burden falllnK wn n la lra nnd loral i;<ivemmrnt/f; eeleelkm .of mlniinlii- ira tlvn offli'liiis by m e ri t; llinlta- Hon <>r |)uhllu w orks to th e ir iner- lla; a p rom pt de term ination of faelB coneernlng relief and iiii- employment.

HKCIUIITYyoii-gn pol-

,ley , will «lhl.. foi

> Heiiei'Utloii rmiiiinir.

day nl Ihn l-<nloi

re ta ry -lr( .

Mdslant ir lly fiindh i ; a direot li . pay lo r II

.portnliI». hurpliiMD. T A Il ll 'T

f Iho N,-w Deal reelp- a g re e rn itit ; nn lo ro tlon

of the flexible lu n r f frlnrlpleH lo pr<-t«;l X iajntm iiii>l«Jiife eum ers Irom foreign conipctition; ta riff »dji:rlment»i to jirt^mole Interna­tional traUv.'

M ONOr»)UKS X pUilgit H t vijjoioua t'nforce-

iiient of c rim inal luiil civil lawn iigainnt innmipollee unil truntu and llifir offieiaif, and eniiclinent <if kueli kddltiohitl K^liitJition iu iiec- twiory to preven t monopoly,

U K d lllA r iO N orJiDHJN KSH lli'ioKiilllon <-f a field •■within

\vliK'h governiiK-nlal reKViiiillon U •ieoiiablo Kiid lydiitnry.” The au- Ihority lo reKiilnle oIk)uIi1 re s t In an lnile|K 'ndiiit tn b iin a l nctlntr der fl]i< rifle. )il'W, w llh decisions siibjeet lo c o u rt review, Ketii'f ri'giilallon <if inarkelInK <'f r>ecii llles and tiiter» ta tii |)ubllc lit lly eoncerns. '

o i v i i . h ic k v ic f ;A iiledge "U' th e n ierll systeii

which »houht he restored, In.prfi ed and extended.

(iO Vr.UNM KNT FINANCK A p iidge lo "nlop Iho folly nf

W ASHINGTON, June 12 . m —3 en. W illiam E, Borah e itab -

nd! M»hed hlm#elf n i the “queition- to1 m.nrk" or the' eommo pfeiKteni ofl tlftl cam paldn today when he’

(tecilned to s la te h it a ttitude to- ' worrt th e newly-nom inated Re-

t 'ad m in - publican tic k et of Alf M. Lnn> aid In diei- tlen nnd F rank Knox.

Bornh, clltQruntled by the la it m inute pla tfo rm itn i ' ' '

(if In d iu ’N N nlional I ’oiiKreHH

1 1 A N D I 'Ja w a h a i l i :

w ld,'ly ilinlrlbuted l<I'ruKrain,

I.AItOllA pledge for p io teellon e.{ th

I'lKhl lo iirganire and bnrgnln ml h , lively IhioUKh lepiehenla llve of lalsir'n own i:hoitn1ng; prevnn lion <if aiiloera llo Jnfluenee of fed e ia i job iKiidi'rfl over ialHu i m i|i poi I lo r tid,i|il I,III o l Aliilo Inwa sn

d v r ltu lo coiniMiRtS lo nlmllsli and ehlld lalKi



bala|jin)ge.l by euU ling fxpei

d rasllca lly iin,l liiinie<l ml of till i('i,/<lnt: laxen I of tlie leileiul tax kvkU lliialloii ^vilh f lu id and loeal

.Nli>k p

tmiini M in io ; e .iast K

a'.VkoJll will

Hear miritl lli ir iy 41, lli iinlel U ta ll lh-4 hy Ilia aennlo . W A on Dim iiiut iHH'ti tirad nf lh« e.iriW fl-


tiiielv serimm ilui> In |||< Kjif>ii*lldlll\ ill hln poxlihui

<il,| llliiK I 'r t r r ol . si<iviit Ip iileliiii'd Ks iiM'e ..I Mni hoM-i'hrild e iu a li ) u iu him nl his fliht nilllflii} t '- lillle lK n- ••

>i{ Hie llmi. . _H3‘"


I J . laiwar<l W arner, Olsltli.l Ui- 'lii-.n eoiniuainhi', ain't W, \V, I''ian1i-, dinlil, t lu lju lan t, vlnlle<l I ’ ilV Hvani I'ont No. :id n t (Imid- lirn WulmvKluy un lui aimiial I r lu

•|iiiril»iK lilghly f«* ' progiepa thn


1 ininl I' pii

r«pe, t lo

»lilutlnri a s iL now standn." ATiiiK.'Hi.Tliiir;

l''a i'llll^i|i,in' of e,'<i)iiiiiil,'|il pr<i iluullon uiid iMui'utuiul iin n hanls of nbundi


MONKV A N II IIA N K lN liA dvoiales a m u iik I enitene)

h r preMerveit n l nil JiaMr<1s| f irst lequtTiitr ’ nriap: n bnlai iiail’H ; <i]i|<ore<i in i th e r devahui-

linllnr; winihl restori th e pow er lo ehnniti

'f th e dollnr nnd ro- w llh

jlS I"Hon nl lh< to ci.I.Kir Ihe vnlur

I tei a lional <dnl


I' a rijiiltlntf s w llll M ale


I) for u 'tK

eliealjh1<>UI‘:IHN A rrA iU N

A pledKi' til pronnite nnd main, tilln r n i t i : hy Jill honOruble inenn*;

to >-liiln(; ihe U nftu i<'( ........... .. o r the w«irld emirl. oili|liliiK p a rt In nny entnnHllnR: nl'

niilhniAl mill tiatk'H Ihrmiglk t i t e , Indepeiideiil

MilVhuihllng ami will - (ti<p1ellng le iops lo Insurn ptm llie llvlly Willi

........... . liviiefll jwiy^iirnln lo

■I trim<n<'KI01IT8

plf<lKo to jirrM rv*, frc«()om 'liKkJiii tjiceeh , jircsa lunl m*

• ----------- it or'iUHiemWy.oiiiTiilinK famieri on famiiy-iype <lio: nnd the rJfiht oT'AMemWy{unn*, Lui m * rtwululvtl aa mHt..)icitUtia, aniTJuuaiuiiiy /iumiHmlniite "lli<i New l)eai>« (leAlnie. iinira«nnit>ile niMiroli nr «murOi live jHijiey loWniMs Ihe dnli^ ADDITIONAL fUUMIBH

I' uviirinu lidc rn lly -b u tit head-

don c elded to

labor, de-

no I 'r a n i V isitrn, Lyi« W hitney has relurnprt II Me.Iford, Ore., w her„ Mie hus i vlMltinir he r diiijghtcr.

.te r reservo irs lo preVenl llO<id«, suhjeet lo s ta te approval. *

2, KuvoritlK e<iuai o[.pnrlimlly or coloreil elflwnfl nn,l plMlgiiig ‘ liem prtitectUm -of tlieir ecpnomio* ta tiw anil personal safe ly , ,

a. A pledgn (o 1n<llanN to nhl inelhiralhm of llv1n>r <-ondltlonti,’4. A pitstgii to a,lc(|iiBte com- •

lensftllon nnd tn io ft.r v e leian t. mil Uielr wldown, oriihiuin oml IrpendenlJi,

h, Uflo o f every effort to «.N* net w nr dnbta duu iho UnllOl

Htalen,Oppoflltlon to legislation dls*

crlm lnntlnK OKnlnst women In fn l- • la l nml a tn ta rm plnym ent,

CON(;i,liHION A nffirnintlon of ",>ur uiialler*

iblii eonvli'llon" llu tl Hin fatv of tin na tion will depend on th o ^ ■liarneler nnd v lrlua of g o v e rn -» neiil, on auir-r«tlnnen and th rif l o f • tie peopio luiil Ihidr wllllnKneos o m eet ro«poruill))llllen. A jmia*

graph nf <iuotatloii rr«>m Ihe llrs t llepiihllcan p lnlform of IHDII was • ' ,lcd In regar.l lo iiiierly of

. . ., of ilg l'l" il Invitlni; aid of "men of all

imrlleii laiwuvur diffviliiH fii.n t ua i.<ilhur ri'iiHiotii."Th« last |<ara([rn|ih wan a ple<lge mt Ihii iioinlnren of Die party oiiid c u rry lh»—p ln tfnnn iis "n ' .n ite r ^f p rlvu tu hunui nnil inilll"

All p ad Fellows anH Robekalis

Meet A t Tho 1 ,0 .0 . Y. HnIL

SUNDAY, JU N E U10 a. 1 11. ,

l-lei.mi l.rliiK fl.uverH for dttcuruliutf . itnuuiH ul uur ilo p i ir tu d iiiuiiiliorH.

Page 3: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

FriJay. June 12, 1935 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO' Pnffe Three

m I N S 10

SOCIAL mmt l D u co S h i f t s S U to to Less

S p c c la c u la r W a r on Foes O f F a s c j j ia ■■ .

Preserving Salmon at BonnevilleDam Will Take $4,500,000 Outlay

BV 0 . JO H NSO N (NE,V Scrvlco)

BO N N E V IU -E —WiU llio .g rea t mlK ratory run o f salm on a n d Bteel- liciid iii> the Columljia river, valued

inlHlonH of ilollnrs annually by r<inim«rcij<l,lnUro»lJ, a n d furnlalj. iiij; rccrciillon-«n(H ^port to thoU'

Ilv H rn rv T (Jorrfll anKlora, bo tJospollcU byll> l ic n r j 1 . i .o r r t i i U anicsm t the forced of.U>o river toH O M E « l ! i - C c » , . U o n n ( o l I n . m . t r y ?

t o , y a c U v l U t . m E . . , t A r r j l « n . |dttlironemmt' ot HiUle fai-LiaHie „ y cng[nccra

in construction of Bonne-

irrXi'fflJ.........■■ h i tlilfl a Jvance lliero obviously upstream fromwill bo no rccourao to biiyoncls "rii.jr lliin iiband grcna<lc3. N o banners will bo, upaircam pas-

. flyi.iir. SbouU of BoUiiers locUcd in usurecl consqrvallvely.h :u l-to-hand struRRlcs will be ab- ai*’G,0OO,OOO. th e problem of how -Ben.. F o r I t will com priso nn ul- .

l/ici: no t ag a in s t com m unities pro- • tccted by a n ll- a c r ia r guna and

he jv y a rtille ry , b u t aR ainsl Fas- -------- clsm ’ahated-enem lefl— Cspltaliflm

<1 CorIta ly 's a rm y of m ore than 1.000.-

fOOO offlceru. arid men' m u st stand aside, being held in reaiKnesa, ftoMVcr. to repeJ a n y th rea t to

. .wfely of tbe hom eland or llie vast expanse of tcrrltory»-obU incil by foi-co in A frica.

Focfl W eukcnlitK . r.enllo Mussolini, w orking diil-

‘ [■enlly In hla o ffice a t P alazzs' -'-d aal a thn iir rh far.i rV 'F - f

t j pass the salm on and ateelhead over the CO.foot b a rr ie r w hich is Uonnevllle, and on to spawnlnff grounds upstream , Is one of con­sum ing in te rest to sportsm en and commercial m en alike.

A ttack ing tlie problem in ILs ninny phases, f ish ing In terests of OrcKon and W ashing ton and the IJij^ltcd S la tca bureau of fisheries pre.sented dlvcrae and conflicting views.

Locks and LaildcniU. S. engineers took everything

into con.9ldernlion ami. ou t of the nece.S8arilv lim ited d a ta available,---------------- ipm-----.TTttyB V

T hree’.sets of ladders ,nnd th r ■Iobbl6 fish locks to bo Installed. 'D On the W ashing ton shore a ladder arid » a e t o f f ish lock?. (2) On Bradford Island a ladder w ith branches lead ing to the aplllway dorfi and to th e powerhouse, and a aet o f f ish looks « t th e nouth end (It the spillw ay dam . (3) A third se t of fish locks, under construc­tion sou th of th e powerhoune, also

cist principles a rc w eakening,

,.*_-4*(»JcorpowW lvo.nt& te w as se t in motion by inaugura tion of the 22 corporations, will be th e watch-

. ‘ w ord of Ih ls new social "revoUi- , llonary m ovem ent.”

•'H arm ony is ha rm ony," says II Diice; "discord la an o th er thing."

F o recast In 103S F i rs t Indication th a t a complete

revision of the I ta l ia n parllam cn- t i r y system w aa contem plated by the F ascist governm ent w as given by Mussolini on N ov. 14.' 1933. in nn address before w h at then was

' • know n; os th e N ational Guild council.

"The cham ber of deputies pre. supposes a w orld w e have’ demol'

■ . ish cd ," 'sa id Tl D ucc: " It presup- po.sea th e p lu rality o f p a rties and

, 'n o t in frequently th e holdup of the m inisterial dlllBcnce. Since' the d-iy on w hich w e annulled this plurality , the cham ber has lo st the cascatial'rcasOTi lo r wlifcJj Jt

• form ed , . . Wo a re U kitfg th e r a lep forw ardrevolution.'' __________ __ __ _

Jt Is o " Tecom m ^riJntlon-of p rov ided 'p flncipajiy by meana, rlous -corporations, w h ch r e p r e - . ■ 1 , by-passcs s im ilar to

• seat every branch of lln l ian life. aeaigned for th e upstream worltinff w ith FasclHt eonfcOcra-i^jj,! *’ •tion.'? to com bat Oie dilem m a of ItWi ' p jq ^ fo r C u rren t Hun du.itrial exploitation and non-pro- ^jegt.iajd pinns of

. ducllvo posscs.sion, th a t the S^v-1 of fisheries- e rnm cnt Issues Ita reg u la r decrceS| ^ scientific plann ing of/ r e g u la t i f ig na tional a ffa irs ■ ifi.,h«.aya and locks w ill take care

W hat "corpora tiv ism uU lm ateiyi^f jn ig rnn ts a fte r th e dam is m a y lead to In.iU a tte m p t to solvei^^, A nother,p rob lem , how-

tlie problem of dU trlbution of|p^.^r' ,3 „ r e of th is y e a r’fl

flD JS aO C ffl I EOB RliSI ■

The g rea t Honncvllle'Slam In th e Columbia rivnr In O regon threutencd to despoil th e $IO.ODO.OO[| salmon and steclhead fish ­ing Industry on th a t s tream l>rruiiHe II burred the p a th of f ish ascending rtio river to spawn. EnglnrorH, hoHi-vor, a rc busy bidd­ing fish ladders und locliN, and tho Indiistry niny bo saved. H ero U n lyp lcal shot of u aalinon c learing ii barrliT on lls w ay up a lreuni. ' '

.... en trance from tho pow erhouse, fishway into th e nav lagatlon lock- ■

-Costs $3,r>00.000 IThis construction is to be made ; an e stim ated cost o f $3,000,000. T heoretically, m a tu re salmon;

and stcelhead, rounding o u t the ir Ufe_cyclo_ bi: rc tiirn lng to hoi

DECLO^ .[E lm er Tnrke, and Floyd S chrenk I aris atti:ndin< sunim or school a t I the Albion S ta te norm al.

^ I W oodrow O stcrhnut has beenMrs. E m ery Simmons en terta ined i'l the w.-ek w ith pneum onia,

i num ber of g irls Sumiay in honor' , Miss D ora Sm ith is v is iting rela -..... » , -, o f-lie rdauK h tc r-B everly 's s e v e n t h , in M alta _

-•aters to spaw n, wllj bo a ttrac ted ,b irth d a y . The afternoon w as spen t C he t P a rke Is in th e L . D . S- to t h e , stra teg ica lly located flsh -iin p lay ing gam es. Luncheon w aa 'nosi 'ita i a t S a lt L ake C ity recelv- w ay en trances and co llcctlng sya- served by th e hostess. I'fiK medical trea tm ent.

................... ............. V om lce and Beverly Sim m ons Mr. and Mrs. W alker W aym ent•e v isiting in K azelton a t th e ^ n d fam ily and Mrs, S a rah Bing-

hortio of th e ir g randparen ts. spen t tho w eek-end a t Wcn-L. A . Gfllelt, jr ., has rc tu rne -l-^^fi-^ it-U jo . homfi .o f M ra . W ay-

home from Moscow w here he has " 'c n f s parents,been a ttend ing school. ' ] ------- :---------------------. -B c tb -S m lth ,-i Ia lta .- lS -v if lm n g i- D r. - S - . a .W y a tti D ruglcsq a t th e homo of her g ran d p a re n ts ,|ileu lth Service,.Itadlonic D iagnosis Mr. and M rs. Tom Osterhout-- and T reatm ent. C onsultation Is

Miss M a rg a re t Simplot, Mrs- Free. l.H T hird Avo. N . PIiodo H ow ard M aonlng, L loyd F isher,; 1377.—adv. ‘ >

T n c re a so d ^ A p p ro p r ia t io n Lt>fi I n I n te r io r D e p a r tm e n t

F in a n c in g B ill •

(S l.iff CorresponclenrriWA.SUINGTON. Jun.-: 11!

p ia ll—A fliT dll tho sliiiuliiu: ii.i >dic'd aw ay, tho inlcTltir ...................a pp ropria tion bill for Un' ni’xi ii i- cal year in gniiii; throu i;h wiiii anincrease in bll.sior ru s t ........... .funds of SIRO.OOO ad .lc l ri.M a r-- su lt o f nn amoiiiimcni bv K Pope w hile the bill w as m iin' senate.

T he forest s c n ’ice advuieu ua th a t it Intends to ailocato (In' e n tire $180,000 to regnin No. 1 w hich la very largely Maho. Tiu- money will bo spent th rough llu ' office of HcRional Foru.nter Evaii Kelly o f M issoula. Mont.

F ifty thousand dollars of thi‘ money will b« w ithheld tem por­a rily because of a new tree dlsca-ie whJcJj h a s been Jocatrd in Dm pondero.ia pino of A rizona, caile i " tw ig b ligh t." The foiv.Ht -lerviL-.- know s no t w hether It l.i ftniHUH, Insect, o r some new and diaeaae, '

I f It cfevplaps Into a contajjinu-i

dangcred and $.'i0,000 will bo held in— .,pruU;cL...JiUllV.. ag a in s t tho new di.iease,

Non-Negotiable *MARTlNF,Z,--'Callf. (l'..l'i—X girl

dashed into th e county cierlc'.s of- fico w ith a s trange m an and a ; m arriage license and asked to be m arried. Tho c lerk . pointed o u t, th a t th e m an wa.s cu t the onei nam ed in the license. She said ahe. had changed her mind sin co 'o b -j ta in ing tho license, bu t woul'l IlkCi

, , Tho c lerk said ahelcouldn’t.

Compare wUk whiskies a ih k e

terns by a rap id ta ilrace . I ta velO' c ity Is expected to d l r « t them into locks and ladders, from w hich, once entered, th e re is no tu rn in g back,

D ow nstream ' m igran ts, finger- 1 lh« p a l l o r , , , „ ^ to Ih t !sa,

,.,-jw li(iro-U icy_grow _to..inoturc_fiah.

.w ea lth , even high F a sc is t a u th o r l - . ; a t the r a te oflies hesit/ite to predic t. T he known , nor**.standpoint o f Mi , hoviever.i.i th a t th e problem iH to bo-solved and tho corporatlvo system m ust be perfected to solve It.

Wlillc the colonial office Is busy pl-inning th e exploitntlon of cun-

. ’quered Rthlopla. th e Fn.wl.'*! cor-p jn itions, given Increased power, ....... ,Is expected to place inlo. active practice. M ussolini's Iheory tlint^ - the govcinm eiit m unt m aintain

• c.ini'ful control of economic cate- K.iries. »

100,000 a day.. To take care o f this , adjustable

atop logs arc“ Bc(ng placed In .th e fishw ays tran sv crsln g tho face of the powerhouse, thereby guiding the fish elthbr tlirough An opening to be cu t th rough the shlplock fish­w ay bulkhead, o r th rough a six-

square opening In tho bulk- :-and .two pow er


• . Ueeil CduUl. who ha;i bfca 'S t- tenrting a school! o f mitomohtle iinil illrnel I'n'glne meeluinlc.H In

• I'c.itliind, Is hnmi' fo r a vlilt.Neal Olsnn, I» rra ln e .Inne.i and

•'l Miltliewfl. M .T . A. «t:il(o f<>a- , • ' li-.ll dance wlnnern, le ft yoHtorday

t>i iilU'ud the Juno conforenee M. I. A. m eet arid e n te r Ibn dtinee c.iMti'.Mt III ^ iiit U ik.r c;iiy. I

Mr, iind Mrw. U 'o Ilcinn-r iind, ' fitnilly, who have been living tlie.

■ w ln lor In floulhern liliih . /iro in.iUlMK Ihiilr liiimi’ In IJurh'y fur

• till' HiinmuT,lllnhop anil M rs.‘A, T. Gep left

Tiic'iiilay to viHit reliilivcH in IT'ivcj. Mi.1.1 M argariit P a rk e r im<l Ml;-.i

• Ivy, MiinnliiK, titii.leiiln a t llui H. V. u .,.\v lll iv iiirn w ith ilu'm, • '

W iirn 'a lilnghiim « |m ni |i;irt of• llie wei'll ............. Ill ri H inlnl .\!<m-

il.iy 1» iitti'a<l the All)l>iii iKiniiiil Huninier flrhool, *

Mr. iiiid Mrs. A lfton Adams and . Iwihi', Wiitiipa, aro niiiklnK »n <‘ft-

i f u l i 'J visit w ith reliillvefi heiv.Tim llr llef Biieliity held Its work

mill biiHlncss nieelltig a t tliu ward ‘ liiill Tuesday. A i|iillt w as (iiililwl

' tor ono of the iiiuinbcr/i, v;hll<' var- l<jiia o i le r s madci iippll<]iie blnrkH. A da in ty iruy lunch w as soived to

. a ; by Mm , Harnh U auer and Mrs. JiVwJt.1.

Mr, and Min. D aniel llowun and ’ Mr. and M»*, Ui'orgo Unlier ae-

I'liiapauled Mias Itnby Howni ami lllilDM lliibor to I/>Kaii wheio they

nturriod In Ih.i I-. I>. H, im i- . plu today,

West End W.C.T.U. Holds June Meeting

ll l l l l l , , .iMiin HiMHP'Hilalj Tile /liilll W. C, T, II. hold lls Jiniu

• iiiii'llMtt Tni'kday a fti’rnnoii In ihn Methdrtlat church. A fl<r ■ brief iiiintiifas. maotlnir. „ .tlio..lolljwlinK


TE L R l'H O N E • llE U N IT E S TWOSOUTH SA N rnA N C IS C O llill

--T h e telephone reunited H arry -laeger nf th is c ity w ith hU sister. Mrs, K ath ryn G anstcr, Brooklyn. N. Y„- fOr tho fira t tlm o -ln 38

^yuHta. I t waa tJjn U rst personal, com m unication they Imd since .ineger le ft home in 1801

Finds 35,000 Kin |HUMBOLDT. la , i r w ^ H a r r y l

Breed, local e lcctriclan,’ likes to . ilraco Ills ■rclallveli.' Tltuti ' f a f h e ' has found 35,000. Breed has ap'ont; a dozen years, trac ing his ances-' to rs and living relatives. H e ha."* found them in every s ta te In the union, and traces his fam ily back, to 2573. • '

I k Ivpik I

.....noiig iin<l C lirlsllan . .,h ilr by a gniiifi of iihlUlrcn; rea il IHK. "The l.ono Hiiitiker," Donald lliirln>K; vooal solii by Kelly l»<i Tiii.mpni.n; r.-ading, '^"liiu illdluil and Ihn HPftr,” naVld uyari.

Also IniiUidod wuro » iilaylol, "TiiK'Tobiieei) llOK," dltiiulml by Ml'S. (>.' T honipsoni "N ot Minn,

■ Thliiii I'lyi'ii," a vl.dln 'and plani d iif t by <'har]iitln Htnllhsiin nnd Hetty ia iiu U iiiloy i "(HVn Us An- ,il,'.iT Aii.enilmM il," a ilrumathi itaillii>( by Stiilh M errill; Viionl silii, Murv iliiilo W all; ' "'doollon

, ii'iiiu "SVimiflii luid Iho N caI W tBI'.. Iiv M rs.'C , in, Hyftn; noncrtlotion/' llin Kov,. I lroohi Mooro,

/iii. aoiofj ij /1)oTa• ih .‘ Onliiii In (\ MIy"

Ilvcuumi wo "know our onions" we cun u tte r ludter tl»ril C ar viiUu'ti fu r your money. .Hre thrM<< fliie cars and g e l th e trn lh l

'.m C lifvrulet M aslerHodan ...................................»mn

'34 Uhevnilul Miiiiter TownHedim .................................. » m'flft CIrahain Heilan ........ $MIS

V-H C.mrK-, }<iw wllcnuo•3fl .V-8 U eLuxo Kordor ..... »B75■3fl V-H T ouring Konlor

Sedan ......................... ......... $mia'34 V-H np l.tis« Kordor .....141)11'34 V-H DeLiixe Fonlor

He<lan ...................................»475'33 V-B Coujir, new rnolor"20 Konl Hitdun ................... IIIHI'III Kord IMehiip ................. *105-'»() Kurd I’aiiol dollvury .-.-tHR 'nn V-H Pickup, very good I4n0■30 D eSotd Hodan ................$10(1'30 Knrd T udor Uednii ....... $uno'2(1 U'orU-CuuM n

.'SH.U«iIr4 4.-8«dau ............. Iiu n•3 r r m Trucu; ii« g iw u iI2 2 n ‘'3'J Chovrolpt TrucK ...........121)0■H4 C hevrolet 'I’nm k .. .<...... »44ft'34 C hevnilel T ru rk ...........|4flO'# ) Chrvrolet Triioh - .i.......M3 V-H Trunk, now m otor $3711 •33 V-K Triu)l«. hew m ulor $3H(1


f;a«h or 'le rm s It jmys tn neo your If'nrd ilcnior f irs t for eoniiomlrnl trnnnpnrtatlon.


VjUHi' r a i i n llaafar

r - - r

T i n cM lcit paym ent p l« a In tow n— «nii ihc g tc a tc it r c f rig c n io r impruvemcnc In ye an I Y ou gc( (hem both w hen you choose tho new S tcw a rt-W irn e r— tho ojily f t f t ig e r n o r w ith S A V -A -S T liP , S t ID .A -T R A Y «nd o th e r b « n il new fcaiure* t i n t «»ve w ork und cut cu rrcn t

■ c o n . Com e «nd tee SA V -A -STR P today. Ic lu rn i k * c •jwce Into " fro n t" i p t c e » « a d i U ck-iiielf fum b ling— glvei M m uch e«iy-to-rc#ch ipace a i refrigen to ra co jting (>25 to 150 m ore, l l i e n Inipcct tho now SLID*A*TRAY — lh« U g, h idden rea rrang ing tray — an'd a ll th e o th e r

' ImiVfovemetiH fotind o n ly In th e new 8tew *rt-W «rn*r.'And let Ul explain our ain*»Ing ne'w'‘No Down i’aj'nwnt" plan. Come ut (oday or (ooiorrow lurc.

Associated iSlewnrt-Warncr Pealers

Moon’s Paint’ and Furniture Store Bob Milner’s Sales Co.

Wllion'u7ovelry«.Buhl H.&S,_Triulo Btore, Ooodjng • -A, 0, T ravli,T iler' ’ ' OrogoTy”Hardware, Riiporl

\ . H, Qorard Radio, Rod tvnd Qut\ BorvloB, .Burloy Bob Milner Baloi Oo. (temporarily located with . '

Avery Tent iA>d Awnlhg), Jerome(U aleu to l>|nto l>«ila Kitd ilia Raiirh n a y n -K T ir i

TuMday und I h u r td v * t 1 p. n .) . .


* 5 0 t » S 7 5' by buying a J f ^ 4 /

' f j

U » " V S E D C A RIro m Y O U R C H E V R O L E T


C e f fh e2 f h m q s

you[want..^ mos-f;Jn a ustH'I c a r


11)31 F O ltb COACH—K url-K ern trunk . ro<m1ruI)lM?r, '3& He.........V i S O w

1DU>0 FO R D SIOaVN—It runs

.'S t .....$ 8 51029 FORD PICK-UP— NewflnlHhi '36 tic., -------------good rubltcr ....

1030 FO llD PIC K -U P—New ta n rinhh ,*9n llrrnoc $ 1 8 51051 I N T K R 'N A T I O N - A l. I 'I C K -r i’— Ixiw mllcOBr,

.......$3951050 (llii(Y » I.R it RHDAK— N nv liiiUli, iiiuliir n-cbiidl- lloiinl, M-itt mviTK, 'DO lie. ... $ 2 5 0lO'Jd (.'A1>II.LAC S E D A N - l.«tv nillniKi-, Imd 'l>rHt. of

$ 175 .lUi!1 01.l).SM01tII.K COUPE ■>-Ncu' tliilili, Kood condition.

S T .““.........$ 1 0 0J1I5I ( tlK V itO I.K T T lirC 'l l — l> '-’f<iii, liiiiK ulii^rl dll:«ll,1 ii.-» llroH .$ 4 ^ 5ni.i: ( lit c v i io i . i c r t i i i i c k— II r ’lii.i, lUi \V,4»..

BT • $ 2 2 5

IDSO CIIRVItOl.nT CX>1)PK — Nniv ttliUli,

'M llroMM ; $210lu n i ( tiiR V i{ o i.n T ..u p r • c u t . NRI>AN-<-Nliln mnunU, ■■■irjt»>A rack, orlfliinl blue riiiUti, '80 llreiiH>,

O K cimraiitre .... *

IS»1 (niBVIt<II.RT MAH- TR K ( lO tli'n — Orlirlnal lice Uh. riMtii ii»i«iliiter>-, tIrM (lint allow lUtli) WMi (iw ruM tcf,'SO lloouao

WNir, OK

$ 4 8 5

IIISS FOHI) DeI.lIXH (X)UP|} V-H — l^ w m llraie, iiaa bMlof m r*. ------------

- ’*0 iicptiaa , $ 8 6 1

IllSn STU D BBA K BR HB- D A N -A lso lour otder nwket— Cholro• l« « W .... $ 4 9 .5 0

I08f ro R O PICK-UP— Mo­lar Juat r ^ u lil. MOW flhWi,

HIM v i '.i ' c k— u iw luilfiiKi'i iiniik.v ovrrhl/.(< llrrii,Krnlli ImmI.v $ 1 3 510:m tl.M.C, !{-T«N TKtICK—'.JIIK ililtili'8(1 lU'.-iinii

inai (i.M.c. VmicK — I ' l Ton, Inhfi.wlic^l tiua.', m otor

b^lit ...................... $ 4 5 0

1081 rU U D T U U C ll^ .u U ( diuii*, ii»-|iiy'S t lU'ouM

i v w - F o n n ^ i 101 w . n .

'D u a l .......

IStO NANU SPE CIA L 1»AN — New tneunta. to fV H * . A * A n u ll, 'M lioenae......

IM S B S B B X D e i;UXIB, W y r a - V e r y ‘

G L E N C . JE N K IN S^313 MkIii Ave. .Weit Phom 707

Page 4: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

*nge Four ■ ID A H O EVENING T IM E S. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Fridny. .Tmip 12. m i '


u r r i i

T h e G e n t l e m a n In

__ Lhe-Thlrc l Row -

FOLLY and farewell B y M a t i o B l l w r d

I I Il-l.l-.l

. ' .d i l i i i i i i i i l i n v i,\ c ly f .u ’ men l i l l i , r w m ilii w ih -.i

u l i i . l , L i i i in.- ..1- . i i i i ld

l i . M u .! 'mi ll n:i[<l ' h l l l l l . /l-Mlil I I I . ' la -k w.

t i l l ' l l i i r i - . i i lw i i i . i <n ir /U N - :i W>m

i ! A - 1, I,., mail- lia s w : ,r ,„ n },.v iJ ,- J.'iv .M .jc jjrv .

_ U iu

Sj-tiil rame nnrl M l in tove w ith ■■r..uM".iM-n;iiVinrriuicmy?

mad, I.lnda tnUullrr ly , icht hav, : n d c l k l n ' f i;r h rr

it f.f tlio j 'la r t Ijofli l;r\ri))-

c l t . . b u I X (Joslro uli-'r'ft iJio hail mil tnl^crnli


KH Ko. Slip r.hok> no less , popular npot llian Uic I Dcrhjr nt c rck ln ll' timo -Klu- pushed .n.'Ulo tlio ollrcr nntl rtrnwtiTfi n pen nnil putl

litr piinyj rlic wrote:^ a r n i l . I < l o ' n n t f e d i l i o1 o f a n y f x j i l . i i i n l l i i n J i e r o

» ynu.iln-iiO T< -

■ P A U L M A L I / O N ' S


N E W SAn F.xclualvf Kvmin~-Tirn'-.i Dally Rcpoft en the Fnst-moviii|; F .vniti In this Kation'n Cftpllal By an Kxpcrt Intcrprr'ti r and C onm cntiitor.

(Copyright. By Paul Mallon)

will not—and caiinot-r- slmro v.-l(h you will b f filled Aviih nil th o thliiBH lliat will mal;e you Imppy. 'fh ls la my-f.-TOWCll.

— Sincerely, Linda.SiTo read nnd fi)lde<l II. i-llrpcd Jt

In ap envelope nnd sealed It. Then slio pave il lo (ho w aiter to poel Mid nskcd for ho t tea.

■U t ofricially.

not yc:iKit

-froai ll;ca 1:1

■ start aii'i cl',< r li.iiM ,

tu ild h;

. Muh, 111It to 111.-' i ! . : f r Vri>:i •, ;:,..t ;iir 1 ■ pom !

■ la'.fdrm

y ailnpt •t.ind.lTlI


LOGIC • 'I'Itt- x<

■a•nTorvtbr I.idl'IlijlTL' H

1 c! i 1 p ii.1


IbroiiKh hi.-* ph'.t- h<- f i l ls tin- 111-'> mu. h Cl.i- of I

, W iliru ; 1 AiUn lit i r j i l Jill h(tt . r th:.ii

.ney vlev,’ :c- and tcJi

rat .-.ipy Twioo

r-.ypc 1)0 • inly, fr.

■y want a n 1 rH y for h

lan npoi

rht.', w

rprnfic.-illv. uT.mKlinK j.l.ilf.It ttioy liJic-.v better. Thcii

n themil ii i f s f ic c j ic a Cally-j-'

nnt- bo a lor to uo try jn.-ik-

ilcl :ih 11

,| A!;iu thi: Landi r have pr.ival, ' '

cv.Tyuiu' rise. T1 i.uffic k'ntly i

-....... .lurlja:............................Id then left nriftn hort, ]•. caiirod pfvirticallVillii' s/i

in tlio twfrfKl(,t >von*fcrlnB if all Iicr t.H the (a lijv in tiic report of thi? objcot Ilfo rlio ytas lo walk Into t vlllgllta Inlntfnrm rT.mnitltn ~ "

C H R wftvod rn ily t,> ^ ' “lie k ncv . Joined

0 people

i-oiirsr. ih (v hat! their ei )(■ wf>.;orr, silver flnte.-! n is ie rn farm Rrou])3 wlio f.i\ nuKi.v inrth.m s,

Uic only se

,11. . Vnn.»cnberf;'8 lU-ibiillnti to the tic lc l

ju s t (hi- tc u th ol Mr. '4 f

,'i t.i Va;

■li-r t u i r i i , in i i i ; i D ie iiia lK^u ii. 4.>i' vui. i:

'*[r i\ l)n il iii‘ im n ilifi- rtf v<il

. ilu il Ih' i\o l li r J.iK )v s il) ili iir s r o tiii l .

— Solly Thelopoly; • 1;r 1.1 all

itie i.hii f~ hnr bofifotjmi-AfcjmluwHr--* - •

‘ t - ’'f H E ’' ‘u .* V 'T E N A Y E '’lW T E 6 -ii’< y t-~ 5‘Pr «X'■ s h o t s : Tl;< were tiiany \inpltn.'Pot Shols; an t llilnci: !o do tha t <l:iy. Sh(

• , l i i h J i m - i i c i i - s w i t h ) U > 1 1 1 f r w l u i . i u l i

> ph ■Halt Wi ■ ,thoy hi

r l ’opc

I (o .line ( lid be M aho',1

knew the ir • th rrm orr, Id:

if Sire her l.iv

rot thnt rho hf.d tho falttlw I of ilolniT a o y th ln t of the Wnd u iu a l . 'a i i l ^ lb a d c d .ta^ponni rc.uline of h r r lif~ In n ncv

JO <'nvlrnnmf«it. Sho w ent In I ffien t in t nfw-rno'n urn! fonnd

ilib tt'alked nlmloBSly nlnnR Vine , S.lTfOt om^•^u»nod,Jr^to^ Holl/.w«^;

l y L,-.n'Icith e pl.’iUorm ,.,1 T IP

!rei Tl;cT)O.Sitl<'D

lit I I to th'o

t h e ni ill f o rc i

!hla OllCildlsK'i-'

m m u 'i i l a l l r a iiiiiiK iH (h:] il: iii is st!t(<: o f Kaiis'ii.'^.lic .'ii c a i i i i l y a m i s t i i lo 1

ta r v to < iov. H.-ni'V ,T. A lY .i i i i l i f i i i , fo r lie-'iH '.o

K v lva iiia , w ]i ci-e li<; livc ilhi.-jil. ;i. 1SS7 , u n t i l h is Aw i l l i liiv ii; ir i'iil« t<’ I 'l'l'- A t, Itif* .ajro o f IT. i i f f ill

d u c e r a n d c][icr a to r . Infi jnn jo ritT n f n.Odt# T otrw li i ic IJ.KiM-v .-it' ea i-ii.-( l t

lie ivus ri:-fli; v t .-d .w ilh li\h i i Inn.- ]{.•! iiii. lii 'a ii - in

X a ii. - iia liy lie is < .<111,

Ai'iil r i i i ii i iu * '

<ii"’uifi<’(l 111

Ol) H1 .......

< juaii)liiiK -fs.iiili-.-l, l.ip.l


W iii it (li.- f iit iin - i.iil,'

U r i i i i i ic .H ill u'ilial .-v i-r - i l

ivJiirli liriijf;!< h .n ioi- (.1 -l ia l liiiiist-ir. aii.l I. a j:u

tlii‘ l li” lli-M 1

al. A iii.- i ii-t ...... w ii'li'ii

iboul flah.A few (lays Snnato n. Norri;;, H atch niul Pope w ere the Dcniite barlK r «hop toKClhcr. ic jun io r Idaho senato r tolU them tru e sto ry , no los.s. nlxiut the irRonn in llic .SnakC am V K oor-

1 1 1 p o l i t i . ' a l f i . ' l . l , a i i . l l o t a l l v 1 1 1 - ;

f f a i r ^ , l l i t i t ^ i n i i V ‘ i ' *

1 1 . i f l i J i v i n " l i i ‘ c n " o v c r n o i - i » f l i i i '

l ' « i r j i o l i l i V a l e . v | n ' i - i ( M i c ( r l i o l i a ^

• l i a i r i i i a i i d i m I p r i v a t e m t h -I enal rivers.

. ' 1 lie . lultl how slurg i ii lv -SS, lu- is li ii.'illv ir (iT r f l i n - > i i d dm(,'j;ci3 from i I f n m i llip l in io o t l.i« l . i r l l i S f 'S r E o o '•niiTi'r jiia iiln K u l w l i f i i lie* iciiiDVd-dllliousancl poii

]<.„», j„ " t , l i n r k i ' i l . a s n n j i u i c > n p i i d ( ; T i t n i l n r o - ; n n en tirely

liw:; i „ . «..»V n v o r < i«v . ] - i ! t r r y H-. KimUfi,

l i i > .‘ • l a l . ' b v ( 1 2 , 0 0 0 v o l i - s . y n 1 9 3 - 1

mb iR.

s Ilobln-

■rb wns oiio Bhort week bo- would know w hcllier h e r w hh^Com m on'^c.ilth was

lowed, liofon

COMY;THIN'f; lnpld'> h« etrvnlnr dlvo from

Iho p it ct he




. th is l9 Ihc Inpt hiincli,” ’• wilted il

tnaeh, She didn

nlmoBt Ini Kweet Fcont'TOBo 'i e took them In jl

a hilnuto and I

llXt 1 ttlo Iier debt■w. I'ho

rnuld not afford to f tn j In Hoily- wnoil; I'ho would have to r o homo.

, a re n i i r h C . '<> N c«lo«n .river hv a l 'vlicro V»la lia.) liocn.

Ford tr iick '«

- .... . „ „™u U d, ■>„.IK i:hc was grown \ip. know rtc lf (o have l)00n n fool, t ' lirowii iiwny the one preelou nniiful thinrr plie m lch t hnv. : ia d Plio thniw n It nwoy?

Cuiild n iiiiin Hko Peiv have lovtnl her and tlion sloppoil lovlnR li

•Slio-dialed tho imm bcr of neoTRC Ince th a t tim e one MacMlllcn, n wcll-VnowM law yer

irL- m tu ibors of Iho • E cnatc ; ,viiu 3,ad advl-scd licr In m a ile rs ot lad a new .luggc.ition fo r the : ,.„iurac(i!. n n d 'in a d o nn appoint-I f f d a h o s t u r g f o n . H o u . ' . . . . . .em cnt. and even slum cl

I 'la l m inulM of reflec- m'H"! N orris sakl. "1 thiiiUj It.n ippropriiite fiinrllonM rnvf

I’W’A would be to con.stniet :

w hat happened th a t di ju t riimmons to tlie p rodurer’d Jfflro brnuglil a sw ift unpleasant Ihrlll.

Sho nmlled a t pomeono on her yay to L oonhardl’n oUlce; pho didn 't know wliom. She opened the..........iftly w ith a c«l<l lu tle lm n d ,And tlion' sho f in s Insldo and I/;on- Imrdt wan la lk in s to hfer . . three hundred inoro a week . • . hapo It will bo 'eatlfltactory '. . . nppreelnto your services . . . policy of 'rc' trenrhm eiit maVo« It Impowlblc to irlvo you more , , Thcro was nioro bu t it wou enough for h e r to rea llio Ihnt Commonwealth was r*- nc'wini,' h e r contract (o r tw o yoarii.

I t wu*n’t hnpplneM th .it eho felt. II w;iK rillcf. llappfncBSWas nomfr ihiuK Uiat Rho never hoped to es-

stlll had h e r c h a ^ o . to to on work­ing nnd worXiiifr, forgotUng.

Thcro wac one la s t ta sk Eho had

cii)>iip oi IhV-op- e>.ti.‘il. - • j i y l l l o n w.Ki rcfilly i> pf.*'r~nTi;TTli ri

th e 'o u ts e t , Ijinrtonitf.-. to o k '' - , n f c ^ '9 «iHMied w ith the com plete control of tlig convention '

t an G iivtrnor Lnndon w ithout n conl'.at nnil w t i r openly lubhcly in his mos.-inse, v,-rltlnK th e p latform . T here was ,fj\ii;ht they would have,no lunger any uced lo r p retense, fiiblo th a n thev <Ilil with; I t v/iifl not much of a Kecrct tha t

r liberal ideas, partic- the w lthilrnwalB were In or<lcr. Ro- or.c sentence which iiliblc Inform ation wn.^ available In

"Upped in, sUiUng; |VViishington tw o w eeks ago thn t ' iilfo 'federa l rogulo- S ra a to r H orah'a nam e ovcntimily n trr,'itate activities of.woul.i be withilravvn, and rfoy j>o- I's." Iilvslrian on th e stree ts here roulil

f.f the

flnallv e favi :if tho

. ‘piibllf vtihl

: T E ST’ : ThP ln?l,


IXirst tim e In th e history of n cun- anacem ent nf thin tested national ' convention, only IS to have been an 'one candidate had ii b.nml,nf Mr, Karlcy a t I • ----------y e a n ago. a il.l'N O TES

, nny Other

hunch of TlolctB fact?. T heir froHh. lo her noRlrl... both he r hanJfl for gave the-.old woman a dollar,

Eho Btood’ thorn , for a .momcc looklnE n t th e vinlete ond thi'ukln of Pete. Poto Add ]ored h e r! ' Sh had to know If >10-81111 did!

Eho had lops than an hour. But n ................If Bho h tirr led aho could catch The iChicago fou)Chief, th e -c n a tb o tin d -tn iln r- -A m lE niartcr thanBho would find P e te G ardiner In iicnn c n v e n l l ......................... . . . l uv ..New York. Sho had to do il! , J-om ical here con- delegate AlUcxl

Sho p inned tho TiotctB (o tho I®*''" th a t a irfoSt Itaport.ant polnt..s,„,in p „ n d s c o , H e rtro llidbelt of h e r g ray gown, puHed her 'T ho qu tsllon upperm ost in the ir imo hia Calirornia .lelegntion .lur- grey tu rban on, slipped into a tel- !m>nd.s from th e s ta r t haa no t been mornint; houra Ttim-s.voiy mol»Sl<In jaeket and T ic k e d n o r n i n a t U i n of G overnor L an .„ |,;y nimouneod th a t h il t ix up the oraalJ bag sho had packed. L A Lannon opuositlon ciwi.hOatts w eri

'? “ ■>'™"“

. . . D diE »lo« w m m i t l . r t r ...a ilo w ith an .Irfpu io ,, . h , , , . ,'5‘ jV ™ '. d 'iW ™hre.itlile.'!!', sho made lUo railroad :ntatlon-JiiEt In timo to e.itrh thc^eVi to .f iw l ou t hore is 'w hethe r

„..s. .„ ro a l,e .n e w R rpu l.hcan lea<ier«hip is a rn iijority of opinion .-jmona:atu:l tL'emcd lo be th a t lh<

aeh fo r w eeks. A lso th e \ ,. ^rally believe th a t Ihft p latform Ifi.bjUtvc him.Iw.Typ w ritte n iti the pcraohaiity.

lof th e eandiilafe r a th e r than In,•or<is w hich a re threshed out'^mpromiM-h in platform eom- p-j,] tf, j , r . Hoover. They rcHlIy

p b ig Uiln^ they w ant- „.^rnied up to the ir appreeia lion ol w h at he ha.'j d o n e 'f tv tlie, jrtirly,

t had to hagglo/m nJch for~lhe'nem ocr.V tk Nnlhint:^0 conductor. .jqbo hero w ould ho offoctlvo

],i;iMI,11(111 |<ltl .7IM1,(IMII |M

• I'M. f a . - l . , A ll - v l < i | ) ( h i - l t > r i ' ! l « r ;

iMllI,' tn iiiH lI, T liiil Ih iww ' u n d (lie avi(U loi) IiiiIiih(i>',

..W8l0l.flA H R I O H T . 4 f * E B T . 'Mioiiy J j Pounos.

fWtoWM HMnANO lYBS. i_ 800M ,H O )00 , .

CAukMABCHai,: - J — — V -

Page 5: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

“• F f ld i iy ; J u n c '1 2 , 103(5 IDA HO EVRNTNfl TIM ES. TW IN'FATXS. IDAHO Pftgie F iv e


• 'E x p c i 't A sse riy S C T W elf i W e re T e i i ip o rn ry a n d W ere C a u s e d -

B y M a r t ia l F a c lo ra

TOKYO (n'i-Sott)Hck.i Iti Jap- fiii's forclfjn Irade lii,M arch. April i iitui May wove iliie In p a rt to tbe I

2G rebellion of younp a rm y 1 office rs nnil to rcpcateJ clashes on . th e - Biivipt-Miinehiiln^fi JwrUer, in ' th e opinion of Kam eklchi T ak a - I

. Ir.islii. well know n economist. I W hile th e H iro ta Kovcrnnient, I

am i more especially the -n lln ls lry I of rinanco under Dr. Ellchl Uaba I liave trie il to reform the ta x pro- I yram uml overhaul the financial I su tup generally , m any c ircles have I Indulged In pesslmiatic apccula- | tton rcjjan ling forelRn trade.

W hile ciecli^ies hav<? bsen c'ordcd, T akalm shi believaa I cntiscs a rc tem porary. ~—

Abnnrm iil Faclorn “Ja p an ’s to rcign trade auftcrcd I

flonie declines from M arch to early 1 M ay. It is true," he said, “hu t can 1 wo hastily conclude th a t the sud* I den tu rn fo r the wor.^e m eans tho I y i'neral agK ravation of th e ,t r a d e 1

. H ltilatlon?, la there no t tho necca- I jtily /o r 113 to (juoHtlon w hether I a n v A bnorm al' fac tors Influenced |

• Hiiould n o r be regavJed a^. norm al. J "A s nvery one Itnows, the Feb.

2G inciden t and the Soviet-Japa- nose bo rder trouble a t one tim e B^ve dome.stlc trnm actions a 's e rl- |

• ou.T blow. A nd there t.i no re.i.srin i w hy th is .situation slwuld no t have; affec ted th e conntry 'a fjre ign .

■ trad e . |"A m ong the- tho;

foHowInK can be consutorcd; i •'The ubnorm al fligh t j f c .ip itil

t(. foroign countrioa., • Speculative Inip.irt.^ .sLiir.uU'o l

by th e anx ie ty for g'>vern;i-.cnt con tro l o f im ports. :

. MriitloiiH AAA Itiiliiitr r 'jOf course, It l.i ii'A tn_

' i v h i t ' e x te n t tiicistj' ciicum.-t.iiu’ 's ' have a ffec ted trade , but I air. th ey a rc p a rtly re.spjii.sibl- t r a J c up.-.'cts. These l>iuml sooner o r latei roaetlon nnd Influence tion Xor Iho better.


-.^IMEE PLOT Vol'.r i-'iiKil to .Huiilij;hJ The ^ .n in " niw> h.A.T the adv.inl.i,

i-ilM hufjf and

I 'N c w Method M ay Be Utilizct^' W idejy by U. S. Forest

A nd P a rk Cliicf.H

W A S niN 'aT O X . i n — a n.nv l i i n c lh o d (if cu inbattiiii; infu-rt.H In n fore.slJt and parkH thioNRliout Ihi'

cnnntry. If found mireo.'i.'ifur. will I bp tried ou t Hhortly n t M orristown I H tatoricBi'pitr lf , nccnriiinp to A. I'. ■ I D em aray '' a c tin s d irec tor o f the I na tional pa rk scrvice. »I D em aray snid the nt% metliod,

w hich Ib purely oxi)c'rlmontal. in Its 1 presen t fttnge, i ^ ’olvo.s d islrlhutlnn

of poLson spray.'i from an aiiloglro. H e said th a t althouf;h du.Ht.i and

I spray.i liad been .Hucce-f.sfiilly drop. I ped from the a ir over cranberry I bogs and cotton fielii.s, th e re had I never been any a ttem p t inado to I control the inseet-lnfeatatlon of I foresta by autogiro.

Ifeiivy I.<osseiH F o r several ycar.s, trees and for­

e s ts of the nortlioastovn slale.s r have .suffered heavy attaclc.s by I c anker worm s, D em aray said, ami I tho uuual m ethod nf "dusting" the I th rees from tru c k j ilriven an close

to tho affoctcd t pel-mlttod had pnivei fu l in extcnslvo lurosi

uJTuS'.i:'vcntlonal type of a irplane for. in- IIA N SrtX , .Tune I'J aec l contm l ab It is adapted l.i t Iiq I.adio.'i o f the Ciis adapted l.i r

U -tv tiu im .-n Q —

cut off from escapD.


hose cau.M.i arc w ith many e.'<perl.'i p red ic ting th a tla ter to c.iu+e a .ti,e beds weiv being ''dug-out." !v i w-i',u enccvths situa-l t i ,Ls yeaV, how ever.'tlio sbelleU; i

Unity ChurcK Ha# Special Exercises

, U.N'ITV, June 12 (SpcclaD —The ASTORTA. Ore. U’.H'— The d a m s prim ary orKanl^itlon held fTradm..

i ire hack ' i'*” " for th e frail-bulld-I ' Sine.' ferlilo clam bcris onlf*''^ Sundny. Boys K ra.hiailng and 'I C l a m p aud Ilw aco bcaclu 's "P,-'O r 'L 'o n n n tl W -islilnelon have b e e n H m g h a n i , "W hat the ;.y;eM m g few er'c lam .s each y e a r ,‘ |; ' '' ' '^ l '’‘;"'j.^ .. .. . r .n r . ' '-U ord of Wiiidiim; John

of A uron;" Jack it to Bo a Dea-

.......'• Jun ior Pace, "A ulhoritiea ofg jC hurcli," and E a r l Neil.^.in, "A rti

given in. th e AAA. cftse-s, the U n rn v rn V th e7 o n tc n tio n ‘ t im 'c la r n - : ‘-'' l m.psonl

1?“m m .l i m ^ ---------------------- ' father. Alfred Crahe; Keith, by his

n from th e U nite S ‘-‘liHT. E ^ra B ingham : Junior, byJunction, Colo., i.s hoiievod his father, Hiirmon Allen; Jack .

T^rrwhift 'l,-Ik been b.-ivilv i i - ' i w r l - , ' > ' - i k t n c e d rr,clt in ’ljy Couiuieior J . Fred A<i.ims; John r r I n ? ; ’ ; ''■ '''I '' “ f>« tH lim aled by his father, iiam uel B anner, and

«,T".hS ^ ' - » » » ■-.v ccc.J a p an ’s Invoking tlie tra.le iK'f.''------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

A uJarairan - J ^ a n e s r " 'tn id V '’roi'l-1lions and th e Aufitr.ilian woolen * ^m a rk e t w as closed two m onths

• c,-*!llcr th an usual, two f.'ic- to rs have resulted In an tic ip ito ry luid h a s ty purchase.n."

No Pension' KDMONTON. Alta. (IM'i — King

Kivvard V III, owner of the r.iUch in A lberta, has been decliii ^

. I'd InellglbU! fo r the 52n-3-mi>nth J ••fin.'ilc dividends'' rrofnised evfry ! iidiilt, clli/.on of the provincb by tho j Social C redit government. When ( iind If the "bonus'* la paid. It Is Htatcil, the k ing will not get It bo- f;iuHe he is not a perm an jn t resi­d en t of the province.


Viileiitiiie I'hiUp M<v\ii1iff. f-’. Sail Diego, Ri« confesned. piillco Hiiy, to w riting flvo extroli.m notes to Kviingelist .Mmee .Sein- plo Mel'herHnii, di'm:iudliig SIO, c:i)'lj on (li» th rea t "iK <.\])o->iiig h er anil hliislliig lier ri-|iul:>tloii liv niJiUhig piittliv [ilcliireH of lier 111 tlie nude."

elaborate-liuiaiiig ricld,-*c-4aUl._"In, addition to. the benefits to I iftlt-Mfindaji Hriiiacr v-rarUl'^HR-.i,. -'i the nffecteil fore.ils." Demaray home of Mrs. Clarx'nce Hourhin.'*. said, ,"lhe, autogIro spraying prc- A covered dihh luncheon will lie ni:i;;ii il r.isents an unusual opportunity to liel'l arid the people of the coiniiui- It h.i.s be n dc-i observe the cffect of poi.ion .spray nity are welcome to coii-.e. Please ihe " f.irm.s"

'ildlife whicJi has long'been a bring table fcvrvicp for (be ntem- kept Inside aj< ttealnii' ■over.’iial issue." ' * ’ 'li’.'r.s of yuur own family, shortw.ive Ii;;hl ]ii'iiilun

I See U s Be fo re Y o u

l-aiiil i.r Kalsoiii; ll. 'ils or Mil

ll. ii 'd w an '

■ - Klcelrie, ■(' se ~ Fill r Kisliiiii; Tai



Ridgeway Hardware Furniture Co.




1934 Dictator Sedan

New Pftint — Certified

1930 Ford Coupe

1933 Chev. Coupe

1928 Studebaker Sedan

Bco Thlfl OdcI

1930 X t a h f t W S e d a ^ ^ ^ ^

1927 Chev. Sedan



MOTORRepair Wailitng

Greasing 'Btudobftkor Btudebaksr

C u n ' Truck*- _ PHONEjfl


$125.00 $175.00 $30.00 $60.00 moo$75.00 $45.00



com m AND ste ms fvu-FAMnr sac :




e.,.p u«.«« •c u u < W i.n l C M t» ^ .



PROOF 1 LOWER OPERATING COST‘ A n iccu riia (len rlc ‘ m e(erm e*jm rM thoim ountorairrcn(iiio<n>r I’rlHl<laIr«

. in ii p n n i liow llllle current ilie M eier-M licr u ie i. Ccmfi^r* it %t Hh 9lhtn.

PROOF 2 SAFER FOOD PROTECTIONFrlKl'loIro tlire i (o i>Uc« • Food-Sirciy In ilk ilo r In (lie CAbiiiei l<> prat-* ih it Sitciy-Tona Tem|>cr«luro l i iiialiiUhieti—«l lowcK coii. Campjrt it uHb tfAfri,

PROOF 3 FASTER FR EEZ IN O -M O R E ICETho 'I'liermo-CiiiiKa p ro m I'rifililalra'i ■liilll)' lo froeio Urflcr <]ii*nililei of Ice—fiilcr. C/imp^n h tvllb slb tn ,


■ -------- — - BiT crw tk .-< > i» ^ lw y rT O ^ — - .......................................

PROOF ST ive-year ^^^I'r lllliU lre'i leileil-in m eclun lrtl iinii t* i>roiecc«a fur rive Y e«ri iK tin ti •ervlco expenie for only i'lve l)i>tlar« Inclmlod in ilie purcliiie price. Csm-

i t u lib n b m .

Give* You All Th«M Gen I Ifrlildain i. Cho«k Every One.

f i H t f u M u t /Ootr rrfildsire dim to tmll,d ib« fucd.urMr latllniot Imu ll>« (ti>Jnt( ^ lilh lf proof oi;to(Mr'/4)ii< 'I'tmpth •lun, bMMMft >} u tl SO ilwie**!

•Mo.te1 i l l i i i i » U l i 1 'rlnldilre DH^ 9 .t cu. (i,

Mitre ll*«hle Snece, in Jnitl. Famoui SvMr Fm M r. / /A K l)«ublc-Kini(e Cold Control. 8li|lntei( PorceUIn _____

. . . . . . .• « « b l ^ . f t • i r f u o i » A l K

Semideti In terior. G lee........tln lili. Auiomellc Ite ie t D elr

by M uw fhlyof W i - b o S i ’ i

D E T W E IL E R B R O SPhom 809

Page 6: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

P a g o BIX ■ IDAHO EVENDiIG TIMES, TWIN FALLS, mAHO Friilay, JiiM 12, 1838

S C lK lS P L i EaiPS[ SIUDY

Tailored Knitwear Takes CenterOf Spotlight in Fashion Parade


Jo in t bonqiie t And iunchoon o f tlio itlftho S ta le M cdlcBl, soclcVy oiid ItA uuxllUiry At Uielr convention In Bolso A ug . SI and Sept. !• Ben- o to r Popo has communlcatcd w ith

m ain i^ r th e aununer courac. Do­ing Rrnduftted lr« m liic TJnivcrfilly o t Idnho, Moecow, r t « W ayne Y ork and Mies I s a A dam son Burhc.

S enato r Pope Hopea to Press B ill fo r $1,000,000


The ng rlcu llu re and fo reslry com m ittee haa recently reporU-d favorab ly on flcnfite jo in t rcjwlu- tlon No. 171 Introduced by Scnntor Pope nu thorlz ing Ihe construction of a gam e depot n t rocnlello .

. ID L E A SK C T T IN D O t*TECUWSEH.. O nt. Tecum-

aeh'a unemployed c re a te d M m e kind o l a rcc o rd te c e n « y ' •when nicy ftppcaled to th e tow n coiincU to cu t tlicir w elfare oltow ance by; 25 per cent. The req u eat won m na« iiml g ran ted w hen th e jobleas clll» zena learned tho tow n w an h a rd , pressed to auppo rt them .

WA.SniJUGTGN, (SpcC'inn — H COUKroKS Ift.slB unothcr wocit 6cri- iilo r Tcpi' j

■1,000,000 for conslructlw* ^ h’ol p lnn ls , one of wlilch

r c p c <'XTKCU t t r " \vliich will .........------ -- n k o - ja n d eons, nich.'jrd. L arry and

. ’bftlJlyiK cllh , a re apendlng the 'w cfU vis- will bo Inciilfd in Roiithtin Idnho ,, itjnp> y(.i„tivefl in Salt LaUc City. 10 m nnufac lu re incliihtrial filc<diol| \ \ \ l . AdamBon cntertnln-from polatoffl, BupplyinK n m iirhct,(.,i M onday a t a pinochle fllagfor p o tn to p r o d u c m of Idaho, O ix - ip a r ty in h o n o r-o f .he r nephew.pqn and U tah . The nlcoliol c o u ld ,u y ^ i Cam eron, who la 'to ho m ar- l>e blended w ith /;ii«olmc to « iil)|)iyiritti th ia week, an excellen t m a ik c t fo r »uri>luii . H. L jirkln and Tom Baird po ta to prod^cticn . | ,^ f i M onday fo r MinneaoUi. Mr.

A /a v o rn b lc report by the e c c rc -l iia ir .1 w ill en ter Mayo b ro thers ,U ry o fn R r ic u llu rc o n ih e p ro p o M ic ,i„)c , Mr, L ark in will vla lt Is now pending before the budget Oklahoma,bureau w hich inusl report th a t ihe g j can ie ro n and Wi.ifl V frnn bill Is In accord wi^h he f .n a n c .a llp T uesday for .<5a lt LaUcprogram of the ndm m lstrnticn be- c . ty , w here they will bo m a rrie d

■an be cnaai-<i, „ ,p ^ D. S. temple., . • , . W illiam D ilw orth and fam ily

nlRht ec« icn , the tenr.le Challls w here theyvoted down a ta x ,n bu :lap baK^],,.jji macfinitely,>y h c n a to r H u ^ d l <• .corKi.v. Lo,.ni p iudenta who w ere grad-

Keeplng tnxr.« o if jiite Is thi-tlH- Albion, a re -MLm Lfluh 'l,

l.h idv , Mis.«i Hcmic,e P ntlerson, and niiii vji.


..........................JF.nithi-m L'jr.’s). AiioUirr , V wPr'. _> //pivup ..r M .fi IIU': 4i-/';,.r.i'ii;.ral !ii.".;tutr,, ‘ (,.■ // ir,oni!ul by I ’lof. A. A. Mikii.iiluv,; . @ / V /// i..•ut flrparted fur Kui'tyhli'.v (I’arJ VHni!). Tiie pio(,-i-fl'n tif tlil.'i fxpr-' ": pio(,-it\(iitlon 1.1 of c.\ci-iition;il lii'.i It inch;dcs Iht- rlicLlniij,' rif Kin- Hi'inX th e o ry ' of rela tiv ity by

«'f liglitl i the sun. The apccial in fln im en l '( .r o h s fn ln g Kiii.Hicii! h c tti-el' llii.s been d e slj^ed by I ’ri-f. A. Mllihal-

Leningrad a.'!lr<‘iu 'iiu ra a re leav- in;,' for Kalmyltnvo. near Ural.s, n n d ' fo r Krasnoynr.<:k. where an

■ ixpeditlon of tho Toflhkent 'Ob- *er\'atory also will atrlvc. Astron- <'mpra of th e K harkov Cbaervalory

- . . (iro le.-ivlnK fo r (he village Bvlorv* eiiynsltaya. w hero an expi-dllion of th e F ren ch . A stronom ical Society

, .t.'.ZQ will w ork ......................./oiilogiiitH io M ahe.S ludy *

Eifrht Kcophyslciil ob’flcrviiloiica find iiiiitltules of the Soviet arc lem linc Mtpedltlon.s to the zone «f Ihe- h ita l cclipso to carry out

•Hiidicfi in actlf.m etry . dynamics ( f the almoHphere and its electrl- fnl properties. The Siberian I^hy-. >.ical and TecJinical Inatltu to will f tudv the Ionosphere by meana of radio - Hignals. The Institu te • of I’hysica of - th e Academ y of Scl-

' ences Jfl-send ing acientlsls to the Caucawis tij gludy. the, expansion

.(if radlO'Whvcfl In th e atmoBphere duTlng th e cclipBC. In the Ural*, ji p a rty of xooIokUU will conduct biological obsen-adona.

In K raanoyorsk and -near Oren­burg. Soviet .a rle n tls ta Intend to make high altitu d e fllghlH in a ir .

• planea to a tudy the coamlc lumi­nosity of (ho aky and the optical p roperties of th e almoijphere d u r­ing th e fcllpae. The Moscow I ’lane- tarlim i la m ak ing p reparations to j.liotofiraph the eclipse /i ground and nlr.


V............................I K ifth B tr.c t.

Mih. n . K, DilllnKham and daughter. L u ry Adele. returned U’ediii'wlay Iro m a trip to To- xiiona. ICiin,

Mi«. It. 8. Corllw! hail luf h.-r i-iKHl, h e r m other, Mr«. JO, J,.

'M«', I-<'Wlhl<in.Mra. lOrlekaon en terta ined ot

<hmier tiiiiiday In hoiuu- of her Dvun ftmt l.ivi.ine. r<,lUwluK

dmiiiT Uin grtiiil' w in t lo liati- liiiry'fl and la te r to JliiKcnunn Jm n th e a te r jMirtv., Mlaa H elen llatilm iy, lliihl, In a ( i le s t of MifUi Ml> IK'V Ci>^r.

Pe?t Playa HnvocH F.Itl.lN d T , — n la

Oflli'lKlIv th a t liifKc-ta diNlim tv c ry f if lh aiiple. ivt-rv ,lm ii Itraln, of w heal, every tw . lflh Ik ui And every thlrlcetdU pulalo |;havi to Oerfnany.

*--------- ^ ----------

kn itted ig liut-n. I

k e ls , *.i|iii»ro iieeklln© a<limrp ivootlen liiiek le,-T hr *in> flnlshe<I odgCH of aleevca, hlouso and aklr.t give a hand-kiiU ef- ic fl .

(All- costum cs by. Brad ley K nitw ear, N ew Y ork)

A n odd, l«afy-B tltoh-la ined to (tublon th e (\vo-plee« vIbhnIo dre.18 and Ihc m a tch lng sw agger coat a l tho Icll. I I eomcs In. off- ivhltn and Is w orn w ith green f d t l u t nnd bag. T h c 'o th e r coHtumo ( rig h t), In nubby ctrtlon chcnlle, is n a tu ra l tn ri ivlth goya red atripea. H'B trim m ed .w ith red p a ten t leather Urlt and red hut-

N oto tho I ; iiccU inc.

classic I K h I on ' "borrow ed ■ from E nglish w om en w h o -w e a r their spo rts clothes m agnificently , now

play ing « m ore Im portant In tho w ardrobes of eblc

hlxirlH drcni In initiiriil llacii w ith' hiihhle-ltnlt diiU II' anil,,M'lliitv in.^'tirii'el <m n lcnnirr. In lo u ii or cininlr.v.

or lliiv diilN tir<< ri'iM'iitiul In thi< liratded lioll |iiid In tliii irn »lili'li tr im llin Aciinhrerii-llhi' hat. The imiukiiiiI tWii- I'llal hrliiKH li> lin llird tu-ar Iho iiilc-n-nt o l pn tlcriied I) imiiiiliir 111 o tii rr iiiaterliilK.

te rlng to buntanni-d fhiiip. Corifetti dots in brilliant colors art a iicv; Dole; ■ . .

Linen, Too iTo w ear krlttccl i!\iitfi nnd'dre-s.---, doesn 't m<an th a t you have to '

w rap yourself in woolen. S tfin g | and linen linlts arc w alking off, w ith fash ion honors, loo.

)r fi vacation nt farm or coun­try club re-sort, a p ractical w ard ­robe m ig h t Include n v c ia l kc ll- ‘ ' en.'iembles. F o r golf, taVc a'.

o r tw o-piece dress in na tu ra l cashm ere or na tu ra l linen, Make sure 11 haa an action back am i, (h a t th e uk lrt Is cut fu ll to allow ifo r w alk ing coraforl..........................;

F o r . luDcheons, teas and bridge i pa rties, w hites, pale lemon yeilow, i du sty ro se or Ice green k n itted ; drcssea in novelty weaves are Ideal.- W ith these -dressier types, ■ w ear Jew elry, o f courac.

Kcw Tubi ‘ D elu x e Model

AUTO RADIOR egular $14.51) value

On„«34.00F o r limlle<l time as an

Introductory offer FK E E TKL\L

M oney-Ilark Satisfaction GUAIIANTEE

Bob Milner Sales Cdm|iany

K oto BIdg.. next to" Orpheum Theatre

L isten to I'lNXO PETE B roadcast from KTFI— Tue*. and Thufs., 7 p-m.


Three ■ piece ensembles witB p la in tuxedo co ats a rc .included'In autom obile Lrunka fo r cross coun­try treks. T hey 're p u t Into steam ­er, suitcases to bo ' w orn on decks of-cruise liners. T hey go to coun­try resorts, of course. T hey pack beautifully , and come ou t of trunk o r b a g unw'riDkled. I n addition, buntaeaa w om eti w ear thcca to tbc offlco ns well aa to th e golf course during tho c oun try w eek-ends. ,

Snug LinesT his year’s k n itted suits ore

_ i t on snugly f i tte d lines to r any flguro look sleelc and - 1 N ew stltchcs th a t a im utato hand kn itting have t{kt<eD them out of tho !‘llltIo n um ber" c lass and pu t them in to ’th e specia lty shop cate­gory. They h av e ft texturcd, pensive look al>out them .

You have y o u r choice of a wide range of luscious c o lo rs .'ru fite ls nro Inclined lo ho dusty . . DelgC nnd ta n have Hlrlpes of color to w hich you can m atch your ncees- BorlcB. O atm eal nml n a tu ra l ilncn tODcs a rc good. O ff-white Is flat-

Buy Your Battery NowON OUR

Budget Payment PlanI ' t l u t ))MI< I'.V ti'<iiil>lr I'jioil VIIIIV M i.'iilioii f f o u r lir»-Hi‘iU l i a l l i r v jh ii 'l k<mhk Inst irOUKIl V 'il l lr r IKiW ir< tin ' liin i' Inn o w ono. Li'l. iih idvu ,v<iu n I'lilv i; Imi-

p jiapourlon nii(] v l i i l i ' v<mi nn< lie n ' Innlci l io nuw r i ie u io u o i;(i'.<' ...... I' iH .w.'i' hill*

I. .Y ou 0011 t<iivu Iin>iiiiv )>y liiivliiK iMite m h | BUI U lld g cl I’li.Miuni 1’ lnn \u\\ u ill

III l)i« luoiipy,ZXOIIANOK PU IO i: -

$3.95A U T O S U PP I . y A N D S E R V I C E S T O R E S


$1.29. $1.69.......... :......:$1.29.$ l;00 . $1.29 $1.00. $1.95.... ■.10c

$2 iiml $3 MnricD ressier D resscH .............$1.95M arlhA 'Mnid LhiBcrie ................$l.fi9 Gownsnnd riijnmflH ...................C liililren’H Kiril DrfSBOH.Values to $3 ,9 5 ............ .'Anltlelfl, Kogiilnr;viiliioi) 25c ........................

SALIv ON IN F A N T S ’ (lO dD S Mniiy Oilier IlnrKniiiK in Ciur l-’iiial If(jnn<lcliMK

C lrnn-U p Sale

' » F R E E ^ ■■ Ju r ExceJcis Lois F a ir C leansing Oream

to the F irs t 100 Ciistomcrs, S n tiird ity Only, Come Early.

■Logaji SportwearCo.34B M uin Avd, W .

— g ono to . . , ,

Barnard Auto Co.A v.Uup In but

..liu liiviiA.tiij hiiiisl o( hln I h r l t l . . . wlivii in iiiiyii niio nr onr t;uiu'aiiti'<-il iiiieil I'lirN,

ll).in IIOIHiK 4 ll><>r H r Lui<\ Heiliin, Nrtv IIitiinkand h n i l i T .....................J p O if iUlllir: I 'l.V IM or r n 4-<>l. Nidan, nkridltiiit riKidlllini.New IU'<niNi<. Hpn^lal lUilt I'O III) 4-d<Mir Hnlaii. Nrw llreani' lll’.!l) H l l l l ) <:<iU]ir. < C fN<itv lliTiixn ................V - I - V Vilint IHilKlI!: Ciillpc. Nctv II-


N|UM<iul u t ............llljH CIll'IVIIOI.K.T 4-dni|r N«- iliiii, A leiil liiiyl lla a

IIIM flir.V«(II,K,T l ‘«ujH>, New

r:;;,.,,,,.,, ■ $450, Barnard Auto Co.

Docs m //' Jaw siay

Folks horn and bred in Dixie . . . the hardest-to-please judges of whiskey in the w orld ... buy a “double-rich” Kentucky straight Bourbon you’d like!

,Tlic 19>6 Kclvinator gives j-oi ]'isihle C ol/l- 'iu ih a linilt. Ill ’IlH'riiioiiicH'r, . . m.irktii iti, i'(li'/;icci, '., *0 you cnn di.iii yuu liavc sale- li-fri^cfation foi .your /ooils, (III- one b.isic iliinj \ius wliidi.ytiii [)uftli.isc an tlcc- Ific K-lji^ct.Kor,

It ’ivc» you Vhlhle J’coiioniy . -w iili a Ceniri<.uc (if l.ow Oji.'

cr,iiin/{ you c,ui know,in mK,i(Kf, (h;ii lU'Cuiteni con* iuin|>iion will bc'nm.uiti^ly low.

Jt iiiv tj you V h ib U I ’rolic-

thii-wkU its Fivc-Yc.u I’rolcc- tion I’ »i/;iied assurance ol dependable service.'} And it pivcs sp rk ling new beauty, a wealdi ot really worth. >'hilc convenience feature) eml A CAbinct designed to pioviili easy accessibility.!>• SccthcncwKclvln»tor.Yo\ril be gtail to leitn that it costi no

' more tlian ordinary rcrrigetMois ’anil tliai it may I>c piicliasej! oh exitcmely easy tciins. Sizes to /it c\cry family’need. See

ECONOMY(Toiliy, fill ilir fii*( limr in ilir l,i*ioiv M Ilir iiiilii'iiv. KtlniMic'f finviiid V»ii Kill) n O iiiliinir <il tow (iiti Ilf (ll'tiniiciji, 'llif I'Jlft Kr!vin*liij iiioPill l-ilt (ir vfii ilitj ( I iimcli (iiiKiii*» iiiiiiiy KfilKOnx.ii i„.w in ii><‘, 'Jim

’ |ii>lilri>fi|4iinK y„iu

PROTECTIONY<ni ni«y ka'iw iiuby.liryiinil «i>ia<lim|! of iliiiilii, ilut llir y.'ai biiriwill «ivc )'iiu liinii )ic»ri of scivire, IM caiitc ilir l'M6 Kclvinilot ii ImiVid hV * * yrJi I'KXniioii I'Un, w iiiitn nikI

('I hr ilie I'Klcst rciiiij>in/ in il«! Ill iclilHi;i,>ilun ilaluiliy.£


Q U A R T No. fb 9 0 P r o o f - K o n t u c k y t W h iikay



I, hiiill li>'lliriin.,inr|rri. ( < ililiiiilr <.f 1 riw C )j>rialliiK ('mlV Nr'v III,Inly <if Ilrjiftn .i.4. l i.i- Ycii'i I'lrlrrliiin I'lmt

. I 'lu ililcG iu ltlaA llluT iM )!

A ll T/itii Oiilil.nit/lii^

Inlrili>r I7, I'.... t(:ll^|H'r

. tl, VrKchlilelUilcI V, Aiilimiiilic Oi'(ii.»lri‘S>

to. bll.tliiH-!>lirlv{

A N S W • T A f^ D A R D o r M O D R RN n C P R IQ E R A T IO f t

r* olden R u le^ ^ C . C . A n d t r t o t ^ ^ ■Co,


Page 7: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

. M f t y , Ju n e 12, 193G

S u m

W ord of H onors to D istrict Troops Received from

Chief Executive


n ir c e troops of (lie SnnUo river arcn. 15oy Scouts ot A m crlca, have w on tlia len-ycnr program iiwnni

■ f op ] 0a0; ’Bnd-the~ 9iinltg~’ council qualified fo r th e lUSfi ten-1 year pm (;ram aw ard . Nows <if the I hif:K scout aw ard cam e frnm Dr.! Jam es E. W est, chief flcoiit execii-^ tivc. Tho Elk.i troop of Uiirlcy h n s ' llled app lication fo r tlic 103C Dward. I

Awwilfl nro mndn cnch year to I Ihb councils rnatiln;: proKrcijs to-i

.wnrcl tho uU lm atc Roni of the ten] ye a r p rogram of scuu tlnp which Is to BO conduct tho scoullnR proijrum th a t, su u tin g wilJi 1M 2 , one mit of every four of tho ne\y in.ile cut- te n s will have had fou r years of charac ter, and citizenship train ing 3n flcoullnfir. This p r o ^ a m wn« nrtopted by the na tional council of Boy Scouts o f A m erica In 1032.

Ol.jcctive«Objective of the KnaUc river area

council fo r 303ri wan Id enn of approxim ately U02 boy>» lurom - in t' 1'2 years of aRC.. Thcro w ire 603 enrolled. F o u r-y ra r sr.outa

. e b je”**" ' I .. ........and

O A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . T W I N F A L I .S . I D A H O


ie a g u c Chiefs Prom ise Action I f . Y o iin ^ tc rg Repent

Softball Damage

Thrrc.l!- of jicittiitioi; <.f yri;r,t- , 01!. in y a t;! in w;it:lcn vj.c-

-tinrDlir 'nflcnf.VrrlaT.

Th«y d<clnrrhr.vf il.Tni!if.fc! (ir

]inim I'nuik iJutl .appeal t(' p:n<ni

BELIEVE IT? mmmPage Seven

l O p e n A i r M a r k e t !. .S OC ( ,Y ■ T h r e e -fo u r th s M ile E ast o f T w in F a lls

— — ^------ ■ o n K i m b e r l y R o a drunrT S l r7 iv ii(^ f,,r Mt> J.v ;. B' *

Sw c('. J i i i fv O rat:,i I.:ii-);o C antiiloupc— *

...............25C -SIU :d N ice L L m cir;— S

2 5 c !I ,.n tiic e - . ■

- 1 0 c :

- •r.r:r, r^i H i|io T u m iU o c s--

j 2 I’ouihI

m So litl H e;u l C a b lu . 'o - -


'N fsal»a.sltct:yoiir onicr In MAKK IT YOr


F lo r is t s C o o p er a te IrK ^hut-In S u n d a y

Iliird a s It \h X

pUI niid iii ilil fm iil.” At Iraht. I K tlir );rciiiiiilH iiji'Hi Wliich

r mill w ithu iit 1Bv CITV, MO. •

” !5 CSl»=.lplnn-S 275 scouts-w lH roach the ir. .«

hy M eredith, cxecutlvp.


Hmaller deHl^ns which a rc su itab le ' fo r a lm ost any .p leec you m ay wiuh: to m ake. T here arc corners fo r a, luncheon c lo th nnil napUin.9. cndH! for a scarf and design.^ fo r a throe-i piece b u tfc t iwt. Itounil dolUcB o r ,' ft ccnterplece m ay also be worltcd up in m a tch ing design, •

Your tran s fe r Is good for W verali .stampingB, the reby g iving you a d -' d ltlonal pieces to you r se t. C u t- ' line, lazy daisy, darn ing s titcii nnd ' F rench hnota combine fo r beau ty ' -nd ease In tho w ork. • • 1

To order, ,nak fo r No. 81G5 orl te a r .out illu stra tion nnd send w llJi' 10 ccnta, sta m p a o r-co lh . -.(A uyi

|thr<& 10 cen t '•Make I t Y ourself” J n a f • —

. Y g u n i c l f ^ T * ' . ' . r j . : : I ’a t tc m B urehii,'Box 160. C ity, Xfo. ' Enclosed Is 10 cent."! In coin ! (20 cents fo r tw o p a ttern s or 25 celita lo r th ree ) lo r '

P a tte rn No....

D E W ra

F lag D ay aer^’lc ts will be con­ducted here Sunday a t T a. m. by the Boy Scou ts of America^ It w aa..Jum oiu iccd-today , by \Y. W.F ra n tz , d is tr ic t <;ommlMloner. ___ ________________ _

The even t w ill ta k e .place o n 'th e p a tte rn s only 25 cenls.) A ddress courthouflo law n luid w ill be for th o public. A ll B oy JB couts-are urged by F ra n tz to bo pro.scnt and In full uniform , n t 6:50 n, m.

There wHl be a epeaUer and a flag-ralR ing cerem ony to com­m em orate th e an n u al June 14

•«wnL - - ------------- -------

Gooding CKurches ' Combine Services

G O O O D IN G T june 12 (Special)— Four Gooding churches will un ite fo r evening Bcrvlces during th e su m m er.m o n th s , tbo various m inisters ta k in g tu rn a In preach­ing, The churches un itin g in. these Bcrvicos a rc B ap tis t, Christian,Episcopal and M ethodist. Tbc firs t c f these services \vlll be Sunday a t 8 p. m. a t tho M ethodist church, w ith Itcv. A. E . Beaacloy, pastor of tho B a p tis t church , prcaehlng.Those In charge of these union Bcrvlccs extend th e ir cordial Invi­ta tion to the . public.

Peril at NightH A R n iS B U n o , Pft. (lUI— Four

tim es oil m any aiitom ohllo fatnll- . tle.s occur a t n ig h t th a n In the day

tim e, according to Revenue Secre­ta ry John B. Kelly. Th« untinual th ing ab«ut this,' tlio revenue dO'

N apie of th is ntw ?papcr....

Mrs. N ettie .H ow e, 75,. Pioneer Of This City, Succumbs

L a te YesUrdfty

M rs. N e ttle A . Howe, 7B, widow I o f H en ry H . Howe, Tw in Falla pioneer, died a t h e r hom e la s t eve- nlnjf“a f te r a n lllncsa o f tw o w ecka’ du ration ; '•

Sho had boen a residen t of Twin Falla fo r tho p a ^ t SO years, an<l woa a m em ber of the W or M others and tho M ethodist Episcopal church.

The body re s ts a t the W hite m ortuary , pending funeral rangom onts. ' ’ ,

SurvivtnR a rc th ree dauRUtets, M rs, E dna E dw ards. Boliie; Iflrn. N elllo C ra ter, Llhby, M ont...

. . . . , Mrn. M ary Stnnabury, Tw in Falls ;pn rtm en t j»oliit«..out Is th a t 'o n ly ian d n eon. H enry P , Howe. Idaho one c a r trav e ls a f n igh t fo r eve-- - fou r In tho day."

LKAC.UK <ilVKS I 'lA YE pw orlh L eague of tho Muth-

odlBt ciiurch will proHcnt a pliiy,'•T h i! G ift,” Sunday a t 8. p. m. In th e church auiillorliim . A hHvoi’ offcTlug will be ta k en fo r the In- e lltu tc fund. Mrfl. IJorothy Mon- •iMith dlroets tho ca«t, which onn- dlAtH < ifM n rg are t Elliiworlh, Car- olvn Dudley, K stlior Hliick, I.ilUin l>ilKiahKliii, AnibroHu Uviuis nnd Kd Wtille, Npcclal m usic will .bn fiir-|

, nlBlicd by Mr, and Mrs. A, IC.i rruiu'lH , Mr/I. Alvona Hllnnon andj Mins I'Mith- Moor<'. ’

T h e only bnmd of Com Flakes made by the Kellogg Company cornea , in . (he familiar white* . red-ond-green pockage with tho name Kellogffs in red. Insist on Kellogg’s Com Flcdces. Sold by grocers everywhere. Made and guamntced by Kellogg in Bailie Creek.

Nothing tak«t th« place of


Tired- - Hungry — Thirstys to p nt

P I X T O N \ S- E A T - - DRINKR E S T •

■Cuiiily, T iiiily F<n]il, Dclii'ioiiH !.■<• C rc a iu , C o ld D rin k it K p i'c ia l— F i 'ii 'd C liicU cii— fiiiilu rday

Kr. n(>y«'n8cr, F««t O vr U.U.Aiiilcraoii. ' * '•'


MEAT CO.PhonCTieZ— 163


A t Special Low Prices% Few 3ugge*Uona for lYour S«nd«y Pii?Oflr—

Pj»-lo0 ObJokeu xoao|r Hem

BolU d fihouldor Spring Lam b U llk r « d V o aV B o m U

W e lD eliv tr A n y O rder

Our m eats are only Oie best this tract can raise. We have our own Buyer, iMr. C. I. Davis, and he will buy nothing but choice Heifers, Steers and. Milk Fed Veal.

W e D eliver A ny Order W ith a G u n ran tte to Please.T ry ft Phone O rder

SATURDAY29c 29c 25c 25c

2 LIjb. c o r n e d D E E F ( o u r o w n n iiik c)


2 Lbs. W PINERBfor ................................... ............. ....................

2 Lbs. MINCED H A M -(Thi^i is t-lii;r\J) F o r ......................................

2 LbH. COTTAGE CHEESEfor ...................... ........................... ....................

2 Lbb. OllCUND BEEP (fr tsh (,'ro u n d ) f o r ........................ ..............................

.fo r


GROCERIESSome Extra Specials

2 Packages White King Powder 33C

F or '2 inii-luiK'‘h mill iiOo yini

.m il n IIiiIi'Ik t K iiifo niiil

I’lirliiK iu i ifo frotii llio factoi'y,

CERTO8-ox. B ottle

2 0 0


______ O l4 « f « l i r t w u ■ , R o lM Frim« Elli S o u u Bt<ier Mo»t j

l our Deliverlei W2-163~ B * r a l» J I * * l ! » T U m 'O O in iT * O W TBBATMBIIT----- ■ ,

■" J W i i w i w A

Y O U ’LL W K E ...........

’TU pholds JaywalkersM.'- T 0 !;(C ."1'(), Or.t, .l i' .-TKi' riiiht

H rrc 'h Ilii- ciiiixriiiriit |>l;u.|- in Twin F;»11k t ‘i t>luip. I’lrn ly nf p;irUliij; s|i;n.<'. fri-o iti-lhfry. aiul «'<Kirtciius s<T\itc— nnd lln ' tiinlicsl uI )|ii;illl.v ulivins:

Chipped BeefW afer Sliced

Lb. 39cPicnic Hams

Shankless, Sugar Cured-

Lb............ . 23cKraut

Fancy long shred

Q'. ■ 5cShoulder of PorkF resh Shoulder Roasts


P o s t Toa& ties

Double, rrisped

L g e . p k g ..............I Q c

. C o f f e e

- MaxwcH House Ncv’c r v.ii'ics, a lw ays fresh

Lb........... 25c


S a ltM orton 's Iodized o r Plain

L arge cartons

2 cartons ...... J5C

' J e l loIII S ix Delicious F luvcra....:

Always Popu lar

3 Pkgs.....17cJ e l lo

Ire Cream P ow der.'W ide . Assorlm ciit o f F lavors

3 pkgs. ..........25cP e e t ’s S p a >

G ranulated , w ith 2 Crystal W hite Free

,L ge . p k g ......... 3 3 c



Golden West, in .jarsu.... ...... ...27c


/ Macaroni, 14*oz..........13c) Spagh^tU 14;pz........13c

1 Vermicelli, 14-oz........13cI Egg Noodle^, 5«oz...... 8c

W « h a v e a l l V egtttab lef a n d F ru its


! i l r i i w l i n r r y . l i i i n

H riiiovr liiilla. plrl< over L rrrlc" . . . W rlijlj, niid for every iio iiikI n i l>rrrlci allow Vi poiinu oF Iilniio Herl Siiynr . . , P ln ra licrrlra In krttla nml inntli fniU n i II linita, atlrrliiU almoil coik iliiiitly li> pievrnt h i i r n l i i K * « i ^ IJrhiif In iiollliiu point < ■ ■ '1 licit ml*l '>’"1 wnUlihlrlc. roKlliiiiliitf lo illr. (D o not 1h>i I over UO nilmitci.) . , I’nvk' ,11

' '~ IIi(A -1 )^ jile il IU « t lO a ri.iiiiirM 'a ' ' ' 'lininnllntrly.

(>i« fnill mini U lllrttcl iniiil i.i UtMixii. A n»

l< l.flh-r lliiiii njrlnl.

REM EM BER--w t . n , yoi. ...0 I I M I 1 0 l i r . l ' r SU G A R yng liolpyour ri'lliiw lilulio rnnurm iiiii] Inclory w orW i nt

. nil ckliu-iual-lu y«ur»«l(. -Km>|i .^our mvMy tilr*rtiliillnu nt iiiiine liy (fvnwinilltifi liliJfti llrc l Sutfur.

^ PURE IDAHO BEET SJG►fcs sugar madi for 4oM/inp, canninj

Page 8: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Page Eiglit IDAHO'EVeM g t im e s ; t w in f a l l s . IDAHO' F r id n y , .Tune 12,


J e r o m e C o - o p T a k e s S h i i ; e ' n '

D u e l A g a i n r . t W o r k e r s

................. B>-21-15............. :

\ D o d g e 7 ' S c o u t s

I l i e e p i n ^ E y e O n

SPEER’S By 204 H a c k A U > e e


New Open Champion Is “Golfer’s Golfer”

i n . s c c o L d P k c e n j T o n y M a i w r o W a s D a r k H o r s e T o

F o r D a v e n p o r t M u s t B o o s t R o n d S h o w i n g

----To-Br-Cff Public Only: Felloiv Siias

l l K - l i n i a k l y t i D . k I ; j i ' |

h;i,l thin to arir.'i pw iiuiia-c ■ ■ i i i ; ; H u i o l . r A l h . i ,

B y L E S L t E . A V E R Y T;U• YORK,. June 12 H I'i-TIk-

(■|iica;;o Cubs were out to win Ihc'ir ninth str.tfjiht li:i!!i;ball K'lftti-

. 1 , 1 . ,

K new H is A b ility

I bavc . r- his ciub tDv.anI a be ttor sbow inn on Ihe

iiorui If lie liDjics to be ;i contoniii ' llK- N atioau l LenKtie pctim inl.' ^

liy 'llA ltKV <ii:AVSON II Sj.(>/tV Killlrir, NKA Si-rvlrr 11

NKW YOUK, Juno 12—'Tony'i Unlt.-.l StHlfi 0|H'a;i

:h;ini!>lon, wi>:'.pcto in Ihc lAiisnsta Uifil aprins,'-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' > y .

( I n i K i l i i ' s o i f l l u ' t c i i M t c ' h 1 - t V . l l l 1 ! ( »

; wiir> r->r Ihi' !i.r N ritf '.n l fT’f'n c

T h . 1 t V

t D.ulv ■iry Jut- y about

.'.IS for liticlch run.II ' * A ’''Aw ’’n X u 'i s back Mancro wns' M anproVrrh iMVm i"Macfarl:ir.c1 .w nine con. jroppe.I by ono of Ihi- nunicr.iu.H: tyno - ,-hnrl an.l .stialsht. Ul.i

l l . .f. i n ^ ret.iint.r.'. for usln their.oprn, .ami he wus cicnclly v.llh hiJ■M , 1 . h f iiicithanJiac. Maneto wasn'tiiwi puUer, uC'cour-se.->l .^IrnlB U l-i^t fal - Urlmm Jk is ^.^ounh luunvn, ; Whtic Mancn.’: i . ‘JSS was f.iuch,.s pitch,UK .staff In fine- Hlmpc u .lark ho. r,o who stroke, un,lor the former open roc-

I ■ ”,v '1 " ' ‘'* " ‘''>>','‘ «-UciHlero(l r--corr|.s ali c.v.-r Ihe up-'orrl. c.Htabllsho<l by Chick Kvans ,it ul.iilj I t i. U.jrneko, HoiiHhnw. p^r UnUii-iroi l.iynut with a final .Miniltali.l.i in .31*10 an.l tlcl by •lonch, UavLs, Ciirlcton, \\arneUo ,3 „ j bliiLorinK 07 fur 2S2 and a new .Sarazcn at Mcaiiows In IPT.*,

.......... v.)rl.l mark for a n;.iior 72-hole the cluuui.lon who onre lu2 "c.l '

I laj't*

.huiler. have .st.’trtod anti fininhe.i nnp tiIII wiDniliK t i H ' i r oifjht pnmos WrlKley fiel.I.

field iiRhts.Jerome, Co-op Creamery init on -sluKKinfj heo with the Workers

Alliance to capture a 21 to 1,'i Vic­tory in the American lUvI.-ilou... .1

Wiioy hl[thig7iu's~Spc?f’}i®Frr5F.s and flevon walks dished out by; Johnny Hnhn, pllching hl.n first' league Rame of the .season, ac- countCil for the iicorlnj; in the gnmo. U. N. Terry paced Iho'Wilcv attack’with four hits, bvil Union Dunn led the cxlra-hase cioiitlii;r with n homer, a triple and a dou­ble In five limc.H at Tex Clare' collected n triple, anti i-'r,.d Kmitbj Rot the lonKMl binKle for, .Speers |by bounclhR one over the left fiejtl, I fence for a dnuble. --i-

__ . 5 c ' j u v , , ! s j l u u l a y n m h las he blanked the lUMers, 1 t.) 0. In the l>e:it pitchinj; perform-

There n old hnschall axiom arivantasc has to plijy ,500 or Uajtniont,

belter ball on the road If U hopes I to win the championship,- ■■■■

I;era pmvcn llist hnlp tot Sam Pnrliii Jr., ihy-l; h.use of a'ai rilen

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I \Ve:<tche.Htei:,. h:in

w in” hl3 \v:ty-in W anrro'.i

' f 2 r « ,

m tfr r

, .. . ..... ‘ *-v i m. ---- - ----- - w ..... -

AVL-opoti-aaulL^>L_iL^u»>ur---.f„, — Mmrenr-trnT-n~Tinf»-hpnn>1n-ttnnJea;;iUr.joklyn

. the’ Dodner • - ut> in .1

I . M e a i l .

cores, r,5 in the , , In (he K\ {'

Golfor>i KnPu' Him ;i'l><'n, <iS lit Hot. Springs, and 00 atDark liorso JI:«icio liiioly (liimilton. Ontario.

llciucmhtTH Stcss • - -u'.*-aeH’ed J 3l(n~timi.s a.s an .

■ J»twnTiTgTiV;i^ir'“ ‘MnTrenr-trn; -i>~Tiaf»-HOTSyin tnrniTHt?nTnir--ftt«>gtm.fmi*''r'ir)r -Homo arly ;;o imprc“ilve They public only. He has time, .mil thtf first thing he did •

jhavo won only seven out of ig'')vcn WRhly i-eRarded wUhln the nfler bnfiHln Xhe open wn;i an'.t road Kames for nn avernco of 3H8 ; profession .since J92;i. Manero, 31-, new.'qiapor men to ple; put In .1 WiiiH in J1 out of ;u at home Itiiy'-' '"’®'* caddie, grew up with tho'CO'id word for hi.<< .lid Man-

'Iheirown backyard 4iavc nut t h e m b r o l h e r i i at thc-l'alr-|ero later wa:J employed at Uinj !ln second place toda%-. Hiroe view country club, IClmsford, N. Y,;Ur.ineh, iN,/. and (y;e-hrilf Rame.H’ behind the’ SmIlinR Tuny got there the hard As a ynluiuster, Manelo liad ti

"rardlnals famous l’'cvio\is to laiidlnR hl:i pres-decide whether to ko on In golf otheir ability to v

u i L - v i i j y u i i!City-born Italian wua so hard ile Ij trc

UiU Lee

, rosentntlve of Uaer art for with Wlnleitioler ;i The clncats will ,lie pui fiuii-kly us posHlbl. and In other s-iulh M.ilio . llitles. I’robablc .‘:ale poui: will be Dcir.s, UruiiswUk. .Shop

iplltnK 10 lun.H In, innln;;.s. hut tile

III to keep pound-' >I:e off Woiker.'i

l-rmeetiin nidvemily's

r tu- ..flu-,SOO Sicnl .Marly,

holder; ■ chanipi 'Ttiiiia'ti;

■III liivKallnnal tniek and field meet .r«in« -me rrenni of Ihc- I'oiinlry's jierformeni to I’almcr nitmrtmy. Notnhlp nmnnc the vIsltlnir'nthlefM nre Walter

<if » e M i ( i S t ' M e n t w v e . w . v t l v l J i I k ' ' i w r n p t c r o T i l‘ilium Cl. . . . . Ingham. itnU'r Irfl, formerly of K i i i i s ; i h , worldin inller; and Mii.rlev ltnrnl»os|el. limer rli-lil f.inniT I'laek mhinie dlMiinee rnmuT,'ixliu Jimie\e(l the hiilf-nilh- I’rinreloa Ijst \.'ar.

onth fi.imThrpc Homer* ’

Ma.-ion'anti i’aulsr)n hit honuT.'i for the Co-op. nnd-.Mnnrf-got a' f'nir-UiiijHvV {'>'■ I'''! '• C»\ ■ and Weirh tlirneil iti throi' b;isi- ,

________ vk'lois. with MaiUelialklng up, a tri|ile for Ge)i Scutfi

.'V > rioN Ai. i.K.'iia t;

■ Tl!.- hn I l l ' S nd ; i bv In-

•,-ly in ••: l.nfu) jii

v.Uhln <■ nd I

■lone' tiia

Daffy Ball C lub or Stengel’s ‘H^amor—Which Griped Vau?;;i;;"S:

FIRST GAME\Vllcy Drug -Mullen, -s


ii"iW v ftom the .SedKofield C. C.. heeome a ]irofe.Hnional lighter•’ .Greenaboro, N. C.. the New York ;;liil is plenty hundy with hla dukea.

•n OmMi. !city-born Italian wua so h.ird ile Ij trwucndou.sly .strong for one,pres.-ied to make both end;i meet of hi/i ai-'umr.-.nce and size, and hJJ

diaiked up his fifth win tint he took a job on a drivmg fellow j.ros frequently call upon L.:e year as ihe .Cub.s tiirtied_nuigc. He nn.ii)ubletlly is the fjr.ii.hini for, fc;ti u£ enjurancc, or c me Jidhtun Boe.s to C to -1,champion lo rl!;e irom (hat lowly stiength. lie excel.'/ at «\>ther erday, to gain it full game,on|],ositlon in ” olf. -'"ameH, b'.:t likes ;;olf best.CardlimKs who were wallojied i Unlike the I’arks of year, Maiiero fiist attr.icted attention

dladelphla Phil- Mnnero fs extremely pomilar by lakipg the Island t.p.'n . jn their:among hl.s contemporaries. Kven'in 1029. lie won the P.isadona season, had ho not .so clearly denK)n;itrated'i>j)en in 1030. the \\V.>)tchestor op.-n

Dodgers.his worth, he-Hliuul<l havo been |ic>‘ih 1I>.’}2, and (lie N'orih - Carolina. --- straight, cepled by the profe.ssion, Tonv'upen in 1033.

,Tlie New.Y'ork GlantH and Pitts- Manero belong.i. • ' ‘ • l,Tst year Manoro won the Con-•burgh Piratc'.s wero_rained out. i ,. , ,_ J}dll‘s.A|iiicaranci:........... craJ Brock open; finished sccond la.

rct. In llie Ainerii;an League, the Manero'.s .story Is one'of a p,i- the Cions Fall.T open and Soutbenst II) leading >:ow York Yankees de-'tcntial star Wh-j kept falling Ju;?t P.-C,—A.-championBhlp; Hod foe

. ,r.71 fealed the Detroit Tlger.s 10 to li a bit .short and who was unable to third in the Canudian open; lost in iflO-ns ft -roBidl-of - K<‘d-Ho>fe fl two--fimi a pnsition in-one-rf-thir-largcr-thc-thfrd'-rnnrd-of thc-p—Gr—AT;— ;;o l)agger liriving iu two run.s in the centers, where he could be more was sixth in'the Caseade.s

I ••I'iO lOib. widely publicized. and tied for eighth place ii; thjI •i'i2.. Red Sox Keep Pace ' Manern, who .sporla a trim mous- ,M|r|.Sotith Invitational.

P ...1 t:iche, is medlum-Mized and hand-; Being champion will not clianga lia ii ISO. ton u<, t Manero is one of the Manero’s, .schedule. He'll play in..w.-.f i f ,.T t.. At'e......II...I ..T,,.... *,...,1’

L-5S---------------- ■> i.Tlie N ew .Y 'ork GlantH am

■lal .adml.-:ilrm blerifhi The rliigi; to be I'rc

flel.f of the lighted • moiitl, at 'about the cen'

peri.ianent high . -si.-!; i hleaehe.r.'i.

He'll Seek Kjy,

iftlwll dia­ller of the ni ,-.ouUi

liecni o f B a elerminallon to kayo deolKinn oppoiieiit.H i hack ilrive, fiv;ht OiM Jintithern Idiilio iii«trl unprcreniU’iited'forr elut i p l o :

night .peeleii lo draw htimireds of women

'. Aho are mure inlerestol In Hint angle than In thi' fight Itnelf. .

The I.lneoln field groun.|;« will lie piillred by Loglim HiiflbairiiKHueiatlon m to tentative plan's an

IJ.\ lU lNKVCLi;Vt;i.ANf.>, June 12 d i! — .

N'olldn;; iiior.' than ' a few- private oiHnions on .'.iKirt, whieli wele foiiiled nlidst the digni­fied duller ol liie llelilibliean convi'nitiin:

1. Mven if there were a pm- ally for hari-Drliig e«eaped l>'ba|l pl«yor.<, 1 would ghKlly i open my home Iti Van l,ingle Muiigii, who ilnl the ISruokiyn

cape h.iving to piteh foi

o o l i i i

nnd the s o t m d of wlnt CMsev rigel call.4 his •'wif,"'

. -loe’H Itradv Tiiat the truest tiji-off on

• magnificently Joe J iuls p^ditiiine.l hlm.'ieif for the

< Selmieiing fight lies In the ies from hi;i ram]i ti’lllng• awful the Urown fSomber ;.w. You may lake it Inmi Viv.H when a tiglUer really

■rrlble hla pubhcliv man I go about nhouting It the attic windows.That l,ouiK WHS entirely ■t, and very nnmrt, when

flUtly refiitied lo con.ildor

Serpa, ib, p. .Speerx f

r f ; U. K. Tei

ISiuith, ss; Simp ‘Hob Smith, cf: Im': Jahn, p; HogWilev

H p e e r ^ s

McCov. lb; Priee,' Ouiianlis; Sii; I're 1 > son. If; Creed, rf SiKvai.i S(uvr, jr.,'

, T ) 2 0 I

X VP. H 120 n.:i • -1 ,P O' ,

• , v T h e , .‘ ^ . ' c e .•■■ “ S o x k e p t p : n ; e \ ' . u u a i v u J u e c i - . , ,

• S i o n o v e r t h e . S t . I - o u i s B r o w n ; ; .„ • J i m m y D e S h o n g p l l c h c d i i t w o - P ' - - ' - ' ' ' - ' " '

h i t m a ; ; t e r p l c c e a s t h e W a s h i n g t o n S e n a t o r s w o n a t i g h t g a m e 2 t o 0

f n > m t h e C h i c a g o W h i t e . S o x . F l v e ^ h i t p l l e h l n g b y H a r r y K e l l y g a v e

^ t h e P h i l a d e l p h i a A l l i l e t i c . s a f j l o '. , , [ , , ' 2 w i n o v e r t h e C l e v e l a n d I n d i a n s , ;

„ T I 7 ' - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !1-r

oC the trophy,'.thc'tjuilc naturally expect.'! lo earn a iiplo easlly could have been takcn:great deal more than the 51.0riS hfl

a pair of moving plctiiro stars. Icollrcled in lournamcnl play in M a n p r « ^ a p p e a ^ ^ i m f v . T - i * ! T n i t t n " " ,nervous, hut lOSj.

, One Cast; Two Fish. ‘f l TH-'KJN. O. CI!— A-Binglo'lo.s.<i l.ieh, If; Schmidt, 3b; Moore, -h; „( ctvwRlil U-o fifth for

Hewitt, rf; 'loung sf; Martin. .is;lKarl Ktaib. Ik- piilleil In a 30-inch.i •'-,:ell. lb; ( haplln, e; .Scolt, ).• ;,|x ami one-half pound pike that

Iliad Bwallowod un H-lnfli Imii,Junior I'Var.ell,. Creii

7 7 0 0 sriNNKiis— ,'ColDrutlo, Inillami and Srvrru!

O thers — J f l g E ach . GRK K I.SirS .S l 'O liriN O


“Poxy Tatkle for Frisky Fish”

; Ma.son, lb:;

figlilliig Jim Ilrad.lijek (o title for Ihe.chliiiengei'Hi;!'j |)ff c.'nt iihare of

I"??''!!:,„i I rfii nAsr;nAT.i, rASiii,Y i

r,'. n In . f' CJJ':vr:LAND ~ THo DoUack!!i «f' AL.I « lh „„ * i'y n” it« ijfutp-i. )-f W,ir,[ ■il,- *'i‘ll*niln<h'd, l*lt/-lier Joe la wtthi . el, \\ard, 3b, Col- ,„.... ,Hiial

i i ' K 1 '

I J i - t l i a l w i l l l a m l I I I . - I i i g ( . r l l n - . l i s l i e r i i i . m - A N D

W e have

-SEA!I ii'iiiiitig


■|U"1 Walei ,,le rn Im gtie, • ny. idayH .i<

- I > " I . '■. o'.

club In the U' id his brother, John- ad hiuie for th same former Detroit mlt- plays with Cohini-

4, H, 10 nnd lO-Lb T est

l.KAI>KK 10 Yiin. 1 0 <

4 iK I(l(IS ij’N Kl’O llTIN 'd (iOOIhS STOUK

A V i u ' i i v i i i i l i i i , v . v i i i i r t a i ' l d e a t t l i c D l a i n o i u l I l a n l w a r o , yiiii r e e l i g i l i h - t o r o m p e l e f ( u - ' ; i $ : i ( l , i ) U S l m l i i - . p o a r e l ' ' l y l { o d II.) a S l i ' a . l : e N p e a r ( ' M e t e r I f e e l , ( ' ( d i t e . s l f l o s c i

j \ m : u s t 1 s t , .

S O F T B A L L S C H E D U L E rrl., Jiinr 12—First flame,

Troy Lauinl'-y v s . Coniolldnletf

.K iiy Stiiiiiinorti O tinqurn H e le n " JiicotiH o f U, 8 , 111 T eiin i 1

S e r i e s O p e n e r

' W lM lll ,i:n o fJ , r.nij . in n - 1? t (T.i'j riiglaiid •Wf(i» III" I'ond sinuir# matr.ti m It'" Wi(|lit- 'Dorothy ' noiiiid cl"lr,.|iiil Mil. I Bar.ih Palfrey raby..u, lit >,il, line, Maau.. U :l. o <t.

W IM B L E D O N , Uni;.. Jun e 12 ( U P ) - K nulanii w on llui , o jiu iiiiig .iiiiitoli 1)1 iliu W tg lil- I >111111 c ii|) iiurit)ii w lih tliii l ii iit iiil I' SlutOH today w lieii K av S lam - |’

• mei'H, ht(t l iu u d rd Hrilbih star , , trliiiti))lio<l (tviir. lld liiii Jaco lis , >1 R srkoli’y, Oiillf., AiiH'rlca'.i No. '' t l»lavi'l', In litialK llt lU' 10, <• 1.

lndiaii:i Climtj Back Into Cm . ■ I.e;v\;nv l,e.,ulev?Uijv MU'v

ndwiiiiii; Oah'i


WftJihltigIc.ii ow n re<(ii.'/il

M nrberi v v.diiiil tlljr l-aKlle eaieer In hill nim ebiink w ith w hich III' w< la iiiu n fi'w yi'ain plluhiir.

The lli'd<. [iiUlh, drivliii

■id Ihi'li nM.iber fioii

, ,, Heel."I llileiRNTAi.KM.A AN orTI-’IfJ.IIU ll ll.-iiy In ........ ........nd ..

A I.U A N V • l|iilK-iIo Kalnl- ninlh ’ellp. liio llttlii Cuban wlm niaiiedi Poillnnd .fell In lin.'

. llto ««ion n* II re/irrvo liifield.'r (,hn'>' nlialKlil lira l.v lali Wllli Uio WimlilhKl i' «"hiit.iirt,!(hlid win ov.'i Jl.ienimenl

’’llM bioH lent t« thP A,lt>uny eliih t.) :l si-mn. The fight w WlUt Inalniotloiii lo nluy him in .iven iinlll llie fifib, «■.' lb* outflolif, C lark rir iff lth . hits n n 'l tr a v r rn ...... . m rivn n

•Mof. ko may Ijccomo ft ynnirnrr.tirot ......................... ............

Scorcs Yrstortlay

N.M IOS.M , l.l':\lM'h;i l i , i , ; . i I I , l l r i , i | o n l

A .M i;i(ii 'A \ i .i : \< .( i i ;



$450iiMn. W, II.,

$525I. W„U,i



M c V e y ’sIN T K U N A T IO N A I.


(Jl<r S e .4 ’-

PAB ST...,i^^nuL^ m cM

C 'l 'C ) ! ’ iif your favnrfta

^ Hjxit niuljiiiii tlic (limngI’ V n f'kl(i’i»*fiic i’ aijflt, .' 1 . - U V i C . i n , • l ' M M i y o i i i - i e l C ( i )

i I r - i l e l t i ' i i i i i s l l . i v n r l l i . i t m i l -

I l o i i i K i f l i i l k a , i i e r i i j o y i n i ; .

i ! i i ) i i y r , i l i B C f i ' i i m ’ y u u r

D W i ' i l o n v e n i e n l ' p c u i m a l

* ( i n l . i i n c i • e i i l A y J v r r w i t h

a d . ' l M i i i i A i i e i t ! ! i i i u l | i i i | i l y

y i a i h . i v c n e v e r t . i a l c d ! « ■

( m e , (.’o f / f i i , y o i i n n n i . i i ) ,

a n i l i i - l ' i i r v c a l l m i l i s l i l u l c a ,

( liill'fnr ilm }>fjt hy nanw — I’alint 'rAI’.i(:,in.


• • Brewery QooilntitOeiilcd itiuht In

• Prptccted I'lnvnr• Non renilnhlo

• FU l T o |> - lt B t^ k l

• bavti Kail tli« Opio*

• No D tpoillt ts P a r

• Na Doltlei lo l U ^ / t

• B«»y t« Curry

• NBUrtikagA

PABST&^BEERU n E W K K T a o o D M t i t a

Nee llic l.i-d iilir iil ‘ 'f ii-iiriK er” M v Uoil ill $ 9 . 5 0 , $ 1 2 . 8 0 ' n n d $ 1 6 . 5 0

e iiImi liave a h id i'iid u l iis s iir ln ie iil nl' Sluikc.sliea a n d n lh c r F Iv K at

$ 2 . 5 0 , $ 3 , $ 3 . 9 8 , $ 5 . $ 6 . 9 8 , u p to $ 2 7 . 5 0


Trout Plie;i

' 6 . 2 S «

flncllod Hooka

6 - 15^

Looao Hooks

2 5 - 5 <

uovsil l i i lo r th« F liiliiux Oiiiivuiil

.K n jay V anr OiilliiK Maro w llli fl ( (ILHMAN (lAMI* HTOVf,

. $4.49 «»•> I'P

Diamond Hdwe. Co.

Page 9: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

FyWay, Jiinr 12, lOflfi H ^ A IJ O .K V R N IN G T W I N F A l.I .S . I D A H O ^ / Page Niuo

B M SFIECIS G a rb o R e m a in s S i le n t /S e c lu d e d " j||jl!PIGS!]lB5 lELEVISIIINGK H p ll j^ o o d F ilm C olo„y, i|ju JH 5JIL5


^ 6 A er ia l H ostesses W ill B e ■Most S e e n ” on P rogram s

S ta r lin g J u ly 1

POSE? YES EMOTE? YES TALK? NO!Federal Af-.enln Scizinc; Ncri

As iis Duriiift D;usOf Proliilnlion •

L0NI)ON 0’i:i T-'l'-vlsIc.n pro- p r a n i H I ' l ' x I U c c c l l > y t l i c U i i U h I i UroHdninlinu cdi iu>naiiui nclipd- iilril 1*1 lii-citi July 1 will foiUure

IsH Jujimini' HIlKh. blond , iiiibuin )i;iir iiH'l blur-j;rcy , iiiiil Miss KlizalxtK Cowell.:

2ii, n i>cliU- hrunrtU', hit the two youMf. wcmion ,KWrU-<\ In.m

j i j i l l c ' i i n t . H ,Tlu sr - imnnuiicorN, nl

Icasl thr H. C.‘ prou<lly nn- nniincc's, lilu' cooliliillM, Ihritlcrs, films, iiv/:/.. opcii-iilr spoils, Uiry Dslni n «<>cKi .loiil nn.l tboy go to

lurcli I'll Similnys.Sliuuld U.i I’oiiular

Thry will he-Hpon-invl bPHi-l-by ic>ur-.Tn(lH cif Hriloil.s (Iiilly iiml

.flboulil ptiivc popiilijr .siiicv Ilicy lire sinnrl diTMors alJil hnvc lovrly fnrrs iiml flKiH'Cs.

While one l5 nimnuiirinc (lijrinj* pri'prants'In Ix; Ijvoiuloast from Akxniiilni paliieo. IhP olbrr will Ricct iiiiists, bclplMK ihrm lo bo-

‘.M)hcic of Uie lelcvl;>,cin

-e«ck-- tn- Hi lywood, the Great Garbo Is quite affable when yeu nsk her to pose for a picture. . .

And tbe’ll even o>ve you ; sample of that .ict Ing for which she’s f.mious . .

But the Sphinx from .Sweden insists on remalnlno Ihc enlcj-

of filmdom, despite herfar


;icii \vo.i to have r tlrrmrnt, but Khc I

HOI.I.YWOOD - GiTtn Ciirbo, X r 'n f 'utnhllqliPil n...’iln In- I'l ♦-JU.U

Wlk.rvon ™vpl t,.appcilntmcnt and on .*iubjcct.i,,’ flaps ".Silent Hern." .Vext

bor re-, wood ba.-< liecn iiinittom'.l ^ ti(nl.s• fKill pci- ly f.ini'1' her a.stonisbiiic advnitiiH' >ilalbcrn's with the late .lohn CilUxrl, wlicuii fI'. Afli’r shi: Hi'CPiiifianii'il Ici Mexico and,vill do then rliidi'.l by flaf;;;lnj; a triiln t:i.| p.T- liavlt to C.illfornia, alolK-. , ,line .-clie ,.SlK' rends noUifnj; but .Swedish

Court Sentences V.iry


All ENTf-pt Qiicrii ¥:ll•y W i'J Sjicm! Pint of Vacaiiojj

111 Norlh

v prlMin mill Ihr iiiajiir Imlhc h-ail<|u;irliTs would be ii erJiiK' ni.llyu.ind iiiid.T II schi'irii- I...' lilinli.c <Tliiiiiial- >Nlileh >i:is be.n

I d('vrln|ii'i| Iiv tbe Nrw dc-rsrv stale Jiolh'e.. TrixiperH <'\.rll i'. l>nl- Inn (l.rtl, mill lliirh .t. Ilii\li'. del..... at 'Irrnlon. N. .1., h<i<

Zinc Industry Gains

by llui t%e thi-y niriv.' still liiieiiilc'. Her Scai

init alanit-Kho and Mlnky'MouKo hip thf-'^^' . - .

onlv film stars who don't have En Qm.i1'>'wfirry «i''l acii'nl rmiain;* alanit tlu’ same. ,„„i .-nmi.';;!.!

- V - ...............leii in oe iipj ....... , ,v ....... . r... ....... t. . .'• name h(i\««?- shc iiieif tn nrj'iine' In ih.. llm.Uvao,! '.Imtiirt tey™i f ' e ..hoUt Mr .If «„y, „r «■■ Uov. rtv 11111., Sincc .1,. I,»l . I.™-' 'P<™-

•llh her

live.l .....: - H i -

■ II..,■■,.1.1,1. b .................. I,i(l,, tut ""''mil

id:i1 (jiie.'it - worli.

nt am'iind tnit It -veei Mini Mux she both In llidly. tl<illywood.

be iiicmoil7.i-d' Hiiice .ipealiers will dL'ijieiiMr witli note.'i l)efote iho Fraiinor.

Mi.-H BIIkIi and licr patmrr IlfiSlWir-a‘t1froilTi?c!- liiii->it .paint their lips blue ariH thelrTtiTi'; vrilnw .-o they may he seen prop crly by telcvisl<m audiences. Uthe

1 0 co lo r cniiiblnatlons o a.sls will be rcquiret!.

JVavi-led KxCemiively Cowi-l! .R]iealia <;cniian an*.

Kreneb fluently and liaii tiavcleilcxteiiKlvoly. .She has been a man- perp-prchf walls, reliiforced ne<iiilii and la interested in ballet, hedges. liy taUlni; an airplane

Miss Hll(;h, liiecu oi Lord Darn- ri.le, one Van j;et a far-awav leyi baa vl.nttcd the Uiilled States,, of her lakiiiK n simballi.Italy, ,Swllzerlanil an<i Franco. .Sho u.sea thi? .■•a<iv: l!i'27 ear and She -speali.s Kreacb. Her favorite the Kanie staff of Swedl.ih fterv- spoils are j;olf, ridiiiK and sijiiash anls, niodcl-s of ISKti Shei.u!; had_thrce ycars-j Boss-Hear* Rumor - .staKo and rirni, cNpene;ice, j-layhiK. this w>itiiiL'...he has not even

liil« Caesar visited Iho M-G-.M lot lo nay hellole. ter, an<l in the Chailot,„ .,.,ialbe?c. lie

read 111 the papers that she hadarrived, and it was triu-, I ta ly M ig h t B u ild HllgC

The fii-st- pei-son ■ .she rxi.ett.s, t » u . « /• « . estaldisb int'in

Siie I- i.Pi,'tii- stuff i■ I" Hiou ■ivllle.

Ciii)ii Watchi'9 Alcoliol



Ltt GlOPie[Pio

tn ii;> llK''lvm:tIul desfit Throe Heiirflis <.II Of tlic l.-U(c..s;iy JL.iU.ii


who will he the most ".seen" pirlR ■in IMUiln .ImrUy liive rccjmd,.■nnlracu (or . « mo«tl,R. - tW r,,, ,1,,;,, kj.n.rl „i- ™i,,rj 1, ,m.lcr..,l,«.l lo lio o/.'-sl,,,;,.atcui JoU u ween. ...............Ic.wtumoa,-for ebo still f.tlck?' to

.“hapclcss hats, low-heeled shoes,

a|>or: pi<H •. heO'Silti

L ak e b y M ean s o f Canal I f M inera ls F a il

R ea l E sta te T ransfers

liifnrmalinii riirnlhlied hv 'ISvln l''alls Tillo and Alwtract Company

Tucsd.iy, June 9 . Deni; Miller and Vlele to Kry.ser Co.. pt. N 'j NIC, 12-l -lC. ,niUc’•

Decc!; \V. Keel lo R . •• 'SIO. lots 46, 'I?. IS, blouli

My Henry T. OorrrllIl0 rT; ir.!;t~KnKlnceis in thi

- ..iiploy of’ the Colonial <ifflve hav

r - iiE ' i ; ’; s S S r S f ^ u . i

created In tbo Danalul region of ooiild be harne.-sed to furni di elee- Kritren and northcn.'item J-;th!epl»-.Miie pc.wer to a re-ii'ji in

This project. Inv'Dlving con.Ktnic Krliroa and nArlhern' Klhiupi.a.ll'/n of a canal permitting waler.s ' ..............'

o, i--ii-ju. ,nine" Jiever has »nel Ml - nnri.o the Red son lo flow Inlantl, OroKory I. a lolh.wer of Hi-ne- R . Harcicr.-Wl'n^ she Wt iLlvtnm l bS.‘'''OU:iL to eun-.rliel, nm<!e pope In .MHi. waf. th.>juli 0. Blue .expedition!} lall to monk to take tbe papal'clfice.

this torrid' zone ap- ' >'1 "ly 'J1 .months a': ebief for■■ly ihe FHmi- lemperiilni'> Tiixa.s, Luui:>iana and .Miu iiusippi.

a:, normally prevails over the Ke<l P''sea. ' ' arresioc. accundly..iL ivquM. have lhc-f:r.-i''W'

rod of allayliiK desrrl winds.wliieh I'reijUiiitlv create devastating dust Mi.rms siiiJi aii tboso which liavc-'bibit eaiised lo.sse.'i of niilMnna lo farm- beco:

ill the n it •wes l■ l rl' ,•ion of whei

loliitiiig revenuexplaincd this by .''aylnj: that leam of tlic' crop'; of pro- n ii;;enls were iboscii lo .• iileohol tax lnvestit;atoi.s iipi-il becaino cffei tivo.

batlu",halhlng suit; _

‘tbiiiK. ■ . .Strange "Uovcr"Hoberl Taylor, 'her leading i

In the forthcoinlnif pietiire, "has juel Mlsa CariK). . T.\XK,!< IHI5I.KK CAi-CAKV, A lla . HM'i — I’.ibl

J p r r een l more in Alher than tl'.ev did a m onth (if II ,1a aiinoiinccil th a t Bliiles a twniks of. a rclifilou.s na ture . )>\ireha.sed for individual nso, ai' subject to A lbcita '3 new I'.to p(.'

Larlies adilllion weat • itb'iimblnRr'his wav Into Hit ftartn..Deed: OreRon ,Short I.lne Unll- Nowbe-.s afiai.l lie may l.avc loi,

trad Co, to Union raclflo iUiilroad niake love lo her without an I Oi.. V. I't. SK .SiO, Hi-10-17, intioduetion.

liccicc; l':;;t, O. P, liar-, Or olKe, what with all the )ire •aiiliotis for safcKiianllng “aid to*li.''l1aiwood, I't, block 12,.,

. I- Tru.T w i n K a l l . t .

I . e a r a ' ; P , . T , I ’ r l n i ; l e b d o d , F . i . . , : i « - r j - ] 7 ; {•iO, 'l-Jl-lti.

H e e d ; H . 1 1 . W l i d i l ■ t ' a l h r o , 4111, 0 0 0 , S ' j ^

I’loof of labor: 'r. A, Winf aid ilgsl plaeer claim.

Wrdiivtiday, Juno 10 l)ce<t; Twin KallK Ceimti'iy

of her souini KtaRo. lie ^miy' iiiMi 'Yen bo allowed on the ret.

Nobody ever 'baa mnitdained about workhif,'- with Iho Hwedisii

•sphinx, lierailfle. .she leporlH ■ jii;oniiiHj'...quii.s piomplty. and be- .iiHves aUably einuigh - lowani

. rdber inemliera <.f li> r n.nU, (11.leoilise, her ataj;e:, alw.iys iiro

• Closed (f. vl;.ltorri, and hW ean'LV •|l)rar belli;;'wAleh. d even by I'eii-

<1 ^'’dfinlrlniiB ,eimin'i'(ed with her pie-.

I,list. A, <■. I,elj;hloial., N',-j

.;lhe vi'w or elediwalk I ■eriie

lbWM, ll.i

l ‘e.i.|; K. W’jiriTn lo I-. l.'ainoy,| 'I'hr only lime.s rhe ever lia.'i I 10, PI, lol ,r.', bloek 1, \Vood's,eome IhormiKhly .noiined w( ildlll(iii. 'dinliiK' dl.scii.'isloiiii of iiaiary,li.e.l: M, M, (HIiikt to M.'Helix,,'etui Illiies /.he liafi amioiineed i.

'i.'.;’00, lot !l, .Matli.Mi’a MibdU'l-! would quite nnles'i she t;iit a lali loll, Kib r, IThe IneIi.ed; Cora 'V- »l

teahiiur, lo .1, Tiiylor, HIHU, lol she aetilally It, hliiek 11, Twill l Olfl. ' '

lieiriires weie |;tanln| he- Ibi'te was illtle .loubt tbaf {

..nor iM'tilally v.'otild ijiill. $J Her liml dejiiirliilo /roiil Alixr

K i m i l MKIIl MdH I

Conilder A g a Consider ProofM0N0n i|W b .[£ < _____

Consider Quality Comldtr Rillabllliy.. .................................. MONDURAM ( ii l i r io

oh fn hnK lfil - «l>«n .........................• '

you wfll l» tm m il al «!• tow fr lc t pni/HIIng f o r M O N O O R A M

H a n d y ! P in l i ... IfMU Q u a r t s .Moil P o p u /« i- Im p tr ltd W h itky In III* W«»l

MONtXlllAM I. dlMlll.d

nlliir III Wolrin AiiKlli


-ANNOUNCING-F o rm a l O p e n in g W ils o n ’s ’. . IC E - C R E A M S T O R E '

l e e C r c i i h i n n u i i l i l u - y o u l i U r i t i n n n r M O D E R N , B A N I T A K Y j i l i u i l , r i ” l i l

b t f u r c y o u r e y e s .

i2 Dclicious Flavors KllKE DELIVERY

W ithin Lily I.liiillH -l'liiu ie IHlIl ■


QnarlH . 3 5 ^

2 '/ , a i . i i o i i \ ^ t 5 0Oullon


Fountain SpecialsOlant MoUh ...........................Donblo DeoJtcr Oonrs .Dolloloiis W alking Bniiiliio Bnnana Split .........................

Week-End Spicials( l l lA l 'n l'IN K A M 'I.K illJ lO K W A I^ I IT I'lHTACllM )T IIT T I KHIITTI I 'R I 'rn K M IN T HTK'K -Qt...-....

SATURDAY SPECIAL ONLY ("rcBh Strawberry Sundae ............... .......... i w

Wilson’s Ice Cream StoreM«xt to Loi;tm Bporlwtftr Oo; HO Mii!\i Avo, N,


I t b e g . in w h e n G a i l E v c r e l t w o n $ 5 0 0 in a

c o s l u m e d e s i g n c o n t e s t .

I t N e ^ Y o r k . . . t o o n e n c o u n t e r

w i t h a h n n d s o m e s l u W o r , a n d l o a j o b in a f « h i o n -

o b lo d r e s s s h o p . *’

I t l e d l o r o m a n c c , l o o . T h e n , iu s t w it e n G a i l 's

J r e o m s s e e m e d n b o u l l o c o m o t r u e , s h e r e c e i v e d

t h e a m a z in g l e t t e r —

Y o U 'L L f in d t h e r e s t o f i h i s .o b r .o tu in g s io r /

in t h e n e w s e r io l , “ T h e , G l o m o r o u s A d v e n t u r e " , b y

J e o n S c i w .r i g h t . F o l l o w G a i l ' s e x p o r i s n c e s fro rn

d o y t o d a y . .L e a r n h o w s h e w a s t r i c k e d b y a j o a lo u s

r iv a l , h o w s h e t u r n e d b i lk e r d is a p p o in t m e n t in to

t r iu m p h . T h e r e 's a t h r i l l In e v e r ^ c h a p t e r o f " T h o

G l a m o r o u s A d v e n t u r o ’ ’. I t b e g i n s


Idaho Evening T i^ s

Page 10: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Pin'! Ten t O A H O R V K N U N r, T I M I .S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O Pridiiy. JttBf 12. 193«

Miss W aller W eds . W ednesday in Filer rTH iAIiRS



G ray waa program fihairman y rs to n ia y a t a mccllnf;. f- th.! Winnoii‘3 Couacll of llic yirlsthirt churcli, at which Mm. K.

jitvHidfiiit, atui Mra. Dalo

Bowjtian, secre tary , assum ed <jf- nocm anrt p lay« l ■ pl®®o *Hw Hce. In rv . H- J. KrynoldB .llnciissed lh« •

Mra. W. S. Parish, .rp llrinc iircs-.Tow nscm t plan. Mra. Bow ium Idpnl, WM prcsetiled w ith a K ift.'p rM fiilc tl lwi> vocal oo:.w.Mra. U. N. T<*rry making Iho pn-s-. ' -----------------------------cnlation jippfph. j The hobl>y nf (Inr. Wooii. sp«M-I Mfaa Marie Locltiiail roaJ a bout racer, in ralslr.R tutliry*.

I For the June BrideS The D iam ond H dwc. Co. takes pride in haviiiK the finest ! r.hina .Shop nrri th e finest hnrpe wjire rienavtm ent in the west,

i .i 'iM ii 'i : II

Begtnniii)' toUay ?«i th f Idalio theatre' <i Irvin S. (nbl> In ••KverylmJ.v’H Ol.l -vvlthUorhrlli- I I 11(1). on. .lohuiiy D iivviih, N«rniiiii I'osteT iiiiii A1aii DiiK-harl. I I Ih u lirero. rnmecly-roiiuiiire Uraiiiii; ivit M

MtirmirtmWaitvmrnrrs—«— of iiidiiRlry cnrdiiiitvrH ulipii hi* ri-tircH Irciin liiisliieHs to devoir his lime tci htrulKhlenliiif i>iit ii Kriiii|i of Hllit .iiiiJ recitli-.»H \ou:i|;st<-rH, Iiieliiiled in IliN •IrllElitfiil program is "Darliest Arrlea" No. -t. luid latest iii'itw I'veiilK. Ilegliiiilinf Sunday «t tile Idalxi is l.c.slli' Howard ;u»t Merle (tlieron in "The Starlet rini|iiTi<el.’' Hear .lay Hill iil

In the china shop you will see on display, fil'ty beautiful p a t­te rns in china w are, m ost of which ame open slock. You will see th ree shelves, each 60 fe e t in length, filled witli well know n kinds o f.very beautiful .ijlass w are. In the Home ware dept, you will find eveiy im aginable kind o f cookinp: utensils and three tables devoted entire ly to nationally advertised

^ b rands o f oven w are, all of which m ake lasting, useful and ■— .sen.sible-ffiftitems.-You-ai^-invited4o'-visit-our store and .see

this splendid assortm ent of merchandise.

im tlmtou;r-SjrAri~tr .T .7 iiT. r.ilian, the following new Htafl',(; w IS Installed: Mrs. D.ivhl 1. 'prz. ■ tJmiKliter. jii't'-'ijdctil; Mrs. Arthur 5i1uire, (itrli I’lan.'i were inide VKV prc!Jl.!er\t: Mr;i. Jiilin Hui;hM. ai n.unu.n park July Si'C'iml vice president; Mr». C. L.'|„.rn i>l ihi? rliil) .ml

. .KiKlth, rcCDnliiiK .seriet iry; Mr.s.' uii.,,,John Day, financial .secretary; R.'frfshnn'nl.i wer.-

William MallH-rg, tica.sun-r;' d.c h..'«te.s’<Mr.i. Claude Delwciler, coriTHpniid- * ♦ *In'.; .'fi'crelury; M

I, Willi tlu- (ollu’.viti';: ^ llH.• i;.'itlia Mriv' . Vi-rna tliiis,ileU-n*l'iri''R!l

<l Mv.s. Ruth .Sh'inU

I. lil’.ii. ST.\<i IHNNKIt

llefro3limciitM wiTc-served. HONOI^S ESUI. BHNSi>V C'l'mplUiientlng i’enI niF.XOM' CIKCI.K

I!.\S imSI.MOSS SKSSION- ' ' suiea naval .— -Elic-.i:xicudly Clrtlc.n cl. Krank «;ie

day aftiTniH.t. nl the hunie of Mrs. i,„t,.riiUnea J K. Cxney, with Mrs. rercyK.nilli a.H hosteju. I'lftei-n menihersj' lo Hie roll call wilh fa-, upnuii'a Iho hoslH and jriicst.H of thor'a day quotatlon.s. Mr.s, I.ylci i , t n v c r a wcru laid for llarvcyMurphy wa.s _«ccc|>tod a.s a. jinj Sinclair. Wllbtir Me-

- iHemhcr of the organlMtion. The} u.-rberl-Boi.teii, nce;<e WII-white elephant was won by Mrs.,-„3„ „ , jjacon aiLl Kl Lloyd,

. K l Kyte. It waa vded to .lond a. # # * ■-h^rrei-«t-lruit-to.ll.e C h i l d r e n ' s , . , — ... - ...........

nt Boise. IMKKT FOIt I'OT-Lt'CK, Mr.K. Smith was .siirprlseil with.ft jony Dozen I>ot-I.iick cluhfli.mvor, Ouests were Mr.i, C. A.‘„n.i ^ith Mr.s. Victor Melton Smith.. Eden, and Mrs. K. N. Hen- Thursday nftemoon. Presfnt were derson, UefrcHhmenta Vere «erv- Klmcr Peters and daughter, el hv the Ixwtcfls. Mrs. Stanley'Strickllng and chil-

The next meeting will !)c at tlie ,iri.n, Mrs. Wilburn Tanner ami liume of Mrs. T, F. Yowell, sim. Mra. Uerald Boidier, Mr,H.

* ■ ♦ * Dwight Mltchcl. Wrs. Arthur Tc-HOST TO lers and daughter, Mra. LawsonLIX'KV TWKLVK CLI’U Lockhart and tlaughtor, and MrH.

Mrfl. Don Higbce, Hiu:,'Uon, was:j„i,n Ausdeln and daughlers. hostess Thursday lo mi'inhers <>f t Iic nexl mceling will be June thj Luclty Twelve club at her o.l at tliO home of Mrs. Klmcr

• Jwme. 'Peters, Eden.Cut

lipad. --- -- -Lunney and Mrs. Maude M..ri-i(iiVK STAI-'K Ll'NCHKON liiMii, 1 I>octors and nurses of the ortlio

Tollowlng a fihort business ws- podle rtinie w'cre entertained at fii'iii, canU were played, wltli hlglijlimcheon ihlj nmiii In the atudy of Ht-ore going lo-Mr.s. Grim arid lo ihe r-'iisi I'reabyterlau ;churoh by M is H, Mcfiinnin-i. The white ele- niemhi'i.s of Twin hVill.s rhaptcr, ptMnt wiiii-won i)v Mr;i, S. K. Crh-'Amerleati Aa.ioHatlon of Unlvei- ninre. Mr«. James Hlak<'ley waS;Hily Women,the re'r.'pleul of a blrtlnlay gilt. | Mrs. Kmmett Hood wan hnsle.Hs

The lnKiteHs H.Tvi'd a UvoT<mt;ie.und clialriiian oi arr.ingemenl«. liinchc-on lit «mall tatilen centered Slic was arisiiiled by Mr.s, .Uen Til- Wini ix>.-<e.s. 'lery. Mis. Amhy l';iedi;ili;l(, Mrs.

N.xt meetiaK will tie at the II. C. KdmiiinlH, Mijr.d. W. Uur- hanie of Mrs, J. 1), .Staaf i, •rhma-,>;ctis, and Mi'h. J. IJ. Uanihait. ' ,|.iv, July 1!.


AUiUl 2U1) |K-i~>i>4 attvaded llic i-elinx <il til'- Towns.'lid cluli in .• .iiigJi «h..ol andil.iriuiu list

nli;ht, at which I’. C. I>avl. , li-iivo, • area manager, wa;i the pria-

cl[ial Jipeaker.Work in orgatiizing aiid educat­

ing whliil! llui been ■doiii; In Idaho vva.s'e.\[)laine<i by Mr. Duvls and the method of ch ioslng candldate.t for-pongress dpscribcrl. Baeh club

lll.schd lo thf .slate ci'innilltee names of propose*l candiilales, niid submitted by the most club.s will'* bn ' sent to • national heai quartor.s for npproval.

Turner K. Harkiiian wa-s al: called upon lo‘ rtjieak briefly.

Snndaj* .,\e;-pl SalurdajjLItarbara .S(an» vck and

wlieii. I'hi' bride-' UoleH in ''nth <'i'iitiiry'» "A Mc . l oiiipl. to liiM v.M.ri: tfcr- s:'«e to (iareiu," wbcdiiled for a degree al Ihe nunnal, lhree-du,\ sbouiug next Sinir^

?th'">| : I da . He U east as a henile■ rT m»’•*fTt“ prrtT I-T 'l lI 7' vtlrrr*— ildvenlur- ' -

sup.'rmtend.nt niame. It li ralpil thi- liig pU'tiireH ol 1

M iss H elen W olfe Is W edded to Buhl Ji'lan'«•IKllOMi:, .lt;ne i;> <.Spc<lal

Mi.' s n.lcm Widte, da'iglUer Mr. and Mr-i. M. V. Wolfe, I',III! Plidv, ;im Ilf

Roxy .Offer Sundayliivciisil I’irturea will mil call tlcr'ii tlohl" an epic. The ivj Is that Ihe wor.l ",ple " fla

:t misused cuu'iiiiitieally unlih ; Ihr.adhjie aiwl abiinst mean-Jj rsS. i'.i'..Ml,'lv -s.Mii.'hodv ill lhi.s!

U-ilv wlio views Hie film at Hie,' ,fi11o\y lIuMt-T. starling

will bl' I ti. dew


been pn>- in-J.>n>iTThe; eotiple wa'i attendi'il liv Mr.

ami .Mr.s. Alvin KeaiHiig, ’Wen- clcdl, fjiicl the l)ride',s parents. Kul- Iriwing (he ceremony a wcddiiig bn'a'kfaid was ,v‘r\;eil.

Mr-s, niidy Is a graduate of thP normal .school al l.ewlslon, v''<> for III- p,ist Ihree years has laught in the Jerome piiblie--school, --

Mr. tJiidy Is a graduate of Ihe t'liivernity of Idaho and is ft mem­ber of Delta Chi fraterailv. He, Is aa.'socialcd wllli the Conllneutal Oil C(/. liere.

The young couple left for a trip

ll'lNOCJH.K <-|,III».MKI-irs I'Oll (iAMKS

I The Ju!il-A-Mere Plnnehle t'met at llir liome of Mt, . Jiiek

tli.‘ "lioune.SUeen W e.lnead iiy iiftrrnoon. ..,etiiher.s iin-1, Pri'-e.s weie won by Mr.i lland<l

t (imvds wec'e I’eagli' and Mill. Iluwiird .Sber- 1,' Mia. C. A, Mrs. Gilbert KeU.-r was a•'. Ci’.jwe, I..lie.In llie afteiiinon a de-

Dale Mo-llln,!'l<l""'> liindi wa.s H.'ived. Tiie mxt .....•iaUti<e Miss'""'*''*‘'11 will he al the licime of

June Whi'tran'd Ml-i.1 Maldr llu-; '''-

lllVl ltVlK.W CMIH iiKllS HorSK 01' TOIIAV

The lllvervlew Soiial .dub yiMl<-iilay ii(lerniK(n a of T'jilay," with 'J- i fli-lll gUlfllH pierieiit,•I.dmh


Koll call was iinswei viiille tilnl nilbi. Al Hie

Warmer weather, driving :iomc of Ihc mulil <>b.sLlnalc to dl.scard the old reil woolen.s. . . Unbellevuble news «t ilevllish

.mischief pping committed by kids near Lincoln field, to ibe great annoyanee of hall play- •irs,. among the -besl frlend.s which youlh ran have , . . . diaries I/ir.sen, clly jiatrnlman, paying a J l fine for hU ii1>.Heiit- mindednivi.s In permltllng hi.i car lo overstay Hio pariUpi; lim­it on .M'llii avemie. 7‘oliee Judge S. Claud Stwiirl laflUed Hie Teceliil lo the offlrer with an a/i.'iumed culd-bloodi-l for­mality thal .surprl.Hcd even him- aelf. . . , Mlleh • hlUerH, again ,lllleilng up Ihe lilghwaya and hywaya. , . Wioidietl ear, l»<'ing I'iwe.l In, n.veallnj! i-vl'lene.-.i Ilf noiii<''iiii''a Indi-ieii'l|oii. , , . ('iiiidl<l:ile.'i fill Iilllie, buny, get­ting tlieir iioialariHon pe1lll.iaH •sluiii'l . . , Man. rmmtKlng al.iiid t'l his nel;;liiioi ij|iiiipii'i III.. It. jiuhlleiia ennvention: "U’lHid.-i wlm'll be. vice piesl. 'lent ' ' , , . Aji'l tlir neighbor ..... . b.ielc-’veiy i.lody wlHi

to the coast, and after July 1 will jhe nt Ibeir liimie in Jerome,I ------------- — ^SHAMUOf K Cl.rU HA-S SOtTAI, MKr.TlXO

Five gue.sta were prenent at yes- rday's meeting of the Sliainrock lib al Ihe home of Mr.s, P.oherl.

Slovens. Mm , Floyd Bandy was n charge of -the program, ^n-; ..••sis were held, and Mis.i Belly; ■ gave a reading, Dainty re- 'reshments were serverl by the loslesM, Mr.s, Henry Wise will be :i.>!>le.s.s to the cUitj al Us next Heeling.


HKiuiI.Ucmia will iii>|i wind imiit Hi>ir«iiibi>rr Wliiil i>r wliltlwliia I (lOOD nilUWD — At •

- t'.\( I.K .IllH-lt'S -


Cilini'dV "li'or The l ive'ot Tele' "riank Meiiluell' No, II "nilM tiloiT' and Nni»


:l, were ni;ir,ie.i! TIp ijj;,al tin- bridi.'si'l'i'ed as iieroie o Hev.-Krie Kober-'ii'V ol'tag. .iiarrallvc. ol JuVL..andii

'conipiesl. The eseiting iiii'ldentsji thal bl;>7.ed on Caiifornia’.s Iron-1; Her, Including tbi' Ilaiiiing ' mad-11 iies‘1 of ilu- '10 gold rush, form part of tbf Mtory.

The ccutral figure of Hie drama is (ienernl John A*, Isutli-r, wiio built an empire and a personal fortune: who had everj-thlng torn from hl3 graap tjy the .gold xraz-. ed Invaders; and who foughl a' lifelong ballle to regain his prop­erly. I.;dward Arnold is staVred xis the general, Hinnie Barnes ha.s IW lemlnine lead, K

Bob Steele in "'Alias John Law" with a rollicking comedy, a new cba|iter of "ri'runk Merriwell," a Merrio Melody and newa conslilute the entertaining bMl ul Uncle Joe- Iv's rtoxy loday and Saturday;

The MoHt Iteautiful Olassware In America— “ IIRISKY"

/ omplelo line In plain or elched — Gobkaa. Slier- i, CjckUils, Wines,.Cordials, Vases, Candle Sticks-

and 'many other Items. You will Ih' .surprised at the i«any iilc? Ilems'you can buy in IlK ISEV al'a Very"

■ I^VUIKS W hr not tak* ftdraatas* of onr •jitcUt offer. tl.OO off nn p«r-

Xzpcit Ovaratort. >


The Loveliest Assortment of '

China You Will Find Anyplace S

More than 50 differ­ent patterns from which to make.your, flelection. JIany nice 32-piece sets China,S 2 .9 8 S 3 .9 8

$ 4 .9 8 »»1 S 5 .4 8

Electric W'af(le Irons ...........Sandwich 'Toasters ...............Hot Point Irona ..................Klectrlc Percolatora ... .........VISIT THE ’’GADGET SHOP” MANY



■ A C T U A L S; Sound Motion Pictures :

W ill Bo M ftde o f T h e


Saturday, June 13D an c e M usic aiuJ S p ec ia l E n lc r la in m c i i l b y th s

■ Kentucky Coon HuntersAnd Tlieir “PERSONALITY GIRLS"

IR A-D-I O L A N D [\............................................................ ................J ll


125/\ for

Specials iSaturday

IH A M B Il.iir o r W liolo - I ' i m u l .

SnW ABD ..... ..Z.Bn TMAOT ■ IMMID aAMNim

Ntnrt Ifd All In K.ln, rtlul Mr Nrvrr llulae Out 1‘ilersl

RiniM K H lOe - A IH H .IS t.h

2 25c 1 25c i

2 ..... 25c I4 PoT inai 25c I

3 0. .. 25c I 25c

2 Poundi 25c."3 poiuidi 2 5 c

3 riiuiuii 25q ...25c

I Su n se t M a rk e tj '•Wlioro Tlio Thrifty Hoiiiowif® fl*voi’* |112'1 Miiin Avo. Soutli Plioiie 714 1


■ l*OHK o.EiorH I'utm.i


S .P q R K L IV E R


Piano Accordion!Spccial Offer and Factory

Demonstration This W eek Only!

$5,000-l3isplay of Newest Soprani ModelsTomorrow and AH Next Week

T liU i i tlio liirRoit cn llocU oii o f I i i i i i ({iiule p ia n o a c c o rd io n s o v e r hIiowii in. T w in F a lla , A ll th e Hensntioiial Jiuvv S op rttiii m o d e ls— th o w o r ld 's flnoHl p ia n o t tco o rd lo ita ! _ •

SPECIAL FACTORY DEMONSTRATIONE tid O liirk , fam ouB p iim o a o o o rd lo n a r l lu t a n d c o m p o se r ,' w ill be In o u r n torti n il i iu x l w ook to p in y luid d u in o iis lr a tu S o |tn u i l a c c o rd io n s . H o w ill h u lp a n d iulvl:io y o u ill th o »uk>otlon o f a n nc o o id lo ii. ButU a in a le tir a n n d profuaglonalii a ro c o rd ia lly liiv ile d to coinu In u iid l n u r lliu-;o Btiper acco rd lon :i jiluycil by M r. C la rk .

Anyono Can Learn to.PUy a BOPRANI

II ymi nrn liljf rnKiiKh lo hold an areurdl.iii, vmi iii» old niioiigh lo iday one. Tim nliiiiilo l>i'ino hiiyljiiiiid and tin* miperlor deilnu and eoiiNlnii'll iii of thn Hii|>ri(nl Aei-iirdloit iiiii'iiu It Ihii cuftlonL of all InNlriiiiieiiln .li» liluy. Coiiix III tiinniiiiiw nii.t (iv lh» nio.lvl mC yutir I'liuiiail



C h a s . 0. D u m a s M u s ic C o .

Page 11: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Frulny. Jiiiio 12, 1936 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN kALLS, IDAHO Page Eleven


P re p a re s to S t i j r t ' D r iv e A s n o m in e e ; W h ite b W o rd a

L in g e r i n E a r


Gfv. A>f M. Lnntlim b l Kansns, uj unimoUH Tiresidcntlal non^nco of icvilnllzed nepubiican parly, open- cit'^iis cnmpaign toUoy for oIccUor nnd «n opportunity to balance the federal budget.

Lnndon w as tbrlllcd by , the Cleveland stAinpcUc. H is Joy was tcmpcrcii by the knowledge of re- uponslblllly. W tcn the brass band nnti crowds hnd gone and tho gro> icfquo old exccutlvo m ansion was Joat njrnln In quiet as o f old, Lon* lion hn«l tlmo to think and to know that from now on be m ust standnnd Icad-RJtmr— ----------- ——

Solemn Wamlnic 'Wise old William Allen White,

of Emj>oria, told him' Just t tn t In a tPlrphone call early today. From c'Mstcr counaellor to tho younger mnii went this solemn wamlDg:

-yiom now on, 'you walk alone. Gnd bless you and keep you bravo ar.rl kir.d,”

11 v.’na all smiles,, ch'ecrs and hR))py tonm whllo the crowd

fir>'t citizen put the new .Kspdnsl- bility In lU authenlic light. This had been a Jolting, soul-qulck<!IilDg, henrt-swclllng day for the.gover- Bor <l^-!Kan8a»-^ttnd-hls-*iHW ly,

. -.Xlicjuini.beginning to realize the magnliudo of thclr Job.

Kefldy to Step Out • Ijndon has been preparing to plcp'cut. He attributes his com­ing lo natlonal,Dotlce to bis^biidget bainncinc rccofd in Kansas and bc-

• llcvc.i the American voters nrc rcPily lo turn m ost,sharply against the New Deal for its record .of free-spending.' • In rccent weeks, ho has studied the history of “Monopolies and KcnmtmW) Dictatorship." in his pubcrnatorial m essage to & Unl- ver.'iity of Kansas graduatlDg class this w eek.'he oiltllncd hlfl view of the ruad ahead as the middle f;roiind. avoiding monopoly on the (ino hand and bureaucracy on tho tll'.pr.

. Aggressive CainpBlgn'<. Landon’ paign.p ledge cat shortly before the nomination.

pVynn'a'ih the HIHbry of Ih'e Repiib; lican party,’.’ he said. "I will lead


F In t real flreworla ot Mie R ep .................................................... . ................... ....... ..........................^....... .....................wben Keynoter Prederick Stelwep of Oregon, hurled the parly’s challenge lo the N ew D e^ . SleUver, hlmwU n polenllul vUe pr«t.l- dential candidate; is pktnrcd in set a s be told U s listeners that A m cruu j» ut n crisis fn Jis blwlory and dr7nn»i)n) mi m d lo hb , teriDcd “Ibe iftnlu lM of tbo N ew Deal.” A part of the throng that jnmmed the hnll Is shiinii In Ihe larger phnUi.

liinale /Ih c , ,'Ci,iry lillrr two liimult- :lr:itlc.n!: for lj:tii|i‘i

sccreliiry ciillcd Wcxl

■cd he meant in particular . whirlwind nationwide tour prob- libly la.sting from early September until Clodion.- London's campaign Jn Kansas by which ho twice held' the stale in the face of Democratic tancl.slidcs were featured by; coun­try tours.

Daughter Aided - With pretty P eggy Aim , his rfflUKhler, a t the whfcl, h«S toured in ivn nutomoblle, dressed In brci'chcs and bouts and took ad- vantr>.f;Q of his ability in personal conlnct.

Uaidon w as' cxpccted to make as miiiiy rear platform spcechcs •sA<l m a ll town app'cnranccs as pos­sible during tho coming campaign.

In ihe Immediale (uturo, the gM'crnor -found him self forced to dispo.'n o f tho troubl{;BomQ prob­lem «( a special session o f the state

' Ic 'lBlikiuro before Joining In plans for ccrcmonles colncldenl w ith the notification of his nomination.

The special session of the gen­eral iiAsembly w as called for the last week In July. A prop9»c4 *m«ndment to tho Kansas consll- iuUon was to bo taken up .la an effort to qualify, for federal aoclAl •ccurlty grants.'

Tho U. B. bureoi) of census re­ports ehofr tho average number of persons to a fam ily Jn this country

Here’s Peggy-Ainrm— Dad Was Nominated

jconfusing nnll very grand. The I Laughed i»t the ruling lh;it the ;crowd seem s to bo very hnppy.'roll had lo be tnlled by al- .

lakint; ft lot of nnlsp-unii Ihoiich only her iHthcr, liiid been - ■« .........i.. ^I’m going to, loci, when Uiin in nnmiiialcd.

over. Tm vcr>- proud.” Looked puzzled when Wii^corsiii• lilo u s Kiss fb W hite ' c a n 18 votes for Borah.

She tcaned her elbows on Che rail f " 'and looked uninlereslcd while '"‘"'y “nnu^nced Hamilton.finished speech, but blew

kiss to William Allen White, her'

the liiill w ent

' § 1 5 0 - 0 0IM O O ld ! S c tla n

i g 2 4 5 . 0 0

.-.I ill llu-

e rtsuit of bal-

JVJC.7 lu uijuju i» iiiLt. iicr . . ----^--------- •lold ph rase , "I give you tho n a m elfa lh u r’s am bassador in p laH orm |"^ sm giiig b u ir bpaniilcd Uiuii

) - I . . . " and the nam e w as h e rlw ritin g , who w as siltlnK In slu rry -e y ed as ballo..ns

Faced the flag , joined off-nnil-ouBV nOBY A . BLACK ............................ .....

CLEVELAND, Juno 12 (U.R)ThlB'ls-UT>icturc Of a-lO-ycar-oldjfftther’s . --------------- — -------------- Jprew* section.g irl watching her father being | Craned her ncek asaiiiuously tol Looked-• pensive, almobt dominated for prcsiclent o f the w atch the parade of stiite slnn-jWhllo Hamilton contnislod the]United States. ;dard» ond banners. She sceniedlbackground of PreKidcnt'Roosevcit

Sbo la Peggy Ann London w hojjntciestctl Jn a heart-shaped sign .-ind her 'Will keep on going to tho U nlver-,say ing ’'Utah trusts Alf's heart,” ! Uninterested In s e c o n d i n g ally of Kansas even if her father,w liicb she read to her granilfalher. spccche.i.goes to .th o White House. J igs lo “O SiLsanrni" 1 Poked a friend with a lonj: ■ , , , ; k t i

and her grandfather, Johni Stood on chair the better to see!low hiu-n lo call .iltcntion to a hugc;.*’' f .'‘‘* t v tu.til.70, arrived, with attenUve,demonstration, hand on grand-,sign declnijng Abraham Lincoln u; ^'as’bcd up hiirntoly. htid picf-t,

friends, at 7:10 p. mi In Public faUicr’a shoulder. Jigged to ’'O, :typical pran lc lawyer and Alf Laii- hall, and were sealed in a box lo Susftnna." '<|<,n a typlqnl prairie governor,'the right and behind the platform. Oot off chair .10 m inutes later, which had been k l down from the hotel to u

Sunflower Ensemble concerned over grandfather who balcony.Fgggy wore a-suDflower yellow i had sa t down and sccmcil faJni.) ChcetH Vn

ensemble w ltli brown flowers atjSho fanned him. 'her left'shoulder, a wldo brimmed Radio man brought

and'l;ljindun fcalfi^H iloatrcl down Jrom

the skylighls#. •............... ' ' •• HeHfs CVIel>rulloii hustied.up teveral liight.-i of

liljiirs, Ihrou 'h eiuwU lo lif-ten to ilie radio cuu-j-ing the tilclialion in T'lpcka, Kan. •

Hustled buck down, walked two

I- nicmbere of the KansaH i: ;Kallon. and ihcrt, ptrchtd >

Straw hat, sauccr-shapcd. trim m ed!phono and told her ^'daddy"

Cheered when S^n. Arthur tnlcro-;Vandcnberg seconded her futher's

w ith brown flowers.fiho took out her compact and

wiped a little lipsllck-oTf, while Chairman Bertrand If. Snell rap­ped for order............

Sho did not scorn interested whllo tho platform was read and adopted without debate, but look a deep breath when Snell said, "the next order of business Is tho nom* inatlon of cundldatea for presi­dent."

She slood when Arizona dele­gation chairman said, ’’Arizona yields to Kansas.”

Wnlches Intently Intently aho watched John D. M.

Ham ilton who walked forward on tbo platform to nomlnalo her father. •

Smiled whllo tho dramatic lele- gram from bor father w as read.

Jumped to her feet agoin whon John Hamlllon uBcd Ihat elasalo

listening and It would be nice If] W’hilo Frank Knox seconded she sho said something. She said: :auckcd a iJOft drink through straw s

•'* im very happy, i t looks veryifi-om ft bottle.

to bod.And S

•Tlio word ’•GeUiBcmiint" Is He- ■brew for "wine iirc.sH."

1028 Chc-vrolet CoUpo. N ew p a in t a n d to p

$150.00E n sy G .M .A .C. T e rm s

M IL E S J . B R O W N IN G , In c .

B U IC K . ? 0 N T I A C '

i ■ I llH' pllliUlitf!" Will ■111 .'iKdiiial you as liil ciitKphiint. iirihi-r notiflod IMat f till' c.iu.'ii.’ of atlioA

•'iiiipl.ilnt and the ti Kii'i-ooi i!i tti quid ((t[r m

au:iiii;il you and euch mi in nnd ui llic real pinp<rly rilii'd in Ilit- liUe’of this c.iiiee rllon, lo li;iv.- llie tille oi the rillffs In and to ftaid real :icljilclj;c'd 111 lie Uial of ownris I*' RlmplP' antftn l

fcml.-mlM nnd e a ch .o f them -Ju nsxciUng any claim whatevwv m ;ind.Iii wiiil ri’i,} c«lnte nr any pnri

llhereuf adviT.H' lo the plaintjifs^ .Hid.for such oilier and further re«'i lipr an Mihy 111' proper and rqiiit* I

>ible; llm t'for a m oiv pailitular ,;!laU‘nicnl of the cause of action you are lirri'li.v' referred lo tho

[pnmphint nn file herein.......................1 WIT.VHSS in.v hand iind the' w al nf the Hniii l.iinirict Court, this

■lllh day c f Juno.-1030.! ' T n m k J. Smith, -j Clerk,j Paul Gordon,

IJeptily;------William A. r.ahcock, Jr .


ANOTHEU si:mmon8


fillu fur /ourlMn yflHiVt KienM In (Itn d/»> llllcr^a nrt hoa now mndn n|i Inr Im I time. I’Voiti itnrt to flnhlii froni ibe dcgermijuilion of tho cont lo ImltllnK, In Um muhltig, metitliig nnil distilling, »clenc« nntl lion hnvo produoeil In UOLBUOOK « ctrnii iKturlmq of truly ■oiKirlatlvo qualitf.

mrrHS-,oodti Ko. 18DPINTS — Ood« No. leo

000,000 WOMEN SAY:

MAYTAGIs the Best Washer

Don’t buy any w aslier until you have a t leaBt inspected the new 1936 Cut­aw ay MaytaK now on d isplny a t our •store.

DOWN and

per WEEK.We have ju s t received ano ther carload of w ashers to Rup- p ly the dem and fo r M aytngs in Tw in F a lls county.

Lateit Model M aytagt — Fre«h from tlie Factory — Priccd A* Low As . . .




TWIN FALLS BUHL2a0 8koihon«Boi>th PhoM 01J Now ;UmUo9—Rurt Boor to ^oatoffloo

. Is Friday MornluR and 1' doinK two JnbJi at oiirr. I’m milli-

JiTsey and dtct/itltiK- iiiy time while

ADVKIITISKMK.NT FOlt UtDS !denied pjcipisals or l)id:i wid 1)p,

reccive.l iinlj) 2 ' ’D f-'tln )t }’. W.,’ -----Tiii'Muy, June 30, l!si(i for tc ncrnl In the District C'>urL(if the Klcy- coiiaUuclion, pltiniDinF. heiUUifr, i ^nlli Judicial Oratt-iet of the

.and electric wirlnp for n mrn'sh •''>at» of Idi.ho, In and lor lb4 dnrniitorv building at Ihi? Univer- County of ’Twin KhIIh.-•ily of Idaho, Mi 'Mow, Idaho, bv' — --jiruiik Stiintnn. f>.rutr.iy ol Uh' CYHll. VAN'Dlilt DONCKT. Cniver.iily o( Iitiiho Bullilinn Ai.fto-: I ’lidnliff,'Jaiir.n. at liiw (.flier i;I the fnuvr-] v.i,I t v vi I.liilu., Mc-K-ow. Idali,.. .rnilN O-J.KAHY. IlKNRY C,1 l‘r<iiH'J-nl3 tie niade oni <*'l. K A H V. H M A K RN AIcinu. fmiiulu.l bv’tlie rmvr.Mtvl O'l-K'AUY M r N IC ILL ,

Tllr Univ. I cinnc.ii

..............................- L L,T H O M A S O'l.EA IlY JR..

................... ......................... LA im A 0 'r.RARY McDON-ii;;u-.ouLjJ;L..i,:a.aii thu:— ALU-alLUin.unknown-liclrB’

iiiiit/or.iuiknojvn devisees of Henry C. O l.m ry , deceiuifd;e.'.cneil by the

<1 flillldiii},' Ahkii- • ny and all bldx Inforiiiiilltica.

ill Im' 'riinhid,>i..l c iiti l le d .

' |>aviiblu .■iiiilv uf Idaho llijlld-

ill thn unknown h e l l ' and/or util<nciwn devisees of Mary O'Leary, deceosed; nil tln' unknown heirs and/or unltaown ili'v(Hees,or Thom- UH O'I.PHi'y, deceased,


■Ife l.H piiHhlnR the pigieil. My ,Ibdiiclits'are Kf lnK buck lo llu'' liiiii'- t-ld subject- llie idlleKt nil tm ‘•ai th. In other words, the oil t lia l, is all oil. U contains no animal |,

vi'j;elnhle fat or no ensene<; i niw liiiin. In fact It does not iiee .,,,It, I truly brileve Hint it Is Am-rl-1'

«JI. IlVi Dll’ oiilv oil I iKiird of that pleasc-irtio !i-in j: ci til of Hut iieoplc. Duly <0i.- I

,, , hiiH ever n'lurncd any of tlilH . h.hhm ••ini.i i,, mum _____a‘‘ 1 ' w a v ' V ' ^ n T v ''"''‘‘''IL''' THK RTATK O F I D A H OAnil by llie v,ay, iv in If Monday kuI. ,fiKNl>H {lUMKTINOS TO JOHNw'lih a lalnv ‘‘ay we e>nidie. ovn .................... ,,„ae.o.ful bl.i.ler fuil,0'I,KAllY, MKNHY C. O'LKARY,

'll'h w .« , n K *' <”>"•"' 1 u‘»l f u f I'IMa ZKNA O'MOARY McNFJLLm .<luhl l/ d Ht OM 1.1 ^ r r I a “ ''"'‘'■‘‘" "" V I'erf.irninnee THOMAH O’l.KAllY^ Jr., LAURA;

1. ,n J 1 . . , ; i: . ''"”'1 "I'l'l’' >'i'- time Mule.l lt> the .(I'l-KAHY MeDONAI.D, ALL TUBjMMt Iriiij, .ncni;Ji_to lo ,j.<-<u(e tllo, , 1 /N K N O X HKIf{S ANU/OK

U>r Ibe pri.i- in<ntioii.-<l m tlilH;llNKNtl\VN D K V IH K K H OP. ■bl<l, a(eoidiii(: to (be hjiei'lll- IIKNKY C, O ’ L IC A ltY DK- eatiM.M,-ill e.iM' tlie .(.niru.'t shull.ilMAKKI). AM , THIC UNKNOWK be awanled to liim, tin' .•ortifli'il IIKIIIH A N D /O ll U N K N O W N irlieck lor bid bi.iid) hball be lor- HUVl.SKUa ()l‘‘ MARY O’LEARY, felt..| iih iKiUiilali^d jiaWiKes. IDKCKAHKD; ALL THIC UN*

Flftevu I'er e.-nt ( I f i 'f ) o r U io KNcW N HKIUB A N U/OR U N « . ■t»l rontriut prh-e will l»o wllh-'KNOWN DISVlHlflRS OK TllOMx •

belli imiil (lie bulldlUK Is saiis-lAH n'I.lJAllY, DISCISASKU:III tho }<iiy-j You JD-o heniby i>al)/Jft) Ihsl « derliils and eompliilat )ias iieen filed n|titln«K

■ niBlrlet Court <J lha Kiev*

hurrah lor I..amh>n, I'ven tho V II l)i'im<iri<(. I tiiirr Ihlnli Laiidiinl IH Ihe man w eH urbt t<i land on' for jireslilenl. I'.rtore 1 i;el tun dvep into p.dltlcn I'm iioIuk' to ebimKe llie niilijeet liiiek ' l<>Jilckory. We have iinotlirr larfir car due to arrlv.i In a few days.Anil «1«. ..n„ll„T very .....I.m.l ,,r „U, Wo i|,r imlomlInB ll.r™t i i r . (It lu m lc r 1W> w .'r t i .’i l l ......... , | | j,.,,,,,.

Other cimiilrucllon costs lie proven ...............................

(hat m yself on« time. I wan nt thererelvliiK enil. 1 never moved tho end (lulek rnnu|{h no I laid my shovel down aii.l fiinii'eci n line, ’rha ICdltnr w ants to know what linn I can form nione, It w as n

'bec-W/trt /or ft wash tuJi nnd n bar of sonp, I haven’t eamo to Twin iriills to raise tho pries ot rotten CKK» or rollen cabbaKO—but boy do I sell the houaa and bniii piilnl and we ask yon no (juesllons If It Isn't us Kuad ft jmint ns ytni ever boiiKht, Your money Is back. We sell hundreds und hundreds <iT Kallons of w lilto house paint nnd red bsD) pnlnl—nnd llDseed »t). Wv’re worhhiif n i font us we to g e t our «lor« ooni|)leled,> Wu muy handle aoitid articles of hard-

nnd If wo du, down k" tin prices, 1 have handled miilllpllei. ihoMsands of dollnrn w orth u( hnrtlwnre and w r put no iiremliim

- uiiy <if It. I aulil ut ono tlmo ovei' a Ihousaiul dollars worth of J5erk guns nnil wrrnehes—nlmost hy the ton. They called m y plaee

Kansas — *’l* n ilfs B«r(rnln n." and ’"riin llo i iic of n

Thousnnd JiarKaliis." You ccnikt get anylhtnir from i» box o f toolh ploks to K cnupllnfr pole—or if ymi wunled Any mniawea or > lurjirn- tlna w o iKtJil U>ut loo. .We b I k hiid ,blndmj^ iw lps enough lOllft-U h iu if ev«rjfm m tii tho county,

nut M ttifig by lha oow now- I'm un our front no^ch. A mnn Juit m ik e d ftlong Uie ilr a et with • fUA>iniiK>l«. U y mind U entlraly gone novN-blonli, blank, blank,

CLAUDE Ci PRATTla AotaOl)'on t te RMd

cMatKe for the owners.The surceNiiful bidder w ill bo

e(|idred to runilnh n performance Kind In Ihe anmunt of dim hutulrcd ler cent IIIIIIM) of Ihe ointract ’rice; n htbor and m ulerlalman’s Hind as re(julred In Heedoii 44-n02 ilaho Code Annolnlcd, us amended

Chi^), 1^4, Kennlon I^ w s of

Tlie successful bidder will hei rs- pilre.l lo cairy adeiiuato I’ublle .lablllly and Workmen's Compon*

•ailnn Insurunce.No bidder may wllhdraw h is bid

or a iKirloil ot thirty (30) days Uter llie dale ket for the openlnK hereof,

1‘lans, ipeelflratlons, fi..............contrarl, Instnictlona to bidders, md other Informalktn may be ob­tained a t the orriee of Whlt«houia A I’rk-e, Archltecla. 02fl Hutton HulUling, Htxikane, Washlnston, A flharKo of linou will ho nia<la'on each set of plans nhd sprcltlea- lions, jmyment lo he ntade ‘ clu-ok jNivrtbJrt to W hilotioiiu i’ricc; this puyinpnt will bo ruhded if plans aiul S|)eeiriu«lk. _ are returned h> ko”<1 condltinn to thu orrico f>l Witltehouse A I'rloo wlU)ln flv<i <Q) dnya after ditto Of optnlna.

TropoiaU will be nublloly optned •nd fMul a t K meaUnff In tbo of*

enlh Jiiilirlal IMstrlcl of tho 8tiit4. of Idaho. Ill and for the CountK of Twin KhIIh, by tho above namea plaintiff, snd you urn hereby dl4 roeted tu appear and plead to U»« sol.l complHint within twenty (20)1 days of tho lervlco of thla aunn mons; and you arc further notiflod ' that unteu you ao appear and Plead to Mid eomplaint wltbln tlM lime heroin apecl^W, tho> laln tl3

prayed In aald compSdnt. **** , You aro further n9t|ri«l tha t M

plulntlff’s o o m p l a i n t , pMntlA seoka ludgment afAlnat the da* fondanta, JShn O'Leary, Uenry^Ot O’lxian, > RmaEeoa O^Losry M«« Neill, Thomas O'Leary Jr„ UurC O’Leary McDpnnldj All IhO uni known Heira oad/or Unkaown IMi vliees or Henry O. O’Laary, d«< eoaaedi AH Uio Unknowh HeM iuti]/or Unknown Deviaeea ot Mary

viseea of Tnomai* o*l*a»y.ceiuied, to eaiioel and .«nU«(y roeqril a certain mortgagv ma«Mand cxeuulfd by John F. ---------and Carollno Cooney, bla

uni i


veralty oTM alto a t h tO M ^ ; l £ | . ho, oT _2i00_l>, M., !^eflday ,\7 una80, loaa,. Tba award of thla «0B;

------- ‘A----- ji.,........

Hon™ p-I/iaryj weord^ 1

ataU Pf Idaho, .eoverinrL otal. Ulook IB, of Twin F»lia TownalU Twin Talla. Idaho, an4 •< ‘

of June, A. O. !"•* ^

Page 12: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Page Twelve ID A H O EVENING TIM ES, T-WIN FALLS. IDAHO Friilay, Juno 12, 193J

You'll Find Real Opportunities in the


SUr Cnacli, 4-ciliitiin. $r.0,00horly Uoail.

F A R M S F O R B A L E 1 R E A L E S T A T E F O R SA L E


UicU Ptvrla Dcpl. Fhot

SATUKDAY .SALK Four wbci'l trull.-r h-iu K.NKl tiros. Sttcl wlu-i'l l,» waRon nnd.racU. Goj'1 s-l harnosH.


llio patrh. -llio nil-yciu No-chll-


T o d a y ’s M a rk e ts an d F in a n c ia l N e w s

lecd iT.riO: imlls- r IIokh;- -<

NEW YORK; June 12 d market clo.ictl lower.Alaska' Juneau .......i.....AlllM Climlcal ............AlllB Clialmcrs ............-

■ . American C»n .............C.1')—Wheat American Radiator .......Jy to'qiiicl'Amorlca'n Smelting

I LivESTOcrniWHfAT FAILS TO I n.y.9tqcks .] ||j|||K[j R[C[D[S LACllI! 'A

NEW YORK, Juno 12 ll li- Tliu 8tt)ck market staKcS a bit of

line -stnvH SS.r.O-!t.OO; pig.i Uoi.rt of SO.SO-lO.OO; flliiKPs $H.OO-9.00. ! At the

Slioei); G.OOO; bids uiicwiily to to coi fat Inmba;

Liirne h f equity : 31 AiMiHi

? I A U T O T O P & BO D Y W O R K S

^..- A B ^ T M B K T S - r O E - B S N T

Furnished aparl'mont f ir rent Sims Apts., 330 2n4-Ave. Nj . -

Sweet Chorr TarturiaiiH am Cryfllal .Sprinj;

; ripe—Black I ■ornor Wood.! tinr.l, Kiler. I

I FOR- SALE — Rum!an'l Banana Appli'H. rti»o caiiiii:i___:.<puilH. UrinK nmlainera. KolUnoyer'^^*- .I’.aneli, 3 mi. Hast «! Buhl.( FOR SALE •— Strawhorr :«•!. .\o. i; .Mi. W. J.-ive .

:. Ctiiinlv



14* Second No. 'S H O E R E P A IR IN G

FOR R e n t —2 sleeping ) 411 3rd Ave. West. PItono 1

.sture;-1 mi. . o. >, ii,. Linmiv nos-.' ■- pit.i l. m 'lllK ;WtAlhur.H. ^ou' lVJ lr*

*1 FOR SA L E OR T R A D E ~ ~ I

“ TOTa cOfcC tra jkiif jiranr>;\rnrn., ff.x 223-D, Cilr^-f^rrea.

a t t r a c t iv e' Jtiat completed.! Full criHL-nt blit......

furnace,' (ill li;rrdvvoocl‘"TrnartrnTm---------- ---

FOR GOOD MATERIAL, good workmnnahip, plus low prlce.% Twin Fnlls Shoe Shop. 132 % 'Shoshone St. Phone 3US.

offI American Tobai:o B .....

was off % I Anaconda Copper .........I to S. oat3 Atchison, Topeka & Santa

1 Atlantic Refining...........coay In late. Auburn Motors ..

urnnr. J,.a.

. ..vS 53 0-3.75. “ Wheat futui . ______ ____ _ __---- . tradlOK after ndvanclnfc alwvc ycavBaltlmDre,.* Ohio... ..........

(•!iICA(iO LIVESTOCK terday's close earlier. Traders were.Renaiic Aviation ............. .CHICAGO, June 12 il’.ll>—Hors; ffuided by the trend In Winnipeg I Bethlehem Steel ................

10.000; .steady to 10 cents lower I wheat futures advanced ln|Bordcn Co..........................than Thur.sJav'3 avernKe; .sows lOlcn 'y trading only to react underrj. i. case Co.-.....................1

to 1.') cents off; top $10.20; i,ulk:SC“ “ e'’®‘l selling. chl„ MU., St. Paul & Pacific 100-250 Ibs. ?10.?10.20: 1<0-160|, Oftl iChryslcr Corp.................Iba-S9.*3-S10.ld:‘ i250-356’lbs. steady, Ryi$10; aowa largely $8.73-$9; top w‘H'‘n « narrow range.

Cattle; l.fiOO; calves 500; slow; GRAIN TABLEall offerings under pressure and CHICAGO, Jurtfc 12 Grain Products

Coci ColaComrcicrclal Solvents Commonwealth & Southern

don in the'first hour of trading day (Ithen deals were the heavleat since May U unii prices the best since April Ifi. Thernatter profit- taking set in and the market slip­ped bnek In nearly nil seetion.n.

Just before the close most Issue.? registered decline.'? ranging to more than A point.

Dow-Jones preliminary cloning averages showed Industrial 153.71, off 1.45; railroad 46iS4, oft 0.43: utHity 32.13, off 0.37.





DR. W il l ia m d. Reynolds. 220 Main Avenuo Squlh.


. ^ A W T H i r ^ ^ P ^ C P R A W N G

.L O S T A N D F O U N D

able rent. Phone IW l.B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S 1 M ISC E L L A N E O U S

FOR SALE A four-room house iinil bath. Oiir.ige. ' WiishlnRlon school <il.Htrict. A good buv. Price 51350.00. Terms.

J. E, ROBERTS R.Mltur - Phone 0G3


■'rXi?jTiNG“::^Ntj“ irA LSG m N ' ng, I'hont 1430M.

Kalsomlning and General Paint' Ing. E. L. Shaffer. Phono 1203-J., WANTED—Painting and .Kal- •sbmlnlng with guarantee?"032 Blue

lining, $2.25 ir prices. Phon uid Wise.

jak' to low.

choice lop S12; tli


■'lUtHity 32.13, off 0.37.1 1 Volume approximaletl 1.000.000

Co'oiimliiiroii S DcmiiVc;; 25*11‘ I"*™ compnrcd wlll| >■»»»•"“■ Cora ProdiicU ......... . 7ST>t)u Pont He Nomouts ............ 14551 237,000 .hare . m m p .reJ wrih 21»,-

Open High Low Close Eastman Kodak ........-...... 104 1000 shares y</sterday.._.nhs July


c>Mq S7.f.0» ngoil wethers Corn— -


Electric Power '& Light ..General Electric ..........General Foods .............General Motors.......:.....Goodyear ntcr

Markets at a Glance

.-5 3 3 i

.. .fully steady to S cents higher than Dec.......Thursday; now slowing wjth vcry;R/e—little done, on heavier weights; July ....talking lower; top 59.90; 170-290'Scpt......pound.'! S9.4n-$D.yp; .choice 328iCec.......pounds SO.I.'i; 130 to 170 pounds parley—59.50 to $9.85, ' jjuly :....

Cattle: 800; calves 100; alaugh-l -----:tcr .stcor-s an<l' she siock aieady;' CASH GRAIN to weak; vealers steady; Blockers CHICAGO. June 12 and foodern nominally aleady. .Wheat; No. 2 hard 0Zi.-92J

Sheep: 1,500; laihba aleady tc . -- -

. lloi ltl HAiVdfllftr . Intematlonol Telephone'.Johns,Manvillc ............‘Kennecott Copper

' ncH .r>5*;


♦ I EveiytiilnK In painting, t grade wiirknuin.shi)). Also i I j ’hone 908. B. W. Hubar,-

____ . HighwayRcigcraon, Idaho. Furntshed, Dele

- llRht. Cash SS50.00 ur easy. Leriii: WrItoBox 121 RogersT>fi.

med... C.invas, TenU, Am [kinds Canvas repairing. Top «r Body Works.

to school. Priced for ; siile- -51500.00. 5000.00 balance like-lent. Ini-

ite po.Hse.ision.

; L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

Packard Motora......Poromounl PlctureaJ. G. Penney Co.!...Penn. R/ R........ ....Pure Oil.................Radio Corp............

........... ..................... ...........:v: . . . n ' S K S S : I id good lambs $10,lti; shorn C0‘-Glc. No. 5 58>-i-00c, No. 1 ® ........S2.25 10 $3.50, .. K,„fie 70c, No. 2 G9%.70c, No. 3 ......

---- ' G9-GfH--.c, No. n 61V-C, , s a m p k ™ ?y'ORTLANO LIVESTOCK ie,,oice OSl c, sample grade 47-.

- i i% ,. 10% . 24?i .. 30 .. 1 0 \i ■■ 8Wi .. 84

. 20f-i

eratfl trading. _ , ,Bonds; Higher.Curb stocks mixed.Foreign exchangfV ' ’ Sterling

firm: francs af«om'p.olnt.' - - j:- • Cotton unchanged to 1 point higher. .

Grains fractionally lower.Rubber 3 to 0 points higher.

Local Markets


Grulntt•heat ........... .........

, I hundred ................■ley, a hundred.............


. . H E L E J W A N T E D - F E M A L E Estimates Rladly Itlr.d.«-of' Jol) •printing Idaho Evening Ti

_______— Egiven on all { f rat.orrrce o ft- t

- Girl f^r general Un care of children. Mi; ntKhlu. Phone 1030,

-----I Custom killing, cur.lne and;r',t :<n 1 Exoklng meats. Phone 23, Inde-■ > hiiv.e pendent Packing Plant. ^

• H E L P W A N T E D

Five-ronm modern home witir furnace, full cemiail

-lemcnt with two rooms d,shed; nlso laundry room,-

Cnragp nnct In Wnnhinirton ■ district — 52850,00

■ -5noo:oo -cnsTT--------- -----------------

[ Nice vacant lot well In- • caled, pa:-t. Solver, clly : water and si.icwaik. Paid foi'.

NOTICE TO CUKDITOltSI ESTATE OF WILLIAM F. AL- ■WORTH, DECEASED. ' . 2' 'Notice is hereby Riven by the,

nrtcrslgncrt Executors nt the s7,00-

CtilUe:■f Winiiim- F, AlworUi'.

cea,Hed, l«. the credilora of an. . .. , persons hftving eln lm» ogBinst I li**- ,s:iid .leco scd, to exhibli them wir ‘ thp-nrccssarv—XTVicheT7!,—tvithln-?r

1 months after the piibllcatlr t »f tbi.s notice, to'tile aaKl Execi ♦ lorrt nt the law offlccs of J. V ! 1‘ni t.T i.t Twin FalLs, County ‘."'j’.-,

i ' i S S i T ’iSS’

PORTLAND, Ore -Hogs: 300; 22 direct; steafly. Gooii choice 180-210 )b, drivoliis

’GO Iba, 5{',75-!),85: 59-,75-10,00.- Packing

Choice light feed-'

07'L- Oats: No, 2 white

25',i-27%c. No, -1 23> pie grade 22>i-23c.

Rye: Na sales. Burley feed; Qi



Southerr'•■Standard Br&ni!a..., fetnmlord Oil of Calif,., 'iStandard Oil of N. J,.,

Texas Cort I- rraf

,fi .q,. un-,on *.arbldc S: Carbon,,.Union Pacific.................

1 United Aircraft..............„ 'raalMng--quc*ctl ■IS.9;. 2 dircct Calves 35,; Timothy,-Ved:,53.l0;.l3.’i. ........

.....a. X..mlnally steady. Grass , clover seed: 513.0\)-U', . ■r.H .s:ilable around $5-0.50, _lin feil.H fiuolabtc up to SS. Good * ------ -i.--------- -----

fed be,-f ejiKlble to. SC. _B_uJls | gU X TE R , EGGS5.50, Good <

:I!) di

U S, Steel, com..........,-,■Warncr-Bro3„:.:..r.;....-......Western Union.............

57,75 I UV< a « jUiiV) I |Wcfitinghou?o Eleelrlc,.,,G t e a d y / -Woolworth Oj ,.

spiing Iamb.s - ' Fn.\NCISCO.,

Some dealer-s oiit of the market.S, G. N. NW, 1:,;.:;.-,;.—82;90*3,00—

’ ‘'■<U. S. G, N. No, 2.........$2.80-2,90I' 'iiSmall. Reds, No. 1................51,7535'-i;s.uall Reds, Wo. 2.'............... $1-05 •

'I'Plntoa ................... .......... $2,05Poullry

l^'JlColorc.l hens, over 4 |ba.......... 12c .ColorcM hens, under 4 lbs........ Oo .

7,?,. iLcghorn hens.......................9c• : ''*:Colored Roasters, over~l Ibs....13c ,

!r>g oVn 'fryer.s“ r-:,:-T7.r,-,,;,.-:llc- - ■Ol i'Lechorn broilers, 1 ‘i lbs. up .;.,llc •

1 Colored Broilers ....

WANTED.; Dookkcep-.!-. cnced oil ■ ligt)kkeepin>; preferred. Write Box 2M Ing age, experience, rol'-t

1 of the' buiii •yen

D O G S , P E T S , ETC.

CARBURETORS - C.\rb;ireloi parts and soi vlce, F. G, II. Motoi Service, 230 ShbslK/ne SL West Twin Fall.i,

F O R B A L E - f in S O E L L A N E O U S


ES MADE FROM YOUR OLD i ON'Ed, Matti'i'saea nnovalcd nnJ,rccovereil. Wik.I ciirdlni;. Twin Fall.H Multross Factory.- ' Plionu.

■5 1 -W.

♦ wall: and city wat.T lold. ••J Good location, 0nly-3:)il,0(l.!t Several vacant iciL<i, Blckle 11 uddiili)n, $150,00 each;, one-

half cath, 510.00 monthly.,i 40'acres goml land. Good

, kivci- clilck- :e; cl^cirlrlty. will la-ll with lachlneiv full

mtl-S9. Com. 8.00, Go. d shorn to Se,, , Fat

' American Rolling Mills■ SAN FP.AN’0ISC'0, Jun-?‘ l2 (ITi-Butler ‘02 ;

., ,— — .|t haaVnii'nt, Hai

Auto Wlnd.ihlelc| and D-ki; Tbomcts-Toji anil B;>ily U'l,” r ^ t KALE-Cran.- pi flKluren and plumbing sii;, .iili kindH, KrenK.'I's ll^udw, ~1-'()H HALE • i’i.unc',il R.-mliiKl"n .22 Itllle .•.r"I'P MowMborg nlt;ht«, ln.i',iii.'

Heavy lugh lull

tippoallu Sw ift & 0> 381.

lvi'rH-Pi>nd plan.) jiiiI fl.Ki.1 an n.'w, S7 1 0 'm, for *225 IhlH w n l< . Ali.i l»i>Un.'l«, 21 ami 21 v,.luii: n t lian-4 tU Ave K irt

MONEY TO LOAN.iirv 111 l.rKui l>Mlh •J.rlvato rr,mn,.tiv lutidM liir Twin l'‘all; . .■r.>mr <-imatv lands an.l Twit I bu:,lac-H,t and prop :i l!,ilc-< 5'; lo O'.,’ ;. Hwln ,ttnirlll (\v -, ,


SEHI) AND F u n n

loan 52:100,00, 4',;

• FRANKIE 1C, ALWORTH | ARTHUR J. ALWORTH Erjeciitor.s of the Will hnd Estate of William F. Al-

I ' Eggn, large, Ism ail 14>i.c,

CheoHO, fam

! 31c; 91 lediui

• flats 151,:,



—Hog*: 050; oarly .laloa Btrnng. _______to slightly higher; best .local, LOS ANGELESbulcher.s 510.15, to $10.25; mbs.od l q S. ANGELES. June II kinds SIO (kwn; packing saw.n at ^ ^JO,75 to 57. 0; few liRht kind.'* $S.- q

Cattle: 100; .swittorlng early j^c'.Hale« si(,-a-ly; odd head mod. an.l, Unchangcjl. ,uoocl Io.-aUleer.H $0 to 57: lew Mh! \ ,'Jlcrn cheese: DQlaie,'

50.00; plain 15,-(.

Boeing ...®.'-,‘’"=.Elec.,Auto. Lite ....

Nat'l piKtillcr.n.......Schenloy Distillers ., Studebahcr Swift & Co

,.White Motors ...U. S. Pipe

. 39

Colored Fr Old CoclwStar:s .....Capons


... 3c

i;Mediu*iN o,


KV.'~ . J,- - prime firstsundergrade'Americi

(^riCII KXCHANGESuper Poiyer;... ' Z%

tCiiie.1 Service, com............. -; Eleelrlc Bond & Ohore....... 20>i Pullet!

FoM Motor Ltd.... ...... TVijEggs,

Toms .......... .........I lU j Produce2m,No, 1 Bntterfat ........22|,iiNQ, 2 Butterfat ........

Eggs, s'petral ...........Extras ....................-White.'*, medium ......Stimdorda ...............

to 55,' prints’ lOe.'’vind-

News of"RticordM a rr in p o L t'.cn sc a

H sist,m t P oK tm nsto r R evea l; P i’ocoas N ec ess a ry to

S c c u re FuntlH

d M. I'lvii lltii lihii

mil giter uii'l wni. CHIt'A<i<),

1S325 ti. S12.V late Thurs. bulls CHICAGO. June 12 a'l’r-EgRs;med. to cholee ,.,,oelpl« 27,080 cascS; froati59, lower grade,praded firsts 2H/ei cuirent re-

...............,'celptfl ,20c; e.stra firMfl J8>ic;«m.ili lot ilcil. ch.'ckH IHiic..-iirly $',1,75; n„tier; 14,303 tubs; mnrkcl'

,liind.i late ihuia. 510,10 to $10.25; p tru, 02 /.core 28-vie; extra.I Inelu.igiK 85 h.-ad H2 lb. loeal.H ill Hccre 28i,ie;-,

„I>10; .'.ort.-d 12 liea.l at 5(1,50 .and firslH27ii to 27-\e; spuelals 21liiC'| , V.-w ,-iv,-i at S;i; n.dhU.« 'done; | *28. 0 cen-!;,|..; ear-l.’l dlvUlon. | i. .ii,,.,* 8S.«eoJe, 27i;c;‘eenlrul- l

LOS ANCELE3 LIVESTOCK ' '^7-hrel-"' twln^'^'n''e l>\ 15:-■ »•«'« ANHKI.EH, J 1.1U- 12 II-h .uu.Hle.'i 15»;e to Kie; Ignglui ,f,lloK.'c 50, nIiiw to, Kialii i„ j,.,!


Sudlcr. Wegener & CompaoT Ellut U!dg. — Phone DIO

iRraded. In tra Mve.slAeU

;Cholco Light Butclicrs. I 220 poutule Overweight li•weight

250 poumlers .I Ov.-t Ighl H IcherB

ifjV E ST M E N T TRU STSnd, Inv......................... '' - n'HoTtera "i>'<- Trust, A................... 0,02 Cow

300 PC „ .. UndorwelKht Rutcli

100'poll 1-acklng B Packing fl


Maryla. Ini

l ii i l ld i iig P e rn iitf lif.M $10,': • n 2

.nlyt0 im;;,,., ii.ni1 whlc-ir(-h.fli.'i aie il In Iioni iw.i In ‘ihri'i.■n I'-i-ldny or !-lalnidi.y., 'l'h.ini[.;iun liel 11' I<i eonir f)

tc-ei.-d.and will be II1 di'iunn-f 5,M), wilb 1lactl.-nul

MAItOA WOMEN MKKT MAROA. June 12 (Sprrliil) —

Id Fund ...........POTATOES

LO|^Sprlnij L(imb/iling II

.......... $0.50210 to.......... 50,00250 -to.......... 53,75I, 125 to •..........59,00






...$4.00-50.00.......,•... 59.00........... 50.00

Kre H HillAuto Door (lta»», U m lrihli-ldi h,,-,

ntid Window Glanii N.i ••liauju lur I II •cttUiK Bl«M- »» >'"iir mi«h -or ilrlvo yiiiir ear In, I'rol.-. t ,vour I iM'dllh, Have on y..iir luol l.llli. Phone 0. Mocm-fl, _ ;

’"rU R N IT lIR E FOR HAl.K N.-w 111;

Coitl rniiKea, (drelrli: range, ■lovei, cltiruliitoriiand oilur

(hold (unilshliiK"- Mnon'», PI Bloro No, 1; Phone 310 tltor.

SALE- A <iiihuid . rcMu In hulk, iluy whitl yo<

•bring buck whnt ymi havo b loan you n hrunh lo put it >

•nl«h «1ryi In two liour« We alno lwv« a InrKO atoeh of Wall Paper anil Linoleum Rukd. Why pay wai

' price. Phone B. Moon's,x iv W T O O K AND POULTRY

- prired than Rrdii, Iliiiid • l« pirunr.M-.’ii, 5150 per buiidaid. V. „ lal W, Li'hinaii. Iliihl, Itt 3. |''’n, W A N T H D -.M IH O R L L A N E O U B '‘

luv.-n and leo lioi hiiiio ft, Moon’n,WANT|i;H

I'iliil, We I'all 22i)-ll. Mi«

- ---- IHnm- 'Ve!uali„p..l|

»'Ken, <KaiiniiM rii ;i |l |h » mnln <"’ iin addit "'I ilui'in» 1

M4 Mir WAN'll':i)

WlUlll.To tiadi-

ileiliii Kee,.|p'u

lu'lr I.M'iilII w'lll 1

IMnlinlle.-ii|ipli ly llii- eei l

.'iwiH . irylii); .

ndii will III. luiwui1 .ilflei- al Holn..,ig nUiii-r hen \.if tin. jxi.Mloffl.-l'. Ain.-rira .< 1.... . i.|i

n l.eKl.. iher kin

r be ar.|il h.i almi li


h.'il anili p.nd .dri.

... <>r II'.. H.'IVt

lin'd 7 tn KII 1«i Ih.i l.-KUlar• day aad llie f.'nvlnt; Ih.' t..rel|ilimiiiHiii i-K|piKllK'.lCaiill.iii tl rK.'d

ni.'.l led

l.tVKST(K K ,

Mill 1'100 llw.......................$

, , , , 5l,05-l,75iHrati, 500 lbs.......................3.Stock food, 100 lbs...............J

PONDS [stock food, DOO ibn............... ?

«dav"at t'h.rBeiHml l2 e, with MO UiO-Vn.O r NrdN " l " 'V ‘r• " ''l ''’' ". . m .n i^ ^ s t o c k s

• was rohiHlnled and Mm, 'reiliMln. Clly Copper ........ 5[.,d.-i.,n.. -Iiner reeelvod as a new mem-1 pmk City Coimol.......... ,- 1[i'i,-20i:, ''',Thi< whllu ulupliant went (iKHilvur Kniu Coalition ........ S10,00'“Rupert Tegau, ,Slxl .........

e fixed «l 19’i

) pri 13-10 ]>ene<


wHli •slH wero Mrs. •, Heilii'tt Cobh lM.U-r, Mias Irel ri Emllv (-obb.

day (|iii>lalloll 'I'inlle Hlandiird , „n,t)0-5,r.5 nllvc

linoslly steady ;lwi ;llv K'>'>d around 72 I ,Ul>; pail ilrek med, /wlH $8,25; /.orled .|57.2.t; (ilioit deek <

lean.iip.ininallyomiaal,) $8.75, iii'llve, nirlet-


■letly gooil x>l.'d Iambi ipioted up In 511,75, • n il ewi'H >|iKdrd f;i,7n d.iwn.

HchediilCB of pnasnngcr Iralnt id molor ntHges pnMlng through

'I'wlii l'' lls dully iiro an followa: 0UR410N NIlOliT IJN B

.1.1,.,... |Ea««»i*und09 lb 1 '’- ■'’ovea ----- - 0:50 a. Ub

,,t No. 072, Ipnvm ........ J 2:10 p. m.".‘ I Weminiuixi ,

No. BTL lorivM ...........lOiOO a.No. 003, leavca .......... liDO p.


MONEY IIATKH Ni;W YORK. Jiiiiu 12 li

Money raleii iemaiiieil iine.liangiMl lihliiy, Uedinenunt rate ul Now


FOR HALE - tliHid milk ni ■i\i ml. N, W, redon, J T, Marl

POULTRY TO HELL',' A W< ,Ad Will find Iho buyer for ym ’ Hlfheal priera pabi for your clilokona niirt turkeya, Iiidrp.ut Meal Cl),

------WdUt to Snil T hnfftnrIt hnown In U*e»o flHd buyer tfruinptly,_________

W A N 'i'ED TO HUY “ wXisffiD 'Tb -nuV-;;-Aiioiii 2011

-tont of oholoi Uoy, PJjuno 1H24aft«r-fli80 p, m. ■__________, WANTJBD TO HUY - - A

n m

illiodwal‘ i WANTMI)

'• .J.mlllrtK, Fun, r.ii'Wlmtow Hlimlo wo

'Iltnli-y Fiiinltnrii C<11:10 Kceoiiil 111, EiiAt


Upboliiliiring, III :nn> Reriiiiahlni;,

work, <re.ns A

lid [{|

|t w i '

»i' uur iiaiilure; (ivu <ir sheep, and flfly

Ih'.id raille. Maiv Alire I'aili, Ph.niK ll',!Hil-JI, Call early Inuniiiitf nr Inin at nIClit. E N a U A 'v iN O '

WEnniNd ANN()lJNt;HlMI'!NTH aial iiulllfiK canlM eiigmved nr primed. Many nirrrrt atylea to, ehoosfl from, Call the Evening,Tmi*« ufflcfl, ilua MiUil Avi'lii>»iCasL Tvltfphoiiu 30.

IN FAI.I.fl . 50 HI ■iilijiii' , HI ’/I

“ Extradition ClaimComes Before Ross

Ev ikvl.'s, '

S '

(ilatfd Mini half

iin ntlliilI an er- with llii' III an ef- ilrlbiilioiiII mlllloi)

by ap-in in Ihb

ir im'dlunr tl. M, 11 Iiieultii

•Imnil repniieil loday. 'VI iiiililnK pileen of :l7 eoi I greaHc, di<|lvettid eiml, inliy gxi'led % mill liloiid lo and Mkdilgai) flnrrra. nutlnli.

<|ullo an broiid its IhnyI few \ nnis

• whoin f|iiolril rle.1 % and nliliieliy wr nm.l 4^ (vnl ■ly IlKht H

00 p, rQ IS

Died Wllh n-n'lvil IV hrir, ha>l 1.0. I illutrU'i coiiit, ni

I 'A C E S PROHECII'I'ION I'llllam lli'ndermili, iineflled l.i ' bv ini'inbri/i o[ lll« nlieiKI' |.,. In 1.> Ik< airalKneil lliiil ii( iin’.n a inuKlnliaUi 01 ili|..» ><( IliuU •

Gypsy Wants JailHAYM, Kas, i1H'> 'ilherlff Ji

Diieigler wiin prnuil wlieji a (lypsy ii'oman he Had aiie»|i-,l liuil no i-niiipliilnt In miikv nboiii llie fond

i-lll. 'I'he nheilff fpi

InliM firMdlr;

,• e.dlai «( <iiid nr lb:

I. Nhe |l « gnlllH

.< (He J.>ll Whei |lli«il II no well

to bring hui- H

839. to WellN, W___ D:80 p. m.Nnrtlibound

No, A40,'frnm Wella. nr....SiOOJINION PA C tnC STAOr

EMtboiind\rrlvca .......................— flilO.^mvea Diao'a. m. Arrivea via Nortlulde ,... Ii20 p. m.

ivna ........................... I 18O p, tn:r i v ' f * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;_ _ a;aa p . m .

L«avoa ................... .. b:SO p. m.WcatboiiiHt

Arrives > 10i40 a. m............ lOiDO a. in,

Arrlvua 7i4tl p. m'ill N o rtlu ild eB io n p, m.

aiKH a. in,l./0«vea .......................nioa a. m,

TWIN rAI.IJ4-WHUJ4Lnavra ...........................-H;00 II. m,Ariiven........................... 0;4n p

HIIOSilONkMlKl'CllllM- (IIAM.IH NorllilHiuiiil

f.eave« ......, ....................l l ;00 a. m,< Airlven ketetnim nt 3 p, ni,)


<-||ICA(i<) I'OTATOBHCHICAGO. June U (V.Ul-I>o- itoea; new nloek, (lujiply light, 'iiiKml iilow. niiirkul'Weak; Ar-

.luuuuui B llu trluiiiplia. >2.70 (3,15; U. H. Nu. 2 >2; Alnlmma lillM triiimplia $2,75 U> la.RA; U. H. Ni>, a $1.00: Mlnneauta Ulbia tri- impha Sa.BO lo »3.10; Louisiana

llllM Irlumplia I 2.K0.Gill nloflli, aupply light, donianiJ

■low, marliel weak; North DaUO' ly Ohioa and cobblers al

$LB0 U> »L7n,- IvalA ino cnrliMdB, on track

351, a 7a.

ONION MAIIKBT OHIOAUO, Juno 18 (U,ll>—Onlon nrket (00 |t>, Hnoka» Teiina yellow urmudu.S0-a5u; Texaa white


i penny.

1 price w/\s, nee. Foi-wnrd HI 15-10 praca

IIAK rSILVEItNEW YORK, June 12 (I’l'i Uai

liver WUN unelniiiged loday nt 44'li


GROWERSTltftTwIn Falls offloo o<

B ooh OroworB’ Warehouso Corporation will bo in the Bliipman Bulldintf at 430 BUoslione WoHl, Jual Koulli ot tlio Truck Luud, After Juno 16tl>.

We ar« quUtiiig our warehouio In Twin Fulli in order to better tililixe our /acilltioi at Filer, Kim- • bbrly, HutoUon, Milner and Xniil),

■ For Best Results Feed Golden Brand j : IMPROVED MEAT & BONE SCRAPS!J TO V O U R O A T T L B _ HO O J - P O U L T R Y


ay wll.W ANT ADS lIR lN d

.0:30 p, PI. I Kelelnim

lurlvlHKlOhnllU line; l,<'at

’I’uua,,'niui«„ Uut. 3 j i .................HilU) p. Ml. UpiveJi Challlo oai days. 0 u. in,.3 p. ni.)

■ ’ Maiiurncliirod In T«vlii fftlli hy thn

IDAHO HIDE and TALLOW CO.■ Ona Mil« Kail nnd'Onft-Keurtli Houih « l IHvIn Palla1 IVO, n o n o ? ' • ^ .............TrlajiHone a U ^

Page 13: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

PrirJnr. .Time 12, 1936 ID A H O E \ ^ N G TIM BS. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO Page TJiirkm

Page 14: Mmmm(Continued on Page 2, Cohinm 1) · -today’s news toda y k n o x s e m c t e d t o r u n w i t h l a n

Pa^c t'ourteen I D A U O E V E N I N G T IM E ??. T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O Friday. .Ttiiip 12. lOH

ME ION EDlfflSPffli)


tN'f d j o w W oiUcv., A c l A s VsiW

' BDUMi'i for M em ber of ' Tiini'H S b f f

Serv ice Beiiu; P lu m c il ' F i.' Y'Dutin D ui.;lU ..‘r of

Jj>- A ;n .w ort!i

G r in d d lu p le r a t B u rlev Sees ItH ta llit io ii ; C ild w o ll :

' P ic k c d for 193 /

C ^.rVK-r:. Hi.;. .1■ 13 (.Slv c;.IT* frf tlio>1- lUiptiT,


«( whu';; Ml S;.-|,|

An-.-!i-r[ll 1*(1C t.| It

Sli.yU-r :'ii rin null.', Ii>


’ K}».AN<'1SC'() Il’.l'' - '1

Ml-.1. Mi:a D. Wu-, rj: .;-,:iaForry,iv.ii'j:hy sr.xn i mi’.r.m, and Dr V.

dUid, worthy arani.pair >11, mcc.vlini; ilr.i. Luci.a Z.:i!o':Mihi

i.l. An->. aal Ljuii R. Scott,Ml v;l.; McFarUri'5, S,an.l.

liiillH;, a.i.ioci■It.' ijranl niatrorf; J.U. J';o ifie;.V l lainj Falla, a.H.mciate

r “' r'.I pilr,)

N.iiim,a: .Mr.t. Anna H.untl- 1___Oriii.rii.-jVvju;S,Slr<

llii-ii- iT;l;.trncr; llin'c' . t u c l l i ; * f i - o m I t u ' G i i l i i p u n o i i i s -

■U.V'.'i' rcacticrt Shn ;|-'raua . iinnTJci-JL. stnini.shtir '

tr.ui..|u)rl.U;on. eT h o v w p r o c a i ^ l u i v i l i n t l k - t f -

Unti.H liy Uv r.ilii'inl!)cl; <xi>t- (liti'>a .in'i wlinl tln'V lauUoil In | H(»«r was up byM . M u l i c r . i o r I t u ^ i - x p i ' . m i o n l i - s l - eJ tlv'm .111 (ar pasl Uiv ii'iiUi'V JU’HU

T i l . ; l i i r l l o . H b r l ' . n ; ; l - > :i - S | " ' - C l M l l M l f - i H t I j i ' i ' i . m i n ) ; i ; x - tm cl Tlicy .ir,' lu-vbiv.iroli:i iMit n . ‘ > i u i r < ! l i U l f

Em IN U. S.

St.icI:'!;, P.>o.»tel!j, 'naa). cm itic lrosi; l ira , GMce, Twill r-'Hih, Kraivl cfijip-: . ' lr u i i : -M r .v Aftnc* AmlSMon. Par-1

m.i, ; ;r i iu l niar->h.\l; Mfs. Or.i Cdii-' -ffrafPF*

RAOIOLAMNURa-lnUn'l litllr.nm ,aii i fvbirj' 'luriti<, llii/i SiturJ.iy ii yii'.'u ffti-tXVit(C3.

U IH iiii.l.'rflloctl th.i'. npjcill•fliit* v.lll I f mi'lo of tho [iC5p:.>'.- liolU In Uie l)-il!r>,);n proi)tfr .111 I tlio cili.iro-.. In aJ 111! jJi

___________• . tr) tiu' t.i;un,; of actinl aoim'l nvi-lion [ili'tnro.-i al. iiitui.':

O len R ice W ill T a k o P ic tu i -e s 'l.iy night, tiK- liallrnom l.i bringin ; A t B ,I l r a o „ , a n d C . b . r . l ^

H e r e S i tu r d n y 'm ’l fnm lsh rflustc for t lv______ 'Tliv' U.'titucl<y Conn Hunt('rs liw •

pi’iyol fr.lm cO ......... - " "V/iK l li-Li JiiU ti’on ri-c;-iv>-Uhu Glcu ate.', H.)lly.v)j.| will Ultff Ji num'ior nf Noun I mi- tlon plcturoj at tlic Twin Ivillt

r Ir.un.v

F e a tu re d36 Pair Black Plain Toe

W ork ShoesA il Leather!

------- 1 Suburban Churches 1.

KNin.I. »A IT IST Kck. y.. B- Mi'ili’iirl'*. • <

10 j, m. 'Sunday .schoul, MisH fner Cci'l.irlicri;. su|icriftlon<lcnl.

n I, ni,--Worship hofir; llit-mp 'iTlie Divll's Opportunily." ^

7 i>. ni.-YDUnR. pi'uplo'.s mc'l-- smiJ.’Cf -Hible ChHra.'l.-vH- ,

8 ti Ml —Kvrninc worship hour; , tlK-m.-, 'ThP I'lic- of n Tirliot."

D^ily vacallnn biljlo .‘•ciiool from .lunc 15- lo •2ii. from t) a. m. lo 12, i:icli 'hy, Mrs. (,:ia<lvs Mciican.H , jmporiul.-n.iini;- V ' *ooixii:.v la liT to iM M rN iTV i ,

H. J. lloyilKMH, MlniHirr i10 I in—bunJay ^liool, Kay. -

BuHli. Hupcrtntcndcnl. • ' ■;11 n. ni.—"FlnK Day" rncs.iaKC. '

A prclule wUl be prpsontccl i«- cIU'Knc Iwo spcclat miisicaJ num*. ■; licm anrt aaiuto led by ix. { 'Boy '

Bo {lalriolic am attend church, { on Fl,»g Day. '

•Till* to n.uMn to :.vs,I t!l liMCIIli,' .Sl.' VI.ltl-

LM AN, Utah. Juno 12 (Uin —

t.'cr; Mra. L;na McCaDk’, G]eiin.i‘ ^ worlcera and locil of-

.. . lu t wl.ct; n '8 « lt

• T.Mn r» I* o -?|)Ulwayi of tho dam.Practice Sorcery • EUwarU Durant. 13, anothor son----- iiKCHARE.ST (I'l’i— 3tT- and Joe Lclchty, 40. aU> of Lo-

. . ii.iu'.i on witchcraft in Riimanli gan, eacapcd uninjuredllHt Ht ]-3sL 150.000 peisonaj li. B.-BaUAJa aad Lonaic. Paul

V • " >p- in ,H-)rcory, forluiu--*fif Logan n;«overcd the oldjr maa’a.iii.l'similar occupations. It'5)’>ly laat ftisht. ' '

---- 11 •.iiim.itivl thit onu in every lUO tha floarth party threwpricticoi "occult flci' acn>M tha/fltrcam in ati attempt

I') provcrt th*) chlM’a W ly from ^oins^-wn-itroam into docpet* water.

■I iMrnins 0,‘v in ....r> WorMwid.: Trunri 1 0 [i;t Br )wn in 1 H Br r*-r.i.‘i r> RMy Diicliia m l His Oroh I) Sol K Bnsht .ml Hi-

I Mujl

CI1UI{( ,o r THE NA/.AIIKSE J. O. Srhiiap.- I’linlor

- Irt' a. m.-Sunday blblc flclioil.' Cl;»sic!i for all. iMra.i

5 SolorTvi in'I G '

0 .lack 1V)CiU

mlii-III.—Mornlnt wor; iip.

Lulu .'<chnii-l7.i‘nl)acli, returnii'ilHionaiy from Alricii will lie' 11: Hpeahcr.

fi;r. I'. Ill r.oHi- niiii.4.7:in P m. - N. V. I*. -S., WlUim

tlnrnvmiiiK, pii'Hicli'nl.• ft • r> in i:viiHKfli!>tlr ncrvir

•. MacliPV .1. Hi'own wl

1-1 frirr. ‘ Cli\" ■I Dis'.;.'ri Ilf tfl,n-H” k-i ' Oar J.-n Populir

5 Opuiiin? mirki'''. qrnt ili.ina 0 Jan Caibcrfinl Orcti.3 Ji-js.' Criv>.'f >r I 0 ICv.-nin Tiiii.« iiowh fU-sUc-'i S Moriiin*: M,.|>lv Conl.jnl 0 M.irlC).'. J'lMf-riiu ;i ffi.iivi.Il .Siii’Ti 0 Ainli'i .<• -iril Hh Oivli.

i'",it:i U'iriii n.y.i 0 I'lnt > iin l llw' [tanch-

i' •(‘to;Mu-

o k.vp oi( I,. do Ly. .•vol’jrREA.D TfMlta WANT ADS.

They have cvorylliui ;-P:Ktr.< U'.'ivy sMil Icilh.-r h.Ij ; S ta leatlior counters! Heavy black rc-Unncd ioither uppers! I-’ulI- oa alrap?! Nickel hot)ln! Sole l.? .s:wi,'l and milol fji; dv;i,I; dutv! 30 p.iir will s.’ll out f i it, 'i) liurry i:i for

I h a v i 'v..4:'el inbo.i whi:r* ;ilen -.vorc f o i - - _ ’ji'llen t.1 dance wiih woa-.on. Yet III.',!-; thin i are no more Btrau-c f.hin I have found in the T;tilf->l States, where there 'are iioMe.ihoe.i al»v> doir.i. -A-here ’h-! wijIi'«nM Of chlcJteM are, prjile J apart, where .(.vjthairtennu h.ivj ma-Kotii, where p. ple are hurne l in effiffy and loa.y of bay an wuheJ on " ■

TIte It.'v prv'.U'li

8 ,p ill. - - We.|kr'll:ii. .Hi'l vll'il*.

,11'r'liiiy' iirayi'r ii l"i Cin.-.Tt

1’. .MN»:u I'KAC It III.K.IIT I li; i:> I.a

fiAl.T l.AKK <'IT\' H’l'i -- A IJa i).;,, ilHi'iiw that i'oiii|ii-l:i 11’ in i '1

lo il'iti ly jii'intl lici'.'i lo picvrlll 11’ Ti \V |U N[ii.'i<l h.ix iipp<-ai'i'.il In ni.ili, I.IV) ].i

riiiiiliil:i.‘iliiil''‘liel|,h. • %..... .

r il l l t pilllol.if!l:>l'Igllt tl

UMtl-; I 'lK lH iK s ,so i.l )Moi;i, M,., ll I’' Mm W.

I'leU.-niut h.ii "oi l li-'i' *-'iH''i'«r Iiil,'li..|,t, i.vhi. h wu« ..I...... Ilir»’ in III...... . Him 1

pili'lji'M Mdiil .>11 |iail:i

4 r. Richar l Cpd Iw V r):iM) Concert Alr.-i ri;ir. Citicort Alr-J.» , . rrM Bind Concerr.

Tiau-.i and Trirur fUahoa.

5:15 l’.;erlo.i.i TrliGM)*) Little R.imlili'ri Orch


Everett Henry ' t»v, M.«v 1'-: ncr Twin J-'alJ »>V.

■ n W.xliact.*. Tv--in-I'-alU.-i)oy. MayPri-viou-iiy t'arc;»rled

Include 1 in thl.i repict and not prjviousiy rcp-irtel were tlieae

' hirthn; ,1 Lloyd S’eai Bailey, RoRerson, llwy, April 2%: John Cylda C.araon. 'T\vln Falls, girl, April 22; Robert iBlmer Dinifman. Twin Falt^ Iwy. t March'll: Richard Heialcy, Ro^er- *.in t>iy. April 23; Ted Jolmwn, T\vin I'allfl, fiirl, April 20; Jamea Chc.stor Middleton, Filer, boy, April 29; Bernard Joseph Otter. T vln Falls, boy, April 2; Jo.ieph L.S3 OrtoKa. Twin Falls, girl, April 19; Clement Scott Palmer. Ituhi, t>oy. April 27; Clylo L. rt*>iMe, Filer, l«y. April 30.

i S ! ! ! ! H r— '">‘1 ■

SiS ? B - ■ - «***■/ ' / o i * - ^

can all bo corroclly filled In


* fnidvliiunlfy prn|>*rfliinnlir, I .ii |)li, ...III. »M.I |...,i il.„ l,..,.,i.|.,l


olden HuleC , C . A n d t m n » w Co.


Compare Penney’a Low Prices!

F a m o iis N a l io iu l “ H c u l th "


$7:907 Qt. 8i.:o

H Ijl, Nl/' .. .....■s> 11. NI/-' . . .

o r s ( f i ‘i . u i i H t i i v ;

% 9.90 11.9013.7515.75


II $0.90Kl i{t. . . $4*90

Koiiiid F.iviinolPAN25c

'J Qt. S k o !

H.iavy KiiaiiiulSTRAINER

25ct'or dIoiiiiiiu(

Huiivv Eiiaiiiul


Hi'M'ii i|iiiirli lit II llmni

10 Qt, KuauiulD ISH PA N

49cA H .|«l B uy I

:i Ql. AluniuiumKETTLE39c

V/Uh Ouvei 1

P E N N E/ . C. r i N N K Y C O M P A N Y , In



A Brand New Shipment Of

2 S 8

iy tiafii ill ‘(iiyiiin 'I 'll Hiieli liPdiiiifiil low!

Ci-iH|), Hhoor, Flock do t o ix iiiidy I'rockti in w hite and lionuliful piiHlol Hliudes. T rim m ed with rul'floa, coii- ti'aatinpf i)iiiding6:aiid atltehfng, jjSizcs 1 4 - 4 2 . T lie y 'l l . bo youi' fuvorilei'drcsaca throuKliout tlio Summ or. Ho here eiiHy for best RelectionI . ' .


P E N N E Y ' S