mmt of stephen elek. - digifind-it. · pdf fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned....

12 WOO»BRIDGE, N. JC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919 5 cenU Per Co| ances To Pave and Green Sts. Want Sidewalk* at the for tbe from Klreot and rv mutter of pav as thorn )>*• property t>mughi forth • iiml two Who behalf wan in i'ii ,»*••, on : mi tiriyrt street fnit hit on that in tho paving on Symptoms of Spring Fever M rtr*e* fp which would for t»r. itawaren. N. Ra*- th« lot on wiii. h \n so t^et on .' . nn Ontral ava- MHIVI this doubt* u <h>- «Btatr cowM us tnn«. The et- \ '"u pavement oa r .t 6 u loot street u; would 111* r •>) foot lot. ac- m.iU'B ot the towa- was later broa£nt 10 ;>«T cent, of the if.-sed on the depth UD cutting tha ex IIIK on Central ave- above. trt*4 the ( H it would «• 1 unHllafae- At the noit mi-Rtlng of the Town ship CutnimUec ihe ordinances foi the paving of Omen street and Cen- tral avenue will bo Introduced, but tt was stated that tbe introducing of th* Central avenue ordinance was ls>m«lr to get a more complete PI prefsfon from the property o along that street, as only two rot-ward at the last meeting. The committee states that It is not its in tentlon to pave Central av<*nimun lesK the properly owners desire It. Noting will tn; sent to the Individ- ual uwners along that strot ad^UIng A KJt> HM GOT Woodbridge Doubles Victory Loan Quota STOREKEEPER UNDER ARREST F Woodbrkigfl Prove* Smelting. Tho By Our Reporter. > . Httfphon Klek, of thiB town, caused Ma 12 report of tho Victory Loan headed by Wm. T. Amea, shows thut Woodbrldge Township linn Just doublod Its quota by sub- Miihing $16K,00l>. ThiH result waa accomplished without any house-to-houao nunvuss- by the committee, us in former loiittH. A coupla of advert Ianments und BOtno local and .govprnmptit lit- erature which was sent ou1 through ll th blii them of the next meeting that matter. MOVIES FOR TO MUSIC FESTIVAL OF TQWNSHIP SCHOOL CHILDREN SOLDIERS MID On Friday, May 16, at 8 p. m., the school children of Woodbrldge town- Hhlp will gite a vory unique enter- tainment, which Is called a music festival Thf Bonga will be roteand two-pun t,onga. The sinners were chosen from tbe 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th ' Th hild from the 3rd Some time ago the Decoration Day i t d from the Wood- the arrest of Joseph Slmou orr May 12 for Inducing him to buy a grocery store and butcher shop at 238 Fulton atreet, and stock in bulk, claiming that said Simon did knowingly and AslfVw false answers tqjhi* .qu tries as., to nia jj^edjiiors. TL claimed that he paid $1,000 for stock and--nxxtures In said store and that Judgment and debts have Bince been filed against the stock to the amount of j l8Q0. Simon was held on a charge Q[ fraud under the law* of 1915. He was represented, byLaw- yer John Delaney, ot Perth Amboy, who waived a bearing and gave bonde to await the action ot the grand jury. Lawyer Thomas Hanson acted in the erature which was sent ou1 throug the mallH wan all the publicity given, Hxcept that of tho help of the nflws- papers. The BubRcript ions here to. the Lib- erty Loans arts an follows: First Loan " : $ Sjai AN the Senior Class ot the School !• planning a trip to Washing ton, l>. C, the proprietor of the Monument Theatre has very kindly committee appointed from the Wood- bridge Fire Company had sent to' each person who entered the service from the town and township a letter om the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6tb! i n w h l c h wae ^clewed a return card grades. The children from the 3rd i tT) Letm E " McBIroy, the purpose of and 4th trades wHl do the roto sing- i w h i c h c a r d was to a<Wlse whether or in K uu.l the othera wilt give the two-1 not th<3 «<w°n»U°«i ^y committee pun song*, in <»*o» they will could d *P aml u n t h e i r P«Benc« in be acrnmpanlert. while In others they ' ln « t>aroUeand for ythlng othar tiM v The threo m*- fcents would TW» P*r --- delate or warranita^offered the w ot his theatre .-. - $4 5», a«4 wood two parfonnancea. On Monday, the decided ttot •*- nrat one in their charge. Louise Hatt be used, mattttB* "Hearts of Gold." and Fatty Ar- buckle In one of bis best and fnn- of CommHta*in»* B |«at comedies, will appear on the Ion to permanently nnvu. The second performance in of 17 tpot tba W « l their charge is to be on Friday. May Hing from KiMW t%. Harry Carey In "Scarlet Drop. :,rgei road, located * r<m j live Western drama, and i etion ot th« towtv- Lyon-Moran comedy will will uot bf. UHU: inthe outside schools otlj thu township h;iH only lately been 1 into the curriculum, A lowing the parade. To thie date sev- iral of the cards have not been re- turned with an advice, and to those who have not Bent their curds in, the Interest of Stephen Elek. mm Tfl«T AT il SCHOOL liuiuduct'il into the curriculum, A I wno nBY « 3 " Ol •"•" *-"•• uumber of our pubt1c-_plrited t o w n s - ; commUteR would greatly appreciate people have volunteered to transport! H ir the y *ool<i do BO at once. In tho children from the outlying I the a^nce 0 , a comple te list of the 1 na schools In their antos and trucks. The following in the program be carriedout. Part 1. Rote Songn. to WoodbrtdBO School- (a) .1. Mummy H Bong Trillium Carlotta Cowlnti, Ware ...Meissner conductor. ool<i do BO at once the a^nce 0 , a comple te list of the nam * s of » uthofie * ho entered the service from the town and township, elin. Bdwwrd ore the eon* . a sidewalk be W* B e Uelln road weat i.ylvania Railroad kt road la a part of [pray to the toot of ftng that oa account The Sandman Linch Good Advice Sherwood Aa their proposed trip is educa- Avenel School tuonal, it ia expected that all tbe U) l "|townspeople will torn out, thus help- lt>) u w u nu,,^ ing them toward their goal. Miss Mildred Ladlow, conductor. The complete program for theiKeasbey School {52 in choruB).— la printed In another part of (a) Be Glad Hall I (b) Uood Evenings—flood Night n»ki Brahme Miss Blsie Wittnebert, conductor. Miss Blsie Wittne, Tords School (10 in chorus) service uuw mo «.~,.- some may not have received a letter from the' committee, and in sneb a case an invitation is extended through these columns to such per- sons to participate in the parade and exercises on Memorial Day. Elabo- rate plans have been formulated by the committee and tbe parade on Me- mortal Day promises to be the largest and best ever had in town. All those men who are to parade will meet at the Woodbridge fire house on School street at S.30 a. m., in full uniform. Major W. H. McNair, Int. U. 8. A., will be in command of the boys on Memorial Day The plans for the May dance to be given by the St. James Dramatic Society tonight give promise ot a very delightful affair. A novelty ex- hibition march will be given, at 9 oclock, and besides this, an elimi- nation dance, for which a prize Is offered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom- panied by i .. . Lqan.,~..::.... :r:. 5134,01 ^ [.Fourth Loan ^8O. r OQ;< Fifth Loan 16s.a»u Totals .,. $8e2,*()00 Parent-Teacher Association ReiMrganiz^d at Port Reading More than forty or fifty fathers and mothers attended the reorgani- sation of (he Part Reading Parent- Teacher Association last Monday eve- ning. Musical selections were roo>' dered by Miss Guseie Huber^ Mtor Marion Huber and by a group of the children. Mr. Budd led a group of the boys in a short physical train- ing exhibition. It was decided that the best inter- ests of the community demanded a permanent organization. Mr. F. H. Budd WB.8 elected president; Mrs. E. Leimpeter, secretary; treasurer, Mrs., Mucciarelll. After a discussion of the proposed : : ^ •tf field meet and tbe coming music?* festival, it was decided to co-operat in both events with assistance ait money. FoHowlng the meeting as'; oiat hour waa held and refreshment) served lay tha teachers. of four pieces, accom- pamea vy Prichard at the piano. This music Is exceptionally good. All through the evening refresh- ments of punch and cake will be furnished. >g that oa aecoui woaW Bo , open ,„ Mammf __ ^ery dangerous tor ^ the|r mtjQ coa|d not mRke a ^ I v i ^ f . " I T S i l T ! connection by tunneling, even though paying ot a aldewalk the maln ||<w bQt sll feet rrom the tVw OW °£f*' V* xia * curb and three feet under. The at- unem. TO* a^onkvy tonwy BUted that arrangemanU had ' K*, HP * e<MHr * et been made before the paving ot Rah- .K l0 l^ re|> ^* ln « way avenue eo that a line could h- K tne boundarr ot ron , ntoNolson avonne without u *• It wu brought , n fu p R^t^ay 4T6 uue. The ma poww ua uoaey from WMre f e rred to the township attor- repalr* and tt n( . yw , th i nB tructlons to hold In blaek and ^mpany to their original ajjr •>—»<«« HIUIIKWA. ords scnooi \ . v .*. ,. (a) Uocklu' in de Win', Neidlinger (b) Brownie^ 1 Umbrellas. Gayrboa MIBS Carrie Dixon, conductor. Iselin School h A. raiBueu. The ^atroneoses are Mrs. H. Komond, Mrs. P. H. Gallagher, Mrs. R M J J Dunne Mrs Senior Class WiU Hold Fair Saturday Night On Saturday night at 7.30 o'clock [the Senior class of Barron Avenue High School will bold a fair on the school grounds. Besides many spe- cial attractions a famous o.rcheetra will furnish, music for dancing.' Tbe t holding this in order to Will IU^UOH •"»""' »uu. UU u, «... ^ .Seniors are holding this in order to J. F. Ryan. Mrs. J. J- Dunne, Mrs. l lfje money toward their Washing- * n *^—-.— U « n 1 L . . - ill V-. »k A KT&QU At <>o. to More Yawd. Lumbar Oomp««y *et with a m*p tor -n^ Uqoor hydranU Mk4 tha Port Reading, was ne new ona on ac- The township < sangea la location tnmt fourteen new tktns in their lum- ( or mmmer wear Roattne Bu-inew- Peter Comonale was appointed a officer at Iwjlln. of J RuM0 ' 0I purchased Teard M W. L. „, up placing of tba |th. Count, A^.-J T ton Main atreet and tor for tba \ pavement. A. the , nowed feea of mSro* report, were received, were all •f» r0 *^ ycnooi— Night Ratf Mist) Julia BayllsB, conductor. * Port Heading (90 inchorus) (a) Tbe Fairy ot Dreams, Mitchell Ib) Mischievous Brownies Appleton Miss Huth Smith, conductor. Hope lawn Sihool (IB In chorus)— (a) Slumber Boat Qaynor (b) Our Bright Starry Banner Offenbach Misi Marie Wallace, conductor. fart II, Part Songs. School No. 1 (60 in chorus) Song of Spring Pearson Hiss Birdie Breger, conductor. Avenel School (40 in chorus)— (a) Boat Song Von Weber (b) Cuckoo Anonymous Miss Bertha Bchermerhorn, «««• ductor A. Dunnigan, Mrs. M. H. Oberliea d^lrjR J. Coll, Mrs. p. Grace. NO LIGHTS. John Brazk, of Chrome, was ax* rested by Officer Klein on May 10th for driving a horse and.wagon while intoxicated and with no lights. Brazk spent the night inthe lockup. The Fire Company is planning B fl; -l« Dd ^ th «'morning the recorder other block dance on Main street o J flned him » 7 6 0 - which h « " Thursday, May 22, tor the benefit of tbe Decoration Day celebration. However, in case ot rain tbe dance will be held on the next clear night. It is hoped that thlB will be as big a success as toe last one. VOBS' Military Band, of has been engaged. Local Baseball Teams , -.- The Woodbridge RalderB, a youth- ful baseball team, defeated the Blue Strlpea of Upper Main street * by a score of 17to 20 enMonday after- Frederick Kath pitched for mLi. L_.~.« la ntlfill f fW noon OUT. noon. cinuniwi •-,-— r the Raiders. Tbis team is open tor ngagements with other teams, of boys 10 to 13 years old. Address John Finn, Grove street, Woodbrldge. building ductor K»aab«y School (&2 in chorus) ..En u j V Burke, conductor. F o7ds School (70 in ) place tor cheap flne » of |14».' arned when Chris penM of_»7.60. Poor Farm keeper ^r poor, aald that he ie to board the men |3.50 per week, the asked tor boaid of The officials tbe matter of for our four do ar. ot Oreen atreet, that tbe town to be i wt l»pa«rr«w- ««sxMi¥ w * ktw. * .1- Inthe garage *OT aend it to In Emerson frana nuuu«j, v * .~-—, rested tor being' drunk and disorderly and abuBlng Officer Walsh, who made thfi airest. Frank was taken to tbe : ; ondu X him |T.60. He paid. LET THEIR Reazo Zutli and Berkolona Ser daoo, ot Port Reading, were ar- raigned .before Recorder Ashley, oa Hay 8th on complaint of Peter Newark | ScBmldt Ior allowing their goats to ''run at large and trespass on culti- vated lands In violation ot township ordinance to that effect. They were discharged for lack of evidence. I'HKlIt DUTY. and Frank Ha- ~_, irraisned before Ashler' on May 10th on of John .Thompson, attend- Stephen a n d a o u s i n g VJWKVI « . mepneu ruyumw tbfl irr«t. Frank was taken to.the ufce> of PordJI WM8 lockup, where Recorder Ashley fined Recordf)T AaWey o Bohm CARD OF THANKS ,. ance officer, tor'neglecting to send On May 13 Max Levlnson, of Pertb children ,to school regularly. Amboy. ran head on into an automo- PopOWttt was fined #6. Bstake.-el- bUe o*"* "* «"»»** w « reasonable excuse, was dls- DUe owutsu •>«» ~ r Bpencer. Neither was injured, but Levlnson was fined )3 fov violating traffic rules, aa he was on the wrong side of tbe road. v We sincore vt fttimulanta. is only oua stimulant charged .- A BIT UI6CHIVVOUB. Justin Martin, a oltisen ot l&elin, thought be could turn the village up- down, but Officer Ehtrhoriv soon hi d bght him PAMPHLKT8 READY, w leaders throBgbottt * * the Becond Federal Reserve * * DtBtriet, oader tha djrecUan of i v Mrs. John T. Pratt, have received f •k more than a million pamphlets I * dealing with tbe necessity of i * properly Investing In War Sav- I * Ings 8$amps. These pamphlets, w. * "Making Tour Dreams Coma * * True," will be distributed to * A every householder In th* entire * * district—New York State, $wejv« -ft * coantles of New Jersey and Fair- * *• fleta eeuaty, Conn. .. - * * * A T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * that Tatr* is only oua stimula «wv*r fulls, and yet n«v*r lutoxlcatM Dt tft a Itlve sky over Itlve sky over Hide down, but Officer Ehtrh put a stop this and brought him to the lockup in, the police convey- ance, where tbe recorder imposed a fine «f $&, To«U at Humphreys ft j FertiliMrs at Humphreys.* Ryan* ,Hii* PONY, Hurrey, harness, blanket-, saddle; worth 1600; jon tor ItlO. Apply W. A. R»ASOR,l 9er ib, 1«7 S. Milton Ave., Hahway, N. a 8s»»t aara a a»it- tha ln«*»«ads«t \h smb- •as «ft »* future in t^usje tba youth of today. Start year ihlia •« Iks piamo mow, Writs M. 1. HILL. Musk Tfcsthar, Perth N. J. i.V •*'i."' 'jg"«IT- <..-.• V

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Page 1: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:

12 WOO»BRIDGE, N. JC, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 19195 cenU Per Co|

ances To Paveand Green Sts.

Want Sidewalk*

at thefor tbe

fromKlreot and

rv mutter of pavas thorn

• )>*• property

t>mughi forth• iiml two Who

behalfwan in

i ' i i , » * • • , o n

: mi tiriyrt streetfnit hit on thatin tho paving on

Symptoms of Spring Fever M

rtr*e* f pwhich would

for t»r.itawaren.N. Ra*-

th« lot onwiii. h \n so t^et on.' . nn Ontral ava-MHIVI this doubt*u <h>- «Btatr cowMus tnn«. The et-\ '"u pavement oar .t 6 u loot streetu; would b« 111*r •>) foot lot. ac-m.iU'B ot the towa-was later broa£nt

10 ;>«T cent, of theif.-sed on the depthUD cutting tha exIIIK on Central ave-above.

trt*4the (

H it would «• 1unHllafae-

At the noit mi-Rtlng of the Township CutnimUec ihe ordinances foithe paving of Omen street and Cen-tral avenue will bo Introduced, buttt was stated that tbe introducing ofth* Central avenue ordinance wasls>m«lr to get a more complete PIprefsfon from the property oalong that street, as only tworot-ward at the last meeting. Thecommittee states that It is not its intentlon to pave Central av<*nim unlesK the properly owners desire It.

Noting will tn; sent to the Individ-ual uwners along that strot ad^UIng


Woodbridge DoublesVictory Loan Quota



Woodbrkigfl Prove* Smelting.


By Our Reporter. > .Httfphon Klek, of thiB town, caused

Ma 12

report of tho Victory Loanheaded by Wm. T. Amea,

shows thut Woodbrldge Townshiplinn Just doublod Its quota by sub-Miihing $16K,00l>.

ThiH result waa accomplishedwithout any house-to-houao nunvuss-

by the committee, us in formerloiittH. A coupla of advert Ianmentsund BOtno local and .govprnmptit lit-erature which was sent ou1 through

ll th bli i

them of the next meetingthat matter.






On Friday, May 16, at 8 p. m., theschool children of Woodbrldge town-Hhlp will gite a vory unique enter-tainment, which Is called a musicfestival Thf Bonga will be rote andtwo-pun t,onga. The sinners werechosen from tbe 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th' Th hild from the 3rd

Some time ago the Decoration Dayi t d from the Wood-

the arrest of Joseph Slmou orr May 12for Inducing him to buy a grocerystore and butcher shop at 238 Fultonatreet, and stock in bulk, claimingthat said Simon did knowinglyand AslfVw false answers tqjhi*.qu tries as., to nia jj^edjiiors. TLclaimed that he paid $1,000 for stockand--nxxtures In said store and thatJudgment and debts have Bince beenfiled against the stock to the amountof jl8Q0. Simon was held on acharge Q[ fraud under the law* of1915. He was represented, by Law-yer John Delaney, ot Perth Amboy,who waived a bearing and gave bondeto await the action ot the grand jury.Lawyer Thomas Hanson acted in the

erature which was sent ou1 througthe mallH wan all the publicity given,Hxcept that of tho help of the nflws-papers.

The BubRcript ions here to. the Lib-erty Loans arts an follows:First Loan " : $ Sjai

AN the Senior Class ot theSchool !• planning a trip to Washington, l>. C, the proprietor of theMonument Theatre has very kindly

committee appointed from the Wood-bridge Fire Company had sent to'each person who entered the service •from the town and township a letter

om the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6tb! i n w h l c h w a e ^clewed a return cardgrades. The children from the 3rd itT) L e t m E" McBIroy, the purpose ofand 4th trades wHl do the roto sing- i w h i c h c a r d w a s t o a < W l s e whether orinK uu.l the othera wilt give the two-1 n o t th<3 «<w°n»U°«i ^ y committeepun song*, in <»*o» they will c o u l d d *P a m l u P° n t h e i r P«Benc« inbe acrnmpanlert. while In others they ' l n« t > a r o U e a n d


ythlng othar t i Mv The threo m*-fcents would TW» P*r - - -delate or warranita^offered the w ot his theatre . - .- $4 5», a«4 wood two parfonnancea. On Monday, the

decided ttot •*- nrat one in their charge. Louise Hattbe used, mattttB* ]« "Hearts of Gold." and Fatty Ar-

buckle In one of bis best and fnn-of CommHta*in»* B|«at comedies, will appear on the

Ion to permanently nnvu. The second performance inof 17 tpot tba W « l their charge is to be on Friday. MayHing from KiMW t%. Harry Carey In "Scarlet Drop.:,rgei road, located * r<mj live Western drama, and i

etion ot th« towtv- Lyon-Moran comedy will

will uot bf.UHU: in the outside schools o t l j

thu township h;iH only lately been1

into the curriculum, A

lowing the parade. To thie date sev-iral of the cards have not been re-turned with an advice, and to thosewho have not Bent their curds in, the

Interest of Stephen Elek.

mmTfl«T AT

i l SCHOOLliuiuduct'il into the curriculum, A I w n o nBY«3 "Ol •"•" *-"••uumber of our pubt1c-_plrited towns- ; c o m m U t e R w o u l d greatly appreciatepeople have volunteered to transport!H i r t h e y *ool<i do BO at once. Intho children from the outlying I t h e a ^ n c e 0 , a c o m p l e t e list of the

1 naschools In their antos and trucks.The following in the program

be carried out.Part 1. Rote Songn.


WoodbrtdBO School-(a)

.1.Mummy H BongTrillium

Carlotta Cowlnti,


ool<i do BO at oncet h e a ^ n c e 0 , a c o m p l e t e list of then a m * s o f » u t h o f i e * h o entered theservice from the town and township,

elin. Bdwwrdore the eon*. a sidewalk be W*

Be Uelln road weati.ylvania Railroad

kt road la a part of[pray to the toot offtng that oa account

The Sandman LinchGood Advice Sherwood

Aa their proposed trip is educa- • Avenel Schooltuonal, it ia expected that all tbe U )

l"|townspeople will torn out, thus help- lt>) uwu nu,,^ing them toward their goal. Miss Mildred Ladlow, conductor.

The complete program for theiKeasbey School {52 in choruB).—la printed In another part of (a) Be Glad Hall

I (b) Uood Evenings—flood Nightn»kiBrahme

Miss Blsie Wittnebert, conductor.Miss Blsie W i t t n e ,Tords School (10 in chorus)

service uuw mo «.~,.-some may not have received a letterfrom the' committee, and in sneb acase an invitation is extendedthrough these columns to such per-sons to participate in the parade andexercises on Memorial Day. Elabo-rate plans have been formulated bythe committee and tbe parade on Me-mortal Day promises to be the largestand best ever had in town. Allthose men who are to parade willmeet at the Woodbridge fire houseon School street at S.30 a. m., in fulluniform. Major W. H. McNair, Int.U. 8. A., will be in command of theboys on Memorial Day

The plans for the May dance tobe given by the St. James DramaticSociety tonight give promise ot avery delightful affair. A novelty ex-hibition march will be given, at 9oclock, and besides this, an elimi-nation dance, for which a prize Isoffered, and shadow daniw have beenplanned.

The music will be lurnlBbed by ajaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by


.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:. 5134,01 [.Fourth Loan 8O.rOQ;<Fi f th Loan 16s.a»u

Totals .,. $8e2,*()00

Parent-TeacherAssociation ReiMrganiz d

at Port ReadingMore than forty or fifty fathers

and mothers attended the reorgani-sation of (he Part Reading Parent-Teacher Association last Monday eve-ning. Musical selections were roo>'dered by Miss Guseie Huber^ MtorMarion Huber and by a group ofthe children. Mr. Budd led a groupof the boys in a short physical train-ing exhibition.

It was decided that the best inter-ests of the community demanded apermanent organization. Mr. F. H.Budd WB.8 elected president; Mrs. E.Leimpeter, secretary; treasurer, Mrs.,Mucciarelll.

After a discussion of the proposed

• : : ^


field meet and tbe coming music?*festival, it was decided to co-operatin both events with assistance aitmoney. FoHowlng the meeting a s ' ;oiat hour waa held and refreshment)served lay tha teachers.

of four pieces, accom-pamea vy Prichard at the piano.This music Is exceptionally good.All through the evening refresh-ments of punch and cake will befurnished.

>g that oa a e c o u i w o a W B o , o p e n ,„ Mammf _ _

^ery dangerous tor t h e | r mtjQ c o a | d n o t m R k e a

^ I v i ^ f ."ITSi lT! connection by tunneling, even thoughpaying ot a aldewalk t h e m a l n | | < w b Q t s l l f e e t r r o m t h etVw OW°£f*' V*xia* curb and three feet under. The at-unem. TO* a^onkvy t o n w y B U t e d t h a t arrangemanU had' K *, H P * e < M H r* e t been made before the paving ot Rah-

.K l 0 l ^ re|>^*ln« way avenue eo that a line could h-K tne boundarr ot r o n , n t o N o l s o n a v o n n e without u

*• It w u brought , n f u p R^t^ay 4T6uue. The mapoww ua uoaey from W M referred to the township attor-

repalr* and tt n (.y w , t h inBtructlons to holdIn blaek and ^mpany to their original ajjr

•>—»<«« HIUIIKWA.

o r d s s c n o o i \ . v .*. , .(a) Uocklu' in de Win', Neidlinger(b) Brownie^1 Umbrellas. GayrboaMIBS Carrie Dixon, conductor.

Iselin Schoolh

A.raiBueu.The ^atroneoses are Mrs. H.

Komond, Mrs. P. H. Gallagher, Mrs.R M J J Dunne Mrs

Senior Class WiU HoldFair Saturday Night

On Saturday night at 7.30 o'clock[the Senior class of Barron AvenueHigh School will bold a fair on theschool grounds. Besides many spe-cial attractions a famous o.rcheetrawill furnish, music for dancing.' Tbe

t holding this in order toWill I U ^ U O H •"»""' —

»uu.U Uu, « . . . — .Seniors are holding this in order toJ. F. Ryan. Mrs. J. J- Dunne, Mrs. l l f j e m o n e y toward their Washing-

* n *^—-.— U « n 1 L . . - i l l V-. » k A KT&QU


<>o. to More Yawd.Lumbar Oomp««y

*et with a m*p tor -n^ UqoorhydranU Mk4 tha P o r t Reading, was

ne new ona on ac- The township <sangea la location t n m t fourteen newtktns in their lum- (o r mmmer wear

Roattne Bu-inew-P e t e r Comonale was appointed a

officer at Iwjlln.of J R u M 0 ' 0 I


Teard M W. L.„, up placing of tba| t h . Count, A ^ . - J Tton Main atreet and t o r for tba\ pavement. A . the , n o w e d feea of

mSro* report, were received,

were all • f » r 0 * ^

ycnooi—Night Ratf

Mist) Julia BayllsB, conductor. *Port Heading (90 in chorus) —

(a) Tbe Fairy ot Dreams, MitchellIb) Mischievous Brownies

AppletonMiss Huth Smith, conductor.

Hope law n Sihool (IB In chorus)—(a) Slumber Boat Qaynor(b) Our Bright Starry Banner

OffenbachMisi Marie Wallace, conductor.

fart II, Part Songs.School No. 1 (60 in chorus) —

Song of Spring PearsonHiss Birdie Breger, conductor.

Avenel School (40 in chorus)—(a) Boat Song Von Weber(b) Cuckoo AnonymousMiss Bertha Bchermerhorn, «««•


A. Dunnigan, Mrs. M.H. Oberliea d ^ l r j R

J. Coll, Mrs.p. Grace.

NO LIGHTS.John Brazk, of Chrome, was ax*

rested by Officer Klein on May 10thfor driving a horse and.wagon whileintoxicated and with no lights.Brazk spent the night in the lockup.

The Fire Company is planning Bfl;-l«Dd ^ th«'morning the recorder

other block dance on Main street o J f l n e d h i m »7 6 0- w h i c h h« "Thursday, May 22, tor the benefit oftbe Decoration Day celebration.However, in case ot rain tbe dancewill be held on the next clear night.It is hoped that thlB will be as big asuccess as toe last one.

VOBS' Military Band, ofhas been engaged.

Local Baseball Teams , - . -The Woodbridge RalderB, a youth-

ful baseball team, defeated the BlueStrlpea of Upper Main street * by ascore of 17 to 20 en Monday after-

Frederick Kath pitched form L i . L_.~.« la ntlfill f fW



noon. cinuniwi • - , - — r

the Raiders. Tbis team is open torngagements with other teams, of boys10 to 13 years old. Address JohnFinn, Grove street, Woodbrldge.


ductorK»aab«y School (&2 in chorus)

..Enu j V Burke, conductor.

Fo7ds School (70 in )

place tor cheap flne» of |14». 'arned when Chris p e n M of_»7.60.Poor Farm keeper

r poor, aald that heie to board the men|3.50 per week, the

asked tor boaid ofThe officials

tbe matter offor our four do

ar. ot Oreen atreet,that tbe townto be

i wt l»pa«rr«w-««sxMi¥ w *ktw.

.» *

. 1 - In the garage *OT

aend it to


frana nuuu«j, v* .~-—,rested tor being' drunk and disorderlyand abuBlng Officer Walsh, who madethfi airest. Frank was taken to tbe

: ; o n d u Xhim |T.60. He paid.

LET THEIRReazo Zutli and Berkolona Ser

daoo, ot Port Reading, were ar-raigned .before Recorder Ashley, oaHay 8th on complaint of Peter

Newark | S c B m l d t I o r allowing their goats to''run at large and trespass on culti-

vated lands In violation ot townshipordinance to that effect. They were

discharged for lack of evidence.

I'HKlIt DUTY.and Frank Ha-

~ _ , irraisned beforeAshler' on May 10th onof John .Thompson, attend-

Stephena n d a o u s i n g VJWKVI « . • • m e p n e u r u y u m wtbfl irr«t. Frank was taken to.the u f c e > o f P o r d J I W M 8lockup, where Recorder Ashley fined R e c o r d f ) T AaWey o



,. ance officer, tor'neglecting to sendOn May 13 Max Levlnson, of Pertb children ,to school regularly.

Amboy. ran head on into an automo- P o p O W t t t w a s fined #6. Bstake.-el-bUe o * " * " * «"»»** w « • • reasonable excuse, was dls-DUe owutsu •>«» ~r

Bpencer. Neither was injured, butLevlnson was fined )3 fov violatingtraffic rules, aa he was on the wrongside of tbe road. v

Wesincore vt fttimulanta.

is only oua stimulant

charged .-

A BIT UI6CHIVVOUB.Justin Martin, a oltisen ot l&elin,

thought be could turn the village up-down, but Officer Ehtrhoriv soon

hi d b g h t him


leaders throBgbottt ** the Becond Federal Reserve ** DtBtriet, oader tha djrecUan of iv Mrs. John T. Pratt, have received f•k more than a million pamphlets I* dealing with tbe necessity of i* properly Investing In War Sav- I* Ings 8$amps. These pamphlets, w.* "Making Tour Dreams Coma ** True," will be distributed to *A every householder In th* entire ** district—New York State, $wejv« -ft* coantles of New Jersey and Fair- **• fleta eeuaty, Conn. .. - ** *• A T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

thatTatr* is only oua stimula«wv*r fulls, and yet n«v*r lutoxlcatM

D t tft a Itlve sky overItlve sky over

Hide down, but Officer Ehtrhput a stop t» this and brought himto the lockup in, the police convey-ance, where tbe recorder imposed afine «f $&,

To«U at Humphreys ft

j FertiliMrs at Humphreys.* Ryan*, H i i * PONY, Hurrey, harness,blanket-, saddle; worth 1600; jon

tor ItlO. Apply W. A. R»ASOR,l9erib,1«7 S. Milton Ave., Hahway, N.

a 8s»»t aara a a»it-t« tha ln«*»«ads«t \h


•as «ft »*

future in t^usjetba youth of today. Start year

ihlia •« Iks piamo mow, WritsM. 1 . HILL. Musk Tfcsthar, Perth

N. J.

i.V•*'i."' ' j g " « I T -

<..-.• V

Page 2: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:


CHAPTER XXX-Continued.

I henrd hi-r fry mil, nnd bnr^lycjuRht the lantern a.« It fpH from herhand. At first I doubted the evidenceof my ino <Mt||(i«Mty|)m tlio hit offtitring t'andle from tin tin socket andholding It where the full glare oflight fell acros* the grewsome object.Ay, It win n woman, with lower limbsdoubled back from lack of npm-«\ butotherwise lying an though she slept, soperfect In preservation her cheeks ap-peared flushed with health, her lipshalf smiting. It wss a fare of realbeauty—an English face, although hereye* and hair were dark and her man-tilla and long earrings were unques-tionably Spanish. A Rtrlng of pearl««ndrcl«d her throat, and there werenumerous rings upon her fingers. Thevery contrast added immeasurably totbevtafrok

"Sb* la alive 1 Surely Ah* la alive I"T W words were sobbed Into m y « rfrom Dorothy's lips.

"Alive! No, that I* Impossible!" Itouched the «gu« with my hand. "Theflesh la I|ke atone,!' 1 mid, "tnii* heldlifelike by «ome magic of the Indies.What can It all mean? Who C©HM thewoman be? It la love or hate7"

"Not lore, Geoffry. Love wouldnever do thla thing, ft Sa bate, thegloating of revenge; there can be noother answer—thla la the end of atragedy."

Tbere waa nothing, not a scrap ofpaper, not even (he M U M I W * of awound exposed. The smile on thoseparted Up* had become one of mock-ery ; I could pear the sight no longer,and" rose to my feet, clasping Dorothy-dose to tae, as she still gased down Infascination at the ghastly sight.

"We will never know. The man whoconld tell Is dead."

"Captain Paradlllar"Who else could tt be? This was

his schooner, and here be alone couldhide sneb a secret- There Is nothingmore we can learn, and the horror un-nerves me. Hold the light, dear, whileI replace the lid of the chest."

It required my utmost effort to ac-complish this. I was glad to have thething hidden, to escape the stare oftho«e Axed eyes, the death smile ofthose red Up*. It waa no longer areality bnt a dream of delirium; 1dare not think or speculate—tuy onlydesire being to get away, to get Dor-othy away. In absolute t«vrof I drewher with me to the open door—thenstopped, paralysed; the half revealedfigure of a man appeared on the cabinstairs. *

"Stop! Who are yon?""Watkins. sir. I came heiow to call

yon. There's surathln" bloomln' oddtakln' place otft there In the fog, Cap-tain Oariyie. W* want yex oa deck,air, right away."


tn the fog and (table to be-come at easy prey. If they can onlyslip on us nniopn. How are you. hnl-iles? IteHily to battle your old mates?"

"Thnw were no mates n1 ours, sir,"said Wntklns Indignantly. "They arehalf-brepfl mongrels, and no sailor*;Kstpvsn Is a hell-bound, an' so fur «smy Toil'*" (toes, I'd rather die on thindeck than ever agin be a bloody pirate.It thnt the right word*. lads?"

The others grumhied assent, huttheir muttered word* had In them aring of sincerity, and their faces ex-hibited no cowardice. One only askeda question.

"I'm fer flghtin', sir," he Mtl<] grim-ly, "hut wham we use? Them ladsain't coruin' aboard bare-handed, hutdamn If I've seed a weaimn on thinhooker."

"Dar*s three knives, an' a meatcleaver In da* gaH*y, aah." «-hiu)r<i tn

vr%n a repnlslve brute, his factwith blond, dripping from a

nit arrowi his low forahewd. U* lookednp Rullwiiy at our approach, but maden<> effort to rise.

"IiOofc yere. yon blnrk villain,"roared Watkina, driving the iMtaonhome with his foot, "don't h« a plmyln'poftfmm yer. Stnnd up an1 answer Mln-trr Oarlyle. or j-er'ti clt a worse cliptliHI) I give yor afore Whar la the

i ?"the

The Boat Attack. *Ae waited for tu'jnrt without the

companion; oat toy eyes caught noth-ing unusual ail I emerged Into thedaylight I could barely ae* amidships,and on elthe/slde hong, the impene-trable "bank of cloud, leaving sea andsky Invhdbl*.. "What is It, Watkins? Where are the•aen?"

"Porrard, sir, a-nangln' over the star-board rail. Thar's somethlo' cursedlystrange a-happenln' in that fog. CM*,was the first ter hear the clatter oven **r slippln' In a rowlock. Then,air, while we wus a-Ustenln' we bothtaught sound ov a Spanish oath,•poke as plain as if the buck wasaboard."

"A lost boat, likely—-shipwrecked•ajlors adrift In the*fog; perhaps ourother qu.irterboat. No one bailedthem?"

•'No, sir; I told the mea ter keep stillOil I called you."

Tht-«NW wtura aJl gAtherfd »t I]}*rail, tearing out into the mist, whis-pering to each other. I pressed u»y»uy In among them* We may havebeen clinging there a minute of two,breathlessly listening. Tfien a voice•poke directly In frout of me out fromthe dense fog.

"Try the port oar, r^edro; we mustAave mluKwl the u n ship."

I straightened up an though struck,day eyes Keeking tliuae of Watklns, whostared back at me, hie mouth wideopen In ofctonlslimcnt.* "You.heard that?" I whispered. "Doyou know who spoke V"

"Do IT Dead or alive, sir, it wasManuel Bstovan."

**AY'. Ho Other, an'' alive enough, nodoufrt. JUadjfi COJJ clotie to un- andlisten—fh&r nttfllt not hear us outthere. By some devil's trick the.Nn-star has- followed our course, »r else

t?oa4<*. am a i*rt df bto crew <Ustaway, Tb^y t*«mrly khWavof u»-jierhfliw httd a Kllmijse through itume rlfiln« tho cl'Hi.l and ixH fwltlne t<>h#»m wttlr a ho«n iMtrty. TU'taa*'Hkr-Jy tlio*f OevllM know who we »m;

bhly tt»ke ua fur u luerctiuut autp

/'We'll d« well enoAtgh; nomr of yi>nhave your sheath knives y<u. nnd therest can" use belaying ptns anil rap^ranbars. The pfilnt Is to not let them gotaboaM, and. If there in only one honl.we will'be pretty even hmirt<*.i I'lchup what you caYi. and umn thin railquietly now, hearties, and keep youreyes open."

It proved a longer wait than I ex-pected. Unable to wUhiMand the in-action any longer 1 turned and took afew steps aft, thinking to gauge ourprogress by the wake, antern. 1 waaabaft the cabin on the port side whenDorothy'called my name—a sudden ac-cent of terror In her voice.

The alarm was sounded none toosoon. Either fortune, or skill, badserved those demons well. They badsucceeded In circling the stem of theSanta Marie, uaaean and wbeard byanyone aboard. Even as she shriekedthe alarm, a hmnd was at her throat,and she was struggling desperately Inthe merciless grip of a half-naked In-dian. *

te t at that they were too late, theadvantage of surprise had failed them.A half doxen had reached the deck,leaping from the rail, the others belowclambering after their leaders, whenwith a raah we ne t then. It waa afieaee. mad light, flat and club pittedagainst knife and cutlass, but the de-fenders struck like demons Incarnate.I doubt If the atrvgcl* lasted two mln-te». 1 beard the blows, the oaths, thecries al' pain, the dull thud of woodagainst bone, the sharp clang of steelIn contact, the ahnnVag of feet on thedeck, the splash of bodies hurled over-board; Bach man fought for himself,tn bis OWR way. I thought only of her,and leaped straight for her assailantwith ha\r« hands, smashing recklessly4fet*u«b thAhaatjt guard ofbj» cqtlassftna< PiPP*** t^>e coppc devil by hairand Throat. I knew she Tell to thedeck beneath our feet, but I had mywork cut oat for me. He was a hell-hound, slippery as an eel In his halfnak4Mto«aa, strong as an ox,-and fight-ing like a fiend. Tet I had him foul.» y grip unbreakable, aa I forced hisneck back against the .rail, until it

"I'nnnding her heart out Anrorks yonder," he said CTVWT,she's slid off an' gnne down. To thewest, maybe a mile er so."

"What about the crew?""They not away In the boats, an"

likely mostly are ashore. We were Inthe last boat launched, and headedout so fnr ter get 'round a iMge i>"rocks we got loit In the fog. Then themist sorter opened an' give us agtlmfiKO o' yer tnpsntls We didn't ex-pect no tight, onee we. got aboard."

"Kipected to find something easy, otrniinwT Vprhaps It would have beenIf—what Is It yon see out there,Slmrns?"

The seaman, who was standing withhollowed hands shading hla eyes, star-ing forth Intm t*M-wwirttng drapery orfog. turned at my call and piloted excltedly,

"There's • bark aground yonder. «lr ;and It looks like the Namur V

Kven as I erosxed the deck to hisside the wreaths of obscuring mistseemed tn divide* as though sweptapart by some ml|cbt^.hand, and thereIn the full slow of the nun, a pictureIn a frame. lay the wrecked vessel.Others saw It as I did. and gave ventto recognition.

•I>»MKI.'<) if it ain't the old hooker!"K«>t what was coming to ber all

mates." ,l(fc"And she's lousy wKh treasure!" •


I upyrKhl, by A. C. Mi-' turn Co.


j'ome here, Sam!

the Namur."That's tbe hut


Th« Last ml the NtfMThe vesael waa plainly a total wreck.

'iiQ'rxi.' ~

cracked, the swarthy body sliding inertto the deck. Whirling to assist theother* I found no need. Except forbodies here and there the deck wasclear; men were struggling In tliechains; two below in the boat wereendeavoring to cunt off, and Bchmitt,with Rstevan helpless In his arms,staggered to the side and Quag tbeshrieking Spanish cur overboard outInto dark water. I heard the splash ashe fell, the single cry bis lips gave, buthe never again appeared above the sur-face. Above* the bedlam Watkinsroared out an order.

"That's It. bullies! that's It! Nowlet her drop! We'll send them to bellwhere they belong. Good shot; shelanded!"

It waa tbe hank of a spare anchor,balanced for an Instant on the rail,then sent crashing down through tbefrail bottom ot tbe*bn*t beneath. Thewreck drifted t way into the fog, tbetwo miserable occupants clinging des-perately to tbe gunwales. I liftedDorothy to her feet, and she clung tome unsteadily, her face yet white.

'WutklUH, have you figured up re-sults?"

"Two of our men are cut rutherbadly, and one huan't come to yet fromtt smart rap on the bead."

"None got away?""Not "less they itwum, tliar's HIX dead

ones aboard. Four took ter the water,mostly because they hed to. Tht> onlyllvln' one o* the bunch IK thet nigger'longslrte the wheel, an' nuiitiu' but athick vkull saved him."

"Then there were eleven in thefjfirtv. What «"*> you auppowe hu* be.mme of- the others aboard thu Nu-uiur?" *" *I tlurino, sir; they -might b# a witltlu'

ouf'thttip In fi»g, perhaps jhe niggercud telj^vou." i

I i-i-oHHtHl over to,where the fellowMK on H griigtyi, hla UvuU.ln uii»;l>u»u>,tbe girl HtfH clinging to*hiy fcleSv** a*

ttutful of U Utk left alouti. Tlie

rapidly pounding to death on a-sharpledge of rock. Both masts were down,nnd. lifted aa the bow waa. It waa easyto perceive th* deck waa in splinter*where falling apars and topmasts badcrushed their way' t!:r««sh. The be—had caught, seemingly Jammed In be-tween rocks, the stern tank deep, withcabin port note* hardy i W n re*>h ofthe Wave*. Not a living thing appearedon board, and. a* tn* tog slowly driftedaway, my eye* couiu Utscem no signof any boat, no evidence of th* crew,along the wide sweep of water. Avoice aroused me.

"What waa It you said. Jack, "bouttreasure on the old hooker? Why notget it afore It** too late?"

"If* thar. all right, d e , " and I knewthe speaker to be Halnes. "Ain't it.Mr. Cartyler ,

"Yes, lads, there most be money onboard, unless those fellows took ttwith them tn the boats. I know otfifty thousand pounds atolvn In Vir-ginia, and no doubt there ta more thanthat. The bark Is liable to slide oftthat rock any minute and go down likea stone. * What da you mr. bullies?Here is a risky Job, but a pocket fullof gohl pieces. If we can get aboardand safely off again. Who'll go acroaawith m « r

There was a babel of voices, theroencrowding about me, all *to* f«rgottenan greed gripped their lUMtttaatlons,

"Stand back, lads! 1 cannot us* allof yon. Four will bo enough. You'llnot lose anything of what we bringback; ttf! he abar* and atoar* allk*fall. to. hearties."

I paused an Instant to speak toDorothy, seated on the flag locker, ex-plaining to her swiftly my object Inexploring the wreck and pledging rayself not to be reckie** In «*teoapUn|to board. I read (ear In her eyea. yetshe said nothing to

I slipped down a rope and droppedinto the boat, taking my place with a


Hntnes was evidently rrluctant, hutsailor enough to follow as 1 loweredmyself to the de<-k, rllnKinu hard t<>keep my footing on th* wet Incline AUglit spar had lodged hare, nnd byrtakihH this n aperies of bridge, wecrept us fur as the cnmpflnlon, the doorof whlrh was open, and gained • viewof the scene below. It wns a dlsmnlhole In the dim light, but presented noobstacle to our (ntrunce, and I led theway down the stalrx, gripping the railto keep from falling.

The door of the captain's room gave,hm It required our combined efforts topress it open against the volume ofwnter, xtunhlng about within. Ww amoment iny eye« rould scarcely recog-nise the various objects as I dung tothe frame of the door and itared blind-ly about In the gloom. Then alowlythey assumed ahape and substance.Screwed to trfe deck, the furnltur* re-tained Its place, but everything ela*was Jammed tn a mass of wreckage, orelse floating about in a foot ot water,deepening towavd th* stern. Therewere two chests hi t i e room, on* of«htrh I Instantly recognlaod M NIBY«VRoger Fairfax. Th* right ot thla* mademe oblivious to all ela*.

"There's the cbest w« want, Halnes,"1 cried, pointing It out. "Have the ladsbark the boat up to this port; thentftmm down and help m* handle It."

"Ye*. Mir," nit vole* trambDng, "but—hut Isn't that a man over there—Inthe bunk? Good God. sir; look athim!"

Th* white, ghastly fact stared at us,looking like nothing human in that

twilight. I actually thought It

lintred t knew It all now. the dimlyremembered story romlntr vividly backto memory. Here then wim the endingc( the one hi nek stain on tbe familyliormr of our race. On this strangeroHvt. three thousand miles from Itsbeginning, the final curtain wns beingrung down, the dranin finished. The»tory hart come to Die In whispers •rumothers, never even spoken about bythose of our rac«—a wild, headsrrouggirl, a secret marriage, a duel In thepark, her brother desperately wounded,and then th* disappearance of thepolr. Ten daya later It was knownthat Sir Jaftn OalllMwond had de-faulted In a large Mm—but from thathour England knew him no more. Aathough the aea had swallowed themboth,, man and woman disappear**,leaving no trace behind.

The face I gased dumbly into wasdrawn and white with pain, yet thethin lips grinned back at me In savagederision.

"Yon remember, I aee." he snarled.•Then out of here, Geoffry Carlyla.L*av« me to 61* tn peace. The gold lathere; take It, and my curve upon tt.Harry now—do you bear the barkgnrte on tfa* rOeka;pht •«** tn* HWL"

CHArrtn xxxui.

steering oar at tbe stem, and we ahotaway through the green water. TheNaraur proved to be a more completewreck than our distant view bad re-vealed, and lying In a more precariousposition, ft was no pleasant Job get-ting aboard, but ordering Halnes to ac-company me, and the others to, tie by.I mad* use of a dangling backstay, andthus hauled nay self up to a reasonablysecure footing. The fellow Joined mebreathless, and together we perchedon th* rail to gain view of the deck.

It was a distressing, hopeless alght,the vessel rising before us like theroof of a house, tbe deck planks stoveIn, a horrible Jumble of running rigglflg, booms and spars, blocking theway forward. There were three bodiestangled lu the wreckage wltbln ouralght, i-ruatiod out of all IktUAAQ re-semblance, and tbe face ot a' negro.caugt4 beneath the ruins of the gallev,neomttd to grin back at me ID death.Every .timber groaned as the wave*struck and rocked the soddennnd I had no doubt uyt that the vbad already broken In tyro.


a ghont, until with desperate *ffort theman lifted himself, clinging with gannttngns to tbe- odge of the bonk. Tb*»t knew.

"Ranches '• You ! those- cowards leftyon here to dtel"

'No one came for me," he answered,choking so the words were scarcely In-telligible. "Who are you. and whatbrought you here?"

"I'll tell you frankly, CaptainSanchez," and I stepped closer, "Werisked coming aboard to save thstchest—Roger Fairfax's chest—beforeIt went down. This vessel has itsback broken, and may slide off Intodeep water at any minute. We mustget you out of here first."

"Get me out!" he laughed hideously."To hell with your belpt I want noneof It. I am a dead man now, and theeasiest way to end all will be to godown with the ship—'twill be a titromn for Black Sanchez. By God! 1know you now—Geoffry CarlyleT"

"Yes, but an enemy no longer.""That is for m* to say. I hate your

race, your breed. The very sound ofyour name drives me mad. I acceptno rescue from yon! Damn you, takeyour gold and go."

"Hut whyr I Insisted, shocked atthe man's violence. "Is tt because I in-terfered between yon and Dorothyrilrfatr *

That «Mt; bah, what do I care forher bnt aa a plaything. No, my hateruns deeper than that. Bow came youhere—In the boat stolen from the Na-mur f

"No. Captain Sanchez. Tbe day afterwe left th* Ship we boaidod a schoonerfound adrift, the erew stricken withcholera, with not a man left alive ondeck, or below. Erne ties yonder now,tbe Banta Marie—a slaver."

"Merciful God!" and his eye* fairlyblazed Into mine at be swMtniy forced

•handlnK thuauthorities11 nlghi MIL)rounded n,,.Chesapeaketti find ounrisleeping ()l! ,on the fli,(. i

It wns W | |rtay, when >the currentfurled amiIng from n,,••he ohtlrv ,ence «f ttu-••ory, JJVIU, >•d by the ..woman iscene, or t,nthe derUi,,,,closely wM,•urely a .',


' ' M i l |

•'•'"*. I l l


"It I

learn th.-shaven, inbefore Ineasily t,..r

the ,,.turn.

Blge*r and H«avi*r H*n Fruit.It is thought by naturalists that th*

eggs of domestic hens of th* presentduy are larger and heavier by aeurly athird than those vt the bens of theapclenM. Kfc'Kt* differ a good dwj inweight, the uverage w eight •being abouttwo ounces. A good egg I* made upof ten parts shell, 60 pan ft whiteand 30 piirtu yolk. The white of auegg contain* 86 per cent witter. Theshell contains uhmit '1 per cent uninmlinafter and I per cent of tbe phiphtttea of Hint' tind iiiagnt'islu, the restc.ouxlstluf; of i arboniite of lime. Ilttlfthe viirlmis specttiieii«nwf mmkea t«#

isti'iiii nf «lfell (n<! cuverltig >>f' fgg 1*1 a luiigh, wl^ltt. leutlieiii miti

Tbe ttirlieirt egg of auy bUtl toduy IH the ttMtrlcb egg.

hla body upward In the book. "TheSanta Marie adrift! - th* crww deadfrom cholera? And tb* captain—I'uru-dllla. Kraadc ParadlMa— what ofbimr

"He lay alone on a divan in tlie•shin—dead alao."

He tried to speak, but failed, hi*fingers clawing at hla tbroat. Whenhe 4n*M/ gained1 utterance once moreIt waa but a wblaper.

"Tell me." be begged, "there waa nowoman with hlmT"

"There waa no woman." I wildgravely, "on deck or tn the cabin."

"What mean von by saying itmtfThere was one on board t Don't lie tou**| la. wt hour X an) daadW~bm nr*ttell ma the truth. Does the womanliver

"No, the died before. We found herbody In a chest, preserved by touiedevilish Indian art, richly dressed attddd idecked with Jewels."

"English r"I Judgfed her •©, but with dark hair

and eyea. You knew herr'"Inthe oauie of all the (leit<Jn, yes.

And 1 know ber end. He killed her—I'aradllla killed her—bei-mme «n«aa false to him aa she hml l.een tnHell! but tt \M atrauge you tthoutd bethe one to nnd her—to bring me thutale, Oewftry Carlyle!"

"Wbyl What I* it to nwV"You go back to Knghmd and tell the

duke of iWclougn how his preclouwturner died."

"tl!M«»i«terl Good <iod, you cannot<»e«n thiit woman waa l.tuly Hunt Car


•of*/* th* Q*v*rft*r,The sound startled me; I Imagined

I heard the keel slipping, yet before wea«d reached tlie door opening on deckrhe >tlght atM>v*at*nt ooaaed. aly handgripped the frightened Halnos.

"Tell them In th* boat to do as Isaid; then com* back here."

"My God. sir, she's a goin' down."Not for some minutes yet. There

are thousands of pounds In that cheat;you've risked life for less many atime. Jump, my man!"

The boat lay In close, bobbing npand down dangerously, yet held firmlybeneath the opened port. The boxwas heavy enough to tax the strengthof two men to handle It, but of a staeand nhape permitting Its passageSanchea had raised himself again, andclung there to the edge of th* bunkwatehlng us.

"Now let down easy, lads," I called."No, place It amidships; get It even, oryou go over. Fix It to ride steady, andstand by—we'll pass a wounded manout to you l"

I stepped across to Sanchea. He sawme coming, and drew back, bla ghastlyface tike a mask,

"No you donW. Cartyle!" heangrily. "Keep your hands offSo you want m* to dl* with my mtcfcIn a noose, do you? I was bom a g*m-ttentan. and. by Qod t III dl* Us* anaaud go down wtth my ship. Get out ofhere now 1 You won't? You wilt, orelse die her* with me! I'll give yon aminute to make your choice,"

He loft no doubt aa to his meaning.From beneath tbe blanket, jLh* blackmu»le of a pistol looked straight Intomy eye*. The hand holding It wasfirm, the face fronting me aavageiyaardonle.

"I'd like to kill yon, Carlyle," behissed hatefully. "By Qod. I don'tknow why I shouldn't. Every tUu* Ilook at you I aee her face. If yon takea >tep uearer I pull tbe trigger—go!"

It was a bard ptiU bark to th* SantaMarie. Dorothy greeted me first, aadwe stood clos* together at tbe rail astha men boUted tha cheat on deck,fch« %atd nothing, asked nothing, bather hands dang to my arm. and when-ever i turned toward ber our eyas met.

There was a snddao cry forward*and a voice abowted:

"Tber* she go**, bnckloat That'sth* last o' the Naraur

I turned swiftly, my hand graJptngher Angers a* they dung to lh* ralLThe batterod hulk alld downward, tfwdeck breaking amldahlp* as tfca stornaptaahod Into th* depth*; tfcoh thatalso toppled over, leaving nothingabov* water except th* btont and of abroken bowsprit, and a tangle ofwreckage toaasd about on th* crestof the waves, I wafebed breathlessly,unabl* to utter a sound; I could onlytblok ot that stricken man In th* cabin.thoa* wild eyes which had threatenedme. He was gone now—gone!

I yet haM Dorothy'* hand, lightlyclasped tn my own, and the depths ofber uplifted eye* quwwtloned me.

"We will go aft. dear, aud I will tellyou tbe whole story," 1 said gently"for now we are homeward bound."

• » • • • * •I write these few closing lines a year

later In the cabin of tbe Ocean Spraya thro* nutater. full to th* batcheswith a cargo of tobacco, bound forLondon, and a market. Dorothy Is onduck, eagerly watching fur th* Bratgllmpae of the chalk cliffs of oldEngland?. I must Join her presently,yet linger below to add these final sen-tences.

There Is. after all, little which needsto be aMld. The voyage of the Santa

th« govern.,hair pnwr.t,.•haven; w i,wer« ihi».facet Btori,their tir»and theirWord* I mlir.i


governortn a kimi

were eulipelled tntlfe; an<lof the um

council"You Ini

' • - • h j ,

hath ever >.thla coidii\to nii-'i"

There «..-though th. .of res|H>i] The n-

eyes NUMTVwith gentf<l

T h e M,Ione." be SMmen hu\<colony.than punpleads rand to r

- • . ' > !

' I ' l l |


It h e pm< • t •nor authorOUt t h e n|i[.-meut; v 'wha(w>ev. i

o n y , iinilDorothyCarlyle f

r o l e t<> '••

they i+iHinu n t i l i i u -a n d ful l i 'm e u t i"n'i-

Tlie n;.-gravel >. «

"The 'from iii«- -OO »it'er^til n.m: istand, M>you tin" »•

. - : ' . I

. . -..til

• • ' . • *

' 1 1 1

' . ' . 1-1 <

I t «i>ii i i>i .

Kalrfuiether r.:

• T h . I


ItM truefairly <liit."



cim be


• V *

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• ' . i . H )

"A I


but wil l .T h e n i l -l u uU ff!'

know- neerlnglv. "Once I was culled inlaud Blr Juhn C'wllln*

He suuk back exhausted, strugglingfor Itreatb. but wiaU «/es glowing

Miirle north proved uueveutful, aud,after that nVst night of it to mi, th*w.uther held pleamim and th* a afitlrly unootli I liad ttoiiie trouble withiii» men, but nothing seiiuu*, AH Wat-hlu« uud Main** ut d a* 1 did, aud the

ot Dorothy's liittuence broughtJ refund to oueu.,the

safety. at'would d«iMiud largely on'our

, ' . ' .f 'J-1"


St)«' iiy HI*'"'Tn I"




( i nO l *


. ,. »ii*

i . . : i i j

""'BUt If


llltl '


Page 3: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:

HTPftfiLTREATEDGive More Atten-

ds al joints, De-an Expert.

HGC0NTM0M1Yho< ation Joint Is Nefj-

tgn Any Other Partn , i* Blamed for


^ , ,,f th« poor nnl-^,.,'U>il to struggle onIP.MI Imt of nilndstrtv-

i, i ii ni tfm-n neglect-vi m the breaking,,: tho rear wheels,

|,,,l mini holwi, wrench-es sudden iirto of thei,, i,41-i up under the

p. .Ms and attend totin in- repaid a hun-[ n n ct[iert In en ex-

I • • — —

i too flangea to(t*w «n,i youmay learn some.thlnR to y m ,r ndvitn-tflge. ftnmatimwi a bolt win | ( ) 0 H P nthrowing extra strnln on t|,(. nthewi'The Joint loo«en« up n m 5 „,„ h o U ( |breal. Put a wn>mi, „„ ,n , . tn o.-cn-shjnally or, better mm. | m v ( , )1i(Mn ^cured by nwivy h,i!| wire. This W|Uprevent them frnm tinuluc


Than Planing Off Bottom toPrevent Sagging.

Here IN n'miRKesiinn fnr strnlKhten-Ing a garage door tlmt him bogun tosag which Is better thnn the ordinarymethod of planing off ,M e bottomDrly* two henvy nulls in opposite cor-ners of the door nnd run Borne length*of heavy, wire between thwn. Slip a.couple of blorks of wood under thewire and then tnke anotiwr spike nnduse It as a tunibuckle In the centerof the wire. This Wlli flrnw the hot-torn of the door up, HO thot it will ntIts frame properly. HMnniiy drive theturnUekle spiko In the center of thodoor and the.cure for sagging will bepermanent.



„ miivernal Joint isfrom OHO Shaft, to

II,I of line or at aforward end laKhuft In the gear

l to tho propellerdifferential and

in:mufn<*turers placejoint near the differ-

nre rarely In; ,.f it flexible coupling

i In' present blgh-

Movlnq.•a nnd falls Withut the rear axle

ur <>f the rttad. Thusnntinually movingm-ed of a flexible

.in. t\im aagte If.< <'<ii]»tt any depar*

Itiii line losna povpr.|ir«.p«Tly loaded with.< will be found tonut quite, straight,- I.nation the jointi>r»t>uhljr more than

uf tim car. It la a• or even to Inspectn.'niiTied until the> (mil the usual hillsi<iih>nily the engine>, whereas tbe faultd i n ion In the unl-

rs. nnd -differential.trouble arise* tbe


u-re covered With arult to remove. But

unpletely Incasedivi'iilent plug for• it grease gun.

iIK' lubricant forcednull's. Us« a lighti>l. cme that willreadily.

Q resets,nr.-.w, as It willJi-intu, but will

i*t;iy n'lr. This alsoiriint up*d iu gwa>r*t must be of a coo-ix'iween the gaara

out.Ml Im.k at tbe bolts


Danger May Be AvoUtd by rranglno•xhauat of Automobile Through

Pip Syttem.

A simple wny to fix a Karaite BOthat tho motor mny b« run for anylength of time without danger of

General I'ersdilnc mooting hit son, Wiirren, whom Secretary linker took over to rcunrno, 'J --Detnchment of thoFinnish legion with slel liM nnd reindeer on the ninrclv ngnliiHt the. holshnvlkl. 'A- Now plunograph of Hear AdmiralSlniH, who has been working fur tho Victory lonn since, his return from abroad.

A Pipe Extension for the Exhauet of»n Automobila to Run the Ga»««O

aaphjrxlatlnn to anyone InHUlv muy beae<*ompliHhe<l a* follows-.

Cut a hoi., about 2hi lnchM In di-ameter In the door. Over this fit nBwihginit door, to b« «loau«d wlii'ii notIn oae. Tntie n 2-hu'h pipe, Hml plon«« end over the exhntiHt pipe of theantoniohllp tind the other end throughthe Hnall hole In the ilnor.--S. L. Kur-well, in Vopulur Svlence Monthly.

TO FIX BROKEN INSULATIONInjury May Be Quickly and Easily Re-

paired by Ualng a Small Quan-,Uty of Tar.

When on the mud It In found thatwiring Imputation U broken with ull ft aattendant trouble*, the Injured Inxulu-tlon may be quliltly and easily repairedby ualng a Htnnll quantity of the tarwhich Is to be found on top of thebattery. Melt the tnr, and while It lahot Bprrnd It over the break in theinsulation and rover the whole Jobwith a ple<« Of cloth. Of course, Ifelectrician')! ta[»e Is at hand thin maybe oiwd to reimtr the bre»k; Indeed,ihlK \u p w l s e l y the iiort of service forwhich the til|>e \n Intended. '


i)ll tn-tlo« of freightlies is practiced on

where comparative-ruituirily made. Such

Ixjth In time and• iifviiMltates high*

H n>ada collectionnlno, the ahlppeni

linniui-e at certainin ln> luaded on the(•cut nil assembling

an concen-tit at one. point ortsuxilinry truck col-

jit IK worthy of trial,iny I'tficlont features.In- K'oods at their des-

hiindlfd very satis


truck line usuallywhen the freight

in- iu«r« elaborateJim regularly for dlf-

wv«kly orIt IN essential that

r, no matter bow


almple bis syMtein, shuultl ke«p a rec-ord of hie exptiuM's. 1 he bureau ofniarketH In an loveatlgiitlon of over 00rural motor routes. uHcertained thatmany op^Tutorn who kept no accountsthought they were limklnu n profit,when, as a matter of fnct, they weregradually eahauMlng their original In-vealmi-nt for current exponsen.

iat Practice Economy.c by motor lw limited

a u d ^ l>y the operationaa compared with thona Ofelectrjc llia'M and bout routes.trui-luuan must pructlce everyeconomy in order to mliilinlzi; lits « -penrteA which will be rettwted In hlacharges. Truck routes atv only tiuapt-ed to Mi^tlons In which the rouda art)good, an iwor rouds ure tinuble obstacle, to motor freiuhllui;.Ihennorv, truck «g«'ratorn uiiiHt bennaitflaily reNpuusfble for the goodsthey curry. Consequently they whouldb« irfoK'i:ied by adequate Insurance.It Is only by uui-h pructleen tlmt a per-munenttiiid ceriulu busluesa can bedeveloped.


A K1B in lull


Kx Kmperor Carl uf AustUa-Huiigury seated between two compauUms athis plii.v of "xile In Switzerland, and, above, Wartegg castle, his place ofresldoiu-e



Crade. of Ceie.y o« Motortruck.

By Lydk £. ftVegetable CompomuLWlnoiw, Minn. - " I mff er«d for nor*

than a> year from narvooaneM, wad w »so bad I «m)d notres t k t n igh t—would lie awak»todget so nervous Iwould have to getnp and walk aroundand In the morningwould be all tiMdout. 1 read aboutLydla E. Plnkbam'aVegetable Com-pound and thoughtI would try it. Mynervousness soonloft me. I sleep

And feel flne In the morning andto do my work. I gladly recom-I T.y.tU R IMnkham's Vegretabltpund to make weak nerves

strong."—Mr». ALBBUT Stn/TZE, 6MOlmstead Rt Winona, Minn.

How often do we hear the expressionamongwomen, "I am so nerroan, T ran-not slepp," or "it neems as though Ishould fly." Such women should profitby Mrs. Sultso's expflrience and glv*this famous root and herb remedy,

j E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com-pound, a trial.

For forty years It has been overcom-ing such serious conditions en displace-ments, Inflammation, ulcnration. Irreg-ularities, periodic pains, backache, dtt-ziness, and nervous prostration ofwomen, snd is now considered the stan-dard remedy far such ailments.

plpi to (rrndtckt* n k n d a

For R«tarim« Color UH!tr U GrM or FmA*d lUir

We. md >l.ti

Immediate Action Necessary.Kind Old <j4'ntletimn—VVhnt nre

crying f"r, my littlo ninii?'ruimiiy Tuff—I oiin't think of a

iiiiuii' I'er dii l Kuy.K. <i. i;.—And why should It h«

Hiiry for you to think of u name,my little clmp?

T, T.—Ver wouldn't nsk that if yerhen id tltt" one he called me.


FRECKLESN«w h tk* TfaM to Gtt Ml «l Tk«M UfV

ml view of the Inrge shops iimi dryrtock at Italboti, tli« Pacific entrance to the i'anmuii caual. Everythinghere to lniudle ihe Increased trattic which is bound to ensue with settled peace conditions.

Ther*'« no longtr th* illahtMt n»«rt of r«*K>«nt your trrckl», Hi Ortilne—iWil*U (Uir>nl*«d to rtimnTp thfw fcomelf

p »ft «n ounc* of Othln«—4i(ruW«»tr*nith—from your dnicrlxt, »nfl ipplT * " * t t a

of It night nnil morning and ion ibnuld »oon « •that wen the want fwklm II»T« \Hi*m> •<> «• -tippnr, while the llfhter onM hite ttnlthea •«••tlrelj. It 1i »*idom tb*t mot* than m* <m» *il n«ed«d to completelr cl«»r tin rtln »nil• beautiful cl*ir complexion.

B» tor* to uk for «be rtmibl* «trf»ftu OtM««.u tW« It »td onder inarwtew of moiinr w««If U (itla to rttaatt tnck.lrt.-AdT.

Superficiality."There, are two Bides to every que»

Hon.""Yes," replied Senator Sorghnra.

"And, too many of us chops who poseas powerful thinkers don't take thetrouble to get to the inside."


quiet your cough, soothe the In-flammation of a Bore throat and lungs,stop Irritation in th* bronchial tube's,insuring a good night's rest, free frontcoughing and with elsy expectorationIn the morning. Made and sold inAmerica for; fifty-two years. A Won-derful prescription, assisting Nature Inbuilding up your general health andthrowing off the disease. Especiallyuseful in lung trouble, asthma, croup,bronchitis, etc. For Bale In all civil-ized countries.—Adv.

None Satisfied.Officer—But surely you, n mtillon-

alre, have Httle to complain about,Munition Magnate—Oh, I don't

knowv The multimillionaires treat u»llke«so much dirt.—London Opinion.

Shave With ttutlcura ftoapAnd double yoar razor efficiency &•well as promote ekln purity, akin com-fort and skin health. Ko mug, nosHray soap, no germs, no waste, noIrritatian even when shaved twicedully.' One soap for all uses—shaving,bathing and. ahmnpoclcK.—Adv.

Crosa-Exam (nation.Mistress—So yo-4 are the brother of

.juy cook? Her only brother?Policeman—I hop* so. •*

Lieutenant Commander H. B. Grow,U. S. N., who piloted the naval hydro,

, iu a 24-huur lltglit, • Htartloj fromNttrfolk, Va.. and circling over Hamp-ton roada, Newport Newa, then tOiBaltimore and return. The record fasthe talk of aviation circles In the-Unit-ed Stwte-s. With the commander werethree ensigns. Tbey all took turns atLlio wheel, but the ranking officer waapilot moat of the trip. They ate threomeals In the, air. The flight was madeunder most unfavorable weather con-ditions. The men suffered severityfrom -the cold, but the machine be-haved splendidly and could have re-mained In the. ulr longer hud notfuel b«eu uxhuusted. 'ITeY.Je.t850 gHlloua aud witeu the uiaehlnahindtid there was scarcely two gall "Iu tlte tuuktt. .

Catarrh Cannot Be Curedby LOCAL APFLiCA-TlONti, .tut tht»rcannot reach tbe »o»t ot tli« diaewi».Catarrh la a looal dlMaae, sreutly influ-enced by constitutional condition!. HALL'»CATAUKH MEDlCINflJ wlU cure la taiisn fnternalls and acts throuahthe Blood on the Mucoua Surfaced ot tn«lSy»te«. HALL'8 CATARRH MEDICINEla cotnpond of some of the beat tonloaknown, combined with uome of tlte beat •blood purifiers. The perfect combinationot the inccedlents In HALL'S CATAURHMEDICINE la what produces »Uoh won-derful reaulta In ca'arrhal condltlona.

•DrujBStetB 7*«. Testimonial* free. _F. J. Cheney * Co., Propi,, Toledo, O.

of ili« «hli>yiml& m Ncwjiori News. Va.,i 'l'llu v l c x v s '1 ( ) W s many of thu tinn^|ioi-ts mid itupply

e iiniU-ti nun uud utuultlons between this t-ouutry un<l I'Yauv*

No Chance."Going to buy a new car, Mrs. (lart-

about?" "Probably not. We avo atlllpaying on the last tU'e we "

Always look on the t>rlnlit side ofthlngs-^-and if you am buying themlook on both sides.

Married men nlwayn lmve nntre but-tooff off their oloilics tluui l t i

Tantalized."You don't enjoy gardening.""No. r Irritates me. Too wan,y flsh

ti\li woiiiis und no chance to «o

• i

) s Ey Cy DrWi. t i of by m il (An y*t 3ott}«.

For Bask al the Gya Ires write »Murino Ey« Bonody Co.,

Page 4: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:

WIIIIBM wmmPublished by

MIDDLESEX PRESS,23 Green St, Woodbrldge.


Entered as second rlas* mntt*>r March 14, 1913, at the PostOffice at Woodbrid(le, N- J., mul^r the Act of March 3, 1879. •


BETTER ROADS.< Woodhrklgc, with a f«*w vxrt;ptkms, is setting thfc pace for better

3arls. With Green street ami Central avenue pavr<l with asphalt blocks,'t: will have iti ihf center of )h«-, town connecting roads such as few com

rminilH-s of its size ran boast. It is rcgrettablr that th« paving cannotbe extended to Pearl street,especially when we consider that the Pennsyl-vania Railroad owns nearly half of the property along that street andthey have done so little to benefit the town, oven though their freightbusiness here is larger than in some cities. In fart, they have a profitablestation auWoodbridge that helps balance lots of 4asW)ff<44ace6. Whatlittle they have done is shown by the long time it took to get an east-bound passenger station and by the swamp that still remains along Pearlstreet. The small hole for the brook under their culvert between Green

1 Main streersjeauses that brook to back up. flooding property back to.. .Ural avenue. Pearl street needs some sort of pavement which can

l.orn up on putting a sewer through.

Many people claim the foundation of the proposed town hall to boan eyesore from those coming in on the railroad, but they might look alittle closer and observe Pearl street and the Pennsylvania swamp.

Some tim* ago wrhcatd thai New Brunswick avenue through, yardswould be fwed by the'town and charged to Contractor Ryan. Meanwhileaccidents are happening and holes are getting deeper. Pretty soon theroad will be beyond repair and then the township will suffer a large billfor laying a new Triad on account of Ryan's negligence or disability.

Bg Omr UmporlKt.Mbs Marguerite Browne, ef N«w

York, vlnltAd her parents, Mr. andMrs. Ivlns Itrowne, ot Rah way Ave-nue, thn pant week.

The ladle« of the CongregationalChurch *re planning a noclat to beheld Frldnv evening. May 18 Aninteresting program ban been pre-pared by thn ladtes.

The History Club will hold theirannual luncheon on Wednesday, May21, at the homo, ot Mr* WilliamTomb*, of Cliff road.

The Christian Kndeavor Society ofthe Congregational Church will havea social tonight In the church par-lors.

The Renibr niase of the BarronAvenue School will hold a sale anddance I tomorrow, Saturday, at thehigh school to raise monoy for theWashington fund The clamto go to Watthlngton the secondin Jane. >

K*vejral ladle* of town attend**! themeeting of thn TTrrflnty Conncit holdon Wodneaday at New Hrunswirk

MIRB HamI Drake ha* resumed herduti*»H in th» Barron Avenue HighSchool after (he absence of a monthfollowing an operation for appendi-citis.

The last of the garments thai woreallotted to the local Hed Cross rhap-ter were finished, packed and nhlppodto headquarters last Monday Manyhundred garments havo b«»«n mudeby the ladies. «nd a great deal otcredit is duo to th«' committee whoworked so faithfully



Reporter.and Mr*. Charles Stevens.Violet Blee. O Llmmlng, Flor

enc«s. Klsle and Agneti Btevent, Bart8lr>« and John Nelrion. of Perth Amboy. vlRlted Mr and Mrs ThomanRt«venn on Sunday

Mitts Madeline Thompson, of PerthAmboy. wan a local visitor Friday

Mrs Mnriu* HanBon and son, Howard, wore Forth Amboy visitors Friday night

Miss Melongr«*«n avenue,


of Kv*ra few o

her friends Friday eveningMrs Albert Hirner and nonn, of

town, worn Keasbey visitors Sundayafternoon.

Mr and Mrs. R. Addlson. of Al-hnny. New York, were the guests offrinndH in (own Saturday

Mr. and Mrs William Jenn«n wereout-of-town visitors Tuesday after-noon.

Mr Robert Ernst, or Ford avenue,spent W»-dnftsday night in Perth Am-boy

Mias Helen, Klraly, pt Knasfcey. vieited her relatives in town on Sunday

Minn Carrie Dlxon WM an out-oftown visitor Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. M. Fielding, of Newark, vis-ited relatives in town Tuesday after-noon

Mr. Burnsns. a merchant of Boston, visited Fords on a short businesstrip over the week end.

A number of the local people attended the play given by the PerthAmboy High School on Friday

of t h » Rnrron A«><nuM H i g h S c h o o l

The Freeholders have given the contract for placing of shoulders onthis road from UopelaWn to "Rogan's Corner, making the. road a passablewidth. They are 'asking for bids for a permanent pavementSewaren to Woodbridge and,we are promised a fine road by fall.


OUK FRIENDS, THE NEWSPAPERSThe American press 1s the greatest informative agency, and orw

of the greatest educational agencies in the world.The value of its good will and co-operation in furthering th»

thrift movement now so rapidly spreading among the people of the"lited States cannot therefore be over-estimated, and each /iirector->uld make it his large concern to obtain this tremendous assistance in

campaign.As a body the press is the friend of every decent enterprise. Its

passionate loyalty to the national welfare has been demonstrated anewin the last two years by conformity with a set of self-imposed newsregulations and in a multitude of other manifestations of Which ±he vast

f _majority were known* only to the reporters, the editors and me pub-lishers who daily threw to the winds every tradition of American newsgathering which might be thought to conflict with 'the winning of thewar.

Loyalty of the press to the national welfare in times of |>eace isequally great, and the loyalty of the individual newspaper to its localityis proverbial. In your community you will recall few, if any, instancesin which a project for civic betterment of any sort, standing on itsown merits, has failed to receive the approbation of your newspaper.

We particularly desire any article lending toboost Woodbridge Township, and personal and societycotes of general interest. Let us have the news. Mailall contributions to Middlesex Press, 23 Green street,Woodbridge, N. J, f

Ht T£he dbutcbesPresfeytcrisn. ]

Sunday, May 18—10 a. nv. Sun-y-y school and Men's Bible class;

' a. BW morning serrtt*. subjectlaxps in the Willows;" 7 p. A.,tristian Sndeavor; 7.10 p. tn., even-

.. ag serrlce, subject, "The Han Hemight Hare Been."

Rev. Wm. V. D. 8trong, Pastor—Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11a. m., morning worship-, 7 p. m,Christian Endeavor; 7-45 p m., even-ing worship. Tuesday, 2.30 p. m.,the ladies of the church will meetat the home of Mrs. Hoagland. Wed-nesday, 7 p. m., Intermediate Chris

tian Endeavor; 8 p m . prayer meet-Ins;. Friday, 8 p. m., a young peo-ple's sociable wilt be held in th« Sanday school room, of the church.

held their annual meetingttltrtton of officers on Monday lant.The following officer* were electedfor the coming y<v»r President, Mrs.K. II. Boynton; tint vice-president,O H Iluttarwifk . mwnnd vir*»-pre«ident. Mrs J M McKlroy; necretary,Mias Grace Huber, treasurer, Mrs.O. Acker. A short program wan ren-dered, consisting of music by theorchestra, vocal MIIOA by Misa HelenHarrington, and a fchort talk hy. Mrs.C A. OeRoiwy, preaiatmt of theCounty Council, <m the work beingdene by that argajtlcatlon The ea-sootation voted to give |2u (o theWoman'* Gollege of New Jersey.

It was also planned to have a foodsale on June 24 on the lawn at theBarron Avenue School, the proceedsto be used for the field meet to beheld June 6.

Refreshments were served In thestudy hall following the meeting-

Mrs. J 11. Love ia 111 at her homein Green street.

Mm. F K. Annee* is suffering fromthe effects of a fall last Saturdayat her home in Green street, whenshe broke her hip. Major Albee, as-sisted by Dr. Spencer, set the brokenlimb.

Miss .K4ith Hoaglaad, of SouthRiver, spent the week end at herhome here.

Mrs. CrowelL of New York, hasbeen spending* the past week withher pareBU, Mr. and Mrs. BdwardOrtdley.

Gilbert Meredith, of Delaware, Isthe guest ot Dr. and Mrs. B WHoagland.

MUs Ellen Finlaw spent theend in New York

The Card Clab we* entertainedlast week by Mrs Raymond Moore.There were six table*. Ameeting waa held, at which the re-vision ot the ccmatitatiott was votedon and accepted by the clnb. Theprizes were awarded to Mrs. TntTurner and Miss Laura BrodaeadThe next meeting of the olab will heheld May 23 at the bom* of Mrs C.A. DeKusay.

Mis* Betty Hoagland spent theweek end In Camden.

Mias Shulu entertained guests

Mr and Mrs. A.Robby. vtatted their LrelsHves InFords on Sunday.

Mrs. Gordon, of town, entertainedfriends at her home on Sunday.

Mtsi Emma Kleenheuer was anout of town visitor Sunday afternoon

M1R» Florence Tighe. ef Metnehsn,visited friends In town Friday evenlng.

Mr. and Mrs. William Waltersspent Saturday and Sunday with rel-ative? in PlainAeld.

Mr* W. Plan and Mrs. H. F.Meade, of Brooklyn, New York, vis-ited relatives In town Monday,

Mrs. Bsrgan, of Trenton, to spend-ing several days with her daughter.Mrs A. Gardner, of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johanaen anddaughter. Emma, were Perth AmboyvisitorD Saturday evening.

Mrs. Robert Riley visited in PerthAmboy Friday.

The local school children are pre-paringmusicalnight.

Msa,^ •— —i—•—n—•—'—™™—•— • vvuni^^^p^p^pv^VQaBSSfeB^^^^BLj

The Tftrm Ages of

HEW SERIAL " ' t,i.

"Orofti Fancy." which is «o be ournext serial, was written by GeorgeRarr MrCutcheon Thta is equal toany *f hi« other stories which, a*every one knows, are very interest-ing it U foil of mystary whichholds your totereal every., minute,and romance which makes the storyvery popular.

t>1t»K-TLRsl ON

enthusiastically for' theirfestival at Woodbridge to-

• «

ear• •

onssie Nathan visited friends

Woodbridge Township.lrnrwov(nne»« Notice of Inten-


IVntrml Avwinc Pavlsjc. ••

NOTH'K 16 HEREBY QIVEN thatan'Ordinanre has been introduc*< foethe improvement of Centrat JLTSAIMor School Street. Woodbridge, b«-tweeu Green Street and Main Street,by grading, curbing and paving theRAtnc from curb to curb, ia the man-ner described in said Ordinance.Said Ordinance further provides forfinancing such Improvement and for

ol the coat thereof on

WMtt f»

ThAf . «,h o w • <u,k n o w t l i ,Of I1v!n,



KpiacopaJ.Sunday, May 18—10 a. m., Sunday

school; 11 a. m., morning worship.This Bervice will be held to honor ourfathers. 7 p. m., Junior KpworthLeague; 7.45 p. m , evening worship.Wednesday, 7.45 p. m., l>r. K. i.Huback will lead the prayer meeting;8.30 p. m., the first quarterly confer-ence. Friday, May 23, men's evening.Saturday, May 24, Sunday schoolsocial.

from Atlanticweek end.

Miea Gladys

lonor Roll WoodbridgeHigh School for April

Percentage«ally Mooney— _..*._ »3,15/tola Ernst 91.76

liae Walsh _ „ 91.18Holland ^ »Q.»4


-OiUord Christensen ,..^..«Mae WilUams _

' YemaKuta LeuMiriam Voorhees »ft,13Doris Leber _ 81.00Margaret Gertty «0.K0Helen BUM ~ — 9O.»4Uelan Berjm* _ »0.00Both Potter 90.00Louise War* - »0.00Helen Peck »l.24

lary Ettas•etwle Duff „., „ •«•»<»

9 t^thryn KpmqndtMbool

a. Sally Mooney _ „.: . . . - . »3.1B». Qltfoxd

Highlands over the

Mac Donald, of Westavenue, entertained a few of herschoolmates at a dance OB Fridaynight

Mother*' Day was observed lastSunday ia the Cong

tn New York Sunday.Mt. James Collins was a. Perth

Amboy visitor Sunday eveniag-Mrs. 11. Williams visited' friends in

Perth Amboy Tuesday.Mr. Russel Valentine was a Rah-

way visitor SHBdnyySveaJng-Mrs. John Lewis visited her daugh-

ter in Tottenville Tneeday.Mr. William Oilmen visited in

P#TtjeV Jg)JB^MtU-%^BM^KM. JHHBtssBsC.Miss Myrtle Peoples was a Perth

Amber vfctte* Tssediy •-•Mr. Losis LoukMee witnessed the

show at the Majestic Theatre Mondayevening.

etrs. WlUlam Pcall was aa oot-oftown visitor. Monday.

Misses Margaret Koada* andAnna Jackson were Pejrth Amboyshoppers Monday evening.

Mrs. Walter Peterson was aa outof-town visitor Monday;

the property benefited.Said Ordinance also requires all

property owners on the Una of saidproposed improvement to make eon-nectlouu with the sewer, gas and. wa-ter mains, and conduits for wires, la'every forty foot lot.

it is the intention of the Town-ship Committee ot the Township otWoodbridge to consider said Ordi-nance and the undertaking of suchImprovement on May 24, 1»1S. at8: SO o'clock in the evening, at theTown Hall, Woodbridge, at whichtime and place all persona interestedwill be given aa opportunity to beheard concerning aach improvement.

Dated May It , 101*.AXT>RBW KJBTBS.

Township CUrk.


Bat f..;


My dlow, rt• ; * • • t I I

rigbi. .

Woodbridgv Township.

WeHes ef

ner described tn said OrsUaajM*.was a New( B*W Onllaaao* fnrtnnr provides tor


Burritt Boynton was high gun Inthe sqnad of high school boys whowent on the range this week. Es-pecially good scores were made.

The Keasbey Pareut TtMU-lmr A«-aoclation have obtained a beautifulcup which they will printout for com-petition on field day.

Port Reading now ban a ban«b*lt(earn and would like to play Ihttother township uchoolti.

the Kirlu ot th« HarrouOramtuar School show ing up thebest In Jumping atid running areMargaret Wand, Anna Diamond,Ethel Weber. Anna Uier, VirginiaAdams; Bertha Trojan and Anna Ba-ker.

Mltta Hswl Drake was welcomedbuuk to >her old portion AS oX&ett a*~

after sU weeks' fllaea*

Church with most appropriateservices.

Salmagundi Literary and MuslealSociety held the last meeting of theseason on Tuesday last at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King. The ott-

for next year were elected as fol-lows: President, Mr. Howard Tap-pan; secretary, Mrs. L. V. Bushman;treasurer, Mr. bherman Demarest.The annual reception will be held Inthe auditorium of the Barron Ave-nue High School, Tuesday evening,June S.


Mr. and Mm. Jamee Albrickreceiving congratulations uponarrival of a baby girl.

Mrs. Peter Bchendorf end Mrs.William Vtnn spent Wednesday outof town.

The dance gtvua by the W A Tat Liberty Hall wan largely attoadodand a pleasant evttulns enjoyod byall.

Mrs. John Konua &ud Mrs. Howman went out-of town vlttitorw Wod-nettday.

Mrs. B. Ohaiw «peot Wedaeeday luPerth Ajnboy.

Mrs. Holsbelmar maAMinnie, wore Perth AjsthoyWedneudaj

Mkm HelenYork shopper Saturday.

Mrs. Chris Peterson, of Rahway,visited friends In town Monday.

Miss Waters, of Wltsheth, visitedfriends In town Sanday.

Mrs. Bdward Barton visited laResell* Monday.

Mrs. Henry Miller and Miss MayMcGuIrk were Perth Amboy visitorsMonday evening.

Mrs. Louis Smith, of Sewaren. wasthe guest ot Mrs. 3. W. laetaoa Wed-nesday.

The Rainbow class of the M. E.Sunday school gave their play, "AnntMatilda's Birthday Party," to theboys at the Colonla Hospital Tues-day evening.

Mrs. Abe DuK and family wereNew York visitors Sunday.

Private Bdward McLeod Is backfrom overseas and Is now at CampUpton.

Mutse* Marian Love and Kate Bartwore out-of-town visitors Mondayevening.

Misses Marian and Ulllaa Hirnerwitnessed the show at the MajesticThuatre Monday.

Mtttses Elisabeth and JosephineRoinond were Perth Amboy visitorsMonday evening.

Mr and Mrs. Howard Valentineout-of-town visitor* Monday.

Mtaaes l£l|sabeth and Rose Oerityin Perth Amboy Monday.


NOTICE IS HK&KBT G1VBH thatan Ordinance has been latredtor the Improvement at QWoodbrid|te. between Hallway Ave-nue and Perth Amboy Avenne, bygrading* curbing and navteg tnesame from enrb to enrb. In tne man-ner described tn said Ordinance.

!•*-.*.*•» *•*•• \-!f

5 IN 1I UK

American \o

A Remedy for l)ric|

Rheum* bsi

((laust-ii \>) Id

r...r Sal* bj

Pink'H l)ruBSL, Wo

l O I U M E K l TU

leVooday. May

financing such Improvement and tori This

U. v. atoore/e few


Pierce, Miss IrairchildMiss l aura Cutter spent Wednesdayafternoon in Perth Amboy.

Mla» Nellie Campion was a PerthAmboy visitor Saaday evening.

btongnt bis pst bnOdec

ratty <KLpart com**!)


lent of tne cost thereof on tkeUnsplces of thproperty benetted. [bridge

Said Ordlnanos also reaalres nilproperty owners on tne tine ofproposed improvement to makenectioaa with tne sewer, gee,water mains, and eondnlts tor wires.In every forty foot lot.

it Is tne Intention of the TowaswfeCommittee of the Township ot Wood-bridge to consider said Ordlnanoeand the -undertaking of ends Im-provement on May U, t i l t , at »:!«o'clock In the evening, at tne TownHall, Woodbridge, nt which time andplace all persons Interested will begiven an opportunity to be heardconcerning such Improvement-

Dated May II, m * .ANDEJTW KZYB8,

Townabln Clerk.



i \rtt


BIOS AMD PBOP0SA1A.BUs wU be netved at Townehsf BaM.

Wevdmidge « J. U t w d a y . May t e . l » l tat i P. M, fat Ughtfatf tne stteets «f ScnatUgbdag DUuWt Mo, t , of the Townshipof WoodbrMge wlih One bua<ks4 stogyam* (lft») twenty A«e (15) c e * 4 »tam^M fioas June 1. IB It Is Ji

WlUmr EWiffiam CooperAhutCL Walket


MARY MACt . .-Tin; VAM

Antonio «L.Of "Ttiu



Thisaasploes of u<<' '"bridge Hish H,b.»



Page 5: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:

% ^


We Are Ready!To S«rv* Y«« Wife Ae Latest in

S f l E A W H A T SThese Prices: $2.50, $3.00, $3.50nilrrwear proposition in a nutshell h this:

rlggan Shirts and Drawers, 5<Jc, 75cOtis Make, $1.00, $1.15

MS (olebrated Underwear we need not speak, for. '|,>:irnc<t of the goodness of these Kiinnents long

Working Shirts, Special at 89c,v(>v<«n Hosiery, Brighton darters, leather Belts, ,1 prices.,

CHRISTENSON BROS.Htwsf* Wondbrldgo

Amboy Storage Battery Co.tI)ISON AVE., PERTH AMBOY, N. J.

Teleptum* 1807

n(£, R«pwt*ing. Repairs and

Replacement* on

^,s of Batteriea—Free Inspection

Battery For Every Car

tot, CoQt, Generator* and Starters RepdtwdIgnition Specialties


)O YOU WANT A HOUSE!}»dutiful lots, near trolley and schools.

|]uc K<>>nft up. Buy now on easy terms.lie where you wanHo buy a house. I have a

nf house* everywhere for sale.

G. M. AGREENReal Estate and Insurance


i t v t » » » >_

». B, BREWSTERDeafer In

Meal, Feed. Bran, Grain, Baled Hayand Straw

STREET WOODBR1DGEAdjotaia* Pemuylvania Railroad

If a maa owns a suit of

BR1EGS BUILT*be own* quite enough.

HIT ISDominie Answers

Five EvasionsThat Woodhridge Bible.

in mat 'beat 1the BtM#aaA iThe beat I feftow kow* nturt ttalod*accepting the tratk* of Christ. Wboin thare that would look u* In the

and derlarn that they nevrn- badIn tMfttr whole life time? None

of no would bfi that footlnh. flonone of nn h a v always rtnnc thfwn know how. How nhall w«- thenK«>t rid of the sins that wti havo »1rpndy committed, rxrept thronghrjirlM? fi. Hut the Innt man t»l<Im« that his father and mother hartKfmr to this church and that moRt of

"Sotno of th« people of Woodbrldgi? have a strang*. kind of Bible.Whenevor their fancy ne«B fit thoyjhiR snrentorn were hurled in the

draw a bluo Una through a j opmftpry adjoining and h»* thoughtIn the Inspired Word or they-that ho would be aaved nil

take a knlfo and cut. It out altogether ] I'athettc rase -- a man sixty yearn of<>n, I don't mean that they actually I a*''' having thn opportunity to know

the Bible

^ t Aft WGK

twtvttotkh e» ttettt*,

A kNTve stock of Vklor and Columbia raeordncome hi and IMMT OBT BOW selectionn

J. H. CONCANNONMate 8to««t

i l l


cut the Bible In that way, but thejmight Just an welt do that for theynever imp certain parta of the Word.Whenever th<-y rom« «cruM a blflflB«dpromiso th<iy andnrncorfi that, butwbsn they read aome of the invec-tiven and startling denunciations ofJ which cause th«m a troubled

hotter, and then holding any -menviow. Why our a n c h o r s ran giveus hmifuw. lands, monpy. rtt., h^roupon cftrth, hnt they cannot bequeathus mansions In hpaven. In oppoe!-tlJfo to all these TIPWB let us tnhp thpBlblo'n view 'Uellfivp on th<> KorrtJeBOR Chrlnt and thon shnlt be rtftTt-d.1

tlioy draw a blue llne|H»Vfi faith in Christ first, then fol-that passage. A certain ] low it hy godly works ns .1 msutt of

nftor h«aring a icrmon on | that faith, and you hn»r> thp only wayTh« Korgiveness of Enpmlefl.' said 1 of salvation the Bibl«hat she thooght the Bible was wrong j

In that respect, In other words sh«was drawing a blue line through th«words of Christ and doing Jast ashe saw fit." After using this as anntroductton In his last Sunday ev«n-nRH sermon, the Re». L. V. Busch-

man went on to give an illustrationof how the people In the communityhave their own Ideas about thingsspiritual, rather than taking thetruths of Christ.

"In Hpnnking to the Tariou4t peo-ilf of tho community, and askinghem the etBrjaa.1 question'. 'What

Hunt I Do to ho 3hvoaV I-hw«a <wt-len at lea^t five answers thaturo distinctly Contrary to "SVrlp-im-f t. (uie man told me that h«had been u good member of the (S.\ H and a loyal Ajnflficfcn rltisqn;inrt that he thoughC that was enoughfor salvation Now there is no on«

will take his hat off quicker toKixid CJ A. It man than 1 will, but

lMlui|ily bertuiiie he has gone through|(uur y«mr» of w»r lines not mean that

IIH will t>« aaved Any soldier will>'ll yuii itiai u man me& go throughon yi-nrn uf »»r iiuil come out aIrunkunl, 11 Kuniblor, 11 libertine; andIn you mi'sn u> tell me that Huch asihi-s« i-liiill inherit the Kingdom ofImt? No sunply bt-cttuse a man has"•en H Kuixl oitlzen and a good fiol-IUT will ii»> bf savc<l. Christ said:lleinloi unu> Caesar {the President,



Let George Do |lt178-180 NEW BRUNSWICK AV1NITK



Paint Up

tho Kt'iniblii-that

King) the things

If he doesnVwhatever ttitthe owns it not enough.

Suits | 20 to $45Ready-to-put-on


I Dutincthre Style* now ready$230 $3. $4. $5,

BRIEGSTailor, Clothier & H«boria»li«r

lith St, PerA Amboy


•iri- <'»'-<ar'v but unto God theH thai »rp God's.' Give your••• to your countjy, but yonrto (iod If you would find salva-

tion. "I. Another man said that allyou had to (to was to go to churchcvf-ry Sumlay and you would besaved Now again 1 say, thia matterof church going ia a most vital thingin u man's religion. It Is one ol thereal means uf grace. Yet that Inttacit la not sufficient for salvation.A man may attend church faithfullyand yet bis heart not be right. Hemay attend simply In order to getvotes for political offices, got busi-ness, get' popularity. 'Except ye beborn again ye cannot enter the king-dom." 3. Another person said: "I'm

las good as the average church mem-r. I pay my honwt debts and treat

everybody the earn* I guess that laenough.' What a1 shame that tbestandard of morality among theChurch members Is so low. Some-Imee therie is little distinction be-

tween the church people and the peo-pU out of the world. But who ever•aid that their morality should be theStandard' Shall the blind lead the

4. Another man said: 'If I

Would you risk your lifeto saPt this Beautiful Girl?T W ia what Thomas Berne*, wealthyN*w Yorker, did after a ca*u*l ac.qpaiMaac*. Hk intotasf in hex lead*htm through as remarkable a aerUa at

K aa any man aver experi.

It 1* row Duty totect Your Family FromDMMH by a ThoroughRenovation of theHommMake your ta6k easier inthe future by painting,varnishing or otherwieidressing your floors.

You NeedHouse Cleaning Utenaflb

Brooms, Brushes, Mops, I>«stcloth«, Sweepers, MopBuckets and other necessities. We can supply all your ,needs at the lowest prices. •

Our Stock of Wall Paper It Larger Than Evereneed. If yon «njoy *oifc« of adVen-tore, oqrtteijr tpd urtrign* be sure toreadovinww soia]

GREENWatch jor the feme With

ihe Fint Installment!

Tha^'Anwil" Bird.The anvll-blrd of Auslratla is a

rare and exce«din«)j' starIts clear metallic note rings qut,•VUog, kllitg, Ichng, kllog. Utag aUng." It ts ttae bardest of uXi ffoshbirds to lo<-»te, as It mostly does ttobUcksmlthlng In the topmost branch**

FLOOR COVERINGSlinoleums and Mattings


HUMPHREYS & RYAN"The Service Store"

Main St, Telephone 157 Wood



The Tire With a 6000IMilc Guarantee and Few Repair*

MIDDLESEX PRESS23 Green St, TeL 222-w, Woodbridge.


Amboy Lighting CompanyFULL LINE OF FORD FARTS



it must be some iamilyl



6. ' i_SMART

\ I-F-OlRie1 5MAK7of< SHORT?

* Mt i l a* bC

H A ,W O v V 1 3

>- ^ . - . -

HA!IT THc iv uyw




Page 6: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:


to b*altb and long lire as thn"'•py i

Ins; in their duties', look out!they slow up and eom-

in right,ht t

«nfT in gFind nut what th« trouble !»—with-

out drinr. Whenever you feel nervous,• rA, i h n j , rfuflfer from alreplriMness,or have painn Jn the bark. wak« up atnrw-e. Your kidney* need help. These aremmm to warn yon that ynut khltnvv^arp not performing tbfir fu net ionspmfi*-rlT. They are onlj half doingtheir work and mnt allowing imi>tiritt>'stl» accumulate ana b» ennv«rtod intouric arid and other poimniH, wbirhar» causing you diHtres^ nmj will <t<--etrtiy j-ou unless they are drivru fromyour system.

O*t 90m* OOT P XTTTUt. TTaartasaOil Capajnlaa at *•>•-• Ttt»y ,tried preparation "**<l • * ••»* ta*world tor century*. They cwrtaia «olyoid-fasluWd. w^'h^r «*•» oomhtewiwith atrenath-ipM-t •"<• «u««#«»-<*»aB«-ing h#rb% veil t •« " »od aawd hi phj>stclana in thHr -Nifr practice. GOLDMTtDAIi Haarl"- • *t Ctpnl** ar« Im-p o r t s direr* fr >-n th« laboratories InHolland. ThrT *-* roaTrnienft to take.and win eitr,- r |ir» prompt relief arjour money »i'l b* refundwd. Ask forthen at any '1-n* store, bat b* ear*to get tkf i-ririnit 1nr*rt«d OOT.DMKDAT. brsr-.i. Accept BO mttqtittitea.In aealed r j . V t p j . Three shea.



Caswnttal Feature of an ImprovedHighway—Another Requisite la

Firm Foundation.

'iv th*)mem of


By JOT*f Betty, yon l*>k nice Ito eat. the—Wall, doot for***. 1

thin ta Friday.—Boston Transctitrt. '


What it Castor,,CA0TQWA It

Dn*> and Soothinc SywtpB. i t kOphm. Morphln. ntc other Ntwotie

M M . f W t t


V K I1 1 . 1


11.«I M

• * H* 4S

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1»SSD M!•«•

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J4*4 t | * 10

u«« • • »M** ursM-4» tlMn>« . a«os>1S«4« MS*iTrf, irae»hf *sca

4 »4 404 * 0I J»IS4 70s«s• M

A Teat of Love."Oh. yen, we are cnpnRMl to be

ried next spring, but I fear she has notthat otter confidence In me that comeswith perfect love."

"Why so?"f Well, when a fellow looks bark—as

a fellow In love naturally will, youknow—and sees her testing her newdiamond engagement rinc on the win<km <pane. tt makea hto • little do-


g"America ha* ttmre post nflft* than

any other conntry.""And yet they say we are not a

nation of me.n of letters:"

Back Lame and Achy?There's little peace wben y«Jt kid

npys are weak and while at first thereniay be nothing more serious than dullbackache, sharp, stabbing pains, head-aches, dixty sjjplls and kidney ' irregu-larities, you most act quickly to avoidft* moife serious trouble, dropsy, gravel,heart disease, Brightit disease. UseDoan'a Kidney Pills, the remedy thatis so warmly recommended everywhereby grateful tigers.

A New York CaseC. S. O n b o r n i ,

Washington St.. Ak-ron. N. Y.. says: "Iwaa a auflererfrom kidney troubleand had difficulty Instooping. My headached and I was sodlszy I would haveto ait down. Mynerve* were In badshape and I hadtrouble, with the kid.nay secretions, beingobllffed to K't up HInight. Sharp pains = •darted through myk i d n e y s Juxt uathoufrh a. knl(« had been driven Intomy back. A friend advised nit- lo tryt)(i«n'» Kidney rilln and I did andwas benefited in every way."



Eccentric Stranger."A qunint sort of feller mmi> niont;

here yestcntay in a motorcar andstopped in front of the jente." relatedGap Johnson of Rumpus Itlds;e. "Heasked If he could get a drink of water,niul I said: 'I reckon!' He wanted toknow If I oould tell him luiw fur Itnas to Tmnllnville. nml T ^nid I reck-oned I could. N « t he nwkeil howmany chUUreo I had, and I told hint 1rertwiwrt- there^ v*»r /M^^^Htt In-quired it if m i going to ruin.and I answered Hint t re-c-Vonwl It w&s.

"Then he |crtnne<l nt me nnd wijs;"This 'BWitn to Iw th" day of rifknn-Inu,' and I satd: 'Whut nuyY Just tikethat.

"Ha grinned again nnd drlT on.Something tmrter funny about that ful-ler, nnd HtlH Dt> didn't p*«r to h« pre-tlxt'ly cnii>-, Hehbe he wwa un« ofthem Oertn»n prapagaodpra, or som'e-


Coal May Make Sweden ftich.I-IKIHUS of eiml In. Sweden^ dfacov-of which WJIS reported reeently

from Stockholm, may help to solve oneof Sweden's most difficult IndustrialIJToblems,

Sweden has an almost Inexhaustiblesupply of very tine Iron ore and Swed-ish scientists for yean* h*ve. unsuccess-fully attempted to devise m«nns ofwaking it by eimttctty. "With* coalMi|>pt|i' at nome It ts pointed out thatSweden has an opportunity to twtonieone of the great Industrial countries ofthe world.

The rising cost of labor tn Great BrtVnin already has placed England at a.

| disadvantage with the United StatesIn the ltHllsn coal trade «od If Swe-den <nuld produce coal In quantitieswarrant In* export she doubtless wouldbecome a couipetitor of both the Uni-teii States and England.

An *s<«Mi!l:il fentnre of nn Imprnredrinrt Is n'I.H|nmc dniinnffp Thorouph<l mind co Is <ui necessHry ftim It Id|irfictliiillv liii|H>xslhleio mnlulnln n snt-iwfactorv ro:i«l un less H he c lven ]irt>pf'r nrti'iitli.n. Anitlher prime n-<i»tlr.'-llient «)H'r»vi>r n liiir'l «nrfB«"«' rn:»<l Kt« UP constructed it, M Hrin and ntiylcMInc f'lini'hiiioii As lhi> quflllly "f th»-fnil him mt ItnpnrtMnl InWuem-e un IlirI I II |HT inei IHHI nf iirninnce anrl thf typo«f founilnllon t«> he emplnye^l. much0:irp ntlil study niusl l>e d e v o t n l to thenature. »v|>i>. «iul cliHnn'ter "f the"i-il-j in tin- •jeotloti Ihrouuli whUli ll isl'i<i|Mise<l ta bullrl n road.

T!ie ninst InipnrtHnt p r l m a r j w i t sure rlnsstfed as jrrnvel. sand, nntl clay,tmt i>flt>n ninny of the «wnn<l:iry ormixed soils, IHVUHSC of their more gen-eral oocurreiice In connect tun withroad-hullding operatloaH, nre equallyImportant. Rurh types an Innin. mnrl.gumbo, nnd hnrdpnn fire reprvsentn-tlve of this order.

In the design of a rond the drnlnattefttructtires nre [ilHimeil to take careof water under three K«tiernl condition*—roln thnt fnlls on it road surfnee orgrade: rain Hint falls on fmitttrami*land nn<l flows in nccumulated volnm*toward the road; anil ground waterfrom any immeillntr miurce. To wnetthese roudltlitnA u*e I* found for *p«-CIMI ntructuros. liicliullng tongltudlnals'de dltvheH. usually pflrallel. or an-pr*>ilmnt.eiy pnmll««l to the center llcwj;lnterc«ptlDS ditchen to e«e<>«nraaditg,water whose npproa^h ad e\otm ta theroadway us the Aide ditched t* likelyto can** Injury; lateral dltchea or cul-yerts t« <vw»doct •'•enmnlate* water•way frvm *r onder the road;and. subdmln.1. In «rder to pran tat*!*HtMitUr a syMem nf dralnacr for anypertretitar nnd.1t Is neonmry to coo-

1 ^^ 1 SV •"

H y y & ™ssBkaaaVjsBBta

I-orSatchy 'IOr«cers

» J11TT





He Swor*."I won't stand for no' man swearing

nt me," exclaimed J. T., an Kasternavenue lad of three or four rammer*.ronniling hl» troubles to hia mother.

"Who swore at you?" aaked hU me-tlier.

"Why, John Butler swore, at me."(John Is a few months younger thanJ. T.)

"What did he say. I"'Why, he called me a nut."—Indian-

ttpulls News.


In rnnnectlon with the mnveinent tomnke the nctmol hulldlnc the enniim)nlty cenier with n wide variety ofpulillc weir«r»^ activities. r>tidley (irnnlllnv*. dlroctur of community centersIn the public RCh»>nln of Chicago, ile-

thnt "the hoy RCOIKH nmi c«mpfire plrls stioiitil Imve their plnrei fortnretliijr nt the school* "

TliK In ft dlr.vt p*i|nt nf contactwtlli rmv« thnt the «choo1 mitliorltlcH

l not overl(«ik. More concreteev|f|i»nce W coming to th» Iwiy that Ifthe superintendent or the principal orhl« teiirhers h«ve n renl Interest Inhis nelfnre ii1it«lile of <whool hoilf*.It would not full to be reflected In het-ter Rchoot work.

It Is fnlrly certnln from experiencewith Imv ncoulx who hnve been al-lowed the ime of puhllc halU BBdchurch rooms anil similar places fortheir meeting rooms and In which toconduct their ncout tests and «othrough the various feature* of theirproRrnm ti* far a* It la possible tn-rloors that «ehoo! bulldlnir« will notsuffer hy nrjrh aae. On the contrary•routx will be found valuable «i<lt Inkeeping the premUe* In K»od orderand In good repair ai a result of their



at Oooatipsi***, Flatulency, Wind CoHcMO* arista* therefrom, and by rsgulatJngaids th. ' - " *ThaChQdrso's

Tb* Kind Ton Have Always BoQfhLjad „ „„90 years, has borne tbe sJcnatur* °f Qua-H- Fletchhis personal mpmnrfsion sinos ixa Inxaney. Allow iAll Coontarfvits, Imitations nnd "Jtsst-asOood"trffle wtth aid sssdancer the he i th ol Infants and

•w> Ossnuslai always > s — UksstflsM«aM« of



Tuition Will Be Frae,"Sin- MI>H she's coinff to give alng-ii lessonn." "She'd hnve ti». No-HIV <i ever nay her for them."

dlffet a* to whether apoker room should he clntwd as anmite room or drawing room.


In Peeing. China. *Uh the |ouition of the scout troops at Tslugcollece. In 1615, began a growth ofscouting tlMrt has led to Its recogni-tion In North China.

In the strnmer of 1013 the boyscouts directed the dthe bulldincwhicn saT«d countless lives la theflooded districts of tbe province ofChlh. i

In addition to this a great varietyof _~...i »ntB« stands out In the Chi-nese scout history. Scouts bars soldAmerican fled Cross stamps, made acensus of ih» people of the TslnK.Huacommunity, distributed leaflet" againstthe evil cu*tom of early marriage, andraised runds for the Tientsin flood re-lief.

During the war scouts did much tomake the Chinese troops happy.Checker-hoards and Joke books weresent to the soldiers tn Siberia.

There ts awthing ihore Mlotlc thanthe nmile of a pretty girt—when di-rected toward •ome other fellow.


Whenrim on.vunually i


Aak for "Bayer Tablets of Asjmpackage-~«aarked wi,th " a \ i

Wltir Dralna Readily From Th'ia Typ»of Highway.

aider not only the local character <rttbe soil rotiiposlnjt the roadbeil. butal»o tbe -topography of tbe adjacentIan4, the amount and rate of rainfalland the availability of material milt-able for, use In constructing

g In"This ts a young city, 1 understand."

STAR RUBBER CO., Inc.Nno-SkkSSecurityTread

RlbtMdCord Type |Tread


J^lat IsmJisgts< Price frier Rl»*

t i l . I* | l t > » I2«*>* »• l|.«a III*

( »

Prica Prtr«1» IS J7J*

•Tin refore. I don't sappo«* yon haveany picturesque ruins hereabouts?"

"HaveiTt-we! War stopped work onour new post ©mce building when ItUUK about oue-tbird com pitted .ami it'*been standing that way ever since. 1defy you to Hud anything in thin couu-Isy that Ipoks more llk,« the ruins ofthe Honmu forum."—Bihulughuiu Age-

j Ht-ruld. HN«w J»l» frcah llrr* ID origin*! wrap

tmn, ••rlJilly suuiberrd and rretalcrxdIn •Terr rtalwec tbe saiMa tire ror whichthe full list prle* h«» been aakrd up t.iht» lima, w* atKnd ktck of our a1>*r

&nl«<! of !.••« mllca. Our iHillcr on *djuatmCnls !• Broaa. liberal add !a*artablr satiafactory

Term* C. O. D WITHOF KXAMINATION. or aa a avcclal InduMnuni W t PRBPAT EXPIIEOSCHAJtQKS WHEN AMOUNT IN FULAOcdurANinoiiDiR. w n u t i w c *

aTAB BDBUR CO.. IMC..»7tb St. • • • Brvadmr. New T.rfc fit.*

Big Game Country."1 underntand you I'qme from a great

gume country?" saltl the lady on tbecommittee to welcome the grizzly war-riors of (lie Western plains.

"Indeed, yes, mn'aja." waa the cow-IXIV'K reply.

•What is the l>lK«est game you havein W

"I'oker, iiiu'am!"


*tl« I'D of 4! Clymer St.. Brooklyn. N t.. .

tulOKvit. riend jtc and racelvo it box by jWrite lur Information about tbelr I

AUKKTS WANTBD everywtiwi*. !

Tki.Down. You Can Get Real

in Father John'* Medkiae

Sal t l p l * * • * « « •

I' t .U ( E \ TU K V K ' t . Kv


llMtt; HKVl

» I S

lu-iitvtlam * » • Nl»ii > utr. simile ii^iJiiiiitlua my ramady riiti<>> u. i, ,,,« IUIUUUw l t t a v u t ' V a t e . > V »>> n . . ,n M ,i.. > i , . c l> )tno «ura. U « * M * J a i v c i t . I M I = I , - » , , i ' j . i> i

WOMEN TO 8*1.L KVJe.K> « u m \ Mint;WOMEN TO 8Tall M l aao masl Utt.v.-• f l u . IO*4 I>roflt>. Writ.. i"i i.t M l r l «3<m«paoy. Jliuibrouck i

g u i . 1.

hum*ll W . *•» |> l»>n i '

VV J-,

LAlMKHk-SILK MK1HT OH » A I » T fr'HKr.>r •!>* |l..ur« work Urii|i pu»(«l »> '

V t Max 13.hi, B l a t l u U I*. J ' l i l U I'..

>u<l>. i- i>«(i | ) laa succva* . k i ^Kri !•* E. < l d W w *•>•*

VORK.'NO. 20--W-

You muy h'i\t! a good fppellteetit n» iiitnli tuoil 4r> it juttsuu tnIUU) ht-uliti. inn II tun Jiv, thUitun d o w n ilit- I>;IM>II lur i t u llmt you£et no iiouiiHlinn'iii friiiu the fimd ) n ueat. A \veuk»'Hfil <il|;<-f liv«' hj nlvi"which dot's not m k f iioui'i^hineiiL (rmuthe d ie t wil l easi ly laki- up the IIDUIIHIInuillf <-OMl.Ulit.'ll lu t'Hlhei J.JIIHO MeOl-clue, bt'cuiise ih»; I'.-ul food eleuii'iUH of(hi« olci-fanlmnH-il lau i i ly uit'dk-iiif uresc pi-rparod thut e»en » weakened di-r.i-sUuii will uulikly turu Ilieiu into

iwolld fte»h inui llssiue. This enatilfHthe system to resume its normal fuutliuUH und H Htciuly gulu lu weight und

h follows the fultlifulof 1'nttier Johu's Medicine, lieher. tiiib pure food Uody-bullder

fre« ttum alcohol or, tiiuuii drugs.

Surface dmlnaee system* for roadiconsist of side dltrhen alorax the road,paved gutters (which are n dev-Hop-tueot of side dlti-heie and replace them)open Intercepting ditches constructedto prevent W«I>T from reaching th*road, and Intern! or relief dilchf« tocurry oft the wsitt-r wlilch cirflecta ttrItic side ditches or lit tltc liitercfptingditches. Culverts and inclosed drain*,which are constructed for the purposeof-reuuiTlM* utiirin wnitr from th# *td«rlitiHes or gutters, are esaentialty apart of the Kurfnce drainage nysrfem,and are nut to he cimfused with HUD-draliis which w n e HII entirely differ-ent purpose.

Where the grade of a road ta sosteep that the ordinary earth sideditches cannot he maintained satisfac-torily at a reasonable cost, or whereearth side ditch** would be Insanitaryor appear unsightly, It Is customary toprovide paved gutters for removing thesurplus water.

Drop Inlets und cat<-h basin* areneed to conduct water from side ditche*i or gutters Into underground drainsor t'lilverts. Ou country road* they areused most fre<rut'iitly on Hide hlfl IIWH-(inns wlu-r<* ihe water collecting: In theupper side ditch or cutter caui be re-moved from the road at Intervals by

of H culvert a<*ros« ''» the Inwwide. Drop inietH iiKunUy «re mitff

. HIIU catch lui«hi« ncUl'im nre usedin country road work, except where Itis cHpecltilly dt'slrubie to prevent the•*llt «nd other foretten material carriedIiy the water from getting into the



A total of 9.453 scoots, an Increaseof 6.904 over the previous year. Isreported by the boy scout organisationIn tbe Kingdom of Slam.

The scout movement Is honored byhaving for Its president His MajestyKing Rama VI. Work with boys start-ed here with aa organisation known as"Wild Tigers," but m 1»U tne^klngauthorised tbe formation of boy scoutcorps and established it central com-mittee to push the wor*.

On several occasions Siamese scootshave been reviewed by the king. Athis coronation over 2,000 took part Intbe ceremony. Examinations In thevarious scout tests nave been conduct-ed witfa surprising success. Of thosewho took the testa, 06 pet cent second-class scouts passed, while of 1,035examined, MO flrst-dass scouts quail-Oefl. ,

Don't bay Aspirin tablets In a pillbox. Insist on getting tbe Bayer pack-age with the safety "Bayer Cross" onboth package and on tablets. No Otherway!

You must say "Bayer." Never, askfor merely Aspirin tablets. Tbe fUu»«"Bayer" means you irt getting thegenuine "Bayer Tablets of AjspUta."proven safe by millions of people.

Beware of counterfeits I Osrfy re-cently a Brooklyn manufacturer wassent to the penitentiary for floodlaxtbe country with talcum powder tab-lets, whlcU he claimed to be Aspirin.

In th.. y.

Tonthn-t,,t»at I am iarippe. itpain fc.i>...

"Bny.r ican mn<|>'Pocket I-ooly R f.and IK.M!

Aspirin i-\lanufm t'

Of Sullcvl.


National Forests Must Be EquippedWith Highways, Trails and Look-

out Stations.

Natlonttl forests < unnot we evonomIcaily and etflcleutly protected AKalnadrew until they urv well equippedwith n>ad«, trails, ielepnone lines audlookout .tutlouM, sitys the annual re-port uf the chief furesttw of the Colt


New York ts ts bsve a chance to ssssn exact reprodnctkm of • part of tbeflgbtlng front la PFauce If tbe hoyscouts carry out tBS suggestion mad*by MaJ. Lortllard Spencer Ot the "r*-torned Tbrs* HuiMlrod sod Sixty •ninthInfaatry.

llajor Spencer, wHa to seoat MO>ralMHoner of the Msuhatttn «e«aefl.said that part of lbs Moots* campgrounds reminded Him exactly of thesector la which bis regiment, foognt laTrance and be planned in duplicatetbe trenches and dagoot* exactly assoon as the weather permitted.

Be asked for ISO scouts to rscelveInstruction* In trench aad dsgovtbuilding and to carry oat this repliesof the first lines over there.

Danger In Abbreviation.Even the school nurse ha» her fun.

In a tnlk before the central philan-thropic council the other day. HissHelen It. Stewart of the board ofhealth told of one Httte b«y who,ufler he hnd been examined by thenurse, went to the teacher In tears,complaining that the nurse callsd atanames. • . .'

When the teacher expressed b*rsurprise, the boy sought to prove Msrase by handing her the card thenurse had given to him aa her recordof the examination.

"Look at that!" he cried."Poor nut." read the card."Poor nutrition." explained the

teacher, finally rending tbe child awaywith a better opinion of the nurse.—Dallas News. •*"Old I -

self i>n ktlon Is M~bell rtin;tbe I'n. :

"By Hi.h a v e < lur .a jrnnui >front |h.rmnnlni: ' -fire in.'

"He si,.,'.

Othern HIdirectionguest-


nine tlm>Kannas '

0-t '

"Pa. «t"I'll Im

you nn i-"YH, i-riu- .i

Is *a n*Mor phrt*"11


To make the boy scoots a part of tb*St. Paul health Inspection force taplanned by Dr.* B. I*. Simon,- chief cityhealth officer.

Doctor SIUKHI thtttka the boys winbe glad to b* enrolled In tbe servteaand have the duty of reporting to thsdepartment any violations of cityhealth regulations.

When a boy scout finds that one ofhis neighbors la maintaining a nutsaneathat Is menacing the health of th*neighborhood, he will be expected toreport tuts to the health pf»f*. Thtnan InveHUxatton will be made bf aregular Inspector.

Von Tlrpttx a Pauper.The Tribune de Geneve la Informed

that Grand Admiral voa Tarfft. Isxtaying st Wlldegg. Swltswrtand, astbe guest of LlettL-ColoMl Wntt, MOnf the former eomaunder-In-etUsf ofthe Swiss army.

TlrulU has U»t sJl bis fortune, P a 14**son U a ei*rit in a ban* «r gar*and hl« daughter Is a governess In a as InZurich family. . ' w h o •<•'••'•

To avoid paying the OentMn war mam. 1tax of 1918 TJrpltx Invested bis mamtr the oit»rtn Itsllan securttHjs, with th« rcwlt never hthat he Is now penniless. What a tinepatriot!

Economy in PosttBoil Postnm M long a* Y-"mod you will tstract only KBoodneM. YoaH get no . A e cogcodrug—for tberc, iPostum.

TKe Original



In DHrolt a group of bqy •coutscared for a farmer's herd of cattle forH week HO as to enable him to attendtbe twdxirte of a near r Wail vs.

Due tln a larice tnenHure to tbe workof boy Rcouta, Hawaii tinsJJOM 9 3 5 ^ 0ov«t the top ln,ib#,W«r %«ijH|a cam-paign. "Th« boy scouttt were a tre-mendon* fttctor in acconipltah^ic thisrwurd." <*it\Wn Robert W, Hhlnrlc. ter-ritoHal director, Scoutliiis l» hotiinlngIn thlH territory, not only on Otthu, butthrougbuut Hit* Island*.

in fact, should be boiled fullyuttss. and if doiirnd the potkept going from meal tomore Poatum add wateraervice.



an<iof former cafoxufrwksecured from grocers every v i •

Two Sizes, usually sold at 15c

nin "


Delicious, Invigoratingand Healthful D<

"There's a Reason

Page 7: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:



Impatiently,., mroiich which

1 A l l

l inE l irceKe. A J I, i •l<iss<>Ki«>d h i m

k, jt,u work of the,,,! m,-nrlow. T&I*

,,,nmtnble. but,i oi*<l<*r to hlni hi« ilenk and„ kilning auto-

,, ,-iitrnnce to the

umn and a »nc-,-iiiw'ss world, he

',-irli. Mill younga lonely

Graceful Evening Wraps

fishing rodI,,i tiir little home

di evening Joy-,.,.itn«i always toi spinning porch. •«! \crng empty'ttiought of It on

!lnv with a pangImil neemed lm-

And as nnd took We

I suddenlyDmitry place, forty

th« little hoose

if Chalmers, Ms

e ihe umall, rat-



Something tfBroc* WU-

In the old

BIG CROPSGrain Seed* From Western Can

ada Do Well in Ohio.

_ for aupper orin mother had In

man'* smile

i nine him In the[tu KMtUfy this Qb-

whlch led b infragrant vloleta

(vi r.ihc road and ss-t-ii »« hare win-

riHimed the JntoMtunlocked door

An he did so bein the adjacent

t> UI>I>O a ladder. lu> saw a yovocdpntly removing• cornea to pack

floor.H\ for a momeatentrance. Then

•aid ihe girl*.

llru<-e W1IIIMMid tbe breath of

Aa evening wrap, to he worn with• variety of evening dreusp*, may be Ina color. IMII itwinot exceed, and fairlyeejnaU, a wrap of black aatln for ele-OHK* and gmul ntyl*. Therefore th«• • t a i n * wrap of Mark satin In a p*r-enatal that roroen to bloom with eachnew aeaaon ; an Institution In the ward-robe.

There are aorae new wravr* In •!!*,•«ry aoft and rl<>h. thai have n lus-ter ae Ma* a* that of iwtln, and theyare competing with It for fnvor Intvtatng wrap*, 'there Is not muchchetoe between them, as they are veryaancfa alike In appearance. The newfabrics have the advantage of novelty,while tttln has a wonderful recordbehind It. hut whatever the fabric, theStyle* In wraps made frum them areU M same.

Thla season'* evening wraps are

long nnd nmple, rnpellke affair* thatnarrn* tit tin- ankles nnd are as wide«i» the hniiy. To fulfill their deotlnythey miiHt be aiimptunna looking and

mrful. Many of the new modelahave vnluinljifina collars and some ofthem have nhort Hleevee.

A beautiful example of the blacksatin wrap nppenrn In the Illustra-tion. It la a loose, short cape with ashawl collar, to which the body ofthe wrap IH Joined hy an embroideredblind The hand'In narrow with fig-ure* Iti brilliant colors that remindone of Jewel*. The same color* areused In the large einbroltlered disksthat adorn the wrap at each side ofthe front. Kven a very youthful bridewill he regal looking In a wrap of thiskind. eHpeelally If «he wears a crestof pluiiK-H In her hair like Oulnevereof old.

Pretty and Practical Negligeest. of eomta.

trembled, "WillMr. Cbalmera

want Iminedtateltd 1 have beenbut"—her eyes

! Tv» had er-t; you see, father

me nearer. "TomKe'f" he asked,

the ttrt's him bravely.

p." trite explained,longer make (he

Ho Mr. Chal-, m<ldent. makingn T hia cooaniiit<-tiertahe«l plane.

jinforttinate, bat—a\e way.


had not knownuffalra lookM

(ace.i»'kn along theh*' aHked, "and•>g against the

I replied. She

i father by anyne old nelgh-

J'-co-lucky boy,K to tbe eight

Demand for Them Is Bound to AddValue to the Land of Our North-

ern Neighbor, Now tdBa Had Cheap.

A Inrte «ren of t^e lnn<l In soverntIn Ohio prppnrod for wprlng

will he seertetl with Mnrqnlnwhont—« spring vnrlet.v. Thin whont IsImported from Western fnnada. It WMntiout three yenrs URO Hint the first, ofthin Rprrt wan Imported Into five States,and the result, wntchoul <*nch mn'cppd-liiK j'rnr, proved that Ohio soil nnd•prlt>n Hoaritnfc w«» ii sncreBH. Thedemand for the seed hns now becomeso grent thnt one of the largest spedhouses In the state, that hn«< hern pur-chairing from Western Onnartn fnrmrrsand Importlne it, hns decided to pur-chase a large hlock of land In thntcountry for the pnrposft of growing thegrain thwn*elves. They will devotea considerable portion of their West-ern Cnnndfl holding* to growing ont«,barley and rye. Their action tsstrong Indorsement of the prodnc.t. Forsortie fltpe past a considerable qnsntlty of need o«ts has also been Import-ed. The prolific yield reported w i iwhat prohnhly gave, an Impetus to theIntroduction of whent.

Tt was found, though, after a coupleof years the %iallty of the oats, anwell as the yield, hegnn to deterioratewhen grown seed was nsed, making ftnecessary for fresh Importation* everycouple of years. It Is possible thatth* same fxrjerlence may follow thegrowing of wesfern Canftn£**r1F#at. Ttifact It Is dnlte probable, and the Oh!farmer will nWeRgary to Importevery two years.

With the success thnt has followe*the Ohio farmers' experiments withthis Imported seed It Is pnnsihle othestates now urowlng winter wheat winbegin growing aprlng wheat. It maytherefore he taken for granted thatWestern Canada, In addition to traability to produce hundreds of mil-lions of husheln of wheat possessingthe greatest percentage of Jtlufpri ofany wheat In the world, will shortlybe called upon to provide tbe seedthat will he grown nn tm>. additionalarres in the United States that may bedevoted to sprlngdvhent.

Tt Is a well-<>Rt«bltahfd fact that thefurther north any product of the formcan be brought to a state of maturity,the more vigorous It becomes. Thishas been proven In the* grains thathave been produced In Western Can-ada ; It him been shown In the devel-opment of Its horses. Its cattle. Itssreep and tt« ho^s; also In Its people.The neighbor to the north really hasa splendid future before him, andmany years will not have passed be-fore the lands that ft re selling todayat much less than their producingvalno will bring prices more commen-surate with thetr true worth than theydo today. Think of hinds that yield intheir operation a profit of from fifteenio twenty-five dollars an ncre a yeartelling at figures less than $40 an acre.It doe* not require a mathematicianto figure the percentage of profit. ItIs unfair to ihese lends to auk themTo continue these profits for long. SoIt la safe to make the. prediction thatIn a very few years they will placethemselves on a parity with otherlands that today produce less and Bell(or miirh more.—Advertisement.

Peppery Pttlehrrtude."Hob's wife Is prfttty, bat she has an

awful temper." "Is that why they sayshe's a raving beauty V ^


The Flow oi MeatTwo-thirds of the live stock in the

United States has to he raised inthe West.

One-half of th© consumers of meatlive in the East.

In other words, most of the livestock is one or two thousand milesdistant from most of the people whoneed it in the form pf food.

Fifty years ago, when live stock wasraised close to every consuming; cen-ter, the country butcher could handle.the job after a fashion.

But the job got too big.

Now millions of animate have to bemoved hundreds of miles to millions ofpeople. Somewhere on the way theyhave to be turned into meat.

The packers solved the problem.They s«t up plants where the 'live'haul" and the "meat haul" were inthe right balance. They built updistributing systems—refrigerator cars,refrigerating plants, branch houses.They. saved time, money and meateverywhere. The stockraiser bene-fited in better markets, and higherprices; the consumer, in better meatand lower prices. -

As- the country grew, the packershad to grow, or break down. Becauseof its present size and efficiency,Swift & Company is able to performits part in this service at a fraction ofa cent per pound profit

Swift & Company, U. S. A.


If a man cultivator bud UHI>HS he. Inopt to -cultivate earthly

Pleasures are the cnumms. used topunctuate life's sad story.

Tbe foghorn Is. one of the b a r e s tthing* on

If a man la right he doesn't liuvc toft mad about It.

»inlled her wiat-

ild.'thattbeboya rich mac—Probably he

»i« home and thewludow."

| come back to It•t for u. day,"—tie steru Does of"You see," he

-that boy. Andcould be per-*»n caretakers

ur m« the oldwould- give tothan I can ex-

at him. "Oh I"r mean that, we

into it

elcotne when Iwhimsically,

ry rose ami hoi-

t)ama rode awayaiKlIng In thtl\v knew that

beckon hlin In*again.

When negllt!«'«-s <-i>im' up for consid-eration In tho bride* tr..nsa«-au l l l s

bttrd to b*> In the U'usi .legrt-e pnic-Mcat. There IH SO nm-lrlatitude fortbla m o t intimate ilrww that designera can give fr»«* ruin t» fum-y «mllet It play with tbe niicii-nt fnnrics.the fllnileat laces, crepes tun) «»<» ••»•m y w t ribbons und all the lovely m-lle Hllk nnd sutln floiin.-.-B Unit lurethem to extravagant-**. T»u-y Indulge«n many caprice* ami Uraw lnai,lni-J«,n from nil qnartiTa «f th* world. But

U'well n» pretty and two of«r* idwiwo In th« pU'lii"' " b o v e -

On» of these Is u itlmple.g,,r.n«.t, which IK very inn.-U Hk« ""'

S w a th» lines ..f the n«ure moreP,0a.'ly aiid h«H nl«'v«. that are net£ w i l . .. P<»nt at the top and nilMMi.iH nutllniMl with tt narrow fancy, r „,. The length of tha «mire in' (t t.r»kt-n by « wirt« »»•>»• «» l n t h "

Kurin«nt, but n narrow gtr-

I? w««le of hrUfht-eoloredim«l Hnpot be linpruvetf Vto>

„,,. .„, •, HIIII ii i-imti't', lii whlfh crepeand%laln and jn-lntt-d silks are all<>oii)hlned In a IHJV.I way. It has aneffert of iii>(,'t'l sl.t-vi-H made by ex-tending Hit; crepe, whloh forms theshort front of tli>' coal, Into floatingilrainTt«'» "t 'he back. A Nllk cord,sometlmoB put <>n l» looiis and some-times »<ralt;ht. ttnlKht'H the edge* ofthe crepw aud three strands <Jf tblBcord! are prettily arranged about theneck.

Betty Said She Could BakeWI knew she never had baked a cakeand I was doubtful. But I told her *to go ahead."She got my treasured Royal CdcfeBook, my can of Royal Baking Pow-der and all the fixings—and sailed in.

s "Honestly, it was the best cake waever had, and now I believe anyonewho tries can bake anything with

_f _

~ '\

• thin «llk or. of crepe

fRhinestone Rage Is With Ua.

An evening gown of moiiotoue red.•n'tin IH trimmed with mirrow bnndsof pul« blue velvet »pani;led withfliiiall rhiiu'stones Unit ttlltter lights Inred nnd white and purple. Theseimnds tell the Bttny nf the rlilnestonerage In garntaliltig dhmei' KIIWDB, thea-ter piu-ty uawnB ami wrapM—and eveuthe totletn for demure afternoon teas.

C«ler«(l ytote in Demand,g to- the IUIIIIIHT *>t dllTerent

[••linn ill the new Hues of woman'swtniut), the deniiiinl fur colored silkUitiilery Uo» been greatly increased.

Absolutely PureMade from Gream of Tartar derived from gTapes

Royal Contains No Alum-Leaves No Bitter Taste

ThevJBoyal Cook Boqk, containing over 500 recipes for ail kinds of cookery, mailedfree. Write for u copy to

• i l l ROVAL

fe pyBAKING f^JWDEH CO., E«pt- H, 13fi WiUl»Mn Street, N«wYotk


Page 8: mmt of Stephen Elek. - digifind-it. · PDF fileoffered, and shadow daniw have been planned. The music will be lurnlBbed by a jaaa band f f pieces accom-panied by i.. . Lqan.,~..::....:r:

* - • • • " / * % '

•'*•• r i



\m-folV, Vn . May 9,Ponr Hr (irpin<»r.

H ft»w linn* to fttprn«is mjr" ID rhf rommltlf* for the

<*h*>ok which I roc i^ed on the 5th.Although it was * X«n*9 prosetnt,

it <-Am>* In good tlBSn, Ju«t When 1it

1 wish to thank you all again forvour

Yours sincerely,


Ten Per Cent. Down and BalanceSpread f>v«r Six.Month Period.

^nUiTs t» the new VictoryT.niiii will I«I» HI JVT rortt. d o w n nn«1tin- rcniiiiinliM in Installments*over ii i>fi'i(%i| «>f s ix months.




DEEPLY absorbed in the thrillingdetails of the plot, entirely* ob-livious to all his surroundings,

this reader is following the d:vtf cements ofone of the best mystery stories yet penned bythat star of fiction writers, George Barr Mc-Cutcheon. You will be equally interested in thenew serial we take pleasure in, announcing.

Green FancyU a strange, hidden house on the American bor-der of Canada. In and around it royal person-ages, third-rate actors, a New York man of theworld, a beautiful woman, an Irishman of for-tune, an international crook, all play their partsm an exciting drama of European intrigue. Itis a story of many dramatic incidents, excitingsituations and touches of splendid humor.

You'll Miss a Big Treat if YouFail to Read Our New Serial!

Beginning next weekon page 2.


Ihprrliv I'lti'iulinu <<> ll'f l>*<tpl<* of thi*more n n n euioni terms of 8ubi \lmn Here offpr»*il tn th*"

four |in>\ ions Ion tinTlif tlr^t tmyinonls on Miltsu-rlptton*

in* line in tin- pjitoiii of 10 porcrni. <in before Mu> Irt, ((*• clotting dnjrof Mir inmpnlyn Anothor 10 p«T rnnt.will !)<• due «m nr hf>fnr«> July 1R, moreI linn itui niiMiths twtpr, whl l* thi»r«n-HI bo tillowtH four m'l>P<»<i»ent !»•

[ •tallmi'tu* of 'M pt>r rent, each on or

t>«T 7 in<1 Novpinln-r 11.(i-r»«t on tii'ferrfHi lt>siallm«t(s will»f (lu? with ilit> last payment.

i'Ur t^nii* nt (he Vnurth LiN>rt*f

only four oioiulm and lh<> installmentsrniiKtHl no that 50 per cent.Aue t>eiwren January 10 aaa

Januarjr 30, 1910.

mHear the Call.

A MARRIED COUPLH."We c*u*t alt b« riot la thla

world.""No. But Lan't It tin* that w* caa

all know MmcoiK who baao't q\iH«ao much money &« we haveT"


Grouad Bone Fcrtiirer* for LaWM


1,000 Copies


Mlaa OooaaThat muat *>•that altlr Oau-der trytaa; t»flirt with » • .

SvbscripfeMt Tear ANDREW KEYES

[ ta aMb«r •• ( a o 1 o r

a phyatetan.

writ* aUAO.

Faraitw* aad PWMN Moved



PrivaU AmbdUancc Service #

R. A, H1RNERUndcrteker u dExpert


J o h n n y

boy «v»rrl>odrwould mmtr-

\y corns to m.

T*ȣ wti*t ofhlnoT

Nothlua-. «rx-•MPt tliM ta hl»


i« a tailoc, a* k« haatwo 14MM ••<*«* iwrllut aafl aV

A mau c«m« alMagday when Jtauar waa ««* aa tttmtardt a»« lanatw* wtmm *MMW H>e«. "fMt fta * a

BUILD NOWHogrr K Sininwxis . M IIH-IIIIKI <>r :» ( n i l c d Slntos d o v e r n m o n l

romnusft inn • *1"l l<> U m s i n to stinlv Ihc hi inl icr s i t u u l i o n in thew « r (lcvast:ili'il cnuntr tos , tnlil the totfisls«ti vc < omtniRs ioo inves t i -H»tinji htflh \>r\< c* of b u i l d i n g mniri-iol. th»1 the w o r l d w u s f a c i n ga s e r i o u s ^horldHf of lumber .

P r i c e s of l i imlwr, ho s:i(u, wi-rv ccr i i t in to r i s e in tho noxtf r w veflrs b o m u s p of Ihr UUKSIIHI rliMiiund w h i c h w o u l d c o m efrom the reconstruction of the war strirken regions of Kurope.Most of this lumber, hr wid, wmiM Imvc to be-supplied by theUnited Stfltr< and ('nnniln.

(,r«M»t Rrittiin rcci'iitly called on its < itiwn* immediately tot>vAl .100,000 homes fur'rcltiriiinK soldifis and tailor*, the Gov-ornTncnt ««!<•.• in« to rrfund 7f> pet c«>nl. of any dilTorenllHl Oostlirtwern todny nnd OVP yonrs from now.

Come in and look over the plans on file at ouroffice. You may find just the one you have beenlooking for.




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M1I)I)|.KSK\23 (in-cil S| \r

The Place Where Your Trade Is Appreciated





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