mnemonics studyskills

Mnemonics and Study Skills Mnemonics as defined by Webster is “assisting or intended to assist the memory.” Mnemonic devices are learning aids that are often verbal, but they can also be visual, kinesthetic or auditory.

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Mnemonics and Study Skills Mnemonics as defined by Webster is

“assisting or intended to assist the memory.” Mnemonic devices are learning aids that are often verbal, but they can also be visual, kinesthetic or auditory.

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When learning English or any given subject, there is much information to memorize

Some students seem to memorize easily But most need the help of strategies to

remember important information and specific details

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Successful Strategies to Aid Memorization Organize the information in a meaningful way Associate new information with facts you already know Invent word acronyms. Use the first letter of a string of words to

memorize the notes in the treble clef: EGBDF (Every Good Boy Does Fine)

Group words into categories Visualize or use imagery to make a mental picture of what you

are trying to remember Recite vocabulary out loud Listen to audio recording which contains the information that you

want to learn Go over what you’ve learned and review often

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Many factors affect our ability to remember and one such factor is having a positive attitude

Let go of negative thoughts and affirm that you have a good memory you can remember everything that you learn

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One technique is to use post-it notes around your home It acts as a constant reminder and it requires little


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Learn and memorize using more frequent study sessions Studying 20 minutes over a 3 day period is more

effective that studying for 60 minutes straight

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Review your notes often, especially just after your class

Form a study group and quiz each other on the information you are learning

Rest and relax. Stress can block effective learning. Listen to music while studying Take frequent breaks

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Study Skills

As students, employees, parents or individuals, we will be required to keep learning throughout our entire lives For example, learning about a new subject or a

new sport Learning how to learn creates life-long

learners out of all of us

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Create a comfortable study space of your

own where you will be unlikely to be disturbed It should be well-organized, comfortable and well-

lit with plenty of space for your books and tools

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Form a study group in which you can teach

what you learn and quiz each other It helps to build on the strengths of everyone

in the group rather than relying on just yourself all the time

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Write note cards that you can review when

you have a spare 5or 10 minutes writing is a preferred way for many to remember

what they’ve read

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Take regular breaks to stretch your legs and

to relax for a few minutes Study your most difficult subjects first Change subjects at least every hour. You can

always come back and review what you’ve studied previously

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Review every day Make a study sheet of pertinent information

to make reviewing more efficient Maintain a positive attitude and give yourself

time to learn It’s a process

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Familiar and Effective Techniques Seek help if you don’t understand certain

concepts or assignments Be pro-active and don’t wait until the last

minute to try to cram information It doesn’t work

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Studying, learning and memorizing come more easily with practice The more we learn, the more we are able to retain

As with physical strength, we get stronger the more we use our minds

Exercising our minds through intellectual pursuit will help us to become stronger and better learners

Our brains create neural networks on which new learning sticks