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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Lesson 17: ConfiguringAuthentication and

    AuthorizationMOAC 70-687: Configuring Windows 8

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Working with Usersand Groups

    Lesson 17: Configuring Authentication

    and Authorization

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    User Accounts The user account is the fundamental unit of

    identity in the Windows operating system.

    As an operating system element, the user

    account and its properties are vitalcomponents in two of the most importantWindows functions:

    o Authentication

    o Authorization

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Groups A group is another type of entity that

    Windows uses to represent a collection ofusers.

    System administrators can create groups, forany reason and with any name, and thenuse them just as they would a user account.

    Any permissions or user rights that an

    administrator assigns to a group areautomatically inherited by all members ofthe group.

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    Understanding Local andDomain Users

    The concept of users and groups iscomplicated in Windows because there aretwo completely separate user account

    systems:o Local users

    o Domain users

    Which user account system a Windowscomputer uses depends on whether it is amember of a workgroup or an ActiveDirectory Domain Services domain.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Workgroup A workgroup is a collection of computers

    that are all peers.

    A peer network is one in which every

    computer can function as botho A server: By sharing its resources with other


    o A client: By accessing the shared resources on

    other computers.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Domain A domain is a collection of computers that all

    utilize a central directory service forauthentication and authorization.

    A directory service is a collection of logical

    objects that represent various types of networkresources, such aso Computerso Applicationso Users

    o Groups Each object consists of attributes that contain

    information about the object.

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    Differentiating Local andDomain Users

    Local and domain users are different inseveral important ways.

    You use different tools to create and

    manage the two types of users, and the useraccounts themselves are different incomposition.

    A user account consists of attributes, which

    contain information about the user. Domainusers have many more attributes than localusers.

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    Differentiating Local andDomain Users

    The Properties sheet for a local user

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    Differentiating Local andDomain Users

    The Properties sheet for a domain user

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Frequently Asked Questions

    About Local and Domain Users

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 12

    Quest ion Lo cal Users Domain Users

    What tools do

    you use to

    manage the

    user accounts?

    The User Accounts

    control panel applet or

    the Local Users and

    Groups snap-in for

    Microsoft Management

    Console (MMC)

    The Active Directory Users and

    Computers MMC snap-in

    Where are the

    user accounts


    In the Security Accounts

    Manager (SAM) on the

    local computer

    On the Active Directory Domain

    Services domain controllers

    What can you

    access with theuser account?

    Local computer

    resources only

    All domain and network



    restrictions are

    there on the

    user name?

    Each user name must be

    unique on the computer

    Each user name must be

    unique in the directory

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Built-In Local UsersThe following user accounts are built-in on Windows 8: Administrator:During a typical Windows 8

    installation, the Setup program creates anAdministrator account and makes it a member ofthe Administrators group, giving it complete accessto all areas of the operating system.

    New User:During the operating system installationprocess, the installer must specify the name for anew user account, which the Setup programcreates and adds to the Administrators group.

    Guest:This account is designed for users that requireonly temporary access to the computer, and whodo not need high levels of access.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Local and DomainGroups

    Whether local or domain, a group isessentially just a collection of users and, insome cases, other groups.

    By assigning rights and permissions to agroup, you assign those rights andpermissions to all of its members.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using Local GroupsLocal groups are subject to the following restrictions: You can only use local groups on the computer where you

    create them. Only local users from the same computer can be members of

    local groups.

    When the computer is a member of an AD DS domain, localgroups can have domain users and domain global groups asmembers.

    Local groups cannot have other local groups as members.However, they can have domain groups as members.

    You can only assign permissions to local groups when you are

    controlling access to resources on the local computer. You cannot create local groups on a Windows servercomputer that is functioning as a domain controller.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Windows 8 Built-In Local

    Groups and Their Capabilities

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 16

    Bu il t- In Local


    Group Funct ion

    Access Control



    Members can remotely query authorization permissions for

    resources on this computer.

    Administrators Members have full administrative access to the entire operating

    system. By default, the Administrator user and the user accountcreated during the operating system installation are both members

    of this group.

    Backup Operators Members have user rights enabling them to override permissions

    for the sole purpose of backing up and restoring files, folders, and

    other operating system elements.


    Members are capable of performing cryptographic operations.

    Distributed COM


    Members are capable of launching, activating, and using

    distributed COM objects.

    Event Log Readers Members can read the computers event logs.

    Wi d 8 B il I L l

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Windows 8 Built-In Local

    Groups and Their Capabilities

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 17

    Buil t - In Local Group Group Funct ion

    Guests Members have no default user rights. By default, the Guest user account

    is a member of this group.



    Members have full control of all Hyper-V features.

    IIS_IUSRS Group used to provide privileges to dedicated Internet InformationServices users.




    Members have privileges that enable them to modify the computers

    network configuration settings.

    Performance Log


    Members have privileges that enable them to schedule the logging of

    performance counters, enable trace providers, and collect event traces on

    this computer, both locally and from remote locations.

    Performance Monitor


    Members have privileges that enable them to monitor performance counter

    data on the computer, both locally and from remote locations.

    Power Users Members possess no additional capabilities in Windows 8, In previous

    Windows versions, the Power Users group provided privileges for a limited

    number of administrative functions, but in Windows 8, the group is

    included solely for reasons of backwards compatibility.

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Windows 8 Built-In Local

    Groups and Their Capabilities

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 18

    Bu il t- In Local


    Group Funct ion

    Remote Desktop


    Members can log on to the computer from remote locations,

    using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop.




    Members can access Windows Management Instrumentation

    (WMI) resources using management protocols.

    Replicator When the computer is joined to a domain, this group provides the

    access needed for file replication functions. The only member

    should be a user account dedicated solely to the replication


    Users Members can perform most common tasks, such as running

    applications, using local and network printers, and locking the

    server. However, members are prevented from making many

    system-wide configuration changes, whether they do so

    accidentally or deliberately.




    Members can access Windows Management Instrumentation

    (WMI) resources using management protocols.

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Special Identities A special identity is a placeholder for a

    collection of users with a similarcharacteristic.

    For example, the Authenticated Usersspecial identity represents all the users thatare logged on to the computer at a giveninstant.

    You can assign rights and permissions to aspecial identity just as you would to a group.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Creating and ManagingLocal Users and Groups

    Lesson 17: Configuring Authentication

    and Authorization

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 20


  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Creating a NewUser Account

    New to Windows 8 is the ability to create a localuser account based on an existing WindowsLive ID.

    The User accounts control panel applet

    provides access to existing local accounts, butwhen creating new accounts, the systemtransfers you to the Users page of the PCSettings app.

    Adding a user through this interface takes youthrough the same procedure as the new usercreation process in the Windows 8 installation.

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    Create a New User Account

    The User accounts control panel applet

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    Create a New User Account

    The Choose the user you would like to change page

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    Create a New User Account

    The Users page in the PC Settings screen

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    Create a New User Account

    The Add a user screen

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    Create a New User Account

    The Add a user form

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    Manage User Accounts

    The Make changes to [users] account page

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    Manage User Accounts

    The Type a new account name for [users]account page

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    Manage User Accounts

    The Choose a new account type for [user] page

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 29

    d A

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Creating a Windows 8 Account

    from a Microsoft Account When you specify your email address on the

    Add a user screen, the system searches for aMicrosoft account that uses that address.

    Then it either prompts you for the accountpassword or, if it fails to find one, displays aSet up a Microsoft account form with whichyou can create a new account.

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    Creating a Windows 8 Accountfrom a Microsoft Account

    The Set up a Microsoft Account page

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    U i th L l U d

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using the Local Users andGroups Snap-In

    By default, the Local Users and Groups snap-in ispart of the Computer Management console.

    You can open the Local Users and Groups

    snap-in using one of three basic ways:o Open the Control Panel, select System and Security >

    Administrative Tools > Computer Management

    o Launch Microsoft Management Console (Mmc.exe),choose File > Add/Remove Snap-In, and then select

    the Local Users and Groups snap-in.

    o Open the Run dialog box and type Lusrmgr.msc in theOpen text box.

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    Create a New User

    The Computer Management console

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    Create a New User

    The Local Users and Groups snap-in

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    Create a New User

    The New User dialog box

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    Manage a User

    The Member Of tab of a users Properties sheet

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    Manage a User

    The Select Groups dialog box

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    Manage a User

    The Profile tab of a users Properties sheet

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    Create a Local Group

    The New Group dialog box

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    Working with Domain

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Working with DomainUsers and Groups

    To create and manage AD DS domain usersand groups on a Windows 8 workstation:

    o Install the Remote Server Administration Tools

    o Turn on the Active Directory Users and Computersnap-in under Turn Windows features on or off

    o Have the appropriate Active Directorypermissions

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Authenticating and

    Authorizing UsersLesson 17: Configuring Authentication

    and Authorization

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 41

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Working with Passwords Potential intruders can obtain passwords in two

    possible ways: cracking them or discoveringthem.

    These methods are possible only when users

    compromise their passwords in some way. Some of the ways in which users can weaken

    the security of their passwords are:o Short passwords

    o Simple passwordso Unchanging passwords

    o Predictable passwords

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Configure Password Policies

    The Local Security Policy console

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    Configure Password Policies

    Password Policies in the Local Security Policy console

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    Configure Password Policies

    The Properties sheet of a password policy

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Configure Password Policies

    Password Policies in an AD DS Group Policy object

    2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 46

    Configuring Account

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Configuring AccountLockout Policies

    Windows 8 can protect against brute forcepassword penetration techniques by limitingthe number of unsuccessful logon attemptsallowed by each user account.

    When a potential infiltrator exceeds thenumber of allowed attempts, the systemlocks the account for a set period of time.

    To impose these limits, you can use LocalSecurity Policy for standalone computers, orGroup Policy for AD DS networks.

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    Co figu e Accou t

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    Configure AccountLockout Policies

    Account Lockout Policies in the Local SecurityPolicy console

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    Configure Account

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    Configure AccountLockout Policies

    The Properties sheet of an account lockout policy

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    Using Credential

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using CredentialManager

    Credential Manager is a Windows 8 tool thatstores the user names and passwords peoplesupply to servers and websites in a protectedarea called the Windows Vault.

    When a user selects the Remember mycredentials check box while authenticating inWindows Explorer, Internet Explorer, or RemoteDesktop Connection, the system adds thecredentials to the Windows Vault.

    It is also possible to add credentials directly tothe vault using Credential Manager, by clickingAdd a Windows credential, or one of the similarlinks.

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    Using Credential Manager

    The Remember my credentials control

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    Using Credential Manager

    Credential Manager

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    Using Credential Manager

    The Add a Windows Credential window

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    Using PIN and Picture

  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using PIN and PicturePasswords

    On the Users page of the PC Settings screenyou can change the password of your localuser account, and you can also replace thepassword entirely, with either a numerical PIN ora picture and a sequence of gestures.

    A PIN password is a four-digit number that auser can employ to log on in place of apassword.

    Picture passwords are designed to take

    advantage of touch interfaces by replacing thestandard alphanumeric password with apicture.

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    Using PIN and Picture Passwords

    The Users page of the PC Settings screen

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    Using PIN and Picture Passwords

    The Create a PIN screen

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using Smart Cards A smart card is a credit card-like device that

    contains a chip, on which is stored a digitalcertificate that serves as an identifier for a

    particular user. On a computer equipped with a card

    reader, a user can authenticate him- orherself by specifying a user name and

    inserting the smart card.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Managing Certificates Windows 8 uses digital certificates for a variety

    of authentication tasks, internally, on the localnetwork, and on the Internet.

    Every user account has a certificate storecontaining a variety of certificates obtained byvarious means.

    To access the Certificates snap-in, click theSearch charm, select Settings, and type cert inthe search box.

    In the Results list, click Manage user certificatesto load the snap-in and point it at the currentuser account.

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    Managing Certificates

    The Certificates snap-in

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    Managing Certificates

    A Certificate dialog box

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    Managing Certificates

    The Export File Format page in the

    Certificate Export Wizard

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Using Biometrics Biometric authentication uses a scan of a

    physical characteristic to confirm the identity ofa user.

    There are a great many third-party biometric

    authentication solutions available, most ofwhich take the form of finger print scanners forlaptop computers.

    Windows 8 now includes a new component

    called the Windows Biometric Framework,which provides a core biometric functionalityand a Biometric Device control panel.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Elevating Privileges The preferred mechanism for performing

    tasks that require administrative privileges isto use the Run As feature to execute aprogram using another account.

    Shortcuts in the Start menu have a Run asadministrator option in their context menus.

    This option causes standard users to receivea credential prompt and administrators toreceive an elevation prompt, according tothe systems normal User Account Control(UAC) practices.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Authorizing Users Authentication confirms a users identity.

    Authorization grants the user access tocertain resources.

    The most commonly-used mechanisms forauthorizing users in Windows 8 are the NTFS,share, and registry permission systems.

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  • 8/10/2019 MOAC 70-687 L17 Authentication and Authorization


    Configuring User Rights

    User Rights Assignments