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  • 7/30/2019 mobile computing cdma


    Oxford University Press 2007. All rights reserved. 1

    Wireless Medium Access Control and

    CDMA-based Communication

    Lesson 01

    Modulation Methods for Medium-access

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    Oxford University Press 2007. All rights reserved. 2

    Number of signal sources access to

    wireless medium simultaneously

    Simultaneously transmitted Signals

    (actually electromagnetic radiation) mayinterference with each other, when they

    travel through a medium

    Network has to receive signals from each

    radio carrier distinctly

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    Oxford University Press 2007. All rights reserved. 3

    Modulation with radio carrier frequency


    Voice-data or data signals propagate

    through the medium after modulation

    Wireless station accesses a medium by

    modulation of radio carrier(s) with thesignal symbols

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    Digitized form of the analog signals

    Symbolbit(s) prepared for transmission

    after encoding of data bits and insertion

    of the error control and other bits

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    Instantaneous value of signal amplitude,

    s(t) at an instant t

    s(t) = S s0sin (2 c/c t + t0)

    s(t) = S s0 sin (2 fc t + t0)

    where S is the symbol to be transmitted, 1 or


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    Amplitude shifted keying (ASK)


    s0 = A0whenSymbol = 0 (1)

    s0 = A1 when

    Symbol = 1 (2)

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    BFSK (binary frequency shift keying) of

    fc when S = 1

    s0(t) = s0/2 . sin (2 fc t + t0) when

    S = 0

    s1(t) = s0/2 . sin (2 (fc+ fm) t + t0)

    when S = 1 Bandwidth > f c

    Harmonics of (fc+ 2 fm), (fc+ 3 fm) , (fc+

    4 fm) present

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    GMSK (Gaussian Minimum shift keying)

    DSP based Gaussian low pass filter

    Bandwidth is 2 .fmplus guard band

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    One of the four possible distinct

    sequences (00, 01, 10, or 11) transmittedusing a specific phase angle of the radio

    carrier frequency

    Symbols (00, 01, 10, or 11) represent a


    Each symbol actually a sequence of 2bits

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    Each alternate symbol is in the next


    90 are added to the phase angle, the

    second symbol shifts to the nextquadrature during transmission

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    An OQPSK receiver subtracts the phase

    angle by 90 and, therefore, receives thesignal in the original quadrature and,

    therefore, also the original second symbol,

    and so on

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    Advantage of OQPSK

    In-phase and quadrature signals overlap,

    because now they are in the same phasequadrant

    Thus, the number of sharp transitions inthe signals reduces to half of its original


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    Transmitted envelope smoother as

    compared to one transmitted throughQPSK

    Utilization-efficiency of the bandwidthallotted to a mobile service improves

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    A form of QPSK modulation in which the

    signal phase shifts by 45 after every twosymbols

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    Advantage of/4-QPSK

    There are no sharp transitions of in the

    phase angle

    The number of sharp transitions of the

    signals halves

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    Lesser sharp transitions imply a lower

    number of significant higher harmonics,lesser bandwidth requirement per channel,

    and increased utilization of the allotted

    bandwidth to a wireless service provider

    Bandwidth utilization-efficiency improves

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    Symbol sequence 10 00 11 01 to be

    transmitted after QPSK modulation

    After each successive time interval of T,

    the phase angles of the transmitted signal

    s(t), which are 3/4, 3/4, /4, +/4become 3/4, /2, 0, /2 in /4-QPSK

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    The /4-QPSK demodulator at the

    receiving end subtracts /4 after eachsuccessive bit pair, the original QPSK


    3/ 4, 3 / 4, /4, + /4 found and thebits are recovered as 10 00 11 01

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    Four-bit per symbol 16-QAM method

    Each symbol actually a sequence of 4 bits

    Four symbol sequences representing a 16bits grouped and transmitted by phaseshift keying

    One of the 16 possible distinct sequencestransmits by a specific phase angle of theradio carrier frequency at a specific

    amplitude (one of the three values ofamplitude s0)

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    Two most significant bits for QPSK while

    reserving the remaining 4 for the 16-QAMsignals

    64-QAM thus transmits 6 symbols (bits) in

    a sequence

    When the bits are transmitted after 64-

    QAM, the spectrum bandwidthrequirement reduces greatly

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    64-QAM Example

    For example, assume that a 64-QAM

    modulated signal is generated andtransmitted at 19.2 ksymbol/s

    One of the 64 possible distinct sequences

    is transmitted at a specific phase angle,

    frequency, and amplitude

    Six symbols represent a sequence

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    The bit transmission rate is 6 19.2

    ksymbol/s = 115.2 kbps when 64-QAM istransmitted at 19.2 ksymbol/s

    Each symbol actually a sequence of 6 bits

    The bandwidth requirement, in this case,

    is thus reduced by a factor of 1/6

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    Modulation methods, ASK, FSK, GMSK

    QPSK for each symbol representing a pairof bits


    /4 QPSK

    16 QAM for each symbol representing a

    set of 4 bits 64 QAM 16 QAM for each symbolrepresenting a set of 4 bits

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    End of Lesson 01

    Modulation Methods for Medium-access