mobile digital ecosystem

Regain control of the sale What is happening now and what is coming. A workshop for brands and retailers to understand what to do with the digital consumer. How to play to win and stop playing not to lose. Plus why product information is such a vital business asset, but so often overlooked. OIA AGM & Conference, Lake District March 2015 A collection of information and resources to signpost solutions from John Shirley @ aWorkbook [email protected]

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Regain control of the sale

What is happening now and what is coming.

A workshop for brands and retailers to understand what to do with the digital consumer. How to play to win and stop playing not to lose.

Plus why product information is such a vital business asset, but so often overlooked.

OIA AGM & Conference, Lake District March 2015

A collection of information and resources to signpost solutions from John Shirley @ aWorkbook [email protected]

Why this subject?

“We have lost control of the sale.”

Richard Cotter, October 2014, Outdoor Summit, Tegernsee

“We are on a burning platform …”

Frank Hugelmeyer, OIA AGM &conference, March 2014

“We don’t know what we are doing about showrooming.”

Rainer Angstl, CEO Sport Schuste, OIA AGM & conference March 2013,

Some questions to answer

• How will you re-imagine the shopping experience through digital experiences that bring a brand and product to life?

• How will you provide new engaging, content-rich experiences that are much more personalized for the shopper?

• How ill you adapt for the mobile users who consume rich content almost anywhere?

• What tools are you using to manage and approve finalized (marketing-ready) product information and content that

can be syndicated to channel partners (such as online resellers) and used internally?

• Do you have a consistent library for product specifications, images, prices and other supporting information?

• Do you have a single view of your customer across all your channels?

• Are you able to support in-store pickup processes and ship-from-store options that help “save the sale”

… provide a seamless brand experience along the whole customer journey ..

Customer experience management

• - research

• on customer experience and why it matters. Blogger

• on the customer and see the video on the home page. Software and solution provider.

Big data, what does it mean

Smart use of big data … Data is the new oil … stats and interpretation ...

But even in the best companies only 10% is gathered .. only 1% of data is used .... ...

Q: Ask yourself … “could we do business more effectively if we were able to discover hidden trends in our everyday activities?”

Other questions – how to sell more:

• How to drive people to the store?• How to convert more sales in-store?• How to convert more sales online – amazon … pure play .. Ecomm. Etc.

With more purchases happening digitally today, big-data analytics has become a crucial but often little-understood link between the shopper and the retailer, both around the holidays and year-round. The technology is providing shoppers better selection, customer service and more targeted advertising, while helping retailers sell more of those big TVs and hot handbags you want under the tree.

E-commerce providers can now leverage algorithms to target sales and promotions to the groups most likely to buy; they can also promote items that complement specific products a shopper has already purchased, like throw pillows to go with a couch, or jewelry to match a just-purchased dress. Big data has even helped retailers tweak the timing and frequency of their emails to customers. (Guess what: Lots of people read emails from retailers at lunchtime.) These communications are also highly personalized. One flash-sales site I know can send out tens of thousands of variations of its daily email, based on your preferences and past shopping history.

And of course, big data powers the most powerful targeting of all—“re-targeting”—through which a specific item you browsed on a website actually follows you around the Internet, popping up in an ad to remind you it’s still out there, ready for purchase. A woman in my office told me recently about a designer handbag she had seen online showing up a few days later in her Facebook feed. This time, the retailer indicated that the specific bag was 40% off for a limited time. She immediately notified her husband and is hoping he got the hint.

In addition, retailers are using “dynamic pricing” to change the prices for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of goods on the fly, depending on supply and demand as well as what their competitors are charging. This is similar to how airlines price seats. But in the retail world, this means a seller can see immediately that Amazon has dropped its price on, say, a big-screen TV, then slash its own price in a matter of seconds. According to research firm 360pi, Amazon and Sears alter their prices for 15 to 20 percent of their online goods at least once a day.

Digital business - PIM and other things

• - 48 secs on how to sell more faster

• See two PDFs on Slideshare to follow

• PIM is software - you need it and a bunch of other tech

• Humans to curate the data – you need them, we have them.

Click here for SlideShare


• Understand your IT and software ecosystem.

• Which system does what and why. See diagram on next page.

• Don’t expect there to be one system to do it all …

• Make demands on your IT people and your suppliers …

We have lost the power of the sale ... The lesson from it …• … be smarter at managing the touch points ... and you will maintain the trust

that your brand and your business have built up …

• You really do need a seamless connection at all touch points, inventory information ... multi device etc. ...

• Retail assistants need more support with data and devices ... (NB that’s not one software solution but many connected using APIS)

• How can you become a digital brand? How do you address these digital audiences ...

• Summary - data important, back end tech, focus on single platform orchestrating interactions (whats that?). the customer and see the video on the home page. Software and solution provider.

To do list …

• Put the customer first ...

• Bring your teams together ... IT, Marketing, Product etc.

• Brainstorm .. and open up to suppliers like aWorkbook

• Invest in business intelligence - get it and analyse ..

• Embrace change, experiment, fail, learn, repeat ..

• Be uncomfortably excited ..

• Don’t be left behind on the burning platform ..

• Speak to the people at aWorkbook on where to start ..

Some questions … a reminder• How will you reimagine the shopping experience through digital experiences that bring a brand and product to life?

• How will you provide new engaging, content-rich experiences are much more personalized for the shopper?

• How will you adapt for the mobile users who consume rich content almost anywhere?

• What tools are you using to manage and approve finalized (marketing-ready) product information and content that can be syndicated to channel partners (such as online resellers) and used internally?

• Do you have a consistent library for product specifications, images, prices and other supporting information?

• Do you have a single view of your customer across all your channels?

• Are you able to support in-store pickup processes and ship-from-store options that help “save the sale”

See a great example of leadership and digital implementation : Tommy Hilfiger, digital showroom video

And the aWorkbook approach to doing the same for less and quicker.

For some answers and 1st class product data curation ..