mobile game development

Design Principles For Android App Development Every Android app development needs to be undertaken keepingthe best interests of users in mind. Developers are at liberty to use creative thinking and unique design ideas but must take care of some underlying principles for most effective results. Need For Enchantment Carefully planned animations, beautiful surface, and fine timing of sound effects promote usersatisfaction. Subtle effects work well in conveying feeling of effortlessness and ensuring powerful experiences. Any number of menus and buttons that you add with Android app development can never replace the fun offered by real objects. People love to directly manipulate and touch objects related to the apps you develop. It brings down associated cognitive efforts required for task performance, while making experiences emotionally satisfying. Presence of beautiful, sensible defaults with optional, fun customizations gives users a feeling of being in control without hindering primary tasks. Over time, Android developer can understand preferences of people, withone trick being to place their previous selections well within reach. Simplification Of Common Tasks Simple words and short phrases work best because long sentences tend to put off users, and they will skip them instead of reading. When developers want to explain various ideas, it is better to use pictures as it tends to convey concepts faster, are more efficient, and attract attention immediately. You should not offer too many decisions or choices as it will confuse users. You must make sure to add ‘undo’ feature. It is better to break information and tasks into digestible, small chunks during Android app development. If an option is not essential,it is better to hide it and make users discover it for themselves as they use the application. Remembering creations, personal touches, and settings across computers, phones, and tablets makes upgrades easy when required. Functional differences are best shown through visual distinction instead of subtle differentiation. Introduction Of Feel-Good Features People want to feel good when they useAndroid apps. So, it is best to let them figure things out for themselves instead of spoon feeding everything. Leveraging muscle memory and visual patterns makes learning easier. A fantastic navigation shortcut is swipe gesture. Clear recovery options minus technical details are the best when users want correction of mistakes. Feedbacks related to different actions are another part of the feel-good feature additions where something as subtle as a glow after accomplishment of tasks is enough. With the design of right apps, even novices can be made to feel like experts. For example, use of multi photo effects can transform amateur photographs into something spectacular. From using masks and color contrasts, they will be able to do it professionally. Similarly, whether it is enjoying songs or playing games, apps allow you entertainment and fun. The best Android developer is aware of most useful features related to their apps and makes them easy to locate for the users.

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Post on 22-Jul-2016




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Appster L2, 377 Lonsdale St Melbourne 3000, VIC 1800 709 291 Appster works with high-tech startups which are changing the world with technology, intrapreneurs who are revolutionizing their businesses with enterprise tools and entertainment visionaries letting us assemble games much like Angry Birds!


Page 1: Mobile Game Development

Design Principles For Android App Development

Every Android app development needs to be undertaken keepingthe best interests of

users in mind. Developers are at liberty to use creative thinking and unique design ideas

but must take care of some underlying principles for most effective results.

Need For Enchantment

Carefully planned animations, beautiful surface, and fine timing of sound effects promote

usersatisfaction. Subtle effects work well in conveying feeling of effortlessness and

ensuring powerful experiences. Any number of menus and buttons that you add with

Android app development can never replace the fun offered by real objects. People love

to directly manipulate and touch objects related to the apps you develop. It brings down

associated cognitive efforts required for task performance, while making experiences

emotionally satisfying. Presence of beautiful, sensible defaults with optional, fun

customizations gives users a feeling of being in control without hindering primary tasks.

Over time, Android developer can understand preferences of people, withone trick being

to place their previous selections well within reach.

Simplification Of Common Tasks

Simple words and short phrases work best because long sentences tend to put off users,

and they will skip them instead of reading. When developers want to explain various

ideas, it is better to use pictures as it tends to convey concepts faster, are more

efficient, and attract attention immediately. You should not offer too many decisions or

choices as it will confuse users. You must make sure to add ‘undo’ feature. It is better to

break information and tasks into digestible, small chunks during Android app

development. If an option is not essential,it is better to hide it and make users discover

it for themselves as they use the application. Remembering creations, personal touches,

and settings across computers, phones, and tablets makes upgrades easy when

required. Functional differences are best shown through visual distinction instead of

subtle differentiation.

Introduction Of Feel-Good Features

People want to feel good when they useAndroid apps. So, it is best to let them figure

things out for themselves instead of spoon feeding everything. Leveraging muscle

memory and visual patterns makes learning easier. A fantastic navigation shortcut is

swipe gesture. Clear recovery options minus technical details are the best when users

want correction of mistakes. Feedbacks related to different actions are another part of

the feel-good feature additions where something as subtle as a glow after

accomplishment of tasks is enough.

With the design of right apps, even novices can be made to feel like experts. For

example, use of multi photo effects can transform amateur photographs into something

spectacular. From using masks and color contrasts, they will be able to do it

professionally. Similarly, whether it is enjoying songs or playing games, apps allow you

entertainment and fun. The best Android developer is aware of most useful features

related to their apps and makes them easy to locate for the users.

Page 2: Mobile Game Development

New Styles And Patterns For Android Developer In Melbourne

Android developer in Melbourne looking to build interesting apps can now make most

new styles and patterns available for this platform. This includes Lollipop Android 5.0

with its material design, an expansive guide for interaction, motion, and visual designs

across devices and platforms. It offers developers a completely new theme, APIs for

animations, and shadows or widgets related to complex views. This allows Android

developers to implement various design material patterns in various apps. The 5.0 with

Lollipop offers important updates related to notifications with visual changes in material

design, lock screen notification availability, cloud-synced, and priority notifications.

KitKat Android 4.0 allows developers to create effective branding solutions with

consistency of experience for users. Enough flexibility is available for customizing app

appearances to reinforce branding. Android developers can offer accents using brand

colors, overriding the default blue of UI elements such as progress bars, check boxes,

scroll indicators, sliders, radio buttons, and tabs. It is better to show the name and

launcher icon of the app in action bar for users to see on every app screen. KitKat not

only helps to highlight branding elements but allows incorporation of different brand

elements in the visual language of your app.All that a company needs to do is hire the

right developers and get the apps that are needed

Touch feedback has now gone subtle. So, when users touch anything, background color

lightens or darkens slightly. For Android developer in Melbourne,this means easy

incorporation of branding elements and sufficient encouragement to users. Available

support for full screen has increased as now apps can utilize entire screens. Different

approaches are available for meeting various needs related to content and apps.

Developers have updated Gestures page with updated and new gestures associated with

KitKat. It is possible to change content viewing size using these gestures.

Jelly Bean Android 4.1 offers notable enhancements related to notifications as users can

now act upon these immediately from drawer. These are much more flexible now in both

layout and size. You can sort them based upon importance using priority flags or expand

and collapse them as required. One of the most important customization elements of the

home screen are widgets. This gives users at-a-glance app view and lets them know

about crucial functionality and data directly from home screen. Load and automatically

resize different content depending upon various factors like,

Drop point on home screen

Expansion sizes

Home screen room availability

Though there are plenty of developers,it is important to work with the best in the

industry. This ensures best returns on your investment. Android developer in Melbourne

can now offer higher accessibility to users with Jelly Bean, expanding their reach to

people with disabilities. This is possible due to presence of intuitive navigation,

meaningful labeling of UI visual elements, use of framework standard controls, and


Page 3: Mobile Game Development

Android Development-How To Make Your Game Apps Popular

Through the years, there has been an increasing interest in Android game

development,so as a developer you should know how these games work. For starters,

you have to decide on your target device. These are mainly of two types,

Lower-end first generation

High-end secondgeneration

Allcurrently available phones fall neatly within these two classes in relation to graphics,

performance, and CPU, the most important variables for Android development. First-

generation phones have HVGA screen with Android 1.5/1.6 or 2.1 on certain devices,

CPU is 500 mHz. Second-generation phones mostly have WVGA screens with much

faster GPUs and CPUs. Compared to firstgeneration, second-generation varieties are

approximately five times faster. Presence of large screens signifies fill bound

requirement with high costs associated with screen pixel filling. With large differences

between available features in first and second-generation phones, careful target

selection is important duringAndroid development.

Currently, first-generation phones occupy more than half of overall market shares. So,

games offering compatibility with both generation devices will find largest user base.

Picking up the language is important when you want to make your game apps popular.

Android programmers mostly write their codes using Java, whereas those experienced in

game development in general prefer to use C++. When it comes to Android game

development, you should know that some of the most popular ones around in Android

market use Java. When it comes to speed considerations,however, native codes work the


The latest revisions associated with Android NDK include useful improvements for game

developers. They can compile course in shared libraries and wrap them up for better

management of lifecycle events and inputs or draw pixel buffers of Java Bitmap directly

from native codes. This makes everything faster than bitmap loading in the form of GL

textures along with GDB support to debug device native codes effectively. With so much

help around for developers, there is nothing else to do but design the most popular

games effortlessly. Once decision on development environment and specifications of the

target system is made, then the rest will follow.

In all this, it is important to keep your focus on end users. Consider the age group that

will be playing the games. If you are considering the 0-3 years or the 14 to 18 years,

there is going to be difference in the type of gaming apps that you will need to develop.

For Android development related to game apps, you need to focus on mainly two areas.

These are the,

Input systems

Texture compression

With texture compression, developers have to offer different texture versions related to

different formats.It is important to consider how users are going to play your game.

Some phones contain trackball, while others directional pads or hardware keyboards,

and still others support multi-touch screens. Some phones may not even contain any of

these features; however, all Android phones contain three-axis accelerometer and touch


Page 4: Mobile Game Development

Five Dominating Trends Every App Developer Should Know About In 2015

The mobile industry is rapidly undergoing changes, and there is plenty happening for

every app developer to experiment with and embrace. Software and app development

continue to enjoy a lucrative market with new trends making their appearance with

increased frequency. By all indications, Android is today the most happening platform

and its popularity exceeds iOS. Statistics compiled by IDC show that market share of

Android in 2013 was 78% and rose to a staggering 80.2% by end of 2014. The year

2015 is demonstrating a continuation of this growth, beckoning to the app developer in

Adelaide to tap into this potential. With more companies going mobile friendly, mobile

apps development will continue to grow in the coming years.

The popularity of native apps is showing signs of waning as many new platforms have

become available. Expanding capacities associated with web apps with versatility

features of mobile apps, more and more businesses are embracing these over native

options. Connection of different objects with applications is a trend that is fast catching

on with users, opening up new fields for app developer. Today, one can control washing

machine with Wi-Fi, and connection of objects with software and apps is set to move to

next level with the presence of eye-opening improved technologies. With smart homes

on the anvil, apps are going to be everywhere.

The presence of game consoles and smart TVsare on the rise in 2015, and we are likely

to see a spurt in connected objects such as wearable technologies and household

appliances among others. Cloud applications of app development are growing constantly.

Developers who want to provide users with associated benefits of web application and

traditional desktop prefer this medium. The main advantages associated with cloud apps


Rich experience for users

Off-line mode

User experience quick responses

It is possible to upload and share files as desired, take screenshots, or do quick screen

records with cloud apps. As writing of cloud apps start occurring on the cloud itself, app

developer can make the most of cloud-hosted services for creating apps. Another

fantastic trend making things exciting for developers is the presence of parallax scrolling.

For apps, this can be the addition of the much-needed WOW factor. Movement and

depth of images have now become highly crucial factors in app design. It is possible to

improve user experience and visual appeal of apps using parallax scrolling. What makes

this feature so exciting?

App developer in Adelaide can now create interactive and dynamic user experience with

single-page display of contents and extended visitor engagement. Besides this, current

trends predict that HTML is all set to evolve as popular development medium for mobile

platform, and wearable devices are going to come up in a big way by end of 2015. This

surely is an exciting time for app development.

Page 5: Mobile Game Development

App Developer Brisbane - Factors Driving Growth Of Mobile Game Applications

For every app developer in Brisbane,creation of successful game applications have

always proved to be a lucrative endeavor as ready market always remains available. As

Newzoo recently reported, by 2017 the game market worldwide will reach a staggering

$102.9 billion. Annual compound growth rate of this market is +8.1%. While demands

haveexisted for some time, recent years have shown staggering rise in popularity of

game apps in tandem with rise in tablet and smartphone sales. The number of app

downloads increased significantly through the years as number of internet mobile

subscribers rose. For game app developers,this surely is a cause to rejoice.

As market for tablets and mobile phone grows from 2013 figures of $17.6 billion to

$35.4 billion, market for global games will reach $102.9 billion in 2017 as per projected

figures. Mobile gaming is irresistible because it helps to push revenue generation

substantially. As every app developer in Brisbane should know, in the world of mobile

gaming nothing is as important as associated revenue model. Three major models are

mainly available,

Ad-supported free games-free model

In-app purchase and free download option - freemium model

Full-featured apps with one-time fee-paid model

Out of all these revenue models, the freemium model is the most popular one with

gamers. Not only is the app free for users, but it offers in-app purchase integration.

Users can go for enhanced gaming experiences that include bonus characters, various

levels of gameplay, powers, and enhancements. Paid games obviously generate

revenues based upon game sales price,but studies show that freemium options generate

more profits in the end. This is important news for game app developers as they can

choose their options based upon associated ROIs.

For those looking to jump into the bandwagon, gaming apps are here to stay and evolve

into trendier options. From 3D virtual games to the baby iPad games, everything needs

apps. And it is lucrative career option for developers all over the world. With constant

revenue generation, more companies are looking for experienced developers.

Freemium games work the best simply because they offer ongoing revenue generation

stream with in-app purchases. Paid apps follow these closely when it comes to bulk of

market share in the mobile gaming industry. An emerging trend in game app

development is the presence of second screen or companion apps. These are

complementary while adding options and features to primary products. Now smartphone

users can use their devices as second console game screen, show RPG game inventory,

map racing games, and enhance gen next experiences.

App developer in Brisbane needs to integrate social media features with game apps they

develop as these are must-have features. It not only offers multiplayer options but adds

to its social and competitive aspects. This, today, is the key driver to initiate growth

ofgaming industry as everybody wants to connect with a bigger audience.

Page 6: Mobile Game Development

App Developer In Melbourne For Wearable Technology

Popular brands are in the process of collaboration with high-tech developers for creating

smart devices, opening up the field for app developer in Melbourne. The modern

generation is hungry for state-of-the-art information and trends, blurringboundaries

between technology and fashion. Leading engineers and designers are coming together

to create wearable devices that offer both style and substance. Sports companies,

jewelry makers, and luxury brands are working closely with technology companies,

offering plethora of opportunities for competent Google Glass developer.

Modern wearable products are both standing and functional, making one wonder

whether these are genuine electronic pieces or spectacular fashion accessories. Design

improvements are constantly being undertaken to bring these products into mainstream

and ensure acceptance by maximum number of users. Modern companies develop

wearable glasses that are pleasing and aesthetic versions of wearable technology.

Today, one can simply clip the devices on existing glasses, doing away with style

concerns altogether. App developer in Melbourne can tap into this still nascent market

base and create strong foothold.

There are many applications of wearable technology, and many of these relate to

consumer-centric devices such as smartwatch. Fitness watchers may use these to time

their sleep cycles and workouts. Different industries are slowly opening up to associated

benefits such as the medical field for monitoring vital signs of patients and sending real-

time information to doctors. For augmented reality experiences, people use

SmartGlasses that offer on-demand information supply. Google Glass developer,for

example,can build applications offering detailed flight information to users with planes to


One of the main benefits of this wearable technology is that it allows the hands of users

to remain free. For rescue and search teams, warehouse mobile workers, and emergency

personnel, it offers high-tech tracking and mobility features. Technicians find

SmartGlasses useful when they want to consult schematic sets or manuals while

performing repairs. It is possible to use these for management of equipments like

assemblyline machinery,offeringapp developer in Melbournenumerous possibilities.

Getting hands-free data access via smartwatches and SmartGlasses opens up a host of

opportunities for both users and developers.

Many people require instant data access as it proves to be vital for their work. This

includes salespeople, lawyers, property agents, law enforcement personnel, firefighters,

doctors, and military personnel among others. Enterprise application of such

developments is still a completely new field with minimal penetration, if at all. Full-

fledged application of wearable technology in enterprises will be possible only

whenconsumers embrace this technology wholeheartedly. However, the 24/7

surveillance and cost are the two aspect or the factors that are holding people back from

embracing it completely. However, when it comes to adding technological advancements

to this platform, it is up to app developers to use this platform and display its benefits to

end users even as management of wearable technology leaves a big question mark.