mobilification; mobile devices in current marketing trends


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Frank Jason Weber


MKTG 7545 – 001

Mobile Devices in Current Marketing Trends

• Adapting and Migrating current

Internet Functions and

Applications to Mobile

Computing Devices( EG Smart

Phones and Tablets)

• Creating New Functionality for

Mobile Devices

• Examining Methods of Making

These Applications and Sources

of Information More User


• More Information Sources

on the Internet Will be

Accessed by Mobile Device

this Year than by Desktop

and Laptop Computers

• 25% of all Online Sales will

take place on Mobile

Devices by 2017

• As usage increases, these

percentages will rise

• Teenagers acceptance of

direct marketing to cell


• Theme Park management

of crowding through

mobile devices

• The subjects responded to

targeted marketing in a positive


• If the location was a

factor, response increased

• If frequency of communication

was too great, the subjects

became annoyed

• Utilizing web history and other

available marketing sources

to target messages should aid

in the efficacy of these


• Determining the recipient’s

location could increase the

response rates

• Metering the volume of

messages will decrease the

annoyance factor.

• Companies could utilize

their Customer Relations

Management systems to

target specific customers

with offers targeted at

particular customer groups

• These marketing efforts

should regulate frequency

of messages to any

particular customer in order

to reduce the annoyance


• Visitors to theme parks were

chosen to study the

effectiveness of incentivizing

them to visit less crowded

areas and relieving the lines in

crowded areas

• Special offers succeeded in

drawing some of the guests

away from overcrowded

areas and increased utilization

of less crowded venues

• Any closed system could benefit from this research

• Malls, Shopping Centers, Resorts, Cruise Ships are potential venues

• Apps which are GPS aware could target consumers in crowded areas and lure them to other areas that are underutilized

• Hugh D.


• Private business consultant

for 25 Years

• Specializes in

network, database, and

Internet applications

• Infrastructure Architect

• Mobile Device applications and adaptations make up a significant part of the current requests from my clients

• This trend has grown over the years since the smartphone and IPad class devices were introduced

• New devices such as smart watches and google glasses can only increase this demand

• As people adopt to these new technologies, the challenge will be to continue to make more functions available to mobile devices.

• The only current limitation seems to be the challenge to make the smaller format fully functional

• Input and output formatting and entry is a major obstacle

• I feel that better voice recognition may be one answer

• I have been working with computers since the personal computer was invented

• Every guru has a guess as to the ultimate path of Mobile Computing

• My experience is that no one really knows. This is a most dynamic field(fast changing) and requires constant training and adaptation to survive

• Mobile computing will pervade the marketing landscape for the foreseeable future. Every aspect of firm to customer contact will potentially be altered. The efficient time manager will no longer sit at home and surf the internet as their sole digital contact. Mobile devices will play a major role in shopping as well as consummating the sale. Marketing contact will be initiated via mobile devices and targeted marketing efforts. The game will be permanently altered, hopefully for the better.

• The mobile technology will cross all consumer segments and industries. Among those affected will be any segment that wants more efficiency and flexibility. This will include business to consumer, business to business and business to supplier. Every industry’s customers will require their suppliers to accommodate mobile devices.

• As time goes by and the technology becomes more secure, the trend toward mobile devices will become the standard. In order to remain viable, a firm will be forced to integrate mobile devices into every aspect of the business and marketing process. The impact will be as great as the personal computer was on mainframe computing.

• Sustaining competitive advantage is a dynamic process. At times it is unattainable. For a while in the near future it will depend on mobile computing as much as it depended on the internet and other past technologies. This will continue until the next trend that provides temporary competitive advantage comes along and displaces it.

• The gin is out of the

bottle, mobile computing will

continue to grow over the

foreseeable future

• Mobilification is a do or die


• No firm will remain viable

without adapting to and

accommodating this trend