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  • 8/14/2019 Model Lawsuit


  • 8/14/2019 Model Lawsuit



    D a t e d : July 24, 2008New York, New York

    Kenneth SussrnaneMCCUE SUSSMANE & Z A P F E L , P . C .Attorneys for Pla in t i ff521 Fif th AvenueNew Y o r k , New York 10175(212) 931-5500

    Defendants Addresses :Vivien Wang520 Broadway, l l t h F1 .New York , New Yo r k 10012

    DN A Model Management520 Broadway, 1 l f h 1.New York, New York 10012

  • 8/14/2019 Model Lawsuit



    1 MODEL MANAGEMENT,LLC, : Index No. 08/

    Plaint iff ,

    - agains t -




    P la in t i ff 1 Model Management, LLC, by i ts

    at torneys, McCue Sussmane & Zapfel , P.C. , for i ts Complaint

    here in a l leges as fol lows:


    1. Pla in t i ff 1 Model Management, LLC

    (Plaint iff) is a New Yo r k l imited l iabil i ty company which

    maintains i ts principal place of business at 42 Bond

    Street , in the City, County and State of New York.

    2. Defendant Vivien Wang (Wang) is an

    individual residing in the City and State of New Yo r k .

    3. Defendant D N A Model Management LLC is a New

    York limited l iabil i ty company which maintains i ts

    principal place of business at 52 0 Broadway, l l t h Floor, in

    the City, County and State of New York.
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    4. Plaintiff is one of the leading modeling

    management companies in the United States and is engaged in

    the representation of only exceptionally talented models

    providing high fashion modeling services to the fashion and

    entertainment industries.

    5. Models represented by plaint iff are among

    the most sought af ter in the industry as evidenced by the

    extremely high calibe r of bookings. They have graced the

    covers of every major fashion magazine, such as Vogue,

    Cosmopolitan, E l l e and Glamour among many others. They

    have appeared as the faces fo r media campaigns for

    virtually every premier luxury brand.

    6. Defendant DNA is one of the leading modeling

    management companies in the United States.

    7. Plaintiff employed defendant Wang from

    August 16, 2004 through May 1, 2008. She commenced her

    employment as the assis tant to the President of plaintiff

    and was promoted to the posi t ion of model manager or

    booker. Defendant Wang had full access to al l confidential

    and proprietary information and trade secrets of plaintiff.

    8. Defendant Wangs employment with plaint iff

    positioned her in a situation of trust and confidence with

    plaintiff s models. Defendant Wang performed unique

    services ut i l izing the resources at her disposal to enhance

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    her relat ionship with plaint iff 's models and to develop a

    close working relat ionship with such models.

    9. On April 30, 2008, plaint iff and defendant

    Wang entered into the agreement which is attached hereto as

    Exhibit A ( the "Wang Agreement") in connection with the

    voluntary resignation by Wang of her posi t ion with

    plaint iff . Plaint iff agreed to pay to defendant Wang two

    months severance pay, and to continue to pay the premiums

    fo r health insurance coverage for two months. In

    considerat ion f o r such payments, defendant Wang agreed that

    f o r a period of one year, Wang shall not direct ly or

    indirect ly solici t or represent , or otherwise be act ively

    involved with any change of management o f , any model

    managed by the Company at the t ime of her termination or at

    a n y t ime during the six (6) month period preceding such


    10 . On May 1, 2008 defendant Wang resigned her

    posit ion with plaint iff .

    11 . On or about June 2008, defendant Wang

    commenced employment with defendant DNA.

    12 . As an employee of DNA, Wang breached the

    Wang Agreement by direct ly or indirect ly, sol ici t ing,

    representing, and otherwise being act ively involved with

    the change of management of at least one model managed by

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    plaint iff at the t ime of her termination. An important

    model represented by plaint iff , Dvorakova, has

    notif ied plaint iff that she intends to terminate

    representat ion by plaint iff and commence representat ion by

    defendant DNA.

    13. Plaint iff has a legit imate interest in the

    protect ion against defendants ' competi t ive us e of model

    relat ionships which plaint iff enabled Wang to acquire

    through her direct performance of substantive management

    services for plaintiff 's models during the course of her


    14. There are no models represented by plaint iff

    who came to plaint iff s o l e l y to avail themselves of the

    services of defendant Wang or as the result of her

    independent recruitment efforts , which plaint iff nei ther

    subsidized nor otherwise f inancial ly supported.

    15 . Defendant Wang disclosed to DNA plaintiff 's

    confidential and proprietary information and trade secrets

    of plaint iff .

    16, The contact information of the models

    represented by plaint iff and the identi ty a n d contact

    information of the important f igures in their l ives and

    careers, including family, at torney, accountant , business

    manager or other advisors, are among plaint iff 's most

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    crucial t rade secrets . This information is never available

    to the public. Important designers, photographer,

    advert is ing agency or other persons in the fashion industry

    wishing to contact a model , can contact the model only

    through her agency.

    17 . Information regarding models contracts with

    plaint iff is not publicly available, including the

    existence of a contract , the date the contract expires, the

    commiss ion ra te the model pays to p la in t i ff an d the

    terr i tory i n which plaint iff is enti t led to represent the

    Model. The information would prove invaluable to a n y

    compet i tor seeking an o p p o r t u n e t ime window in which to

    solici t a model whose contract is expiring and to offer a

    commiss ion rate lower than the rate paid to plaint iff .

    Information regarding differing commission rates could also

    be used t o breed discontent among plaint i ff s models.

    18. Information regarding models relat ionships

    with other agencies around the world is not publicly

    available, part icularly any model agency or scouting agency

    (called a Mother Agency ) that may have referred a model

    to plaint iff , the r ight of the Mother Agency to terminate

    the representat ion of the model by plaint iff , and the

    compensation paid t o the Mother Agency by pl aint iff .

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    19. While models ma ga z e covers and

    prest igious editorial photographs are used in h e r portfol io

    and posted on websites to promote her career, photographs

    of models work in advert isements or catalogues are rarely

    used to promote a model . Information regarding the vast

    majori ty of a models work, including information regarding

    her earnings, contractual commitments to clients as well as

    the myriad of potential cl ients who have me t the model

    though cast ings, go-sees and other appointments, a n d to

    whom her materials have been presented, is not available to

    the public. All of such information is invaluable to an

    agency seeking to solici t a model represented by plaint iff

    by al lowing the competi tor to assure the model that her

    representat ion wil l continue with the benefi t of the

    information amassed by plaint iff .

    20. Plaint iff s scouting practices and

    relat ionships are not public information, including the

    persons and companies around the world who refer new models

    to plaint iff .

    21. Defendant Wang uti l ized plaint iff s

    confidential information and trade secrets to solicit

    models to change management from plaint iff to defendant

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    22. Plaint iff s t rade secrets give plaint iff an

    opportunity to obtain an advantage over competi tors .

    23. Plaint iff maintains str ict secrecy with

    respect to i ts t rade secrets and confidential and

    proprietary information, which are known only to employees

    of plaint iff , and are not disclosed to the public.

    24. Pla in t i ff s t rade secre ts a re no t known

    outside of the business of plaint iff . Plaint iff s t r a d e

    secrets are not available from any public source and are

    not public knowledge.

    25 . Plaint iff requires employees such as

    defendant Wang to enter into agreements with

    nonsolici tat ion provisions to protect plaint iff against

    disclosure of i ts t rade secrets or use of i ts t rade secrets

    by competi tors .

    26. Plaint iff has expended considerable t ime and

    money to develop it s t rade secrets and such trade secrets

    cannot be acquired or duplicated by others without hiring

    an employee of plaint iff who would misappropriate

    pla in t i ff s t rade secre ts.

    27. As a result of defendant Wangs posi t ion

    with plaint iff , and the resources and confidential

    information and trade secre ts made available to defendant

    Wang by plaint iff for the performance of her duties, the

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    damages tha t wi l l be sustain ed by plaint iff a s a result of

    the breach of the Wang Agreement could be irreparable and

    go far beyond mere f inancia l damages , s ince the loss of

    models which have been scouted , developed and pos i t ioned by

    plaint i ff using plaint iff 's resourc es and unique know-how

    would adver sely affect plaint iff 's reputat ion, prest ige and

    s tanding in the indus t ry.

    FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION(Breach of C o n t r a c t )

    Against D e f e n d a n t Wang

    28. Pla in t i ff repea ts and rea l leges each and

    every al lega t ion conta ined in paragraphs 1 through 27 as i f

    fu l ly se t for th h e r e i n .

    29. Defendant breached t h e Wang Agreement.

    30 . Pla in t i ff de l ivered to defendant Wang not ice

    of breach of the Wang Agreement and demanded t h a t such

    breach cease. Plaint iff is enti t led to an injunction

    re s t r a in ing a d en jo in ing de fendan t Wang un t i l May 1,

    2009, f rom, e i ther d i rec t ly or indirect ly, whether as a

    principal , employee, s tockholder, partner, member,

    director, off icer, manager, consultant , agent ,

    representat ive, or otherwise , from solici t ing or

    representing, or otherwise being act ively involved with any

    change of management of , any model managed by plaint iff on

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    May 1, 2008 or at any t ime during the s i x month period

    preceding such date.

    31. Plaint if f has suffered damages as the

    result of the breach of contract by defendant in an amount

    to be proven at t r ial .

    SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION(Tortious Interference w i t h Contract)

    Against D e f e n d a n t DNA

    32. Plaint iff repeats and real leges each and

    every al legation contained in paragraphs 1 through 31

    hereof as if ful ly set forth herein.

    33. The Wang Agreement is a val id contract

    between t he plaint iff and defendant Wang.

    34. Defendant DNA had knowledge of the Wang


    35. Defendant DNA intentional procured the

    breach of the Wang Agreement by defendant Wang without any

    just if icat ion.

    36. Defendant Wang breached th e Wang Agreement.

    37. Plaint iff suffered damages as the result of

    the breach of the Wang Agreement by defendant Wang and as

    the resul t of the inter ference with the Wang Agreement by

    defendant DNA in an amount to be p r o v e n at t r ia l .
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    THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION(Misappropriat ion of Trade Secrets)

    Against B o t h Defendants

    38 , P lain t i ff repea ts and rea l leges each and

    every a l lega t ion conta ined in paragraphs 1 through 37

    hereof as i f fu l ly se t for th here in .

    39. Defendants have misappropr ia ted p la in t i ff s

    t rade secre ts .

    40 . Plaint iff is enti t led to a permanent

    in junc t ion r e s t r a in ing and en jo in ing de fendan t s f rom,

    either direct ly or indirect ly, whether as a principal ,

    employee, s tockholder, partner, member, director, off icer,

    manager, consul tan t , agent , representa t ive , or o therwise ,

    disclosing or using any information of a confidential

    nature which is not public informat ion re la t ing to

    pla in t iff or any of i t s a ff i l ia tes , employees , or models .

    41 . Pla in t i ff has incurred damages in an amount

    to be proven at tr ial .

    FOUIRTH CAUSE OF ACTION(Unfair Competi t ion)

    Against Both Defendants

    42. Pla in t i ff repea ts and rea l leges each and

    every a l lega t ion conta ined in paragraphs 1 through 41

    hereof as if ful ly set forth herein.

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    43. Defendants misappropriated and exploited

    confidential information belonging to plaint iff in abuse of

    defen dant Wang's rela tions hip of t rust .

    44. The unfair competi t ion by defendants h a s

    resulted in damages to plaint iff in an amount to be proven

    at t r ial .

    WHEREFORE, Plaint iff respectful ly requests t h a t

    judgment be granted a s fol lows:

    A. On the f irst cause of action, granting an

    in junc tion r e s t r a in ing and en jo in ing de fendan t Wang un t i l

    May 1, 2009, f rom, either direct ly or indirect ly, whether

    as a principal , employee, s tockholder, partner, member,

    director, off icer , manager, con sultant , agent ,

    representat ive, or otherwise, sol ici t ing or representing,

    or otherwise being act ively involved with any change of

    management of, any model managed by plaint iff on May 1,

    2008 or at any t ime during the six month period preceding

    such date, and awarding damages against defendant Wang in

    an amount to be proven at t r ial .

    B. On the second cause of act ion , awarding

    damages against defendant DN A in an amount to be proven at

    tr ial .

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    C. On the third cause of action granting a

    permanent injunction restraining and en jo in ing de fendan t s

    f rom, either direct ly or indirect ly, whether as a

    principal , e m p l o y e e , stockholder, partner, member,

    director, off icer, manager, consultant , agent ,

    representat ive, or otherwise, disclosing or using any

    information of a confidential nature which is not public

    information relat ing to plaintiff or any of i ts aff i l iates,

    employees, or models; and awarding damages again st

    defendants in an amount to be proven at t r ial .

    D. Awarding damages on the fourth cause of

    action against defendants in an amount to b e p r o v e n a t

    t r ial .

    E. Awarding such other and further rel ief as

    this Court deems just and proper, including cos ts and

    disbursements, and interest on the foregoing.

    Dated: J u l y 24, 2008New Y o r k , New York

    ,MCCUE SUSSMANE & Z A P F E L , P . C .

    \ \

    Keyneth SussmaneA t t o r n e y s for Plaint iff52 1 Fifth Avenue, 2 8 t h FloorNew York, New York 10175( 2 1 2 ) 9 3 1 - 5 5 0 0

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  • 8/14/2019 Model Lawsuit



    -1 -:-- -


    SUPREME COURT O F T H E C I T Y O F NEW YORKCOUNTY O F NEW YORK- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -






    Defendants._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -

    : Index N o .

    M c C u e Sussmane & Z a p f e l , P . C .Attorneys f o r Plaintiff

    5 2 1 Fifth Ave., 28th FloorNew York, N ew Y o r k 1 0 0 1 8

    (212) 931-5500