model of dilution of forced liquid

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  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    A Model of Dilution of Vapor- Liquid Chemical Plume in

    Horizontal Wind.



  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid



    An accidental release of liquid or gaseous fuel indoors or to the outside

    is a safety problem that is frequently considered by the chemical and waste

    remediation industries that process and/or store flammable substances. The

    release almost always occurs in the form of a negatively or positively

    buoyant, continuous jet which mixes with the ambient air. All possible

    fuel/ambient air mixture compositions occur within the buoyant jet between

    its source and the far field of the jet.There are many cases m the chemical

    industry where various chemicals are stored under pressure, and at

    temperatures exceeding their normal boiling point In the case of an

    accidental release under such conditions, the material emerges from the

    release point (e.g., orifice, rupture, etc.) as a liquid that immediately flashes

    to form a two-phase jet.

    After the extremely serious accidents which happened in the chemical,

    petrochemical and petroleum industry in the last 3 decades, the safety

    authorities have to reconsider the procedures and the models dedicated tothe assessment of potential hazards. In particular, one may have to

    determine the impact on the environment of an accidental release of toxic or

    flammable chemicals. Many releases to be considered involve high-

    momentum two-phase discharges. This may occur from emergency venting

    of vessels due to fire exposure or runaway reaction, or from accidental

    breaches in vessels, pipes or sealing. In the case of storage of pressurized

    liquefied gas, venting induces flashing of the superheated liquid; in the case

    of thermal runaway reactions, gassy reaction products can be released with

    the liquid phase. Releases involving two-phase flow exhibit specific

    characteristics which can significantly influence the dispersion process. The

    rather recent realization of the importance of these effects has led to the


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    development of two-phase dispersion models.A comparative review of these

    models is proposed here. To clarify

    the situation under study and to introduce basic definitions, a description of

    the phenomena taking place in the dispersion process is first recalled.[ P.

    Bricard et al., 1998]

    Mathematical modeling of the dispersion of the vapors resulting from accidental releases of

    volatile liquids and heavy gases has been helpful in establishing safe designs and operating

    procedures for the transport and storage of flammable and toxic materials.

    Increased recognition that most emergency release from chemical storage or process vessels

    involve the escape of volatile, pressurized liquids has led to a need for predictive models of two-

    phase liquid-vapor forced plumes (jets).In many postulated releases from chemical and process

    plants, the material contained within the plant is ejected through a break as a two-phase jet or

    cloud which then disperses into the surrounding atmosphere. The growing realization that most

    emergency releases involve high momentum two-phase discharges even in cases of controlled

    releases, has led to increased interest in modeling such jet releases. Releases of liquids from

    pressurized vessels have high momentum. A rapid depressurization and expansion occurs just

    outside the release orifice. During depressurization the liquid jet material is converted into

    aerosol as a result of flashing to vapor. Following external expansion to atmospheric pressure,

    turbulent mixing of the jet with the atmosphere occurs and the surrounding air and water vapor

    are entrained into the jet at a rate proportional to the mean jet velocity. [M. Epstein et al.,1990]

    The temperature of the jet decreases with distance from the release point, owing to the

    evaporation of the jet aerosol by the entrained, relatively warm air. As a result the water vapor in

    the entrained air may condense to a fog. The observed persistence of visible aerosol plumesproduced by the release of volatile liquids is probably due to condensation of the atmospheric

    water content. Beyond some not very significant distance from the release point (source) both

    liquid phases, jet material and water, are consumed by evaporation and the forced plume

    behavior is one of an all-gas heavier-than-air release. As dilution continues and the jet slows

    down, it begins to spread over the ground under the influence of gravity and loses its roughly


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    circular shape. As demonstrated later, in this intermediate jet slumping (or gravity current) phase

    the rate of entrainment of air is still proportional to the mean jet flow velocity, with the

    proportionality factor taken to be a constant. In the final phase of jet behavior, far from the

    release point, the atmosphere eddies determine jet dilution behavior.

    A theory for the spreading of a steady-state initially high-momentum two-phase jet in a

    horizontal wind is proposed here, in which it is assumed that for some rather large distance

    downwind of the release location (in some cases of the order of thousands of meters), the effects

    of buoyancy and/or atmospheric turbulence on the inflow or entrainment velocity may be

    ignored in comparison with the effects of turbulence generated by the jet. This assumption is

    what distinguishes the present work from most of the previous modeling efforts, which are based

    on the notion that the rate of engulfment of air by the jet is determined by the atmospheric

    boundary layer and/or by gravity beginning at relatively small distances from the source. In the

    present model only two distinct phases of jet entrainment behavior are considered: mixing by the

    jets self-generated turbulence in the near field and mixing by environmental turbulence in the

    far field. Moreover a fairly sharp transition point at which near-field entrainment behavior

    changes to far-field behavior is assumed. The intermediate phase involving the inhibiting effect

    of buoyancy on mixing into the jet is regarded as insignificant.

    1.1 Factors affecting two-phase toxic releases

    The main factors affecting the consequences of a two-phase release are:

    1) The scale and duration of the release, and the rate at which material becomes airborne,i.e. the source term

    2) The rate at which the material disperses in the atmosphere and the direction of the wind,i.e. dispersion;

    3) The toxicity of the material;

    4) The population distribution surrounding the hazardous plant and their response to theemergency. . [Fauske et al.,1988]


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    Fig 1.1:The path of a two-phase release into the atmosphere.

    1.2 The three regions of two-phase jet dispersion model

    1.2.1 Depressurization Zone

    Here aerosol formation takes place. In this region the jet undergoes a rapid

    depressurization to or slightly below ambient pressure within a distance from the release

    orifice of approximately two orifice diameters. It is within this zone that the liquid

    disintegrates into fine droplets in the lo-50pm size range. The jet expansion in this region

    is rapid and due almost entirely to vapor production; its interaction with the atmosphere is

    negligible and very little mixing between jet and ambient occurs. The depressurization

    zone is treated with a standard liquid flash and momentum balance equation, as discussed

    by Fauske and Epstein. The trajectory and dilution of the jet in the intermediate, elevated

    jet zone is predicted with a two-phase version of the buoyant jet entrainment models that

    were originally developed for smoke stack or cooling water discharge plumes

    1.2.2)Jet trajectory zone:

    This is two dimensional zones for above ground level releases. This zone begins

    when the jet is depressurized to atmospheric pressure. The forced plume (jet) is not

    necessarily released at ground level and the component of initial jet velocity, u,, is not

    necessarily parallel to the horizontal ambient flow (wind), but may be inclined away from

    it, horizontally. Thus near the rupture opening (or vent) the solution of the equations of

    motion may require that the jet rise. However, further downstream the heavier-than-air jet


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    valve. Since safety valves or rupture disks can be designed to direct jets upward, the

    consequence of the release is far less serious than would be the case if the storage vessel itself

    ruptured, giving rise to a liquid release near ground level. After a sufficient amount of air is

    entrained, the jet release will be carried along with the ambient wind. If, however, the release is

    significantly heavier than air, the jet could fall to the ground before this passive state is reached.

    [Woodward J.L.,1989]

    Fig. 1.2: Flow regimes of a high-momentum two phase release and coordinate system.[ M. Epstein et al., 1990]


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    Fig. 1.3: Idealized cloud section: side and cross-sectional views of a two-phase, elevated

    continuous release at various stages of dispersion [Brown R. et al., 1962].

    1.3 Chemical plume

    Fig. 1.4: A chemical plume emitted from finite source decreases in concentration aschemical carried away from the source and dispersed by air and differentconcentration levels.

    In the case of two-phase toxic releases, the source terms of prime interest to HSE arise from loss

    of containment accidents in plant processing or storing superheated (i.e. pressurized so that the


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    liquid is above its boiling point at atmospheric pressure) liquefied gases. The transfer processes

    associated with the subsequent discharge of material to the atmosphere are complex, and involve

    non-equilibrium two-phase flashing flow. rapid expansion of the jet and further flashing of

    liquid as the jet emerges from the breach, break-up of the liquid into droplets and aerosol with

    possible liquid rain-out, and entrainment of air into the jet as it expands. Air entrainment

    rapidly lowers the partial pressure of the vapor, thus causing further evaporation of the liquid

    droplets, with much of the latent heat of vaporization coming from the sensible heat in the air as

    it is cooled to the liquid droplet temperature although some will be taken from the liquid also).

    These processes have been described comprehensively [Fauske et al.,1988].

    1.4 Dispersion Process

    The release is supposed to originate from a relatively small hole so that continuous, i.e.

    quasi-steady, conditions at the outlet can be assumed. The cloud is defined as the smallest

    control volume containing the contaminant. In its first stage, where its initial momentum

    dominates, the cloud will also be referred to as jet. In most cases involving two-phase releases,

    the flow is choked at the exit and an external depressurization zone, where the pressure decreases

    down to the atmospheric pressure, is formed. When the exiting liquid is sufficiently superheated


    respect to ambient conditions, it is atomized by violent vaporization .Otherwise, the liquid or

    two-phase mixture is disintegrated due to liquid surface instabilities aerodynamic atomization..

    Downstream from this region, air entrainment at the perimeter of the cloud becomes important,

    which causes it to further widen .At least for some distance; the cloud may be dense, i.e. heavier

    than air, as a result of high molecular weight(e.g. chlorine).or low temperature and airborne

    droplets (e.g. evaporating ammonia).

    The dispersion of the contaminant in the atmosphere can be described in terms of cloud

    trajectory and dilution. From an integral point of view, the trajectory is given by a momentum

    balance on the cloud; the main effects involved are cross-wind, gravity and friction on the

    ground after touchdown. The dilution is controlled by the rate of air entrained in the cloud. Near

    the outlet, this is governed by the turbulence generated by the jet itself; it is then controlled by

    atmospheric turbulence when the jet velocity has decreased close to that of the ambient wind.


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    The dilution is controlled by the rate of air entrained in the cloud. Near the outlet, this is

    governed by the turbulence generated by the jet itself; it is then controlled by atmospheric

    turbulence when the jet velocity has decreased close to that of the ambient wind. Moreover, the

    interaction with a cross-wind induces an enhancement of the entrainment rate. In the case of

    dense clouds, gravity may also have an effect on air entrainment, related to gravity-induced

    turbulence as well as suppression of atmospheric turbulence due to stable stratification. In the

    following, the region of passive dispersion due to atmospheric turbulence only is referred to as

    the far-field and the upstream region as the near-field.

    The dispersion process may be significantly affected by the presence of an aerosol phase. First,

    two-phase releases can lead to much higher discharge mass flow rates than single-phase gas

    releases and, thus, increase the hazard zone distance. Moreover, the jet density may be

    significantly higher. It can firstly be increased by the mere presence of the liquid phase.

    However, this is only significant very close to the outlet, where the liquid mass fraction averaged

    over the jet cross-section is not negligibly small. The aerosol effect on jet density is mainly due

    to phase change phenomena. When the liquid contaminant evaporates, the jet may significantly

    cool down and, thus, increase in density. A gas which has a smaller molecular weight than air

    like ammonia can then behave as a heavy gas. The cooling process may also lead to the

    condensation of the entrained humidity. If the contaminant is hygroscopic, this can lead to its

    persistence to significantly larger distances from the outlet. The formation of the aqueous aerosol

    will cause the mixture to warm up more rapidly and have less density. Furthermore, a part of the

    liquid may not remain airborne in the jet and fall to the ground where an evaporating pool could

    build up; such a pool may also be formed from the jet impingement on a surface. This so-called

    rainout could induce a drastic reduction of the downstream contaminant concentration but

    increases the danger close to the source as well as the duration of the dispersion [P. Bricard et

    al., 1998].




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    The dispersion models which take into account the presence of an aerosol phase have

    appeared only recentlyliteratures. They are either integral or multi-dimensional models.Integral

    models are obtained by integrating the balance equations for mass, momentum, energy and

    species over the cloud cross-section.Integral models are obtained by integrating the balance

    equations for mass, momentum, energy and species over the cloud cross-section.

    A schematic representation of the high-momentum two-phase plume is shown in Figure 2.1The

    jet is inclined and released above ground level. The jet passes through several physical regimes

    along its path. The regimes are modeled separately in the following sections.

    Fig. 2.1: Two Phase Jet Release[Bricard P.,1998].

    2.1 Depressurization zone

    The jet expansion in this region is rapid and due almost entirely to vapor production; its

    interaction with the atmosphere is negligible and very little mixing between jet and ambient

    occurs. Thus friction, heat and momentum exchange with the ambient environment at pressure P,

    are assumed to be negligible.

    In an emergency release situation, liquid at high pressure usually escapes from a vessel whose

    stagnation condition is sub cooled and exit choked mass flux well-represented by,


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    G= CD2P0-Pj,s(T0)j,f (1)

    where PO is the stagnation pressure; Pj,s(To) is the vapor (or saturation) pressure of the escaping

    jet material corresponding to the liquid stagnation temperature T0; and j,f is the density of the jet

    materials liquid phase. This Bernoulli type expression shows reasonable agreement in

    experimental comparisons. Equation (1) is derived below:

    let, P1= P0 ;

    P2= Pj,s(T0)

    form of Bernoullis equation,


    P1-P2=u222 As u1 =0;


    We know,

    G2=Kgm2sec: and also , u22= Kgm2sec

    We can write, u22= G;




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    Thus equation (1) is derived,

    A space wise calculation of two-dimensional (or ax symmetric) jet pressure and velocity profiles

    is difficult. However, it is possible to estimate the fully expanded jet properties at the end of the

    depressurization zone, when the jet pressure everywhere has approached the ambient pressure.High pressure flashing liquids produce extremely fine droplets, so that phase velocities and

    temperatures are quickly equalized. The principle of conservation of momentum flux applied to

    this homogeneous mixture provides a simple relation between the fully expanded jet velocity u,

    at\ the end of the depressurization zone and the break (or choke) plane quantities:

    ue=Gj,f+Pj,sT0-PG (2)

    To obtain the quality of the fully expanded jet, x,, we invoke the condition of constant

    stagnation enthalpy.

    ho =hj,f,sP+xehj,f,g(P) (3)

    The kinetic energy of the two-phase jet is notably quite low (relative to that of an all-gas sonic

    discharge) and therefore is not included in the above equation. For the all-liquid discharge

    considered here, Equation (3) becomes,

    xc= cj,f[T0-Tj,sPhj,fg (4)

    The area of the depressurized jetA, is related to the area of the breakAbthrough the equation for

    the conservation of mass,


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    in which the expanded jet density,e, is given by the definition,



    The volume occupied by the liquid at the end of the depressurization zone can readily be shown

    to be negligible. Thus the equilibrium quantity j,g,sP can be identified with the mass of the

    vapor per unit spatial volume, i.e.

    j,g,e=j,g,sP (6)

    The mass of the liquid phase with respect to the same spatial volume is given by

    j,g,e=1-xec (7)

    The quantities ue,Ae,j,g,e and j,f.e are used as input to the jet trajectory and dilution model.

    [ M. Epstein et al., 1990]

    2.2 Air born jet trajectory zone

    This zone begins when the jet is depressurized to atmospheric pressure. The forced plume(jet) is not necessarily released at ground level and the component of initial jet velocity, ue is not

    necessarily parallel to the horizontal ambient flow (wind), but may be inclined away from it,

    horizontally. Thus near the rupture opening (or vent) the solution of the equations of motion may

    require that the jet rise. However, further downstream the heavier-than-air jet is influenced by the


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    gravitational field and its trajectory is similar in shape to that of a projectile. The trajectory

    zone or, equivalently, the flight of the jet terminates upon contact with the ground.

    The equations are written to take account of a steady, horizontal, wind. The wind direction or,

    velocity, Wdoes notchange with altitude z, the jet lying in the x, z plane (see Figure 1.2).The

    mean velocity inside the jet is denoted by the symbol u. The centerline of the jet makes an angle

    with the horizontal, s is the distance along the jet, A is the cross-sectional area of the jet,

    and C is the perimeter of the cross-section. For simplicity, we assume that inside the jet the

    velocity, vapor and liquid concentrations, and temperature are uniform in the crosswind plane.

    Over the distance the jet is airborne its cross-section is taken to be circular and its radius Ris

    assumed to be small compared with the centerline radius of curvature (slender plume


    Once the jet is depressurized to atmospheric pressure, the jet expands solely by entrainment of

    ambient air. The principal assumption of this theory is that, for some significant distance from

    the source, the effects of atmospheric turbulence may be ignored, provided the initial momentum

    of the jet is high enough. Some performed an analysis on a limited set of experimental data on

    buoyant jet flow discharged into a uniform cross stream to determine the jet entrainment velocity

    due to the jets self-generated turbulence. For jets with a two dimensional trajectory, then

    expression becomes,



    Where the term u-Wcos represents the relative velocity of the jet with respect to the wind.

    Actually, Equation (8) is a combination of the entrainment model proposed by Hirst and the

    entrainment model of Ricou and Spalding for vastly different jet and ambient densities, p and

    pm, respectively. Precise definitions of and are given below. Equation (8) reduces to the

    entrainment function of Hirst in the limit .The constants of proportionality Es and Et are

    called the entrainment coefficients. Some authors have verified through measurements that for

    pure momentum jets (E1 = 0) values of E0 lie within the range 0.06 to 0.12.


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    If a uniform velocity profile is used E0 = 0.12 results in the best agreement between theory and

    experiment. From data on buoyant water jets discharged at varying angles into flowing aqueous

    salt solutions, the specified the values E0 = 0.057 and El = 0.513. In the calculations which

    follow, we shall adopt Equation (8) and use values of E0 and El of 0.1 and 0.2, 0.5, respectively.

    The jet trajectory can now be determined from the conservation equations for mass, momentum

    and energy, using the entrainment equation to determine the rate of mass, momentum and energy

    addition into the jet.[ M. Epstein et al., 1990]

    The equation for the conservation of mass of the discharge material,

    ddsj,g+j,fuA=0 (9)

    The equation for the conservation of mass of the air,

    ddsauA=a,venC (10)

    The equation for the conservation of mass of the atmospheric water content,

    ddsw,g+w,fuA=w,g,venC (11)

    Note that in addition to the liquid aerosol of the discharge jet material we allow for the

    possibility of water droplet formation via condensation of the entrained water vapor within the

    cold jet (see Equation (11)). Neglecting the volume occupied by the jet aerosol and water

    droplets, we can express the overall spatial density, p, of the three components two-phase

    Mixture as the sum of the spatial densities of the components,

    =j,g+j,f+a+w,g+w,f (12)


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    The momentum equation in the vertical direction is a balance between plume momentum and


    ddsAu2sin=-g-A (13)

    where is density of the air/water vapor atmosphere, namely

    =a,+w,g, (14)

    The momentum equation in the horizontal direction is a balance between jet momentum and

    momentum entrained,

    ddsAu2cos=WddsAu (15)

    Conservation of heat may be written in the following form,



    where h is the overall enthalpy of the mixture within the jet; it is given by the definition

    h=j,ghj,g+j,fhj,f+aha+w,ghw,g+w,fhw,f (17)

    The energy equation, Equation (16), may be readily converted from enthalpy to temperature as

    the dependent variable by introducing the thermodynamic relation h(T) for each species,

    assuming the vapor phases are ideal and the liquid phases are incompressible. The height z of the

    jet above ground level is, in differential form,

    dz ds=sin (18)

    and the horizontal distance x from the rupture opening is given by,


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    dxds=cos (19)

    Note that in writing the above equations, we have neglected the length of the depressurization

    zone. This length is typically quite small relative to the range of the jet. To predict the densities

    of the vapor phases in the presence of their condensed phases it is assumed that thermodynamic

    equilibrium is locally achieved within the jet. Thus, utilizing the ideal gas equation of state, we


    Ideal gas law is,


    From this we get,

    j,g=Pj,sTRjT (20)



    The pressure within the jet is equal to the atmospheric pressure P. This requirement gives,

    P=j,gRjT+w,gRwT+aRaT (22)

    Finally, since the cross-section of the jet is taken to be circular, the radius R, circumference and

    cross sectional area are related by the expressions,

    C=2R=2(A)1/2 (23)

    2.3 Boundary conditions

    The above equations express the mathematical formulation of the model and are sufficient to

    determine the nine coupled unknown quantities, j,g , w,f,a,u ,A ,T and as a function of


    Coordinates x, z. These quantities are subject to the following initial conditions when x = 0 and


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    z = z0,

    j,g=j,g,e ,j,f=j,f,e (24)

    w,g=w,f=a=0 (25)

    u=ue , A=Ae (26)

    T=Tj,s ,=0 (27)

    The initial thermodynamic state of the mixture, at the end of the depressurization zone, is one of

    jet material aerosol in equilibrium with its vapor phase. Downwind of the release point humid airis entrained into the jet causing further evaporation of the liquid jet material. At first water exists

    within the jet only as vapor and Equation (11) is integrated with w,f=0 .[ M. Epstein et al.,


    As a result of a combination of the cooling of the jet by the evaporation of the released liquid jet

    material and the buildup in the water vapor concentration by entrainment of the surrounding air,

    the water vapor may become saturated so that both vapor and liquid water are present in the

    system. In some systems there is a tendency of jet material vapor to be soluble in liquid water.

    This effect is ignored in the present model. As the amount of air increases, the liquid water also

    begins to evaporate. Ultimately all the water and all the jet material are in vapor form. Usually

    the water is the last to evaporate. The evaporation of the water in the far field will tend to

    prolong the persistence of the cool jet beyond the distance to ground contact.

    2.4 Ground- level dispersion zone

    This region begins at touchdown or, in mathematical terms, when the elevation of the

    centerline of the jet is equal to its radius (i.e. z = R, see Figure 1.2). The atmospheric dispersion

    of the ground-level jet is affected by both entrainment of the atmosphere and gravity spreading.


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    Gravity spreading is driven primarily by the excess hydrostatic pressure caused by the density

    difference between the jet and the atmosphere.

    In the initial phase of ground-level jet behavior, the turbulent motion within the jet is normally

    still due to the movement of the jet itself and, accordingly, Equation (8) forven remains valid.

    Of course in the final phase of jet behavior, far downwind of the source, the energy containing

    eddies of environmental turbulence dominate mixing and the ground-level jet growth is strictly

    due to the action of the wind. The far-field jet growth is assumed to be well-described by the

    Gaussian plume, point source solution to the atmospheric advection-diffusion equation.

    Accordingly,\ a realistic equation for the entrainment velocity in the far field is,

    ven= WCddxyxz(x) (28)

    Which when combined with the conservation of mass equation gives the point source Gaussian

    solution for the ground-level concentration of the released species in the far field of the jet. In the

    above equation, yx andz(x) are the dispersion coefficients (or standard deviations) for the

    crosswind plane. The most widely used y and z functions are the so-called Pasquill- Gifford

    curves. These empirically determined functions depend on the atmospheric stability classes. The

    field observations reported by Burgess et al. suggest that the dispersion of heavier-than-air

    ground-hugging vapors is best represented by Gaussian theory when y and z are based on the

    most stable atmospheric condition, stability class F, regardless of the actual state of the

    atmosphere. This recommendation is followed here.

    Close to the source, the entrainment velocity given by Equation (8) greatly exceeds that given by

    Equation (28) and vice versa at distances far from the source. One would expect, therefore, a

    fairly definite transition point (or perhaps a short transition zone) at which the character of the jet

    changes when the near- and far-field entrainment velocities are comparable. Therefore, during

    the course of a calculation a switch is made from Equation (8) to Equation (28) at the location in

    which both equations predict the same entrainment velocity, thereby merging the high-

    momentum jet theory with the Gaussian plume model(A computer model used to calculate air

    pollution concentrations. The model assumes that a pollutant plume is carried downwind from its

    emission source by a mean wind and that concentrations in the plume can be approximated by


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    assuming that the highest concentrations occur on the horizontal and vertical midlines of the

    plume, with the distribution about these mid-lines characterized by Gaussian- or bell-shaped

    concentration profiles). [Nikmo J. et al., 1994]

    It is obvious that by equating the two entrainment velocity laws, Equations (8) and (28), the

    intermediate phase of jet behavior involving buoyancy-dominated dispersion effects has been

    assumed to be insignificant. This assumption implies the dominancy of inertial force over the

    buoyancy force. The ratio of jet buoyancy to inertia is given by the Richardson number, defined




    The work of Ellison and Turner showed that the entrainment is not buoyancy dominated if

    Ri0.1 As we shall see later on, this criterion is indeed satisfied for volatile liquid chemical

    releases of practical interest. It is worth noting that observations of smoke plumes from a large

    power station suggest the sudden transition assumed here, from jet momentum drive entrainment

    to wind dispersion.

    In the present model, the ground-level dispersion is handled in the same way as the elevateddispersion, except that the momentum equations, Equations (13) and (15), and kinematic

    equations, Equations (18) and (19), are replaced by corresponding equations that account for

    gravity compaction and sideways spreading. Assume that the cross-section of the ground-level

    jet is rectangular, with height 22 and radius (half-width) R. Note that z still represents the

    Vertical distance from the ground to the centerline of the jet. Beyond ground contact, Equation

    (23) for the perimeter of the jet is replaced by the expression,

    C=4z+A/(2z) (30)

    This relation for the rectangular jet is derived by not allowing entrainment to occur at the jet-

    ground interface. The half-width of the jet R at ground contact is calculated by setting the

    perimeter and area of the rectangular ground-level jet equal to those of the circular elevated jet.


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    This ensures that in the post ground contact region the masses within the jet are conserved and

    that the continuity and smoothness of concentrations- and temperature-with-distance are

    preserved. A discontinuity in R will exist at ground contact.[ Heinrich M. et al.,1988]

    The momentum equation applied to the side edges of the jet is,

    ddsAuv=g(-) (31)

    Where u is the velocity of the jet in the lateral direction (or the spreading rate). The momentum

    equation in the axial direction is,

    ddsAu2=WddsAu-gdds[-Az] (32)

    After jet touchdown, these equations are substituted for Equations (13) and (15). The motion of

    the material interface represented by a side edge of the jet is given by the kinematic condition,



    where ven and v are the velocities normal to the edge. With the aid of the equation for the cross-

    sectional area of the plume, namely A = 4zR, Equation (33) can be written as follows,



    which replaces Equation (18) after plume touchdown. Finally, during the gravity spread

    calculation, Equation (19) takes the form,

    dx ds=1 (35)


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    ( i.e. = 0 )

    It should be mentioned that the only new variable that appears after the transition is made from

    the airborne plume to the ground-level dispersion is the spreading velocity v; it is assigned the

    initial condition v = 0 at the location of ground contact.

    From this system of equations we can compute the jet temperature, released species and

    entrained water concentrations, jet boundaries, jet velocity, etc. as a function of distance from the

    source. To utilize available computer subroutines, the equations were converted to an equivalent

    coupled system of first order ordinary differential equations by expanding the derivatives in

    Equations (9)-(11), (13), (15), (16), (31), and (32).

    2.5 Integral Models

    Integral models can either deal with both the near-field and far-field or consider the near-

    field only. In the latter case, they are regarded as source term for a far-field dispersion model.

    The models are all based on the balance equations for mass, momentum, energy and species,

    integrated over the jet cross-section; they mainly differ by the adopted closure relations. A

    common frame based on the mixture balance equations is first proposed to enable a comparison

    between the models. Then, the closure relations, or sub models, are described.[Bricard P. et


    2.5.1 Balance Equations

    In the following, we assume that the cloud (or jet) centre-line remains in the wind

    gravity plane. Letsbe the curvilinear coordinate of the cloud centre line, (x, y, z) its Cartesian

    coordinates such that wind and gravity are oriented along the x and z directions, respectively

    (Fig.4) and the angle between the jet centre-line and the horizontal axis such that,



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    With A being the cloud cross-section area, , u and h the mixture density, velocity and

    specific enthalpy, respectively, and c the contaminant mass concentration (in kg/m3) in the cloud,

    the balance equations for continuous (steady-state) release can then be written as,

    Mixture mass balance is ,

    ddsAudA=E (36)

    Contaminant mass balance is,

    ddsAcudA=0 (37)

    Mixture enthalpy balance is,

    ddsAuhdA=Eha (38)

    Mixture x- momentum balance is,

    ddsAu2cosdA=Eua+Fx (39)

    Mixture y- momentum balance is,

    ddsAu2sin=Fz (40)

    Where E is the so-called entrainment function representing the rate of air entering the cloud;

    ua and ha are the velocity and the specific enthalpy of ambient air, respectively. F x and Fy are the

    forces which act on jet in horizontal and vertical directions respectively [Bricard et al.,1998].


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    2.6 Forces on the cloud

    Models which do not include wind and gravity effects on the jet trajectory assume

    constant jet momentum so that Fx = Fy=0. Other models contain a gravity term as a contribution

    of Fz .Most authors also introduce an additional drag force FD due to cross wind. This force is

    supposed to be act in the direction perpendicular to cloud axis. Its component in x and y

    directions are given as;

    For x- direction,


    For y direction,


    where CDis a drag coefficient. A constant value of 0.3 is adopted mostly. The addition of a drag

    force may be useful to take into account the pressure gradientperpendicular to the jet flow;

    however, the drag coefficient should be drastically lower than for the flow around a solid

    cylinder due to suction effects [ Bricard P. et al.,1998].


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    We will discuss some two phase multidimensional models that we consider subsequently

    are the one of Wiirts et al., (1996), Vandroux-Koenig et al.,(1997) and Pereira and Chen (1996)

    3.1 Wiirtz et al.,Model

    This three-dimensional model includes the mixture mass, momentum and energy Balance

    equations as well as the mass balance equation for the contaminant component. The mixture is

    composed of the contaminant (liquid and/or gas) and the ambient gas (no humidity condensation

    is considered.Thermo dynamical equilibrium is assumed, i.e. all the components share locally

    the same temperature and pressure. The two-phase mixture is supposed to behave ideally i.e.

    Raoults law is used for the calculation of the partial pressures.A single-phase turbulence model,

    based on the eddy diffusivity concept, is adopted and modified to take into account anisotropy

    effects. The working fluid is treated as a mixture of two fluids in thermodynamic equilibrium.

    Both fluids may contain several components. The fluid kinetics is described by assuming a slip

    velocity between the liquid phase and the ambient gas.A vertical slip velocity is allowed for

    between the liquid and gas phase. Special attention was paid on the models ability to handle

    complex terrain. In particular, liquid deposition on solid surfaces is taken into account. Remarks

    already made regarding the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium in the integral models


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    also apply here. The first validation tests performed by the authors have shown the better

    performance of this model against a 1-D model when obstacles are present.

    3.2 Vandroux-Koenig et al., Model

    This model is devoted to the prediction of the near-field dispersion of liquefied propane.

    It is a EulerianEulerian two-fluid model which considers three components: propane (liquid and

    vapor)., dry air and water (liquid and vapor). The condensed water is included in the gas phase to

    form a homogeneous fog mixture. Balance equations are written for the mass of each constituent,

    for the momentum of the gas mixture and of the propane droplets, and for the gas mixture

    energy. The temperature of the propane droplets is supposed to be uniform, equal to the

    saturation temperature at atmospheric pressure, so that no energy balance equation is needed for

    the liquid phase. To close the system of equations, a single-phase turbulence model based on the

    Prandtls mixing length theory is introduced for the gas phase. For interfacial transfers, a

    constant droplet diameter is assumed throughout the calculation. The momentum and heat

    interfacial transfer terms are calculated from a drag and a heat transfer coefficient, respectively,

    for rigid spheres. The mass transfer is modeled by assuming that the heat transferred from the

    gas phase to the droplets completely contributes to vapor production.

    According to the authors, the propane droplets are predicted to persist much further downstream

    than experimentally observed. Several possible causes were investigated for this underestimation

    of droplet evaporation. Neither the assumption of a constant diameter nor the fact that no initial

    radial velocity was taken into account could explain this under evaluation.On the other hand, the

    assumption of a uniform temperature in the droplet or the inadequacies of the turbulence model

    (the droplets may in reality disperse more than the gas phase)have been proposed as possible

    explanations. More parametric studies as well as the comparison of the prediction with the

    results of controlled laboratory experiments adapted to the validation of the uncertain aspects of

    the model are required to solve these inconsistencies.

    3.3 Pereira and Chens Model

    This Eulerian-Lagrangian model is also devoted to the near-field dispersion of liquefied

    propane; the single-phase version developed for the far-field dispersion is not considered here.It

    is constituted of a Eulerian description of the mixture phase composed of air and propane vapor


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    (no humidity is taken into account) having the having the same velocity and temperature but

    different volume fractions, and a Lagrangian modeling of the droplet phase which is composed

    of various droplet-size groups having their own initial characteristics (velocity, temperature,

    diameter,). The effect of the dispersed phase on the gas phase is limited to the mass,

    momentum and enthalpy transport due to the phasechange process. For each of the two size

    classes of droplets, the equation of motion is written. The interfacial force is determined by using

    a drag coefficient valid for solid spheres and with the relative velocity evaluated from the mean

    local gas velocity.

    The Lagrangian approach has the advantage to account for the instantaneous flow properties

    encountered by the particles. A second cited advantage of the EulerianLagrangian approach is

    the possibility to readily handle the evolution of a distribution of particle diameters, which

    remains difficult to predict in a EulerianEulerian scheme. However, transient situations are

    more easily solved by a EulerianEulerian approach. This seems to favour the choice of

    Lagrangian models for the description of the continuous releases considered here. The first

    advantage is, however, not used by Pereira and Chen since only the mean local gas

    characteristics are taken into account in the droplet equations.


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    The tests whose results we have used for model comparisons are: Desert Tortoise (DT) 4

    liquid ammonia (NH,) release; Goldfish (GF) 1 and 3 liquid anhydrous hydrofluoric acid (HF)

    release; and Energy Analysts (EA) 1 and 2 small-scale liquid ammonia and propane releases.

    The choice of these tests is based on the availability of good experimental data. The test

    parameters are shown in Table 1. Additional test details can be found in the references cited

    below. It should be noted from the table that the liquids were released in the direction of the

    wind approximately 1 m above ground level as a horizontal jet (=0). The only exception was

    EA ammonia test 1 where the release angle from the horizontal 0=100.Thus in most of the

    tests the jet, made contact with the ground a short distance downwind from the source. The

    release heights were not reported for the Goldfish series of tests. For the purpose of carrying out

    HF dispersion calculations, a release height z0=0.79m was assumed. Ammonia was released

    from this height during the Desert Tortoise series of tests, which were conducted at the same test

    site as the Goldfish tests.

    The Desert Tortoise series test results were reported By Goldwire et al. and Goldwire. In

    Figure 5, the predicted profile for the DT4 ammonia plume is presented out to 300 m from the

    source. Water droplet formation is predicted to occur essentially at the source. The jet is

    predicted to impact the ground at 2.92 m downwind from the source. Goldwire et al. reported

    that a noticeable pool of liquid ammonia persisted within at least 3 m of the source. The liquidammonia and water aerosols are predicted to evaporate completely at 40.7 and 201 m downwind,

    respectively. The actual plume was visible to a point approximately 400 m downwind,

    indicating, perhaps an over prediction of the entrainment rate. The calculation suggests that the

    atmospheric water content is responsible for long range visibility of the plume and not the liquid

    ammonia.[ Goldwire et al.,1986]


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    The temperature and ammonia concentrations versus distance from the source are compared in

    Figures 4.4 and 4.5. The predicted quantities represent average values, while the experimental

    data for the temperature in the far field and the concentration are the measured values close to

    the centre of the jet at an elevation of 1 m. The temperature measurements in the near field, at the

    3, 6, and 9 m locations, represent those of the liquid ammonia deposited on the ground just

    downwind of the source. As seen in Figure 4.4, the model is in excellent agreement with the

    measured temperatures in the near and far field. The model performance in the far field,

    however, may not be as average temperatures while the measurements correspond to jet

    centerline values at an elevation of 1 m. In Figure 5, the model is seen to predict the ammonia

    concentration at the 100 m position and under predict the concentrations at the 800 and 1000 m

    positions by factors of 2.0 and 3.0, respectively (see also Table 2). This level of accuracy is

    considered to be reasonable in the field of modeling the dilution of chemical releases in the

    atmospheres. Again, the model results are average values, while the experimental data are the

    measured values at the centre of the jet.

    Interestingly enough, the entrainment velocity v, given by Equation (8) did not fall below u,,

    given by Equation (28) during the course of the calculation that produced the NH3 concentration

    versus distance curve of Figure 5. Thus for a distance downwind of the source of at least 3000 m,

    it does not appear to be necessary to invoke the presence of atmospheric turbulence due to wind

    to explain the measured NH3 jet dilution. While at first sight this result may seem surprising, it

    should be mentioned that many other examples have been reported in the literature in which self-

    generated turbulence dominates the jet mixing process far downstream of the source.


  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    Table 1: Experimental conditions for field tests

    The data which show that Equation (8), with El = 0 and E0 = 0.1, can be applied to plumes

    extending 3000 m above an oil fire . The distance range over which Equation (8) is valid was

    extended by another order of magnitude: Wilson et al. and later on Sparks successfully applied

    the formula to describe plumes of hot gas emitted from erupting volcanoes. Such plumes reach

    heights greater than 40000 m. The observations of smoke plumes released from a power plant

    stack into a cross-wind showed that the transition from plume-to-atmospheric generated

    entrainment occurs at distances as large as 425 m from the chimney. The applied an entrainmentformula similar to Equation (8) to explain data collected on chimney plumes in a cross-wind and

    found the formula to be valid over a distance of approximately 1800 m from the chimney. Note

    that in such chimney plumes only buoyancy is responsible for plume momentum at the source;

    yet self-generated turbulence dominates the entrainment process far downstream from the

    chimney. Finally, with regard to the DT4 NH3 release simulation, it is significant to note that the


    TEST Ref. liquid Tj,sP

















    DT4 Goldwire

    et al.,

    NH3 240 1.4 297 306 21.0 0.007 0.79 0 4.5

    GF1 Blewitt

    et al.,

    HF 293 0.87 313 310 5.1 0.0014 - 0 5.6

    GF3 Blewitt

    et al.,

    HF 293 0.91 312 300 27.9 0.00046 - 0 5.4

    EA1 Pfenninget al.,

    NH3 240 0.83 292 292 49.0 0.00034 1.22 10 7.62

    EA2 Pfenning

    et al

    C3H8 231 1.03 289 289 51.0 0.000105 0.8 0 5.08

  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    predicted Richardson number is 0.02 at the source, rises to a maximum value of 0.11 at about

    200 m downwind and then decays to zero in the very far field. Clearly, for high-momentum jets,

    gravity is not an important feature of the entrainment process.




    Concentration (mole



    Concentration (mole





    prediction Measure-



    100 0.06 0.065 - -

    300 - - 0.0095 0.01

    800 0.02 0.0092 - -

    1000 - 0.0013 0.0015

    3000 0.05 0.0016 0.00018 0.00029

    Table 2: Comparison of theory with concentration measurements

    The hydrogen fluoride dispersion experiments were conducted and reported by Blewitt et al.

    The liquid HF and atmospheric water condensate for Test GFl are predicted to evaporate in the

    near field, at approximately 24 and 29 m, respectively. During GFl the jet was visible to a

    distance of approximately 700 m from the source. Thus the visibility of the jet in the far field

    cannot be explained by the presence of water droplets alone. Hydrogen fluoride and water vapor

    exhibit a strong chemical interaction which results in the formation of a condensed phase

    (aerosol) of HF/H2O solution droplets. These relatively stable, chemically produced droplets

    would be expected to persist out to significant distances from the source.

    The present model is based entirely on consideration of local phase-change thermodynamic

    equilibrium. Chemical reactions between the jet material and water vapor are not considered.


  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    The measured centerline temperatures and HF concentrations for Tests GFl and GF3 were found

    to agree well with the cross-wind averaged values of the model. The measured and predicted

    temperature and concentration versus distance curves for Test GF3 are shown in Figures 4.4 and

    4.5, respectively. The numerical solutions indicate that the application of an entrainment

    equation for high momentum jets, namely Equation (8), is not valid for distances from the source

    beyond about 80 m for the HF tests. At this point the transition is made between high-momentum

    jet and Gaussian plume entrainment behavior. Neglecting entrainment associated with

    atmospheric turbulence will lead to over-estimates of the concentration. The predicted maximum

    Richardson number for both tests is only about 0.02 at about 10 m from the source, indicating

    once again that buoyancy does not influence the entrainment process in an essential way. Note

    from Table I that the break area and stagnation pressure for the NH 3 test are much larger than the

    corresponding quantities for the HF tests. This readily explains why the NH3 jet in Test DT4 was

    dominated by the momentum flux from the source at all the concentration sampler stations, while

    the momentum flux for the weaker (Test GF3) HF jet vanished some distance upwind of the first

    concentration sampler, and beyond this point spreading was dominated by atmospheric

    turbulence. Small-scale field releases of pressurized liquid ammonia and propane were

    performed by Pfenning et al. (the Energy Analysts (EA) series). Using slides and video tapes, the

    average profile of the visible portion of the jet was obtained. No vapor concentration or

    temperature measurements were made.

    In Test EAl (see Table 1) the liquid ammonia was released at a 100 incline from the horizontal.

    Figure 8 shows the predicted profile of the ammonia jet for Test EAl. The visible jet extended

    approximately 45 m downwind, with a maximum height of 3.7 m. This is to be compared with

    the prediction of 40.4 m, based on complete water droplet evaporation, and the predicted

    maximum height of 3.9 m. The predicted length of the visible propane jet for Test EA2 is 17.9 m

    and the predicted maximum jet height is 1.9 m. The visible length and maximum jet height

    measured were 24 m and 2.1 m, respectively. In both the EAl and EA2 releases the jet material

    aerosol is predicted to evaporate completely be ore contact with the ground. This is consistent

    with the observations of that in the tests no liquid accumulated on the ground [Pfenning et



  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    Figure 4.1 : Predicted jet profile for Desert Tortoise ammonia spill Test 4 (DT4)

    Water fog formation At x=0.056m, height

    Touchdown At x= 2.92m, height

    Jet material liquid evaporated At x= 40.73m, height

    Water fog evaporated At x= 201m , height

    Figure 4.2: Temperature as a function of distance from source for Desert Tortoise

    ammonia Test 4 (DT4).

    Figure 4.3 : Ammonia concentration as a function of distance from source for Desert

    Tortoise spill Test 4 (DT4)

    Figure 4.4: Temperature as a function of distance from source for Goldfish hydrofluoric

    acid spill Test 3 (GF3)

    Figure 4.5: Hydrofluoric acid concentration as a function of distance from the source for

    Goldfish hydrofluoric acid spill Test 3 (GF3).


  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    Figure 4.6: Predicted jet profile for Energy Analyses ammonia release test (EAl)



    In this paper we have provided a modeling approach to determining the dispersion hazards

    arising from the release of pressurized liquid chemicals. The dilution of the two-phase jet

    produced by the release has been modeled taking into account the three regimes of jet behavior.

    A one-dimensional source model describing the depressurization of the jet and two turbulent

    entrainment models describing the elevated and ground-level behavior have been presented.


  • 8/7/2019 Model of dilution of forced liquid


    This review has been focused on the comparative description of two-phase jet dispersion models,

    with special attention to elevated and continuous conditions. A description of available data for

    two-phase jet dispersion was also given. Both integral and multidimensional models were


    Most often, the integral approach has been adopted because of its good compromise between

    model detail and computing timer cost, which is well adapted to hazard assessment. In integral

    models, entrainment modeling remains an important issue, as reflected by the differences

    between adopted formulations. Regarding two-phase flow phenomena, the homogeneous

    equilibrium approximation is often used. The range where this is justified has, however, not been

    defined in the case of high momentum jets. When this approximation is, at least partially relaxed,

    the prediction of the initial drop size, drop trajectory and possibly evaporation is required. The

    corresponding sub models show however a rather high degree of simplification and uncertainty.

    Some propositions for their verification and improvement have been given. They include the

    comparison of the sub models prediction to recent experimental data, the extension of models to

    non-flashing two-phase releases and a rational criterion for droplet suspension in a jet.

    Generally speaking, the models are insufficiently validated. To be able to give a firm judgment

    of their quality, an independent evaluation is clearly needed. For this purpose, additional detailed

    two-phase jet experiments should be performed.