model underage drinking enforcement policy summit

Model Underage Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit Policy Summit Becca Matusovich, OSA Becca Matusovich, OSA Seth Blodgett, AG’s Seth Blodgett, AG’s office office November 16, 2004 November 16, 2004

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Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit. Becca Matusovich, OSA Seth Blodgett, AG’s office November 16, 2004. Is effective enforcement worth the effort?. The data says it is: MYDAUS correlations HEAPP evaluation Piscataquis County evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Model Underage Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Drinking Enforcement Policy SummitPolicy Summit

Becca Matusovich, OSABecca Matusovich, OSA

Seth Blodgett, AG’s officeSeth Blodgett, AG’s office

November 16, 2004November 16, 2004

Page 2: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Is effective Is effective enforcement worth the enforcement worth the effort?effort?The data says it is:The data says it is: MYDAUS correlationsMYDAUS correlations HEAPP evaluationHEAPP evaluation Piscataquis County evaluationPiscataquis County evaluation

But first, a few assumptions on But first, a few assumptions on which this approach is based…which this approach is based…

Page 3: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Enforcement is a Enforcement is a powerful prevention tool powerful prevention tool when it:when it: Reduces underage accessReduces underage access Clearly communicates a community’s Clearly communicates a community’s

standards for acceptable behaviorstandards for acceptable behavior Focuses on preventing high-risk behavior Focuses on preventing high-risk behavior

and intervening in developing patternsand intervening in developing patterns Increases individuals’ understanding of Increases individuals’ understanding of

their own risk and others’ concerntheir own risk and others’ concern Engages parents as critical partners and Engages parents as critical partners and

empowers them to address the problemempowers them to address the problem

Page 4: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Strengthening Strengthening enforcement as a enforcement as a prevention toolprevention tool Think proactively – what will be most likely Think proactively – what will be most likely

to prevent this situation from reoccurring?to prevent this situation from reoccurring? Maximize the deterrent effect by ensuring Maximize the deterrent effect by ensuring

as much consistency as possibleas much consistency as possible Publicize enforcement efforts and clearly Publicize enforcement efforts and clearly

state the reasons why they are importantstate the reasons why they are important Stay focused on the goal: reducing high-Stay focused on the goal: reducing high-

risk drinking and related problemsrisk drinking and related problems Clarify – is this a “zero tolerance” Clarify – is this a “zero tolerance”


Page 5: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

MYDAUS 2004 : MYDAUS 2004 : statewide data for gr. 9-12statewide data for gr. 9-1230-day alcohol use30-day alcohol use

0 .0 %1 0 .0 %2 0 .0 %3 0 .0 %4 0 .0 %5 0 .0 %6 0 .0 %7 0 .0 %8 0 .0 %

H a v e t h is p r o t e c t iv e f a c t o r L a c k t h is p r o t e c t iv e f a c t o r

C a u g h t b y p a r e n t s H a r d t o a c c e s s a lc o h o lC a u g h t b y p o l ic e A d u l t s in n h t h in k i t ' s w r o n gP a r e n t s t h in k i t ' s w r o n g

O v e r a l l a v e r a g e = 4 1 %

Page 6: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

MYDAUS 2004 : MYDAUS 2004 : statewide data for gr. 9-12statewide data for gr. 9-122-week binge drinking2-week binge drinking

0 . 0 %

1 0 . 0 %

2 0 . 0 %

3 0 . 0 %

4 0 . 0 %

5 0 . 0 %

6 0 . 0 %

H a v e t h is p r o t e c t iv e f a c t o r L a c k t h is p r o t e c t iv e f a c t o r

C a u g h t b y p a r e n ts H a r d to a c c e s s a l c o h o l C a u g h t b y p o l i c e A d u l ts i n n h th i n k i t 's w r o n g P a r e n ts th i n k i t 's w r o n g

O v e r a ll a v e r a g e = 2 3 %

Page 7: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

MYDAUS 2004 : MYDAUS 2004 : statewide data for gr. 9-12statewide data for gr. 9-1230-day alcohol use30-day alcohol use

0 . 0 %

1 0 . 0 %

2 0 . 0 %

3 0 . 0 %

4 0 . 0 %

5 0 . 0 %

6 0 . 0 %

7 0 . 0 %

8 0 . 0 %

C a u g h t b yp a r e n t s

H a r d t oa c c e s sa lc o h o l

C a u g h t b yp o lic e

A d u lt s inn h t h in k

it ' s w r o n g

P a r e n t st h in k i t ' s

w r o n g

H a ve t h i s p r o t e c t i ve fa c t o r

L a c k t h i s p r o t e c t i ve fa c t o r

o v e r a ll a v g = 4 1 %

Page 8: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

MYDAUS 2004 : MYDAUS 2004 : statewide data for gr. 9-12statewide data for gr. 9-122-week binge drinking2-week binge drinking

0 . 0 %

1 0 . 0 %

2 0 . 0 %

3 0 . 0 %

4 0 . 0 %

5 0 . 0 %

6 0 . 0 %

C a u g h t b yp a r e n t s

H a r d t oa c c e s sa l c o h o l

C a u g h t b yp o l i c e

A d u l t s i n n ht h i n k i t ' s

w r o n g

P a r e n t st h i n k i t ' s

w r o n g

H a ve t h i s p r o t e c t i ve fa c t o r

L a c k t h i s p r o t e c t i ve fa c t o r

o v e r a l l a v g = 2 3 %

3.4x 3.2x 1.9x



Page 9: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

HEAPP college evaluation HEAPP college evaluation resultsresults

E n v i r o n m e n t a l/ A t t i t u d e / P e r c e p t i o n i n d i c a t o r sC o r e s u r v e y r e s u lt s : 4 c a m p u s e s , s o p h o m o r e s ( N = 2 2 8 a n d 2 4 4 ) ,

e x c lu d e s t h o s e a g e 2 5 +

9 6 %7 6 %

3 7 %

6 2 % 5 4 %

1 6 %

6 0 %8 0 % 7 0 %

2 7 %

8 1 %9 7 %

0 %1 0 %2 0 %3 0 %4 0 %5 0 %6 0 %7 0 %8 0 %9 0 %

1 0 0 %

c a m p u s h a sd r u g /a lc o h o l

p o li c i e s

c a m p u sd r u g /a lc o h o lp o li c i e s a r e

e n fo r c e d

le g a l a n d /o rd i s c i p li n a r y

c o n s e q u e n c e sfo r fu r n i s h i n ga lc o h o l l i k e ly

n e v e r o r r a r e lyp r o v i d e a lc o h o lto th o s e u n d e r

2 1

S u p p o r tc o n s e q u e n c e s

fo r s tu d e n ts w h or e p e a te d ly

v i o la te c a m p u sA O D p o li c i e s

T h i n k m o s ts tu d e n ts u s u a llyh a v e 4 o r fe w e r

d r i n k s w h e nth e y d r i n k

2 0 0 1 2 0 0 3

Page 10: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

HEAPP college evaluation HEAPP college evaluation resultsresults

D r in k in g p a t t e r n sC o r e s u r v e y r e s u lt s : 4 c a m p u s e s , s o p h o m o r e s ( N = 2 2 8 a n d

2 4 4 ) , e x c lu d e s t h o s e a g e 2 5 +

2 1 %

5 9 %

5 1 %

3 1 %

5 0 %

5 8 %

3 5 %

4 3 %

0 . 0 %

1 0 . 0 %

2 0 . 0 %

3 0 . 0 %

4 0 . 0 %

5 0 . 0 %

6 0 . 0 %

7 0 . 0 %

N o u s e in p a s t 3 0d a y s

B in g e d r in k in g inp a s t t w o w e e k s -

o n c e o r m o r e

T y p ic a l ly d r in k 0 o r1 - 4 d r in k s w h e n

d r in k in g

T y p ic a l ly d r in k 6 o rm o r e d r in k s w h e n

d r in k in g

2 0 0 1 2 0 0 3

Page 11: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

P is c a t a q u is C o u n t y S h e r i f f ' s O f f ic e : V io l a t io n s b y M in o r s

3 7 3 9

1 3 8

8 4

1 1 2


2 0

4 0

6 0

8 0

1 0 0

1 2 0

1 4 0

1 6 0

V i o la t i o n s b y M i n o r s 3 7 3 9 1 3 8 8 4 1 1 1 . 7 2

2 0 0 1 b a s e li n e

2 0 0 2 t o t a l 2 0 0 3 t o t a l2 0 0 4 - t h r u

J u n e2 0 0 4 -

p r o je c t e d

Page 12: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

P is c a t a q u i s C o u n t y S h e r i f f 's O f f i c e : V io la t i o n s b y A d u l t s






1 0

1 2

V i o la t i o n s b yA d u lt s

2 3 9 8 1 0 . 6 4

2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 4 -

Page 13: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

P e r c e i v e d a c c e s s t o a lc o h o l( s o u r c e : w e i g h t e d M Y D A U S d a t a , g r a d e s 9 - 1 2 )

7 6 . 1 7 6 . 4

6 6 . 36 7 . 8

6 9 . 7

7 5 . 5

6 0

6 2

6 4

6 6

6 8

7 0

7 2

7 4

7 6

7 8

2 0 0 0E a s y A c c e s s

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

P i s c a t a q u i s C o u n t y A ve r a g e 1 1 n o n g r a n t c o u n t i e s

Page 14: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

L ik e l ih o o d o f b e in g c a u g h t b y p o l ic e( s o u r c e : w e ig h t e d M Y D A U S d a t a , g r a d e s 9 - 1 2 )


1 1

1 4 . 5

9 . 4 9 . 9

1 5

8 . 71 0 . 2 1 0 . 7

1 2 . 91 4 . 2 1 4 . 1






1 0

1 2

1 4

1 6

2 0 0 0L ik e ly t o b e

c a u g h t b y p o l ic e- a lc o h o l

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 0L ik e ly t o b e

c a u g h t b y p o l ic e- m a r i ju a n a

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

P is c a t a q u is C o u n t y A v e r a g e 1 1 n o n g r a n t c o u n t ie s

Page 15: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

P a r e n t in g a t t i t u d e s / p r a c t ic e s( s o u r c e : w e ig h t e d M Y D A U S d a t a , g r a d e s 9 - 1 2 )

3 0 . 12 6 . 4

3 3 . 33 4 . 4 3 3 . 5

3 8 . 8



1 0

1 5

2 0

2 5

3 0

3 5

4 0

4 5

2 0 0 0L ik e ly t o b e c a u g h t b y p a r e n t s i f

d r in k in g

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

P is c a t a q u is C o u n t y A v e r a g e 1 1 n o n g r a n t c o u n t ie s

Page 16: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

A lc o h o l u s e p a t t e r n s( s o u r c e : w e ig h t e d M Y D A U S d a t a , g r a d e s 9 - 1 2 )

7 5 . 16 6 . 4

3 7 . 6 3 5 . 9

1 8 . 32 3 . 1

4 3 . 7

7 0 . 7

2 1 . 22 3 . 5

4 0 4 1 . 3

3 9 . 8

7 1 . 9

6 6 . 4

2 2 . 52 1 . 6

6 9 . 1


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0

8 0

2 0 0 0li fe t i m e

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 03 0 d a y

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 0b i n g e

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

P i s c a t a q u i s C o u n t y A ve r a g e 1 1 n o n g r a n t c o u n t i e s

Page 17: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Rural Enforcement Grant: Rural Enforcement Grant: Data from Piscataquis Data from Piscataquis CountyCounty

M a r i ju a n a u s e p a t t e r n s( s o u r c e : w e ig h t e d M Y D A U S d a t a , g r a d e s 9 - 1 2 )

5 2 . 4

1 7 . 9

2 4 . 93 7 . 4

4 6 . 5

2 7 . 7

4 3 . 3 4 0 . 74 2 . 8

2 4 . 4 2 2 . 42 3 . 2


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

2 0 0 0L i fe t i m e m a r i j u a n a

u s e

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 03 0 d a y m a r i j u a n a

u s e

2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

P i s c a t a q u i s C o u n t y A ve r a g e 1 1 n o n g r a n t c o u n t i e s

Page 18: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy Section I: Policypolicy Section I: Policy

Provides justification for the Provides justification for the importance of underage drinking importance of underage drinking enforcementenforcement

States commitment to consistent, States commitment to consistent, pro-active, and vigorous pro-active, and vigorous enforcementenforcement

Page 19: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section I: Policy, cont.Section I: Policy, cont. Pledges:Pledges:

– coordination with other l.e. departmentscoordination with other l.e. departments– education/training for officerseducation/training for officers– effort to coordinate protocols with others in l.e. effort to coordinate protocols with others in l.e.

continuumcontinuum– opportunities for community dialogue on opportunities for community dialogue on

underage drinkingunderage drinking– partnership with schools, colleges, community partnership with schools, colleges, community

organizations, businesses on strategies to organizations, businesses on strategies to reduce underage drinking, including reduce underage drinking, including intervention and educational programs for intervention and educational programs for violatorsviolators

– annual review of policy and its implementationannual review of policy and its implementation

Page 20: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section II: PurposeSection II: Purpose

To establish guidelines for the To establish guidelines for the officers of this agency on officers of this agency on enforcement of Maine’s underage enforcement of Maine’s underage drinking laws and laws related to drinking laws and laws related to underage access to alcohol. underage access to alcohol. Additionally, this policy will also Additionally, this policy will also provide officers with guidelines in provide officers with guidelines in the investigation of “underage the investigation of “underage drinking parties.”drinking parties.”

Page 21: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: ProcedureSection III: ProcedureA. TrainingA. Training

1. The dept shall conduct yearly 1. The dept shall conduct yearly training which has been approved training which has been approved by the MCJAby the MCJA2. The dept shall invite 2. The dept shall invite participation in the training by the participation in the training by the District Attorney or designee, as District Attorney or designee, as well as Juvenile Community well as Juvenile Community Corrections Officers Corrections Officers

Page 22: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.B. Possession of Alcohol by a MinorB. Possession of Alcohol by a MinorSteps to be taken:Steps to be taken:1.1. Seize the alcohol as evidenceSeize the alcohol as evidence2.2. Identify the minor through valid form of Identify the minor through valid form of

IDID3.3. If intoxicated, ensure that the minor is If intoxicated, ensure that the minor is

not in need of immediate medical not in need of immediate medical assistanceassistance

4.4. Determine if affirmative defenses apply Determine if affirmative defenses apply (employment, parent present in private (employment, parent present in private home)home)

5.5. Determine where alcohol was consumedDetermine where alcohol was consumed

Page 23: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont. Possession – steps, cont.Possession – steps, cont.6. Establish whose alcohol it is and where 6. Establish whose alcohol it is and where

obtainedobtained7. If juvenile, (make diligent effort to) 7. If juvenile, (make diligent effort to)

contact parents/legal guardian as soon as contact parents/legal guardian as soon as practicalpractical

8. Conduct full and thorough investigation 8. Conduct full and thorough investigation to determine the source of the alcohol, to determine the source of the alcohol, including conducting interviews of including conducting interviews of witnesseswitnesses

9. If probable cause exists and officer 9. If probable cause exists and officer utilizes discretion not to charge, provide a utilizes discretion not to charge, provide a detailed written report explaining the no-detailed written report explaining the no-charge decision and resolution of the casecharge decision and resolution of the case

Page 24: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.

C. Illegal transportation C. Illegal transportation

Same steps as possession except:Same steps as possession except:

3. establish minor’s knowledge of 3. establish minor’s knowledge of the presence of the alcoholthe presence of the alcohol

Page 25: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.D. Investigation of underage drinking D. Investigation of underage drinking


If informed in advance, investigating If informed in advance, investigating officer should obtain:officer should obtain:

1.1. Source of informant’s informationSource of informant’s information

2.2. Time & location of planned partyTime & location of planned party

3.3. Person(s) responsible for the partyPerson(s) responsible for the party

4.4. Person(s) responsible for the propertyPerson(s) responsible for the property

Page 26: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.Advance Parties - steps, cont.Advance Parties - steps, cont.Investigating officer shall notify Investigating officer shall notify

supervisor, who shall make a strong supervisor, who shall make a strong effort to ensure:effort to ensure:

1.1. That an officer is assigned to conduct That an officer is assigned to conduct a thorough investigationa thorough investigation

2.2. The property owner is notified and is The property owner is notified and is made aware of lawsmade aware of laws

3.3. that an effort is made to locate and that an effort is made to locate and seize alcohol intended for the partyseize alcohol intended for the party

4.4. A law enforcement presence at the A law enforcement presence at the time and general location of the partytime and general location of the party

Page 27: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.Underage Drinking Party in ProgressUnderage Drinking Party in Progress Responding officers shall make Responding officers shall make

every effort to ensure the welfare every effort to ensure the welfare and safety of the offending minorsand safety of the offending minors

A supervisor or designee will be A supervisor or designee will be notified and will respond to notified and will respond to evaluate what manpower may be evaluate what manpower may be needed to safely disperse the needed to safely disperse the

Page 28: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.Parties in progress – steps, cont.Parties in progress – steps, cont.Responding officers shall:Responding officers shall:1.1. Establish party’s sponsorEstablish party’s sponsor2.2. Identify property ownerIdentify property owner3.3. If juvenile, make diligent effort to If juvenile, make diligent effort to

contact parentscontact parents4.4. Follow guidelines for possessionFollow guidelines for possession5.5. Vigorously investigate to determine Vigorously investigate to determine

where minors obtained the alcohol where minors obtained the alcohol and whether probable cause exists for and whether probable cause exists for furnishing and/or allowing furnishing and/or allowing consumption by a minorconsumption by a minor

Page 29: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Key points in the model Key points in the model policy policy Section III: Procedure, cont.Section III: Procedure, cont.Parties in progress – steps, cont.Parties in progress – steps, cont.6. Once probable cause established, 6. Once probable cause established,

arrest or summons the appropriate arrest or summons the appropriate adults or minors for either furnishing adults or minors for either furnishing alcohol or furnishing a placealcohol or furnishing a place

7. If investigation provides probable 7. If investigation provides probable cause that a minor purchased alcohol cause that a minor purchased alcohol from a licensed establishment, a from a licensed establishment, a referral shall be made to the Maine referral shall be made to the Maine Bureau of Liquor LicensingBureau of Liquor Licensing

Page 30: Model Underage Drinking Enforcement Policy Summit

Questions? Comments?Questions? Comments?

How closely does this policy describe How closely does this policy describe how your department already “does” how your department already “does” underage drinking enforcement?underage drinking enforcement?

How closely does this policy align How closely does this policy align with how the leadership in your with how the leadership in your department and community wants to department and community wants to do underage drinking enforcement? do underage drinking enforcement?