model validation of biological pathways using petri nets ......biosystems 75 (2004) 15–28 model...

BioSystems 75 (2004) 15–28 Model validation of biological pathways using Petri nets—demonstrated for apoptosis Monika Heiner a,, Ina Koch b , Jürgen Will a a Department of Computer Science, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Post Box 10 13 44, 03013 Cottbus, Germany b Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Department of Bioinformatics, Seestrasse 64, 13347 Berlin, Germany Abstract This paper demonstrates the first steps of a new integrating methodology to develop and analyse models of biological pathways in a systematic manner using well established Petri net technologies. The whole approach comprises step-wise modelling, animation, model validation as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis for behaviour prediction. In this paper, the first phase is addressed how to develop and validate a qualitative model, which might be extended afterwards to a quantitative model. The example used in this paper is devoted to apoptosis, the genetically programmed cell death. Apoptosis is an essential part of normal physiology for most metazoan species. Disturbances in the apoptotic process could lead to several diseases. The signal transduction pathway of apoptosis includes highly complex mechanisms to control and execute programmed cell death. This paper explains how to model and validate this pathway using qualitative Petri nets. The results provide a mathematically unique and valid model enabling the confirmation of known properties as well as new insights in this pathway. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Apoptosis; Signal transduction pathway; Model validation; Petri net; Transition invariant 1. Motivation Systems biology is a major field of growing impor- tance in current biology research. It is concerned with the modelling, simulation and analysis of biological processes in biological systems ranging in size from a single pathway to a whole cell. Obviously, it is of great interest for biology, medicine, and pharmaceuti- cal industry to get a really deep understanding of the highly complex world of biological processes as well as to have sophisticated means to analyse these mod- Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected], monika.heiner@info, [email protected] (M. Heiner). URLs:, els thoroughly. With the rapidly increasing amount of produced genomic and proteomic data, new insights into special properties and the general behaviour of biological systems might be achieved, provided the handling and systematic exploration of these huge col- lected data sets will be mastered. Because these biological networks tend to be very dense and large—far beyond the human skills, a cru- cial point seems to be their concise and unambiguous representation enabling us to handle computationally these highly integrated networks in an efficient man- ner. Biological networks are studied and modelled at different description levels establishing different path- way types, e.g. there are metabolic pathways, describ- ing the conversion of metabolites by enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions given by their stoichiometric equa- 0303-2647/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.03.003

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Page 1: Model validation of biological pathways using Petri nets ......BioSystems 75 (2004) 15–28 Model validation of biological pathways using Petri nets—demonstrated for apoptosis Monika

BioSystems 75 (2004) 15–28

Model validation of biological pathways using Petrinets—demonstrated for apoptosis

Monika Heinera,∗, Ina Kochb, Jürgen Willaa Department of Computer Science, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Post Box 10 13 44, 03013 Cottbus, Germany

b Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Department of Bioinformatics, Seestrasse 64, 13347 Berlin, Germany


This paper demonstrates the first steps of a new integrating methodology to develop and analyse models of biological pathwaysin a systematic manner using well established Petri net technologies. The whole approach comprises step-wise modelling,animation, model validation as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis for behaviour prediction. In this paper, the first phaseis addressed how to develop and validate a qualitative model, which might be extended afterwards to a quantitative model.

The example used in this paper is devoted to apoptosis, the genetically programmed cell death. Apoptosis is an essential partof normal physiology for most metazoan species. Disturbances in the apoptotic process could lead to several diseases. The signaltransduction pathway of apoptosis includes highly complex mechanisms to control and execute programmed cell death. Thispaper explains how to model and validate this pathway using qualitative Petri nets. The results provide a mathematically uniqueand valid model enabling the confirmation of known properties as well as new insights in this pathway.© 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Apoptosis; Signal transduction pathway; Model validation; Petri net; Transition invariant

1. Motivation

Systems biology is a major field of growing impor-tance in current biology research. It is concerned withthe modelling, simulation and analysis of biologicalprocesses in biological systems ranging in size froma single pathway to a whole cell. Obviously, it is ofgreat interest for biology, medicine, and pharmaceuti-cal industry to get a really deep understanding of thehighly complex world of biological processes as wellas to have sophisticated means to analyse these mod-

∗ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected], monika.heiner@info, [email protected] (M. Heiner).URLs:∼wwwdssz,

els thoroughly. With the rapidly increasing amount ofproduced genomic and proteomic data, new insightsinto special properties and the general behaviour ofbiological systems might be achieved, provided thehandling and systematic exploration of these huge col-lected data sets will be mastered.

Because these biological networks tend to be verydense and large—far beyond the human skills, a cru-cial point seems to be their concise and unambiguousrepresentation enabling us to handle computationallythese highly integrated networks in an efficient man-ner.

Biological networks are studied and modelled atdifferent description levels establishing different path-way types, e.g. there are metabolic pathways, describ-ing the conversion of metabolites by enzyme-catalysedchemical reactions given by their stoichiometric equa-

0303-2647/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2004.03.003

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tions, such as main pathways of the energy householdas glycolysis or pentose phosphate pathway. Anotherpathway type are signal transduction pathways, alsoknown as information metabolism, explaining howcells receive, process, and respond to information fromthe environment. They are often formed by cascadesof activated/deactivated proteins or protein complexes.Such signal transduction cascades may be seen asmolecular circuits, which mediate the sensing and pro-cessing of stimuli. They detect, amplify, and integratediverse external signals to generate responses, suchas changes in enzyme activity, gene expression, orion-channel activity.

Separation of concern is a well-known successfulprinciple in computer engineering. But nevertheless,all these pathways interact actually together at anytime to form complex mechanisms. Therefore, we arelooking for an unifying modelling approach support-ing diverse separate models for different descriptionlevels or aspects as well as their step-wise composi-tion afterwards.

Moreover, our knowledge about a particular path-way is generally widely spread over various separatedata bases and numerous papers using a quite largevariety of different graphical schemes (for typical ex-amples seeSection 3). Usually, these schemes are—atleast partly—open for interpretation; whereby evenadditional verbose explanations do not clarify suffi-ciently the intended meaning in an unambiguous man-ner.

To get a consistent view of the entire current stateof knowledge about a particular pathway, there is noother way than to puzzle these pieces of distributedunderstanding together. For that purpose, a readablelanguage with a formal, and hence unambiguous se-mantics would obviously be of great help as a commonintermediate language in order to avoid the produc-tion of just larger patchwork, exposed to even moreinterpretation choices.

Independently of the given description level and theparticular view extension, all pathways—and there-fore their models, too—exhibit inherently very com-plex structures. These structures, reflecting the causalinterplay of the basic actions, exploit all the patternswell-known in computer engineering, like sequence,branching, repetition, and concurrency, in any com-bination. But, in opposite to technical networks, nat-ural networks tend to be very dense and apparently

unstructured, making the understandability of the fullnetwork of interactions extremely difficult and there-fore error-prone.

In the long-term, the actual purpose of modellingof biological networks is certainly a model-based be-haviour prediction of the modelled real system. Thecrucial point of prediction is that it involves the readi-ness to believe—more or less blindly—what the re-sults say. But are these results really trustworthy?Maybe there are some plausibility checks, but arethey strong enough to get the predicted behaviour ap-proved? It corresponds to common sense to confronta going-to-be oracle at first with questions, where theanswers are known and well-understood. This step toestablish a sufficient confidence in the correspondenceof model and reality is usually called model validation.

Taking all these considerations into account, themost important usability criteria of a suitable modelrepresentation are on hand: (1) readability—to supportunderstanding, and therefore enable fault avoidancein the model construction process, (2) executabil-ity (animation techniques)—to experience a modelin order to get really familiar with it, (3) valida-tion techniques—for consistency checks to ensurethe model integrity and correspondence to reality,and (4) analysis techniques—for qualitative as wellas quantitative behaviour prediction. Actually, eachmodel under development should run through all fourstages of usage, increasing step-by-step the model’sconfidence level. So the question arises, how manyrepresentations do we really need for these purposes?

In our opinion, mastering the given outstandingcomplexity of biological networks can be reachedonly by applying a fundamental engineering principle:step-wise model development by careful refinementas well as composition for all stages of confidence:animation via validation up to qualitative analysis, andfinally quantitative analysis. That means at the sametime an integration of model validation and behaviourprediction, resulting in one “all-purpose” model. Withother words, our approach is to start with an anima-tion model to get preliminary confidence in the modelbehaviour by its execution. Afterwards, the animationmodel is turned into a qualitative model for valida-tion and qualitative analysis. Finally, the qualitativemodel is extended to a quantitative one by addingquantitative parameters like substance concentration,equilibrium constants and reaction rates, making it

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ready for quantitative analysis, while preserving themodel’s confidence level gained in the former stages.

Comparable integrating approaches relying on Petrinet technologies are well-known and have been provento be successful in engineering of technical systems,see, e.g.Heiner et al. (1994). So, why not adapting thispositive experience to the engineering of biologicalsystems?

The idea to model biological systems by Petri netshas been introduced 10 years ago inReddy et al.(1993) and has attracted in the meantime the atten-tion by several research groups. But a closer look onthe literature, compareWill and Heiner (2002), re-veals that the majority of papers, applying Petri netsfor modelling and analysis of biological systems, con-centrate on quantitative aspects. Typical examples ofused Petri net extensions are stochastic Petri nets, e.g.Narahari et al. (1989)and Peccoud (1998), and hy-brid Petri nets, e.g.Matsuno et al. (2003a, 2003b)andChen and Hofestaedt (2003)but also coloured Petrinets, e.g.Genrich et al. (2000), as well as discretetime extensions, e.g.Koch et al. (1999), have been em-ployed for that purpose. Contrary, qualitative aspectsare discussed only in a few papers, see e.g.Reddyet al. (1993), Heiner et al. (2001).

In this paper, we focus on model validation bymeans of qualitative models, because it is obviouslynecessary to check first a model for consistency andcorrectness of its biological interpretation before start-ing further analyses, aiming in the long-term at be-haviour prediction by means of quantitative models.Doing so, we restrict ourselves here to the first twosteps of the above mentioned technology aiming at theintegration of qualitative and quantitative modellingand analysis. The expected result, justifying the addi-tional expense of a preliminary model validation, con-sists in a concise, formal and therefore unambiguousmodel, which is provably self-consistent and corre-sponds to the modelled reality. As running examplewe employ in this paper the signal transduction path-ways of apoptosis.

The paper is organised as follows: After a veryshort informal introduction into qualitative Petri nets,we apply them to model some of our current knowl-edge about apoptosis. First, we explain the biologicalbackground of the known major apoptotic pathways,and then we demonstrate our approach for a step-wisetechnique to model them. In the chapter afterwards we

validate the developed model using a standard Petri netanalysis technique and present the biological meaningof the analysis results. The final chapter gives a sum-mary of the results reached up to now and an outlookon future research directions.

2. Introduction into Petri nets

Petri nets represent a modelling method, verywell-known for its powerful combination of readabil-ity and analysability. They provide a generic descrip-tion principle, applicable on any abstraction level. Atthe same time, they have a sound formal semantics,allowing thorough model evaluation.

In computer engineering, Petri nets have a quitelong success history as a suitable intermediate lan-guage for a huge variety of different specification andprogramming languages, see e.g.Heiner et al. (1999).The well-established concept of a common intermedi-ate language supports unification of model-based sys-tem validation and verification by means of comple-menting standard analysis techniques, working all onthe same representation. As a result, reliable sophisti-cated tools for Petri net design and analysis are avail-able now, mostly free of charge, encouraging the han-dling of increasing model sizes, which could not bemastered without tool support.

Following that line, we claim that some of the cur-rent problems in systems biology research (compareSection 1), could be resolved by taking advantage ofrelated experience in computer engineering.

To make the paper self-contained, we shortly de-scribe informally the basic ingredients, any Petri netmodel is made of. For a formal definition see, e.g.Reisig (1982).

(1) Petri nets are special graphs with two types ofnodes, called places and transitions. Places, repre-sented as circles, model usually “passive systemelements” like conditions, states, or e.g. chemi-cal compounds, while transitions, represented asboxes, stand for “active system elements” likeevents, actions, or e.g. chemical reactions.

(2) Arcs, always connecting only nodes of differenttype, describe the causal relation between activeand passive elements. Generally, arcs describewhich input compounds are transformed by a

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chemical reaction into which output compounds(compareFig. 1). In case of chemical reactions,given by their stoichiometric equations, the spe-cific quantities of the involved compounds arereflected as the arcs’ multiplicity. Otherwise, anarc simply states the fact of binary causal relation.In the binary case, arcs connect an event with itspreconditions, which must be fulfilled to triggerthis event, and with its postconditions, which willbe fulfilled by the event if it takes place.

(3) All moving objects, like vehicles, work pieces,data, or, quantities of chemical compounds (e.g.number of molecules), are modelled by tokens re-siding in places. Principally, a place may carryany number of tokens. All the places together withtheir current amount of tokens describe the currentsystem state, or a given distribution of chemicalcompounds, and are shortly called marking.

(4) A Petri net comes to live by the flow of tokens.The rules of the game to follow are as follows.

0.1. An action may happen (the transition may fire),if all preplaces are filled sufficiently, e.g. allinput compounds are available at least in therequired quantities specified by the related in-coming arc weights.

0.2. If an action happens, then tokens are removedfrom all preplaces, e.g. input compounds, cor-responding to the incoming arc weights, andtokens are added to all postplaces, e.g. outputcompounds, corresponding to the outgoing arcweights.

0.3. An action happens (a transition fires) atomi-cally as well as time-less.

Fig. 1 shows two snapshots of a simple Petri net,modelling just one chemical reaction, given by its sto-ichiometric equation.

This modelling principle has been applied success-fully to a variety of biological pathways, seeWill and

Fig. 1. Petri net model of a single chemical reaction, given by its stoichiometric equation, in two possible snapshots, wherebya = 1,b = 2, c = 3, andd = 4 has been assumed.

Heiner (2002)for a bibliography of related papers.The resulting metabolic Petri nets describe the set ofall paths from the input to the output compounds re-specting the given stoichiometric relations.

Moreover, the same modelling idea may be appliedon a more abstract level, where stoichiometric detailsare not known or do not matter, resulting into a partialorder description of binary causal relations of the basic(re-) actions involved. In the next chapter we are go-ing to apply this concept to model some pathways ofapoptotic signal transduction. For their readable rep-resentation we utilize two widely used short-hand no-tations:

• a test arc, represented as a bidirectional arc, standsshortly for two-directional arcs;

• logical nodes, given in grey, serve as connectors tofusion distributed net components.

3. Application to apoptosis

The term apoptosis, which stands in Greek forleaves falling from a tree in the autumn, was coined inKerr et al. (1972)to describe a regulated intrinsic cellsuicide program. Apoptosis is of central importancein the cells’ life cycle. It allows the organism to con-trol cell numbers and tissue size, and to protect itselffrom morbid cells. Cells which undergo apoptosis,exhibit chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmenta-tion, plasma membrane blebbing, cell shrinkage, andultimately shedding of membrane-delimited cell frag-ments, also known as apoptotic bodiesWyllie (1997).

Apoptosis plays an important role especially dur-ing neural development. It is estimated that at leasthalf of the original cell population is removed as aresult of apoptosis during developing the nervous sys-tem, seeOppenheim (1981), Burek and Oppenheim(1999). Neurodegenerative diseases, e.g. Alzheimer’s,

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Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophiclateral sclerosisLöffler and Petrides (1997), and otherdiseases as AIDS and cancer, exhibit often distur-bances in apoptosis or its regulation.

3.1. Biology of apoptosis

Apoptosis is a special inducible process with in-creased RNA and protein biosynthesis. A variety ofdifferent cellular signals initiate activation of apop-tosis on different ways in dependence of the variouskinds and biological states of cells, as demonstratedin Fig. 2. Caspases (cysteinyl-aspartate-specific pro-teinases) are a class of cysteine proteases that in-cludes several members involved in apoptosis. In liv-ing cells, caspases exist as inactive zymogens that areactivated by proteolytic cleavage. The caspases conveythe apoptotic signal in a proteolytic cascade, wherebycaspases, cleave and activate other caspases whichthen degrade other cellular targets.

There are two relatively well-studied pathwaysthat lead to caspase activation, the extrinsic (extra-cellular) and intrinsic (intracellular) pathway. Theextrinsic pathway (see left sides inFigs. 2 and 3) is

Fig. 2. Schematic overview of several apoptosis inducers, according toLöffler and Petrides (1997). TNFR-1, Fas and glucocorticoid-Rbelong to the extrinsic pathway, whereas growth factor deficiency and DNA damaging signals induce the intrinsic pathway. There are alsoother signals (e.g. growth factors), which can stop (inhibit) apoptosis. Apoptosis takes place through activation of endonucleases resultingin DNA fragmentation leading to the cell death.

activated by different extracellular ligands that binddeath receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor1 (TNFR-1), glucocorticoid receptor, and Fas. Thesedeath receptors bind, in turn, to adaptor proteinssuch as Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD).The ligand for CD95 or Fas (CD95L or FasL) isa trimer, which promotes receptor trimerization byassociation with the receptor. The resulting intracel-lular clustering of parts of the receptor called deathdomain (DD) allows the adapter protein FADD toassociate with the receptor through an interaction be-tween homologous DD on the receptor and on FADD.FADD contains furthermore a death effector do-main (DED) which allows binding of procapase-8 tothe Fas–FADD complex. Procaspase-8—also knownas FLICE—associates with FADD through its ownDED, and upon recruitment by FADD is immediatelycleaved to produce caspase-8, which then triggersactivation of execution caspases such as caspase-9.Caspase-8 activation can be blocked by recruitment ofthe degenerate caspase homologue c-FLIP. The com-plex of proteins—Fas, FADD, and procaspase-8—isalso known as death inducing signalling complex(DISC).

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Fig. 3. Schematic overview of apoptosis induced by DNA damaging and Fas signals, resulting in DNA fragmentation, according toNijhawanet al. (2000). Here, the death ligands are drawn as ellipses, the proteins as rectangles, and complexes consist of attached rectangles. Theinvolved cell organelles mitochondrion and cell nucleus are represented by a large ellipse and semicircle, resp. Relations between proteinsand complexes are indicated by arrows. The cell surface is drawn as a line of small circles. There the death ligands activate their receptors,which in turn recruit adapter molecules such as FADD, which then recruit procaspase-8 to the receptor complex within the cell and thereundergoes autocatalytic activation. The inhibition of apoptosis by Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL is indicated by crossbar arrowheads.

The intrinsic pathway (see right sides inFigs. 2and 3) for caspase activation—also called mitochon-drial pathway—is engaged in response to growth fac-tor deficiency and deprivation, genotoxic injury (asDNA damage), hypoxia and many other insults. Fol-lowing exposure of cells to many apoptotic stimuli,the outer membranes of mitochondrion undergo per-meability changes that permit cytochrome c and otherproteins normally sequestered in space between theinner and outer membranes of these organelles to leakout and enter the cytosol. There, cytochrome c bindsa caspase-activating protein—Apaf-1 (apoptotic pro-tease activating factor-1)—and then pro-caspase-9 toform the apoptosome, which activates caspase-3.

A large family of evolutionary conserved pro-teins, the Bcl-2 family, has been identified, whichregulates the release of cytochrome c and other pro-teins from mitochondrion, see, e.g.Adams and Cory

(1998), Reed (1998), Gross et al. (1999). The fam-ily includes both anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptoticsignals. The major anti-apoptotic proteins are Bcl-2and Bcl-XL which are localised to the mitochon-drial outer membrane. Pro-apoptotic proteins, Bax,Bad, Bim, and Bid, can shuttle between the cytosoland organelles. The cytosylic forms represent poolsof inactive, but battle-ready proteins. Pro-apoptoticsignals redirect these proteins to the mitochon-drion, where they meet anti-apoptotic proteins tocompete for the regulation of the cytochrome cexit. The occurrence of apoptosis depends on theinterplay of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic fac-tors.

Fig. 3 comprises both the extrinsic pathway andthe intrinsic pathway through DNA fragmentation in-duced by DNA damaging and Fas signals. Caspasesare activated through three different pathways:

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Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the extension of the modelin Fig. 3 by the Fas-induced MAPK pathway and TNFR-1receptor-induced pathways, according toMoldoff and Baudino(2002). Ligands and the cell surface are drawn in more details thanin Fig. 3. The activation of the JNK pathway by DAXX throughinteraction with Ask1 and activation of the MAPK pathway induceapoptosis. The TNF induced pathway is represented by the for-mation of complexes as TRADD which cluster intercellular deathdomains.

(1) Fas/FADD/caspase-8/caspase-3, -6, -7;(2) Fas/FADD/caspase-8/Bid/mitochondrion/cytoch-

rome c/caspase-9/caspase-3, -6, -7;(3) apoptotic stimuli/Bax, Bad, Bim/mitochondrion/

cytochrome c/Apaf-1/caspase-9/caspase-3, -6, -7.

In order to get more detailed insight into caspasecascades we extend our model by the Fas-inducedMAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) pathwayand the TNFR-1 receptor-induced pathways, seeFig. 4. The receptor-associated protein Daxx (Fasdeath associated protein xx) can activate the JunN-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway through interac-tion with Ask1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase-1)(Chan et al., 1998; Chen and Tan, 1999). TNF pro-

duced by T-cells and activated macrophages can haveseveral effects by ligating TNFR-1. TNF binds toTNFR-1 to result in receptor trimerization and clus-tering of intracellular death domains. This allowsbinding to the intracellular adapter molecule TRADD(TNF receptor 1 associated death domain) throughinteraction between death domains. TRADD can re-cruit a number of different proteins, e.g. TRAF2(TNF associated factor 2), to the activated receptor.TNFR-1 is also able to mediate apoptosis throughrecruitment of another adapter molecule RAIDD(RIP-associated Ich/CED homologous protein witha death domain), which associates with RIP (recep-tor interacting proteins) and can recruit caspase-2.Another DD protein—MAP kinase activating deathdomain (MADD) associates with the DD of TNFR-1through its own C-terminal DD implicating MADDas a component of the TNFR-1 signalling complex.

The activation of both the Fas receptor and TNFR-1receptor induces the JNK (Jun amino terminal kinase)pathway, the activation of caspase-2, and of mainstream caspase-8, seeHengartner (2000), KEGG(2003), Moldoff and Baudino (2002), Reed (2002),Yuan and Yankner (2000). Then, caspase-8 activateseffector caspase-3 directly, resulting in apoptosis.Caspase-8 triggers also the Bid controlled apoptoticpathway through cytochrome c release from the mi-tochondrion. Apoptotic stimuli like DNA damageinduce this mitochondrial pathway, too.

3.2. Modelling of apoptosis

The graphical representations given in the formersection (seeFigs. 2–4) discuss not only apoptosis ondifferent abstraction levels, but differ also in their fo-cus. Therefore, they are not alternative representations,but complement each other. Furthermore, these figuresare schematic and informal ones, because they needadditional verbose explanations how to read them. Toget a unifying as well as unambiguous knowledge rep-resentation allowing at the same time some consis-tency checks to get the unification approved, we haveto apply representation techniques enjoying a formaland therefore unambiguous semantics.

For this purpose, monochromatic graph representa-tions, i.e. graphs with just one node type, are quitecommon and widely accepted, see for example theKEGG data baseKEGG (2003). However, a closer

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Fig. 5. The KEGG representation of apoptosis, according toKEGG (2003).

look on Fig. 5, which gives apoptotic pathways in aKEGG-style manner, reveals several serious problems.Besides the lack of an explicit specification of thedifferentarc types used (solid/dashed lines combinedwith filled/ hollow/crossbar arrowheads), the meaning

Fig. 6. Different interpretations of branching in a monochromatic graph representation. The given case has been taken from the KEGGrepresentation of apoptosis, seeFig. 5. Possible interpretations of monochromatic branching: caspase-8 triggers the activation of eithercaspase-2 or caspase-3, i.e. both alternatives exclude each other (compare upper part); caspase-8 triggers the activation of caspase-2 aswell as of caspase-3, but independently and in any order (compare middle part) caspase-8 triggers the simultaneous activation of caspase-2as well as of caspase-3, i.e. both caspases are always activated at the same time (compare lower part).

of a given arc of a certain type seems to depend onthe graphical orientation (e.g. compare the solid arcwith filled arrowhead connecting Daxx and Fas withthe one connecting CASP9 and CASP3, and try to fig-ure out what they might mean). But even worse, the

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Fig. 7. Different interpretations of joining in a monochromatic graph representation. The given case has been taken from the KEGGrepresentation of apoptosis, seeFig. 5. Possible interpretations of monochromatic joining: the activation of caspase-3 is triggered bycaspase-8 and/or by caspase-9, one of them is sufficient (compare upper part); the activation of caspase-3 is only triggered if caspase-8 aswell as caspase-9 are activated, both are necessary conditions (compare lower part).

meaning of node connections to several successors(branching) or vice versa from several predecessors(joining) is—in the given context of concurrent be-haviour of independent atomic actions—open for in-terpretation, compareFigs. 6 and 7. The former short-comings could be eliminated by a careful definitionof the chosen notation, however the latter one is aninherent deficiency of any monochromatic notation.

That is one of the reasons why we favour Petrinets—a famous bichromatic graph model with a soundformal semantics—as the common intermediate repre-sentation language of unifying model representations.To model the different biopathway schemes into onePetri net, possibly consisting of different components,each biochemical compound or receptor is assigned toa place. For a future detailed analysis, like quantita-tive kinetic description at the biochemical elementaryreaction level, all intermediate products (e.g. activatedFas receptor complex, death inducing signalling com-plex DISC, apoptosome) have to be included in thebiopathway description, too.

The relations between any biochemical substancesare represented basically by transitions with corre-sponding arcs, modelling a biochemical or signallingatomic event. However, while the modelling of the bio-chemical substances is quite straightforward, the elab-oration of the transition structures tends to be rathertime-consuming, requiring a lot of reading and inter-pretation of various verbal or graphical statements.

The absence of a widely accepted unambiguous ar-row notation has to be considered as a severe lack inany graphical representations, in addition to the dis-cussion above see alsoSchacherer (2002). To givean example, if a graphical scheme contains an arrow,

touching another arrow, such a point of contact be-tween arrows can be modelled by a transition, rep-resenting an interaction of the given biological en-tities, or by a place with corresponding transitionsand arcs, representing the interaction product (e.g.receptor–ligand complexes or enzyme–substrate com-plexes).

We start the modelling with the apoptotic schemerepresented inFig. 3, which was also used by Mat-suno et al. InMatsuno et al. (2003a)they present acorresponding continuous Petri net to model quanti-tative properties of apoptosis using an assumed initialconcentration for each compound. Likewise, our Petrinet model given inFig. 81 comprises the Fas-inducedand mitochondrial DNA damage pathways as well asthe Bid controlled cross-talk between them.

Usually, signal transduction does not involve theresetting of the triggering signal(s). Therefore, suchevents are modelled by test arcs. Similarly, enzymereactions are catalytic reactions, i.e. there is no con-sumption of the biochemical compound, so they aremodelled by test arcs, too.

In our model, apoptosis inhibitors are not taken intoaccount. All inhibiting substances are only input sub-stances for the considered system model. Input sub-stances are not produced dynamically by the systembehaviour, which means in the biological interpreta-tion that they come from the system environment.That’s why their presence would just exclude mod-

1 The complete net examples are available on∼wwwdssz. To visualise themyou have to install the used Petri net EDitor PED, available viathe same web page.

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Fig. 8. Petri net of apoptosis induced by Fas receptor and intrinsic apoptotic stimuli. Please note, input and output transitions are drawnas flat hollow bars and have the same name as the place, they are related to. Grey nodes represent logical nodes and connect different netcomponents (compareFig. 9). Read arcs are used to reflect the signal transduction principle. They are replaced by normal arcs for thevalidation step. For a list of the abbreviations see Appendix.

elled system behaviour without adding new function-ality.

The tokens for all input places are generated by in-put transitions (source nodes, having no predecessors),while the tokens of all output places are consumedby output transitions (sink nodes, having no succes-sor nodes). To highlight the special meaning of thesetransitions for the whole model and in order to distin-guish them from the ordinary ones, they are drawn asflat hollow bars.

In Fig. 9 we extend the basic Petri net modelgiven in Fig. 8 by the pro-apoptotic TNFR-1 path-

ways. Both net components are glued together bythe logical nodes, given in grey. The extension hasbeen done intentionally by a separate net com-ponent to promote readability as well as to keepexplicit traces concerning the development pro-cess and the composition principle of the totalmodel. It should be obvious how to continue thisline.

The transformation from an informal to a formalmodel involves the resolution of any ambiguities,which must not have been done necessarily in the rightway. Therefore, the next step in a sound model-based

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Fig. 9. Apoptosis induced by TNFR-1 receptor, as extension ofFig. 8.

technology for behaviour prediction is devoted tomodel validation.

4. Model validation

Model validation aims basically at increasing ourconfidence in the constructed model. There is no doubtthat this should be a prerequisite before raising moresophisticated questions, where the answers should befound by help of the model and where we are usuallyready to belief the answers we get. So, before thinkingabout model analysis, we are concerned with modelvalidation.

To accomplish model validation, we need valida-tion criteria, establishing consistency checks for themodel. Looking for such criteria, we should take intoaccount that our models are usually the outcome ofa quite heuristic procedure assembling together sepa-rate pieces, perhaps with different possible interpreta-tions, into a larger picture.Thus, a first and very evi-dent question concerning a model of increasing size isthe one, whether all the former basic behaviour of thesmaller pieces, i.e. model components, are still main-tained in the larger model, and that there are no un-wanted additional ones. Due to the model’s size andinherent complexity, such a property can hardly be de-cided without computational support.

For that purpose, we are going to exploit one ofthe basic behavioural properties, a Petri net mayexhibit—the so-called T-invariants. T-Invariants are(multi-)sets of transitions, reproducing a given mark-ing, i.e. in the context of metabolic Petri nets—sets of

chemical reactions, reproducing a given distributionof chemical compounds, or more generally spoken inthe context of arbitrary biological Petri nets—sets ofactions, reproducing a given system state. Due to thefact of state reproduction, a behaviour, establishinga T-invariant, may happen infinitely often, resultinginto cyclic system behaviour.

To describe all possible behaviour in a givencyclic system, it would be obviously of help to haveall system’s basic (cyclic) behaviour (inSchusteret al., 2000called elementary mode), so that anysystem behaviour may be decomposed into a linearcombination of basic behaviour. Then, model valida-tion means to compare the calculated basic behaviourwith the expected one.

To implement these considerations, we use—oppositeto Schuster et al. (2000)—standard Petri net analysistechniques and tools. To make life easy, we take theempty Petri net (no tokens at all), where all inputand output nodes are transitions. An input transitionmay fire forever, each time generating tokens on allits postplaces. Consequently, such a net structure rep-resents an unbounded net (there is no finite upperbound for the total token number in the net), whichare generally harder to handle then bounded ones.Contrary, an output transition consumes by each fir-ing the tokens of its preplaces, therefore decreasingthe total number of tokens.

So, if we now take the empty net, we are able tolook for all T-invariants, i.e. for all multi-sets of tran-sitions reproducing the empty marking. That seems tobe—at least currently—the best way to handle inher-ently unbounded systems, without assuming anythingabout the system environment. But, to give the net areal chance to reproduce the empty marking, all readarcs in the model under discussion have to be trans-formed into unidirectional ones.

We get all minimal semi-positive T-invariants, i.e.all basic behaviour, by solving the following systemof linear equations:

[C] × x̄ = 0

whereby [C]: (P ×T )—incidence matrix;̄x: transitionvector.

Please note, the calculation of T-invariants requiresonly structural reasoning, the state space need not tobe generated. Therefore, the danger of the famous statespace explosion problem does not apply here.

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When computing all minimal semi-positiveT-invariants by help of the Integrated Net Analysertool INA, see Starke (1998), we get the followingresults.

There are two receptors (Fas, TNFR-1) and three ba-sic apoptotic pathways per receptor (caspase-8, JNK,caspase-2) as well as an apoptotic stimuli-inducedpathway in our model. Altogether, there are tenT-invariants. (Please note, in the transition vectorsgiven below the generating input and the consum-ing output transitions have been skipped for sake ofsimplicity.)

• Fas-induced:

◦ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: Fas/caspase-8/caspase-3—Fas-induced direct caspase-8/caspase-3 pathway

◦ s1, s2, s6, s7, s10, s11, s12, s13, s4, s5:Fas/caspase-8w/mitochondrion/cytochromec/caspase-9/caspase-3—Fas-induced Bid-contr-olled cross-talk

◦ s16, s17, s18: Fas/MAPK-pathway/JNK—Fas-induced JNK pathway

◦ s1, s2, s14, s15: Fas/caspase-8/caspase-2—Fas-induced caspase-8/caspase-2 path-way

• Apoptotic stimuli-induced:

◦ s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s4, s5: apoptotic stim-uli/Bax, Bad, Bim/mitochondrion/cyto-chromec/Apaf-1/caspase-9/caspase-3—apoptotic stimuli-induced mitochondrial pathway

• TNFR-1-induced:

◦ s1, s19, s3, s4, s5: TNFR-1/caspase-8/caspase-3—TNFR-1-induced direct caspase-8/caspase-3pathway

◦ s1, s19, s6, s7, s10, s11, s12, s13, s4, s5:TNFR-1/caspase-8/mitochondrion/cytochromec/Apaf-1/caspase-9/caspase-3—TNFR-1-inducedBid-controlled cross-talk

◦ s1, s19, s14, s15: TNFR-1/caspase-8/caspase-2—TNFR-1-induced caspase-8/caspase-2 pathway

◦ s23, s17, s18: TNFR-1/MAPK-pathway/JNK—TNFR-1-induced JNK pathway

◦ s20, s21, s22, s15: TNFR-1/caspase-2—TNFR-1-induced direct caspase-2 pathway

The minimal semi-positive T-invariants describethe basic system behaviour, because they represent

the pairwise linearly independent solutions of thesystem of linear equations resulting from the inci-dence matrix C. All possible system behaviour canbe described by linear combinations of these minimalsemi-positive T-invariants. On the one side all knownpathways in the modelled fragment of apoptosis arereflected in a corresponding T-invariant, and on theother side there is no computed T-invariant withoutan apoptosis-related interpretation.

5. Summary and outlook

Petri nets represent a concise formal representation,allowing a unifying view on knowledge stemmingfrom wide-spread different sources, usually repre-sented in various, sometimes even ambiguous, styles.

In this paper, we proposed a methodology how todevelop and analyse larger biological models in a care-ful step-wise manner. The approach integrates differ-ent modelling objectives by using only one all-purposemodel, which is extended step-wise according to theanalysis questions in mind.

The proposed approach has been demonstrated us-ing the up to now quite incomplete knowledge aboutthe behaviour of apoptotic pathways. We have inten-tionally chosen that example to stress the fact that evenincomplete and uncertain knowledge may be subjectof our technology. Actually, we are convinced thatstep-wise incremental modelling accompanied by run-ning repeated analyses are the only chance to get de-pendable larger models. This may help to put at theend the smaller pieces into a whole working picture.

Up to now, the qualitative analyses have just beenused to check the model for self-consistency. The nextsteps are obvious: after being convinced of the model’sintegrity, we are ready to use the model for questionswhere the answers are not yet known. It has to beshown that available Petri net analyses techniques likemodel checking of temporal formulae will be still ofhelp while turning to special biological and biotech-nological questions.


One of the authors has been supported by BMBF(Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Ger-

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many) BCB project 0312705D. Furthermore we wouldlike to thank the anonymous referees for their con-structive comments.

Appendix A. Abbreviations

Apaf-1 Apoplectic protease activating factor 1Ask1 Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase-1ATP Adenosine triphosphateBad Bcl-XL/Bcl-2 associated death

promoterBax Bcl-2 associated X proteinBcl-2 B-Cell lymphoma 2Bid Bcl-2 interacting domainCASP CaspaseCaspase Cysteinyl aspartate-specific proteaseCrmA Cytokine response modifier ACyt c Cytochrome cdATP Desoxyadenosine triphosphateDaxx Fas death domain associated protein xxDFF DNA fragmentation factorDFF40 40 kDa unit of DFFDFF45 45 kDa unit of DFFDISC Death inducing signaling complexFADD Fas associating protein with death

domainFAP-1 Fas associated phosphatase-1Fas Fas receptorFas-L, FasL Fas ligandFLIP FLICE inhibitory proteinJNK c-Jun amino-terminal kinaseMADD Mitogen activated kinase activating

death domainMAPK Mitogen activated protein kinaseRAIDD RIP associated Ich-1/CED

homologous protein with death domainRIP Receptor interacting proteintBid Truncated BidTNF, TNF� Tumor necrosis factorTNF�-R,

TNFR-1Tumor necrosis factor receptor

TRADD TNF receptor 1 associated deathdomain


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