modeling fsms

VHDL 360 © by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany

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Introducing Finite State Machine Modeling Skills gained: 1- Modeling Finite State Machines 2- Identify different State Machine styles 3- Understanding State Encoding This is part of VHDL 360 course


Page 1: Modeling FSMs

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by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany

Page 2: Modeling FSMs

CopyrightsCopyright © 2010/2011 to authors. All rights reserved• All content in this presentation, including charts, data, artwork and

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• Authors are not personally liable for your usage of the Content that entailed casual or indirect destruction of anything or actions entailed to information profit loss or other losses.

• Users are granted to access, display, download and print portions of this presentation, solely for their own personal non-commercial use, provided that all proprietary notices are kept intact.

• Product names and trademarks mentioned in this presentation belong to their respective owners.

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Page 3: Modeling FSMs

Module 5

Modeling FSMs

Page 4: Modeling FSMs


• Introducing Finite State Machine Modeling • Skills gained:

– Modeling Finite State Machines– Identify different State Machine styles– Understanding State Encoding

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Outline• FSM• Moore Style• Mealy Style• Moore vs. Mealy• FSM Tips• State Machine Encoding

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What is FSM?

Data Part

Control Part

Inputs Outputs


• Any digital system consists of two parts:– Data part

• Responsible for the processing of data. The processing is done through some blocks such as (full adder, digital filter, decoder,…)

– Control part• Describes how and when these blocks will communicate with each

other.• The control part is generally described using a finite state machine.

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• Finite State Machine– Models a behavior composed of a finite number of states, transitions

between those states, and actions.

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State Machine• Consists of:

– States• unique configurations of information in a machine

– Transitions• Transaction between states

– Transition conditions• Condition based on which the machine moves

from one state to another– Transition actions

• An action associated with a transition– State Actions

• Actions associated with a given state

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Moore FSM• State machine outputs are dependent only on the present state

information (output vector (Y) is function of the state vector (S)).• Outputs don’t react immediately to input change.• Moore machines effectively filter out transients, and can be used to

eliminate race conditions when inputs are unfiltered.

Outputs = f(S)

State Registers

State Registers

Next state

Present state Outputs




Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic

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Moore Implementation

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Mealy FSM• State machine outputs are dependent on the inputs and the present

state information (output vector (Y) is function of the state vector (S) and the input (C)).

• Outputs react immediately to input changes.• Mealy machines are used to create control blocks that respond

quickly to external signal changes.• Care must be taken to isolate the design from transients and race


Outputs = f(inputs, S)

State Registers

State Registers

Next state




Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic



Present state

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Mealy Implementation

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FSM Styles


• How can we implement FSMs using VHDL?


Outputs = f(S)

State Registers

State Registers

Next state

Present state Outputs




Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic


Outputs = f(inputs, S)

State Registers

State Registers

Next state

Present state




Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic


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FSM in VHDL• States are usually modeled using “Enumerated Types”• FSMs can be modeled using different VHDL coding styles

– The “3 Processes, 1 Clocked + separate transitions/actions” style will be used to explain the concept and other styles will be used in the examples

• 3 Processes, 1 Clocked + separate transitions/actions– Process modeling “Next State Logic”

– Process modeling "Current State Registers"

– Process modeling “Output Logic”


State Registers

State Registers



Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic

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Next-State Logic

process ( current_state, <in1>, <in2>, <in3> … )Begin case ( Current_State ) is when <state1> => if ( <condition (<in1>, <in2>...)> ) then Next_State <= <state2>; elsif ( <condition (<in1>, <in2>...)> ) then Next_State <= <state3>; ...end process;

• Use a combinational ‘process’ to model next state logic*


*Please refer to module 4: Synthesis examples

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Next StateLogic

Next StateLogic

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Current State Logic• Use a sequential ‘process’ to describe current state logic*

Process (clock) Begin if rising_edge (clock) then if ( reset = '1' ) then -- synchronous reset Current_State <= <reset_state>; else Current_State <= Next_State; end if; end if; end process;


*Please refer to module 4: Synthesis examples

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State Registers

State Registers

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Assigning Moore Outputs• Use a combinational ‘process’ to model Output Logic

– Outputs are only dependant on the current state– Take care not to infer latches*– Take care of the sensitivity list*

Outputs = f(S)




process (current_state )begin case ( current_state) is when <State1> => <Out1> <= <value1>; <Out2> <= <value2>; when <State2> => <Out1> <= <value3>; <Out2> <= <value4>; ...end process;

*Please refer to module 4: Synthesis examples

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Assigning Mealy Outputs• Use a combinatorial ‘process’ to model Output Logic

– Outputs are dependant on the current state & the input– Take care not to infer latches*– Take care of the sensitivity list*


Outputs = f(Inputs, S)



process ( Current_State, <in1>, <in2>, <in3> ...) begin case ( Current_State ) is when <State1>=> if ( <condition (<in1>, <in2>...)> ) then <Out1> <= <value1>; <Out2> <= <value2>; elsif ( <condition (<in1>, <in2>...)> ) then <Out1> <= <value3>; <Out2> <= <value4>; ... when <State2> => . . . end process;

*Please refer to module 4: Synthesis examples

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Moore vs. Mealy• Let’s illustrate the difference between Moore & Mealy machines using

an "Parity Checker" that samples the input “x” each clock cycle• The “reset” is asynchronous• When the “reset” is asserted high, the output “y” will be '0'• Otherwise it checks the parity of the input stream

– When even, y will be '0'– When odd, y will be '1'

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Moore vs. Mealy


• The state diagram will be:

Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

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• Let’s illustrate the difference between Moore & Mealy machines using an "Parity Checker" that samples the input “x” each clock cycle• The “reset” is asynchronous• When the “reset” is asserted high, the output “y” will be '0'• Otherwise it checks the parity of the input stream

– When even, y will be '0'– When odd, y will be '1'

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Moore vs. Mealy


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY parity_moore IS port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; x : in std_logic; y : out std_logic );END parity_moore;

ARCHITECTURE moore_3p OF parity_moore IS -- enumerated type type state_type is (even, odd); -- state signals signal current_state: state_type; signal next_state: state_type; BEGIN -- "Current State" clocked process cs: process (clk, reset) begin if reset = '1' then current_state <= even; elsif rising_edge (clk) then -- create flops to hold the current state current_state <= next_state; end if; end process cs; ...

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY parity_mealy IS port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; x : in std_logic; y : out std_logic ); END parity_mealy;

ARCHITECTURE mealy_3p OF parity_mealy IS -- enumerated type type state_type is (even, odd); -- state signals signal current_state: state_type; signal next_state: state_type; BEGIN -- Clocked process same as in moores cs: process (clk, reset) begin if reset = '1' then current_state <= even; elsif rising_edge (clk) then -- create flops to hold the current state current_state <= next_state; end if; end process cs; ...

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Moore vs. Mealy


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

-- combinational process computes next state -- Take care of the sensitivity list nState: process (current_state, x) begin case current_state is when even => if x = '1' then next_state <= odd; else next_state <= even; end if; when odd => if x = '1' then next_state <= even; else next_state <= odd; end if; end case; end process nState; -- output logic op: process (current_state) begin case current_state is when even => y <= '0'; when odd => y <= '1'; end case; end process op; END architecture moore_3p;

-- combinational process computes next state -- Take care of the sensitivity list ns: process (current_state, x) begin case current_state is when even => if x = '1' then next_state <= odd; else next_state <= even; end if; when odd => if x = '1' then next_state <= even; else next_state <= odd; end if; end case; end process ns; -- output logic op: process (current_state, x)

begin case current_state is when even => if x = '1' then y <= '1'; else y <= '0'; end if; when odd => if x = '1' then y <= '0'; else y <= '1'; end if; end case; end process op; END architecture mealy_3p;

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Moore vs. Mealy


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

Synthesis Results

Simulation Result

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FSM Tips


Golden rules of thumbMoore is preferred, because of safe operation

Mealy is more responsive however suffers:– Spikes – Unnecessary long paths that might cause combinational feedback loop

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State Registers

Next state

Present state



Next StateLogic


State Registers

Next state

Present state Inputs


Next StateLogic


• Since Mealy outputs depend on the input; changes in the input may cause spikes in the outputs

• If two Mealy control units connected to each others a race may occur due to combinational loop

Moore Waveform

Mealy Waveform

Two connected Mealy FSMs

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Example• Let’s create a Simple Control Unit

• In “Start” state y & z will be ‘0’• In “Middle” state y &z will be ‘1’• In “Stop” state y will be ‘0’, z will be ‘1’• In other cases y & z will be ‘0’


• The transition from a state to another is based on the below conditions:• When reset go to the “Start” state• In “Start” if (A or B = ‘0’) go to state “Middle” otherwise

remains in “Start”• In “Middle” if (A and B = ‘1’) go to state “Stop” otherwise

remains in “Middle”• In “Stop” if (A xor B = ‘1’) go to state “Start” otherwise

remains in “Stop”


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Example (Cont.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

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Example (Cont.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;Entity scu is port (A, B, clk, Reset: in std_logic; y,z: out std_logic); End entity;

architecture rtl of scu is type STATE_TYPE is (START, MIDDLE, STOP); signal STATE, NEXTSTATE : STATE_TYPE;Begin process (CLK) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if RESET='1' then STATE <= START; else STATE <= NEXTSTATE; end if; end if; end process;

CMB: process (A,B,STATE) Begin -- a default statement (to avoid latches) NEXTSTATE <= STATE ; case STATE is when START => if (A or B)='0' then NEXTSTATE <= MIDDLE ; end if ;

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;Entity scu is port (A, B, clk, Reset: in std_logic; y,z: out std_logic); End entity;

architecture rtl of scu is type STATE_TYPE is (START, MIDDLE, STOP); signal STATE, NEXTSTATE : STATE_TYPE ; Begin process (CLK) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if RESET='1' then STATE <= START ; else STATE <= NEXTSTATE ; end if; end if ; end process; -- same as Moores CMB: process (A,B,STATE) begin -- a default statement (to avoid latches) NEXTSTATE <= STATE ; case STATE is when START => if (A or B)='0' then NEXTSTATE <= MIDDLE ; end if ;

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Example (Cont.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

when MIDDLE => if (A and B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= STOP ; end if ; when STOP => if (A xor B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= START ; end if ; when others => NEXTSTATE <= START ; end case ; end process CMB ;

-- output logic (concurrent statements) Y <= '1' when STATE=MIDDLE else '0' ; Z <= '1' when STATE=MIDDLE or STATE=STOP else '0';

end RTL ;

when MIDDLE => if (A and B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= STOP ; end if ; when STOP => if (A xor B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= START ; end if ; when others => NEXTSTATE <= START ; end case ; end process CMB ;

-- output logic (concurrent statements) Y <= '1' when (STATE=START and (A or B)='0') or (STATE=MIDDLE and (A and B)='0') else '0' ;

Z <= '1' when (STATE=START and (A or B)='0') or (STATE=MIDDLE) or (STATE=STOP and (A xor B)='0') else '0' ;

end RTL ;

Note: The output logic is modeled using concurrent assignments instead of a process

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• In the “Simple Control Unit” Moore example– remove the enum type definition– change current_state & next_state signals to be of

std_logic_vector type– Encode the states as shown in the below table

– Replace the enumerated values with the encoded ones

Exercise 1



Enumerated Value Std_logic_vector value

START "00"


STOP “11"

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Exercise 1(Soln.)


LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;Entity scu is port (A, B, clk, Reset: in std_logic; Y, Z: out std_logic); End entity; architecture rtl of scu is -- No need for a type definition signal STATE, NEXTSTATE : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); Begin process (CLK) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if RESET='1' then STATE <= "00"; else STATE <= NEXTSTATE; end if; end if; end process;

CMB: process (A,B,STATE) Begin -- a default statement (to avoid latches) NEXTSTATE <= STATE ; case STATE is when "00" => if (A or B)='0' then NEXTSTATE <= "10" ; end if ; when "10" => if (A and B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= "11" ; end if ; ...

when "11" => if (A xor B)='1' then NEXTSTATE <= "00" ; end if ; -- When others here is a must, Why? when others => NEXTSTATE <= "00" ; end case ; end process CMB ; -- output logic (concurrent statements) Y <= '1' when STATE = "10" else '0' ; Z <= '1' when STATE = "10" or STATE = "11" else '0'; End architecture;



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State Machine Encoding


• FSM can be encoded in many schemes; each of which has its advantages and disadvantages

• Some of the well known Encoding schemes are:• One Hot• Binary Encoding• Gray Encoding

• Synthesis tools use their built-in optimization algorithms & heuristics to detect the best encoding scheme

• State Encoding can be controlled• Using synthesis tool settings• Using VHDL Attributes

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type STATE_TYPE is (S1, S2, S3); attribute ENUM_ENCODING: STRING; attribute ENUM_ENCODING of STATE_TYPE: type is "001 010 011";


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Skills Check• Construct the Moore & Mealy FSM for a gum vending

machine• A gum costs 15 cents• D*, N* signals coming from sensors• Reset is Synchronous• D & N can't be '1' at the same time

• Write the VHDL code implementing the above machines


*D: 10 cents*N: 5 cents

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Skills Check (Soln.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

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Skills Check (Soln.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

ARCHITECTURE moore OF gum_machine IS type states is (s0,s1,s2,s3); signal current_state, next_state: states;BEGIN -- current state logic process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if rst = '1' then current_state <= s0; else current_state <= next_state; end if; end if; end process; -- next state logic process(current_state, D, N) begin case current_state is when s0 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s2; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s1; else next_state <= s0; end if; …

ARCHITECTURE mealy OF gum_machine is type states is (s0,s1,s2); signal current_state, next_state: states;BEGIN -- current state logic process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if rst = '1' then current_state <= s0; else current_state <= next_state; end if; end if; end process; -- next state logic & output logic combined process(current_state, D, N) begin case current_state is when s0 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s2; Open_Gate <= '0'; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s1; Open_Gate <= '0'; else next_state <= s0; Open_Gate <= '0'; end if; …

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Skills Check (Soln.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

when s1 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s3; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s2; else next_state <= s1; end if; when s2 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s3; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s3; else next_state <= s2; end if; when s3 => next_state <= s0; when others => next_state <= s0; end case; end process; …

when s1 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s0; Open_Gate <= '1'; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s2; Open_Gate <= '0'; else next_state <= s1; Open_Gate <= '0'; end if; when s2 => if D = '1' then next_state <= s0; Open_Gate <= '1'; elsif N = '1' then next_state <= s0; Open_Gate <= '1'; else next_state <= s2; Open_Gate <= '0'; end if; when others => next_state <= s0; Open_Gate <= '0'; end case; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;

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Skills Check (Soln.)


Moore Implementation Mealy Implementation

-- Output logic Process (current_state) begin case current_state is when s0 => Open_Gate <= '0'; when s1 => Open_Gate <= '0'; when s2 => Open_Gate <= '0'; when s3 => Open_Gate <= '1'; when others => Open_Gate <= '0'; end case; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;

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Exercise 2

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• Draw the FSM for a “Traffic Light Controller” in the below environment• Write the VHDL code modeling this Controller• The “Traffic Light Controller” environment:

– A busy highway is intersected by a little used farm road– Detectors sense the presence of cars waiting on the farm road

• With no car on farm road, light remain green in highway direction• If a vehicle is detected on farm road, highway lights go from Green to Yellow to Red, allowing the farm road

lights to become green• They stay green only as long as the farm road car is detected but never longer than a certain interval• Then farm lights transition from Green to Yellow to Red, allowing highway to return to green• Even if farm road vehicles are waiting, highway gets at least a certain interval as green

– Assume you have an interval timer that generates:

• Short time pulse (TS): used for timing yellow lights • Long time pulse (TL): used for timing green lights• Start timer (ST) : used to start timers

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