modeling the tensile strength of hemp fibers and short ...fiber strength distribution is applied in...

Modeling the tensile strength of hemp fibers and short-hemp-fiber reinforced composites R. Joffe 1 & J. Andersons 2 1 Luleå University of Technology, Sweden 2 University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract Ecological and economical considerations foster replacement of man-made fibers by natural renewable fibers in various industrial applications. Proper description of the scale effect of fiber strength is important for theoretical estimation of the load-carrying capacity of their products. Bast fibers of such plants as, e.g., flax, hemp and jute, are particularly attractive as reinforcement in polymer-matrix composites due to their high specific stiffness and strength. The elementary bast fibers exhibit pronounced strength scatter. This necessitates a probabilistic description of their strength via a distribution function that reflects damage morphology and severity in fibers. Fiber fracture is shown to originate from mechanical defects of the bast cell wall, the most prominent of them being kink bands. While the number of kink bands in a fiber is easily determined by optical microscopy, direct experimental measurement of their strength is complicated. Therefore, alternative approaches are sought, enabling extraction of strength characteristics of the kink bands from fiber tests via appropriate probabilistic models. An analytical distribution function of bast fiber strength has been derived, allowing for the effect of mechanical damage in the form of kink bands. The theoretical distribution is verified against experimental tensile strength data of elementary hemp fibers at several gauge lengths and found to provide acceptable accuracy in predicting the scale effect of strength. The fiber characteristics measured have been used to evaluate the kink band density and strength distributions. The fiber strength distribution is applied for predicting the tensile strength of short-fiber-reinforced composites. Keywords: hemp, polymer composite, bast fibers, scale effect, Weibull distribution. Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 13, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press doi:10.2495/978-1-78466-147-2/002

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Page 1: Modeling the tensile strength of hemp fibers and short ...Fiber strength distribution is applied in prediction of the tensile strength of short-hemp-fiber reinforced polymer matrix

Modeling the tensile strength of hemp fibers and short-hemp-fiber reinforced composites

R. Joffe1 & J. Andersons2 1Luleå University of Technology, Sweden 2University of Latvia, Latvia


Ecological and economical considerations foster replacement of man-made fibers by natural renewable fibers in various industrial applications. Proper description of the scale effect of fiber strength is important for theoretical estimation of the load-carrying capacity of their products. Bast fibers of such plants as, e.g., flax, hemp and jute, are particularly attractive as reinforcement in polymer-matrix composites due to their high specific stiffness and strength. The elementary bast fibers exhibit pronounced strength scatter. This necessitates a probabilistic description of their strength via a distribution function that reflects damage morphology and severity in fibers. Fiber fracture is shown to originate from mechanical defects of the bast cell wall, the most prominent of them being kink bands. While the number of kink bands in a fiber is easily determined by optical microscopy, direct experimental measurement of their strength is complicated. Therefore, alternative approaches are sought, enabling extraction of strength characteristics of the kink bands from fiber tests via appropriate probabilistic models. An analytical distribution function of bast fiber strength has been derived, allowing for the effect of mechanical damage in the form of kink bands. The theoretical distribution is verified against experimental tensile strength data of elementary hemp fibers at several gauge lengths and found to provide acceptable accuracy in predicting the scale effect of strength. The fiber characteristics measured have been used to evaluate the kink band density and strength distributions. The fiber strength distribution is applied for predicting the tensile strength of short-fiber-reinforced composites. Keywords: hemp, polymer composite, bast fibers, scale effect, Weibull distribution.

Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 13, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press


Page 2: Modeling the tensile strength of hemp fibers and short ...Fiber strength distribution is applied in prediction of the tensile strength of short-hemp-fiber reinforced polymer matrix

1 Introduction

The bast fibers of hemp and flax are among the strongest and stiffest plant fibers due to their high content of cellulose fibrils, located in the secondary cell wall taking up most of the fiber cross section, and the relatively low angle of fibril orientation with respect to fiber axis [1]. Their remarkable mechanical properties ensured the application of bast fibers as reinforcement of polymer matrix, producing composites with reasonable characteristics already in 1930s [2]. Growing ecological concerns have lately renewed interest in natural, sustainably produced fibers. Moreover, the lower density of natural fibers compared to that of man-made ones provides additional competitive advantage in reducing the weight of the composite part [3]. Since flax probably requires the most intensive agro-chemical treatment, hemp may be preferable [4] provided that its fiber mechanical properties are not inferior. Natural fiber properties are highly variable, depending on the variety, growth conditions, retting and pre-processing methods and even fiber location in the plant stem. Hemp fiber strength is slightly (but statistically significantly) dependent of the time of growth (increasing from 99 to 114 days of growth, then decreasing again) [5]. Although both flax and hemp fibers extracted from the middle part of the stem exhibit higher strength than those from the top and bottom parts, the effect is almost negligible for hemp [6]. Hemp fiber strength is shown to decrease with the increase in fiber diameter (measured near the fracture point), and fibers tend to break within regions where diameter is smaller than average [6]. Although considerable amount of research has been dedicated to the mechanical properties of hemp fibers [5–17], relatively little attention has been paid to the factors determining strength, its scatter and strength-length scaling of the fibers [5–8, 11]. However, efficient mechanistic models of both the fiber fracture process and the reliability of their composites would be instrumental in ensuring wider application of natural fibers in load-bearing, structural composite materials. Fiber fracture is shown to originate from defects of the bast cell wall [7]. As expected from probabilistic, defect-related fracture, the tensile strength of hemp fibers exhibits a scale effect in that fiber strength increases with the reduction of gauge length [5]. The most prominent defects of hemp fibers are kink bands or dislocations that are local misalignments of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall [8–10]. Kink bands can be observed, e.g., by polarized light microscopy, as bright zones crossing most of or the entire fiber diameter and oriented roughly perpendicularly to fiber axis as seen in fig. 1. Kink bands develop during growth [9] and processing [10] of hemp. A large scatter of strength and no correlation between the strength of hemp fibers with ca. 1 mm gauge length and the amount of kink bands present, characterized by their relative area, has been reported [8]. However, the relative amount of dislocations in this case was limited to about 0.2. Moreover, the effect of the dislocation amount on fiber strength may be relatively mild, as has been

14 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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Figure 1: Elementary hemp bast fiber with kink bands seen in transmitted polarized light as bright stripes (length of the scale bar is 100 m).

demonstrated for flax fibers [18], and thus could be overwhelmed by the scatter of strength. In the present study, the strength scale effect of elementary hemp fibers is explored experimentally by tensile tests on fibers of two gauge lengths. The applicability of an analytical strength distribution function, derived assuming that kink bands control fiber fracture, to the description of hemp fiber strength is evaluated. Furthermore, the strength characteristics of the kink bands are obtained from the fiber strength distribution. Fiber strength distribution is applied in prediction of the tensile strength of short-hemp-fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites.

2 Experimental work

Hemp fibers were supplied by BaFa GmbH (Germany). As claimed by the supplier, the average fiber length was 60 mm and content of shives (impurities) amounted to approximately 3%. Single fiber tensile tests were performed according to the ASTM D 3379-75 standard [19]. Single filaments were manually separated from the fiber bundle. Two gauge length specimens were prepared with the free fiber length of 3 and 20 mm. The fiber ends were glued onto a paper frame as shown in fig. 2. Tensile tests on 20 mm long fibers were carried out on an electromechanical tension test machine Instron 4411 equipped with a load cell of 5 N and pneumatic grips. Experiments on 3 mm long filaments were carried out on a small Deben Microtest tensile stage equipped with 2 N load cell and mechanical grips. During mounting, the specimens were handled only by the paper frame. After clamping the ends of the paper frame by the grips of the test machine, the frame sides were carefully cut in the middle. The tests were displacement-controlled with the loading rate of 10 %/min. The diameter of each fiber was measured prior to the tensile test using digital images obtained from optical microscopy. Olympus VANOX-T AH-2 microscope with DP-11 digital camera was used to take digital images along the fiber (three to five images per fiber, depending on its length). Up to five measurements were made from each image. The average value of the diameter for every filament was calculated and used to estimate the cross-section area of fiber (assumed circular). Note that the hemp fibers were rather uneven and

Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 15, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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20 m



Paper frame


Paper ”tab”

20 m



Paper frame


Paper ”tab”




3 m


Paper frame Paper ”tab”



3 m


Paper frame Paper ”tab”

3 m


Paper frame Paper ”tab”

Figure 2: Schematic of single fiber tensile samples for (a) 20 mm and (b) 3 mm long filaments.

sometimes twisted along their axis. Moreover, the fiber cross-sections were not perfectly circular but rather elliptical. This of course introduced a certain error in the estimation of fiber cross-sectional area. On the other hand, one can argue that the values were rather well averaged due to the number of measurements per fiber (15–25 measurements per sample). The presence of lumen in the fiber was not taken into account in the calculation of the cross-sectional area (the lumen size can reach up to several percent of the total cross-section area of a hemp fiber). The fibers contained kink bands as shown in fig. 1. To quantify the linear density of kink bands in the fibers, a number of specimens of the type shown in fig. 2(a) but with 5 mm gauge length were prepared. The number of kink bands in each specimen was counted employing optical microscope with crossed polarizers. Short-hemp-fiber composites with plasticized starch acetate (PSA) as the matrix were produced by compounding and injection molding. Composites with two fiber weight fractions (10 and 40 wt%) and five plasticizer contents (20, 25, 30, 32.5, and 35 wt%) were studied. The experimentally measured tensile strength and extensive information about the materials and manufacturing of hemp/PSA are reported in ref. [20].

3 Modeling

3.1 Fiber strength distribution

Elementary hemp fibers may fail either at a macroscopic mechanical defect, such as a kink band, or at a microscopic flaw within the intact part of the fiber. If fiber

16 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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failure at a kink band and failure due to flaw in the intact part of the fiber may be considered as independent events, the probability of fiber failure is given by [21, 22]:

ik PPP 111 (1)

where Pk() is the probability of fracture of a kink band in the fiber and Pi() the fracture probability within the macroscopically intact part of the fiber. The discrete macro-defect related fracture probability is expressed via the number of non-interacting defects nk and defect strength distribution Pd() as follows [18, 23]:

dkk PnP exp1 . (2)

While the defect strength distribution can be treated as a characteristic of a given fiber batch, the number of defects may vary among fibers of the same length due to somewhat variable growth and processing conditions encountered by individual fibers. The linear defect density in a fiber of length l can be characterized by kink band spacing s = l/nk. The random variability of s among fibers may be described by a two-parameter Weibull distribution


s s

ssP exp1 , (3)

where s is the Weibull scale parameter and m – the shape parameter. Assuming the Weibull two-parameter distribution for the defect strength:


exp1dP , (4)

the low-strength tail of it has a power-law form Pd() (/0). Then, taking into account the random number of defects in eqn (2), one arrives at the fiber strength given by the modified Weibull distribution [18, 21, 24]:



lPk (5)

where l0 is a normalizing parameter with length dimension. The rest of distribution parameters in eqn (5) are related to those of kink band strength and spacing distributions as specified in [18, 21, 24]. The length exponent is found to depend only on the scatter of the kink band spacing among fibers, characterized by the shape parameter m of the distribution given by eqn (3):

12 mm . (6)

Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 17, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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If the fiber strength distribution given by eqn (5) and the kink band spacing distribution given by eqn (3) are known, the kink band strength parameters can be evaluated by inverting the relations of ref. [18] as follows:

mm 12 (7)



00 11 m



. (8)

The probability of failure in the intact part of the fiber, Pi(), should be governed by the micro-defect distribution in the fiber, hence given by the Weibull distribution. It is also affected by the variability of fiber diameter, as discussed in refs. [22, 25]. However, in the presence of macroscopic damage, failure at kink bands is likely to be the dominant fracture mechanism of bast fibers [22], thus eqn (1) should reduce to the strength distribution given by eqn (5). It follows from eqn (5) that the average fiber strength depends on its length as



l (9)

where x is the gamma function.

3.2 The strength of short-fiber-reinforced composite

A number of studies have demonstrated that the tensile strength of short-fiber composites can be fairly accurately predicted by using a “rule-of-mixtures” expression (see e.g. refs. [26, 27])


uc VV )1( . (10)

Eqn (10) contains the following parameters: uf is the fiber strength; m is

the stress in the matrix when the reinforcing fibers fail (presuming that coincides with the ultimate failure of the composite); if both the fibers and matrix exhibit linear elastic behavior, the latter is estimated as: m = f

u(Em/Ef), where Em and Ef are the Young’s moduli of fibers and matrix, respectively; Vf is the volume fraction of fibers; ls and os are the fiber length efficiency and orientation

factors, respectively. It should be noted that eqn (10) can be modified to account for porosity but this effect is neglected here.

The strength of the fiber, uf , is calculated according to eqn (9) using the

Weibull parameters (, , ) determined for the hemp fibers. The fiber length efficiency factor is calculated as follows [26]

18 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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ccls llll



2/1 (11)

where the critical fiber length lcis given by the relation

2fufc dl . (12)

Combining eqns (9) and (12) leads to the final expression for the critical fiber length lc in terms of fiber strength distribution parameters, fiber diameter df, and the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) designated by




dl f

c . (13)

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Hemp fiber strength

The average strength of elementary hemp fibers and the standard deviation of strength amounted to 239 (93) MPa for 20 mm fibers and 404 (268) MPa for 3 mm fibers. The strength values obtained are within the range reported in the literature for different hemp varieties and fiber lengths and collected in table 1. Counting the number of kink bands in fibers of 5 mm gauge length yielded the average spacing of 57 m and standard deviation 11 m. By the method of moments, the shape parameter of the spacing distribution, eqn (3), was evaluated at m = 6.6 and the scale parameter s = 0.061 mm. According to eqn (6), the length exponent equals = 0.99. The remaining two parameters of the strength distribution, eqn (5), were determined as = 2.80 and = 738 MPa by fitting eqn (5) to the strength data at 20 mm gauge length (and choosing l0 = 1 mm). The empirical strength distribution for this gauge length is shown in fig. 3 together with the approximation by eqn (5). The experimental average strength data and the theoretical relation, eqn (9), are plotted in fig. 4. It is seen that eqn (9), with the parameters determined form 20 mm fiber tests, provides an accurate prediction of fiber strength at 3 mm gauge length thus corroborating the applicability of the strength distribution given by eqn (5). Employing eqns (7) and (8), the Weibull distribution parameters of kink band strength in eqn (4) are evaluated as = 2.83 and o = 2125 MPa. The relatively high value of the shape parameter of eqn (3) signifies little variability in kink band content, as characterized by their spacing, among fibers. Consequently, strength scatter of the fibers is mainly due to variability of kink band strength, and the shape parameter values of eqns (4) and (5) almost coincide. Furthermore, uniformity of the fibers in terms of damage content has also lead to the Weibull distribution of their strength, as a limiting case of the modified distribution eqn (5) at the value of length exponent 1.

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0 200 400 600


, MPa

20 mm

eqn (5)

Figure 3: Strength distribution of elementary hemp fibers of 20 mm gauge length and its approximation by eqn (5).

Table 1: Strength of untreated elementary hemp fibers.

Gauge length l, mm

Particular features

Variety/supplier Mean

strength, MPa

Standard deviation,

MPa Ref.

~1 -

Felina/Danish Agricultural Research Center (Denmark)

1735 723 [8]


- -/Hemptech NZ Ltd (New Zealand)

607 210 [5]

taken from stem top

Fedora 17/Fibres Recherche Développement® (France)

394 214

[6] middle 482 337 bottom

368 275

- -/LCDA (France)

285 - [15]

- -/Hemcore (UK)

514 274 [16]

- -/AFT Plasturgie® (France)

788 307 [17]

20 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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0 1 2 3 4





eqn (9)

Figure 4: Average normalized strength of elementary hemp fibers as a function of fiber gauge length.

For comparison, kink band spacing and strength parameters, evaluated for elementary flax fibers by the procedure described above, are presented in table 2. One can see that the hemp fibers studied differ from those considered in [18, 21] in that their kink band strength is significantly lower at a rather high linear density, which results in a relatively low fiber strength. Since kink bands develop not only during growth but also in processing of the fibers, fiber strength can be increased by optimizing the latter.

Table 2: Kink band spacing, eqn (3), and strength distribution, eqn (4), parameters of elementary flax fibers.

The model relating fiber damage to its tensile strength, proposed above, treats kink bands as uniform in terms of strength, characterized by the same strength distribution regardless of their size. Such a simplification appears appropriate only for a fiber batch obtained by the same (processing) procedure. Generally, the extent of kink bands and, possibly, their severity increase during processing [10, 28]. Therefore, the model should be extended to incorporate more detailed information on damage geometry and severity in fibers in order to enable more accurate description of bast fiber strength.

Variety/supplier m s , mm

0 ,



ArcticFlax/FinFlax Oy (Finland)

1.40 0.21 3.6 2790 [21]

-/Ekotex (Poland)

5.16 0.067 3.2 3350 [21]

Elisa/Baltiks East SIA (Latvia)

3.74 0.069 2.18 5490 [18]

Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 21, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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4.2 Strength of hemp-fiber-reinforced composites

The majority of the parameters in eqns (9)–(13) have been obtained experimentally in the current study and previously published work [20, 29, 30]. Specifically, the fiber orientation factor os for these composites is found to be 0.29 [29, 30]. However, some of the input parameters are missing and have to be obtained indirectly or assumed. For instance, the IFSS has not been measured directly but instead the matrix yield stress has been used in [30] as an estimate of IFSS. In a recent study [31], the stress-strain curves of PSA and their composites have been used to evaluate the IFSS of flax/PSA. Unfortunately, due to absence of data this cannot be done for hemp/PSA materials. Nevertheless, since the chemical composition of flax and hemp fibers is rather similar, one can assume that only the matrix will define the IFSS. Even though this assumption was questioned in a previous study [30], there is no actual experimental evidence against it, and it will be used here. The dependence of IFSS obtained for flax/PSA composites [31] is shown in fig. 5. It should be noted that only the linear regression of experimental data from [31] is presented in fig. 5. In order to obtain the IFSS for a wider range of fiber loading, it is assumed that IFSS is changing linearly with fiber content within the interval 10–40 wt% for any plasticizer content.

Figure 5: IFSS for flax/PSA composites, data from [31].

Other assumptions and dependences from [30] are also adopted in this study, such as:

– m in eqn (10) is the strength of a plain PSA rather than the stress in

matrix at a fiber failure strain; – strength of matrix as a function of plasticizer content; – density of matrix as a function of plasticizer content; – fiber length as a function of plasticizer content and fiber content.

22 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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Fig. 6 shows results of two predictions made by using an average fiber diameter df of 13 m (fig. 6(a)), which was measured from composite [29], and 40 m (fig. 6(b)), value obtained from single fibers tested in tension. The predictions for thin fibers (13 m) are significantly higher than measured composite strength for higher fiber contents, whereas for larger fibers (40 m) strength is under-predicted for lower fiber contents. It is likely that the average diameter obtained from measurements of fibers extracted from composites is smaller than the actual diameter, since fibers may have been damaged during the extraction process. On the other hand, the diameter of single fibers used in tensile tests is likely to be larger than the actual average fiber diameter, since it is easier to extract bigger fibers from bundles. It is possible therefore that the correct value of the average fiber diameter is somewhere between 13 and 40 m.



Figure 6: Strength of hemp/PSA composites. Results of calculations, for fiber diameter values of df = 13 μm (a) and 40 μm (b) are represented by lines, experimental data are shown as symbols (different plasticizer content: – 20 wt%, – 25 wt%, ∆ – 30 wt%, – 32.5 wt%, – 35 wt%).

Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation 23, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press

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5 Conclusions

The tensile strength of elementary hemp fibers has been studied experimentally and the linear density of kink bands in fibers characterized by optical microscopy. The applicability of a strength distribution function accounting for the variability in defect content among fibers has been considered. The theoretical distribution was verified and found to provide acceptable accuracy in predicting the scale effect of strength. Strength characteristics of the kink bands have been evaluated by the model using experimental fiber strength data. The fiber strength distribution parameters obtained have been applied for the prediction of the tensile strength of short-hemp-fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites.


This study has been partly supported by the EU Sixth Framework Programme project. ‘New classes of engineering composite materials are from renewable resources,’ BIOCOMP; contract grant number: IP 515769-2. J. Andersons acknowledges the funding by ESF via project 2013/0025/1DP/ APIA/VIAA/019.


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26 Natural Filler and Fibre Composites: Development and Characterisation, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 87, © 2014 WIT Press