modeller's guide to late p-51 mustang variants

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    Modeller's Guide to Late P-51 Mustang

    Variantsnby Joe Baugh er

    On April 30, 1942, Ronald W. Harker, a test pilot for the British Rolls-Royce engine manufacturer,

    took a brief hop in a RAF Mustang at the airbase at Duxford. Like lots of other pilots, he was highly

    impressed with the Mustang. Upon landing, he is reported to have said that the airplane would be a

    natural for the new Merlin 60 series of engines that Rolls Royce was just beginning to produce. Thus

    the most important step in the Mustang's evolution had been initiated.

    Mustang Mk. X

    Rolls Royce management immediately jumped into action. They requested that three Mustangs be

    loaned to them so that they could fit them with Merlins. The conversion was authorized on August

    12, 1942. Initially, three Mustang Is were allocated to the program, but two more were added later.

    They were assigned the designation Mustang X. No two of these Mustang Xs were exactly alike, but

    they all featured small chin-type radiators underneath the engine and four-bladed propellers to

    absorb the extra power and they were all powered by the Merlin 65.

    The first Mustang X (AL975) took to the air on October 12, 1942, piloted by Captain R. T. Shepherd.

    It initially had a regular Spitfire IX Rotol propeller but was later fitted with a larger specially-

    designed propeller. These Mustang Xs were to be kept busy throughout the rest of the war, testing

    various later marks of the Merlin engine.

    The success of these tests led Rolls Royce to propose the production of 500 Merlin 65 engines to re-

    engine most of the RAF's Mustang fleet to Mark X standards. However, there was no place where

    these conversions could be done, and such plans were never carried out.


    Meanwhile, in May of 1942, Rolls-Royce had informed Major Thomas Hitchcock, US military

    attache in London, that they planned to convert Mustang airframes to the Merlin engine. It just so

    happened that Major Hitchcock had been thinking of just this idea himself. He passed the word along

    to Wright Field and to North American Aviation. On July 25, 1942, North American was authorized

    to convert two Mustangs to Merlin 65 engines imported from England. These aircraft were

    considered sufficiently different from the existing Mustang that they were given a new designation


    NAA selected two P-51s from the batch of Mustang IAs that had been repossessed from the RAF by
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    the USAAF. NAA gave the project the company designation NA-101. The designation of these two

    aircraft was changed to XP-51B while the work was progressing.

    The North American engineers moved the carburetor air intake from above to below the nose in

    order to accommodate the Merlin's updraft induction system. The intercooler radiator was added to

    the radiator group already located inside the scoop underneath the rear fuselage, and the ventral

    radiator group was made noticeably deeper than before and had a sharp-angled inlet standing morethan two inches away from the underside of the fuselage. The matrix and door arrangement of the

    ventral radiator system were modified, receiving also a much bigger exit door at the rear.

    P-51B with it's outer wing panels removed is undergoing wind tunnel tests at NACA in March 1943.The XP-51B prototype featured significantly deeper chin intake fairing than later production


    Photo: NASA

    New ailerons were also fitted and the underwing racks were increased in capacity to take two 1000-lb

    bombs or their equivalent weight in drop tanks. A new four-bladed Hamilton Standard hydromatic

    paddle-bladed propeller was fitted. Provisions for fuselage- mounted guns were totally eliminated,

    plans being made for four 0.50-in machine guns mounted exclusively in the wings.

    The first XP-51B was flown by Bob Chilton on November 30, 1942. It was initially flown without

    armament. The performance improvement was nothing short of astounding. The XP-51B achieved a

    level speed of 441 mph at 29,800 feet, over 100 mph faster than the Allison-engined P-51 at that

    altitude. At all heights, the rate of climb was approximately doubled.

    P-51B & C

    As 1943 dawned, the Mustang

    production program suddenly

    expanded to new factories. The huge

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    The extensively reworked lines of the Mustang airframeintroduced with the B-model are evident on this picture.This particular aircraft, P-51B-1-NA series machine was

    retained by NACA for tests and is seen here carrying extra

    probes under both wings.

    Photo: NASA

    Inglewood, California factory was

    greatly expanded and dedicated solely

    to Mustang production. The USAAF

    instructed NAA to expand the Dallas

    plant even further as a second source

    for Mustangs. Inglewood-built

    Mustangs were designated P-51B,

    Dallas-built Mustangs were designated

    P-51C. These aircraft were almost

    identical, and can generally be

    distinguished only by serial number.

    By the end of January 1943 the

    production standard for the P-51B/C

    had been decided. In order to take full

    advantage of the additional power, the

    airframe was restressed in detail and

    the aircraft was made capable of operating at considerably greater weights than was previously

    possible. The wing racks were eventually cleared to carry bombs of 1000 pounds each or a wide range

    of other stores including drop tanks or triple rocket tubes.

    The engine installation was further refined, with a rectangular filtered-air inlet in each side of the

    carburetor duct, and the exhaust expelled through individual ejector stubs projecting through a slim

    fairing. The ailerons were modified aerodynamically and structural, although the changes were

    visible externally only by the fact that the tabs were made of plastic. The armament was to be four

    0.50-inch Browning MG53-2 guns in the wings. The fuselage nose guns were deleted.

    The first P-51B flew on May 5, 1943, and the first P-51C flew on August 5 of that year. Inglewood

    built 1988 P-51Bs and Dallas built 1750 P-51Cs.

    Initially, the P-51B and C had the Packard V-1560-3 engine rated at 1400 hp for takeoff and 1450 hp

    at 19,800 feet and carried four 0.50-inch machine guns with a total of 1260 rounds. There were four

    hundred P-51B-1-NAs and 250 P-51C-1-NTs built.

    The last 550 P-51B-5-NAs were fitted with the extra fuel tank extra tank behind the pilot's seat in the

    pursuit of still more range, becoming P-51B-7-NAs, and into P-51C-1-NTs, becoming P-51C-3-NT. In

    addition, some earlier P-51Bs and Cs were modified in the field to accommodate this tank.

    During the P-51B-10-NA and P-

    51C-1-NT production run, it wasdecided to omit the Olive Drab

    camouflage and to deliver the

    aircraft in their natural metal finish.

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    A number of American Mustangs carried the RAF-styleMalcolm Hood canopy, as exemplified here by the "The IowaBeaut" of the 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th FG. The aircraft

    is P-51B-15-NA, 42-106950, and the time is summer1944

    This move saved extra cost, weight,

    and drag.

    With the introduction of the P-51C-

    5-NT onto the Dallas production line

    and the P-51B-15-NA in the

    Inglewood production line, thePackard V-1560-7 engine was

    adopted as standard.

    Some 3738 P-51Bs and Cs were



    A total of 91 aircraft from the Block-10 production lot (71 P-51B-10-NAs

    and 20 P-51C-10-NTs) were fitted

    with two oblique K24 cameras, or a

    K17 and a K22, to become F-6C-NA or -NT photo aircraft. Most of these aircraft retained their guns.

    In each case the cameras were immediately in front of the structural break ahead of the tailwheel,

    looking out the left side.


    Some of the P-51Bs and Cs served with front-line units until the end of hostilities, but others were

    converted as two-seat trainers or squadron hacks. The last P-51B passed out of service in 1949,

    having been re-designated F-51B in 1948.

    Mustang Mk. III

    The RAF equivalent to the USAAF P-51B/C was known as the Mustang III. The RAF ultimately

    received 274 P-51Bs and 626 P-51Cs.

    A total of 59 Mustang IIIs were diverted to the Royal Australian Air Force and to other Allied air


    After these Mustang III aircraft had been delivered to England, the RAF decided that the hinged

    cockpit canopy offered too poor a view for European operations. A fairly major modification was

    made in which the original framed hinged hood was replaced by a bulged Perspex frameless canopy

    that slid to the rear on rails. This canopy gave the pilot much more room and the huge goldfish bowl

    afforded a good view almost straight down or directly to the rear. This hood was manufactured and

    fitted by the British corporation R. Malcolm & Co., and came to be known as the "Malcolm Hood".

    This hood was fitted to most RAF Mustang IIIs, and many USAAF Eighth and Ninth Air Force P-

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    51B/C fighters received this modification as well.

    The first RAF base to receive Mustang IIIs was at Gravesend in Kent. The Mustang III initially

    equipped No. 65 Squadron in late December of 1943, followed by No. 19 Squadron in March of 1944.

    RAF Mustang Mk. III belonging to No. 19 Squadron on an airfield somewhere in Europe.Malcolm hood Mustangs had extra canopy rails, visible here behind the cockpit.


    One of the problems encountered with the Merlin-powered P-51B/C was the poor view from the

    cockpit, particular towards the rear. Two P-51Bs were taken from the assembly line and converted

    into proof of concept vehicles for a bubble-topped Mustang, which was to be designated P-51D. They

    were redesignated XP-51D. In order to accommodate the new all-round vision hood, the rearfuselage of the Mustang had to be extensively cut down.

    The newly-modified XP-51D took off on its first flight at Inglewood on November 17, 1943, test pilot

    Bob Chilton at the controls.


    Having proven the concept, NAA diverted two P-

    51B-10-NAs (serial numbers 42-106539 and 42-106540) from the Inglewood production line and

    completed them as NA-106s with cut-down rear

    fuselage and bubble canopy. These two aircraft were

    redesignated P-51D.

    NAA took also the opportunity afforded by the

    introduction of the new Mustang to redesign the gun

    installation. The result was the installation of three

    MG53-2 0.50-inch machine guns in each wing.

    However, Mustang users had the options of

    removing two of the guns and having just four, with

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    Different wing planform of the P-51D with

    more pronounced "kink" is evident here.

    400 rounds each, and some pilots did actually select

    this option.

    Another visible change introduced by the P-51D was in the increase of the wing root chord. The main

    landing gear was strengthened in order to accommodate the additional weight, but the wheels

    maintained the same diameter of 27 inches. However, the wheel bays and doors were modified and

    the "kink" in the wing leading edge was made much more pronounced.

    Four P-51D-1-NA Mustangs had been completed with the original B-type canopy before the first P-

    51D-5-NA model (company designation NA-109) rolled off the production line.

    In order to provide for better directional stability, a dorsal fin was added ahead of the rudder during

    the production run of the P-51D Block 10. Some of the earlier P-51Ds (plus a few P-51Bs) were

    retrofitted with this dorsal fin.

    The two P-51Ds in the foreground show a variation in dorsal fin configuration seen on earlyproduction "D" models. Both aircraft are P-51D-5-NAs originally produced without the fin, whichhas been retrofitted on the E2*S. The photo has been taken around end-July 1944, and the aircraft

    belong to 375th Fighter Squadron, 361st FG.

    The P-51D introduced the K-14 computing gyro gunsight, based on a British (Ferranti) design.

    Inglewood delivered 6502 P-51Ds, ordered as the NA-109 (D-1 to D-10), NA-111 (D-15 and D-20)

    and NA-122 (D-15 and D-30). P-51Ds were also constructed in NAA's Dallas plant, the Dallas plant

    building some 1454 of these planes before production finally ceased. Dallas-built blocks D-5 through

    D-20 were known as NA-111, with blocks D-25 and D-30 being known as NA-124

    Almost all Block-25 and subsequent Ds had underwing hardpoints not only for bombs and fuel tanks

    but also for various types of rocket launchers. These included zero-length stubs for six 5-inch rockets

    or as many as ten if no drop tanks were carried. Alternatively, "Bazooka" tubes could be carried in

    triple clusters. There were a few field conversions to special armament fits, examples including two

    tanks and six 100-lb bombs, four 100-lb bombs, plus 36 fragmentation bombs, or four 75-Imp gall

    drop tanks. CBI aircraft usually had a direction-finding loop antenna ahead of the fin.

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    "Frenesi" was another P-51D-5-NA flown by Thomas L. "Tommy" Hayes, commander of the 364thFighter Squadron, 357th FG. This photo was taken in August, 1944 in Leiston.

    Note different type of drop tanks.


    The Dallas plant also built 1337 P-51Ks, which differed from the P-51D in having an 11-foot diameter

    Aeroproducts propeller in place of the 11 feet 2 inch diameter Hamilton Standard unit. These were all

    known as NA-111 by the company. The P-51K had a slightly inferior performance to that of the P-

    51D. Rocket stubs were introduced on the -10-NT and subsequent batches of the K production line atDallas.

    Dallas-production P-51K-5-NT nicknamed Nooky Booky IV served with the 357th FG, 362ndFighter Squadron and was piloted by Maj. Leonard "Kit" Carson, credited with 18.5 kills.The only visible difference from the D-model is the Aeroproducts propeller, with the blades

    narrowing towards the tips. Compare with the Hamilton prop of the RAF Mustang III above.

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    F-6D & F-6K

    A total of 163 P-51Ks were completed as F-6K photo-reconnaissance aircraft. 126 Inglewood-built P-

    51Ds from blocks 20, 25, and 30 were converted after completion as F-6Ds. A few others were

    similarly converted near the end of the war. All of these photographic Mustangs carried two cameras

    in the rear fuselage, usually a K17 and a K22, one looking out almost horizontally off to the left and

    the other one down below looking out at at an oblique angle. Most F-6Ds and Ks carried a direction-finding receiver, serviced by a rotating loop antenna mounted just ahead of the dorsal fin. Most F-6Ds

    and Ks retained their armament.

    Distinguishing features of the F-6D Mustang are camera windows in the rear fuselage.


    Several Dallas-built P-51Ds were modified as two-seat trainers with an additional seat fitted behind

    the pilot's seat. These were given the designation TP-51D. In order to accommodate the second seat,

    the radio equipment had to be relocated and an additional seat with full dual controls was installed

    behind the normal seat. The standard bubble canopy was large enough to accommodate the extra

    seat. One of the TP-51Ds was modified for use as a special high-speed observation post by Supreme

    Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower, which he used to inspect the Normandy beach-

    heads in June of 1944.

    Mustang Mk. IV & IVA

    The Royal Air Force received 281 Ds and 594 Ks, designating them Mustang IV and Mustang IVA

    respectively. The type did not enter RAF service until September 1944, with the earlier Mustang III

    still remaining in active service.

    At the end of the war in Europe, the RAF took delivery of 600 Mustang IVs in I ndia for use against

    the Japanese in Burma and beyond. However, Japan surrendered before these could be put to use,

    and most of these aircraft were scrapped.

    After the war, a large number of the RAF's Mustangs were returned to the USA, but a few continued

    to serve with the RAF as late as May of 1947 when they were replaced by British-built equipment.

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    The P-51D remained in service in considerable numbers with the USAAF for many years after the

    Second World War ended. In 1948, the newly-formed USAF eliminated the P-for-pursuit category

    and replaced it with F-for-fighter. The designation of the P-51 was changed to F-51.

    In May 1946, the Air National Guard (ANG) was reformed and ANG fighter units received most o

    the P-51D/K Mustangs withdrawn from regular USAAF service. It was agreed that the Mustang

    would go primarily to ANG groups west of the Mississippi, with the ANG groups east of the

    Mississippi being equipped with the P-47 Thunderbolt. By December of 1948, over 700 Mustangs

    were serving with 28 ANG squadrons. No fewer than 22 of the 27 ANG wings saw service in the

    Korean War.

    RF-51D & RF-51K

    In addition, the old category of F for photographic reconnaissance was eliminated, and F-6D and F-6K photographic reconnaissance aircraft became RF-51D and RF-51K respectively. Two seat F-6D

    conversions became TRF-51D.

    RF-51D reconnaissance aircraft also served with the ANG.


    In January of 1943, North American Aviation suggested to the USAAF that they build a special

    lightweight version of the Mustang. It was agreed that a thorough redesign would be carried out,mainly to reduce weight but also to simplify systems, improve maintenance, and enhance

    performance without changing the engine. The project was given the company designation NA-105.

    Two prototypes were ordered under the designation XP-51F, the contract being amended in June o

    1943 to cover the purchase of five XP-51Fs, all powered by Packard V-1650-3 engines.

    Resemblance to the previous Mustang was only coincidental, since the structure of the aircraft was

    almost completely redesigned and almost no parts were common. Most of the changes were made in

    an attempt to save weight. The main landing gear members were redesigned and the wheels and tireswere greatly reduced in size. New disc brakes were fitted to the wheels. The wing was slightly larger

    in area, and had a straight-line leading edge, completely eliminating the familiar "kink" of the earlier

    Mustang versions. The wing aerofoil was changed to an even newer low-drag "laminar flow" profile.

    The inboard wing guns were deleted, the remaining four guns having 440 rounds each. The engine

    mounting was simplified, the "integral" engine cradle for the V-1650-7 saving over 100 pounds o

    weight and improving the access to the engine. The engine coolant and intercooler radiators were

    redesigned and installed in a completely new duct which had a vertical inlet which was placed even

    farther away from the underside of the wing.

    The cockpit layout was improved (with the standard British panel being adopted), and the pilot's back

    armor was made integral with the seat. The canopy was made much larger in an effort to reduce the

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    drag still further. Aerodynamic control surfaces were improved, and the tail surfaces were made

    larger. The ailerons were given a larger degree of movement, and the chord of the flaps and the

    ailerons were made equal. Still more weight was saved by using a three-bladed Aeroproducts hollow-

    steel propeller. Many minor metal parts were replaced with molded plastic parts.

    The first XP-51F was flown by Bob Chilton on February 14, 1944. Considering that the equipped

    empty weight was about a ton less than that of the P-51D, the performance improvement was not asspectacular as might have been anticipated.


    Before construction of XP-51F began, it was agreed that the last two of the NA-105 airframes would

    be fitted with Rolls Royce Merlin 145M engines obtained from England under reverse Lend/Lease.

    These aircraft were designated XP-51G. Five-bladed propellers were fitted, but the XP-51G was

    otherwise similar to the XP-51F.

    The third XP-51F was shipped to the United Kingdom on June 20, 1944 after preliminary flight

    checks. It was painted in RAF camouflage and was named Mustang V. The RAF serial number was

    FR409. The A&AEE at Boscombe Down found the Mustang V to weigh only 7855 pounds in

    interceptor trim. They rated it very highly except for a severe lack of directional stability which

    required frequent heavy application of rudder in certain flight conditions.

    The second XP-51G was shipped to the United Kingdom in February 1945. This plane was also

    named Mustang Mk. V.

    Neither the P-51F nor the G were developed any further, although the work on these two airplanes

    was invaluable in the development of the P-51H.


    The last prototype in the lightweight NA-105 series was the XP-51J, which was similar to the F and G

    models except that it reintroduced the Allison V-1710 engine to bring the Mustang full circle. Unlike

    earlier Allisons, this engine had an updraft carburetor. The nose geometry was substantially modified,and all air inlets in the nose were completely eliminated. A dorsal fin was fitted.

    Two XP-51J prototypes were ordered. The first made its maiden flight on April 23, 1945. The end o

    the war in the Pacific brought all further work on the XP-51J to an end.


    The ultimate version of the Mustang was the P-51H, which was the fastest Mustang variant to see

    service and one of the fastest (if not the fastest) piston-engined fighters to enter production during theSecond World War. However, it was destined never to see any combat, having entered service too late

    to participate in the final action against Japan.

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    Side view of the P-51H in flight reveals new raisedcanopy with different profile, enlarged vertical tail

    mounted on longer fuselage and revised radiator ductof this variant.

    Rather than commit the F or G versions to production, the USAAF decided instead to produce a

    version powered by the uprated Packard Merlin V-1659-9 engine. North American Aviation gave the

    project the company designation NA 126, and it was ordered into production as the P-51H in June o

    1944 even before much of the initial design work was done.

    The fin and rudder in the P-51H were significantly increased in height and the rear fuselage was

    lengthened to produce an overall length of 33 feet 4 inches (nearly two feet longer than the P-51D).Other features were taken directly from the XP-51F project--it had the same shallower carburetor air

    intake underneath the nose and modified cowling with integral engine mounting, the same simplified

    undercarriage with smaller wheels and disc brakes, and it had the same broad-chord wing without

    the leading edge "kink". However, the cockpit canopy was much smaller than that of the XP-51F,

    being more nearly equal in size to that of the P-51D. The profile of the canopy was somewhat

    different from that of the P-51D, with the top of the hump being much closer to the front just above

    the pilot's head.

    The radiator installation was increased in

    depth and the matrix was increased in size.

    The front edge of the inlet duct was vertical

    as it was in the lightweight versions, and

    the bottom line downstream was almost

    straight rather than bulged. The fuselage

    was modified in order to raise the cockpit to

    give an 8-degree gunsight deflection angle

    looking down along the top line from

    gunsight to spinner. Armament returned to

    six machine guns, although alternative

    installations of four guns could be fitted.

    Provisions were also made for normal loads of external stores, similar to that which could be carried

    by the P-51D/K. Access for gun servicing was improved by redesign of the wing doors and

    ammunition feed system.

    There were 20 P-51H-1-NAs built from February 1945, all with the XP-51F tail. The distinctive taller

    tail was installed on the P-51H-5-NA and later production block aircraft and was later retrofitted to

    earlier P-51H-1-NAs.

    2000 P-51Hs were ordered, made up of 555 NA-126s and 1445 NA-129s with minor differences. All o

    these planes were to be built at the Inglewood factory. 1629 more examples were ordered from NAAs

    Dallas plant under the charging number of NA-124, these being designated P-51M by the USAAF.

    The P-51M differed primarily in having the V-1650-9A engine. The last P-51H rolled off the

    production line in 1946.

    Cavalier Mustangs

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    At that time, the US was embroiled in the Vietnam War, and combat experience indicated that there

    was a need for a low-cost, high-performance close-support aircraft for use by foreign air forces

    obtaining MAP assistance. This project was given the namePave Coin.

    In pursuit of production contracts under the Pave Coin program, the Piper company undertook a

    more ambitious Mustang conversion effort. One single-seat F-51D and one two-seat TF-51D airframe

    were fitted with the 2455 s.h.p. Lycoming T55-L-9 turboprop engine. The project was given the nameEnforcer by Piper. The first Enforcer conversion was flown on April 19, 1971. Later that year, the

    USAF evaluated one of these Enforcers and confirmed the original performance claims, but did not

    show very much enthusiasm for the project.

    Even though the USAF never saw any use for the Enforcer, Congressional pressure led eventually to

    a contract in September 1981 for Piper to construct two new prototypes for evaluation. They were

    known under the company designation of PA-48. The two PA-48 prototypes were given civilian

    registrations rather than military serial numbers, and were never given any military designations.

    The PA-48 Enforcer bore only the slightest resemblance to the F-51D--only ten percent of the parts

    were in common. The fuselage was lengthened by 19 inches aft of the wing and larger tail surfaces

    were fitted. Power was provided by a Lycoming T55-L-9 turboprop. The familiar trademark Mustang

    ventral scoop was completely removed, and a large turboprop exhaust was fitted on the left-hand side

    of the fuselage just ahead of the cockpit. A Yankee rocket ejector seat was fitted in the single seat

    cockpit. Provisions for wingtip tanks were made, and ten underwing hardpoints were fitted. The fixed

    wing-mounted guns were removed, and all gun armament was carried within underwing pods. Thetwo PA-48s first flew in spring 1983,

    The PA-48 Enforcer was unsuccessful in obtaining any production orders, and both prototypes were

    put in storage by the USAF in late 1986.

    Serial Numbers

    The table below states serial numbers for the Merlin-powered Mustang variants.

    Version US serial numbers RAF serial numbers

    Mustang Mk. XAM121, AM208, AL975, AM203,AL963

    XP-51B 41-37350, 41-37421

    P-51B-1-NA 43-12093..12492

    P-51B-5-NA 43-6313..6562

    P-51B-7-NA 43-6563..7112


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    P-51B-15-NA 42-106739..10697843-24752..24901

    P-51C-1-NT 42-102979..103328

    P-51C-5-NT 42-103329..103778





    Mustang Mk. III

    FB100..FB124, FB135..FB399,FR411, FX848..FX999,

    FZ100.FZ197, HB821..HB962,HK944..HK947, HK955, HK956,KH421..KH640, SR406..SR438,SR440

    XP-51D 42-12101, 42-12102

    P-51D-5-NT 44-11153..11352

    P-51D-20-NT 44-12853..13252

    P-51D-25-NT 44-84390..84989, 45-11343..11542

    P-51D-30-NT 45-11543..11742

    P-51D-5-NA 44-13253..14052

    P-51D-10-NA 44-14053..14852

    P-51D-15-NA 44-14853..15752

    P-51D-20-NA44-63160..64159, 44-


    P-51D-25-NA 44-72627..74226

    P-51D-30-NA 44-72227..75026

    P-51K-1-NT 44-11353..11552

    P-51K-5-NT 44-11553..11952

    P-51K-10-NT 44-11953..12852


    44-84610, 44-84611, 44-

    84662, 45-11443..11450

    KH641..KH670 (P-51D),KH671..KH870 (P-51K),KM100..KM492 (P-51K),

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    357th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. 362nd, 363rd, 364th Fighter Squadrons

    359th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. 368th, 369th, 370th Fighter Squadrons

    361st Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. 374th, 375th, 376th Fighter Squadrons

    364th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. 383rd, 384th, 385th Fighter Squadrons

    479th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. 434th, 435th, 436th Fighter Squadrons

    67th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 9th Air Force

    68th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 9th Air Force

    69th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 9th Air Force. 10th, 22nd Squadrons.

    354th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force. 353rd, 355th, 356th Fighter Squadrons

    363rd Fighter Group, 9th Air Force. 380th, 381st, 382nd Fighter Squadrons

    370th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force. 401st, 402nd, 485th Fighter Squadrons

    31th Fighter Group, 15th Air Force. 307th, 308th, 309th Fighter Squadrons

    52nd Fighter Group, 15th Air Force.

    325th Fighter Group, 15th Air Force.

    332nd Fighter Group, 15th Air Force.

    USAAF Mustang Groups in Pacific Theatre of Operations:

    8th Reconnaissance Group

    15th Fighter Group, VII Fighter Command

    21st Fighter Group, VII Fighter Command, 46th, 72nd, 531st Fighter Squadrons

    506th Fighter Group, VII Fighter Command, 457th, 458th, 462nd Fighter Squadrons

    23rd Fighter Group, 14th Air Force

    RAF Mustangs Mk. III equipped Nos 64, 65, 66, 93, 94, 112, 118, 122, 126, 129, 165, 234, 237, 241

    249, 250, 260, 268, 306, 309, 315, 316, 345, 430, 441, 442, and 516 Squadrons and No. 541 Squadron

    of RAF Coastal Command. These units included four Polish squadrons (306, 309, 315, 316), three

    RCAF, and one Free French.

    Mustang Mk. IV became standard equipment with Nos 19, 64, 65, 112, 118, 122, 154, 213, 149, 260,

    303 (Polish), 306 (Polish), 442 and 611 Squadrons.


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