modelling aqueous corrosion || relationship between modelled turbulence parameters and corrosion...

RELATIONSHIP BE1WEEN MODELLED TURBULENCE PARAMETERS AND CORROSION PRODUCT FILM STABILIlY IN DISTURBED SINGLE-PHASE AQUEOUS FLOW IJ.POSTLETHWAIlE, Iy' WANG, IG. ADAMOPOULOSAND 2S. NESIC )Department of Chemical Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK Canada, S7N OWO 21nstitutt for energiteknikk N 2007 Kjeller Norway ABSTRACT. The disruption of corrosion films fonned on copper in flowing aerated 3% NaCl solution has been studied in a flow cell with a rectangular cross section, 50 mm wide x 15 mm. The 140 mm long copper deck and the symmetrical acrylic cover had backward and forward facing 2 mm steps to fonn a constriction resulting in disturbed flow at the leading edge of the sudden constriction and the sudden expansion. The velocity range based on the unconstricted cross section of the flow cell was 0.3-1.5 m s·). The development and destruction of the corrosion product films were observed through the transparent cell top. The resulting interactions between the disturbed flow and the films are discussed in tenns of the near-wall turbulence parameter profiles, along the length of the flow ceil, calculated by the application of a 2-equation turbulence model with low Reynolds number closure. 1. Introduction The effect of single-phaseaqueousfluid flow onthestabilityofcorrosionproduct films is a very important factor in determining the utility of many alloys for applications in process piping systems, resulting in velocity limits and restricted throughputs.Filmdisruptioncanbebroughtabout by erosionand/ordissolution [1- 3). The ratesofboththese film removal mechanisms will bestronglyinfluenced by the structure of the fluid flow with the highest rates of both erosion and mass transferfoundunderconditionsofdisturbed flow conditionsatbends,weldbeads, heatexchangertubeinletsandothersuddenchangesintheflowgeometry. Under such flow conditionstheapplicationofthebulk flow parameters,velocity,Reynolds numberandwallshearstress(basedonthebulkvelocity)asthecriterionfor film disruption is notappropriate.Turbulencemodelscanbeusedtocalculateboththe local levels of turbulence and the rates of mass transfer under disturbed flow conditions,providingthelocalparametersappropriateforthedevelopment of film disruption[4-7). 297 K. R. Trethewey and P. R. Roberge (eds.), Modelling Aqueous Corrosion, 297-316. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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Page 1: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


IJ.POSTLETHWAIlE, Iy' WANG, IG. ADAMOPOULOS AND 2S. NESIC)Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, SKCanada, S7N OWO

21nstitutt for energiteknikkN 2007 KjellerNorway

ABSTRACT. The disruption of corrosion films fonned on copper in flowing aerated 3% NaClsolution has been studied in a flow cell with a rectangular cross section, 50 mm wide x 15 mm.The 140 mm long copper deck and the symmetrical acrylic cover had backward and forwardfacing 2 mm steps to fonn a constriction resulting in disturbed flow at the leading edge of thesudden constriction and the sudden expansion. The velocity range based on the unconstrictedcross section ofthe flow cell was 0.3-1.5 m s·). The development and destruction of the corrosionproduct films were observed through the transparent cell top. The resulting interactions betweenthe disturbed flow and the films are discussed in tenns of the near-wall turbulence parameterprofiles, along the length of the flow ceil, calculated by the application of a 2-equationturbulence model with low Reynolds number closure.

1. Introduction

The effect of single-phase aqueous fluid flow on the stability of corrosion productfilms is a very important factor in determining the utility of many alloys forapplications in process piping systems, resulting in velocity limits and restrictedthroughputs. Film disruption can be brought about by erosion and/or dissolution [1­3). The rates of both these film removal mechanisms will be strongly influenced bythe structure of the fluid flow with the highest rates of both erosion and masstransfer found under conditions of disturbed flow conditions at bends, weld beads,heat exchanger tube inlets and other sudden changes in the flow geometry. Undersuch flow conditions the application of the bulk flow parameters, velocity, Reynoldsnumber and wall shear stress(based on the bulk velocity) as the criterion for filmdisruption is not appropriate. Turbulence models can be used to calculate both thelocal levels of turbulence and the rates of mass transfer under disturbed flowconditions, providing the local parameters appropriate for the development of filmdisruption [4-7).


K. R. Trethewey and P. R. Roberge (eds.), Modelling Aqueous Corrosion, 297-316.© 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Page 2: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


This paper describes the application of a k-€, turbulence model to calculate both thelocal near-wall turbulence profile and the mass-transfer-rate profile along the lengthof a copper specimen corroding under disturbed flow conditions and relates theprofiles to the observed film disruption. Copper tubing often suffers from erosionat elbows and our observations have shown that in some cases the turbulence causedby the step at the downstream tube initiated the film breakdown and corrosionwhich can be worse in the outlet pipe than the elbow itself. As pointed out recentlyby A. Cohen [8] in practice the tube ends should be reamed.

2. Modelling

The low-Reynolds-number, k-€ turbulence model used in the present study enablesthe calculation of the species concentration field close to the wag within the viscoussub-layer [7] in addition to performing better for recirculating flows in terms of theflow field prediction [9].


For axisymmetrical flow in 20 Cartesian coordinates

a a a a~ a a~ )ax (pVx~) +-(pv~)=-(r4\-) + ay(r4\ay)+S4\ (1ay Y ax ax

where ~==Vx> Vy, k, €, m

The values of r~, general diffusion coefficients and S~, the source terms, are givenin Table 1. The effective viscosity is given by:


where the turbulent viscosity, ILl' is determined from the kinetic energy of turbulenceand its rate of dissipation:

The effective diffusivity is given by:

-'!.- I1tDeff = +pSc pat

where at is the turbulent Schmidt number.



Page 3: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


TABLE 1Conservation equations

Conservation of: r .. S..

Mass 0 0

a( av) a( av) apMomentum(x) V. ~'d ax ~eff a: +ay ~eff a: -axa( av) a( avy ) ap

Momentum(y) V, ~'d ax ~'d a; +ay ~'d iii - ayk

~'d~-PETurbulence Kinetic energy CJt

E ~'d !(C<lJ;~ -CE2hPE)Turbulence dissipation rate CJE k

Species m pD'd 0

~ =~'d{2[(~)2 +(~ J]+(aa; +a;: J}

The standard model constants used in the above equations are

C~ =0.09CJt = 1.0


CE2 = 1.92CJ,=0.9

Since the set of equations is elliptical it is necessary to define boundary conditionsfor all variables on all boundaries of the computational domain, inlet, walls axis andexit. The low-Reynolds-number damping functions of Lam and Bremhorst [10] wereused in the near wall region to modify the turbulence as the wall is approached. Atthe wall the boundary conditions for k and E, were k = 0, and CJE/CJy = 0.

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At the inlet the profile of the mean axial velocity was taken to be fully developed.The turbulence parameters were expressed via the turbulence intensity (TV)( = v';Vj,and for the inlet boundary condition TV)( data was converted into the k and E valuesby assuming the length scale, LE ,equal to half the height of the duct inlet, TV)( =0.05 and


In the case of axisymmetric flow, Vy =0 and a(f}ICJy = 0 on the axis. At the outlet,zero gradient boundary conditions were specified for all transport variables.

3. Experimental

The acrylic flow cell (Figure 1) had a rectangular cross section with a flow channel50.8 mm wide x 15 mm deep, equivalent diameter, de = 23.2 mm. The entrancelength was 40 de and the exit length 20 de. The copper deck and the symmetricalacrylic cell cover had backward and forward facing 2 mm steps to form a constrictionwith de = 18.1 mm. The flow cell was located horizontally in a recirculating flowloop comprising: a rubber centrifugal pump, double pipe heat exchanger, orificeplates, and an open vertical tank used to maintain the solution fully aerated.

• copper • acrylic

~I~ >'< >'I 50 mm I 90 mm I


Figure 1 - Flow cell and computational domain.

Page 5: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


The copper deck was machined from 99.99% purity electrolytic copper plate. Thetest solution was aerated 3 wt % NaCI. The bulk velocity, Vb based on theunconstricted cross section, was in the range 0.3 - 1.5 m S·I. The development anddestruction of the corrosion product films were observed through the transparentflow cell lid.

4. Results


Films that grew at Vb = 0.5 m S·I (Re = 1.44 x 104) were found to be removed(Figure 2) at 1.0 - 1.47 m S·l (Re = 2.88 x 104 - 4.23 x 104). The Reynolds numbersin the constriction were x 1.36 these latter values. Details of the film removal aregiven in Table 2.


Films that had been grown at 25 DC and Vb = 0.27 m S-I, for a period of 11 dayswere stripped rapidly from substantial areas of the surface (Figure 3) when thevelocity was raised from 0.27 to 1.49 m S-I. The initial rapid stripping, which occurredminutes after the velocity was raised, has been observed on some other coppersamples and obviously occurred by a mechaI}ical mechanism, as opposed todissolution. The process subsequently progressed more slowly over the next five daysuntil all the metal surfaces, with the exception of a band of film immediatelydownstream of the expansion, had a metallic pink colour. The reason for thedifference between this behaviour and that described in Table 2 is considered torelate to the fact that the films in this experiment were thicker and more prone tomechanical damage. In other experiments at 25 DC the film removal process was slowthroughout. The experiments so far completed at 25°C have shown that film growthis reversed at velocities down to 0.8 m S·I in the present system and it is consideredthat the critical value at the leading edge of the constriction may be much lowerthan this.

5. Discussion

The observations made are now discussed in relation to the modelled turbulenceparameters. The discussion, except where noted, is concerned with the results inTable 2.

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Figure 2 - see next page

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Figure 2 - Removal of corrosion films at 44°C. a: 0.5 m S·I, day 7; b: 1.0 m S·I, day 17; c: 1.47 m S·I,

day 21; d: 1.47 m S·I, day 27. Very slow film removal with no peeling.

Figure 3 . Removal of corrosion films at 25°C showing rapid film removal within minutes of raisingvelocity from 0.27-1.49 m S·I. Film peeling is indicated.

Page 8: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


TABLE 2Growth and removal of corrosion films at 44°C

Time /days







Corrosion films

Dark brown corrosion film grew over most ofthe exposed surfaces leaving a small lightercoloured 2 mm wide band of film at theleading edge of the sudden constriction whichwas subjected to a small amount of pitting.

Very slow thinning of films observed with aspread of the 2 mm band at the leading edgedownstream. The colour of this band was nowmetallic pink and the film removal obvious.There was also the formation of a lightcoloured band suggesting film thinning 12 mmwide starting ca. 6 mm downstream of thesudden expansion with a few pits.

The thinning continued with completeclearance of the film in the constriction by day26. By day 26 the film downstream of thesudden expansion had been removed from a24 mm band starting at 6 mm downstream ofthe sudden expansion. The film remainedintact in a 5 nun band immediatelydownstream of the sudden expansion until theend of the experiment on day 34. A smallamount of green corrosion products formed inthe comer of the sudden expansion. At theend of the experiment the duct wide band ofcomplete film removal in the expansion zonestarting from 5 mm downstream of the suddenexpansion was 29 mm long and followed by azone some 25 mm long where the film wasconsiderably thinned in an uneven manner.

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Film disruption started at the leading edge of the sudden constriction and justdownstream of the sudden expansion, two places where the greatest near-wallturbulence would be expected to occur.Figure 4 is a schematic of the flow structure. The three parameters that could be

possibly be related to film disruption near-wall turbulence, wall shear stress and themass transfer coefficient are shown in detail for the sudden constriction (Figure 5)and sudden expansion (Figure 6) for Vb = 1.47 m S·I. The distances in the figuresrelate to the x direction in the computation zone which was longer than the copperdeck to enable the assumption of fully developed flow at the inlet and outlet of thecomputation domain. The distance x = 100 mm corresponds to the start of thecopper deck, and the position along the copper deck can be seen in the figures.Examination of the wall shear stress profile reveals the structure of the flow.

Points where values of 'rw change sign correspond to flow reversal. Flow reversalrelates to flow separation with recirculation and reattachment.At the sudden constriction (Figure 5) recirculating flow is predicted in the comer

immediately prior to the constriction and at the entrance to the constriction with thelatter flow separating at x = 100.5 mm and reattaching at 105 mm. At the suddenexpansion (Figure 6) the separated flow which separates at the edge of theexpansion reattaches at x =162.5 mm. There is also a small recirculating flow in thecomer.

F1ow~ axis

Figure 4 - Schematic diagram offlow structure.

The location where the film remained intact throughout the 34 day experimentwas 150-155 mm, and from 194 mm to the end of the system The film wascompletely removed from the constriction, 100-150 mm, and from 155-174 mmdownstream of the constriction. The film was thinned unevenly from 174-199 mmto a zone of thinned film starting at x = 174 - 194 mm.

Page 10: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


Flow ----+


"'"S 0.30'-"


§ 0.20........,al

.3 0.10Q

::l-~-;- 0.000.. 15.0'-"rn~ 5.0

'"'....,r:n -5.0

'"'~ -15.0..c::r:n -25.0

Distance trom the wall

Ge<HHl 0.15 mm

............., v=1.47m/s

-~ -35.0 ..:L -!


0630.0 ­~

"'"620.0 -~


............., 1.47m/s


1-L..,.....,=;=O_....._-........-&r40a!!--~~j.~...~;:.~:;:~!!::::;=:::tt;:=;:!L,.---0.0"1 I0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105


10.0 -

Figure 5 - Predicted velocity fluctuations, wall-shear stress and mass transfer coefficients at the suddenconstriction (backward facing step).

Page 11: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


Flow --~

Distance Crom the ...al1

.............., 0.15 mm

-------1 ......... -------------

,-..rn"-S 0.30'-'rn

§ 0.20........,cd

.B 0.10C)

~-~"'; 0.000.. 15.0 -,------------------------"l'-'

rn~ 5.0-

""...,rn -5.0

""~ -15.0 -..c:rn -25.0 -

.............., v=1.47m/s

--: -35.0 -L ---'


"Ebo.o ­~

"-a20.0 -~


.............., 1.47m/s

10.0 -

0.1650.160o. 0 +~::!:;~~~-~T~;pooo.,..,,~t::::;~~1::;:~:::;:~=~T==r::=f!L.,~0.145 0.150 0.155


Figure 6 . Predicted velocity fluctuations, wall shear stress and mass transfer coefficients at the suddenexpansion (forward facing step).

Page 12: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow



Near-wall velocity fluctuations, v', which are more easily visualized than thecorresponding kinetic energy of turbulence are used here to quantify the near-wagturbulence. The calculated values of Vb at 0.15 mm and at I mm from the wall forVb = 1.47 m S-I, are shown in Figure 7. These velocity fluctuations (RMS) werecalculated from the kinetic energy of turbulence given by the model. The k-e modelsassume isotropic turbulence stresses and v' =v(2k/3).

Flow --4

Distance from the wall


IHHHHJ 0.15 mm_1.00 mm




........... 0.30e­l1)§ 0.20......,cd::lt 0.10::s....~

0.00 +-"-,-.,.,.-,-......,-,--.,-,,,""--IT--r-II-,-.,,-,--.,-,rr..,---r-r...,.-j-0.01

Figure 7 . Predicted velocity fluctuations at 0.15 mm and 1 mm from the wallat 1.47m S·l and 44°C.

The near-wall turbulence is greater at O. 15 mm than at 1 mm from the wall atthe sudden constriction in contrast to the behaviour at the sudden expansion. Theenhanced turbulence level 1 mm from the wall at the sudden expansion relates tothe transport of the turbulence downstream from the point of flow separation. Thelatter enhanced turbulence is damped as the wail is approached. Close to the wall,where the turbulence can have the greatest effect on the stability of films, the levelof turbulence at the sudden constriction, is much higher than that at the suddenexpansion. In previous studies [4,11] the turbulence at 12 mm was used to study theeffect of turbulence in a similar geometry. The present results indicate the care thatshould be taken in the choice of wall distance for determining the near-wall

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turbulence level if the latter is to be used as a criterion for film stability. Conclusionsbased on the 0.15 mm calculations are in agreement with the observations whereasthe results for 1 mm show the opposite.The velocity fluctuations for the three velocities used are shown in Figure 8. If

velocity fluctuations can be used as a criterion for film removal the followingassumptions can be drawn. For the leading edge complete film growth was preventedwhere the predicted fluctuations at Vb = 0.5 m S-1 are 0.1 m S-I. Fluctuations of 0.17m S-I at Vb = 1.0 m S-I initiated the slow removal of the film at the leading edge ofthe constriction. The fluctuations at Vb = 1.47 m S-1 permitted the complete removalof the film in the constriction. For the sudden expansion, film thinning was observedin the presence of fluctuations of 0.08 m S-I at Vb = 1.0 m S-I. Downstream of thesudden expansion the film removal rate became very low when the removal reachedx = 184 mm where the fluctuations were below 0.09 m S-I.

If a critical value of modelled velocity fluctuations were to be chosen for copperin the present system it would be around 0.1 m S-I.

Flow ---+

-fIl-........0.30e-fIl.:0 0 .20.......,al::3t 0.10::3-r:.0.00-0.01 0.04 0.09 0.14



tMHHHJ v=1.47m/s......... v=1.0 m/s~ v=O.5 m/s

0.19 0.24 0.29

Figure 8 - Predicted velocity fluctuations 0.15 mm from the wall at bulk velocitiesof 0.5, 1.0 and 1.47 m S-I.


The wall shear stress values at Vb = 0.5 - 1.47 m S-I at the leading edge of thesudden constriction, Figure 9, exceed the value of 9.6 Pa reported by Efird [12] for

Page 14: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


the accelerated corrosion of the 99.9% Cu alloy CDA 122, due to the degradationand physical removal of protective films. The values in the small recirculation zonejust downstream of the leading edge of the constriction are also >9.6 Pa at 1.47 mS-I. The maximum downstream of the expansion at x = 155 mm corresponds to thestarting position for complete film removal at 1.47 m S·I. Having said this it must benoted that several [13-15] have questioned whether the small values of.w said to beresponsible for film disruption are indeed capable of physically removing tightlyadherent protective films and the values calculated for the present system, even atthe points of disturbed flow, are small.


It was not obvious in this particular experiment (Table 2) whether mechanicalstripping of the film or dissolution was responsible for the film removal when thevelocity was raised. The mass transfer coefficients calculated on the basis of thetransfer of a species with a Schmidt number of 500 (relevant to the mass transfer ofspecies such as Cu2+ in the present solution) are shown in Figure 10. The rate ofmass transfer at the leading edge of the constriction is seen to be an order ofmagnitude greater than at the reattachment point in the sudden expansion. And ifdissolution of the film and mass transfer played a role in the present experimentthen it is obvious why the film was initially disrupted at the sudden constriction.Loss and Heitz [16], Syrett [13], Lotz and Heitz [17] and Bianchi (14] have

discussed the role of mass transfer in the disruption of protective films on copper.Sydberger and Lotz suggested that there is no analogy between mass transfer andwall shear stress at and near the flow reattachment point where 'w= O. Theysuggested that upstream and immediately downstream of the reattachment point theshear stresses are considerable lower than for fully developed flow. It should benoted however that the highest values of c" and near-wall values of the kineticenergy of turbulence in the sudden expansion are in fact found in the recirculationzone upstream of the reattachment point where the values are higher than in fullydeveloped flow (Figure 5). There is some uncertainty about the coincidence of thereattachment point and the position of maximum mass transfer and the reattachmentpoint [19, 20, 7). There is also some uncertainty about the exact position of thereattachment point itself [21]. And in addition the reattachment point is said toexhibit strong oscillations about its mean position [19]. The film removal thatoccurred in the expansion started in the recirculation zone upstream of the predictedattachment point corresponding to the region of highest turbulence, wall shear stressand mass transfer in the expansion. The modelled reattachment point at 1.47 m S-Iis 12 mm (6 step heights) downstream of the expansion (Figure 5). Lotz andPostlethwaite [11] noted that the maximum rate of mass transfer occurred upstreamof the maximum near-wall turbulence that was also the case in the presentsimulations. The conclusion drawn here is that when mass transfer is involved in thefilm removal process at a sudden expansion the maximum effect will be observed in

Page 15: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow

-;; 15.0c..'Or 5.0.,


'"... -5.0rn

'"Cll -15.0Cll..c=rn- -25.0Cii~-35.0

~ 15.0Cll

c..'Or 5.0.,Ql

'"... -5.0rn

'"Cll -15.0Ql



-;; 15.0~ 5.0.,'"Cll

'"... -5.0rn

Flow ----+


............, v=1.47m/s

~.-....'''...-t --p......."•.-....".-......­G4HHHJ v= 1.0 m/s


............, v=0.5 m/s

'"Cll -15.0Cll..c=rn--25.0Cii~-35.0

-0.01 0.04 0.09 0.14X(m)

0.19 0.24 0.29

Figure 9 - Predicted wall shear stresses at bulk velocities of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.47 m S·l.

Page 16: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


Flow ----+


01 30.0""-8 20.0 -.-\0:

10.0 -


............, 1.47m/s

0.0 .L.~""~!:!:!!:!,!_I:ttiIj_Jj~~~~it:!t:!l!:!!:::!!::!!::!!::!!!::!!::!!::!!:!!:~~40.0 --,----------------------,

0830.0 ­.-\0:""-8 20.0 -.-\0:

10.0 -


lH><HHl 1.0 m / s

....0.0 J.....~!:!!:!!~~_~~~~!ma:lil:::li:l!!:2:!!::!!::!!::!;!:2:!!:!!:!!:!!~40.0 ~-------~---------------,

o 830.0 ­.-\0:""-a20.0 -.-\0:

10.0 -


............., 0.5 m/s


j~:.......a.~~~~~!!!II'~~~!'I~-~:t:If:!i~~~~~~0.0 I I I I I-0.01 0.04 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.24


Figure 10 - Predicted mass transfer coefficients at bulk velocities of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.47 m S·l.

Page 17: Modelling Aqueous Corrosion || Relationship Between Modelled Turbulence Parameters and Corrosion Product Film Stability in Disturbed Single-Phase Aqueous Flow


the recirculating zone upstream of the reattachment point.


The modelled turbulence parameters at 25°C were not too different to those at 44°C and only the near-wall fluctuations for 25°C are presented here (Figure 11) forcomparison with the results at 44 0c.

Flow ---+

Distance from the wall


aeeetJ 0.05 mm-1.00 mm




80.20.......,«l::lt 0.10::l~0.00 -+-,....-,-,-r-,....-,-,-r-T-r--r---r-T-r--r--r-T-r--r--r-,....-,-,--r-,....-,-,--r-r-i-0.01

Figure 11· Predicted velocity fluctuations at O. 15 mm and 1 mm from the wallat 1.49 m S·l and 25°C.


Although there is obviously a strong relationship between the modelled turbulenceparameters and film disruption much work remains to be done before a suitabledisruption criterion is selected from the several parameters that can be modelled.Because of the different mechanical and physicochemical properties of the filmsformed on corroding metals the parameter once selected will have widely varyingcritical values. Once determined the modelling procedure will determine whether ornot the value wig be exceeded at any specified flow rate and in any particulargeometry.

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The major problem that confronts progress in the identification of a suitablecriterion for film disruption by mechanical processes is that the mechanism of filmremoval and the forces involved are not understood. It should be remembered thatdirectly at the wall there are no velocity fluctuations even if bursting phenomena,2involving fast eddy ejection, are taken into account. Bursting phenomena can involvethe removal of a considerable portion but not all of the viscous sub-layer [22] downto the wail. There are however both shear stress [23] and pressure fluctuations [24]directly at the wall and as discussed by Launder [24] future modelling work in thisfield should involve the direct numerical simulation of the turbulence in the viscoussub-layer that would lead to a much greater understanding of the surface transportprocesses.Finally as pointed out by Heitz [1] little is known about the mechanical properties

of corrosion product films and of course this is especially true for in situ films on acorroding surface.


The support of this research by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council ofCanada is gratefully acknowledged.


1. E. Heitz, "Chemo-mechanical Effects ofHow on Corrosion", in Flow-Induced Corrosion:Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience, K. 1. Kennelley, R. H. Hausler and D. C.Silverman, eds., NACE, Houston, 1991, 1-1 to 1-29.

2. J. L. Dawson and c.c. Shih, "Corrosion under Flowing Conditions-An Overview andModel," ibid, 2-1 -2-12.

3. E. F. C. Somerscales and H. Sanatgar, "Hydrodynamic Removal of Corrosion ProductsFrom a Surface", British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 27 No.1, 1992,36-44.

4. S. Nesic and J. Postlethwaite, "Relationship Between the Structure of Disturbed Flowand Erosion-Corrosion", Corrosion, Vol. 46, No 11, 1990,874-880.

5. H. Zeisel and F. Durst, "Computations of Erosion-Corrosion Processes in SeparatedTwo-Phase Flows," in ''Flow-Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and IndustryExperience", K. J. KenneIIey, R. H. Hausler and D. C. Silverman, eds., NACE, Houston,1991, 9-1 to 9-21.

6. S. Nesic and 1. Postlethwaite, "A Predictive Model for Erosion-Corrosion," Corrosion,Vol. 47, No.8, 1991, 582-591.

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7. S. Nesic, J. Postlethwaite and D. J. Bergstrom, "Calculation ofWail Mass Transfer Ratesin Separated Aqueous Flow Using a Low Reynolds Number k-E Model", Int. 1. Heat MassTransfer, Vol. 35, No.8, 1992,1977-1985.

8. A. Cohen, "Corrosion by Potable Water in Building Systems", Materials Perfonnance,Vol. 32, No.8, 1993,56-61.

9. S. Nesic, G. Adamopoulos, J. Postlethwaite and D. J. Bergstrom, "Modelling ofTurbulent Flow and Mass Transfer with Wall function and Low Reynolds NumbersClosures", Can. J. Chern. Eng., Vol. 71, Feb., 1993, 28-34.

10. C. K. G. Lam and K. Bremhorst, "A Modified Form of the k-E Model for PredictingWall Turbulence", ASME 1. Fluids Eng., Vol. 103, 1981,456-460.

11. U. Lotz and J. Postlethwaite, "Erosion-Corrosion in Disturbed Two PhaseLiquidlParticie Flow", Corrosion Science, Vol. 30, No.1, 1990, 95-106.

12. K. D. Efird, "Effect of Fluid Dynamics on the Corrosion of Copper Base Alloys in SeaWater", Corrosion, Vol. 33, No.1, 1977, 3-8.

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