modelling the effects of toxic metal mixtures on … · metal (total metal, free ion (m2+) or...

i MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON THE REPRODUCTION OF EISENIA VENETA IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOIL Stephanie Sdepanian April 2011 Environmental Science Department Lancaster Environment Centre Faculty of Science and Technology Lancaster University

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Page 1: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose







Stephanie Sdepanian

April 2011

Environmental Science Department

Lancaster Environment Centre

Faculty of Science and Technology

Lancaster University

Page 2: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


This Thesis is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Previously, toxicity studies have mainly focused on the responses of organisms to

single toxicants; however the importance of studying mixtures of toxicants is now

being recognised, along with the importance of speciation as a modifier of toxic

effect. The aim of this study was to improve our understanding of the toxic

response of the compost worm Eisenia veneta to cadmium, copper and zinc by

integrating understanding of speciation effects into existing mixture models. Adult

earthworm tests were carried out in four soils with different pH and organic matter

contents, spiked with varying single and mixed doses of Cu/Zn and Cd/Zn. The

reproduction rate of the earthworms after a four week exposure was studied. The

three metals had different levels of toxicity in different soils. There were clear

differences in the responses of the earthworms to the toxic metals in the different

soils, and the extent of metal mixture interaction found depended on the form of

metal (total metal, free ion (M2+

) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective

concentrations) used to express the dose to the organisms. Mixture interactions

were different when expressed in different metal forms and in the four soils.

Detailed analysis of the different chemical species provides further insight into

how the soil environment instigates the observed mixture effects. The results from

this study support the need to consider bioavailability and mixture effects in

toxicity studies.

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I hereby declare that the dissertation, submitted for the degree of Doctorate of

Philosophy and entitled ―Modelling the effects of toxic metal mixtures on the

reproduction of Eisenia veneta in different types of soil‖, represents my own work

and has not been previously submitted to this or any other institution for any

degree, diploma or other qualification.

Stephanie Sdepanian

April 2011

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Firstly I would take great pleasure in thanking the UK Natural Environmental

Research Council for funding the PhD project. Also thanks go to Lancaster

University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster (and Monks

Wood) for support and providing all necessary equipment and amenities.

Sincere thanks go to my supervisors for all their support and advice; Hao Zhang,

Stephen Lofts and David Spurgeon for providing a great deal of guidance

throughout the project and helpful comments on manuscripts. Special thanks go to

Claus Svendsen for all his help with mixture modelling and providing support with

various aspects of my project.

I would also like to acknowledge the help of a number of colleagues at Lancaster

University and at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in demonstrating various

analytical techniques and providing a variety of helpful advice.

Finally, personal thanks go to my mentor Stephan Thackeray for all his help,

support and patience during my PhD. Also to my parents, family and friends; the

rehydration support group.

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Chapter One: General introduction


1.1 Heavy metals in the soil environment 1

1.2 Earthworms 4

1.3 Metal availability 6

1.4 Chemical influences on metal bioavailability 7

1.5 Biological processes influencing bioavailability 11

1.6 Predicting bioavailability 12

1.7 The FIAM and biotic ligand (BLM) models 15

1.8 The BLM in the terrestrial environment 17

1.9 Mixture Toxicity 18

1.10 Mixture toxicity reference models of non-interaction 20

1.11 Deviation from mixture toxicity reference models 22

1.12 The BLM and mixtures 23

1.13 Research aims 25

1.14 Thesis outline 26

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Chapter Two: Experimental design and source material


2.1 Introduction 28

2.2 Soil Preparation 28

2.3 Test species 32

2.4 Toxicity testing 33

2.5 Biological effects of nitrate salts and pH 34

2.6 Total metal concentrations in soil 35

2.7 Soil solution separation and analysis 36

2.8 Chemical speciation modelling 38

2.9 Data analysis and statistics 38

2.10 Overview of experimental design 39

Chapter Three: Introductory experimental results


3.1 Introduction 40

3.2 Initial results 40

3.3 The biological effects of pHsolution and nitrate salt 41

3.4 Temporal effects on cocoon production 44

3.5 Mixture exposure results 46

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Chapter Four: Effects of soil and soil solution characteristics on the toxicity of Cd,

Cu and Zn to Eisenia veneta in diverse soils……….........…………………....47

4.1 Introduction and background 47

4.2 Study outline 51

4.3 Methods 52

4.3.1 The ‘Information-theoretic’ approach 52

4.4 Results 53

4.5 Discussion 69

4.6 Conclusions 75

Chapter Five: Integrating chemical parameters to mixture modelling techniques:

Joint toxic effects of Cu and Zn to the earthworm Eisenia


5.1 Introduction and background 76

5.2 Study outline 80

5.3 Methods 81

5.3.1 Mixture modelling and statistics 81

5.4 Results 83

5.5 Demonstration of mixture behaviour patterns 85

5.6 Discussion 87

5.7 Conclusions 91

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Chapter Six: Mixture effects of Cd and Zn mixtures on the compost worm Eisenia


6.1 Introduction and background 92

6.2 Study outline 95

6.3 Methods 96

6.3.1 Mixture modelling and statistics 96

6.4 Results 97

6.5 Demonstration of mixture behaviour patterns 100

6.6 Discussion 102

6.7 Conclusions 106

Chapter Seven: On the application of DGT to describing the toxicity of Cadmium

Copper and Zinc to Eisenia veneta………………………...............................107

7.1 Introduction and background 107

7.2 Study outline 110

7.3 Methods 111

7.3.1 DGT soil deployment 111

7.3.2 Calculating DGT effective concentrations 112

7.4 Results 113

7.5 Discussion 121

7.6 Using DGT to investigate the basis of synergism and

antagonism in mixtures 125

7.7 Conclusions 129

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Chapter Eight: Further discussion and concluding remarks...............…….130

8.1 Physiochemical soil properties and effects on metal toxicity


8.2 Metal properties effecting toxicity 132

8.3 Metal form and the role of speciation in explaining metal toxicity


8.4 Further work and future direction 134





Appendix 1: Testing the effects of nitrate salt to the reproduction of the

earthworm Eisenia veneta 165

Appendix 2: Toxicity of inorganic mercury to Eisenia veneta 168

Appendix 3: Applying ‘fingerprint’ profiling techniques to study

the effects of toxic chemicals to earthworms 183

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Chapter One

1.1 Geochemical speciation in soils 7

1.2 Diagram of the biotic ligand model 17

Chapter two

2.1 Field site at Thetford 30

2.2 Mixture experiment design 32

2.3 Deployment of Rhizon and DGT devices 37

2.4 Overview of experimental design 39

Chapter three

3.1 Effect of pH on reproduction in Acidic compost 43

3.2 Temporal effects on cocoon production 46

Chapter four

4.1 Dose response curves for Cu, Cd and Zn 54

4.2 Regression models for total metal 58

4.3 Comparing Zn estimated and observed EC50 values 60

4.4 Comparing Cu estimated and observed EC50 values 61

4.5 Added vs. soil solution metal 62

4.6 Soil solution pH vs. Free metal ion EC50 65

4.7 Dose response curves of Cd showing Ca correction 68

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Chapter five

5.1 Synergism for Cu/Zn in Kettering loam soil 86

5.2 Additivity for Cu/Zn in Neutral compost 86

Chapter six

6.1 Synergism for Cd/Zn in Kettering loam soil 101

6.2 Antagonism for Cu/Zn in Acidic compost 101

Chapter seven

7.1 Metal EC50 values expressed as CE again soil pH 115

7.2 Dose response curves for Cd, Cu and Zn expressed as CE 116

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Chapter two

2.1 Characteristics of test soils 30

2.2 Ranges of dosed metal in each soil 31

Chapter four

4.1 (EC50) and (EC10) values of Cd 56

4.2 (EC50) and (EC10) values of Cu 56

4.3 (EC50) and (EC10) values of Zn 57

Chapter five

5.1 Mixture model fitting parameters 82

5.2 Mixture toxicity results for Cu/Zn 83-84

Chapter six

6.1 Mixture toxicity results for Cd/Zn 98-99

Chapter seven

7.1 EC50 and EC10 values of Cd, Cu and Zn expressed CE (ppb) 114

7.2 Mixture modelling outcomes for Cu/Zn expressed as CE (ppb) 118

7.3 Mixture modelling outcomes for Cd/Zn expressed as CE (ppb) 120

Chapter eight

8.1 Comparison of Zn EC50 values in two mixtures 132

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Chapter one

Equation one. Complexation process with dissolved ligands 9

Equation two. Metal binding in solution 15

Equation three. Metal binding to the biotic ligand 15

Equation four. Concentration addition model 20

Equation five. Independent action model 21

Equation six. ‘Critical concentration’ calculation 23

Chapter two

Equation seven. Dose-response log-logistic model 38

Chapter three

Equation eight. pH effect in Kettering loam 42

Equation nine. pH effect in Thetford soil 42

Equation ten. pH effect in compost 42

Equation eleven. Reproduction rate standardising 43

Equation twelve. Standardising response against alternative maximum 43

Chapter four

Equation thirteen. Sample size for ‘information-theoretic’ approach 52

Equation fourteen. Calculating AICc 52

Equation fifteen. Regression model equations for Cd 58

Equation sixteen. Regression model equations for Cu 58

Equation seventeen. Regression model equations for Zn 58

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Equation eighteen. Estimating Zn EC50 values 59

Equation nineteen. Calculating CEC values 59

Equation twenty. Estimating Cu EC50 values 60

Equation twenty one. Calcium correction of Cd toxicity data 67

Chapter seven

Equation twenty two. Metal accumulation on DGT resin gel 112

Equation twenty three. Calculating DGT available concentration 112

Equation twenty four. Calculating DGT effective concentration 113

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Chapter One

General Introduction

1.1 Heavy metals in the soil environment

Soils are a vital part of the terrestrial environment. They provide a habitat for the

growth of micro-organisms, invertebrates and plants which in turn sustain higher

organisms and provide essential ecosystem services. Soils are heterogeneous

mixtures of organic and mineral solids that incorporate aqueous and gaseous

mediums. The organic matter fraction includes the decomposed fragments of litter

as well as living organisms such as bacteria. Mineral solids in soil can be divided,

according to their size, into clay (>2µm), silt (2µm – 60µm) and sand (60µm –

2mm). The mineral fraction mainly consists of weathered rock material, such as

oxides, as well as larger rock fragments (Cooke, 2007).

Weathering of parent rock can lead to the release of heavy metals into the soil

(Newman, 2003). Heavy metals exist in relatively low concentration in the natural

environment in comparison to the concentration that can be associated with

industrialised sites. Natural sources of heavy metals include weathering of parent

rock and atmospheric deposition (e.g. windblown dust or from volcanic activity),

the residence time of metals in soils is controlled by processes such as leaching

(Alloway, 1995; Ure and Davidson, 1995). Heavy metals are widely spread and

some, such as (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn and V), are known to be important

micronutrients needed for biochemical process in many organisms (Demuynck et

al., 2007). Generally the biogeochemical cycles governing the release of heavy

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metals into the environment are at a steady state. However, anthropogenic inputs

have disrupted this balance (Fergusson, 1990).

Human activities have left many parts of the environment with elevated

concentrations of heavy metals in soils. Anthropogenic sources resulting of heavy

metals include the deposition of industrial emissions, application of sewage sludge

to the land (Koptsik et al., 2005) as well as mining activity. Some sources are by-

products (secondary sources) such as the release of mercury due to the smelting

and mining of copper and zinc as well as the burning of fossil fuel (Lock and

Janssen, 2001).

Heavy metals originating from anthropogenic sources, as opposed to weathered

material from parent rocks, tend to be in a more mobile reactive form than the

metals native to the soil (Iskandar and Kirkham, 2001). As noted, concentrations

of heavy metals in soil have increased in recent decades due to their intensified use

in industry, application of sewage sludge to the soil (Koptsik et al., 2005), and

indirectly through secondary sources, such as mining activity and the burning of

fossil fuels (Lock and Janssen, 2001a). The numerous sources, natural and

anthropogenic, of heavy metals result in almost all soils containing mixtures of

metals (Demuynck et al., 2007). Continuous industrial and agricultural activity,

and the persistent nature of the metals, is worsening the issue of heavy metal

contamination especially at this time in the developing region of the world.

Heavy metal contamination begun to draw political and economical attention due

to the decline in ‗clean‘ land available for development and the consequent re-use

of many contaminated field sites (Davies et al., 2003). Further risks involved with

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heavy metal contamination present the possibility of groundwater contamination

and the accumulation of the heavy metals through the food chain

(biomagnification), which may eventually cause adverse human health effects

(Alloway, 1995; Loureiro et al., 2005). There are a number of policy regimes in

operation within the UK and European Union member states involved in

monitoring and regulating heavy metal contamination within the environment.

European Union directives are in place in association with the metal industries

governing Cu and Zn risk assessment procedures. The United Nations Economic

Commission for Europe (UNECE) 1979 Convention on Long Range

Transboundary Air Pollution includes the 1998 protocol on heavy metals within a

total of 8 protocols. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) provides scientific

support and advice for risk assessment of uranium, cadmium, mercury, lead and

arsenic in food. The UK based Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA)

project, operating under the Environmental Protection Act of 1990, makes

available tools to estimate risk to people from soil contaminants, including heavy


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1.2 Earthworms

Earthworms constitute a large proportion of the biomass of soil; effects on

earthworm communities will largely affect the fertility of the terrestrial

environment (Spurgeon et al., 2003). Earthworms maintain soil fertility by

fulfilling numerous vital functions to the ecosystem such as mixing of soil layers,

organic matter degradation and soil aeration (Arnold and Hodson, 2007).

Earthworms are an example of soil-dwelling organisms at risk from heavy metal

contamination, and are among the groups thought to be more at risk than many

other groups of soil invertebrates (Demuynck et al., 2007). This is because

earthworms are in intimate contact with the solid soil phase, and soil solution

(Spurgeon et al., 2006). Their body walls steadily exchange fluids with the

surrounding soil through a moist film maintained over the body (Brusca and

Brusca, 2002).

Observed toxic effects of metals on earthworms in laboratory studies include

mortality (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1995, 1996a; Spurgeon et al., 1994, 2000),

reduced cocoon production (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1996a; Spurgeon et al., 2000),

reduced cocoon viability (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1996b; Van Gestel et al., 1992),

decrease in growth rates (Van Gestel et al., 1991; Khalil et al., 1996) and a range

of biochemical responses to trace metal exposure such as gene expression or

metabolic functions. Adverse effects of heavy metals in earthworms have also

been observed in field conditions at the landscape scale. For example, heavy metal

contamination has been found to reduce species richness from six to one in a study

carried out on the alluvial plain of Scarpe-Escault in northern France (Nahmani et

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al., 2003). Further, effects on population density and distribution of earthworms

have also been observed in field situations associated with specific known point

sources. A study by Spurgeon and Hopkin (1996a) studied the effects of metal

concentrations of the population density and species distribution at 22 sites around

a smelting works at Avonmouth, UK. They found that total earthworm density

decreased with increasing metal concentrations and some earthworm species (e.g.

Lumbricus rubellus) were more tolerant than other species (e.g. Aporrectodea

rosea) and therefore present at more contaminated areas. Another study in three

different areas around metal industries in Finland found that earthworm diversity,

density, and biomass decreased with increasing proximity to the emission sources

(Lukkari et al., 2004).

Clearly as outlined, heavy metal contamination of soils presents a widespread

problem. Accumulation of the metals in soil organisms and plants growing in the

soil may cause damage to organisms further along the food chain (Alloway, 1995).

Earthworms (Oligochaetes) are detritivores and tend to accumulate residues such

as heavy metals, therefore there is a large potential for the transfer of the pollutants

up the food chain (Spurgeon et al., 2003). The survival and condition of birds and

small mammals that feed on earthworms have been linked to metal accumulation

in earthworms (Demuynck et al., 2007); this is also known as secondary poisoning

(Spurgeon et al., 2003). Soil dwelling organisms are at highest risk from the toxic

effects of heavy metals, as they come into direct contact with the contaminated

soil (Demuynck et al., 2007), and the metals are readily absorbed into living tissue

(Landis and Yu, 2004).

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As a result of the role of earthworms in the terrestrial environment, they are

regarded as important environmental indicators and play an essential role in

ecotoxicological risk assessment. Their avoidance behaviour from heavily

contaminated areas is regarded as an early warning sign for polluted soils (Natal

da Luz et al., 2004). They are ideal organisms for toxicity assessment as their

route of exposure to heavy metal in soils is representative of a number of other

soil-dwelling organisms being in direct contact with the soil solid phase and soil

pore-water, which are the main routes of exposure for most species in the soil

(Spurgeon et al., 2006).

1.3 Metal availability

The classical viewpoint of environmental toxicology divides toxicological studies

into three stages: the interaction between the pollutant and environment, the

interaction of the pollutant at the site of uptake into the organism and the

disruption of the functioning of the organism through interactions with biological

receptors (Landis and Yu, 2004). The interaction between the organism and the

polluting metal is dependent on rates of metal uptake (toxicokinetics) and then

metal binding at the site of action (toxicodynamics). The extent to which the metal

can interact with the organism is related to the toxic effect caused (Campbell,

1995; Spurgeon et al., 2003). Results from various studies show that a certain level

of contamination (concentration of metal) causes different levels of effect under

different chemical and physical conditions (Sauvé et al., 2000). This indicates that

environmental condition can control the rate of supply (availability) of the metal to

the organisms. There are a number of factors controlling metal availability to

organisms, defining the amount of bioavailable metal is a compound concept of

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chemical and biological processes (Hamelink et al., 1994). Observations

concerning the effect of soil type and pH on metal toxicity to organisms have been

documented in a number of cases. An early study by Reuther et al. (1953) found

the toxicity of copper to citrus seedlings was linked to soil pH and soil

characteristics. In a study on the toxicity, and bioavailability, of Cd to Folsomia

candida, in artificial soils with different pH and different organic matter content,

the sensitivity of the species was found to be determined by the internal

concentrations and the different soil characteristics (Crommentuijn et al., 1997).

1.4 Chemical influences on metal bioavailability

The availability of metals is determined by both physical and chemical processes

governing the distribution of metals in the soil. The total metal content of the soil

is divided between the solid and solution phases (Fig 1.1).







Free metal

Precipitates and















Free metal

Precipitates and









Figure 1.1: A simplification of the geochemical speciation in soils (Salomons et

al., 1995 simplified).

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Metals in the solid phase exist mainly as precipitates, adsorbed onto soil surfaces

and occluded into soil particles (Ure and Davidson, 1995; Solomons et al., 1995).

Metals in the solid form are less mobile then those in the solution phase. Heavy

metals in soils move from more mobile phases in soil solution and exchange sites

to less mobile phases the longer they remain in the soil (Davies et al., 2003). As

the metals bind to the soil a proportion becomes in-extractable and is immobilised

(Cappuynus and Swennen, 2006; Ford et al., 1997). This process is known as

ageing and has been found to be an important driver of temporal changes in metal

toxicity in laboratory and field studies. The processes of precipitation of metals

and occlusion into microporous material, which ultimately control ageing, are

slow processes that not only lead to a decrease in the concentration of metal

available but also cause changes in metal speciation with time. These slow

processes that contribute to the persistence of heavy metals in soils (Selim and

Sparks, 2001). Extensive binding of metal to soil ligands in the solid phase is

important in controlling the concentration of free metal ion in the soil solution.

In the soil solution metals may be present in the soluble form, exchangeable form

or complexed with organic and inorganic ligands (Ure and Davidson, 1995).

Organic ligands include organic matter (e.g. dissolved organic carbon), which has

been recognized as an important binding phase in many soils (Almas et al., 2007),

and inorganic ligands include hydrous oxides and carbonates (Ure and Davidson,

1995; Allen et al., 1995). The solution phase governs the downward and lateral

movement of metal through the soil (Almas et al., 2007). The mobility of metals in

soils is important in determining the ultimate concentrations and positions within

the soil profile. Soil properties such as pH, clay content, organic matter content,

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and iron containing minerals, the nature of parent material as well as rainfall and

micro-organisms are all factors controlling the soil profile of a given metal

(Fergusson, 1990).

The solid-solution partitioning of a metal in soil is controlled primarily by

complexation, ion exchange and precipitation-dissolution processes (Salomons et

al., 1995; Kopstik et al., 2005).

Complexation denotes the binding of an ion to a ligand. This is done by the

formation of a chemical bond which can include the formation of chemical bonds

to the soil solid surface and complexations with dissolved ligands. The process can

be summarized (1);

xM + yL = MxLy (1)

Where M is the heavy metal and L is the ligand or surface (Kopstik et al., 2005).

Ion exchange refers to the process where ions in solution build up against a surface

due to the charges on the surface and that of the ion. No chemical reaction occurs

to make a chemical bond. Charged surfaces can include clays and humic

substances (Ure and Davidson, 1995; Kopstik et al., 2005).

The processes that control the solid-solution partitioning of the metals are affected

by soil conditions. These soil conditions include pH and the cation exchange

capacity (CEC). Increasing the pH or the CEC increases the number of sorption

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sites available on clay minerals, hydrous oxides or organic matter and may lead to

a larger amount of metal adsorbed to the soil component (Ure and Davidson,

1995), alternatively increase the proportion of complexes that are mobile in the

soil solution (Almas et al., 2007). The CEC is the ability of the soil to exchange

and fix ions. Organic matter and clays increase the CEC of the soil as they are

good ion exchangers. The strength of sorption of the cations is determined by

either their charge M3+


>M+ or the ionic radius of the hydrated cation

(Fergusson, 1990). The pH is a measure of the acidity of the soil. Soil pH is

influenced by cations released from clay component in the soil. This is controlled

by a number of other processes, for example the degree of mineral weathering, the

nature of the parent material, atmospheric inputs and biological activity. The pH

changes the overall charge of the surfaces in soils due to of the exchange of

cations, e.g. exchanging Mg2+

for Al3+

. Increases in pH values make the charge

more negative, and decreases in pH make the charge more positive. These changes

are caused by the protonation and de-protonation of the functional groups on the

surfaces and changes of the amount of bound H+ (Allen et al., 1995).

Dissolved organic matter may ultimately control metal solubility in two further

ways: by sorption of the organic ligand bound to metal oxide surfaces, for

example, to the soil which results in increased sorption to the solid phase;

alternatively by competition with the metal for the soil surface which results in a

decrease in metal sorption to the solid phase (Koptsik et al., 2005).

Clearly soil chemistry has a large role to play in determining the behaviour of

metals, since soil characteristics have a great influence on chemical speciation and

ultimately bioavailability (Campbell, 1995; Lock and Janssen, 2002). When

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assessing the toxicity of metals it is important to understand the processes

controlling the speciation of metals in soil. This is not only important with regards

to the solid and solution phase, but also the species of the metal in the dissolved

phase. Many studies in the literature report that one species (or form) of metal is

more available to cause toxic effects than other forms. For example, copper has

been shown to be taken up in larger quantities by Italian ryegrass and red clover

when it is found in positively charged forms as opposed to the elemental or

negatively charged forms (Ure and Davidson, 1995), indicating the importance of

not only the concentration of metal in the soil but also the metal species present.

Consequently during the assessment of metal effects it is important to consider the

amount of soil bound metal that would be available to exchange with the soil

solution and determine the concentration of the free metal ion (Lofts et al., 2004).

1.5 Biological processes influencing bioavailability

Physiochemical properties of the soil environment have an important role in

controlling metal availability to soil dwelling organisms, as discussed in section

1.4. These organisms also have an effect on the metal availability due to the

biological processes they control. For example microbial communities degrading

organic matter will subsequently release the organically bound heavy metal into

the soil solution (Rada et al., 1996). Evidence has shown that the introducing

earthworms to heavy metal contaminated soils leads to changes in metal

fractionation (Li et al., 2009).

Earthworms as soft-bodied organisms are able to absorb soluble metal ions

through dermal exposure routes as well as through ingestion, though studies have

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shown that the former largely contributes to the uptake of heavy metals (Saxe et

al., 2001; Vijver et al., 2003). Uptake of the free metal ion (M2+

) into the organism

can also be limited by competition from protons and other cations in solution,

which results in a protective effect to the organism (Steenbergen et al., 2005).

Biochemical mechanisms enable the earthworm to regulate the reactive metal

concentrations both of essential (Cu and Zn) and non-essential (Cd) metals,

through various detoxification methods. These include the production of

metallothioneins and metal-binding proteins and peptides, increased excretion

(Kostera et al., 2006) and storage in inorganic granules located within the

chlorogogenous tissue (Morgan et al., 2002). Different mechanisms are known to

dominate the process involved in detoxification depending on characteristics of the

metal to which the species is exposed (essential or non- essential; hard or soft


Earthworm excretions in the form of urine or casts have different composition in

terms of metal content and microbial population to the rest of the soil environment

(Li et al., 2009). Consequently, earthworms appear to increase the availability of

heavy metals in soils by altering soil pH, dissolved organic matter content,

microbial activity as well physical changes to the soil, for example improved

aeration (Sizmur et al., 2009).

1.6 Predicting bioavailability

Recent studies have attempted to measure, or model, the available fraction of

metals by studying processes that are known to influence metal availability.

Different approaches were used.

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Dissolved metal in the soil solution exists in part as the free metal ion. The free

metal ion is thought to be the best index of bioavailability (Di Toro et al., 2001;

Becquer et al., 2005). As bioavailability is related to the speciation of the metal it

has been suggested that it can be predicted using soil characteristics. The cation

exchange capacity, pH and organic matter content along with total metal

concentration have been used to predict metal bioavailability in the soil (Lock and

Janssen, 2001b; Van Gestel and Koolhaas, 2004; Peijnenburg et al., 1997). It is

often proposed that the crucial measure of bioavailability is the uptake of metal

into the organism since this rate governs the overall internal concentration which

is linked to toxicity effect (see below). Consequently, many studies have used the

concentration of metal in the organism, the body burden (Newman, 2003), as a

measure of the bioavailable fraction (Van Straalen et al., 2005). Metal

concentrations calculated through chemical extractions that have been shown to

correlate well with the total body burden of the earthworm have also been used.

Examples are Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) multi-element soil

extraction (Dai et al., 2004) and a weak electrolyte soil extraction technique (i.e.

acetic acid) (Weljte, 1998; Posthuma et al, 1997; Lukkari et al., 2004). Although

the results of some of these approaches correlate well with effects of specific

metals, the methods do not provide an overall approach to measuring


The Critical body residue (CBR) concept is an accepted approach for the

assessment of the adverse effects on organisms, independent of species, where the

CBR is the highest internal concentration of toxicant that will not cause an effect

on the organism (McCarty and MacKay, 1993). While it was found to be useful

for organic compounds (Parkerton and Konkel, 2000) it was not a suitable tool for

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the assessment of metals (Indeherberg et al., 1999). Further, it has been widely

questioned whether the concept of a CBR can really be justified on the basis of

what is known about the nature of the link between external concentration and

effect. While rising internal metal concentrations are known to be associated with

increased effect (Baas et al., 2007), it is likely that these effects in individuals are

the result of relative stochastic processes rather than truly representing differences

in the CBR within individuals. Thus, in a population exposed at an LC50

concentration the actual individuals within the population that die can do so

largely by chance rather than because they have an inherently lower threshold of

critical body residues for lethal effects.

An alternative to measuring uptake directly into organisms is through the use of

bio-mimicking techniques. A prominent example widely used for metals is DGT

(diffusive gradients in thin films) (Harper et al., 1999). DGT uses a chelex-resin

layer to accumulate metals, the concentration of metal accumulated can then be

related to the concentration of metal available to a sink from the solution phase (by

diffusion) as well as release from the solid phase. This concentration is known as

the effective concentration of labile metal (CE) (Zhang et al., 2001). DGT mimics

the main mechanism of plant uptake, making a dynamic measurement that takes

into account the rate of transport and release of the metal. DGT was successful in

correlating with the toxic effects observed to plants (Zhang et al., 2001). As

previously mentioned the main route of metal uptake for earthworms is thought to

be through dermal exposure, which relies on the same principles as plant root

uptake. DGT may therefore be a useful principle for the quantification of metal

bioavailability to earthworms.

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1.7 The FIAM and biotic ligand (BLM) models

The biotic ligand model (BLM) has been proposed as a tool to evaluate the effects

of chemistry on speciation and bioavailability of metals in aquatic environments. It

is a chemical equilibrium based model that takes into consideration the importance

of bioavailability on the potential toxic effects on the organism (Fig 1.2) (Santore

et al., 2001; Paquina et al., 2002). The metal-organism interaction part of the BLM

is based on the free ion activity model (FIAM) (Tessier and Turner, 1995).

The FIAM is a conceptual model that illustrates how the extent of adverse effects

on the organism can be related to the metal speciation and its interaction with the

organism (Paquina et al., 2002). The FIAM assumes that the amount of metal

bound to the biotic ligand is proportional to the biological response, and that the

solution is in equilibrium (Tessier and Turner, 1995)(2). Where;


+ L ML (2)

For the solution equilibrium, where M is the metal cation and L is the dissolved

ligand in solution (3).


+ -X-Cell M-X-cell (3)

For the surface reaction, where X-cell is the binding site at the organism cell


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The key assumptions are that the plasma membrane is the primary site for metal

interaction with the organism, the reaction (ML + -X-cell) is possible and

moreover that the reactions are not the rate limiting step and the biological surface

remains unchanged during the exposure (Tessier and Turner, 1995). The biological

part of the BLM is based on the gill surface interaction model (GSIM); this model

supposes that the concentration of metal bound to the fish gill is proportional to

the acute toxicity observed in the fish (Pagenkopf, 1983). The BLM takes into

account the competition of protons and other cations in solution at the site of

action which leads to a protective effect on the level of toxicity to the organism

(Pagenkopf, 1983; Di Toro et al., 2001). The site of action is treated as a biotic

ligand to which metals bind (Di Toro et al., 2001). As long as the identity of the

metal is not significant but only the fact that it is binding to the biotic ligand, and

thereby disrupting ion regulation, then any toxic metal would exhibit a similar

effect and equal toxicity at the site of action. While this is true for the site of action

the identity, and in turn chemistry, of the metal will lead to differences in

interaction strengths. The implication is different levels of effect for each metal

per unit of concentration.

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Competing Cations




Site of Action

Inorganic Ligand


Organic Matter


M-DOC M2+ M-Biotic Ligand







Competing Cations




Site of Action

Inorganic Ligand


Organic Matter


M-DOC M2+ M-Biotic Ligand







Figure 1.2: Diagram of the biotic ligand model. Processes governing the amount of

free metal ion binding to the biotic ligand (Di Toro et al., 2001).

1.8 The BLM in the terrestrial environment

A vital assumption in toxicology is that metal toxicity occurs as a consequence of

free metal ions reacting with the biotic ligand at the organism-solution interface.

In turn, toxicity mechanisms are assumed to be similar for aquatic and terrestrial

organisms. This is due to the similarity between the binding sites for H+ and Na


in aquatic organisms and earthworms. Thus it has been postulated that the BLM

can be applied to terrestrial organisms, even though the routes of uptake in soil are

more complex than water (Steenbergen et al., 2005). Working on this hypothesis,

the Terrestrial BLM (TBLM) has been developed. Like the BLM, the TBLM relies

on the assumption that the soil bound metal is in equilibrium with the metal in

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solution. Metal ions react at the receptor site with the biotic ligand and the reaction

is limited by competition from other cations. The toxicity is therefore related to the

fraction of biotic ligands that are occupied by the divalent metal (free metal ion)

(Di Toro et al., 2001; Thakali et al., 2006a).

Even though it is thought that the BLM is not valid for sub-lethal effects (Kostera

et al., 2006), the TBLM was able to predict within a factor of two of the observed

values, the EC50 (concentration of the metal causing a 50% effect) values for two

metals (Cu and Ni) corresponding to six biological endpoints (including

earthworm cocoon production (Eisenia fetida) and springtail juvenile production

(Folsomia candida)) for soil invertebrates, plants and microbes in different soils

(Thakali et al., 2006a; Thakali et al., 2006b).

1.9 Mixture toxicity

Soil organisms inhabiting contaminated field sites are usually exposed to mixtures

of toxic metals (Weltje, 1998), however, soil based toxicological studies have

mainly focused on the effects and bioavailability of single metals. Current risk

assessment procedures also rely on the effects of single metals (Spurgeon et al.,

2005). There is a body of evidence that suggests that joint toxic effects of metals

differ from the toxic effect that would be expected given single metal toxicity

(Van Gestel and Hensbergen, 1997; Posthuma et al., 1997). In the soil

environment mixture effects will be subject to chemical interaction in the soil,

competition at the stage of metal uptake as well as at the site of action (Calamari

and Alabaster, 1980) for metals with the same site of action. Although attempts to

classify the combined effects of toxicants started at the beginning of the 20th

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century, information on the interactions among metals, and their combined effects,

is limited.

Mixture toxicity is usually analysed by comparing the observed combined effect

of the metal mixture with the predicted effects of a model. Many approaches have

been developed to assess joint mixture effects; one approach concerning two key

concepts has gained popularity (Greco et al., 1992; Cassee et al., 1998). This is

that the joint effects of multiple chemicals are additive. The additive approach

relies on two models which describe the observed mixture effects as a function of

the toxicity of the individual components in the mixture. These are known as the

Concentration Addition (CA) and Independent Action (IA) models (Lock and

Janssen, 2002; Jonker et al., 2005). Theoretically, if the metals have similar modes

of action then their joint toxicity should be better described using the CA model,

and if they have different modes of action then the IA model can be used. The

ability to fit data to either model, however, is not indicative of the modes of action

functioning and in reality it is often difficult to conceptually choose which model

should be applied given that chemical may have multiple and/or unknown modes

of action in the studied species.

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1.10 Mixture toxicity reference models of non-interaction

Loewe and Muischnek (1926) are accredited as the first to introduce a model for

describing mixtures where the components have similar modes of action, the CA

model. This model assumes that the overall effect of the mixture can be expressed

as the sum of the individual components in the mixture (4).

Where n is the number of components in the mixture and ci is the concentration of

the ith

component which results in x% effect. ECxi corresponds to the

concentration of that component which causes an x% effect and the term ci/ ECxi,

also known as the toxic unit, scales the concentration of the component in the

mixture for its relative toxicity (Jonker, 2003). Thus using known fractions of a

known response value (for example the EC50 values) of the single metals it is

possible to make up the toxic unit of a mixture (Khalil et al., 1996; Posthuma et

al., 1997). The toxic unit scales the relative toxicity of each component so that if

the toxicity of the mixture equals the sum of the individual fractions the sum is

equal to one, and CA holds. The total effect is considered ‗additive‘. The EC50

concentration is considered more reliable compared to concentrations denoting

other level effects (e.g. EC10) (Rombke et al., 2006). It is commonly used to

express the toxic unit, however any other concentrations (e.g. EC10, EC25 for sub-

lethal effects, LC10, LC50 for lethal effects) can be used.

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The other model for non-interaction is the IA model first proposed by Bliss

(1939). The IA model is based on the suggestion that the components in the

mixture have different modes of action, and will act dissimilarly (5).

Where Y is the measured biological response and u0 is the either the maximum

response (e.g. mortality) or the control response (e.g. reproduction). For a mixture

of n components, qi(ci) is the probability no response will be observed functionally

related to the concentration c of component i (Jonker, 2003).

The relevance of the CA and IA models to eco-toxicological studies has been

demonstrated for chemicals with similar and dissimilar modes of action (Backhaus

et al., 2000; Faust et al., 2001). The use of the CA concept can be traced back to

the early version of the BLM, the GSIM, which assumes an additive effect, and

describes the relationship between the concentration of the pollutant bound to the

gill surface and the concentration of the same pollutant species in the surrounding

solution (Pagenkopf, 1983). CA is perceived as the obvious choice when

considering mixtures of chemicals that have a similar mode of action and little

interaction between them (Posthuma et al., 1997), it has also been suggested that

the use of CA is a reasonable worst-case scenario for metal mixtures in soils (Lock

and Janssen, 2002). This is because effects predicted using this model are usually

greater than those made using IA and so are precautionary in a risk assessment

context. The study by Backhaus et al. (2000) on chemicals with different modes of

action proved that IA is a useful tool for predicting mixture effects of dissimilarly

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acting toxicants. As is often the case in toxicological studies, it is not always

possible to know the modes of action for the different chemicals, which is why the

use of both reference models is valuable when assessing environmentally relevant


1.11 Deviation from mixture toxicity reference models

Although both CA and IA are useful tools in describing mixture toxicity, there are

some scenarios when the mixture effect cannot be fully explained with either

reference model. Indeed there have been studies that showed clear patterns of

interaction between metals (Chardon, 1984; Ireland and Fischer, 1978; Luo and

Rimmer, 1995). Significant deviations from the reference models include (Jonker,


Absolute synergism or antagonism: where the observed mixture effects were more

severe (synergistic) or less severe (antagonistic) than the mixture effects calculated

by either reference model.

Dose ratio dependant deviation: where the deviation pattern (synergistic or

antagonistic) from the predicted mixture effect is dependent on the relative amount

of one of the toxicants in the mixture.

Dose level dependant deviation: where low level or high level effects show

different deviation patterns from hose predicted by the reference models.

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Different deviation patterns have been reported from a number of studies (Van

Gestel and Hensbergen, 1997; Lock and Janssen, 2002; Khalil et al., 1996). Jonker

et al. (2004) have developed an approach to describe deviations from CA and IA

reference models in a statistically well-founded way. This approach not only

includes the synergistic and antagonistic deviations from the CA and IA reference

models, but also the more complex deviations such as dose level and dose ratio

dependant response, using log-logistic dose response models as the foundation.

Although this study greatly supports our understanding of mixture effects, there is

still a pressing need for more research into the joint action of chemical mixtures

(Spurgeon et al., 2003; Baas et al., 2007).

1.12 The BLM and mixtures

A study by DiToro et al. (2001) provides a possible application of the BLM to

mixture toxicity. For the purposes of simplicity it is assumed that if the identity of

the individual metal, and therefore its chemistry, is not as important as the fact that

it causes disruption at the same biotic ligand (site of action) then it will exert a

similar toxic effect. If the metals bound at the site of action are assumed to cause

an equal effect then the sum of metals bound to the biotic ligand would be

comparable to the ‗critical concentration‘ (C*M) corresponding to a given

percentage effect on the test species (6);

C*M = [M1Lb+] + [M2Lb

+] (6)

Where M12+

and M22+

are the two metals in the mixture, and [M1Lb+] and [M2Lb


represent the concentration of each metal bound to the biotic ligand (Di Toro et al.,

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2001). The equation given corresponds to a combination of the BLM and mixture

model concepts, but will not cover instances when the metals in the mixture have

different modes of action. The terms of the equation 6 will hold true when the

metals have the same potency. This is a possible demonstration of the application

of the BLM concept to mixture studies.

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1.13 Research aims

Recent developments in toxicity testing have revealed shortfalls in our

understanding of the effects of toxicants on organisms in the natural environment.

These issues are just as valid for the effects of metals on invertebrates in soils as

they are for other areas of the environment. The main problems highlighted were

(i) being able to identify the true amount and form of metal causing toxic effects

on test species, and in turn to be able to use soil chemistry and biological factors to

predict the bioavailability of metals to organisms, and (ii) assessing the joint

effects of mixtures of metals to an organism – since this represents realistic field

scenarios. In this study toxicity tests have been conducted using the earthworm

species Eisenia veneta to generate a range of log-logistic dose response curves for

metal mixtures in order to generate specifically designed data-sets from which to

address the above issues. Adult earthworm toxicity tests were carried out to

observe the effects of two mixtures (Cu/Zn and Cd/Zn) on the reproduction of the

earthworm across four different soils. Chemical analysis was carried out on the

soil and a number of different metal forms were measured.

The aim of the study was to ascertain which metal form best correlated with effects

on reproduction in both single and joint metal doses; to assess biological

responses by combining existing mixture models with bioavailability concepts in

order to illustrate whether or not a unified concept can be generated to describe

the effects of metals on an organism in different soils.

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1.14 Thesis outline

Chapter one: provided an overall introduction and background to the current status

of toxicological experimentation. The main issues were highlighted and ways in

which to tackle the knowledge gaps identified.

Chapter two: details the methods for soil preparation, adult earthworm toxicity

testing and the analysis and extraction of soil solution. Information on the modelling

techniques used is also included.

Chapter three: reports the results found for the preliminary studies performed. This

includes the overall performance of the earthworms in the control treatments, the

biological effects of changes in soil solution pH and nitrate salt concentrations and

finally the temporal effects on earthworm reproduction.

Chapter four: describes the effects of the single metal doses on the reproduction of

Eisenia veneta in four different soils. Toxicity results are described in each soil with

the metal dose expressed as total, dissolved and free metal ion.

Chapters five: describes the modelling procedures and results from the joint mixture

effects as described by mixture toxicity reference models CA and IA, for mixtures of

Cu/Zn in four soils. The mixture effects observed in different soils were expressed in

different metal forms and compared in order to draw relationships between the

deviations from mixture models observed and the different metal forms, and soil


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Chapter six: as above describes the modelling procedures and results from the joint

mixture effects as described by mixture toxicity reference models CA and IA, for

mixtures of Cd/Zn in four soils.

Chapter seven: illustrates the role of DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) in

describing the effects of Cu, Cd and Zn as single metals and as mixtures, in four

different soils. The DGT effective concentration (CE) is used as a metal dose to

describe the effects observed on reproduction.

Chapter eight: presents the summarising discussion on the results reported in

Chapters 4-7 and discusses briefly areas of further work.

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Chapter Two

Experimental design and source material

2.1 Introduction

The experimental designs used during the study were designed to be able to derive

as much information as possible from the earthworm reproduction rates observed.

The methods also aimed at standardising the execution of the experiments as much

as possible in order to ensure the behaviour observed was due to the experimental

conditions and not external interference. The following section covers all parts of

experimental design and material sourcing.

2.2 Soil Preparation

Four soils were used with different chemical and physical properties (Table 2.1).

For the purposes of soil classification particle size distribution was determined

using the laser diffraction method. All pH readings were measured at 17oC using a

combined pH electrode and meterlab©

pH/ion meter (Radiometer analytical).

pH )( 2OH was calculated by method of water extraction to the ratio of 10deionised water:

1dry weight soil, the samples were sieved to 4mm, and oven dried before extracting

with water. Extractions were left to shake overnight, the supernatant is then

extracted and filtered to 0.2m. pHsolution was measured in soil solution samples

extracted using Rhizon soil solution samplers as described in section 2.7. pHsolution

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value for each soil is the average of the measurements made in the eight controls

(Thetford soil, Acidic compost) or 16 controls from two experiments (Kettering

Loam, Neutral compost). The maximum water holding capacity (by mass) of the

soils was calculated using the ‗European method‘, with no applied pressure, and a

modification of the laboratory apparatus. In this method, the soil sample is

saturated with water and placed on an absorbent membrane until the excess water

is drained by gravity. When equilibrium is reached, the maximum water holding

capacity is calculated based on the weight of the water held in the soil sample and

the dry weight of the soil. In order to calculate the % loss on ignition a dried and

ground soil sample was weighed into a crucible then placed in a furnace at 550oC

for 5 hours. Once removed from the furnace the sample was re-weighed and the

%LOI calculated.

Kettering loam was bought commercially and used as a low organic matter neutral

soil (Broughton Loams, Kettering, UK). Neutral pH, high organic matter soil was

acquired as commercially available general purpose compost (Redwood Garden

Centre, Lancaster, UK). Neutral compost obtained from the same source was also

used to obtain a high organic matter acidic medium. This was achieved by

acidifying the neutral compost with 1M nitric acid and leaching to remove excess

salts after acidification. As an acidic soil with low organic matter content, a field

soil was obtained from Thetford, Cambridgeshire, UK (TL853815)(Fig 2.1).

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Figure 2.1: Field site at Thetford, Cambridgeshire, UK (TL853815), image

captured by author.

Table 2.1: Physical and chemical characteristics of test soils used during adult

earthworm exposures. Kettering loam (KL), Neutral compost (NC), Thetford soil

(TH), Acidic compost (AC).

Soil pH )( 2OH pH(solution) % LOI* %Clay/silt

/sand MWHC**

KL 7.6 7.7 5.7 14/62/24 36%

NC 6.8 7.6 62 1.3/28/8.5 290%

TH 6.4 6.7 12 <0.1/5.7/82 27%

AC 5.2 5.2 62 0.5/16/22 290%

* Loss on ignition **Water holding capacity (g H2O/g dry weight soil)

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The Kettering loam and Thetford soil were sieved to 2mm and the compost was

sorted to remove any large fragments. The processed soil was transferred to plastic

boxes (2.0L volume- 9x14x16 cm) and the soil mixed with the required amount of

1M cadmium nitrate (Cd(NO3)2.4H2O), 1M copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2.3H2O) and

zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2.6H2O) (VWR, Portsmouth, UK) solutions and distilled

water to give a total moisture content of 56% of the soil water holding capacity.

Each experiment consisted of 8 single metal doses (for each metal) in duplicates,

24 mixture doses where only odd numbered doses were duplicated and a total of

eight control replicates. This design provides a large number of treatments to

support the fitting of regression models that describe the relationships between

exposure concentration and toxic effect. The soils were dosed to within specific

metal concentrations during all experiments (Table 2.2). The arrays of metal

concentrations were selected to cover a range of ratios which would enable the

study of mixture doses throughout the experiment. The soils were dosed to ratios

of 0:1, 1:0, 1:1, 1:3 and 3:1 (Fig 2.4).

Table 2.2: Concentration ranges of dosed metal in each of the four soils (mg

metal/ kg dry weight soil).

Cadmium Copper Zinc

Kettering loam 0-800 0-740 0-2820

Neutral compost 0-1200 0-1800 0-7050

Acidic compost 0-1440 0-1320 0-5080

Thetford soil 0-800 0-740 0-2820

Following addition of metal salt solutions, all treatments were left to equilibrate in

continuous light at 17oC for two weeks after dosing. A two week period was used

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because this has been shown to be sufficient to allow metals added to the soil to

reach an initial stable equilibrium (Smit and van Gestel, 1998).







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0












Units of added Zn (mg/kg)

Figure 2.2: The ranges of metal additions showing the ratios of metal used in the

mixture experiments where a unit of 1.0 for any of the metals represents the

maximum concentration of that metal which is used in the experiment. The units

of metal are therefore relative to the maximum concentration of the metal which is

assigned according to their toxicity. The ratios quoted are in the form Zn:Cu (or


2.3 Test species

The test organism used was Eisenia veneta (Lumbricidae: Oligochaeta)

(Michaelsen, 1889). Earthworms were obtained from a commercial source

(Ecology Earthworms, Ipswich, UK) and subsequently cultured in a combination

of compost and topsoil (2:1). During culturing, the earthworms were fed using

horse manure acquired from an animal grazing on uncontaminated land and not






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exposed to recent medication. At the start of the experiment individual adult

worms were removed from the culture and identified as adults by the presence of a

fully formed clitellum. Chosen worms were then acclimated at a constant

temperature of 17oC in the culture medium for two weeks at a storing density

appropriate to that used in the experiment.

2.4 Toxicity testing

At the start of the exposure (Day 0) eight randomly chosen earthworms were

washed and weighed then introduced to each of the test boxes in random order.

The average individual weight of the worms was 1.03 g ± 0.38. For food during

the test 20g of dried manure per test box was spiked to Cd, Cu and Zn

concentration equivalent to those of the test soil and the manure was wetted to

80% water content. The manure was then added to the surface of the soil. Lids

were then placed on the boxes, which were then weighed and stored under

constant light at 17oC.

Two weeks later (Day 14) the boxes were weighed and de-ionised water was used

to replace any water lost. Manure remaining on the surface was removed, dried in

an oven at 105oC and weighed with the difference between the initial weights used

to determine feeding. The test boxes were then tipped out and the surviving worms

were weighed, counted and returned. Test soil was then returned to the boxes and

20g of dry weight manure wetted to 80% water content was added to the soil

surface. At the end of the exposure (Day 28) the remaining manure was removed,

dried and weighed as previously. Surviving worms were removed from the soil,

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counted, weighed and depurated overnight to remove the gut content and stored in

a freezer at -40oC. Soils were sieved through a 2mm mesh and the number of

cocoons in each container recorded, the neutral and acidic compost soils were

sorted by hand. Cocoon production was expressed as cocoons per surviving worm

per week of exposure.

With accordance to the recently published study by De Laender et al. (2009) all

single metal exposures and their corresponding mixtures in this study were tested

simultaneously. The experiments (6 in total) were performed successively over an

18 months period. In order to disregard the possible temporal effects over time on

earthworm performance, a set of six separate test units were included within all

experiments conducted. These repeated treatments included replicates of

treatments containing 370 and 840 mg Zn/Kg dry weight soil in Kettering loam

soil, three tests of each concentration.

2.5 Biological effects of nitrate salts and pH

In addition to the metal exposure studies, two further preliminary studies were

carried out in order to assess the absolute effects of decrease in pH and increase in

nitrate salts, as a result of the metal dosing procedure, on the rate of earthworm

reproduction. These tests were designed to reflect the effects of changes in soil

nitrate and pH values on earthworm rates of reproduction. In order to achieve this

test soils were acidified using nitric acid to a range corresponding to those

observed during the studies, and in order to test the effects of nitrate salt addition a

separate set of the test soils were dosed using CaNO3 to a range corresponding to

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that which would have been achieved as a result of metal spiking. The

concentration of nitrate salt added to the soil was calculated using the volume of

metal solution used (at a concentration of 1M) to dose each soil. These additional

studies were conducted using the same adult earthworm reproduction

methodology outlined in section 2.4.

2.6 Total metal concentrations in soil

Aqua regia digestions were performed on the dosed soils to determine total metal

concentrations. The aqua regia solution was made using 39% ‗Analar‘ grade HCl

and 22.5% ‗Analar‘ grade HNO3 (VWR, UK). Dry, ground soil (1.5g) was

digested in the aqua regia solution (15ml), and refluxed for 2 hours at 110oC in a

fume cupboard. The final solutions were diluted using 12.5% ‗Analar‘ HNO3 and

analysed by an Optima 4300DV ICP-OES. The total metal concentrations were

correct within 16% of the nominal doses. Background Cd, Cu and Zn

concentrations (mg/kg dry weight soil) in control soil were respectively 0.8, 12.5,

73.1 for Kettering loam, 0.6, 16.1, 78.8 for Neutral compost, 7.6, 3.8, 46.1 for

Thetford soil and 1.8, 31.1, 107.1 for Acidic compost. Earthworm tissue was

dried in the oven overnight prior to digestion, and the above specified method was

followed. As a quality check, digestion of 1.5 g of standard soil reference (SR3

and SR8) was used. Results indicated metal concentrations within range of the

specified values.

Total Cu, Cd and Zn concentrations were measured on 15% of doses and the

standard deviation from the nominal concentrations were calculated. The standard

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deviation was then used in conjunction with a bootstrapping model to estimate the

total metal concentrations of the doses used during the experiments.

2.7 Soil solution separation and analysis

Soil solution was removed from the test soils at the end of the experiment (i.e.

after earthworm removal) after a period of 24 hour equilibration at 100% of the

water holding capacity. The soil solution was removed using Rhizon soil solution

samplers (Eijkelkamp, UK)(Fig 2.3). An aliquot of the recovered solution was

kept refrigerated and un-acidified to measure pH and dissolved organic carbon

(DOC) concentration. Soil solution DOC was measured using a DC-190

Dohrmann TOC Analyser and pH values measured at 17oC using a combined pH

electrode and meterlab©

pH/ion meter (Radiometer analytical). The remainder of

the soil solution was acidified to a concentration of 1% nitric acid, using ‗Analar‘

grade nitric acid (VWR, UK) and analysed for major cation (Mg, Ca, K, Fe, Al,

Na) concentrations and dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn. The major cations were

measured by an Optima 4300DV ICP-OES and the dissolved heavy metal

concentrations measured by a Thermo X series ICP-MS.

Page 51: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Figure 2.3: Deployment of Rhizon soil solution sampler and diffusive gradient in

thin films devices (DGT) into Kettering loam soil, image captured by author.

Rhizon soil

solution sampler

DGT sampler

Page 52: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


2.8 Chemical speciation modelling

Free metal ion concentrations (M) in the soil solution were calculated using the

speciation model Windermere Humic Aqueous Model VI (WHAM VI) (Tipping,

1998). The measured parameters for the soil solution including DOC, major cation

concentrations, dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations and pH values were used

as model inputs. In addition to the model inputs it was assumed that, for the

purposes of modelling the ion-binding properties of DOC, the DOC consisted of

65% active fulvic acid, concentration of humic acid was set to 10-10

M and

Al(OH)3 was allowed to precipitate out of solution (Tipping, 1998).

2.9 Data analysis and statistics

The dose-response relationships for the effect of metals in each soil on cocoon

production were analysed with respect to all metal dose concentrations by least-

square fitting of a log-logistic model to the experimental data (7)





Where R0 is the maximum reproduction rate and was set to 1, ECR is the

concentration of metal corresponding to that value expressed as total soil metal

(mg/kg), dissolved metal (M), free metal ion in solution (M) and DGT effective

concentration (ppb). Finally is the gradient of the curve. Uncertainties in the

EC50 values were estimated by bootstrapping, this was achieved though random

sampling of the dataset with replacement 5000 times. The median, 95%ile and

Page 53: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


5%ile of the distribution of the EC50 values were calculated. Prior to fitting the

dose-response equation each observation was scaled to mean control response, in

order to allow the comparison of earthworm reproduction rates in the four soils.

2.10 Overview of experimental design

28-day reproduction





DGT labile metal (Cdgt)


Soil solution


pH, dissolved organic carbon,

major cations, Cu, Cd and Zn

Free Cu, Cd, Zn ions


Organic matter (OM): measured by loss

on ignition

Rhizon: Soil solution sampler.

DGT: Gel sampler (Diffusive

Gradients in Thin Films).

WHAM: Chemical speciation model.





(pHH2O 5.2,

OM 62%)

Kettering loam

(pHH2O 7.6, OM

5.7%, Clay 23%)


(pHH2O 6.8,

OM 62%)

Thetford soil

(pHH2O 6.4,

OM 12%)

Figure 2.4: An overview of the main points involved in the experimental design of

the study.

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Chapter Three

Experimental results


The following chapter outlines the experimental results following the earthworm

toxicity tests detailed in chapter 2 and the viability of the tests are discussed.

Further results relating to the individual chapter aims are focused at a later stage

within chapters 4-7. Results from further experimentation to test the effects of

changes in soil solution pH and increasing salt concentration on cocoon

production rates are also outlined in addition to temporal effects on biological

performance and finally a brief introduction to mixture toxicity results.

3.2Initial results

Earthworm mortality during all experiments was at minimum rates, <5% mortality

for all control treatments. This is within the guidelines set for earthworm toxicity

tests which state that control mortality rate must ≤10%, it was concluded all the

adult earthworm tests performed were valid (OECD, 1984; ISO, 1997; Mangala et

al., 2009). The average weight loss in control earthworm was less than 30% in all

experiments, also in agreement with the recommended criteria (Frund et al., 2009).

100% mortality was only observed in the highest Zn doses for all four soils. The

highest Cu and Cd doses in the Acidic compost also caused 100% mortality,

however this level of effect was not observed for the remaining soils. Earthworms

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successfully reproduced in the control tests for all four soils in conjunction with

the high survival rates. The soils used varied predominantly in organic matter

content and pH (Table 2.1). Maximum earthworm reproduction rates were

different in each of the soils due to the variation in these properties. Although the

maximum reproduction rate of the earthworms in the control soils varied, it was

consistently high enough to represent a reasonable maximum level that supported

the validity of the results. In the control soils, the highest cocoon production rate

was observed in the neutral compost with an average reproduction rate of 1.55 ±

0.20 (cocoons/worm/week) and minimum reproduction recorded in the acidic

compost with an average reproduction rate of 0.60 ± 0.13 (cocoons/worm/week).

The pHsolution values of the control treatments varied by ± 0.12 of a pH unit in all

four soils.

3.3 The biological effects of pHsolution and nitrate salt

Metal additions did result in a decrease in soil solution pH in all test soils. The

largest decrease in pH values from soil control values was observed in the highest

single Zn doses for all soils with an average decrease of 1.03 ± 0.26 pH units. The

lowest drop in pH values was observed in the Kettering Loam and the largest drop

in pH values was observed in Thetford soil. The difference in pH values between

the average control pH values in soil solution and soil solution pH of the highest

Zn doses, indicating the largest drop in pH due to metal salt addition can be

ordered as follows:

Thetford soil (1.31 ± 0.04)> Neutral compost (1.19 ± 0.08)>

Acidic compost (0.83 ± 0.11)> Kettering loam (0.78 ± 0.09)

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Cocoon production in earthworms is known to be pH dependant and this effect

was seen during the earthworm exposures (Fig 3.1). A series of independent test

units with acidified soil and no metal addition allowed the quantification of the

effect of pH alone on the reproduction rate of the earthworms. The results of the

preliminary study revealed the following relationships expressed as linear

equations (y = mx + c) where y is the earthworm reproduction rate, x is the soil

solution pH, m is the gradient and c is the intercept (8-10).

Kettering loam: y = 0.18x – 0.49 (r2 = 0.72) (8)

Thetford soil: y = 0.16x – 0.26 (r2 = 0.57) (9)

Compost: y = 0.37x – 1.37 (r2 = 0.82) (10)

The same relationship was used for acidic and neutral compost as they are the

same soil with the exception of acidification. Correction for the direct effect of soil

pH on cocoon production was achieved by using the measured pH values at each

metal dose, and the effect on cocoon production corresponding to the measured

pH value to estimate an alternative maximum or pH corrected ‗mean control

response‘ for that dose (Crommentuijin et al., 1997; Spurgeon et al., 2006).

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y = 0.4x - 1.4R² = 0.8







3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
















Soil solution pH

Figure 3.1: Effect of pH on earthworm reproduction rates in Acidic compost soil.

The straight line represents the linear relationship between soil solution pH and

rate of earthworm reproduction after 28 day exposure in the soil. Acidic compost

is used as an example of the relationships observed between soil solution pH and

the rate of earthworm reproduction (cocoons/worm/week).

The estimated maximum cocoon production was then used to standardise the

observed cocoon production for each soil. The absolute effect of pH on the cocoon

production was calculated using the linear relationship observed between cocoon

reproduction rates and the pH of the soil calculated from preliminary tests

described previously. The response (R) is normalised against the experimental

control (11) and then standardised against the ‗alternative maximum‘ (12) which is

calculated using one of the aforementioned equations (8-10) giving the corrected

response R′.

R = Robserved/ Rcontrol (11)

R′ = R/ RpH (12)

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The effect of pH was significant at p-value <0.05 (Student‘s t-test). There was no

correction for the effect of increasing salt concentrations in the soil as the

preliminary experiment did not reveal a significant effect of increasing nitrate

concentrations (when applied as CaNO3) on the rate of cocoon production (p-value

>0.09) (see Appendix 1). Prior to fitting the dose-response equation each

observation was scaled to mean control response, in order to allow the comparison

of earthworm reproduction rates in the four soils. The soils used varied

predominantly in organic matter content and pH (Table 2.1).

Maximum earthworm reproduction rates were different in each of the soils due to

the variation in these properties. By standardising the observed cocoon production

rates to the control means adjusted for pH effects, we assume the effects of the soil

properties on the reproduction rates are normalised, thus comparing the response

of the earthworms as a function of metal dose is well founded.

3.4 Temporal effects on cocoon production

The temporal effects in earthworm reproduction rates were analysed in order to

determine if there was a need to correct for the control response of the earthworm

population used for the series of toxicity tests. However, it was found that the

average change in cocoon production was not significantly different from the

average reproduction rates observed for the low and high Zn additions (0.64 ± 0.15

and 0.45 ± 0.07 cocoons/worm/week respectively) in the first experiment. The p

value of the Student‘s t-test for the series analysis was p>0.10 and the lowest p

value for the pair-wise comparison was p>0.37(Fig 3.2). Accordingly no

Page 59: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


correction for temporal effects was needed meaning that the patterns of response

could be assessed across the full data-set.











[Zn] (low)

[Zn] (high)

Figure 3.2: Average cocoon production rates (from three replicates) for two Zn

doses low (370 mg Zn/Kg dry weight soil) and high (840 mg Zn/Kg dry weight

soil), performed alongside each of the 6 experiments. The straight lines indicate

the mean cocoon reproduction value from the first exposure.






n r


s (c







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3.5 Mixture exposure results

A review of the reproducibility of past mixture studies has revealed that in some

cases small variations occur that are difficult to repeat. This is due to the fact that

the variations are on a small scale and will be difficult to identify statistically.

Such synergistic and antagonistic deviation patterns from the CA model may in

turn negatively affect the replication potential of mixture studies (Cedergreen et

al., 2007). With accordance to the study by De Laender et al. (2009) all single

metal exposures and their corresponding mixtures in this study were tested

simultaneously. The duration for the completion of all the mixture experiments

was 18 months. The possible effect of time on the performance of the earthworms

was monitored as previously discussed (Fig 3.2).

The results of the mixture experiments of this study supported the assumption that

the same conditions were sustained throughout the time frame required to execute

the experiments. In addition the use of CA as well as the IA models as descriptors

of the observed mixture data may minimise the probability of wrongly identifying

deviation patterns form the reference models. Both models are similar in their

underlying principles with regards to the assumption of joint toxic effect of the

chemicals and the use of different models may increase the probability of correctly

identifying mixture patterns.

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Chapter Four

Effects of soil and soil solution characteristics

on the toxicity of Cd, Cu and Zn to Eisenia

veneta in diverse soils

4.1 Introduction and background

Heavy metal contamination of land is a widespread environmental problem in

many parts of the world (Fergusson, 1990). The associated potential risks include

groundwater contamination (Loureiro et al., 2005) and effects on organisms

exposed to heavy metals in the soil (Demuynck et al., 2007). Earthworms are an

example of soil invertebrates at high risk from the toxic effects of heavy metals.

They play a vital role in maintaining the fertility of the terrestrial environment and

the health of organisms at higher levels of the food chain (Kostera et al., 2006;

Spurgeon et al., 2006; Arnold and Hodson, 2007).

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The methods of heavy metal uptake and exposure in earthworms are representative

of methods applicable to a number of other soil dwelling species (Spurgeon et al.,

2006). Due to their role in sustaining various important functions in the ecosystem

(Schuurmann and Markert, 1998) and their exposure routes to heavy metals, they

are considered ideal species for toxicity assessment of the detrimental effects of

soil borne contaminants (Spurgeon et al., 2006).

Laboratory toxicity testing underpins the development of environmental risk

assessments of metal toxicity (Lock and Janssen, 2001). From numerous past

toxicity studies performed, it has become apparent that laboratory based studies

overestimate the effects of chemicals on organisms in the field (Spurgeon and

Hopkin, 1995). This is a consequence of most laboratory toxicity tests not taking

into account the soil ageing process which occludes metals into finer micropores

in the solid phase causing them to be less available to be released into the soil

solution (Selim and Sparks, 2001; Ford et al., 1997). Metal toxicity in soils is

affected by the chemical and physical properties of the soil (Almas et al., 2007).

For a metal to cause adverse effects on an organism there needs to be an

interaction between the organism and the polluting metal. This interaction is

thought to depend on the metal binding at surface sites. The amount of metal

available for this reaction is the bioavailable metal (Campbell, 1995).

Bioavailability has become widely accepted as the main factor determining metal

toxicity in soil (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1996; Lock et al., 2002; Rombke et al.,

2006). Evidence strongly suggests that the speciation of metal in the soil solution

controls the amount of metal available to the organism and in turn toxicity of

metals to soil dwelling species (Amaral et al., 2006). Soil properties such as pH,

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organic matter and clay content, as well as physical properties such as temperature

are all identified as having an effect on the concentration of available metal in soil

(Hankard et al., 2005; Amaral et al., 2006).

Previously it has been shown that, under varying soil conditions, earthworms

respond differently to the same concentration of chemicals (Spurgeon et al., 2006).

There have been many attempts at quantifying the concentration of available metal

in order to assess the metal species responsible for causing toxic effects. Some

studies have used different extraction techniques, representing different chemical

fractions, to estimate available metal fractions (Lukkari et al., 2004). The available

chemical species is mainly concerned with the soil solution and soluble metal

species (Koptsik et al., 2005), as supported by the significant correlation between

metal porewater concentrations and earthworm body burdens (Hobbelen et al.,

2006). A number of studies have focused on the ‗non-complexed‘ or free ion metal

form as being the fraction of metal available for uptake by biota (Lofts et al.,

2004; Becquer et al., 2005). The effect of pH on metal speciation is thought to be

one of the most important chemical factors determining metal uptake and toxicity

(Van Gestel and Hensbergen, 1997). This applies both to the effect of pH on metal

speciation and also the potential protective effect of protons which is in

accordance with the biotic ligand model (Playle, 1998; Meyer et al., 1999;

Spurgeon et al., 2006).

Changes in soil solution pH values can not only cause a change in the rates of

reproduction, but also have an effect on the speciation of cationic metal species.

The removal of metal from the soil solution is due to sorption by solid phases such

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as clays and organic matter. Competition from H+ ions, as well as other solution

cations, for dissolved ligands (e.g. DOC) affects the distribution of the metal

between the soil and solution phases (Ure and Davidson, 1995), changing the

concentration of environmentally available metal. More recently models such as

the terrestrial biotic ligand model (TBLM) have been established to take into

account the competition between metal free ions and H+ ion as well as major

cations in solution (Thakali et al., 2006a). The TBLM assumes the interface

between the organism and the soil solution can be treated like a biotic ligand, and

that the number of occupied sites is related to the toxic effect observed.

Consequently by competing for binding sites, on the biotic ligand, solution

cations, e.g. H+, will provide a protective effect (Thakali et al., 2006b).

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4.2 Study outline

In order to quantify the effect of soil chemistry on metal toxicity in diverse soils,

this study investigated the variability in metal toxicity causing toxic effects on the

reproduction rate of a single earthworm species, Eisenia veneta, in different soils.

Worms were exposed to four soils with different physical and chemical properties,

dosed with a range of concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn (applied singly). In each

soil different forms of available metal were measured (total and dissolved), the

chemical speciation model WHAM VI was used to model the concentration of the

free metal ion species, with metal effects on rates of cocoon production described

as a function of the total and free metal ion forms. Using soil properties the

patterns of metal toxicity in the different soils should be explained. When

expressing the metal dose as total metal the soil pH and complexation capacity

will be important, similarly the soil solution pH when expressing the metal dose in

the free metal ion form.

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4.3 Methods

The adult earthworm reproduction experiments, chemical analysis and data

preparation were performed in accordance with the methods outlines in Chapter 2.

In addition, the following procedures were followed to support the aims of this


4.3.1 The ‘information-theoretic’ approach

The ‗information-theoretic‘ approach was used to select the model which best

describes the data (Gonzalez-Megias et al., 2008). This approach compares the fits

of a set of different models using Akaike‘s information criterion (AIC). If (13)

40/ kn (13)

Where n is the sample size and k is the number of fitting parameters in the model,

then it is recommended that a second order of AIC, AICc, be used (Hurvich and

Tsai, 1989) (14),






The model best describing the data is the model scoring the lowest AICc value.

This technique was used when using additional parameters to explain model fits.

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4.4 Results

The response of earthworms to Cd, Cu and Zn under different soil conditions was

tested. Toxicity effects were apparent at different concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn

(Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3). The dosed metal concentration ranges for all three metals

were able to illustrate the complete range of effects on cocoon reproduction (from

control to maximum effect) (Fig 4.1).

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-10.0 -9.0 -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0


= 0.80

EC50 (log) = -5.65

(-5.92 ~ -5.52)

-12.5 -11.5 -10.5 -9.5 -8.5 -7.5 -6.5 -5.5 -4.5


= 0.32

EC50 (log) = -5.77

(-5.83 ~ -5.67)

-7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5

Kettering loam

Neutral Compost

Acidified Compost

Thetford Soil


= 0.64

EC50 (log) = -4.27

(-4.38 ~ -4.21)

Log10 Free ion metal concentrations (M)










-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


= 0.88

EC50 (log) = 2.55

(2.44 ~ 2.62)

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


= 0.61

EC50 (log) = 2.81

(2.68 ~ 2.98)

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0


= 0.74

EC50 (log) = 3.17

(3.07 ~ 3.23)

Log10 Total metal concentrations (mg/kg)










-8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0


= 0.84

EC50 (log) = -5.43

(-5.55 ~ -5.35)

-8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0


= 0.36

EC50 (log) = -4.85

(-5.12 ~ -4.62)

-7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5


= 0.66

EC50 (log) = -4.14

(-4.24 ~ -4.09)

Log10 Dissolved metal concentrations (M)

Cd Cu Zn














n r


Figure 4.1: Fitted dose response curves of cocoon production for Cd, Cu and Zn. Each graph represents the log-

logistic relationship between the cocoon production rates from all four soils against the metal dose (cont.).

Page 69: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


For Figure 4.1 (cont.) the Log10 (EC50) values and r2 values correspond to the

optimized log-logistic model fits of the cocoon production data against the

associated metal dose, range values and upper and lower confidence interval lines

correspond to the 95% confidence intervals. The metal doses expressed are total,

dissolved and free ion concentrations. Individual points on the graphs represent the

average cocoon production rate for the particular dose; the error bars signify the

standard deviation of the observations.

When expressing the metals as total metal, the order in which EC50 values lie is in

support of the theory that metal toxicity decreases with increasing pH and

particularly the organic matter content (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1996). Cd, Cu and

Zn were always most toxic in low organic matter soils Kettering loam or Thetford

soils (often with overlapping EC50 value ranges) and least toxic in Neutral

compost for Cd and Zn, and Neutral compost and Acidic compost for Cu (again

with very similar EC50 ranges)( Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3). When metal dose is

expressed as total soil concentrations, the order of metals in terms of their toxicity

follows the same pattern in all four soils starting with Zn as the least toxic,

followed by Cu then the most toxic being Cd (Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3).

Page 70: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Table 4.1: (EC50) and (EC10) values of Cd expressed as total metal and dissolved

and free metal ion (as Log10) doses. The range values correspond to the 95%

confidence intervals, and were calculated by method of bootstrapping.


[Total metal (mg/kg)] Log10[Dissolved metal (M)] Log10[Free metal ion (M)]

Soil EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10

Kettering loam

Low OM, Neutral


Median 275 82.6 -5.20 -5.75 -5.41 -6.19

Range (191- 388) (30.2- 192) (-5.38- -5.07) (-6.44- -5.39) (-5.67- -5.21) (-6.97- -5.64)

Neutral compost

High OM, Neutral


Median 500 145 -5.58 -6.24 -6.21 -7.08

Range (339- 714) (46.6- 380) (-5.75- -5.39) (-6.56- -5.93) (-6.25- -5.87) (-7.84- -6.50)

Thetford soil

Low OM, Acidic


Median 263 89.1 -5.29 -6.00 -5.50 -6.30

Range (188- 363) (38.1- 188) (-5.46- -5.12) (-6.36- -5.69) (-5.71- -5.29) (-6.78- -5.87)

Acidic compost

High OM, Acidic


Median 346 165 -5.73 -6.26 -5.79 -6.27

Range (265- 461) (100- 267) (-5.89- -5.58) (-6.53- -5.99) (-5.97- -5.62) (-6.60- -5.98)

Table 4.2: (EC50) and (EC10) values of Cu expressed as total metal and dissolved

and free metal ion (as Log10) doses. The range values correspond to the 95%

confidence intervals, and were calculated by method of



[Total metal (mg/kg)] Log10[Dissolved metal (M)] Log10[Free metal ion (M)]

Soil EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10

Kettering loam

Low OM, Neutral


Median 446 132 -6.02 -6.61 -9.28 -10.47

Range (320- 604) (45.6- 266) (-6.21- -5.83) (-7.40- -6.28) (-9.66- -8.96)(-11.83- -


Neutral compost

High OM, Neutral


Median 512 37 -5.31 -6.16 -9.61 -12.29

Range (115- 1060) (0.69- 152) (-7.02- -5.10) (-9.73- -5.70) (-20.0- -8.65) (-26.4- -9.97)

Thetford soil

Low OM, Acidic


Median 381 144 -4.67 -4.94 -6.06 -7.40

Range (293- 487) (75.0- 245) (-4.74- -4.59) (-5.15- -4.80) (-6.51- -5.73) (-8.61- -6.17)

Acidic compost

High OM, Acidic


Median 821 560 -5.08 -5.20 -5.72 -6.02

Range (698- 953) (446- 700) (-5.14- -5.01) (-5.29- -5.13) (-5.89- -5.52) (-6.29- -5.80)

Page 71: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Table 4.3: (EC50) and (EC10) values of Zn expressed as total metal and dissolved

and free metal ion (as Log10) doses. The range values correspond to the 95%

confidence intervals, and were calculated by method of bootstrapping.


[Total metal (mg/kg)] Log10[Dissolved metal (M)] Log10[Free metal ion (M)]

Soil EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10 EC50 EC10

Kettering loam

Low OM, Neutral


Median 967 487 -5.17 -5.93 -5.48 -6.26

Range (458- 1370) (54.1- 940) (-7.11 - -4.98) (-9.88 - -5.25) (-6.75- -5.20) (-9.54- -5.60)

Neutral compost

High OM, Neutral


Median 2280 1210 -4.00 -4.56 -4.17 -4.82

Range (1580- 3030) (378- 2140) (-4.22- -3.83) (-5.18- -4.14) (-4.52- -3.96) (-5.80- -4.31)

Thetford soil

Low OM, Acidic


Median 1080 372 -4.01 -5.28 -4.07 -5.42

Range (790- 1450) (187- 680) (-4.81- -3.69) (-6.94- -4.31) (-4.74- -3.71) (-6.89- -4.36)

Acidic compost

High OM, Acidic


Median 1850 825 -4.13 -4.98 -4.15 -4.98

Range (1430- 2400) (508- 1230) (-4.38- -3.91) (-5.42- -4.65) (-4.24- -3.91) (-5.45- -4.61)

In order to describe the observed toxicity on earthworm reproduction expressed as

total soil metal concentrations in terms of the soil physiochemical properties,

regression analysis was performed on the total metal as a function of the soil clay

content, the % loss on ignition and the soil solution pH (the average soil solution

pH of all the control in that particular soil) (Fig 4.2).

Page 72: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose









250 300 350 400 450 500 550







350 450 550 650 750 850







900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400

Cd Cu ZnMo







Observed EC50 values

Figure 4.2: EC50 values in four soils expressed as a function of the total metal

concentrations plotted against the EC50 values of Cd, Cu and Zn modeled using a

regression including the %clay, %loss on ignition and the soil solution pH values.

The straight line indicated a 1:1 line.

The parameters fitted for the three metals are described in equations 15, 16 and 17;

while the use of 4 points in the regression model which contains 3 parameters is

not statistically reliable the models provide a good description of the relationship

between soil characteristics and metal toxicity.

LogEC50 (Cd total metal) = 1.72+ 0.06(pHsolution) + 0.27(log%LOI) + 0.01(log%Clay) (15)

LogEC50 (Cu total metal) = 3.21- 0.10(pHsolution) + 0.15(log%LOI) + 0.10(log%Clay) (16)

LogEC50 (Zn total metal) = 2.41+ 0.04(pHsolution) + 0.37(log%LOI) + 0.01(log%Clay) (17)

Page 73: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


EC50 values for Zn expressed as total soil concentrations observed were compared

to estimated EC50 values calculated using the parameters reported by Munn et al.

(2010), the equation of which is as follows (18) was derived from a number of

species and not only Eisenia veneta the species used in this study.

LogEC50 (Zn) = 1.9+ 0.79(log CEC) (18)

where CEC is the cation exchange capacity of the soil in meq/100g (= cmol/kg),

this was calculated using the %loss on ignition and % clay content of the soil (19)

(UMN, 2010; and references therein). The input values for the individual soils can

be found in Table 2.1.

CEC = 2(%OM) + 0.5(%Clay) (19)

The calculated and observed values are comparable in all four soils (Kettering

loam, Thetford soil, Neutral compost and Acidic compost). The largest variation

between values where the estimated value does not lie within the range of the

observed values is found in the case of the soil with high organic matter and acidic

pH (Fig 4.3).

Page 74: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose














ed a








es (





Soil identity

Observed Estimated (Munn et al.)

Figure 4.3: EC50 values expressed as Log10 total soil Zn concentrations observed

and estimated using parameters reported by Munn et al. (2010) in four soils with

varied physiochemical properties (Table 2.1). Error bars represent the 95%

confidence intervals of observed Zn EC50.

EC50 values for Cu expressed as total soil concentrations observed were compared

to EC50 values calculated using the parameters reported by Criel et al. (2008) for

Eisenia fetida, the equation of which is as follows (20)

LogEC50 (Cu) = 1.4+ 0.296(log OrgC) + 076(log %Clay) (20)

where OrgC is the %loss on ignition of the soil multiplied by 0.5, the input values

for the equation inputs can be found in Table 2.1. The difference between the

observed and calculated EC50 values in the soils with neutral pH (Kettering loam

and Acidic compost) was smaller than the difference in EC50 values for the soils

with more acidic pH (Thetford soil and Acidic compost) (Fig 4.4).

Page 75: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


The comparison between the earthworms Eisenia veneta and fetida is suitable as

the two species have similar traits and are closely related.












ed a














Soil identity

Observed Estimated (Criel et al.)

Figure 4.4: EC50 values expressed as Log10 total soil Cu concentrations observed

and estimated using parameters reported by Criel et al. (2008) in four soils with

different physiochemical properties (Table 2.1). The error bars represent the 95%

confidence intervals of observed EC50 values for Cu.

When expressing the metal dose in dissolved soil solution concentrations the same

order of metal toxicity continues for all soils (Zn the least toxic, Cd the most toxic)

apart from in the Kettering loam (low OM, neutral pH). The EC50 (and EC10)

expressed as dissolved concentrations for Zn in Kettering loam are lower than the

EC50 (and EC10) values in the other soils (Table 4.3). In comparison to the other

soils Zn appears to be much more complexed in Kettering loam (Fig 4.5). When

metal EC50 values are expressed in dissolved metal form for Cu, the order in

which Cu is most toxic (Table 4.2) does not follow the order in which Cu is most

Page 76: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


available in soil solution (Fig 4.5).

Log[Total Zn (mg/kg)]

Log[Total Cu (mg/kg)]

Log[Total Cd (mg/kg)]





















The EC50 (and EC10 values) for Cd and Zn expressed as dissolved metal in

Kettering loam are very similar, this is not found in the other soils. Possible

reasons as to why the EC50 (and EC10) value of Cd in Kettering loam is higher,

relatively speaking, than what is expected from observations in the other types of

soil are discussed later. The same inconsistency applies to the EC50 (and EC10)

value of Cd when expressed as free metal ion in Kettering loam. This is not

unexpected as the free metal ion concentrations were calculated using the

dissolved metal concentrations as input values in the chemical speciation model.

Figure 4.5: Averaged Log

[Total soil metal (mg/kg dry

weight soil)] plotted against the

average measured Log

[Dissolved metal

concentrations (M)].

Page 77: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


The dissolved metal concentration relationship with total metal concentration for

Cu and Zn (Fig 4.5) do not explain the order of EC50 (EC10) values observed

(Tables 4.2 and 4.3). This is also true for Cd where the EC50 values expressed as

dissolved metal (Table 4.1) do not represent the metal availability in soil solution

(Fig 4.5). This may be a factor of the narrow range covered by the EC50 values,

alternatively as it has been previously reported earthworms respond in a different

manner to essential and non-essential metals.

Expressing the metal dose as free metal ion for Neutral compost, Thetford soil and

Acidic compost Zn is the least toxic. In the Kettering loam the EC50 (and EC10)

value of Cd appear to be very similar to the EC50 (and EC10) value for Zn. The

reasons as to why Cd appears to have low toxicity in Kettering loam is discussed

at a later stage. Interestingly in the soils with lower pH values (Thetford soil and

Acidic compost) Cd appeared to be more toxic than Cu. In the soils with circum-

neutral pH Cu is more toxic than Cd, and the difference in EC50 values is much


Previously, the toxicity of Cu, expressed as free metal ion (or Cu2+

activity), as a

function of soil pH has been discussed (DiToro et al., 2001; DeSchamphelaere and

Janssen, 2002; Lofts et al., 2004). The competition between protons and free metal

ions for binding, at the site of uptake (or site of action) of the metal, results in a

protective effect of the protons (and major cations) to the organism. Although this

relationship between pH and metal ions is observed for all three metals used in this

study (with one exception) it appears to be most prominent for Cu (Fig 4.6).

Page 78: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


As formerly mentioned the EC50 value of Cd in Kettering loam expressed the free

metal ion does not follow the trend of the other soils with respect to decreasing

toxicity with decreasing soil solution pH as the protective effect of the protons

becomes apparent. On analysis of the soil solution in Kettering loam, it was found

that the for the single Cd doses the Ca concentrations (in the dissolved form) were

on average a factor of >2.4 higher than those found in the single Zn doses and

mixture doses for this soil. Possible reasons could be contamination of Ca in the

soil or the result of an anomaly during the use of Rhizons to extract soil solution,

causing complexed Ca and Cd to diffuse into the extracted solutions and

consequently be detected during analysis. While the reasons for the high Ca

concentrations cannot be determined, it was deemed necessary to investigate the

effect on Cd toxicity.

Page 79: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


y = -0.30x - 2.40r² = 0.27





5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0


Soil solution pH


e m


l io

n E


0 v


es C

y = -0.14x - 4.95r² = 0.22




5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0


Soil solution pH




al io

n E

C50 v



y = -1.56x + 2.97r² = 0.77





5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0


Soil solution pH



e m


l io

n E

C50 v





Figure 4.6: Soil solution pH (average measured pH values in control soils) plotted

against log10EC50 values of Cd, Cu and Zn expressed as free metal ion

concentrations (M). The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals (Tables

4.1, 4.2 and 4.3). Graph A: *EC50 value of Cd from experiment, not included in

linear fit, ** EC50 value of Cd after refitting to include Ca concentration, not

included in linear fit.

Page 80: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Body burdens of the earthworms exposed to Cd in Kettering loam were analysed

in order to assess the effects of soil properties and experimental conditions on

metal uptake. As an initial basis of comparison assessment, earthworm tissue from

the Cd and Zn exposures were analysed for both the Kettering loam and the

Neutral compost. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF), defined as the Cd or Zn

concentration in earthworm tissue (mg metal/kg dry tissue) divided by the metal

concentration in soil (mg metal/kg dry soil) (An, 2004) were calculated in

Kettering loam and Neutral compost for the Cd and Zn bioassays. The ranges of

BAF found for Cd were (0.52 – 5.76) and (0.36 – 2.66) and for Zn were (0.52 –

1.81) and (0.18 - 0.63) for Kettering loam and Neutral compost respectively.

These values are comparable to the BAF ranges reported by Nahmani et al. (2009)

for three field soils Shipham, Glenridding and Avonmouth (Nahmani et al., 2007)

with respective BAF values of 1.42, 1.14, 4.47 for Cd and 0.06, 0.16, 0.09 for Zn

for the species Eisenia fetida.

As a measure of comparison between the BAF values calculated for the two soils,

the ratio of Zn BAFs to Cd BAFs in the range of soil metal concentrations were

evaluated and it was found that the ratios in Neutral compost were not

significantly different from the ratio of BAF in Kettering loam (p>0.76). It was

therefore concluded that the high EC50 value found for Cd (expressed as dissolved

and free ion form) could be explained through chemical factors and not the

biological response of the earthworms.

Page 81: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


The concentration of Ca2+

ions (M) were calculated using WHAM (the chemical

speciation technique mentioned above) and were in turn used to calculate a new

‗dose‘ corrected for the concentration of Ca2+

ions scaled using an extra parameter

( =-0.98). This ‗corrected dose‘ (21) was used to fit a dose response curve for Cd

expressed in the free metal ion form (M) (Fig 4.7). The ‗corrected dose‘ was

labelled as the effective dose (Deffective) (M). The value of was fitted using the

method of least squares.

Log10[Deffective] = log10[Cd2+

] – (log10[Ca2+

]) (21)

This approach was used as the concentration of Ca2+

ions changed with increasing


dose and therefore taking an average Ca2+

concentration to use for the

correction would not have been acceptable.

The ‗information-theoretic‘ approach was used to select the model which best

describes the data (Gonzalez-Megias et al., 2008) for the Ca correction of Cd data.

The model best describing the data is the model scoring the lowest AICc value.

The model using the additional parameter which includes the [Ca2+

] had an AICc

value of -11.1 (r2= 0.95), and the free ion model fitting had an AICc value of -14.0

(r2= 0.95). The differences in AICc values indicate that the additional model

parameter does not improve the model fit.

Page 82: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose











-9.0 -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0

Log10[Free metal ion dose or Effective dose] (M)

Free metal ion only

Free metal ion with Ca correction

EC50 = -5.4 (-5.7 - -5.2)

r2 = 0.95

EC50 = -6.7 (-6.8 - -6.7)

r2 = 0.95

Figure 4.7: Fitted dose response curves of cocoon production for Cd in Kettering

loam showing the observed Cd effects and the corrected Ca model (Deffective). Each

data set represents the log-logistic relationship between the cocoon production

rates against the metal dose expressed as the free metal ion or the effective dose

(Deffective)(i.e. free metal ion dose corrected using a coefficient and concentration of


(M)) . Log10 (EC50) values and r2 values correspond to the optimized log-

logistic model fits of the cocoon production data against the associated metal dose,

range values correspond to the 95% confidence intervals. Individual points on the

graphs represent the average cocoon production rate for the particular dose; the

error bars signify the standard deviation of the observations.










n r



Page 83: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


4.5 Discussion

Metal toxicity is closely related to metal speciation because it has an important

role in controlling metal availability. The main soil properties influencing metal

speciation and therefore metal toxicity are pH, soil organic carbon content, oxide

content, dissolved organic matter as well as cation exchange capacity (Criel et al.,

2008). Spurgeon and Hopkin (1996) found that when expressing the metals as

total metal, metal toxicity decreases with increasing pH and organic matter

content. The order in which EC50 values lie are in support of this theory. The

metals appeared to be most toxic in Kettering loam and Thetford soil and least

toxic in Neutral compost.

Criel et al. (2008) studied the effects of soil properties on the toxicity of copper to

Eisenia fetida in 19 European field soils. Figure 4.4 shows good correlation

between the observed EC50 values for Cu and those calculated using parameters

reported by Criel et al. 2008 for two soils with circumneutral pH. The parameters

described by the authors do not include a function for the inclusion of the pH of

the soil solution. This may explain why there is such a discrepancy between the

observed and calculated values for Cu EC50 values expressed as total metal.

The reproduction results used in this study have been corrected for the absolute

effect of pH on earthworm reproduction. The pH of the soil will still cause an

effect on the reproduction rates of the earthworm by influencing metal speciation

and through the competition of protons with the metal ion at the site of uptake.

The observed EC50 values were higher (less toxic) than the calculated EC50 values

Page 84: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


(Fig 4.4), as the effect of pH which accounts for a proportion of the toxicity has

been accounted for by correcting for pH effects. In the case of Zn (Fig 4.3), where

the observed EC50 values were compared to calculated values a high correlation

was found in every case. In the acidic compost the estimated value was not in the

range of the observed EC50 values for Cu, the reason for the disagreement may be

that at those conditions simply using the cation exchange capacity as a fitting

parameter is not sufficient to account for all effects due to the low values of these

parameters. The observed EC50 values (Figures 4.4) vary much less than the EC50

values predicted using either model. The Cu model used in Figure 4.4 relies on

toxicity data relating to the earthworm species Eisenia fetida, not Eisenia veneta

which is the earthworm used in this study. Given the range in EC50 values it may

be suggested that metal toxicity expressed as total metal for Eisenia veneta is

much less dependent on soil chemistry than Eisenia fetida.

The fit of the regression analysis performed using the % clay content, % loss on

ignition and soil solution pH yielded very good results (Fig 4.2). Including more

fitting parameters did not increase the power of the model. As soil toxicology is

greatly dependant on the physiochemical properties of the soil it may be

favourable to include a number of soil properties during analysis of toxicity


Previously, the toxicity of Cu, expressed as free metal ion (or Cu2+

activity), and a

function of soil pH has been discussed (DiToro et al., 2001; DeSchamphelaere and

Janssen, 2002; Lofts et al., 2004). The competition between protons and free metal

ions for binding, at the site of uptake (or site of action) of the metal, results in a

Page 85: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


protective effect of the protons (and major cations) to the organism. Although this

relationship between pH and metal ions is observed for all three metals used in this

study (with one exception) it appears to be most prominent for Cu (Fig 4.6). In the

case of Cd, only one of the soils (Kettering loam) did not to follow the expected

pattern. A correction was made using the soil solution Ca2+

concentrations (Fig


A number of studies have previously used Ca concentrations in conjunction with

Cd to describe metal behaviour (van Gestel and Koolhaas, 2004; Temminghoff et

al., 1995; Li et al., 2009). The two cations have ionic radii of similar sizes and

therefore do compete for the same binding sites (Li et al., 2008). The ameliorating

effect of Ca2+

ions through competition with Cd2+

at the site of uptake will cause

an increase in the EC50 value expressed as free metal ion. The re-fitted EC50 value

(from the re-fitted dose response curve)(Fig 4.7) correlates well with the expected

trend of decreasing EC50 values with increasing pH for free metal ion, however the

improvement of data fit is not significant when compared to the fit achieved

through the ‗un-corrected‘ free metal ion dose, it does help support the theory for

the relationship between pH and free metal ion EC50 and therefore it may be

biologically significant even if the model is not a better fit than the previous.

The three metals used in this study showed different levels of toxicity in the

different soils. The differences in the toxicity of Cd, Cu and Zn could be due to

several factors affecting the interaction between the metal and the organisms at

various levels i.e. at the site of action or at an intracellular level. This may be

related to the different response of earthworms to essential and non-essential

metals. The relationship between total metal and soil solution metal has been

Page 86: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


plotted in Figure 4.5. The order of metal toxicity in each of the soils can be related

to the availability of soil solution metal

Once a metal has entered the organism, the toxic effects can be countered in a

number of ways including altering the metal absorption efficiency or the excretory

rate (Marino and Morgan, 1999). Cu and Zn are both important micronutrients for

animals, whereas Cd is known to be a non-essential element (Landis and Yu,

2004). Essential metals such as Cu are regulated within the earthworm body and

excreted, whereas non-essential metals such as Cd are detoxified. This is achieved

through sequestration within inorganic matrices or through binding to organic

ligands (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1999). These differences may cause the response

of earthworms to the individual metals to differ (Sizmur and Hodson, 2009). A

study conducted by Spurgeon et al. (2004) on the effects of Cd and Cu on the

juvenile growth and development of the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus concluded

that the differences observed in the effects of the two metals may be due to the

different mechanisms for coping with high concentrations of the two metals.

The importance of including soil properties in the analysis of metal toxicity in

soils has been demonstrated previously. The toxicity patterns observed in this

study, as well as a number of past studies, has revealed that the metal form which

is used can also be an important aspect for understanding metal toxicity in soils.

The range of EC50 values found for Cd in the four soils when fitted independently

(Table 4.1) were all within the range of the EC50 value fitted for all soils

collectively (Fig 4.1). This was not true for the other two metal forms. For Zn,

Page 87: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


EC50 dissolved and free metal ion ranges overlapped with all but the EC50 value

calculated for Kettering loam individually (Fig 4.1, Table 4.3). For Cu the free

metal ion provided the most overlap in term of EC50 values for single soils and all

soils in combination (Table 4.2). However the model fit when using the free metal

ion dose had the lowest r2 value (Fig 4.1). Comparing the EC50 values observed

for Eisenia veneta for Zn and Cu to modelled values we have already noted that

the variation in values is less than for the species Eisenia fetida (Fig 4.3 and 4.4).

These results support the fact that gut uptake may be an important aspect of metal

toxicity. However, more detailed work into directly studying the role of gut uptake

would need to be done to understand the mechanisms involved.

Earthworms can be exposed to metals by direct dermal contact through the soil

solution or by ingestion of soil, contaminated food or pore water (Lanno et al.,

2004). Lock and Janssen, (2001) found that dietary exposure of Zn to Folsomia

candida may be an important uptake route as effects on reproduction were

underestimated when using just the porewater metal dose.

Various studies have assessed the relative contribution of the dermal and gut route

to metal uptake in earthworms and found differences in the means of uptake of

different metals. One study used a model to estimate the percentage of metal

uptake accounted for by the dermal route and found that it explained >96% of the

overall uptake of Cd and Cu in the earthworm Eisenia andrei, and 82% of total Zn

uptake (Saxe et al., 2001). Vijver et al. (2003) used a technique where the mouths

of the earthworms were sealed using glue. They found that for the earthworm

Lumbricus rubellus Cu uptake could be fully explained using the dermal route, but

Page 88: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


found that it explained 83% of Cd uptake and 79% of Zn uptake, when compared

to internal concentrations of earthworm in the same soil conditions with unsealed

mouths. In order to find a metal fraction that best describes sublethal effects of all

three metals individually in different soils; we must take into account all exposure

routes of the metals and study the body burdens of the metal in the earthworms.

This introduces a new pool of metal that may not be explained by the dissolved or

free metal ion concentrations alone, and this may account for the high r2


(Fig 4.1) when expressing the metal dose as total metal.

The cumulative analytical error associated with the dissolved and free ion metal

forms which is not present to the same extent in total metal extractions may cause

a bias in the goodness of fit when using the total metal dose. Furthermore the

differences in the goodness of fit of a single relationship describing the effects on

reproduction of Cd, and Cu and Zn could be due to several factors affecting the

interaction between the metal and the organisms at a various levels i.e. at the site

of action or at an intracellular level, which can be related to the different response

of earthworm to essential and non-essential metals.

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4.6 Conclusions

Regression models with parameters that include organic matter content and soil

solution pH were shown to describe toxicity data in the form of total metal EC50

values for Zn, Cd and Cu. This supports models found in the literature but also

supports the relationship between the physiochemical soil properties and toxicity

to earthworms. Including toxicity data into regression models from more soils of

different physiochemical properties would further enhance the predictive power of

the model fits.

Further to the observed results, it can be concluded that EC50 values expressed in

the free metal ion form for all three metals display a strong relationship with soil

solution pH. This relationship is altered in the presence of elevated concentrations

of major cations in the soil namely calcium.

The results also support the argument of studying gut uptake as an exposure route

through which Zn, Cd and Cu can exert toxicity.

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Chapter Five

Integrating chemical parameters to mixture

modelling techniques: Joint toxic effects of Cu

and Zn to the earthworm Eisenia veneta

5.1 Introduction and background

Heavy metal contamination in the environment is often characterized by mixtures

of different metals, and therefore soil organisms inhabiting contaminated field

sites are usually exposed to mixtures of toxic metals at varying concentrations

(Weltje, 1998; Posthuma et al., 1997). There are concerns that exposure of

organisms to mixtures of chemicals may lead to unexpected effects at low

concentrations (Baas et al., 2007), and over recent years there has been a drive to

research the joint action of chemical mixtures (Spurgeon et al., 2003; Baas et al.,


Thus far, an insufficient amount of information has been available on the

behaviour of mixtures in the environment to confidently predict the effects they

may cause in different types of soil. This has implications to risk assessment

objectives for soils as toxicity tests in the terrestrial environment have

predominantly referred to the effects of metals applied singly (Spurgeon et al.,

2005; Baas et al., 2007). In contrast, a considerable number of metal mixture

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studies have been performed in the aquatic environment (e.g. Paulsson and

Lundbergh, 1991; Backhaus et al., 2000; Otitoloju et al., 2002; Barata et al., 2006;

Cooper et al., 2009; Vandenbrouck et al., 2009).

Solid-liquid equilibrium partitioning coefficients have been used with aquatic

toxicity data in an attempt to derive soil quality standards, but this method has

been criticised due to a number of issues including the variability in behaviour of

chemicals in different soils, and in uptake routes for soil organisms (Janssen et al.,

1997). Soil toxicology relies heavily on controlled laboratory experiments when

investigating the effects of different environmental pollutants on soil organisms,

and earthworm species have been widely regarded as model organisms (Frund et

al., 2009). While results from laboratory based studies are an invaluable part of

soil toxicology, issues exist in relating such findings to the field where mixture

interaction and bioavailability are known to be important (Lock and Janssen, 2001;

Posthuma et al., 1997; Koptsik et al., 2005).

Soil properties influence the speciation of metals in soils through ion exchange,

complexation and precipitation-dissolution processes (Koptsik et al., 2005). There

is strong evidence to suggest that the soil characteristics that determine metal

speciation over solid phase and soil pore water are the same characteristics that

influence the concentration of metal available to the organism (Janssen et al.,


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Reliable prediction of mixture toxicity requires the knowledge of the relationships

between the single chemical toxicities and those of their mixtures, which can only

be achieved through appropriate testing procedures (Barata et al., 2006). A number

of authors have begun investigating ways of quantifying the effects of mixtures in

soil ecotoxicology. Among the most popular methodologies are the utilization of

mathematical models previously developed and used in pharmaceutical research,

namely the Concentration Addition (CA) (Loewe and Muischnek, 1926) and

Independent Action (IA) models (Bliss, 1939). Concentration Addition is a

conceptual model that assumes that toxicants have similar modes of action and

that their joint action can be defined as the sum of individual component

concentrations scaled to their relative potency (Drescher and Boedeker, 1995). The

Independent Action model is thought to hold true for chemicals with different

modes of action and makes a statement about the probability of an observed effect.

A number of studies have relied on the guiding principles of these two conceptual

models to describe the effects of mixtures (Backhaus et al., 2000; Altenburger et

al., 2004; Jonker et al., 2004, 2005; Barata et al., 2006; Baas et al., 2007). The

models can be extended to describe synergism or antagonism using deviation

functions (Jonker et al., 2005).

Deviations from the CA and IA reference models can also be considered. Some

chemicals can interrelate synergistically showing a higher toxic effect that would

otherwise be expected from the toxicity of the single chemicals within the mixture,

similarly chemicals within a mixture can interact antagonistically by showing a

lower toxic effect than that expected. Mixtures may also enhance the probability

of effect of one of the chemicals in the mixture. The difference being that on

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occasion when a toxic effect is not predicted from the toxicity of the individual

chemicals in the mixture, the presence of the combination of chemicals will cause

a toxic effect to be observed.

Synergistic/antagonistic deviations may be dependent on the mixture dose level or

on dose ratio (Jonker et al., 2005). The dose level-dependency means that

observed deviations from the reference models are dissimilar at low dose levels

and at high dose levels. The dose ratio-dependency means that the fraction of the

chemicals in the mixture is a compounding factor of the deviation from the

reference model, with one of the chemicals being the dominant stressor for the

observed deviation (Jonker et al., 2005; Loureiro, 2009). There is therefore a need

to understand the complex nature of mixture toxicity in order to advance the

predictive powers of terrestrial toxicology.

Given that Cu and Zn are both essential metals and therefore have dedicated

biochemical pathways through which they are dealt with, interaction between the

two metals would not be expected. The mixture effects however are expected to be

affected by the physiochemical properties of the different soils, making the use of

EC50 values in standard soils to predict mixture effects ineffective.

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5.2 Study outline

The experimental design used in this study was designed to describe how changes

in soil properties affect the joint toxicity of binary mixtures of copper and zinc on

the compost worm Eisenia veneta. Adult earthworm reproduction experiments

were performed in four soils with different physical and chemical properties,

dosed to a range of concentrations of Cu and Zn. The observed effects on the rate

of reproduction were then described in each soil/mixture combination using the

mixture reference models. All experiments were designed to allow the

identification of deviation from CA and IA models, should these exist including

absolute synergism or antagonism. As well as synergistic/antagonistic interactions

at different dose levels and dose ratios. Each soil metal dose was expressed as total

soil metal and free metal ion. Patterns of mixture behaviour were described in

terms of each of the two metal forms.

If there is no interaction between the metals in the mixture, the effect of the

mixtures would be additive. This would imply that the reference models CA and

IA would describe the toxicity data in the free metal ion form without the

inclusion of an extra parameter to describe synergism and antagonism, regardless

of the results obtained when using the total metal dose.

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5.3 Methods

The adult earthworm reproduction experiments, chemical analysis and data

preparation were performed in accordance with the methods outlines in Chapter 2.

In addition, the following procedures were followed to support the aims of this


5.3.1 Mixture modelling and statistics

To tackle the toxic effects in the mixtures experiments, the observed effect on

earthworm reproduction was compared to the expected effect of mixtures

calculated from the single metal exposure toxicities by applying the computational

framework proposed by Jonker et al. (2003). The model is based on the reference

models concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA). The CA model

is defined by equation 4 and the IA model by equation 5 in Chapter 1. The model

allows further quantification of deviation from the reference models (Absolute

synergism or antagonism (S/A), dose ratio dependant S/A, dose level dependant

S/A) (Table 5.1). The model fits are compared to evaluate whether or not the extra

parameter would present a significant improvement. A significance level of p

<0.05 was chosen as the threshold value. The maximum (or control) response was

set to 1.0. The calculations include the slopes of the individual dose-response

curves for the metals in the mixture, EC50 values for the two chemicals in the

mixture, and finally the correlation coefficient (R2).

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Table 5.1: Record of additional model fitting parameters denoting the form of

deviation pattern. Chemical B represents Cu in the respective mixtures, as Zn is

the common metal in both mixtures tested. Adapted from Jonker et al. (2005).

Deviation pattern Parameter a Parameter b



a>0 antagonism (ant)

a<0 synergism (syn)

Dose ratio (DR)

a>0 ant, except where -ve b

indicates syn.

a<0 syn, except where +ve b

indicates ant.

b>0 ant where toxicity of

mixture mainly caused by

Chemical B

b<0 syn where toxicity of

mixture mainly caused by

Chemical B

Dose level (DL) a>0 low DL (ant),high DL(syn)

a<0 low DL (syn),high DL(ant)

b=1 change at EC50

0<b<1 change at higher DL

b>1 change at lower DL

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5.4 Results

The results of model fitting for observed earthworm responses and relevant

deviation fits for the mixture of copper and zinc are shown in Table 5.2.

Significant model fits were possible for all datasets using the CA and IA models,

in four soils for all metal forms. Fitting parameters and EC50 values were different

in each metal form and in the different soils. Similarly deviation fits were also

specific to each set of conditions. No absolute antagonism was observed in any of

the mixtures, significant synergism was observed and more complex dose level

and dose ratio deviations were not observed. In three of the four soils (excluding

Neutral compost), expressing the metal dose as total metal yielded synergism

deviation patterns. Only in one of the cases with free metal ion as the dose is

synergism observed, in the Acidic compost.

Table 5.2 (appears on page 84): the best descriptive model, the fitting parameters

and the relationship between the observed and the modelled data (after CA and IA

model fit) for Cu and Zn expressed as total, and free ion Cu and Zn concentrations

in four soils. Concentration units are total (mg/kg dry weight), and free ion (µM).

The cocoon reproduction maximum was set to 1.0, and the values highlighted in

red are set values. is the gradient of the dose response curves, CA is the

concentration addition model, IA is the independent action model and S/A is

synergism or antagonism. The significance of the fits was expressed as p=0.05 *,

p<0.05 **, p<0.01 ***.

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Soil Form Model Cu() Cu(EC50) Zn() Zn(EC50) r2 a Interpretation



ng l


Total CA*** 3.05 469 1.41 619 0.68

Total S/A** 2.83 703 2.01 1070 0.75 -3.13 Sig synergism

Total IA*** 1.09 394 1.45 668 0.68

Total S/A*** 3.31 591 2.26 1280 0.78 -7.06Sig synergism

Free M2+ CA*** 1.18 9.90x10-4 0.67 1.50 0.77

Free M2+ IA*** 1.16 1.85x10-3 0.62 1.59 0.77


tral c


post Total CA*** 0.84 819 4.29 1950 0.73

Total IA*** 0.79 757 2.83 1890 0.73

Free M2+ CA*** 0.48 8.30x10-4 6.89 145 0.73

Free M2+ IA*** 0.78 2.96x10-3 0.45 39.37 0.72





Total CA*** 1.83 314 1.79 847 0.84

Total S/A*** 2.73 615 1.91 1158 0.91 -3.48Sig synergism

Total IA*** 1.42 300 1.45 811 0.83

Total S/A*** 2.42 567 2.41 1217 0.90 -6.21Sig synergism

Free M2+ CA*** 2.51 2.09 0.81 61.3 0.86

Free M2+ IA*** 8.50 2.12 0.83 57.0 0.86






Total CA*** 4.68 678 2.92 2720 0.80

Total IA*** 4.72 536 2.58 2390 0.78

Total S/A* 4.46 776 4.34 3210 0.80 -6.27Sig synergism

Free M2+ CA*** 3.62 2.06 7.14 133 0.68

Free M2+ S/A** 4.00 2.56 1.55 338 0.74 -6.95Sig synergism

Free M2+ IA*** 2.59 1.98 1.51 125 0.68

Free M2+ S/A** 3.77 2.24 2.22 355 0.74 -9.28Sig synergism


le 5

.2 :





s of


n m



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5.5 Demonstration of mixture behaviour patterns

In order to demonstrate the differences in compliance with additivity and deviation

from additivity Figures 5.1 and 5.2 each show one of the mixture behaviour

patterns observed for the Cu/Zn mixture (Table 5.2). ECx is the x% effect

observed on the population (ie EC10 is where 10% of the population is affected).

The ECx values do not present concentrations but proportions of the population

affected. The horizontal (x-axis) represents the ECx value predicted by the IA or

CA model and the vertical (y-axis) represents the observed ECx value or fitted

values. The IA or CA predicted dataset are the values that would be predicted by

the model given the single metal fits only. The IA fit (or CA fit) shows the model

fit given the entire dataset including the mixture data, and Fit S/A includes the

parameter allowing for synergistic/antagonistic deviation. In Kettering loam when

the metal is expressed in the total metal form at the maximum point of deviation

the IA model predicts an EC39 whereas the actual value is EC78 (Fig 5.1). In the

Neutral compost at the maximum point of deviation for CA model with metal dose

expressed in the total metal form the difference in values is much lower and

statistically not significant where the predicted value is EC65 and actual value EC69

(Fig 5.2).

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0 20 40 60 80 100


x (


a &






IA predicted effect ECx

IA predicted

Observed data

Fit IA

Fit S/A

Figure 5.1: Predicted ECx values against fitted ECx values for Cu/Zn mixture in

Kettering loam, expressed as total metal concentrations. Synergism was significant

at p< 0.01.







0 20 40 60 80 100


x (


a &






CA predicted effect ECx

CA predicted

Observed data

Fit CA

Fit S/A

Figure 5.2: Predicted ECx values against fitted ECx values for Cu/Zn mixture in

Neutral compost, expressed as total metal concentrations. No deviation from

additivity was observed.

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5.6 Discussion

Different models have been observed to give different categorization of mixture

effects between pollutants. In order to achieve more reliable classification of

mixtures, analysis of mixture data must utilize more than one model when

describing the types of interactions existing between pollutant mixtures exposed to

test organisms (Parrott and Sprague, 1993). CA and IA reference models used to

analyse data from this study have been previously shown to fit toxicity data

equally well (Drescher and Boedeker, 1995), although CA is usually considered

appropriate for worst-case scenario for terrestrial environments (Lock and Janssen,


Differences in the mathematical formulation of CA and IA can be a factor in the

dissimilarities in the extent of absolute synergism and antagonism observed in the

interpretation of the mixture data by the two models. The slopes of the dose

response curves relating to the chemicals in the mixtures can be an indication of

the discrepancies, for example, for low slopes synergistic properties are more

pronounced in CA in comparison to IA, the opposite is true at high slopes

(Drescher and Boedeker, 1995). Given the slopes found in this study range

between moderate to high slopes, this relationship will not be important and in fact

both reference model fit show similar deviation patterns (Table 5.2).

CA and IA models make specific assumptions on the modes of action of

chemicals; CA assumes similar modes of action and IA assumes different modes

of action for the chemicals in the mixture. The information about the modes of

action of metals on Eisenia veneta is not available. Using both models for Cu and

Page 102: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Zn adds to the argument of using more than one model, but also important as the

metals may have more than one site of action. The site of action is an important

stage in considering the toxic effect of metals on organisms.

Chemical interaction of metals and the surrounding environments can be important

at three stages when studying toxic effects of metals on organisms. These are the

interaction between the metal and the soil particles, in other words metal

speciation in the soil solution, the competition at the site of uptake and finally

interactions within the organism (Janssen et al., 1997; Posthuma 1997). The

toxicity of metals to organisms is assumed to occur as the result of free metal ion

reacting with the physiologically active binding sites at the site of action (Di Toro

et al., 2001). Mixture effects expressed as free metal ion showed no deviation from

additivity apart from in the acidic compost soil. The amount of metal binding to

the site of uptake may be a good representation for dermal uptake however, may

not represent uptake at other routes, namely gut uptake. This may explain the

difference in mixture patterns when expressed as total and free metal ion (Table

5.2). There has been evidence to suggest some metal uptake may be through the

earthworm gut (Jager, 2004; Vijver et al., 2003; Becquer et al., 2005). Earthworm

feeding activity is complex (Jager et al., 2003) and consequently there will be

variation in the levels of exposure to toxic metals through the gut. The feeding

pattern of the earthworms in low organic matter soil may be different than in high

organic matter soil. In a general sense, or as is the case for the IA reference model,

there was no difference in the mixture behaviour for free ion and total metal, but

this was not the case in the low organic matter soils, Kettering loam and Thetford

soil (Table 5.2).

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Observed mixture toxicity and metal free ion concentrations (Table 5.2) correlate

well with high r2 values. Total metal concentrations show equally good fits with

mixture data, and that could be a function of the fact that total metal

concentrations will encompass bioavailable metal concentrations but also be

associated with lower levels of experimental error. Total metal concentrations are

verified using one analytical technique (aqua regia, Chapter 2) while free metal ion

concentrations are modelled using results of three analytical techniques (pH

analysis, DOC analysis and dissolved metal analysis, Chapter 2). This will

ultimately imply that free metal ions will be affected with compound experimental

error and while these results are still viable for toxicity assessment they carry

larger scatter than total metal concentrations.

An important observation of the mixture patterns is that for most of the datasets

there was no deviation from the CA and IA reference models. There was no

absolute antagonistic deviation and in the neutral compost additivity was found for

both free metal ion and total metal concentrations.

Synergism was observed in all soils, apart from the neutral compost, when the

metal dose was expressed as total metal but only in acidic compost when

expressed as the free metal ion (Table 5.2). This may therefore suggest that the

mixture interactions seen in all four soils are related to the speciation effect to a

greater extent than an inherent toxicological interaction in the organism. A

toxicological interaction would have given a consistent interaction for all external

exposure forms.

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In a study by Baas et al. (2007) six binary mixtures of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were

tested for their lethal effects on Folsomia candida in loamy sand. The same

modelling approach using CA and IA reference models was used and synergism

was also observed for Cu/Cd mixtures. In another study on the lethal effects of

Zn/Cu, Zn/Cd and Cd/Cu mixtures on Tympanotonus fuscatus, the effects of

Cu/Zn mixtures were synergistic, however only in specific ratios of 1:1, 2:3 and

1:4 (Otitoloju et al., 2002). A possible reason for synergistic properties of Cu/Zn

mixtures in this dataset is interaction between the two metals which is not included

in the reference models. This may imply that interactions seen are not

toxicological but instead are the results of effects on bioavailability. Some studies

have observed interaction between Cu and Zn in the terrestrial environment.

In a study of the effects of Cu and Zn on the reproduction of Enchytraeus

crypticus possible interactions were found between the two metals during uptake

(Posthuma et al., 1997), likewise Lou and Rimmer (1995) found that copper

increased the concentration of zinc in the plant Hordeum vulgare.

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5.7 Conclusions

The results from this study show the importance of the chemical and physical

properties of the soil on the behaviour of mixtures and their effects on the

reproduction of Eisenia veneta. CA and IA reference models were equally useful

at describing observed toxic effects, deviation pattern observed was absolute

synergism for all metal forms which is in agreement with studies in the literature,

and no dose-ratio and dose-level deviation patterns were established.

Analysis of the mixture data by total metal and free metal ion concentrations

indicated that speciation to free metal ion explained the mixture interaction in

three of the four soils. To gain generality and thus predictive power, it can be

concluded that a greater understanding of the availability of various operationally

defined chemical forms to earthworms and their mechanism of toxicity is needed.

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Chapter Six

Mixture effects of Cd and Zn mixtures on the

compost worm Eisenia veneta

6.1 Introduction and background

Organisms in contaminated environments are seldom exposed to single chemical

but instead to a host of different chemicals, as part of a complex mixture

(Altenburger et al., 2004). Accordingly, it has been widely recognised that it is

important to incorporate the toxicity of chemical mixtures into environmental

quality objectives and assessment procedures (De Zwart and Posthuma, 2005;

McCarty and Borgert, 2006; Spurgeon et al., 2005; Baas et al., 2007; Nursita et al.,

2009). Given the potential importance of chemical mixture effects for human

health and environmental protection, toxicologists have developed a number of

approaches to quantify mixture toxicity. Two of the most widely used models for

chemicals with a similar mode of toxic action are the concentration addition (CA)

model and for chemicals with a dissimilar mode of action the independent action

(IA) model is proposed (Greco et al., 1992; Altenburger et al., 2004; Loureiro,


Although useful as default model, there are cases where CA and IA fail to

correctly describe joint effects. Examples are where effects may be more severe

than expected from the single chemical toxicities (synergism) or less severe

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(antagonism). Studies into the joint action of metal mixtures reveal these types of

‗interactive‘ relationships for different chemical (e.g. metal) combinations and in

different species. Kohler and Eckwert (1997) found synergistic patterns when

investigating the effects of Zn and Cd on the production of stress proteins in the

isopod Oniscus asellus. The mixture effects of Cu and Pb were shown to be

antagonistic when studying lethal effects of the metals on Folsomia candida in

loamy sand (Baas et al., 2007). Recent data have shown that as well as overall

synergistic or antagonistic effects, more complex deviation patterns of mixture

effects compared to prediction based on single chemical toxicity can also be

observed. These patterns are dose ratio-dependent deviation, where the toxic

effects depend on the ratios in each of the metals, and dose level-dependent

deviation, where the effects are reliant on the concentration at which the chemicals

are present (Jonker et al., 2005).

The natures of the chemicals forming a mixture play an important role in

determining the patterns that may be observed in the toxicity of the mixture.

However, the properties of the soil and the speciation of the chemical are vital

factors in determining the toxic effects exerted by mixtures. The overall joint

effect of chemicals is a result of interactions at various levels both outside and

within the organism (Posthuma et al., 1997). Speciation of metals in soil is

governed by complexation, ion exchange and precipitation-dissolution processes,

where the amount of metal available to the organism could be interpreted as a

function of the total soil metal concentration moderated by soil characteristics and

the presence of other metals (Janssen et al., 1997; Hankard et al., 2005; Kopstik et

al., 2005; Amaral et al., 2006).

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In order to take account of the possible effects of soil properties on sub-lethal

toxicity of Cd and Zn mixtures this study has aimed to describe observed patterns

of mixture behaviour as a function of different metal fractions. While it is possible

to use existing mixture models and single metal toxicity to predict mixture

behaviour, this does not allow for the inclusion of possible metal interactions due

to soil properties and at the site of uptake.

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6.2 Study outline

To understand how speciation in different soils may affect the nature of a species

response to a metal mixture, adult earthworm reproduction experiments were

performed on the compost worm Eisenia veneta in four soils with different

physical and chemical properties, dosed to a range of concentrations of Cd and Zn.

The series of mixture experiments was designed with the intention of being able to

describe absolute synergism/antagonism as well as dose level and dose ratio

deviation patterns from CA and IA reference models. In each different soil the

resulting mixture effects were expressed as total metal concentrations and free

metal ion concentrations modelled using the chemical speciation model WHAM

VI. The rate of earthworm cocoon production was used as the biological endpoint.

The mixture toxicity data when expressed as free metal ion would be best

described by the reference models IA and CA if there is no interaction between the

metals, independent of the patterns of toxicity that may be found when the metal

dose is expressed in the total metal form. However if there is interaction between

the metals, deviation parameters will be needed to describe the data in the free

metal ion form.

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6.3 Methods

The adult earthworm reproduction experiments, chemical analysis and data

preparation were performed in accordance with the methods outlines in Chapter 2.

In addition, the following procedures were followed to support the aims of this


6.3.1 Mixture modelling and statistics

To tackle the toxic effects in the mixtures experiments, the observed effect on

earthworm reproduction was compared to the expected effect of mixtures

calculated from the single metal exposure toxicities by applying the computational

framework proposed by Jonker et al. (2003). The model is based on the reference

models concentration addition and independent action. The concentration addition

model (CA) is defined by equation 4 and the independent action model (IA) by

equation 5 in Chapter 1.

The model allows further quantification of deviation from the reference models

(Absolute synergism or antagonism (S/A), dose ratio dependant S/A, dose level

dependant S/A) (Table 6.1). The model fits are compared to evaluate whether or

not the extra parameter would present a significant improvement. A significance

level of p <0.05 was chosen as the threshold value. The maximum (or control)

response was set to 1.0. The calculations include the slopes of the individual dose-

response curves for the metals in the mixture, EC50 values for the two chemicals in

the mixture, and finally the correlation coefficient (r2).

Page 111: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


6.4 Results

The results of model fitting for observed earthworm responses and relevant

deviation fits for the Cd/Zn mixture are shown in Table 6.1. Significant model fits

were possible for all datasets using the CA and IA models, in four soils for all

metal forms, with one exception. In the Thetford soil when the metal dose is

expressed as free metal ion, the p value for the best fit IA model was 0.05 (0.0503

to four decimal places) which does not comply with the pre-determined criteria of

a significant fit being established when a p value is less than 0.05. However as the

value is within a reasonable range of the statistical criterion set, the results found

will be considered during the result discussion. Fitting parameters and EC50 values

were different in each metal form and in the different soils. Similarly deviation fits

were also specific to each set of conditions. Absolute antagonism and synergism

was observed, however, no dose level and dose ratio deviations were found.

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Table 6.1(table appears on page 99): The best descriptive model, the fitting

parameters and the relationship between the observed and the modelled data (after

CA and IA model fit) for Cd and Zn expressed as total, and free ion Cd and Zn

concentrations in four soils. Concentration units are total (mg/kg dry weight), and

free ion (µM). The cocoon reproduction maximum was set to 1.0, and the values

highlighted in red are set values. is the gradient of the dose response curves, CA

is the concentration addition model, IA is the independent action model and S/A is

synergism or antagonism. The significance of the fits was expressed as p=0.05 *,

p<0.05 **, p<0.01 ***, p<0.001 ****.

Page 113: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Soil Form Model Cd() Cd(EC50) Zn() Zn(EC50) r2 a Interpretation



ng lo


Total CA**** 1.93 262 2.46 842 0.92

Total S/A*** 2.16 364 2.39 985 0.94 -1.65 Sig Synergism

Total IA**** 1.51 225 1.92 767 0.91

Total S/A**** 2.39 387 2.43 983 0.94 -4.40 Sig Synergism

Free M2+ CA**** 1.87 8.78 0.56 607 0.56

Free M2+ S/A**** 0.83 8.40x10-1 1.42 68.0 0.77 11.4 Sig Antagonism

Free M2+ IA**** 2.10 11.7 0.61 495 0.56

Free M2+ S/A**** 0.58 7.69x10-1 1.15 77.2 0.77 8.40 Sig Antagonism


tral c



Total CA**** 1.33 342 4.64 1920 0.89

Total S/A*** 1.57 484 3.08 2240 0.90 -1.84 Sig Synergism

Total IA**** 1.14 294 3.05 1850 0.86

Total S/A**** 2.14 553 3.46 2190 0.91 -5.56 Sig Synergism

Free M2+ CA**** 0.61 7.21 10.7 548 0.69

Free M2+ IA**** 0.74 2.48 10.0 534 0.72





Total CA**** 1.88 294 1.98 809 0.80

Total S/A*** 2.16 407 2.54 1330 0.84 -2.72 Sig Synergism

Total IA**** 1.45 263 1.67 756 0.79

Total S/A**** 2.88 423 2.93 1370 0.84 -7.09 Sig Synergism

Free M2+ CA**** 0.71 6.91 10.0 167 0.68

Free M2+ S/A**** 0.50 1.24 10.0 86.2 0.76 12.6 Sig Antagonism

Free M2+ IA**** 0.77 4.59 9.49 155 0.73

Free M2+ S/A* 0.54 1.77 8.57 145 0.75 2.99 Sig Antagonism






Total CA**** 2.21 567 2.38 3780 0.60

Total S/A**** 3.26 296 3.10 2320 0.75 4.31 Sig Antagonism

Total IA**** 3.37 427 5.68 3240 0.69

Total S/A*** 2.69 279 5.92 2440 0.75 6.43 Sig Antagonism

Free M2+ CA** 0.71 12.1 2.74 100 0.26

Free M2+ S/A*** 0.67 1.28 0.80 31.0 0.41 15.3 Sig Antagonism

Free M2+ IA** 0.96 6.85 3.00 100 0.28

Free M2+ S/A*** 0.73 1.59 0.43 33.7 0.41 8.19 Sig Antagonism


le 6






s fo

r C


n m



Page 114: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


6.5 Demonstration of mixture behaviour patterns

In order to demonstrate the differences in deviation from additivity Figures 6.1

and 6.2 each show one of the mixture behaviour patterns observed for the Cd/Zn

mixture (Table 6.1). ECx is the x% effect observed on the population (i.e. EC10 is

where 10% of the population is affected). The ECx values do not present

concentrations but proportions of the population affected. The horizontal (x-axis)

represents the ECx value predicted by the IA model and the vertical (y-axis)

represents the observed ECx value or fitted values. The IA predicted dataset are

the values that would be predicted by the model given the single metal fits only.

The IA fit shows the model fit given the entire dataset including the mixture data,

and Fit S/A includes the parameter allowing for synergistic/antagonistic deviation.

In Kettering loam when the metal is expressed in the total metal form at the

maximum point of deviation the IA model predicts an EC47 whereas the actual

value is EC72 (Figure 6.1). In the Acidic compost at the maximum point of

deviation for the metal dose expressed as the total metal form the predicted value

is EC81 and actual value EC31 (Figure 6.2).

Page 115: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose








0 20 40 60 80 100


x (


a &






IA predicted effect ECx

IA predicted

Observed data

Fit IA

Fit S/A

Figure 6.1: Predicted ECx values against fitted ECx values for Cd/Zn mixture in

Kettering loam, expressed as total metal concentrations. Synergism was significant

at p <0.01.







0 20 40 60 80 100


x (


a &






IA predicted effect ECx

Predicted IA

Observed data

Fit IA

Fit S/A

Figure 6.2: Predicted ECx values against fitted ECx values for Cd/Zn mixture in

Acidic compost, expressed as total metal concentrations. Antagonism was

significant at p <0.01.

Page 116: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


6.6 Discussion

This study provided insight into the joint effect of cadmium and zinc mixtures on

the reproduction of Eisenia veneta. Comparison of the experimental results for the

mixtures to the effects predicted using the models CA and IA, that are commonly

used for assessing mixture effects from single chemical toxicities indicate different

response patterns. The level of mixture toxicity was different in the four different

soils. This supports the initial expectation that, as is the case in studies with single

metals (See Chapter 4), the exact nature of joint effect will be affected by the

chemical and physical properties of the soil. Synergistic deviation patterns of

deviation from CA and IA predictions were observed when the metal

concentration was expressed as total soil metal. The exception was for the acidic

compost, with high organic matter content and low pH, for which antagonistic

interactions dominated (Table 6.1).

The goodness-of-fit assessed as the correlation coefficient for the IA reference

model was not significantly different from that for CA. This was true when data

was expressed in both metal forms. IA and CA are often found to fit equally well

to mixture data (Drescher and Boedeker, 1995). In another study on the avoidance

behaviour of two species by Loureiro et al. (2009) the effects of a mixture of zinc

and cadmium to Enchytraeus albidus and Porcellionides pruinosus, the observed

mixture effects showed no significant deviation for both species, and it was

concluded the metals were acting similarly, as fits to the IA model were not

consistent for both species. Both Cd and Zn have similar chemistries (Posthuma et

al., 1997), and although Cd is not an essential metal to earthworms and Zn is an

Page 117: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


essential metal (Alloway, 1995), the biochemical pathways for Cd and Zn may use

similar pathways due to similarities in their chemistry. This is turn may raise the

possibility of interaction occurring between the two metals.

The differences found for mixture effects in soil with different properties could

explain the apparent inconsistencies that exist in the literature in relation to the

joint effects of Zn and Cd. Van Gestel and Hensbergen (1997) found antagonistic

mixture behaviour for Cd and Zn when testing the toxicity of the mixture to the

springtail Folsomia candida. Similarly the same antagonistic pattern was found by

Khalil et al. (1996) when testing the effects of tertiary mixtures of Cd, Cu and Zn

on the reproduction of the worm Aporrectodea caliginosa.

In a separate study, exposure to a mixture of Cd and Zn at high concentrations was

found to increase cytosolic metallothioneins levels in Eisenia fetida.

Metallothioneins are a family of proteins that is able to bind to metals in the body,

an increase in its concentration would allow worms to regulate body Zn

concentrations and also to limit Cd toxicity (Demuynck et al., 2007). Possible

implications would be that observed toxicity of Cd/Zn mixtures is lower than the

expected toxicity. Expressing the metal form as free metal ion does show

antagonistic interactions in the soils Kettering loam, Thetford soil and Acidic

compost. The same interaction patterns are not observed when the metal dose is

expressed in the total metal form. The free metal ion would be the species

interacting with the metallothionein and therefore it is not unexpected that

antagonism is only observed with the free metal ion if an increase in

metallothionein concentration is responsible for the antagonistic effect.

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In the case of the Cu and Zn mixture discussed in the previous section (see

Chapter 5), remodelling of the effect data on the basis of metal species for the two

metals indicated additivy based on assessment using metal speciation (Table 5.2).

For the Cd and Zn mixture tests, only in the case of the Neutral compost was the

deviation seen for models based on total metal absent when modelled using the

free metal ion. In two cases, Kettering loam and Thetford soil different patterns of

mixture deviation were found when modelled based on total or free metal ion

concentrations. Synergistic deviation was evident when the metal was expressed in

the total metal form and antagonistic effects when expressed as the free metal ion.

Both the soils have lower organic matter contents than the other two compost soils

studied suggesting that interactions with organic matter are important in

determining this shift in overall response. In the acid compost soils with high

organic matter, the deviation patterns observed were similar for models based on

both soil metal pools.

As outlined in the acidic compost antagonism was observed when the metal

concentration was expressed as both total and free metal ion concentrations while

in the neutral compost synergism was observed when the metal form was

expressed as total metal (Table 6.1). This may imply that at high organic matter

content, which closely matches the natural environment of Eisenia veneta- a

compost worm, the soil pH plays a larger part in determining the mixture patterns

observed for the Cd/Zn metal mixture then organic matter. The mixture patterns

observed in the high organic matter soil will be due to the change in pH between

the neutral and acidic compost as the organic matter content might not be

Page 119: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


influencing the earthworm response to metals in the mixture. On the other hand,

the pHsolution difference between the two soils with high organic matter content is

much larger at ~2.4 pH units than the difference in pHsolution between the soils with

lower organic matter content which equals ~1.0 pH unit. Given this information

metal speciation may play as vital a role in determining the effects of mixture

deviation patterns as does the biochemical interaction of the metals within


Page 120: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


6.7 Conclusion

Cd/Zn mixture tested in this study showed reasonable fits to the reference models

CA and IA while including deviation parameters, but also that the fits varied

among soils and when describing the metal in different forms. Deviation patterns

observed were generally synergistic when the total metal concentrations were used

and mostly antagonistic where deviations from additivity were found for free

metal ion concentrations. For total metal concentrations the Acidic compost soil

resulted in the only antagonistic deviation in comparison to synergistic patterns for

all other soils. Describing the mixture pattern data in the free metal ion form in

neutral compost showed no deviation from additivity while antagonism was

expressed in the other soils.

The metal mixture shows interactions when expressed as both the total and the

free ion concentrations and therefore may suggest the behaviour observed is due to

both in the soil affecting the speciation and also a biochemical interaction arising

because two metals may share a common pathway.

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Chapter Seven

On the application of DGT to describing the

toxicity of Cadmium, Copper and Zinc to

Eisenia veneta

7.1 Introduction and background

Improving our understanding of the effects of heavy metals on terrestrial

organisms is important for maintaining the health and fertility of soils. In the

terrestrial environment chemical speciation of heavy metals is controlled by the

physiochemical properties of soil. These properties influence the biological

availability and in turn the toxicity of heavy metals in soils (Meers et al., 2005;

Vijver et al., 2007; Degryse et al., 2009). In order to assess the hazards resulting

from heavy metal contamination in soil, it is important to be able to use an

analytical technique that is able to represent the amount of metal available to cause

toxic effects to soil organisms. In contaminated soils, organisms are often exposed

to a mixture of contaminants, and as a result in recent years there has been a drive

to include the joint effects of chemicals into toxicity studies in order to improve

our understanding of heavy metal toxicity (Weltje, 1998; Posthuma et al., 1997;

Spurgeon et al., 2003; Baas et al., 2007).

Page 122: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Earthworms are in intimate contact with the soil solution, and are thought to be

model organisms in terms of exposure routes for other soil dwelling invertebrates

(Spurgeon et al., 2006). A number of studies have suggested that the main route of

uptake of metals into earthworms is through dermal exposure (Saxe et al., 2001;

Lanno et al., 2004). This would imply that like plant routes, metal uptake into

earthworm tissue may be dependent on diffusion. Another possible path of metal

uptake into earthworms is via ingested soil particles through the gut wall where

both passive and active mechanisms could be involved (Jager, 2004; Vijver et al.,

2003; Becquer et al., 2005). It can be rationalised that both methods of exposure

could ultimately contribute to toxic metals entering the organism; however, it is

the significance of each pathway that is yet to be explained in terms of toxic

effects observed at organism level.

Depending on the kinetics of the uptake (slow or fast) by earthworms, metals in

soil solution may be depleted. This would induce metal desorption from the solid

phase and resupply to solution. Integrating the kinetics of heavy metals into hazard

assessment in contaminated soils has been restricted by the lack of straightforward

procedures that respond to the rate at which metals can be released from the solid

phase and be available to organisms (Zhang et al., 2001). The recently developed

dynamic technique of DGT (diffusive gradient in thin film) may offer a way of

assessing availability and toxicity of metals to organisms in soils. The DGT

method relies on a layer of Chelex resin which acts as a binding layer where

metals are accumulated during deployment of DGT in a water, sediment or soil

(Zhang et al., 1998). Metal chelating resins have previously been used directly in

soil (Skogley and Dobermann, 1996; Lee et al., 1996), DGT further inserts a

Page 123: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


diffusion layer at the chelating resin and soil interface which limits the uptake of

metals to the resin layer and permits the calculation of metal concentrations from

measured fluxes using Fick‘s law of diffusion (Zhang et al., 2001).

The DGT technique is therefore based on kinetic principles as opposed to

equilibrium principles (Davidson and Zhang, 1994). Further development of DGT

theory and its application to soils has led to the concept and calculation of the

effective concentrations, CE, which represents the concentration of metal that is

available from both the solid phase labile pool and the soil solution (Zhang et al.,


Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) has been suggested as a useful tool for

measuring the bioavailable fraction of metal in soil (Zhang et al., 2001). In the

case where diffusion is the main transport mechanism, uptake of metal from soil

solution will locally lower the metal concentration in the immediate surrounding

environment. This is known to occur in the plant rhizosphere and is mimicked by

DGT (Zhang et al., 2004). DGT can then measure the supply of the metal from the

soil environment. The flux of metal available for measurement by DGT is

influenced by the overall concentration in soil solution, the available metal in the

solid phase and the kinetics controlling the fractionation between the solid and

solution compartments in the soil (Harper et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 1998).

Considering the exchange kinetics of trace metals between the solid and solution

phase is crucial when trying to estimate their bioavailability in soil (Lehto et al,

2008; Ruello et al., 2008). With the focus of assessing bioavailability of metals,

Page 124: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


DGT is a technique that can be used to interpret how soil properties influence the

speciation and toxicity of metals in tests conducted with single metals and


7.2 Study outline

In order to gauge the suitability of DGT effective concentrations as a measure of

biologically available metal, as single metals and in mixtures, to the compost

worm species Eisenia veneta a series of adult earthworm reproduction tests were

performed. The effects on earthworm reproduction were observed in four

physiochemically different soils dosed to a range of cadmium, copper and zinc

applied singly and in mixtures (Cd/Zn and Cu/Zn). The reproduction rates were

then expressed as a function of the DGT effective concentrations of the metals in

the soil.

If DGT is able to mimic earthworm metal uptake then describing the toxic effects

of the metals (in mixtures and singly) on earthworm reproduction using CE will be

possible in all soil forms.

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7.3 Methods

The adult earthworm reproduction experiments, chemical analysis and data

preparation were performed in accordance with the methods outlines in Chapter 2.

In addition, the following procedures were followed to support the aims of this


7.3.1 DGT soil deployment

DGT cylindrical devices were obtained from DGT Research Limited (Lancaster,

UK). The DGT devices comprise of a plastic base and cap, a layer of Chelex resin

embedded in a gel (resin layer), a layer of diffusive gel and a protective outer filter

membrane. At the end of the experiment (i.e. after earthworm removal) test soils

were wetted to 100% of the water holding capacity, mixed thoroughly and left to

equilibrate for 24 hours (Fig 2.3). DGT devices were then deployed following the

procedure described in Zhang et al., 2004. Deployment times for all soils and

metal doses were between 20-22 hours (recorded more precisely for each

deployment), with the exception of the two highest Zn additions, and three highest

mixture doses in experiments (2-6), where the deployment time was 8 hours in

order to avoid saturation of the resin gel. Deployment temperature was also

recorded with an average of 17.5 ± 1.4oC. On retrieval of the DGT devices, the

resin layer was removed and stored in test tubes containing 1 ml of 1M ‗Analar‘

grade nitric acid (VWR, UK). After a minimum of 24 hours the concentrations of

the three metals Cu, Cd and Zn in the acid solution were measured using a Thermo

X series ICP-MS, after appropriate dilution.

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7.3.2 Calculating DGT effective concentrations

DGT data interpretation was carried following the procedure outlined in Zhang et

al., (2004) to find the DGT effective concentrations (CE). The amount of metal

accumulated on the resin gel was calculated using the equation 22

M = C (Vacid + Vgel)/ fe (22)

C is the concentration of metal in the samples measure by ICP-MS, Vgel is the

volume of the resin gel (Vgel = 0.15 ml), Vacid is the volume of the acid used to

store the gels (Vacid = 1 ml) and fe is the elution factor (fe = 0.8). Using M, CDGT can

be calculated. CDGT is the ‗time-averaged‘ concentration of metal at the soil/device

interface in the soil (23).

CDGT = Mg/ (DAt) (23)

g is the thickness of the filter membrane (0.14 mm) and the diffusion gel layer

(0.8 mm) (g = 0.94 mm), D is the diffusion coefficient of the metal in the

diffusion gel (at a specific temperature), as calculated in a previous study by

Zhang and Davison (1999). A is the surface area of the DGT device sampling

window and t is the deployment time in seconds.

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In order to calculate effective concentrations (CE), the following equation 24 was


CE = CDGT/ Rdiff (24)

Rdiff is the ratio of the theoretical metal concentration at the DGT surface not

taking into account supply from the solid phase to the soil solution concentration.

Rdiff was calculated using the freely available DGT induced fluxes in soils and

sediments model in two dimensions (2D DIFS) (Sochaczewski et al., 2007). The

Rdiff values used for the purposes of this study were within the range (0.05 – 0.1).

The 2D DIFS model is used to calculate Rdiff by inputting the deployment time,

diffusion layer thickness, porosity, diffusion coefficients, assuming distribution

coefficient (Kd) is infinitly small and the response time (Tc) is infantly larger

(Degryse et al., 2009).

7.4 Results

The earthworm reproduction rates were fitted to dose response curves as a

function of CE concentrations calculated for each soil. The single metal dose

response curves were plotted for each metal in the individual soils, and also for all

soils collectively. The EC50 and EC10 values for the single metals in the separate

soils are listed in Table 7.1. The order of toxicity of the metals with regards to the

soils was Neutral compost < Kettering loam < Thetford soil < Acidic compost

from least toxic to most toxic for cadmium and zinc, and Kettering loam < Acidic

compost < Neutral compost < Thetford soil for copper.

Page 128: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Table 7.1: EC50 and EC10 values of Cd, Cu and Zn expressed CE (ppb), in four

different soils. The range values correspond to the 95% confidence intervals, and

were calculated by the method of bootstrapping.

Kettering loam Neutral compost Thetford soil Acidic compost





50 363 865 341 170

(243 - 556) (629 - 1204) (243 - 523) (118 - 238)


10 50 163 87 45

(22 - 95) (63 - 389) (42 - 158) (19 - 97)



er EC

50 2570 532 468 869

(1720 - 5860) (354 - 880) (250 - 870) (609 - 1340)


10 312 41 33 682

(32 - 971) (8 - 103) (13 - 79) (447 - 1062)


c EC

50 28400 43800 12900 6900

(18000 - 40600) (21400 - 109000) (8670 - 17900) (6320 - 7500)


10 2330 1220 1650 5070

(475 - 6810) (243 - 26100) (634 - 4730) (4200 - 5900)

Figure 7.1 shows the dose response relationships for each of the three metals in the

four soils jointly. The order of toxicity is reflected in the order of EC50 values.

Zinc is the least toxic of the three metals, followed by copper and finally cadmium

is the most toxic. The r2

values reveal that the correlations for cadmium and zinc

(r2 = 0.82 and 0.72 respectively) explain more of the data (and variation in the

data) than for copper (r2

= 0.48). Metal EC50 values generally increased with

increasing pHsolution values (Fig 7.1). Metal toxicity decreased in less acidic soils.

This is similar to the trend observed with total metal EC50 values, but contrary to

the relationship between free metal ion EC50 values and pHsolution (Chapter 4).

Page 129: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


y = -1.56x + 2.97r² = 0.77






5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0


y = -0.14x - 4.95r² = 0.22





5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0


y = -0.30x - 2.40r² = 0.27






5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0



al E








Soil solution pH


al E








Soil solution pH

Figure 7.1: Relationship between

soil solution pH and metal EC50

expressed as CE (ppb) for Cu, Cd

and Zn. pHsolution for each soil can

be found in Table 2.1. The error

bars represent the 95% confidence

intervals (Table 7.1).

Page 130: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Figure 7.2: Fitted dose response curves of cocoon production for Cd, Cu and Zn.

Each graph represents the log-logistic relationship between the cocoon production

rates from all four soils against the metal dose expressed as CE. EC50 values and r2

values correspond to the optimized log-logistic model fits of the cocoon

production data against CE. Range values and upper and lower confidence interval

lines correspond to the 95% confidence intervals. Individual points on the graphs

represent the average cocoon production rate for the particular dose.








1 10 100 1000 10000

EC 50 = 1380 (1010 - 1740) ppb r 2 = 0.48

logCu DGT effective concentration CE (ppb)








1 10 100 1000 10000

EC 50 = 368 (352 - 382) ppb r 2 = 0.82

logCd DGT effective concentration CE (ppb) 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000

KT NC TH AC EC 50 = 14700

(10200 - 20400) ppb r 2 = 0.72

logZn DGT effective concentration CE (ppb)



























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Tables 7.2 and 7.3 show the parameters relating to the mixture model fitting for

observed earthworm responses and relevant deviation fits. Significant model fits

were possible for all datasets using the concentration addition and independent

action reference models. Fitting parameters and EC50 values were different for the

different soils. Similarly deviation fits were also specific to each soil.

The results of exposing the earthworms to mixtures of copper and zinc are

summarised in table 7.2. It emerged that zinc was less toxic than copper, in all

soils, as was apparent with the single metal exposures (Table 7.1). The

characterisation of the mixture effects differed only in the Kettering loam from the

other soils. No deviation from additivity was detected in the Neutral compost,

Thetford soil or the Acidic compost. The fitting parameter a for reference models,

concentration addition and independent action for Cu/Zn mixtures in Kettering

loam is negative indicating synergism.

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Table 7.2: Summary of mixture modelling outcomes for Cu/Zn combinations

expressed as CE (ppb). After fitting the observed data using the reference models

CA and IA, the p value relates to the significance of the observed data fit to the

reference models (for CA and IA) and in the case of deviation patterns the

significance of the improved fit having included the extra parameter. S/A (absolute

synergism or antagonism), is the gradient and r2 refers to the fit of the observed

data. a is the extra fitting parameters, and the maximum reproduction rate was set

to 1. The explanation relates to the best descriptive model.

Soil Model Cu- Cu- EC50 Zn- Zn- EC50 pvalue r2 a Deviation pattern from reference model





CA 3.2 2016 1.0 15754 9.95x10-11 0.79

Significant synergismS/A 1.5 2490 1.5 31830 2.72x10-2 0.81 -2.8

IA 1.3 2185 1.1 16820 1.05x10-10 0.79

Significant synergismS/A 1.6 2428 1.5 31840 5.22x10-3 0.83 -3.3





st CA 1.0 600 0.7 33774 1.83x10-10 0.75 No deviation

IA 0.8 760 0.8 48515 1.12x10-10 0.76 No deviation





CA 0.8 1114 4.8 11765 5.06x10-13 0.82 No deviation

IA 0.8 926 2.7 11879 3.76x10-13 0.82 No deviation





st CA 8.6 759 2.7 6250 2.16x10-8 0.68 No deviation

IA 5.6 685 2.2 5433 2.73x10-8 0.68 No deviation

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Table 7.3 shows the results of analysing the effect of cadmium and zinc on

earthworm reproduction. The EC50 values indicate cadmium was more toxic than

zinc in all soils. In the case of neutral compost, there was no deviation found from

additivity. There were dose ratio effects found in Kettering loam and Thetford soil.

This implies that the synergistic or antagonistic deviation observed is influenced

by the relative amount of one of the two metals in the mixture. In Kettering loam,

the toxicity of the mixture is dependent on the relative amount of cadmium in the

mixture. Cadmium dominance in the mixture will cause an increase in toxicity and

vice versa. For Thetford soil, mixture toxicity is influenced by the amount of zinc

in the mixture. There is an increase in toxicity when zinc dominated the mixture.

Antagonism was observed in the Acidic compost. Absolute antagonism was

detected in relation to the independent action model; however in the concentration

addition model, deviation was dependant on the dose level. Antagonism was

identified at low dose levels and synergism at high dose levels, the change

occurring at levels above the EC50 value.

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Table 7.3: Summary of mixture modelling outcomes for Cd/Zn combinations

expressed as CE (ppb). After fitting the observed data using the reference models

CA and IA, the p value relates to the significance of the observed data fit to the

reference models (for CA and IA) and in the case of deviation patterns the

significance of the improved fit having included the extra parameter. S/A (absolute

synergism or antagonism), DR (dose ratio) and DL (dose level), is the gradient

and r2 refers to the fit of the observed data. a and b are the extra fitting parameters,

and the maximum reproduction rate was set to 1. The explanation relates to the best

descriptive model. Values highlighted in red were set during fitting.

Soil Model Cd- Cd- EC50 Zn- Zn- EC50 pvalue r2 a b Deviation pattern from reference model



ng lo


CA 0.9 174 1.5 21411 8.84x10-6 0.54

Toxicity mainly caused by Cd

S/A 5.3 377 0.5 7022 3.59x10-5 0.70 -5.11

DR 3.6 394 0.9 14070 1.87x10-5 0.81 10.99 -26.53

IA 1.5 262 0.4 21223 2.05x10-6 0.58

Toxicity mainly caused by Cd

S/A 2.2 334 0.6 7021 4.99x10-3 0.65 -2.48

DR 4.1 357 5.8 14345 1.94x10-8 0.84 26.30 -59.76





st CA 1.1 603 2.5 48266 1.89x10-11 0.78 No deviation

IA 1.1 638 1.2 45026 1.43x10-11 0.79 No deviation




CA 0.8 1451 1.8 17914 9.59x10-9 0.69

Toxicity mainly caused by Zn

S/A 1.1 576 1.5 7185 3.05x10-4 0.77 5.52

DR 1.2 447 2.2 12220 1.18x10-3 0.83 -6.71 19.84

IA 0.9 1309 2.6 18377 6.14x10-9 0.70

Toxicity mainly caused by Zn

S/A 0.8 533 3.2 10369 1.64x10-5 0.81 4.82

DR 1.0 368 2.4 12130 2.75x10-3 0.85 -6.37 18.52





CA 0.4 1381 5.2 7336 1.31x10-2 0.29

Ant (low DL), Syn (High DL), change above EC50

S/A 0.6 528 12.6 6868 5.70x10-3 0.41 6.76

DL 0.4 976 10.9 6825 3.55x10-2 0.47 28.82 0.40

IA 0.7 1381 12.3 7146 2.07x10-3 0.37

Significant antagonismS/A 0.4 521 6.3 7016 5.01x10-3 0.48 5.45

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7.5 Discussion

Bioavailable metal has been described as the chemical fraction of metal that is

available to be taken up by the organism and react at the site of action to cause a

toxic effect (Meers et al., 2005). A unified definition of the specifics of

bioavailability and of the methods of measuring the bioavailable fraction of metal

in soil does not yet exist and consequently there is intensive discuss around the

application of the concept within the ecotoxicological literature. A study by Van

Straalen et al. (2005) suggested that in order to be able to use the concept of

bioavailability in a predictive sense, the rate of uptake of metals into the organism

needs to be estimated. They studied the accumulation of zinc in the isopod

Porcellio scaber and it was found that sublethal toxicity may depend on the rate of

metal uptake into the organism as opposed to the total body burden concentration.

The implication of this work was that when considering metal bioavailability it is

important to consider fluxes as well as total body burdens. As for isopods, the

kinetics of heavy metals in earthworms has been found to be poorly correlated

with total body burdens (Van Gestel et al., 1993; Lanno et al., 2004). In

earthworms it is well known that metals can be detoxified and excreted in a

number of different ways. These include excretion via the nephridia (kidney like

organ), or storage in granules in the chloragogenus tissue (Andersen and Laursen,

1982; Vivjer et al., 2004). The latter can be of a number of different types,

including sulphur rich granules that are well known to bind cadmium and

phosphate rich granules that incorporate lead.

Because the DGT method measures the concentration of metal influenced by

fluxes that are available to biota, DGT measurements may represent the rate of

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uptake to the earthworm if the uptake is purely dependant on diffusion through the

skin or through the gut wall. Earthworms are able o detoxify metals to a certain

extent within their tissue and this is not mimicked by DGT. Also earthworms are

mobile in soil, whereas plant roots and the DGT devices are not. This may in turn

imply that the rate of porewater metal reduction and replenishment from the solid

phase due to metal uptake may differ between DGT and an earthworm.

In a study of the accumulation of zinc it was found that DGT effective

concentrations (CE) correlated well with zinc accumulation in grass and lettuce,

but not so well with the accumulation of this metal in the hard bodied soil

dwelling isopod Oniscus asellus (Koster et al., 2005) for which the rates of uptake

(e.g. via preferential litter feeding) may not be the same as for the plants (diffusion

from soil solution). It is important to note that the toxicity of metals to earthworms

has not been tested as a function of DGT effective concentrations previously. The

only available data relates to other species, as mentioned earlier. Correlations

between the effects on reproduction of earthworms in each soil and CE indicate

that the dynamic factors affecting uptake to DGT in the studied soils may also

affect uptake by earthworms.

These conclusions must be made cautiously as they do not conclusively show that

diffusion is the main control of metal uptake, or of exposure to the earthworms to

each metal. Expressing the observed single metal effects on reproduction from all

four soils as a function of total soil metal (Fig 4.1; Chapter 4) provided r2 values

of 0.88, 0.61 and 0.74 for cadmium, copper and zinc respectively. When the

effects of each metal on cocoon production were fitted against CE, similar values of

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r2 were obtained to those estimated based on total metal. In contrast, fits based on

the estimated free metal ion concentration resulted in fits with lower explanatory

power than for either total metal or CE, with r2 values of 0.80, 0.32 and 0.64 for

cadmium, copper and zinc respectively. There was a clear relationship between

EC50 values of Cd and Zn, expressed as CE and the pH of the soil solution (Fig

7.1). As pH values decrease in the soil (becomes more acidic), the EC50 value

decreases (the metal becomes more toxic). This is in contrast to the relationship

observed for the free metal ion EC50 values (Fig 4.6).

The results are promising for the application of DGT as a measure of bioavailable

metal. In view of the fact that total metal and CE concentrations correlate well with

the observed toxicity data for single metals, inclusion of the solid phase can be

seen to be an important step in understanding heavy metal toxicity to earthworms.

Copper and zinc are known to be essential metals for earthworms, whereas

cadmium is a non-essential metal (Alloway, 1995). Earthworms are known to

regulate essential and non-essential metals differently and therefore their responses

to the different categories of metals are different (Sizmur and Hodson, 2009). The

pattern of toxicity in the different soils is similar for single metal cadmium and

zinc when expressed as CE, but different for copper. This may suggest that CE

values are a reflection of the chemistries of the metals in the soils and not the

regulation within the earthworms. The chemical properties of cadmium and zinc in

soils are similar. This is reflected in the order of the EC50 values observed in the

single soils (Table 7.1 and Fig 7.2). The order of toxicity in the different soils is

also similar to that observed for the toxicity of metals when expressed as total

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metal concentrations; the toxicity of metal decreases with increasing pH and

organic matter content (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1996; Chapter 4). Cadmium and

zinc are present mainly in the free metal ion form at low pH, unless there is a high

concentration of ligands, implying cadmium and zinc may be most available in the

acidic compost. At low pH the effect of the high free metal ion concentration

would be expected to be reduced by the competition with protons at the site of

uptake, leading to a protective effect on the organism. However, as the metals are

more toxic in the Acidic compost (with the lowest pH) it can be concluded that the

high free metal ion concentration is not completely counteracted by the protective

effect of the protons. A large fraction of cadmium and zinc will be complexed by

dissolve organic ligands at high pH values > 6.5 (Nolan et al., 2003; Meers et al.,

2005) suggesting they are less available for uptake. The chemistry of Cd and Zn is

similar, and different from that of Cu.

There appears to be no distinct pattern in the order of toxicity for copper with

regards to soil pH and total organic content (Table 7.1). Copper is least toxic in

Kettering loam which may be a consequence of metal being bound more strongly

to the large clay content in the soil in comparison to the other soils (Table 2.1).

Copper in solution is complexed strongly by organic matter (Nolan et al., 2003)

and this makes it less DGT labile (Yapici et al., 2008). Neutral compost and

Acidic compost contain the highest organic matter contents which may explain

their order of toxicity in between Thetford soil and Kettering loam. Cu was most

toxic in Thetford soil which is a low organic matter soil, with no clay content

meaning copper may be least bound and therefore most available to cause a toxic


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7.6 Using DGT to investigate the basis of synergism and antagonism in mixtures

Describing mixture effects of cadmium/zinc (Table 7.3) and copper/zinc (Table

7.2) on Eisenia veneta as a function of CE values revealed different behaviour

patterns and deviations from additivity. Correlation between the reference models

and observed mixture results were significant. As is the case with the single metal

toxicity, if CE is reflective of the uptake into the organism, then the significant

relationship between CE and mixture effect may be representative of mixture

interactions at the site of uptake. This would suggest the mixture patterns or

additivity observed represent interaction between the metals at the site of uptake

and not in the soil solution.

The site of uptake of chemicals may provide a likely site of interaction between

the mixture components (Spurgeon et al., 2010). The deviation patterns found

were specific to each mixture and each soil. Copper/zinc mixtures were additive in

all soils tested with the exception of Kettering loam. Significant synergism in

Kettering loam was also found for Eisenia veneta when expressing the metal dose

as total soil metal (Chapter 5). Kettering loam soil contains the lowest organic

matter content of the four soils (Table 2.1). For the Cu/Zn mixture the low organic

matter content appears to cause a deviation from additivity. Although Cu and Zn

are both essential metals, they have different chemistries. They can be expected to

have different systems for handling the metals within the organisms and so may

not react at the same receptors. This would mean their mixtures should be


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Other studies that have reported instances of synergism between Cu and Zn

include a study by Baas et al. (2007) where six binary mixtures of Cd, Cu, Pb and

Zn were tested for their lethal effects on Folsomia candida in loamy sand.

Synergism was observed for the copper/cadmium mixture. An aquatic mixture

study found synergism when testing a mixture of metals (cadmium and copper)

and pesticides on the survival and enzyme activity of marine crustacean Tigriopus

brevicornis (Forget et al., 1999). In a study on the lethal effects of copper/zinc

mixtures on Tympanotonus fuscatus, synergism was observed when the mixtures

were in the ratios of 1:1, 2:3 and 1:4 (Otitoloju et al., 2002).

In the cadmium/zinc mixture, the observed patterns of mixture toxicity were also

soil specific. More complex deviation patterns were observed in the form of dose

level (Acidic compost) and dose ratio (Kettering loam and Thetford soil)

dependencies. Kettering loam and Thetford soil are the two low organic matter

media. Dose ratio deviation was observed in both these soils; however the

preference as to the dominant metal in the mixture is different. Cadmium is the

dominant metal in Kettering loam where the pH is higher, and in the Thetford soil,

with lower pH, the toxicity of the mixture is dependent on the ratio with relation to

zinc. Dose ratio deviation has been reported in a study on Caenorhabditis elegans

using the mixture cadmium/copper (Jonker et al., 2004).

There was no deviation from additivity observed in the Neutral compost for the

cadmium/zinc mixture. In the Acidic compost antagonism was illustrated in both

reference models. Absolute antagonism was seen using the IA model. Using the

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CA model a more complex pattern was found: antagonism at low doses and

synergism at high doses. This is consistent with the theory that the CA model

represents a worst case scenario for mixture effects (Lock and Janssen, 2002), as it

describes patterns of synergism which are not found by the IA model.

Antagonistic patterns have previously been observed in the growth patterns of the

collembolan Folsomia candida in response to a cadmium/zinc mixture (Van

Gestel and Hensbergen, 1997). Dose level dependency has also been reported in

the literature in a study on the effects of the mixture carbendazim/copper on

Caenorhabditis elegans (Jonker et al., 2004).

The mixture patterns observed for cadmium/zinc on Eisenia veneta when

expressing the metal as total soil metal and calculated free metal ion

concentrations are different to those observed for CE. The only similarities are in

the Acidic compost where antagonism was also observed in total metal form, and

in Kettering loam where antagonism was observed but no dose ratio deviation

patterns were in the free metal ion form (Chapter 6). Interaction between the

metals is found when expressing the mixture doses as CE.

The similarity in the chemistries between Cd and Zn will results in the metals

binding to the same locations. This is observed in the enzyme carbonic anhydrase

in marine diatoms (Xu et al., 2008). This ultimately means that the two metals will

interact toxicokinetically (during uptake) and toxicodynamically (during

absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion). In comparison to the previous

patterns observed for mixtures when metal is expressed in total or free metal ion

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form, where Zn was behaving differently in both mixtures (Chapters 5 and 6),

antagonism is also evident when the metal dose is expressed as CE concentrations.

With increased understanding of the uptake of metals by DGT, further study into

the mechanisms of mixtures is possible. DGT is therefore potentially, an important

diagnostic tool when investigating mixture toxicity.

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7.7 Conclusions

Effective concentrations (CE) measured by DGT correlated well with observed

effects on earthworm reproduction rates due to exposure to heavy metals. When

expressed as a function of CE, single metal exposures as well as mixture toxicity

were well explained. As a simple method of analysis DGT offers a convenient

means of studying soil contamination, and affords an understanding of the metal

kinetics in soil. Patterns of toxicity observed using CE values cannot be directly

compared to conventional means of dose expression (i.e. total metal

concentrations and free ion concentrations) as DGT provides a dynamic

measurement of soil metal concentration. Until the mechanisms of toxicity in

earthworms are better understood, results from this study and other similar studies,

can only provide a means of describing observed behavior that affects the

bioavailability of metals for uptake. Studies that investigate metal toxicokinetics

and toxicodynamics are needed to fully interpret mechanisms associated with

mixture effects.

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Chapter Eight

Further discussion and concluding remarks

In order to effectively predict the effects of toxicants on organisms in the natural

environment a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity is

needed. The complexity of the soil environment presents a barrier of identifying

where it is best to focus the research in order to effectively bridge the gaps in

understanding between chemical exposure and resulting effect. This study aimed

to assess biological responses of a reference species Eisenia veneta to the metals

Cd, Cu and Zn and mixtures of Cu/Zn and Cd/Zn in a range of widely differing

soils. By combining existing mixture models with bioavailability concepts it has

been possible to investigate whether a unified concept can be generated to

describe the effects of metals on an organism in different soils that integrates these

two differing concepts.

The results of this study improve the knowledge and understanding of the effects

of the heavy metals (Cu, Cd and Zn) and their mixtures.

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8.1 Physiochemical soil properties and effects on metal toxicity

Experimental design included the use of four different soils and different metal

forms. The effect of soil chemistry on metal toxicity would in turn be incorporated

into the study of the metal toxicity on the reproduction rate of Eisenia veneta.

Further to the discussions on single metal toxicity of Cd, Cu and Zn (Chapter 4) it

was shown that relationships between soil properties and specific metal forms

could be drawn. Namely the relationship between pH and free metal ion EC50 and

well as the fit of regression models as a function of total metal dose using

parameters for % clay content, % loss on ignition and soil solution pH.

With regards to mixture behaviour it is generally more difficult to draw general

conclusions due to the specificity of deviation patterns in terms of the metal

mixture and soil being tested. Synergism was found for both Cu/Zn and Cd/Zn

mixtures when the metal was expressed in the total metal form in Kettering loam

and Thetford soils. Mixture deviation patterns were otherwise different in other

soils and metal forms.

While an integrated interpretation of mixture behaviour is not possible (Chapters 5

and 6) the deviation patterns clearly show that the use of single metal toxicity to

predict mixture behaviour is not an accurate method of assessing mixture toxicity.

The understanding of mixture toxicity must extend from the ‗bulk‘ environmental

conditions to include the amount of metal available to the organisms, the effects of

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the soil on the rate of supply of the metals to the organism and the methods of

uptake and site of action within the organism. A comprehensive review of these

conditions would be both complex and would require a multi-disciplinary

approach to invertebrate ecotoxicology, but would allow the differences in toxicity

between mixtures to be explained on a smaller and ultimately more sensitive scale.

8.2 Metal properties affecting toxicity

In both mixtures Zn was the common metal and in turn differences in the toxicity

of Zn can be used to investigate potential interaction between the metals in the two

mixtures. An example of this would be to compare the EC50 values of Zn in all

four soils for the two mixtures (as determined by IA and CA best fits).

Table 8.1 Comparison of Zn EC50 values in two mixtures expressed as total and

free ion concentrations. Values in () refer to total metal concentrations expressed

as mg/kg dry weight; the other value refers to free metal ion concentration

expressed as M.

Cu/Zn mixture Cd/Zn mixture


Kettering loam 1.50 (1070) 1.59 (1280) 68.0 (985) 77.2 (983)

Neutral compost 145 (1950) 39.4 (1890) 548 (2240) 534 (2190)

Thetford soil 61.3 (1158) 57.0 (1217) 86.2 (1330) 145 (1370)

Acidic compost 338 (2720) 355 (3210) 31.0 (2320) 33.7 (2440)

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There were clear differences between the behaviour of zinc in the two mixtures.

Although both reference models assume no interaction among the chemicals in the

mixture the differences in zinc behaviour indicate there may be interactions

between the metals as previously discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. The chemistries

of Cd and Zn metals are thought to be similar so, as previously discussed, this may

be a factor in the interpretation of mixture behaviour. Cu and Zn are both essential

metals and in turn have a specific biochemical pathway which implies that there is

less potential for interaction between the metals.

In terms of free metal ion concentrations the implication to earthworms is that the

presence of Cu increases the toxicity of Zn in three of the four soils. Only in the

Acidic compost is Zn less toxic with the presence of Cu that in the Cd/Zn mixture

(Table 8.1).

8.3 Metal form and the role of speciation in explaining metal toxicity

Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) devices were used as a measure of

possibly predicting the concentration of bioavailable metal. As DGT is able to

mimic the rate of metal uptake by plants through diffusion the correlation between

the toxicity data and the DGT effective concentrations CE show that diffusion may

be an important process determining the uptake rates of Cd, Cu and Zn into

Eisenia veneta.

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All the metal forms used in this study revealed reasonable correlation between

toxicity data and metal concentrations. The metal forms used are innately

interrelated and therefore it is not unexpected that the toxicity data correlate with

the metal concentrations in all forms. The specific patterns of interaction observed

for each metal form does provide further insight into the details governing the

toxicity of the metals in each of the soils. As Cu, Cd and Zn have different levels

of toxicity in each of the soils it is not possible to state that the free metal ion, total

metal or CE is a measure of the soil metal correlating with toxicity independent of

soil physiochemical properties.

8.4 Further work and future direction

The results of this study provided a clear indication of the importance of testing a

variety of soil types when studying metal toxicity both singly and in mixtures.

While the four soils selected do cover a wide range of soil properties and their

combination, the use of a greater number of soils varying in pH and organic matter

content in toxicity studies will provide a more comprehensive overview of the

relationship between metal toxicity and soil properties.

Studies by Ireland and Fisher (1978) and the review by Beeby (1991) have reported

the various interactions and non-interactions between different chemicals in

various organisms. While this study was limited to two mixtures, it is clear that the

components of a mixture play an important role in the overall mixture toxicity.

Further work into different combinations of metals and the inclusion of lesser

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studied metals would provide much more insight into the components needed to

build comprehensive risk assessment techniques for the field. A short study into

the toxicity of mercury to Eisenia veneta was performed in order to assess the

toxicity of inorganic mercury (Appendix 2). Such studies would provide a starting

point required to successfully design mixture studies for the particular metal.

Various analysis techniques are being developed to study the toxicity of chemicals to

living organisms. An example of which is the use of metabolomics to study the

sublethal effects of pesticides on Eisenia fetida (McKelvie et al., 2008). Others

have not been applied to earthworms however may provide valuable insight into

the mechanisms of toxicity in earthworms. A possible example has been outlined

in Appendix 3.

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Appendix 1: Testing the effects of nitrate salt on the reproduction of the

earthworm Eisenia veneta

Appendix 2: Toxicity of inorganic mercury to Eisenia veneta

Appendix 3: Applying ‘fingerprint’ profiling techniques to study the effects of

toxic chemicals on earthworms

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Appendix one

Testing the effects of nitrate salt on the

reproduction of the earthworm Eisenia veneta

A preliminary study was carried out in order to assess the absolute effects of

increase in nitrate salts, as a result of the metal dosing procedure, on the rate of

earthworm reproduction. A set of the test soils were dosed using 2M CaNO3 to a

range corresponding to that which would have been achieved as a result of metal

spiking. The concentration of nitrate salt added to the soil was estimated using the

volume of metal solution used (at a concentration of 1M) to dose each soil. The

toxicity experiments were carried out according to the method outlined in Chapter


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The nitrate concentrations ranges added to each of the soils in mg/kg are as


Kettering loam 0.00, 500, 1700, 5600

Neutral compost 0.00, 1200, 4200, 14000

Acidic compost 0.00, 900, 3000, 10200

Thetford soil 0.00, 500, 1700, 5600

The results of the study are outlined below. There were three doses for each soil (in

triplicate). The standard response was set as the average response of the

earthworms to each of the control soils.

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Figure two: Cocoon production rates for experiment set up to monitor the effects of

increasing nominal nitrate concentrations on earthworm reproduction. The different

colours represent different soils. The Y-error bars denote standard deviation for three

replicates. The straight lines represent the cocoon production for the null hypothesis

(there is no effect of increasing salt concentration, ie the mean cocoon production for

the control response).

Statistical analysis was performed using Student‘s t-test. There was no significant

difference between the results of the increasing salt doses (soil dosed with CaNO3)

and the control reproduction. The p-values for Kettering loam, neutral compost, acidic

compost and Thetford soil were 0.37, 0.09, 0.15 and 0.16 respectively.

The significant p value was set at 0.05 and therefore accordingly no correction was

made to the metal toxicity reproduction data.









0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000

[Nitrate] mg/kg

Kettering loam

Neutral compost

Acidic compost

Thetford soil


io o

f co






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Appendix Two

Toxicity of inorganic mercury to Eisenia veneta

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Elevated mercury concentrations have been observed throughout the world due to

increased anthropogenic outputs over the past decades. Mercury mainly occurs

naturally in the elemental state or as volatile forms (Alloway, 1995; Ure and

Davidson, 1995). Anthropogenic Hg contamination of soil can be a by-product of

historic mining activities, fossil fuel burning and various industrial processes. Hg is

also used in chlorine production and can be found in high concentrations in sewage

sludge applied to some agricultural soils (Lock and Janssen, 2001). Anthropogenic

inputs of mercury (Hg) are generally in ionic forms e.g Hg (I), Hg (II) that are mobile

and reactive. Hg (II) shows high acute toxicity for most biota, with a variety of

damaging effects, and so poses a great risk to ecosystems (Iskandar and Kirkham,

2001). Organisms living in such contaminated field sites are therefore at risk from

exposure to high levels of Hg.

Earthworms are important organisms in the terrestrial environment. Their role in the

food chain and their ability to transfer a number of toxic metals, including Hg, into

higher trophic levels has led to their incorporation as a key organism in ecotoxicity

testing (Fischer and Koszorus, 1992; Lawrence et al., 1999; Spurgeon et al., 2003).

The survival and fitness of birds and small mammals that feed on earthworms have

been related to metal accumulation in the earthworms (Demuynck et al., 2007). These

soil dwelling organisms are at high risk from the toxic effects of heavy metals, as they

come into direct contact with the contaminated soil (Demuynck et al., 2007), allowing

the metals to be readily absorbed into living tissue by diffusion (Landis and Yu,

2004). Anthropogenic emissions causing increased Hg contamination of soil have

Page 184: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


been observed in numerous sites around the world, with the concentrations varing

greatly (Ure and Davidson, 1995).

Despite the highly toxic effects of Hg, relatively few studies have considered the

effects of Hg on earthworms (Lock and Janssen, 2001). Lock and Janssen (2001)

looked at the toxic effects of Hg on Eisenia fetida and concluded that the effects of

soil chemistry are important when studying the toxicity of Hg to organisms.

Gudbrandsen et al. (2007) tested the effects of earthworm pre-exposure on the lethal

toxicity of Hg where he found a significant increase in the tolerance of earthworms to

Hg after pre-exposure. Other studies included the effects of feeding behaviour on Hg

accumulation in earthworms. Fischer and Koszorus (1992) studied the sublethal

effects and accumulation capacities of Hg in the manure worm Eisenia fetida. They

observed an enhancement in cocoon production at sublethal concentrations of Hg (100

mg/kg) compared to the control, and no accumulation of Hg in the earthworms. In

contrast to this study, Ernst and Frey (2007) found that Hg was concentrated in the

earthworms and the accumulation rates not only depended on the source oh Hg but

also on the species The present study is aimed at quantifying Hg concentrations in a

clayey soil causing significant lethal and sublethal effects (weight change and cocoon

production) to the compost worm Eisenia veneta, in a different soil from the above

mentioned studies and at a wider concentration range.

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Materials and Methods

Soil Preparation

The soil medium used for all experimental work was a commercially bought clay

loam soil (Broughton Loam, Kettering, UK) with a pH of 7.1 (soil:water 1:1)

(Spurgeon et al., 2003). Soil was sieved to 2 mm and the organic matter content

increased from 5% to 10% using composted bark (circumneutral pH). The water

content of the soil was 2% w/w. The sieved soil was transferred to small plastic boxes

(2.0 L volume) and the soil mixed with the required amount of 1 M Hg chloride

(VWR, UK) solution and deionised water to give a total moisture content of 56% of

the water holding capacity. Twelve Hg amendments corresponding to final

concentrations of 6, 9, 13, 20, 30, 44, 66, 99, 148, 222, 333, 500 mg/kg were made.

There were eight control replicates, one replicate of the amendments 6, 13, 20, 44, 66,

148, 222, 500 mg/kg nominal added and five replicates of the amendments 9, 30, 99,

333 mg/kg nominal added. The test boxes were left to equilibrate in continuous light

at 17oC for two weeks after dosing.

Test species

The test organism used was Eisenia veneta (Lumbricidae: Oligochaeta) (Michaelsen,

1889) cultured in a combination of compost and topsoil (2:1), and fed using horse

manure. At the start of the experiment individual adult worms were removed from the

culture. Worms with a fully formed clitellum were chosen and acclimated at a

constant temperature of 17oC in the culture medium for two weeks. They were kept in

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large plastic boxes containing culture medium and horse manure as food to ensure

they were fully reproducing when introduced into the test boxes.

Toxicity testing

Experiments were principally conducted following OECD guidelines (OECD, 1984)

for soil preparation and ISO (1997) with some adjustments (i.e. soil used, earthworm

species). 20 g of dried manure per test box was spiked to a concentration equivalent to

those of the test soil and the manure water content was set to four times the dry

weight. At the start of the exposure (day 0) eight worms were washed and weighed

then introduced to each of the test boxes in random order. The average individual

weight of the worms was 900 mg. Sufficient manure for two weeks (5 g of dry manure

per container per week) was added to the surface of the soil. The test boxes were

weighed. Two weeks later (day 14) the test boxes were weighed again. De-ionised

water was used to replace any water loss. Manure remaining on the surface was

removed, dried in an oven at 105oC and weighed.

The test boxes were then tipped out and the surviving worms weighed and counted.

The soil was then replaced into the boxes and more manure was added to the surface.

The boxes were weighed. At the end of the exposure (day 28) the remaining manure

was also removed, dried and weighed. The surviving worms were removed from the

soil and weighed. The worms were then transferred to smaller containers and frozen at

-60oC. The soil was wet sieved and the number of cocoons in each container recorded.

Cocoon production was expressed as cocoons per surviving worm per week of


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Data analysis

The dose-response relationships were analysed with respect to added Hg

concentrations using the log-logistic model for the rate of cocoon production




Where R0 is the outcome (cocoons produced), ECR is the concentration of Hgadded

corresponding to that value and is the gradient of the curve. The EC50 value for the

rates of reproduction per worm/ week and the Probit analysis for mortality response as

well as the estimated LC50 and LC10 were estimated using Genstat (Microsoft, USA).

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Results and Discussion

The range of tested Hg concentrations showed effects on cocoon production, worm

weight and mortality. The control mortality was below 10%. The LC10 and LC50 for

mortality was 68.0 ± 15.4 (s.e) and 220 ± 18.6 (s.e) mg Hgadded / kg dry wt

respectively (Fig. 1). At concentrations above 333 mg Hgadded /kg dry wt some

earthworms survived however there was no observed cocoon production. The 28-day

EC50 value for cocoon production was 71.8± 16.2 (s.e) mg Hgadded / kg dry wt (Fig. 2).

The 28-day EC10 value could not be defined. The standard deviation of the EC10 value

prevented the accurate measure of the value itself.

The results reported by this study, as well as the three previous studies demonstrate

the significant difference in values of the toxic endpoints (rate of reproduction and

mortality) used for the same species. This supports work done by Spurgeon et al.

(1994) on the effects of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn on Eisenia fetida in the OECD standard

artificial soil where they showed that the no effect concentration of metal (NOEC)

with respect to reproduction was an order of magnitude lower than the NOEC for

mortality. There are also substantial differences between the toxic effects reported for

the same species by different workers when the same test was used. For example the

28-day EC50 value for cocoon production in this study was 71.8± 16.2 (s.e) mg Hgadded

/ kg dry wt. For an organism of the same genus but different species (Eisenia fetida)

Lock and Janssen (2001) reported the 21-day EC50 value for cocoon production was

9.16 mg Hg / kg dry wt, although this study was conducted in a different soil.

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Fischer and Koszorus (1992) found that Hg had less toxic lethal and sublethal effects

than arsenic and selenium. Conversely EC50 values for cocoon production of other

frequently studied metals in a soil with pH 6.1 and an organic matter content of 5%

have been reported for a similar earthworm species (Eisenia fetida) as 295 mg/Kg dry

wt soil for cadmium, 716 mg/ kg dry wt soil for copper and 357 mg/ kg dry wt soil for

zinc (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1995). By comparison with the 21-day EC50 value of

reproduction in Eisenia veneta for Hg of 72 mg/kg it appears that Hg is 5 times more

toxic than Zn, 10 times more toxic than Cu and 4 times more toxic than Cd. The toxic

endpoints of the different metals can only be compared directly if we speculate that

the soil can complex Hg2+

,and in turn reduce its potential to cause a toxic effect, to a

similar extent to that of the other cationic divalent metals.

Different species are expected to show different sensitivities to the same concentration

of toxicant. However, the considerable differences in the endpoints for the same

species also reflect the role of the soil properties on the toxic nature of the metal.

Therefore deriving a standard methodology to include the soil parameters that

influence metal behaviour in soils (Smit et al., 1998; Lock and Janssen, 2001) may

help draw together the results from different toxicity studies.

Consideration of the speciation of Hg in different types of soil is an important issue

when attempting to assess the risks involved with Hg contamination, due to the

different toxicity levels of organometallic (methylmercury) and inorganic (Hg2+


forms (Lock and Janssen, 2001). Information on the possible production of the more

toxic organometallic forms of Hg (Lock and Janssen, 2001) may greatly benefit the

analysis of the reproduction/mortality data from this study.

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The range of concentrations of Hg in the amended soil produced sufficient effects to

fit complete dose-response curves. While the effects of soil properties and uptake

mechanisms of Hg by organisms are still poorly understood, the findings of this paper

provide further evidence to support the highly toxic nature of Hg to Eisenia veneta.

Further studies aimed at describing observed sublethal effects on Eisenia veneta using

the concentrations of the different species of Hg in the soil may allow the effects of

speciation to be assessed.


Work funded by Natural Environment Research Council studentship

(NER/S/A/2006/14316). We would like to thank Lindsey Lister for her technical


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Smit, C.E, van Gestel, C.A.M. (1998) Effects of soil type, prepercolation, and

ageing on bioaccumulation and toxicity of Zinc for the springtail Folsomia

candida Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17, 1132-1141.

Spurgeon D.J., Hopkin S.P. (1995) Extrapolation of the laboratory-based OECD

earthworm toxicity test to metal-contaminated field sites Ecotoxicology 4, 190–


Spurgeon, D.J., Weeks, J.M., Van Gestel, C.A.M. (2003) A summary of eleven

years progress in earthworm cotoxicology Pedobiologia 47, 588-606.

Ure, A.M. and Davidson C.M. (1995) Chemical speciation in the environment,

Blackie, Glasgow.

Spurgeon, D.J., Hopkin, S.P., Jones D. T. (1994) Effects of cadmium, copper, lead

and zinc on growth, reproduction and survival of the Eisenia fetida (Savigny):

Assessing the environmental impact of point-source metal contamination in

terrestrial ecosystems Environmental Pollution 84, 123-130.

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ISO (1997) Draft Guide Line ISO 11268-2.2: Soil Quality—Effects of Pollutants

on Earthworms (Eisenia fetida fetida, E. fetida andrei). 1. Determination of Acute

Toxicity Using Artificial Soil Substrate. Part 2. Determination of Effects on


OECD (1984) Earthworm Acute Toxicity Tests, Guidelines for the Testing of

Chemicals, No. 207. OECD, Paris (Adopted 4 April 1984).

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0 100 200 300 400 500

% S



g w









Figure 1: Effects of Hg on the survival rate of Eisenia veneta in Kettering loam after

28-days exposure. The points represent individual measurements.

Page 195: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose




0 100 200 300 400 500














Figure 2: Effects of Hg on the reproduction rate of Eisenia veneta in Kettering loam

following the exposure period of 28-days. The points represent individual


Page 196: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Table one: Summary of mercury toxicity studies performed on soil invertebrates,

where study A (Lock and Janssen, 2001), study B (Fischer and Kozorus, 1992), study

C (Gudbrandsen et al., 2007) and study D (Abbasi and Soni, 1983).

*Total carbon content (TCC) **For reproduction

Species Soil pH OM% Exposure

duration Endpoint






notes Study

Folsomia candida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 28 EC50 ** 3.3 HgCl2 A

Eisenia fetida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 21 EC50 ** 9.16 HgCl2 A




artificial soil 6.0 10 42 EC50 ** 22.0 HgCl2 A

Folsomia candida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 28 NOEC 1.8 HgCl2 A

Folsomia candida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 28 LOEC 3.2 HgCl2 A

Eisenia fetida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 21 NOEC 10.0 HgCl2 A

Eisenia fetida OECD

artificial soil 6.0 10 21 LOEC 18.0 HgCl2 A




artificial soil 6.0 10 42 NOEC 18.0 HgCl2 A




artificial soil 6.0 10 21 LC50 26.1 HgCl2 A




artificial soil 6.0 10 42 LOEC 32 HgCl2 A

Eisenia fetida Peaty soil 56 No mortality 500 HgCl2 B

Eisenia fetida Norwegian

field soil 6.2


(TCC)* 28 EC50 ** 9.6

2 weeks pre-

exposure in

clean test soil


Eisenia fetida Norwegian

field soil 6.2


(TCC)* 28 EC50 ** 9.2 no pre-exposure C

Eisenia fetida Norwegian

field soil 6.2


(TCC)* 28 EC50 ** 16.5

2 week pre-

exposure in 22

mg Hg/kg



pattoni 60 LC50 0.79 HgCl2 D

Page 197: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


Appendix Three

Applying ‘fingerprint’ profiling techniques

to study the effects of toxic chemicals on



Laboratory based toxicity testing has long been employed as a vital technique

for studying the effects of chemicals on soil dwelling species. While these

results have been an invaluable commodity, there is a significant debate among

the scientific community as to their application to real environmental

situations. Standardised testing techniques also involve a degree of

compromise between what is practically feasible and the number of test units

needed to make the experiment statistically robust. Recently, a study from

Lancaster University has exploited the infrared microspectroscopy for the

characterisation of effects associated with chemicals in the tissue of predatory

birds (Llabjani et al., 2009). Fingerprinting methods produce a profiles for

each sample analysed which can be compared to other such profile using

statistical testing. As the effects of the chemicals would be observed at a

molecular level, the biological endpoint would be more sensitive and in turn

provide a more protective assessment of the chemicals to the environment.

Other fingerprinting methods involving the extraction of enzymes have been

applied to some degree to test the effects of chemicals on earthworm species

and in terrestrial environments (Song et al., 2009), work into molecular

biomarkers has also been performed (Ricketts et al., 2004). Application of the

IR method to a cross-sectional layer of tissue from an entire earthworm

Page 198: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


exposed to a specific chemical, and subsequently comparing it to an earthworm

of the same species may provide evidence to not only show if there is an effect

detectable using IR microspectroscopy, but also for each chemical of mixture

of chemicals where that effect would occur.


The main aim of this project would be to test the validity of fingerprinting

techniques to common earthworm species. This would involve the

development of a technique to extract a viable tissue sample, and determining

a ‗control‘ sample for comparison. This would be followed by the development

of an initial database containing a number of profiles for the same species of

worm. The earthworms can be field collected and along with soil samples form

the same location for chemical analysis. Each profile would then be associated

with a comprehensive review of the soil properties.

The main advantages of developing this method for earthworms would be as


1) A greater number of chemicals could be tested with faster response times.

2) A more sensitive endpoint would be employed, increasing the strength of the


3) Assessing the degree of contamination in field sites would be more effective.

Page 199: MODELLING THE EFFECTS OF TOXIC METAL MIXTURES ON … · metal (total metal, free ion (M2+) or diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) effective concentrations) used to express the dose


The results from this study would benefit researchers from the wider scientific

community and not only ecotoxicologists interested in the study of

invertebrates. The findings would provide a new technique for tissue extraction

and analysis; this could be applied to other species but also a technique that

can be used when developing risk assessments.

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Llabjani, V., Jones, K.C., Thomas, G.O., Walker, L.A., Shore, R.F., Martin, F.L.

(2009) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether-associated alterations in cell biochemistry

as determined by attenuated total reflection fourier-transform Infrared

Spectroscopy: a Comparison with DNA-reactive and/or endocrine-disrupting

agents Environmental Science and Technology 43, 3356–3364.

Song, Y., Zhu, L.S. Wang, J. Wang, J.H. Liu, W. Xie, H. (2009) DNA damage and

effects on antioxidative enzymes in earthworm (Eisenia foetida) induced by

atrazine Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 905–909.

Ricketts, H.J., Morgan, A. J., Spurgeon, D. J. Kille P. (2004) Measurement of

annetocin gene expression: a new reproductive biomarker in earthworm

ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57, 4-10.

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