modern education-moral degradation

Upload: rashi-gupta

Post on 02-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    what we lack in our educational system is nothing but the "VALUE"-both material and non

    ancient times ,we can see that there was a great deal of responsibility for both teachers and

    students.........they handled it very effectively.but now we are not at all concerving our own precious

    culture.What we have to maintain we are not at all maintaining..we are running behind some other

    things..the time get exeeded to reallise this fact...only through education we can get over from this..value

    education shoud be a compulsory from the school itself,education shoud be goal oriented,not in

    words,but in deeds..

    Someone very wisely said if you want to destroy a nation destroy its

    education system.

    This speaks volumes of the role of education in making or breaking a nation.

    On the global level the same principle applies perhaps with much more


    Before going in to deep discussion of how modern education is wreaking havoc

    on our fabric of social and ethical values let me delineate to u what actually

    education means to me.

    Education means enlightenment of mind and enrichment of soul.

    Education means development of a well rounded individual.

    Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

    Education means polishing of ones congenital talent to make him able to carve

    out his space in this relentless world full of daunting challenges and

    insurmountable difficulties.

    Education means to infuse a sense of responsibility and realization of the fact

    that everyone has a purpose, an aim, a goal to achieve in this life.

    Education means purification of thoughts.

    Education is a tool which leads one to the pinnacle of the realization of ones

    raison detra.

  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    Education means inducing lofty ideals and sky kissing ambitions in highly

    motivated and enthusiastic souls.

    Education means equipping next generation with enough weaponry of

    knowledge and skill that is necessary for their survival and sustenance in this

    modern world.

    Education means teaching one to face defeat with grace and enjoy success

    with elegance.

    Education teaches a person that in his hour of failure he should not be

    overpowered by the feelings of defeatism and pessimism and in their hour of

    success he should not burst into wild and violent passions overriding the norms

    of decency.

    Education means gifting a sense of conviviality and forbearance and breeding

    tolerance in the next generation.

    Education means teaching the shaheens of Iqbal the way to live a respectable

    life and to keep their khudi intact.

    Education teaches nations how to achieve the apex of glory.

    Education means inculcating patriotism in the masses which will spearhead

    their desire to take their nation to the pinnacle of glory in the comity ofnations.

    Education means teaching the warriors of Quaid effective and adorable

    characteristics of affability, that they should be cognizant of the fragility and

    delicacy of human feelings and should not, wittingly or unwittingly, hurt them.

    Education means development of a generation with farsighted vision and of

    irrepressible urge to transmute these dreams in to reality.

    Education means development of a generation with unflinching character andunswerving determination.

    Education means to inject the ideology of khudi in the minds and souls of

    Muslim youth.

    Education means progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    Education means understanding of the past history and knowledge of the

    future challenges.

    Education means teaching this generation ways to survive in this cutthroat

    competition and how to keep their dignity and respect unhurt in this

    increasingly competitive world.

    Education means respecting elders and loving younger ones.

    Education teaches one to extend a helping hand towards poor and under


    Education teaches one to sympathies with the hapless and hopeless people

    languishing below the poverty line trying to make both ends meet in abject

    living conditions.

    Education makes one aware of ones rights and responsibilities.

    Education means not only having the knowledge law but also the sense that

    the sanctity of law has to be preserved at each and every cost.

    Education teaches the affluent and opulent that their wealth is not only their

    property but it is also for those who are unfortunately who are not well off and


    Education leads one to the ones creator.

    Education is a fact that ink of the scholar is much more sacred than the blood

    of martyr.

    Education means defeating devil and turning to the creator of this universe.

    Education roots out all those prejudices and bigotries thrust upon us by self

    serving, self centered and self proclaimed custodians of moral and ethical


    Education means upholding of principles of brotherhood, fraternity and


    Education means that one has to give common good due precedence over

    personal preferences and vested interests.

  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    Education means taming ones animalistic instincts.

    Education means converting this social beast in to Ashraful Makhloqaat

    But ladies and gentlemen

    Every picture has two sides. First, Shiny and the bright one, which is often

    projected with exaggeration, while the other dark and bleak one which is

    almost in all cases is concealed.

    Turning few pages of history we come to know that scholars of ancient times

    were not only the masters of their own field and profession but they also

    possessed very profound knowledge of all other vistas of knowledge. They

    were historians, mathematicians, religious scholars, astrologists and

    philosophers at the same time.

    History is replete with the stunning examples of those restless souls who were

    if at one time researching in laboratories trying to broaden the horizon of their

    knowledge while at other instant they were found fighting shoulder by

    shoulder with other warriors defending their motherland. Their contributions

    to the wellbeing and welfare of humanity are of such an astronomical level

    that they cant be forgotten.

    No doubt where modern education has revolutionized this globe it also has

    some ugly ramifications which are either not discussed or are subtle to animpalpable level. Modern education has paved way for todays dominant

    materialistic proclivities of modern societies. It has converted the most

    beautiful creature of God, the embodiment of love, the epitome of surreal and

    delicate feelings in to an automated machine like creature whose sole aim is to

    generate maximum revenue possible by working around the clock.

    Avarice of wealth, prevailing materialism, hunger for power, insatiable greed,

    and discriminatory rules, deep rooted prejudices, firmly established bigotries,

    rampant corruption, unwarranted leg pulling are modern educations giftswhich have superseded the sublime morals, elevated ideals, noble values and

    edifying ethics, moral uprightness, the characteristics that once were the

    hallmark of human beings, the deputy of God on earth.

    My heart forgets throbbing when I see the sons of the soil mired in corruption.

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    My heart weeps when I see a teacher converting in to tutor.

    My heart laments when I see our saviors betraying their own countrymen and

    cutting deals with diabolical blood thirsty megalomaniac super powers.

    My heart wallow in anguish when see a doctor fleecing their already distraughtpatients.

    My heart writhes in anger when I see our parochial politicians quarrelling over

    petty issues while conveniently glossing over the real problems of masses

    My mind is inundated with painful impulses when a patient dies because of

    counterfeit medicine.

    My vision blurs when I see an engineer taking commission or bribery.

    My brain stops thinking when I see students, the seekers of knowledge and the

    architects of future buying degrees and certificates.

    Ladies and gentlemen

    Yes my heart is filled with painful feelings of pity when I see children abdicating

    their parents and sending them to old homes leaving them to paid servants

    devoid of rapport that is natural between children and parents.

    My dreams shatter when I see schools becoming business units meant only formaking money.

    The gory sight of bloodshed and mayhem all around me saps life from my

    crumbling bones.

    I shudder whenever I see a child begging on streets of cities adorned with all

    latest marvels of modern age and inhibited by well learned, well off nabobs.

    My conscience screams when I see our religious scholars whipping and fueling

    sectarian differences.

    My soul gets flogged each time a hungry child sleeps without having a dinner.

    My feelings get hurt when ever my country is conquered and re conquered by

    self appointed khaki saviors.

    Ladies and gentlemen

  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    The blood in my veins freezes whenever a drone the marvel of modern

    technology brutally murders innocent and unarmed children.

    My blood comes out in the form of tears whenever I see a merchant , a

    businessman, a bureaucrat, a general, a doctor , an engineer, a teacher, a

    student , an accountant trespassing its domain and flouting the established

    norms and practices of his profession.

    Ladies and gentlemen my heart comes to my mouth when I see well learned

    and highly educated men doing hideous things like plagiarism, leg pulling,

    maneuvering dishonestly to get a higher position, manipulating and twisting

    facts to their will.

    My mind fills with the feelings of disgust and anger when I see our industrialists

    damaging our environment rendering this planet uninhabitable.

    Yes ladies and gentlemen

    These all are the various manifestations of different consequences of modern

    education. Moral deterioration has brought us to the brink of disaster. Its just

    because of moral degradation that our societies are reeling rather teetering on

    the verge of failure.

    These all are the boons of modern education.

    Something is wrong ladies and gentlemen something is missing the basic

    element of human nature, feelings, spirits, passions, morals, principles that

    used to be the bedrock of our training are no more.

    Modern education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to

    distinguish what is worth reading. The great aim of education is not knowledge

    but action.Therefore we have to resurrect unadulterated values representing

    our moralities and ideologies as a last ditch effort to resuscitate our vanishing

    ethical foundation.

    There are so many in todays society that have lost the boundaries that would have helped them in times past to

    determine between right and wrong. Children are now exposed to so much information which in many ways have

    molested them of their innocence, and have deprived them of a pure and healthy childhood.
  • 7/27/2019 Modern Education-moral Degradation


    Tomorrows Newspaper reads that an 11 year old child was gunned downed by his fellow student simply because he

    wouldn't give up his coat.These are a few of the teachings learned by this information generation. That material gain

    is more important than another human life.The degradation of moral standards starts not only from within the home,

    but in the Media and Educational system as well as Environmental structures play a significant role as well. To reach

    a generation that has been exposed to so much with so little maturity or understanding will not only be challenging for

    its teachers, but overwhelming for those that seek to control them.

    Degradation simply means to lower ones standard of lifestyle, to make one a degenerate and to demoralize not only

    in standards, but in character as well. Greed has become the forerunner in the world today. There is so many that

    now hide behind this image call success. That it doesn't really matter what it took to get there, at least this is what

    they think.

    Children began to be taught things and pressured into learning things that they weren't mature enough to decipher,

    much less handle correctly.

    I seriously think it started or was perpetuated by putting Kindergarten and other pre-schools in effect. The focus went

    from childcare/babysitting to applying pressure on kids to learn things they had no business being worried about. Kids

    need to be kids for a longer period before being made to focus on growing up.