modern fairytales and writers, folklore and folktales and myth


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Page 1: Modern Fairytales and Writers, Folklore and Folktales and  Myth
Page 2: Modern Fairytales and Writers, Folklore and Folktales and  Myth

Holly Black

• have written their own versions of fairy tales, often for a young adult audience.

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Reutilized fairy tale • is “one which retains its basic

components according to the Aarne-Thompson classification, but revises the action to suit it to another audience.

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Grimm Brothers• One of the most well known

recordings of tales.• Referred tales as Children’s and

Household Tales, not fairy tales.

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Joseph Campbell • has an analysis system for hero tales,

which can be applied to both folk and fairy tales

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Folklorists• have often classified fairy tales

according to the plot elements they contain. These elements are often called themes or motifs”.

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In feminist fairy tales, “not only do the authors challenge conventional views of gender, socialization, and sex roles, but they also map out an alternative aesthetic terrain for the fairy tale genre to open up new horizons for readers and writers alike” (Zipes, Don’t Bet on the Prince xi).

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Page 11: Modern Fairytales and Writers, Folklore and Folktales and  Myth

Folklore & folktales

• A traditional story of a culture, locale

• Not related to history, but known common or “local” knowledge

• Any belief or story that is passed down through oral tradition

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Folklore and FolktalesFolklore

was invented by an English Scholar named William John Thomas.

It is a science that embraces observances and customs, notions, beliefs, traditions, superstitions and prejudices of the common people.

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Importance of Folklore

It is important in explaining social history of man kind.

It is helpful in the study of comparative mythology and science of religion.

It helps us to understanding the relationship between races and on the development of religion, beliefs and ceremonies.

A great assistance to the ethnologists, sociologist, historians and students of comparative mythology and science of religion.

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Kinds of FolkloreKinds of Folklore

1) Traditional literature in narrative form:

a) folktales

b) Hero tales

c) Ballads and song

d) Legends of places2) Traditional customs

a) Local customs

b) Astrology

c) Festivals customs

d) Games

3) Superstitious and beliefs

a) witchcraft

b) Astrology

c) Superstitious practices

d) Superstitious beliefs and fancies

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4) Folk speech a) Popular sayings

b) Popular nomenclature

c) Proverbs

d) Jingles, Rhymes, Riddles

Earliest form of literature is called Folk Literature

There are certain qualities common to all folk literature:

Concerned more with action rather

than reflection;

Concerned with physical heroism

Concerned with mysterious and

powerful influences

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Story for Children: FOLKTALES

FolktalesRefers to a traditional narrative of unknown authorship that has been handed down from generation to generation.

This olds stories are often called Fairy tales that deals with a character that are mysterious and powerful in influences.

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Origin of Folktales:

There are two theories concerning and transmission of folktales:

1) That all folktales originated in India in the Sacred Book of Buddhism and were transmitted by migrations of peoples, by crusaders and Hebrew gypsies.

2) That many of the tales arose independently among people widely separated geographically and historically.

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History of FolktalesFolktales begins at the point at which a

storyteller, folklorist or anthropologist set it down in writing.

In 1697 a collection of tales was produced named Comtes de Ma Mere L’Oye or Tales of My Mother Goose appeared bearing the name of a Frenchman, Charles Perrault.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

The German brother who made the real collection of tales.

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They gathered the tales they heard from old folks throughout their travels in Germany and published them later between 1812 to 1815.

Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Is the first translation of Grimm’s Hausmarchen that was made by Edward Taylor.

Peter Absjornsen and Jorge Moe

Gathered also a tales throughout their travel in Norway like was has done by the Grimm’s Brother and published their first collection of Norwegian tales in 1842-1843.

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James Orchard Halliwell

Was responsible enough in appearing a systematic folktales in England in 1849. He called his work as Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales.

The Three Bears

The best known nursery tales by Robert Southey in 1774-1843.

Primary Characteristics of Folktales

1) Has no known individual author.

2) Has no fixed or original form.

3) Has a brief introduction.

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4) Adapted to any age

5) Has simple plot that is easy to remember.

6) Characters appeal to both children and adults.

7) Has element of magic that appeals to children.

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Types of Folktales1) Accumulative Tale.

2) Talking Beast Stories

4) Myths

3) Droll or Humorous Stories

5) Epics and Hero Tales

6) Legends

7) Fables

8) Fairy Tales

9) Religious Tales

10) Roman Tales

11) Realistic Stories

Desirable Uses of Folktales

1) For entertainment

2) For illustration

3) For Puppets

4) For storytelling

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• A traditional story concerning a hero or event, gods, goddesses, or creatures

• Explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature

• With or without a basis of fact or natural explanation

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Is a body of myths describing the gods of the people, demigods and legendary human beings in stories which involves supernatural elements.


Have more specialized meaning and refers to the stories in which gods, goddesses and other pagan divinities plays apart.

It is also a story that explains primitive man’s idea of the origin of the universe, the mysteries of natural phenomena.

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Explain matters in the science of a pre-specific age and will stay longer as long as the divinity of it’s actors is recognized.

Sources of Mythology:Greek and Roman Mythology

The Roman had no system of mythology of their own . They adopted the mythology of the Greeks , but changed the name of the gods.

The Roman and Greeks had not the same gods, but the same demigods.

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Zeus Ruler of the heavens and earth

Hera Queen of the heaven

Poseidon God of the Sea

Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty

Athena Goddess of wisdom

Apollo God of the Sun

Artemis Goddess of moon and of the chase

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God of war

Messenger of Zeus and of Gods

Strong man

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Values of Myths

1) There is a dramatic quality about myths that captures the imagination of the poets and children.

2) Many English poems are filled with classical allusions from myths.

3) Subjects of sculpture and graphic arts are taken from the Greek and Roman myths.

4) The furnish background epics of all countries

5) They serve to explain the origin and meaning of many words in everyday use.

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