module 1, lesson 5 webinars that convert the webinar ... · make a stellar first impression – the...

Page 1 Module 1, Lesson 5 Webinars That Convert The Webinar Planning Phase The Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations Hi there, welcome back to Module 1. This is Lesson 5, The Golden Rules of High- Converting Presentations. One of the questions I get asked all of the time is, “Amy, what do I put inside my webinar presentation?” I actually have two videos to answer that question. This first video, like it says, is the Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations. We are going to talk about font, color, images, and the overall content foundation for your presentation. The next video, the Content Creation Workshop For Your Webinar, will get into even more specifics and I will show you the flow of content so that you can set things up, you can deliver impeccable content, and then you can transition seamlessly into the selling portion of your webinar. I know that’s where a lot of people get tripped up so we will get into that very, very soon. But first, let’s get into the Golden Rules of High- Converting Presentations. What You Will Discover ! The Big Picture: Learn and Master the Core Elements That Go Into Every Massively Profitable Presentation ! The Webinar Creation Golden Rules ! The Do’s and Don’ts When Creating Your Slide Deck – These do’s and don’ts will also relate to how you deliver it live. But it all starts with what the slides look like in order to cue you through each of the clicks in terms of when you click through each of the slides. It starts there but some of the do’s and don’ts also relate to how you deliver the presentation. ! Stellar Slides: Smart Design Strategies – Again, this comes back to the font, colors, and images. I will give you a bunch of examples for inspiration.

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Page 1: Module 1, Lesson 5 Webinars That Convert The Webinar ... · Make a Stellar First Impression – The Title Slide Matters – The first thing people see when they jump on your webinar,

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Module 1, Lesson 5 Webinars That Convert

The Webinar Planning Phase The Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations

Hi there, welcome back to Module 1. This is Lesson 5, The Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations. One of the questions I get asked all of the time is, “Amy, what do I put inside my webinar presentation?” I actually have two videos to answer that question. This first video, like it says, is the Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations. We are going to talk about font, color, images, and the overall content foundation for your presentation. The next video, the Content Creation Workshop For Your Webinar, will get into even more specifics and I will show you the flow of content so that you can set things up, you can deliver impeccable content, and then you can transition seamlessly into the selling portion of your webinar. I know that’s where a lot of people get tripped up so we will get into that very, very soon. But first, let’s get into the Golden Rules of High-Converting Presentations. What You Will Discover

! The Big Picture: Learn and Master the Core Elements That Go Into Every Massively Profitable Presentation

! The Webinar Creation Golden Rules ! The Do’s and Don’ts When Creating Your Slide Deck – These do’s and don’ts will

also relate to how you deliver it live. But it all starts with what the slides look like in order to cue you through each of the clicks in terms of when you click through each of the slides. It starts there but some of the do’s and don’ts also relate to how you deliver the presentation.

! Stellar Slides: Smart Design Strategies – Again, this comes back to the font, colors, and images. I will give you a bunch of examples for inspiration.

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The Big Picture This is a really fun lesson because you get to see it in action. Putting together a stellar webinar presentation takes strategy and creativity. This training is truly about both. The best way for me to help you find your style is to show you some examples. So hopefully you can find some different elements that you really love that you want to model and put into your own presentation as well. Element 01: The Webinar Creation Golden Rules The Golden Rule – I created these golden rules to help you with the twists and turns of creating a presentation. We talk about webinars all the time and a lot of the times when I say “creating a webinar”, I mean the whole webinar system. But in this lesson I am just talking about the slide deck, the presentation, what you will deliver the minute you say, “Let’s go live.” That is what I want to teach you today. The Bridge – First, I want you to think of your webinar as a bridge between your potential customer and your paid product. It is right in the middle. You have people who have an issue, challenge, or need and then you have something that will solve that issue, challenge, or need. It is your paid product, program or service. But how are you going to bridge the gap? Well, you bridge that gap with your webinar. A bridge is not only a way to get from one end to the other, but it is also the support along the way to the other side. You can kind of look at it in two different ways. Your webinar is not only going to link the customer and your product, but it is going to offer support. When you offer support to somebody they start to trust you more, they start to like you more, they look at you as their champion, somebody that is actually going to solve that problem, someone they can put their trust in. That is the beauty of a webinar presentation. It is something you really can’t get with any other marketing strategy.

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As you deliver, let’s say 45 minutes to an hour, of free, impeccable, amazing content you are building relationships. You are getting people engaged, you are becoming their champion, you are showing them a new opportunity, a new possibility, a new way, a result. Those are bonds you just can’t get with any other marketing strategy. Now do you see why I am just so passionate about webinars? Let’s build your bridge. Make a Stellar First Impression – The Title Slide Matters – The first thing people see when they jump on your webinar, whether it be live or automated, the title slide is the first thing they see. You want to have an impeccable title slide. I want to suggest that you hire a designer to create it for you. It might cost a little bit of money. This is not necessary, it is just a nice thing to have. If you have a nicely designed title slide it kind of sets the tone for everything. It looks professional. You look put together and it gets people excited about what’s to come. Let me give you some examples: This (in the video/slide deck) is the title slide that I used for the webinar that you might have seen before you bought this product, How to Create Your First Five-Figure Webinar in 30 Days Even If You Don’t Yet Have a List. This is one of my favorite title slides because I also added a timer in there. This was custom made by a designer and we had to get an actual programmer to figure the timer part out. I am not saying it was easy. I didn’t do it. We got a programmer to do it. But what was so cool about this, during my pre-party people saw when we were going to start live. I thought this was a cool element that I had never added before. Here (in the video/slide deck) is another title slide for the Profit Lab webinar I did earlier this year, How To Build a Marketing System Using Facebook That Will Find Your Target Market, Grow Your Email List, and Make MORE SALES. The first one actually didn’t have my name on it.

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I think it is important to add your name, especially when people are showing up and they don’t yet know you. This is just another example of a title slide. Yours can look however you want it to look. If you are the face of your brand I think it is important to put your image up there. But if not, you don’t need to have a picture of yourself. You just want it to look professional and you want people to get excited for what’s to come. Here (in the video/slide deck) is one more. This is more simple. I did not have a designer do it. I just wanted to show you that I haven’t always had really good title slides but they have always worked. I made this one in Canva, a tool you can use to make images. I uploaded the picture of myself and then just made a little graphic to the side. It’s not really spectacular, right? But it did the trick. You don’t always have to have it extra fancy. Remember the 80/20 Rule – 80% Pure Content and 20% Promotion – I often get asked, “How much content should I be giving versus how much I promote on my webinar?” I like to live by the 80/20 rule in most things I do in my life so with the webinar it is no exception. 80% of my webinar is all about the free content. Even in the live Q&A I am sometimes still teaching some of the content. We will get to the live Q&A session a little later. That is a whole different lesson. In addition to that, I definitely take advantage of the 20% where I am promoting. I am telling people what my product is and how it will benefit them. I tell them the promises inside the program and what it entails. I do that at the end of my webinar. We will get into that in the next lesson where I teach you how to transition from content to selling. But this is the rule I live by in terms of content and promotion. Your Ultimate Goal is to Deliver On Your Promise – Whatever you tell people that webinar is going to be about, you need to make sure you really deliver on that promise. This is your first huge opportunity to build a bond and build trust with your audience. Because that is so very important, you want to do the best job you can.

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I will talk about this a little bit more in the live phase of this program. But I will tell you here, I always have a mantra when I get on any of my live, free webinars. Whoever shows up, I want them to feel excited, inspired, and to feel like they can take action on what I have just taught them whether or not they buy. Before I actually turn the webinar on live, I say to myself, “Whoever shows up today is going to be excited about this content. They are going to see amazing opportunities in it. They are going to get inspired by it and they are going to want to take action no matter if they buy or not.” I have one more thing I tell myself and that is that everyone who is on my webinar is going to love my free content so much that they are going to say, “Man, if that stuff is free, imagine what her paid program looks like.” If everyone said that they would want to buy, right? These are just little things I say right before I go on a webinar to make sure I am in the right mindset. I make sure I deliver on my promise. Element 02: The Do’s and Don’ts Now that you know the Golden Rules, the 80/20 rule, the fact that you are going to deliver impeccable content and deliver on your promise and you are going to start things on the right foot with that title slide and a good first impression we will move into the Do’s and Don’ts. As I mentioned earlier, the Do’s and Don’ts relate to how you craft and put your presentation together. They are also going to be really valuable when you go live and you will see what I mean in just a moment. Avoid “Death By Bullets” – Don’t stack a bunch of bullets on every single slide. I want you to use images to punctuate your point. Have you ever been on a webinar where it’s one slide with the person talking and they click, click, click through slides?

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You see bullets on every slide. Do you just want to hang yourself at that moment? Seriously, it can drive you nuts. I don’t want you to create a presentation with a whole bunch of bullets. Why am I so sensitive about this? Because that’s what I used to do in my early webinar days. I think everyone has been guilty of it, right, with any kind of presentation. Those bullets are just so easy to build up into each of those slides. We are going to do things a whole lot differently. I do want to point out, and I probably already said this in another less, a training like you are getting now is a whole lot different than a webinar. During a training I definitely have bullets and I think everybody, if they are going to create an online training program, should have bullets. I stay on slides way longer than I ever would on a webinar, and I teach in a way that is in much more detail. A webinar is not just a training, it’s a whole experience that includes the promise, the path, and the promotion. I thought this might be a good time to mention that because I will do things in a training that I would never do on a webinar. I would add a lot more bullets inside a training than I would ever do on a webinar slide. Don’t Stay On One Slide Too Long – Another thing I would never do on a webinar is stay on one slide too long. I want you to change your slide every 45 to 60 seconds. Are you surprised by this one? Let me tell you a quick story. One of the first times that Michael Hyatt ever asked me about my webinars was when we were going to do a webinar together. I was hosting him to my audience so he was creating his first ever webinar for my audience. He sent me over his slides and asked what I thought of his slide deck. Michael Hyatt has gorgeous slides. You will see an example in a moment because I am going to use him as an example. At the time he had about 25 slides. I told him we needed to fix that. I told him you want to be clicking onto a new slide every minute and

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maybe even every 45 seconds. That means if you are going for an hour you should have at least 60 slides. I would like to see you have about 80 slides. Michael said he would fix it. This guy takes action. He went back to the drawing board and came back with 80 beautiful slides, because he is good like that. I want you to have at least 60 slides if you are going for a full hour. I know that seems crazy but really pay attention to the next webinar you see by someone you really trust and think does a good job. Notice they are constantly clicking through the slides. Why do they do that? To keep your attention. Right now I am staying on this slide forever. I know. Again, this is different than a webinar. But I might have already lost your attention as well. You might be looking at your phone right now checking an email, multi-tasking. If you stay on a slide too long you will likely loose someone’s attention. During a training I feel like people paid to be here and they want to learn from me so they are a little more forgiving in terms of how I teach. But a webinar is a whole different story. Use Your Slides to Punctuate – Don’t read each slide word for word. Again, this is a little bit different than in your training although I do try to add extra stories to my slides. In my training I might read the slide and then tell you a story or back it up with information. In a webinar I try not to put too much on a slide because most people won’t read it anyway. I also don’t want to let myself read a whole big paragraph and if it’s there I am going to read it. That is why I say punctuate with images and put little phrases there that will allow you to elaborate. But you don’t want a bunch of information on each slide.

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Don’t Be Boring – When you are on a webinar your job is not just to educate but you are there to entertain and empower. At Tony Robbins we had the saying that you have to E3 everything you do: educate, entertain, and empower. If you are writing a manual we will E3 it. We make it fun. We make it educational. And we make it Inspirational as well. If we are at a live event there is always education, there’s always a bit of fun, and there is always inspiration or empowerment. So E3 your webinar. Always remember these three words: Educate, entertain, empower. Entertaining is usually with some fun stories or maybe you will give a prize away. Or you can inject your personality in different places that are really refreshing. To entertain you don’t have to be a comedian. I couldn’t tell you a joke to save my life. But at least I try to make it a little bit fun during those webinars and kind of show my true personality so that people can get to know me a little bit more. Don’t Overuse Animation and Builds – Too many builds can get boring fast. Remember I was talking bullet, bullet, bullet. Well, not only is it boring to see, but when you are trying to build on one slide that means you are staying on that slide too long. Maybe 1% of my slide deck, if any, has any type of animation. In my world animation means a build; maybe a bullet pops up or the picture spins or pulses or something. I try to stay away from all of that in my webinars. If I am clicking through slides really fast with a click, click, click that is its own animation in itself. I would kind of pull back on the animation and builds. Too many builds get a little bit annoying. Instead, just keep your slides fresh and entertaining and engaging. I will show you a bunch of examples in a moment. Element 03: Stellar Slides: Smart Design Strategies I want you to see what I am teaching. I thought the best way was to show you a bunch of examples to get that inspiration flowing.

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Illustrate With Images - I use this image (in the video/slide deck) a lot in one of my webinars for the Profit Lab because I talk about Facebook. I say, “We’ve got to address that elephant in the room and that is that people are frustrated with Facebook.” I see the image and it does two things: 1) It is kind of entertaining for those watching my slide deck, 2) For me it triggers a story. I know what I need to say. That is why I want you to practice your presentation. We will get into that in the next lessons. I want you to practice your presentation a few times so that when you see the elephant you know what you are going to say. It is like your cue. When you practice your presentation with the images, not only does it benefit those who are watching to be entertained, educated, and inspired, but they are also cues for you to let you know where you want to go with the next slide. It also helps you know what you want to say when you see the picture or phrase. Those are little secrets we don’t tend to share but that I am sharing in this program now. Oh, my little hunky husband and my son Kade here (on the video/slide deck)…Another thing I like to do is invite people in with me behind the scenes. On my webinars I will say, “This is my family and this is my husband, Hobie, my son, Cade.” When I am showing pictures of my family I am usually telling a story. I don’t necessarily love it when people put up a picture of their family and say, “This is what it’s all about. This is why I do what I do. This is my husband and son,” and that’s all. I feel like you should use pictures to tell a story. I tell a story when Hobie was 38 years old and he came to me and said he wanted to become a firefighter. At the time he was a contractor. I asked him if he was crazy. Our lives were already moving in a certain direction. But he really wanted to become a firefighter. Of course I wanted to be a good wife so I supported our family for two years with my online marketing business (that I had just started, mind you) so that he could realize a dream that has been amazing for us. He is now a San Diego firefighter. You may have

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heard me tell that story. I tell it much better during a webinar but I didn’t want to get into it now with you because I am trying to teach something. As you can see, it’s more fun when you are looking at the pictures of my family and I am telling a story that has a theme. Hobie won an award for recruit of the academy and then became a firefighter and then the last picture is the two of us at his graduation. These pictures mean something to me as I tell the story. I also like to use images for social proof. One thing that is weird for me, as you probably know because I talked about it, I worked for Tony Robbins for 6 ½ years. It is something that I don’t love to just brag about all the time; however, it’s a big deal. People respect Tony, they think that is an amazing job, and it was. It really shaped me into entrepreneur that I am today and allowed me to have the business and success I have. I like to talk about it and I learned so much from working with Tony. So, when I talk about it I try to find a fun picture. This one (in the video/slide deck) was taken so many years ago when Tony and Sage (his wife, the blonde in the front) would take a picture a day. We happened to go over to their house to work on something and we got to be the picture of the day. This was just a fun reminder. And when I talk about Tony I sometimes show this picture. When I am telling my story, another thing I do is go through images. I am showing you examples of my presentations because I know they work. I want to use something that works. But also, notice that the conversation is a lot more fun when you are telling a story while you are going through slides, “I worked at Harley-Davidson and then Tony Robbins. Then I worked for Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner and that’s how I got the book deal with the Dummies book. I tell a story and just slowly go through the builds, this is one build I used to use and don’t use anymore. This is one way I would tell my story. It is a lot more fun than how people typically tell the story which is one image on a slide, BOOM. And then they stay on it forever before the next slide comes up. This is a fun way to tell the story in

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images. And you can do the same. I am hoping you will want to model some of these strategies today. Another thing I do if I am talking about something I did and want to prove it or if I want to show an example of something, I will show a screen grab. I use SnagIt or Jing. Both of those will be in your resource page. They are tools I use to take screen grabs of things I see online. I also use them for my presentations. In my Profit Lab webinar I talk about an email I sent to my list. Instead of saying that I sent an email to my list and this is what happened I will show the email while I am talking about it. The social proof keeps things more engaging. Mix Up Your Style – I try to use as few words as possible on a slide and then have my images punctuate the point. I have an advantage and you might too if you are in marketing. If you are teaching marketing strategies then you can show pictures of those strategies like I am doing with this Facebook ad. If you are teaching something a whole lot different you might need to use more stock images. I want to caution you about stock images – No people with briefcases with their hands in the air, you know what I’m talking about, right? Be really careful that they aren’t too stock imageish. You just lose people if it is too cheesy. I use There are other image sites you can use. Some are free and some are not. You can Google it. There are tons of blog articles about the best image sites. But you do want to be careful that you are using one that isn’t too stockish. Then you just lose your audience. I will give you get around the stock image in a second. When I am telling a story about a company I will show their website. This is PaleoTreats (in the video/slide deck). I have a story about them in one of my webinars so I show a fun image just to keep things interesting.

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When I am talking about my product, when I am selling my product, I like to put parts of my product inside of an image. There is a site,, where you can get all of these cool images and place your material in the iPad or computer or iPhone or whatever it might be. That is what I did here (in the video/slide deck). It just makes a more interesting conversation when you are talking about a cheat sheet that you are going to offer inside your program. That is what I was doing in the example. Another cool thing is to pair text with an image. This (in the video/slide deck) is taken from Michael Hyatt’s webinar. I just took a few snapshots from his webinar because they are so dang good I couldn’t resist. When Michael talks about a certain topic he will show this great quote by Albert Einstein. And how gorgeous is that picture? Michael definitely has a designer on his team helping him with the images. But let me tell you, if you can model any kind of his style it is worth it because the guy knows how to do images. Let me show you some more. Inside the presentation for his goal-setting program that he launches in December he talks about failure. What a great image (in the video/slide deck), right? He does what I did, and what I want to encourage you to do too. He digs back into old images. When you are telling a story about your past find an image of it. It is kind of fun to go back into all of those old photos. This picture of Michael and his partner (in the video/slide deck) absolutely cracks me up. He was telling a story of his first business that completely failed so he puts you right there in a business trip that he took right before his business crashed to the ground. But when you have a picture the proof is just so amazing and powerful. We will talk about stories in the next lesson and if you are going to tell a story about what life was like before you found the solution you are going to teach the webinar attendees or something you overcame, find a picture of you in that moment if you can. It is so much more powerful.

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Speaking of images and pictures of yourself, this is my student, Andrea (in the video/slide deck). She has the site, She won a lifetime achievement awarded for aromatherapy. This is a beautiful picture of her accepting her award and then she actually got the award with other people that she was there with. It is just real. So, if you can use more real images versus stock photos, that was the suggestion I wanted to bring up. You don’t have to use stock photos if you start taking more and more pictures of your life. And now that we all have smart phones that is an easy thing to do. Here’s another thing that Andrea does (in the video/slide deck). She actually has someone on her team doing the formulas of essential oils. She takes a picture of it and uses the pictures in her webinars. In another one she takes a poll. She asks people if they have been considering aromatherapy certification and then she shows proof. I love how she uses images. Here is another one (in the video/slide deck), “lavender after it’s been cut.” She gets down to the nitty gritty real stuff. There is nothing pretty necessarily about the image but you’ve got to love the wheels in the back with the boxes and ladders. But it’s real and people appreciate that. I have one more from a woman we will talk about in the next lesson all about your content creation workshop. She uses real images. I want you to think about this more and more, especially for your webinar presentation. I hinted at this before but I really want to hit it home, you are looking to create a bond with people. You want them to trust you. You want them to know you and you want to invite them. What better way to invite them in than with real images whether they be real images like this (in the video/slide deck) or the ones I showed you of Andrea and her essential oils; or if they are images like snapshots of Facebook ads and emails and things that are really happening right now. Those are the kind of images that move the needle on a webinar.

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Style With Fonts – We are going to move away from images. Another thing you can do is to stylize with fonts. Fonts are one of my favorite things to add into a presentation. You only want to use a few, three or four max. You will usually use two fonts pretty heavily and the other two as accents. I love really great fonts. Another thing is with color, and we will talk about that in a moment. I have my designer, Jessica (she’s not full time, I just use her during my launches), and we work on projects together. I will tell Jessica I want to create a look and feel for Webinars That Convert. I hire Jessica to create the slide deck template. Some of you actually purchased five slide deck templates from me at the time you bought this program. Jessica created all of those for you and that’s really cool. She created those and she created the one you are seeing now (in the video/slide deck). Each slide deck template is different so that you can choose a different theme that you want. She always then gives me the colors and the fonts that were used so that I can stay really consistent. If I have another designer work on something I can give them the style sheet that lists the fonts they need to use and the color wheel to stay within. If you are working with a designer, always ask them for specifications. They should look something like this (in the video/slide deck). That way you know you have some uniformity across all of the different pieces you are creating for your webinar system. Here’s an example (in the video/slide deck). These are really simple fonts. But imagine if he just had a really plain font. It just would not be as much fun. So, if you are going to use words, using color with your simple but interesting fonts makes a big difference. I know there isn’t a lot of font action going on in this example but I wanted to show you how simple it can be but still be powerful.

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This is a gorgeous font (in the video/slide deck). I don’t know what font it is called (used on Believe in the Possibility) but I know the word “Stylize” from the slide with the style sheet is called Thirsty Script. It is one of my favorite fonts. As you can see, he has one font for “Day 1”, another font for “Believe in the Possibility”, and another one for the bullets. I think this looks really good. They aren’t drastically different. They are all very easy to read. And the one in the middle just really pops. Fonts matter. Here’s a great image with some cool font inside of it as well (in the video/slide deck). These are just different ideas you can do. This is one slide in a deck. I thought it was cool that she used the actual font as well as the images. I will show you more from this slide presentation in the next lesson. Punctuate With Phrases – Remember, I said not to use too much text on a slide but you can definitely punctuate with phrases. This is an example of one of my Profit Lab webinars (in the video/slide deck): INFLUENCE"ENGAGE"PERSUADE. I was talking about something related to list building. When I see these three words they trigger me to tell my story or make my point about this slide. Remember, you are using the slides to punctuate your points. Another great example, Go For The Quick Win (in the video/slide deck). I showed an example of a quick win, the image with the font and with the color. It all kind of works together. This is another great example (in the video/slide deck). I had created an opt-in page and it took me ten minutes. It generated over 6,000 opt ins. I can talk about this for a little while and I don’t need a bunch more text to trigger what I want to say. I do want to be careful not to stay on this slide more than one minute. But just this “10 MINUTES – 6,884 OPT-INS” not only triggers me to make a point, it triggers me to say what I want to say about it without having to have all of the words on the slide.

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You can also punctuate the point with a question. “Why Not You?” Why can’t it be your opportunity, your time. This is one of the ways I inspired in one of my webinars, to talk about why can’t it be you to actually see the success you want. You can inspire with phrases as well. Capture With Color – We already talked about color. With every single one of my webinar systems, whether it is for this course here (I had a whole webinar system), or the webinar system for The Profit Lab or my Facebook 101 program, they all have a certain look and feel. Color is part of that. Again, you want to do a spec sheet with your designer if you are working with a designer. I always have to say this and you will hear me say it a few times throughout my lessons, I didn’t always have a designer to help me and I didn’t always have a copywriter and programmer. And I still don’t have any of those people on full time. Now I have a budget so that I can actually spend more money. But in my first two years total I did it all by myself. So I get it if you are not in the place where you can hire a designer. This is just stuff to aspire to when you are ready. The Webinars That Convert webinar that I did has a look and feel. Notice (in the video/slide deck) the look and feel of my webinar was the same look and feel of the product that you are in right now. It doesn’t have to be that way and I don’t always do it that way. But I thought I would keep the look and feel of my free webinar as the same look and feel of my product and my slide decks and all of that. I kind of blended it all together and made it a whole lot easier. Again, when you deal with colors you will have your designer give you the specs so that you know exactly the colors you want to use inside of your presentation. Promote With Purpose – We will get into this even more so in the next lesson with the workshop. But I want you to make sure you create some images of your product when you are promoting them inside your webinar. You are probably used to seeing these modules.

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I use these in the free webinar as well when I introduced what each module was about. I had my designer create images for each module. I wanted to make sure there was some uniformity when I talked about my product I wanted it to look good in the slide deck. Michael Hyatt did a great job of showing his product, a digital product. He didn’t want to show an actual book or CDs, he wanted to show that it is digital; you can get it on your desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone. You are good to go. I like how he used a different image from inside the membership site inside his product. He used this when he was selling his program on his webinar. You can get something kind of similar to this on the side, that I mentioned. *** Where You Might Get Stuck *** Let me tell you, this is something I grapple with all of the time, your webinar slides/presentation will never ever be perfect. Don’t let your webinar slide creation delay the launch of your live webinar. I want you to make a decision of the date and time you are going live with your first webinar. You can back up all of your dates from there. Your slides will always be a work in progress. Every single time I do a live webinar, after the webinar is done, I know there are a few things I want to change before the next live webinar. That is why I want you to do a few live before you record it and make it into an automated webinar. I can promise you, if you do it live three, four, or five times, you will make it better every single time. It will convert better every single time you practice it too. No, the slides never have to be totally done. If they did have to be I would probably cry.

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The Profitable Webinars Rule Your webinar creation may take up to a week from start to finish. Give yourself some time to leave it and come back to it after a few days with fresh eyes. Again, it is always a work in progress. The webinar that I created to promote this program probably took me two weeks to perfect. It was something I really struggled with because I wanted to get it right. If you are going to take time in anything, it is likely the slide presentation that will take you the longest. Here is the deal, that is not the only thing you are working on. I think you can get a webinar system up and running in 30 days because you might work for an hour or two on your slide deck today and then move on to another piece of the system I am going to teach you. You don’t have to spend a whole week flat out only working on your slide deck. If you have the liberty to do so, go for it. But most of us have other things we need to work on as well. But just give yourself some breathing room and space between working on your slides so you can come back to it with fresh eyes. It’s not something you are going to sit down and get done in two hours and be done with it. If it is you are a machine because I could never do that. I wish I could. Do The Work – Make It Real Your Action: I want you to decide on a slide template design. As I mentioned in an earlier video, the Tech Made Easy video, you can use Keynote or PowerPoint. Those are really the only two software solutions I would suggest. From there you can either buy a slide template (go into the resources, I have some slide template resources that you can check out. Or, you may have already purchased my five slide deck templates with five different options to choose. That was presented to you when you bought this program); or, you can have the designer create something for you if you find some examples that you like. You can ask a designer to create it for you.

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The next lesson is all about the content creation workshop, I am going to give you some more pointers that will play a part in your slide template. I want you to start deciding on the slide template now but make sure to watch the next lesson, The Content Creation Workshop, to get a few more ideas about your template and then you will be ready to decide what you want that template to look like. I will see you in the next video.