module 3 - lesson 7 - how to implement module 3 of the ... · module 3 - lesson 7 - how to...

____________________________________________________________________________ Module 3 - Lesson 7 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar - Part 2 Christa: Hey, hey, hey. Jeanne: Hello, everybody. Christa: Hi, ReCoders. Welcome to our fourth webinar of module three where we are focusing on your logs tonight. Hi, everyone. We've got everybody tuning in from all parts of the country and other countries. Some of you are chilling on the beach in Hawaii, and some of you are freezing out in Denver and Boulder. Hi, Heidi and Sarah. [00:00:30] Yes, Jennifer from California; Michaela from LA. We love being with you all. Cathy from New Jersey. Amelia, hello. Nicole, somewhere in Australia. We're a little bit envious. Good for you. Hi. Tonight is all about clarity on what you've been doing and tuning in to yourself further to get more clarity as we continue [00:01:00] to go. The last webinar, we focused on customizing your macros. I think that you all are going to love this because we talked about four steps to customizing your macros, right? Jeanne went through that. The only thing we need you focusing on from then to now was step one. That was it. Just step one. Tonight, we're going to focus on step two. We're going to go over some common [00:01:30] trends. We've been sitting here. If you could see, we have all these papers out. We've been reviewing logs for the last hour and a half. We're seeing a lot of trends. I think with us letting you know the trends of different people that's going to help you refine even further. We're here for you. Q&A tonight. We're really happy to be here. Thank you. Katie Listed, what is new and good? I almost forgot to ask you. Please, type into the chat log. What we want to hear [00:02:00] is what is new and good because we've been really stoked at what we've been seeing in the Facebook group and on your logs. Jeanne: Lots of great things happening for a lot of you. Then, there goes some confusion and frustration for others. That's okay too. Again, that's part of the process. It's just embracing that and being with it. Christa: And working through it. Like you're here and you're brave and you're going to get frustration. You're going to get frustration in part two, but whenever you're © 2018 THE WHOLE JOURNEY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Content may not be reproduced in any form.

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Page 1: Module 3 - Lesson 7 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The ... · Module 3 - Lesson 7 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar - Part 2 Christa: Hey, hey, hey. Jeanne:


Module 3 - Lesson 7 - How To Implement Module 3 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar - Part 2 Christa: Hey, hey, hey.

Jeanne: Hello, everybody.

Christa: Hi, ReCoders. Welcome to our fourth webinar of module three where we are focusing on your logs tonight. Hi, everyone. We've got everybody tuning in from all parts of the country and other countries. Some of you are chilling on the beach in Hawaii, and some of you are freezing out in Denver and Boulder. Hi, Heidi and Sarah. [00:00:30] Yes, Jennifer from California; Michaela from LA. We love being with you all. Cathy from New Jersey. Amelia, hello. Nicole, somewhere in Australia. We're a little bit envious. Good for you.

Hi. Tonight is all about clarity on what you've been doing and tuning in to yourself further to get more clarity as we continue [00:01:00] to go. The last webinar, we focused on customizing your macros. I think that you all are going to love this because we talked about four steps to customizing your macros, right? Jeanne went through that. The only thing we need you focusing on from then to now was step one. That was it. Just step one. Tonight, we're going to focus on step two.

We're going to go over some common [00:01:30] trends. We've been sitting here. If you could see, we have all these papers out. We've been reviewing logs for the last hour and a half. We're seeing a lot of trends. I think with us letting you know the trends of different people that's going to help you refine even further. We're here for you. Q&A tonight. We're really happy to be here. Thank you. Katie Listed, what is new and good? I almost forgot to ask you. Please, type into the chat log. What we want to hear [00:02:00] is what is new and good because we've been really stoked at what we've been seeing in the Facebook group and on your logs.

Jeanne: Lots of great things happening for a lot of you. Then, there goes some confusion and frustration for others. That's okay too. Again, that's part of the process. It's just embracing that and being with it.

Christa: And working through it. Like you're here and you're brave and you're going to get frustration. You're going to get frustration in part two, but whenever you're

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challenged [00:02:30] at the core level, that's a good thing because frustration comes up right before you're ready to really make a lasting change.

Jeanne: Peace on the body and more energy, better digestion. Sustainable.

Christa: This is great. Michaela, finally making peace. I'm not starving all the time anymore. Good. Sustainable energy.

Jeanne: [crosstalk 00:02:54] huge positive change.

Christa: That's something we want to talk about. Marilyn, a lot of you need to be eating more cooked food. I'm so glad [00:03:00] that the cooked veggies help you. Monica, rested nights. Rhonda have had some good sleep. Hooray. This is a good night sleep.

Jeanne: Sleep changes [inaudible 00:03:08].

Christa: It could change your whole outlook with just one good night's sleep, you know?

Jeanne: That's right.

Jeanne: Yeah, Jackie, I'm more hungry. That can actually be a positive thing. We'll discuss that tonight. Heidi's gaining cooking confidence. Jennifer, calm. Yay. Autumn, you loved the yoga flow. I'm so happy and feel steadier and calmer. There's so [00:03:30] much power in feeling steady and feeling calm. That is you're just the beginning. You're going to keep really grounding that in over the next couple of weeks.

Jeanne: Any time, you can come back into your body and really feel your body and feel yourself kind of connected to the earth. It's so grounding and powerful.

Christa: It is. It is. Breathing. A lot of you doing the breathing. I'm so proud of you and the yoga. Yes, and your movement. You're more awake in the mornings. Digestion's [00:04:00] improving. This is all really fantastic.

Jeanne: Finally feeling hungry, Kathy. That's great.

Christa: What else?

Jeanne: The BMs are getting better. Hoorah!

Christa: Sleep and energy much better.

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Jeanne: Everything's better. Everything's beginning to move a little bit more. It's amazing what can happen when the body has the tools it needs to thrive. That's what you guys are doing is you're paying attention. You're finally learning what your body needs to do what it is intended to [00:04:30] do. Once it's been trying to do for such a long time.

Christa: Yeah. You're own best doctors. Exercising, breathing added energy. Blood pressure finally back up, Laura. Wonderful. It's good. A lot of you ...

Jeanne: Denise's ... I'm sorry.

Christa: Go ahead.

Jeanne: Denise's blood pressure went down.

Christa: Went down.

Jeanne: [crosstalk 00:04:46] in normal range.

Christa: Yeah. This is so beautiful. This is powerful. Food is medicine. That's going to change the trajectory of your health for the rest of your life. Think about this. It makes me want to cry. It's so powerful. [00:05:00] Karen, yehey. I'm glad you like the yoga flow. All right. We're super pumped. What I'm noticing is that a lot of our tier-two peeps who normally wake up without an appetite are starting to wake up with an appetite. That is a sign of healing. It's a wonderful sign that your liver is coming back online and working for you.

That is wonderful. Here's what we're going to do. I just wanted to ... One quick housekeeping thing. [00:05:30] Jeanne has been fantastic on Facebook live on video on Mondays. She's been in the Facebook group at 9:30. She needs to make a change. Now, she will be in there at 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays live on video answering your questions for the duration of the program.

What we are going to do is we're discussing step two tonight. Then, next week, we move to the emotional re-pattern. We move to part two. You can be doing all of this concurrently. [00:06:00] We're going to move the rest of the clinical conversations [inaudible 00:06:03] be two tickets and in the Facebook group. I know for those of you who aren't on Facebook, we are going to take those videos. We're going to upload them to module three.

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Next week, she'll focus on step two to see how did you go. The week after that, she'll focus on step three of customizing macros. The week after that, she'll focus on step four. You see there's no hurry for you to get to some end goal.

Jeanne: You certainly do not want to skip [00:06:30] a step because that will create a lot of frustration and confusion freeze. Again, you're not trying to hit numbers or hit goals or anything like that. You're just observing what's working for you, what isn't in making slight modifications along the ways that you naturally and really organically fall into that perfect balance of macros that supports you.

Christa: Yes. Great. Okay. This question has come up several times. Now that we're reviewing logs, we want to discuss the Carrot Balancer. We're so proud of you. You're making [00:07:00] your Carrot Balancers and eating them.

Jeanne: And loving it.

Christa: And loving them. They consider that your Carrot Balancer are free food. You do not have to log the macros for it. We want to know that you ate it so you can put it on your logs, but you don't have to count the proteins, carbs, and fats in there which should really help you out and what we're noticing is a lot of you were using your Carrot Balancer as your carb and temperatures are coming down. It's not working for you as your only carb. Imagine you're just [00:07:30] getting it. Imagine you're taking it like a supplement.

Jeanne: It is a supplement.

Christa: It is a supplement.

Jeanne: It is considered a supplement.

Christa: You still need a carb. You're going to Carrot Balancer, but you need a carb with that meal that you're having right after that. I see it on some of these logs. You're just randomly having your Carrot Balancer at 9:30 in the morning or 2:00 in the afternoon because you forgot it and you're not having it with any other food which is a no-no. You had to have it with the meal. If you forget it with lunch, then have it with dinner. If you forget it, [00:08:00] then skip it that day.

Jeanne: I would say for those of you especially if you're having issues with sleep, the better thing to do would just be skip it for the day or if you don't have it at

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lunch, just skip it [crosstalk 00:08:13] because of the sugar and because it is working in a detoxifying way. It can create blood sugar fluctuations at a time of day where we're trying to create regulation.

Christa: Okay. If you miss it at let's say your 10:30 or 1:30 meal, then just skip it.

Jeanne: Perfect.

Christa: [00:08:30] Let's talk about exercise because a lot of questions have been coming in. I'm going to let you jump in because a lot of people were tagging you in the Facebook group or how our temp and pulse respond.

Jeanne: Yes, they should stabilize. You should either see a stabilization in your body temperature and pulse about 30 minutes following exercise whether or not you have eaten or not as in ... Yup. You'll see it stabilized or if you see it dip, then, obviously, [00:09:00] the workout was too much for you or it wasn't fueled properly.

Christa: Which we saw on log.

Jeanne: We saw on log.

Christa: People exercising two, three times a day. You're either over-exercising for what your body needs or you're not eating enough to be able to refill the stores.

Jeanne: Right. Another thing you may see is an elevated pulse above 85 which again is showing you the inability to recover from that workout. I'm just kind of want to again once you begin to observe that, log it for a few days and really get a feel for it. Then, you [00:09:30] may be able to modify your nutrition around your exercise. That would be the first step.

If that doesn't work, then we have to look at the time of the day that you're exercising. If that doesn't support you still, then, we have to look at the type of exercising that you're doing and maybe modify accordingly.

Christa: Do you want to give any suggestions how Michelle's asking how should we fuel for exercise?

Jeanne: It depends on where you are physiologically. [00:10:00] For example and I think we can maybe use ... Do you want to use one of these logs as an example?

Christa: Yeah.

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Jeanne: For Pauline.

Christa: Pauline, if you are on, we've been talking about you. Pauline did two yoga session [crosstalk 00:10:13] for an hour.

Jeanne: Yes. Thank you for sharing this with us, Pauline, because it does give us a great example that ... The print is really small so forgive me. But what we do see is that this person is coming a Pauline is coming in very deficient in energy which means that there are no energy reserves. [00:10:30] You guys know what this means. It means your body's in a state of compensation.

Now, she's identifying on this particular log that she had had a rough night, a little fatigued, feels better than yesterday [inaudible 00:10:41]. But we see a little bit of an energy drop. We see her body temperature drop after breakfast. Again, at this phase of your healing process, that is okay. Always take into consideration what was happening the day before, how you slept that night so it allows you to put it into perspective because we don't see it at the [00:11:00] second day, but moving on, with low-energy having that slept well, we do 40 minutes of yoga after breakfast after we see a temperature drop.

We're already in an energy deficit. Now, that could be energizing for you. It could be a simple flow. That's okay. Then, we have another meal at 10:30 so that meal was at 7:00. .This meal's at 10:30. We know Pauline cannot store energy for a long period of time. She's got the max a three-hour [00:11:30] window because of the state the body's in. With those low body temperatures, the body's still compensating with those stress hormones food or no food which is why that food frequency is so imperative.

But then, we do 11 o'clock. We did a slow yoga. Then, what she did here is at 12:30 and this is going to answer your question, Michelle. At 12:30, she had lunch. Body temperature peaked. We are seeing that bell curve that we're looking for midday. [00:12:00] The food frequency is really giving her the support that she needs.

Christa: She's stabilizing.

Jeanne: She's stabilizing, but we'll stick to one conversation at a time, but then, she did an hour of swimming at 2:30 in the afternoon. That meal was at 12:30. The swimming was at 2:30. We know she's got a three-hour window. We're already two hours in to this meal. What I would suggest for her is [00:12:30] that she make a smoothie, this blueberry smoothie, that she had at meal four. I would

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have said to pack that up. Drink a third of it or half of it before that workout. Do the workout. Have the rest of the smoothie on the way home immediately following.

Then, within an hour, have some more dense solid foods to really ground her hormonally and to recover from that workout. You have to kind of look at the time that you're exercising. Look at what you're eating pre and post. Then, again how [00:13:00] much time gap is there between there and modify accordingly, but if you are noticing that you have a hard time storing energy or consistently falling back down into those lower ranges, you have a window of opportunity so take that into consideration in the way that you schedule your exercise.

Christa: Then, this is also another example where Pauline had the Carrot Balancer as your carb. You would add another carb. That would give you more longevity because [00:13:30] with the temps coming low, what we're seeing and what you might be seeing if you're looking at your numbers because we're moving to step to tonight where we keep our carbs greater than our protein and our protein greater than our fat.

What I've been noticing now, I'm looking at these proportions is carbs are like 34%, 24%, and fat is much higher. That's what you want to look at is a lot of us think, oh, I don't need that much fat, but that is so dense that we can overeat it really quickly.

Jeanne: Can I [00:14:00] just point out something? Pauline, I'm glad that you feel energized after exercise, but we have to begin to differentiate that energy, a compensated energy and, obviously, emotionally. It's something that's very supportive to you. We don't want to overlook that, but your body's showing us that you're in a low energy state. We need to be aware of that so we can set you up for greater success.

Now, what we're also seeing here and this is what you guys are going to be working on over the next week is the carbs [00:14:30] are not greater than the protein and the protein is not greater than the fat on these logs. Pauline, right now, the only thing I want your attention on is getting those carbs greater than your protein, your protein greater than the fat in your grams. The percentages-

Christa: For all of you.

Jeanne: ... for all of you, we'll get into that a little bit more, but keep your attention on your total macros, the grams of your macros right now. Do not pay attention to

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calories. Do not pay attention to ratios because they're going to throw you off [00:15:00] especially because fats have nine calories per gram and proteins and carbohydrates only four. It's a huge shift in that calculation, but if you just work these steps the way that they're presented, you are going to be much more successful.

Pauline, yeah. Beautiful slow down. Maybe, again choose one exercise or maybe how the timing of it just be a little bit more aware of again the fact that your body really is needing that support. [00:15:30] You're kind of building those reserves back up. Then, you're depleting them again. Building them up, depleting them again.

We want to create enough consistency over time so those energy reserves really begin to build. We see that translate through body temperatures and impulses.

Christa: Perfect. Let's see. Some questions of Pauline. I always feel so energized after swimming. Keep swimming. It's working for you. Just give yourself some recovery.

Jeanne: Maybe on the days that you swim, you don't do the 40 minutes of yoga [00:16:00] or the additional yoga's that you're doing. You want to really keep things moving. Perfect.

Christa: Beverly says, "I don't remember seeing anywhere how to calculate the percentages of carb, protein, and fat. Did you talk through that how to do it last week?" Beverly, on your handout called your food log with macros, it's automatically calculated within there. You are going to look at your grams chart cheat sheet and see how many proteins, carbs, and fats did this meal contain. You're going to plug it in to [00:16:30] there and whatever's not on your cheat sheet, a quick Google search will help you. The things that you eat most frequently that aren't on there, create your own cheat sheet like on the back of it for those foods so that you have them.

While we're talking about exercise, do you want to answer this one? My pulse is very low, 40 or 50. It never goes above that unless I work out. I've been a lifelong endurance type athlete. I know that's a major part in this. Now, I have low pulses. [00:17:00] Is it just me or is it a sign that I'm fit? It speaks perfectly to lab analysis I've gotten over the years of having metabolic issues and nutrient deficiency. Here's my question. What does it mean when my pulse drops from 50 before breakfast to 42, 45 minutes after that meal? The temp goes down as well. This is goat yogurt, blueberries, collagen, perfect ReCode breakfast, felt

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cold afterwards. It wasn't right the great breakfast [inaudible 00:17:28]. You wanted coffee. These are great things to note [00:17:30] on your logs.

Jeanne: It's simply showing you again if you're an endurance athlete, I recently had a client that was an endurance athlete. She insisted on running five to six miles every single morning. We got to the point where we really began to see. We had to shift the exercise entirely to give the body the environment to heal. If you have been running the day before doing your endurance work again, I don't know how many hours you're contributing to [00:18:00] exercise at the time of day that you're doing it, but what you are seeing is that, number one, the meal does not work for you or the calories you're in taking to support the exercise are not adequate from the day before.

There's a lot of different variables that need to be considered, but, overall, do you feel cold after a meal? That meal did not.

Christa: Well, and blueberries are really low glycemic. If you're feeling cold after meal and you're having berries, you might want to switch to a higher glycemic like a tropical fruit, [00:18:30] mango or pineapple or Kiwi. Try something like that or if you're going to have blueberries, add a half of banana. You just need a little bit more carbs especially.

Jeanne: You can start there, but if you still notice that, then, I would probably include a little bit more density which could be something like a sweet potato pancake with some eggs or something like that or even with your yogurt. It's just something you can really sink into. It's going to be a little more grounding energy for you.

Christa: Including some sausage or something.

Jeanne: Yup. Anything like that.

Christa: Yeah. Okay. That answers. I thought a low pulse [00:19:00] meant you're in good shape.

Jeanne: [inaudible 00:19:02] that yesterday on Facebook with some notes. Again, there are a lot of misconceptions there and what we do know physiologically speaking is that the pulse is intended to pump blood so that the body can pump blood oxygen and nutrients through all of our cells and our tissues. That's what nourishes our body. When it is slow, it is compensating. The body is prioritizing its energy. That slows everything down. That's what it is. [00:19:30] We have to differentiate between you're not going to see that in a

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sprinter. You're not going to see that on a football player. You're only going to see those low pulses in endurance athletes. That is because most of them are in a state of compensation. However, they're very passionate about their sport. We, as human beings, are designed to adapt. We have to remember that.

Christa: That's wonderful. Do we have to record the same three days each week or just three consecutive days? Just three consecutive days. [00:20:00] You're off the hook with that one.

Jeanne: But you may want to be a little strategic about the days that you log. If you're doing exercise on certain days, you might want to get an idea and become more informed about how you're responding to that work days versus non-work days are going to be very different. There's a lot of opportunity to getting more clarity that way.

Christa: Yeah, on how the whole of your life is working for you. I think that that's a really good point because what we've noticed or that a lot of your logs aren't very detailed. We want to hear [00:20:30] more how did the meal settle for you. What were you doing? What mood were you in? How did you sleep? Like some people listed which is really helpful. If you get cold after a meal, you need to make changes. List your temperature and just take it to the next level of tuning in with yourself over this next week.

Kathy says, "I sometimes wake up with a heartbeat over 100. Can you explain why this would happen?"

Jeanne: You are in a state of high levels of [00:21:00] cortisol. Your body has been unable to regulate blood sugar throughout the night. Now, cortisol is really, really pumping through your system in a compensate for compensatory reasons. Again, maybe if that's what you're finding routinely get yourself into a rhythm of doing some breath work upon waking, but also get that fuel in as soon as possible because that's going to shut down those hormones.

I think somebody had a question about what is it about the banana and [00:21:30] the salt and the cashews that really plays a role. Sugar and salt shut down stress hormones, period, because sugar is the ... I'm sorry. Stress as the body's perceived need for sugar. Salt again helps to regulate those adrenals through that sodium to potassium pump.

Again, both of them are very powerful. The fat is just again regulating the sugar slowing down that breakdown. Very, very powerful. It's the same reason

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[00:22:00] why we have you again salting foods to taste, having carbohydrate at each meal for that very reason. It's very strategic what you're doing.

Christa: It is. I want to speak to Sherry. She said, "I was told to go off The Adrenal ReCode diet." We're not sure who told you that, but she says, "My temp and pulse normalized. Does this mean the program is not for me?" Yeah, it doesn't mean the program isn't for you. It means that you just have to go slower. If it normalized to what you were doing before, we maybe guess you were on keto or something like that before, [00:22:30] it's just ...

Jeanne: I think those were actually more specific to my notes to her is that it was too fast.

Christa: Oh, is that it was too fast.

Jeanne: It was too fast. A lot of the things that she was noticing happening happen too directly after you made a lot of changes in the program. That's informative for you. Back down. Come back to what you've been doing. You know that worked. Then, move at a slower pace. Even if you're taking what you were doing before and implementing food frequency yet not using a whole lot of ReCode foods, that's perfect. [00:23:00] That's perfect. Get your body used to bringing in that energy more regularly.

Settle there for a little while. Then, start picking up of carbs or playing with some of the foods on The ReCode. Again, that's just all that happen is you just move too fast. Definitely, don't not do it because it's for everybody. There's so much opportunity to really create a foundation that supports you in your life. It's just showing you the state in which your body's in. That's very sensitive and reactive at this stage of [inaudible 00:23:27].

Christa: Yeah. That's the worst thing you could do is quit [00:23:30] because then you're going to lock in the dysfunction and then carry on like that. Don't let your frustration win here. It's almost like we all have ... We're going to talk about this actually next week. We all have these two selves; our memorized selves and our true selves. It's like we're constantly at odds talking to us within our head. We want to get you to that true self that makes the decisions that are for your highest and best good.

Jeanne: That's right.

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Christa: Let's talk about cold weather because it's winter and autumn. [00:24:00] Laura Anne are concerned in New York and Boulder about taking a 30-minute walk in the freezing temps here. How do we insulate them?

Jeanne: Well, it's going to be the same thing as an exercise. Go ahead and do an exercise. Your body has to work harder to maintain those body temperatures and keep your vital organs at a temperature that helps them stay healthy. Again, look at what you're doing. [00:24:30] Whatever time you're going to work out or go to for the walk, make sure the meal previous has density and potentially some heat, some broth. You really want those really rooted vegetables along with a little bit of broth protein fat obviously.

Then, again, do that on the return. Same exact thing. Surround it with heat to allow for more recovery. That's also going to bring in more dense calories to help meet the demand of that on your system.

Christa: Great. Okay. [00:25:00] All right. This might be helpful for everyone. I know Jeanne said as long as there's a bell curve in the day, it's all good, but mine is barely a curve. How do I combine temp and pulse to analyze what's going on?

Jeanne: Well, if you're barely seen ... Even if you're seeing stability all the way through, that's okay. You know what I mean? I think, again, the only thing I want to say to that right now is because of where you guys are on the process, work through the carbs greater than protein, proteins greater than fat right now because that [00:25:30] may take care of the situation because what a lot of you are noticing is that you are consuming high amounts of fat. The only way you can utilize that fat for energy is to go into a stress state. Pushes those stress hormones. The only way you can break it down and utilize it as energy.

If you're already in a compensated state, you're asking your body to work harder in a way that it cannot. I think, right now, you will start to see those trends begin to shift the closer [00:26:00] you get to your more customized needs.

Christa: Yes. Step two is, really, it's going to really shift this for a lot of you when you get your carbs greater than your protein.

Jeanne: Yeah. But I'm speaking to what I wanted to say. Carbs, proteins, and fats, there are other individual macronutrients. You will find them in every single food in different ratios depending upon the food. Every food has it, but they do not work the same in the body. If you find the meal and we might be able to use

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the one [00:26:30] earlier as a good example, the blueberries, the yogurt, and the collagen, that's a great light meal, but that might not be a sufficient breakfast for most people.

If you're noticing again a meal, carbohydrates, proteins, it's fat, its carbs greater than protein, protein greater than fat, it has checks all the boxes, but it doesn't feel right in your body. That is because it's the wrong choice of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for you.

Christa: That's beautiful. You know if [00:27:00] you get cold or you don't have energy that you need something denser and more grounding.

Jeanne: Cravings, hunger, coldness, anything like that is going to inform you of that and the amount of time you stay satiated with that meal.

Christa: Well, and a lot of tier-two people as your livers coming back online maybe you have the blueberries, the collagen. You do that for your breakfast with the yogurt, but then you have a … The next meal has got to be heavy. That's got to be where you have like the frittata, maybe your sausage [00:27:30] or potatoes.

Jeanne: Potatoes. Some sweet potatoes. Anything like that will be perfect.

Christa: Yup. Okay. Be conscious of eating enough. Some of you ... I mean we're not talking about calories here, but some of the logs that I've been seeing can be like by two o'clock in the afternoon. There's only been maybe 500 calories consumed. It's not enough to create energy. No. We just want you to tune in enough to be able to differentiate [00:28:00] living off the stress hormones or living off of your food because it's sneaky. We just want to feel good. It's like, "What? That energy?" That's okay, but what's the quality of that energy? Is it stable and calm and grounded or do you feel like you're on coffee or something like that? Are you being driven by stress? Are you being driven by your food?

Jeanne: Can we use an example of that?

Christa: Yeah.

Jeanne: [crosstalk 00:28:23]

Christa: I think that was definitely it was in Pauline's. Oh, Maria.

Jeanne: I think it's Maria.

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Christa: [00:28:30] Maria, we looked at three days of food logs for Maria where she was ovulating and not sleeping well. Blood sugar wasn't stabilized on her.

Jeanne: With Maria, I wanted to touch at the calories. I know we had a lot on that but we'll bring it back out as it comes. [crosstalk 00:28:53].

Christa: Well, yeah. We've got Pauline and then Jan. If [00:29:00] you're not sleeping so I noticed on Maria's log that she had only slept for four hours one night. I looked at the snack. This snack lacked a carb the night before. Then, the next night, it had a greater carb. She got an hour and a half more sleep. These are the things we want you to start analyzing within yourself looking at what was going on, looking at what you had. I'm seeing that a lot of you especially tier-two need [00:29:30] to eat like a lot of you should be eating less raw food. You're getting cold. You temps are coming up. If that's happening, you have to eat mostly cooked food.

If you want to eat something raw, make certain that there's something cooked with it. If you have a salad, have a cooked sweet potato with it or some kind of a cooked vegetable because you want to stoke that digestive fire. A lot of you, it's draining you to have raw food.

Jeanne: Did you mention about temperatures and pulses as far as who gets raw food and who doesn't?

Christa: No. [00:30:00] Go ahead.

Jeanne: If you are falling below norm regularly and finding yourself there, omit all raw food for this time. It's just not supporting you where you are in the healing process now. Perfect. That's all I wanted to say to that.

Christa: A lot of this when I start to see energy drop so it's like there's not a stabilization in this log like I felt steady energy through noon. Then, 2:15, she's getting the afternoon slump, but she had turkey slices, two celery sticks and a handful [00:30:30] of grapes. This wasn't enough carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugar here.

Jeanne: Then, we also see a different pattern in the morning. Maria, I want you to pay attention to what breakfast feels better for you because we see a very different pattern from one day to the next as far as your breakfast are concerned. One morning, you had a smoothie. The next morning, you had the bone broth with the egg drop and a baked apple. Your energy was much more [00:31:00]

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sustained throughout the morning versus the carrot balancer. I already touched about on this. Eat this second meal that you had where your temperatures dropped. You had not included any carbohydrate except for the mango and the Carrot Balancer. That really again was null and void and not meal.

You want to make sure if you're going to do a meal like this to get a little bit more density, again, a root, some sweet potatoes and some pancakes, something like that that's going to give you a little bit more grounding energy.

Christa: [00:31:30] Break states. Some of you like smoothie, salads, smoothie, salads. It's like if the smoothie and the salads are a light meal, a heavy meal comes after that, but to Jeanne's point so one of your action items this week is to start to notice what breakfast feels better. You're going to say, "Okay. I'm going to look at my log. I'm going to see what I had for breakfast Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and how my day went differently from there, how I felt differently from there." You start to focus on the foods that are really working for you for breakfast.

Jeanne: Really powerful.

Christa: All right. We talked about [00:32:00] getting more details. I'm seeing grains and legumes on tier-two logs. I'm seeing that they are causing inflammation, joint pain, aches and pains which means you're not ready for them. Never ever combine your grain with fruit. I saw rice cakes with the creamsicle. I saw a rice cakes with baked apples before bed with a direct correlation of leading to [00:32:30] joint pain all night. This is going to drive up your inflammatory cytokines. Then, your body's going to release cortisol to buffer that inflammation.

If you are noticing you're not sleeping well, actually, it was Maria. Maria did the ...

Jeanne: It was Maria. Now, that's one thing to definitely look at. I think to Chris, just again grains and fruits, don't mix them, but this is the example that we're looking at on Maria's log is that she woke up at 7:00, had breakfast at 8:00. Based on what I [00:33:00] know and having analyzed logs, I'm going to say breakfast is going to give us about 150 calories. Lunch might give us about 250 calories.

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Christa: Let's just say since they're not looking at the ... Breakfast was a half a cup sheep yogurt with collagen. That's not much half a cup and mango. Then three hours later, leftover chicken wrap with lettuce, avocado, and mango.

Jeanne: Then, the time we woke up feeling unrested, we did our morning meditation, walk the dog, felt better after breakfast. Went grocery shopping, lots [00:33:30] of activity. Then, again, did you go to the meal three?

Christa: No.

Jeanne: Meal three is an orange creamsicle with collagen. This is where we have some rice cakes with this, but the whole point of this is ...

Christa: We're lost the day after that [crosstalk 00:33:45]

Jeanne: The day went way down a little chaotic after that because from 7:00 in the morning to 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, I'm going to go ahead and say till 5:30 when the next meal came after that orange creamsicle, we possibly in-took maybe [00:34:00] 500 calories. That's being generous. With us speaking to the point, that was the example I had wanted to use.

Christa: That's where you're going to get almost like a reverse bell curve because you're going to drop your energy around too. It's going to continue to drop.

Jeanne: Also, taking into consideration where you are in your cycle here. This person is in ovulation. Then, we see high body temperatures and pulses which are very easy to accomplish during this phase of your cycle, but they require [00:34:30] a ton of energy. Maria, a couple of things I want you to pay attention to is what happens to your temperatures and pulses when you start your cycle. Do you see a significant drop? If so, what you're going to want to be doing during this phase is, again, eating more dense warm foods to stabilize what's happening hormonally in your body.

Christa: Yup. We're going to go through Richards because we need to give our guys some love. We'll go through yours in a minute, Richard. [00:35:00] I saw a lot of cookies. Did you see a lot of cookie?

Jeanne: I can see cookies.

Christa: Yeah. If you need a cookie, it's one a day. One macaroon or one cookie. They've got to be the naturally sweetened one. I don't want you to rely on cookies as

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your carbs. We said yes because we want to get it right to the balance, but it's not like I'll just have a cookie for my cart.

Jeanne: Well, if you're craving, it means that they probably need a little bit more carbs. I think, again, now we're seeing what we're doing macro wise, we're going to get to be able to refine that a little bit all over the week. That's going to [00:35:30] probably reduce a lot of people's cravings. But I do want to say just pay attention to how high your carbs get over your protein. I think you guys are all being really careful. I'm pretty confident it won't be too high.

Christa: All right. We see your questions coming in. We're going to go through a couple two more logs. Then, we're going to get back to questions because what we're hoping or that the logs are helping all of you and going to help a lot of the questions that are coming in. Let's talk about those of you who are experiencing [00:36:00] a ton of anxiety like we have Agata. I hope I'm saying that. I have your log here in front of me. There's a lot of anxiety happening throughout the entire day, but there are also not the foods that have been eating that you've been eating aren't ReCode approved foods.

In a situation like this, we need to make changes so you know that there's no soy on [00:36:30] The ReCode. I know some of you are making considerations coming from a vegetarian diet to be able to eat animals again. This is a case where it's absolutely necessary. I see soy sausage on this log. Then, immediately, you start to see the anxiety and the energy dropping because just one serving of this kind of processed soy will lower your thyroid function by 9%.

There's also a lot of grains and legumes on here. Starting your day, you started your day with porridge and cashews [00:37:00] and a cocoa turmeric cinnamon mix. I think I'm going to go ahead and venture to say you're tier-two and you didn't sleep well at night. I think we need to shift that breakfast a lot. You shouldn't be eating oats until the end of the program anyway. We're going to shift that breakfast to something heavier and grounding so that might be your eggs and your sweet potato pancake. That might be some sausage and some cooked potatoes is something to really kind [00:37:30] of anchor you for the day.

Jeanne: Again, really don't get too hooked on having to eat a breakfast food for breakfast. What I mean is open it up to other opportunities because again a lot of you do have a lot of restrictions and limitations so just be okay with eating something you might eat for lunch for breakfast. That's totally okay.

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Christa: Like analyze your log. Now that we have some metrics here and I'm looking at Agatha's log, I see like this is how Jeanne talks about last week. In the customizing [00:38:00] macros video and handout that we start to see instability. I see one day 47% carbs one meal. Then, you're 70. Then, you're only 18 the following meal, 32%, 80%. It's too much fluctuation for the body and the body can't create stability out of that. This is where we're going to ...

Jeanne: This is why these steps are so imperative.

Christa: They're so important.

Jeanne: Christa keeps talking percentages, but I don't want you guys thinking about percentage. Keep your eye on your macros. It's just easy to see [00:38:30] percentage because it's right there. We can really see the imbalances there, but again, if you start trying to get your percentages right, you're going to create a ton of frustration for yourself. Please, avoid doing that.

Christa: Let me then course correct. You're just going to look at your macros, but I still see the macros reflecting that all over the place.

Jeanne: We saw a lot in Pauline as well.

Christa: A lot in Pauline. There's a lot of you that have been through a lot [00:39:00] and to be honest, if you are in that constant state of anxiety and you've been through a lot of trauma and lost like take this literally just one step at a time because you may not even have the bandwidth to focus on this until after we get through the emotional repatterning and you feel more solid and grounded within yourself.

I would venture to say a third of you that that might be what you need in order to really click into the physiological aspect. That's the beauty of The Adrenal ReCode is wherever you are, [00:39:30] our goal is to get you physiologically stable to do the emotional repatterning work, but some people are going to need the emotional repatterning work to alleviate the big rock of stress to be able to do the physiological work and wherever you are and is beautiful. We're here to support you.

Jeanne: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Christa: I want to say for some of you experiencing a ton of anxiety, so Agatha, I definitely recommend that you take PharmaGABA 1 to 200 milligrams. I would

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take it as needed and make sure [00:40:00] you're taking your L-theanine if you're on the tier-two supplement package and concentrated trace mineral drops which you can get at any health food store. You add five to eight drops to your water several times a day. This is going to help the nervous system. It's going to help neutralize some of that adrenaline and give you a little bit more of a calm or experience. Keep working. You're doing great because you're logging. At least you're logging it. It's great, but we just want to see some of those changes there.

[00:40:30] Now, shall we go through Jan?

Jeanne: Sure.

Christa: We'll go through Jan and then Richard. Then, we're all yours for Q&A. We've got a ton of time for Q&A. Jan is 63 years old. My top three health issues; Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease, continuously cold want to get off my 88 MCGs of Levoxyl which is a T4. Jan says, "I've often feel as though I can't relax. I [00:41:00] have a heightened sense of fear after experiencing a tragic loss. I have been eating poorly often turning to carbs for emotional reasons. Since beginning this program, I feel much more energy and a sense of calm." He's working. "I know I'm a shallow breather. I've already benefited from the breathing that you have suggested."

Jan, what we're starting to see ... Well, I'll let you kind of take over here if you want it. Jan's having a hard time. As a level tier-two people aren't getting the food in within an hour. [00:41:30] We're not sure how to help you do that. [crosstalk 00:41:33]

Jeanne: You have to kind of assess what it is that's holding you back from doing that. Then, begin to kind of modify accordingly. I know that there are some days that you are able to get it within the hour and a half. Other days, two hours, but I would just say kind of assess what's happening there and see how you can work closer to that hour time period.

What we see here with you, Jan, is that you're stabilizing beautifully and what's happening now is [00:42:00] that thyroid medication that you've been given, now, you're giving your body, you're giving your liver the tools it needs though, that glycogen reserved to be able to convert that thyroid hormone into usable energy. We see beautifully titrated patterns here. She wakes up at six again. It could probably [crosstalk 00:42:20]

Christa: ... at six and at 8:00 o'clock, egg drop broth and pineapple.

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Jeanne: Then, we see the body temperature [00:42:30] come up to 97.8 and 74 pulse. Her pulse is 68 waking up. She eats an hour and a half later which I think is great because the breakfast was a light meal. We've got notes. I enjoyed the elixir while I'm reading the paper, not in a hurry for breakfast. Feel good, slept well. Then, we followed it up with the Carrot Balancer. Again, we talked about adding the carbs to that so that would be really helpful.

We can see that at 9:30 we're still kind of stable. We didn't go up [00:43:00] or down. We say that 97.8 pulse came up just a little bit. At 12:30, potato pancake with cottage cheese. Love the sweet potato pancake. Lunch tasted great. Feel good. Running errands. She peaks at 98.2 and 78 at 12:30. Then, we start to see her titrate back down with those body temperatures [crosstalk 00:43:21]. Yeah. Very, very beautiful bell curve.

You didn't mention feeling cold. I don't see that on your logs. I [00:43:30] would say again making sure that the meal too has enough carbohydrate in it. Bring your Carrot Balancer to later in the day maybe again with lunch would be a more appropriate place for you to have that. Then, again, if you needed to, you might do well on a little bit more heat in your body maybe with your lunch and even with dinner a little half a cup of broth. You could do that to bring a little bit heat. But I would say how long is your meal sustaining you and at what do you get cold? [00:44:00] Those would be the two things to pay attention to.

Christa: We're talking about those of you on thyroid meds and when you want to start to evaluate those, when you feel really grounded within the program, I would say probably another four or six weeks and you start to see the stability repeating itself, that would be a good time to then go in and check with your doctor about potentially lowering the dose because you have created a stable foundation to where your body can function well about it and especially if you have [00:44:30] Hashimoto's, you're going to want to look at your antibodies and see how that's going.

Great. I don't think here ... Let's see that we have a full log, but I have ... This is this is Richard. He's tier-one. He's 70 years old and his temps are consistently pretty good as are his pulses. He works out. He works out three days [00:45:00] a week, cross trains three days a week, does yoga twice a week. His food has been eggs, yogurt, yam, pancakes, breakfast. It's working, but his goal is to lose weight.

He's trying to keep his ratio of 40% carbs, 30% proteins and 30% fats because of his exercise, but he's complaining that he hasn't lost weight, but he's also

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[00:45:30] admitting which we appreciate when you're honest that you've been a wolfing down cheese. We don't have your macros per meal to see exactly what you're eating here on these logs, but I'm going to venture to say that your fat is going to be higher than 30% and that your carbs are still going to be lower seeing chicken and turkey for lunch.

You're focusing the yam pancakes for breakfast are great, but you want to make sure that you're stabilizing your blood sugar with a root, [00:46:00] a root at that lunch and at that dinner.

Jeanne: What else [crosstalk 00:46:05] times a week? Then, again, get really specific. Look at where you're doing your workouts and really get strategic with your food timing. That's going to be a very, very powerful tool. Then, again, for Richard, take a step back and go back into those macros. Get away from those percentages right now because you may be moving too fast as well.

Christa: Yeah. It's good to log how much cheese you're eating because cheese is so tasty that it's [00:46:30] hard to just eat a few ounces.

Jeanne: [crosstalk 00:46:33] has 9 grams of fat in it, and 7 grams of protein.

Christa: How many ounces ... He says, "I feel I have more energy since I started the program. How does anyone feel the difference in mitochondria improvement?"

Jeanne: Energy, just like you're feeling. Energy, better sleep overalls, stable moods, all of those things. Absolutely.

Christa: Doing great, but we need to see the full log to be able to help. [00:47:00] Make sure you're doing that. Jan, you're so welcome. Sarah, now, we're just straight up Q&A unless you had more from the log review?

Jeanne: I don’t think so. I think we ...

Christa: Hold on. There's Richard. I see he says he's stuck on percentages. We've got to get you to your grams. 35% protein, 35% carbs, 30% fat seems to be working for me.

Jeanne: Just to answer that question about weight loss, [00:47:30] as soon as your body can settle and is not going fluctuating from stress not being compromised to out of compromise and so on and so forth, that's when you're going to start to lose weight because, right now, your body is not prioritizing weight loss. You have to give it some adaptation time. Find that balance. Really

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sit with that. Allow that consistency to carry over from day to day. That's when your body's going to say, "I'm safe. I'm okay. I can let go of this extra stuff I've been carrying around with me."

Christa: [00:48:00] Yeah. It's really beautiful what we're reading in the Facebook group. Those of you have been ketogenic or paleo for a while are finally losing belly fat that you haven't been able to use for years. Richard, your homework is to get your carbs greater than your protein and your protein greater than your fat.

Jeanne: Macros.

Christa: That's your macros, your grams, not your percentages. Download the Excel spreadsheets. Save it to your desktop, and start logging a little more intently because you say that it seems to be [00:48:30] working for you because your temp and pulse are great. Your energy is great, but if you have the goal of weight loss, you're not giving your body enough carbs to stoke your metabolism to then burn the extra fat. You're just giving it enough to maintain. This could be a game-changing week for you with weight loss and write down the cheese and how much it is.

Althea, "I'm brushing my teeth and my son ... Brushing [00:49:00] my teeth and my son keep me from eating within half an hour of waking. I'm tier-two and have been able to eat within just an hour. Not sure what to do." That's fine. Life happens. We have kids in life and teeth to brush. It's fine. Just make sure you have a heartier meal especially tier two if you're going to give your body the hour.

Then, make sure you're having a heartier meal and really fueling your systems.

Jeanne: Yeah. Be gentle with yourself. Again, there's no perfect box that you fit in. It's really just again looking at your life and meeting [00:49:30] you and where in your life where it is.

Christa: What about those of you like Sarah? I tried out L-theanine for my constant anxiety. It made it so much worse. Let's talk about things you can do that aren't going to be amino acids that aren't going to start messing with brain chemistry because your food has plenty of amino acids in it within this program. There are things you can do that are really gentle. You can get passionflower, hops. You can get valerian root. All of these [00:50:00] things are really helpful to help with anxiety. Magnesium is helpful to help with anxiety.

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Why don't you try some of those or a lot of you are so sensitive, you're going to do really well with Rescue Remedy and the homeopathic things we suggested like aconite which we suggested last time. Try those. Skip the amino acids. Again, it's like if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for [crosstalk 00:50:27] we say. [crosstalk 00:50:27]

Jeanne: If you're adding something [00:50:30] and then you immediately notice an adverse reaction, don't try to force your body to do something that's not ready to do.

Christa: Bob, yehey. We're happy to see another guy here. All right. Waking temp is consistently 97.6. That's great. Although my carbs are greater than my protein, my protein is greater than my fat, each breakfast no matter what I eat, my temperature drops after breakfast.

Jeanne: I would look at what your energy expenditure is [00:51:00] throughout the day. Kind of take a peek at what you're doing calorically from day to day. Don’t glom onto it. Don't get too attached to it. Just look at that, but yeah. I think more ... Then, again going back to what I was saying earlier is about the types of food that you're consuming. Be open to exploring different food options if you're consistently seeing that after breakfast.

But most often, it could be breakfast, but you might not be meeting the energy demands of the day prior [00:51:30] because you're coming in in a deficit.

Christa: Look at nighttime is going to be important.

Jeanne: All right. Yes. Nancy, we're very happy this Q&A is answering your questions. Jackie, a lot of you feel like Jackie. This is a lot of info and work. The answer is yeah it is, but what's more important than this right now than your health and your future. Take it at your own pace. Just do one thing at a time. You are here for [00:52:00] a year and being overwhelmed is not going to be supportive to you.

Just look at what you're doing. Identify what's overwhelming you the most. Take it out. Then, continue doing what you're doing. Go through part two. Go through the emotional repatterning. Then, you should be in a much more calm or grounded place. You say, "Now, I'm ready to add in a couple of more things."

Jeanne: I just want to just mention that so many of us are action-oriented. We just want to get to the how do I do it, how do I do it, [00:52:30] but I think it will be

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very helpful for a lot of you at all having taught this for so many years what I have found is you're learning through the application. But you have all of these other tools to go back and refer back to and read and understand the deeper science of it, the physiology of it, to certain degree. But if you go back and you apply it or you're applying it and you go back and you read that information, it's going to start to click more and more and more.

You're going to become more [00:53:00] familiar with what it is you're doing because it is so different.

Christa: Yeah. It's so different in every health protocol. Everybody wants someone to be like tell me exactly what to do. This is teach a man how to fish at its best because if we tell you exactly what to do, you're not going to heal. That's not that we're trying to withhold it. It's not The ReCode. It's not the program.

Jeanne: Many of you have been down that path multiple times and didn't realize that this it's a whole other thing of bringing [00:53:30] you back into relationship with yourself and trusting that you can heal and believing that your body can heal. That consistency of it over time. Jackie, it is work, but once you got it, you got it.

Christa: You got it. It's kind of like you're pushing the rock up the hill. Then, oh my gosh, you might slide down. This rock is getting heavy. They keep pushing it up the hill, but once you're at the top of the hill, you push that rock. It's going to go on its own. That's where we talk about this whole whirlpool analogy. [00:54:00] You are more than halfway up the hill, all of you. Just keep going at a pace that works for you as long as you move forward. That's it. It's as long as you move forward.

There was something I wanted to say. Right. To piggyback off of Jeanne's point, you're going to look at the information we presented now with a different lens. You may want to on a Saturday or Sunday. Go, kick back with a cup of Tulsi tea and watch the [00:54:30] videos again from module one, two and three. Read all the material again. It's going to click in your brain in a different way because you're living it now. It's a different experience.

Kate says, "I know you said not to focus on calories, but I realized after looking at my logs that my calories are lower than what I'm burning." That's good. I burn 1800 to 2000 calories on a normal day or more when I exercise. Please, help. I'm underweight.

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Jeanne: That's informing you. It's giving [00:55:00] you information. What do you need to do is figure out where you can allow for more calories that is still going to be supportive for you. That's all. That's all that it is. Again, it takes a lot more food when you're eating whole food to get those calories in. Again, you're going to be wanting those heavier starches. You're going to be wanting a little bit, more not necessary a little bit more fat, but really finding that fat balance for yourself.

I think that's going to be really ... You're noticing that your meals are not meeting what you're used to [00:55:30] calorically or even what you're burning. Get them there. Just pick your portions up just a little bit more.

Christa: The same is true for those who are overweight. How many people have gone through this process that say I'm eating more than ever have in my life. I'm losing weight. That's the beauty of The Adrenal ReCode is when you get it, no matter where you are, the body is going to achieve balanced health, balance in your organs, in your weight, in every aspect of where your dysfunction manifests if it's your thyroid, your [00:56:00] adrenals, your brain.

Jeanne: It sounds like you're somebody with a really strong metabolism. That's really hard because the stronger your metabolism is, guess what guys, the more energy you need. Most of you are not used to eating that much.

Christa: I know. It feels kind of high-maintenance to constantly be feeding yourself. From the beginning when I felt like that like oh it's time for this. I'm trying to run the business. I think I said that to you. You were like, "What? Get over it. Do it."

Jeanne: You want to keep running the business, better start feeding your body. That's all that it is. That's true for all [00:56:30] of us. Perfect.

Christa: Drew, I'm not the person to ask for technical issues. You said you've got a MacBook Pro when you download the Mac lock, I'm unable to plug in the info. What am I doing wrong? I ask that you email the team [email protected] because we got ... Maybe, it was you who wrote to them today. Then, we tried it on our end. It worked. If you email them, they can go through maybe a couple of steps and help you troubleshoot.

Jeanne: That's in numbers, right? It comes up in [00:57:00] numbers/

Christa: The Mac lock?

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Jeanne: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Christa: Yes, it does. That might be it. You make sure you have the application numbers. You can go to your App Store. Thank you.

Jeanne: You automatically do. If you're not opening it up in numbers, that's what you're going to want to do. You might be trying to open it up in Excel. You might not have that on your computer.

Christa: Thank you. That's great. Gustavo asked somewhere if he could eat the salmon skin under just the salmon. I think the skin is fine. You just need to look up the recording, [00:57:30] the grams in it. Rachael, are the veggies on the cheat sheet cooked when it says one cup or are these macros for raw veggies? It's one cup cooked or it's one cup raw. We don't count for any oil. If you're going to have it cooked and you're going to use oil or you use something like butter to cook it, then, you'd have to log that macro.

All right. No. Marge, she says if we submitted our log but you didn't comment on them, does it mean that everything [00:58:00] is okay or did you just pick logs that have common issues to address? Yeah. There are hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of logs. As we're sorting through them, we just wanted to choose the top four to six to go over to help everybody analyze their logs better. We want you to take this information and apply it to yours.

Jennifer, let's talk about hair loss. Yes, a lot of women lose hair as their thyroid function [00:58:30] wanes over time especially after you've had children and multiple children. You get in this busy phase of life like our 30s and our 40s is that they're busy. You are working. You're having kids who are taking care of aging parents. You've got a lot going on. The thyroid is what takes a hit. Long story short, yes, I do think that the hair will grow back as the thyroid heals and the body comes into homeostasis.

I'm a full living example of that in my hair. I had to cut it back then when I was working [00:59:00] with you. It's thinner. This is the beautiful thing about this human body. We've had people with their gray hair reverse especially a lot of gut thrivers like, "What? I have more hair and gray hair reversing," because their kidney health got so much better.

Jeanne: Anytime you're able to retain more energy, more oxygen, more nutrition, all of those things are all going to be able to assist that [crosstalk 00:59:29].

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Christa: [00:59:30] This is good. Nicole hasn't submitted a log yet. I have kept eating the same menu each day because I feel like the foods are working. I'm trying to get my head around changing the menu because I want to make sure it's going to work, so yogurt, collagen, and mango for breakfast. I'm hungry within an hour. That might not be the best breakfast for you because we want you to eat something that's going to satiate you for two to three hours.

Jeanne: Try some sweet potato pancakes with that yogurt and collagen. Start there. That might be a good shift [crosstalk 00:59:59].

Christa: Yup. Just the mango. Do [01:00:00] sweet potato pancakes. I love it. Then, an hour later or so, snack with broth and a cooked Apple. Then, fish tacos with two corn tortillas and avocado, then a smoothie for the next meal and dinner is usually meat and vegetables.

Jeanne: Perfect.

Christa: Meat and vegetables. Where's the carb though in the [crosstalk 01:00:20].

Jeanne: What type of vegetables? Definitely, make sure you get ...

Christa: What type of vegetables? I like how you're alternating. You kind of do your snack with the broth and then the fish. You could shift it to make it turn those into [01:00:30] chicken tacos if you want to go slow one night or beef tacos to vary your protein or shrimp metabolic protein.

Jeanne: I think it's your food choices look great, but, again, you're noticing for the first meal that you get hungry within an hour. Is this true for all of your meals? The food is great. It's how you feels in your body that's more important.

Christa: Yes, going back to let's have you analyze ... Everybody analyze your logs. Eat three [01:01:00] different breakfasts for three different days and see how you do with each one of those to start to identify what's the best way for you in particular to start your day.

Thanks, Mary Beth. Thank you both for working so hard to help us figure this out for ourselves. It's our pleasure. Nancy wants to know about Richard eating cheese. By the way, guys, Richard is my dad. I'm wondering about Richard eating cheese. He's 100% [01:01:30] Italian guy from New Jersey. It's hard for him not to. He says, "I find that I need or I think I do. I need more fat than just going for the carbs. Is that a mindset thing because I was keto or does the body

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actually need it?" It's the emotions that actually need it and fat is so dense. If you get yourself to the point where you're so hungry, then you're going to need to go for something like that because you want to shut off the hunger response and when you are at that point where you're so hungry, you're living off the stress hormones. You don't want [01:02:00] to get to that point because that's when you will overeat it.

Jeanne: But we also want to acknowledge that you are coming from keto. You have adapted to that state which means it's going to take you some time to readapt and that higher fat is what's helping you regulate your blood sugar right now because your body has no idea how to utilize and break down carbohydrates. Stay on that trend. If you see that fat higher, that's okay for right now if that's what feels good for you, but [01:02:30] you're starting to incorporate those carbohydrates and you're noticing that by doing that, you're getting more sustainable energy.

Sit there for a few weeks. Allow that to be. You guys, I don't want you to look at your pulses and think that it's unhealthy or healthy depending upon whether you're in that range. Look at all of this as information only. You note it. Just play off that, but I think again that fat right now is helping you regulate, but add the carbohydrates in slowly. Then, over time, you can add a little bit more in. [01:03:00] Then, you'll start to bring that fat down a little bit more in. For you, this, next week, might be a little bit different.

Christa: Yeah. They'll be different. Nancy, remember how we talked about the overcrowding theory and other whole journey programs? It's like just by nature of adding in some more carbs like you're going to self-regulate. You're going to have to focus on getting rid of the fat. It's just going to start to shift. That's like the overcrowding theory.

Jeanne: Exactly.

Christa: What will we have access to for the year? Can we still submit tickets and get support? Yes, you can submit [01:03:30] tickets and get support for a year. You can always enroll and get another year if you need to. It's just $99 for the year which is fantastic because you have so many clinicians on your side. I don't want you to stress about it because, imagine, you're going to be so much different three months from now and six months.

For those of you that do want a little bit more of a one-on-one eye on your logs to kind of help you analyze them and become more familiar with them, utilize [01:04:00] a 30-minute session. That's an option for you to do if it feels right.

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Christa: Yeah. If it feels right and you say, "Listen, I just need someone dive in," then, you can work with Jeanne and Josh. It's $125 for a half an hour. If you need that customized personalized focus on exactly where they get more of your health history, more of your background, then that's available. Our goal is to get you to ...

Jeanne: As many different levels of support.

Christa: As many different levels of support as you need, but this [01:04:30] is a probably the most intensive program that we've ever done in terms of providing support via virtually every single day of the week. We feel confident that we're giving you all the tools to thrive. Gina, good call. I've been going very slowly. I do feel calm and more confident as a result. It's awesome. That's how you know you're on The ReCode. You're doing the right things.

Michelle, is Lion's mane okay for tier-two and gluten-free folks? It mentions fermented and cultured [01:05:00] and oats on the OM bottle. Actually, mushrooms, those guys are located locally. All of their oats are gluten-free in a completely separate facility. That's not an issue and neither is the fermentation because it's just the process of what you have to do to make the mushrooms ready. You are not getting fermentation from eating them.

All right. Thank you, Nicole. Nicole's one of our amazing clinicians. She's on. [01:05:30] It's 8:00 o'clock out by her. Thank you for being here answering these questions. I'm going to let you ... You to jump into Stephanie in oxalates?

Jeanne: I'm going to let you do that one, but I will speak to Andrea. I am postmenopausal with hot flashes and night sweats. Meals are going well, feeling good, and lost a few pounds. Are hot flashes caused by the hormones or the sugar bomb? Well, they're going to be caused by blood sugar fluctuations which are going to affect you hormonally. Again, if the meals [01:06:00] feel well, just tune in a little bit more to again how they're sustaining you for the periods of time in between those meals and what other activities do you have going on during the day because your body could again ...

Are you noting that based on your body temperature impulses, are you seeing that upward trend throughout the day or are you just going by feel because that could be very informative to help you regulate those hormones at night and reduce those hot flashes by helping you regulate [01:06:30] your blood sugar a little bit more consistently through the night.

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Christa: Which is helping for a lot of you.

Jeanne: Yes. I don't know ... Yeah. I will leave it that.

Christa: Stephanie says, "Can you recommend low oxalate routes? They seem to be better on them energywise. Do I need to watch oxalate?" I'm not worried at all about oxalates in route. It's like high oxalate foods are your raw greens. Those of us that are already of a stressed-out state, we're going to eat too many raw greens, can stress the kidneys. It's going to create mineral imbalance and different problems. Just stick with ... Any [01:07:00] of your routes are completely fine, but you may want to cut back on greens or at least make sure every time you eat greens, they are cooked.

Jeanne: I think what you'll notice about The ReCode foods is that they are low oxalate. They are low inflammatory. They are low ... What was the word that I was looking for.

Christa: Like for autoimmune disease?

Jeanne: Autoimmune.

Christa: [crosstalk 01:07:25] AIP.

Jeanne: But there was another one that I was thinking of, but you're going to see that in all of these foods. Or [01:07:30] high-histamine, other than the broth. You're not going to see a high-histamine diet. There are food recommendations.

Christa: Low [crosstalk 01:07:37] mass too.

Jeanne: Yeah. Exactly.

Christa: Jenny, if she's craving a candy bar and I saw somebody eating Snickers. It's cracking me up on the Facebook group. You said that I don't feel guilty about it but no. If you want a candy bar sugar, does it mean I need more root carbs or what?

Jeanne: It could. Absolutely. Get any type of a craving like that. It's typically indicating that you need a little bit more carbohydrates. One of the meals prior to or again up against [01:08:00] other activities, exercise that's happening within that time frame that you notice even those cravings [inaudible 01:08:06] again.

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Christa: But it also depends like what's going on emotionally. The antidote to stress sugar. Did something happen that triggered you and caused anxiety and, immediately, you wanted sugar because that used to happen to me. As soon as something anxiety [crosstalk 01:08:23] probably, what happened this is like 15 years ago, I would want a Sour Patch Kids or Twizzlers or something like that before I got into the field. [01:08:30] Also, you want to list that on your logs. Is it emotional? Is it physiological?

Jeanne: Yes, emotional if it's activity and physical anything like that. Nutritional, all of it is you want to zoom out a little bit and look at the greater picture of what's causing some of those cravings for sure.

Christa: And play with increasing your roots as you're going to do the roots in your carbs now. Those of you who have only been doing like two tablespoons because of the keto, you could [01:09:00] try for four tablespoons and see how you do. Lorien used to making my coconut milk from Thai coconuts blending the meat and water. I Googled this for nutrition facts. It looks like the fat is high. What suggestions do you have for the right coconut milk?

Somebody posted a great recipe from Katie, the Wellness Mama who we love in the Facebook group where they use the dry shredded coconut to then blend with water and to make a homemade coconut milk which is fast, easy, inexpensive and no fillers. I would go there or you could [01:09:30] just double the water within this with the coconut meat in the water. Just double the water. You'll thin out the fat and have twice as much coconut milk.

Gustavo, as we move into the emotional modules, will we primarily go over emotional awareness during the webinars only or can we still ask about nutrition components? The webinars are moving just to the emotional modules. All of the clinical is going to be now be on Facebook. If you're not on the Facebook group, we're going to take Jeanne's [01:10:00] live videos on Mondays. We're going to upload those into. You'll be able to watch them the next day. You can ask me anything you want when I'm in there on Fridays.

Jeanne will also be there Wednesday. You still have three hours of us clinical support in a Facebook group. You can still submit tickets. But the live webinars life coach, Tamra Logan, is going to be with me. Our emotional mastery coach, Chris Bradley, is going to be with us. We're going to move into the next four [01:10:30] webinars, are going to be on emotional repatterning. Then, we have added an extra webinar.

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Jeanne is coming back at the end for two more webinars at the end in March. I believe it's March 5th and March 12th. That's what we're going to teach you how to live The ReCode, how to pair the emotional with the physical. You'll be able to ask all of those questions. Again, great question.

Jeanne: Perfect, Nicole.

Christa: See. You guys know what to do. Nicole says, "I want to stop the Greek yogurt because I think dairy is causing bloating and [01:11:00] acne." Let's just stop the Greek yogurt. You're probably right. Dairy isn't for everybody. Hi, Renee.

Jeanne: Hi, Renee.

Christa: I'm struggling with the concept of sugar, roots, and fruit with each meal versus fat to feed and heal the brain. I have a lot of brain inflammation symptoms, blurry vision. Can you explain?

Jeanne: Well, again, your brain utilizes almost 80% glucose. It requires that for energy needs which could be why you're experiencing a lot of inflammation and blurry vision. Again, [01:11:30] your body can't process that fat based on where you are physiologically speaking. Fat is very supportive to the brain, but we only need it in certain amounts. We really, really want to come away from this for that in what we're doing here and really turn into ourselves and see what our body is reflecting.

Now, again, I believe, Renee, you're not really taking body temperatures and pulses. I think for a lot of us [01:12:00] in this program, what we're learning is that we have to kind of unlearn what we've learned because it will get in our way. We're coming at it from such a different perspective, such a wholeness. I think, again, if you're struggling with it, then just go slow. Continue to incorporate those fats. We're not saying to omit the fats. We need those fats.

They play a very important role, but we also need those carbohydrates to help regulate that system and to feed that brain to give it that glucose that it needs to function. [01:12:30] It utilizes so much. There's a good chance that there's not even enough on board. It's just keep you stuck in that state.

Christa: Beautiful pot. You answered Andre already. All right. Good. Nichole. Drew, Nicole's answering your question here. Thank you, Nicole. Jackie, for those of us who won't be starting the program in full force until a couple weeks in the future, will we get as much support, as [01:13:00] much help as now? Well,

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you'll be able ... We're not going to do further webinars on the clinical, but you'll be able to go back and look at those.

Those of you who ... I know you might have a Facebook aversion, but just do it for this program. It takes three minutes to sign up for a Facebook account. You don't have to include a picture. You don’t have to include your real name. You could just join The Adrenal ReCode and use it for that support because it's amazing. It's amazing how much you guys are supporting each other in [01:13:30] there. [crosstalk 01:13:32] love you all how much you're giving the support to each other. That's what's going to really help you find things quickly.

I mean I see you post like ... [crosstalk 01:13:40].

Jeanne: That's really amazing.

Christa: Right? You're like, "Oh, I'm right here. What should I do?" [crosstalk 01:13:42] people answering you. You just feel the sense of community. If you're not starting the program in full force now, make sure you are part of the Facebook group. Much love to you too, Nancy. Beverly, I batch cook my veggies. I roast zucchini mushrooms peppers. Good. Prep [01:14:00] and plan's our mantra. I add some oil. How would I figure how much fat with each serving? Figuring out the fat for batch cooking is frustrating. I get it.

Jeanne: It's just a matter of how much you add in and then, again how many portions you're getting out of it and doing a little bit of math. You're just going to divide it by that.

Christa: You're just going to have to kind of make a note on your food log in your kitchen of, hey, I used to do two tablespoons of coconut oil for this. Then, just [inaudible 01:14:26] it. You don't have to ... under a microscope, but say I had a cup of it. [01:14:30] I made six cups and go from there. It did see somebody asking for us to break down the macros on the recipes.

Jeanne: I had actually committed to doing ... I'm sorry. I apologize for that, guys. But again, it's really easy to do. You just take the amount of carbohydrates that's in the meal, the protein and the fat. You divide it by the portions that you're getting out of it. If there is a recipe ...

Christa: We do owe you that. It's just going to take a while to ... 80 pages of recipes. [01:15:00] I can't give you a time frame. I need to talk to my team, and we'll confer. We will commit to. At some point in the next three months, we'll go

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through all of those recipes. We'll list all of the macros to make it a little bit less mind-numbing for you to have to do it.

Jeanne: Yeah. But for now, if there are recipes that you really, really enjoy, it's worth taking that time to do it just so you have that information. You can move on.

Christa: This is a good question from Helvie. For tier-two, is the aim to keep tweaking macros until you can last three hours [01:15:30] on a feel-good meal? The answer to that is both yes and no because you may tweak macros, but you also ... Like what Jeanne said, all proteins, carbs, and fats weren't created the same. You can say, "Okay. I've had my yogurt and collagen and fruit. I'm hungry an hour later." That doesn't mean you're going to keep tweaking the macros on that meal.

That means you need to switch to a heavier meal. It has to be some eggs and potatoes or sausage and potatoes first. Then, that [01:16:00] grounds you and stokes the fire for the day so that then the collagen meal could come second. You're going to look at your macros, but you're going to look at the density and the quality of each one as well.

Jeanne: Perfect.

Christa: All right.

Jeanne: Virginia hasn't found the recipes either.

Christa: Virginia, you haven't found the recipes? Listen. I want you all to know that you can search anything. There's a search bar within there. Janine [01:16:30] is our harmony ninja. She laid it out. The recipes are going to be in module two. Just go and click on module two on the first page like all the downloads are there. It's 80 pages of recipes. If you still can't find it, send an email to my team. They'll send you a direct link.

That could be part of it. Maybe, you're having trouble. We're going to send out a survey if you're having any trouble navigating the course of how can we help and make it easier to follow. [01:17:00] Mary, I'm eating goat cheese. That seems to be working. I've been off dairy for a couple of years. What dairy non-goat would you recommend I try next?

Jeanne: You could actually begin to try some of the mascarpone, the Parmigiano-Reggiano in small amounts. I would suggest if it has been a couple of years right now to get a little bit more refined with your macro

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balances. Then, just really tuning into that a little bit more. Once you have that [01:17:30] a little bit more settled and you're really confident in that, then, that might be a more appropriate time to begin introducing some of that other dairy.

Christa: I think of it like two to three more weeks. Then, there's one other cheese ricotta that you can [crosstalk 01:17:42].

Jeanne: I'm sorry. Mascarpone, Parmigiano and ricotta.

Christa: After you know you've done well on goat or sheep dairy with no digestive problems or acne or [crosstalk 01:17:53]

Jeanne: [crosstalk 01:17:53] seeing your temperatures and pulses regulate. You're seeing kind of again that bell curve that we're looking for. You're satiated between your meals, [01:18:00] all of those things, I think, are going to be really important to establish before introducing.

Christa: Yup. Jennifer, tier-two. I drink broth, the egg drop broth in the morning. Then, I need to add broth to lunch and dinner with meat to make them more digestible or my temp drops. See. That's great that you notice that. You see this is exactly why you're having the broth with the mussel meat so your temp doesn't drop. This is great. Is it okay to be consuming so much? Absolutely. It's working for you. If you don't consume [01:18:30] it, then it's not going to work for you. You're getting it.

I just wanted to say you, guys, are getting it. Yeah. Is there an average timeline, Gustavo says, for recovering from anxiety? It's too open-ended a question for me to answer, Gustavo, because I don't know what the cause of the anxiety is. Is it genetic? Is it childhood? Is it trauma? Is it food based? Where did it come from? You would want to submit a log definitely. [01:19:00] Jeanne, on Monday, she have to get more information and see a log to be able to answer that.

Jeanne: But I can tell you as far as anxiety, is there so much potential with your food to really begin to affect and regulate that anxiety within a couple of days, to be honest with you. That's how quickly it can happen over time and the consistency and really that rebalancing of your nervous system that will again over time begin to occur. Perfect, but it can happen [01:19:30] really quickly if you really lock down your food frequency in the balance of eating.

Christa: Yeah. I want to say it can ...

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Jeanne: [crosstalk 01:19:35] significantly reduces it.

Christa: It can be like two weeks and you start to feel really different which a lot of you guys are testifying to. I mean it's amazing to see the difference already. Dawn, this is a great question that can help everybody. If I realize a meal didn't work for me, is there anything I can do to help while I'm waiting on my next meal? This is so good. She just finished dinner. Now, I'm cold. I feel like I need to snack on something before my golden [01:20:00] milk. Excellent question.

Jeanne: Yeah. You can, but notice that because what you don't want to be doing is chasing yourself all day long. What you're noticing right now is you're chasing your blood-sugar by trying to create some stability there, but it would sound to me like you probably either overdid carbs or other did them. It could be either one, but if you need something to kind of ground you, I'd be curious to feel what it is you're craving. That probably was a little bit [01:20:30] out of balance in the meal that you just recently had or again everything that preceded that throughout the day.

Yes, you can do that, but take note of it so that you adjust the meals or again what's happening previously in the day to begin to not have to do that. Get to what you don't have to.

Christa: Also, having a little tea right now putting a little cayenne pepper in your tea would be nice for it's part of our spice profile to help with circulation. [01:21:00] Make sure you're getting your herbs and spices in. Jennifer, you just took all my panic away by saying for $99, we can enroll again. January's my month for healing efforts. Thank you from my heart. You're so welcome. That is always there for you.

Marilyn, I constantly feel hungry and the only thing really different about how I'm eating is less fat. My weight hasn't budged. I was hoping to go back to my gut thrive, my GT5 [01:21:30] weight. Any recommendations?

Jeanne: Well, you're consistently feeling hungry which tells me that you're not regulating your blood sugar.

Christa: It's too much change too quickly.

Jeanne: It could be too much change. Only really different about what how I'm eating is less fat. I would be curious how much because just a little bit less fat can make a huge difference. You may want to bring that back up.

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Christa: That's exactly what I was thinking. I think you took away too much fat too soon.

Jeanne: Too soon.

Christa: Yeah. It was just too quick. [01:22:00] Look at what you did and add 50% of it back. Then, see if you can start to stabilize. Then, just like we talked about the overcrowding, then the carbs, you'll start to increase those. Then, they'll crowd out that extra fat. You'll land where you need to land, but you have to do this. Don't go back to what you were doing with GT5 because we're working on your metabolism. This is just a course correct.

Alison and Aimee, they want more usable information on menstrual cycles. For example, at [01:22:30] this time in your cycle, ovulation, menstruation, do this. Increase carbs, increase fat. Go ahead. Go ahead. Ovulation ...

Jeanne: [crosstalk 01:22:39] ovulation again. Heat begins. There's a lot more heat in the system. This is why women get so much more hungry or they get so agitated, anxiety, irritability builds because the body is asking for more nutrition, more nutrients. It needs to feed that heat. It needs to feed that energy demand. Again, your nutrition could shift [01:23:00] significantly during ovulation where you may need to increase the density of the foods.

You may need more carbohydrates. You may need a little bit more fat. It's all going to be person specific, but there are certainly going to be shifts that you're going to need to make. Now, also for women, you may find that increasing the Carrot Balancer a little bit the last two weeks of your cycle, premenstrual can be very, very helpful in creating a little bit more regulation within the cycle.

But it [01:23:30] is going to be person specific. The most important thing I have found with women post-ovulation pre-menses is that just there's a shift in the day. It's not going to be the same nutrition that you were eating in your follicular phase within your luteal phase. The closer you get to the start of your cycle, the more intense that's going to become. I would say increase carbs, increase fat, get that density in there or get a good balance of those carbs and fats, [01:24:00] but get the denser foods, the heated foods, the more grounding foods to help stabilize that blood sugar with all those hormonal fluctuations occurring.

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Christa: Another reason we include the Carrot Balancer not just for the microbiome, but also to help pull excess estrogen now within the body and so when you say to increase your Carrot Balancer, you're saying to have two on Monday?

Jeanne: Two. You can have two in one day.

Christa: During ovulation.

Jeanne: Post-ovulation. Maybe again the last two weeks [inaudible 01:24:24] weeks before your cycle.

Christa: At the same time or two different times.

Jeanne: No. You can do a mid-morning and lunchtime.

Christa: Do [01:24:30] double dose of your Carrot Balancer during that time of the month. That will help. Good. All right.

Jeanne: I just want to say a lot of you do have questions on hormones. I would say there's a Dr. John Lee. He's probably the most brilliant ... I've read as far as female hormones are concerned. What Your Doctor Does Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause and Menopause. Beautifully, beautifully written. Very informative. Will help guide you [01:25:00] along with some of the fluctuations that you're noticing in your body, what's normal, what isn't normal.

Christa: We'll put a link to this. I'll grab a link for you all. I'll put it in the follow-up email I send you tomorrow.

Jeanne: He's also got a really great test on his website,, I believe it is, but you can take to kind of see where you ... if you're an estrogen dominance, a progesterone deficiency, a combination of the two, adrenal fatigue. There's a lot of kind of ways that he can or you can measure that just really quickly. [01:25:30] It's not a concrete assessment, but I think it's something that can kind of lead you in the right direction.

Christa: While we're talking about female hormones, Heidi was commenting about estrogen dominance. She's taken Jeanne's advice Carrot Balancer and magnesium or food frequency. She feels better today which is great. You're saying is there anything else of helping with that. Your broccoli sprouts are also in there for this reason, but [01:26:00] you can get a supplement called EstroDIM. That's going to help a lot. Depends how high your estrogen is.

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I'll include a link for that tomorrow too. You can look into it. It's wonderful. It helps a lot of women who have been through breast cancer and heal from it. It helps them prevent cancer recurrence. [inaudible 01:26:21] will be helpful, excess gluteal estradiol. I'm curious, Heidi, if your progesterone levels are within normal ranges in your luteal phase as well [01:26:30] because, again, with the work that you're doing because progesterone and cortisol show that pathway is that estrogen dominance because of the progesterone deficiency or is it a true estrogen dominance? Big difference between the two.

Christa: Thank you for that. Nicole, supplement question. For preconception, should I follow supplement suggestions for conception from your book or follow Recode Supplements? Follow the suggestions from my book. Here's the thing. If you have the DFH Multi, you want to use that [01:27:00] as preconception. You need to get your folate stores full before conception preferably like 72 days before. If you want to do that, you're going to need to get just a separate supplement of 400 micrograms of folate and 18 milligrams of iron. That way, you could do either or you follow the preconception supplements from the book.

Megan, I'm ready for the next step with emotional healing and loving the real food gangsters. That's awesome. [01:27:30] Stephanie, can raw milk cause inflammation? I'm confused as I thought dairy was inflammatory. Dairy, it depends on the body that's going into whether it's inflammatory. It depends if you have the enzymes to digest it. It depends if it was from cows who ate grass or corn or soy or GMOs and how they were treated and so top quality dairy, it helps alkalize the body which helps to detoxify and cuts inflammation and has the perfect balance of proteins, carbs and fats [01:28:00] to shut off the stress response, feed the thyroid without the thyroid having to work for it and really nourish the nervous system.

We can just give you the properties of the foods that we're talking about and then how your body responds to those foods as a food as medicine or not for you.

Jeanne: There are higher qualities. I know this doesn't follow within The ReCode boundaries, but I'm just going to put it out there. Some people don't do ... Not everybody's going to do well on raw milk regardless of [01:28:30] the quality of it in my experience. You may have noticed that as well. There are some low heat pasteurized organic, very, very clean high-integrity dairies that are out there that you could try. You may do better on them.

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Christa: Yeah. Organic pastures has one. I mean. I'm sorry. Organic pastures is ... Organic Valley. That's 100% grass-fed. They can flush pasteurized. That's great. [01:29:00] Great question from Michelle. If you eat the weekly amount of liver with a yummy banging recipe, I'll tell Mary, you love her recipe, do you skip the liver supplement for the week? Yes. The food if you take it, if you're eating it, you don't need the supplements.

Jeanne: Great question.

Christa: It is a great question. .All right. It is 5:30.

Jeanne: Oh wow. That was fast.

Christa: It is. We went fast. I just want to end with a positive thing. Well, let's [01:29:30] just say Kay broke out in hives from collagen. Should I try again on and leave it out? Leave it out, but try it again. It's like a half a tablespoon like three weeks from now. Let's see what kind of healing we get. Sylvie, let's end here. Just to say I'm starting to have energy. No more sitting on the sofa for three hours doing nothing before I start my day. I'm taking baby steps. It seems to be working. Still need to fine-tune and start the macros, but such a difference.

This is the place we want you to make change from. Positive. I feel [01:30:00] good. I've got this. I'm ready or something more and not in an [crosstalk 01:30:04] overwhelmed way. Yes, I feel I have my life back. I can't wait to see how I will be once I start sleeping for seven hours. Thankful. Awesome. We're thankful that you shared that and we're thankful for each and every one of you that you're here with us and you're trusting us and you're letting us guide you back to health.

You're letting us guide you back to you is what's happening. Say a temporary [01:30:30] goodbye to Jeanne on the webinars. I'm going to miss her.

Jeanne: I'll miss you, guys. We'll see you on Monday. Those of you on Facebook and Wednesday. I'll be there as well. I'll be back on [crosstalk 01:30:38].

Christa: See her on the Facebook next week. Get ready. Emotional repatterning. I would love ... You're going to get the most out of the emotional part if you watch the videos and look at the handouts and do some of the exercises before we have our webinar. To that end, we are releasing module four and all future modules on Fridays [01:31:00] instead of Mondays. Try to carve out some time over the

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weekend or Monday to be able to go through that because we've got some amazing stuff ahead.

Tons of love. Tons of love. All this positive good stuff. We'll see you next week.

Jeanne: [inaudible 01:31:17].

Christa: Bye, everybody.

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