module 3 team brokerage

Li Lipsey School of Real Estate 2011 Systems for Success Presented by Mike Lipsey, MCRE

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Module 3   team brokerage


Lipsey School of Real Estate2011 Systems for Success

Presented by

Mike Lipsey, MCRE

Page 2: Module 3   team brokerage

Module 3 Team Brokerage 3.1……….…………...……………….………….……Role on Team 3.2…………………………..….………………….....Skill Inventory 3.3…….Business Development VS Transaction Management 3.4……………….….Increasing Responsibilities and Earnings

Module 3: Team Brokerage

Page 3: Module 3   team brokerage

Role On Team (Responsibility Stack)






Focus Responsibilities

Everyday Housekeeping Scheduling Contact Management

Reception Team Measurements

Team Templates Marketing Brochures Marketing Packages

Contact Management Compiling Lists (Database)

Number Crunching Team Excel Expert Marketing Assistance

Cash Flow Runs Brokerage Assistance List Grabbing

Prospecting Cold Calls Property Tours

Client Relations Closing Deals

Prospecting Relationship Maintenance Deal Closing

Closing Deals Consulting Efforts Team Management

Junior Property Tours Prospecting Cold Calls

Cash Flow Analysis (Review) Brokerage Assistance Small Deal Closing


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Skill InventoryMarketing Administration

Everyday Housekeeping Scheduling Contact Management Reception Team Measurements

Team Templates Marketing Brochures Marketing Packages Contact Management Compiling Lists (Database)


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Analyst Junior Broker

Number Crunching Team Excel Expert Marketing Assistance Cash Flow Analysis Brokerage Assistance List Accumulation

Property Tours Prospecting Cold Calls Cash Flow Analysis

(Review) Brokerage Assistance Small Deal Closing

Skill Inventory


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Prospecting Cold Calls Property Tours Client Relations Closing Deals

Prospecting Relationship Maintenance Deal Closing Deal Closing Consulting Efforts Team Management

Skill Inventory


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Skill Inventory (Merging Responsibilities)








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Business Development VS Transaction Management

Activity Breakdown

Transaction Management Advanced Steps, Existing Relationships Examples (Financing, Appraisals, Negotiation)

Activity Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual

Business Development

Business Development

Transaction Development

Transaction Development

Business Development Introductory Steps, Creating New Relationships Examples (Cold Calls, Introductory Flyers)


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What to Measure (Individual Brokerage)

Business Development VS Transaction Management(Sr.) Member Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual

Marketing Development 15 15 Contact Management 50 45 eMails 200 195 Product Development 5 5 Market Research 50 45 Cold Calls 100 75 Sales Calls 50 55

Documentation 5 7 Tours 10 10 2nd Tour 25 30        Negotiations 15 20        Contracts 5 7        

Business Development

Transaction Management


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What to Measure (Team Brokerage)

Which Team Member, Which Activity

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3

(Admin) Member Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan ActualMarketing Development 15 15 Contact Management 50 45 eMails 200 195

Documentation 7 10

(Jr.) Member Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan ActualProduct Development 5 5 Market Research 50 45 Cold Calls 100 75 Tours 10 10 Negotiations 5 5

Contracts 2 3

(Sr.) Member Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan ActualSales Calls 50 55        Tours 25 30        Negotiations 15 20        

Contracts 5 7        

Business Development

Transaction Management


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Marketing Brokerage Assist



Increasing Responsibilities


Administration Associate Senior0






Responsibility Break Down (Three Person Team)


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Marketing Brokerage Assist



Increasing Responsibilities


Responsibility Break Down (Five Person Team)

Administration Junior Associate Senior Super0






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Increasing EarningsEarning Structure (Three Person Core Team)

Weight Associate SeniorAdmin 1 10 10Marketing 4 20 10Analysis 8 30 20Brokerage Assist 16 20 10Closing 32 20 20Consulting 48 0 30

Total 2340 3180Percent 42% 58%

Associate (39%)Broker (53%)

* Other Team Members on Salary & Bonus Structure


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Increasing EarningsEarning Structure (Five Person Core Team)

Weight Associate Senior SuperAdmin 1 0 0 0Marketing 4 15 0 0Analysis 8 40 25 0Assist 16 20 0 0Closing 32 25 50 25Consulting 48 0 25 75

Total 1500 3000 4400Percent 17% 34% 49%

Senior (30%)

Associate (15%)

Super (44%)

* Other Team Members on Salary & Bonus Structure


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Personal Insight Test

1. When do you feel your best?(A) Morning (B) Afternoon / Early Evening

(C) Night

2. You Usually walk..(A) Fast, with long steps (B) Fast, with short steps (C) Slow, head up (D)Slow, head down (E) Very slow

3. When Talking to People(A) Stand with your Arms Folded (B) Hands Clasped (C) Hands on your Hips

(D) Touch Person in Conversation (E) Play with Ear, Chin or Hair

4. When Relaxing, you sit with.. (A) Legs Folded, Side by Side (B) Legs Crossed (C) Legs Stretched Out

(D) Legs Stretched Out Straight (E) One Leg Curled Under You

5. Something Really Amuses You, You React With..(A) Big Appreciated Laugh (B) Laugh, But not a Loud One

(C) Quiet Chuckle (D) Sheepish Smile


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Personal Insight Test

7. You're Working Very and you're interrupted.... (A) Welcome the Break (B) Feel Extremely Irritated

(C) Vary Between A and B

8. Of the Following, Which is Your Favorite..(A) Red or Orange (B) Black (C) Yellow or Light Blue

(D) Green (E) Dark Blue or Purple (F) white (G) Brown or Gray

9. When you are in Bed at Night, Before going to Sleep you are… (A) Stretched Out on your Bed (B) Stretched out, on your Stomach

(C) On your Side, Slightly Curled (D) Head on one arm (E) Head Under the Covers

10. You often Dream that you are... (A) Falling (B) Fighting or Struggling (C) Searching for Something

(D) flying or floating (E) Dreamless sleep (F) Your Dreams are Always Pleasant

6. When your go to a Party of Social Gathering you..(A) Make a Loud Entrance

(B) Make a Quiet Entrance, Looking for Someone you Know (C) Stay Unnoticed


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1. (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 2. (A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 7 (D) 2 (E) 1 3. (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 7 (E) 6 4. (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 2 (D) 1 5. (A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 2 6. (A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 2 7. (A) 6 (B) 2 (C) 4 8. (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 4 (E) 3 (F) 2 (G) 1 9. (A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2 (E) 1 10. (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 6 (F) 1

Personal Insight Test (Score Key)

Total Score


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Personal Insight Test

Over 60

51 - 60

41 - 50

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to your head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding;someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

Others see you as someone they should "handle with care." You're seen as vain, self-centered, and extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you. company because of the excitement you radiate.

Others see you as an exciting, lightly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your


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Personal Insight Test

31 - 40

21 - 30

Under 21

Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.

People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people think you're boring. Only those who know you well, know that you aren't.

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
