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CPSC 101/WMST 201: Connecting with Computer Science Module 4: Processes Recipes from Scratch

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CPSC 101/WMST 201: Connecting with Computer Science

Module 4: Processes

Recipes from Scratch

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 2

Here is a recipe for Jello Instant Pudding

1. put 3 cups of milk in a bowl

2. add entire contents of package

3. whisk for 2 minutes

4. transfer to serving bowls

5. let stand for 3-5 minutes

6. serve!

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 3

Learning Goals: at the end of this module, you will be able to:

recognize and explain the five essential properties of an algorithm:

input specified

output specified




Module 4: Processes

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 4

Learning Goals (continued)

recognize and explain the concepts of

sequences of instructions,




conditional statements,

and arrays

in short programs specified in a programming language such as JavaScript, or in other clearly expressed processes (which may or may not be computer related)

Module 4: Processes

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 5

Learning goals (continued):

determine, simulate and explain how short programs or program fragments work

make small modifications to short program fragments to achieve clearly specified tasks

explain and simulate simple algorithms for fundamental problems such as searching and sorting

Module 4: Processes

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 6

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 7

Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms

Exercise: write an algorithm for making a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Your algorithm can use:

peanut butter

sliced bread





CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 8

Did your group succeed in getting a proper sandwich made?

a) Yes, right away.

b) Yes, after 1-2 revisions to the instructions

c) Almost.

d) No.

Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 9

What was the main point you took away from the exercise?

a) Making sandwiches is hard.

b) Humans are smart.

c) Specifying a process precisely is hard.

d) Carrying out precise instructions is hard.

Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 10

Processes (programs, algorithms)

are everywhere

allow us to make computers and people do things they otherwise couldn’t.

Can you come up with 3 examples of “programs” not primarily meant to be executed by computers??

Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 11

Jumping in at the deep end:Processing: Depth []

Scratch: Dancing triangles []

Don’t Panic!It’s OK to not understand parts of a program

Web search can help

Experimentation aids understanding

Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 12

Fundamental concepts:

Instructions (input, output, drawing, math, …)

Sequences of instructions


Loops / repetition (repeat, until, while, for)

Procedures / functions

Conditional statements (if, else)


Module 4.1: Programs and algorithms

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 13

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 14

Here is a more interesting recipe for Duck breast with Seville orange & savoy cabbage

Ingredients (for 4):

4 duck breasts

1 large Seville orange, zested and juiced

2 tbsp honey

2 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

chicken stock fresh, cube or concentrate, made up to 300ml

1 savoy cabbage, quartered, heart removed and shredded


mashed potato, to serve

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 15

Duck breast recipe (continued)


1. Heat a non-sticking frying pan.

2. Put in the duck breasts, skin side down, then turn down the heat and leave for 10 minutes until the fat on the duck is golden brown and crisp.

3. Pour off the fat, turn the duck over.

4. Then stir together the orange juice, zest and honey and add to the pan with the cloves, cinnamon and stock.

5. Simmer for 10-12 minutes.

6. Remove the duck and rest in a warm place for 5 minutes. Reduce the sauce a little and season.

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 16

Duck breast recipe

Preparation (continued)

7. Cook the cabbage in a little butter until wilted but still bright green.

8. Slice the duck.

9. Serve with the cabbage, sauce and some creamy mash.

Bon appétit!

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 17

Which fundamental concepts are used by this recipe?


Sequences of instructions?


Loops / repetition?

Procedures / functions?

Conditional statements?


Module 4.2: Recipes and variables


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 18


Explain how the recipe does / does not satisfy each of the defining properties of an algorithm.

Modify the recipe so it better satisfies the defining properties of an algorithm.

Prepare the dish for someone close to you

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 19

Duck breast recipe (continued)


1. Heat a non-sticking frying pan.

2. Put in the duck breasts, skin side down, then turn down the heat and leave for 10 minutes until the fat on the duck is golden brown and crisp.

3. Pour off the fat, turn the duck over.

4. Then stir together the orange juice, zest and honey and add to the pan with the cloves, cinnamon and stock.

5. Simmer for 10-12 minutes.

6. Remove the duck and rest in a warm place for 5 minutes. Reduce the sauce a little and season.

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 20

Duck breast recipe

Preparation (continued)

7. Cook the cabbage in a little butter until wilted but still bright green.

8. Slice the duck.

9. Serve with the cabbage, sauce and some creamy mash.

Bon appétit!

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 21


Ingredients (for 4):

4 duck breasts

1 large Seville orange, zested and juiced

2 tbsp honey

2 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

chicken stock fresh, cube or concentrate, made up to 300ml

1 savoy cabbage, quartered, heart removed and shredded

1 tbsp butter

What do we do if we have k people instead of 4?

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 22

Duck breast with Seville orange & savoy cabbage

Ingredients (for k people):

k duck breasts

k/4 large Seville orange, zested and juiced

k/2 tbsp honey

k/2 cloves

k/4 cinnamon stick

chicken stock fresh, cube or concentrate, made up to 75k ml

k/4 savoy cabbages quartered, heart removed and shredded

k/4 tbsp butter

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 23

Duck breast with Seville orange & savoy cabbage

Ingredients (for numPeople people):

numPeople duck breasts

numPeople/4 large Seville orange, zested and juiced

numPeople/2 tbsp honey

numPeople/2 cloves

numPeople/4 cinnamon stick

chicken stock fresh, cube or concentrate, made up to 75 * numPeople ml

numPeople/4 savoy cabbages quartered, heart removed and shredded

numPeople/4 tbsp butter

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 24

Using variables makes programs

more versatile

We can make duck breasts for any number of people.

easier to understand (use meaningful variable names!!)

Consider these two examples:s = s * 1.015 + 1250;

andsalary = salary * (1 + percentIncrease) + bonus;

easier to modify, extend and adapt

Module 4.2: Recipes and variables

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 25

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 26

Common types of instructions:


graphics (display object, move object, set visual properties ...)

audio (play sound, ...)

timing (wait, ...)

variable assignments

Module 4.3: Loops

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 27

Loops are used for repeating parts of a process

Types of loops:

Repeat ... k times

Repeat ... until condition

While condition do ...

Module 4.3: Loops

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 28

Example: loops in Scratchto make the triangle turn faster while still ending at "home base”, I should

a) Increase 36

b) Increase 10

c) Increase 0.01

d) None of the above

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 29

Assume that

max and i are variables.

do something is an unspecified action.

What do you think each piece of code does?

a) for (i=1; i <= max; i = i + 1) { do something }

b) for (i=0; i < max; i = i + 1) { do something }

c) for (i=1; i <= max; i = i + 2) { do something }

d) for (i=max; i >= 1; i = i - 1) { do something }

Which one differs from the rest?

Module 4.3: Loops



CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 30

Note thatfor (i=1; i <= max; i++){ so something}

is the same asi=1;while (i <= max) { so something i++;}

Module 4.3: Loops

loop body

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 31

How often is the body of the following for loop executed?

for (n=1; n <= max; n = n + 1) { do something }

a) once

b) max times

c) max-1 times

d) max+1 times

e) none of the above

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 32

How often is the body of the following for loop executed?

for (n=0; n <= max; n = n + 1) { do something }

a) once

b) max times

c) max-1 times

d) max+1 times

e) none of the above

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 33

How often is the body of the following for loop executed?

for (n=0; n < max; n = n + 1) { do something }

a) once

b) max times

c) max-1 times

d) max+1 times

e) none of the above

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 34

What is the value of variable n after the loop has finished executing?

n=0;while (n < max) { do something; n++;}

a) 1b) maxc) max – 1d) max + 1e) Not enough information to tell

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 35

What is the value of variable n after the loop has finished executing?

For (n = 0; n <= max; n = n + 1){ do something that does not modify n; n++;}

a) 1

b) max

c) max – 1

d) max + 1

e) Not enough information to tell

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 36

To figure out what a piece of code does:

1. Model – form a hypothesis of what a piece of code does

often done through running / simulating it for simple / small inputs.

2. Predict – predict what it will do for inputs not yet tried / simulated

3. Experiment – run / simulate to check your prediction

4. Refine – modify your hypothesis based on the result from the experiment; continue from Step 2.

Note: This is also known as the scientific method.

Module 4.3: Loops

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 37

Tricks to figure out why a piece of code doesn't do what you think it does:

Simulating the piece of code:

Use pencil and paper to trace the values of all important variables through the statements.

Experimenting with the piece of code:

Instrument the code with additional output statements, so you can see the values of variables at various points of execution.

Module 4.3: Loops

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 38

Tricks to figure out why a piece of code doesn't do what you think it does (continued)

Automatic checks

Use if statements (covered later) that ascertain whether or not the conditions you expect to hold actually hold.

Use statements that catch incorrect behaviour (deviations from your expectations).

Use a debugger

A (more advanced) tool that helps you do this types of checking.

Module 4.3: Loops

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 39

Rewrite the following loop as a for loop:

sum = 0;i = 1;while( i <= 5) { sum = sum + i; i++;}

Hint: To check your solution, trace the values of sum and i through all iterations of the loop (both versions) and make sure that they match.

Module 4.3: Loops


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 40

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 41

Which of these are advantages of using functions:

a) They break up a big process into smaller parts

b) They give a name to part of a process

c) They allow you to re-use components (share) parts between processes, and between people

d) All of the above.

e) None of the above.

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 42

Breaking up a big process into smaller partsHelps simplify the big process

We can concentrate on a smaller part, which is easier

Smaller parts have fewer details and can be broken down further if necessary.

Giving a name to part of a processImproves the readability of your processes

So you will see “hang the LCD TV on the front wall”

Instead of 50 instructions explaining how to do this.

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 43

Re-using component parts between processes, and between people

More reliable: you only need to get it right once.

Easier to update: you only need to make a change once.

Teamwork: each team member writes some of the functions.

Abstraction: except for the person writing the function, you only need to know what it does, not how it works.

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 44

Example: building a housebuild the foundation

build the frame

build the floors

do the electrical work

add the plumbing

build drywalls


Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 45

Build a housefoundation

build frame...

...hammer a nail

build floors...

...hammer a nail

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 46

Build a house

build frame


hammer a nail

Build a dog house


...hammer a nail

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 47

Modify the following function:

function showTip(amount) { var tip; tip = amount * 0.12; document.write("the tip is: $" + tip);}

to make the tip rate (set to 12% above) a parameter.

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 48


function showTip(amount, tipRate) { var tip; tip = amount * tipRate; document.write("the tip is: $" + tip);}

Now modify the function to return the tip instead of displaying it into an HTML document.

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 49

body includes variable declarations,

instructions (such as assignment stmts)

return statement(s)

function calculateTip(amount)

{var tip;tip = amount * 0.12;return(tip)}

function declaration includes name and (parameters)

Module 4.4: Functions

Anatomy of a Javascript function:

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 50

function calculateTip(amount)

{var tip;tip = amount * 0.12;return(tip)}

Anatomy of a Javascript function: watch for syntax

the parentheses in the declaration (must be present even if the function has no parameters!)

the { and } around the body

the semicolons (at the end of each statement, optional after the return statement)

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 51

Things to remember about functions:Using a function requires two parts:

declaration (where we define the function).

call (where we execute it).

Module 4.4: Functions

<html><head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showTip(amount) { var tip = amount * 0.12; document.write("<p>Tip = " + tip + "</p>"); } </script></head><body> <script type="text/javascript"> showTip(150); </script></body></html>

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 52

Things to remember about functions:Parameters

can be seen as special variables that are set to certain values when the function is called and before the body is executed.

are used to pass data into a function.

Variables declared inside a function are private to that function and cannot be accessed outside of it.

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 53

Things to remember about functions (continued):

Return statements

are used to pass data (a result) back from the function to the place from where it was called.

After a return statement is executed, execution of the function stops immediately (even if further statements follow in the function declaration)!

Functions can call other functions (or even themselves – but be very careful with this, since it's possible for this to go on forever).

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 54

Things to remember about functions (continued):

Functions may have zero parameters (if they do not require input data).

Functions may declare zero variables.

Functions do not need to use a return statement if they have no data to return to the calling function.

Functions may have more than one return statement, but only one of them ever gets executed in any given call.

Module 4.4: Functions

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 55

What is the value of y at the end of confuse(10)?a) 10

b) 20

c) 30

d) 40

e) Some other value

function confuse(y){ var x;

x = 2 * y; y = y + x;

return (x);}

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 56

What value is returned by doubleConfuse(3,10)?a) 3

b) 13

c) 23

d) 33

e) Another value

function confuse(y){ var x = 2 * y; y = y + x; return x;}

function doubleConfuse(a,b){ var x = a + confuse(b); return x;}

Module 4.4: Functions


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 57

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 58

What will the value of x be after executing the following?

x = -10;if (x < 0) { x = x * 1.195;} else { x = x * 1.015;}

a) -11.95

b) -10.15

c) -10

d) 0

Module 4.5: Conditional statements


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 59

Let's revisit our calculateTip function:

function CalculateTip(amount, tipRate){ tip = amount * tipRate; return (tip);}

What if we want to determine the tip amount based on service?

If service is "good" (7 or more on a scale from 1 to 10) then give a good tip (add an extra 3%).

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 60

Assume we have a parameter serviceLevel.

To determine the tip amount:

if (serviceLevel >= 7) {

adjustedRate = tipRate + 0.03; // +3%

} else {

adjustedRate = tipRate; // no extra tip


Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 61

Exercise: what if we want to have 3 different levels of tip?

Good / Normal / Terrible

Write out the new function in full, including theparameters, return value, etc.

First write your solution individually

Then compare it to your neighbour's.

If you have a laptop, try it out!

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 63

if (serviceLevel == 10) { adjustedRate = baseRate * 2;

} else if (serviceLevel < 3) { ... } else { ...}

Logical condition (= something that must be true or false)

else if & else are optional: you can have just an "if"

you are used to {brackets} now

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

Anatomy of a conditional statement:

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 64

What will the value of x be after executing the following?

x = -10;if (x = 0) { x = x * 1.195;} else { x = x * 1.015;}

a) -11.95

b) -10.15

c) -10

d) 0

Module 4.5: Conditional statements


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 65

Caution: two common mistakes:

1. if (serviceLevel = 10) {..}

2. if (serviceLevel == 10); {..}

always use “== “ to test equality

No semicolon here!

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 66

Useful operators:

== (equal)

if (serviceLevel == 10) {…}

!= (unequal)

if (serviceLevel != 10) {…}

&& (and)

if ((food > 7) && (service > 7)) {…}

|| (or)

if ((food < 3) || (service < 3)) {…}

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 67

In summary: conditional statements

can be used to alter the flow of your program depending on user input or intermediate results

can help you make your program more flexible

Module 4.5: Conditional statements

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 68


Loops Functions Conditionals


loop body



Module 4.5: Conditional statements

Flow of control:

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 69

Module 4: Processes

Module Outline

Programs and algorithms.

Recipes and variables.



Conditional statements.


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 70

Consider a student's grade, computed based on marks for four assignments:

var mark1 = 83;var mark2 = 79;var mark3 = 58;var mark4 = 97;var grade = (mark1+mark2+mark3+mark4)/4;

How should we write the code if there were twelve assignments instead? If there were one thousand?

Module 4.6: Arrays

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 71

Arrays are a means to store tabular data:

var colors = new Array("red","brown”,"blue");

This is equivalent to:

var colors = new Array();colors[0] = "red";colors[1] = "brown";colors[2] = "blue";

Module 4.6: Arrays

“red” “brown” “blue”0 1 2

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 72

What is the value of colors[1] invar colors = new Array("red","brown","blue");

a) “red”

b) “brown”

c) “blue”

d) none of the above

Module 4.6: Arrays


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 73

A common mistake: the first element of an array has index 0, not 1!!

Hence, invar colors = new Array("red","green”,"blue");

the index (position) of “red” is 0, etc.


Normal folks count 1, 2, 3,…

Computer Scientists count 0, 1, 2,…

That's why the introduction was module 0, not module 1!

Module 4.6: Arrays

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 74

What is the value of n invar colors = new Array("red","green","blue");var n = colors.length;

a) 0b) 1c) 3d) 4

Module 4.6: Arrays


CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 75

We use indices to access array valuescolors[2] = "magenta";

After this assignment statement the value stored in slot 2 of the array changes to “magenta”:

Module 4.6: Arrays

“red” “brown” “blue”0 1 2

“red” “brown” “magenta”0 1 2

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 76

Example: calculating a grade by averaging over marks, stored in an array:

var marks = new Array(83, 79, 58, 97);var total = 0;for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) { total = total + marks[i];}var grade = total / marks.length;

This loop will compute the correct answer no matter how many marks are involved (except 0).

Module 4.6: Arrays

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 77

Arrays can be nested (that is, the elements of an array can themselves be arrays):var phoneBook = new Array();phoneBook[0]= new Array("Ada", "604-123-4567");phoneBook[1]= new Array("Anne", "604-234-4567");phoneBook[2]= new Array("Bruno", "604-345-4567");phoneBook[3]= new Array("Gillian","604-456-4567");phoneBook[4]= new Array("Maria", "604-567-4567");phoneBook[5]= new Array("Yong", "604-678-9876”);

Module 4.6: Arrays

CPSC 101 – 2012W T1 78

Given the following code:

var phoneBook = new Array( new Array("Ada", "604-123-4567"), new Array("Anne", "604-234-4567"), new Array("Bruno","604-345-4567"));

What is the value of phoneBook[1,1]?

a) “Ada”

b) “604-123-4567”

c) “Anne”

d) “604-234-4567”

Module 4.6: Arrays
