module 6 presentation


Upload: vanzjustine

Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Module 6 presentation
Page 2: Module 6 presentation

• At the end of the semester, the students will be able to know the following:

The procedures in Item Analysis

Computation for the Index of Difficulty and Index of Discrimination

Interpreting the Test Scores

Page 3: Module 6 presentation

• 3 Criteria Determining the Desirability of an Item:

• 1. Difficulty of an Item. ( How difficult the item is.)

• 2. Discriminating power of an item (+/-)

• *positive disc= Pu > PL

• 3. Measure of Attractiveness (+/-)

• (Determines how attractive is the distractor)

• *keyed response=correct answer

• *wrong options= distractor

• *effective distracters= more students in lower group chose it than the upper group.

Page 4: Module 6 presentation

2.Arrange the scores from highest to lowest.

3.Separate the top 27% and the bottom 27%

4.Find the proportion of each score. (frequency/the 27%)

Then solve for this:

*Index of Difficulty: *Index of Discrimination:

Df= (Pu+PL)/2 Ds= Pu-PL

*Measure of Attractiveness *where:

Da= Pu-PL/St Pu= upper class

PL=lower class

St= number of students

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• Discriminating Index

• .40-up= very good item(accept)

• .30-.29= reasonably good item but subject for revision

• .20-.29= marginal item (revise)

• Below-.19= poor item (reject)

• Range of Difficulty

• 0.00-0.20 – Very difficult

• 0.21-0.40 – Difficult

• 0.41-0.60 – Moderately difficult

• 0.61-0.80 – Easy

• 0.81-1.00 – Very easy

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