module 8: managing client configuration and connectivity

Module 8: Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

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Module 8: Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity. Video. Overview. Configuring and Customizing Outlook 2003 Performing Calendaring Tasks in Outlook 2003 Installing and Configuring Outlook Express Discussion: Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Module 8: Managing Client Configuration

and Connectivity

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Configuring and Customizing Outlook 2003Performing Calendaring Tasks in Outlook 2003Installing and Configuring Outlook ExpressDiscussion: Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity


Page 3: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

Lesson: Configuring and Customizing Outlook 2003

How Outlook Is Installed and Configured Initial Configuration Tasks to Perform in Outlook Startup Wizard Modes for Connecting Outlook 2003 to ExchangeHow to Configure Outlook to Connect to Exchange Server 2003Common Customization Tasks That Users PerformCommon Customization Tasks That Can Be Performed Using Automated ToolsResources Available for Performing Common Outlook Customization TasksHow to Configure Rules and Out of Office MessagesHow to Grant Permission to a Delegate to Access Mailbox Information How to Configure Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 for RPC Over HTTP

Page 4: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

How Outlook Is Installed and Configured

AdministratorThe user performs any additional customization after the initial profile is defined and Outlook starts

The administrator or user uses the Outlook Startup Wizard to perform initial configuration of the Outlook profile

Outlook is automatically installed as part of the Microsoft Office installation


Office 2003



OutlookStartup Wizard





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Initial Configuration Tasks to Perform in Outlook Startup Wizard

In Outlook Startup Wizard:

Define if Outlook will be used for e-mail and, if so, what type of e-mail server will be used

Configure Outlook to connect to a server running Exchange:


2Provide the name of your Exchange server and your user name and mailbox nameDecide whether to run a local copy of your mailbox Select additional settings

OutlookStartup Wizard


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Modes for Connecting Outlook 2003 to Exchange

Mode Description

Cached A copy of the user’s mailbox is stored locally and the Exchange server updates it frequently

The user has access to all online resources

OnlineUser’s mailbox is stored on the Exchange server

User maintains a full-time network connection

Offline Users do not have a constant network connection

Use a dial-up or VPN connection to connect to Exchange The typical mode used by mobile users

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How to Configure Outlook to Connect to Exchange Server 2003

To configure Outlook to connect to Exchange 2003:

Access Outlook properties

Configure a profile to connect to Exchange



connectExchange Server 2003


Page 8: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

Common Customization Tasks That Users Perform

Users commonly configure:

The way Outlook displays names for new contacts in their Contacts folderHow Outlook connects to their dial-up accountsThe default format that Outlook uses when composing messagesOutlook to add a custom signature to the end of e-mail messagesOutlook to always spell check e-mail messages before they are sentA delegate to manage their mailboxes on their behalfOutlook so that a custom address book is available

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You can use automated tools to configure:

Common Customization Tasks That Can Be Performed Using Automated Tools

Outlook to automatically generate a profile for users when they first launch OutlookOutlook to store files, such as personal folders or offline folders, in a specific folderMigration options, such as converting users’ personal address books to Outlook address booksJunk e-mail to filter more messagesOutlook to empty the Deleted Items folder when users exit OutlookHow Outlook will archive messages from users’ mailboxes


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Resources Available for Performing Common Outlook Customization Tasks

Office 2003 Resource Kit tools:

Custom Installation Wizard

Custom Maintenance Wizard

Office Profile Wizard

Outlook profile file

Outlook Administrator Pack

Manual customization resources in the Tools menu in Outlook:

The Options dialog box

The E-mail Accounts Wizard

The Rules Wizard

The Out of Office Assistant

The Delegates tab

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How to Configure Rules and Out of Office Messages

Jo, can you finish the proposal?

Jo is out of the office today. She will be back in on Monday.

Jo is out of the office today. She will be back in on Monday.

To configure rules and Out of Office messages:

In Outlook, use the Tools menu to start the Out of Office Assistant or Rules and Alerts

Configure the Out of Office Assistant to create an Out of Office message

Configure Rules and Alerts to create message handling rules





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How to Grant Permission to a Delegate to Access Mailbox Information


Meeting requestOn behalf of:Samantha Smith

DelegateSamantha Smith

grant permission


To grant permission to a delegate:

In Outlook, use the Tools menu to configure Options

Add delegates with the minimum permissions needed


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To configure a profile for Outlook 2003 to use RPC over HTTP:

Update Outlook with patch Q331320

Select Microsoft Exchange Server, and then select Use local copy of MailboxClick Connect using Internet Explorer’s or a 3rd party dialer, and then click Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTPClick the Exchange Proxy Settings button, enter the FQDN of the RPC proxy server, and then configure the SSL options

To configure Exchange 2003 for RPC over HTTP:

Configure the Exchange front-end server as an RPC proxy server

Configure the RPC virtual directory in IIS to use Basic authentication

Configure the RPC proxy server and global catalog server to use specified port numbers

Open the specified ports on the internal firewall

How to Configure Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 for RPC Over HTTP




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Practice: Using RPC Over HTTP to Access an Exchange Mailbox

Complete the procedures to practice using RPC over HTTP to access an Exchange mailbox

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Lesson: Performing Calendaring Tasks in Outlook 2003

Common Calendaring TasksBest Practices for Scheduling MeetingsHow to Schedule a MeetingMethods of Sharing Calendars Using Exchange Server 2003 How to Create a Group Schedule

Page 16: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

Common Calendaring Tasks

Common calendaring tasks that users perform:

Maintaining their overall scheduleScheduling appointmentsSetting up eventsCreating group schedulesPlanning and scheduling a meetingManaging meeting requestsCreating shared calendars

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Best Practices for Scheduling Meetings

Best practices for scheduling meetings:

Display your availability and encourage others to do the same Use colors to mark appointments by typeSchedule resources that you need at the same time you schedule a meetingSet a reminder for your meeting Make the subject as short as possible Include information required for the meeting with the meeting request Avoid sending a second meeting invitation

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How to Schedule a Meeting

To schedule a meeting:

Configure calendar options

Schedule the meeting and send the meeting request



Meeting RequestLocation: Room ASubject: Agree on marketing proposalStart time: 9 a.m.End time: 10 a.m.

schedule send


Page 19: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

This method InvolvesGiving others permissions to private folders

A user giving permissions to others to see their private folders. Others can then see the user’s Outlook folders as easily as they see their own

Giving others the delegate permission

A user giving another person permission to act on their behalf

Creating and using public folders

Creating a group calendar in a public folder and assigning permissions. Administrators create a group calendar in a public folder and assign permissions to users to manage it

Methods of Sharing Calendars Using Exchange Server 2003

Samantha Smith

Sam is available to attend a meeting Monday afternoon

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How to Create a Group Schedule


To create a group schedule:

In Outlook, use the Actions menu to view group schedules

Create and configure a new group schedule


Samantha Smith

Sam is available to attend a meeting Monday afternoon

Page 21: Module 8:  Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

Lesson: Installing and Configuring Outlook Express

Why Use Outlook Express?How Outlook Express Is Installed and ConfiguredGuidelines for Performing the Initial Configuration of Outlook ExpressConsiderations for Performing Additional Configuration Tasks for Outlook ExpressGuidelines for Automating the Deployment of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express How to Use WebDAV to Connect Outlook Express to Exchange How to Add an E-Mail or News Account in Outlook ExpressHow to Show and Hide IMAP Folders

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Why Use Outlook Express?

Use Outlook Express to:

Provide users with basic e-mail capabilities and the ability to maintain address books and contactsAccess other e-mail servers and newsgroup servers so that users can maintain a single messaging client

Because Outlook Express is automatically installed on every Windows system, it makes deploying a client that can be used to connect to your Exchange server easy

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How Outlook Express Is Installed and Configured

Any additional customization tasks are performed after the wizard completes and Outlook Express starts

The administrator or user uses the Internet Connection Wizard to perform initial configuration of Outlook Express

Outlook Express is automatically installed as part of the Internet Explorer installation

Internet Explorer Outlook


Internet Connection Wizard






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Guidelines for Performing the Initial Configuration of Outlook Express


For incoming e-mail, choose POP3 or IMAP:

POP3 servers only allow access to the Inbox folder

IMAP servers provide access to other folders in a user’s mailbox

If the SMTP server is also your mailbox server, you can give it the same name as your incoming e-mail server

For the Internet e-mail logon, if your POP3 or IMAP server requires SPA from an SSPI provider such as NTLM, click Logon using SPA (Secure Password Authentication)

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Considerations for Performing Additional Configuration Tasks for Outlook Express

Task ConsiderationConfigure Outlook Express to work offline

Users can use e-mail while offline. The next time they are online, their local message store synchronizes with the Exchange server

Configure an additional account

If you have more than one e-mail or news account, you can set up those additional accounts in Outlook Express

Use POP3 to retrieve information from Exchange inbox

Access messages in your inbox by using POP3 protocol from any computer with an Internet connection

Use IMAP to retrieve information from Exchange mailbox folders

Access messages, show or hide subfolders in your inbox, and access public folders by using IMAP4 protocol from any computer with an Internet connection

Use WebDAV to connect Outlook Express to Exchange

Access messages, subfolders in your inbox, and public folders by using HTTP/WebDAV protocol from any computer with an Internet connection. Provides DAV-compliant clients greater scalability and performance than other protocols

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Guidelines for Automating the Deployment of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express


Determine which settings to customize

Prepare graphics or custom files that you will need

Plan your distribution method

Familiarize yourself with the programs and tools in the IEAK


A collection of programs and tools for customizing Internet Explorer to make supporting Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in a corporate environment easier

Internet Explorer Administration Kit

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How to Use WebDAV to Connect Outlook Express to Exchange

To use WebDAV to connect Outlook Express to Exchange:

In Outlook Express, follow the wizard prompts or use the Tools menu to create a new e-mail account

Follow the steps in the Internet Connection Wizard to configure e-mail account properties




Outlook Express

connectExchange Server 2003

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How to Add an E-Mail or News Account in Outlook Express


Outlook Express


E-mail accountAdd

News account

To add an e-mail or news account in Outlook Express:

In Outlook Express, use the Tools menu to create an additional account

Follow the steps in the Internet Connection Wizard to configure news account properties



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How to Show and Hide IMAP Folders


hideIMAP folders

hideIMAP folders

To show and hide IMAP folders:

In Outlook Express, click an IMAP folder

Use the Show/Hide IMAP Folders dialog box to hide folders that you do not want to download




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Discussion: Managing Client Configuration and Connectivity

Read the scenarios

Determine possible solutions

Discuss your solutions with the class