module 8 powerpoint


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I. Define the meaning and types of Rubrics

II. Know the Steps and Advantages in developing a rubric

III. Define and Compare Portfolios

IV. Know the Types, Guidelines and Uses of Portfolios

V. Know meaning of Performance Based Assessment (PBA)

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“Definition of a Rubric”

“Rubrics” is a scoring scale and instructional tool to assess the performance of students using a task-specific set of criteria or “what counts” (for example, purposes, organizational, details, voice, and mechanics are often what count. It contains two essential parts: the criteria for the tasks and levels of performance for each criterion.

It provides teachers an effective means of students-centered feedback and evaluation of the work of students. It also enables teachers to provide a detailed and informative evaluation of their performance.

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In holistic rubrics, it does not list separate levels of performance for each criterion. Rather, holistic rubrics assigns a level of performance along with a multiple criteria as a whole, in other words you put all the components together.

In analytic rubrics the teacher or the rater identify and assess components of a finished product. It breaks down the final product into component parts and each part is scored independently.

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1. Determine learning outcomes 2. Keep it short and simple (Include 4 - 15

items; use brief statements or phrases) 3. Each rubric item should focus on a different

skill 4. Focus on how students develop and

express their learning 5. Evaluate only measureable criteria 6. Ideally, the entire rubric should fit on one

sheet of paper 7. Reevaluate the rubric (Did it work? )

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* Teachers can increase the quality of their direct instruction by providing focus, emphasis, and attention to particular details as a model for students.

* Students have explicit guidelines regarding teacher expectations.

* Students can use rubrics as a tool to develop their abilities.

* Teachers can reuse rubrics for various activities.

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Portfolio is a form of alternative assessment intended to accumulate evidence to measure growth over time of a student’s or teacher’s performance.

Portfolios are often referred to as containers for collecting, storing, and displaying student products, tests, and other indicators of student leanings.

Portfolio assessment is the systematic, longitudinal collection of student work created in response to specific, known instructional objectives and evaluated in relation to the same criteria.

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TraditionalMeasures student’s ability at one timeDone by teacher alone: student often un aware of criteriaConducted outside instructionAssigns students a gradeDoes not capture the range of student’s language abilityDoes not include the teacher’s knowledge of student as a learnerDoes not give student responsibility

PortfolioMeasures student’s ability over timeDone by teacher and student’; student aware of criteriaEmbeded in instructionInvolved student in own assessmentCaptures many facets of language learning performanceAllows for expression of teacher’s knowledge of student as learnerStudents learns how to take responsibility

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1. Working portfolioIt contains the work in progress like the

finished samples of work use to reflect on process by the students and teachers2. Showcase portfolio

It focuses on student's best representative work which exhibits the best performance of the student.3. Progress portfolio

It contains examples of students' work with the same types done over a period of time.

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1. Include enough documents (items) on which to base judgment.

2. Structure the contents to provide scorable information.

3. Develop judging criteria and a scoring scheme for raters to use in assessing the portfolios.

4. use observation instruments such as checklists and rating scales when possible to facilitate scoring.

5. Use trained evaluators or assessors.

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1. It can provide both formative and summative opportunities for monitoring progress toward reaching identified outcomes.

2. Portfolios can communicate concrete information about what is expected of students in terms of the content and quality of performance in specific curriculum areas.

3. A portfolio is that they allow student to document aspects of their learning that do not show up well in traditional assessments.

4. The administrators may use portfolios for national competency testing to grant high-school credit, to evaluate educational programs.

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Performance Based Assessment is a direct and systematic observation of the actual performances of the students based from a pre-determined performance criteria Zimmaro, 2003 as cited by Gabuyo, 2011. It is an alternative form of assessing the performance of the students that represent a set of strategies for the application of knowledge, skills, and work habits through the performance of tasks that are meaningful and engaging to students” Hibbard, 1996 and Brualdi, 1998 in her article “Implementing Performance Assessment in the Classroom”.

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