module 9 unit 3 the meaning of colour reading national flags, colours and cultures

Module 9 unit 3 The meaning of colour Reading National flags, colours and cultures

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Module 9 unit 3 The meaning of colour


National flags, colours and cultures

Do you know what countries the following national flags represent?

China Australia the USA

France Canada Indonesia


South Korea BrazilJapan

II. Reading StrategyBefore reading an article:

• Read the headline and the first paragraph to get an idea of the theme or topic.

• Think about the topic and what you already know.

Read the first paragraph and answer the following question:What does a national flag tell us?

A national flag tells us something about the country it represents, such as its values,beliefs and culture.

Pre-reading Activities

What is our national flag like? Can you describe it?

The red color of the flag represents the revolution, the blood and lives of the revolutionary martyrs. The color of the five stars is yellow, which symbolizes the bright future.

Among the five stars, the bigger one stands for the Communist Party of China while the other four represent the different groups of people in China who are all united behind the party.

Listen and answer the three questions:

1.What do the colours used on the French flag remind us of?

They remind us of the motto of the Revolution-liberty,equalityand fraternity.

2.How many stars are there on the national

flag of the USA?


3.What color is the Indonesian flag?

Red and white.

Read the part “France” and answer the question:What event is associated with the French flag?

The French Revolution




The Influence:

In 1789

Great unrest

Liberty, equality and fraternity

one of the most important national flags in history

Detailed reading:

1. What led to the great unrest in France before the Revolution? 2. Why has the French flag become one of the most important national flags in history?


1. That people had no freedom and were suffering from hunger led to it.

2. Because in salute to the French and their revolution, many countries have chosen to use the same colours on their flags as the French did.

Read the part”the USA” and try to answer the following questions:

1.What do the stars and stripes on the American flag represent?

2.When does the USA celebrate Independence Day?

The fifty stars represent the fifty states and the thirteen stripes represent the thirteen colonies that joined together to fight for independence from Britain.

On 4 July each year.

3.What caused Americans to demand separation from Britain?

Because the British raised the tax rates in America and increased control over their American colonies.Americans couldn't tolerate the way that Britain ruled the country and they demanded independence.

Fill in the blanks after reading the part about Indonesia.

The most ________ explanation is that red stands for_______, or things that are ________ while white represents the spiritual. Another explanation is that red ___________ the color of __________ and white looks like rice. Other people say red stands for the __________ nature of the Indonesia people. It can also symbolize the fire that comes from Indonesia’s volcanoes . White is __________ as a symbol of purity.

common blood





Task 3:

1. What was the Indonesian national flag like in the 13th century?2. What is the most common explanation of the meanings of the colours on the Indonesian flag?

1. It had nine red and white stripes.

2. Red stands for blood ,or things that are physical, while white represents the spiritual.

Meaning of the colours

• Sometimes colours mean the same thing in various cultures, but they can often mean different things to people from different countries

France USA Indonesia









Hard workJustice

Blood, things that are physicalColor of sugarBrave natureFire from volcanoes

The spiritualRicePurity


According to the passage, a country’s flag tells you the following information except ______.

A. a unique identity

B. its values and beliefs

C. the culture of the country

D. its history and future


What was not the result of the French Revolution?

A. The French chose red, white and blue for their

national flag.

B. Many of the past ways were abolished.

C. The French people won liberation.

D. France became a different country.


The “stars and Stripes” is closely related to ________.

A. the values of America

B. the World War II

C. the French Revolution

D. the independence of the USA


Which of the following statements about the Indonesian flag is true?

A. The red color stands for courage.

B. The white color stands for the spirits.

C. The flag is a white band over a red one.

D. The colours are linked to food.D