module name philosophical problems of natural sciences

Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences Identification code M1.Б.1 Subtitle Courses embedded Term Term 1 Coordinator Teachers Dr. Flusova V.S. Tuition language Russian Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit Teaching form, contact time per week class size Seminars (32 h) 15 Workload overall Contact time 116h 35h ECTS credit points 3 Preconditions prescribed The course synthesizes knowledge based on general natural scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, geology), humanitarian unit (philosophy, culturology, history) and disciplines of “Ecology and Nature Management” speciality, covering the problem field common for all the studied disciplines. Learning outcomes After the course the undergraduate students will know philosophic conceptions of natural sciences and place of natural sciences in the formation of scientific world-vision; they will be able to use basic scientific methods while studying of the various structural levels of substance, space and time. Content Basic concepts of contemporary natural sciences; general boundline problems discussed by the specialists of both philosophy and natural sciences; natural science history; methodological basis of science and principal philosophical problems of specific fields of natural sciences; basic world-vision, methodological and social problems the student can face during the practical activity; basic philosophical problems of ecology and nature management. Assessment Test (100%) Teaching media Powerpoint presentations, handouts. References Bondarev V.P. Conceptions of Contemporary Natural Science. M., 2003. Kobilyansky V.A. Philosophy of Ecology: General Theory of Ecology, Geoecology, Bioecology. M., 2003. Styopin V.S., Kuznetsova L.I. Contemporary Scientific World Picture. M., 1997. Philosophy of Contemporary Natural Sciences / ed. by S.A. Lebedev. M., 2004. Contact (+73952)521089

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Page 1: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Identification code M1.Б.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Dr. Flusova V.S.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars (32 h) 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 35h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed The course synthesizes knowledge based on general natural scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, geology), humanitarian unit (philosophy, culturology, history) and disciplines of “Ecology and Nature Management” speciality, covering the problem field common for all the studied disciplines.

Learning outcomes After the course the undergraduate students will know philosophic conceptions of natural sciences and place of natural sciences in the formation of scientific world-vision; they will be able to use basic scientific methods while studying of the various structural levels of substance, space and time.

Content Basic concepts of contemporary natural sciences; general boundline problems discussed by the specialists of both philosophy and natural sciences; natural science history; methodological basis of science and principal philosophical problems of specific fields of natural sciences; basic world-vision, methodological and social problems the student can face during the practical activity; basic philosophical problems of ecology and nature management.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Bondarev V.P. Conceptions of Contemporary Natural Science. – M., 2003. Kobilyansky V.A. Philosophy of Ecology: General Theory of Ecology, Geoecology, Bioecology. – M., 2003. Styopin V.S., Kuznetsova L.I. Contemporary Scientific World Picture. – M., 1997. Philosophy of Contemporary Natural Sciences / ed. by S.A. Lebedev. – M., 2004.

Contact (+73952)521089

Page 2: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name The English Language

Identification code M1.Б.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Litvintsev V.L.

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Practical (32 h) 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 37h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed A+ - A2 / A2+ - B1 levels of English proficiency according to the Common European Framework.

Learning outcomes The course is communication and profession oriented. It identifies communicative and cognitive needs of the student involved in the educational process in the field of ecology and nature management. Language materials are considered to be communication means. Materials are selected according to functional communicative approach. The course is aimed at expansion of the students’ outlook, increasing of their cultural and educational level and the level of thinking culture, communication and speech. It also provides the help in establishing of intercultural and scientific relations and the help in representation of the native country on international conferences and workshops.

Content Increasing of the study independance level and the self-study ability; development of cognitive and research skills; information culture development; expansion of the students‘ outlook and increasing of the students‘ general cultural knowledge; development of tolerant attitude and respect of spiritual values of various countries and nations.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Badmaeva Y.B., Ocks I.Y., Komarova A.I. English for Geographic Specialities / Y.B. Badmaeva. – M.: M.V. Lomonosov MSU, 2008. – 397 p. Sokolova L.A., Kalevich N.A., Trofimova E.P. Grammar Difficulties of the Translation from English into Russian / L.A. Sokolova. – M.: Higher School, 2009. – 402 p. Malova N.S., Spiridonova Y.A., Kaurova S.P. Introductory Corrective Course / N.S. Malova. – Irkutsk, 2002. – 86 p.

Contact (+73952)521089

Page 3: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Estimation of Environmental Impact and Human Health Influences

Identification code M1.В.ОД.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Dr. Potapova E.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 16 h, seminars: 16 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

108h 38h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Knowledge of fundamental social, economical, mathematical and natural scientific disciplines and disciplines of the following professional units: “Ecological Design and Expertise” (Introductory Course), “Legal Principles of Nature Management and Nature Protection”, “Landscape Planning”.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of environmental impact estimation (EIE) methods system. Investigating of estimation of environmental impact of household and some other activities; analyzing of engeneering-geographical and engineering-ecological studies needed for project documentation development and gaining of materials necessary for environmental impact statements at the stage of constructing and maintaining of industrial projects.

Content The purpose of EIE; types and sorts of household and other activities that influence environment; principles, estimation and standardization of ecological and geographical systems and their components including estimation of ecological risks and losses; EIE methods and practical techniques including engeneering-geographical and engineering-ecological studies; international practice in the area of environmental impact estimation.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Dyakonov K.N., Doncheva A.V. Ecological Design and Expertise. – M.: Aspect-Press Publishing House, 2002-2005. Doncheva A.V. Ecological Design and Expertise: Practice. – M.: Aspect-Press Publishing House, 2005. Ecological Expertise / Ed. by Pitulko V.M. – M.: Academia Publishing House, 2004.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 4: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Study of Natural Anthropogenic Landscape

Identification code M1.В.ОД.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Dr. Solodyankina S.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 16 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 21h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Ability to predict geoecological effects of anthropogenic environmental transformation in urban and mining districts. Knowledge of types of anthropogenic environmental influences, peculiarities of various anthropogenic pollution sources, science-based methods of ecological and, particularly, ecological geochemical monitoring of natural anthropogenic landscapes and fundamentals of geoinformational technologies needed for management decision-making in urban and mining districts.

Learning outcomes Prediction of geoecological effects of anthropogenic transformation of natural environment in urban and mining districts. Knowledge of types of anthropogenic environmental influences and peculiarities of different anthropogenic pollution sources. Knowledge of science-based methods of ecological and, particularly, ecological geochemical monitoring of natural anthropogenic landscapes and fundamentals of geoinformational technologies needed for management decision-making in urban and mining districts.

Content Study of approaches to estimation of anthropogenic pollution sources and differentiation features of anthropogenic geochemical processes; study of methods of anthropogenic and natural anthropogenic systems development; principles of estimation of geochemical landscapes resistance to anthropogenic influences and arrangement of ecological monitoring of natural anthropogenic landscapes; study of methods of rehabilitation of the landscapes transformed by various kinds of household activity.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Kasimov N.S., Klige R.K. Contemporary Global Environmental Changes. – M.: Scientific World, 2006. Bashkin V.N., Kasimov N.S. Biogeochemistry. – M.: Scientific World, 2004. Alekseenko V.A. Ecological Geochemistry. – M.: Logos, 2000.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 5: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name International Collaboration and Modern Problems of Ecology and Nature Management

Identification code M2.Б.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Vologzhina S.Zh.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 32 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 38h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Based on the following courses of bachelors’ curriculum of higher professional education: “Principles of Ecology”, “Principles of Nature management”, “Human Ecology”, “Geoecology”.

Learning outcomes Developing of skills of complex ecological thinking and analysis of nature management problems. Knowledge of the basic scientific notions in the sphere of ecology and efficient nature management, knowledge of ecological laws, principles of efficient nature management and conception of sustainable development.

Content Knowledge of contemporary ecological problems; systematic character of crisis ecological situations; critical analysis of ecology-based processes and phenomena; knowledge of time and space peculiarities of development of interrelations between nature, society and household activity on global, regional and local levels; reasons of tough ecological situations and ecological crises in the history of Russia and the whole world; problems and methods of ecology-based nature management and sustainable development.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Akimova T.A., Haskin V.V. Ecology. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. – 566 p. Brown L.R., Ecoeconomics. How to Create Economics to Safe the Planet. – M.: West World Publishing House, 2003. Golubev G.N. Geoecology. – M., 2003. – 337 p. Emelyanov A.G. Principles of Nature Management. – M.: Academia, 2004. Madows D., Randers Y. Growth Limits. 30 Years After. – M.: “Academic Book”, 2007. – 342 p.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 6: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Theory of Random Processes in Ecology and Nature Management

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.1.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 1

Coordinator Prof. Arguchintseva A.V.

Teachers Arguchintseva A.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 16 h, seminars: 32 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

112h 54h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Knowledge of principles of theory of probability and mathematical statistics.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of fundamentals of random functions theory and methods of application of this theory to ecology and nature management problem solving.

Content The course touches upon the basic characteristics of random functions and random function systems used in empirical data processing while solving various ecological problems. Particularly the course is focused on stationary random functions; ergodicity of random processes; structural functions; random fields; methods of extrapolation, interpolation and smoothing of random functions; influence of measurement errors on statistical characteristics of correlation analysis. Methods are demonstrated by means of numerous examples of processing of actual data used in ecology and nature management.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Pankov A.P., Semenikhin K.V. The Practical Work on the Theory of Random Processes. – M.: 2008. – 231 p. Sveshnikov A.A. Applied Methods of the Theory of Random Functions. – S-Peterburg.: Lan, 2011. – 464 p. (Russia). Bulinskiy A.V., Shiryaev A.N. Theory of Random Functions. – M.: Phizmatlit, 2003. – 400 p. (Russia).

Contact (+73952)425684

Page 7: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Human Ecology

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.1.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 1


Teachers Dr. Potapova E.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 16 h, seminars: 32 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

112h 54h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Basic knowledge of fundamentals of biology, geography, sociology, politology, economics and history.

Learning outcomes To carry out the professional analysis of the situation and to draw the correct conclusions on the issues that touch upon the interests of any territorial, social and professional population groups. Detection and estimation of ecological problem areas with different degrees of environmental disturbance.

Content Theoretical and practical disclosure of the laws of social-economic and industrial development of the regions; peculiarities of regional transformation; study of natural-historical laws of maintenance and development of human health in the process of region developing.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Prokhorov B.B. Human Ecology. – M.: Academia Publishing House, 2010. Social Health and Economics / B.B. Prokhorov, I.V. Gorshkova, D.I. Shmakov. – M.: MAKS-Press, 2007.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 8: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Environmental Safety and Sustainable Region Development

Identification code M1.В.ДВ.1.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Graduate student Akhtimankina A.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 18 h, seminars: 18 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 42h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed The course generalizes knowledge gathered while studying of the biological, physical, chemical and geographical problems of ecology.

Learning outcomes Getting of the idea of the necessity of nature management systems optimization and restricting according to the conception of sustainable development; knowledge of Russian and international conceptions and approaches to the implementation of global and regional strategies of efficient nature management.

Content Analysis of time and space peculiarities of interrelation development within the “nature-society-household activity” system at global and regional levels; detection of the basic nature management laws depending on natural resources, economic, social, national, cultural-historical and some other factors; defining of the place of sustainable development conception within the nature management system for the purpose of sustainable development.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Madows D., Randers Y. Growth Limits. 30 Years After. – M.: “Academic Book”, 2007. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Sustainable Development: Introductory Course. – M.: University Book, 2006. Global Ecological Perspective. –M.: InterDialect+, 2002. .

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 9: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Ecological Design and Expertise

Identification code M1.В.ДВ.1.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Prof. Rogova V.P.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 18 h, seminars: 18 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 42h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed The following fundamental disciplines are considered to be the theoretical basis for the course: “Ecology”, “Geoecology”, “Principles of Nature Management”, “Ecological Law”, “Human Ecology”, “Geology”, “Landscape Study”.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of theory, methodology and practical techniques of environmental statement of household and some other activities at the level of technical-economic statement, designing, constructing and maintaining of the projects; normative legal basis of geoecological design; basic skills of expert work in the area of geoecology.

Content Explanation of fundamentals of ecological design and expertise methodology; notion of the basic laws of the influences of various types of household activities on geosystems; understanding of the effect of these influences and ways of smoothing and eliminating of such; analysis of specific character of ecological design of geotechnical systems of the same type in various area-provincial landscape conditions; negative and positive experience of ecological design and expertise in our country and abroad.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Bashkin V.P. Ecological Risk Management. – M.: Scientific World, 2005. Landscape Design: Principles, Methods, European and Russian Experience. – Irkutsk: Institute of Geography SD RAS Publishing House, 2002. Dyakonov K.N., Doncheva A.V. Ecological Design and Expertise. – M.: Aspect-Press Publishing House, 2002-2005. Doncheva A.V. Ecological Design and Expertise: Practice. – M.: Aspect-Press Publishing House, 2005. Ecological Expertise / Ed. by Pitulko V.M. – M.: Academia Publishing House, 2004.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 10: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Sustainable Development

Identification code M1.В.ДВ.1.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Prof. Rusinek O.T.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 36 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

80h 40h

ECTS credit points 2

Preconditions prescribed Knowledge of the following ecological disciplines is necessary: “Geoecology”, “Human Ecology”, “Geourbanistics”, “Principles of Nature Management”.

Learning outcomes Formation of the notions of the basic laws and problems of sustainable development.

Content Fundamental knowledge of the history of sustainable development concept formation, basic conceptions of sustainable development; contemporary notions about global development models, sustainability defining factors; notions about the possible solving of sustainable development problems in the areas of various taxonomical levels.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Sustainable Development: Introductory Course. – M.: University Book, 2006. Transition to Sustainable Development: Global, Regional and Local Levels. Foreign Experience and the Problems of Russia. – M.: KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 2002. Strategy and Problems of Sustainable Development of Russia in XXI Century. – M.: Economics, 2002.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 11: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Economics and Nature Management

Identification code M2.В.ОД.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Dr. Vasyanovich A.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 36 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

152h 42h

ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed

Prerequisites recommended Knowledge of natural geographical disciplines as well as ecological, economic, social, political and law courses.

Learning outcomes The basis for contemporary scientific ideology learning and adequate understanding of historical and possible sustainable development practices. The course develops professional skills in the area of nature management focused on the ecologically sustainable development of society on every territorial level (from global to local).

Content Learning of theoretical bases of economic policy formation; study of contemporary nature management methodology; study of contemporary nature management practice in Russia and abroad; study of some urgent problems of nature management development including economic management mechanisms.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Mazurov Y.L., Pakina A.A. Economics and Nature Management. – M.: MSU Publishing House, 2003. Osipov Y.B. Nature Conservation Activity Management in the Russian Federation. – M.: MSU Publishing House, 2001. Baburin V.L., Mazurov Y.L. Geographical Bases of Management. – M.: Business, 2000. Bobilev S.N., Khodzhaeva A.S. Nature Management Economics. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 12: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Modeling of Environmental Contaminants Transfer and Diffusion Processes

Identification code M2.В.ОД.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 2

Coordinator Prof. Arguchntseva A.V.

Teachers Prof. Arguchntseva A.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 18 h, seminars: 18 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

152h 42h

ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed Bases of the theory of random processes, differential equations, mechanics of liquid and gas.

Learning outcomes Ability to analyze available empirical material; to record one- and multi-dimensional statistical links between environmental components in the form of regression equations; to compile the elementary models on the base of differential equations that describe environmental contaminants transfer and diffusion; to know methods of obtaining of analytical and numerical results of equations solving.

Content Stochastic methods of empirical data processing resulting in theoretical equations of regression correlations between target components. Estimation of coefficient value of regression equations. Differential equations of contaminants transfer and diffusion with setting of initial and boundary conditions. Equation closure. Valid simplification of equations for the purpose of getting analytical results. Numerical methods of approximate solving of elementary differential equations used to describe contaminants transfer and diffusion. Solving of specific problems of anthropogenic contaminants diffusion and pollution of atmosphere, hydrosphere and underlying surface. Analyzing of the obtained results and making schemes of dangerous anthropogenic pollution.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Arguchntsev V.K., Arguchintseva A.V. Modeling of Mesoscale Hydrodynamic Processes and Transfer of Anthropogenic Impurities in Atmosphere and Hydrosphere of the Baikal Region. – Irkutsk: ISU, 2007. – 255 p. (Russia). Arsenyev S.A., Babkin V.A., Gubar A.Yu., Nikolaevskiy V.N. Theory of Mesoscale Turbulence. Eddies of Atmosphere and Ocean. – Moscow-Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Science, RCD, 2010. – 308 p. (Russia). Puzachenko Yu.G. Mathematical Methods in the Ecological and Geographical Resources. – M.: Academia, 2004. – 410 p. (Russia). Dulov V.G., Belolipetskiy V.M., Tsibarov V.A. Mathematical Modeling in the Global Problems of Natural Sciences. – Novosibirsk: SD RAS, 2005. – 350 p. (Russia). Arguchintseva A.V., Arguchintsev V.K., Baturin V.A. Modeling and Management of Regional Development Processes. – M.: Physmathlit, 2001. – 431 p. (Russia). J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics (English and Russia). J. Atmos. Sci. (English). J. Air Pollut. Contr. Assoc. (English). J. Geography and Natural Resources (English and Russia).

Contact (+73952) 425684

Page 13: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Principles of Recreational Nature Use

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.2.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Novikova S.A.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 18 h, seminars: 18 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

152h 43h

ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed Fundamental natural-scientific and social-economic knowledge of the problems of interrelation between environment, household activity and society is considered to be the basis of this course.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of use, reproduction and protection of recreational resources within the general strategy of rational nature use of the given region.

Content Notion of recreational resources; recreational nature use and its types; legal and economic mechanisms of nature use management; role of recreational nature use in sustainable development of the region; natural and cultural heritage in recreational nature use; problems and perspectives of recreational nature use development in Russia; foreign experience of making compromise decisions taking into consideration various aspects of recreational nature use development.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Principles of Nature Management: Ecological, Economic and Legal Aspects: Textbook / A.E. Vorobyov; ed. by V.V. Dyachenko. – 2


Edition. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. Nature Management: Textbook / Ed. by E.A. Arustamov. – 8

th Edition. –

M.: Dashkov & Co., 2007. Kolesnikov S.I. Ecological Bases of Nature Management: Textbook for establishments of secondary professional education / S.I. Kolesnikov. – M., Rostov-on-Don: MarT, 2005.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 14: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Land Use and Land Management

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.2.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Dr. Vasyanovich A.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Lectures: 18 h, seminars: 18 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

152h 43h

ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed It is necessary to have knowledge in the area of soil science, economics and agricultural production organization, land, civil, economic and administrative law, land relations, geography, geodesy, etc.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of methods of agricultural arrangement of the areas; principles of land surveying design; skills in creating of documentation in the field of land use and land management; information of state land services and other organizations providing the operations with plots of land.

Content Basic features of land as natural resource, economic asset and real estate; normative legal acts, regulating issues of land use and land management in Russia; types and degrees of responsibility for breaking land laws; experience of land use and land management in our country and abroad; purpose, content and methods of nature use; order of state cadastral land record keeping; methods of cadastral land estimation and its order; principles of making and implementation of management decisions in the field of nature use and nature management for performing of real estate operations; government control, record keeping, design, efficient use and protection of land; land management and land monitoring; development and functioning of land market; review of area features of land use and land management.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Sulin M.A. Principles of Land Management: Textbook for higher educational establishments. – M.: Lan’, 2002. Sulin M.A. Land Management: Textbook for higher educational establishments. – M.: Lan’, 2009. Dubyonok N.N., Shulyak A.S. Land Management and Principles of Geodesy: Textbook. – 2007.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 15: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Environmental Geochemistry

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.4.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Dr. Khodzher T.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 36 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 40h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Based on the principle notions of chemical structure of environmental systems, laws of migration of chemical elements within natural and anthropogenic systems, laws of substance identification means, peculiarities of anthropogenic impact on ecosystems.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of theoretical bases of general geochemistry, landscape geochemistry, geochemical methods of solving of theoretical and applied geochemical problems.

Content Chemical structure of such environmental components as lithosphere, atmosphere, continental and oceanic water and soil; environmental processes (endogenous and exogenous); biogeochemical cycles defining substantial cycle in nature; migration processes leading to concentration and dissipation of chemical elements; typology and description of the most essential contaminants; chemical behavior of contaminants and their environmental impact; environmental monitoring.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Alekseenko V.A. Ecological Geochemistry / V.A. Alekseenko. – M.: Logos, 2000. Dobrovolsky V.V. Principles of Geochemistry. – M.: Adacemia, 2003. – 357 p. Perelman A.I., Kasimov N.S. Landscape Geochemistry. – M.: Asteria, 2000.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 16: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Natural Resources of Irkutsk Region and Resource Management

Identification code M2.В.ДВ.4.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 2


Teachers Prof. Sysoeva N.M., Dr. Levasheva M.V.

Tuition language Russian

Programme involvement Compulsory MSc Environmental Management and Audit

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Seminars: 36 h 15

Workload overall Contact time

116h 40h

ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed Knowledge of the basic natural features, interrelations and interdependences between geographical components.

Learning outcomes Knowledge of physical-geographical conditions and natural resources of the Irkutsk region, its geographical location, research history, geology, climate, waters, soil and plant cover, fauna, recreational and ecological resources.

Content General information about the area. Major features of its economical-geographical condition. Peculiarities of settlement and development of the Irkutsk region. Natural conditions and natural resources potential. Demographic situation and population settlement. Economics of the Irkutsk region. Structure of economy. The Irkutsk region and Russian economics. Present state, geography and perspectives of industrial sector development. Peculiarities of agricultural sector development. Land supply, its structure and use. Transport development of the region. External economic relations of the Irkutsk region. Internal economic differences.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Atlas: The Irkutsk Region. Ecological Conditions of Development. – Moscow-Irkutsk, 2004. – 142 p. Boyarkin V.M., Boyarkin I.V. Geography of the Irkutsk Region. – Irkutsk: Eastern-Siberian Publishing Comp., 2009. – 230 p. Vinokurov A.M., Sukhodolov A.P. Economics of the Irkutsk Region / A.M. Vinokurov, A.P. Sukhodolov. – 3 Volumes. – Irkutsk: Eastern-Siberian Publishing Comp., 1998, 1999, 2002.

Contact (+73952)521072

Page 17: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Computer Technologies and Statistical Methods of Ecology and Nature Management

Identification code M1.B.3


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers A.V. Akhtimankina

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory Course

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Practical classes (40 h) 15

Workload overall Contact time

80h 40h

ECTS credit points 2

Preconditions prescribed Basic knowledge of computer applications, application of mathematical methods to the various sciences.

Prerequisites recommended

Learning outcomes Deeper understanding of modern computer technologies used in scientific and practical work. Students are able to use modern potentials of computer technology and software for solving problems in the field of ecology.

Content Methods and techniques of factual data processing; Computer Methods in Ecology and Nature Management; The basic programs used for the environmental assessment; Work with Microsoft Excel and programs used for estimation of environmental pollution.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact A.V. Akhtimankina Phone +7 3952 521072 Fax +7 3952 425684 Email: [email protected]

Page 18: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Remote Techniques of the Earth Sensing

Identification code M2.V.OD.3


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers E.N.Sutyrina

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory Course. Module: Remote Techniques of the Earth


Teaching form,

contact time per week

class size

exercise: 40 h


Workload overall

Contact time



ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed



Learning outcomes Students will understand the physical basics of remote sensing and

be introduced to a wide range of applications employing the data,

methodologies and computing resources currently available.

Students will be able to retrieve basic information from satellite

images and to explain and perform fundamental digital image

processing tasks including: georectification, radiometric

preprocessing, band ratioing and supervised and unsupervised

image classification.

Content This module focuses on remote sensing theory and its application,

including data retrieval techniques; data processing; remote

sensing software and etc. Special attention will be paid to the

major concepts of satellite image analysis and interpretation.

Assessment test 100%

Teaching media multimedia presentation

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact Ph.D. E.N.Sutyrina

Phone +7 3952 521072

Fax +7 3952 425684

Email: [email protected]

Page 19: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Geoinformation Technologies

Identification code M2. V.OD.4


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers A.A. Makarov

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory Course. Module: Geoinformation Technologies

Teaching form,

contact time per week

class size

exercises: 40 h


Workload overall

Contact time



ECTS credit points 3

Preconditions prescribed



Learning outcomes Understanding of possibilities and principles of application of

geoinformation technologies to ecological investigations on both

local and regional levels.

Training of practical skills of processing and analysis of

ecological information using geoinformation technologies with

programme products created according to GNU General Public


Content Studies of organization principles of geoinformation systems

aimed at problems of geoecology and nature management.

Studies of principles of subject geoinformation mapping and

modelling using GIS.

Methods of using geoinformation technologies in decision making

on ecology.

Acquirement of practical skills of geomorphological systems

development and geodata analysis.

Assessment test 100 %

Teaching media

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact A.A. Makarov

Phone +7 3952 521086

Fax +7 3952 425684

Email: [email protected]

Page 20: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Regional Nature Management

Identification code M2.V.OD.5


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers S.Zh.Vologzhina

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory Course. Module: Nature Management and Audit

Teaching form,

contact time per week

class size

Lectures: 20 h, seminars: 20 h


Workload overall

Contact time



ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed



Learning outcomes The students will understand the region nature management

problems. The students will get knowledge of modern industry

and territorial structure of nature management in the Russian

regions and will understand the regional nature management


Content This module focuses on theoretical aspects of nature management

and regional problems of nature management. Special attention

will be paid to the review of the Russian regions.

Assessment test 100%

Teaching media Presentations

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact PhD S.Zh.Vologzhina

Phone +7 3952 521072

Fax +7 3952 425684

Email: [email protected]

Page 21: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Ecological Management and Audit

Identification code M2. V.OD.6


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers S.Zh.Vologzhina

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Compulsory Course. Module: Ecological Management and Audit

Teaching form,

contact time per week

class size

Lectures: 20 h, seminars: 20 h


Workload overall

Contact time



ECTS credit points 4

Preconditions prescribed



Learning outcomes Students will be able to identify the ecological aspects that

determine the proper execution of any activity and those ones that

support the natural state of ecosystems, to perform internal

estimation of the environmental condition of the company and to

provide the economically stable environmental policy, to adapt

Environmental Management System to any company according to

ISO 14001.

Content This module focuses on contemporary approaches to

environmental activities, holistic view of the nature management

and environmental protection organization. Special attention will

be paid to the theory and practice of environmental audit in the

Russian Federation, ecological marketing, eco-labeling.

Assessment test 100%

Teaching media Presentations

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact PhD S. Zh.Vologzhina

Phone +7 3952 521072

Fax +7 3952 425684

Email: [email protected]

Page 22: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Industrial Transport Ecology

Identification code M2.V.DV.3.1


Courses embedded

Term Term 3


Teachers A. V. Akhtimankina

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Elective Course

Teaching form, contact time per week class size

Practical Classes(40h) 15

Workload overall Contact time

80 h 40 h

ECTS credit points 2

Preconditions prescribed Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry

Prerequisites recommended

Learning outcomes Deeper understanding of the processes of the industrial impact on environment. Students are able to estimate the industrial impact on environment and know the methods the industrial impact reduction by means of using of environmental engineering technologies.

Content Type classification of environmental pollution: chemical, physical, biological. Basic pollution sources: industry (types), transport (types). The correlation of industry, transport and atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Basic contaminants. Maximum allowable content. Basic engineering methods of environment pollution calculation. Basic methods of anthropogenic pollution reduction and ways of industry and transport ecologization.

Assessment Test (100%)

Teaching media Powerpoint – presentations, handouts.

References Will be given at the beginning of the course

Contact A. V. Akhtimankina Phone +7 3952 521072 Fax +7 3952 425684 Email: [email protected]

Page 23: Module Name Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

Module Name Traditional Nature Management in Russia

Identification code M2.V.DV.3.2


Courses embedded

Term Term 3

Coordinator S. Novikova

Teachers S. Novikova

Tuition language English

Programme involvement Elective Course. Module: Traditional Nature Management in


Teaching form,

contact time per week

class size

Practical classes, seminars: 40 h


Workload overall

Contact time

80 h

40 h

ECTS credit points

Preconditions prescribed



Learning outcomes Acquaintance of the students with the basic theoretical and

methodological approaches to the study of traditional systems of

nature management, their identification and functioning. The

students have profound knowledge of contemporary issues of

nature management on the various levels, of their typology and

geography. They also have skills in analyzing of the current state

of traditional forms of nature management, their maintenance and


Content This course is aimed at a comprehensive study of traditional

nature management systems, their structure, functioning, typology

and the role and place of traditional nature management within the

sustainable development of regions and preservation of ethnic


Assessment Lectures, practical training with the use of multimedia equipment,

Presentations – 80 %; tasks – 20 %

Teaching media Multimedia presentations

References 1. Gumilev. L.N. Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere. – 1990.

2. International Convention on the Maintenance of Biological

Diversity of UNO. – Rio de Janeiro, 1992.

3. Murzaev. E. M. Dictionary of National Geographical Terms,


4. Framework Convention of the Council of Europe «On

Protection of National Minorities», 1995.

5. Federal Law «On Protecting of the Rights of Small-Numbered

Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation» (22.08.2004 №

122 – F.L.)

Contact S. Novikova

Phone +7 3952 521094

Fax +7 3952 425684

Email: [email protected]