mojo magazine analysis

Analysis By Najat Hachem

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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MOJO Magazine Analysis

By Najat Hachem

The masthead of the magazine is ‘MOJO’ which is in bold and white and has a 3D effect behind it to make it look different and more superior to the rest of the cover. Moreover, it is placed at the top of the cover page meaning it is following conventions. The title is placed behind the main image at the top of the cover page, this shows that the company is well known enough to hide their name but also shows that they are aiming their magazine to present and trusted customers. The title is large compared to the text and takes up a lot of space on the front cover; also the masthead is placed across the width of the magazine which is unlikely to see on most magazines, however this makes it more dominant on the page and unique. This shows that the magazine is powerful as it takes up most of the page on the page which makes it stand out to the readers. Moreover, the title is in capitals, this suggests its importance and would be recognised by the audience. The target audience of ‘MOJO’ is about 35 years old and over, so the masthead is simple and dull which clearly relates to this age range. The white text is on a grey background which is called a wob.

The Unique selling proposition (USP) is the 'Free CD' which is placed in the top corner of the page and in a yellow box with black sans-serif writing. This font has been used so it stands out to the audience and it attracts them and would want to make them buy the magazine. Moreover, the 'free CD' that is advertised fits in the contents of the magazine and the genre. This is a puff piece as they are usually located in the top corner of the front cover and stands out.

The centre of visual interest is the image of David Bowie which is a famous celebrity and it is linked with the main cover line. It is a medium close up shot which overlays the masthead which shows how significant the celebrity is. Furthermore, the 'free CD' reinforces the genre to the audience and the main story and the image has a link with the CD. The image is placed in the centre of the page that attracts the audience and it is the first thing they see. Also it is a common code and convention of magazines to have an image in the centre of the front cover. The colour of the image is the same as the background colour (grey).

The slogan for the magazine is 'The music magazine' which is half hidden by the image, this suggests that the magazines slogan is well-known by the readers which shows that this magazine was created for people that have been reading MOJO for a long period of time and they are very familiar with it so they don't have to always show it. Also this slogan suggests that it is the only music magazine.

The sky line is the same font and colour as the masthead, however in a smaller font which makes it look less significant that the masthead. In addition, as they have used the same colour and font as the masthead this shows that it is as important as the masthead.

The theme of the magazine is grey, white, black and red text. The white text is used to create a wob effect for the masthead, the red is normally used to make significant words to stand out and the most important parts of the text on the page is in red for example, the word 'PLUS' which is in capital letters and in bold red which gives the effect of it being important and the reader would want to know what also will be in the magazine and what are the main stories. The colour red is a powerful colour and makes words stand out and shows how important they are.

The second centre of visual interest is the name of the artist, this is to inform the readers that it is the main story and the 'Free CD' will be based on him. Also it attracts the readers that are interested in him and will make people aware of him if they don't know who the artist is, so this will create some recognition. They will know what some features of the magazine are about. Moreover, this is a form of code and convention as in most magazines they will base the main story on the artists they have on the front cover and the free CD.

The bar code is placed at the bottom right third of the page which is a common code and convention of a magazine. Also the price is placed on the bar code which is also is a code and convention in most magazines. This price is placed next to the bar code is because when the reader wants to buy the magazine they would of looked at all the features in the magazine and then decide if they want to buy it or not so they just look at where the bar code is placed to see the price. Also the date of the issue is placed on the bar code so they know if it is the most recent issue or not. The price is in pounds and dollars, so this shows that it is not only in the UK.

The free CD is placed on the front cover and at the bottom left third of the page which follows codes and conventions. Also, MOJO magazines includes a Free CD in all their monthly issues.

This puff piece is used to encourage the consumer to buy the magazine and look at the features inside issue. As it is in a yellow circle with red writing which is the similar to the 'free CD' so it will catch the readers attention and would want to buy the magazine as they will be interested.

The word ‘PLUS!’ which is all in capital letters in red and includes an exclamation mark as well which indicates the variety of stories that are covered within the issue, and makes the reader want to look inside.

The heading is the same font and colour as the masthead, to show that they are linked together however, the writing is smaller than the masthead. Moreover, they placed the heading at the top of the page and in the middle. The title of the magazine wasn’t mentioned on the contents to show that the masthead has already been branded and doesn’t have to be reintroduced to the audience as they know it well enough.

The issue number and issue date are located below the heading and subheading. This doesn’t follow codes and conventions like other magazines as they are usually located on the front cover. However, including the issue number and issue date in a magazine is a common code and convention. The purpose of adding the issue number and issue date is to address the readers what issue they are reading and to know if it the latest issue. The issue number is 255 which shows that it is a successful magazine from the number of issues they have.

The subheading is placed below the heading and it is in the same font and colour as the heading, however smaller font. The subheading are locations which is common in all MOJO magazines.

Page numbers are in red and are in a large sans-serif font which follows the colour scheme and this follows common code and convention of magazines as they want them to stand out for the audience and also gives it a professional look.

The contents titles are in a red box and the writing is in white. This also makes it look professional as it follows the colour scheme. Moreover, it makes it easier for the audience to read which is a main code and convention. Also the contents title is capital letters which makes it stand out to the audience that it is the contents title.

This technique where the words are stuck together and separated by the colour difference. This shows repetition throughout the magazine and follows a particular scheme, which creates a sense of professionalism in the magazine. This sell is advertising the different covers of this magazine, which shows they are self-promoting the magazine. This is a common code and convention in magazines as they usually self-promote.

The main image is a black and white long shot a man playing the piano. He is dressed in an old fashioned way (70s look). Due to the use of black and white and the way they are dressed, it links with the running head on the front page “THE KINKS’ 70S KRACK-UP!”. This suggests that it has a sense of professionalism, which makes the magazine successful.

The pull quote is placed at the bottom of the page this is emphasised in capital letters, in a red rectangle shape box, one word is in white and the next word is in black which catches the readers attention as it is a quote from the main artist. The colours used are the main colours of the magazine which creates a sense of professionalism in the magazine. Also it has a sense that it’s shouting at the audience and makes them read it in a different way.

The main image is spread over two pages which includes a medium shot and it is an image of four men which two of them are directly looking at the camera and the other two are looking side ways. They are the centre of visual interest and all four men are wearing similar suits which suggests that they are all in one band (Tin Men). The suits show that they are successful men and that they are serious. Moreover, this also indicates to the audience that the article will be about them as they are the main focus on the page. The denotation of the background that it is a studio this connotes that they were at a photo shoot or shooting a music video at the time the picture was taken.

Beside the image there is a cut line where they state who the men in the image are, to inform the readers who they are if they don’t know them. It is in white which stands out on the black background. It makes it effective as it provides the reader some information.

The image of the artist that that is placed between the text and it changes the way the text is laid out.

The heading links with the contents title, this shows that it is important and the way it is written makes it effective. “100” and “Bowie” are both in red which makes them stand out from the rest of the text.

The article heading is located in a black rectangle shape box which includes the all the text in the article and in bold serif font and it is in white and red which follows the colour scheme in the magazine. The title is all one word where there is no spaces, however it is separated by making one words ‘THE’ and ‘ARTIST’ in white and the word ‘ESCAPE’ in red. This effect has been used a few times in this magazine. This effect is unique and specific with this magazine.

They advertised four different CD album covers by the band, which makes the readers more interested and they would want to know more about it if they are interested in a particular CD album.

Double page spread