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  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting



    ZW3DMold and Die Training Guide

    ( (( ( Only for Prefessional Version&Prenium Version )))) 

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Copyright and Trademarks©Copyright 2010 ZwCAD Softw

    Floor 4, NO.886, Tianhe North R(8620)38289780

    ZW3D™ V2010

    This documentation may be repro

    AGREEMENT supplied.

    ZwCAD Software Co., Ltd and twith respect to any liability, loss,

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    Updates may be made to this doc

    ZW3D™ is a registering tradema

    The ZW3D™ logo is a registerin

    ZWCAD™, ZWSOFT™, the Z

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    duced provided it complies with the terms pr

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    d to, any interruptions of service, loss of bus

    g from the use of or operation of this softwa

      mentation and incorporated into later editio

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     page 1

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    ll trademarks of ZwCAD

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     page 2 Mold & Die V14

    Table of Contents

    Forward ........................................................................................................................................... 3 

    Chapter 1 Importing and Creating Geometry ................................................................................ 4 

    Chapter 2 Analysis, translation, and scaling .................................................................................22 

    Chapter 3 Creation of Core, Cavity and Parting Planes ...............................................................36 

    Link Manager ..................................................................................................................................62 

    Chapter 4 Creating your first insert ..............................................................................................70 

    Copy Insert to the Core ...................................................................................................................80 

    Link Manager ..................................................................................................................................81 

    Chapter 5 Creating your second insert .........................................................................................88 

    Copy Insert to the Core ...................................................................................................................95 

    Link Manager ..................................................................................................................................96 

    Chapter 6 How to create Sliders ..................................................................................................99 

    Copy Slider to the Cavity .............................................................................................................. 102 

    Link Manager ................................................................................................................................ 107 

    Appendix A 2D Drawing Layout ................................................................................................. 109 

    Appendix B Mold Base Creation ................................................................................................ 116 

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    The full version of the ZW3Dfrom the ZW3D Help Menu.format directly from the ZW3the ZW3D CD using Windows

    This Mold & Die Training Guor print the PDF version, instAcrobat directory) and opendirectory on the CD. Refer toCreating and Editing Parts, Sk

    NOTES:1. For best results, view aAcrobat Reader.

    2. Since the Mold & Dieit is highly recommendtopics, more informatioand cross-links to relate

    3. It should be noted thaprinted or PDF materialthe online documentati

    4. ZW3D's Help Interac

    simultaneously while yocommands.


    documentation is available online by sou can also browse all ZW3D onlineCD. Go to the "\ZWSOFT\ZW3D 201

    Explorer and open the file “ZW3D.chm.”

    ide is available as a printed manual andll the Adobe Acrobat Reader (providedhe corresponding files in the \ ZWSOF

      he On-line HELP for information relatinetch Dimensions, Constraints, etc.).

    nd print the PDF version of the docume

    raining Guide is only a portion of the ced that you utilize the On-line HELP.on command options, input options, ad

    d tasks and topics.t the On-line HELP  will always be m. If you find any discrepancies betweenn.tive Mode allows you to view the

    u are working. It will automatically load t

     page 3

    electing Help Browserocumentation in HTMLEng\doc" directory on

    in PDF format. To viewn the ZW3D CD in the

     \ZW3D 2010 Eng\PDF g to specific tasks (e.g.,

    ntation using the Adobe

    mplete documentation,You will find additionalitional command notes,

    re up-to-date than anythe two, always refer to

    online documentation

    opics as you select new

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    Chapter 1 page 4 Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 1 Importing and Creating Geometry

    NOTE: This exercise is done in MM Units. It would simplify things if you were to edit theconfiguration, set your default units to MM and add a default part template calledPartTemplate(MM). You should see this template on the Create new (Part) menu but youwouldn’t have to pick it each time we create a new part object.

    Let’s create a Multi-Object file called“Project_554.Z3”.

    Create an Part object called“01_IGES_001”.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Now that we are in the part, wselect Edit on the Utilities tool

    The default system tolerance i

    The Part settings menu allows

    Units – Opti

    Show Backedges of the

    Alternate Di

    openings an

    Auto Sew Oby the user a

    Whenever yopenings acr

    **********NOTE: On the Partrecommended to turn “Auto Sanalyze the geometry after im


    can verify what units we will be workingar and then the Preferences option.

    0.01 and we will keep that value for thi

    us to configure:

    n that allows the user to define work uni

      acing Edges –Option that allows the umodel as dashed lines or continuing line

      play of Free Edges – Option that allow

    “Gaps” in the 3D model.

    Face Creation – Option that indicates ire automatically sewn to the active mod

      u have a Boolean Operation type, holesoss two objects, they can be joined as o

    ettings menu, it isw” off allowing the user toorting. 

    hapter 1 page 5

    in. To do that, we will



    er to see the hidden.

    s visualization of

    the new faces createdl.

    on surfaces ore or kept separate.

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    Chapter 1 page 6 Mold & Die V14

    Now, let’s import an IGES file. To do that, select, File and go to Import.

    This opens the IGESImport dialog so thatyou can definezsettings for the file thatyou are importing. Wewill select the IGESoption for importing.

    In ‘IGES ImportSettings’ it is possibleto define importparameters by

    choosing the Set IGESOptions button.

    Auto Sew Geometry –Indicates if thegeometry is to beautomatically united.

    Rename layercollisions – Renamesthe layers if they

    already exist with thesame name.

    Remove duplicate surfaces – If there are duplicate trimmed surfaces, the duplicate is thrown away. 

    Break trim edges - Will analyze the edges of the surface and break the edges on the tangentpoints if needed.

    Reset Dependencies  - It is not uncommon for third party IGES files to contain incorrectdependency flags causing entities to not import, or to import more than once. Use this option toflushes the dependencies reported in the file, and recreate them based on the entity

    references from the parameter section of the IGES file.

    Drawings – Import the 2D lay-outs included in the file for the 3D environment.

    Bounded planes – Import planes with limits.

    Unbounded planes – Import planes without limits.

    *********NOTE: For this exercise, deactiveate the Auto Sew Geometry option and select‘OK’ on the Options menu.

    Auto activate part – Indicates that afterimporting, the geometry is automaticallyactivated. This command is only necessary if theimporting is done at the object level of the work













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    Mold & Die V14

    Select the Filter settings for i 

    This menu lets the user define

    Select OK.

    Select OK and select the file “ \ZWSOFT\ZW3D 2010 Chs\tr 

    porting. Select the Filter options as sho

      the type of geometry to be imported.

    ackcover_554_Rev_04.igs”, which is lining installion directory.

    hapter 1 page 7


    cated in the

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    Chapter 1 page 8 Mold & Die V14

    After you have finished importing the IGES file, the object should look like this:

    Your model has all the edges of the surfaces dashed, because they were not sewn during theimport.

    The Quality of the imported geometry can be improved by “healing”.

    Select the Heal Tool Tab. Select the command Heal Part Topology as shown in the figurebelow.

    This command defines the tolerance for correction. Keep the tolerance at 0.01 for now.

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    Mold & Die V14

    The image below shows some

    During the import we deactivaTo do this we need to displayare the tools for the building afor more about each comman 

    A f

    N-Sided Patch: Use thisThe profiles can be wireframeprofiles to define the patch.

    Intelligent Blend: Use thinclude the curves, edges, or fOptional inputs include usingcross-sections, sewing, cappin

    Set Face Isolines: Use tand V directions of a face. Yo

    Explode Faces: Use thisoption to maintain the connectiUse the Sew command to join

    Trim to Faces: Use thiswith other faces, shapes, and/

    Extend a Face: Use thisthe face. Then select the edge

    examples of problem geometry.

    ed the auto sew command. Now let’s jthe Free Form Tool Tab as shown belo

      nd manipulation of individual surfaces..

    w commands are described below.

    command to create a face by patching ageometry, sketches, or face edges. Req

    is command to create an intelligent blenaces that the new face will start from, gourves, faces or a datum for spine controlg and the ability to give the face a uniqu

    is command to set the number of isolinecan also set isolines with the Modify Fa

    command to separate faces from a shavity of the explode faces (i.e., they becofaces back into a shape.

    ommand to trim away part of a face or sr datum planes.

    command to extend one or more edgess to extend and enter the distance to ext


    hapter 1 page 9

    in the faces using Sew.. The icons on this tab

    Refer to the online help

    ross 3 or more profiles.ired inputs include the

    face. Required inputsto and pass through., circular and conic

    name if desired.

    s displayed in the Ue command.

    e. Use the Group e a separate shape).

    hape where it intersects

    f a face. First selectnd.

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    Chapter 1 page 10 Mold & Die V14

    Select the Sew command.

    Select OK to select all faces. You can change the value of the tolerance to be different fromthat of the Part Tolerance. Don’t change it at this time.

    Your model should have most of the edges sewn. Do you notice the difference in appearencebetween the sewn edges and the open edges?

    Whenever the surfaces are missing or have“Gaps”, the edges will be blue and dashed.

    After sewing, the system will give you information about the largest Gap existing on the

    geometry. The user can refer to that value to redefine the Sew command using it as the newtolerance. You can use the Heal command again to correct the geometry with the intendedtolerance.


    We will do this after we are finished repairing the model.

    ***********NOTE: Since the majority of faces have been joined by sewing, turn the ‘AutoSew’ option back on under ‘Edit > Preferences’.

    Suggestions to help determine the scope of the needed repairs:

    1. Put your Pick Filter on Shape. Window pick the entire screen.

    The message window will report how many separate shapes have been imported.

    2. Right-click on the biggest shape that highlights and pick Attributes.  Change the facecolor to the darker of the two light blue colors. This way you can visually see the othershapes and it also may give you an immediate idea of how to approach the repairs. You

    could also temporarily blank this shape to see what’s left.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Use the command EDIT > EDThis will find colinear edges aMake this command a regul

    Creating the missing surfaces

    For the next surface we will uswill also allow us to create a sThese tools are found on the “

    For this exercise let’s use the“Trimmed Plane” command.command permits the construof surfaces from 2 or more edand/or curves.Select edges shown in the im to “accept” th

    edge selections. again to “finiscommand.

    Select the “Fill Gap betedges with a new face”command. Select an opand then Concatenate. OKd combine them into one. r part of your everday Healing

    is the next step.

    e another command whichrface on the free edges.eal” toolbar.

    The bottpocketspart is ssee is aback fac

    To verifyas oppo

    its normclose towindowat the mFilter mThis willedges foa face is



    ” the


    n edgeto fill

    hapter 1 page 11

    om faces of theare missing. When theaded, the red face youtually the inside of thee of the part.

    that a face is missinged to a face that has

    ls reversed, zoom inone of the edges andick the edge and lookssage window. Yourst be set to Edge.give you a count of theund. One edge meansmissing.

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    Chapter 1 page 12 Mold & Die V14

    This menu also contains a command which helps us detect problems with the geometry.Select the command “Show Open Edges”. This command lists the number of free edges. Italso displays a form, which allows you to “Zoom To” to better identify the problem area.

    Now we will show you how to solve the problem. In this situation we can use the command“Trim to curves”. To use this command, first select the surface to be trimmed. Next select theedges/curves for that trim. (Use the edges shown in the image). Finally, indicate the side youwish to keep.


    Edges – Pick 6Keep area

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    Mold & Die V14

    Trimming a surface does not a

    Use the Fill Gap command toThis is shown in the image b


    A new surface should be creat

    utomatically sew. Select the Sew comm

    create the next surface and select an edlow.

    ed and automatically sewn per the Prefe


    hapter 1 page 13

    and, and select OK.


    rences setting.

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    Chapter 1 page 14 Mold & Die V14

    Find the problem area shown below. Select the Ruled command, for the construction of thissurface. Just select the two edges as shown in the image. Select both edges on the same endto avoid creating a twisted surface. (generally referred to as a “bow-tie” effect)

    The Ruled command will not only create flat surfaces, but will also create surfaces supportedby two curved edges. Select the arcs as shown in the image below. This type of surfacecreates straight line rulings between each point on the two curves selected.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Once again use the commandimage.

    After locating the problem, usoptions as shown. Select onethe surfaces from which it origi 

    Inquire Open Edges to locate the open

    the Fill Gap command. Activate all of tof the edges. You will now see a new snated.

    hapter 1 page 15

    edge shown on this

    e available tangencyrface that is tangent to

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    Chapter 1 page 16 Mold & Die V14

    Now we are going to repair the surface shown in this image by using the Trim to Curves command. 

    Select the surface to be trimmed.

    (You may have to change the filter toFACE)

    Select the boundary edge (use to chain select the edges).

    Finally select the side of the face to keep.

    Again this surface was trimmed.Sew and select OK

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    Mold & Die V14

    The next surface will be repairon the Free Form toolbar. SelSelect an extension value of “checked you can skip the next

    Now trim the surface to the ed

    Guess what?

    d by extending and trimming. Use the Eect the open edge of the planar surface.5”. (If you extend the exact distance witwo commands.)

    e which will be the boundary.

    hapter 1 page 17

    xtend Face commandon the right) to extend.h the sew option

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    Chapter 1 page 18 Mold & Die V14

    If you verify the openings on the model again, you will see one of two possible results. If afterthe initial sew command you sewed again with the tolerance equal to the largest gap, you willhave a solid with zero open’re done.

    If you did not select that command you will have two edges left that do not match.

    To easily repair the fault in the geometry use the Extend faces to close gap between edges command. Just select two of the edges that need repair. The software will only select openedges so you don’t have to be real accurate picking.

    If you analyze the model again, you can verify that it is completely closed. However, the modeldoes not have to be completely closed to continue the project in ZW3D.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Turn on Shade. Change the pi

    Right-Click and select Attrib Run the cursor over the edge

    Using Blank, Unblank and Smodel that needs to be subtra We can use Combine Shape 

    Select the mold part as your bremoved.

    ck filter to Shape. Run the cursor over t

    tes. Change the Face color or select

    gain. This will show us that we are still

    ap entity visibility you will see that a sted.

    with the Remove option as suggested

    se. Select the object shown in the imag

    hapter 1 page 19

    e edge of the part.

    K for the default.

    issing something.

    lid was left in the

    in this image.

    as the object to be

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    Chapter 1 page 20 Mold & Die V14

    To complete the repair on the model we just need to heal by selecting Heal part topology with a tolerance of 0.005.

    This will complete the import and repair of your model.

    Save your file. 

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    Mold & Die V14 hapter 1 page 21

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    Chapter 2 page 22 Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 2 Analysis, translation, and scaling

    After finishing the repairs on the imported part, the next step is to the analyze for draft angleviolations and reposition the model.

    Create a new Part at the object level and give it the name “02_Part_Scale_&_Position ”.

    Use the Insert Component command found on the right mouse button menu.

    The menu will present you with options that allow you to select apart to be inserted on the activated part.

    Choose the object “01_IGES_001”

    Check the box next to Anchor component

    Position it at 0,0,0Remember, you can type ,, or type one zero and hit

    on the keyboard.

    Zoom All is necessary because the part is not centered on (0,0,0).

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    Mold & Die V14

    You must use the Merge comso that the object will becomeComponent will become “Reainstance of the component in t

    The Merge option is also founhighlighted. (Pick filter should

    Let’s analyze the draft angles.


    and available on the Shape tool tab anlocal. This way the surfaces also belongl Geometry”. The component itself is ne active part is.

    on the right mouse button menu whenbe set to All or Component)

    Open the new Inquire tool tab.

    apter 2 page 23

    select the componentto this part. Thet deleted but the

    he component is

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    Chapter 2 page 24 Mold & Die V14

    By using the Draft Checking mode of the Analyze faces command it’s possible to verify theexisting draft on the 3D model. It also allows us to more clearly see which faces belong to the‘Core’ and those that belong to the ‘Cavity.’

    Select the Draft Checking icon from the Required Inputs section and then select the“Direction” option. Now right-click in the graphics window and select the option Face normal.

    Select the face as shown in the image. Right-click again picking On Entity and then selectany point on the face.

    The default direction is +Z but this part has not been oriented correctly yet.

    The optional inputs allow you to vary thedirection and draft angle to verify. For thedraft angle enter 2 or use the slider provided.

    The gray surfaces are at exactly 2 degrees.

    The green surfaces are OK.

    As you rotate the part slightly you will see thesurfaces at the right are purple. Thisindicates that the draft angle is less than 2and these surfaces need repair. You shouldfind 5 on each side of the part including thehole.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Based on this analysis, we willof the options form.

    ********NOTE: The display hasin this mode. To change it ba

    You will correct the face angle 

    Select the Draft command froSelect the edges shown on th 


    correct the draft angle of these faces.

    been set to Analyze mode. You can cork to Shade mode select View > Shade f


    the Mold and Die tool tab. Select theimage below on both sides of the part.

    Set the angle value to “-2”. Select the toreference plane.

    apter 2 page 25

    elect OK at the bottom

    rect the draft while stillrom the top menu.

    ilter option Edge.

    p of the ribs as a

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    Chapter 2 page 26 Mold & Die V14

    If you analyze the model again at 2, it will verify that the faces have been corrected.

    Now change to regular shaded mode.

    Save your file.

    The next exercise will use some of the Mold and Die tools.

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    Mold & Die V14

    The first tool we are going to ucreate a block by the maximucreate a datum needed to hel

    Select the part and indicate thface used for the draft analysi 

    This menu shows the maximu

    Toggle the Side Increment toround off value. A value of 1 rused for estimating and orderi

    Select OK or t


    se is called Create extruded stock. Thiboundaries (limits or edges) of the part.

      in repositioning the part.

    flat face as a plane of orientation of the.

    m dimensions of the block which envelo

     1 and back to 0 to see the values shownunds the numbers to the nearest mm.g material.

    o finish.

    apter 2 page 27

    tool allows you toIt will be used to

    block. Select the same

    es your part.

    . Side Increment is ahis technique can be

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    Chapter 2 page 28 Mold & Die V14

    Let’s now create a datum plane on the top face of the block. Later we’ll use this as a referenceposition of the part.

    Select the option Insert Datum found on the right mouse button menu.Select the face indicated in the image.Change Z- angle to 180 to get the same orientation shown. for offset of zero.

    To place it, select the Origin option found on the menu.Entity filter on ALL 

    Right-click Critical Right-click Between 

    Select the two points shown in the image.

    to accept the default percentage of 50  to finish the command.

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    Chapter 2 page 30 Mold & Die V14

    Finish orienting your part by rotating it on the “Y” axis. To do this we will use the commandMove along direction. Use “0” for the distance value and “180” for the rotation value.

    After rotating your part it should look like the following image.

    You are only moving the Shape so make sure you don’t window pick with the filter on All.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Dynamically rotate your viewa point on the geometry (shapThere is a group of tools founduse to measure distances, an


    For this exercise you should sto point as shown in the imag 

    Specifying the letter A  for thFor the Point enter the value “ Select the face indicated in th

    You will use the Z componentthe number from the Measure

    From t


    f the part so you can measure the dista).on the Inquire toolbar that you canles, etc... .

    k Measure Distance

    lect the option Distance > Geometry.

    e name of the Variable.0,0,0”.

    image. (Narrow face at the lip)

    of the distance in the next command. Yo Distance window or use the Variable ‘

      he Tools pulldown, pick Variable Brow 

    apter 2 page 31

    ce between a point and

    u can copy and paste _Z’ that we created.

    ser to see the format.

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    Chapter 2 page 32 Mold & Die V14

    After storing the value of the distance on “Z” let’s move the part along the “-Z axis” where youcan copy the value used before.

    For the Direction  Right-click pick –Z axis

    For the Distance  either type A_Z (We know this because we looked at the Variable Browseron the previous page)

    or  Right-click >

    Pick the Select Variable icon, then select the A_Z variable

    Pick OK 


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    Mold & Die V14

    As shown in the image below,will then move that far along t


    paste the value from memory into the “De “-Z axis”.

    apter 2 page 33

    istance” box. The part

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    Chapter 2 page 34 Mold & Die V14

    In the next exercise you will scale the 3D model to compensate for shrinkage in the mold. Ascale of 0.6% is suggested. Scale the model using the command “Scale entities” that is foundin the “Tools” toolbar.

    Select the Scale entities command. Select the geometry to be scaled.Indicate that the scale is Uniform and then set the scale factor to 1.006.

    Pick OK

    Save your file.

    You are now finished with the editing of this “Part”. Exit this section by using thecommand “Exit part”.

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    Mold & Die V14 C apter 2 page 35

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    Chapter 3 page 36 Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 3 Creation of Core, Cavity and Parting Planes

    Create a new Part named “03_Core_Cavity”. 

    This new part will be used for core and cavity separation, and will be used in the constructionof the parting faces.

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    Mold & Die V14

    After you have activated the nthe Insert Component comm


    w part, insert a component by usingnd found on the right mouse menu as s

    Select “02_Part_Scale...” as shSelect the option Anchor comthe coordinates “0,0,0”.

    apter 3 page 37

    own in the image.

    own in the image.onent and locate it at

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    Chapter 3 page 38 Mold & Die V14

    After you insert the component perform a Merge so the object can be locally edited. Now thesurfaces belong to this part.

    Select the Merge command found on the Shape toolbar. Select the object to be converted.Another way to do this is to select the component, then select the Merge option found on theright mouse button menu.

    Select the Attributes > Line menu and configure the thickness of the 3D lines that will becreated by the Parting Line command.

    The color will have no affect here because thecolor of Parting Lines is defined in the ZW3DConfiguration. The default is green.

    *****Note: In this application whenyou Insert a Component you willalways Merge

    Parting Lines will need to be created along theexterior edges forming a closed loop. You willalso need to create Parting Lines around anyholes in your part.

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    Mold & Die V14

    With the pick filter set to all, silhouettes command. Select to accept all o to finish the c 


    Blank the part and the Uexterior U filter set to All, select the part


    ou will create the parting lines. Use thethe “Z axis” as the axis of extraction.the faces.


    parting lines only by using the Blank co  and the outer parting line.

    apter 3 page 39

    arting line from

    mand. With the pick

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    Chapter 3 page 40 Mold & Die V14

    Erase the leftover parting lines. We want to erase just the lines, and not the planes so be sureto select the “Parting Line” filter and pick all.

    After erasing the unnecessary parting lines, select Unblank all entities.

    Create a new parting line around the holes in your part by using the Parting lines from faceedges command.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Using the command Parting licalculate by picking the two la

    Select only the edges as sho

    Flat surfaces

    5 vertical surfaces



    Again we should have a clo


    nes from face edges indicate all the ofge flat surfaces and the 5 vertical surfac

    n in the image. If you get too many, to delete them.


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    Chapter 3 page 42 Mold & Die V14

    Repeat the previous command by and create Parting lines on the edgesshown in the image. Pick the two faces and the two edge loops.

    To check for future problems in the Parting lines, select the Check for gaps in parting lines command.

    There should be no gaps or overlaps in order for the part to split in the next step.


    Again we should have two closed loops

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    Mold & Die V14

    ZW3D has two commands to

    The command Separsimply select the surfaces to bYou can define a layer for eacEx:

    “Z axis” Layer for the“-Z axis” Layer for the

    The command DivideSelect all of the lines necessainto two Shapes, select the Sbe divided only on the surface

    In this exercise we will use the Make sure the option to separ 

    You now have two separate sMove – Along a direction (



    ivide the model.

    te into core/cavity regions is used fore separated and indicate the dividing axi of the parts.

    ntities belonging to the cavityntities belonging to the core.

    faces at parting lines is only used whey for the division of the model. If you wiparate Shape at Parting Line option.and will not separate into two Shapes.

    command Divide faces at parting line

      te is checked. pick all, <

      apes. To temporarily see the results blaxis)  select one of the shapes. When

    apter 3 page 43

    a fast separation. You.

    n Parting lines exist.h to separate the objecttherwise the model will


    iddle-click> twice

    nk – shape orour done, Undo.

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    Chapter 3 page 44 Mold & Die V14

    Start the construction of a new “Sketch” using the “Datum Plane XY”. This “sketch” will serveas the limit (border) for a parting plane. It will also be used to create the Mold Insert Block.

    Your parting face boundary sketch does not have to be fully constrained because we don’tanticipate any changes being made, but just to get some practice we will constrain this sketch.(Can you imagine an engineer saying he doesn’t anticipate changes????) Changes to an

    unconstrained sketch may cause unpredictable results.

    All new sketches automatically have a “point” at “0,0” and an anchor constraint 

    Draw a rectangle “center”, centered on the point. Use a width and height value of552/2  or 276. (ZW3D will do the calculation in the text input window.)

    The only thing left to fully constrain the sketch is to center the square on the point.

    Select “mid point constraint” found under the “anchor” icon.Select two diagonal corners of the rectangle.Select the point at (0,0)

    An Alternate method:

    There are predefined fully constrained sketches located on the Ready Sketch toolbar.Use the Square. Middle-click to place at (0,0) Edit the width.

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    Mold & Die V14

    In the next step, we will createZW3D. But first, let’s define a

    To create the new face colorsuggested in the image and a


    After defining your Sketch we can exitoption Exit Sketch found on the rightusing the command on the toolbar.

    a parting plane using some of the comew color for the new faces that will be c

    elect the command Default surface col  ply this as the color.



    apter 3 page 45

    the sketch by using theouse button menu or by

    ands available ineated.

    or. Define a color as


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    Chapter 3 page 46 Mold & Die V14

    With the Parting Face command ZW3D will automatically create parting surfaces. Select theSketch to which the parting faces will be limited. Next, the exterior (outer) partinglines. Lastly, to skip the interior (inner) parting lines.

    In the next step we will join all the surfaces that belong to the Parting plane.

    Select the command Sew. This command recognizes all of the surfaces that belong to the“Feature” parting plane. So we need to simply select one of the surface planes.


    Outer Parting lineShift-pick

    Notice the adjoining edges ofthe parting plane are now sewn.

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    Mold & Die V14

    To complete the parting faces

    Select Create fa( It is behind the

    This will create mi

    Select one face acould for the edge selection because th

    “tab” shown right.

    ents that you had to pick.


    to surface and select the parting linesthe tab.

    “10” for the size of the surfaces and “0” f

    apter 3 page 47

    ff surfaces.


    r shutoff. (NOTE: Youere is only one

    on the raised tab.

    r the angle.

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    Chapter 3 page 48 Mold & Die V14

    Select Sew and pick once on the parting faces just created.   Don’t just pick OK. 

    From the orientation shown above you should belooking at the back of the face (pink). Use ReverseDirection if necessary. (probably not)

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    Mold & Die V14

    Select Create faces at angleon the flat surface.

    Change the angle to -10 degr 

    Select Sew and pick


    to surface again and shift-pick the ot


    once on the parting faces just created. 

    apter 3 page 49

    er parting line that lies


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    Chapter 3 page 50 Mold & Die V14

    Use the Combine Shape > Remove operation as suggested in the image.

    Save your file



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    Mold & Die V14

    Remember the sketch we crea

    We are now going to use that

    Select Extrude > Base 

    The Object called “03_Core_ mold. The Core, Cavity and Psame object but now they nee


    ted before our first set of parting faces?

    o create the mold block.

    avity” is a working part that contains 3 darting Geometry. Construction of the thr

    to be separated into their own object fil


    apter 3 page 51

    istinct parts of everye had to ocurr in thes.

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    Chapter 3 page 52 Mold & Die V14

    Our next step will be to separate the different “Parts”.

    Select the command Edit >  Copy > Geometry to Part. Set the filter to Shape and start byselecting everything related to the parting planes including the block......

    .......Before finishing the command go back and change the filter to Curve, and selecteverything related to parting lines..... HINT: 5 times.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Middle-click to repeat the com

    Give this “Part” the name “05_  


    and to create a “Part” for the ‘core.’


    apter 3 page 53

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    Chapter 3 page 54 Mold & Die V14

    Repeat the command again to create a “Part” for the ‘cavity’.

    Name this “Part” “06_Reference_Cavity”.

    After creating the respective “Parts”,


    Exit part 

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    Mold & Die V14

    Once at the ZW3D objects lev

    Insert the component “04_Parright mouse button menu. Sel Component option.

    When you activate this optionFrom this menu you can sele active Part. You can previewby selecting the Preview - Gr

    you can be sure you have choyou insert it.

    Select the object “04_Partingcomponent to be inserted.

    Select the Anchor componen Locate it at the origin point (0, example.

    Pick OK.


    l, select the “Part” “05_REFERENCE_C

    ing_Faces” by using act the Insert

    new menu will pop up.t a part to insert into thehe parts before insertionphics option. This way

    en the right part before

    Faces” as the

    t option

    ,0) as shown in the

    apter 3 page 55

    ORE” and select “Edit”.

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    Chapter 3 page 56 Mold & Die V14

    Be sure to Merge the component after inserting it.

    Or right-click Merge 

    Remember, our component is now a shape.

    Activate the Mold toolbar and select the Trim plates to core/cavity region command icon.Select the block. Select the core. On the menu that pops up, select the Flip option. all of the surfaces of the parting plane (4). For the copy option select Neither.

    You now have a closed solid shape.


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    Mold & Die V14

    When you have finished the c

    At the ZW3D Objects Level, sapply the same techniques th


    mmand your object should be identical t

    lect the “Part” “06_Reference_Cavity” tt were used to define the reference core.


    apter 3 page 57

    o the image below.

    be edited. Now we will

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    Chapter 3 page 58 Mold & Die V14

    Insert the Parting Faces component as shown below.

    Select Merge. (RMB)

    Trim the plates as you just did in theReference Core.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    The next part of the exercisemade to one it is propogated a

    Select the “04_Parting_Faces 

    Blank the block.

    Erase the six surfaces shown


    ill demonstrate how to associate parts tutomatically to the others.

    ” part to edit.

    in yellow in the image (6).

    apter 3 page 59

    gether so if a change is

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    Chapter 3 page 60 Mold & Die V14

    Once you have erased the surfaces on the corners of the parting plane you can rebuild themusing the Drive curve loft command.

    This next step will create a single face between the edges. Don’t forget to activate the Smooth option so the connection will be tangent to the ajoining faces.


    It’s necessary to extend the surfaces so they will exceed the limits of your block. To do that we

    use the surface command, Extend, available on the Free Form toolbar as shown in theimage below. Use an extension value of “10”.

    Repeat this process to extend the other surface.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Select the Unblank commandin the image.

    We need a method for automareflect these and any changes

    The next step will update all th


    and apply Fillets with a radius of “30mm

      tically updating the Reference_Core anmade to the Parting Faces object.

    e parts that are associated to the parting

    apter 3 page 61

    ” on the edges shown

    Reference_Cavity to


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    Chapter 3 page 62 Mold & Die V14

    Link Manager

    Select the ZW3D objects Link Manager found on the Tools menu.

    Select Insert and select the objects to be updated. In this case, select the parts“05_Reference_Core” and “06_Reference_Cavity”.

    Select Select All.

    Check the option Auto Regen to turn it on.

    If the user sets up the link manager to do an automatic regen of the Reference parts, eachtime the “04_Parting_Faces” part gets regened, so do the “Reference_Core” and “Reference_Cavity”.

    Select Dismiss

    You can now run the Regen command. Watch the message window and you will seethat the two reference parts are also regening.

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    Mold & Die V14

    The ‘reference core’ and ‘refthat we created on the parting

    Create a new object with the n

    This separator is nothing morevisualize and separate the diff

    We suggest you follow this typ

    one, using numbers will help t


    rence cavity’ are now updated accordin plane.

    ame shown below. It will be used as a s

     than a ZW3D object with a visually uniqrent steps of the project in the Objects

    e of naming scheme. Since each part is

    o organize your models in the object list.

    apter 3 page 63

    g to the modifications


    e name. This helps usindow.

    based on the previous

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    Chapter 3 page 64 Mold & Die V14

    The next step will create a new Part/ Assembly object. This is where you’re going to set upyour mold.

    Create a new Part/Assembly object and name it “08_Mold_Assembly”.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Insert the component “09_Cor This is a new part object so jushown.

    This component doesn’t existactivate it automatically for edi 

    The user knows which file is aon the ZW3D title bar.

    In this new object we will creatreference information.

    ZW3D automatically creatnew co


    e_Group” at the “0,0,0” point.

    t type the name as

    o ZW3D will create andting.

    tive. The name appears

    e all of the ‘core group’

    d, inserted and activated aponent

    apter 3 page 65

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    Chapter 3 page 66 Mold & Die V14

    The core  should be the first object you create in this group. To do that, Insert a newcomponent and name it “11_CORE”. Anchor and Position at (0,0,0).

    Once more the system creates a component and automatically activates it for editing becauseit doesn’t yet exist in this project.

    Notice that activating the part changed the name of the new object in the title bar and insertedit into the ‘core group’.

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    Mold & Die V14

    After creating the core object, iPosition as before.

    Merge it using the same oper


    nsert the component “05_Reference_C

    tions as before.

    apter 3 page 67

    re”. Anchor and

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    Chapter 3 page 68 Mold & Die V14

    Use the command Exit part to position it in the “08_MOLD_ASSEMBLY” object.

    Use the same insert technique again to create the ‘cavity group’.

    Insert the component “10_CAVITY_GROUP” into the active object “08_MOLD_ASSEMBLY”.

    We will also be creating and activating a new component here. The following is an outline ofthe steps for the cavity side. They are identical to what we just did on the core side.

    Insert a new component called: 12_Cavity  anchor and position it at (0,0,0)

    Insert the 06_Reference_Cavity  anchor and position it at 0,0,0 and Merge it.

    Now we have an assembly which contains 2 sub-assemblies


    09_Core_Group 10_Cavity_Group

    11_Core 12_Cavity

    05_Reference_Core 06_Reference_Cavity

    The core and cavity groups will have more components added like inserts and slides but thisshould give you a better feel for what we have done and where we are going.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Use the command Exit part to

    Here you can see the assembl

    See the History to verify.

    At the ZW3D Objects level yo


    position the “08_MOLD_ASSEMBLY” o

      y of your mold divided by groups.

    will see that new objects were added to

    Again, notice thenaming structure. Inreality we suggestseparating the groups a

    little more than we havedone here. You maywant to use100_Core_Group and200_Cavity_Group anduse numbers in thoseranges.

    apter 3 page 69


    the file.

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    Chapter 4 page 70 Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 4 Creating your first insert

    Select the name “08_Mold_Assembly” from the Object list to edit.

    Select the ZW3D “Assembly Manager”, using the right mouse button menu...

    ********NOTE: At first glance, one may think we are done. We now have what looks like the‘core’ and ‘cavity’ in an assembly. However, there are more parts to create for this mold.

    There are a couple of inserts and slides required as well as the geometry used to subtractmaterial from the ‘core’ and ‘cavity’ to accomodate the inserts and slides.  

    With the Assembly Manager, you can hide, erase, or select a part to edit. You can also doubleclick a part for editing by setting the filter selection to All or Component options.

    For this exercise it doesn’t matter so select an edit method for the component“09_CORE_GROUP”.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


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    Chapter 4 page 72 Mold & Die V14

    If you select the Show Target option again you will see the only things that exist are the threedefault datum planes. You may have to pick this twice. The icon will toggle between Show All and Show Target.

    Since this object was created as an empty part, you must insert the component“05_Reference_Core”.

    As in previous steps, anchor and position at the “0,0,0” point.


    When you are finished the construction of this insert, the above shape will be trimmed awayleaving you with the insert and the tool used to remove material in the core.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Now we will add some geomet‘sketch’ should be on the “XY”

    *******Hint: Any time you ar twice.


    ry to “13_Core_Insert_01”. Let’s createdatum plane.

    creating a sketch on the XY datum pl


     pter 4 page 73

    n Extrude. The


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    Chapter 4 page 74 Mold & Die V14

    Create a two point rectangle and dimension it from the point located at (0,0).For this “Sketch” use the dimensions shown in the image below.

    Exit Sketch by using the right mouse button menu.

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    Mold & Die V14

    The start value of your extrusiof “50”.

    After creating the extrusion, s Save


    on will be the point shown in the image

    lect the Shade button. Your object shoul

     pter 4 page 75

    elow and an end value

    d now look like this.

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    Chapter 4 page 76 Mold & Die V14

    Hide the core reference, by using the Blank Entities command icon.

    Create an extruded boss on the new component.

    Add an extrusion. Your “sketch” should be located on the highlighted face shown in theimage.

    Reference curves should automatically be created if you set the option in the configuration file.If not, use the following.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Draw a 2 point rectangle on t 

    Exit Sketch and complete theend point at the point shown i


    he reference plane with the dimensions 

    extrusion form as shown. Give it a start the image.

     pter 4 page 77

    shown below.

    value of “0” and an

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting



    Chapter 4 page 78 Mold & Die V14

    “Unblank” so the core reference will be visible.

    Create a boolean operation Shape toolbar > Combine Shape between the two entities byusing the Trim Shapes command.

    In this command, the Reference Core will be the object for the base and the object fortrimming will be the previously created solid.

    Be sure to select the options Flip side to keep and Keep trimming shapes. 



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    Mold & Die V14

    When you have completed thethe ‘insert’ and the ‘subtracti

    As shown in the image above,on the ‘subtraction tool’ that wi

    Use the command Face Offse



    command it should look like the image sn tool.’

    you should Blank the actual ‘insert’ andll be used on the ‘core insert’.

    t. Select the face indicated in the image

     pter 4 page 79

    hown. We now have

    create a clearance gap

    nd give it a value of

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    Chapter 4 page 80 Mold & Die V14

    Copy Insert to the Core

    After creating the clearance gap, export the geometry. Select the option Edit > Copy >Geometry to Part. Select the shape, and indicate the part for the destination (11_CORE).

    Swap entity visibility. This will hide the insertsubtraction tool and make the actual insert visible.

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    Mold & Die V14

    You need to associate the ‘inswill be updated as well.

    Activate the ZW3D objects Liregeneration list.

    Regen will regenerat

    The part 11_Core is created frcommand. This does not creatcreate a history operation in th

    gets changed, the user has tothe latest geometry gets read iautomatic regen of the 11_Codoes the 11_Core.

    Reactivate Parent Object so


    Link Manager

    rt’ with the ‘core’ so that anytime the ‘in

    k Manager and insert the object “11_C

      the history of the active part as well as

    om the 13_core_insert_01 part with thee a history operation in the 13_Core_ins

      e 11_Core part. This means that if the 1

      manually go into the 11_core part and pn to the 11_core. If the user sets up the le part, each time the 13_Core_Insert_0

     you are in the “09_Core_Group”.

     pter 4 page 81

    ert’ is altered the ‘core’

    RE” into the


    copy geometry to partert_01 part, but does _Core_insert_01 part

    rform a regen so thatink manager to do an1 gets regened, so

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting



    Chapter 4 page 82 Mold & Die V14

    Set the filter to component and the object “11_Core” to activate it.

    Use Combine Shapes > Remove, where the object base is the ‘core’ and the ‘subtraction tool’is the shape to be removed.



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    Mold & Die V14

    Select the option Show target‘core.’

    If you wish to see the objects tthis assembly, use the commaShow More.


    to show only the active object, which, in

    hat are on the next level, and not just thend Show More found on the menu Vie

     pter 4 page 83

    this case will be the

    ones that belong to the> Show Scope >

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    Chapter 4 page 84 Mold & Die V14

    to open the ZW3D objects editor.

    Select the ‘13_Core_Insert_01’, and click Edit.

    Right click on Trim1 as shown below and select the option Rollback 

    from the History Manager.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Add Fillets each with a radius

    Window pick the edges shown

    Complete the history replay by 


    of “1”

    in the image.

    clicking the Replay all operations butt


     pter 4 page 85


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    Chapter 4 page 86 Mold & Die V14

    To change the ‘core’ according to the modification on the ‘core insert’, Edit the “11_Core” andselect the Regen command.

    When you analyze your core object you can verify that it’s updated according to the edits you

     just made to the core insert.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Optionally, let’s use the techniinsert’ to construct the second

    Don’t forget, that when you crshould be active.


    ues previously employed in the constru  ‘core insert’. Name it “14_Core_Insert

      ate the second ‘core insert’, the ‘core gr


     pter 4 page 87

    tion of the first ‘core02”.

    up’ “09_Core_Group” 

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting



    Chapter 5 page 88 Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 5 Creating your second insert

    For the next step of this exercise let’s create another ‘insert’ in the ‘core’. The ‘core group’should be activated first.

    Insert a new object component and name it “15_Jiggle_Pin_01”.  Anchor and position it at

    the coordinate “0,0,0”.

    As on previous exercises, we have to insert the Reference core in the active part.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Merge the ‘core reference’ co 

    To create the shape of the ‘ins 

    Create a 2 point rectangle as



    ert’, you must first create an Extrusion 

    shown and dimension it to “0,0”.

    apter 5 page 89

    n the “XY” datum plane

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    Chapter 5 page 90 Mold & Die V14

    Exit the “Sketch” and complete the extrusion with the values shown in the image.

    *******Note: Orient the part as shown here before adding draft.

    Use the Blank command to hide the ‘core reference’.

    Now that we have created the geometry for the head of your insert, we need to add draftangles on the lateral faces.

    Use the command Draft and select the filter option Edge. Select the edges as suggested in

    the image. For the reference plane, select the bottom face of the insert as indicated in theimage. Also indicate the value of the angle, in this case “-1”. Select Bottom for the Draftside option.

    *******NOTE:  Because the angle is so small, one way to verify that you indeed do have thedraft applied is to toggle back and forth with the Undo and Redo commands.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Based on the information shoand apply a “-6” degree draft a

    Draft again and apply a “-4” d


    n in the image repeat the same commangle. Use the bottom face as the refere

      gree angle to the bottom face as sugge

    apter 5 page 91

    d on the indicated facece plane.

    ted in the image.

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    Chapter 5 page 92 Mold & Die V14

    Create a “Sketch” on the bottom face of the insert.

    Create the references suggested in the image and create a circle with the dimensions shown.

    Right Mouse click > Exit Sketch

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    Mold & Die V14

    Create an Extruded Boss. T

    Fillet with a radii of “3” as sho 


    e start value is “0”, and the end value is


    apter 5 page 93


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    Chapter 5 page 94 Mold & Die V14

    Unblank to make the core reference visible.

    Erase the bottom face with the pick filter set to face.

    Create a trim operation between two entities by using the “Trim Shapes” command.

    In this command the object for the base will be the core reference

    and the trimming object is the solid created previously.

    The options Flip side to keep, Keep trimming shapes and Cap Trimmedregions should be selected.

    Result Subtraction



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    Mold & Die V14

    Blank t

    You now have the tool used t

    Select the command Edit >

    solid and indicate the destinati


    Copy Insert to the

    hide the insert.

    subtract material from the core.

    opy > Geometry to Part to export this t

    on part (11_CORE).

    apter 5 page 95


    the ‘core’. Select the


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    Chapter 5 page 96 Mold & Die V14

    Link Manager

    You can change the workzone by clicking Swap entity visibility. This will hide thesubtraction tool and make the insert visible.

    Now, we just need to associate the files of the insert and the core. This way if any change ismade on the ‘insert’ the ‘core’ will be updated as well.


    Remember, this needs to be done whenyou use the Copy Geometry to Part command.

    Select the ZW3D objects Link Manager from the Tools Pulldown and insert the object11_CORE into the regeneration list.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Exit part until you ar

    Set the filter to component a 


    in the “09_Core_Group” object.

    d the object “11_CORE


    apter 5 page 97

    ” to activate it for edit.

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    Chapter 5 page 98 Mold & Die V14

    You need to do a Combine Shapes > Remove where the base shape is the ‘core’ and the‘subtraction tool’ is the shape to be removed.

    Show Target 

    Your part should look like this.

    As an optional exercise, create another ‘insert’ named “16_JIGGLE_PIN_02”.

    After the final construction of the two ‘inserts’ your ‘core’ should look like this.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Chapter 6 How t

    To create slides that belongs

    Create a new object anchore Name it “17_SLIDER_01” 

    We have to insert the referen 

    Merge the componen


    create Sliders

    o the ‘core group’ we should edit the “0

     and positioned on the coordinate “0,0,



     into the active part “17_SLIDE

      t to make a shape.

    apter 6 page 99




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    Chapter 6 page 100 Mold & Die V14

    Create an Extrusion. The sketch should be on the XY datum plane.

    Create a shape just like the one shown in the image. Dimension it to the coordinate “0,0”.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Exit Sketch and contin

    Use the Trim Shape comman

    The base is the ‘reference cacreated is the trim object.

    Verify that the three optional ichecked.


    ue the extrusion with the values indicate

    to create a trim operation between the

    ity’ and the solid previously

    puts shown at the right are

    apter 6 page 101

    in the image.


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    Chapter 6 page 102 Mold & Die V14

    Copy Slider to the Cavity

    Your object should look like the image below.

    Blank to hide the front of the ‘slide.’

    Let’s export into the cavity the subtraction tool for yourslide. Select the command Edit > Copy > Geometry toPart. Select the solid. Indicate the destination for theexport “12_Cavity”. 

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Swap Visibility and l

    Create an extension for your ‘Open the Wireframe menu aSelect the options Critical + Cin the image. Select the edge

    Insert Sketch as shown in the


    et’s add some geometry to the ‘slide’.

    lide’. You need to create a reference pod select the Point command.enter of Curvature from the right mousn which to locate your point.

    image. Up uconcof asketc


     just i Use t



    apter 6 page 103


    button menu as shown

    til now we were notrned where the originketch was whenhing on a face.

    we want the origin to bected from the point weserted.

    he Origin option and

    he point entity weed in the last step.

    he line indicated by thefor the UP direction.

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    Chapter 6 page 104 Mold & Die V14

    Draw the sketch shown below.

    Exit Sketch

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    Mold & Die V14

    Extrude using the Add option,If your sketch was drawn corre

    Create a draft angle for your sl

     You’ll need to create an Extrusketch. Select the Up optionbelow. The sketch should be


    with a start value of “0” and an end valuctly this seam will disappear.


    ion using the Remove option. to create a newt the edge indicatede.

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    Chapter 6 page 106 Mold & Die V14

    Create a reference curve on the three edges in the upper left of the part.(one horizontal and two vertical)Create a line as shown. Use the suggested dimensions.

    Use the command Trace Profile to create a curve. Select just the three entities that you wantto see.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Exit your sketch. Compl“0”. End it on the point

    Use the Link Manager again tis regened.

    Exit part to go to the “


    Here we can analyze all the o


    Link Manager

    ete an extrude using the remove option  shown in the image.

    o force the 12_Cavity to automatically re

    09_Core_Group” object.

     jects that belong to this group.

    apter 6 page 107

    with a start value of

    gen any time the slide 

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    Chapter 6 page 108 Mold & Die V14

    Once you are in the main assembly of the mold, set the filter to component and the object “10_CAVITY_GROUP” to activate it.

    on the object “12_CAVITY” to activate it.

    Combine Shapes > Remove operation where the base shape is the cavity and the slide tool is the shape to be removed.

    As your final (optional) exercise, create a second slide forthe mold.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Appendix A 2D D

    In this new chapter we will cre Create a NEW - Drawing ShSelect the drawing sheet temp 

    These sheets can be configuris located in the .\User-14.00\rtemplate files. Templates_IN.the question when you enteretemplate file. See the Files ta


    rawing Layout

    te 2D drawings based on the 3D object

    et  object.late. You can accept the automatically-s

    d by the user. The Template file that hsource directory. Starting with version

    Z3 and Templates_MM.Z3. DependingZW3D the first time, you are using eitheof the ZW3D Configuration.

    dix A page 109

    previously created.

    ggested name.

    lds all of the definitions3 there are twoon how you answeredr the inch or metric

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting



     Appendix A page 110 Mold & Die V14

    Before beginning to draw, look at the ZW3D configuration.

    See the Color tab and Display tab. Don’t change anything yet. Review thecolor settings for anything related to 2D geometry. The display tab definesglobal settings for line thickness.

    Now cancel.

    Select the Attributes pulldown menu.

    The first option we will look at on this menu is a line-type configuration.

    Here the user can override the attributes set in the configuration of new linesthat will be created.

    This will be in affect for any sheet created during the currect session.

    If you wish to alter any existing entities select the Attributes option from themiddle or right mouse button menu. This option will activate the same menu asshown above, but it will only affect the selected entities.

    You can also keep these settings for later use by ‘Saving a Bundle’. Seethe On-line HELP or try it yourself.

  • 8/9/2019 Mold and Die casting


    Mold & Die V14

    Another option available on ththe configuration of the dimenintuitively configure the aspectdrawing.

    Other menus are used to definHatch pattern that should be

    These configurations can be dand Templates_MM.ZW3D fildrawing sheet, and since eve“template” the software will asthat were previously defined.


    Attributes menu allows forsions. Here the user canof dimensions to apply to the

    e the text style and the type ofpplied to sections.

    one in the Template_IN.ZW3Ds as opposed to a singley new project is based on theume the new configurations

    dix A page 111

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     Appendix A page 112 Mold & Die V14

    The last option available on this menu changes the properties of the 2D views that are createdfrom the 3D objects.

    Here the user can define ways of representing the views: hidden line or shaded, scales,aspects of lines, “layers” etc.

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    Mold & Die V14

    As a first exercise select the cshown in the image. This comyou create 3 or 4 views of themodel, redefine the parameterconfigured by default, and inditype of projection intended—a

    Select “11_CORE” as the objefinish.

    Your first drawing should look

    After creating the views it’s podesired views and right mouse

    You can also use this menu toview and change the hidden li


    mmandmand letselected

    sate the

    1 degree angle or a 3 degree angle.

    ct to be used in the 2D views. Click OK 

    like this.

    sible to change their position on the dra  click Move. Select the starting point an

    alter the attributes of the selected viewes attribute from dashed to Ignore.

    dix A page 113

    r to

    ing. Just select thethe destination point.

    . Select the isometric

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     Appendix A page 114 Mold & Die V14

    For the next exercise you’re going to create different types of sections. You can choosebetween simple sections showing the cross section only and sections showing a hidden lineview of the entire part with the sectioned volume removed.

    In the Section command indicate if you want to create a simple Sect Curves or aTrimmed Part section type.

    Create the detail views. In ZW3D there are three types of details.

    Create a circular detail from one of the sections shown in the previous image. Give this ascale of 4.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Add dimensions using the Rig

    So the final result of your proje


    t Mouse Button menu.

    ct should look like the image above with

    dix A page 115


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     Appendix B page 116 Mold & Die V14

    Appendix B Mold Base Creation

    The first time you pick this icon you will get the old Mold Base menu. This has been

    discontinued but is here only temporarily while we transition to the new Mold Expert software

    from Antares.

    Save your file and click on the Applications pulldown menu.

    Click on Install Mold Expert 

    The messages above will be displayed in the message window and you will have to restart


    Start ZW3D and open a file.

    Click on the User pulldown and select MoldExpert 

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    Mold & Die V14

    Click on the Mold Base ico

    There are two versions. Ba

    functionality that we had in t

    additional cost. You will pro

    icons on your screen are ha

    commands are included in t

    Click on the Configuration 

    for the Advanced version.

    MoldExpert has its own HE

    The following is an outline o


    shown above.

    sic gives you the same

    he old software at no

    bably notice that some

    zed out. Those

    he Advanced version.

    icon to obtain a license 


    f the steps to get started:

    dix B page 117

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     Appendix B page 118 Mold & Die V14

    Open a new part object for your MoldBase Assembly.

    Insert Component Core 11_CoreInsert Component Cavity 12_Cavity

    Component Merge ... pick both components --- -------- 

    These need to be shapes at this point

    Insert the MoldBase

    The Frame will typically be the XY datum.

    Either type XY or pick the plane from the graphics area.

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    Mold & Die V14

    The bounding box option allo

    select the appropriate mold ba

    Select the button highlighted a


    You will have 3 options for def

    shapes, select two diagonal cr

    The “Extra X and Y sizes” are


    You can accept this size or co

    Select OK The moldbase wi

    The plates are “shapes” and t

    can work on the plates.


    s you to pick geometry which will be use

    se size. You can think of it as an envelo


    ining the bounding box. You can pick th

    itical points, or enter values.

    o give you space around the core and c

    tinue to edit the sizes that were selecte

      ll be inserted.

    e other hardware are “components”. It i

    dix B page 119

    to automatically


    core and cavity

    vity for cooling lines,


    done this way so you

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     Appendix B page 120 Mold & Die V14

    Typically the next step is to subtract material from the Plates to accomodate the core and


    Extrude aU


     Shape using the Right-click “Insert Curve List” option.

    the entities that make up the top edge of the cavity.

    Start at 0End at

    Combine shape remove from the 2 plates.

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    Mold & Die V14

    Before we insert some screws

    We are going to insert 4 identi

    While we have this menu ope

    If you don’t have access to all

    You can also select the catalo



    let’s look at the configuration tool.

    al screws so check the option, “Retain l

    let’s look at the Catalogs tab.

    the moldbases listed you can subtract so

    that you use the most. If it is the only o

    dix B page 121

    st used values”

    me from the visible list.

    ne you use, check the

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    Pick the “Standard Elements” icon and we are going to insert 4 socket head cap

    screws to hold the cavity to the top plate.

    The point will be the critical center of the four radii on the cavity.

    Repeat this for the other three.